Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1872, p. 1

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*AE~ m, AE~81ET-4-tÂW SbCI of TOI~1W 1U31E1t~AWDINDL¶7331Y M O T A E . P V D I O , AO UIM w B r c -W A T C U JZf A K E R , & c .o Watcboo, CIocks, Musseas)bnstsumeunts Lbê And) oreryllîl 'g Reohantes) Rebàlred sent provcd to suit sUl. atLow Batesl, sud 0 shotesl i< 0 Wbit1by. May 81, 1871. L ONDON, ASSURANCE CORPORfl PIRE AND LUPU. EevÂsLUaîsD ST ROYAL CUAsw's. 1721 Pnu. O IN AISO...L2,468,5u8, lie4d 22 PION stg. LBFAI)D AGENT, MioNTIIEALP-BOXO B. GEORGE Kl. »AItTNELJIg STEPIIENS. - A T T Ol N E T, O N V E A N' N o. 56 St. Preno ies X avier Bt n.'t. arp~ aS oxau ln, um lieu ccr for ie C un.JO hN A G N E W , A gent. fi> 0 U u h n l . ff c e o n l- l o s e W lt p . W bl L b ', M a >' B ih , 1 8 7 1 . -1 9 JAMEIS J BITU -r4OftDON, - o0n1o0 B AItRibUT'lt,4& ATt'i>t:41Y-AT-LAW S lI o ll cî10 l or l nl îa iî î r , C n v y u . N o - - any yPublie &e. . a . . M ILs .. - (JrcgRx door to tha Stori of H. & J. -o- - C ouipial, Snack St., 'Alitby, Onti. 'IS. underàlgued lices 'iceselon la infornj one. >W!Iihby, Nov. 189 1867. -do48 toiuars, that thi.e buve milUs, stuahed -ou LoI ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ N o. 22, Inut htIe It con ce sia n of t le f Jo* nshlp - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o FA E ELL &bIG E,0 ibndge, are uow in BA!ltS'-lIt14 0110- IWORKINÉG -ORDElt, TA H 8 1)1 .Anmd Tee)>';fon cnthng Luuhor In,ti my aiiîîy Ognies :-Oiie .îoor norîli of th. l'est. office, 1 Suit OUutOo àUine s d t p ncuait>' sud O cbv; su t tey oeicr's m ut-t , o î'po sîîo 'd ospat cb . T s'usil îal, 1Uomînan vflli. L nu bor cnt from 10108 0 f0,1 lu ieugth. Is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 se ~aî E L eptersibe 29, 1b70. 41NWER CHARLES C. K1oLLEB, AT'2OIZNIEY-ÂT. LATW, SOLICI'IOE IN îo î or , o iuv ey a liî e r, c. a ti i g ou ;rock, (..W . - II A31ER RE WO , A TTOIINLY-AT-LAW. I1OICTIN 1 O Jhieuoery , x Nu t el'y 1 u l c ~ o i o a o &Co,, WJithy 50. W. Oiuso, fyroti trect, ,soutli )r Polit Ofc. 413 * 'L Y jI A N War. Ul IS1&C . L& 0 . I ,JAMES LAMON, CONVEYANCEJI, LA NI) AGEN'&c. Orirsîîc.-t>vur Annietruiug's lottl, Moisi St., --Ux ilige, Julîî ,î tili,iROli. f-28 Rt. J. <G'JNN, M. I0. s 'UlGlt0N TO TIIIL COINTY GAOL, T0OWNIJLEitKdTItEA41URIi, %VIl ITIIY t t A -i'rc A. L t)itist, osiawu 1)oiiîj tl ooýnis, elireLtI> uppo. dite* iîeilosti ice.-Eiit- suce eu lm eo ilre .ttl urd luorîiortli ofîtlie O utario ON'T«AIIO IIOTEL liRdCK ï $4-WIIITBV. C. DAWES, - roprietor. The, shove old emtialimbed flotel bas been jyst newly Sitte.) Up snd rcnovated clîrougiiont by the proprietor, cli the a rtmeîits being lurnishc'l wîth new and oultsb o fuirigituro. 'Thec ndcrmlgned will lt-v, îîotliiîig undolle in provi4liuig fer tiie coini'ort of hiq iguests, snd lin-ry m iy reiy npona tiie bost. of p urc liquous b i ir ipplii.d st ti', B ir strict ettentioji puld the li tabling, and in lc.okirig ufter the i cvility or liostieris. 1 . DaW-ees, Proprlctor. Wliifby, Nov. 29%d, 1871. 47 JTOhIN WOLFENDEN, AOENI'r PUa m'n CELEI3RATE D -SCO TTIS] GRANITE. J44r At blorue1%o7nku of J(>NATI. M-Nl"NÈEY TO L EN D AT REDUcED RATES.- T m mim rî reriereil ta lod a my ame îut mnoney oui the uccurity et of od - Furiii or pr diietive Tb'wîi l'roperty, uit lie lomest pogmsu rate or iîiterept, ii sm s * nditi usonne r to s hos-romers. 1'ricîpuil couibe repuid iy yeoî liisitaiinetiîls or lu orie suîun. R r ckt, 1871. 8 10 A L; ÇOA L 9 - - 1 ' orulé herr 1 th P, 1 JOSEP B A. BtNDELL. Wliitl)y May 8, lih. KU LMUNARY. BALSA M -9 m Enz, USED AND RF=M- MENDED BYtHE MOST EMINENT PHYSIrAANe IN NEW ENCLAND FF005RIOM- THE LAST45YEARG.AAnM08T SOTHING 13MEER. CLITM- OROS..A col, BOSTON. .0; % CMTI m. ýI9Ofd bythoDrugWuù toi a LYMAN ýELLIOTT & Co., ToRoNTO, Acicrn. WHITBY PIANO FACTORY -0- JOSEPH RA-I:NER. PROPRIETOUI -0- 1 ý The subocriber, in roturc!Dg: 'h*-r» sin- eere*tbankis- te the Maýy fkieU4» and customers of the Wliliby PIANO MAýUFACT8RY7,y beizo to state tligt lie uow carries on the busi- nenii oolely upon bloq own aecoqut, and -in so- liciting rutureWër» lie begs to assure them flint Dotjjýguý mil be loft undone on hie part to s a satîstactiâni f4ý*Upplyigs STYLE, y 1 x ru JE[ The colebrated nov patent and trosa-imle 1 pattern of Ille own fuyentiots umatMur4id i sa berotoforé. #' AU orders exeouted with promptitude and dispit1oh. . ý 1 JOSEPIL Y. RAINEIL ,Wüttbi, ILY 3,1870. ly-19 -4 Thp undeTkignbd bcgs to state that ho 1 Continues to manufacture IR00t, Soéd & Iffanure Drnie, -AS WELL AS WAGONS, H An ILOW 8, TRE ROBSON. ROUSEp (leTEM)CICIPTU]teb HOTEL,) DUNDAS STILBET9 WHITBYC.W T IîE ouboeribët bogo te anudance thst ho naî lesseil the bullilitig formerly kuo*u no ticetetaralk Hôtel whick bas hein ronovit. ed, refurnlslted>, ouid fitteil up throngliont, ln the-bestof style. 'The proùiineFare pleauctly/ aituated, oEposité tbf, Pont Office, md Ln Mie contreoi t e Town. the Rotaland the xtagem'forUxbriilgér and ýBoia'verWn'loive thedooreve-ryntorcing.'Boàrdfl pordaY. GEORGE ROBSON, Carofalgootlera Tha mon ele- gant, j4liacioug4ind-, comfortable Rem tau rant i - - Can %Lda. Meatx oupplied at ,,juors and Cigariè of the fluest bralidi§. sheil ý Cau Oypterm iu every style. týM Parties viisiting Torejute for a day will fluil every accotiimridat!oLi ut the Terrupin. April 5118709 14 JOIIN RODINSONIS JAXES POWELL, Proprio tor beg tu returu tliaukmfor the Jibera] patron âge lièretofore bestowetl iipoii me, zndtonn- n0auce thst 1 am pire ared tu conduct àsales, or lu TOWIN OR COUNTY9 AT REASQNABLE RATES. Arruulzametits for %nles eau be made eltiler ut the ClinoNIOLF officp, or at My own Office, Brock otrect, Whitby. Whitby, J aly 8, 1 RAC M ARLIAGB LICENSES 1 -0- THOMAS FIUSTON Office-Town Hall. Residence-Byron Otreet, thrco docis north of Town -hall. jau. 17, 1870. AND ALL Kl]îDg or -.Uý" luili- CLOTHES JIAMLE, & WRINGER. Noted ai; ono of the hc8t Orticles 0 f the kind inanutacturcid lit the 30untry, ond his im rov- ed tV£I&AW curTEItS, âo eaà§ily WorkeT, and ag supericir lu ove-ry rempec.t. lIaving proparad fneoi Erl«onlo Colebrated ,gloria ligines qi illi tuanutactorY. lie bc to say thut lie Io flow- onnbled to exoen orders with, which 110 mar be ru yod C t caper and witti greate expe itionth !the , si) to guarautes eV ' mat à Lion c roin ,tlie quality of t or aunhi au, lai, W Cordwoo au - ' tituber t' eu lu 01- ollg$Dge, sud 0" ri 'allowe JARES CLAYTON. 47 . ONTARIO BANX, Wll ITUY BRANC.H. M-01RINION B AN Ri vv 'April 14, 18714 CAM El tOly ARRIOTER AND ATTOUNF,1'8-AT" Le Sollaitoro to the Bank of Montrýalf poffliouottlie(, 44h* or *Cmnty of-o»tatks, &o., 49. i W illtby, C. W. W )4odeytoin'onnpotigood ' necuritY. AP- ly ist the OZOO of the firni, Ccuit Honse bouth wiiii dOCHRAI'f'Et LL. Du nOUNTYOROWN ATTORNEY F09 ON-.- v $o liottolitn (1hancery, Nolary Public, &o.- 0111*8 Broek êtrect, next doof to Royal r 13OUT11 07 TUE BANK Dim Wilitb'y Juil; 29, e68. itivec WLIV iev-vi ilni& witil Luelr aTronage tranta te inorit a eoi:tiiittit, r oustoui. le Partie& ttik-ilig thé train and leaitilZ homes will have thom well'taken care of till their rot urn. 0-Y A L ANADIAN OTEL, c la PORT PERJIY, ONT. -X. royp rroprietor. Supet-lor accommodution. Good stabling. &ad âlied rooni, and attentive oâtleie§. IlortPerryNovS, 1869. 45 N SVEC TOII OF PUBLICI SCIIOOLS FO» the Counti of Outarlo. Po'st office, Ont$ July loth, 1871. -P0ý-zT PORT PERRY, ONT. "JAMritS THOMPSON, PROPRIETOU., The silbocrlber w6hoes te Inform the, com- munitythqtljit ptorùimeK are now open to the public, wlieroitoia-prepitredtoftiriiiçbaogoud 10000ijnodatioti un ai)ý J'n the Coutitf. sept. M, 1870. 87. à 79 2 0 m SE 0 W là mie WUITJJY9 Cirf T. A. XASON, -0 PrQprietor. The aboya line bean thoroughly renovated, and the-public will find evéry no%.-uminodistiou oind the bést attention., 1870. is ýVES'PERN HOUSE, DUND,ÇO 8T., Wlil'£BY. rrhe under.01une4l wonlà Intimate to the 4 X publie, thut the -ubQye piemime» liave t beau nowly fitted up othd recovsted throuxh- c (or the accommodation or Gueâtâ. leust 0 liquars. siâti ÇýArà. t 61The Ordhu of Cau44 ---aime Pare Ebine t Wjnot Wà sud rewil. 'Z 'a, A. BANDELL. c »"rders talcon by the week,éh moderat& xay 8, 1871 i - '051 AN 17. iro. 1 of T'r JE - l'jý 8 1 1 CENTJUL IIOTEL, BROUOTIAM JORN BAILEYP Proprietor, Vie above lictel lias been ilowly ottýed tip and furnishod. Guemts. will -Ilnd cointortable abcouiniodution and atictition, Gcoa roorny etaliling and attentivé ostiors. Jali, 26,1870. F ARMIN(i IMPLEMENTS, &c. 1 1 JE Ilair -Dressing and Shavin, SAIJOON9 . BROCK ST, WIIITBI -- 1 H 1 1. 1 -B 1 1 'rVery à for 1 ISOLATED fflK ý1RÉ jNýSURANCE Co. OP CANADA, --TORONTO, PilittLt emàbux Mn1ý-r « Al*ýo A£,.-nt and Appraiser for Canada rer- Munelit Building and silvlnmr Society, for loails or money ai low rateA of ;Iltureoit. --'ýVýiLbY, Alignait 7th, 1871. ly s2 R ICHARI; 8 ieo %V- Bogil toinforin niaa frier.dM and the public, si liait lm lino re-taken lais; old prembics, littaty ?celipied by M r, Artiail, wherts ho le now rrepitred to mupply ever.ything in tlie BAKI.:ICY 'AND CONIFECTIONIERY UNE. «lutit rocilved, tiover;àl cares of PEACH ES TOMATOMS, very ianporior. Ç[10109 FRFR!l OYSTERS, P Il V 1 T 0-P ]PL JK 1 lq D M Kept conotantle on liand, in seilson, ORANGFS, LEM()NS, SANDINY-S, LOBSTrtR(;, RAISINS,, PltUý-iF-q, T01ACCO. N. B.-Oymiers can' be bad by the plate, gooke, Bread dolivered dai!y to etitoancra, ftný1 911 other Provisix(stits and goudas dolivered as way lac ordered. a choice Brandi; of Cigarg. Wnltby, sept. 18, 1871. 37 TOTh?%i»0111;INGCIAq'-;-IVearýnowp - 4tý le tand ProfiwbIe. Pzil. ufcither mez ensil y earn ff01ý 1 v enin sand a proportionnI %una ny devotiv, thâr. "muchanint>n. addren and test the buùn,-.., WC ln,.lw thi. 1jnt'-i1e;Lý1 E offer. ï!,ozuchaoarenotweliiutijofied wewilimenil si to fnrÉhetmuhieý,fwrifing. !-'u]iPart1;ýàau' a valuable plewhichuilldotoc-mumureworkon ?60ýtd". Lilý-J Cb,»pdhi--ý e U the ftrPrýt und C beut faim new4pappre puhfiqhed-ftlt Pent free hy naj' R-0-, '1ý1 -1r, volv P Me aejýt. a m 1 arc sud . 1 1 - 1 ion BLOI W.bi.tbyo Aug. $0, J871. - X PLANE> Propng f3tfigelg to tilsd ýt: OM-Wýtby call daily. 9 i0gue6ti. Careful acd at FIRE ASSURANCE 0 lj()MBARDOT.RZET & CHAItING Cao 1781 tomposa of ÈÙ'to lot-18, intlie 1? - -, -,- iîýcoPe«- Mon of the -Tqwneblp of Murruy, C»Uuty or Nortb'üijlberland. àùalidii'ýntabile:title will bit to all the above Pror'tû,rýy. For lurthe r ParactLlau apply to tltë owner. FRANCIS CL&IZK. Whitby. juiv ig, 187l.., A DMINIST-RAT01181 NOT10E. AlVérsong in-lebted to-the estate of the Igte »OÙ Weltisn". are, requet4ted'to maki liain6çliatoàettlietnerit- And'àll pemonsihav- lng eluimsagieilist the said estate, gra'request- ed tO Rend tifem to the undersigned fôr -ad- 'VIRGARP -P WATSON, K. P. LOO K Il AWe N. 0, ItYYNOLD.ç3,' DawatwIlitbythe-07thday8eptý'ill. 40 D. JIOLLIDAY. DItOOKLiii, ONT, 1 *Tbén I Pl-dàoutïëo you rnan and vite, Aàd W)tit'l join together, Tbý n«t best man, rnay disuaite Àud t h e flr'4tý j4 rue COlt Reylaý.ý rit k, Tà-doir l'aul sitting beneath.thé îbIE of thé iery-pitîeitqvo where I qat', 76 and jeswitiolý-' lisitë'n',lng ta a taléý of Ic as sweet, if ' Dot go làoting, Bq thaï Whi wu t.61d in Parodiée, by the firàtý loir, Ah, me 1 perhaps Adam.vould Dot liq *beau ao constan4 bad '-there bc 1 ëýî où eles than Bvé*i beaibing ulion hjmý où bearté Aceverille ta àé besti'éf fils ô,, ,He wu never tried 1, It vas from Rovaid Aoliley's Irps d 1 board the tale, on a sweet scalmer aft, noon wben the brook îân, cool 804 mu muriag ait car feet, and the gréat, il, pines 1 ahielded. us from- the rayq -that bor'i ýqd go fiercely eloewbere. There w music"of bird hud bee arouu&u, atd ti whole celle vas as perfeci àà 'if it hi really I:in lu the old wbrid Eden of whii ve resd and imagine* go mueb. MY: lover, tac, wu one who, oeemed i noble, go goud 1 1 bad not been long a( quatatt - d vith biin, but long enopgh tell thât bc wu far beyond any 1 hàd y, known, in the best qualities of beart ar mind.' 1 believed this with all a womau perfec > e cônfidence la the man who love ber., ;lie had 9ained,ý the sanction of m friendi -before aldrfuinýS me ;. and rd fatheriand-mother were as truting as mi self. We pesoed threc happy months togethei The autumn set k with nousual aplendoi We lived almost wholly out of doon sbeltered from - the fail winds by ouf prc tecting grovea. Togethbr ve vatched th chariging foresto-the crimson and golde gloriès thât took on ne* aspects esck dai I enjoyýedýevèry moment. The deys cam rocadilléf sweet, ,:ômsigbte - C lit tý!ýîy lips that it seemedi,' lazur enough'to lit@ even. 111 knew-I know lit could not 4t 14, Or, 1 tnight have known it, from oori secret, subtie ' sense of that foreboding a CoMing events ibat atenle in amid th, richest enjoyalents. Butl would not ligten Io the wigraing 1 put itl from me. Why should pot lifi be swiet to me 7 Others had beè! in bleuf ad withl love and happineris, and Yîby no 1 P S* I hushed the voice that whisperei :)f doubt, aDd gave my whole heurt te thi iweet iéspirations thiàt was brea'thed ti MY soul. It vas the very Lut da3ý of Oetober, ani Eloward vas gaing. 1 suffered not evez 3ie abeelnce ta makë me unbappy ; for ai )ur next wee.ting, we sbould be naited .qo more p«trting after that, outil deatl bould come ; and what ycung and ardeni ieart eler pauses on the threshold çf blissi ,u hink of death Y 1 vas, au only child mi one oistel iaving died in my cbildbood. But my wo cousins, Sarah and Aniiie liale, were leir ta 1 me au aiistero ; and my dest mother, auticipatirig my lonélineàs daring be caudal; winter, kindly invited them otb Io pus it with us Tbeir society nd Howard's letters left me no room ta spins. 1 The letter came ' every week, reighted with love and witlf brilliant opes fce the apring. My cousins qat witb le, through morcings, assioting me ta reparé the bridal trousseaû- which My iother W provided liberally.' We. dined early country hours, Ud car aftèrnoons, -pleasant overbead, weke devoted te alk riding atd skating. Par even- ýgs folud ce, a cheerful -family group, ith pleýIy of good music fur entertain- ýent. Sarah!Hale had a spliendid voide, and unie piisoessed a most rare touch on the ana. 1 sang a' tolerable alto.; and ith aid; from othets -of our musical iends, ýve- improvised very cbarming Meautime, the two cousins elicited Plden dninintiot- Thau -1 - - - 4 , - - ---- -- - -,-- ---, seide the 66brown m,%lk,"but ackoo' "I think 1'ýaveýfoond ber bore. ; but per- haps Obe will Dot think &ô ; sud ilierefore gen thst bis , stâtement about tue - family haiel coma to ketthe problem isolved wére- ail wrong and fit't»he game time ex- by one Who -1 think eau solie it for me,' Preues ber undoubted belief in the à'nden- 1 folt tbat "Y foice', bad a sharp, Metal, iiii or this person Who esuld remembïr lie ring, se 1 exe laimedj'hutily nOtbing of whàf ber 90-U Ought to kaow. éfilbe eau better sol» ii ber'ýelf, Mr. May. Last weekG, -A. M"en, the Toronto Yen vould do well to consult ý thý lady whiskey informer, vas senienced 10 two herself,' yeara in the Pouitentiary, for âtealing and 'A jéýOÊ of,,@Drpém stopped me from osy- destroyiGg à r8eord of the Toronto Police ins more, 1 could nýot-gueu the meaning Cour.tý and another two ysar4 fur amq1t, 1 Moked StAnnie. Elar îàée vas a Siliève ' m4f IAttice Il &lie said sol 41 am' nq flirt. Howard la safé from, Ye§,ý L 4new thai à ;_ but wu, 1 as sur ber sister f. j eannot relate aittheli circumotrâlaces1hat led me to a bolief i Sarah gale - wffllý tu, ;oùnni me. 1 knew it ty- the -citivéitliâtý ïade 1 týGlOùsly thiongh My noires hi esru loire softened- sud sâbdoed'to him- onji; bie-li, ver. essins in ils tenderness. 'She sang tu, 1 lave $*Oétl thrilling songs, and looked ther, rest. Re vas charmied. surprised$ fue lher ated. Day'by dày, the opeils àheý'wroog iwa. sa ccaDinglyaprioàndedhitu and-','mi bila yîèld i to h er,,Ipow.er. They rode 1st gather, walked together, sang from -'ter same book, Sitting on the saine geat, bc ing each Atherteýhando,, looking into - oi tell other'a eyes. ru-, - Ar'id 1 bore it-coviering my deep, pý wu with the semblance of gaity, and adverti the to my marniage asi au 'event thst m bad happeu.1 "Aisé 1 Howardnever Spolie 0 ich, it et ail ; but looked on my preparsti( with au indifférenke 04tudist amqunting 80 diagust. Aunis Spoke frequently of 1 le- event, and of, the, part ào and Sarah wi to -to take; but ber remarks *on no respor yst from thora. ind . liettice,, oaid.my mother-one morniri ,n'à at the breakfast-table, 111 vaut somethi red from town (0 day. Cen you go ?, 60ortainty,' 1 auswered, 1-we eau" i My ge "y* A look of meaàing vhich I afterwar recollected, passed between Sarah ai or, Eloward. The latter'exensà himself -4 or, acconnt of buoinen lettere that muât 1 roi, written9 and Sarah had'a violent beadach ru. audwasgoingtoliedown. BoAnniqui le mýâelf -took the light carriage and My 01 en pony,, and vent away immedisteljr aft %Y. breakfast. ne It vas thon that 1 firat gave utteýaGi Of frolâ nïi" , 1 ý Il ý IM 1 1 ' , ý overbür ened "Itiir'i, lry Dear girl 1 &ho bad éeen it ail and losig4 te tell me, but dared not. She blami Sarah grently, and wisbed thst she cou ne persuade 'ber to go -home and lesive hi Of evil . work-',unaeeomplished. Wu r& he slowly'aloiâg', talking ail the t.ime of th painfal theipe, and did not retura uni 9, near noon. J ýfe I veut in my room and beekoued Ana 811 in, for 1 supposed from, the stiliness th, ot Sarah vas SÛR asleép. Mother had gor ed Ont to malle calls, the servant, a . aid, au ho 4nuie and I procee ëd to the parW to where, we talked softly of the.same sub jecý that- bad'occupied as ail the mornini id until the bell tan- for dinn«r. Molhe 0 en hall come in, audý vas waiting for as î at the table. Neither Sarah net Howar a. appeared. th 'Did thby not return with yon, Let nt tice ?i or 4Wbat do yon meau, mother ? -Yo hourd whai they said ; vie bave not seei or thon: since.' ly 'gut they vent away in Howard' re carriage, au bout afterovards, and I sup Ir posed that they had followed and joine, 19 yon. They bave not returned-1 1 kept calm, outwardlyy' and tried tý est my dinner ; but bad tu plead tbat ' ýO was-tired with my ride. Mother bade mÀ ci go to bed, and Anale vent up stairs vit] it me. b What does it mean, Lettice V she said 0 when we voté sione. y 'Nothing, euralyl 1 answered. 'Wbi d Annie, do you suspect anything ý moto tha; il that they bave 'been delayed 7' §No,' obe said, alowly, 'but how wronf 'for them to go at'all., 09 IPerhapý they did mean to join us.' - She ohook ber bead and passed into bei j ovin room ; then quickly came bacfi with a note in her band, directed tc berself. II can't read it, I»ttice. I am afraid-J 'Silly girl 1 give it to me, ' It is pro. bably se excuse for goin*g swaywt The ýnote tau thus : ' Iam roinir aval with lTnw- came up to my- rooct after seeing MY motber. Re ' wa4 bii rly enraged, and threotened goward Aobley with ait sorts of yaniehmen but 1 entreàted him-to be qdtet fèr. mi 8ý,ke., IThen you did Bot cire for him$ IAt- 00, father 1 bow coold yon think* me so falge ? Yes, 1- did care tor him ; but noir, évéry bond is-broken.- - J s'hall be a brave girl,,and lire oâfy. for my ear m«berl Ilepresied me klose tu bis hoâr4'aodl 1 in thetofia$ée, I, féât, -thai ovec , 90,Wl!sý4'l fil ong POf4p@"> enspeew bY this @top, but not uùul,-Àsfter Boule of our neighbors. 89 1 bad been my niind là ad been fui - ly , made-up, - see, effly. .@Paredýtbeý au>uoyauee of being talked to 1ýttice f s - t 1 o approv n, my about Howard Ashiey. and 1--was truly Wili yoD doci 1 doýjavQrAb aeta gifitefaLfor that. 'There go away 1 J must @ce 1unie ire of sa ADýnie and 1 keettied down comfort- 6,3t. litd8'î ÏbIY, loto, Old maidéniom-contented, wu 80 sure abc wu attache& ta tbat Dot là py., , Our lifè Wiw varied but if YOuithat I CaDuOt believe otberwiZe of -littie. Anùieg clear ridgicg ]-gh as eh - à raet. Pffipt We W-une or two intellectuel, neighbÃ"T3, him at the -door,' relievedme, and bar joy un and our old miniâter, Xri, , StanýcO, wu a fal.coongratulations on enteriuý Pet tue free Pheýý trensure ta as, Jà adviee and conniel à We 'Pl from ail fear of acting treacharou!51y by essai atill kept, oui, pony, - oàrriagëý' and to-aki Ser, J-bad jsuffored too much fýom'treach- ber, almost daily rides; for. bealth <vies, a pqs- ery to attempt pTactising it mys elf.. car- session, that wécould not ellord ta 105el bina nOnirig oursolyes toýthe "boue. I-did Ilke 'Mr. May. 1 married bïm, ,the Annieý,came home ftomXr. Bta'uton'a and have noyer repented it. To-day I Bit - ;oin'- onem . oraing. !rith soute 1odks and'a, won' in the saine grave' where Howard Ashley Ightl dérfu'i look ci nevi apon, bar face. whicil galoma the vows sa soon -broken. That nade meiws Ibo daclored 1 could not gosse. acene coines ' up ta me new, and My beart 'toi 'Bat:l "a' Auni'q' ut. stanton is is filied 18 with t6nkfoiness that I eau Test the going ta ho married.' on a haut go mach ïruer thon that , which lold ý ýe0nseâse 1 loi ýmarried 1 Who d I trâsted on that day, Bach marry that old man 29 Aunie left us last year, to-brigghten the 'Somebady would. Perbaps you Au. bluràe of another-to fill the p!ace of a pain nie.' 'è __ . niother-to. two swéet motherless, chi!dren, 'Ãœng &Dont ho ridieulouel'-- Lettice. eg Dot Her hasbsàd je, alsa aý minister- a - îTear nust married, but you have partly goeued af9erý MendýOf my Alfred. ý She too j3as a, a "Feet of ail. He is going ta farta a connectiontl houàelike. myself, 1- have-néver Èeen, joug not wiîCh a, lady but -à giàtleman, and I Sarah Ashley since the &Y 1 0 1 a which she ta have oasis himl What do yen thinit 'wý -rang my, -âàul by ber treschM - - but 1 the now 7' tbank'lheaven thét Wbatohe meant "fer evil rere 'Really je Mr. Stanton going t;ha-ve a vas, Overruted, foï my bas% and truest, hap- )n1je colleagne? I am very. glad. It will- pinesa. TL-uly after, ail MY trialb 1 have',- give him more time for us.' found. ing, 'Solfiait Letticel But have YOD. Do 'The green %pot tbat blooras 0'er the dimert C)f lin., enriosity about the new minister il ý 1ir0o1 1 'Noue.' 'Did yon like'him Annie P 1 uked ber I shali not speiid brea*ihto plyfýliy, but yesterday- ail 4well theul - ý ',Like'bim? Yescertainly. 1 like him deséribe him she answered; but 1 saw 9 nOwý;- but Our talk wu Ont of me but of erds tbat ail day long, she wu thinking of an- - - f and thing aise. A bright smile woold li, 1 yht y9urself., c> 11ýVhy did yen not tell me and Éeparts -on ber facu as she isat st worg, and there was 107 afind for ir? 1 bebaved very siup idly, be a gay airineu in ber ' mcvements,ýsûch as ïasion when 1 thought ha hâà àe, &ho bad ehown years before , whon there - on one Occe a Sancy foryon.e. and bad beau no shadow on ber lité nor 'Ab, YOD were nolt, the ocly atupid one >wu mine. at- that time 1 1 will tell yon Il a secret, I49t- rier The very nest mornipg Mr. Stanton calied on ce, and brought with him the tice. I-did think -it; w1aErmyseif 'at firet 0 and leïllya-well dear Des new cÃ"mer, whom ha introduced as à1r. , you may JudIge lie, Majr." 'HÏ'Wds coi"yotlte-ceritioly Dot ' whether I ohould baie ffièclined. zed legs tÉan thirty sii - perhapi 'atill older. Tao Ticasuîtlçjc CASE.-Part Ofthe 2ed He was for front bandsome, but there was speech of Atioruçy General for âo defon- nid a look botter than bbanty in bis coUnten7 dents la tLis extradrdinaiy c i ase nlikg ër- ber ance,_ M was not of thà typeof ml*D*18-1 traordinary whethér ýe.beIieve the*elâ,im--- )de tors who maire their wày by a pale, et«di- hie ans face, tellinga, of midaiglat -studies and ant ta ho the true heiF or au impostor- appears- in the English journajÃŽ, Thst 3til bat étaves. The predominant look wu ý. j - theplaiatiff jean impostor bas beer. the thstof healthand cheerfuluess. &tài f Opinionwhich, bas impressed ilseltupon nie well proportioned9fi-,ure-,a-a wide foreheàd. il our otya minds tý0D."ý thete wer6 undoubt. bat rather loçv --kindly beaming brown eyes- edly facts and pleceâ of evidenèe' wlich' me white teeth, and heulthfut, sunibrowned wd cheeks tillino, of -Ion- 1 walks in the op= tended in the contrary direction especial!el 0 0 until thsir trÙe . bearing was shdwn en - or, ait, accomFanied by gcropulous neattreéa cross-examidation. -The.-Attoruei G,.-, ýb- of attire, without a single duh of foppish a. eral's speech naturally conlirms t'bat vie..v.- 191 upes. This wu Mr. Stanton'a cilteagia The learneid gentlemans- ,or 1 liked him nt the first glance ; liked him, argaýments, bow- et botter w-hen bis clear musical Qce met e,7er are nothingr ejicept as they are sup- Lrd my ear, and the serene, houest eyes wers ported by evidence', but this . evidence is largeLy supplied by documents about which seaýnin' py faeé, se if they viere seeking th" 91 as are can 'be no mistake,.and by the claim. ýt_ t&know trom it my ebaracter. Is wi ont' a own assertions in the wituess box. pleuant ta sas - that they' raturned from It msy Im remembered (or instance, . that ou that gaze with a siitiofied expression ha made au extraordicary statement -.ta en which seemed ta gay, 41 can trust you mis$ Morton., the effect that ha bail sedaced bla colisia, J's For the Dort three montb&9 ta Annie's a Miss Dongbty,,now Mrs. fladeliffe. ive*,.[ a Iaýge pumber of p. extreme di-4comfort,-we saw little either of papers and documents ed the old or net - miniâter. Mr. ý Stantou ware quoied by theAttorney-GýaneraI. whichý- sho ail tÈat Roger' Tic1iborný lait bia Ta- almoist forsook ce, in hie look of -brinaging w o a giment and bis country becanse ha wias re ta Mr. May acquainte-J with the other par- fused the hand of bis c - ousid un -account OV 1 i6hioners and establighing a friondly mp- à ne port bosween them. . bis habit& ni intoxîeation wlýleb - ha con - ,th dit wili qot ha thus always, Annie Il i fessed and deplored ; ýut that-down- ta tee aaid, ta console ber, for 1 fait that eh& moment of bis ý departare ha atill lovait: ýd, was deeply'interested in the stranger. -On Mitis DouàSty with au afection whichi iÊ - words eau maire any proèf the Sabbath, 8he listened, almost bresth« 1 on euch a sub- hy lessly, ta thé words of wisdom ho. uttered ject, wu as honorable sa âny man cbu'& in- I was selfish in those. days.ý L'fait tha; entertain for any wom6. Tue reai Annie might be Laken from me ta blesa terwmoreover showýd tbat t beý ietit Roger ig the honfie of one 'wbo, 1 couJd'ýnot -bitt osé Tichborne ýai un habituai - Jetter writer.i d tbomý had won ber sincerest approbàtlon. And on "h bis style wu 0'o'm'ewhat- a&k- ward, and hils spelling pot- I-I abould once more bc dee9lâte 1 < always, correct wae capable 0 expresaiag^,ý himseif sensi- or bly, and like a high-mi, -d gentleman. -k It was in the second year of Mr. Maylà; i ha letters of thq claimant. are those of a tg pastorate, that 1 firat seemed to see the' prophecy whieh my beart had u*ttered;ap- couse and utterly uned'acat.ed man. We need not ho" proucti near dompletion. - There - *are wever recapitelatie the argra. many interviews between the two-many ment vibich Our read-irs May 1 par ne for themaefles. Wý8balV théretôie merely horriedly saniched words in the hall-,-whën . il ý Aunie waited on lýitu ta the door-macy add two obaer'vatioüs.', Qué je thaithe £lances of iniellieence whieh Lhev t'innaht- ý&ttoruey.Generah,», althouï'h denviný7 thai cmiDé into the jarà, '..Jùst es the *Or Il Opene'd, 1 --whoeled My eY aron idýnd daiied JiE[oýrsrd 90 - ý, la if L!týSi, ho érield - ébming sud- ing ' in from the pony, in bis gram, kng gril 4. Ès klued my ebeek a' 1 pod*âà bis arma ý ta the groand. , M"Ût Dot baie pu riding aloife at eau. 01 1 blive plonty of comini ý9hind COMOÏM l' ho ukec4 wish an tamose-'l j GILLESPIE, MOFFATT &Co,# Ageutô Canada. JAWS DAVlfst;,N, Manager. CE. against LÃ"SS. by PIRE thé mostfàveàrable tertns, m RqID wlthont refurence to the Boi lia London, - - YEOMAN GIBRON Agent§ wlljtby FI-our Feed 8 er 0 R FI. HENRY SIlPiPPAR«D Dulres to inforni the lnliabitanti% of Whitby and vw!litY" that ho. lion Oncoeecied to , thé basitiego or HENRY WALTE138, BROCIE SMET, WHITBY Where ' lie kcepii constaiitly 011 haud, Flour, Ontmegle Corumeal, Brain, Oatu Shorts. Grahom Flour, &C. Alid everytliinîr il] the Food ligie. Best of Flour for fainily use. yverything at.the lowest gellitig priccoi. The cagl; ,*t,,,,, tý. Pleame citil and exai;iiiie qqalitjy mid price. 1-1. SIIEPPAUD Wliltby, Feb., 1871, COMMERCIAL 140TEl'Lg, OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PnopUlrT019. -0- Cf)nvenOntlY fitte-1 uP roorns for Coininer al tr-avLitý,ris. April 8, 1970. 14 r ERRAPIN EST AURA NT (87 &, 89, King ëýrcet Emt Toronto). 'HOMAS CARLISLE, - PROPILIETOIL -0- cultivioted Farms and Lots of -aie cheup. W ILSO N IfÃ" U SE49 made in Deboiittires, Mortgages A, WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. 8îlver and Greeu;jaekg boU2 lit and sold, - 0- For further partieularis apply to betru Ln ailliontice Io lilm gesteritlly, thut lie JAMES 1JOLDEN, base Village 01110181 AMifigileo, Molley Broker, &c. hitrn for the ueçotl)otllttioij of the tru OFFICE 'Onz - -Mollillatils Block, ýBrück strecit, volling 11blic. . Tije houme in imw. viid 'fur- Whitby. I)II41iod'fli a incigt thmugh -and comtortable mamier. Giient% will find ovéry cotiveniénee liOI)tcmbor 26th, at the aloovo Wi ýcr,, Liquorm, sn'd Cigars m'the boët Bi-iiiiil» ulwiiyo; kept un COMMERCIAL HOTEL týîr Go'cisl $tabliiig and attentive Omtlers in BROCK mM, M'IIITBY. tendance. qb - 0- A * Wl LS()N, J r., Propriefor, IIE oubscrilier bicgs to annourice te Ma Àkfïhbul D, Il Dy lAt, 1869, tf-18 T friend» and the pu iplie,« tilut 110 lieu re- lpot§"tN»ionoi'ti,0 8;)Ove Wel l and ta- which il4nowtttedup Grand Trunk Railway Ilotel. In a imporior inamier, witijoverycotiveul- AT %VIIITBY 011ce for the rticel)L!Olj Of guest» and the . tra- STATION@ velliiir public. ;-e'. Botit accommodation; and ouperior 011NEIL- linving plireliamed the hotel w,,,-- norm and olgar& Gond s5tabling, Ud Preinimes kliowu as Min Grand 2lý d yardo, and xttentive ostleri% ai., yc alotel, W hitby stutl'on, begm tu inforin '4e hlls,.frienilm algit the travelirigpUblicthat lie Wayf§outhoiprernimtm. Charge@Moderate. hq4ý1ittQdnp thelloute and ntable.§Ill llràit- M. CALDWELL. ôlfiýë style, and by !tttol)tion te the waiitf§ cil Whitbv, Jan.-.14, ises. thoie vlio fav-or liHil with thoir Datrettaire 2-ly T 11-1? ISOLATED RISK FIRJ? INISITRANCE C O'Y OP' CANADA. Il'E A D. 0 F F 1 C F-King Street, corner of Church, Turiiiito. CAPITAL, Deposited with (Jovernment' W. A. LAW, Elock, Brock St., Whithyv. W11111Y, ýert- 20th, 1671. D *WELLING JIOTTSES To RENT, At TIAMFRIS CORXKIM AI! moi3t de- sirable Rubidencel§. Rclit Moderato. Apply to.- 1 CT EORGE GURLEY, MERCIRANT T À 1 L 0 R CLOTIIER AlýD DRAPER, OSHAWA. GENTLEMENS "RMENTS inade up L Vit best 'IYe "iid latest fambion. A fine t.,,k of Clotlie.frotn which to make ,a roelection for Gentlemeti»s imiumer mats. ükbalial May 12, 1869. 19 ALIC.TION BUSINESs"ý JOIIN IIAMER, El:q. WlJitllýY, MaY 2nd 1871. 100T.& SHOE STORE. The nudersigued has iemoved bii BOOT AND SHOE STORE to the ýf emises. ad oining tbe Western Hotpi, Dan as St., ý'Výlitby, Wh 1 ho ii- now 1) red tn excento alîrolderg . for 70ork. A Iii rge and select stock ou baud. Repairilig donc as, usual. GLOBE HOT.-ELq- FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. Pob. 22nd, 1871. 8

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