Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1872, p. 4

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!fi@, sud otbr ulros î anai emi tbotcites. OIWNbabIn people glatIoaNersaKm isoi, W0 ois, l~or ar luint in the Tr- tortse1 wiltt 4y 'ir i OW! laturestisby, gotîg 'iBY vây or BartIiolin," for the ratex of thaàt Lice are afwiyo as iow Ms Loy' otber, aud it is the hast Routesla the, West, th.refère van are mari sre of jour aafutv and coofort. Tise BorlingtQ on e .îbuaa inrably s1nered the queutlàý O"Ha' te go .West i liy ithepublication' ofan excellect PaMPh-ý à (~ttIl%*lati, irnthftil msîp of the.GretWest, ad machli itîresting sud valuable InformatiQa which cai po ibWiu- ddl,frn of chtarge, by sddressing '*eusral Fantaget Ageut B. &M. B. P,9 Batling, 4levIoa. '014s: OP Sy»wV SUIiiii'8 Pm&cACTCL 6fo&z-The ýVicar oai Edwo)nt.on ,wsdd -bis son b"d bien, bis curate, an& the film- MY7 wiTi preparlný 1ta vi t1M liae. Lit e's ndesred otoa enby boiy mumprieu I~iocthe 11i a 1l lrgymen a<PO sebject, whilî itis tri yid&ed tbqt. ôof aanarrovr inca>nae. ,itti numerous ue4oxnsibilttiez' morey h ibien savid t4f otatmn atiother. ÀVhie y ware griev- ing-hop esly4ud fru Iessly iL seemed entfrtha canon oi.Pau's (the Rev. SydneyS!ntth). Prelient the son -ad bre dlicate 4dughters. The widow * was i-ïli of 9orrow gone and eorrow ta eone. ' Ir.SintLh tegan hy sastng the characteieof a servint who was leaving Vheoino mak*Ing thatiappear as a motive fort bisa visit. 'àfter % whilî lie said, *'lt la. * my duty t6&tel. yon that I have giron * wayathc hîvîugt af Edmonton, and 1 amn aura the new 1,iear will appoinît- bis own curate."ilieo was a mournfil look, but the blow wa* expactod. "'Oddly enough, * continucd 1k. Stpith, 'lits naine is the marne as ydirs; heve you any rois tiens of that nainc V'rTheie was a melancholy * anser, 6No," 'Bi, aa tîlti-mri sîngutar eotndide6ce, bis Christiau i iame le the saule -i barnas Tati.:?'7 A glena o fhope PagâasidLto tthegroup. ,'In 'i act,' sad hi 'Lherq in no use ini nIping - the matere; yau are the 'Thomas 'rate, and -vicar' cf Edmnîton.' Tboy býîrs nto teams, cried * fron) oxcess aofJ'y, and &Vie. burty canon nf St. «PaUl' s wep t witl> thamn-happy tears, ringled wiLh merry', laughter. ýTheré is a TIadical jour 1 publtsbed tn *ashington ut elle cent PryaCar, pýy able at tha end nf tho ycar. It ie\dar aCtta &is it costs thapanpta over tirvtbousand 'dollars a year ta do their offlct1 advertis- ing in iLs columnas. - / The ilDut.Reubtîcan humSug stli seems te drag on a faible exisence, The * leaders, bing as raported, out af fuuds, have celiad another "maass meeting" of tlir dupes, The Spiàniarde3 are snbscribing to, aid the French in the -paymenulci the wr indemnîîy. OLQORIOUS SUUCESS! -The Osborn Victortous Everywhere. 26 FIRST PRIZES,1 OlituiNO Tas WALL or17. Provincial Exhibiions Kingoïtali.1871. FIRST PRIZE T1IlE OSBOWN Lookrititoh Family and Light - Manufaturing Sewing- Machine 0 VRR AIL OOMPETJTOIS. Ir!i i(S BORUN le pu-iiounedlby al L'praticul Sa6wiîig Machine poilo. s'tîa hava t! aoru lly esilined IL. La " net 0uiY a Firsi.. cmes6Mm chineo ln-avry pgttcolar1 loIr lu tbbcir boues! The ifesi FanaIt! Locklitttch UiWing.ý Olachlue un thbeMakl Tho prinîcupal piuLe of mentin ihe 0SBOllN eve ~i aliea l :Thu uxai and ci phtcty oaitils moaiiiilnui, tLéaitinaI îînploy ad llils enistratction ti, liating qualitose muid - ! vîuangeu ofaiwork perfrîcd, aîîiî dli ai ote i e tÃŽuigll tâ lase mni d aLd t timidie en tit.The Stauttia andi Rabbin sara large, the neinete haut, traiglil, and esly set, tension lieufie, and impossible ta pzet on! of order.. The fiait enu »h. iad dlowered ei wil, secrdig taithe fablo l e aunsad. TUE l 4.OSBORN" CHALLENGES TifsNAZi Km R , P ITI E<qtAL. Garaiateed for three Years, Ihonunde nov ln use iiroghantlOade- .Agents Wanted Everynwhore. R.& H.>OIIÂRA. Bas'innvill, Gênerai à#énètà for Onaio gtaeauuy, Durham sed Vie- - GUELPHU SEWJING MACHIN1E CO. -- Guelpli, Ont. -j cI fi ZeA Yw hels wejeië nov msnnlisturlDg. .lebeapur & n Lily other shop ln the coun- -tand we wiI give a. gliaratu t@i *Iuooh< bl srutgeim te bc as -'vefi mnde, cid ta give skaod sattitaetan asasnymn- f"~tred ln theTDoarnlaoU. Parties dit sg'furtherinfoumaton eauab-' tain lt by addr sleg - PÂXTOlq, TATE J CO., Marcke at, ýq.Pen Y-8t., Port periy, n' Thorsld% Decý. 15, 1871. tf-Si MI>ObITAN'2 TO PARTIES IJSIN GF JIACHINFlRY 1 î J. J. STOCK'S % ËXThA MACffi1NE OI. Ttis Oi excite ail a ther- Oit, bath anîmatip anud vegstble, anîd Vw ara p'eparad ta s4hoa tihi suptriority af ittise Oit teallait urîità§tatida _ the tests i:0ersuary te procure a firi-chias ar t tice i bt is olupteil ta cthir iglît ou- heivy ina- chiuery, froin. a dock or euwing~-înacbliîe ta tue licavest oai eafis. Vie toitoik tari the oiiÏs tn licb it excils othor (41.' IT r ILNOl' GUI!, tienuimctinîry en lia ,lep 1ii tl but ittie trouble, and It wil eciii wactilîery thaion hehein îuredygummad hy ottîçu- <lis. IL witi not cougeal or tîjiclain iii lbi coidei-t oai wstlur.Thits lt a quialityj ot the liglîîst imiportance, from theiifnt an OilC nai havitiîg thie quality wilt net lubriosie ae * otdîdîaft, sucýi su ,ilI may ba ip lied.in at liiiibd tate, but the montent it touchls- codil ghaft lb b4 ioiigialed and twill nDot hibricai unu-t .tl thdjuunmby fiction ecquiri,, thut timpir-f atune iecessau-y 10 rediec it -te a liquid stnbi lu icqiriiig a tilgier tempirature by fiction, thei joulràat expaiids anduI te Vu% intined,it!inte Ise li opgibhe to uneo il tlit witi chili on aV eold a îuft witiuaut this reeuît, ose il te ta in-a gie Oit witb water. J.G. Stock'm Oit wilt le-t brico te caicst inuclincry tbe moment itl le -Aplied. Titi 011 s Dow useid ln over avo hundrcdc stabUlihments, and legiviug thce hsta pei eifuélioti, mand ail >ute iu siyîugtil-nyv orefor itto refiticd Spermi or pure Olive. It is infrae'rm the objections urged agaînst al othai--Gils, e IL dons rot guuin or faze. I'ow as thie public are aware tha! many wartilless things are puffed ihua nuuoreiy, in orden to prove thûi thir li îno iumbuz, mand ta secure ourslvesf agîitiest the opusutions ut unsruipti- loue aillagentls, (inunly.ai wîoiî will nai luisi- tati ta ptil m off tbe -mînsnffuil of Ou refinariasj me4 boiug idîuiticai wvitli Stock'. extra Maclhnea Oi,) we pnapase, ta tluome wlîo au-a intare*tudJ in Ltii trutluoai tlioFa staieinents, ta §and te1 ttiuem, ouiapplicationi, hy mail or "liuerwisa, thutit unîîy e1icik for it,-lf. And wilrelsn 1scI'dlwili it a few simple teste, as5 affective ise tiiose tests by wlîclî'oldl owvui ram the baser matais, mid WtiCh sil] euule IOparties qOr-J dcîiiug ta secure tlueuîssl%,es against imposi- bleui, by euabing thini ta determini t once wiuetlcr the' 011 -fcrwardedidnlnaigoad as fimuple. Ail parties dinh uîg in Machine Ouas will do 1 Witi te comînnuieuute witiu Wt>. 1B. STOCK, llrongliutn, Ont. * Sole Agent for Lhe Dombinion Brangbam, Mrchi 15, 1870i T EST I MONITAL. TiE cJ oozEPi U LL M Acurtax Woiu, Osli.wa, April 4,1870. - il-AUl Sn,-We have been nsig yonn Luirica: tug Ilil for the past four menuiteg, muid ciii iîye vitiiont hesitatioîu thlat lb le tthe baiL a1l wî liu-'eevîr used. lb is ame chcsip, muidlests linger thuin suy oLluancil. We hmva rua aur large 14 fQet iron plainer, 7 days witli ociii ilinig. lb kîcuis the toolA cean anîd biiglit, '-V do uot wsnb nything bitter me a bubricutor. 1Tam, yvanne rlry, 5F. W. GLEN, Pu-sidet. A VOID QUACKS. A îictim aifi-arly iuidisouiîun, *tuuuiguu ervouis debility, preinauure decay, &o., li.uvitig riad li vain evary dvortisîtd ru-nedy, huis. discau-erî-d a simple miei. se Klf-cuire, wlulci lio wil scnd frcee îhlis fllew enifereirs. J. il. REBEIS, 83- y 78, Naseau Street, New -Yorkl FRSALE. A valuable Fan, lun a tigli clati ai cultiva- titou, soit DaL excliad iii Catiada, bing Lot £5, 2id cou. WestL iiliains, County af Mid- diesax, 80 mc-ruu cleaued. uid watt watiu-ed, gond fences, gol Buildiigs, muid a finua young orchuîrd ofie cuilce fruit; situatl tb-In 4 reiles ai the flouriehing vilbg of Purk El11l, and contaiuiuig 142 acres.- For partionlars appty te- THIOMAS KNIGIiT, P'au-kHill. Whithy, July 9.tb, 1871. tf-20 NE~W MUSII- STORE 1I The uudaesigliid lias justopcned buinasa -bscs' aLu--Guuie Block, Brook 4t, s'Lacre euh lia fuand SrlEPT MJSiCai al kinde, MUST,AIN- bWRIUMENlui et every demcriptioui, in- ctudinug Viellu strnugsansd boas'ofa the bcet .uiifty. STATIONEIIY of &o.. &o. Alsoa ichioce aîud varitda eientco f JOuR PUST, -Pu-fesser oaiMugie. mnc uuefui lîl 10. WhitbY Nov. it2ui, 1971. -47 1 T:9 "TZOYAL OAK" The. subaîrihen taske accesn ianufori lt fiminds aud flue pu blie, lut licelia apeniad the liai el uua-thou,uu-i alaignaîlan oaI "Tii Royal Ok" aiut ea-'Carners,.;viiero Trarellers &cegis eau lwuyc bu sup- plit itthheib est ii) samon. gad rmay lies, idy, varm sttlog,- gins - <IRo.CAME8ON 'Wbltby, Nav. 14, 1#71. THE JOSEPH, HALL -. SM4ND>A OTUIJRJNGOOJfPA>TJ MANIUFlACTURE .TE OELMBRATE Leffebl Paient >Double Turbine aW re ftue ouly annutnrars IvIso con <ur-, îieh-tb Legenuina L<f WhMèeZ"lnu (anaa, a Nil boîaemie bythe fullowýieg ceificabe Sriucex», mbDec.2,188 We tskiplemqure lu Iuforming the public cf Canada, tIbat s'ahalva sold miîd iuiuiehed 11r. y. W. Gatus, ai Oshawa, Ontario, l'tlerns, Formner. Du-ms'inat, Gaues, sud ail other mub- uessiaiy inîformationu, La bnild aur celobiaLiid D)ouble TTnu Water Whist, invîntcd by James liAffol. amdufi iwn ms the "Lcifil W huai" IVe havelaiea o"lgatea eniecivea La eurnisb thuiiau sanie nies for m;uuaotuiriuîg tania uther psurtuas lu Canada. W ithoutt tiii ,infor- n'ation we lisve urvin ta Mu-. Gu.uunocne u oucecsefùlly bauld Onur Wbcels, sud we. *dvisi parties luI Canaida ta purcue onir W hiessoa no otiier mcuvinfactnre-. Mu-. GLEN'S fanilities a utisnuramoed, und we fiel sure thai hi wil îuaitd na whlcl thai wîtl guva perfect ssiisféco. tie. Wî therefuira, etuninfi hm tu the Crubi of Cariaa witb itiinicopfidéue, Jiel- ng suIre ha wflt Maînfacture a Whoeluinal respeciscqiual te Onr, ow.- A (Signe'i,) JÂM&E LEFEEL & CO0. WARRAj<TY. <We are preparad to fuiruish Waicr Whece, aeas.Suit> Puttsard ilMachiueu-y ne- eossmry ta attuclu LheiW biais Ltu e nmaotineîy tbey are titendud ta drive ; miii'if, aliber Lwo nonîths triu.t, Lhiy mu-a net eatilaeiou-y, we wll taire ail liack, psu lnuiglit bobli wmye, suid ne. ftind. aîîy pîîymctetnMide ta useblîcrion. Who liaparties ara- iai saLtisfied with Liii f Whstl, mand cannot Mairae a change ut the tlie e'iiiut lossLa businecss, Lhîy May rmn the whl iu ud micliuery aî rcssuunmbie tiuîîî wlth- Ouit cua not xecediiug anc year, lu -aorder tia! Lhieî uuumy mik a chanuge wittioit iJijury to flucir hu§iucàs. Buiaw are ginli the tnames et psu-tics who ire lios'uuiiglu-ahioei latfn ecdi oa'Our alacle:uand s'a livite uparties wluo witu ita punctiasc ta correspond s'itii thein. Diu Aii.................Awn.il Wh A r Aki. ............. eL. Bleucheu-& Atiueresfl....... eri.a. Bowîsaui& Pl'nuglir.........Aveiîuumg, WIuiuaui Beau ................ Ohaw, A. 1suii& Co .. ............ Valleyfield, A. Barbeu........il......... 81. Dauidej N tlauiiari ......:............uuuol, J.O B i elîi -i-................ il-cou wmn. Srnes..... ............. Biîgur. A. J. llsck ........e............ Neuwu>d. Wtu. Bloomfield,.............. ui.dysttiàue , diueiu iei iurlsi...... ........ ..uu-e biuais, Jacob tl'uicke-.............. . ser ., J. Creti..................... Le.e.u-d. c. W. Card ............. castiu&lea, James A. Cioce................ Naiîse, A. & J. Cliuiiers ...........ce .lespuer, A. Chewii..................... Kugsuan James Bic.................. .:eueyuasm, Diamead & Dliai>id .............Bllevile N amueli Dmvidieu ............... Lndsay, SC. V'. Drewery ................. Meiiusiu Vies', M N. Laguug ....... ........ ... . Naimutice, James ilui.................... lu-i hope. TUichoi eEgui................Vtsienbam, t nifit Lviii'.................. F-eien. eheri Persytti................ beuiu-eud, Franis Becs...................ii3rookii. Farrard & Mil es ................. Canipeuford, S. J. Ou-een ...................Gu-ceeuweod Thomi; Gibbon .................iVu-sîncu- Joseph Osuld................... Uxirjure, in. Gule ................... Gagos'. Gis & Bu-e................... Ohawa H. & G. Gueeiwood .......... riok,, Gordn, lieiay & Co ...........ller,uf %vin. & SWalter Gti........ Wilmoi, Wminllmier ...................Euuaîun ulluard & VDon ............. ..Parkeuham, 0. n.uHall................ ..... Queuci. limituer Brotcherse...............Ai,,wiiue, Cuiý. l ilueys.................. ulu-cral, Jeiîui ilaa lgua Cree Keaîh & uucnci...... . Feville, r t.Hau-isoni................ roii 1%s'l & Buuyd .................. poil Hope John ingies.............. Gelph. D. P.jolie$ & Ce ............annoqae, A. Lûmuà.s..................... ierroke James I£h....l................* ro. Calhaui Lent....... ...... .... A ewale, J, G. Iauuan ................. Cuighu-5i, A. J. Lllhart.,...1.1...........oîîo, Huu1bMsîIu-o...................Ceosutngien, J. V dai.............. Nvînskei, Johlsî MIcixe .................. Reniuew MeDoeil & Stlcisà............. Denioneiville Sumuel'Meuner.................Neshuinbrg Issue bloreislan ................ lIeum Joint MeEaclierii.............. ilus Jobs Niciiu'...................- slert,-iiili. %Vi. Neoes.................. Uomieid, A. W <Igievte & Ce ........ .... % teuia, John l'uii ................. Souym. WVu. Potier................... Bowianvile *Richard Pfu-i................... Leskdusue, Patan tiufacuuuuig Ce.li.....S e-bu-ooke, William Pries........I..........Pcin-og. 'Jans L Palmer ............... Dii'Creck l'euheu-ion & Co ............... Quui. 8 Lu. Paîudy............... -Brghon, Peck. Bcnney & Ce ..........dloireai, Jiuhn'Pauklins ............. %... :.DMiureml,. C. Psu-bah......... .............W uek. JameiRudy.............. u>-de Thomas Quictiluli..*..........Fu-a, A, -0. Ros...................îeuotivage 0- k W. Hsernand & Ce.... Amotie John Rasstel. ..................Cenu-eie, Eds'uud Snith .............. ..Oawua, Sourit Su-es................... 1 iwnnvutiie, Maises Smith............... ....Dibin*is Creek, SThomnasW. Stephenusone..... Nu-wcei, Simples &&-qhsuenbcrg,..... Cuiigwtid, E . & J. H. k5siih ............ Blgu- ' Ale. Snal............ Ou,, .John haw .. .............. e, Oeru-gr lalcey ...... .......... M.nîeeu, Join emitlà ................. me,,resl. Peler t!idiljwn ................ smbhs' Fille.r .Chiarles Euilizh .............. .Wa-kwcu-i, Su' AMlI Machinery of uli MFlui, ncluding. Enmlilsb muid Atiteriu-mGntif:1 mAaayBs 15waciwoutat mitCii Ose Gng m s y a hlsu.5iic nlt sehetiag Ciniw ahuSui Miui Zuîîle "ad uouhe Mitle - Fleur MI Xacaiigmryorf£l i gin&, )Ilu 1Laie lie ihls'--'memts shlc SIt'co d VeMîniig Macneu- dai Elaants. DorirMachînea, Bain Cotlers Woeleh hMmhiasry. Leauliurin piingkiaiem lzKiîlf ule dens. Wsibîngion Rnm Pcbiîuag Prese. Ge oc 'wm'essleuw Taylen'. <ylisdcu- Pu-e& Pàprreu- buuesEnglue Gaveu-nau-. obafhmFutnPilles, âceladjusting agers yul 5elfýQiling Baoes. dASTINGS or AuJ =IDO )dAE lu B.UlASB o01 IEQN, or Kîev Mîacieay éf goy ktnd masào 1a l'atteins ib fermy deei ptn niade vheuudc sled.- cisse Iateei, laaliOoaUghly vankuniko maupun. -mafo;si ff F. W. GLEN, Frosndent, Unio*n, BradbLwy,- .Dun-ham, 801100L BOOXS, &C. c Room paper of eveyIetpttrs eceveddirct romtheEngishmanUufàcturers, at rcsfrm recentsa to 1$.0 of roiL. [oclaâding -best, GoId and--t Silver, Watches, Gol4d and -,plated ch-,ini, Rings, Bracelets. Gent'sestuds,.^rings ' ad pins, electroé-plated wue, vases, writýng deska, work boxes,' Portmonnaies-, 4ad- fangy -aticles iii gret tvariety ;, *uiable -for the Holiday season. -iwstm- A- ir Ji,±%yvci 'ÀirIJY Whitby, Nov.14,187L WiÏnter 48 Good;-se NEW,,ARRiVALS. R. & - A. VMITH SIMOOE ST., OSHAWA. Are in receipt of further arrivais of Winter gooda, and bcg to announea that .theîn stock is noir compueta in evfry departçnînt. Dreus Gaods -ip-great, varioty. Clan Tartan,' Plain sud Tairtutn, Wiucays, Englisb, Scotch and (Jansdian Tweeds. THE MILLINERY DEPART.M IENT4' will b. fond replet., #ith atI the lutest attractions lu styles ai Bats, Ribbons, Ftowers, ManLes, Drése -irim mitige, &o. Setts of splendid Fnrs.-very cbeap, The Tailoring Dcpantmesrît, asluitherto, îînder the skilîful iupefintendanee of a final- clama cuîtr. Rest sud mas! fashionabie suite lu the Dominion made ta or der. FRESH GROCERIES & NEW FRUIT, W~- -BOOTS & SIIOES-stylishly made aud ai the liest quality, ut rery lo'w Prices.1 .Wbitby Nov. 28, 1871. ly-48 GOOD, LIF AND ,WARM CLOTIIING- The undersigned desirp.s t inform bis numerous customers that witb the roomy facilities afforded hira in the new premise's iîîto which he has removed, be is enabled Wo keep on lîand a large stock of cloths of every kind, -well selected-by bimself, and of the best quality. Gientlemûn's Garments, made to ànd a perfectét guaranteed. ord er,1 Gentlemen's Fturn*,Lshing, goods,,inceludinig Shirts, Ties, Braces, newest styles of Collars, &c., JORN FERGUSON, Dundas St. Whitby. - <Lremluues Iately occupicd by Mn- Gerrile, as a Drug Store.) Whitby, Nov. 29, 1871. CALIIJAGE & OTIIERS Mn O.DONOVAN'S. CARRIA-GES & BUGGIESt Manufacture. latest style and best Splo ndidly Finished Cutters, 0 F VERY SUPER fOR WORKANVSHIP. BUGGIES & SLEI-GHS. R EPAIRS AS USUAL.1 WIBITB , !4v 22ud, 1870.. AWARÃ".ED FIR$T PRIZE. A t Pr-ovincial Exhibition, beld at Toronto, -in thae Fali of' 1870. We.offer to our ctgstomers for the coming Harvest, two -distinct Machines, which iu stylei and construction, embrace the latest and moat useful improvements of the day. -JOIINSiON 'S SINGLE SELF-RAKIN-G- REAPEII, THE ' RING or -MÂPER8." The univers al succesof this.Mciç't4 lsl p~e trials Jad l in ti banda ofithe fariners, warrant! neéimlh,1 'wt .pV(elf.Rakingi Replin Machine, IL bum more good pointe aud legss dl ctei et with moe isucce».Se m leu Iitue, thau herethfori offeredta ýte weayugài JLuriorMow We e awarded the Firet Prize-.àud> Diploma8-at the P~c'vinëiat-I Exhibiian,'held .lu Terepto,'1870, Jo mpetiiOn * îith 4>tlhe leading Macbiueucmanu- fatrdl he Province 'Pl Ih oirecen , improvemento, vo unbeoitatiuglyiz challenge iuresttgatlan and cbuîpuiquàn wltbcomptiéË Machines, vo eare' atifled tt' sach inveetigation i wlt cnvince.every iîflpi*Jdieed mmnd, thiat werhithé -best govert ý* aermer ,for -1871, built i lu 1thî Dmluleujar Sud foi deseriptiré, cataloguesl. - Whitt>y, Je.14,.*1871 -24BR W &TEBN wI1 anU M Lt;UV L i Wý WILL OFFER TIIE BALANCE~ I.IPAVV W INTFýR- t~AT GREATLY REDUC ED, PRICES. -W Dress Qoodsi Hosiery, -Millinery and Mantles, . - Tweeds, Winceys' -.-- . i d, Flannels, -Scarfs, Blankets, Fi-, In order, to niake a- thorougLl.clearance ot our READY-MADE CLOTflING SOK-great baran will be offered. - rn-~ Eu-w "Sm'. NEW ANDCIOCE GOOI)SO JAMES J., MURPHY lias reeeiîly received, at his new store.-on,1 Oundas Street, a large lot of new- goods suitable for the -season Ready-m ado Clothing. ofth .le best quality, at very low prices,: An exellent âtock of Dry Gcocds-evetry-, thing in the line. Ilats and Caps, Genilemen's furnishing goods Departunent coruplete. Ladies underclothing. Family Gxroceî'ies compIete, New' Fruit;- kQ., for Christmas and New/Year's. N AMS .MURPHY.- WlÈi*0y, Decetnber 6th, 1871.. 49 MLIAT CLEARING SALE iN1e1ILL .1 N Co., Buiffalo Robes,, Railw,,ay Rugs, Whte and Grey Candisa n 3akul.ts, HoIe a btnketî, Carpets au-d Felt. Os-ercoatm, Clothiîug, ïc-, Canadian Twveeds and Fiannets. (Jottôn Yai-n and Bae,.Fur *Caps, in S. S. Seul, Ilair seat, lucked Otteu-, Plucked limaer, Eurunine Miuk, &c, We ofler speci-al juducements in the above ines. T. IL cMLLN& Ca. SPILiNG STIOCIZ 0F BQQ & SH-OES.-' M-A HEW 'COLLINS- Begs W atnounce bis customers and the puýblic that hee bas opd'ned busiiie on the premises lately occupied by Mr. Bandeil, o\Brock Street, and that he is now in receipt',Qf a splendid Stock of the 'GL1T FIT- AND, MAKE, And of the best style of Boots andShoes.. Also on hand a large stock of HOME-1A.DE Boots and Shoes which cannot be surpassed for quality and price. J ---M1tïzders punctuîfflyattendedJ to. Repairs ueatly done. -Business also carried on, as usual at the old stand,* near the, Royal hotel. rv1~y ex whitby, May 10, 1871. THE. OLD--STA ND!1 - rESTABLLSIIHED. 1833.]1 The uudersign'ed lu returning tbanks for the Iiberal'patronâ«e -bitbeito,îxtended ta the aId estiblishîoînt, lai neariy a-peiod ai fol-t7yerî, desuie t gamy thaï hi b .as now an baud a large £ssaitment d i e most modern sud elegant styles af And trusts by Proper attention apd moderate prkées to secure 9, oeIinnîci ai Public patrons Èe. :Practical uPholstering. Furuîturo i-i-stuftid sud caveied, igadertakiJg ig a u nerais ,Fnlly Supplled- as heretofore - $'ome splendid specimens of Picture Frsames - andGlig Remmber '011 ,<I - d Glding Tram tivi K -Iý V 0 Zc , On t-Iercio RnrtnraPostu Office, -Whu-itby Whutby, J uly 11, 1871.y-8 Flod ,a er l rand Culio DU"hîAt, 3 2, F rOis, (1d nr asto e- Sisol:Iof. Audso ntb u.nthe lie liii,-horba, cen t hae abicu, huiehph nluap BS ad Plaster i-or sale. W H TB . - R. P. CLAftK, - Proprietor :>B RP.Clark h4g8 Lo infornieis ad fiede and ensieomers thuat lie lias refittitd and- rin.o- vaicd t he oud hotu .knoW iu ab t h o a m iers l iuu,' Braok st, whore lieo'il lis impy ta ne- culve theatu,0ciigiving hMin aemllGOd ata'bJing, bux-eâais, and- îucloed yard. Mode- raie ebsuged. Jau. 5, 1870. -Whilby Bras and Sring Bande. udapieda for paýrtIis, &c., s'itlytu pply thebeF - sud ÃŽtlMabgienul, an rfmsenablà terine. Applications muet hoaàmdiihei pereoauuiyj or by latter, (pOutt pid,) tae - J. WOLFENDEXu, 20-Bey 7, S70. Wbitby LIVER Y .qNZE UNDEIISIGNED DEftLFS TO Il- TL form h r-esl-4 an ýpatronaý, that lh. fias again eundbens;uteol WHITBYLIVERY !TA]BuES qnality ofthec stud, aud ulo added to and în- proved the eoîîvoyit:îcas mud vîbiceas on the p-amuse, ie hopes by being ina position te teut thé wtgntsa o cutouTeTa toenuarit a sbire af publie patronage. CH JIARGES MODERATB. .~ N. B.-Covared conreyuuuces fr lanifias and ladies. Prompt iattndance, asharetof re, ta ail orders. -'N. RAY. Praprietor Wbitby,- Aprîi 8, 1853. 14 TEETII EXTRACTED gàf*»WITHOUT PA=N, ]IY TITE USE 1OF NITROIJS OXIDL.&JGIIIG -GALS, OR TIIENWý LOOALANA3FSTHETIC, AT ,' DÊ!NTALE0iOMs,, PUNDAS ST REET1 W ilITB Y, C. W. BOOMS,.O-4velb. H. Cachruue'sStore. Whit6y, Jou2, 18Hiy POP H OSP HIT ES6 .A mngst the dseueiacvrcme by té use ou JOIE .Yorsoua Debiliity, Ck 6heitic rom- ek is C s.nic D ia r koa, -ela nickoI . Defiliuy r6slutng fiè Typboid ani otbey tow fivers, Di lhttuîrjîlc Prcstraion, Ilystris, llypociondruu, Amnarlima, Olilorois, An- Mui, .iucarrom, Nirvana Excîtability, Muse- muis r Wsin,ýOf the, MOUsee, &ghoDotg Loo ofVoceCaria or S. Vitus asDane Siogishneâs f the Livir, Intirrnptad --nuâ Feb a Action ofhâlHuart, SfoeudùugFilg >cansed liv mncoeg actcioue of the Lune' adAir lsages hedig bereo, sd DbilibY front vmriou<&cmusas, mauy cas&ot which lu p piured hopulass. Sotdby Apotheouurica. J~puce, $1.50' Six fr 0.50. . JAMES I. FELLQWS, Oausr-, 15 --- St. Joh, .B LICEiNSED AMTONEE1R ONTARIO, YORK & PEE] WRESIDENCE-Let 8, sth VOà .arkham.-Pest Ofc-Tiu1l~ SALES utteiuded an the shorluci notice, ti on-reaaonublateu-ma. Ternis gin bonadegl blles pntd a the thioaie l. eue.ferl Carter. il GEOWE CORMACK -- -4---- on COQ' 1 tf-48 131 ockt Brocck St. Ille 'HAMILTON

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