Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1872, p. 3

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Chlwu do ubt OH TON In Oshawa, on the *ite 'vl'a»t'e Ohé 'ar;gn na th n wife O!fMr. J. P. hn fO4abWa, onth,. Ptaso> at *Omo eargYOUDerp nd hd ben lo f1o.phwifo o!Mr,.A. M. C1hs.p SoVel m2onthi rgnn.A warrtrnt olmf aBoIi. e.AA - 5 - . oz omnamigetod lind locked upi the POisT.. Il natraîkdpenngpbi era -ÏlgOnO fIf 7.H. WaS 11 n o ar À aufaldeife f qic dscrn pblcannot Lii ,to eethe,-,Âdded to Wi.J a sthe. f*aous ite, taken 0on y two or flirec glJon Posi, fage 2byar.that are tà be had at ylin1g ftiic day.-N. Y. Paper.. 7 EVACUTOS OF RziicuL A MG & STIE'WART'S. The treat7recently igned b h r. RN RN B . asy uy0 SJ.sirà Pres4ntafivs of France and G ro n, rain es ve itStation asfoilows providing fOr the comploete evacuation Gong Bout-.. Golng West- ofFrance l the. German troops, iao Express.... 7:07 a, n .xrs. 8:12 an inil yteFec se>-Express....:55 P. m. Exp.Mail 1O:12p.rn. WonN» RSAn' ToJEIs, = LnnNus rETt wýU» The trainsrnnbMontroal time. whichh T -inE mi- fl2!RoE,-Therc were 81 more deatha, 22mie ateru . h PR T P ERRY -. R.J VRE ST frmonUMBoe i Nork on F<> rida. VaWbi&PC TbPRY tRneBC'E -E S 8vNSTPETEBSBURGS,MAN froi suntrok lu ew Yrk o F ra ns ong Noth-, Man. Mlxed. The total cases for 6 days ondng with wjtby .unotfon, 9:00 aon.07CMNrn. A. LOT 0 fliat day wero 1l'm against- 710 for Witl;y, - 90,a.75PM & O tho Oromo tmne Jast year and 041 in ýPort Poi.ry, (arri've) .1907 .rn. 9.52 TH C c EHEEJUG 1870 O $ en .- GTrains ong South- ixe. ' ail. _A__ ELET8h BTRM... R~.LLx..-Port Po ( dopait, 0.00 a.=. 2,80 p.rn, Tli; Sateo! ai. ws vsitdon tbjuli, ~11 7.30 a.Mi. 4:00 p.M. rs W h ech-m te of t Mi ee r p w T eres fori n C a ad ath f3aturday, by a ýsevero electrie stormpAin, -o f a aCof Ioug distance, and ltilled a lime klrî rrRxR i R IE o-é oniet Who W-as itting under tlic.lino. Tie, AUl Bants' Chrch-À 11 . . e, and 7 p, :fluîdides wouxidod a braither, and loft in.-Rev. Mr, Cayley. Mnhareied a third C111lWhwl'assittiing Catholie Church-ilvery Sunélay Mning VF Dublin Porter anîd Engiish Ale, "in pints WL XMTI ibetween the two. at 8:80 and 10:80 a. i.alem eyn. Mr. and quarts. Shea, resldence, Oshiawa. SCDIOFAPtCanaa reboÉn 11rch-At Il a. me.R., MEO S II 0 APiOVfNo<FN zAN and :80 P. ±e,-liv. Mr Ballentyee. R July 1872.V v M E C r B m Dublin despatch Baya that a prominent unrgtioalCurhAtIva.. M.Wi Y ul -,182 F enian namoid Martin Hanley Carey, 8:80 P. -ey .Gibbs. _____ 'drowned Ihunisel! ie tho Liffcy river in St. Ândrw'. Churcli-At il arn. and 6:80 O a f it of îesanty -P.m,-]Rev. Mr. Fraser. WesleO amMethodist Church--At 10-30 a. 0 N :i"a n 80 P. m-lIev. Mr. Sanderoan. mjT ~ ~ aMtrewas raging in AT rJae,1,ere'Phracha .t-. A I W V RihodVu aturday, a young TMrJaeN 1GLECTIO _ smcyh Wlieler's Cmeoud E W fu os -te T ýtAîPls, loit Oof New York, droppodand Clsya.~ remàrkable preparition À Meeting 0toftterorf tiie own of OF THE ' * le-ad l lier cliazber freinicxcitemrnent.ia lilood Fopd, enrlchingail purefylng Whltbye, faorable to the rett eto0FTE. IHi tht. vital agent, wholly removing frein the 7 leIj rmdiseasef idneys li<0 a charteME. tHs'hAL 1tmie= Wldliî pnssd over tlîis place fiis Ini Asthm una cfioucehitis, wliere tiiet-. s Will b.e held aitieMCi. on .IWL, 01 afteriîous4flho iigliîningkliiled alhors, diflilut breathlng, with eoughsed rlsigo 1 2 O t h OFF J U L Y f lic. property of Jeme;s ummcrs, whule frple-y7.lunthe moMni n ai1iifalli- TUE80A Y, JUL Y l6th. 1872., 0N Y 0 l1 M - gazig l tuwtue. lago oncurs .î...U *itLro is pet. ETEE gmln upsue ag ocugfectly relaile, curlcg wvitl, greati~ GENTL 'uEMEN. ino o! popl we-. sseîbîg l ti. wods il rreiilritessiipreisiiseliity g AT IAÀLY4'AhT SIiVSN ( Yo'wil son e cll AFTEIINON A1D EVEXING. pt-outrE. onditeliouisf0L bo teI u servf e o of Curni h ojiso icaTHREE GREAT SHOWS upnthie ystem, and so tengtliei andli- 0. Y. SMITII, ccXt - .-iam11, *ail fi- eus eîd appearange. The - huîtJîîylc172.n aong lcoulcaorei oditorial-cuti local ecws a ppeyand to itiitiier ptàeluibio11hY0te s Convt te non tici n1nobwti:beg ,~ ~ roatiable.'nie. foriner heurs flice truc lui ,and UCiliouîîig..."B a *th6rouglii aconc mscî aCeNieOoTtICE,~ p".'t f h ntrl a- wihgv psto! ofyour representative. AndTH EG/ET EN , - of tg tefôrni prniciples --- Globe. uthe peratioes eof<digestion and nutrltion,anci A 1Meuîill of tii.liefornerm of il,.e'Town- flinat yonmay bc enablecl te decide IPEJlsO3A.Ta, Mortroal tîliald ba carefaliapplictiion of thineli spropex- altii of Whîth>, i b i-d i ii how for I may hbc ntitied te yu- mays: 'Tiilion. Mr. IBlake wns in flitc esc -'Jc~ e. i -cnidha.ýà#k heoprunf o city yvoterdlay, ceni fho.gliest o! Mr.poie ourbrafs tables with a deilcate- MSNCýAL ROLN n nsm ffl o HolMA8ONINe loHtLLilBthéKLINiCigifor. lyflevoxd-OpportunitythfchAMay Raie to b.aseen forionly Hollobeau Ho Ieft iii tli,è eveniuSefvice 0N liticai questions ikely te clnitu more ONE , ILICE 01P AbMI5SSON, Qunecc o taelic u steamer fel- Eug. -Gaete. Jadle sepiy with boilig wat, or iflanedial1 publie attention. land iho day. H. »s accote atul by Milk. E at-h pacicet is labeie-hi. Ei'ps L-S, raeJî~>~317 h isoyo tCa l@ iifsly. The,]Ton. lMr. oron le tCol.,HoiTtopatie Cherci,,ts, London, Alé ao ' ' ' BrtaleancCanaa, 8 peIitrof Greaticl townlaitniglt oftakEsteeerfor l er o!Cocos (Cocon and rti nuCndafvscoeuiey1 00 r23 tîîglad. i-.ltte, .arsear-yfo colidetIseif MiCY -Co A-TlIl'11ic>li< OFiTWo DUCLUCE, P. iM., ultgooci legislntion, cnd hoîteslt ad- Mr.t tB-lake,- ;t cf lier.tîtoeeg, ogin ni'isrtion, under a coinstitutioni o!fm ' T say i i etrmilyii Italia -- îîitîîot-î{t g cntent. Ali l fencis Remponsible Govc-rnment, s-chi as ours, CHIILt)REN A PIE 'llie U. S.Il'ost Office estiniates ifs WiTiliBY MRC antoti ihttapreth <lasses fi-oui dshoncit postirtsîci-,, dur- Ciicîic-i.i: - - 172 orT. tletuttisupporters elnutotanwliu pretla- isiron ite pît yat #omott,.$211. sterJui, Fdur-îEEs.,iony of political opinions itho men,-HAFPCE *0 0were italieit froin letters. -Fal Wheat ........... 1 5% i 13 fore, of liete acoaliItant, tftop- i -THEONL~ Ar- e, IîîI)t!îtfuuiliîviteil te attend. pgposed b al aliti o s c i! pon 01iMonticy achelltio! Mi-. Mahei- o! Spt-lng Wiielt ........ 1 1 4() A$i CAMPBpL, sflicoiea a-Tirs f oi-erringon Lindsay, .accidetieîîuy I l into a well hiBrey........O' -t0 1ail liforCAM OCd- hon -tIn re hitewitToRloeo > wpnty.ciglit lect decl,, thora beiig Peas-------------.i.........('h...ati5lefor a70eutîtiu ary afairs o Go6,r1872t morne 1twehv oi-fourleen foot o! waîor le Rye ...............--... oit lrch:c, tt65e 87. 8anti wisltet loai-c, tthepol at tue tt w ond Rioe l'ho Wellbut litec îtfili wcs 1escneci, by t~ ~- - - - - --l t . - --y j - - - tuc li s r rep flntec e u daL d show- lils fathîer witlî but lule injury. lRAY ..---------------616 AIputure.1h xi tal,,sai-y litaI fi-anti ceci - Evt-eintiAndaeioncananbnnexionnWithsbow. Tite Office a! Mi-. Goldie, o! Guelpht, Potatoeo ..............40c l40e - APbj Mett- o f t ie, îcfoPnitien itdton ld eosieditîo xoemrit dc - was lrolcen Open cau Salurclay niglît, Coe Se t-----$ t- w-eto k i ht i-ftmlon ioîfh istt itîeep but lie turicu- epeer a 'be"imt,,----------------it Maîn rt f 'mntiiii, 11. pueislimonl, ant ile o mailampleo- -clea-nid eti L faioltly slecceeding inMtple Segar---------...î2e 16@.15e't, ilb h-c t ie - onbilaff eordie oforte fr-toaniJ C!fCE~JJ> 111011' lpjet. Aiilfivas they neaî-ly de. Eggs--------------.10. Ca0. - TOWN HALL, B ROU GHIfA Mubao xrie !h ricie ulrî-d la.sal. eunier ! tur Iuitet----------15.ý 8eTiie hidie'of al lic elceclions in- flice gIa'siflpluti-uti er bI blîaît. ites,---------1<- . 8eOuN Dominion on one andlthe.msanie day, T A D $IIO E S IO RE gA slîrlu cnigliie w sl et-wnie De, quiee e-... .... ..14,e1elmer flei. cthhority af a att-lugent la-w, i A N %S O ST R liA s bt rait-cnmilouiivaleisl ow nBeef, fut-e quarte--.'...7" t $f; THUIi-SDA Y, the, 1ilth of /UL Y, for the punislument o!firibery anticou-- Towît. OneofaIflits inits whiieliPot-k, per ewl ......... 6 5 r 650 sultetieieetions by ftie Jutges, titixlti, lt e s . p e r s o u s in u I t. is ft ita n t t e e s la h W o o tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $ 15 « @ $ 5 f 'C a t , .~i mn y o p t no , e o n tiu et t a t i r e s ti t. * r - ' S t i f h am t o - beno mue labor." Woci--------------------------- ile (fr oiuug, tuf itee Ex Whiil fis i-eqnisiîc Ilînt uZ7- Froni New York wc lettre flnt lwa -otiiet-maltera tif important-e. c eculivypoes, 1nidthe ertin is-ni work 'ut tene hourm vestcriay. Vie-NEW ADVERTIS*F* T.fittoepwr lel ccnie #4trike o! iroti anîclmotel wot-kers is also flieatî retoapwersminitti o oini on- RBBK sleicuetic n cTul iei. uti-leraF.sli-uck îHE POIT WIIITIY & liOliT »11Y11Y lieuitg,2nd Jtiy, 1872. 27 ieroper dmific cuîratioa!olIe Gi-- - yemlroi-iy, xut flite sîrike if; tot geutetal, T 1AILWAY Co-l-. standeremloppi ouer3-te cng cA he d iio s1 icnecî,ptea tciîg aîctitilis NOTIICE isite e , et- i ÀENiL,, -I*'littt theitlet-igmed expeediture <f large o!utîujeHavî9 demand of te men.Meetiig of he Slareholemu o thstPrt T afflradiyiopposeul talicpîacinn11)lite lai ecScix-eds fo srtlie all addisoionots-an dc-ntautuls o! (lie tîi.e-s-ntt.e dsp sfil o! tlie M inisti-y, ~Ii s li iirGeogeE',Catie isreortd.mer-wl eiaL tg i ii the Ctf fIl PteT -it,ç mii ad amuuuehlici~nt-e- monycsi, et - i suiti- no lit Gore , Cirie i reoret sn-Whitby auaciPoirt iletri- i-tilway Colépauii eord inxu le cua tif Saniron vs. I urdelt ithoul flit acition o! Parliantent -1 te seît-< - tunhar (f îofl liilOC1 lj opan s Townuof ccc îîcî nw,bth tiîla-w auititeequit>y,a nfo first:îIj1iilfor SQuîopar Ail thoeNe-w Yoric tCity- tîilitia will ha Tue8day, the l9th Auguust,'72, 8iuctan foc,,nals, thpripitruetsnti delils c neeclitewit c ieL i . and roud utc-andti axed i l itailintha-c-oativanucedti matin national ATuti ' L lI A.31.ai-matît-ici t til pe g i ) r(Ias' greatl ess and t eil l y, a e P rt e u iri- Gute inî is L i ill d o % e l to ex m n flie T w lflh OFcu it- lu y . N o Irou bl ' lou enA TMTst O C LOail, A. M .,lu-axis.; tc f tîctit tp etyl e-taaeiellet-eltl a rgeauf p ro ap et-iîyndathe- e x a m in atiticipucteti, butl prupaî-ntituuîa eif Teho To cfe itîto cousitieratic, tire adoption tii roon tu lte udersignef, thecamonit Iaowiî pah r agediltflitc uicsttock îrni-iouîc IciIitureiîtu,iî,t¶ ewhero. Hs are vxpric, cdti aoa maletîct ie .II1,19, r aelrovtn f icetinrsilutton,1pa,asp c15 < - nmeiînee-i luit a ile of artutigil vihltug paeht refreace t lie ar-e potat-eno! lu Wiuiity uiîmccand-, suî-î purelnser ccn libe aturel tivanlaetehue hiîlî e.nti t xritige steamers b ie t eoit siiîoft-ibefytPor ft1Wle s c-Idi iithe la <uyth-alt -atit ilitg yp1ca SnrircH gl -C alllv oi wit-lln croe g de bpar. irfmm e h t-. t-tidfnc f ontrIty GeaieDosod roj2 tW courut 138h) St. Paxul Sut-t-t-t, Ichouli-eni ut, ~likeours, iiaving hhousaucis a! miles, o!f rntjoB-s ed ic 2c4 <3lts 8 8.9W I N I S it. l & A I , - T ie i - l i t n a d S u rn a e s , a d d r " - i n e fLan d u n d r v e s , m nt e f t a n s - i i an y h . a b e e a n d c o ltt e , o !A aUnited eut Mr. Thoas. llanlyno, bleeve ___I_____wlit th brge are dendcsoutdiyu Tu lefi-îi<iu ! iahl P--lt av Jli ltî, 8 7 . 8 O! tueur clautis, n sînterenî of hheir o! lier people ; itherefore, shoubf be bsvinTe la 1h. mît-t e l workun th o! Dowîuie, as, ltaeit-candidate for flet }OEING MATCHI. accuehs, ceci lhe nature of, the set-un- < - aie fvaultivI.natartilmupkletl Houmeoa! c tututtouts. H lies (if cey) luelti by liezn-or le defaultoaite peph a e à raie a20 bspiotrniarnin h.w8rm hoîf <als,<vt-- iii her0 t h e cexehufef from tiie 1j> peIPO n rtsin . ur young meunthWr-a To persotUs exployec injecontanit hldTIu >tkriugAgixtitcu cutt-y itrbto o h set fteeprt nteuse Of!20 i-ni-lit, Ylrn Mentlatilb, tuy ir axiy, FeloivE uion, H l if Mtit nett ae Gt- ewa!aditiuino!liriee !cc alii cil i k oee .H c IL N &C.-wrran 'if r . Jhnt<-R Huiltontulie sauf est nIe, wliich lii. aslnjiistnafar means, l fe hmsufcetiWitb Cautipaunctl i-i-u 3p o ypphospiiiîea te Lot No. 19,<îst cocionef ic erngcf for cievoting taterproeedto aklime eWlithy, Jonc 12, 1872. - e apcially atixptol, naincly 10 'cacliers u2aa4ioig nhhtc!ci tiofeXaceitonat.Wnsîuliofrhmsfiiu u et-gyneut, L-cvyes antiJuIy 1, 187 ,MAnPansons intiebtedfa lite sif estate eossr ltapinose eln at-e requesîeusilassaIlle heu- lefeeteuIl hithh.ro, by epeefing upon lue muni- jccn uibstosiui-Wittefii 1icg pt-iuoi cciii licawàt-foîl nemi Iortinccit.cia an al miegof isd- FATAL AceIEumNT.-Pcislu-y, Jcuiy , viz:G.YONGSMTH l.Une emk go h e -Tîiî imoa-ning a utantcaileti John M- eN- l- 00; 2ncd $63-00;- led, 625; G.it Yr OrUNG. ASMnIHro. iase edci alie qes T ~i;~:y~u~ ut~:~~i. 2u 0; 4th, - 't Whihy, June 1, 1872. 2 alt efr E .3 ~ < - ) X ) . e u matcnniî'y orcutreti in flite fana- 16ý cento oenbciEnrtteFee, YTESTATEAESIL Atig - TA I{TLTEJAESH.enssleg Wiit pan, aI publie meig '- up o!f lMr. lcaNcvoet in le ifl, an Cempetilors mustbI -haelt,, t-tufa ntl'E GERI E. - antiotherwlse. And,lin onclusion, I 7 T HB O A - F D0 8 TS -Fiifay lasI Dmrieg flite niglul their b-veTe those inteaet1 -eTef Ntce D' 011-e heur enp. Te mafseeini-rOt-ed batcmayLe pernuittef atoi d,, tatbeieg T H hanse lotit fine frotsanme unuceowi m.oste- uih mtýowen -thte rules I, then1det-igned, euet thcî .ainates "ta lb. manor bore," anti having. my *ûius, ad amtôtll detrye wih 'Ù e ride no .htaving laician.gait this esîste cc-tiihanti properin he .Ridlng, my inleeî Gommitlce o! Mtsaandtt'q Youg.tch5. .tuait s ne Wth tdelai-.are inseparable fron youns, andf Ilin, ---: eo-V..Pan trcu, ageti resjeclively faut- peurs aned . C. SMITH ,. >Before the làthdy /d/ynetldceanourme witli pour con- ______Vardee'o s i x ,~~~' 'L J o i -f ,1 8 2 .S c ru r- r e s t a r g e m e I s i, d i i . tNSh eI N E R m e n t o f 1 À yxouiv iatplp taoit .'plnte in jadis' ecet Accointa cull be foi-cnt-fet, anti ai ias-ies o purr0reenatonNIshil l le -'-.' A UBLIC NTICE. Ocieg tIti, estacte at-e requesled teo nait. ntmosî of my humble Ailities, enden-8 an the fri-et-fautenei hieteetia inta lthe empt setlîenient.. at adsreli n ya~Itu nostrils a!fihe careivonoUs Leat;l anti Aflpotsons inltestef at-e herebi- neufieti T. A. GERRIE,1 diachiarge o! Iii. olier.GTOWN heiti ~ ~ ~ t hitmt tî r-vc. - t keep theu- premâina astat. cf perfect - Youu- I malntlement, lield iim unil lilp arrved.eleanlinsîis, hi- removlcg fi-m hem cult- 111un 6 à2 8Yurms beiT 'nie, Reforinerâ a! Enit Petenboro' heusesaanti partis evérpsort e! malter litiei- î, ue 6 1 . humble servant, nse liave offex-cu Mr-. Evans Ingrani, l.te t-oribc tir foate 1 diycisoghe SL ns-lTa.WHT.sh ntr Ted Wcardeena!flte Couuly, aul unanimaus hf,1 A- FOWhilevale, June, 1872.. lteu nomnlation as tîeir candidtce for tie ALEXi PIIINGLE eeg thie norti haif t --4T ---- j<h'T Tt-' test> Conunons. H~~~~~eaiti Inspecterce Ion Whitîbyc ci~~ ~ton- W ~7A N T E D. vnMUT~'.'..i fialpox is reportociaI Uxhiiig.Towcn e! wiîîyv. me s,* cenrof, iîhe -W E M UST S U -'ýT Tii. boctIpaper emplaait-ally tieiesWlity, Jh ly 8, 1879.ci -Goof iatldiegs, cou font-fmi ptchisa-les eài era -with ai Ali ruo1r w 'AtA xceDEn fo grin. O éCOMFORTÂnLE 1hnIPlou: tuiiwlis. g( oaro re Ir~ui enIl laio oOne-lcl -gi3 RESIDEI4CE, -Corne For The -BaFrins A t Once Ib1 o nube ia nateavebiGili -hene-D j tn - lii dwt. e aypi- Qf on - l ie Iat ow IX TIMTOWN Or carrr. - Trafl c k o l i t Cad a i r ,i o tltay L g e te e a tO u(- bllc out u ,oi l n he .m i e, or i 1.o - A pp y, setat ni; erni, to p a o d n e ,jl ed i cs (h t , -pr . EeP-E WLte A isa Trc agý hGea adf~ay,- - LL4M HARPER teton,,- TAI]accounts niust bc paid fotjiitj . av eu# AMq2 th=set. Wýttiti . - IANDS0UE Buulnesv ilCurs 8 o'clock, on sundayp. Whitby, July fird, 187.2. W A E uasz or papang th nlèe4ta~i éiat aie equal pemir ufning Jauutfor 7mpeic the princfi l ai the new dht,sinoefo~u E - ioe n lin thie dllar,of the ag Mua- ýL W ESý& PQW ELLie au fteageZdppryi h Be lu therefore enactof by the mnuicipsl ARE IN RECEIPT0F ' A C1ROICE LOT. 0F - euci heCorporation of th" C.=t Ins-uu.reby, a*nthorizef for teproeo S IM ER R ESSU C IO, B Th arrt ot betho W ropme b ti Bp , ioueefebentn-es of the sid Mus1iCorporat -ion, for sen nmônnt not axoeeduing l u M i a - i B ~ 1 1 a i ~ ~ - O n t hlO w eie i o T w e el T h on sa d s~JLe~~ D, LLSLLJ.L7, ~ >LJj, undrd dollars for enel. debeatreansd nadines, Battist Clothe for travell1ing Dresses, s.henadines and bering itrest te atof six poreent- Stripe Shawls, &c, n e? lmuu yayable on lthe Iluit day of A - choice assortmient of -Ldies! and P'y-a3l'tb"jeoMcelftie'tý"(ty trèa Childrens' 11at, KwrsRibbôns, Laces, Paraols,> &c, &ci ghuru ffelyof! OnlanTonti suitable for the season. D -nedn ad aybl o ALarge Stock of" Suxmé r Clothing o-taa f e ithe eroou just received. e e 1't-. sg t h ml d sas ThRt for thie-pirpoâe o! payiag the fttoi-st, 1 & ert e "Ia early i- king funf Millinery, Dressîinaking and Taior- -aa cliîd ec er ueu ing tu order enui spd " rate o neutlit ona- M nli nii.dla plie0 athe wlole mteale A Choice Lot of New Teas, expected n a fo*W days- FOR>! OF NOTICE. - -Tlhe sb"u is&truce copy faprpoaa LOVRSj & P WELLO mncpml -CdIaheCbînty o!1Oelaro, at -the love Whitby l in id MCouistt mi mue 26b5 182. 9 h e 4th day of S&ptemuber, 1;;2 atthe lcur fercsslcl. ize! tu attend fo th up s ?ARBIAGES A/VO CUTTEh'S ~~Ptt5f esed terreigWiti-1h - Juan., 1M2, CelunI- Clert, Gotiti-Ontarie. (To ie puhuiaheciin-the WaaTiCru twc, M. '1 O O A N 1 - Whîitby,;Juns18,872. 25 SPL~DIlL FIISfEDFAMILY DRUG: STORE AIRIA CES, BUGGIES," ANDO ,CUTTERS, 0FTH LT OF VER Y SUPERIOR IWORKAX4YMIp. - J MS n. GR Continues to Le carrief on nas haretofore. LJÃ"CIE8 & SLEI(GHS. 'R'PAIRS AS USUAL. DusCia,,= a.Pat Mi pi- WHITBY Nov 22nc1 870. SfsPtfmres, <t-c. Lamps. Keresene andi Coud 011 aI Wle- sale at letail. Boom Pmper-A nec stock juif ni-riveci An Immense Stock 'of Wtram Ent5tl, 172. Z t ET &-B PORT PERRIY R. -R.- SEW' CROCKERy - AND G L AS S W A R E.T'Ir 'A 1hI L E. Tates effort on Sacuria-, June'lIt- 1872 Trainsi Goieg North.. Mail. 3Mixef.- Whlhby-Junetli, 9)00 a.u. 7 830 p.m. Whitb M 9na.n. 7 87 pan-, kX & # XXX ALE in Bottie. Bt-be -49 h)Sn... 1p.m. - Mancheter-, 10 12 a.uo. 8 42 p.m. Do 'sSueror Botld ie -Prince Alient, 10 21 arn 8 51 pm -Dows Suerio Botled Me. ort erzy (&Mê,)10 80 amu. .i 00 pM Trains Going SentI. Mixeti. mail. ]port Pe % (depu-l .) 00OO am. 2 llp.=. i Prin e AIbor, (6tmls.M * 2 39 p.rn F (3 Mancle6er - O18 9an; hi48 p.m. sumue* iî 28I ain- 2 158 p.m. iFamiIy Grocer, ke. Myrtle E'.i41 .m. 3 Il p.r. Brookbln,7'011 aIes 3 31 puis itby, Jane 19, 1872. Wh3Vitby, 7 23a.t. 8. M .P - - ~Wliitbmylnetion, (are>) 7 130 a.m. 4 0itiprn - Platfo-m Stationsç, Trains s4top on Signai JAS>. D__ -ML rr geBiuggies, Waggons, d R.L Pa¶, B. B. IMÀRN RY. PARTIES USING J B. SOOK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. A..1N L ELii \4./ W A L <9 E Y This 011 exceis ail ather Cil, Lt ii - -' ~anti iegemblo, anti w. are préep s-eahoc PRACTICALý CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, ca atiocsle ti deeso tr..igul- hoavyachieM ri tama eloet or sýà m chie the heaviesl af shaftîL Thefol- [JNDA'S S TREE T, W HITBY. 1yn hit nhe tecl te r- atanbec~lean cith buIhtIcintrouble. A1BAP - jouiuina~~~~~~~es l pm saniItbot.ijaei, e.,iii quhiy ad fnis o bi wok eaibe epode upn. veytbng ai n~5ii tauaeol hhlciithieil-n subscriber in returuing thanks to hi's friends, re wv. ho appi-iz. Iheïnand lie public generhhy, of th ivi. -i Complete Stock of 'M M E RI GOO.i sting of the folowing Unes: Blàck Silks, G7,o Figured SUt.s, Japanîse, Faecp Dresaý Goodý Muislins, s, a choice sebectian. o! P-lits, Lustres'le varions coor,0 f Iisht Poplins, Whuite anti Grey Caltons, Shee't'oh lirtýi fietuplayo! Ladies' Underclotiin, embodni mi~ )resss, mIaula' Robes, Bonniets, Rate, Plumes, Ribbôns, Hô« as1 Braids, &, 'he ,Gentlemeni' d ar mentli 1wîth West of England Broadeloths, Doesbkn [sa, (Scotch and Canadianl,) Mats, Caps-,-Neckti, ityles; Shirts and Collaïs in great variety. Lie Grocery Departmeu't is ri ch'oice selection of Tea,, Coffee, Spices, Pic]1 &C. &i thas ln -i ýy -V - MaY 26, ts(l 31W, Q TT 11 ArN SU mb d-i -v-% ci

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