-J wit 1511evertiaei'5by f - ONTARIO~ BANK. WIIITLY Bl4C11, Kc. F OCKmAWit, - Il.B3. Ttylor, Aar". GEORGE Il.-DARTNELL, 1)o~r, l>e plty Ue.-gitrar, Mfasler Extraordl- liîry', nd exsntuertni Clancery for t-eCoun-- ty ofî>nttarlo. Office Court Ilouse, Wlitbyj JA ESlEITH CORDON, BAgolîcilor l Chancery, Convoyancer, No- * ary Public. &c. (>sifo-Noxt door $0 the Stor. of Ri. & J. CnbcBroelk St., Whithy, Ont. a.Itthy, Nov, l8, 1867. 48 FARLEWELL & McGEE, * AU1~TEtSA'r(,*1<NJYS, .st)>rcî- 'Vots GOVU NCESAND No- (>rrci:-Oiie door itortILof thIe Post Offlce, J. le. 2AnrwFLL. R. MoOlas. 18 "V'TOIiNI'Y- AT- LAW, SOLICIOR IN y .oilvcytcer, !e'c.,Catiig )u9 ock., (jW. W LYDMAN F NGLISTH.L L. Bl.. DjiU lt[$TEIZ AT LAW,Solicitoir nilChlan- Dcuy, Convoyau ier, .&c. 40 SOLICITOR IN CIIAeCEnY, CONVEYANCEI,:LAND AGENT &c. lUxirilïgp, Jtltio 7th, 1805O. 1-28 r IL J. IMACDONEL, Law, Uliancery & Conveyanctng Office, ijOLT i IN, eliroUrsc105. Arrangicîects for spùeial rotalLer of llo.i. M;.Ctoro, tj.ilC., si iid1r Mel (h4,.Q.C. W hthy, iMarch li u 18? I72. Isly 4U* LI(4tON 'ro *jVlECOUNTY (4AOL, '4Byreon i t reet,W htlhy. 4 'rlOMAS HUSTON, JAMES DISCIRIEIN, ()P '" l FPUBIC SIIOOLS t">FR )yioîi--iîg -WF1-S1', 1 u sE, A S.R B U R N, A. WILSON, Jr., - ]Proprietor. FilIE SiIJISCIIIiFLZ emte Rau0iitce te lus ft littu tlid a te îpublic getîontllyf lut te luis)e ptei ti1, sa îîW lîtef iti the Village Thhigp~llo fe hineîte leîsw. eîtd fur- ilsieti i . mnst bitrattghit uîtî eetîrtahis mItîtor. ilistîs wiil titi e îery convottietice et lte uitic tîettlllîimiictt. .-o, Liquors, alii Cigtrs )fthle liet lia-tits îways kept et 111- ltliiiti.tl tclibn1ti tiyr 1869 Grand. Trunk Railway Hotel. A'r Iviiii*IIV STATION. Ni. ( M - Lt>' 1 hi ltiltgir mia-eiith ie btti- -l5 iti 'rulem ; i k twilt mtic le Grand- ti îîik 1i lt (!1, " lit titnt, lcg. tl, iforn li itefrietis tutéidte ltvlmgttiotieu -it. lui te-i l t, l it, e mtt libei l] ît irst- diase stylo, ti d lty îttei1tt otili t te w,tîîe oh tiiose 'tettilavor him i ii ttitir ptronage * rusmte tait-orit eC.ttlutstitrecittein. l'attit-,- îkimig tutti trafin unmd uimg) Itormeie ilil iii- li tit-olumt co oftili - tîteir rtllii - 'WttiuAt)LA, 4),r iE 1i, PORI'~ PERIIY, ONTF. 111 a.rx' roprietor. tit upci cmttottloi-(ioid tialitîg 1,dctd u, .d atittive oesti-rm. 11P Itry, to.v, 8, 1869. 45 PORIT VEitIIY, ONT. ul1MES"1l)MP5iON, PRttHET'iltR. ri'ite ittltorit or wiehuioisi mfrmîm te cota- aii ilîl tutu4 pîcitusesiactre tc aJîop tn te te ,îwlelioeale iittîaîlue-d teluritî.sît ae goos! ue*eoiimtmoioutiuliniasa-v.'tlte Ciu,a'ty. *SpI. l-1870.1. Whit6y, Nov. 7th, 1871, Om-4b G. YOluKG ASKITH, I L.LB., ,Oe D IX I<EAND IN5gOL.TBWC, NOTAIT rmexo, , OU. SO0 ~ - t UXrde are ii@w-ini -ULL WORKDIG ORDER, Ând aead y fo r eu tbi g Luhin bruany, qr.anett te ssîit oetornera,.attol Witiltpisntustiay su Lumnber cl roul; 10 te 30 flet in lenalh. CSeptettabe 29, 1670. 41 D. HOLLIDAY. I3ROOKLINf,-- - ONT. * AGET FOR TUE ISOLAT ED 1115K FIRE INSURANCI< QO.1 OF CANADA, TORONTO. A PURZL sr Nes îq lXrr=ON o Also Agent snd Appreisor for Canada Per- marient Builcding and Saiving Socity, for oants of money et low rates of ititerest. .: Wliitby, Aurust7tlt, 1871. ly 32 JOHN %OLFENDEN,- AIIENPrFORTe1riS CELEBRATED SCOTTISH GRANIT]rE. te At Maîble %I orktl of J<>NATIIAN WOLFEN D ÊS, Diuuca-St., Whitby. 17 GEORGE GURLEY, MIERCHANT TAILUU CLOTHER AND DIArER, OS HA WA. GEFNTLEN1IEN'S GARMtir il, U î the best tyle and ilatest fashion. - A finu stock tif Clotîts frein wlîleli to utake a melection for Genteen's canine? suite. Oshawa, May 12, 1869. i Il S15 AND LOT FOR SýAL-E oH Tf> A Good Franc Ilouse-two slories, 7 mrnem, litrges kitcleîcît itted cin William Sircet, ii tieT 'Iof iVlitby, (ut lireset cî ccpieul hy Mr. Lýawvîý), wltfî quarter ncre land well fliloi Witlt frulit trocs4. Stah')e 24mliz oodwelcii td puiop. Will Ite euol cboefp fer cash, or on lttei ,poasesmion Firt ci01muy.e For terras, &C., pîîply tii or to 0. Y. SMIT1I, Barrister, Mr. J. IlIed. Wii1it1"y. 16-tf N, PLUS ILTIZA,- À NEW OLVE iBOOK, WITH PIANO ALOOMPAIMENT. Pri-eesi$ 50 och ; $15. per dozen. -o- Whîirover tlic Ne Plus Ultra Gice Bock lise bocilt: oducai, il vis e bou prooueed ait- Ypcror to tIotlter worka ol ils kiiîd, il le lte lergest,ilate@l, fincsî sd udnl), collection cf new Gl os tend Qttrtels;, uoaîly ail of whieh ]bave Pianto Acooîupauitntffts, ad lih, Senplo copies nîailed, post-piiid, for 8i 50. J. L. PETERS, 29U1 Broaikwsy, New York. Jenisry 2Qtid, 1872. 4-tf J. E. FAREWELL, L IL. B., C 0UNTY CROWN ATTORNtýF FOR ON- TARIO, larrister,Solicitor, Couvyancer, TNoary Public, &a., &.- OFFICE£- Lately occupîed b y S. i1. Cochirane, Eb4.. laIe Crown Attorncy, Brock Sreet, Wiitby. REVERE IHOUSE, PLANK - - Proprîctor. StOlgeF, toisalla on W ihycal dily. Every 4'telitioii pald te gliehs. Citreful acd atlen- J3 îlot> 0 0 KN lii USE IlJ.TOMILIÇS0N, - Pi-epieter. 1 liia ileasil the afive untiaineià rl, îîîîd sut pîcare t t:îîeiiecry confort atti cou- v5ttlatico .o tii wiio îny tlavor m e wfll aa oeil. 'rie Bar ie eilplied wlitiî fi(!cboicet iucs, Liquors md (Cigare. Goci Stables aid gond Siiede. Ercrr5 intenttion pid t giets. Ifrooklit loeb. 2f, 1872. 9 ly ONTARIO LIOTE.* 3311CR St, - WIIITIY. l C. DAWES, Proprietor,1 Te at-ovae ld eptaliied lote! ites bocu j ual îeciy fites! ni)î itdraucvated tltrougitout by thie proprietor, itII,* bite apartmomts Seing hitiuîshied cîtb mmcv ans! aultabla furîithre. 'rijot mmuîicrigmmcd wili beave notiig uudoiîe iti iîiritlimtefer te confort of hi* gueas, sud thmeynîay reiv 'mi nte bcd of purs liquets b' y c iî , smtppJit tIlm umir Stric-t tltentîlUmi, palld te it ablieg, sud tn lcokimg îîfter lte cuIlty Iloto . Dawes, Propricler. WVliitihy, Nor. itiiud, 1871. 47 (hT lU? -r(l-T r r1.0M M E RIAL HOTEL I> . i R 1-1 - 1 lA' riA I.- % 3 nO1-K" 1n. AMS-POWELL, Proprietor AHTC.AiSACCOMMODATION. l'ch. ii -C . A.ý !LSON$ - - tJiîA. Proprietor. BROOK ST., Wn'ITaB'. T lE smecribea- bogs to annettuce 10 bis Tfniatîde amt i ta pille, lteat lis bas ne- sumcd pesceseicît efflite seeve -veilians! fa- vorably iînowa hotei, which ie0îcw fltes! np it a stuperior mettîtor,' witb evcry conîrotît oc or feite roception of gîmsîs audJ tb tra- velimgplmbil. j;î Bcd accoîmodatieom,assudiporior dluos, iquore atnd cigarm. Uood stahhitig, vitît cttiscîyards, eand etttive Oeîierm ai way o etbIe prenisec. Charges Mefderate. E. M. CALDWELL. Wiltbv, Ja.--14, 1888.- 2.1 - O {iiy ronovîîîcs!, MNT Huie.1., TEI>UOI4AML îe h-oe-b tIieu tîr', - ac0,,rninoclitton H B.1. aust ,tlewiii l ind aven> 'le 'tlteon. -o- aud th Ic5 JOHN BAILEY, Proprietor. April-1 e, 1870. --0-_ The ahove botel ilies been nevly filles! up ut wîy~~ n 5 ans! ftruielted. ,Gueste viii fias! coînfurtable W"ES I V.tR>N OUubSE ! CCOmU11nd:eon ans! attention. ST,%HITBY. 000r etYftahling eus! attentive ostlers. r--tlE i drsg:c vul- îti- t hle Jen. 26, 1870. - - 4 J. ptthlt, tha bbc aove preuiecabave bat, __'____ 3ai tilatt hé eabtsovslpetiruiouf.- COMME ROIAL IfOTE L, t!t oeotpeail f Otiests lieel Wlues ans! "Tile t 0 e"m ocfCuadae"-al-40 tara Rliue O ~ V W1e, îîl. Ager, vholesgie and e rtai1 . JAMES BLAK »=o -ie -JOSEPHI A. BANDF-4L. -o Bosniers tbakileab>' e aweek on moderale c".- neiotly ftt.dop iooul1 for "Ceimer à ries. d l et~s Iiarl tlee! -Whitby. M.5iY O61871- 9 Â~ 0 8O auersary. rremis.j N.B.-Mr. 1D. liidsyy ne longer ait Arent Of thia Cempanýy. o - *Wlaltbvr, sept. 6, 1871. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION 1 S~MTEE& A2 1. ~19 BRITISHI AaMeRicAN ASSUR1ANCE tCOMPANY Capital, $400OOO. ESTABLiISHED 1831. 'pBSold sud vell establiiid Coînpary lare proen c cept riake l cluses cf prprnt r atl; as 'w ase thos§e of sIî welleatahhîsfed cmpeny iu Caada. IâoatE;d asdud on itezardeus property ln- sarcd for 'hhrèe vears or lesa, ltt pecisiiy 1ev 151teB. L~. FAIRBANKS, Jr., oIffice, Broo.k St., Whilby. W1ti1Iby, Aug. 29,11871. 35 Wm A DAiIM DEÉ T TI S T, SUCCESSOR TO W. H. CDARD.J DIENTALt ROOMkS-DutidaeS liee, Whithy, over Mn. Jatnc-sc's store. NI'rRoýS OXIDE GAS ADMMSITMRED Fois TRE N. R thf 1h. s'doan"eof C. Draper, Esq l inte cOmpoed f art cf leto18, lu li 101h coatees- sicar"t ofhe Twetp c urrsy, Couny cf 'Northumuberland. .- SW* A clear sud Iudlsputable titis vil>leo gi-ro eal -the above property. For furliier purtîculae APPly ho flie.ovi2er. FRANCIS CLARK Whitby, Juiy 19, 1871. 29 -tf MIIJLANII RAILWAY OF CANA-DAJý -00-- - TIllE TAýB1.E. On eund aller Mooulay, Novetuber 131 h, trains viii runausefollovs ceIUse OIMiMAIL. Port Hpdpr..... dsparh.............. Beavrrbn,su-rve ............ . laxEn.1- 92.15, e.". 12.05, at. m. 1.46. p. n. Painlesa Extraction of Teeth. , l'ot iope, depar % .............00, p. m Wiithy, Alîril 101h, 1862.1 Isly liudsy, arrive..... ...... 5 .80 . T ReAN@ ceIe sOYTe-MAIL. 1 PHRNIX F1I11 ASSURANCE CO,, î/)MBA RI)STRET& CHAJ<ING CROSS, ESIA1?LISIIED LN1782. (JiLL.K-4IE, NIOFFATT & C, Agente hor Cafnada. JAMES DAVISî(N, Mttagr. I SRNEa*asî LOS y FIEE are effectei! o011te îeslfavoreiie terme, sud LOSSES PAID cithet orferouco te thie Board VIBIMAN <ah11S)N, Aprilslrd'886. Agent, Wiitbyl HENRY WARREN, M. D. DROORLIN, - ONT. CORONER. di THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE - *Cehi et Johtn Iost's Munie Store in fthe lova cf Whitby, and sec tii beatifuachneoia wlîiciîmîtes four different kinde% of stitobes eid-meesboî tiy;. lieus very ligit andetili FThose iutendiiîg le buy e machiine iftlî ey viii senil theur etîdiens te John S. NI. Wilcox, Whitby, wili reeive a9itull description cf the Mscliiiuîca, Wibil puce lit. &c. JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, Whitby, Jeu. 8Siet, 1872. Agent. GLORLOUS SUCCESS The Osborn Victoins Everywhere. 25 FIRST PRIZES, 2 DIPLOMAS, DInGtt VITE IFÂLS 0F1181. Provilncial ExhIbitIon, Kingstonu. 1871, FIRST PRIZE THE OSBORN Lockstitch Pamily.and Light Manufaoturing Sewing- Machine OFVBR ALL COMPBTITORS. The &uBORN liq prneîînnced Sy aelpracticai Sowiiig M actiae teople. vie have tU oroughly examnectIil. tel"net enly a sFirsî clis -ka- chinme ita cvery particular,' but, inslbeir lhoneit jiidgwest,1 Tic Besl Family Lockslltch Sewtng. -Machine is the Market.- Tic pfrincipal pointa et metn thSe OBO1lN over allcthersb t -Thie excellence ands! mn plicîly cflils mechaulâm, tiec nateritl ,usploy ed in ila couetrachion, ils iasting qealiltesanad wde rageof work perfermed, nans uno otet rmachinetsIlu ts dcland sois! e t is pries cat atîtemtt. The. $huttle sud BoSSlus are largo, lhe needile ent, sîraight, and! essily n et, tension perfect, sud itupossîble to geotu ofoèrde.TUe food eau Secraleas! and lowered utb wiii, aeocdiug te hthe fabrie to Sbe uses!. THE 'OSEOE.N" CHALLENGES TEE MAI Guaranteed for three Years. Tiensaudâ uov lu use tirougieul Cana&i. Agnfâ Wanted EXverywhere., R. IL H.'AEA. Bevaanvle, (0eeal A4idffor Onlarle ceaely, DurSaaucd Vie- tonst.-- .ýUELPH IEWINQ IACHME'OOu * Galpt, hm Beaverte>n, daparI...... Liadsay, arv...... depant............ Port Hope, arrive... ... 2.45, p. m. 4.15, p. u 4251, p. n 7 .15, P. n. Liîîdetay, depert...... .......... 9.25, a. iu. Port Hope, arrive............. 15.50, p. mi. H. G. TAYLOR, 7 Supt. ch i reiais. R 1IC H AR D- SIN0 Bega le infoitn nie fiietîde ami terublie, tht liehase re-taken it1w oid premas, lately occepios! by Mr, Ansaiu, vuieru lie laq nov prcpared to supply everytbîug lunlte BAKE1XY AND Juat roctivedi, severai cases of PEACH FS & TOMATUES, very saperior. CIIOICE Arl'LES & PEAIIS, F RUI1T 0F ALL RINDm,, KopI coaststitiy onu îud, lu seascu. ORANGES, L'EMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTRRS, RAISINS, PICUNES, CHEESE, TOBACCO. N. B-Oyelters caleahhd by tiie plate, cookad or rav.î Bretand doivered deiiy 10 cuateunere, sud al other proviesone and! goodit delivercd sas nay lue orderas!. Citoice Braudi; cf Cigara. Wîtithy, Sept. 13, 1871. 11. SNI>W. 57 T RIE ISOLATEL) BISK FIllE INSIANCE C M'Y O? CANADA. Il E A D F FI C E-Kiug Streot, conter cf Churcb, Torento. CAPIAL, - - $.5800,000 Depositci citît tJoanuneîît, -85,000 W. A. LA W, A GENT. Mc&illau's Biock, Brook St.. Wlîitby. W laitay, Lsept. 201h, 1871. O AIJCTION BUSINESS 1869. 1869. Ibag le returai theukefor the-libsial patron ags henetefore bsstoved upeume, sndto an- nonne IlîstI I aprcpered to condeet saleis, siîher in TOWN OR COUNTY, AT REAS'NABLE RATES. £D" Arraîegemente for sales «ncene d aither at he ic toîsîca Office, or ah me ove Office, Brook streel, W httby. L. FAIRBANKS, 3r., Whithy, Julys, îaec M ARiIIAGE LICEN SES i THOMAS HUSTON MSUER or IR Oio-Tovur Hall. Residauce-Byron Street, Ibra dons nonli 0f Town hell, Jan. 17, 1870.S W' HITBY PIÀNO FÂACTORY -o- JOSEPH RAINER. PROFRIETOR. The - itabscribcr, te retnruiug hl& sin- cors tbauks t0thie mauy frisudo sud cushomers e1thle Whiîby PIANO) MANIJFAgÀ' T6RBY, bego e @tttsat iIlie nov cordles,-ou the Suai- usdo soey npon hWe ovu bccunet; sud- lu se- licitcg future ordèeslie boga W ssure tborn liat nothlup.vilibe loft undoneonouils part or su#untol ST ILE,' & - FI NI 0 f. Thii. obratea uev pient sud. «oW.scahe pattern, et bis v ivel, na6f"tuà ai hrsoo. !rew YorZ Oak% 27 BhMU ST. RE GULA R ANN UA L 1872.à MÈ1872. 0f bhc OeNTaMo TUR CLUB, wiil come - off over the Whitby course, on THURSDAY AND' FRIDAYp, MÂY 23rd and 24th, 1872. EIRST DAY. $150. Ladies' Pairas. Mls-aud-lialf' dasi. ()peu t Domiuioli-hbred Herses ouly. 100. T3roting Perse. t.lie liate, 8 iun15,10 imesa, for ail Proviuoe-bred boises Ibet neyer tteat 2.0. Tiret horse $75 00. Sec- ond $25 00. 0150. lainkeepera' Purges. Mile 4îeats. Open to ail . Provinco-b.-ed Herses aiiowcd 7lbs. $50. 11.1-milce bots. Forhltlf-hred torses 0wned h. the Jonties ot Ontario eadd"'ast Durhamn. Catch weigits. ýECOqD DA Y. $175. Dominîion Plate, Sweepstake nf $10 escît, $175 addqd. Mllieas, for al] Do- minilon bred lydrees tit neyer woni public mnouey. $103 sud ail tbe abakes btele firgt horse. Second liorge $50. Thîrd horses $25. $M0. Wtitby Puse. Twe auledoali. oîpen te ail Donmtiufi bred itorses tillowed 7îbei. Tiretlborne $150. Second borses$50. $125. Trottittg l>ure. Yile hetat, 8 lu 5, te iarnems. Open te ail. Firs-t lîoree$100. Secondhoree $25. $50. CousolaCitin Puse Onetie le deeli. $5 eaob;wlti<$80 eddedl; tor-ah hormes bouten dantlagïmeetilig. soolid htorgo b gave hlsebr .liattdiemp celghte. RULES AND REGULATIONS: .-Etitrance le ail l'aises 10 per cenît. ou flîetuîcuey ouiy, exccptitig lte Dominuion plate. 2.-Porseits etnteriug e iIorkze are et.titlcd-te a Baidge. .-Ai enries niast bc made or niailed o'& or beoeWodneedey, 15th bMay, 1872, tethie Secretary, Reaied sud addreseed te bita, Whit by Peet Office. No eutry iii bc reccivod un- ismsesccemptauid by tZ., îueey. No poait- eutry ailowed. 4.-Alla-ticimusut specify age,sgex, celer, sire sud dam of the herse, snd lte lora le bu werti by the rider. à .-Tîree iterses te ho ettersil ii eaeiîrace, sud two to atarI, or no race. .-Ail ridons tii ho dreased in Jockey cee- tume, otherwise lbev wlll net be sllowed to mîitit. Titis raie vIli ha etrictiy enftirced. 7.-Heorses iii the Bret rece cf echandy viii be starteil punutualiy et T#o <PeLOcX, P. M. (Jwicrs wiii gevertitrIthieecveeaeccordiitgiy. 8.-DecialeaeofthlIe Judirea tu beStial. fi -Enîrsance mntey ef herses ineligcible, wili ha forfeited te lte Association. iO-WoIglhissemam as adittd by lte De- milltion Association. N. RAY, Secietury sud Treasunr Whitby, ApîliI 17, 1872. 10 Thbe nadersigiicd l impeparedti teaccocînn date 8 or 10 respectable Bunidere, tuale or fe- maie. 8tudetits or ciorks pneferred. For parbictltirs sppiy on tîtelitreiisose forîneriy ocnîed byM r. Kirklettd, Gremmarsecheel te .?,- Heîîry St , Whiluy. MRS. MATTIIEWS. Wlillby, Apnîl 5?d, 1*2. 14-2m M 1ONEY TO LEIND. The Uitdetigitcl limia> t> iitint cf Mouey to Ls'îd apoti Faras or Town Ptroperty, et unu- anaiiy hec rates of' Inherest. Loaus eau be reraid in surns te suit hurrivers. Sevenel inprovsd Faimas snd wiid Lands for sale coesp. luveaeo mas nde lu Municipal Dabeutuires, Bank, udcter naîketeblo Stocks. Fer farditer partienier' appiy le JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignes, Broker, &c. OFFW(.a-Over Dominion Bak, Molillan'a Block, Brook etreel, Witby. April Sîh,1879. 16 D ÂILY LIN!. TO IRO0CH i ES T ER.ý TUIE NEW LAKtE STEADIER, JOHN ROBINSON'S - j1lair Dressing and& Shavilg, ýSALOON. BUOOK IST., WITBY. qA" Bouts 0W ir T uX 0orMowMAa.., WhIl m! âgé.98toi. ýXy bet beloVed I Coi îhCome-back, 0 corne 1b ote oI~I h anre Corné with tby alv, teidoi y t e sye d Cornýe wiltîly ender charm oftoch iaui-ono, Corne with tlzy presence, ýWn!ibahl ûl atoneJ For al the yadtici s,'w"hieh 'in liiart ath Coffie baclec, bloved' The io.tg Engagement. 'AI) you wiil wait for me, until my fortune is made ? You won't lot sorte other feilow carry yon off while I arn upon the sea ? It's a great deul for a girl to promise, but a lover is solfieli, Rosebud.' He put his arm about lier as lie spoke,_ this lover, whose name was Harry Hope; and Rose-Leslie looked up. mb ohis face confidingly. Wait? Wliy, it seemed tohler, in that earlyhlour of lier girlliood, that bliere was nothing to 'wait for, since h li ad told lier tUt lie loved lier. Slie lnew that whenever lie askod lier to lie bis wife she give assent, wliotler lie hail made hie fortune are not. But it was not forlior to Say so. Her creed as to woman7s conduot, -wlat 9lie miglit say and wtrant slie right dIO, was a very strict one. ..lie would have died rather thali have wittingiy given him one l»ove gla&nce before lie lad assertcd liimself hlir lover; and now bliat wedding-day was some- thing slie would not even seernto rernem- lier until lie spoke of it again. But se was glad that lie lovod lier ; and now she need not hide that she loved him. It wae on lier eiglitoèatl birthdaytliat lie put-the betrothal ring upon lier finger and kised lier, and wcut off to join hie fellow-officers, aud to start upon anoblier omuise; aad b y blet time ail their littie world kncw lat Rse Leslie was engag- ed to Midshipman Hope., So it began, tlie waiting. Tliere was promotion to look forward to; and tlicre was a grand.fatlicr in the ninebies, wlio liad Harry down in his wiil; but whist- ever haipe-"ned, ,they ,vould le true-'to. oaci other. 0f course slie was; perliaps lie wtg. We al l now-a11 gave thc girls wlio are in thoir first love affair-about how turc mon arc to tlie wonatliey have vowed their vows to. Probably, lie was as truc as any of tliem are, and tliat ie not saying mucli. He told one ortwo of hie most intimate fricnds bliat lie was engagcd to tlie dear- est gfrl in the world, and wore lier pic- turc near hie lieart until it was very mucli warped, and very mucli fadd-a fate whicli befails photographe, if one grows to romntie over tliorn-,and lic wrobc plenty of letters. But a good-looking feilow, especially if loie j a naval officer, wli j a species of refine and exaltedl saior, je always mun after by the girls. 'Women admire ssil- ors, sud wcave a romance about them. And in blie ycars that followcd, I suppose lie could not have counted tlie kisses holi gave. The fact that lie W~as engaged sud could not become eatangled, tliat lic was quite safe from any matrimonial projéets, made hlm a greater flirt i ar ever, if that were possible; sud there was an under- currtint that lic searely coafessed to him- self.- The time would corne in whicli li sliould lie a marricd ma, sud those thinga would be over. He would now cajoy himscif. Whea licesat at home, aud with R~ose, lie was perfection itself iu his demeanour He reaily waated nobodly isc. Ho loved lier very mucli. Ha spent a great deal of money in cnjoying himsecf witli ler, sud made lier costly- presents. Thon lic was off again, sud bthe lettors wcre i-vrit- ton, sud Rose lived upon tlier until hie retumn. Slic was a girl wlio lad a great deal of attention paid lier; sud in a spirit of lionour of coastancy that a mau con- not even undcrstand, lie liad set ail this aside. She walbzcd wibli uo one; elie in- duiged in no flirtaion ; she was not will- ing to do rnany things whiçli ahe would have donc if lie lad not lienasway. lNo one shouil do hlm blet wrong. She de- v oted- herseif to domestic occupations. She visited lier marricd lady fa-ends, aud scldorn went to parties. Not one gil in ten thousand would have acted just se. I press=e thc good angles applandcd, whilc they wept over lier uurequitcd consbancy. Her own family thouglt lier very siily HMer girl- frienda lauglied at lier. Harry ne-ver kuew of ib at ail. He opportun1y. '.-He c zagait imself .ve-y. praiscw.ôxthy. As for pour Iloas4 it -had beomea asettled tbing in hlainad tlat sic would aiait-hieplesure. I do not think lie gave e mudli' credit for that. Httvin*g assurc'd himeelf of a wons' lovîe, a man seldorn attributekdt te sny- thing but hie. owu higli deserte,sud ttc- cepe i ass t-lIbeto lus ,gÉeat- menit. A besutiflwomaun, a ladyin the higliet sanse, lie knÃew lier bo le ; .any chier, lie believed, would notbe worthy, cf him. ý 1Se lie "1waibed" in hie fashion>alroed;l and sic "lweited" inher faâîou et home. And rneanwhile thora reaclied bà m et ses one day a greptt, blsck-seeled packt,tlat inforrned him thet hie maternai grand- fablier was dead et hast-liebl lived' to lie a hundred yeare old-andl that Harry Hope wsa idi man et hast. That nigit lic paced tlie dock, sud thouglit of tho future. Hoe.wasxich now. - Thora wss no longer ýaay oxcuse for de- laying lis merriege. Indood, lie hiud go wisli for aay. - Ho was resolved to settie do aet once on land!, sud retiing fa-cm the service, become e good citizen, with Rose fer the lady ofhis lionse. II have at iasets home worthy cf yen to offer,' lie wrotç ; and. lie meent it. Ho loved sud honored lis cta-otlied as mmci s it was ini hignature ta love aud lionour any wernan. Rose -acd the words with a happy bisa-t; sud aie kisscd bhe letter teuder1îy. The rest of the time ehe weited Ont pe- iontly, for lie would nover sil wey fm hem agyain. Juet lupon the ove of hie expected me- tura, Rose received Ibis leIter fram Har- ry's moîher 'Comeasd puy me a vieil, my dear. 11- wiil lie sud a deliglilful surprise to Harmy te flmd yen here., And Rose, notiîing loIh, actepted the invitation. If lier good augels could have kept lier at home, titis story woubci have oudod diffeentlý. If they lied only kept hem under lier own roof for twenty-four hours, even ly some serions accident or ilness, sie miglit have hlessed tleie. As ib Nwae, tliey mude il main, sud shc de- flod them, sud cailed a cab; thon tliey Wiea Rose arrivcd ut bbe boute, Hum- *ry lied siready come. Ho was up-slaire. aI hie boilel. And Iliere were oblier vis- itors in bbc bouse, smong thm s Mme. Ashlsud, a yomng widow, sund one cf lie most dosperate flirts an Cbristendom.' Sie lied kept np a constant cormespond- once wilh Harry, aud lied aiways ma- aged to haeve a fine flirlation wiîh lm when hoe carne lhome, bliongli of this Rose Leslio was quite ignorant.- Rose'e nicher lied.somo inklng cf blie.malter, however. 'That Mme. Ashlaud is home,' ushe id. 'Sho invitee herself.veïy- oftea; lut 1 don't fancy lier. It will e sncb a bore- to Harry. We liaven't -* bld hlm ycîî wemo coming.- Lot me bido yen beliind tie parlor cutains, sud ll eead hlm la for somethlu<" Sa, stillinjucher waltng costume lad bat, the old lady tucked lier friand away behiud the folds of lace sud daiuask, sud huriedl ont of the oorn. Rose stood coucealcd behiud the win- dow curtains, trembliug witi happy anticipation. She heard astsep without, sud lie door openeil. A figure entemed. Ib was not Harmy. Il twais a lady-Mm11;. Aslidnd. She-flnng herself lnan a rn chair, and bobk un ettibm4e. Ali, if oiy Rose lad sbepped outt bien; but sie id net., Aniobier stop souibeciniuthbchall. lb was Hurry's ts -ime. -Ho entered baisbly, sud 'tî'ulled sîmaigît up te Mre. Ashland', and bissed lier. 'Ho baltes lier for mne,' said Rote la lierelf. 'Hemlitsoher listoldl lit ta am hero, sud ini thc excitrnent lie-' IYon naugiily mun' said Ma-e. Adi- land. - 'Wliy, you kisedmewiewe parled!' sid hoe. 'Don't yon supposeo I've Ilacuglit of it over since ? How beautifîlly you are looking l' 'Yon've sald tliaI la tweaty people te- day, I'ma sure. Il cames 50 pal.'2 I nover say ib.to sny one but yen,' said Hary ; how cari 12' 'Oh,'I kuow yon mca l' eaid Mmes. Asi- lead. . Younenver moan suyblîing ly whist you say.' 'Thon yen woîald not bleve me, if I were tesy I adomed yon ?' eaid Hem- a-y. 'No. Yen are an.ong-aged ma. Yen adore seme ose eose, or ont li t.' 'Ohi, yee, I ougit le,'sasid Ramy; 'but we do not always do whist ire onglit.' l f en 1-' - Iee oloein lier, steru asoewh î'hatedooudhla-e l en, sh i aléllwneI Alt.er witig sa ttw muomens,asi k pec ting Something else - te ie Said, Sara ashed, IIs blatnau massa."-ýYae, Sama, "dis nigger don'bhlike ibi1 for may be'sorne dairk niglit de debble cornclook formaesa,- an' niake a 'stakeans' take poor sam. No- maussa, if ail de sanie te yom, dis cuile 'fersl te eliricd by hieseif 1" A Cuoos SEnetose,.-A funny stomy te -tld of tItrée' young -Candidates for s Scottish xulnistry. Th& liret ose put upon lbis triewliila pnttlng on his roles lappened te detcry su ancieut-louking, weli-womu oiT papor, whicli preved te Le a sermo n upon thle text, "ýJacob wes a plainmenu dwehlino- la tenle." Seeing blie thbi aidseronmewasmiîchbetter blin hie ncw one, tle aspirent te, pulpitlien- aur bock possession of if, delivored it a&s bis own, sud bien r tm>mcd ilte oits -OI eting place-. The' sermon -was a go od onîe, and pleaeo the, hearars, althongh thtoy woulld lave pmefered ana deivea-ed wilhout a book. Great wae their seton- isbment tlie foilowing Sunday wliea preacelier aumler two treateil them witb lie sanie sermon fem'the samne tet; but it n'as toc mcl for theF Scoltieli pati- ence 'taheu a third minister, faIiing ite thie carne tiap, commauced hie sermon by aaneunclag blet "Jacobi n's a plain man, dwelling ta tent "anu sd - oeeai n'anareiethéiefée'lings of -lier fel- iow-enfferers by excluimlng, "!Deil dwob * ima 1IsT lie -nover -igi oinbflit V" RLS 0Onzzc.-A- dector n'es callein l ta sec a patient whose native hand wae Iroiaad, sud n'hoae native drink 'es n'hisbey. Watcrwa-pvs eibed as lte ouly cure, rat saiT 'it n'Was eut of the- qnostioaz--e. couid nevor drink il. Thon miii n'as proposod, sud Pet sgroed ta g-et l e n uaibb. The T'chaer waeso on summnoaed agalu. - Xcear bbhelied ou w1d-he s bc dcmen bay 'tas a telle, asud oni talle e large bowl, sud- in lie bowi was nilb, but strongly fisvoured -,Witli whiskcy.- "WbVat have yen hoe?"'caici lte doctor.-"I., doctor, just whist yoa ormdiere."-"Blul blere 's n']iskey la il; I ooli."" dldactor,' ighod thie patient, '"there niay bc wliskey ila il, but îaiilbe my abject." A RTIarucWOe.-"ýOue cf our citi- zens," cayeu-aNom' York.papea-, wnut b lic mailwsy staton tola eebis dauagter. off. Seu-igler e seatý,ho peesed ont, the car, altiairont rmenit - lier window la szay i#parhiag word, as i t-e rqùeully dloue ou cnt-h eceitioons. Wlaile hé n'as p 0 .not, edaughtera- eft-lier seat te speak to a frieud, sud et the . ame blanc e prim. iolting lady wloocpidbi samo seul 'iti ' ber moved up bu bhc wiudow. jJae-ware cf 'the important elianges- insube, our vetiemable friand las- lily put bis face up bte widow, sudl iuriedly exchaimed, '"One more bise, cweot -pet." - Iu anolier instant, the point cf a bineecolbon umbrdlua cauglat hie sedluctive lÈps, foilowod ly the- pas- sienate lajunchion, . '!&vaunt, yen-grayz lieadedwnretcî ' Andhle vuvintedl! A al;t greea-boobing Yankee ycnbli - steppeti labo a vil#age grecery, n'lere tboy bept so mebhing te drink as well as te est, sud after peoring about a litie spied came ginger-cakes. SaiT lie te the gceTbr'mibylfine cakes. Whist is ite .least yob't!al Le for- oeeof 'ern?" -Ton 'ce-nts, ssid the grocer. Well, I hielieve V'II tabe eue, if yom wa-p itl up riglit good." The grocer wrappedup the cake-, ant i hauded it to hlim. Ho loob-ed tiouglifuily ut.il awliile, sud said, 11I dou't beieve Iwant île cake, afftr ail. Woa't you swap me s drink for it 2"- "ýYes," saidthlia grocer, as ha teok baek tlie cubee ad liandedhlim a gises of some- tbing. TIc young inan swallowed the lique,'n started off. "ýHoIT. oui" cried Iýhiegrce;you laven't paid aue for my &ik.-ilewappe-lydnth Ë cake for he drn"-"But yon lavea't paid moo for the cake."-"You"'egot the cake" Thle hast retort se uonpliaesed bie gro- cor, li-aI ha stood fanI acatched hie puz- sîciT hees!, n'lile thé' yuung man made god lhie rebreat. A Californien paper gi-ras lie foilowing as sgenuine impromptu *composition made recentily s littie girl ini thefftn grà de of bIc local gyemar chuol :ý"A goal te etrongea- lien a pig. -He looks at you,adso doos lie duabor, bute lias -olg.Aboy Nviblnuts -fathar je an oiTanntlf--isin'b guI amother lie is twoocaplan. The goat dots net give ý 'aud 1 un I'o:-t Otriée, ODL 1 1