g lu' g a t ut' frequîcîs] tly - poudfer o r my bhoukaVwet bte hotirin ia t isetigLutOn a poutiU4 dlay 1I insli s eilosel> cnuc]Apt aii anIiihirdt wIrk ; aui, tiongit levai t ala nud ieu'»us uifreimn loug ae au]iiguufu a pplicationi, wua cxelodilsily ilt te 43 esidua îny bootks, titoulgisthe-wa=nipj bell ihalltolic] u tisq.4.gI)b hour. Il gowu ttsd alpper, I jmsttiUg befor- Wie ue-il liru vuiruuds' Wvl.tg, ifi illuy waiu iii)ou bu*e booûkglu - ta'3 , tiel,4jlt;y1fl dreaut i artling, sivid diatinctileasF Ituile po$eiesion tuf, mýy oveuwuougis f usms î-ulkiltu: ieiuutrgi?' alonga quie- sîsel, ilu t uî tetirl itaprtion tei seityl uu-tuui ltl IIýl tts snesu aleîîlarge ruîuhisîae, apui iuutylûs i tiÇtuieu uusisuu-t sluout at ,sîuuîeisante front tht sulrmtusu. 1I usteul easelnlltue pecullau stl ut uelsiisfusç,i lulalecisituai- Iy su ighltfîClrin it t i îîîîr uiuudoa uioIt-due llissls--ý ;lts isul auugs-y salce 55i.-utiu-Oi- tes it'lity sue i thlie itigluliar, 'lise-us ]5iiItu,,'stl, lus uspicl successioa, the W1111191,;su ufILluvie-suailuieuclalyStuggits ILu Iisi4ttt îuîtl îu hsuîug, ivniliig alur-l ift,'ussly, utIsiIsiucs ueu r linau a %ua'si at ti lut jI . V1ruuoko seituitiu l iacola, fou nîy dee-luiad tuis narI îju ]auing usaruneul iO)ttii aLs wetl as I couil ser te iy- iîsg rtis es s-ired ul f fcu]. IV ssus n lti",gListi-, thoigli, Isalurt lecsagain s l-I;i-id y syusute-lit errilelu-tare- btous wuus iaile by i~ lk cuatu. Tiluitsisslrc fiuuîvt sas unidlellise ltecut sssîid gtuasuto fllu e n iyttut- igtls tit sls ily rIlitîite- sIf situîsi3-, Ertl]gi- iisgtt, ttis H atvsnîlut, i teus111ule sî sLaItt uri -t issît fu ii-utà îstîk iite lis tre-ctionu iiivýÉ ti-su ly usyscu-tutu. Vft tisll titi- lisî ats s isu ttt-eti ugis: l il t sv suI essîsulî t VftuVtVit astise filua itise I istu tu--e -u -tsits sucntluifull's sîti-i luyta Iuiruîits ituittaecîîrueplotraituesc (uf ts- h;I su id giotisla seseîsîasl lu Alte- tnttîîîg iiqtîiuis-s i of ertau uPs lilsi in ltliteiitttglluiitiuiitstti, ileattec tuttI lise ktî 111, 041ouîgsl li nus]uts tuttullu i l' resueit getsilmtans, îuanî- eutll'ituîil hiltruil. Mc. Sa'tonlsuusuas sip- fis îolus ser- Il ;iti tîîu hu ls ippss. Ifsî -sul rit iu h faut thltat lieas aisstfspirs-st i a ihitthpta naVet Itissuilhiluit-llit îasss-îîuiglîiîîra %ytua- euuitaiy iiiigiigto lula. As -ý lus uîaulhtlu-tutus'ase, ifhi I isi tgag, tIltIli* ut itu tIof lstlit, luuas sery' i tstl,(Iti0t Mualle- flîrîsutuisîtu ttui li- us-I l-e-stVier t-it." aistîrul uue )Vleclîî'strirt el-a îl-il t t e'iuc i l ti us-IdnUý tusu iîîctlsuî n i 111t4ttîui-s MtMun I-tlit- lu s-tth inttliil-. ittîsl- brut tailv 03' lt5uisieu- l, tuit sîiui litilVut ut isutus1jaîorûittive, wLl? 13s.sluîeuuî lut - s r hu, s-lts ca LI i] t tsaiu lecievlitîlilelita filhiii-, 7Mlaié,Saut- teus ss-us ge.-emtly luclveil luy flue fesu- sii hiut'l-i-Site usai salua - ea girl ai plhcaui fliug ltirucîs, ai geuble anfi aî'hiniîug (timtiuuutii, uuhose qittledees tuflilissii-rus' ituuiusig te ueetly anti auf- féiuiîg Ditji' IItuuIu îMoleentubfurSui osuuua rsu Iliuu rent. "Y i lîsIîseuunlîI' relurlyiiet lily ulfll wfl ; tiae oteqnly f iuioesu andsi i ls cuîaîtq. t pletti lta- rII)'tu Vte- l0stîsI, aufieiug tItan - of tisas-, ceuuuting, ii flic e eda af aauluc, lus eam'ýîseu poia tn imita flliee usii iibtooui Theuu, usith t i îfl-iÎiîg of'tender sympahy,I Ithlalihl fjits ldvcly mauîten, shuft on# *JVltaiapttnll ihbî asgu gisy, yelu sei'iug ëNervOî)ôrtsuurnity Vo \Vitf lî suds tionglaba as lîcas, 1 Igllid nis di-n lu1s01)*," RUm in oo y tiau] uas - ugaliri svardcring hi bite ulystie reins ofti;iuamlinu. Striange Vu Bey, bhe s'aiie à iûgts cenea, anu] sotnels i 'syuticlîmu] tldriu]ra ïcd bitpfcodîifg ' iwre -aalulit-fore nise i ait tieir turible dfstutnes. 1 astohue o tise fil Conviction thlltu tun tar clar. ILAusuiws taittta beitfail - M. Sanboir eud bis Ifaîily, and] resol-edte Vo lae no tinte iLi-urnaug lula of dthedanger 1, aîipreliuundc.d. I liad felt au inclination ta do tis thse dny befoîc, but feareti leat I fsisouilu] ho tauglted et, or aveni taspeeteel ai hau-bouuting turneo- tlmilar delgaun yseif. But te s epetition ai msy dloeIim deternuineil u ta acquaint Muf. Santoni wibis tiré grounda upon wliil)t ny, approiscesiona weup bases], alafi thon la-se hitrtoeuet nas lis-juidg- ment aisouildietate. - U »Out tne pri- Mr. Snuon a estato lait veen z âe émfýficrduiity. inthie'hands oas l gul emeUfor. ~enc-settiement ; and hie, in obup' instructiona fronlthe lheiress, h90, il ý 4s A dubt- the prupcrty, anc l pacé4 the 9n7 th f your in the banit, subjeet to hçr order76lié ë sceun had spent the-"uMmer ai autnunxwith = -; but pardon me whcn I my munthcr, and as the-winter ap- ýà *ttome nathey do net éeeni Buf- proachcd, cxprcssed hier deterinntion géen o warrant -re -lu 'askig for a' olzeturnine.toFreubee. Thi»areaulution -j Là ru. The me-an£; y eunuaid was eýa-net1y coznibatdb ymotIier ~will, 1 dare sayr, lbe ap uflicient to aa8'ister, who had beo -eep at- roé-qu e"bà l . ot taced 19ô thelu gttest ; but situe resisted list ave don«yourdütyy1jufr which ail their entucaties to stuuy, and the day ae~tmy thanks ; "nloes,' lue wae aâctually flxed for heu departure. adeloi will <acccpt at more substan- With inany misgivings, I nuw doter. 'dal a.tined-to try my poweua of persuapion. -.tf ïfaiuônîeut,' I ueplied, At first ehW dècLîéà d Il wahrpé~v 'titat an Ic of rcwaud promptcd une intention to icave un the appruaching t&gve oleawarniiîg I have and I day ; but we toid bier ho*'~ deoply, -tn 'i *lat the daniger existe I heu] icarned ta lova )icx-ho)Y. neces- 8 Imt it ni uasato. ary suha ad become for my lýpinas le 1d te iuse, by nomneancsattsfictl -how site wonld cruuh ont aulibi. irom, with PI~4 rult «einy visit; and as thse henxt if elîoperktistod in har inten, -dy WbuiIoI,1 folt more tliau ever cati- tion ai goiug away, ah. graciuusiy re- vinced that the attack~ wouali be made lented. .. Heu doparture wes indefinitely thât Th& ila' soanted situation of postpoied ; adWhen these pring bue *iié htb nioonlcss itiglit, rendercu] came, gentle reader, we freighitedas 'daricerelby tbt,>-clauds thatl'iad gathercd gaeudly ship with our 'nuited déatiniea. thioly >uver tueb wlîole hc&veus, ail O u jouruuyings have been thugis lecomed ta favaur tluedcspergte attempt. picasaut p aces, and] no storma have dia. Tp nyretites axey covdt turhcd tu peaceful Ocean of Ounrdo. miùe enothes- attempt ts rescue the e ate happinesa. iamily froîn t jr danger. Witli tIis. purpose in view , repaired ta thse police NEuWYORK uMîua.-Thec Tribunîe aya: hpad-quarters, . aujd asked ta sec thse "We shail print to-morrow marning a au1,riteadeënt, I Was showti into hie miùl and] exhaustive expose oi oneaf the aofisce, and bricfly expiained te occasion tnost nefariaus traffics carricu] on ini aur >f uy 'riait. eity ta tise dawnright rubbery froim unr -1 lERs qusestions. attd inuesud(oosu let me citizeus af millions of dollars imtuuniy, nu raou t o douht buit that lie regarded and] grave peril to thse publiceiteaitis. Me as ait accaiphiico ta the tlslcvr's. Severuti wetsks carciol inquiry by oui' re- -n elivd-ia. inedd t hie Porters, accumpauuied in their investiga- police on a faite secut, wlsile saule vil- by publie oflicers,aud a tisorougis analy- leny wouldcJsce rp4ratei in anuther sis by; a scienutifie ,elteit, have cstab quarter iiu,ejlied, houve r, iu lishecu]beoaney sort ai doubt thatthe a sli ort4 f T¶ypasitiounund charte- milk trade aftiq i city, as conducted by teru, lue tusak.,a nulora eluaritalule vlcw oai middle mnen wvio serve familles therewvith mv initerféenetce, tutd said, 'Tihis is ccc- is anc tulonats-ous and] flagrant saindie. taîuly a vsry remurkable nîspeal fior Marethlun75,O0 quarte ai watcr are assistant-e. 'liîigiutb sa tl-iy aud daily uold anu adulteuntian iu aur milkat miaucebeuie, tud I do itat like toa u positive lots in inoney aifiueuly if cuot order out ua large fareaunîno bettci- quito $10,t00U a u1cy, and] incalculable authQritý' thaili a drctuu. l'ou aua, cust tiff betth and li111." laowee'r, aM4WtInue ?se ta thisS, aurlif~ FATvALACCtacNrý;.- Weiliug-tou SqJuare eîiy chausse lu voilsuiteer Ieir susce,[May'2 son of Mi-. Charleus King tiusy shltillutve .Iurlisîiuu 1uto cti- Ifainer, near Wellingtont Square,wa Paiuyý1 Él. lel. kftlyt. ilieuitlubs afternoou wlilc ciig aliui-ae. Aitur eajslutisi ha liteeusofft fussly t iîi horseuîe titi fo-ce alsalîsurea" tuu uIc'lu.-es- uthel ofauiug nites luret four ie uuu cu uwulLu blluî ývi-.Th oyfalig-cnitu sddc . h l'o a caut tau in ithe stirrusp8 Fil nhi auttulw( 'el ail fus1e l'u-(1 eu1 tr.leliiseru1il uluii ia deuuec af Mr. Suatetu; cuti, un arrivung u lte i e esetulhhinint tîtere, tua Bit uIclsur lu sai ut u-ttsuusC V a kikuluua -Hyjup is ilplteet ottutaît as fe-iuuuut lit., ratai lit as -uu-.uu-utsuaruy stuniu, U(t, tuctutut palirnuiug duwn iii. torienuts. 'flite W'td prutuing licrefri-a. Is fatiucr tuas tous, wae tsteur, for fle wiuwl llltcd amu ci itnss of tise fearful. accident. fif-rr-uly thraugllite crackis attd crut-s cas CatLttASIN aVTlru INrulAi<.-WltSisiu-- af il V itru-ke-Vy 0alilents u -lui- eton,.May 2u--'ureport re-tciveulat tiieM'ar bildtlalsu refuge. lflue unaisente serin- D)epan(Itu f.lated luit Lu',avetîw'a-th. cul ltius s at alutu shiercu] litte Kans-as, Uthitistt.,sanas :-"Gou. Grange jilelty larlie,;s. Nuosusul dru-acludrsi r iq tîillision ubetweeu tise tiacujîs tuuand usuiun-s ave lstssiu andguttuI iisg lhieving bandl uf Utas st Terra ueurea ni tus tublast. iaussilitscrus is-uas tusgrutu' ortlu-tuest of Abiguiu-, oihue 60iii litt. imlu itssu tt, i r-ru t1 iir fin lsOne Inulisun aas iiled aîsn ui s cllie-r Vussissg seu (ltu11tu st-1ita l usat-uSseveu-eiy ruounslr-l. 'lustt-tu-k wva s ade iusugit, isuitl su wt silfises' us-m iusrsi a-l)'ttsItssiait ilut li- resu-nce- ofise i- wilo-gome. has - 'lity au st sîokeeofs iacistt sttt, usus, i lise Irosuiadefenu(lt tt-tvtîsg ; snd I, utis, egsllntrocc-----tlieunip-ev(s atfaru-isnteu ltuu. teit-us us ic! ise-iStsu-su- btIttttt111(ui- Fort Erie, Muu 2uf-Abit8ul t. su. to- lluis.A iigitt, Issu, fit ) s'sttgh1îj1Ier: *a, a tt ( -audt"riutk yard englune and svettigt rloi h i- ;h5-1dtlitatt diut-.t i vs i'a'ut uflat Car off flite ferry-boat tut-s tuul s aul ttu -tuu-uss-,tlsstgliVie Vteuproitu gave iway, 1pality tisrcnvilsg uisu- u-i r 1 l sI - -sut e a itut - su11 r s- flic. ul uutumt a ugle-l1sas u itetîl i y s, tutu 'i) s fus, ti-t-s m-ttv as us-susi ish ule eugtue udriv-er, tisee-Lu-uitw'its-itissu Isuusu.lietC lutlstsiabe lueseuspu %tts kill ell Wvs ueutu-f-iltrtim-r ib- L u - lits- fru -at -- cluutut- r-lus-t n- ustîti s]s-i. 'lu- sultu i tu f 5i 5st5ui i y theu u-ucajuuîg si teof u ai t s--us -tle ufstgl ut-u ai-aut-suT he lits I--in. utnasis-lG rissu-tlsi, liai n Cil ss-ils tue- li te t-itutt s-t iLlt-cti f l uis- .citiit lussuts-sialiiltuf tusume- -~~ i tliu-, il 'i su def,.uîi catio of vei ii n uttise SiuIitcssiust tf siae-eiigstg flt la L f-IS eualosc ace ritt- itutiss a e grtus olaic Wetltte cessuI-itv fuir lttti ru-'u-, te-ec*o;is uof cituthluc "haideç, taL cg ou -jIttsltidjutusuIlits- usussuitl s'ut -îctirults- tisiîtliuli uin.9 illkiuis islitiiasîg*'bide- sucrtul irus-s'-is-u. lis- uuuuy -f rPrn.i g-tusutt s ttolr, biacl e iict, follaviuug 'Siîiutussulu'; uusitrisigl us i sissusi sa()I i lte, lte bidte-, cf liu t, eEeuuuust ltii uaeitui ui, ~flauur :slt sttu-fti ti-us-- la; ie ansiyt- wittotut wiitnlitera woutli le b0y o1 -i us' 'sEsusug gsl~stiti uuai tuafu1aansi Vite £un rauisi uut Oaa1. ait Ius Lt-sW ' itla uts theus- r blce g W'iuv uu 't tteus w-:au bio-y, and 101ut1Su itu- eurs- tltill (Il el tt 5s ttis- -euarusity wctaflue laste itu orna- ~at. 111ut îtiu ua lsaii. ruse Iilg- E uuuu'iisiil n.5itid ietulva earîgiut iuta tuetultg ifsunu-slutcts-rr. '.1 iti t e ttrilit'utt'ngii(e-utaund sîposet suti1"uequs, s-bu t1iir kue-es luiueus ilutarge ct-to- e t- a -ut-bil. T'uc gut-enor ittsu ls. ts-ss u tutitLL-tuiutsituse-uc iluîar -eau:iiinrotirîg cad-oi liier tss illito fluc- stuustuLale- t-abuetse-t-, us-s sutle a-tc--eSe-e-ti etlieritssst, ae-wrîuss-t--si ti itu-s. cetititu Ilie- alses-vei l>Oh, tltar ai-e1 As saoliuis fusi tuuuuur(,e---s- tsi osutheî tlis--e?-Olt, ano' rîslcu] cul, sue tlitit-si sutE itu-itusut Lsdit, tutus- tir gu-sdetuer, litIiu ifal te- r unîtuer - braVi hbodies un te Ituur. A sullet hîad iluantue us iy sots. w'îuauus I place-i lieu-e cuterec iolue etast ai Mc. 'lautesu, "" fo î] les ysuneti-.' pasaing blîrosîglithtisiluaugs, jîîfllctingI wauud whtciuhln]lue-aveu] abioutintu- ýMc. Spealier,' taid naatîcusîberoaithe sbantly , as-baL Miss Santon, in tile 1a5il4eut Legbiatucs, diseussittg utbil oxcetus aifier fuight, lunul talleus lutsu a fa)rt ue i egtslauti l te luîmber tu-nde, dek f -i wopsuu, fitaut viicli I bu s uus ll jue Iistu inte inaber iiucchauits ta lue fa uv sao l onti D vttu'be aleir lus u uua-t e-'uegiautis rscals-I wauiru te rouiter.- 1 u-urbei iser irsu e. 110f0ur'-,ttlutu rt- uîu il-ei t-e 's-yeau-s. anti placiuig lu-r u[uess utILtutil, lita i i i 6ip"!""tu tuttisl t iucigist iairu-l, '111.wu vaiu la Cati tie hfe-luloasi ucek lIt t juofiN su tli iitatt-u fi) fs-ost e ielda ofai tilanclieuleia-k.e lolip is i eltt ius-tsti isstlu- uiseîiu w t-l usi lum at lenglia at-sttîueic les essts- i cý - gu f' u it vus-- tti iulit > of' -ftins ,-111Ytue oiposiirtufrîiati-lucs i,u-f iii sspu;utç-wcus(ý lliu4ýittlîstu gri-rt sitsoîslu-î ? Suf uctu tîv ari uel, tusi vit t Iut L it l usi iv essuisldite-a-fi; 3 the liestsrt tf t-l gres i-ticuitilut-- 1 tual ussof ssuvs ls-utslt isie s uilI, u i tti tuuuuits-u uus tato lis- petsos-u isu-fututt-, utus tiu isîtiti sîs ttt - V sstai lersan is ptt'u:u-uut "011tt, tic policeuLVaq foi a titleci a tîl ;îacby, o'sle inec]V shy6siel4n ;>utd te. resuinder oai tIsh -i -e-ry'tiiighluefucies.' force cns-aititutluisausets to te Il uas su o LIinluChlictugolusin ecasi- lidit ttidfil, pairr stteshal Mite physîian essuninttasie Itis appe isctli i . lt upr saeVtleey ;Luc, an towrds lie loseof' he I ,1, f xe-,pt flite tuai-bias. One utue, un] l-uvte-IsLit coseai is tuuil ltor s-Outur ý;e fuo-0ta, tsat succcsîtu elîisg it isatîtiace- iae flu imtl il> fet i lutt uf trc titis ltet's'stlise- e-tut i lu fis fuis ptust. île n. s as teii -att Wf'r couisd7tit e(r diiîecei ttul lt--ettt viltt tt -tit a ica-. bcl% luvçg-i uinlupati(Esular uuuv - e u e - rfelîsun-i; inveatEaca - lie çarisi ii i) uoi-i. 'l'ite nuluceo suf ci It ýilt udeulut-e-s eltîtu 5 ntiutt ail cutras yatsîtg ilats--itLulits a tuet t sus IIt--e-u u uuîssas.au- t-lue ut] fuses -e acu] iîu ttfseuIsesuis uats cle-ut thacL Mtsn' i- utu .Is dr- uauin lu e Mtisa U c nsoli ile-e lt-awcini trut.abi ts 'rcke s uiier beiag irtteuis Fa r*tes-t-cal dut-s-se-elus- tusie n ilsisetn tjott lt la~~~~~~~~~~ tuutrisctens ita uauiuullAi i -lîcdeul squire, betugworateul tc 1b ns jier ýnisaguus- i la rc)esoci ta 1 lus Sa ine;Stlti li uuargullocut, took oEf the ioosly tuscc, uîsut rs-uueiiatiauîai ouson w a -an itiiot, by Jove, I'd - liter awn situaîioîu, bu ,,altituus11M alupusus uake lutta a paraculs!'-Ve-y lrabable,' hiea-. ,Sue tit i st bu-isu iscul fufsu'listent sîuiul (lSydney', 'buatl1Ises your lier iagrôxyaIU8 oaigrie- illutthast, j wiitue s usa adifféet uinti' - asaauiuatgs visulu] issuta isutt. liter lis t inleru-iititesl aI tisuuu-s lu)ytttftlic e-aAoi r L rs.-A uquiet iluasu rais-'a '?&y puor fitlet-; ltuey ruas-e ins-dr esi ur-uulsiiei. 1sNe ak nut tieuti- t;itlqrileiisciý,l î- srs s-isî L,'lale gs-stitltnElnin 9' lie wfuat sial i -(Ioti". se-yîitl. 'Ilsit't kuîaw.bils Etver3 feelintg uf iy laetwaz; swsîl- 31 isusisoe usa ilurticuLrly'?' 'Oit lots-cIli an icteuisje t)-sulsatlsy issr iss' I uuu-c-l uauýltel t-i l"'- hVtat tha . tn ieppy glu-i. T w o cet- tbrec tintes h ltus (. i su its'; - ý a-daty I woni s]eniltoar eruthcoetn- LonCituuontainuamutetpîeoupletitan aition, ; and] -a stout aasiewas in e Socotnu, liua trebie tise Ibreigu trade, situbtion ta recala Viiii visita ai irleada, tifuSpain, ansi contributes more revets- 1 would it avit lier fou lionra, and]usettan Iueiand, -etrive by rmaiing, citeerful conversatiotn, Ts nesausa ielmeo td a urln 0satont fron T heboztte fteE pr saq ýnctw S ' e r c of cp ai~ in 'Patio hgtebo etV wsqîlibe limitcd -'in- dryt bu 1e mitocd - tta cannon. ¶od, -%VAS amo enlireiy coufined ho ANolhinghusm faruin s brougisl ont- 1 ise Who hu] been tise objeccta ofa ier ai new 0,iove witls a pockcb ou tise luside -- nevolece ; aild ,teste poor cmatures oflte palun, -lu suit lte habit indulged r pù"â$ýlpd bthe iivçlicst aympabbly fu luby:V e fuir sex- of earrying nîo-cnl z~ii'efagbues. -,tiat position. -u-Whiisb I lnly. appîcciabcu] tise id-- e&ue gt obd Thuas suggestcd_ in -~ssi~hae~oiieçpc, tlitbp=ilt t t se police SINol] hv c up ûienula 'in ô*hé statn . ?WiLV tsfcoffeoeeeh au hewiaterl4g T I !cn Mies Sazittn,,I1±lerefo1etolt FM ckiusg à -a mrly aequain. l ex nZ femaèoj evenîs ing tVale the, béim roftaOf -iâto'wn oye -Fo (4esubaéî fle knew hliceuldsellitise timbetr. ud frenioa0t-hn, ansd urgihg heu Vo ô,oepuuua'r n~~. ixku~g4 sema bu R-----, eau]briitg my sister. -cbaiilcs iifw'&dcpli im haste on tisie toeejpt vue ulcteu'nui f -At a -wedding laWey, the icar5 et iit h econuuitticzn of Vis-handi5, of te, bride that if youZ desire to go afçly, surely rudy an coinfortablte any pointxný the Pacifie Ruades, be sure thiat you go "B ay of Bulntn AlWho wstpariulrinformation, au] lre mahowing cor-rectly thse ions, ca-ubtain thons, and any other knowledge, by addressing General Pas- ,'iengdr Agenut, B. & Mo. R. B. iB., BUT T'Picase sir,'eacicta Uttie, girl Who. waa sweeping a crosaing for a living, 'yau have giveui me a'bad penny.'-"1Never miid, ltjle girl, yau. may kecp it_,fau your honcsty.' A Peansylvania pttper, lu spcaking of a saugstrees says :-She -beats cals un higit notes. ihere was nu music or cest tenu jj lesvoie.; butbitwas abouat six octaves-a oo,,-c tiscreecis of a ladt Indien." A New Y ork peper adverbise that twu sistera want iiwnshing."~ If ail thse people Who want washing soulu] adver- tise (ays another New York paper), the newspapcu business would brigisten up consaerably. Some ai the questions puopaseil far discussion et a meeting ai a New York debating club weue these :-'Is it ne- cessary that femalet shasuld receive a thuuuy literai-yeducation? Ortiemalas bu take paît ins polytix '> IV al]tisitat the liglut oi a mnatcht will frigisten a woli; but a lave nss4çh santetintes fails to keep'tho wçlIf firaun the doar. A yaung ladly beiug eisked by a iit aid bachlcor, 'If noV yaurself, wlîo wouud yau r¶Vher bo ? b1ped, ua se tsweet]y rÉpiîed, tu"Yostrstua'd." Lt la akid thiat ane greenti asetan ducat contiias arsoeic nougli ta kifi a man;',eand yet minadun't secîn Va bu afutiu]ta go uearugi-cen tarletan dressee. ',Vhy did lue tuot lie?'is'lathe tibleofa a uiew v aael. \Ve have satt renu]thte conuadruta, but believe tire answeu bu bco-iiecausc lie refuscu] ta take lifs miedicine.' A aea-captailî cxplalned ho aniluui Fliip ta deurden]caltas aI sea.i us CAUTION-AiI gennîne buthli sine "Peruuian Syrap," Isuer -Ilt-trusta» Berk, "i tlswi, in lise glas$. A 3-page pamphlet aený fret, J. . PDîtuauirepriplsr, M01Dey SL, Niew Te-k. Seid luy aIlJrurwriaua. rThe siu ý 'is5 Lvestetu ailltutu- csei rhuit f lu a -sînloi love bis 'isîîc un-titusfactory 1)liwhere the busuness wii be c morse extensive taulc, lu the se ci about as-eks f cura " - :' l 4 <Oadat b y , a y' 1 5 , J O S Y . R A IA I r ENDEui5 FOilR Y(Oi, SOHOL EXTENSION Tenders suill bu reccetu by bite undgrsign- U t ~ Voa -- J - MI~eher o12O'cloç*,nuson, et~~~~ ~ ~~~ tis - flu ilcopeia an au]- Ution Vao s HgsS hol ofiitis Vowu, et- * rd aop-lumanu]aci ceIinB preparu SH. sngley, Terthet, JIil au n l-een t e almhice o ae raper, iItty, sud 1 Viseriao ieAulie4Trac T.nae& n i gr~vd!usctîd epAaely ou for Vie wsole 16 W buiuu.. &rd Be4 whi sdVt ebunntec accept the ,sTastieiasiy teuteler lee ta ie at,'l us~ le "lIfe O ll*ng TeetimQnia4s, xrom comü out~ this assertio n., Tesinoqial troin Prof. John Po&t. the 'Col Dà Sip,-I hav eýnd amr:nômet happy, to tWsify that tbey areti yQUrâ4, o.,J'OHN POST. Ma ~YÂioiw-7,--Htwig purohaed- one 01 yqur.Five.9oetave Melodeons a.ut1bier, ad li&ving giveui ti a 'thoropgh tria,¶ au re- eomiînd themn for Power 8à nd Quality oft Tesnè GEO. L- L B.FIDOPER. 3Sâ SAMPLES TO BE SEEN AT MR. JAS. JOHFNSTQ.N7', Je weller, Goldamith's Hall, Whitby. Whitby, Marci 6, 1872. l3S.sm GO TO A. INGIES For good. and.c ap,,sû'its, as they are seli- ing oùf the balance 'of eir Stock*'to make room for NEW' SIPI G GO0DSI Which they are now rec~ ing Daily. BAIRGAINS MAY BE E ECTED. AT JP N;LE;, X McMillauîi's'Bo, Brock St, WV'rbVy. February I2th, 1872. FURNITURE! FUIRNITtJRE! AT' THE SIGN OF- THE GREAT IROCKJNG CHAIR An of th-bg pli It, a1 q:IFurniture Selling at Old Prices for 30 days longer; N otwith standing -the risc imaterial auid labor, the uîadersiguîed ofièrs bis stock aitt te Old Prices for 30 days longer-. Now is the tiaie to ecuibrace the opportunity of selectiîîg ironi tue largeust stock i» tIse Cou-uty' of lslsboarula, biîremuîscciitre tasle,;,toias, chatrs, bedrmîîu sels, &c, and ait et thie luett quîaliîy aîîd înanîifcture. JAMES H. SAXO. The oitly- first cas establishmnent in tflicC ounty, wh-lere Fu-, iueuulus aie' fuuly sutp i eu] THE NEW STORE! NEW ANI) CHOICE- GOODS ! JAMES JI MU RPHY Has recently receiveci, at his îîew store, on IJundits Street, a large lot tut NeW Gootfs DRiY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, - IIATS AND CAPS Genîtlemîen's Furnishitug goods Departinen t complete. Ladies uneîrclohatinsi. FAMIL'( GROCERIES %Vhitliy, iecember fiVh, 1871, CQM PLETE. JAMES J.- MURPHY. JOHNS TO0N'S SELF-R'AKING REAPERITHE AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial FExhibition, Toronto, in 1870 We offer to oui' clîstorurs for the coiniîî Hrvnt two dis- tinttt Machin"s, hich ini sùyle ,and construction, 'enibrace the latest at-d most urseful imuprovements of the day. Joli NSTiON'S SI NGLE d SELF-IAKIING REAPEIl- THE " IING OF! REAPERS." The uîîiversal success of this Nlachiiie,.Eoth in closely contest- cd trials and in the banda of the farmcrs, warrnt us tn aeylng Ot as a e ScRak- iog Reaping Idacîine, it lias marc gou points aua leisdefects, end lins met with more succes and tuas failuru, titan heretofore offered to the public. C,ÀYUGA'JUNIORMOWER Wc were awarded the ri '5t Prize and Diploma, at the Prcviu.- c-iel Exliition, field in Tororito 1 167O,in-competition witli ail the lcsding Machines Manlactured lIn the Province ; and vaiti, unr recent improvement, we unbeaitet- ingly challenge inverffigation andl comparison with coin petu'g, j«âub1ieà , wc are gutisficd that sucli investigation will consumne eery uîîprejudteed mind, that.we oftcr the best lower ta tic Fariner for 1872, buit ini 'the bomîni6i.1'W en for descriptive cuualoguca. BROWN & PATTERSON. F RANCI S'S SEED EMP0-R-I1U M. EVERY VARIETY 0F FieId, Veg,,etable, and'>F/o werih S lE D nS. QroeieWnes * iuors OF TEIE BESTl BRÂMDS, wmene annol' I.All ordera nctually attended Wbitby, Mgaq 10, 1871.- -MA'J BOOTS AND A ND OHEA PER THA N E VER, AT WALLAOIE'S BLO'cKM'WRITBY. T/-LE A large -Stock of Boots a«nd Shoes of.-the 1l1atest styles andl tasîtion, vol-y iow priood, eiways in stock. -P. S.--Sellingf Cheap for Cash. Retnrns" bis Motto.' Wliitby, April 2nd, 1872. R. B. B. KE.ELE1~ "SmalI Profité and \Quick - 141y NEW GOe-ODS! NEW GOODS ! WVe bcg ho ennounce bise arrival ai uui Spring*au] Summnner Stock, whicit com-'- pulses a masb extensive au] varled assort- meut, andi whicit ailbhoufféeu] t LAST SUMMER'S PRICES ; notwa'îhstand- ing the enormous increase inthtie palceai Wooltas, eau]dte cansuquent sympathy tn every other Une ai Cotton and] Linen Goads. L. Il. McIILLAN & Ce. lNcMillan'a illoclu, Brock 5St. W'hilby, Apsli 17, 187L). CUTTERS M. O'DONOVAN'S. SPLENDIDLY FINJSIIED CA PRIA GES, BUGGIES, AND' CUTTERS,i 0F VERY SUPERIOR 1WORKAMSHIP. BUGGIES& SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. %VHITL'Y Nv22u,1870 SMO KERS SEE THIAT" T.&.B. IS STAIMPED ON EAUH PLuG 0F YoViR MYRTLE N..AVYU Take no Cheap Imitations l OLD -STAND. The undersigned in returning thanks for the liberal. patron- bitherte extcnded ta the old establishnient, for nerly e period oftfotyyea-S, de-. sires to say that bu lias îîow on liard a largme asuortmcent of tic moýi imodcrn iand ciegant styles of .And trusts by proper attention and inoderate -rcs ose- curea ecuntinuaInce of public pairnage. Practicuai, upbolatcrLng. Furnîituûre r'- stuffeul and covcrcd. Undertaking* & Funerals Fully Suplied, ashereteore,. Co- Some splendid speciînens of Picture,.Frarnes, uuxnd Gil'd-' ii Remember the Old Standi. IMPORTANT NEW' 1BOO'T S OterîhoesJinied -war -slipperia&0., &c. -2i Repitiriti'g neatl î)lïmea.Tol ers e t tPi rce per Ion or2.21> Àb. dliversd et the. Grand TruEelWIvsy 'st tio eiver du Loup, In, equr4qyantiie, Inýthe motithk- of Jaly, A zgut and Septembcr next. Eîi. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYD)GES, < A. W. MeLELLAN, Interolonisielaelway - Commiaioners. CIttari, IMay 8rd, 1872. - 20> ]II FLORENCE , Oel at j ohn PToat' asi ore lun<lhe toi» of Whutby, aud sec tl utiful Machine wilîch mîkes four d* 0ut da of s.itcbea- aud mewa buuli w .ius very t aîidalaU1. Tixost juteudi by a Machinee y viii sil their dcas to Joit8. M .ilieux, Witby -ail receive à % mli description the As , with prica liet. &cc.14 -JOHN <S. M. W ILLCOX,- N (T IIC E. For rvice tbis s»eeon, the lamun four- year old urliain Bull Wlîlcb bas recetihem tle prupertyrc Enoch Kliz & Sou, f eniyood'a à rn' Whitby. TulelIulw the pedigree ofa7aid Bell, as aliewiu 0nia ul i]n erdBocIr,-. Bredl by M r. J e.taPikeriug,' Connty Ou . ont ' 'r Si) m Magle lau r, by Cherles î); g. dam, c*" eu î%à lmp.) by Sir Cheries, 705); Ig. g. dam, Y -Roac. by Remua 1 9. 13cr on premisea ecpied by th wie on1 2 , ln ]At <con. Whltby. rice, ENOOR X=G & SQ NVhitby, -May l5tl, 1872. 20- A ENT S ciieuldenin Squirreia, . Throws them. away andé a t a it s c f a « cé a s its n n . i d u Snxnplc and t -t a bage:in, by teca , One Dollartý JTe/egrap NER. Sharpens &clkives a ra instant-_ ly, and wili cnt glaas a diamond.-- Sample, post paid, b - fifty ctents.- Also, 12 Tools co *ned one instru- mîent, tobe ec in-the poeket- Pocket Buie, er, Square el, Screw Driver, l Compasses, Se* But- ton hui& e r Paper Enlie, and Pcil arpenr. Saxnple steel) mal,post paid, fori tyce Sil'piatcd, Si ;goid pIkté,2, d. dr~ COMBINATION oeOOL Ce.i, 93 Mercer St., New York. _q RT A st10 B AN K . DIVIDEND NO. 80. 0 0 liprel>iy glveui î:,t i i-vtil uIt four tuer t ni)u" n ii ,Paid ep' itStock >oft à ITilîatsjtion, for the u crrcnt; t-yer, bas tllia ay bil declatred,, sud the besnm 111i lic p :vabc -t tllanikind 4Polires n an aurthe ýSatuîday, the FN Diy Julie nextL The Traefer Bonka 6driei fron t ie 16th to the 81at ut mjuy, days45ncluiidve. Notice l' is gi cil t the ANNIJAL G BAL ETJINOZ u t ha t5t cl '13fthi,, lec lot fDirco- tin and An*on 1114 of By-lawa awilue hald luth <li Bnki Hue in Bowme»nvile Monday, e Thlid day 'of June'ne The C Wir bctakeniut 12 ù'olackenooii,ý prcuac By ordar tof the euard,- t ~ ýD. F1SI1ER, 'tjo Bank, cn.ier. avieAprtil 20,1l872t. I31PORtTA NT -TO e PAMTIl:xS USING EXTRA MACII~INE DIL 'Tiais 011 axcelut ail etîser Oit, hothu animal and] vagt-table, îa'ud wc arc pepared1tabiîoî lilie uperierity oftufIim 01 C i t her.ýiiataudi lhe tests alepasiiry 10 procure a ll5st-elewts et- t, laadap*ýtdi c er.liglutl htvy - chiueyirnis\liekor --t-g-acînte b lueavesut cf aîîîî 1V. Tiu.. lai n re 4te -peints hi ïiufcW ils cuels etber Cils : .r VWILL NOTr GUSI, luetuce neicry cailb Sept cIes» withtlitel uI rciable, ansi l vii eleeîu inscbiiicry lt lais bcsitalresà dyigaincid- by milier Oits. It %vili not congeal or tlck-en lii the coldebt ofenther. Ttis la a quty! Ut tlIee higzlicat impertaute, fronu tueie tu1)11 notlimîvngtlim-,qeial HI it u itibüriesse- m coud osbet5s, selun -a iiý-nay be jPPliedin a, heated atutle,.lut lic inuncîîî IVtouches- je-cold aliafe Ilu isonrealeti andal ll nutlauieata unu-" -i VII lbiuail-by fictioaoeqîliras liaItcmppi- sînre uecsury lu reduceil to a liquid stttc le acqulirîng shigior Vtmnîertureby fiction. the lorui 1xpmulm'thle lbox >s suijured t ila as in p oi4eil]h a u ise ofl iit iatll chilIoen 0% cold alunt willuaiullllis resulrc,ts lle s mIoina *l Cil uitlî vater. l- u. (4.Stouk'm Cil wlIt lu- bricamal t:e cidest mueblner.y lte moment IV. usaÈppîIi(Id. -'IrbM <]li siu used le oser hie AND SHOES.i und.rsigned lias- Gents' , a 1nd (.ildreui's Finïe oots an d,Soesnm a CA PRIA GES A ND ýr'M'è, SIGÉ, THE MANMOT& l -.ý- ..mar B 0 0.7,' BR'09E . SE E 8 T AIB 1, LS H E 1) IFO-R