Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1872, p. 2

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CNLY lx13ô PER ANNUM., Whitb-, Tursday, Jdy:1 1872. The GIibs Partye Repesting the Car-' rupt Pratices 01 157. Tlis a sgs-aetu corruptions of 'ixty- geys, by wvisias Mr. T. N. Gibbis suc- aded ta a seat ln tise Hanse af -Comuons, as-e sot onaly ta be sepAted, but fur -surpasaod, iti# te lie ieas-d, inu aitiseir enarmlty dusing tise ps-o- sent content, by tise Gibbs party. It 1; opailiy lioasted'-tisat, the fis-m ai- Gibbis Brothers have madle a profit ai -dity tiosetand dollars during tise peut seilsn in fie>us'ait 4ss'ieât opesatiose, sud tisat th isay vI% pond tisat amaount ia seunsg tisarepresestetian ai Nortthsasd iSouths Ontario for tise two bs-ailers 1 This fa tise sisackisg sys. teom adopted for securing votes foi^ tise Gibbsas. Tise la tise internons mens nase employed *f0e- tauspaisg with tise consciesnces af tise electors I Wbat muasthbctise ressyit oai sunholy in. fluences ? Tisalevalpraclices ai sixty. seyeu we-e lied enaughu; but ta lie repeatesi uow on a larges- saab, güd seibi greater exparienai, cati onW 1end flsthse iholemali demoralizotian ai e ntis-i canstitueuee. Tis ins met vihat tise Gibbsas afin at-tlsAse geitî- usinie"ihssuds Iighs leretensiaus ta, respecta1bîuity' ansim'oral rectitude - tise vilolesiii purcisase ai tise politicai tÃŽrtue snd ruerai conscience of etitire éoluiinition 1 Ti ew-revelation le as 'iliàbàisdiig ami b ii infernog. Na vionde istcit utei couic forvard ta ilrfppsrt àl Cfverntdeui wifich rafuisas il pius-bihl-l iiirthepuhileulut of ceýrs-iýp uactices net suibj-. çTliey hoUld tisoisuseives hi- tIse firsb tu suifeas ie juset p6nassty due ta tise eàas-nuity ýf tisais- scausulsies systems cf bribes-y. But whast ii.-Qtise Gibses tu> gain hy 1J thieb litssqaý-eriehs"f this tçedj cf tîsousatide, suîu tiseir infisi(de- structieu, il oitie co nsciences ai men ? înhstst, i badee it bcbliais-regard for Ipulpîo ienos-sity ? For 'tliie sakalai tiss purity of parflahsent 2 ln It lie. cause ofa s lira ta pnîtect tise Pulici -ilitirest, or 'lus tise isterebi of siuy psublie dsity ihatnver ? Vrite mce- strousi mensieamplayeuiiîy thum et once give bths lie ta euy sucds auppos- itiesi. To whit tisai arecvia te attri- bute tise asdoption o f s policy tisat oautrag,ses Vîyuyansi of publicesiecency ansd jusitictîl vis-buse- Tises-e eaulue Sut cite aswes-. 8SýL'-lTys-iE8Ts. Tise Messris. Gibubs are net tise oin te spensi mixty tisousauidiollars viltsouit isving utîs sulJet te gaini by lb. Tlsey -as-e juet am ausxioiisuy gi-eaSy ipîcusiators in poli- tics ascthey arc in grain. They me in tli îsnis of Gos-uniment tlise antroi qf tise expeniiuri of vaît sumo' ai msssssy, T.risy kîsovitlise mode adopteS iss tise buildinsg cf tisa Iuta-ooial lailviay, vues-e millions vies-equan. derei lunortIes- tsicouciliaeeand neis- buss Go vernint supportas-s. ThayI look fus-vas-Ste tise cariiival ai jobbes-y Sul theuxbuilinug or tel'acidie IRsiuviy,I iii viuscls ssîeubes-s of Pas-iament ae- isermitt ed tu> have lutereste le contr-acts b -andl on vusiehs iseasuure Ms-. T. N. 9 Gibbs voteS 'fus-"-lise Governeseut, lun issos- of tise'coutrectiig istes-ast, and agnints plsîclîg tisa expenditure undas -0 Paruiamaîstas-yý conts-ol. Tîsase vuso m vote for tise Gibbses, Votn for tlîem to t place thisn laepositiou ta make Usais- Panliaosentes-y influenice e purclsasalile cl commouity. With tise representaticu tl ai tise tvo Iidings ai tise Couuty af Ou-. tarieoii tliseis- iand-vitîs tvo votas on tIse Ministerial 51e-tise pricesai thiai-p iug office tiougistisevetofaicrs-upt s-preentstivaes, visa, in tus-n obtain position by corruptisg tisa people. No it ona man'lu Canada >toaday lias douec0 mios-a ta corrupt a cosstitunuy tissu W Ur-. T. N. GObbsihiasdose un Souths Ontario. An& noaa boh stisabratisers go for extesding'tisaevil 1 Ibin thee place ai sU goad men-af alvisa rié- s aire purity ai eleotios, an isncorrsupted 0 pas-lament,,sud tise episudiisg aifans- <t frea Institutions, ta Soonscesd put 9g SovisitIse bail influence of tise ibbseg. c IBIs mon hava. degradeul, snd eek stilI flstiser ta Sdegrada, tisa franchse t! oi tis sfine Caunty ai OntnÉria. Tiseo vos-y sense ai tise dagradation i sould li bce esougis teps-vent hisat - mes e (seistever tiser Polien) fros voting for AI tissus. Andvie' belleve'.tise day lias came vises bonneat mes v bu agsan. ail ta ho iouud votisg -aide, by sidaévus ij f tisa psroisasd votes-ofaietises-T. N. as- fo W. H. Giblis. We aall uponise fre bc ud unpns-alaaabi.e leotorrta eos-aise le t4eelsinfluenic.eMthtie fostisomig"elea. a tlaa-to Ans np i tis-meigt.- 4da le Irs tluan>alvaa frountishe dogsadlig ?iM sîlea 01belsg e pus-cseabie constU. le tuanoy, snd by tise defeet -afi-tisa tl Olibos vindicate <as- ever bus-asiles-tisa au freadouz sud purity ai elactios lu tis s o Oounty of Ontario., Ufr-I3uckand; of Gisaisaxe, lias ioiught e tisosongisbred Dus-hein caw p feo ir. JohnuiisM. Bell, of Pickas-lng em i lstuvroly oscape&-a frc i j-bM= tWudo ýOmn i oers a ofinvitation ta attentt a mesl lssg ta be héla by Mr-. Gibbs as eddressed. At suais Meeting IL Guibb s iles hie explanaians -.a sui isinssel!; gives his ovin coloriiig tai votes, and abis cviiiversion ai publi mat"-, without Isas- ai cosntradiction 'And go, isaving -avarytlslng hie ose way, set of resolsutions, ppra' beiarelseud for tise aceasion, ara peas ed, ,endorsing tisa Gavermsent- men sures sud extoUiBg 3fr. Gibbse and al hie sylug and doingi ta tise eoia Tise sext thiug tise, invited éecto -becames avare oai 15 tisa pbhcetiol ai tisa resoiutians7iïn whuchisi v . m neiappearu as suave-or aiseconda: or s enfaiMr. Oibbo's cammittai and, ta lus extrema surprise, hi dutd fhimueli put dovif a na ai fMr, Gibbs' supporters sud palitical frieuds. Tii invited electos- may have gone ai marte specta.tr, expectiug teaIseas- bot] saes at tise meeting ; ha may have ng recoliection aif moving or-scondingi fsolitesy resalutian ; hi. may -feel ver, indifferent in bis ovin missd ta Mr (libbs's suerits, sud Ms-. Gibbs's nrucor tradicted statiements may have la( littie weight viith hisu in coming te deciiion as ta tise manite of the candi dates ; but tise fait oa is iipi-seucu ii paunced upon, sud et once blssasses fus-ti, is os-des- ascrse dis herenax ta tise Gibbis causa. This, vie say. il tisa lageniaus mode adoptcd. And il il thsss thet Ms-. Gibs and lii veil trainad electiouaering agiflts pleasantý ly delude tiosemelvas seitis tiiibelleý tisat they have obtafned, supporters But slcis a brick is aitagetiser boc isgenious-too pslpably provekssg tc tise electas- ta hae et anl succesîful. Ns man ikas ta bc el"sold"--aisd saecleap. ly hics-e hie face. Thse inviteS electo final; out tiseIlsell" sut once, in thii case vie havi presented, snd tis e s.t ie tisat, fisead of ps-oving a frieusi cr supporter ai Ms-. G-ibs,- hie roseubmient ig as-anseS, as it slsould bc, at tht thisdugbt df tiss trick perpetrateui upoii inul. Wo liave aiother- instance of btse ingaslicùs utede tdoetdd fid gît Gibsbs ,ateý; ut a nieitiug h ike«lelîl u isLe Icwn ýsf iiitly. ~her'e à string df rusolu- -tiens appear as liaviuig ybien passeS, sud tise namneof Mr. Chestes- Draper Ais vis-y promicesbly put fsîswas-d te do d1ufy for tise cicesion; as a Gibus cou. vaert. dite of iîse resoluticue ap- proves ai tise imposition cf su iinty ai tvienty pis- cent lapon uiainfactuses googes nd favds-s otises- lroteebive i-es. trichîon 's. WVe have tise ves-yLbst cf reamous for kusoiig bluuu Ms-r. Draper apps-ovestof 110 sudsl policy, utud tuttIt insteasl of csori h, u ouuiiiieii. It, lîowevcr, asiered tte psi-Ise st tIse tinie, te lut it go fou-i ls iasMs-. Drapser vis lreseut ; tisut lue uupiss-ove<i ail tise ressintione, ansi huit li-! accept- aS ail Ms-. Gihhs's polies1 bushtl, anS aU luis nets vitîout quue-isiesu. Mreare ijuite pesuaded Mr. Drapeci-ould noS sa fer ]have stîsitified hiisieif. ils fusc vie kuow i e diS net do se. Ms-. Gibbs liai, up ta tis esent, avoided camiug, belore a public mccei- issg cf tIs ectes-s. Ho liai ocesîpiesi Wisnell lunlholdinsg hitielIsole-atuS-ces- uer meetings of lusi frieudes adîsles-. entes, couuting in, ans i sakiug usunels cf sny stray shseup frosu bise Refus-un foui, wlsen lie conid coax ete te tattenîd sy his cunîsing circula-s. Tish se lissus usriveS vien lie cati use. ilonger- slodge his accouutability, vioin lie wyull iave ta appear in public before bise geint body ai the eluctars as a wihie, assd give au accounit cfIluis Stewarsisp- when lie will have ba uxplain luis vote in favor of the lontgeet anti moistexpent. Bive route for tise Intes-colocial Rauil- s'ey ; lu favor cf tise sdditieual subsidy oa Nova Scotia, lu violation cf bIse Conféderatieu Act ; in favos- of pnyiîsg eru-upt masubers cf Parlississesut for A rempidîed cor-respondent esks-Iel s true thuaIilelise liees-rs. Gibbis ces-a lavisiug Ileir biseusaude of Sel- tau lu building cisus-cîes, sud lisibinc lic members theeoinl 1867, lise foi- svwing eévenit htokplace: Onse of tbise Guise-in Angeis of lise penn, a Sistus- af ise House of Providenuce, Tos-cule, chine iufostunete, anSd (estltubi cisilS- ren cf aI dencmiuaîteuc as-e taien in, nS dhesitably cas-eSfus-, calleS sepon> Ms-. Oibblin lhler rounds, ai-ile colleel- Lg in Osisave, sand dis Ms-. T. N. Gibbs put hes- cff vitis Sali a dollar, ulule lis brother NW. H. refuseS ta cous- s-ibute enylhing ?-Is tlsutuse2" - Wa e efi#a til qîite tluse, siitiste exceptiai, bisaI t Wisu William Gibbs, %V isl nav seekieg lise suffrages ioi lhe Catlllectas o f Nos-thiOnbario, s-e- fses ta give susylhÃŽeg, lis. T. N. Gibbs ave tise libéral couls-ibutiouse e qart. cr-daller. Bul this teck place eftcr-isol at tîsu âme cilLae elacticen, vsen bte Gibbses wrs- seabteriug eround bisais- tionsands ese, ansi thisai- undredu tises-e, b me- use votes, criS eeguuise oi clubsil. ibis donations. ME. WIrrs's MExsNGtle.-Meitiuge of se friands aud supporters cf the Be- ins candidate, Mn. T. P. Whsite, avili » e Ahat tse Towin hall, Bs-aughsin, >.-dey, ett 2 o'clock P: ns., et tiselMas- sic Sali, Bs-cola, ou Seturda>' next, [S5 fust., st lise saehiour, sud et tise [adlilca' hall, Whitliy, an Tnesday, LU, inst., a et isal-et seven o'eiaeIc, fao- se purs-ose , a isnging -cômmittees ad suekiug aIses- ps-éparations ionrlise mlsg 9 éectaion. Ei-ery cliches- vis ugaras the 5as-eduees cf lIse francise kaS doirae ta Securi purily cf élection rerail dta tale lu Is sllotteS ssara of sai gaod seak - TMm EËTo)N.-Latest despatelses ron Ottawasistate thal t st le ngescl àorê-üIth li# 01oiUQvifl taie place arî y1 isus fi 5mvlei 4-were awarded ta*-te successfiil compi- ï. m'13 suif-eut--f 1wn znntl The Tiathena atical, p$ze W85 'glVen it by Mr. IXirl*wd, onilse condition thàt the -, noination of 'Mësprs 1the papers ofahe ecipiesit slsould hosw and < l -n 65,thylý1 ùiVing itanding suffic3est ta secure Ihonours t<> lie" 1 i Toronto University. David 0r,"- lar n û 7neO=!tný w Ston, E.sq., B. A., condslcted the exair- appeaâ. , us t in se~a>.ll 4inatian, 'and. awarded thse prize ta-lff Ur a,ýi: riksW(j-pmë 15tl. 5-James- Davlson, of Port Hope,. Dr* IY uu=è 1Herê ,is lRst eïr. '~Tucker presenteil'the prises -te' the wW0 n 1 eWIflèt ilppl i th lat graceitti and happyt D"uS MýA i-s semé of the impers lu 5manner for wlich the dactor is'dis. i 'te--bbar r tlnguished. Thse doctor al1ile 1 vvrted keba ai ntofwhat was 88fb . 1 r. White ai the uaminlatlon of 3Mr. )n ta thse pasi scesses of tie sohool, alla Gibbis ud thse writer in 1ffl, 1 tlink it Sspoke of gos future prospets ; and in weil yow roradere lhould know what '~' onclsici comlime thte pupiis was rea3.ly ia4l an that ocecaian, 1 _upo thir ahieemens, nd epresedtidancribo from. thse report of the useet- upls tisp1eir alie oetshe ie~e ng ail given aithtie time by thse Oshawl& le~~~~ hi oeta uaahryear, they vna ;f~ '~should al ho assesnbled in a better i . r Ë» hite ÉMid jt Withosnt eseliool bsuilding. any preliinpmur(e-a.u lieéeottd net a RIZE LIST. make but'a short speech in M tIunultege h - -le shionld state as briefiy aselie, coûl. te Esioo-zIE 1II5 ieroeau wiy Ih propaec Mr. Foea a Form IIL-Clasice, (Division Â) Jet viel as à1a td, sërae sn tere-' W. F. .Crn-J. B. Dow donor;- 2id orent Smnth Onttriai- t thé crowd >'Frank Brown-llev. F. K1iazer, donoi. tLoer li thas'e iVes'e n tw'o ess r. Matisematies, lit W. F. Croc-Bey. exaetly aéise, and itWn#e' X30$ *8 te 8i4 i- J.' Fraser, donr ; 2sid John Leuc nd 4peted thay eotild ail Àgrêe. In #Il A C13. Cook, equal-iMessrs. Il. & J. Campý public smétiers tisera mstnt he' a certain a bell, donoars. *anloiut oai gving asîà tahing, a condeft- iLatin Gremmar, Jamxes Lavder- siitioii as il ware of iliafr opinions,i Hoéad Master, douar. thay waro te uits un ane IWhoa wauld iS Classiés (Division- B), Laurs BeaIl spaak for theus in thé cduncloftise i and Mary Jickle, 0oqsal-W. O. Biset- nation. Trhes'e al'astili t*a -parties im SWood, don6l,. ý the country' actuatUd by dffef-ent prin. Alc'ebrss (Division B),» gleIty A1ar-, Ipes;and .*heusanaParty ftat ta Bioardl of Trustees, dotnors. select its candidate tisere muaI ha a it Chîsuical Phiysicqe, Florence Marling yioldiisg up te a ce*tqin extent of lif. 1--A Frieud, donor.i t vidual 0'mions. Thé B .efone2ât of a Gographty,--Sarahisike-Mýýessr3. il. Suhrnaic, came togetheï ta' select ?f& J. Campbsell, donors. the man wlsom they thouglit would bei French, lit Florensce Mlarliug,-Dr. -the beet exponeut cf thé principieà " and1 Tuekeor, dolr; 2nd Laura G. Beaul- they decided n1POÏ: tieir càiildidsta. le Dr. Tueker, douer, There iniglit be some aa9zlg,ti;èm Wi4o 1hyssiolog,,y, Jaiset Mitchlell and Laura tiouglht a bettei, sadéeiin coulad hâvei 0.G. Beall, equae.W. O..Eastwood, don- beene made-elie aà hfid tistview1 or. Ihisnseif. But e large iajolity ô the - -Enghisli Literature, lst Janet Mit. party thouglit Mr-. Farewell was thej rcheu-Ms-s. N. W'. Brown, donos-; 2nd hut man; and was it for hlm (Ms-. W.) Sas-ais Luke, Mrss. N. W. B3rown, doiler. ta set up his opinio ginst tsat af tiseg Englsîs ramîar, . F.CronJ. rajority? No. 1hlu tIse Reformes ri. Gr eewcod, (losuor. of the ridmsg came te tise, conclusioni ,r British IHistory, lst Mary Spawiti- they did, lie as a mnember cf thse party tJ. H. Greeuwoosl, donor ; 2ni Jamýes ivas bound ta support tisat deci§son,1 0Millr-Ileadl Master, <ouer. aud lie 2eostld do se te the b.est of hi, RciTaîl H istory, Mary Be He-. ~ability. iHe ealled, then, sepon al Be- Greeuwood, douor. fetners te unite, and by a lonQ pull, a Drawing, M. leckie -J. E. Farewell, strezsqpall, and a pull allogethcs-, te Ddoues-. put ini the inan of their choice." a Englisîs Composition, ]NÉ Bicklce--G. Now, Ms-. Editor, thse only passible Y. Smnith, donor. exception that could be tuken ta the Psotieoiiessey, W. P. Cru-H. ab'ove speeeh is thse franle mannes- iu B.Taylor, donor. wieli Mr. White htîuestly stated that Forus IV.--Cla-sics, 18t W. H. Serip. lie ld Icen ai fis-st opposed ta lusinglng r Ilru-T. B'. DOW, doer ; 2usd A. Grant 1otMr. Fass-well. ]3uins;tead cf suk. -A. W. Farewell, douer. ing a false stateosent about it aud say. SMatimabies., Ja%. I)visoti---T. Ris-k- ing Mi. Farewell 'ias:lis elsoice framn lands, dour ; 2d J. Cs. Kelly -T. N. thse outBet, as sôme legs sci'pslousg Gibbse, denor. wculd hsave doune; lie puttbise case ean. f Latin prose, W. IL S- criptre-W. H. lidly, fairiy suid strongly; siscwing 1Gis, donor. i eceasly to otlisrs whuo tlscught at fisst as Ancis'nt Geograpluy. J. Davion-W. lie sd, tîsat Mr. F. having bain select. fIL. Giihs<or. 1cil as tîseir stardard beas-er,it vies theis--I Algecbra (Division B3), Lisura lieuil- duty ail te set in hiarmony with tthe se- Board of Trulstees, donoars.; lecticu made. Tise addition ta the t Natural Phiiosophy, Tht O. Yonn- above, bîsat Mr, White, after ail lie had T.N. Gibbse, douer; 2ndf. J. G. Kelley- said, 1"turned ont Ibis teams for Mr.l T. N. Gibbsi, Seier. 1 Gibbs, sud workedl for hlmi instead cf9 Frenchi, Sa-alis Lnke - Dr. Tacher, foi. Mr. Fas-ewell."' ne doubt is a purea douar-. and deMihrate ellectiosseerissg faee-b 1 Eniglisli,l laine Davieoci-W. H. hood! -Sucll a bhussg is ýertainIy con-a Gibbs, dlonî,r ; 2usd Id-,t'gl.K F. trary te reason sud-contrary te faci. Inn Loelart, dInus. '1871 wlien tise labo J. S. Mtacdonald r Prolicieucv i Esglisli Graynnar, aispealed te tise country, 'Mr. Whlite1 Engus Comuposition, andi th is lrs- showud Ili$i love for, and great zeal i -,a of Englisli Literatilro, JWiet Mitchell-,: tlie Beforsu cause by workiing day sudn J. I Faewel, loior.' niglît Ilîrougli tise conteit, iuel show-. Oomeî'alAsitsss'ils Jaies > S at the close cf tise poli tise Befer- lvison-T. N. Gilulise, louer ; '2ni J. mers cf I1fr. Wlite&-toivnship tb Se 186 G. Kîlley-W. 1-. Gibbs, loueor. alieal-te ultimatii affect cf vilicis Aniciesut Hietoru', Saisis Lulile-Boas-d w-as tise deatli-bhow te one objectionaisla of Tnu.stecs, h7onlore. Geverniment. Jiritisli llustory, Saraisis Jke-3oard Electore cf Sentis Ontarioe1 Ict pour cf Trusteles, uoloios. action in the' coniag contest re8uit in Puîblic lteadin, l"Franieeq Lynde-J. 'tihe îlo7nfaii of anotîser and1 more abs-e It1eiduollar. jietitenble Adniin.istrat ion 1Iel EnLiell Esi4av, ..Miîs-I-i Y. A. FARENUÏLL. p siniitls, duo- ~July 5, 1872. b viii, doner. b ]iligsueî ae sd i- po-cisent dnxing Tiin, Comsla ThAEiIS.-'lle 1 tise yenîr, .e-pswlite-Ms. Miul'g, Greast Gols en gr- Asn i- dollar. I urg-g-. wlieh lias bien uited te lI'v. W. 1). ];:il! auut. sue, 1 . À. ;'. E. osvei, formiug tise- lurgest andS0 Fsîteeli. sq..Lt.. l. 1. Ot-istoi ust comiploeicollection Iliat lias ever Esq., 13. A.; G. Y. -sîlth, IEsc1, LL. B.,1 travelhl, vii Se lîcre oncii Saturday, tIse l ani( tii- Mastsis-of thes erSiol e tise ;21vt cf tise prisent mentis. ASSiS te exalaniet-s. i-t is tise best asray cf acrobatie. atisietie t asnudgymnastie talentislat liais gofas ' h Bsn 'suMus-s. M-. Vsi. GbuVi.siteS Wlsithy, or, if report speak Ire-lt aftter us inanner siibu- juecilisr b'0s"m- 1Y, auywisere euse. Tise iame cf Van b self, la ittaitsg tIhe hig-sbit cof pro. Aîcbmu-gLs is cf course a fansiliar oui te c onleuustlîlins' tPisbles-syirobounuai us, andu Isus avasustise peopsîlisene litseu isîseteisîre Nvitlît tise Gibicisîof Oshsasa ? Ne doubt bise Iaiisan .siill uic nagi-est aid boss-rSs iuiiding up s- smas-keu luPort Prr', andss siili prove îuf udi-isuihge te busyers ; bunttis lisas Sceus necouýishsed quille ineipcctive of tise Giblîses. TIes-cas-c otites' sen ini tise cousistinnîy hy iîî-i-l lsus ' wlient -anuiS isu bt Port Perry-bsiides th tis wiss lunehersaGibbjs, vise si-sit te nîhe pas-kit borauglus cof betis Pidiuigu of Onubtrio. \Vlsc arcns-e bseRailwaiy men of P'ort-hPers-y sihoblie-itIse inut suiS isuris-Ssof thec say, sud si-ie have k;neceded lus rsisiug port Pis-sy le ite tlsey standîlicly l'y ; onrsil lliey aliov tieseeises te iii sîsoveuSasidu by lise elf-sufficicust Giblîses ? Tise people cf Pont Pus-sy, si-iares-aisfiesi, as-i iudhc- iesstiy alive tle huiei-e lu teresîs ta lie lu biese lig-ittut iifluececd by uch Aslui tise brinscis silwey le Oshsawa, bise saisis, si-caue satisdued, le fatellusta liie lisonglt. Andsilit tise people uf tise tuvus of Whihly put bIsaI l inels-pipes -ani snsoke il vusen tisey isitcte au te vltiuetnhey vil gis'e thumsupport lu, Mr. White, os- lis Oshîava sppcuenb. Cabinet Changes. Hon. Ms-.Mliesl, Mixistis- cf Iniusi Revenue, lies lieu appointeS hio tise Clief Jusliceesip cf.Manitoba ; Ms-. Jolie O'Connor, 'l. P. fer Esex, hau fleen evrinrs uas thi sucessor ciflis. Mes-ris le tise Caineu-tisat gentleman's port. folio, liotvever, being telen hy -Dr. Tupper, anS Ms-. O'Connosr takffsg tisa Suties ai Prusdent cf tise Coueil Tise Ottaswa Fric Pres ayuî- Polilical s-smoun, ludicale fur£ises- changes inlise Cabinet. .lis-. James McDonu as n e icoeuiMs-,.Heve, anS lin. Maedsîuiail te sucecd Ils.1 Camp. bIl.- Il is tSeublici, isovîvsmn, vihenr àny changes-vil ,tale place for éonse lime te came. -i "NXOus-ueVôrESe IN TEE ,Douïihez PÂsLUAIîûl."-ýTlio Glaý is ioin, ex- cellent ses-vie n publisiug-tiea'votes df'Ontarioa memns, cý trkn tpb lc ejt4 Do' ssreng-ti sud lsigiuly raissîd pisysical e- biiity. Tise exhibition vill neo eltS cordislly si-lcomid 4 ccd snbslculiculy revedS iy oe-is-ieig crovide. Full pnîticniss i-Il bu feueS in eur sdves-- Iiîing eluiuu, tluviithe bis e re-is \CIDuENTr OtN T IIstÂrso TRuNxs.-AI 1an- emarly isour ou Tisussday mrn-ing lait, fous- caseof a freigllit in, paie. i- u up vieil, vicu cff tise bs-ad ahtise csosing ou tiselue nes- Whithy station. TIse si-heucof eue cas- wss off lise Ireel ou bise sentlis uSe alltIse vsy fs-cm Ocshawa. Aflber counidîrebie deley tise aseternualusiWestern loiud paseenges- trains ts-ensiipedl paeiengerf, express geedusud Saggiagae. Tvio freigisbcarsR liaS te Se iofl ce tise sida cf tise traîl. Ver-Y fcutuiuîtbiy,*sno ne ewax Sus-t, au- tisougis s quntily of freigits eSs- troyesi. MELANCHOLi- ACCIENiT.-On Thure- day sveeklalst, tise Beià -S. .. Washs- ingtons, e young Wesueyau Metisodiet Ilinistes- (vis avis recently,- an lise Wlsllly circuit), on a vieilta b is' faîhes- in Das-intcu, vent cul vils a friand ,Io linut in tise voosis. In ettemptiug ho fis-e off tise foviing-piece vihicislha casrieS, il Surit, sud portions oi tisa stock vos-e dsiveu into hie fonehead. Medicel aid vise speedily elteinesi anua Portions of tise vWood xtracteil, tbin valu. He linges-eS tIl Wednesday last ansi hen expireS. Ho vas a Younug suinisher cf uch ps-amie, and beavas seenyfiiéends tsn lu Isauntimely eusd. ACCIDENSe- AT B"s.ahan.-Tvo dia- l-cmsing cases a ofvining secently oc- curesi et Beavartan. - Os -Tisursasy aiterucon lait, a mnan named Stepisen Shas-pu vas feunsi Sonovud nias - thie old si-as-f. Tisecausa af i ssumelan- cboly unS vas bus-si driuling. On tisa iollowiug (Fs-iSuy) sos-ning, a Young masn amed Jenses Çuls'flle vises n- gageS in gibtixig anihlps fs-ssu tIse iver seie o lipped off osje on sellisha wseesbenalug, anS fl luta tise vates-. Ho vas talinon st spýeeily, btk'ie vies eltinel. Ha vas s Youusgsuas niérép ýdi'hls.comuhnity-isy ulllyh64M 1 6r bs Ui-4Omo= doltes-d everstis-ing spaeois sud It praodhigs bsrahe np vus Iond ceerin ;for tise candide. - The genorous"a ctioftisaProte'l salectlug Ms-. ,OMDîolooe, igiune ti sisould bu sppraclated by ti s Cbli aleetors tlîrougisaut the -rone , 1a thse courseai o eomvigaroils feliiSrk vie <id 11*. es-ual giviug exprowfl ta , thése io¶lowig j ùSI1sentisn, ,I wiie ho Nlu e ',desersvdy ainad ",TiseCatsolisl4of Qsrtdia bld iliad thair minda toa'iW,--writh tise-Befoi pss-ty, sudaiselp tsesti IUnpýIsa','tis groat principles oai civil isual religion liberty to âll, ana air play ta ave clai. Ms-. ODonote shislb ave t entira Cathisevote oai Bast Tas-ont nie mounvisa vauld vota agrainst hil hoe aould contt ,spon hie fingèns. aplé eueled ltiste Qatiscies ai Ontariot rlyta thse Bafom rs s-anissd espîcitl Iy - ta tha,(latisalied a No-b i nsarl Who-a lsm ts-usted seauiid roet tisatPOlIX chi lriekste-, Ms-. )Mclosigil, vham sas- plfest, sud wvoia <5beau th mas-plot of the Reforni psirty, and h -by hie viritinge sosen tise seede ai strif a44 doetiilih mangdSffée-st classe cf ÎÈ .- ' Ida M- O'Donchae van dÃ"'n ~ t th- le Reforsu partY suif tihËxy %eoüld: guvýehint. egenerou supp . Otd;bihe gst estsalic lies-tc Onhats~,arîoWhde s-tii it ilaehund-s Ms-. Blake bct*iu-ralow'y. Tise Hamsilton Tinîcs iesaditu b ffu" Censirystive jourual tisai Ms-. 51 'i bblte-aviay front Canada fes- a viÙ Il uiddi, in a pathetie, romautic, senti mental sort cf way, that: - If Ms-. Blake's nature restraiss lin fromu intimate communion viiti mass,i viii ds-aw 'hism itcloses- ccmntnifl vili mountaiuîs sud riveas-eand ses viIsre pui tis- and lus ownhin til seill dnv.e ut, lit IliIopOs tise viree vibh vii years oi Cuistiduna polibici uuîe have pimmuYied hie bltod'" Vis-y truc: e. Te st session of Ils Dominion Paslament Wai quite enougl te sieken auy Isonest man. TIse ttal vient oi principle exlsibibet by lis lficist-y ; tise pettinese afi il athap on ità opponeuts, even ta raking bis epittocus in os-Ses-ho fieh up somieiut againat Ilium ; lise grand iciseme cl briisery fiuaiiy fs-amiS sud endureS- ail tîsîse sies-e -enougis b drive s pu- mndid smau ike Ms-.. Blake te iiik relief ie fereigu îs-aveu for a sesci Lut our friendi thi-ougiosît tise country dia biei- prsut ios-k ps-cperly, sud Ils ssexb session cf Psrliaueut wyul not bc oue sc offesive te morality and ionor s viaitIse lait. Put Devin Bribery. Al lin vor ocible pus-iby cf chuebion, and oignes-ding tis acrîdnesî cf tIi ulective franchise sisonîd use thei- begt effors-t te put ais euS tetise prs-ut de- pio-ale system cf corruption seul bs- bur)' inauguss-atedl by lise Gibsh pai-ty, by snippcs-ting Ms-. Whlite, ss'iose s-ecord of tvenhy yeas-s is lime antI itainlis. TuE TWEviucs--."-Tlue'anuivesary if tise Battu of bise Bcysîe viiilib e du us-abuS, tisis yea-, by tise Os-angeunen e. lie District, in tiihe ovu aif'sVitby, whleus s large numbir cf membere c: lue Os-usrts-e e pecteil ho bu ps-usenti ['li Brt)eiun siIl muet at a buanquet at tise ih'iillshiS5 aibtrviels addresses îy leaSing Onangeunen viiilie S eli-et- ed. FATAL AacciŽes- AT MAIiauAM. - Tisomas Wilsen, of Mas-kisau village, a .nasen Sy brade, Sued on Wedisday aftis-uoon lait, fs-cm injuries received by fallin- freus tiesecaffoidiug of liie ivw Presbytes-ianChiuciitise ps-es-ions evening. Hi leaves s vife sud Surie isilds-en te mou-n hie unlhnuiy deuIls. Nscv TELsssatu'aLINE.-Tse Mon. s-eau Telegrapîs Company as-e building inevi telegrapis linealsoug tise Whitby k Port Per-y Rail-oaS. Tise cudvi-e ilong tise gravaI s-ced 15 obSe bes-u ovin on theu compielion oifbthu nevi ne. & a S 1 HEUTEE INtslieisTeou aFSCneeLS. -A corresponsient fres îlesa, vniting be us hast wvee, speali cif-tise vieil ai tIse Connty «Inspectas- cf Publie Sciseele lu tise fielWing flattiriig tes-ms "Weii, niov, Ms-. EBiter-, James Me- Brien made oeeof hie anessal visils ha lias-aanS Rama hest veel sud Ibis, anS tIsa opinion iermerhy axprusseS, ttia le vasIl'tise riglilsma lu is e riglit place," if il needud auy ps-oi 1 pcv apparent te mny. He Laudlee tise sujeci cf Edîseation ta e e sîlise. tien ai soeaocithisact illiles-ae; and ifficuit ussd abstbrusse queâtions (ta many), lie elucidaies andl enunciales in plain, simple lanunaga, lîset secus-es bishe approbation of ell. Tise teschere lii tieyaeinstructed, sud bise pupils fel e ils. If, as I supposa tluay Se, biset is, ail tise Public ScisocliIn- spedcre kuavi lieir dcl>' as vil anS Se il, Dr. Bydreon le a hsappy man.", ONsTARIO RIFLE ASSOCIATIN.-The iolovwing gentlemen vas-e elîctesi mens- Ses-s ai tise Ceundil aiflisis Association, et the annuel meeting hlS in Toronto an Tuesda>' lest :-lst Ditrict-Judgu Macdoalad, LI-Col. Rose. Major Beird, Han. Major MeKellas-. 2usd Distrit- Ms. C. S. Ozevieki, J. C. Street, Major erlueiel, J. J. Masan. 3s-d District- Lt-Col. Boulton, Captain CnovtIsir, Lt- Cal. Hamilton, Rai-S. V. Clementi. 4tIs District-Allen Gilsour, Lt-Col. Bucel, LI.Col. Boss, TMajor- Gemrnelf PucCsaiEWu HousM ÂuMACs.-The au- suail- urnlp hoeing matcis, uSer tisa enspicesai the Pickering Agsieultus-ai So6cety- 15 adi-ostiseS ta li e lu ear Clas-eront, asnMs-. .amünila r asr, loI 19, SIS con.,'os - TuesasS 'nexî, 1&hl inat. ArT TE Nxsi-STRaa.-Mîe;sr. Laing &Sleaes-b nsounce a e roustlos in pnice, luncsder ta dispose ci the sum. sues- stock. Tw.e.-M-. B. IH. Janueson announ.- ces tise rcelpîaisà large stock ci fine teas. (Sue adi-t.): LANDs VÀLU*enos-Ms-. Jas. B. Cmp bgfl, of port Pés-s-y' ha. beèn1 appisted Lfn aut«b h 4 4 * Qvern. Se on the coistrazyp>oui5ibli.VakesOui and a 4ilon5s mid iL iuissals -si-acis tok placeeaglass- of wsic , lerewas a valuabie hea s- ad. Suiie-atte pienomleneS d1ými4Îég3Mr. Sandfld Madoîlsud'e ad-. caleati - - -_VM -, s ss-la diii sev- ng ïvhirh rs'zutîflri y over then IsniiÉ tiou in 1862 vauld but iaiutiy es-el of - - - - Dominiion présents.' Wa cannaI but se 4,ath visai vould nov-lie ras'ealed 'Tise -irain was promtysfld èt- fo6-alta stata ai tissgo mouot-if ac- if; the 'presant Ottavia Minislry veut and it vag ascsttasncdtisat fans-oftise lu cord vilS any tieos-y of Goves-spsst.o et.L-.'I>ncan's description ai tise cm- ciros drives-o bail sustiiied sevrse; in- ait sm apas-suly - nstaTli, requis-es yeas iu tise circusulocntion. 1 office jurias. -Mn. O. 1N. Robinson, -tise ltvas-y delicate trealmeut. The question iunsd vitioul caricature set <rh fressures- of the casnpassy, isad a iss-sose &ilse*isethes- a shateema s ioiud -seek ta- i vhîut tisa Massdoall-Dcriou ,Gaves-.iespe. -Havças aslaep in tisa ticket lu divine aud anticipata the cs-se ai 1asst fcundin tise -different dopas-t- seggon, wviic was sussed- iusta ks, aventsos-oreliether isasisculMtrust tisai 1i bsL. Idilenesand insolence vire the -splinters, ieatteing thaernonay in oves-y sas thse Dominion vill, liy some, spontae- tVO 1is-05'Sling. cisuracteristies. Tise direction, but hae ascaCI vithent a or asaction, work oust its ovin Sestiny ilu1e tiaretîeuce aveul cf vicrk was in 'scratchs. Tiseloss to i e cons any 1 frtefuinese af time." - si sy cases net affecbed, and tis ees-s-atimated at-$50,000. ----- i astances of individuesvise buS se g 'Tises-ens- car sud ite inmates escapad up Brtlsh BEmigration Repart for se71. r~ich conscience loa t 5tarisign u ae- uinjurid. Tiesepctacle it the iu- ns~~~ - -s unt afi net being able ta drasi the sel- estent ai tIse overtns-ning ai tise eages e art, vilicoaupt tia '~- rvishen tl t3týoydiS sothing l usas t once ludias-ous aud l ' us is- ip i l >aVaailof oy. Mwiegon chaire; Te- es cayter - ,anS ses-ens- sud ai Merci, 1872, givesu e large 5a-isU 0 intssl ovu »bocks in os-Ses-ig emee{ is ia its sc shé Mount ai intexsrsting -information lu te , Put thnsack tises-eagalu; looicing konbrde u aeisdto ujyie o. reipreuce ta tis a vemants-of tî,e Bslt- vw;tlM llankmines-est7 et docuenuts f u. bidean -s 1011 opulaion.se tuaily eftudying Ilesil; sud 'paiihing- "Tise tiges-s, Blcndin and,--Dick, jas opltin.- fin ses- nais vile diicussing ithe uselsi'ates- uappissipg up tise llcd ai ta ti vos-y natioçable havi, foraegood tus'u suae;-thse vuse- aliout tbie msot seves-si cf their les- fortunate couspan- <î- mnany yea-M peut, tise bide ai Englisis îryiisgefforts cf tiose vilos tise ceunis-y ions, spseng. ss e isaStei- aud dis- -k emligretions lus been increassig in val- dte keep tise polibleal machine appeared. Tise Sean, csipped,limQped ntuse, siIe tisai fraun' Ireland lis mc v-ing; ansi, liedas it w55 les-e- '64,- off up tisa tÏack, scasing, tise oginoas- se o kediy an tise ecline., In 1864 tisa tisera Ass very reassac l e liesu tisaI and fireman neasly ont ci their vils.' li number *ha lait Englandvwas 56,618, îiius havi bicorne usuels venue since. Tise conductar cisased by s ayana, sav'. ad visills t yeaeril vaîk102,452., IfiIthe Lasuis 5t.tisesuperlative, job cifs-oaS--oi bs lli y e dlimlig ù;telegraplu le former year, 15423liet Irelland, butlu-in <uig in theNor-th-West, o- ie0na poli at saesitical moment., stise lattes- oniy 71,007,Tise violi cm- niiat SI py Illlov cf bith mmi, a "Tise vulves- dined off tishse iu Id( igrtton for 1871vW., 22,485, afi iestinDpstit îtiisohr sl eSsa fbs ipyfuiy. u y, as xuas 198,843 -munt ta tisa Unis-S lulthlaies flagrnt, ansdlet tise countr-y tisen disaPpparid in tise sauma direction use States. T hie is vaser usi Saacod-sy liii oulu net-be désir-alieon luis as the tiges-s, 'aud, lb 15 s -,eare fié r cf ing ta tise commissuoiuer, ta bisa supei- account alece te have ines broome mos-e ps-ey. .Oui cf tise rattiainakes edi os- enes-gy of tise'United iStates -ensigra- lisougistiinhuS requstiion vils sisiate 'iai cul in Ivo, Sut hie -compassionls, e tiqi agents. mssIian dean sweup ?-Gloe. Sauges-eus Soestnisictos- - and, tva Thene isnabluiug mos-e snfostunale ---mfour altecirnlstsasoin euS Sistsaîing tissu 11e gise-t 4iprc- Pickering Council. off in-tise grass îcwards 1h15 aiby. portion in tise esii'sgratiou Oi tise sexes -"si 5koi ia o-s cf h s sud bise consequs~ee s-us-iucreaSsng el- Salurday,.-June 29, 1872. meat Sauges-ouisud llooS-tliirstysens- cass f th uie nsusbes-ofemae u aBs-itemn e:over*maies, lu) lin years 2,1428,285 Tise Pickerng Ceuncil met puissuant Sus-s of th eaei r oose tise ut- eiu'gsûuiuhae ef I. UibS in- te adjeusrcmenb. meel consternation s-eigue Lire. To- î- 44s-ad f tuue Uhî84899 uRi-a Membens al preseuit. -Ml-be lc it a large pisrty, armeS vils gus ,eeJ ru~ls, iigs~siC of idst meeting ruasi sud approved. annaovrs-scsiin visna n ei naes-y ahlse- gis. T,'u st l"e"eibosreîbd fJ.MCsrc A-ut of fis-esuiles cf lise scene cf bise il gnuled îWr accou it l<i for tiheanul otisers, by Ms-. Miler; ofW.Bsk accident iookinsg for tise Iruanîs. n ake cf tsti'10go sud oe w i-iii oldis- anScthiens, ansi cf Wrn.Dunar us- ' .-intiçt ~~ sîay. - - ~~~~and otîsoss, b he tierusus; cf N. MWilson Oisl pcnmns L89 pa sorhsu flsi vsd,.îsttesaiSobiers, of RaipluMob-uyanSd îi "l .&mcsicali seamrsssuth9 cul obl rc > dgndcIasely Hi S exceleucy lise Licut.-Govîruor. 6pcrcabylia-buonpliesed le mclile iolicvingy ilce ie I ss~t(li-iet5- Ms-. Green ; efH. Gordon anS thens, mntss- ensz.gr-iticii mcveri- it ssuS gj,ý- cf 1. Omvis sud otIes-s, Sy -. B o- ponent, ntz mnt a ise 1e en icŽtI tss of Reyd. J. Dunbar- anS A. luicliats, Sb James H. Iticiars-don Esq., M. De.i le frenuis te foîlloviŽs bien fîs-et.sm5 ls Mre.s-Green imcvii t5snt bise îyî os-muse Bethunuin , Esq., M. A., Thm- ,11 rn s n.lu1871 elle mouey seflb 11 > -* o 6 s cEs, M. A., M.n A.,h Tsemeshn I I eiirtto tickets a2;.-- 1 efn 'îislite dbtise os I n Cmbis , qM. A.,sudoftie vsah tise ors i pnesrn t155¶ ji lic fis-st cou., wvies-c ilnov i,, bu apel . i fls iyc c eoseufsd lto di u554os0. Tlà wis a 15s-ge u5s-e% tisesecond turne, sud refisruSre n ota; Jolie MeKeo-i, Esq.,M.A., oai ksuin, anS i eitbeusytiss. so -ltée of tisesi-iole. Tise tise ciy cf Hamilton, Bey. -W. IH. it sent 14t. iiroui191ta181 ii iwcue 1te li 0 'mittecflise sa-iole-M.% Wiis-ovM. A., of.lise tavu ai Niaga-f tis euointset sqsa iytisii'suila:Oeci 1515ltb 'il. Tise cemmibbee cf sc N msauo . Valtis-, sq., M. D., lias sescheS thisalage figure of 88ÏX188, i Grcua2u5 l rgrse.ad fth ilae fPotDSa, ný h 99. is eiraituf(t lstsaittauie i-Isole rose, ~ ts-re iuiîîc ls ilaecrortDees, ud bs 995 Te miriid i Asialà as- "'lCi tth e ty o ouliaJ. le S monI-o' thec -lait yssr lees tiien it seSe sine iasieesl IaRvute a -it Cittyenib l 'oJflons-e ic, ém.A. c f tiseE k 87' iùetssug eof c'lth-éti. Seala aitIse Univer-sity ai Tes-cule. In 1815 tise tetal cmtgu-abisn froîsu Report rs-elu istisii -. u lnsîe Jameès Flietoit, li., cflise toin cf i ~ B-itm s-as2,01.For înany yens-1s Appropriations for roaA4. Sarit sequis-e, te labic li fsi -mos-e vent le Britiiels Nos-tiiAmles caveïe îtsuîde as 'ol]oWs : "- su 1-gfor tis l it iabtn iescr ir hîu te bise State,lut sinice l8*i5 bise1 On aierodStviets lots 01' anS steàà ci James Fiintoft, Esq., re- prpnéacelis iail' Sen bise oties- Stiscou., 525-Pal Mni 1 s, sîl., - signed. vay. Tise total emigration shîcu 1815-' cashuru boS-n lisse. Oeppisisibe lslt s i IAlexander Sbeplsens of bise village oci Ianousîts t 7,12Q6,072. Te ail dfless- $ 25-W".1H. Os-, coms. ; cm Kingi,-bti -,ý"asry Sound, Esqluire, M. D., te bu an il Iaccesbise nusbes- vil relatiely bu shili s-oaS .at Dnla-Suîs ".' g, $4-Wý%M 'date coroner vihisin 'aud fer tisef gicler luneeuficg yeas.-;MecoCihuie, coi..; Sie-s-oaS l'e-.. , t of Pa-xy Sound. baveeiusts-12 titiS13t 6! cois., 'q - >tt.. sHuns-y C rys an sd Pisic.P 5 oss'a, Nebristskst, lKusis. Cuîlifiui. Sasîles-, coin. onais ite-i-ossd etssLen 'ràiicj 'ktfbs i~c bas tot 31it )S andssl -,l cou., SSi-Jas. Me- mon leùj0,i Ofth itoo ttw- - Ailvertusieg alene dois net preduce Creiglut, Cusui. >s.vit sisl*ossl ietwceu Esquires,but"ie andfv, te Siro- - mcccii. Theu thing viic i ls tsdvestisedlots 2 aniS;i, Ist s-sm., t6I-~O-s ariesuie **)z uSfr Ie sc mnuet have intriue ituert, oese large cous. ; oui sisie masiis)ctelvuuîlais 8 Lsud -s-sce cf Onlailo, -,Let-OenrE auîvestisingviii cvenluaily do it mes-e 9, lit cati., $013 l--stîick, o.. -1 iq cUnj f .ýe ilhrmhngo.If yen have auytiuing iuitei)ii soaS tfriots,tte ti.ti,$40 lias hein plcased te- sltlsjbs~ts su sihiel yen n ies-te Su go, ads-ertisc if -Jl. Websstern, coin. ,oui -tis con., les cf Lettes-s Patent, iîrotpîs. 'nany'69. tlorousgliy, uand yen vill hosus-e bo suc-e svhn, - 1$0-- ('lusuîuusssss& Iaxs e', -[lie i)sndas CottonMll-Cesse."a- ,'l ueucl; sf ut ise peur, dcsu't ps-aise il, fos coins. ; (ius SSIicou. ohposite loti 18 suSn s-sili poeriso tarry ce SusiDes-(* se 9 -people aiil soon discover yen are lyiug. 119, $20-J. MeCornîal, rois. ; on 8tuh tewiscf Dusudas,- aud vilS tise- sptgit5 $uclis 5tise policy of tise BURLINueOrueCou, Opposite loI 12, 857; sisnear of 7tis capital cf 0400,000;- dROsUTE*,viclss-sni t lu-egseat rcgione cois..betsaen lobe 14 -a11si115, 525-Jes. in tise Wests lit, ta Omehua, cnnecting Pilkey, comn. ; cxi9ticons. sut loti 10 sud j TusuGPExsunuaDBiz-ri.5x5 c ,fviihbhe great Pacifiu Roads. 2nd-To 11, 5200-Milles-&WSSl.ceuni. ; o i Sien liauxeceis-eS nu ovation- in- New Lincoln, lise capital cf Nebraska, and ael tise Oneinvood s-sud, $53l-S. J. Green, Yor-k, cu Saturdlay, anS pas-foumin lu lisat hecotiful région Sentisof tise Piatte, es . ; on sierons lbueexu lobe 14 ciicitie t ,osgesc ocey osa' Fr- i tfileS vils E.R. .laudsanSdisomesteai. axiS 15, Stis cou.. till-Josspu I'ili<ev, day uvexingSues-re lise las- 'Stinuïdience i 8ud-To SI. Joephs, Keniai City sud ail comusissioner.- evin asie-selleS ii tisaI "ity. NWuen i iL -Kansas peinte. Tise foilossiuug uccsîîîuts M'es-e osdereil tise bp lydts Sa psge Tise iltudeare splendidiy hîill, ihave teSli aiS : "Bain,"etthe ausdience .s-ose , en iitassc !o bise best bridges, 2nss cars, bise Milles- S. J. Gi-cen, part mesîs-usei grusut on sud -cisere a aau nS gu ; anS mc plalfrs sund ceupler, anSdbthu safuiby ais- s-aSlan lot 12 lun 4thsandS Stîtcous.,vhe Yankee Doodie,' sud OGeiSavue bs-ki Ihe provent bise bei cifliii bisetils $40; J. lBahcr for gins-ciand uSbilding tise Queen" sies-e pnycd, lise saiei-ilS uves-yvliise ese ihappening); Puiisn's cuis-es-b, 20 63 ; Tlisnuas Ts-ipp fer sup). unthusiassu vas mauiiebid. The gi, eleepers, Pullman ining cars, les-gi and plying aid te lits. Shoxs'-s-, $13 ;Johnhu iessty receptien vhich is eSen given Ci poweful enginis (temake qnicktiiniand Bas-nus, fer svauk on ronds, 512 ;Auex. te liii Grehadiuns since tiseis asrivaliniuai] good connections), anS crue i-es-S rtise Flics-y fuis-soad es-apure, $48 ; J. Ciii- Uuuibusl States, sisows that thisasitise-Na Seet uquipped neede inuthess ut. Se s lins, l'or- edis- iîies- formes-eS,512o ; streugest affection lonBieems-.I bIsaI if yen Suiira-to go îaiely, sus-quy, L. Macisie for aid te- W. lir-isi andsMs. tiiupeoiifor bise Mobthses-Cen-.O: quickly euS ccmfortaly la anypoin inluGales, $49 40 ; J..'Pas-ker fos-nii b 'Bloosl e is tukes- tissuvalu-." -Tise Soutisere lewa, Nebraska, Kansas, or on - iidove, Caxopliceli ansd Chisîsun, $84.- baud saill for Europe ou Sales-diay; S tise Pacifie Boude, Se sure biset yen go 10 ; L. Puipineui for uîete annlssbiey' ses-e lustily cliecrud by a lârge mn 1113y Way ai Bus-linglois." aud building- feiscu, $49 19 ; T. Asseai, es-owd- as tluey vient ont. L tus Alisa v issa pas-Siculas- information, ion fixing cuivert, $8 ; W. Ailison for BATMîORE Coi-nisnoeeA tiseýBal- anS e lai-gi ssp, soving, correct isjtise fixing cunirt, $6 ; C. Lorig fer îles, timon e imecrstic Convention on Tues- Gi-est West, and ail its s-ails-oaS connecb- $1 12; lMes-s. J. kt-B. isînab fer aisi day. Ms-. Augnet Belment vas Sp- hil ions, can obtain tisleml, anS sny oises- le vidosi- Yomsg, $22 50 ; C. Stott fus- polssîeil permanent oSais-mue, suah l -kuosiledgu, Sy addressiug Geses-al Pas- sios-k on Breck rond, $800 ; W. Sailles-oeeltlepeedig ysrnhls-c-a, monger- Agent, lB. & Mo. .R. 11,i, lIns- ici-SIsep leS Sy dlsîg, $14 66 ; Jolie oumendiug ,tIse oinabytionfgvie-y b lin-ton, Iowa. Itiondenfon siseep killeS by doge, $8; andS tis adisption cf tise Cinicinnati plat- inig -T. Stephsensons,(do., $2 ; Janis iMngge, iorns - It lbs supposeSl thut Gs-eeiey vil dal Movig Mahine ilicai Cos -o do., $7 65;: Geo. Leng le.(o., $6 30;:G. tnlb acpudls1 rirec.t I sesuu.lwis Telîgrspîs givus tise îoîlovig di. Tise prtannnao Is-enhuas, advaniced 100 iers cent, anS reetiesns: Ties-e linasueou soîne dives-- v giu.ug s l l, sud it ÃŽs cis lîseugît fle vili have ta uSes-go a sus- Lai le ihihi advancing. eil3' of opinion as tle L est bini ho cuit -gical opes-etion -suei sse vl l permanent_ the - vieat, jildgiug frotutIse cemman ps-i- ly disigurolLas-face. e Meein a e s-sd ivsin . i ie eof fuimes-s.lb is ginuraly eub abat Metn-fte rn iiiov.o .wieu'deaS ripe, on at liait vlan eu ell -is-ats caru'-iugtise Muss of thse ih Lnas bucomi liard. This is neoeectre of NantislanaS itis. jun ai ceu The ein-anualmeeting ai the rl vr ulektéig.Meogl Grad issiotnnS.ofT. vas huiS aI ucs-- es-o, anS oeeof more Slis-- evcs-yulaicgat-sermp 'the idugsil tae shnidKsY",suppose. it UxîsIige ounlise 251h uit. AIl1h e ffi- aemembered tisat whist is compesecl anS is find noit islat his-cie *laet an Mai ciresvas-a prisent, lut tIse elteuSance of gluteeita-cis sud. Iran. Gluen l ndunS uti saIcntituency-z- ir cf Salegetes vas sscI se large as e t hli e nurg n u - o-h Lan £IAS eeigofèti oi lael annuel meeting, Tise reports cf ts-es-ssn ? n' c iegri1 AMASmein ictS S an tr the G W. P ans - G.W. B.siso a k aes bise flous- stick togebiser in lIse F ransisce ha.ve voteS ta s-aise lin Mill- e that fitoan nov losiges LaS lieu igti- lhandi ci the Saler, anS gives veigit te ionaifdlars tasyards;lise construciona fro- tise grain-sud tbuis hebsagrealeitftheliisixtispalel ai tha Atlantic and i tuted durlng tise previaus six inontis, q bnity-of glutenin udiii grain juil lPacifices-ails-oaS, andi seCmmjittec- vas Mea sud a large addition in mambessip. qisauma Tise discussion au tsxing lemaIs- su tIse isv ellow tvo os- lissee IAPOinted ta esuvas for $ sienpti6a. Yaîi vas~ ~ ~~, alassdtI h iay Meatin.'jelube fros the grcnuid, lise iead tlus IA iseclat uapeers ta have Sain cpi Tise subjeet ci fos-miis g a Nationa i Sovuvard, sud ycu eau - mail a grain "juetid1hla Ilucunauscla occsimd in Nov Grand Lodge for the a viion as beîweau your tisumî sud fing es-vitiscut i Bruneviel recenti A mas named Pl disacseS, sud'the dobegates appomintne e odinsya s u lispuaîlte tfrai 'Cisyton eneieavas-adtoresist a preceas -Tl ata meeting' ta conier- vils tisi ai-e s-yeaise isa s tr ft ci a,,dfiresi ths-etimos et tie rive ah, ert1..r s-avions-hsstg o t rpieth lte e Shis.'edeputy.TIse afficali thou n 1 p osted tisaI considauttien of the suîjeet - saec l iiits lten dix. ds- revohu eriiarnsd aiot Cisylon Bell laS tises-sIlean paospond «tlIlthe nexl creasies quaniEt'au-c thebs-au lu- deu upan the spot. -- Meb meeting. Ms-. MeE4y gave notice -of a crisses len thiikeusi.,.-il Qe motin tamaIeTarasta he scs'slarTha cathlis-les used sud approved Vy pmoitomic gThe annue mein'e - Four beys, aged from t-en te tvelu#ý the pisysicians-i arsing thie-varions u " > nerned Kcfnedy isli,'i es- u i mdicel1isocattise is 15StateasePe Osatise venlssg èah Ie 201h, a ver~ irmuuliui s-ile Iatising in Hudin nco o"idd'sdInldpros-th sum<essi l bÉe umeeting wMs ield, 11$ jU3éi- s-. Y9., got asyond this- Sa', namze o a rsou?'Iigrativo Pille. offi tise Town iHall, the 'G. Wî P.in , sd4vs-e-dxsen&eleioo.Ilsils - W - i- - chais-. AbIe end-intss-esting speeches cculsiraacisiisin}cInui siaching cprfeuisesîfas x vas-ogli-u usmbersocf the Grand ts ailsan -eu sausedlp ts C so Irzlêii-- lasug u Diiin, andgansi musc alvis inruliei vas aisa diaed. - ~ ~-~-ai~iii-la liy theaWesieyan chois- af tisaVillage. 'comsne>nan-ipjpasan o mpeaii thLoi[ MOTcTRASL paperS-a vas-us'tiseh r-" iiaa-Gs1~ i se&' 00 gssiwst ceinsteifeit tus cent pcsJbe.'cure& yhy êuse iùlmallyui) f John- beau me Il on iite lriut hoeôil I' -A'i~ j $ la aid Kenuûck.Imnuadatel an Semple's disccverlnag iit Basseti sias in troubile o o a pull an the big liarse, for foar tIsat-ho vould show tao muai, o as- relse-saIasexugh tisse. But lie steadliyincreased tsa distance bie- Iveun Ilns sud Boa, sa that et tise heuf loevies tan lengtbu la front; ath ths-ee quartesshbu as Iseelvo, anudta tsa finish ie vas fùuy100yrds. Tise,. .4-U4. On s-etursnng ta veigist, Long- fllow., diS uct seins tao emucs distreas- aS, sehila Bassaëttshscved tisatho ais thcroughly Sfeated, Jimnsy loe helug eipecilily eul up aI the lad defeet cf ii pet.>- OL Oa-OsE DAn'S POLLnee.-OnCealec- tonal neiorm aet hast iss hes obtainud frons lIe Dominion Pas-liauseni Suring bise, hast Si-oyiarsvhicsshouhd bu cari fuly born-ein mind. At the ccsuing electien tisore seul l e only ona Sny'e, pelling-hus doing avay vila the cor- s-upbiisn ttismcfreqsaeutiy suis-IeS miSd sua-s-d thev-ok ci tese econd day. Ti, 1 a moussu-a thaet.the Reforme- cf Ontario hava slrnggled for years, sud ihsthey canves-ted iis~o 1ev iii 1515 Province aI ts e osiiiitpassible use- maut.' Il cught ta lia slrouglý-iii-or <ai-or ai tise cmning-coulait, and iluculd le s-emesuberéd in tse prepas-tians for- bise lisIble. Thse v-wok vilbu ssaxp anS Secisive, sud the prepas-atian inuit, ccnsoqueubiy le complote and tharonglu., Ors-osmase vaDit. -Scssus-Tz.-Tse salfisis couduet cf Schsultz rispactiug lise Bîbelion lasses, anS shameful nog- leet cifbisa peoplo's interagIs ai tse lest session ci Parleament, Lai ceet hlm tse- support cf the majaniby cf tsa elecos ci Ligar-=gnd the rs-ult Las lien- the hsolding cf a. conventiosa la nominale a candidate ior tse .euiuing 1Dominion oeeètic. Thesmembe- for St. Moensl in lise Local Legislalure issebien u- anisucisly cise>; asucVas ha lesaae-- liva ci tise country, a remiSent, sud s suan cf aekuowieged balent,- Le 15 al- mst ceante to-eileced-hy-a iband- sose suajeity-viseu Dr. Séialtx vil le lîft as tiuotiser-Ïvanstiug ta selIf-sueS- ing sud disiscueit poiticM,-sttsaips- lassions made and plidgèe gi-an, muet lu publie s ellwasprivaIs -liii ho rai- pected, sud tisaI-ha vas not put luniis present pesition liy the -people muserely tc fill Lis avisa poclits. Tsanns.xLrsuýPssxQu.N-cs asDansx-st SN.,Es.-Loisuule, ]Kv.. July 5-Lait uvenisg5 at Seyusr:luS., n in samed Nos-ris, - r-ilie .JigIsling 's' hall ineparato-y tla s lIsatis-je l parias-mnde let fall e coal-cil lsiip-in lisenuidSt oaià inonp cf cisildrin. Tise* lasp l-oIe, spiadinglisa liurunoslil lu e-dry di- action anS selting ttIss.cboSiing cif thi- ,hlÏ-e en nfis-e. Thq is-tstii sufas-u- un sviuity ths-cugh tise lau, an sd baes-re teo feases vis-e extlnguèdae&' Ilurieelit- le gsle i es-e ,sp blsy blinasitisaI iisy isti lu sevan loues. Nons-ý-a~ s -ledi urneS, IinlesaiS Le vas - & ià ienSà sly big injurios ps-eveuteui fià e ing- tugisly isaudiud lJ-lIe Isosr s -1 euS adignusul pueplu.- THE Naattncss Bcsisau.-AIt tilr- eUg. ýetion cf tlise Couiity Sur-eysr;. ."hse îunby Council Las-e décedSil adei Sle ta fIl lunlhe tppreacses W ti as-s-avs Bridge. Thée- WarSen, ta& eus-e of Os-ils Tvussiu5ts eevi-ai nusli Village, vus-i ap]7c4nted a-cer- aillue, in conneetion vilsli fe County- n-rviyo- ho sel lu beisaiff i iuuCount*>- a cannyiug cul tsevo-k, ps-aidilS On- ar vil lias-ran equali Ëenticirteft Iie 'et -O rillia Packet. OUTRÂGI.-Cleveand, July 3.-Tv o, utces f oaltan, near Cleveland,. nving sagsUdgo _Ieyagsiust e hrs*e-"nas-> d Schwitze, wvise hi-eS in Pansa vwslip, veut elis boiliuse, euS finS- gô none uitalhioebut bis grand- augiste-, s lItte girl nine yeare olS, hey mu isie héciilS, pouresiccal cil on er closhes, a 'nS set tises an fise. Sshe s lusnids'O badiy tisaIshe die in a aw Soufr. At air ags-ieniural fai- s-ecently helS tOxford, DeL, ana of the mst amui- ig parts ocille programeinuias tse sîta muatchi.--Four lussels ci pela- us vos- plaiod alcng tise trottin.' Duse, lu four lines oiea bushel uchS, Sd sliut-a foot epart en the greund. seo four contestants escisbl a viseel-- arcs, -and at the vend 'go' comescl- à piching up. the potataus sund Sepcmit- g9 lthieslutse viseelars-cys, - and tse est ta gît tisisuleadeS up sud- raIsin bishe starting point vies ta lbe declas-id ie el.ampiuiu potala picker, sfsd av%'ard- - 1 ncos-dlugiy- --~i- -t

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