Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1872, p. 2

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ebép ckbA orpe.9oba Skinner. ~~5i lo Sa.-~ W.Annes. Ildg Table -14ldIiadRillway. Por t.wo wok Loniger John Skinner, ONLY $15&0 CENTS A YEAU WJkftby, Thturs#y, Febraay 16,1t872 U., idoCeliayet bill on tis hesd paused" ,ç a waondq ftadlog on Tvesday ni ght by m~o.t ~b19 ; showing, w majorisy of 30 in a .raiher full bouge in (vor of thec iÏ#tItre. -Tbe bill decard'eibat afler SU.forthcorniog aencei ealeciion, for tbe ' fominion, ne person Who .bhailloit and Svoie ia the lRouge of consnons saat *'È s ane îirne-be a memh/er of the Logis- Pîat*ire of Ontario, - Thus, member. of tbb toreaI Legistature, b have also lests in the Riouge of Comdioos, Mnay ait abd voie. duonpg tLe nesî session, but nq og. Trbe 'whoie questionwas debated t lcogth; "a !à ino f en rnuch importance vs cao àoti-ce better iban sunmurize the proceed. Sngs froi the filbe. Mm. MeKelr iutroduced thc bill in a iris! sud - orcible speech, trentiug te -question as ane wlt vtiet thcHanse aud thecpeoplea ver. already familier. He aliuded î te taem-ng feeling of umany con. siituentica auniliii question witen ttc Hanse wa i rat comîsitutedi, leading us it h al donc ltea-bi, distieiiffyingte mcm. hem-s cfit.e cculîiveeCouineil, bcbg car- ried'ity the'- ae 'Gaveruincnt. Ra ad- rnitted cote inconvenionce mightaeit iraI- arise ronr teabbemce cf gentlemen vba now lîtul tics Hanse, sud should muCt me.- gmet sîtir vithdruwal. 'But ho bcld îbaî convenicîlce mut givocplacc ta principle, andI bovaa fiy giviug e-ffet ta bis pro- fesios itin luOç.î,aiîiom by pm-poabng te moantre now tlIaihote su on tie Gov. 'erninent henebea. M ,r. I S. Mlacdo nchd ospressed tice emcal regret te sbouid féeîla thtie absence ets!Mesis Mlte and Maciceozif, if ttc bill * Iefore titelieuse led - te titoir resigustian ricil yvar tfilicir m fices andcants. He --tituglat tiat, lthe obers of the Asscmtiy wers botter ablo 1tem-pm-snt ttc vie'ws o! tie peopleocf Ontario met Otsvs ttaonj persona wLo hcld ou sesasin te Lpcal Legisîmaure. Nutvoittsîanding hiegfiuttcriug acumns upnonttc leader o!ftce Gov- em-mment, t.. auggcsted tat if consistent te Prergier stnuld -ual bave sceepteti office if te anicipated ths paesing o! ibis ' Mm. Femguaon' folloved in oppositiion.1 'U~r. flexIon riaflîrd m. bMacdonu'ld o anmeom t Df bis staîcinoaî,und spoke in foe of ttc bill, Mm. Lande. opposed the bil.1 -- If thoe- albtecuany roasoafor chatgiugr -lte late Governinent wîit h eiag umder1 Ottawa influeuce,tat, hoe aid,n langer eximîed. - Ur. M. C. Cumeran doccared tPe Bill vas au aîîeck uplon ttc people's rgti- forgetîing apparcutlytati ilwvasonlyauna extension c'f ttc mousere .-obe i a asiatcd te carry ilire years ago, involving te saine prin4împle; lie held titat moimbers e! te Logintaiîro'were pecoli-arly weliI fhtsd * ~.- f or,, .iooaey; WW,,William, Hilio> Wllaen,. Wood (ltra.5 lite Future oit the IDoîvalo'. fle mbjecýOftbe future o h et th~e atteniifon of tUining mon'. 'Tbes le aire nera change of griat 'moment - and aU the remit. of 1tat bapâ, an Independent cientiy mrikiog bo malte - eoplCo pause and tblnk. Sonner- or Iste? ýCanadiana vji have ta .00ot i matter 1 squeirely ïbn the. face-and $thes oocer &Il s.. re pared for coming change& the better.. dopeideoce ippearu linbà Chicago ,7w,- bvim ne.uview, it saya, of probable'-èar1y, vrApce of ail political con0neetioù 6e. tween Eogland. sud Canada, it becornes the. Ainericau preh ansd people te assume -a proper position tovarde or'tnewnaiicu. ai neighbor. Il rebukea fiibxserinan d scicnov1edges lte existen~ce orcfCn4disa feeling, viticit ould *bicik (rom ali Due wit the Unitedi States, as- frein aubjogaà. dion, and adds &i.-ItIlacour idnty le encour. age a feeling on the pari of Canada, th at on ibis continent osuWeilias la Eutrope rigitîs cf leaser nations are am sacred s ttaoso cf stronger cnes. 0unada im essen- ially a reputio, ber career thai cf à vir- btaI .repablic, and will do honor to the naine utici bui teen tboa dmeu diagraced. Ne. wili car intareste seffer 'y purauimfg te pat mofitoar. AUl ve nced of Canada la recipm-ocity in '-isde, aud freedoin of ransit tfm- our slips aud, gouda tm-ugt ber îermiîomy. This gmanicd, -ber 'forests wilI build our cites, and bter farmé,re wili faqd cur matfatrera ; cacit yul- b.an- ricbed by the éther , and If aoy Munity cf Governinentshah ever 1resulf, i ii te afier yenm-s cf inuual«confidence aud peaci, bave given risc ta a more perfect unuy of national senîlmeul amfd intercat. Namî'ONTABIO COUxTy OaAyaz Louas. -The annuat meeting of, ttecm-dem- vas iteld au Pari Pcrry on thte 6,.t ini., vheu 'ite fliaving perlons vere -elecîad offiers for ttc curreul yeam-' r George Shier, C. M., Ncutb Ouîamic; -William Kennedy, DM M. ; Revds.~Messrs. Cautlon sud Pomeroy Chapîsins ; MN. McFaddeu, Secroeary ; Samuel angmn, Tresanner ; Samuel Daim-i, Directorof Ceremonies. Ttc Dcxt annual meeting is ta he. beld in Cauuitig. tont. FianeAtrOouv.-At s; early boum- on 'Snuday rnarning luit a ire brolte ont lu thc bonI sud shce store of Mm. Henry Wilkinsan, ahicit vam totally dearoyed, tageiher viti ticefionr - anad fecil atome of R. H. Hobts, sud -a dwclling boue a ccu. pied by Mr. Wilkinson aud Anoiber faiiy. BIlact's Commercial itotel tsd B ammav P-roincu to $8,810 5 per ccn surplus or cesh muets of the. lat Jan.unay, 1872, amounted I, lo i ted u follevs- Romidio<, lionctc Si0.90ag.Ç b-4percent. Dqntinlôn dbt~ 0 per-ceDt. tamn - ' soc. 0 per cent. Domi*Qlon bonds;. Bank of Montreal special de- -pooit " ................. Bank of Montreat on dexanL. Royal; Canaidian Ba4ý spécill depostit.............. . lO5i471 800,000 '172,985 *9o,11'4* The estiînated expondilure fur the ycsr Civil ~yrmili ~ 80~ légiplîtioýn...... .1>6,940 60 Cnolnzation Roads .... ,705 40 Adminiptratioiof Justice., 201,205 O0 Public Works, CapitalX-eo- conut......... ...... 528,850 27 Public Works,Miscellancous 22,817 97 Asylum Mbaintenrnco...234,401 O0 Reformatory ... ... . 21,710 O0 Agiulture and Arti .. 81,100 OUý Immigration.-......... .80.000 00. Haospitalsand Caiie. 42,100 OU Litera.y and Scienfil nsti. butin;........1"5(00O Eiducation........418.018 0O. Unforeseen and Unprovided 5(t.000 O0 Miscellancouge......... 47,158 O0 Municipa.iîies, Fund........ £8.030 561 (Crown Landse -Expnditure. 118,015 f6 Tochnlagical Poilege Main.- tenance ... l............. 7,000 OU0 Lcnd Iniprovimneni Fund and Cotnmon School Fund 62,181 27î To caver Expenihitîîre under Unforemeen and UJnpravid cd, anid Unpaid Accaunts cf 1870 and 1871......... Ã"9,185 18 Total .........$2,368,772 86 Tue ODri Fzauows' B,&tt.-The grand joome l pin r stth"y msy b. fh London, P6 îs:13, le inreported, ihroughouît ua leity uhat Xbe ftpil of ibe. 40mnei a overu on IoEria he' nets-la refermne t'O (hé iliSmf& ldreoî damages reacbed the tUited Siici-s ,iatar- wday. Waàlingîon, Feb. 13 -The Britisit aud to.dayunutil March the 20i Lei? YEAB AcOxr.-týwý jhsît eý asdi~cd poingmof ilalsidenvt w leap yeat 1 are goin~g 4h. roDnoda,"~d'mony thoir uurtet và1 >. aearned among their fair fricode, lie followiug is clipped Ila affordiog intercutîng food fer reficuiola for the n tiiheir calmer monda :- 'Ratiter a novel mettc4 c f C¶§ebratiank lts ý,atvent of [ri eJear hbis b4n adopîid aet8onîh.' ville, Zy-, sud oee quite nnplEaat for te victime- Tihis is uothiug more or lama uhan a publie sal0 CfEtebacheiora sud vidovera cf ihai enterprising tovu byt.e Young ladips nf liai vicinuîy. They brougbî te fioving prices;-.L4wyer,,<an inférior grade), $5 b farme4l frdmn $4'95 ta $5 50; doctors (cnmmnTns ack, aimevidenti>- "drogi in't. market"), $51, vidavera, $1)00bidiog spiriled ;bactelors vititout any dis?iuctivc professina orfradea, 75c. tuo$1 05, sud thé tidding smi. Tbe tigit price paid for the vidoaers sca n unac- countable ta tite bactelors. It la a piy in bold op so sîmong an inducament for meon visi t 10 e widovers' Thoe eof Tebacco cautes indigestion, hall under te auspices cf Eastern SWa palpitation, alaonsacf intellect, a detire Loilge, IO . P., cf Ibis lova, came cff for sirorg drinkr, sud su intermitent ou Fri8ay uigbî lait, and ttc exerîlona of te bretbren ta mate il asaucceas met witb deierved revard. We do nos remein bar a more sociable gatbering timthaIt Wi!ch toale place ai tie Mechanica' bail on ltae accasion meforaed tono onue aïi h t the arrangements vere more- c'im-fnlly made on agreeably carrieti cut. Thte m- spouce ta the" invitations eziended wva muet eneqnrasgiug, and a gond cnmpay- oine ninety coupe-vere Prcscnb lu tbe btaudeomel>. decoraîtd bail rom, abicit pmesenîed a gay appearance. The emblema o! the Order wtt au abnuad;ul diaplay a! tasiefutiy ermaoged tunîing transforincd lte hal ieoa parIo., ailelte-gallery waia aîagantly furuisieti for a draviug. rooni for ttttse vitedid ual viai totejobn lu te maze a!flte dance. Tite pro-1 pnae ;it desm-oys lb. viîality of Ibe blaad, producas dizziness, disturits staep, makes a Manuinisermîbie, -andi ! per meatreiy -ad. Whcn ttc diseases are oericus aud stut- bora, btshebut reredy la Paîîovs' Comud. ponud Syrup of! Hypopheephibes, as it m-ambres circulation, tte ncrvqnu ganglia, builtis up te msclea, sud iAduceti bithby Liver, Heari, 8inincb and InmcllgcS. We noticed in uDecf aur -excitauges thia veekthlie staement - [Dea. Juin Hcodgkina, - cf Souuth Jéffersen., Me., vbm son vBa cnm-ed o! incipient consomption by lthe use of Jobuson's Anodyne 4inimnent. W. refer to ibis et thia simeieas ueuding tu eorraoecte the! atement - wwr éca e-lui veau in relation Ïta ii Lin imettas applied ta ccnumptiou. cedinge opened il îbthec grand entrance If Coneress bad ccnployed as muet a! tb. Odil Feliavs,-thi. imoeaian enter-j sisutiflo sill is tbc arrangement a!fiap ing tte ball et aine o'clockc under the con. IlReconatruction Puiicy" ut tte close, as dmcorsbip o! Pau N. G, M. ODanovan, Ithea War Departîmcnt did in miatheba.ina, lscape front destation,aud Il vas ouly b>.te bretitren being lotsd ina full regalini. ofhcvirluarsuiu m- acuufac. tbe e- tiens ocf-thte firemen sud Citizen$ Tite pîesta, lu a fcw .remrans freinBrc as.îri of at as ea ar Ch I.;A'. P.. t.. lbit lb vs.saveil. Ttc total bai is cati- Campteil. sund MacdouliI vers velcomeil maîiled t $3,000, ou atici itbem-ev Ioatahie festival. Dancing vas immaiiaely partial insurunce. Thrite igin ot ibe fis-e isomkou cornmenccil anti lepu up, te thte excelleut mugie o! Davis'& quadirille bauil, c! Tomon. î oannil s laeut. lion.arge- tadvocate tclieresîis cf Ontario luntce* muaaair aLi5uKam-s i.naîm-msu ru Domnion Perhiameut. -Ta1AL.-AI uts adjouruel inquet irelilby sue ad Toronto verep Mm., Mnalh spolie iwsrnrly lu faveur a! Coroner Foîey, on t.e bodly o!- Cath~erine Whty vas o! course hargeiy Ite measure, vii o elati alvuys support- Wesl, ho, asdeisileil iy our Mara'1 cor- Ttecactaring waa cutrusiti ta edi eoei hcab osiui eerespondent u eeyvsfouti dead te- deeply interetsd, Mr. MoCalluin tank tire cf titis tovu. &paeplc'm rigirus> groauds. tveen bsn calin anil Cuddalé's lavera, W 9t ilycnrtl . Mm. Scott (Grey> apposeil ttc Bill;te jury bm-eginintire fuhloving verdict: rn- b'&lycngau wticit vas- suîrpouîcd. b>.Mm. Wood (Vie- c"Tirat deccaed carne teuhem- deati from bens cf tlb.Order upen the gr 1cm-a) insan able sud ogicai speechl. MUr. aced anti exposure, sud Urat Am-cibaid cf tbis tbmir irai bail, and hta Prince annooned is intention of vntiug "McKay, a persan lu ber coarauyaitirhe ucceeding gsîLering villho te mgsiust thea Bill. Mn. Dam-cte apoke vig arousîy in is fuvon. Mr. Rykeni oppesel tned u cesmybbrdst" M uvuiv eni dnîe thir l 11 sd movcd lunamedren- Ksi vas caurmitiail for triîl on te Cor- vete present, bocilifficuit ta me 'Ttinluthe opinion o!ftis Bouse te onarewarrant, s0. alt 13111 ioîirferceawt thutcrighîs cf ttche- * people ta select mta hrcprescmtaaiveq as lu, Portes Ccîam.- Om Tnesilay lait young S~atinO M?ÇVATOI-W a' 11* te.,.judmgeont ay test advauce tireinter. mn by the name o! Catumingis vos triel Tira mtoiug'mateh beîveeu cala sud pmomoîe tire veifacre cf ltae Pro- ' ~eD.GoJ 1.fiauigaWord, tire veil-kuavu craci 'mdc, viwitauýt sul sufliieamaicause o! déi- bhanse waliahte hiredti rourMnr. Ray. o! tic Toronto, antiMm. Tiras. Lavi tamring the people o! sncb riglie taving' ontokpaetTrnoo arisenansd iin irexpedicua and improper Wlitby iive-ry stable, anti vas fineti oustwntepaeaITmet te*iakc avay a right or pivilage enjoyed dollar, snl îbrae dollars udr sevsnîy ire laf. Thte matchr vas or si by thre penple vitirout grave anti cugeni ceut uaa mi ayîenyd lla s Lalen ta ashoot at 100 mu riîasis thee-clan vraefore thais Hoa.eim darneaoor go ta jail for iirîy daya. Wamd'a 90. Laviern uuceeed ni diapuacti (enter ho proceed -viti ttche-* 5-.71 oit cf bis 1009, vije Wmrd - Mm. Farevel polîrtatiout, 'la reply ta r ounrn îmsra.-n 5ai fbs9, evn h theargmennt tirat iris Bui cuntsi lte Jeffney anucuncana ttc salec ty anction cf a victor. Ttc foiicvîng is ttc oc iigbtia o!-tire people,tat the saine genîle quuniily a! excellent funiture, as gond as Laver- menu via useti Itat argument land in lb. nea, on Suîurilay not, nesrfl ppomite 0100 101 1001 111011 loge Pisrfiament pasueti a-bil *h m ibiiig the Royal intel, Wtby. -00ê 1001110 t.e peoptle fromn\electing a Senator ho ttsablleîîîîi 11 Bouie cf Couinonà ta hold a 1seat lu thoireÀ,£-h-bloe fe a- 11001001 Locol'Geverninent. mntfail expusi;-Treb aeeds fi the 1puy1 OO1 1 OOO11 Mn. FE. B. Wood delivereil au enem-gaîic etc i xerep-ccluo l 111 in ob u pposition 0tirte measure. He GiltiFellotra' Festirl-naticet inl otier Sirot at 99 -killeil srdtiraI item-e montt bceue gm-cal Re- coton - $76.61 -buabtet, viii tic Wrd - - I omrnpam-sy intihevtele Domnrion ; tirat ailiereace of!-iii, bm-dres ta lte tero 111i1s10Io - t niuttW etral huthtie local anti central - principles -o! Ctiariy-added gotehie fuoi lii011111 (Fnveruments, anti citaias ragardeti bat 11-11IL-II li voultite prectieally luseparalale. As.-cf t.eWidavs sud Orpiaus. OO0O01i1Ot0O1I001111t I1 Caln r . .Cameron --hoee-..-.,.- 11101011111110111 hum for bis pemsna alliosu,tieclared i tNOBOlID19ý Ttg.W 1 11 taI in funareocM. Woodi) voulil bale are glati ta learu tchat this. atm-ireiealn- -8-k d - - iris* c-wn cannsregardîs faitnnis or, enti andt the tmnn ivei reanieti varl. alanileýrs9anti if again attueked wvotigive ---..e - hshouing a -, vna '6a Rolanudtifor mn Oliver." - - CUZA? CASH ST'R.t.-bMr. Skinner- au. m-. Lavier enaly kihîcti four, iu Dn. Cl -amki spoke tricfiylun apprnval o! nontaces bis annual sale aill continue for« lte matchso au aecu gbe bit bI; atiîitu M. Baie ~liei gn-tva wrcks longer. A large stock af-cot. score off anti oat8? birds far ~erally tu theassaulîu matiecupots ut. pro. posa o! ite oreuntiiil.-H~sitoel inslinous, k;c, Ac, on baud, selhiig vrmy iil ýwîh 6 eut e.La Ste lnconmlaî;odiea a!f hisoppountsO' mmgo. ohellp. - jtfo.bird&, War4ihaiug miùie -meantsitdpnecatet Mm. M. C. Cametoa - Laglér tiuadt 22 cal>.. clumaiicem hotlia le Treasuner, mati turnor. -Tu s raixe Aosaîs for ta Coanîoy - ouaty re!errnmtgo te m-retfel expressions epenai etWhiîby eu Tae*day, Apiniil l6îit.- r ssaoo îs nttred ty soi mmny speaktersna he irclipm-ob --..- »- 1-,..., -- bbc hoate O, o Ouse di M. :Ma ieis CLoTUMOnro, ..migle *pm-mg stock ciallt erît rmbrc- sud bicoti, nenarkei tba noue o! titOir la being daih1recuireti. E'ôe.,eni wbit.P1~" ~~- iblq'b Oppoueuts, Itowsyer àornptimustam-y, bac! g ge. ol ngcotaamicldalliabed t IPeterbono'. The 77e exprcaoseti alatîhat: iiey migbtî elecu t - - i-ses ilaw ioeký ' ' t& îcvoic 'iit, -ta la-iai satili hé omtain in . uihr proam - Oaiiona. a ri- e';Mcil 1' BesWhisbyý,î y Mt. Camarcu tariug cliangeti Mn.,Blakte [ffe adyI.] -- - panbicuhamJy. ite neas .pi lvit amibicta totaire the iraI ,place in a - ý- refniiy eliheafoandti ldeaarving langer admu mre lnagntl auecabli thaîr IFBUJ.WS' N HlPoapBst& sr. FOI-. ero"ssupport. hie Outasie Logllhatum-c te Premier-de. htiwa visitai lste0 Bi tt hohâta; iasn açel a iat ay esre$alesatitem-e or iattorizei agent, but thàthl yalo.-PILKN4TPtss,.. e~srî n ,ici-i~ cd îb-,0ta- cepte1 - itJ> t _., he cbbeinae4l of!sÃŽIrespectable aadu .FaeelEq., ;s raeu- -~au wu~rei~t "de out aiDrc p-s.n Aýprt ie M.u, bi A It îa1 es of pamlamc t 1ry1p.4- ge number o! manilie, Port present, andl Frepreeuteil. o Mm-. Culien, m-y Condition Puaders for tte use a! tire Cavahry torses, no doubtttc Union vouid have teen reat'orsil long ego.-Ex. Tire greatesi range a! vorli doue on ttc 'Ostaun Luet Stiteit Sevving Machine,- inade'ty ttc Guelpit Scving Machine Company. Lard 21tlyo Amsass'nuted. ste thc mein. 'Ttc painful intelligence reaceild London mest moscceos an Moaîry lust o!flire assassination cf ý tir acci Lord Mayo, Gev. Geuem-ai o! Indua. His Lordsitip vas atableti by s Maitommedan ase enjoyable ; convie anti sacu afiarvards expired. Ttc 1by ail vI a sd anuamlucernent vas macle imn lie bloote suke il more cf Lords by tire Dulke a! Amgyîe1 wto st'mî cd tal îhe Gorarnurentbild rscoed officiai ianformation -o! tire asassinatian. Vîmonos rThe Bous o!Cammana vu inlrerna ofa Mn. Janu t act by Mm- Gladstone vite passad a eulegy upon thtalentus o! île decoet ck abat, cf statesni, Lord Maya. lHe «as foiîoved ier, o! ihis by lMn Disaeli, viaspctin'ite bigitesi on Tturoday terme a! praife a! tie dece6amei. -' MO0 a aide. rThe sàaa ieocnteni hait s bail affect ~< pon stocks; anti espcciaiy p@r Idian eecrueà Bs imcafu' >udeo ol0v il in iiing iug sa cloicly upés en eaaa éiuo 7d aly abat Chie! luaîice Némmu, b ai prod*èèed a former ut'ho'painfiri feeling rcsPecig tire Ostte c!lu- score .dia,,. vliae il mteemsýa a nia ~m;a o um-deming.protuincut mtâtesm«cr.ý', L 0 0-11 DuELLING A 9r , if&à. sur Ne O 110-12 Orleans -&' Scott, I1101-19 vira temiiaa 'beronethe Cen-grusiio- Il1t11-14 vestigation Comaittes thtatshohadt briteil 1101I -15 ammat svm-y promincut memiier oftte Re- - puiblicas in ttc Legioiature, bas eiaiicg. 71 eti State Senator Camipbell, wbictbas - been aceépteil, asud tb gns bave beau 1 11i0o-14 chosen as»tceaOpane.Seconds sm-e nOv 111 1-19 buay urmanging tire preliminaries. 1l 101-12 It le rumnouredl tiat Lucien Adams, a 1 00O0-14 proissnent De mocrut, bas challenges!iSSeat, -6 andl they sm-e gafigit wiuiwr vrI. -ýSaperintenileni Batiger o! tire Metropol. it 6 an Police irai hailengeti èx-8peAker een -Carier oan sceani O!fmau article reficcuhng brion bit litséiabmém-'a Papr. but togebt et ~ -throw tuahis x.Lte fiienda pi 53n"Ms, )r s b bani havepa- ~5qa-forfeit" à~ak aiams -match viiO a'tiin, h4 irisi-,giaut for $151s000 a aide, thb. figit to e air osplacei 24 i ~ii-'om- aryland.-Futdu -ilas cou- -.cludeti Sp acocje Brown'&a cicr-tao oa f Ar niçcurse 1fer tvaýà four m e co isi$150 Fe. havre-- e;pésem.. ý- sont. tificehty isce about tt-ii new non- alxpoasâ o!-goiteg tao.-loberai seai dO! yulbelnlhyacpubi.apti týe; prom- - -- il aîtra la> ÃŽt~i'stsbai hu cv»nca tc.tq -oba y 1.offeùiaàrévard o! 41t,0100 goldi, ferj " bh.w i"e.cf tc Joruals or os; 4records, Of - - - zi x rduti6à'o!-the E raisrni Tm-dér- o or. - These recojrà Ware bo1ivd toehava besm2tipoateilucar point' o Pfo0r xig îiil,"i sL4ud, b, hy >inor !1 ie epaiinit 88 arose ot~ g motif,, the la$e Min -atry. It vas chie4 fiom k~a gqundamn friende that th ard bite rame. te Refoimers b.d hften enooob expoae . ite shorîcomings in queation, and "there-, t'fore did noL.ue.d nue, to enlargeoIýtbern; t but 'thé CoÃŽierraîivém, Who jimd 'been, itqügne-tiedý for four peare, made good nme oftheir oew fonnd freedon. Mr A.edagh, 1 the Oouservative- member 1.for Norîh iincoe, cornplaîoed of- the way mettiers had been treated. He knew a ýnesberof cases in *hich seflers refuped to malt îm pi tas.bec hybicIlt knowiý > emoment in wbich fûmb rmen wonld corne in and disposaee thé . 'eea ~ne~casa-ofharshiph.esrated for. the- ~pecal ~n~ff c M. SteIt.i~ ichardsl ýhowing how tha:- genternan and bis I:Goverrnýut had-been, the means of drjv- Ing hoocat settlers off of their formne and -ont-of the country. Mr. Deroche (Wiho, by the vay, second.* cd the answer ta the 'Lient -overnor's mpech for tlke - Patent CornbirÊsîbon), fo!lowed Mr. Ardagh's, iead 1>0 a similair strain. Ho denounced the policy of- the laie Goveroment on the question of the iimber limita 'as vcry unjust ta' the settier, and held that that poiicy had been driving Young nmen ont of the conntrY~ for years. Hte -gave instance@ in wbhiclb.h laie Qovçrnmeht's policy hadisticrîficcd' tbe teiller ta tbe lomberman, and added thai Mr. Stephen Richards vas. 50 nopopular in hie corstituency W&udington), that it Iwonbd hardly ho sale for hum tau enter ii. Messrs. Grange, Calvin, Boulîbee, and ffcrrington ail fallowed in the same strain, and altogether made ont a heavy bill of indietniot'agaiust the Paient Combina. dino. SThe maidn point-that ta wbicb va dxaire ta draw special fiîtenio-was that thc policy *of the laie Governient had cantinnally oacriflced the intercit of the sctier to ibat of the lumberman. It vaa On ftis malter tuat the complainte madle against ibein vere the sOtrangcsî, the in- siances quoied tbe most nnnMarous, sud the evidenne brought np the inuet con- vincing. fit is singular, ta say the leait of fi, ibat tse men Who bave.ib'eon guilîy, fpr four yeacra. of sacriflcing ihe-setiier ta ihe lumberman abnnld atîsck Mr. Scott as ain improper occupant of 16e qravn Lands Commiàssioniersibip becanse heiaiaged t'> tie in the luml#,rir.g interest. Il i equal- li singulatii bis satr'e M r. ýScot- ibis a lleicei agent of tbe lumberman - should bu the irit Ontaio Crnwn Lande Coin- missioner ta fight the bautie of the seîbier a gaint the lucuberman, and to declare utba4 a poiicy vould Ibe puraued thitvouid preven&thie interesîs of thec ivo clases fr-in clsing. Thst meaus, we presume, that luniberruen shail flot bie icensed for aentied diitricts ai aIl, so that, in future, tbey caunot trespassaon ihe rigitis of the settier, as tMr. Richards bas sa frealy permitied themun do in lice pasi. Nat bw'd ibis, ai anc of the firtsoiacs of the "1paid agent of tte lumberme." 1ý Tar DîsàoisN )FIELDS MoUltIS.-Tbd Cape of Gond fHope lsa arbitius-s4 ianthtiiNew York sud Bruclilyn ht( ltticr look te steir Iarels. Thc Cape ii atid ite te crovded wit siraugers wto art ssid te le ratted sud murdered daily bl entem-pritintz citizenas-ala Nev Yor-k Ttc Gond Jlapera -t. respectable par. tion we mean-bave havever sîcien a marcit an ibeir United Stûtes rivales, as- muet asthey tavî already lyncteti several of te offenderu, sud tercby stuck1cm-m-ot into tire ranitiof tiera emainder. lu vill prubabîy bave ta corne a o4hinluNew York, btiniutire meautime Souat Af, le. tas damene tteri tIsate gm-cat Republicar motropolmm. Tus ATLANTIC CAI.-WSDM me e gc tthm-c vera rumors efloat ta tire effaci tirat tire Britiit Governinent intendeti perchaus- iug teAslantic câlIes froin theproprie- tom-a. Tite sebeme, bowever feli ubraugir, sud we arc nov told île ucamona!rte faiium-c. I appeans that -before procceil- iug ta formai negotialiaus lte, Gaatu- intappointe1 s coiniissluou o! eleetrie- lana te examine ttc caties and repart Gpto their condition, sud Ifis esaid ibt tîcir report v"as vrmy unfon able. Thase bntectedlunthe cables urge ubat tbc (anIsa sm-e naar the landl sud can héa amily reine- die, 'tubu ,is evideut. tial tie Gorerîr- ment tas tut his fat iie tse long life cf the presteut Unes, AI ai avents it won'I kaletapresonl. Tira >Cacas or Ent.Aêso-'The crovu o! Erfglauil le a zastly,"tauble, " betiazzl etivit jeels ,-eh.4alfue4Iltesor four pu&ie h&buies, or a bmf!-dozm ordi. umry coiicge-s. Tiare arcelvuty dia- in6idrismcud tic circle, Weorth $7,500 ac, moking$fslO6 tivo large centre diasuonels, $0Ot cb aking $20,000: îifty.-otî,m- uîél&r diamontis, placed tiaie aajý9 o! tire former, eacb $500 ; four crases, saci comjpoaed - o! tuy -fire diuinona-$60,000 ; faur large diamouda ailth tiroap et ut.crossai, 8U,000; ie diamant. scontanins u tse, leur-de-lia, *50,000, aigten amalien diamanils con- tainol itn the aine, $tbO0 ;- peam-ls, dimoDtU, &e., upair ttce-arches -anti cm-essai, $50,000 aIaone- tunutreti anti fioriy ae al disuiauds, M-5000 i tvenIý by six tiiamôcnds lunthe ppe cm-osa, $15,. 500 ;-two cirelea a! pearla ébentthe m-in, $15;000. The cosi o! thc atones in tire cratvjaeecf'sive o!fte mtaIla it t.te- fore, neàI Ely ai a mtilhi;, et dollars. T'boe armme msuy'ýsiorc e to o the dia- comttfbi fh veu a Y~, ' *no aur- patat imintu l cmmpeti. .mati in Sprin«Oeçld, lit., bailbis. ban>ditinjstmed a .fu ilsys sâgt, ao tt t t ad te .coloff ltaim-thbsvas net daè tiraI lie noeful cuembar #sa.gaie, and oven aiteq iho-taI r cehveiaiinteraion" iaformation,'iun.* imm theta tbvas preaset i oa lu $ho paln- o! ube' baud Ila v yuoof6t mabe i Pduit!oai. Oà axaai iuaùlin- i. vas outLthbat. thi severeà himÈbwàâ cmamp., id u Et~th ay empmi.s~o! -Thora is lîtîts donît cf the m-cahiy of ttiis feUes- îouI1 cunrhus Il appoe. ou wnicn renv. Wceuney vhtt îrp osiiensihly ou husioliéscf thte parka,.but ]H really on that cf the Brie -Raiiway, fron d, ttbedirscîory-cf wbich he iad shortiy 6e- Il fore. reîired. Many otIter aunts depos- 4ted by, Woodward acre eventnaslty found ~ te have bee. pid onst y Jas. M.SeuyT for'properîy deeded tePeter- B. 8êeçoey. c * oaxi lasoz su -7.Torouu0 E.riew ' syâaHer Majemby theQuec ua been pleamed -10 -grant Mma. Seules, tic vife cf John Scafes, a- Carter of ibat eutyi, thc smniof ibm-e guinsas, au'onte occasion of tbc biriof triplets, whict lnierestig eveultanok place tast Jannaryp Thip, vs believe, 15 the fini occasion it vitici ttiis Englialu Royal entat bas teebeaufailoved lu Canada. Tas Svxaar or 'rts Sou'ru.-TIte Ricit- moud Despaicli containe te tohklwig ý- " £bey tvit ns te forgeadead isnues. Cou truc 'Issues ever be dead 7 Wc do believe tai a people Who forgat themr traditions are nuoorthy of te naine cf frseenn Ladies, I have fai't lu you W '- iibî uto ttc risicg gcneratiau ttc memorica of tc pust.' Upon yni, youug friends, Who are' ber. .10 titeo als preparing for life, resta lte hope of your country. You have thc *xmrpie of l. sud Jacoson more lutiné- diately tefare yau ; profit by tbern. Camrades, Wto on Many filds bave fol. lawed tie greât captain; 1 uccd net tell yen t te bm-nre. , 1If mny b. renegades, let thein go viit the trand af iufamhy upon tem. . We have a sacred 4uty te perform; thelto mb. of Lee mutt ieb. arad for ; a monument ta hlm muait e erected sItte Coufaîcleraied capital. #4 viii do it; sud so o idte world tat as va bonom-ed aud' loved tint. in life', va are truc in dest, aud net uuwortby La have hesen te follovels of Robert E. LAe.." CANA;DiAX S:Lrsm Cori.-Mr- W. Weim-, of Montreal, gnnnnnces ta by arrange- ment-viithtc Goverurnn, te la prepsred le distritute te oew osuer coin Iaote public ai par bui. m uetminas arc wactçd, froin oc dollar I upv.am-ds. Mm-. W. aIso siaàles ibt arrangements are in progress fur ttc diâtribuuooo of ttc- coin ina places wiie, owing ta tbc'çvant of Bituk fgen- cies, bava ittierta had cousiderable diffi. culty ieoboîi ,âaing asupply.,. Ttc receipis af iliver coin. îWs veek itmontcd ta $50,300,4nd cact succeediug mîcamn1eri expecied 10 tring a 'fustier mnpply outil te demaînt for ttc coin tas beeu freely met. Cure vili te tilken aitte oamenteime azainsi -an over issue cf thec nev coin- Titis veekea receipis cansisted off(tofuci and quartera ouly, an accident ta ttc maebmncry at the minIt aving dciayed the coinage cf ttc amaler pieces, a quaotmy 01 vwbicb, tavever, ba expocced by thc nex: steamer. -Star. tmue vutunutcounte o , iiy udauw1w 1'rbé bill te inake future uravision touch-, ing lte -election of m&rlber<pasfod in' Oomrnittee of the. Wbole. Ttc bill t. * shlow mattera ta be provcd under ot for ÛLb. parposcs of the Legisli)ture vas adapled by tbe Comminee, with an imendinent making te but appliexble to ail Comtpitteca a ppointed by ttc Hanse. Hon. Mr. Blake moved te second reading of thc Bill rcstricting the cstablishmont of' Rcégistu'y Offies in, Ridings. Ho explained thalt tc abject vas"10 repeal thc provision giving thc Governinent pawer ta divide' Riig.It did nutat aIal affec u eppnsteî. aiready macle. If any. inenber vbisbed e'frypurticular division- mado by tie laie -government*-cancelled, i., migbt intra4unco a bill to tbat effect, snd thc gta.vrnm-onl would giÏ. il. their :.considerulion. Hon. Mr. Cameropf 11, S, Macdonald and otiters, pra-estcet againal î6agovrimet cahn&lling -lhc1 app 1 onbmcnts of bts preilecessors.ý1 After coîisidci'abie discussion the bill va read a secont ime. After recesg the foliowîng Bill vas read a second ime,:--Toasnalganxate te Torauý- ta, $imcoe &; Mu4kolca JunctionRailway camp nanrd the, Ndrth Grey Railway Can., under the namne of the Norticrn Ex. tension Rculwfay Co. The-. flose *wcnt imit Comînitice of Suppiy. and passc lte item cof Le'gisiation amounting -tagI6,940. A prolanged debate tIen arase on an item of Mt7,705 for_ Crown Lands, ivhich passed. The House adjourned ai 12:15. - l.'12h. A nomnber o! Bis ? lating la minmng caînpanicLaon Lake Superiar nccuipied thbc attention cf tbc flouse, -oco!saianýng saine alrong expressions of opinion as go thc cxtiordinctry powcrs sonilht. Afler bbc recesej, Mm-. Boultbec's resuluition wis.h ras peci te Uic (feorgiqn Bay Canal led go an aninîated debate, but tbcécmntion was an a division supported b>. onlv nine metubers. That dbsposed nf, Mr. Deacan moved bhc third reading cf bis Bill ta enabie certain persutiç, scîch as Attorneys' clerks,_ ta praic i in DivisiniCourts ; but an ainendinent being t-ccked on ta bhe Bill by NIr. Caineron having îractiilly hIye L-Ireeb cf Llrowing tLIce cqum-s apen.toaail, NIr. Deacn refuscal ta acknowxltdge tlit. Bill1 as any longer lois. I-lwevêr, the flous.e itisisted,'and the Bifl wics ieaçl a thriril ime anrd pasacd. Wli.by Townsitip Council. Ilrooklin, Fel. Sth, 17-i5.- Couricil met pursuant ta adljocîrnmcat. Membere ail prescit Reevein tbc chair. Minutes cf Icsi meeting read--and approv-e ed. -On motion cf i. Campbell, seconded Oin Fmidnsy last as Mm-. Gem-don sud bis l'ty Mr-. McTagcr.i vs -sle ic le tired ion u ere ergaged in teamiug loeste fiqllavirg imtdige-tls e p li in munner 10 tram the (urm cf Mr-. Thomnas Harr-is 'te as fioîvs:- d McCamther's sawv Mill, ait(leimerine, te Mmr. Ilaînilbon, lewq cf Wbilby, to gir. mu çet wltb a mrlous accident. A Bm-sut - Annie Flerming gonds. La île amouni ai Sford pape. soa. r-" As lie vas dmiviag $1 per week until furîler cm-dems; anti, Yclown a vcry steep hill a short distance tîtît thc e crue's privai. cm-dem- ta .)Mr. tarmitont b. conflinmed ; aisoee c-by au- noi ocfta R. Humri', tse leigt slid aff ttctorize C. Aliem's ta furnish A. Wbunain tracis and fait over the cibnluieut, puel vitI anc bal! cord o! woad ; tisaMm-s. s' ingte bouses itufore it. Tte longue a! Delong anceual! coud wum-and tipreduca tle sîcigit raui no thti .nck ofo! ns o! ttcaccoumîl; uhso Ibat the Treusurar te tam-e torses, ~ iiiiniz it insîauîly Ttchlm-ard by autonizcd 10 puy Wm. Carol anc dai- rm-n eseaped by jumpinrg aif tihe lbai, bt lar per îvnk util furtber orders ; aIea - Mr. Gardon himacîff(cl crer emong ttc ihat the amouni o! ivo dollars sircai>. cd ;asoteTreailbrer lad1cm-ct>. aubIer- BrltirAr. OUTRuAo.-Oue O te mnosî ized to pt>. Wm Crsgc lis accouru *$3.80 brutal outrages au record vas perpetruteil for wood furnishedl Mary WbVeelebk an teiveen Wi giam aid cîuffomd,on Tucsdayindtgfeît. 1- Y Thc Reeve preaented aud m-ccd bIe nigbtof laut-aet. WtiIe ttc driver cf eioncE.Bieaidgnasig tMm-. Jobuebone'a stage ývas -varming bum- for relief. .y nidgnakn - self in s taveru aI Holguave, a fiend inmin- On motion o! Mm-. Burroughs, secondeti i mnufoai complctely severed viii au axe b>. Mm-. Mc'raggm-t. a bill wus intmodued tse tvarimid legs ofl'oue o! thre bordes, a anti paacdà, l repeul part o! b>. uv No. litîle aboie the fetilcet. Tire nigiti bcing 401, and La appoint S. R. Wicketî aodiuar dark, tie -occurrence vast ual unticeti tilt1 for the prescrit year, insiead o! E. i-Ina>- -Wiugbtm vas reacbed, tIûe duint brute vn-d vira declineteaczt. teing dm-l'en freinBelgnava ounir thealmpa ' Ttc !ollowing accoants vere om-dcmed -ta o! ils legs 1 Thea animal v as wortb $100. 'W. Rr Ciimni', for adve-tiig in lie- Tite saroundrel aba aomnoiite d tir. deed la /'rrmc3- 25 ; P. Mills,fom- reuairltg untucan. -bridge ini Brooklil U 3 /4; ClYleeler, 5 OUTrrssacir. N s ICAacssruslis Ria.unîro. for':atbenduuoc and cuttbng* vooti aI lavu ball,, $2.7â5 E. Hayward, stulionm-y ud -oacxas uMîssAcus».- Ttc recont fîn~Ingoet .Sizrnidcn ortiealscof fanaita ait tce tovu o!f 0 a'.Ai nt wo frniîmfG Quendal, lu ttc Argentine Stanes, resutedi Svit,7er, Mms Robinsi, A. Dclong sud in a farfitl aumacro. Tite Jautos, -Mrs. BarkIe>., $1052 ; Owen,, !urnusluing eti ta freît" y .ami naméd'àui, fluor ta Mms. Simumons, -un indigent, $1.75 min susdden utadlr otrlite foreiguers in on Matio a!f Mm-. Culmptellisecoudd the' c.- T 'èhIîttenï aenb-mm-r ,b>. Mm- 'f eedie. it vas resolvati litI île Iteevc e and i itbem-et> auîiorijedta nisit1 foetb- u îwitq cs ' éold6Mm-s. Rtibn, indIgenit, sit> m-a.1$u1rk!y, fore ~ j Z b uhote ci- uerée BS niet, and do vîat hb May.deetïad. acre kiïliL -Thre asas~îsinsn veoetteb-at.n=bleiu1reard ta teir circoinsiancs tackcd by - troopa. .Tbey, "edbut wre i., The Reero pm-cented -antim-cathîe fol- punsedand4 tken risnen. - - -lawing tenderm for tIh. following ofIlcs: AlexndcrcLanbli, th pua o! ~.For collector. James, Moar,-7;Js deida 'praoù i Tg-ro*ne.Iliisosk C0chîrane, $60; T'flodgsou, $65 W. di, s aprecotlu oroto.H. iat-Siith, $6.5; T. 11. Wilson, $70; Robert iog sm-augments fan dcliemi--&ie a i Maibcvson, $70. Tossasbip-0cm-rk, L C. sborîiy on D'Ârcj McGec. The ubjenî Thomas, $150; 0. Camnpteli, $140.- As- of,pmescctiug-tin t v a hoectead la seesorJ. «R. Matevson, $80; S. Boit, m-viving as the, pioncer cf hterature lu $70. License InePector, T. Cpurticc, $8; ibis country.. He deservès someîting ai t . .obrn,$;C te baud& aoflte cammarniy. L)no,Ï4. «- -f- -on ntion a! Mm-. M'eTggart, saccndeal It lia beau discovree tat lte clik o!b>. Mm-. Campbelli ILas resolvèdti hut'Mm- -bbc New York Stte. Senale, front 1862 ta Tweedic andtihbb movezbe a cammitee Le 1866 paiti off ,itis debte vîith re ceai .n9oim-o imte iccati- cf Mm-. S Hi comnmunication ilu regard tl aimges sus-t postagesae". The Scuate ve teti a iaiued on s bridge lu Lie tirrticoncession large amount cf postage etomps ta ttc sund report aI nextî meeting of threco- ýclerèr to psy postage for distrituting dccc. cil. mete. Insteail cf disîmibutiug ttc, decu- On ion o! Mm-. Tweeilib, aeconied.b metis, th. elorli usai ttc tampb w pay Mr. Ctmptei, i- lu as-reoiévcd t&t tby bis board aud aike uI.-reporta!fteIàceuse Inispecterbe receivcti anti fled aîuong thc pupers af-Lite corpa- >Tite Guelpithei'raldrelates tealmOt-t ration ; anà -d t l.Ree. rai in ariractilous, eapei, On Sunday qsorumag order auntc Tre asâmer -*fta e ttcsIcuc lait; au-ntceGrand 'Tmunk stalicuon latirai $15 lu faver i .ofddc tig ti ýown, o! a brakesrnan1 vbo, wtile litbe amiuntoa!is siyular. sLiodmise np o sele! iftngtir puit-aro! ttcengin., for lirej>ear 1871.- Por ta couple hWa fa et car, shippeti antfeil,'O atO fM.-eagrscne inil vas puired l aîog tc ey tao, f -y mv. Bnrramgs lv rsloltq o!~ ~ il1cd una tt owoacer â- Reevo iatd Dcputy Reere are item-c>. tance; o! twelle feetbet b obin i.apVointed a comimittee te e xamine into ail!~ ~ ~ -- ta mi-cuosy eoped itihâ th ie cattse of lie C6lhecto- retur n u ia- P mutuit.. O WXb't roll arte.trâ cf taxas agai nst Josiat inl mnju. -- - Iidge andlIHenr-y Iooti for $434.84, sundn The sr'liaI t a dcamtaittuetie-eh>. cira-P -Toaiplun uti. Dominion Tmeairry p>wercui to tilce legal adiriceio e 58tcflui muicauti1ê $,509O00. - A ni,.litthO if te>. daeîuil advisable.a mm. - OOueti o! M-. di.,uecudeei ab - and Lte tcfi coîr ta tl fWri per for te t mndi cil. Lb. flau] for1 P.L 811 reco aýgumamm7àurct1 ne, P. Meen, Con rvecis, J. lrvinr, thc pvrciazc'of U. ; and lIat Lbe craeadfroni Lie "ents ut thIc-l 0And -wbuld rd iailowing accon ar t R. Middlcte 1plank- for voads, L.S., for survey, d orcerca ne De asiopted wonid rccammcud that granted on ide road 3, in 5th con., aund that L. Jone:i be appoinied id tIal aid te gmanted digeni persons:. -Mrs. îits per yack fa lItof n. ; lira. JameW,4O. cl coi.;-A. McKee $10 'odJames %Wiitsn, t nine of Andrew Rob diat of cia gmanled ta ;t-meeting of tuis :ount- -eeonu.nend payment of uts - J, .- Smth for on, $5,25 ; W. Ferrier, * 11.18 ; J. Sbier, Esq, cf lots 23 and 24,-rn con., $43. And your cc imnd lItat the Recru turing obstrucian n ar rad allovance in front o! lot 18 andi pari of 14 ini ttec Lu con., tavernove ttc sanie 50 as ta admit o! public Iravel ibereon,- aittiaiea thie Repve fnatif>. parties -, aving obsetruactions on îLEÃ" icle moad between lots 6 and 7, in- Cndco;n, La, ramove the. sain. ; an d iat tte ýpeinions cf Ira Vail andi cf Richard 0Carrutters ta raid over tl neit meeting of thé* counicil. '- Mm-. Bravu moret lat thits accaunts cf- the corporation. of.,Pck erirg, as preseniei by thé auditara' ire"rL for ttc yeur 1871, bc nov finîlly aàdited, and lIc amniunts as Item-clu bpecifled allowved by tbis cocu-. c. Ofmoti on of )4r. Hrcwn the jre.asur vas ardéeetg 9puy Lte iolawing ,paries, ttc surniseL opposite Lbeiv - #espretive nainee, for services rcumlcrcd as In.çpt!to for the ycîtr 1871, D. Deeker $8. .ILR Montgomaery $6, -Jota ibiips, $5, Davidi Sitrscliaen *$, J. Long"4 1 On motion cf Mr. Gm-cen-lthe ta"~erer vas om-dcm-cJ ta psy J. Mfonistause aut&J. ,If. Mafcn-tbtte auni a! $8 tict for services rinderei as A'îditors --' -Mm-. Gm-cen gave notice tent ut til-a néxl mnectingi-of ttecouricil te watnld movu for leave to introduce cab>. -liw to establiasi the m-aad betwreeu lots 16-ard 1, ini thc lat- con., wbe-c it niov is, and vesiing phan of Ltme allovance for roud-betivccn lois le,,and 17 in tte anner of lai No. 16. Mm-. Miller' moyes uthat -btee vecre andi cicrk be auttarized ta grant cartifleates Lao abtaia 1.iverru ticensët theti lllowing parties,, -Irp.Judith Sterlinig, Norod label, Gea. H-enderson, Grecnwaod htic, John Balle. cntral label, S. 1B. Webt Farinera' kM& cinis' Ld,-D.O'Cennor CO'Minercil h1ýcl, John- Pister.P.airport baudl. Ind Ma+s. -E. Peniali Revm-e boùse, ithev taving ,,pebitioned far thc saine, and bbc; Inspe'ctor Isving reprted favoratI>. 'r*Iecocuncil adjourneti tit Saiarday, Pcb. 24t. Tic rall Mail Gazette tusa 'long se- couu t t th- formation of an English Ciapitalioats enion.- Employernso! over 100,000 men Muert it te Palace Hoiel i. - London, anti formed a defenive'coalition. PouLiner reducîton in warking- une fa .cspecbally Laho esbc leas ulue hoursis consideret a, fuir linit.- IL isâtid ltaI the association is, eansidering. a prqjEcl for esiabhishing a Pension Pund, fron vhich- unmotities mu>. ite- pait teail men vite sýend 'a eiiuin Wumber'of years in anc emplo>.. Sûcli anundcrtakluig vauld do mucwhta. fm-c warlingmen fr omaluaith abedienc ta ttcem-oies cUP-adca' Unions, anti would tend ta prmote Iriend>. jeta- lions between master anti man. TI e oertainyIo btcte opedti ttsometiing of- ib is kind inày te, dane, anth ie perit cf a direct conftiibet~een Lte .Capitaliste' Union and the Tudes' Unions be arerteti.- Sir Edwam-d Thloruin tai utcn-appiieti te Ifran honme ta roain copies a! evem-y nevepuper, periadicul und mnagazine pnb- licîtetiin'île 11.8-, ta Ire plucotion. exhib- ition ut tIc Inteprnational, Exîibiiora te baise place in. Landou thus .ean., Des4patcerecelivati frm-btic Gov. Gen. at ttc Ptillipiiie Ishu.nds sate LiaI 200 iU-e tira soltihers itclougiug ta lte artillcrY service iebelîcd sud. took possession o! a taort, Wiie vus snbsequenuîy carrict b>. asaultt y te regulur trops, ai sIlthLie inaurgents isilleti, Thec Swiss Il 'rmei"s"aaes ltai bihe pbysiciana e! Bur-Indervald h-ave uteti and sLm-mck vom-k, dernanding an- inceae a! fées. Ttc Landrati- refuses te enter'- t'ain bleirciuin.m1 anti advises a sInise of, tb&-paftilsas th'dbistl yh> ttheelis cf tIcdociora. Sûrm-ly,thcrctiedvotild te raetitan the diseas. BB6A~yGONa-.m-- Great ercilement pre- vailat aIt thevillage c! Bobcavgeoii regard- ingmîaihuse occupiéd ty an elderI>. couple' vbmc'le s a-aidti ta e aunîcti cvcry--igii.h People aie caming t>. scores front Lindi- sa>. and tiLierplac- es t anince tient- salves ttt thtere la, or la not, somethung aup'm-uatural in the liouse. Tlhe Gavem-uar-Gcucm-a (amil. bave aIl1 gene.,mntomourning in conusequcncc cf lbe deat cof LadyLitnahoicr if- l'Iu.!Ausa,,-The Ham itton Spec!a- - city-tia cl! avuig seven legs, five oit île int, quarters. he fore quartera acre nturai. On ttc, ighlt inti quarter, basides îlenaluralle- 1cm e e fe-- -w Isnging clown fron tio flank, aud aei Lha - lcft au extra leg i'iug fret thhi tp. The - bail vue un lte canitie etivaen ibesalatter- tva legs. Ttecacl! lied ibertly aftet' cslvng. - - - FutmAieS REÉËtsîn,. -The -Kingstont WAIg says tai nearl>. al Itoe Tniah priseera tare been pardoncti outiof 'ihep Penitentiar>. in secam-dune rith theite-c salve ofthte Execuifive scure lime agio. SlIon. A. hîeazie'hue beau u6bminateàI v 1* of - TI l ri, JO Ai bo duî -ou dai - fro voi ta ion que -~Cor ea .,U est îeý tain a R ore von boa lsci on 1 * fore- -T - bank o f tI Mill. recoas -the T spu wslti drcaa. - ---1 - ~ - - 2r

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