Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1872, p. 4

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o lêva, Nebrua, Kan- r uiy point in the Tmrrl- their ovnin ntereeta by f barîiugtu," for the are alvays amiv au litho hs Ronte in the 60 arcmore at4 ofet our fJftyand Ceea/ar. - The BurlloÈ1n onte (ëbasad Mirai aavm4 s he'qnmaioa '-rio*t«oems by7thejuobb.ou cnf au excellent Pampt big cqontaimlmg a large, truthful map, the GY#M West, and -nineb lnteresîing si uIWsulo,inforffltion vbieh oan pe obtait tdt:fraus c *rg. by addreolng Goee Pmaengms Agent B. à M. 'B. P., Barlil. tou, Iova, Ago, vwshite , vritqr vus a reporter on Westera papes,' tg dovolved upon bimna irrite for the maine editlon an acconintg the preaatatlo et agldi-headed cane-1 Revý. Mr. Modgs, the clergyman cf th placet, and the description cf a patent hol blIlint and langage maeblnq that lad ju beau potlio operaslena t the faotory. Ne% wbat ma de Mndga oailvwu thias sThé in ecasldieate nid shick-headmd bnccauat Whoiniade op the forme gorthe two loca mlxo p'un a frightfil manner, and *ho we vent gb pros., onietbing 1k. .thia va the, appaliing resali * o eioal of the Rei. Ml'. mndge, friands oaIled -apon hlmt yeoterdày; and af ter a brief con'reroation wiîhthe& inansý psoting Lnog wu saelzed by the bin] log aud lid along a bosai, autil h.é reache] -bot vater tank. Rio friend& expiainai tha objeet of their visit and prosentad hic wlsh'a vory handiome goldâ-uaded bntohà Who grabbod hinsjby the îtilsvuug -hic round, cut bis shroat front car to car, an( in losa than a minute the careaae vasfi bot vatsr. Theroapon, ho cama forvarî and saidothor. voeotimos l the .feel, fige overpevere] une, and for that reaeoi ho wouid nos attempît, todo more shai thank those -aroun] bin) for the rhnnao Iu vhlc o huge an animal vas cnt uf into ge mauy fragmenteswua imply aston. lshlng. The revd. gentleman foncinded lia remarits, when theo macbinm aaizad !hin an] inleslamaime than istellkea ta vrite fi th. hog vau cut into fragmenta an] vont- ëd oppintudeliciona masage. The occa- sion viii long he remembere] by Mr. M.9à riends as one of the Oat delightfuti0o Sbiherlivee. The bemi pieces cau bceho- tfataed for 15 cents per pouud, an] ve are sure that shose vho hava fat mo Io 4e hi 'iniatry wiIi rejouce. he ae bosa go han>dmoly treata]. Thue Incoun c Rcasuian Grand Duke ls ctifn at $25,000 a year, GLOiIOSSuU'CESS! The osborn Victorlous Everywhere. 25 FIROT FRIZEgrg a SECOND PRIZES, . 2 DIPLOMÂS, »Ng uoT33 T4L or171 Provinittl Exhibi tion, Kigston, 1l871, iIÙST I'RIZE THE OSBORN ZèOCkstitch Family atid ight Xanufacturing Sewing- The (JB9QRN Is pr'noîînce'1 bly ail p ractit sêf%ýMa.hilItîîople. Who have Lt oronghIy eaii4ILtu, t lo' " flot uà aFireàt-oi,lima- cOhine Il, e'vory partieniar, bit, in their honeât Who Deu FaYinîly Jàockouiîch ewlng. Macn un the Market. 'l'h principal point» ut moritin tliîo RBOltN eor ail otharA ii -Them exellence and sin pllelty of IL. nlieelîauiernthie iuateriai euîpioy ad lu tw ooîutractidn, hâI Liting qilualitidA a114 yv1de rilgaof work îwrloritînd imuei an uo otbei' mach iue In lia clasa and .nld et îlta riue main Mtietonj. The ti3uttio and lBobbin, are largo, ilin nouile hort, straiglît, auJ eaiiy #eteîim1un14prfLut, aîu ud a)âibîtictu geL ont et orde. Th foodno eraimeladl oiWered ut wiii, according to the l'ebric to bc usai], 7s1. OmEOUN" iq I AL413NU THB 4ÂU * ILT FORt ITO JCCUÂL. GuInaranted for th Agents Wautod IL& H. 0'RAILA. Uown Ag.nti for Onl cuènuty,1 e' I nb- tr le, I- 'b. 111 n-- ai * rIIE-SE Wheelma a re nov manufàctàrI 'E. Cneaper than Aey Otiner îhop ln ibheou Vif an4lweIVIIIl g1ve a garsote, with s80 Wheml rutlig them tohoab.an v il madg 446ttotiteQgcodod miaetion aany umain ru u lcpd~ 'tu Dominion. 'ý-Fartie. daorrlni furtiter linformation eau 0c tain Iltby addreaîg of PAXTON, TÂTE & Co., to 1ah a, Party -St., Port Pomr, 0On bu Tlnoraid, Deo. 15, 1871. tf-51 les MPOItTÀNT TO pARuTiES USIN ( -o- J. . T 0 ~K's NeIXTRA MACIMJE DI Tis i Ouexcels ail chner 011 hotk anma: e nd vegetabie, au] va are pro arrc4 t ho h tie ssnperlorltY Of tile011 toeh f thaur. 1h stand# the test* neormm4ary to procure e fBrat-clame ar -tiolo. îtIoieadaptod hO aither Iiglit Orhecvy ma. ge hiniery, frouacalockorsewing.lnin hiothe aheevat of mîaftm. Thno % ' ihný sire tie ed ÇÎ lj OT GUM, ieue. miîoennery eau bî n, iept eleun with but Uitile trouble, and it vil eleau machiînerytliaî us been îlrcedygummed Ir by other 014,. It wlll not congeal or tlîieken ta lno coldefst of vositiner. - Tlh la a quanut d.o uth ti.Iighest Importance, frouathue fiaut an 0o: not havltîg tit quiity iilo t linbricatco ncola ahaft, mcl i)auîiii uuay be applieln a .d ieted *tate, but the monoîlt ltt ouchne» a cola shf tt ouoi~ail iii]ndwili not lubriâste un- tiltltjouimlby icto ai îuresîiit tempar- o atueneceesar>, te reluce*il ho a iuqnld stahe hi oacqîulrinig a iiglîcr temperituro by fiction, the Jiuruul eXpand ud cdtii.box Ile injure], It to ras îmliomaliîiîa to uLeoo11tinat will cuill ona p enli la at withiîoît tliis recit, 0' m1h la to miii- -g le 011 witli vater. J.IG. inock'a 01il vîlilu- bricatnihie coidemi unallncry thîe moment it d mailc.Tii. tifll is ow muiilnluover two ShanJredmaiiuîeim i]isgivingtne-beiit foilfc ii n iIl utâinh o i tying tUey coe torefliied Sporun or pure 0&lie. 1h. n *frea froîa tiîo Cobjctioîrix urge] egningt ai other Qus, aa it dont; Pot guinui or freeze. Now as tiîe publie are avare o tanany wortiule.î tinlgs are puiradi] lito noloriety, in order te f prove thint th!% s îno hlmbug, uni]to soeurs onrsolvca agaiiet theo <pcriiiont3 utliunscrip.n loua oil aget, (uifuy of whoin wili net heal.- itâteto pnlun off the unean offini of 011 refinaries m a being ii]enticul witin btock'm extra -,Machlie tiemu, oe nppicationî, b>,mail or '*herwisma, frec ot charge 1i1 an y way, i .îuîl tuui) e , cil, thlimit miyspenk for itseif. An] vii l an 0 mou'] withi t a fnw aliîllo tests, os effective es thoan tests by whichl du]is kîîowu) frein tint bauer untas, asud wvicin vilenable parties or- dering te macure thiumcvoaagainait Imposi- tion, by einbling thhan to dehornînne at once vinether the i forwarded -la as gdoii ai Ai partie. dealing ln Machine 011, vii do Weil tec iOmmunicatc witli 0110. B. STOCK, ihrougbaui, Ont. 8oio Agent for theo Dominion Ilrougham,-March 15, 1870. TEST IMONI1AL. TizJm I.làu b Macîiiiea Wonixs, Oshawa, A Fraiil 1870. G. 13. 8SiEc, Eng., BitoiiuAne fourmon iA andcaumaywithout lîesitnhteuu flinit utIithe ineat oiu wthiioecrer n.ed. I1hfi; aime cineup, and lochs longer thannuo hier o11. We have run uonr largo -14 tact Iroun plainer, 7 da au wlth 00 oiliîg. It keera the toie hena]bi gh t. We do net vent anytlîing botter aa Ichricator. * I1 am,Voura truni,, 5F.IW. GILEN, Precidcot. A VOJID QUAIVKS. A victim of cairu> iIniicretion, cAuieiguignrveus eboiiîy proîinalar dtea>,, &Ca, 1lî.îniîîg trie] ini vu n Aovery ai]voutigtl rut]>,, lins discovoei]a Simplea meansetfmif-linro, wiiich ho viii mon] fscoWal'ià§fcilow ms-iut. 1 J. il. REEVal, 883-1>, 78, Nîueeac Bts-cet, New-York FO < SALE. A valuable Farua, hinEa higin statehocf cultiva- tiOn, 9cou not OxuceiIilui Cainad, baiîîgLot 25, 2nil con. Wesit Willinams, Couint>, cf Mid. dicaîx, 80 nomns cleîrcd, aM el woivtoere], gooi] foînce, groal Iuiidisigc, and a fine1 veunug clard of coioce fruiit-;atae 4i à tul'es o thofloiurishiiîg vitlage.of Pa4rk , au] ccnhaiuing 142 aLrea. For particutiaro ppiy o- TIIOMAS KNIGIHT, lPark 11111. WIthby, Jniy 24t1i, 1871. NEW .MUSIC STORE 1 The nndeAiguei] has'iuht 1eued bunsinessata liiIi aewt§toro-tjtrrio's B i colt, Brook S., wl'oro vili betiiuni] SHEET MUSIC of al] inm], MUSICAL IN-' STRIUMEN' ofot very dceerîîîtiouî, in- einding Vuoliîstrinigs ouidbow of tiso bost c1ality. STATIONE!VY of ail tic],SCIItOL 1BOORS, Aim*eh clicice n]variaasortinauntof JOI N T>oST Proieccor o ' Mumle. -AII -rdoroa for M ticc and M usicall lustrn - Isienta carofunlly fille].1 Whitby Nov. 22nd, 1371. 47 =7 ws, gU4. tTHE - OYAL OAK"P rongiout Cnada. Tih. ubiicruber fflt, Oeeiou ho informu bis frion.imamliithue publie, tîpat lie liam opoliod tino .v.rv*hore. hôtel nulir -the ahove dmi!gnnaUon 01 fThe IlyiUat t l.Iuunir'm (Corner, visere uummvliimGnerai TravW"lsrm and gue*he cen aiwaym b. sap. Larhusm sud VW li@ p ht thO beet lu semo. A odroosu, lcuam, tidy, i;arin, stabllng, MACHIE co andà$4t*ivm o*tler.. lPure Liquors-liici et. Guelph Ont ~ - (L.CMIO OUR . AI' NT ai *TE OSEPfl 101 ILQo HALL OO.MP4I kLAUTFA0MTU TE OLEBRATED Lc£ffel- Patent Double ýTurbine Water Whee nleh the. genule "Lofat W/sarin lucanada viil b menu b>,thtio 'iiowing crtiicat.: OMrOuuEerxî, Omxo, bac. 25, - WC a kaple u ln fnilrg the publi( Caaa, aatw ave »oid and furnieba] 7. W. GLIIK, of Omaavo Ontatrio patte, Forma Drawlug*, Ganceo, and ail'otlner cessarUàyifrmation te bufll]'our cciebrt Dob airbno Water Whecli ivenhocd James Leffel. au] kînvwnasthiLcftei Whe We haveaoiao oulilgeted oPuroeives a ho n the mame fscilitiaa for îaufa tîuriuug ta o0tluer parties lu Canada, - W itiou t thélui motion WC have gîiven htalMr. GLana, lieoo aucopoifnnilly bul] car W-luamls, an] vo o]v parties lu c.anada ta purcme Or WIîel» no otiaar manufacturer. Mr. GLxre'm facll are nusnrpassai], aud vo fuel sure tluat; le biiIld a Wliacu that viii give perfect satiai tin. Wo tiierofore comutan] hilm tuw pubIc f Canada vida entire confidence, fe '0u mio ll maniufacture a Whi làl respects eqil thOur ovin. Sin,> JAMES LEFFEL d& fur- t, s leel o Mnh ruD, fier- eau 1vise »of lities wili the C.- on WARRANTY, t We are prepared to furnieli Wator Wheelml )r Goure. siutfts, Il iîleyo and ail Mauhinery ne- a cemmmry ho attituelWhe eais e h tin nacininery a ta>, are liuteudcd tu drive ; and If, citer two id mountilm triul, tue>, are net astaco->,vo-viii - tiake ail back, pay freiglit butin waya, and re- r- fauni any payments niauleho n thereoti. in W inae patrtie. are siot sutisfied vitîî tih ea Wlieel, iand ictiun alte a chnge atth- tintue 19 vitinent les otocuines, hey may rmn tino a wlîeei gui] macliiuncry a reasenable litne vltu- à ouît charge, net excacding onec ycar, in ori]er 1- tiîat Lh inaysîy maire a chmange vithinot lnjury It ho tioir bLcuee '0 eiow arc gitan the nobliie of parties suai et aeenov timing trous ra om f ersn cf etonr !Ywheist:mid va invite partli% wlîo vinth le purcinaso o correspond, wli tii eun. WDavid Arnold..........Dawn. TihomasAti........Alei in Blauciier & Andterson............ Gergina. no Bowiuian & Prinigie............ veliiîg, Wailianila race............... :.Osawa, -A. fianuili & Co -............... Valeyfield, A. Barbeau .................... 8. Davi].i, riN Barnieri .................. . orontua iJ. 13. iîke Il.......... iirookiu, *Win. Banes.................. uaigor. d A. J. ...................-Norwod. i IVus. loomfield--------------....Eddyinii S. M. tBrue...................-. Obbei'.. F.i. .Chrieiepiîer Iurreil------------....aianry Mitii, Jiacob Dricter----------------..W* Iarro, J. Carvein-----------------.. .Leca,]. *C. %V. Cal']----------------....Canudiltiion, 0 James A. Close--------------. Napiee, A. k J. Chuiaers ................ aper, * A. Chawn ....................... iri ion, James[)Der-----------------errytowni Johîn ............Uzbrirm Diamai & Dta.nosid-----------...tiivi ie, SauelDavîdac----- , ........ .Aiuday, 0C. B. Drewery-----------.... - .Mauiiuauii Vies'. M. liageru-----------apauic, Jaumeas lM--------'.oiile. Nuchas. gman ............... uiehan, ihufua EvFers----------------.....verton. Robert Fa.yih--------------.... Mirei, Fris Brai---------------.... Broin Furrad k Miles-----------.......eni 8. J. Green-----------------....Greuiwecd Thoas Oibo .........-;...----...Wraxeter Jioseph Oouist---------------....Uxbridffe, %Vin. Glinle----------------.....tilagow. Gibbns & Bre----------------... .Oal wa IL . . rcen*oct-----------....Grafte Gardon, McICay k Ce------------*::houi WVin, k Walier Uutiurie--W lo im. ttiilier--------------......ien Hilliiard&k tixoni--------------.. areham, 0. 0. Hall------------------.. ..uebec. ihuîîua iireiliuct.0 .......- - -Aiuie, CaI, Kayniec----------------. ..Moirea, John ..île...ar......-erh. Johnîi Hlweii---------------.....ighliand Cree Keauili kHorion în----------. ----rcivilm, R. Ir. Herrigon---------------....i3rooligi lrwin k Boey]----------------...Poti houe 'John lugie----------------G lphn. V. P. Jautes kCo.,-------alaia we, A. Leusis---------------Sieri ralae Jnaes le gh----------------.....Orno Canuien lent,----------------..NCWC IOaIc J, O. Iauugian---------------...Criguru, A. J. Lockhiiri------- V ......... ri., nlugh Mu-n----------------....Cauîiingtont J. MV. fîIrsde---------------...N'ewmaker, John MeDoagai- - --.......:lîun-ei Wlhiani Murray ....-...........--Mil] May, Jonu MeCrac.--...............-Rufrew McDowei k init..---------..Dcmnreiviis 8acîaer Marner--------------....Newhanhurg Isaac Morelaud................. Elora Jotnî le)acteri-------------...Reîiev John Nichou---------------.i...nerrole. %Vun. Naxon----------------.....iBloofmied, A. W O8iev k& Ce-o .........Moîturai, Jaohn lanetu............. siîya. %Vin. Patter-----------------li:::owmnvllc: iuchard Jirt ..................Leaakiie Pataoisîfeitîn5Ca- -i......... i Wililis 1iirea,- - - --......... ickerig. JansaL. Palmner --...... ...nIliieCrcek Panniserten & Ce-----------Q.... r peck. lieiney & C---------hiaiiuea Joihn Pamblu-------------......ai C. Pariii---... --------------. Janeettîîddy- - - -I. ...... ...... ThmsQaiclîfai------------..Floil A, D. Ris&..i .. ........... ieaorivage B-k &W. Ramemnn& kCe ....A mote Joaii-Itiâci ....................Ci ar n tiiîu, Edwiard msiî--------------...V.mnuawa Sourin liroe ....................-tiowmavile Mosres Sii--------llin.».......... aI'itâ râ Thonnas I. Stnepiiîu, -.....arwod, Mtapleck ..... crg colingwod, tE. & . . n ita- --.......ianir, Airx. âmauno...................Oxlaenen, Thoîni; tsephensaou----------G...raftoi, Jon uiaw----------------...Nermandale, George mttdlcy- - --...... ::.onrea, Johnî tmmitn---------------Mcîuîreil. Chartes Ifsnih--------------......wau-nrn, E. Staiiea-----------------Ca... tnrg, Jillisaeîd Shepe-------------...... eri l'homae 0. tîlummerii -tc7 ....lisi Stephensoni k Eualan-linfsepinn, Terr lireu . ..---%oeuitAhîen Johiî 'lhiiinpwouu-----------lroklin, WVi.; Tuer----------------..... Hydrin, David Townsa...-..--...-..-...tfowmanile, Tlhomas k Towniend-....Orti, Tiienpmou k h3ume----------....owianvlic Oeerehaur.. -xîidgc. P .W... Wôd.... M nrent, C.Wite ,............C bug Ta Wo.dbry., ... ....-.. ici, TP.White.---- ....-...-.... n teve, IVu tVard----------------....Grceavile. Ian... MeKniglist ...........iidiain Centre WB ALSQ bMANUFACTURE -PORTABLE and RL4TIONER Y 9team Enginos and Bôiers 1 QI A?, isISI AN ie»mza. 0mw Mii Machi r fmai iKnifliiding lingim aind Amenen n . owmflwtout t'aient oeîiating Gang and Moiay BSmW Milià.- l'nilCiiilitrnd SeIi.Stting Oircuiar 0maw MiLle' Fieur Mii Macnîulery of i iCnd., ith Ail Loge lmn pruvemenie. Sngle sad Uea.b achinco and Jaugter. ave Sud Lac uiiinem. Woce WoimigMaciiiery 0frailIl inds. Ili hl Mahinet. Bali Cuter, W6oien Machiner>,. agither #iîîgMaiiîaNI KIlifeOrue. ahiin llaie]prifiioli rmm. 'i3mlwer lrem«i. 'ral o'O dîylnr pe& INIper Cuitera, Egins Govemnora. bbwalFn, Paille., $Lr-W.4andag Manger. ,hs git'.ilinj aeg CASTINGS 0F AIm£K2iDS <MÏADY, 114 BRASS U MIlON, W ý ISw Mwîmànry of gay hic] made ho order. Patt4ruq of mvery deâoîiptUonnad, wbàn de- sired., Ail bisohluary warrantmci ho belmaAaleof frmt.. Jasa Matopiadin a thoroughiy' Workinnnikm n*nner. ,1 . arisdairing ieftnermniornaio,addr.se F. W. GLEN, iPrestdang f Unio, .1' - r Gadbu, I ~ -D-nham, 8STAYIONIVRY OF ALL.KD SOHO0L BOOICS, &C~., &C. Rnom. paperr of the very, lat t paters received, direct from. the English manufactuur , atprcaofm bcents to 1$. 50 per roiL- Ifnciudiiigbëst Gold aà dSilveWachïes, Gôld and plated cëhins RnsBacltsent~s stude, rings-and fin,elettro;plaýted wave, vaseis, - writixDg desks. work boxes, ortmoUnaies, and fa '- ee ng et v rey ,,ùt 'l o the Holiday seÜbn. tc v<lsi ra aitsial o LEWIS, ALLIN Whitby, Nový . ,1871. 48 Winter Goods., NEW A RUVALS Re &IOES. -OHA A A.SMITHI, Arc ini reoeipt ot futther nrrivalu cf Winter goods, aud beg te announce tbat their stock is nov complete in every departinont. Dreas Goeds la great variety.. Clan Tartan, Plain and' Tartan, Winceys, Englisin, Scotch sind Jauadian Tweeds. STHE MILLINERY DEPARTM!ENT. will bo found replete, with ail the'lateut attractions in styles of ilats, ltibbone, Fioweru, Manties, Dreas-trini mings, &a. Setts cf splendid Furs - very eh amp, The Taioring Depautmént, nasIitherto, unudr the ukiliful mperintenda nc of a flrutciaup cutter, Beat an] mout fashionabie, suite in the Domiion made ho or duRESR GRIOCERÎRS & NEW FRLTt'r o]o atqaiya e> o M»~ BOOTS & SIiOES-stylishy madean ofh bsqulta vrlw p .Wbitby Nov. 28, 1871. R~&A. SMITH. A N D8 WARM C LOTIHINI The undersigned desircs to inform b is numerous customers that with the roomy facilities afforded hirn in the new preniises into whiCb ie bas removed, lie is enabled to kue on hand a large stock of cloths of every kind, well sele.cted by himself, and of tho best quiali.ty. .i 1ai Gentlemen's Garments made to rid a perfect fit gnar4nteed. order, Gentlemen's FurnlIs'hing goods, inc!uding Shirts, Ties, Braces, newest styles cf Çollars, &o., JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas St. Whitby. (1remises latoiy eccupied by Mr- Gerrie, as a Drug Store.) Whitby, Nov. 29,. 1871. tf-48 CARRAGE&. 013TITERS Mu O. a D ON OVA N'S. ùàA RRIAGES & BUGGIES, latest style and best Maniufacture. Splendidly ,Finished Cutters,, 0F YERY SUPERIOR WORIÛlMiYSHIIP. 31 >GG IE S & 9LEIGAS.' WHITB ,Noy 22n1, 1870. JcA'I P , civ -R AWARDEDFIRST PRIZE At Provincial Exhibition, held at Torontto, in the Fail lof 1870.:. Weoffer to our custotners for the coming la~rest, two distinct Machines, which 'In style and construction, embrace the latest and most- useful improvements of thé. day. JOIINSTON'S SINGLE SELF-RÂKING RIEAPEII,1 The. universal success' of this Machine, bothi in closely contested trials and in the bande of the farmérs, warrant us lin saying that, s a Self-Raking Bèsping Mautine, iL has mocre good pointe and ies defecte, -and bas met with more saccuusansd lms lailqre,.than bero.tofore offered to the public.- 9Zý:Cayqu-ga Jun.ior -Mower. ,We were awarded. *e Firet Prize and'Diplomna, at the Prcvincia1 Exhibition, lied in Toronto, 1810, in coiintjtlon with ail the> ioading MBehinasxm'an U- sncb invéatigation viii convince every bnpn.ow!ice! mind, that we coerthe -best Mower te the F.ariner Ibr i871,. builtinii;t e Doennlaion, IW'Scnd lirdcscriptive Whitby, JtI'$u4,'1871 On'an*'dafter'tl WILL OFF'ER THE B À T GREBÀTLY R EDUOED PRICES.'.àoEUCLWLsN Lot No.,, nd e C 'eoern ,0 Dresa Goods ' Hosiery, 'WhibIh,JaIy 1, 1871. î8 Millinery and Manties, Tweeds, Flannels, ()lo'ds, 'BL'O W1 Wianceys, Séarfs, - 9* ]z lR.4 L Blankets; - Furs, Produce and Commission lu order to miake a thorouglh clea-ýrance ol ENROulam9. our READY MADE OLOTHING STOC,- greatý bargains -DUIVDAB TBHEEI, wR17-By, wiIl be offered. (1 door Fasat of'tlna Roinon Hnlse.) HIAMILTON B& CO. ffor the publi :a le h cj Fleur, Oaa and Ceorn Meai, cracked - , , '-I Pheat, Grahnam Phonr, Oata, ~Eu~t 5UU ~Bran and Shortff,- W,* And Anytining lin the Fee] lin dellveresLce NEW ANDiCIIOCE GOODO. 47.vile;h JAMES: 'J. 'MU RPH Y llns îecetitly received, at his new store on R., P. OLARKt Proprietor Oundas Street, la large lot of new goods- suitable for the season . R. P. Clark inaga to icfornn hie,frad R eady-made CIotFjingoro' the best quality. t î1Bro e.'Fe h te vhr - ceve tinem, on giriqg hlm a o n ;d at very low prices, malling, inox-etalls, au] enclose] yard. Mode An excellent stock of Dry Go)ods-evei-y- rat care,. E.1-P. CLARKI thing in the ue, Jan. 5,180 liats and Ceps Gentlemen's furnishing Mu e M,8 goods Department complete. Ladies undIerclothing.- Wlilthy Braesand'StringBainds, aîap] 15W Family Groceries 'co mplete, Néw Fruit, -aPaest Muâc OU rmonbe &c., for Christmas and New Year's. AE T.MR Y. oiausnsthinaeche'naoaî r lte,(pont pot,)h Wbihby, Decenîber (Iti, 1811. 49 J.à LFN~ 20-Mu>,7,Se.Wlnit GREAT CLEARING SALE L I1VYER -A T 1AcMLLN & (.o., - BflôRobes, Railway Rugys,-L ombsf pnsadiatrons, tinshg White and Grey Catiadiaii Bi:înkets,WB ByLVEY TA r 1-~~~lot-se blankets, Cart'lCs and Feit. W TYLVR TBE OverCoats, Cloting, &o., Carntdian W R£'.laving enoreaso] the ui2inber sud Tweds nd btnels CotonYarn qualit-y of the ctcd, ami] silco added ho an] lin- TwedsandFlnnes.Cotonproeé]thne colîveyencee an]d 4elicies otu and l3agi, Firi Caps, lu S. S'.' Seal, p'axnueési ho pes by being in a pouitie hte kli-sa, lced Otter, Pltuekod , eet tne vante <01 Olitomers t10 menit ase ]3eaver, Eu-mine 31ink, &c, fpbl ptoae £~ CARGS JODE'RATE. . Mre o flet special inducements inl *N. ]l.é'Covered convcteeframim the abovo linos, a]lai ProntitnJuotieeoo te ail orders. ro tateiucmhatore T. Il. MeMILLAN &Ce. N. RAY, Proprieter Whitby, April S, 186L * 14 MuMiilau's Blok> Breck st. TEETU EXTRACTEJi ÎRZW WITHOUT- PAN, in SP INT 3I O Y TUE USE 0F]? SPRIG -T0CI 0FNITIROUS OXID LAIJG}INýG G131- BOOuTS OCiSHfOESClOR TUE E 1W B t)t.>ULb 4 L.~JO.d OCA ANJ~STETa AT MATTHE.Wl.C(LL.iN8 DENTAl. oeMs Begs to announce to bis customers and the Publie that lie lias D U-NDAS S T R E E T opened büsineàs on the premises\lately occupied by WZ*ITJYI C. W.- Mr. Bandeil, on Breck Street, an~d that- lie is now Rnintu>, Jae 20M.18. crnl tr. in î'eceipt of a splendid Stàek oft4he RIGIIT FIT AND LMARKE, HPPLOWS"TE --Amongot the. dimeaes ovorne ab. And of the best style of' Beots and Shoes. --Ibne 0,1u aro.'Cmpouni Sei-p of H>,popUVA$U Also on hand a large stock of HO0ME-MADE Boots. and Shoes w hich an ot be surpam sd for quality an d priCe .. A A r~Îz~ ae u~ Z~ is' , AUl or-ders punctually attended to. , 1Repaira.- neatly done. 1a% ~& Daroe Business also carried on as usual at'the old stand erte1ý DeiIt>,eauiti f érou yhi nd cHer Royal hètel. - ' 1, near thee rrbýj% hyoosstera, Whitby, May 10, 1871.'» LonIEW (3ofNS %cae hoe r c.Vioià ijS Feel Ai v L Heivr nlterrapte] ani and b ir uoetrutions ort' LoaLup an i alsagos Ieaiig thoretc', sud Debit> peared hopoiesi, iJAMES I. ELL;OWS, a - SL Johun, N.R. -- JOHN DARTER, LICENSED A.UCTIONEEB. ONTAUXO, YORK &PEEL, rE-STA-BLISI"-EED 18331.1- W- RESmENCELS8I, S Markam.-Poat oflce.-4Tnioaille# The undersigned'in-returning thankej for the l1iberal patronage 0SALES atteudedou the sorteat xiock5anI bitherto axtende] tteoldestablishment, for nearîy a perlo o fortjy ý;tdesirea bUIs printeA] ttn b.,bo6frl te "y that ho bas nov onnl a barge aaboqrtient of thenosotý1modc -Bd elegant Cartmr. styles cf-î W 7 P K"POORE ORAC6 An&i trusts by proper attention.and moderat Undert klg' nnferaisFly h~ L5~Sme pledid SpècimenS of Picture Frai R " ' nb i e l d n d j REPAIRS AS USUAL-1 MIRE di MNG Oir REA-PERS.'l ki-on Va*,. 1 - 1 u MM 1 - 1 1 l>, 1 - 48 tf-48

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