Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jun 1872, p. 4

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pli ~lls~ nt, a> fti~ilthilt T ylsuucliC- anj tii tttee fnainces l4't, old4)to nt-, 1l~3l T18]la sad a olenInlay le; temps;p¶",kau, ttelr seeb into $a lteise~aa~r NoredialIit lta li)it doeet 1 iIse ly illSý$01fUo <y 41 ' . *1. igo e ci honor thé bi4tii se howhver, Alîg.stia eaed to have Mes- .agaflqud. j Soote xiide oYou. tlet upon sciome oe or , ber ilfetoftltid ne ~~ etÊdiaubae lVblit ellas d.ýtEilinèd 8 0 euiry .ont Thé fizt î 48hdeiV~ifý eokpse. wl in IoSL awordl or a isritte, for, as lie persutide4bis compaiion, ÇhJscgô'mo oit *ýri -areiou ike. 4M (Te ra 5frefdhI)eu llert ltie ad îi~twllegja ~1* Wit is sys-tax PDutycnw* oe tbaVa deaittu r vile. firot strýýIks o <if ôrflbegon tppenr Ts h <?< ~iint uthe esat, htic;inorsisflut» tilictlie Let tlseae iho are prons te ahisPeOet o! M' - *lwld gazher seme r uâty riendstabouît ndertakero'jokes are spt tubc ga*vé., Sec ovls znow fanceietbauarefll tseai er fbfl fbs br anralfla 1.rh~l Suheiarturess huve notbilà fnMOn ltia b.rotbsel, or torfeit boIl lein lu*the 51. The irat ark-tiek explorer-Noais milne; -- împt, lu wlieb, bowever, lehu paçl I)e$ jed.bjugs. 1 ch5pnl aaty llstr >Of Omo P. rîa sure ila precariaus ,but vartascasth Tii trai thst the hout fÙ=inperfectiIol boUtbhdbe *sin t <*<ber cavuriaed prîsou," nM$st lauug Iis'h on8n, aeeti iff;;aawty wadera ini iiiht " id ir,ý one of ber- captôrs proceteletdt Fair deainq istebn flceet B5intthe. slvry rayaItriteseules guiig .mmediastelyoth itesfMrM fsely -.h sithe~ wl ud u gs.aIlfoitdlh f fteir tÊluiumpbaut He conquers giief irisetakes a fimr i sudeu.itilie watt del' hted silithe in. resolution.- Tru~st i , i Gd'sud do the Right. telligerrce ;but,. bei, ordereil for dnty 'Tise roand cf ambition ia toc narrow r Oe8sgebrîYtttLsitC.tOi.tbt ighl, howa8 iabletle vicit tbis for frienidsltip. eV be rýy NWAN ýXP.cùD., pre.'With someûisideràtiou fr Wie iN71en is cisarityi abc hOl Coae, sbîcy t; 10 Û stuâe , cnmifoit, bowcver e had ersîîîusit begine bg hum. P ssed >ýt-l udiih ubihb; frered te lierdresetlls tei . Yencai eau ot your utifi Paducala, te "Tis lt ld en di h iilt i ce, wbo apok nimhb iaeubly seel, t An ie cit bod lt athe aiglt soel1hif'captive dt anu iarin Ky., for $10a.Eso Tliotipli tlm. roilil Ir,,l15 t-liel Wtsu it ta i tii'd1i 'Tisa Oaks sbîîkes were w na po cru't lb tscvl , st o<ter N -- the pretee itof 'tne Whlo ut tly. bâdt i t bkb o e ."rri tin lu trou1uL4114lothm riglt. ln b u> riîitcd f -fer, bu riut ho Wlsat iud cf a batfliles wWUilct t long becs) oulyicuti ciuisii] P<ttutl i l thuvtendissa i slii t'was i) y eV > y %v),MrlIýy oft if jing lir 1 wiugs ?-2i.brick-bat. ~yhtltr lsir, els-tiir -inslsg ~ hsibîiil. lit acslli it ttc heex, >lîiiiid A 1rasiolate manu acourgetish imsclf, Truist i .; lu titnildi tlise îils îî îduel il, th l C t tce w eca.iii-a f'liie witili ii owflscorpions. Gi su sufrrs o rcly rs-, ifilid ics-c n ilvtr.lire iCe(l o eepany cui kood conversabion i -u],ssl ,Atitotlikos,i sc1 k1>4lit-VtIl si î Irirtth(,ig bis recpccf lu ert th. air 11.' lel)tocutrto, ii On r fuliorl lie li ne; but tilttI u,i -ot1 itt ai Ie w 18I - nw t-hb . 'futils Gblîc utd ts slt ii tit- doty, ii- elsictîi h:îtcn W>'sîslotidno etbaiu tbbc nory of se 1oue llIttti, tisce. s-ins, ill oiethtîn, r en d isttil;itrrlitrs- iîtîcafri' faultas -e once have forgiven. h Soiîttscîs il] flatter, sorte isu liglit: ceaL(ýilfi sintnti wllook rave tiie - te netl si lti-t h l ic ,e t îs lougil I s ic sousinois thing for hot 1. Tatat icii 0 t tuttI lu tec tîgoverialte passionl roi cl ir ii -î;:tùd words t to redceo s eoiness. ýi Iil llutt asc tînt n feslîc iLîhit. It ei, ot teubû Sotil ' cd Ue tt ise lor prscticcsl lifre geaus is as Usaful n llicf-îîI ljî<îîî i ii titig Iiflit uncoiih avsge, ti itu iti iii t ciii 55 ut a- s tL<, i.iî ut a l ticîtro. ai Strsjui îi'iîcî îttîîs' cuisîtîictnictl'tbit, K.- ccjit1tl ý; titi tî(ýf velr%, tit- - Ie ie f o ad r ie-t ici tut it lIili ts,#!rigiti,S ie ,i te r-L ýe o o ad tntelliffibiy .Ijul, tite Ilvt> 1i % iîý aisîd djsiinuLcsbioss is defence. of fodtt elice icli t-t itis a coudect Halfway p th Cli fooudtîi siiic.bvitettgflrit-s it i.t, ivt~-'agreat ecnmy is the uine glass; t 1Tewaîîi<tise eîd ci Atiguit 81i2. the ttb, ie tccîîc itîtii iv:t' îîzl ts s0is teokugccsa siire cfîlc Nagra tiît ititeri of licir truc ps attti ietr Tet t sc tis i If (lotidia rnot cxisb, if wouid benec- Lewttetiimîsi LîhteOutIri re tise takoîs ttccctuicîgly- aayt netoe-7Ui -L witoi eniLaieOnt bi - jirectiv crtlis ti it Ie ccc rît iit No e epreaclica betertbilsaIs bhcant, bi theutre cf scry active lscstî tirs bet wCet i IltUt hivaca coillitii i taail plt 1and slite ays siothiug.-Prizukliet. tite Aigerictcis ansd te Ecglisb, i, tcM At eiiclrriîets uu sîtr scît waScisrcelyi sjlay tlapacsedmitliout fr ijokirlo %Vlcj ;tllet:Look t clyetr nîerce it-vitltbotb cycs;w Mornei- ncisdenet cf lMoudi ceuriigasa the trees 'hbal ltaks,îrsot, sit e-lit',) P ut yotar troubles iwith only oe. rsbsrîîrslioîrlcî'e cf tît~~~~~~~~eerineig1rrtejected i c-rrcl ed cicar fil litrelas si Wîut enubt ptiO seer silisineasy rang tifescî cilce, tise cliii; îrîd outl crirflite îtlliîig fleiil lesstei ueîris nliru-t usîrdciii thirt re kicas tîsilofs u ti or bth, stagreat. liegit. T.i l1i elti t uiliu s (nle n s. t It ILet 1r ctdfriTtt ti- h--ti I iir(t sucer -%vas a gs'eat man unlosa arilsit-ri e thiduydoge o ivih llîrusifi deivince isspirain-Cicero. oniîutccîyc rct atio , at with di5ictîlty. .. it-t tre ler cil- titir-,ir-t>lcclte f git<c tev. flhe awsretclicd sand s a lefes iiglit. 1,,,,î11, ThtcfI-id ilie applieil for a 'Dollar :-ic Ii î rttie otragtîe ns- cîtal Icil rîldttlulasc scs- tî 'v- tes aia fîonaftise rual districts. iriîr~ asc il is' tricl îitituiatUtî-anuc glsîîîac ii lit eA itlttlbrliRapidsteh t lasLapednviesbotenviecbis-cen *îfrttît tselii rr <îteliir s.rogitg wlti lîi leîlli, stsirelîiev a 5cm ta fû- e17,l00,0f-woman. ici., lt i il sor t iccltil stirlie sîrîdicrilsatiriyeegec f leutrii-e %%'"it-, Clittf t t Tl ti rl id fis a ctsittýdy te bIseu iho ce giîilti- -i-i i.lC, iwai f4irgot t elce h iii. liiitgliit i 5v - e il)i fît 0111tItti] titisiI, uc s t iragcdiy t ho cse ulsefeel. f i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wztgi tic. A-gaici ler tt voi.i'fri c -, st oi iisl lit litc!cet I i f, %% v c ciii ii- sufper tieent see s ini Iti s u t file-, t l'a-1It' r tiligazisie tszîlicld u Ot i-c-, c -~ t.i~ t- iiîîltly iti-ir- site slit iccgltitii fli c sil ; c iîvls-,0 1 e s, aet Ic. S itt ji jî',k iiicg vpersuits. rc nOn cf, i huI t -isca rictl deatIt s ai-il iiler cbrftes on cutI i c e lt-tig e Iiirot. iT-1-f- i i' (iffii 's-i lii e- ite ts lite nscdiiile, îii-iîlliv ii tin-t i r îe Wsa 110ic îîcib ilty tif lie-r ci.ti 1ti iii iit lii i rc t-iîii-îîût' litIwî cre ill. crs0.c. liîti-tironslitec ittitibliruction I l it lî. it îlîîî-ofl ii-sperity c ltcti tt' toii c it t ii t15 îcy ut tli tili-ts a t.i it fIii lî i ol ie t n , fi(. i rt lii- (t i ilvt-rlsty tail s o ts- ti1- ~ . t-r il--tet,---i it IIii 0crsi' ruO le e -e iis- l hiiet.*îtîltt i1 hi rlît - ii l -b.dIi-titI i - Iri jl.; tti li'.v i t riîl e-lroîet hetti- csos'le Boti tt, ( dli ; iI, t t l it eS- t il,11, 5 i- tiit ttil tît i titîci mli Iron flt ic It iorî i s tt e 1-. îîd, u*ii-r r cîîg (lite lc-1 i irtl cii c it-c-%f t- u îcc ttîinv al olci ts cl t le-t-, cl u fi I't i i l' I in titi-ciilittil aîlîîcîl-r>1ît s;,. il tii-jr-)iais titeluit littpra-sI Ilt-i ciut t - Ill tjýiicc i v live Iito on e ladsi en i er tc-ec -ictltsiii -li' i -îTItlter A gaîivrios A llîa tu-oýt[i1s vtir itl slruîilta cir eai,; as ncig i iltie rs iltt1îîcîr--l vii ctt li- c s iipiotc f d uislidbIse t-sl i-i t ; ts i ni errînli Iscînilcftwis.crp i lubeirlr e anhu it. 'lîr tt'ci cii- C tn cîcruir' hu' tit thsfýîrul-e iertee, siineît aicl tr eInocst tttftt lciile trstî i bc aiouen t e fi iece1tut111-iiri l u s ii i er f lriy iat Il tylli'te I ttitti I li, Wctciapi e s c ~l :er. T lmo n 5 t tA. luit h IrisaonlIteller 1) ýrhîite spîtîs i -s- e 1 i i iîtthi tîserrîr, an i cc- ikeii se trctiili Hi-rUI>lticion e ~srttit-sn titu- 'i-ltitli -lte, ilsalfîeait s-ilIî f > c-~-ilîs' tuiu cri cirtt6 aI rtgîi fu yirst-Ic lt l M îfrutts Thcul iici -pold f spirbt ibat-e tits c ii lu'ctctitri cîrtl cft ei s dtittweliie î1cîles) tlti-nt inet c ud l In I U Itl fîat ,ýi-silctstimit ie ic2.0, -tu cliifiI -lit~ic -c i ti-iiig tit t hef - randici Ne icucet rintheiâlier. a Iay apt eil et rs .Sitt-r t s is-il itts uc' o t se isiri,11) ît i Iii cil I et- i-\ýeuiis ltîs ti ii ii i.tir îband ofrsugi t betut lu cî--î - '- -t lt - ithit- in. e iloi liti f t i c il d i îîfor îsort ii-t i-dofreluh itr, in r i t irepil c i- i lf S tiii dcii ift--î 'ttheir-î len e t ofa il tg zn, le ad cirri irco tii'LI ' AX ii, ii-s I gea i -' -i lii t- -ie i - f tn tu- t : 'tM uî!i;il-ic-I ttb w i lii fl lct ii st e, tîitliilitc- rt is rîts n the xopposte r Itiiltle î ftli if-l~ iîi li , iiltI lt Ill î ctltri lo- y u idI Iv;tie r-inih elid N b t Ih v qt> t- li 0iittve î-tui--c fliic lice taul li t f- i e I liioi, Itt i d f i-' c i) i s Lut IWhiii t - fi l- i l 'i g. i r - , io is, m alc i i h tiîl itl-tr lir.--Il iii t- t c î,* , t lil-c icttcIticil t u iea t Qe lui rtic-e ititrî i -. 14) - i i t l u - y, u tu -. 1itti'i if- i-,î . 'Ite '.in - i sc iri e r lruttft- cliitit -- I t t c-l I ýi - -c li'.1 î el i --ttti i uiti- i .: t. I'lt, i sliie lt 5îcî~ i icc i l c o !ti'-I suurîu--iii-o it-rul ; I itttil t5tli sttge itî at-i lt -i ii Ile il -ta Siiu-, Pss-d utar b ail bu 't «1i i ,iiIfî t eb r lit tur, ~c~ -~titiCu, - etLi ilili t ctcc-crglilt-, fc ci- ltîcii ii li r tltîli-liiî 1ssss cssttitl ta stsl îl ettti Itti'efiit' icili t i i lt lii iiit Il1itutihi5ta ii ii, c- l e i l t-. l e-tt p:1 i te iI- X îi tissis fo John bing sictisa Rtii , l ut:i tu Ittc iiil;i tr i ld r i i t t rs iItri. li'>tîittisi - c tl rcct't i ii ecit-a t o l le Ilusdeied iclrhionrsîîlit-c ccu iteUii uijieIi lîircittItce.iiir irii - tti c-iir ic c n cw orklsas aisiatfier Vslîs'Lîîc1itS l ti'iL rg icv :, l rîcilsîîuru-ed tihti~ i? lsiitt-i i i It ciit ii-ti ii nro n ieb o th LîI', sctýi- ý.i f g , t s ià( -îAt1N3i V.clur Ic* ittitte-disi.-l ci ccciii l.t. ttte lie l-i. Vl i. t ii t-ii i Ita i l, f uta-t iitiy I t- ifl lTÉ, cr. .ett a ie$,tîti bu i-lie îîcîc tis îsîs i.t'tpti l i ,;,' tt' i -id . tt l1t-- it-L' l It - - ti - ii 1it lifc lît rW se li-etafor jîl lens im si cciiltttrc ii s lucu'ut ce tore il .til-if tse i i tc i iiujib n ctlu-s btci tli s etItir~clui iii e yface cf te si i tii tt ii i ittheii i %ru-v!t- s wtiinsce. btiii r-gsuii ii uat itit liutta us a fit ttlie -rI îîrî 1 s it i i i hLis t tcwl ci- - ' ivar i- riF-lt-j îîî a S oflî,aîî,as -t iti tto tl e' i i;iîî ra il, r%% i, ci g -- ii t' tuf ie-i tiititil iti-ucitis î'îîîîtî c-; l ~ o- I -- c ti? i- il ii t irccoetl'ili tuti. assIltis- a pia îlî s l-titutueiug jstauge - it- *i aY 1 i it--- Itle Ii:ru, -scctefl-d ca iittte (Oitn t li-ii l iion t alt'g iruî ii ic.uptse cIittictiJ- lisu il ut i t Ic-a ti-r-l i lsarc oufiler isitlis 'W'iat fllý 11oi. .\u lpIle1 If i li - i i ii.I c .i ii tii u.icr-fi? all,~ -is'ics . titîîst wjiîîî îîue;iiisfic si-Il eîss'cI cl a h i-;sitil.; ;t I iuiluich sl t . ii i 'fîîîot , il , - t tît e 1 gI rsil ci'- lisi bt c ipe-;tIlilitr svu'. m i ,M~.tts . i iuitV f eii itl il ut i ii e ie nd d m 'il , al ecI d lito. t c ie IaIile <I ailttut t i- t i lit-t' ic tutu c iliisry. ttf 'Jtiii i i it tt u ti'icIiri îi u- ii ito a Ciii- wcyîl ki-tus tee tsar ftre.AS %ei, elsi' -5 liut 'ej iii1ii i" itîrcinclit Savcannahul, exlairng, haltrot ccci ti'l cssj t- retloe isicc ht ît irý,ractiol1cî tiI il ! -ut-iti l t - i g luiii, 'ii c ite cv iictg-iost brisierV site wat tisesv-iciirîfcflsplIt ct'tt-Idtdii cii îrt iii~ suec-o eiics'-iiler falatake, andc fby as Briiflai> oficer usîtucut site Iittiics-oevr tIesiittt ii] l 'e-r c li tg) litsaîscil on' lu a e-erfcsed mansser, ele- ja orLeî tiat ali s tl u he iseiiîtdu- i 1r1iirie tiiiuttc al:li uce coitcpinicil ly iser hcng-hosb brotsers atîce vile tI sitMle culssiittciltlu btcoîuîc upu -tîi e e tif uutjci u l tf-urine pedeet-boouî.- bis wlle se o f thosutil îrîuruîcuîuIudantd stîbîle a Aieigcusturi Maidisonwsei a tu n o f the speeches whaich bladl Oite-tnt-ceIs Iîj-u -' Tre ccr te wloionuallusion lias juet becu purptoauion fertîter et1.esLailc. lc .-illrettiaa OrAir t e Yorke tucarle, siiel s uotleror nre imanly feiiow beent tel tote secas-e a lee dtty- b-- 1asjtiiiire lanerl on Stgc rk wj>s net !Itlthe wboeaAmerican service, forer utue abductions, go u tlc lie sîîîc tir2ti of simlfr Leronuy olStraey ho wsinhstetysxhyar n uable lu find lhiii lay liiler tt aîuy ilt 71 tArl o Lsrol aaî tleuwaa lu tuad thnryuaaxthsyear. antil tlit teftuonorîs Cf tlyef Baiifs the Insaun wass astong the firiittojeoin tite stardard tisue, provuuicti theresuas tcilhiclecit lîglî et isciinntry on tisa recent declaration tlu critble hii tlu kei-t'1 e lte îck taI liss, Il lpsnee ie 'Citer iSa cf sar aains Enlandby to Prai-wound up autolsgIllce rocks. Ilti tiS accru it e'Acrfqtic of bt WiieSn ofwaa an&tEglad bythePres- lni' cti er i-s;t voyage. Tisey carrieti deiiih1t e bad long loveil RuthtEmerîscu reti;peet verythiing scrwi ilvrît tPro- 09i, - amogt-iei but, cwiirg te bbc vicissitudes<f tise Ii licus, for tise m)gnu %tit ils fltl1'), acîu i s-c lig Lsrooongstisemt tutu ndonce lcuu-ule ii ie rlic iii ci ttanifui> oiii w %iiieblite was cirgageil. hofIlIiiluttc1iitttgiîeth.iee u.ui ut ctis bier icuce the rtîle ohf herve' cu ci c ,itt îC lîsil sîcut I -tiee.. lttIatI f dtli- ti i /tut f ltce-ilriug te sisirteet, Avl iiriiiiciiitely pcocs-dicg thelieries]- ue l.îi ii e, ctanti-te Adriatic cf the oin~ctig cf ccv sfory. liruIl> re- itret t5e.alxiru tw ise ant clialf heurs longer, tcriroi ic itiasion Witteiltsithe ssaîrulth Juliiir it ii t'l i iics cacssstet1 foi-,vi-ce bave been 0f bcr'litre- cutI iruýL Si sul, alsttsnoerr (iting, luuucvec', lie ;j4iiilbil41 iflforil- il,;ilicr engissies hav4n-be sîsocdl le1y tsidu, a palir inrîee srt>' , iutiil u to thle Itrstutict Il ti-t, "Ill-( itir ulc"lteviIi uustuigd tos - f-rccl Ier--the Iersi-i, cîîîsteriug jclilli ht il1r ~ ~ roit-eaMtii-iy gale asil hsvleds ho)ck, tica -itsilz leee I -tM ol itr ltteexia nlo lt'ite <iCa e'ccîeru'd onsstie se Ianti 2ntiof May. beuIisglis sîit:aiec lia htaîiuioti otîu et- is siiticiî qîî.-cî irnltiti hdisii Thu-elby8iiia loftiNew York un heur trtbii s ilt Lei- loas>, nravets -hatir aid itilugettie:r, atie ticiiri-d (titi ir-fii ttitectu inutes afticr.bise of 01,18 o th U(IL.r- ny p'seJ:siie, anti itad ber ecogines pe llîlcsite utiîlitly haiititsstie. und ratiif¶-thiun uu:c trat ot a h1iius in hîsgif iosa ercth a aigsdrin Prcaset-seil if Ibigle t îiitl eîditssis iittî ilc;utsl i f îc a etcîon lis&lst oet May. Thsis makes fotti c) t-cue ' eeri licy te ai ctnhier j ici duec tttSCc, lue btie el ii>- tibre four boni-s andti hirîcen minutes is tliinthÇir:turctclli,it011 t-clias ai ho luJteCette 1clui îî tehYuîred I î titu'aming te Qucenstoun, uiaeré sise kl ticsltiln okdupsoîutishir uIlerittre goait licd. sirive-cil heurs 48 misntes a41er h utiiiicuesuaus tiitic)ua iatter cf course, cd te enceuiter, te burinid ut iteltcdi fyfPrs iasoepigouy - - hic <îttlitg thV dciutiuld Proert. lau keelting watciu cnldsutsd asier liii j itcsundai steasa. uming lise5, hiclitiptivg ïueduelIitencheul vicilli, aI ld tc f cite .14tu>C iu3itae-ÏTi se ari mtek a ather w lice, tliveikct., Augustutla jireiieted dEtne h ditcfo-arte itbl(i, cý(wr wSus totrn abseence, ut the sgo oiias lie litd- gies-itheothesemrianisrycusan.nts u - pet.euqv ise-flit leiher failer iotr'eoii ei.uitt oftctle. tMa-vreportaslsaving experienced a c ty evcnî oliof ieuir iodutctieu, aird learr-- Snr. i îillag t'rcle PjdLthorn u coli hisvier gÉeale s es than te cdthatstc îrtisut riss-dhe trc hoievrwIef iiru tc-ila u--tsiilCity oi e isbîoughiin ccly 14 miles Ilolls ie lrsieu i f' riauing j iîl tuMai F10irtupoiuîîî in, atre routlic'ly latitcîde. Tisaias thse- tuoîJuîît foib lti uucrîLe frerus -tueu i> i tiei iuîl li I iitti" lîîia ulIoccasion irisn C(itpMurrxay theuglit il; 011r ju -tii rtil it w s il; u w h f it -eui bri- p-t-Cit ttusisow he engines bin 11v.-ettvcutrttslfo îllcWL'el tIR, 1îttîcr l4 ;iie cslRtgainst lseatry Seau, iheutuy rluyi-uO trtre etily coliccive, eci i, tlutet 5iý,îtaitti -I1 16cetiV mfI ciles îîîusostbintata blt esriuw lusug r a rdtcs u uee)J;d" - 1.alvasit unicil it ifsitinlg More tlisaiSatranith pihil bru cset.y tn-cticru s-ithu al i 105:itntte(lc turidti filctie ivîtgiaaiied 0o1- bule flirst ay*s Si -sLle n d rlAugutus art-dlthh ucr rhtere ws tstule siffl s ciii.1i't-ille-e Irinnin",-C efli vng >4WNoir tk,. M. bveken ftcLltr of bis beluîved sireut thse piunlgc,runuti Il!i uc-a user, at d î'ii.vt - 11c ovo -clsileeteti at tisesaune dune, whjl<fre glt fotiffing long the bauk (t if tutalit île foot, Ruth, tridtuer lcrer,,j liseur passengera being lantictincariy therie, tidtîti tlhiiig ibeir uutgushedi roreI)ustetiitg doiitilhc e-tu;s loir imutwitine usly. -We have used - tise gt1, 15ivertRolltlinn, *.sd be4m-auyl li -sit-tfmlî oier. scLuçjci-uusor.] racýî t'itIeIsedingeo l bisiûariele tâ qàPireA i1éitàco 4t t;Wy tsorlg miit bora theni i - ai 1,s te tieil iis-1tut et coucrsie, lsere iras >ne rac, e ltbie' tbe» .lgbb. 1loig& lattai. iveositi, atter, f ieiie urpr~is4 t cjuickit aeepha bofat hâvilig ssiled' IV %tW te aject of tairsurcbh ad Wily Cbippcwcs, turc] aeeuétie is u- cg- j troniNVuYo*k ils oriary cusrsè o 9btu;ioi d6« o etwo -fond bearta. - fwibhotany pr.-airxranent EUIDAy IiEXTi THElý WITH A COMPLETE ST HATS, swersuecues î<tomuwe qussiwe andu oda cnaecaoess),s.na are ina wordtse tpei equippet rends in tise Wqat. Bo hal-Ifyqu desire te. go ssfely, surely, auickhy nand ceafortabîy te auy peint an 5nather» Ioua, NebrSsaKansas, cr on he Puteifle Roàds, be sure tisat yen go 'ByWayof Bpzlingtoii." Ailwh iis suparticular information, ad a large snap, shoulaf correctly tise IresutWeat, andl ai i tlroad connect- ans, can chIain bhem, sud any otiser mocwledge, by sddressing General Pas- usanger Agent, 1Bi & Mo. R. B.i B., Dur- iugbel, Iowa. An*Engis girl uhe irs about te ise marricil preterredto'e steal sometiig cnd ho sent te juil. A Kentucky eioping psmly ceasistbd )f gentleman, lady unedtisree daugis St. Louis saneertuker saidi "Thse corpse's coualsi n ilcome toa-uard i1" ALendoa paper pisslises nobiug ut engagement andi weddussg notices. Miss Lillea ef Indina becunie Mra. Aderson, by uaylaylng Mr. A. on bis esy te bise dopot. 'Leap year, yen knoi. - A young masstad irenan et Carroll- ton, Miss., dieu recently on te day sp. îeinted for tisoir marriago, sud botis et the saine disease, lu Neu Hanipshirei tisey eaU clope. cuent suicide. Tisat is net se bati. Re itoti andti sisigised. A Bostons uoiran reccntly trieti te tommsit suiciede because bier deareat friensîdu etugugeinent ring %v'as a clustor, tati lier esc--c oly a colitaire. The girl musaivea- beca somneiviat ticitosi îî-ish ie pllet i ier beauz's îoaî, kisseil itht bel1îtdi, anSî aeethy saisl goetînighit. Wlscui a ceoulle et Young people ftrongiy- devoterd te cacis tellbecoca- hIcrIbe lt eal cItions, il ib safo te pro- nouuce them engagseil. BONNETSe FR4 .THERS, LA CES, RIBBONS, FL0 W9eRS, . &P. Suitàable fQri the'Season,: and pleasing to the maost faûstidions Taste. Tailoring :and Dress-1making ,toÃ" Order. LOWES & POWELL. gay 15th, 1872. 2Oly GRAN NOOPENING SALE ! -0F- NEW DRY -GOODS,' FO0R THE SPRING & SUM MER TIIADE, AT SKJNNER'S CHEAP CASHF STORIE, Brock Street, Whitby. A. large itssortuient of Goôds bas been received, to which the attention of the public is directed. JOHIN SKINNER, Whilutby, May, 1872. MELODEONS A ND ORGA N8S T. ]DAN FOJID, JiiZ. Begs lûave to announce to the inhabitants of Whitby and Ontario, that be bas commenccd business in Wliitby,as Manufacturer in the abovo bune, and feels assùred that a trial will convince the Musical cooeniiîity of the *:ISuperiority of these Instrumients, Tfhe followingr Testimonials, from coînpetcnt judges, will bear out titis assertion. Testimonial*irom Prof. John Post, the Composer,, Wbiitby. Mit. DAN-FoRD. DEMit SR,-I bave examined your Nlelodeons, and amrn most happy to testity that they are in quality of tone andI finish, a very superior instrument. 1- %U PiP p- MaDÂ&Ns!en,-SR,- Iaviug purcbascd me eof yoîsr Five.Octavc Mehedeons iass Octoher, sud hnving gîiven it a thorotîgi triaI, I eau e- comîîueud tbcm for Poswer an4tQuality et Toute. (IEO. IL. B. IMPER. Car SAMPLES TO BE SEEN AT MR. JAS. JOHNSTON'S, Wlitby, Macclît 6, 1872. CAUTION îsh eulne husthe nanus 't'era ~ O Prtvian Sya,"u-e 'ethn sh,rî btcsca in the giaur A rpace Pamphlet seul lite-e 3 . Ilataoataroprleecie, 8 Dey st, New YTank. boId by ail Itrafaistào. --'a-,- SAFEST AND BEST. Freigsicîutipassage rësssed. Passea- gers by llailway proîldeliiitisi first- chusa Cars at-Visee smo fate as second- chais hy tise llan Liaie.; - LEWIS ALLINT May i~h1872. - 20.1l T ENDERS. FOR HIOH 8SOHOOL EXTENSION, Tenders wd fbe recetved by tisesasdirsigti- ed up t TIZLRISI)ÂV, 81h JUNE, NEX'r, At the hour ef 12 Ociock, noon, orth bie raeeolansd complaigon ,of ia l- lition te tbe HtgisScisoof this'bain, e cordisîgteplitua anti specificableas prepuara he ficce eto James Draper, IVbtby, sud aI lise ofice cflice Arliitct, Toroto,en and aiber Montiuy, 27t1a init. Tenders wil be receiveil for, each brade separateiy ororet lieiiscie îork la bnîlk Tisa Board isSu »01 bcobos-cat o aeoept *0t laîqsb or aay tender- usiieà otiserwieat- -lqbty., --Paries ultostenders 9a&reetadllib. reqîcfred to give sat-calactory secstity for lbe coimpleblon cf tiseir contracta. 6-' IL I)ARM U' 18.3m.1 in reoeipt of a splendid ,d tbOCK 09Q te RI1G HT FIT AND M'AK E !ý- Aud'of the best. style of Boots and Shoes. Als o onbhan d a large, stock of H.ome-Made Boots and. Sl.oes whi4l cannot be surpassed for quality and priCe. Ail orders punctually attended to. Repairs neatly done. Whiiibyïmay 109 1871. M T IE O L}S BOOTS AND SUQES FOIR THE .MILLI/ON AND CHEAPER THAN EVER,, AT THE BOOT-AIND SHOýE STORE,;, WALLAOE'S BLOC-I WHITBY- - SIGN 0F THfE ZiLMMOTIi B007,I BROOK 57À A large Stock of Boots and Shoos of the latest. styles and tashion, very lois pieed, alîvays in stock. R. B. B. KEELERt P. S.-;-Selling CÙheap for Cash. Returns" lis Motto. Wbitby, April 2ud, 1872. l4lyk NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! \Ve beg te aunounce tise ai-rival of Our Spri ni and Summoer Stock, ishicis com- prises a meet extensiv'e and varieti assort- ment, ant i vsiisîill ha offereti ai LAST SUMMER'S PRICES ; nolîîitsand- iug tise enormious increase in tise price et Weoleas, end bise censquent synipatby ha eitery olses lineofe Cotton anti Linon Gotis. T. Il. McMILLANi & Ce. McMillau's Block, Breet Sit. \VItby April 17, 1872. CA Rh/A GES AtND F UR 1NIT URIlE!F UEtN ITURIlE ! AI' THE SIGN OF TIIE GREAT IROCKING CJIAJTR jCFurniture Selling at Old Prices for 30. days longer ;1 Notwithstanding the rise in material and labor, the unidersigned offers bis stock at the Old Prices for 30 dayS longer. I Now is the tiine to embratce the opportunity of sclecting frorn the largcst stock in the Couuitv. of sic((boar-d., btire-ut, centre tables, :sofas, chairs, bedruorn sets, &c., and nlilofl îh bc.,t quality and manuifacture. JAMES. H. SAMO. The oilly first-clas- establis~hmnît iniiceCouunty, whcre Fu- uerais arc lully siipplicd. TOIIN S TO0N'S N - YR O UOP SELF-RAKI NG R EAPERIT-I-IE AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition, Toroiito, in 1870 We offer to our oustomers for the coining Hlýrvc:5t, two dis- tinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful i iprovements of the day. JOIÃŽNSi'ONS SI NGLE SELF-RAKING ItEAPER THE " RING 0F REAPERS." ýThe.,uiversal s4ntcess of this MIachine, bothin cbosely contest- ed trials and in the bands of the farmers, warrant us in saying th-1t, as a Self-Rak- ing ReapînzlMaelhine,* it bas more good points and less defects, sud bas met with more success and leas failure, Ilian heretofrc offered to hie publie. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prc vin- niai Exhiibit ion, hclcl iu Toronto, 1870,in competition with ail the leasding Mfachines mnan-ufactured in. tbe Province ; snd s ith our recetit improvements, we unheitat- ingly challenge investigation sud couiparisen with competit-g mac'hincs, we are saîisfied that such investigation wiSl convipre every unipr»ejdiced mird, that we ofler tuse best bMower 10 the Farmifrn 172ehr e l UcDominion. QlVrSerid for descriptive catalogues. B3ROWN & PATTERSON. F1RANCJS'Sý SEED E MPO0ýRLJM>U, EVERY VARIETY 0F FieId, Vegelablo, ah..d F/o wer SEE D S Qrcries.Wines &Iq4ue 1rs 0F THE BEST BRÏN DS. Whitby. Âpril lTtb, 1872, - Dndia S.,Wlitl" CUTTERS8 M. ' ODONO VAN'S.'* SPLEN DIDLY FJNISIIED GAJWIAGES, BUGGIES,* AND . CUTTERS, Or 0F VJiR Y SUPER fOR 1WORK/sLsINIIP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS WHITPY N, s 22m], 1870. AS USUAL.1 SMO.-KERS SE E TI-JT.lT.&B IS STAMPE4) ON EHPILUQ-r 0F YOTYR MY RTLE NAVY. Take no Cheap Imitations Hasmilton, April 23rd, 1872.- OLD STAND. (FEST ABILSIIED 1833 ».I The undersigîîed in returning thanks for the liberal patron- hitherto extended te the oid testtblitlîment,- for nearly a per;od of forty yeara'ede- sires to gay that lie has now on itanci a large asaortment of the most mode n and elegaut styles of And trusts by proper attention and' moderate pricesý to, se- cure a continuance of puablic patronage. Pract-cal upholstering. Fhrnîtuire re- stuffed aud covered. Undertaking & Funerals FUlly Supplied as heretofored. gW Some splendid specisueus of Pieture Framès, and GilçV ing .llemember the Old Stand. IMPORTANT NES BOOTS, AND SHES. The undersigned his a large' stoeck of Ladies', Gents', and Cbildren's.-Fine adUdVoarse Boots & Shôes G7aBoots and Slioes -made to order. Overshcesý lined warm and comfortabi,. India 'Rubbers,- Slippers, i,&, Cal at the ôld Stand. A few gentlemen can bie supplied ib Day Board, lu a centrai portion efthtie toin, by applyiasg u thlise fiscite ofIlis papes!.- 'Whitby, May Stisr 1872. -ll- JNTEifCOL0NlA,ilAlLWAY. The C(remmismioi ers 5sppcirited'tôr litec,êsu- trueion'cftige hiteecilniatiilwty, haedbs gise l'urus IC oticeldiiitIey seb- arepareil t(y one about 631<*îiex f tise flte, ircutiti oa Roai, ne'tr Sitlito t1l ite iiltv-sÏ= snd saIral7it mu e M Zs ti3 àI elu ilsrTe ders te ie fer tige sthtoitle ne tipecillesdisaisle tortua ut Te eacit bu o6btaituil tt ut th fic FItrîlîsitgief i)itgiseer, tus i)ttawà, salailit ile cre oh lru iidu t. llimeustki, Di)nhouabiNewc7tl aiîsuiutAicar>t.- Seaheci Teuiderx, itide T i' Telra," auit adieeued to'tl- '.maitrers. wlh be ce cetveti at iitslr oileut 5,ýttlawi, rs ui o'ciseltck uccu, coi TUItSIAY, tlue îlth oi-NE., 187M. Teinteru -wi I utu ie utulet a idtilenr-e tetite d pu lace; for t oI r f itiilrotd4lu--i itccordiistctasapia e tue eu cul s ýtuICC alavs- ()Mices.gTetrlea t ilehrles pp-r turci of t UVs Statieu Sliuenicstp, ieq~tstn utiti .Cit11ait.t) in th Iliull A. of adti eltu: EA. I.<HNIii A.W.uibLicN lueeeetai alway -cmuinoss cotiasrsr OlSoc.rd TIIlFI LORENCE. SE WING -MACHINE -Cali J(b ohn -.s l Mu,-Store m inteuctvc cf Wlîltby, ati irie titis ieiittmslic wtî1icir m-ttcs lette ifflereuthtit ila oý 1f Ucre îurd sewtebultuisuys. YLuits vçy tiglil sniutWdI Ihoun, isciti3dl,ttitiihsy a n1îsel1irteit lhLy wsui settul titir asîdreuis t) itlîi 5. lM. iilicox. Wl1tttlYr iili recelie c fîa i'ucfll iof thstu >tiicttuiics ii ii estt't e- Wicýithy, Jan5. 3lIst, 187*.Air O0T T ('E . For aeestricoth uicecatuthéi ftsitiit our- yecîr cl dîIti-tucutu Buli, Euocls Rin, & Suit. <rtt sucutl in. -wl ithy. ilse tullotnilisti'cîe t-cciiVrcd tf icid Bre-i by I >r. J_.liN. 1à. t. PcIereing, cosuuty' Ontario. Gt L y Prior, . h-i I aUî, Moagmeie rtler, iuy Clîscirs(lis) ;c au Lscv Neil, (m.)ySir Cîssrcu tce7ei g. g tuttii. Yottttg Ions - :ty ltuinzshtte Servruiueitc e -ectrei'iLpi-cter en lot a9, hii cocn. ilhiti-. le-51 . ENOCH I TUNG SO0NI Wlitby, May idîls, 1872.. 2uJ-lit S WIî'NTED for noe A ]E i LNT'S an sefnlinveations LightningTEIAP kilis Ratsi, Squh'rels, &c.-Tiiowsstiseni awiay sud sets itself as quick. as ils aime in dieutos. Samnpie anti tes-ms te agenitst. iy express. Onu Dollar. KINIFE -& SCISSORS. Te/e graph SAiEEII Sisaipens al kxlives undi 'chuTrainstlant- lut, ancd -aill eut glacs i iüci disisicucd.- jSampie, ipost palet. by rmcii,Ufty rcents.- jAise, 12 Teola coaîltlaotel- la one itîstru' m nent, te lie crii-lt n tiso et îoclt- Peeket ElnIe7Iiuer, Squcare IXiel. ifci-ew Driver, C(1usd, Compasses, fitcitors, Lui- boa isole cutter, laper Butt;e, Escer anti Penclt Sîarpener. Saccuple î(polislsefI s teel) liv mail,p"-t 1said,ntuurfilfiv'-cents. Silcer plubetI, $1 ; gold plateci , Ad- dress COMBENATION TOOL Cio.. 9.- Nîce tu i lirc eu-t Y' à i r fh. ~ - tcnc t-en tu-t iti ut u Oia iitlSi uit tif iIc f otutu t-- i iIl Itltc , cil e tii e - ait Iîî 'ri î f I i- i i che-iu oitst i i er kSatuîday, IieVirsl l)ay of Juîiunext. Th Tralie rurer iieeucl celuetIiri 5 iîti l l>î- t X e lt :1%c>u-ii- Nsulie'cuit-utaIo i% iluIiit AŽNU AL (lES EIAL 3M1E ETI1NG ot thce Stîdkiihulu.rr ihci --t i-tit i rm i -i le nusBsutig litcîe-, uIn otIi iaIl, eu -Monday, the Thir'l iay of Jîiiil iext. ictsly. r t ie :uieti12 l-.- )î.0 T. tr. 0 l'11i1,Z ' M i-ls (AI ratull AIhýü il1 bot';tilN(3i an eetfl. itl -lNe c e)> te suhtet'rilu i yo lIii- (il bc cli otIke rilt idaLl lise icSca cccer-iVttrl1prîtelrr etsuar-c CLe licie, t iil ait tt seliur lit-'lit i-r iîînu c cra- ebiîuery, îroin ic l-c.occ'cî'uuLucuinela du heaveer f ctiT-I. ie t 4uiileure cl-e points u ii sticî( t ilext-iS u tii-0ii:I i kût açl cesrr itittburt - -v -ce Il wî i-nc l et erl011ter it wllit tcni-tte-Istur tci j Ili tirecoltlu- i 'ttior c Ti-. î---qutoitîv ~tte hilztc"t inrîtunec, ile litrati <ni -et ulliu Ii lilti qif.hitu tilti tnt lnurse it n ooel ,lt, srtu bc ;;j, l- -teu ra. heteil stite, tn Iiîîuuuiîst euctee cct-i '5e-ii- ;a e l etrie-- t e t lu '. --t u ..ai 1 îuîz ruultrc ique e izliinr a ,it ti le éte iuc ii l -i c itl ui ts culît, s, taIt sirloutil r'-r i tc lce;Qiti-. gle O0t1suitti wauu'r. J.. irXesi Iii c itricit: c, tu>lttteur.ll tg ti-l u- or srtiaftittîr tti ail nîrcuncu e.il t c' p r e le r it e - ce fl r e d -e rlt ii r p ra i elliu -. t b Ires froue lire uljeelfu)ti4ua rgitieitcei ottuerOili, ssii Ii-d rnut Ottcuor fcsece ,Nia se- tise Public <ri, swanttOhu rit .11111 rclui thi cg % rare p tuff til lu eut o tt iC1t?, i e r prove thrt lii is 1ta us» irîbsu, au lis ï osrrsehues agiiiulVieslrtotrii- q ltcuu.esc:liis tlou uIOit geii, h(101,11y sut mi ccilii ii e liu tae te e-suctlite.. litii sufi cfil t -in'i iu it trutir of tîhme 5lttvirttc escci tîsen, oi tpltlientioii, I-y rîtuuil or cett' fri- t eieage utac!i cul sle- tti Uta i isy cipesu tuici- cAni.s'd seil sîctl- derutwtir '-il ew iintlu elu. urtuCrtVe cr stt4ter'the O11l'ersî-aricui ir> s zi ca mij le. r e d 1 ti : i e i.cn u-t 011 , ~ u wcll te eouîcsoiîieate'a'tirl EU~. Ji. STutcK, brocieuiý-11 SciaAgutfor ihë Dcuriels BeehiMatch 15, 1-'70.' T E ts T 1MON 1 A L. G.di13.us, 'PrU S, 71 1<.. ou i. 1 ý 4t Small Profits and Yours, &C., JOH.NL 1'0b'r.

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