Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1872, p. 4

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Irý,e o-is apt tc t. à* lswsbng, mens. A 1- Allt« njghtfsli, 4t-4 .WA ~lnge The. O.k. Tbe aak-tre bonglg sonce taiaiucl tc s~ee; -ý BIt very yar tlasy gwi A Ui fartiier train th. ground, And flearer ote lbbie. lofaia 1v. yýu oach year Inay te, Whuie tlme gides ewftly bi A ittie ierther tram te ground,- Antd setiep theo eky, s An Svefing Party lu Japsa. It fl l t a a elf.evidsmat Irutia lit ne forriguter can uuderstsnd the pbaple atuoung whom lie dvehis unies@ lieéhs& acce Ic tufieir homes, sud'sees aud e:.ý poýrbeu1ct teir sociâkI fe uuider circin. dtalluca wvliclitprovo t ta b. geune siuiniifiltînced by foreigu elemnîs. 1Oltrapjtortunitbee for studylithî asre. Ilnrîcablo people lu lhier homes are aun- îtssustLly good, Reco a(Wleil in a eity lu viti attforaigneur aiit neyer bas aitfotti, wliliv to uuaddmiles we-awsrl foin edd O. in nvttione isi i orItt parties>, ta dinner, or tes, or. Ocitr qaiet caIl as cf a frieud Up11,an , bave l, lit saged lvic. or ltrice a 't'ss-k< Mincsa va cama liera; suad a silgit d ,-wrptitirtof oeeof aur social aveniaige rj,,ttn Iro wiil give Etîglisia noaders vfist, itts dmf scalatlife in Japan. Sdalasi lectures fMfrthe day beiug 0%tvv t-t-, omîthe itsulats-a 1111. le sm- attnm l earning Euglisliisud-science --nf- iîstt, lithogl aur bulerpreter, tià i l'aItimer iwoitlabe plassedlta iaave. thea jroecaofoet loEnglishia bstruelor alo hùintcrpreter,-ho a social party ou titi ovctting cftlii. next day,. Would wo bmskimul enongia la corne ? Il .ild uni vlittue long la, decida. Wa set bU% amy iitoîpretcr aud myseif, tôards ix ocoltau telions. of Our hoil. Ho listaibelonaita otlcer-ie le a rc ins" tut itî-ccs>sary couneehlin bohweou line i>(ttils) but lives> iite ailIaImer jspsneeo sttrod ofileils, very plainly. Ou aur waliy t thte hate, ve passeci s îîarty of fot-u or five Japaueoa ladies, ttnithbeantd ilkvrapped, vlth 1he litrdriteol lits usua,lun elsborata 1"le.Jap1msae ladies> bain leinvari. ail' lixuisml, ltauseiy laack,i ahili tsi tbl put up. These ladies, hiovêjen> jlu ttic-or -tva liglit poinuts, have devI-t id frontt Ftileutwi fîtîlions, sud a sitîgle glluti- aj vtn fuii oue of thme eiîort4aair. c-d tsm se itsttlicient ho eue tlitt4« e'r ftstrsmstgs-s. Ouri lterpreter viaispers tu toc tit Itut>' aue fr-outi iaka, are liera >55 ij tit,itttttira goiug 1 lte saine l5s5-oi t isamotti -rs.em -1< '~ U1 t t-ttt'r Jipanose, lhey Wear t1t0- lots>, wbtto cocit, dividei AIto g1-oMstol- iostsi tîve 01tLahîesvy voodl. m-sts-isg4, vawltieuiLttil blaîck, snd ,ih Id ou It- 1>ý>a iiy Lit anads aventhie ustop, iiLt ssiisst lton-1 hatwean te îgreal :ti itl~ioet-sc. 'lite cleg le eseli Sli pvds-istt atiT,stAndio uT>.apauesoc thes- irsai S fisft polislelotrmatiug o! 1-tsts--exceptîtbui tic etocl'idgoe. We1 it u-siyItite cf aur bouts bofon, va tits-rta aîinttn itme. We wog0tL lt,>' ilusit s ti, butt, i)i vîieatimseA Il-tsi' c'lit ta>', witlitwooien blocks -41', î5iltYtltrteu îtuatids> ltggiug titeir i ittfýLi i? r>isili sn'iotinig fboo~n- -sii t 1it~ltsir ltiua, ht-t jitmermembert ait -s-isî,l its lih i c-amttîtlltis. v-auinias>flic 'fronttyarsd of aura fric-tt L iae. andtsi tnsiltinder lte c littt>'tj olîrsl t-re tsts-it icfi-entsecvery i .tsttsi lvalt-a 'r A servant met uiss 11,11fl gro-tl sl o li tlit,, oaisîmaunar, i - 1'fîiliiig on ltiw t kîuaos itii toeiI V Itite lt>st-lvith i us>foicheail. It S s'y 4 - tt'ttlsittstl;ls iua titti for hto naster le tor il,-its ltots cule t u tltiitl elcot- at c x-oýtt: 1t'a'l-WVtýtiLotla iouueàt. Au- oisae t:rm-attt hast esîoi lmfi, sud lu a tsîîî,tigi slt r latttllicet greolod ns, sud a lt oîtrKtttckitgsc vu stc.pped up bta Ibisd )it]rîlîite.roamii; Afler Ir-eii t he ct-ist, s>îttingy itattlug cfzcvelral othar e tttîtt, sa îra himugiml hefore tlb. l t-tttts.Ntw begnu the salutations - tr-aia- Vi-nui tah a hst, vIih t rowbtseti if o eut pread out, limeb ( a bou nhtt tho tie. Ije prostrstQd Iiiittt sif tî> iisfluor, resttug aun1Me lt iftssutIte tilins> of hie bauds. He ti lstslIils>fotrsitsstd te lia. licor fuIt lifcans>aomsiLtltl as> preliminar>'., e "lite lacadiJerks>- lie, dowu again telth. fIocrir;tlIt a vse e oe-eight seconds. IlctiJ up agunt; "itope yen are vel»"-. I)itni t atlime toor-four second.-Head , uî-tId devm->'lliope youenjoyyoun. s>ctlï-twa seconids. ead, kuomi,, atI 1111, anti mina hlost ha$ -wecom.d et, fsrnatlly ansi, ictatil>'. Of Course.aMy inle)tr îla tli ihaviRcae ahevan>' mo. Tits v as> cmly te begiuuiug, The. cl Wnyo eleitasenaxt paidhler devoirs; hé folevr, but potllonIag. I{ozt came iunM succa en, t h o aprety daugbt.rs, p' lIov ceuid vo resiet içm ? __ Br nian o 8aW vo wroet elCualy feU au an ur si na udkues, sund, nmuttenlng asi IciliIa rLe LdJapakioe, roiunaed ltoiïr welcome. DU tb. course a!flb.e liveniigalo! o coipsuy-about tveuty.seveu buin umbe-vere Ina- n ducoil. llfresituleuts ver. evod en are braniglti iaou tv'a rgr a'*bIst abouit six luchelgia , sud aTé £spked 'y a' oast lwo lhSnduredltt1é' ciei - srailer OnilpînY slm. tip fmm t- ChibUwo to 14 sitfn, lime>' esuOst fw cloog ows reililwth f»1 ioy eena td dof vegotablesl, eau- (ut fluts,,Pfqls e an, . san n olfiitltings 0tee nmeroans to d« The d ol'l spgfle, and e tWf IU ifs lnyaribl1* lie lait course, and gete-in l tlng ready ta depart; bad. a Ur hast god.-bye afler the nuus proslrAtione and Jtiat of =my in. terpretar, and sallad forth inta lia. calm, lovel . spiritual moonligia. Our fsfth. in¶buit ï .ea , i antra- un, sud vo wsik.d baek teaO> lieuse., Tu£ CzaCUS.-Ayoung journaliel has of laring, by ptractical kowleg0 c lbsa ietia aret, a d jl .6 .ser 'vines, and ýpurpos. was kuavai nlyto-tino propriator of th.e show. Hie accouait -of the mode of 11f. obeerveil by 1he. dr. eu peuple indicatea Ilial with liae latter üpttlatibn. 'Th e~tter isud Uiy suad opusglap of circus fe e ** t asly li ho rnl and on lh. parade. Instead of findnhimself smong people of a some., tim.. questionable seuseocf propriety, ýlÏràdththi .tevfporary* liae littie auxleties thal vex othor claie. es inltheu0deayor ta 'gel aion' not wta4 h$ialed,4 i4d only snxtot seek repose as soon as they gaI homo tram, tho evening performances. In thiespeieLtroupe villa whicîi cf the mnemberÏ of lihe conxpsy, sud- th. *moral atmoepheie of the show vas unobjeatboabla., TMe samne malrimxoný amen ho, sld lime lemonade, cake Iu A4candy ta le audience, and te everyitpartmentofte usnsste ams.tatiÜr6ûmuntbâaastrict discipline prevsilpi. s AUllte inferlors-were anis.t weràbýée'ëtte'qupeçrbor's set over hhemn 'b té'glia é,te proprietor. Thsiinsight given into lte lite of titesc people, wvile nnaterialy differeut from, tia. popular milimate, le, ou1Lime wioie, very creditable te a caseswloua publie opinion, lac often'uiaiiürilabltc bun11. conclusions, le frequently tlisposed la taboua swauting t inthe Latter attri- butes cf humnan nature. FuwuDN<a Tata Daodwt.-Csitgi bread ounlime waters vas mado ta menu more titan à%Ilgure of tepec, at Detroit, tlae('olldr day. ,Wlile a, party vas at work draggiug lte rapid current cf tino rtver for a, drcavued mn, au observatit Italiari, Davbd. Bepito, inodestly Na pouuded a malthod for fincliugIh vlieaaiite c! tIhe body, After incred. utlnueexpostulatiou, ou lte p art of li vorkmeut he Italittu vas obigcd ta try ii plIan uuaided ; liena lmiy got & loaf a! bread, fld-pIa a" squanmiti orc ulkivrcarefulyo ou ead, t rew lte novl buoy buta thn steairt, ile lte diggcrs laoked co.uteunpluoitsly ou. Ha asserted, notwbilstan.diug tîteir sueera, Ihat lime brcad thns cluargcd ,,Wopld,,âtepoPver tio-spo, vhere theo ~urenb.ârrit1ltae. Ic! dovn- ward 11k. lighluing, untl some dis- tance from lihe shmore aud lIhe spot wlucre thimen unere a work draggbng; but ououddeuly, Ic -lia inrprisc of ail; lima iou! stoppd l iamd-current, sud, spiuuing ovulsvely about, se; vcced 1cr b>' a number nt spectaîcre, tubsolutcly stood silin luhie face of lte curraut, fiually haîiin dcvu slrêsu.. Sure ecugi W ' L IdIA&etre tçIaotllhe spot: ts adealer iu legerdemain. liaen ie the worst veather for rate mnd mice ?-Wnen il rtaius cals- sud Wh ithe ae iferetiýe betweeu the,- sarlh andlia. ses 2-Oua leo dirhy, sud the aller le lbdy. Il i. a tact pot easily accouuted for, that aI parties, after eupper, lthe gucits begin la grov tibm. - , The ïvend le ine a f readm-ii itica turs Lcessanlly sd leaves no cioce bul to ointe e.rdLmb.ý [MPORTANT TO PARTIES USING MÂCIIINERY. J.- B. STOc X'S EXTRA MAKCHINE QIL. Thus 011 exceis sa# othir 0OU, bath anitmal udvegetâlge, oad vo are prepared ta show Lhe supelrity ai thiï OUl ta ail others, it sands lhe tests necessary ta pracure a furet. dans srtiek, t stedapted ta pther llght or esvy machfnery, tram ua dock or sewin. machine ta the heaviet of ehataThe Iol. ,$Io albeOMO n, l hi hi' excelaotiter 11 ,Z1~ IXNOÇeUGIJMh;once Machin- 1 ca kept dsa with but hlfle, trouble, . d it wffcean m-chinery that hasn been iready gommed by othier 011e. It wJ.U ual eongeal:or thicken in the coldewt of veather. rilaaquality af the higheuttim ortanCe i î t fe an-Oh ýzt hiving tl WMl nât- ltbrlaatÏ a coltl shat,,such au O11 maybeosa liedin a heated, state, but the mament ifttouches, a cold ellat t I s couals. bd Ma wul not lubricate until the jouirnal :y fiction ecquires the temperatura uecceu- iry ta reduce it ta a iquid state lu acquir. lg s hUgbsoetempérature b>' futian, the QuFnexpa ud the box in htjatred, -Lt ie d Dw1boue ail that wil cidil ou a aibst 1WItbanl thirouit as it in ta min- ýW oil with vater.» 3.-B. Stock's 011 wli lu-. Secéte the coldast-.tuachinery taemnoment jt su'U4.-T l,i lenowaeetlta crtwo &n~re~sllsmetem~, legiving the >at af satisfaction, atnd all uite il ajng te profer it ta rethncd lipormn or pure01. :le freetram the objections urged againeut t1 o4heros A*Lt dneoeetaLgittuitoDr freze. 44w>e ~ hopublie are awaxe ¶ýhst man>' MYM't¶ Wth tgo are pintea hnfinotariet>', norder ta provo that the le tta humbng, id ta, secure oatr>tlves agalust the> opera- meaf ~~~ionsoul agents, (mnan>' ai Item wIE aot heeltato'ta palan off them:ean l11 oil refiuee sebeing Ldentbcal vlth *ock'e Extra Maclane 011,4 vs propoqe ta esse -Wha are lnlerested jin the tra&eof bhk't m fcharge o. osit. nd vu aie eend vbth ut 1e s4up» estsepfeiýve seithase tests wbhié Is fn ram th. baser met- eanf, Able partife orderbn« th netimposition, b7 na , h4 , 161a nine A i o hether SëOUor d&à A o asrauphui, nt 4gltm un~~im ir oitin J. e. SNTOK,, 3.3. Eoa, Eq.,oBoughmOn have b yonr Lubtiàtg a1 )1e tfour mon Sl, and aZAY vnth. nt i fo"a n thst 1t the bdol lle, bave r slpI ieao ehoap, sma latta langer éq i- . a lbalers 51 ator. 1, M G= M Wbielîy, ~mIav MUMW.S GE RIE's BJLOCHI Whr ulh 'udSetMusie, iand Musîc-books -of il iuds, Musical liustrumetiîts of every-description, _i nclud- iîîg Vyiolip Stritus an~d B0 of thbb , e~quali ty; -Mscland Literary WVorkcs, Sui- - - tftbli« for Presents, constant- ]y' on baud1. - A C9,WCEý AND~ VAlLlED ASSORUMENr, 7"magazinies,1 Peri0dicuals, tw-ld 4t4peS -p upplied. Xii Or. deî-s for Muisic anàl look-s car3,fuily filred.- JOHN 'ý?OST. Whitby. May' 29, 1872. - ' * J.a G.MoCDOUIGA L BAKER AND COINFECTIONER, SODA BISCUT MANUFACTORY, -TtuwFlltsi~eI, in returniîig thanks to lis !î'îrnerixis cinstoin- ers mtd tho publiecfl tgoti i, lfor> ,tvr ' I btrilpatri otageto Ihlm tor the pat five f . crE, rpectfuiiy "olcits ttii ,nn-of tha satne. und wiu-jer, o amnnncc that naâddtti t> islsformeîr itiiieg, liesantîssehscd t a ,s>tssidertn lh- xpc-nse ît ic lir the ttiti uet urittg of Bi§euits and-Ci'ackers of every kiind, And ho is prepa'red to fili orderis IWho00le a~nd Rotail, on short ytrics', ut reu.stî¶ir at-bl ('sttoss-rqe t i irt on lit-ig slpplit-d %ith a aupertor Blitit, ttsis ii, but.1 Ileeto I,e triali a rt4td j,, tniillutacturitig. Bread, Cak-es, Caiies and Swc'etiîit!.tts of every description a id of tbo vcry begt kind k natu-m e li ha,!t tit i t d ettnd, Btoec Street Also, an assor'tment "of ail kinds of FRIUIT in ftheir satn ~l~hyM~y 2872.J. G. McDOUGAL. A pietty fra:qs- coag -',ssml qs:surtt r it Cte lot, ilusttetioù 'entraeLStreet, onsetLteîr nor-h Wesle>-sttîitiodje Ltuei )ie- scent ocrnpied by Mrc. lloshiL-, ier- h ii goodwetsl, andmifiralst- -t-tri Am-e lua-rser a-re t-et Stlttl n- t? i-e Sttrer,tcmavr 014i s -ilsu l -Appiy te Bruts i,,lt-- ,Whitby, Jane lIi,1 1872. tn2 Wamtted, lW ga 4 To-ants-, fcr a suînll famiiây, a gaod,ýcapsib4, tiareagi -h ai. Appi>' ta - Whitby, -lune 19, 1872; - A F I-lST CLA55S'AItsi O 1NT Tisecsut i isslf tlot No.'Q is,-,t it, Pickeriug, ei-s.tnintg lotitr-a, W fi; twtsI ai-a .-eared. Thi-re a-se 80srso sti euttid cpt-btg vitsat, If>st-rncsof elscs% 8tti (4-- aie groi-a; go>t sid faun. riera e îa fisne yauu n ettird, jmcl cotmiicissgêtsbanc ... t;liiîdhngc si-e al lri-t-el-os. A les s avili Le gia-t itr t' ttas tis.t- fym-ar-t. Fotr u-tmer pstrttttttttrtssi>yto IVII. Il. RJCILX itleSO, - irrjirietor. Pickeu-'ng, Ju t i, 1872. -s OUSE '~-AND> LOTiFRu-aSALE,. The fratur eiit aO mic- ea lsmtd altachasi, rai-eret King ant i aitS., Ms g preg eacW~iî-d by thp uudcesgad. Wtdtby, .Jonc -, 2, ~3 AiTI~N.Att ,s-mtane hu he Linsan di It- r lai a srtt II tlie ntenl ho gtscc. A 8-pare Igltttt a c'; i-cee, J. t1. Dimecsou,a, rcpt-h-u-r, iaui> M. Xicw Tenu. oitiby &slri-Dri4t. KiING IiROTHERIS, WW B ,ONTARIO, !s a ns--sd Dlcsr hsii ttittsof Fam'i/y Grocooes, ýPure Wines, CHEQUEREID STORE, t--OC %Taou ar.tET. lWhlrby, May 1872. -22-tf _F 110>1 NI-W 1011YOK TO-)EUlOi'E! SAFEST A])iEST. bet-isb'taiin-my îravidcd -attiafit-st- citua Cars> nItte saine ratte as second. e-lasks I-; lts- Ailui Line. LEWIS ALLIN, -17- Agent, Wlilb>'. MayJ' ,ii, 17.20-ain, 1)U-LI. i tto0S, T1I'ACn2Ii1S' 'nie axamination of Caunduiaeajor Public 3ci-mol Teacluers'- Second sud Thir4 Mias Certiicattita kWlibe lu the Wlhby H igit Sea4i lie Dou acames, anau u-aa-tu frau ' 1le-çx~ 1itlTfOWNJfl5OF WHITBY, LEA THER AND FIÀIDIN'c-s, Cahpl o ide,liai-k, tand La'athar. Leathea' trctcied.- - LBEITNGMA.DE TO OIDIElI ON - SHORT MOTiC, May', 1872. 22 'W A N TE D. - Topai-chast, or lease -for iva i-lai-a. a COMF<OÈTABLEREDIC, l- T= TOaWi N a oi- eFU-Tua-Y Âpp-l>', tsiu-e=ss, te . 3FAREWELL, I the Conty>' et Onticitcaommencing on TUESD-4Y, l6th 'JULY, 1872, Thte c-ominathca- r fim-sLCîsesCertifi- ] iN qÈ n~i'~~Ieîdt.e ~ m poeeam '1ÈootIs and Shoes made -to order. '.m ,fED IT N25-,A.!ULX. RT, Oveshes iined w in a4 omfortab]e. India Rubbers, -Candidtes vil be required h niliytIe SIippers, tcl4,c Inus cLan m!ot lalor ti«talhe2blll -e f tlr mtantion ho preeut themaelves foi- ex- t'p Re.pairing neatly doîîe. ea wuth alimu. omia CslîoidStanàý FU RNITURE! FIJRNIiI -AT -TFuE SIGN 0F. THE EK GCREAT ROCKJNG CHAllE !t. 43-Furniture Selling at ld IPrices forI 30 days longer; Notwil¶istanding th~e tise h material and 1al§or, the undcrsigned offers lus stock at the .Old -PrIce for30dylng. Now is the tiine tb ernbrace theopportunity o[ rselecting froin-thiarg stotck in theo Otrity, of siiphoards, bureaut , centre tables, sofas, ýchairî», be e, &C., -and ill oftighe LesIt qualiîy tnd mnanufacture, -JAMES H. -SMA!O. The offly fitrst-class estabilishment in the, Couuty, where Fa- nerais are, fnliy gnllied., THE OLD STAND. I - - ---~ - ~ -' - The uiidersignetd inî retutrn'iihg haniks fie bbc.libernil Patron-' iitltcrto extend tictiluite tsiltttîittmn for iteari>' :t1iiri<id of fart>'mettre, de sires t Lay>'thsîîlieItois îttw o aitIîrî ti large aqsetrînt, ut cf te mnqt t titdcrrà sud- elegant styles tf IF tT ]FL ZX%F iX'WrM1X73M-Ilm -.1 And tirus¶ts by propcî atetiii ' n -d rnoda>î .îte prîces bo se- cure a cotttituancc of publie p3tronsngc. Iract0cztî tijituhsteriug. Furîttturc i-e- stuflesitut tand crcl. Undeîtaking &FUnerals Fully Supplied as heretofore. Z somîîc' stpieiîdidl specinieris of Picturo -Franies, %int Gild- i-. 1?e2zme i- ie Old fad WKFMR nc3eXrZIL C SEL[-4%RiAK.l G -REAPERý, NO TED FC IIEÀ4P ,A NDI)RELL4BLE OD Whitby, A1*riI 17, 1872.- i - --'-Vi HAM-ILTO,;N,& Co. Hae opelîed .'antIi arc now'showing Lt veîy larg, New Millinery in the Late8t Style, WHITE COTTONS,; -GREY COTTONS, TIOKIGS, H~SIANS - HLLANDS GLOVESY HOTIE RY9 HATS,' CAPSI HRS,-CARPETS? NEOX TIES, LACES, & WINDOW CURTAJNS, MOUR'NING ..G-OODS! JAu ALar4e Stock of'lObtlis and*Oanadian T weeds, ge, and-,variýd -NEM!TlAS AND) $IIOCERIIES. WM'Ufhy, May' 22, -1872. CHOIC E WINES AN])LIQUOBS. - , 21 AI the Prov-incial IVhibition, -Torop -tb, in 1870 Vc. cîtlèr to otiut îboine-s l'or te comittg iIarvezit. îwo d-is- i tiit Mai2hines, whic-h in style, ai-d conîstruction, enibrace the- latest auit i tîst tu-cfu: iinprovemrents of the day. JoliNS'FON's S ( ïSIAL-11IINçItIA TH»I RING 0F REAPÎRS." - - J ewellery, toi-,--- »sks, o-te; diaibnd W C 7'ork.-boxes, Electro;-Pla.ted Goods! Watehies & Cloéks-of the best Maki-rs, The uîîiive-tsal sius,'or titis Machinie, l;odili close!), ýoniesb- pe-foimusîice gîaaniteed. cd triisrd l im e Iandthe f mt aritters warrant usil, sayiug Liat, as-a So .ah-s- C--, , ~ inf- ItcaîinMachtrline, il hut moe gtatsd poittîs>sud ies tefecLe, sud bus anct vitti -JAMES .1o l.,NS1'(..)N. utere qtueces>,' spd lcs> (ttlisir tIan liratcfore olicredoil e e ublic. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOVVER ! 'ro ks iîitb-, M ay î-Mi,tIl achaidCoe ne- 711i, 1872. -19 Wewere awarded te Fi-%st-aîizc tand l)iplotnsî, aI lite Prcvinl- m-tiI Exhiititon, ieli in Toi-auto, i570,iit csittpotiiou avith ail the, laaditîg MaChines- utatouafncturad lu thel-rovince ; tatidstith tmi-r rccnt iîulroeents. ivc unietat- i itgiy chatllenge invcscig;tiior.andîl t-moparieurm with cutapetir-g Maichines, ire are - l K3Nz ;w3 ~ 3E astsfc Cl-tsuî mtes1gîs w itistre eai-y îri-eittht-duld. thut wc offthe lie est Maiver ttemeFarîter isor- 1872, blîtinlte cDorninion. BSmîd tor i.- criplibve cttiogue B3ROWN 4' PATTERSON. pou ii-- l'f,1N 6. ON F ýB*O'.OTS .AND HOES.i MATTHEWCOLN 13cgs to aîîrouîic to his cudý)otn,,,is anîd the public iit heh hasm opeîîi3d business on the -preînises Iately occupied by Mr. Bt&ideIIll 011 I3rock Steet, and thiat lie is iiow vi ASPLELNDID ASSOITM-ENT'0F Spring and Sumwner Boots- and, Shoes,' ALL TtiE- LATPEST STYe1ES.,- Ladies' l3lmorals, Pritîtc'-ilus, Gaiters. Tis, Ci-o- quet Slippeî-s, Newpoi-ts, ,&ç. (eiitlernens' Boots hnd hos tht -Ociptoh t spendd 5oeh~of it j it grcat varie y loys' sp1d Girls' RGTFIT AND.-MAKÊ !AII orde'ed wo*kpromll A tili, okblie- besti style or Bo,ôbs mantiSlmocs -UEAR NATY Aiso tuitiad a ltarge Stock of Ilonfes-'1adle Boors nal Shoes ~ Ritnbrbcrgtpae rut-lt eatitlbh- urîius>si-d foi-qunlitv anîd ptilc. JH' ,Ail o--dors puîuîietîî-dly attendea! to. ltepaii-Sfiîeatly donc. wlithy, May 8, 1872,- Wliitby, May' 10, 1871. .ewcd, wokeycheap. Lptly" atended to.- KXE CUTED., UNJ)E1IS, - -- Bî-ock Street. MA'"IH EV JÇILINS, IMPORTANTNES BOOTS AND SHOEýS. The undersigned asa1ar tcko Ladies, Gentg', and (Jhildren'ý.Fine and Li trs oos&She JOHN F-E1tGISON,- iMero6hant Tailor.& Daper DTJNDAS ST., WHITBY, Ilepetlulyintmâtes thethé is i iow in receipt of a large Stock of New «Gods foi- * Canadian,--Tweed ýSuits, Gloth- Suits, Bc4s' Suits, Yonths' 'Suits, Childre-n's Suits-every Styleý and Miaterbs1, Spring Ovýerco.tts,, Gents'Sh"irts, wl#te.and -eolored, and" al] kinds of Ocuts' Ftinsh gg Goods. cmùes, and Uuevse -te naie and ada- drefsof the e ou.. in tetlnited States, or elseviere, wvii a ny -lbave s ppied tlem, se as ta enabe Me, for the pro- tection o!te publie, tl- inslLîte pro- ceedings aýiast eucimvl-doers, aua 1 engage la, rextanaeate ver>' hsdsoemly *an >' pers an, 5* 1lic M ay'give m e s ncb l- --formatio, the informant'. naine never -bebg di-,nged. . Shacinit an>' pinson have reassnla lbe- -havé Ilal le-iasbeen deceiveci b>'buy- ig spuniuë imitatins e!ftes. Medi- cmlaie o il do aeU fo sod me,buns leter, ta lthe atdress ut foot (vich Le an*doaI a cost of six cents bu postage), oeueof lie boks o! iunstuctions vih are afflixd lelthesaine. I - rom ise le, xatmeil sud anasend a nply, stallg vhhllir limedicines. are geniube, or na, go lat if punous lie ma>' appy le the person tram vitin lha purchiaseal ilem tl ave bs moue>' neured. Clemiesta a iDrggists vho desina la babu lie nedcues can be supplied. aI he-loesl vholesaeprices inunt- hilies fottles.tian $0 venli-viz., 8e. -6d. 22., sud *34s., per dozeii boxes of, PlUs er pote o! Oitea, nait, aillul discount, for vhicli emilance must b- sent it sadvaie. -i havelime lioncir ho lie,- Willi groal rcpejt, THOM1AS',HOLLOWÂY; 559, Oxford Streetl(a te'244, Slnauid), --Lonidon, W. C.,5ctober 1, 1871. T'O TIIE PUBLIC OF CANADA. Orracaor a-ir -OSt4w, Oa,, Marci s,,187. Bclug desirous cf teslbug lihe -merils of thc ediffereail water-wlie lsanio woffe e d for Sf~ waaer, ave, as ruaaufaeturcre cf the mnake lime following challenge tce'h mýanufactmreu-s f AËn WHEEL novWruade' bu caaa,ilieriacnilha &T-a--ercoftlia JAMES LEFiEL Dovmnu Tunmnmoe or-mAc TuaEPAaTESNle lie els lu al Cases fe bevicl> maiufactured by, thee compe- in g pat-is:- - We iii place in lie andeof au>' e- pousiblo part>' six timansand dolltff ($6000O), and lihe pua-t>- cceptiug flie chailcuge ho do the caine,lima moue>'te, The avheels tta be lested inlua- f£dur mill, dnivingtho surnomma o! stone, *gng the saxu e mal, sd ]aaving tia saine number of square luches o!cain a raceive the:iataer, tli m unncf aaer fdiadliar ged le lie memeasurecof lima aot sdb>' ci veel. f'Iié judges tl e a-nen-resieus o! Ca- jnad,nndtcbetlheraglly- ellufeormeti in lime mode o!f eeling ltç paver e! lu- ine wimcciu,-eadli Part>' ta cheose oe juilge sand lthe votla chéooce tue Ihird. The ovaiers of lthe viailg avielté bavetheir mane>' reffunded lliemuandlthe loser's meueytc go lovards eslabislug s mecitanicnl frea library inlu n>' ova in Canada numed b>'-tlime avuer of lIhe suc- ceseful viteel. Thie viteels ta Itetsed aI - t A~, suLd ful gae. . Eacia party>' lcgive gooti and stiiicienl bonds, to lie anionlo! $4,00, Iial lie lser ciai! py the entira xpcass fle est. , There are come vimeels liant glu-e ver>' gocd- aresullsaývlhfnilbéad afnl gale- age wvitcli entrley fâil nuderpartialead I pu leta . Such wheels in o.r evalar-povars sa-e affacleu b>' bath ccld and cia-a-li, are cf no pr-aecl vaine. We daim intutare lie ouly Makers cf the GEuuuc JAmESas- rL Dommita TuaiauraWuaar. buCanad,ndîilatitîl. viliUaul tvAL inltaae VOtRLD ePRACTrC- AL BSULTS. Mare lin 6,0c f lte.. vhlasttare zov ien ration bu Canada sud tino Unaitedi StIls The sules of no allier- wheal aver yel bulrodnced on titisConti-' neut axceeti ene-sixlli Ibis nuher. Oua- vheci has becn tieroughiy teseui in GREAtT. BsîwwI, aud 'lins fui! main - talu.d the repulallan il las gmiaed bn Canada sud 4-lInoUitd Sates, as lte Most eccuomljcalwfttervwhael lu practe- al cperalien evar'yel bnoducad. Wo are-uevpnblishing-a nawdescrip- lia-c vsler-abeei pamalUiet, centaiaLug 1151> pagefs ovaiable uatlen,-vhici ili hae sent free ta ail applicauls. Fan funthar buformatlon addness, IF. W. GLE-N, -L Oshava. Ont, N. R. -We desi lime fal]cvbug centi Wetakepleasure lic o Caniha,, lia nusiadMr. F. W~ Oinlarlo a,, lrns1 Gaugasanuiall aIl lion ta huuiiti. ced bine at-ale Leffal,and Icuowimz Wa hlave aise ôMii uislittamefacilit touecîhaer partiesi GLEI, ne one can E vitele,and av -lopurchsce ourvitý nutn.Mr.Gr.sx t- i -ait - T) Tdi, n mi T) AWARDED THE FI.RST. PAIZE 1 - S A TJ N-D ES S ; J- 0 H N

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