Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1872, p. 4

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Peac r s ou&anlit *a ' To a Cblld. Little oïcs1 ,1*h de. bine êyes, Ahc i1k. ahe radi&aioummer skies,- WWi ; osy lfs and4tli of1 Pearl, Wihmle"naipilllen cal- * Do 7oti kneiw the p4lh hast bel ors' yo Il Do you ltnow thîe tçays that wMi di= ' Adte wiU lwilbmow se lerce And cel FYou il fAli e ke a lenb wbe iclest If th fol'!. 1 c, 1It's a long, long road,. nuy littIs one, And yeur joumrey on îti lajust beguuî. Thoe'll be mgn 1jILand aryat ýj Eirs ybu rench the hteavetly'gates efr E llgrim'e banner yeu will for). Ah, rny eci]Id1. It'm a istrange, strange IL Sîteshine and'shaeow, peoé and strits Ani-1 dreud hat yeni, with yonr ineo eh'id0ver grows11110 nfnlly Wls e Am te linow the meuicg ofserrow and p, That vmie t» us ail ere the owarth-lfIel wi * The Death Loap, Away u1 ilii theo llec hila (n United Sitates), fer 'beyond the pull Civfilztfou, therepure two milta!y1 tions knowu by the names .of ] smfit)aail Fort Xearey. It ïmsin thig Viinity thnt te5' aire theo mont wild snd bloodthirsi and tiiey mtandtin but littlë fear of ti.vopý, fur the. mountaîna are rugg aild tiloeç uacecustoînied t» theîr in cale wndng voulil.fild it imposei - ucoesnftlly , tu fullow up a redi elleny. Iuîdecoçl,0c»emboldened1 thie sîîvaRembecolli by their sucet tt t llîey wotild linger atbouit the VI border#;,of titistations, aud shunt dut fiuy nli'ky blutccîtat wlîo wes venu suintyelluougîx tu Xieýîne iuxnq«sin, witluiu litir Mes il le .~1 b _ agr hle lcul theiu'etegrderàlý bililie> iit I't;l,;?î4dliuîg iiiy versons fîi (ýiîitI Iiiîliiit;î,lt', sciii»wlien lhey wl <utit. iiii liiu uof*iic'ntiy largoe(teii A. jarty ut uiî.twu,lîuured recru Ilitiljit ii*'u t Fuît hdwiok, ( <rat, fiwiî iii»Ent; and bore t]i wie o Ici » civfda, id îîcigued 1 ii i'erviit <:m l)t iiù ftl S c n iluliilillquIîîtu were ready ILtas, Iulî' '<ii iglit ahen wild I a i:t tuîitii <if i dfan fighitîr, ce lii»î"iîiîiiii:iii11tlcîî, 111141rejuelî a iitc--itf % viîic'Ii1l0cdeclîîrod tu (f iî uiaîc. lose wlio kuow 1I liccit weriî wel1 aware of tho factthst wak it t hi tîan tu indculgo iu fane oiýi iit miiuceculationa, for: loev 11,409101toi) i lilîli a deaier in ste foriit Oin't n. So theointerview mcii ited l;tîsiînîoodcteiy acccord 'W0li, Nwat ilte i ncIter, 13i1l 2' ac <'l the commîîander. 'jiltct thub .yon'vo guI auifitfertî it'tliiîtt---a cîîeankiuig cpy--a dog üc rî:iîî'giîlc'( ici 'Ycîur canil<' Ill,Vfil ?îw y dcliî't Yciobriîig ii hef ' siîîifly fuor Ithe < ti1tu a ii't ]4cig iasi 1ilmiMlle coat prohi'cto.' q t loî>'tuiirtai. 'W0c1t, lice ountcd'youir clîies, (Ge ora~c l. atiiWlat 1i iiîi'cn.' cl wl. Luit %w<'»k ç iîeri te reccru 90't 0ohLIic lmtiailî at .*lîesburg, I notiE coil -nîigfeliow cînoug the] lid à iâut<uk rme lit once tlîtt t h g1 I'çi12liii liz Itîfor'. 1 I di tliiiiiîi'ileiaboit it et the imne,1 lVveîiii't lots of 1llcîiîltiity racial,, mnl' lite, aîl lichieen'ieuinutaîîco sli poil lly îîîiud iitogcttlier. Btt]û îîfeloi'îîl, whîie lte assigumonts - we lli'gmiadle, f1ucticcdI ini agai \VJi:i lc»v:î,,iîfoi'nicl Ilat lho was blicoment». Fcuît lKarney, I saw a flei fILi utific'pass 1%-or' hiiei'aeo ; andi!tlx( 4tioi et tan Lier caille lie convietil fia itîîlcc ii tu, efore, fer the: - ias uoîîîtlîfîig abolit hlat 4gri nien woiîlîi î'o'rnîbeî' for a lifoliîne. Fi t)le111 i'te me, ici 1cant think - lhowi wliunil ï wac anîd yet 1 know I lihp illet IiisollewlIVr, cniiceciModo îvo'jîý1'ccKrîîîoc1by liii.' , Wlf, 1 O'm goiî,g 1il, ainong hie BIc "c'illsviti I"irt Kîn'oy '\V'o1f, lie' canit 410io culi harîn thier 1l1 Icg yot.n' pardon, G enoral. rilierc ttoe ver i'y place lie wants te go ; I kueý 1tliat b>' tlii expr'ession of Ilis, face whtl iifufrli;uc[ tîl ntiedlat a Ias]lis uestil ours;Ilion yau nier cli<ne a flt; an tati, about te worst naine iun n oItiî,than Iit cen lbe epplied tb e men . 'ou Mey go, iiib ut I wiil seo lb felhIw in thé eînng, and questic siý elf.' ,whisthlhas "T'n afraf! hat 'iIl put hlim on IL, guard.' 'Nu; I willtk in sucli e menuE ChiC lie won't suspect 1 knov? lis ru chlarecter, if ho e is e renegade. and spi 40u -OU Iipose.' 'Ailrigbt, (oeneral. lIlI point hl outItb youn lte iiiot:niig.' $on mafler daylight he ifuedroi wero drcwu up fnl» line, sai! were a recy for Ihir joîîruey. Ogden wl poitiîd ont lb>Bil! lit e coMni din offBei'r. 11' wcc c' villiuoua.lookin wvrtchi-juc4t snob cInMa s cecîosî au rorsou, would pick ont of acerowd a ',a.vicn aur(ler tamped tri! over h fîce. RIe aeenîed quit. reeles' au muore! about uncasily ini his place. This fact gave 1h.e(louerai an exe for iiaIîre ing hilm, sud he a'ked, *Wh vu t yu Stand Ce attention, xMy Man Hant lîrt ow yei,' wassthie sali, repiy. Take pattern by Ibis man'-.aud t (louerai Indieated Wild Bili, who slec miext to Ogden in thie raukst, tienne! i fi hie uniferun. 'Spa.. he's an ol! soger,' etuirn Ogden, withouit even se0ranch as -granc lng st bis right-hend centrde. 'And if I amn uot mstaken, ,ypur sN ld soldiertoc.a.lmeure I ia-e0«1 erilface .before. Diclat you once lié e g athue 8eventh Cavalry, dawnac SMiiky Hlh-?' ,No; never belQsged ta no cavairl Do yen ake mne'$om a doserler Pl TIM nütsure.À Where -did yeu en llst2 #Ili NewYork.' Y" cl 'on u tPuls? IGEh 4dup; thaC'u Is reason.' i o triade-?'Pl r imetrai wBit UOUipik9W A'eup, IB"f k. oye 0 dlhta1in e'uerhin 4.'$4er14u sdea-b1 UNI ;k hogh hoeseed t «ea notice ýme He saw ChiaI Ogdemn saC t herse ain aa àdn,4 - t e sà4Juîýlia lico et maaterly-fashion, £dilthis, k> hifu, was, taiight à esÉoeu, they 8u4 iel eadly râoathier convinoing fact ltaI hie sus- og. picions were wel feundeti. TIhe man waa ne hod.esrrier. He A110 saw hatI owa, t4brao, tKnu#aa. California., d.e ti.ellw pad notthe liht.etatten- tien te th eenutry threimghwhieh lieoA4veragsing -aloue, does net produe. wu wapufng, bal appeared as aone fani- <uceisa. The ting whfeh la svertig.d mla wfth îts Jcwep. The aIliers wie:e amîsî'have in.tsi-j ore r 0100.lalarge; gazing areun!themseWýeo cousCantliy,, dvertising wffl oe.uùally de It Mers maniffàîng considérable ineret'in.harm. tiangaed. ,If youha3ve sytiug whal Chey aw, and oflen exprussed whicl yen know le bcgeadaôor t wander an! surprise. tluomugkly, aud you wilU bc sure o nue. * At iengtb FoatLeramie was reeche!, cee!; if it lu poor, dou't presç 0 o aes« and hbolte men were -quartured for people wilfl soon diecaver yen are Iying. fmi? Chie niglit.' The slliers di! miet know e~uch ia tliqpeihîy of thie BlUuauuçîiTN I- but ChaiWlId BUl va. juatI -wlet helie Bu=i, whfcl imenu Ca hree great egions roue ~ ~ ~ ~ n sem0-n1 y ai !themnselves; in Che West, lot, t» Omaha., qsuleefciuu but 11e officers uu4iersleadt1e futls of withtbe greal Piao :Rlouas. 2nd-'To the case; se ne reslrainl was place!- Lincoln, Chie capital of e.rlna end l apon Iiit. À thouglit bas saggesle! Cthat teautifui regien sealli oit&iPlatto,' ar, ftue f aid pracurlng a -baIlle of Bain,, fille! wfCh R. R. landi an! honesas. bon whisky, ie accote! Ogdeuu, ahii r!-Te St. Joseph, Kamsa City aud al ýa, ai!, '(Id eh iil eenus hat yeti an! Kansas pafaîa. I aretole hechI. Ycîiýsee what I The reasa are' splendudlly buâtl, have have Manage! tIecget, and we'hI share the bout bridges,'finest cars,,the Miller cent it ogether. Teas,- bol!; i's free ase phifem nd ucoupler, and Chie eafety air water se long ausfitlests, an! Wlucn it'e r e (te procent the loua of. lue ltaâtisl gene VU'i e pleatty mare.' oveyhor. else happeig); Ppflman'e aie, <Tank yen,' relurno! Ogi!en. lHe leepora, Pullman d<nir'g cars, large ana ae<dranhi, but vcry lightiy, an! thon asicci, powerfuleuxgiaee (le'make quichiimean! -'Havent I steen y on before, clam T "'gea! connections), an! are inua wardthe 'Tbf nk not. I'vo been a selier e beut equippe! roade iu Chie West. Se godi many yeare< aud mosoa of my Cfme that if yen doîfre e go safely, sureiy, th bau beuc spent np at Ijie fout, where qnickly an! comfortably<to any paint ini e e we are going,, replie! Wili! Bill, Soutbern Iowa, Nebrasha, Kansas, or on leof How camles il tlitIyenarecluereIthe Pacfifie Bouds, ho sure Ihal yen go Ota wiChi a lt of reernits, Ilion, if Yeu have "DBy Wcy ef Burlirugton." Fotbeen a soidier se long 2' . 1 Ail Who ibn particular information, 'JusC re.emliiled;* mY d'ifra tlme. ce! e large mep, sbowiug cerrectly t>i iges Tbey ha! Ca Bond i1e,lon11gW wth the Great West, ani! aUi is railroa! canneel- Chie; ret ; but I'il gel uomething botter wieo lions, cen obtain Iheu, nsd any other te, ge np te Fort Kearpey., kmowledge, by addreing (louerai IPaa- Cri. Yen are acquainle!et lte 1'ort songer Agent, 13. & Mo. IR. R. R., Dur. ihri. prsl(y .u'oI?' liîmgloim, Iowa. dbe 'Yom, bat nover wuuI! go nîuch ho.c-- sn y on! he'walki, h. roda 0ircre scuiii- Nitti. brcathuof life, fa the firat hma :fernahiyugly. Dut yâôa dont drinkl. wauî of Cthe humatabeiuag,-un! il a isao eus Don't be afraid of flit.whisky.', Lime 1ast- At eviim'y pulsation ui riog ery -Thie niglit pase.!, but Bill bIail dm'uuik lf» w-e nutu i lfeutiinicmn. uwn but vory litho froula uicbotîle. Ho was YeI oc ulon!suppose hy theo lai! vont- e* tryiutg an expenfumenl, an! wiien nuomi- tiiation of Irousea, cliete, an!dltea- igly ing came; au!liîe found flite Iquoruieair. Ires, tlîat c otan wee made ho Ifvo wftlî- want 1v al remsiuing, lie-safi!lu huinîceif, I ont ib-aIleasî, thaI il irai ut malter (<id about s* e tory thba fohiow tolci of in'litl'entce wlcitr he luat il ucl or ro meotW drinkiug wae orly a shutai litic, or' isiietîmor it wac good or' bad. reut eue. Ho ewacls e tokcey< hliai!elcar, Wcu <cadiniiilite- papir of tue Ilatlitof uiko for lîe'e gel soute !evolifciîwou'k 0oui licncs frouu ifffoi'aliu i iiWells, mines hl aud. Dut l'Il iîvo <i pair îof ltiipor l'y i aczpiiug gai. and we are alartied, iis-oye on Yenî, Mr. Itone3gade.' IIoilom'(ý1iiig wlîy lpeople wil li eticle. ûo-Notbing of oupeciai uote trîîusîtired lois; thîoîmîaîîluf peuplodie by ineheaN, i07y turing the reniainder of' the jouruîey, ori oui-v Icaîf îi îe, iu caocîeuence of the thie withilte oxception of a skirrnislit irii irrairty îof (lie ait' îîhich t.hey hý'oatime. Cit- lte Itîdiane, fer up îmiomî iti, his, If oniiest up i a sînall ruî,n with- ing i!uriig wlich Ogici i isplayed theiecool. intt uny' iiiiiiiomof frecli ait', lteara c- nos,, offa<i rerat. Oce at Fot t Ii-tr- caitaiii'i iîhtin Lie ' tiooîî biconîi souey, antahe reguiumr rout fiie of tiie ccl- fimpurce'hy liiviuig hein breathocl over tcou elt lfo begatt; but thoecliu'acer <f au! cii-ci, andl Very gru-at lassitude or te -thenîupecte! mneppeiirod techanîge. doprc'cîion of tif»teîîîîl spiritsc ic tiis cout- Bil Ho was actiro andutiutentive', almicat-ci!seqcjmcic. "'ie» llood recîiiiu'uto lir iiil- te ioarn rapîkly, aud wae aiways reauly revfiaiiic'ci'uucautly wit.iin te luîîugs cful, fouay extra or iîazau'uoîus duty, Itis by coiiig inicontacat witii atuiosphieit itdcendumet in em'ry respect béing- cucli air. Iuioêei,thua fi lte wholeofofice of te! that hiete sea won lte coufiduence of li te reiungs, te cerale or revitalize the Bil officerc ui piteof lime inifuicions cf hicod (wiielà is lîore met hy the. c- leWl!d ll, wlîiclî tley uni!ocîlood, bcîtinuospîterie air), amui change ih fi-dm dark believe lte lbe wiltou( founidation. i'enons binodto briglil ecatlcI erlorfal les If Ogilen waa reeily a reuegade -inm hie»!, Chus prepurtng ilt» ocarry life t» 'as disgufiso, lio eau gaino! hiii point, for oi'cuy part and tisseum of thie- syeîem. lu lie h wes ne longer cumpelle! C» report (ho Itige lte blood ]oecs many of fIe le fliniseif for rogular dnIy, lîut was cent fram'lie, coi! akes on thme life.gfvfng off ta watch thlb movemeitîs of the se. oxygen frein flime air; an! lu proportion sk vages. 'Flub took hlmn frequentiy awcy as the air is abundaut an! pitre which Ls.from the Fort ; an! sometiacos lie weui! wo breathe, fiIliet proportion w. have mai hoabsent !urig lIme eotie iro ght, buI the glow cf lucaitm an!d(lie onthusfccm nu ciways reluineil witl.i nfoirumationmcf cf Iitiing wlîielm cernes from well.vftai. aimportance, a!d rifcliî provedi îtîraîy ze! hie»!. rccases eobh correct. Evon Wfid Bill lie -- oegan tl'hink itlieI migîit piocibiy bc A STArEcîuÀc wITUA Goon HEAD.-' misînkoen, aithoughlieho irs far frem in e'Mr. Dias'aeli weuît te c great provicial goitug sattefleil Itlcineli irai really thie cily of Englanîl ho malte a speechl. Ho case. dinci! iiithî it naguate. Afler dfuauer, 01 Ot mom'uiiîug Ogdlcut rctîiiiei!, ani! wilite-rw-ire gciuîg to tuie meeting, en t! is r'eport. Tliat vvriy ii g(lie the oator saitl lue cheu! like corne deelarel) lime Inélians liai! rosoive! t» îroîrut sherry tl e hoîuacocl near Iiim. lils ultaek Fort Simti, whfclm wau ittualoilEngif ait eakieschen cefuesit lem- r!only a few uiies-distant. Ho tai! the sules a uring i lonmg' adcrecu hy anoce- aiscvcgeî were t le oie! y a unegade rasîcutal îiîm cf sliem--c. Tliiost ceizeil c!d naemed Peler Cacî'ow. Titis felloir tii.lfiTma sifdeluoari a full i!eeanlec ani! a In't adeu) liai! accuerlIas hefilet lit a iîu, itod brouigilit eun along "Dis- frFort Smithmw'as vrmy weuk, Iuat lte caelif, !ui'ug liii peccli, liai! t'cource iiter suppliesie ere iii! clorcil theco, agaiii aid! agaii to thue uecaulor ian! hie andci liaI 1h. pcymaster liai! juil ai- estyle gm'w t'lrungeiy anfrate!. He P-rfvecl wftiin fis worki, andîci ai! îîith fiuiiul-d thie licjubd, cave fer ludf a glace hid hMma largo suitnofntoncy. He sog. or six Wlîen tie speechi wal; ovechle 111 spareil from Futtrtmi'aney iiîîuîilbc but fin'tfi. von iio%%- a litle-jîiet a id. seultiuw'n i once le Fort Snmithi, an!dLitle f iery ?' 'fit» uost,'sumrprisNed ah uy su thie attcck miiht efectuaiiy luece- dispacageuntioîf ie excelent ine, !o pelleci. taslci!thue spoonful tîmal remuiued. AU 'Wiîml in you noir?' askec ism Hon-or 1 lue ha! broaglît bu xîistake a Mu commander of WilBil, wlien ttue tiio bottle ol dccli brandy, andllte consor- or ivreealone togotîteux tIi im.' ativ c cmi cf lia! eeîîsimrîl necrly lte ror IWl, whu fanI?' , hstin,,* wiaccu ictcd i iiuting îmt i lnr.y Ifollowe! Ogilcu la a iiî t.H.e ---- y m et he Iniana about fiv o tî i i fi-on i D r-4TRnC'c' rv e oRAc o.- C ii cuanat, lk hue ce, uni! creoping Up closefia Clîcîn, I Jufi- l-Laler partieu1ars fuom lte li bed, and-protèni!e! te slcep ; - lutI afler lias a laite tocrcaiing neeil uever b» if vertliug a;quiet, lie rose andm if- withciut ni roiuiunituiiiu. Nul înlY tUnt il. ln okIi wcy t he iura' utr u tir- sale 0cuIll' e)cvitdîirta-ue utndcini- ors. Wi1d 13ill cieutiy foihoîvo! luin i; tPlligc'îie go wýitliicucit a late. The idbut iiewatclicthnes ias it failhume, fuir ahuriiu uîîaylitowl outsuic', luit stii Ithe Y<sîuudlduly lte retiogaule mlbaîpeacc'd. lmu eiilimîcii i iloausQtiy. The3' cce MWclher liuo bcd reniclue! wac i unya. tio îitied w îu iack titis resource. us tory, an! for long limie lte daciag liant.. Tht'7 arcte i! nedut h e nmeccy of excite- oe r ste»! in silence, bal baif inclincîol »teufc is i!dceprireti of Cieeo, Iwecciamoss la urse his own slupidihy. Evecyuniero an! dbuecontct.o are hir suro portion. lisChroaghout lime camp lu, sacroe!, but Aliere ail, te îthe youuug people of bIth mn rein. Au! sothue ]murs pais.! on.sexes in our otites ani! large owns te e De ili liai! concenle! hutmcelf hehini! las,e fer cocding a blessing. We are an the i!wolluutg- occapie! îy lte Generci, gie! Ibal books au! newepapers are se iOan! wac waloiiing for ltesanvagos. Dut climap. lita-t eren limace wlio cre limiîee Oy prosenlaye ieafcoing volley rang ont, in parie unay yet indulge liaIt tishe anth, farful yeltng of thi. Roi! hktnc res àn feilowetl. AtChe sanie instant WVfld- Dill bouc! a ehuiek aloro hic hmleai. Ho Lciîu SPIiTS-The grand cônelitu. na leekel up end-Chueo saw Ogilii in thue euh cof lîcaitli andi hcppfness, the car- il net nofi!rcgging tue Genera tit!rltc- imaipoin<îleupon which everylhing tas fremfn uapper wiei!ow. lea rcucicl Iltu, fat-e, exercice for lbe body, an! ig low ho recetre himu as lue droppei; Lutîoccupatioun for tlI nu. Motion ceoes [g1 c IaC ainstactlihe 'eeeu'e!cd acînuuf c"teo niagreet preeeri-'ng princupleoef nu- y hlow upen the Iea!, wlufcl cause! hum Iture, t howliuevetOn cacimale thungs as lei tagger an! fail. Then lio îaw litelare subkiect; for lte iiinds wcves, lb. as yipshoot by hlm wiîîî bis capive -i cadIa hcoi'f, are reehicsui hewr - ishl aruns. ing cf trees, shrubs, andi -fowere is- je WildBill wcs mel the muan ccdily t» kuown le lie au eciontial part of lteir e yui. Ho isaped te hie feot, an!dici» ecouiuy. A fixe! cule of Iehufug uer- a ore ash bywIthi c serage tien erai hoer exercice erery ,d&y, if possi- Y ý ack. Tht. wae te one wbo h iebe;un the open air, if net under covex, an giron lim thhe w. Ha-.. c tebe bite beams crant-ec n x ho eoi Skia, and., draggimig ibm ho tlaocmptton freim disease, as weil as frein- Ca gr i!n, piumgei!-a lebe btais Ia t tatcks cf iow spirita, or ecnui-hhaltE Thon ie leelte! around!for Ogdeu. mandter ivho tai eror wcylaying the cl in The reeio alMo n lwi andi indolent. Low spnirits cannaI criaI perceivicg the" ùectChaI Cime soudilera imehebniospltere of uodfly end'mentalc bi! wore mare Chan equai te lime occasion aclirily. O.-tlial h defeat of -huele! 5kmins sGoeu<'DAnî'c.-Yoang mon, Yen are certain, -for -airoai!y wore lthoy pane- the architeets of your eue forbune..ne- mustrickeut, A9 er1s hyheic-l upon yoar own ilrenglh e! body aud .n, cire!. Sa ho ie edo!upon liglit seul. Tako for youiý star 'ueif.relianee, o. while hue coul! cjsre imasef ;.,bah lie failhlioheesty,-î!nclindust ry. Inacribe c dit me d-t oaloup--tbe grl onry'ur banner, 'Luck le c fealipinehi musC ".mi' n ppaiy, Hec sltnieluc, is c hero.' Don't lako Ci> nînh '-aiiec Y., , lI~ rang euh, ache! as <i-icep ilyour litou, an! eteer your-,il tan! meanlting thec auvn;i1ip, an! romenuher lmat thie groat nom erhe téh. ge lhebei! kille!, lhe art cf commranding is le ake',a fair *sac lu ift Pur*it.- tare cftlitework., Thuum. Wel f your- Énit Cseemo! Ihie t1h. ronegade was soif. Assuaxe your own position. 'Itise aiea moumte!, andi!th. race became on. cher. the envions uni! jealaus, Fire ef, 1f. ciI doatli. _Wf ll lDgine! a» claove the nmcrk yen inleuîi! tehiC. En-f far Chah lue coul! se Chieherse of his foe, ocgy, invinciblee terminalion, wibb a and ho fired at th. legs, hiiung te dia riglit malive, are tbe levers that moeee ahi, Chie beaet, s ian e ohîsobin lte ail-.lime world. Be bu earnesl. Be uelf4- ' f ai g o dq 4f j mum hiflmutIk,hut liait. Be genorou. Mkmnai ~ Iheiu so~y- maddcudbfa dgcoith.Lvoy e3 d r ~ Cý <p4c4-kq. P4qolo or y*m#1q !tU-' eush pofd for Hlde, acl, audlether, teather treelctd tâ13ELTiGýMMDE TO ORDER OX -BROBT-MOTtCE. 18yî72.' 22i p HOTOGRAPHY1 WiIIson's New Gallery of A rt, WALLACE'13 BLOC, WHITBe. Pieticre.'if Ù1 iii kan saires bakea in the besî eityie. cli! piolnrou iepied. Itmembr lbthilorLf-tik, plobaures fa at Wiilson'c Now Gallev--he'-mesit cern- piste oe n lahe Ceunty. R. H. WILLSON. Wliby, May 201h, 1872. 22 C4A IîN. -Ai genuine bit Ibe asm@ "Pr rp," <cor -4Pea-ariau csrk,1 biowa in thie gis,. AÀ2ipcismbut ea free. J. P. Duasceas, Prep isir, 5Del St., New York. Sold by &Hi Dnrslois. E XECUTORI'S NOTICE TO CREDIT. Ail pencens holding dlaims againal lihe as- Iate oef hle Samuel H. Cochraneetcitse Towni of WluiIby, Darrisler, are notifled le senin laparticalarx of tle samn e J. .Fane. woil, ef the Town ef Whltby, Solicilor fer the andersigno! Exocatrix, on or belore lh. 25th dey of Jane, 1872. The ea partieniar 10 iniua, neoesaary dates an! items, and te «ire lthe dchsian namos sud iarnames of the cliantsaa!theln l'est-office sdareas. Au! notice la giren that tram anda aler th. sii date, ltheExaeutnix'oflb.th siI!eslabe - cill pnoceed ho disînibulo 1he assots of lhe teslator amougsteh i.parties enîf is! horeto, tuaving megad te thoe laluna ef wbtch ah. chanl then h re 11cnotice, and wtillnol b. liable for the aissse îo !ibuteoronany part Ibereof ho any person of wbcse c i sncb Executrix sdm11 no. bave liai!notice aI the lime etfaneli distrilbution: lts onettebelag given ander scedon 27, Cep. 28 nf 29mb Vie. Anid cil pencona ladebte! le lthe raf! es- hate ar, reqaeîled lte cehle Iheir indebtea- nas fcrtnviti. EMILY A. CciCIWIANE, Execatrfx. Whittîy, May 25ài, 1872. 22-41r 0. qr cc~ F101' NL\E YORIK TO EUROPE I SAFEST AND Freiglît ciid!uastiage neduce!d. Pacson- gete hy itailway pnori!<cd wilm firaI- claie Caîrs et fhe saine rate as second- olasii Iuy the,' AlinLitue.l May i5li, 1872. LEWIS ALLIN, Agentl, Whitby. p TJBLIC ECHOOL TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Ths excminatlan of Candidates fer Publie Icheel Teacheri' Second sund Third Class Certiftcates wLll b. lanCthe Wlitby High SSchooi, ie the TOWN to the most ,fastidion Taste.- -aoig and' ressmaking. to',Order. - 'LOWES ;& POWELL. May lôth, 1872. FJJRNLTURE! F UISNITUREL AT THE SIGN OP TIRE GREAT -ROCKING CHAIR! týFùrn#àire Selling at Old Prices for 80dp&yslonger; Not6vithstandiùig therinSe mi mater"al and labôr, the undersigned dffers èis stock at the Old Pries for 30 days lonfger. Now iis the time to embrace the-oépportunity of selectiDg from the area tock in th. Coulbty, of sitinards, bùreaus, centre tablesq, sofa5, chaire,bdro sets, &c., and ail of the best quality aod' manufacture. JÂMES HSAXO, Thé ocly first.class establishiment in neralo are fuily snpplied. the v"hoicest,' Fresheat, and B3est. Hardware of ail kinds, Oils, Pajuts, &C. FIELD AND GAIRDEN. SEED [S5 -New, Choice,'and Good. Ail the leading 'vàxrieties of Tuùrnip, "angoId Wartzei, Csrr.:t, Cabbage, -Onion, and oaber Field sud Garden Seedg. - 0-.2,000 bushels, of Peas Wanted. Y. GIBSON, Whitby, Aprilý 17, 1872. the ( Ounnty, where Fu-1 THE OLD STAND. - ESTIABLLSH ED 1833.] Tlie undersigned in returpng thanke for the liberal patron- bithiorta extended ta the aId establishm~ent, fer eearly a period of forty y-enra, de - sires Ce ccy thial ho hics naw anhant a'large aesortmenl of (hie mou mmodern %nd elegant styles of And trusts by proper attention and mode-rate prices to se- cure a continuance of public patronage. Practical upholsterng. Furcîtare re- Undertaking & Funerals Fully Supplied -as heretofore, Ce A Large Stock, £W' Sorne splendid specimens of Picture Prames, atnd Gildl- CL 0 THI 1Y ing. Remember- the Old Stand. "~~ ~ . i~ X t.* NEW TEAS AN]) BOOME Whillyl May 22n,f72. HAMILTýOIN &' Co:. Have opelhed And ,are bîow showiug a verf large anid varicd oik f GecernI Dm-y Goads, cemprisitug. New Iiryini the Latest Styh. PRINTS,' KtSIS HEETI NGS ý-WHITE COTIONS, GREY C0OFTONS, TIOKINOS1 HESSIANS, HOLLANDsi GLOVES, HOIEY, - ATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, CARPETSY ?4ECK TIES, LACES, & WINDOW CURTAINS, - MOU RN 1NG JOHN STON'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At thie Provincial Exhibiion-, Toronto, inî 1870 of Cloths aud Canadian Tweeds. 0 MA DE 2 0 OR DER. MlIES. CHOICE MWINES AND LIQUORS. yQqîgp FOR? OÏJEÂ4P AND RELL4BLE GOODS. We offer 10 our cîîstomers for the coming llarvet8î, îwo dis- Bags, ]Port'e-momiaies, &c. tindr Machines, - which in style and coufiruction, embrace the laîest and most useful improvements of the da,. Electro- ated Goods! JOISTNSSINGLE SELF-IiAKING REAPEIt Watches & CI. --.f the best Makers, THE "RING 0F REAPERS."' Y -ach carefully exanq ôý, proved,-and- tinied, and their The universal success of Ibis Machine, bothlini closely contest-1 pei'frurccc granteed. -----roox--- eu tein lu, im n ui ,,Afs i u <.., waran..-- - .li Mt, a'l-Rki ing eapig Mchin, i lia mor god pontsand ei<deeg mai, las aet itas more succes5 icn! hess failure, than lueretefore eflerci! te the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER We were awarded the First Prize and Diplomu< aI the Prcvin. "-isl Exhibition, 11elic Toronto, 1870,in cempetiti 'on wiîb ail the lemding Mfccbuiies mnuc.factnred in the Province; acd with oîîr receot imprevements, ste unhesitat- icgly challenge inventigaiion and comparison with cempetirg Machines, we are ciatisfie! that sccl investigation ivill convince every unprcjiidiced iii!d, thnt we aller the. best Mower te the Fariner for 1872, butît in the Dominion. izff'Setud for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & 1'ATTERSON. SPRING KI'OCJ<OF BOOTS. AND SHOES' MATTHEW COLLINS Beg-jPto aunounce to his curtom"ýrs and the public that he lias opened business on the premises . lately occupied by Mr. Bandell< on Brock Street, and, that lie is now lureceipt of a splendid Stock of the -RIGHT FIT' AND. MAKE And of the best style of Boots and Shoes. Also on hand a large stock of HomeiMade Boots and Shoes whjcb cannot lie surpaesed for qnality acnd priée. 'Ail orders punctually attenfdedt to. ilepairs neatly doiie. Whitby, May 10, 1871. JAMES JOHN8rION, Practical Watch and Clock Maker. îrckst hil ,May 7t1i', 1872. 19 AJ O H-N A SPLENDID ASSOMTMENT 0F Spring and Sunier Boots and Shoes, ALI, TIE LATEST STYLES. - l'ad ies' Balmo-als, Prunulîns, Gaiters.- Ties -Cr-o- quet Slippers, Newports, &c. Geuilleinens' Boo& nn-zd b-hoes, in great vaî-icty. Boys' ahd Girls' sewed work, ,veýry cheap. Ail ordered work promptly attend-d- to. R{EPAIRS NEATLY 1EXECUTED. - £Rcenuber the right place.' Whitby, May 8, 1872. JOHN SAUNDEI-S, Brock Street. MAITHEW COLINS. IMPORTANT. NEWS! Me'rchant, Tailor &Draer FEIIGiJ SON, DUNDAS ST., %WVIII'BYI B OO'I'S AN D S IO ES. Respecth"iY intirates lhat he 0Wi1ecptoalrg OF WH-I-TeY Ihe C o 'Cof Oalarf ocomm encfcgeu TUE8DA Y, l6th JLLY, 1872, -AT NIN'E, A. M. TI20 exeminablon fer Plut ClIe Cerudl- OaIea ail bý bel!aI lIte sane Place, cern- nencing en Z'UESDAY, 2iird iTtLY NEXT, - ATr suN£, A.' inspleter neClater ltrjt ~iJie0 lisir intention to pcemoit heiilleîr.for ex- suminalion. - Noqrmai.sebool cia!datoswlil o exatin- ed awtthîe'alter cn+ ats JmEs MBBIEN, The, umdersigned lia»aarg tcko Ladies', Gents',. and Cbldreîî's Fine àU'd 'eûRrge Boots & Shoesl ID~BotsandShos mde to ,order. «m» Oveériboes linê edwan ud comfortable. Iidia Rubbers, gD'Reeairing neatly doue. 094l at the old Stand. --WILLIAM, -BURNS, SIUR1NG., A NI) JtM U E Canadia'n Tweed'Suits-, Clo th Sûtts,. Btys Suits, Youths' Sùits, Ohildre's Suits-vr tl ,; Material,, Spring Overcoaits.- seer tl Gents.' Shir"ts, whi*te and colored, and. ail kindq gfGCxW' Furnisbibg Goods. JOHN TERGUSO1q, -Clotbiei, -k.Geuits' Outfltter, - -~<1rei.cslatIy cCule1l,~r unu ýt. Whitby. o ý r " 1j @ -j t e - c-pG e r r e , o s a D g er t o e Maih~ y, 84y ravel Clirug l axy part of Cthe riefhi Provinces, or te United State, etier- -b, seIL, or totake orders fr my Pilla- ami! Ointment, antilas I1lhae reason Ce'- beleve hat atternptu'aill vey pcbaby be made te déçeie he publicelinCis wagy by persons callitg upo m medicie e nidor, falely represeniimg taI Cey are actfig formite, amid wfth my kuowl- le oanti casonin, 1deem itb diabe- Ce putte ubic on heir gîard agaimit- o -aczcoptions. - I mnoet earestly eutrea ailtse wite r a s y e a ! C h i a d e r fi s o i ne n t Ch a t h e y b.ple'aus! em Ci p ublie interest, Ce eonnncae tmepurpoiC. e! Chie sanie le'hieir friends tat fcey may not be, defrauded eofteir mony by purcliang Peh a w rtiess imitations ofthe gen- uM. eaaWl a PLLS ANÎD Omwrainîr. 1 -world!ash as a greai favur, Cat shexil il cota. it he kiihwledge of amy iersan hat spurîous eilicimes are lbe- x g m a d e 'o r s l ! fin x y - marn e , h hie p d ete bu d nie al h. partieulrs; hi can coUeol reseoinmg the saine, hai ise t e eay , h e icunete an id a d d re s e! th e vemdor whae is seig the uioùnamedi- - emes, andi ike9wise h. ciame and ail- drose of he Hase fa the Uniteit States, or eiewler, whichi may have supplie& hem, se as Cue emable m, for lb. pro- CeCofe i.publie, tId nstitue. pro-. ceeings against sucli evil-doec, cmii!1 engage te rmunerae vey hamidomey' ay persea acvhe ny'ivene uh in- -fer±ctiemi, Ch. imforhnn's nanine eer- beng divulget. Shiul! amy peredu hve Ïron u C e- iee hat he hias been dceie! by buy- img- urius imitatons of hése mei- -cmoes,'he il! do woil te cn!d me, in e leCer, te he d!ess t feetl (whileh h au do at a ceel of six ceaie lapos;tage),- one of h. books of instrucions yhch are affixe! the saune. I remîse -te examine il an! sen! a reply, slaig wliether h.nediines are genuiç ai n t, se haC if spurous-hem y a p-py tu he person freni whouf bhi purc assi! hon a lirhie àmdy reune.j Chemiala and Drpggial whe deare ta ohîal Chie me!icines can b. supplie! aC Ch. loweat'wholesale prices la qnuzmi- iles of ncet loua han #20 vr(h_1%iz., su. 6d. 22., and 84s., per ilezen boxes o! Plla or potea! Oitmnet, cot, illant I have tCle-hceur Ce hie,, 'WîCh great respect, -THOMAS HOLLOWAY. e Ë55, Oxfordl Street <laCe 244, Stran!), Londemi, W., 0., Octeher 1, 1871. TO TflE PUBLIC OF CANADA. O OF e'mm Joazi'U HuAL MÂcnPÀ&cTrxoCoirmAN-T ORAsWA, 01cr, Maccit8,1872. Beimg deaicone e! Csting-lhe morfle o! Cleidffeainwater-wleelsnowofferudfior cale fi Canada, ac te Cheir ecomiomicai use of ater, aco, us manulSturera e! Cle make the following challenge te lb. m anufacturera of siaux xz. cE a n m ai!. fa Cnui!,wheChieritbe nnTrrÂruoueof the JAsxs Lxa-mL ounaxE TuzsNmnz' or <LTai OTitER PATTEEN,thie'leels in ail cases te b. wholly manufacture! hby Che-compet-- iug parties t- W. ail place in Che ands of amiy-es feneible party 'six thousn!dollar (86,000), au! Chie party uceepting Ch. challenge Ca ido the sanie, 1h. mauey We ho hel! suhject te Chie awar!, oftheju!ges. The wheeis te ho leste! ina aflanc nül,- !rbrlng Ch. samerune o! stone, gining the ara.eaheut,.sud haisrmg thidsame nmnber o! square ,luches o! openig e cecebve thewater, th.es.nount o! waCer diachargedti eb. the nieaur, of Che am o n m iC u s e ! b y e c li a h ee l. - - Thiejuilges Ca lie non-recidenta o! Ca- ca!a,an!te ho Choroughly ael informed ta tl. mode o! lesting Ch. poer of Ctur- bine wabeie,-eah pcrly te ýchooco o0" jai!ge an! tle lwe le loote the -t.iii!. The owmiers o! taewnauing- aheel bo haro Chefrmony refimilo! Chemind Ch. cesaful alieei. Thie wheeis ho o balese! aI - , ,t î, an! ffl guIe. Ecoli pcrty to gire gooi! an! sulffcient bonds, le Ch. ameunt of $4,000, thiat te losec shial puy Ihe enlire expenies ofChe Tiacce are corne tuheels Chat giro very gooti recuite with fulT hec! an! failgahe- cage whicli entireyfmmil underparfaiheed an! partial gateago. Sucli aheels in oui, cimule, wliece the watcr-pewera are affecleti by both Col!. an! trenCh, arae! no practcal vaine. We ciaini' ht a re Ch.onlyrnakera o! the. GaENrUa JAxrs Lxs-a'xaDousaui Tu"atux WnaEa lunCaniada5sdlhtii aclthiont a =vaurin tahewoaa IN ,P&ATc-c. ALi. tESuiLT. More thaac ,0 o! îl tes. ahools are now in eperation i anamidma aa!thie- Unit.! States. The.saies otue ollier whieel erer yet fntrodnce! enu ChisC onti-, nent exceed-ono-sbxlhChis nunuber. .Oui aheel lias been Choroughily CesIe! in GuRT arBiaisai, an!dhics fully main. tains!Cth.ecopultion il. hicsgan!l Caad iu! ile Unit,!Sates,'als Ch. mostecenomelwater.aheeîlun ractie- aloperatien- eer e 71 ltraduced. 'W. re neapublsiahniea!ecdcrip.- ifre waler-wlieel. paimiphlel, coulaining 150 pag-es o!raina ble musCler, aichwfil ho.seul fro. le al applicenCe. For farter information aatidr, F. W. GLEN, Oshaswa, Ont- N. B.-'We deailre'te ccll attention te> Che following certifleahe t- SPEaNGemux.mi Ohio, D)ec. 25,1868. Wetake pleasuretianfecmingChe pub-. lie of Canada,"hw- e havesedn niche! Mc.r. EW. nio!Ohs Ontarie, PetCerne, PFe1rmeraDcam Gauges<ani! al ather aecesseacyinforma-_ tien to bufll!aur celebrate! Deuble Tur- bine Water-aheel, inveÙLed by James- Leffe,andkuioan a the "Leffel-WheeL." W. haro-aise obliçale! ourcobvea te fuir- temi oChièr pathies fa Canada.- WiChenC' GLEu, n eue can 3mars given Ce wheele, and.we adrisu -parties inCàaaa le purchase our wheeheofne ether manu- nfàaurert Mr, G L", 0faelties ar unu paese!, and!ae feelsue Chai h. will aul&jwh.ol Chat ailgiro perfeeb satia. faction. 'W. th.refere comnuiit im te thie public- of Canada wmlh entire camifi- deuce ,Teeingsure he vilb mmifactnre a VheeÏîn ail respecte equal Ca aur ewn. --JAMES LEFFL-& GO. m Jj0ZiY TO LENDI1 -Repayable by inslslmente for frein Twei o TIretkCy years, at boa ràtça ef interêst, aih prlvate-pende Ce lend. - Apply-t- - -!,-E. PARE WELLI t Ni em laie Are (Mt . ý 20-ly GIOODS ! Jewellery, ÉEST. 1 J H N SAIT N-DE JOHN

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