Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jul 1872, p. 2

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î 'UM P-OUI in the muùoka domo= tons of the ý'After qI plessant trip: - eýer làhe 'Iliinîs tzlà,fâ,ê ýzoùth Ontario; port '137. ni 1 ià the part af ne' ttme bu *0000d'eà by steamer T1ý unelu Nrticle been, thmet fS-w= 40, 461. M W Erg. Oshawi, ................ Ã"OL Thora wore tour the: - gmiume, ý ýà&e permitéraly M. ving at Bý.sSbn ho ex-cady 9M ýa4.,Pr ia, South -4, of thé Oshâwàr -B. 'W'ý Brû 4e, tI fde boui -fin& ââL torio 0 But Whitby .......... 2M, 'Groff, of simeoe, cý Wo»ý,fMrisad të or 8aysý,thàt j, W«t Wliitby .......... 199, Ili the, pr h" Whithy Towný ...... Iffl, Paradait tât aie Of the06à" W give, liffl- ààd diven s ONLY tir' 50, PER 'AnNubi., pf- gain, eýi ýà à, lý -: the to1m, Diîlý waï à0oule. -e- . liaoueýr-i'to the 11èfàý %vies, of - lu this, ridiiig ôôêâîüw l--ý'- te the nby, Jsly 1ss, 1872* xsjmty 1,S ýRbbaý., -X -W 'Upon the arlival ....... tim, b-i-w Di,: of thd of thé îiîiý at 'W -a--, I4DdOz4 D. *b" 7 votes of CO.,re nt 4lic, It wwbe roulembered, howey ZbW4 lu the drill - filled the D i z à i e L,' b ý a t r wk. u? a ý,J timé., But at ý,-- igea ýý" lie a PIUIY ccmtest. Thèeý ý,>, ý , ý rollowed 1JY, *gxiàtione,-âo the visitors "bqo,ýmîjorîty Was ef il , ýrt "17 thà drillàà î:ýeW Ottàwà te ý insu» Mdbdâtle the , ffiqN second day of poifing. W -d- Thon can bd no misappreliension nomination ho n0.Wý a to a& M thé_ first d&Y, Mrý tho -soi MSh, c as te the issue this fme. The mask rO1"ýý1 Éà as protection from the extreme -bjý%t- of banquet woàld lie en M, TWE la -1870': khèn hm beau eut off 'and aie majority of elle. -But pald, the day. The Belore a puntlet principal speakm*ét' *0 1àÀÉwyAý. A,;dàtùm he fie hctèl Expedition, Was, about -ïtât' ga àa=1-ýÀli there W" it 8 threwn down, and the défiance bM âgentsof Mr. Gibbs 8eized'thý -g'olden Gibion, the Ccîuntý it *ùê' leared thst 5000111iL- Fort, Gaiil,, the litier Dr 'gave that the ýelqcfion would be à purdy OPPOrtunitY. aud,,A t :the cWn- MàcdoneU, Dr, moBri M ý àt Rocha W4 N., linos ern,ý il ý 3feom =cet the Bèv. PànsÉ, P' PârtY Content. Reretofore advantage ing 01 the Pella the '" i* d&Y, "the WIn. Sponce, Jàg, A. Campbell. of July, turneil modation, would -lie insufficieni td Wésleyan Conforence, de innues 'OMnipoteu - and, out -a Complété swindle' . the veq lafgely increaseil demAnd- . A effl ked permifigion of the 3 bu ýbWu taken of âïl, the si t Powell, of ýPuM was Martin, who ail dolivejea sensible ThoTe was shortvisit te the varions Pliwes Wu, " U iny thât could lie introduced by the op, patent te aIL s 1 peecheue 1 and spoke in a spili orge no drawing of ýrizles, the' manager, however, sufficient ýoýC4M- vý tbe Most Inter Of Sir George E. Cari t e they (Mr. Gibbs's master,) Je- send n, nu- Ellis, haýing, sudd'; 'di, ?Ulous that, patients of Bdformm. we had the Thanks te the efforts of the Reform ine friendlineu and liberality. At, the nly sappeared on B=] tholle Methodist Chaplain with the expea the day it a t:ý'Illtle nlight bc oblige, con nt tleniwlves No Party a" we hàd the démand PârtY, the pOlling in :tlw coming conclusion the Count MaOW cou Il w" &nnuunced te have taken with a room on the partuèrallip Pt noi, te mini ter to, the ophitualwa4to 4) a el$C" WW bc held on one day only. ertiseil was volunteers of thst denominatii)nl f, SI 3 àir trfid, and a hundrea other ad the brathren on tbeýî1uiý of sobri Fle, théY woluld'not bo. left te, wander ig great numbers joined the With We'necessary Bdorm, one held,. and those - Who W > pretézicés uàod for det«h4 votes chief mil good oraër."," ore pruent lÏM m the iuther..,romautk streets of the #. procéediffl worýe the Worth of' 'a lu avý téiianS Of Mr. G 1Ëý thèit money, But thons. raraLvilla Tlhey xPé and dividing the strSg p&TV,,Vote 01 ibbs hîwbeen out off. brôught.to a'dos, with, offered te -Pay a a unes, t4ree Cheers for Auds. wha held tic g . Ils M where the ban- ihto re.11 9 the 'Country fron any 4 second day's kets were unable te [net was1eld wasyère- tasteffly dec- Reformers. The issue hu been now The polÉng, and the the," eï, three for the 7-Qadailil thrëa ýànd buujàliý and Isy ig tlli matter. Au they Wjghed àttO &--and their il grata Wiffi 948 W'w OU& tIficial recogni. fairly and squarely put. The Govirn. 10119th'of the purgé, lias béen hithéito -for the Grýnd M"terl.,anatiI"6,' ' Ollarg arc -"ýreftey- upon thewalleWere ai tioli as, wc Pr9-, ý&bIy'gone. Bills of èale el f sever, aurriste loin su'u-PPEU.-eht righl me em àidvaiitiýie to. t;ïa Corrilpti , t th, sogift thio châ or" bis cler nt bave, of tbiirown accord, dmwn à gr OMS 8 Posed'by Mr. Garfh, Mùter'of illa ô0Ï-ý Inav 0 Mottoes., After fun'instice beau Pve il au tightly aIs theymay Party lineIll in 0100ely,,Odntestedaections. xt wag< âWa, Lodge, :for Mr. ý jolins ; on . of 1 B have been deposited With douai theugnal loyaland complimen- lesât te, propoz.,Y 1 a- < ally. ,ýüie pr -duties amoilg"ë. Méli-Of file fol OPer ()Olchâ,,--wliether. tary 'tes* vtSt piroposed and respond- Sir John and Sir Fmnoio have told no in South On"Oýn 1 67. It elected kfibeg, Grand . Mastei of Ireland. At real or te covei ',ed to. < Surely 1 thio *à& W't a small favoi their fiiendu Ïhat the - content A COrraPtionist Hamilton in '64, the e inuWiàary debté romains te lie - The annual meeting of de Associa- &8k; but,- iud4àd Of É,'OD'Ply'ng witl a onclugiOn the Procession reformed Oeen.' EUà,hWi beený"dëelared-bau-k- ïion W£ -à le4lim, illu. Bave , re nà g Party one, and tildy have don wheu "the Belo Candidate bail- 75 and 9 held on WedueMaymoftdttà, re"On&bW a their od'agilin through the several ýuptiliiistoçiseîz6âg and we may ex. and alter, nome' ùhijùportsut rolitiue tUmeji'Nere eü!UY iu&,-Med. of utmoet te amusé the Iliig4 fntêrest. miySity on firist day. It élected streets With flage and banners,, the baz4s' Beatty in T lut t -te see spmo business, and te )f th" go thro trapper tO queer' proceedings vo 0 ( e àu'undimi ý-- of theïr supportien by élection, when playing liv-ly aire. Th. m , , ", d ="olP tis thst _- no- a, embers of exposd when bis affilkirs aré enquired 'djourne to t amer, which--wâi the" Party léalty. Thoy have put the his- Min ri of the flint làay.lwaq the 104908 north were, played ý te the into., Of ready te tako'tbo*pgrty hôbiewaieds.- :Cler-1 n was,!rif", th*. re -1 inatter no very ohanged a luge majorîty on the station Of the Whitby and Port Perry h il aràewg «Ù% plainly tbàt Course the I'rnt'111 suffel' Assembling on decki; the Association nce foi sucà M the eav, y ame bc no possible mintskke. It net sécoixL ngst others. They have gave three heàrtý cheei,»,Jur, the vffiag eg1ir»tpýfbr the ütuopmt t ýëà ýà theâe consfituencies, and.in, Baüway, bywlý4b they left for home been ï4 take - 1 1 ý for 91 ' 1 0 « ho t, Trueman White or T. N. Gibbs now. Otheu- wfiiclz--"WO; Cannet ait prenant lit in and donc by the o£Bracebrîdge. T* Compliment was Thëjr -.reýlWcl thst thay d±pê éliortly alter five o'cloù. rýhé'-- streets accompbd Éllà h - returzled by equally hearty cheers for -Or là4uiié AUY-'.'aUowanco' In the inatte i 1 W 0 came to them, iw -1 '. -". 1 That in - net the issue. But the lune cà Wmina, Beformers would bave were throngea ', throughoiit the, - day, wi the Press-mon,'fwin the vigers con, se, ëyWere re ind wïlli6é to th the tient testimonialo in the sida thit esch reproseits. Mr beau eted had dure -been one days notwithstanding the ktmy se Il of the 'rom lead'ng géeg-ted on thewharf. A spiondiil au é%penseâ. rought a e aso Men and newspapers ci Rochesteri in dinnar Wag Provid1id, en the steamer, refusing the ne 0 ' Z White, '(WliaWer là admitted or 1ý î only. The giest majority Of The cars of the Whitby and wbieh City Ceg0fry permiti attributeil doficiencies Mâyý-be) in in 0 Word poueil on the firet day, Port Perry Railway ho bas resided for yearg, a1terWhich ÃŽhe ladies and gentlemen course thé Methodisi ebapt4in was ný 9 were filleil te thoir and hithorto borne an irreproachable wOnt on dock te view the indewnbably Bout- "No diisenters need al!pV' W. the COrmPtiOuisto Wore able tu utmost capaci this Content, , the otantlàrd.bearer of ty bringing in excursion. haractr for honesty. beautifill seanery. Tihrough us Oka the - Engh of the inaült thug ýferk the Great Roform Party of Ontario. n hOw ManY, Out of the few hun.- lots- EverY thing Pftssed offin the best Lake, and Biasong (or, Mr. "bWi Fiýo=h =aster te one -Mr, Gi48ýhe should nôt be à - i «Ira votes rOmailimé unpolled, it would possible order, and wi-thout accident. How te go West. a p 14rgest and Most rospected boàic 'Id y lie necouârY te Purchase toi gain thé The beaxing d appearance of the locks which the Government s re- Of Christains in Canada. .. A Roma nated Contervative--the No P125, an This is an enquiry which mery 04,0 cently completeil nt Fort Carling, on Catholie prient and ail English Clinre man--4hé man who, asked for a." elactiOn- And,. it la needless te say, Young Britona in theïr neat White nuits - the latter river, Lake Rosseau was en- clergyman, both under the regirW pu t ' 1 (and Who, got it), represontgAlIe the required number wu always se- and handsome regalia, Was the =est should bave truthfülly answered bc-- tered. Hundreds of islands, saine of Of the conntM and armeil With fù 01, rument Party. Cured. fore lie sfarts on bisjourney, and a them net more than an acre in extent, 'Official recognition, were the oniy Let it bo re. remarkable feature or the procession. little care , spir. But an this -in n- talion in examination of and wooded te the water'o edge, were tual advisers allowed or thought neeef mombered that, while claiming Con. Ow donc sway with. The efficient mannerà in wideh the du. Rou tes *Ãœl in maily cages Bave much Passed, whle ou either side nt no place BarY in-this anabaoii. Did the preseii gervative support, neither Mr. T. N. The trump card, which Mr. Gibbs tics Of the Director of Cérémonies were during the entire trip land was more self-constituted champion of Mothod Gibbs nOr his litother William avoir and bis Party have hitherto field, in dÃŽsellarge4 by Mr. Kerby, of the Osila. trouble, finie and money. thau about kalf a mile distant ; while 1181n, Mr-T- N. Gibbs, rai" bis voie The 46C., B. & Q. - did work with the Conservative Party, lent, and we joubt if th, good regults wa, and Mr. Garth, contributed in no 0 c ýO th oug ait nome points net more than fifty ýgaingt snob treatment of ]lis co-religion altllough maw Claiming thoir support. willnot lie OhOwn in More constitueu. mall degrec to the full succegs of the fr m chi ac r Il Galesburg ta Yards. The ,celle ilits thon ?-Net a bit of if. The Gibbsoâ invariably weiît with the cies than South Ontario in flic coming celebration. 13 lin ton hu achieved a spiendid more roman ^ýd pictur-esque thau Il Ho pd uni his inouth, bc spake net Istretigest party, and bave no personal content. -------------- réputation in the lut two years as any in Ontario. it was understood. Word; that at the bead of theý lake-at the Ho listened, and voted and silently heard orparty claime wh&tover tu Conserva. T112 BETTINCI MzNýIt in Clirigua te the Icading Passenger Route te the vilIageoi, Icoggeau-a grand reeeption Hiii people Msulteil, ])nt ilever demurred.11 The laite- Dr. Warren. note the action of the bettihg, men of West. At Buiiingtý12'*t connects with wotild bc given the Association by Mr. tive support. Ilowaver, the issue, 1 Ask the journais of the House anc Wu - intended putting itIl in ftow as the Gibbs party; and if the old adageý the gréait Burlington Routa Which rang Pratt, an enterprising American, Who theY will tell that thon, and for the las rowed bar- à feeling of the mont profound regret that straws show whicli way the win,ýl direct tl bas established a hotel and summer five years, a more slavish supporter o down te tdo Mr- Gibbs' sud »Praad' lever the tOwn on learning, ô Irough Southom Iowa te. Xe- resort for the Convenience and accom. dis saine Cartier il the odds and ends of a party, Who 'rhuraday Il blows bc truc the result of the Coming braska and Kansas, with close ce 1 nuée. modation of tourigU. The Association, ces net exist in ci morn'ng last, Of thé sad and electionnmy ' Out Of Parliament thau Mr. Gibbs bc easily prodicted. Before tiens tu California and the Territories ; On disembarking, wai reccived by Mr. After thug allowing the whole Method. ng, disrcPute ou the very name of of Dr. ReM Warren, of Brooklin. It a Réforra candidate was in flic field, and Passenge 0 rting front Ontario Pratt, and escorted te the hotel, where ist body te lie snubbeà in his prosence, conservative, or TMOM« Wbite and appears thst the Doctor remaitied in m ta an address of welconie was resd by Mr. and before bis face, without ut.teling An Olitarle Party. Trueman White- Whieby over Ilight on Wednesday. on Odds Of ton te one were offèred on Mr. COuntY# On their way westward, cannot Siratt, an ùld and respecteil résident of one word of objection, lie lias now the indu floni the POOPIe hifflolf, Whose Thuroday morning, on renelling hein Gibbs's reoçlectiun ; Whou Bir. White do betteil than to take thei Céi B' the district, te whicli the worthy Pregi- hardifigod te come back te Ontario and Sympatkies arc With the peopk was nominateil by the neformerg, flic and Burlington Boute. dent of the Association,, Mr. James ask these mille Methodists for thoir an lie ProeurOd nt Idâ !aPothecatYft, Slr. -odds loWered ta two te one. And- now This tine bas publýhOd a pamphlet SOMOrvflle, :reP]ied'Ï in bis usual able votes te seuil hF enliglitencil and intelligent' working Dawca's, tWO ounces of laudanum, -and the contest is scàr-cely bc 'm back another terni te man, or Mr. Gibbs--the would lie which ho drank in the shop. Ilà im gun- con. manner. Brief addtesses Were aise wonhip Sir George. Can impudence delivered by Messra,'%'Vylje, Pargo and aristocratý-thü wito-are-you-Sir style mediately or brass go further ? We think net. these betting gentlemen hâve entirely tains much valuable information ; a Clarke. went home, ai Mr. Prate bail his enii,,, Mr. Gibbs WM find that th, denomina- "il tak'ng a 90131 out 01 the business. Mr. Gibbs, large correct map of the Great îvest, decotàted with cv of gent, and who, if ho and big brother loaded.pistoi frein ilis room Il t 1 i ergreens, appropriate tien lie 80 shamefully deaerted at Of- bail the power, Woul s 0 lm_ they filld, is -ildt 80 popular a candidilt, whieli can 1)(J Obtained ftee of cha mottoes, etc., and . an citengive plat. il cide rough-shoil self. The cause Of the rash act ïï rge tawa, and which lie nàw tries4o bribe vver the peuple. lg-as* as wa,5 boasted ; and seeing the adruir- by addressing the Gencral Passeliger form erocted in front of the bouge (sur- in ontàrl., by donations to, thoir O'guedo'by modical men, to the inorbid able Organization of Mr. Agent B. R. B., Burlington, I roufided by trocs), on which those cf 1 chùjýelieso Ètr,ë fàr, too ilitelligent tg bc The Price of Glory. p tripped the liglit fautastie te the ex- &Pression Of Mind sud 5 irits under frind,, they won't wager any more en "-a- the Company Who Were se dispdsed 1 il by th i one sùbteeuge,-azý- t.0 Whieh the Doctor liad exi SOIREF. -A sdiree in aid of the 1 Ciz1le toebe swayed. ýy - the other. sted for some tbl rOturn of thoir favorite. Like Manse fiinil of the Presbyte cellent mugie of a string band, »'Dàne- 'eli-ion of a candidate was te bc Silice the close uf the groat war with finie Proviens te bis death. If the 2 c Othello, their occupation% gon rian ing was kept up nearly aU niglit, and au object in the people's f-epresezita-- France, Germany bas roccived from, 1 'Plie funeral took place on Satürday el and Chlirch, en the 7th con, of Pickering, all seemed te enjoy themselves very ne longer docs " III bet you $lo that tivesi with the large and respected class that finfortumate nation in- the alispe of afternOOn last te flic Union biirial was lield on Weduesclay, lath inst., at 1reartilY- té whîch Mi. Gibbs is attachedjý (and indonjuity un legs than four hund -il ground, wlien a large concourse of Gibbs 'Il lie -elected Il froni excited whieli a large number of friends were Il The annual meeting, adjouîned at we are sure it is notj) this sertiple eau re Gibbsites 9tate- on the car. If is a Bracebridge, was resumed on the bc satisfied by vo « ilitil eighty inîllionx of douars, and mOurlÙug and gympathizing friends present. The day's enjoyment was, steamer on leaving that port. i tirigfor Mr. T. P. therc in still remaining six hiandred and eurieus sign of the allies, and one of however, som--wliat lessened by fre- were cle The fol.- White, who Is algo ône-Of tliemsi,ýIve.g. in Paying flic lad tribute of More Signifieance than a great inany IOýring Officers Cteil, for the on- Re lias no . object te serve but tlicir sixty rnillions before the Pitusian army quent and heavy showers of rain. An 1 sup.g ea intereSts. No bowh respect to one Who was go highly and Peoffle would aftaeli te it. ý1d ig illid, Of occupation in finally withdrawu.&OM excellent tea was serveil by the ladies, c . r scraping deserveilly esteemed -in the commlinity., en .-Mr. J. Cameron, London and crawling before the grcat man at P'J»011('h Oeil. It in catimated that the Dr. Warren ' 1 a Advertiser, Ottawa wh c Wasa youugmanscarcely PRESC2NTAnO.-i.-M,,jor liodgsou, of nd partaken of by a large number. In- 0 ÎÉ-gults bis Wpli,, andi Lit Vice-President.-Mr. Jas. Innes, 1 thon à golden smile fori'thexe saine ciltirc COst et flic war'to Garmany was in tle Prime Of ]ÉO, 'beilig in bis thirty- the gallant 84th, was recently presont- teresting and instructive addresses were Guelph Mèreury. 1 people when lie re-'-isits Ontaiio. This i about $275tOOOeoooý @ô that the job of yearl and bis liutimely deccae ed with a valuable watch by th,,,nem- delivereil by Mr. Gibbs, M. p., Revils. 2nd Vice - Presitient. - Mr. W. R. latter is what Mr. Gibbs does. Away a. leaves à blank amongst us net easily bers of the Brooklit, Co., whieli ho, i son 1 Climie, Bowmanville State8m(rn. do Mr. G., yon lituniliatiug and defenting a troubl filled. Messrs. Ballautyne, Kennedy, Gîb with him. If won't *c'lie 11CI811bor bas Proved a liandsome prier te his -pppmotion, commanded. and Beattie.-.ýèo3l. 1 rensurer. - Mr. H. Hough, Milst make way for lionester men. COI'Coy,ýT'Vorld. and limlitable financial performance. The inscription reads--66iýlres- L.%cRossE MATCII.-A lacrome Yours truly, ented te Secy.-Mr. J. G. Buchanan, Mro recontly publialied a despatch te Ma' W111TE'S lý1-EFTIliG Ix WIIITI3Y.- Major Thomas ' match ilýUn ton Evening Tintes. WESLEYAN" CONSERVATIVE. Mr. White 110deon by flic molli- botween flic juvenile the Direct that a troaty liald been cc belli 8 Most successfül inect. bers of No. 6 Company, 84th Battalion, ville and Wlithy clubs of BOWInau- Mr. R. 11athison, recently of the NýllitbY, 15il, July, 187i2p. n- iug in Wliitb on Tuesday evening lagt. in being arrangeil tg Braniford. Expo8ilor, and Mr. A. J. would engure the carly y ---------- After heari in _race," nition of bis services and WOrth bc PlaYed here en Friday, August gtil Belch, lately a the 3t. Mary,8 Argus, WON'T SOMEBoDy STOI, evacuation of French tertitory, but ng ýfr-'ýVI'ÃŽte's explanations, while Captain, and- te mark their songe next. were unanimonsly elected honorary Ham11ýon Time8 gets off ilig, toil telegrain telis-ns a Dr- Carson, 14r. Holden, âfr. Q. Y. of. appreciation of his prolnot. Owing flint, although mombers of the Association. Smith, Mr. Ion as M the exýerise of Sir John' Cortaid -districts are te bc gradua J. K. Gordon, Mr. MeMil- Major." Fin£ AT O.liHAWA.-.rlle Stables and The place of meeting and route IIY for soinebody stop hirh ? We inean Sir kl%'ùcttr4tetl"Ûerinany lttlqthe right t lan (Greenwood & MeMillan) and other ---ing-l'Ouse bolougin" te Mr. Ca . next excursion were tlien discusseil, and 0 . dri 'Ir it was decided, on motion of Mr. Smith, I»aÃŽ]ttui" the full atrongth of the arm gentlemen PresOnt delivered addresses. Tiin DEMOGRATS FOn GREIýLE--As michael, antl the stables belonging te John. He if; go;ne ton fast, At otta y of the Elora Observer, "conded by Mr. wa Sir Jolin beld Ébat "Scott was shot,11 Of occupation in France ulitil the war A résolution Pledging the meeting was anticiPateil in last week's CHRoxl- Mr. Gunock, werc totally destroyel by ýnnes, of the Guelph Mercury, te bold 1 ... - -- . . --- te auneart ii,, xvi,,é- 1 CLRý flin but WrIIIIII .... il,.e S.- L-A tell liw"ý.. alli le, à-, W bue whia4 *héü W P Elowland wax fW éuyS]L W, P, -WIL9 wau 04:ý-v'Pr-- ýUUf# euffle t&i have fnt -ffieen n=:Iýýý y lu onumon of Urièle for iL ýTbi8 -Tories -ýgr2ât aýUd mÏau lied silowlau(lisa Y=kee 11ily, is &slIoýr»I 1?* Gënaemeï4- eit-her you. uld itheri brýug 1- , orléar leader nor, "r- a disloyal, ann xationisf YdIDEee« ûLe, rll'fuânating Om-' üret Governor ç£ ýOntario.ý --Take your Win be- ýr___ Choicé. ýye been,- bw"ht - , About the saute time Mr xacaougau F. 'Arabs; soute remarkw ia- l'axlùuuént, be remem= -,Whichweer'o interpretîta- by tke Tory pz- efore Rirk or ýUy into dý 8 to"&I-oe tý0 waahing- Ain IVII29- ton." -Thqrçmpon a, &iîý cry -wao ,ndrcctý the latel. àï3d, ' » - 'donge, ià», clisi9yýj I'r )n was in the-la _r8 bel 111- ii.macdougàn.-isa re - we ;çe,, as being as- Say, either,,ULýU d Ifàcd7ougââý - or es ývisibüi and John'-A. wâw--Çe ,Iii&t ttyl, ere' GovMor of Manikdxe- uport of his hav- Take yqnjý laliQiee àgaingenflemem' in iM .,the "fories, -openly sccus;e&ý' well-known "m- Joýfpk- 1 , L6we' of high treasori, ., The, i > wesWd by Liv- leàdi.ng, orýâuý. 1 ýMte it, alid, ile. ùnýý_ , -tWt--his horror w-ashed crowd ze-echoed. it at the t with book-craft A, Ëe-,, m,,ths passed by: -John A-- ration th'"t Macdonald took this same Ilowe iurW Ca than t'O tell 'hi, cabinet. The Tories one and a-11- k of his nàýUý41Y groadyfalFàfi d]EtoweorJohnA-m=de'ý aud. the 'well-as- a man gniUy of treason a Minister- of ?its of lifý3 such as th, Crown. Takè OU, choice once go- Many yearse more; gentlemen. it, become invet- Eitlux yon are exceedingly econo- able, The quýd- mical of the truth and Unspanng 1ný 3ads and tell, of i iis, oryour leader a ints Stanfio Lad your aspmw ppo - anoz' -,- men guilty of treason to the highest Ini, er Eng- olfices in the ýitate. .ed wiih 1,10am- boupdo and fled Th, Ottaw- -a Free Press given the Lividgstone, the fU , - of the kàoekàzg 'back Idiome of ý 0'Inng parliýr" death of a child, by burning, at tâe Ulysses spirit is of HuIl -d'One of -the most bùt lchas no har'tri-ndiug accidents thaý it Ims beem aim at any par- our anty to elironicle for a long time.ý dug two yeau as past, oceurred in Hull yesterdiýy after- complete his dis- noop, bywueh a little girl &bout fivo. tion of 18Qmilés yeù# of age, ï1sûeter of ýfr.ý N. Mor-, 'bt'I'f"eO tO get eaulgrocer, ihct-ývith a, ibost fearfui- further 'nffIDIIatý accf&nt whieh fatally. The n of binuelf le chilo-wao playing in the yard with two dmself made upý younger-brothers, around.a large fîreý ir bronght buk which, had been buüt, and b some âants, and that ý y means or other accidentally fell into it. il Dr. Xirk féom The crieî; of the little onè attracted the âd, declinedto. attention, of à woman near by who, untfl the. pur- immediately rescued it, Lut not hefore côuld no longer it was burned in a most shocking man- ùet. I sond yon ner. Its own parents mere in the shop h. ut thetiMe, anddidnot, know of'thé Giants. < accident until the ffl d wga brouglit in. The little .-one lingere in the* greatest ageny .-for 'a short time,,when- death put a the par- au end to its sufferings. The parents 2bivée discovery have.the sympathypf the community iiii parties who in their hour of trial. . The- smoke was on the banks of so great that the people of the village te township of ýe t it -ýrAs some place on fire: the eto five or six was given and the engins turned strange sight out. one upon 26,N) skele. - The -Ùamfiton Tims remarks upon . . to the delight; with which Sir John ýL te y .. « a Maèdonald.snu'.bo his own orgýans.-,The > one beino Leader, the Were also à'0 ýpevIafor, the Free -Press, )er of axes and a:, have beau ow-earilig férocionsly for the Iast five vears that there are no In thejaws s were large parties, in Caýa;da, -Icnd àat parties 'at t Mrý 0. War- best, -are a- sort of daL-U"à'ble WeZtijý ronto a day or Of Satan for the rufn of a ocuntryý ,as unarthed. NOw Sir John tells ùffl.ý-,that parties )se of men of are talet1y cas nt!C - and correct, thera measur- and =sel;ý sirt mg à party ihi^,ll boucs man as any Canada. ' W,43 suppose balf a foct the Tories 'have nothing -to 'do but esent - Imown, swallow - this new ýatent pilL , Five Mpletely Cov- Sir John told them tha-ÃŽdý par. uarý person. = extffiet, and they havë Zen )sed ter belong cryigg -against earty ever since. No W people anter- hetellsthem.t at parties must exist, thme years and we presume a great cry for - party Bu -were found, will go up all over the Domni out six miles ELTAL SnooTiNG ail itL- ghastly July 13--A fatal shooting affray occurr- )the view of cd at the Arthur railwuoy- station lait ilake à visit night about ten o'clocIL - As-the'passen- ger train was about leaving fer Mount ;t doubt that Forest, one of the ý emplojvees of the. rare on Ihis train got Wo 'some altercation with wiuiÀ 'Oie some drunken parties hangin- around mmd housJË, the station. ý. The train was ý ' in motion, have beeii, when some party unknown 1 fired two ýs C£*Pits of a <1 or three shots. >A youn- man named unearthed, Ilunter, from --Oxange;le, who w-as the bhtce a tanding near the car door, was shot in red i befoi-, the left breaÈt, the hall penetrating the i made pubi- Hwalkedto.theeniofthecar, of a black- and backagain, the- blood meanwhile ýWotonË-of gnshý-igfromhismonÈh. Rediedina inentswere fém-wiýuutes- Acoroner's.inquestwM ýonth» ago. bc këla An the body this niorning. No r 150 al-ýrpq- hPP" --Il- - -4: East WhitbY COuneil- di t flic ebdilty, as mowing Maehines 13elow Cgst of fo ed a - new A U;,w O_ýecj àubçitt:r irierson, ueo. yule, esteemed thro 0 Somé of the Bad Votes of thc'Scs3ign, Columbug, July Sth, 1872. The W' Of Jrf 000- GOrdÃœn, Robt. WilIiso Tý W. being Most amiable, and in bis respon- During the hin a few 'UterOgt, lu the 89041 town of Whitby' Clegg, John Ilhompton, Ë. ltoiitt, 1. G. sible position ever ready ta assist the daysa s&visÉ majority, Couneil met. àfembers ait present. A PC Bince toi thé town bas ver oseph Hall Manu&cturing are bidden, gave oeveralWvohtdesddofaas tyheey Petition was prçsented, praying the teý y seldom, MODfflallb 19. Paliner, B.. Warflký unfOrtunat8 ta 'the fullest extent of his of Oshawa, are offering objectionable character, saine of whieh Counell ta procure a survey of Lot No. ne beentonored M with hie D" noa; bis Thomas gloigh, n. H. Betts, Win. C2pan, ahffity. His loss will bc severely fait, saine phio jn4ý_ we shall enumerate. 0 J 12 in 6LE, Con, granied, and the 1teevý 110 V18*871& thOse 'Of sugele, boing low Botta, Ed. Frost, A. C. Wilson, Win- not only by his immediate relations but 1 They gave a ay ail parliatuentsry and cleýk ho iristructed ta prepare and rt' and fAr bOtw-eiu- And Whou in town, Bruce, George Rodd, R. Roboon, R- by the community nt large. Mowcrsý-(iàrW sii-);,-ý,caYuga Chief control over thewi--ense expenditure forward tisenecessary papers. Ti lew, ontaide a seloot 'coterie, ha& Thomton, James F orsyth.-wîth power Junior And Wood's Self- tobeincurred-in the constimet gessrs. Smîth and Luke re orteil thst Ei Pacifie Reway, andýplaced ion of r bli a chance of speaking with di our ta add, Tirz BALLOT IN ENGLAND.-It will bc rakerai at , I)rice far below ýcosL- of the unlini- they had found land examinC7 a rond ta foi evade the bill an the Town Line. oppo- Pl; member," Ilowever, now light lm Mr. Twoe*die, deputy reeve of the seon that thé Lords liaýe pagsed the prq&ÙWon; AÃŽ thcý ýr1eseni price of itçd power in the hands of th, Goverii- site the 9th Con., and had let a contract dawned nient ta use the maney granteil ta pur- w;i UPOn the profound township of Whitby, Mr. B. S. Camp- Ballut Billq Without amendinents, thug Iran; "Machiriery cannot bc made -at ta the amount ùf 115 fer ifs improve thé X* du Ouse of Corftmons, bell, and sèverai aller gent1galen train- showing thst they are beginuing ta anything like the present--prices, 'and They voted Clown the proiliosal ta ment. and Whitby haying now becorie such- a distance,ý, «ërý Uloo present, taking a appreciate the aga in which, tlùg -adopt the 4 faut 8J incli gauge for the On luption of Mr. -Stnith. the Reeve dis they live farinera WM do Wall to.purchase Intercoloniul Railwav, whieh is liow granted an order on the Troasurer ta Or. intere0tiu« Placé, ià visited daily by WOInI ihtêýest izi4he proceedilogs. better than they 4ve been in the habit year, as the saving *iii bc Malec than M,. 19. Toms for $8, nnd Mr. Il Graham Pa] him. Of course the élections coming admitteil ta bc the best and cheapest for $6',166cts., being for shcep killed by Of doin We @hall ore long sec the the interest of the mOneyýf« se oral gauge for such a rond. on bave noth!ng'to do with the" fre. The Wirnbledon,,Tearn. saine incagare passeil in Canada, and years. - Labor must bc very . v rce They refued ta abolish dual rcÉre. dogs, owners utiknown. Said claims quent visita, which mqt and doubtioss *Will sentation. having been proven ta the satisfaction of ÇANADA the výéry parties that have opposed it and dear. All wanting-machines 1. - VICTORIOUS They rejected Mr. Blako*s Bill tro se. the Coencil- ME will coue imniedimely a thé Con. will lie eloqueçt In its advocacy- and do- well ta' go ta Oshawa before pur- Mr. Mothersill reported thst lie had test, whetlier Ur. Gibbs bc electëd or A despateh froni London oays ihat anyious for it ta beeome law. - The chaéDg. preferring ta sec that chamber fille ' paid flic Treasurer $2 50 which be had a net the eau"an teain have won a glorious world evidently maves. Iron bas advanced 100 par cent# and with placement rather thau those who rteeived train Mr. S. Tolus for rent of 'VictOrY nt Wimbledon, liaving succeed- is still aclvancing. would act for the . best interest of the Bw the allowance for rend between Lots Ne, Mr- Gibbale Methodiern. 14,and 15 in North hait of the 1 Ê Con Pro VALUABLE FAUX FOR SALF.-Atten-l country. %, essrs. ly ed in carrfing Off the Balah Calapore ion directed ta the advertisement of The use of tobsoeo causes M geýti' rs to &n'excelle a sh( We refer Our rie nt Chgàenge Cup, beating the United t 's ont Tfiqy defeated a messure limiting th Mr. Mothersill moved thst élections ta one and the same àày, a Smith, Luke and the mover be. a coin- latter couvoying the wl, e argument in Kingdom, teain $y eight points 1 ' This valuable farm. for sale by Major Rodg. palpitation, slowness à intellect, a des- Illich would prevent mach mittee ta exatnine the rond alli)w'atice bc- - ick 01 stron- drink, and au intermittent zikeas=e -W, wal otlier columin. is a greât victOrY for Canada, and one son, in other acharna. Thùý farm ire for a corruption and bribery. -tween Lots No. $and 9, south of the ------- Which everY Patriotic Canadian, lias !wýich is exactly half a, mile square,) pulse; it destroyo the vitality of the They voted down Mr. Blake's Bill HRrbour Rond, in the Broken Pront a" TuE LATEST AXD ýWOUT_ is in the highest state of hereof nt the Enl -The lâtest roason ta feel proud of. cultivation.-,, blood, produces dizzimiens, diaturWà4ep, providing for the trial of controverted Cap., and report the valiid t iai and, as yet, the most nt idée thst -are new and in firit.clags makes a man miserable, and preMâtý élections the Jud es, a systemWhich next meeting ni the Couneil. Carried- tar las yet e;unâtod früm, WANrED.-À NXw elty Tlle slip. order.. Theréis li the Gibbs a large orchard, of won urely old. , Whou the disemes are seri- !m Warka admira The Couticil passed à By-L,,,e,,. aP , bd; scribbléro, RPË«ra In lut wookes, Ga- Portera of Mr. Gibbs are liard up for au solected fruit t rccs, and about six huit. ans and stubborn, the best xîmedy is lu our own Province of Ontario. pointing Mr. Ralph, Robinson collector' she Farewell ha eléotionoering cry. The Il Voluntece, dred ornamental trees on it zette, Rare it.is - of taxes for the present yparý r been trying ta the. 'place. FeHows, COMPOund Sy1rup Of, _HYPOP14- - It à gdmittOd On ait bands that flic The foII6,Wing secolints were prosent- & imPyellil tbo'people of fry agsilut lfr-Mbte, like, the Il fair. Every conveniencO in the way of water osphi sasitrestores te j iret"tion, the growing faU whent crop will net yiela el], examined by the ordci' Mez the town Of Whitby thëthà ialiem Ël4Y" OrY# which amisted- in électirw and Outbuil UIY the inuscleoi more than half the quantity produced ed ta be paid; of Mr Smith relief ta fil with the Ontsrio'G"Mmnt is i . Gi in 1867, fi, té use. a valprwm, and induces -4 e- _., bbs dingo. - nervous ganglia; hait lut car Theréare $orne good fields, digpnti; $31 - of Messrs Brown & Pat Monge and that ho WMý nu î& Towy Cou heàltlý 4iv«r,ý Heàrt, bat = ge froua frost seems ta have temon, for ]Ud Scrapers $42; of T. stel 0 ,to bave @tUuly "p4yid out.,, À new one ý "cýL-Thero was rio racet- Stomaéh and Intellect, bc -ù 'tlio Propoged Agriculture Colloge la.- muot lio Bild iumedàtely. lqo doubt ing Of the tO'w'n courocil on Mondav en alniosi arriver& - The weather Wille Gibbs, for spiken for -Itellioig of for a week or two haî been foc dry for bridge $140; ni H. Polond, fur Cedar Mal cated bore, -The matter however =Mt one of the "q editors îvho now evening last, for want of'a quaruln. A fact Worth reMèn1beriDgý--fivs_ the fipro- ;, but'they do n Timber $1,2 GO'; ai Mr. G , uy. relief te quej bc pouding until alter gloction,:whm it dourieh on the Gazette wili lie shie ta The members ýreseut Wore, the Mayor, cents Worth of Sheiidan's ý-don- ta le stiffering any serions iniury, while indigenis $lb; Of MégArs. entip, Clark a will bc duly enquired futo, and ftým' lurnOfi One- '01 course it need not Uesors, Blow, Powvsu, King, ileblil. dition Powders, given a bons tiwi 'the last few days have bf-QýWt saine & Co., for stai il a qi aistirances-lie h" reckved, thora la ùot have mue truth in it arrything Witt lan and Powell. a Week, wal gave double thst am t liet 0110-wers, sud, more anearance of Dickson, flour supplied lu indigents, by ta Il clin Moist *eathér. Ray * e 8: in e and a orler of the eduneill $11. the lèsit rOOM for doubt but' &Qth do, l3ùt one t grain, and the liorse will lie tter, full ave=geý yield.- onetaW bc lind. dây Vouricil âdjourned ta the first Mon' Ontario *M ba, the, choim op &CCID.ZNT.-On Thurs last, U lit- éleckert ýnd very way Worth more da Tàm W30TMM FAM-Tho Western tic boy, soe-of ,Mr, John, RoMn day In Aucust Dezt, ot. Rout :Morley thaù though,,^,hë,,. did not, have, com White zntwt in- the Moantime b# eleZ ùiiý under th'& augim of the London rua- thora. TËE ALMM& C"MB-Lmdon, July Thé N. 1.'H«ald thinks ihat the Pros ta etronothen " position with the md.Mid&legex eu rang and broke bis ar= ls--TjwobiromýOr nuticietes that by enormou -and en- croasing patronage of M soyem= tf and to OMTY Ont bu - 'bar. Socie. Marriéd 'ladies, upder1.ý_aU circulai. the swards ta bc made b the G&W the Pre" ntial office, larger now thau joh, le 'ViU bc held'at thé, cityý qf i»ndob PWRO Tribunal, Enýknd wilfà Obl4ed v' Mr. Gibbi Win op PAULUIXENT. A stances ý will -find PârsW# Purgative ta could evér bave been eontemplated bý 11*ii 4vo On t4e @th, Vth, li»b, -and Ilth salais Of to mmeý44 ý hf Mblo de9stob OSYO thet the Bri zay heavy tam for- direct the liainers - of the constitutioi:4 is a Petf ffl les"-PIPOý à bMu t=8 tM« next. Prémi tiah Plus sale and, in atua doms, a mild 5, blglOug Ãœ is bc * ved the ta- fimi , sourco'of danger ta the' rcpnýlic ront, oue farfimnew. tal amount upu ta the, Win probably Çafl!Krfie- 'qlwY eau" rio griPing POins magel wili fall below the Amerim tiul and deserves the sérions' con"ra#on St. -0 effamatles by OUY" Müli= N'el, .."&,thougbJfu £m.' jiyinn, speak weu for the head and e skuns it Ileart of Mr. Godfrey, and wül afford, Issors, died another ground for the, high regard in ïem were which lie and his celebr-ated band are axes are heI4 jýy-the American peoplé. bui keen à ý'of-rtonel 'ABoy'SFOOTMOWEDOFF.-ManiUa, rhe pipes -Tuly 18.-A sadaccident lFappenéd here atty pipe, this morning to a lad roûmed ýAlfred aved with ILII, aged 13 yean. Hewas as sistin- Mr. Jewell,, who Was méo wing clo 0 their vir- ver, ole profess when lie observed.the elover-a little-to thickcon one side of the machine. -In redinburýg stepping forward to remove this thema- a burial- Lra of the chine compleUly severed his fé 'ta little -below the instep. He was w-trees of immediately spoi goes attended by Dr. Wylie, who performed amputation enterior. to the osiralag= and og, calcig; The patient is élojug son, and as favourably as coi;id lie expected handji imiter the çýrcumstancéi;. It wili ROBBEP»Y-,&tAbOut-lmlf-past eleven and does on Sattirday: two men' named Joseph Lurono and Theophile, Perron entered . . . . . . 3e of the the store of Mr. T. J, Wilson, Severn Éridge, tluAg his temporary absence, ,r nained 'nd a as given and stole 0156 in'bank bills a clique for $17, Mr. Wilson soon after Lrder has and lias miissed the money, and' pursued the is ulieer. thieves, ivho were discoveredi, mated 1 y the npon à log, a short distance out of the village, dividing the spoili. 'lbey were arrested, and the Money recovered ýOmPanY "£lie prisoners have been sent to Barn'e edd in- for tria'L-Bxpoqitor. locomo- RAMWÀY ACCrDEXT.-ý3ojarkhaM, JUly of tlieir 12-An accident occurred last night on lo.ùtreal, the Toronto & lýipissing Bailwày, at 8; d arcel of small bridge between-here and Sto-uff- to the ville. Séme alterationg were being made te the bridge, and a portion of the rails were taken up. A ý section pugh -lie Mau waz stationed to stop, the down ai over- train, but lie faüed to show- his. signal in time, and the train ran off t6 track n. The atolow-opeed. Noone-waaÉùrL The ýgîne nd several lumber cars are men of eý a 1 . in il ged passenger traffie is n - ot morn- t pted 1 It is réoported that a war- Of Hal- rantisoutfortlie arrestofthe signal in quite rjýan. A Convict in the Miebigan State ri- son has by thedeath of his fathert It7e MI en heir Ito a fortune of 8980,000 and Ï_ Y, ln la 'ïâluable falm, li it in Do ypu want to cool ycur room editor- TýY this ýýWet a- eloth of Any Bizé, the largèr the ý better, - and suspend it it a > lia à Viait rom. 'Let the âg and sud the temperature _wM sink fium ten -to t*éey-dëpffl in Là thm _à n heur.

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