Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jul 1872, p. 4

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thes bars in Engla r ' by woineu, au4ý Z, over thbe street do kéep snd retail"' al«i vrh6 repartedl limealfi Jthy, MaV ~T1u Vràe otbrsbaek etlz*t"B datê teme,"eu- Y, Poksg FPî-a iaaRailroa42 - W. Derrick Dodd waýtes "s foUlows to thbe Washington GapUio1 about thbe brapch iralroad between Saltizuore an&d the apmtal4 'But about Ibis railroad. 0f course 1 wanti t abollshed, everyone does. Thw rockleaa velocty wlth whieh trains are rulàhbetwee iad Baltimorein; 15 b- ý- .wasdýeghtd yourzago wet4 rcad wàû estabiseie, beauseI thogh ive aad goi 'Id of$the daaigerbualy fi stage oacheo, but the. spsed t1hsy arec beglnnngto rauthe trains on this rd laswore yet.. àulinch, and hree days sud a baifis. ja1entya 4uick e4ougir fdr thée tn,, but tue managers lbave alresd reduoed ýt4 qhduleticue to Ibrec dy ud<' g~ui, 'ed r,Vlxat ihmokaig 1th on gtýieiestoc hel, eud raiugwith Co#s alcng the Irack, and .11 that,' the con. dàctors are even cuttîtubaI im Wlîy', il wae con ytlb.other day on the .dcwu trip, we b lappeued tosopy old sinim's mule abeut t»v miles ont cf towu. What should tIi. reckless wreteh of u engiuaaer do but lâp on full st.am and racc. every inch cf the. w-y into thbe <istriét.» W. dÃŽrid't'exacîly pas th. muleb but we cauglit up *with hlm li-e,, sud came imb the depol ueck sud ueck, aend whiclî was pufflueg the mont, lihe mule or the -egieeu. couldni - have -IdIsaeyaur life, 140w il is ail very excitlug sud aSl Ibat, 1 knew but I hsdn't purchased an sccident ticket, sud I dou't believe th« other four passengere bail elîher. This I ise ail wrong, Mr. Editor, a&l wroug. t And thon ou suother occasion, 1 r.- mnember, wc came witbin a haWrs breadîlioff baviug a very serions acci- dent. The enjziueer liaS gatten off te suowball a chipaule, sud lbe couSue. tor was miuding a yoeeng wldewv'a baby for ber-lb. result was Ibat tb. train happened to g et ou a down grade sud wonstsarted off at av terrible rate, every bit cf four miles an bour, I shoblil- Ihink. Wc were jual haîf a mile above the Annapolis ieuiction, sud the irsI thing we kuew-îbere beinguoe ue W eitle aend wake up th. switclc.leder-we woret'Ineil cff imb lt.eAunapelis road aud weat cwn the wrcaîg track at ful spenai. Imagine- aur consternation, J)wlîenjiiel aI Ibis moment we heard'lb. wbistlo, notlialf a mile alaead cf lus, cf î the Aniespolis up train. We were paralyzed with terrer. HIerc were twe trains on the asme track1 sppracbiug cacli other aI the dizzy1 ~sedjuet aneuîioned. Evidently our1 t ime lied cone 1In.u a few short heurs lh. englues would meet, sud theu-des. Irueticu i * Witb great presence cf mieed a min- inter on board organizeil a prayer meet- ing. Pale but caIne Ibedoomeil paseen. gara est, sud theugli wlth lice verï 1 lîadlow of deathz uon Ibene, raiseil thîcir voices lu ea parlinglIzyzun. r iticui for lte baggage-maslcr,' ssid c yeu ng an, witl c sad omuile. a r 'Why 2' wes akael. 'Ilecetes we arc ai11 about ta paso lu Our checeks.'t Evterylboly welet. Frone lb. rear platformn, wec ouli secethe niserable c r cuginetur strainiug cvery nerve ta catch JI up but lie lied liglit boots ou and aid't t] gain ittayling toaepeak cf. Athis moment e ray cf hope dawu. 'V cal upon ns. I lied juet flillied writ- h: ing my will ou Ili a hck cf s viitîng tç card, wheu I observed a young ildd iu tih. set cf dctacbing ber busîle. ; lac- fng t'l, earlicle-whlcbWAs COMMOsd cfî D *ili elgt uudired papers suad a bair mat-' lress.- under b ler ercu, lbe hereiner marclied throngla the car. * We followed lier suxiously. * lhe climbed up on th. tender sud leen over lb. englue. IFa er e lcrnîting sud thn illing bo see ber limb. ing ovor lice wlieels sud bresa tiiageono lier way to, lb. coweatcber. Il r.- aloSeS me cf a ceuntr-y girl getlinge over a wiro fence. But neyer mind Ibat now. Let me scewleere I wss.- * Oh!1 y.s;-,ou th.e ow-cstclier, holdfing - con by Ilii. cross bars witlî eue baud, the.St uoble ucaiden lied the sharp prow wiîb thie ocier. You caniigues the resulî. lu lhe course cf -lb. aflerneon lthe collision fi canes off. 1'roîected byteuslth engine receivoil a gentle tbush. andheW Aup sdw ADÏo1'rNG A COLT-Th Farmer directe attention toi - "a curions melicerly insti- devlopel upen the breedizl Meursa Sprague Alcera, in t »'Mambriüa rge, a blind uctel upon lice turf, gave OP 4g o £fne clt, Auc basfer sea ime been nual lug partlcular atteo'tlc t sieor, taylng iiti lion ai sud guidlug bier away from plaues in-tlice pailure. B.c gis, wblle abus lun lie puli a well belng duy for stok pt ivas killeil. Wst t. do wi became a quesioncuof smrne Tiie oticenmar etmolied Il i-tiouI sud, by adopting tha -COlt, sud even igbling aws offspnlng unlil lice oerpian wi thlie lacleal fguil, sud a ues to watch aver nd-utia colts as Ificer own."' SPAIIIC L zes.-A lilIle gil lug lu the station W i..Bé er s gentleman Mrena off, ivica denly observeS le lier fabb r, te isfnd, Who wswall 'If the train runi cff ice line leu nmst b. broie, I hope1 stsrtleaH.'Boèàuoe,l gsic. oiemsyt Aunt Myma iye cf sprolegs . ning cf hcseod er eetIl The-culture ciice sal,'Wei tornisli as Kmnr" ig esti Il lÀ aia front aneltakea ing Ihe an1beMry rees i Ici beelities, instesa o f dry i pd cIls.-i -y - 'ivoulil It heve bezervn W lesv o bïm uubunl.d 7 015 Scotch lady-*Tak'. a ucun Gentlemanu{wth alarge nasaI' :ýrOld lad-'Well, 1teau say you do, hough Imauie say: grand qm4tc9u,> 4 palylalecy sf USIO ORE, as tuie mcetefrtune, w inIRI' tenta cf an inkbetlle. -B GOEU]9,iËO "BLOC woqn BROCeaeTnETWHoT i ever since. 8oui S OUTE 8LINA DULOGU.-HIIeo, darkey, bat y ou axe for dat old blind mule 2-wel Içsn~ns~~u dolrllgive yufiv.'-.Wel, you may ha, ez=; Zwon't stand an thirty dollro-is am m e trade. Mo on w e itu ienwer4 ey hçr buiaàlthe' pasthi, hether by iû.- structions or otherwise, seized the op. prhnitv to perform the funeral ser- vie foth wjves at once; and with t1le body of the qeçod wife lying before , P« Uuedto*te ýfèrmertaking, hnaup in ore.' When a, Man coûies lu the store and talks of honesty, wateh lim; if lie talia of bis wealth, don't tre el ta hilm;q if hoe taiks cf religiondon't, trust hini u IN TI SURROGÂTE COURT 0F Iî theý goods of William WoiLnson Holtby-late of the Town of Whitby, -deceased. In pursmance of Statute 2911e, Vie. lris Cheap. 28, the creditors of William Williamson Holtby, late of the town of Whitby, iu théCounty cf Ontarîo, who died on or about the Thirtieth day cf Âp ril,ý 1872, are hereby notified te send to John Holtby, son cf the said William Williamson Holtby, cf the said townof Whiby?,the aministrator of the per. maies até sund effeets cf thae aid, -ViWiam Williamson Holtby, et the said town of Whitby, or ta the under- signed, as his Solicitor, on or befere the Twenty-Fi[th day of du/y, 1872 Their Christain andl Surn aines, address- es and description ; th l partieulars of Ilîcir laims, a stateienxt cof their accounts, and the nature cf the securi- ties (if any) haeld by them, or in defanit throtey will be excluded from the benefit cf a distribution cf the assets cf the esald ostate, which the administrator thereof will hereafter proceed teaneake. - AUl persons indebted te the said estate are requested te settie their indebted- ness forthwith. G. YOU-NG SMITH, Solicitor for the Adminiètrator. Whitby, June 19, 1872. 25 rARE NOTICE, That the nderaigned air Was, and is flfw, theliehîtor on re- and Camerou and as onciz Solicitor, lbus now, both ut iaw und lu eqnity, a lien, for solicitor'a tees, casite, anS d.isiburements, lue anS unyaid, on the jarin ripai, intercet And ceb ound daindetaxeS ie a; canus; and that any men crhasiig said judgneent Ienst pay au ceaI due, aud interest thercon, to the undlereigierîl, thea anouzt whereoÏi s 5ewn hy ierrerai iWrite <of exectz- tion in the hans o et ihif lReynolds, Vhitby; aîherwise, sncb purchaser will bc held liable to psy the salai costesud interest o me, notwlttistaudiug aeey sncb oae. A. I. DOUGALL, Solicitor iii aid snit. Dated 2Oth June, 1872. 27 T'HI ýW>,TIy 'HAIImACY F'AMILY'DRUG STORE 0F TIM LATE TAME S Wlhere - wil l e found' Sheet Music, and -M usLc---bookes cf.al kinds, -Musical lustrumetits of-every description, încîna- h ing. YibiiJftrt4 hd ýBO'ws of the b est ýquality'; i Stationery, &lool -Books,.&c., Beautiful table lor Presents, constant-' c - 1C[lXCJ b Y L It1ED ASSORrMENT, [9 Magazines, P'rio-dical ancrPaýýs sàpplied. Ail Or. dors for Music eud, Ilookspral-3ny filled. JOHN POST. 1Wlithy. -May 0.9, 1872. J. G. MCDOUGAL, BAKER 'AND CON ?ETINR SODA BISCUIT MANUFAGTORY, &ca, &c., &c. The undersigned in rcturning thanks to bis numerons cust"m- ers 1A hbp public in gencîcbl, fpr ibeir iberal patronage te hlm for the past five yeare, zespectfuiiy soicite a cauminusmace of the sanie, and _isiars te anaunce that mu addition te bila former btminesai, lie has purebsed, at a comsiderale expeuse m1b18r fr i narufactiritlg of 'Biscuits and CraQkers of every kind, ,&nd he is prepared to ail orders Wholesale atid_-Ret-ail, on sbart notice, at reainable rates. Customuers cen deopenîl on beimîg suppbied witb a supermoir Biscuit,.as noue but the besUinet.erial ie uMd -lu mauulactuning. - Bread, Càkes, Candies and Sweetmneats of every description and cf the very l'est kind là; abways te bc had l iec lii stand, Brack Street. , Also, an assoi'tment of ail inds of F'RUIT in their season. Wliltby, Msy 29th. 1871 ILGERlIE Continues ta lbe carnie1 an aslierctifoe. Drugs, Chemicals, pateîîî ýMediciuea, Bye atufse, Penfiemenies, &c. Lampi,.Keosenosu an ui 11ai Wlole.- is AI Retail. Jlpom Paper-A uew stock jni.î arriveS 'Ym Englaul direct. Tfhitby, June Dth, 1872. 23-tf MPORTANT TO PÀËIlM USING - MACHIINERY. J. B. STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE- QIL. This Ohil lxcelsanR the- Oaa hotanial - anS vegetale, aul 'iv are prepareai la show ebs upeirity cf Ibis 0Où ta al aOthers, it lie Kcanias amothme leits mceemarv ta pnccuea icâ-t whial it calls les rticle, 1h in adapteS ha elîber lilht or iet,'1 lahely hoavy msehlnery, tram s cieck or sewiug tg fana efoumachine t10th. hetviesî cf ihefîs. The fl Iha gtate ý lowiug are lie.pomins lnuwbicbit exceisather - 011enceMIS:*IT WILL NOT GUM, bence inselein. mae 7ec eyeau lie lie I dean 'iitb but ila trouble, hieticIbis and ItwlUc eaumachnerythat hbai een olb'er mare aIre4Sy gunimeS>y otherOils. Il wii unet leeSa P. eeagal r thickin tlicol cdesl et weatben. - ber buTiali slitY Oft1he highesimpinotance, Itube lime, tri am hetatau Où11etualsvlug tbl qnaity l«ilntlubrlcale a coiS shaft, sncb an Oil -dangerous rMay b.oa lied iu a heeteai state, but the wently Cru- neAnsu t iltouches a coiS alhait il i. congeal. ire, (.11lt. ad and will ual Iubricate nuil tie journal uTbues, and by fiction acquires lhe temperaînre neccea- dth ot saryto redeceil tai a liquid siste lu acquir- unl.cot ng e higheî temperature by fiction, the iiplaii.journal tâWSm anS tue box is iejnned, it le he question asipssible la use ail that wMliChili ou a emotherlemm coiS ihlaft evtliout *hisult as il la ta min. h oWn 91e ail with waben..i. Stcck's 011 wil lu. sybr bricabe the cod ideL eabieery-the lmementî il ra inple saPPlieS. 'Ihis oh la snow useS lii venîwie illil tý co liiundred, establishmientmsud la ingtl re for bethbouaet cf satisfaction, sud ail nul ging h the prefer Ilbto reinai Speru t aipur.OlIIive.ý It Inlufree troam the abjections urgeai agaluet ail athers, as il Sces not .gtM non freezç. I8 wsýa ilu-Now au lbe public are axaare that manX, fatcen d wcrthlems tilgi are pufed inoa notorioty, ,n ice' sud- iuorlon ta proveoIlcal Ibis il a n ubug,' r eog sud ta secuns ourielves ag'aiusî lbe apera. su tak, .~ieciunscrupuIauà,oîl agents, (naeny cf 1"ÃŽ hmwill netlheilaeloa pano te moe etu anDy cf ail ail refineries as beln identical 'elhh tièY'U .Stoek'm Extra Machine Oilj'e-epropose, tla ' saIlihe I hame ybo se-eInteresleil lu the t&sth of ,%rte , ý hcsetaotem, te eul tt heu, auappli. havs cticu, by mi» anatlierwlee, free. of charge i n wr,a~m le QIthe oil, thet il auay of te r . q",Io; tif.M wil aoo.seul xs'th Il uyep a fow simple lest, as effective as Ibase lests -bwblèh gile uasu ft e 1.baser anet- aie adS wbiebwlIl enable parties orderiug urmi Oelis oteeMM then"zuse eAgainsî 'impostion, by 4 in Mdlure et naLatigU IaM'b0détermine aI oce whebh.r wi. inpI tI OU.0lh araed.linse oodassPle. - AIl parties Sdeallng iaehuýins O'in dol S enMU i l eu cumunicate wlbb SoIe 4getfr e m4 roher~Bbtgham, MaecI7511870. hula .nlgit,' = j mess, air?' 'TEr IM0N IAL.- Mi - Diek, Tir Joazubk£zuMÀAComrWoaxa, K izmmnlgbt - Oshawa, Apnil 411, 1870. illn Wsc. ale ssltan rrngourLusbricatiug Ci El fe g pu orcot, andensay witie. ý-Gb, u)ôw ont hésittion Ihal i slhbo ea il we have r=MSa Iqi ve seS.It la alec eheap, anS hasts langer r t b. ho sY'ter"OIL W.have eun oursegi _ "i br aess aSbrkatm L MIIM Tu WEAK STUt4G goalnelii ln niU (."wala.t. is"xe s A. 82 api ltia frc, . P.lexa js, ncmrîtaî, 1D lies yri'k.IbolbysailDr - KINO BROrIHEil5, -.:,WHITBY, OTRO Iaeiloi-tcna, Deauers anS ManufactuýrrofaU l Rile c (f LEATHER AND FINDING8,1 Cash pail for Hides, Bac-k, aned Leaticer. Leathen stretched. 9Z- BELTING MADE TO QERDER >N, MHORT MOTICE. May, 1872. 22 p ORT WHITBY & FORIT FERRY B. R. TI ME.-TýA1LE. Tekee effeal an - diay, June lot, 187Ê., Trains Gainà Northc. Mail. Mixai. Whitby Junclîcu, t0 t0t) m. 7 1hW3p.m. wit . 07 arn. 7 87,p.m., Broo'&t 0 29s.m. 7 59 p,.. Me-i-c1.9 492 a.m. 8 19 p.m. Sumcllt 10 02 a,m. 8 82 pý.au Manchester, 10 12 âne. 8 42'r.ue Prince'.Albert, 1 'ea..1 S .a Polrt Pry; (arrive,) 0lia)à.n. 9 00 Épt.l. 'Trains Gaing Southb. MieS. Mali. Po# Pou-yePc-tl) 6 00 sa.a 4Q--M l'rice l ýet 809A.-§ .. Kffaucceser, A 18 sam; Z 48 Pm. tluniiil-628 am. $ M p.an. gyrlie- - 6 4-«4 1 pý, Brcahlin, 11 - PM ,WIetby, '~ 7 20 4r0p.ni.' *Platform Stations, Te-alui st4 m-tiaSlg only. . JAS. DRIYDEN,. BRKIMBAILS. - presidenl. iin eji 1FA1M -FORt SALE CHEAP. Being the- nanteh)WIaof LoI 84> 9$h eûn. essiou Whitby, cantaiung J»0 acres, 80 acres cleared, tb. reenloi 'bugh art~ ceSse. Gooabuildings, wIel feuced if SC ,weli ivalened ;- excellent for -grain. -T*6o gçied areharde cf graftel fruit. Only one- thirl lowu, lth. balance an tinie aI loir Inteneml. Aple-n lthe preni1efi, on byial- ter, pi-e-palSte. WILLIAM lýB B.' B~LJUnaBPP. 0. SAFEST J. G. MeDOUGAL.1 Froigict andpassage.rodluceil. Pasetu. gens ýby' IilWây prôvided with firsî. claes Cars aI lie anmerate as second- clasiy lice Allen Lina. -*- -LEWIS ALLIN, Agent, Wbibby. May lfith, .1872. 20-GM PUBLIC,..5CHO&f »CE8 Sebool Teachtene Seccei aud 'ir lanCIe Certilleatea wW ll l 1. thlc Vie)Ii.gba TOWN -'-011 WHITBY, -lu lie Connty of 0n11,lop commeuclug du TUE§5DA Y -:6Ir ULY 1872, - ATN ,Am.- The exaication ar Firsl Clame Centifi. cales will ibe ll alite. same place, cear- mnenclng on TLUJJSDAY, 28r4 ,UL YNEXT, -Ctaidates will b requirel1 ta notify tee Insecter not aler teuthe 25t1e lune cf thele- Intention taprepeul lhenïaelves for ex-; aniaistion. 1 =oral Sebool candidat" wMU le exaculu. the 'i4 obthet cýdtes - 1' J4MESMeBIBYE, IýnP, s., Co. ont. 'Whiîby, J.une 19, î87Lf. FUIRNITUTRE! AT THE SIGN OF THE- G"RE41T OCKING, CHAIR t New, Cho LtIIJ! eeda. Wbitby, Apî-il 179 1872. jC-Furnimture Selling at, Olýd ]rices for 30 days longer; NotwithstanIdingtli&rise in materi and labor,: the, undersigned offe'rs bis stock' at the Old- Prices for 30 days longer. -Now is the- time to embrace the oppo'tunity 'of selecting frein th. largest stock ici the Coautty, cf sideb6ards, Ioreaus, centre tables, sofas, chairs, bedrocin sets, &c., snd al of the best quslity.,sad manufacture. ý ,.ý' JAMES H. SAXO The only first-class establishment in the Coàunty, where Fa. nerals arc ioîîy supplied THE- OLD STAND.1 FEST AB LISH ED 13. The undersig:îed in returning thanks for the-liberal patriabn- itherto extended to the old tstablishment, for nearly a period cf forty years, d6. sires te say that he hns noîv onaln a large assortinent cf-lb. necetmoern end elegant styles cf And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to se- cure a centinuance cf public patronage.' Practiel upholstering. Furniture re- stufled and cevcrcd. Undertaking &Funerals Fnlly Supplled as heretofore. cffl Some splendid specimens of Picture Fra'heà, and Gild. ing. Remember the Old-.Stand. J0IHN S T9N'!S S ELF-RAKING REAPER' AWARDED THE FIRST PÀI[ZE! At the Provincial E~xhibition, Toronto, in 1870 We offer to our- customers for the coming Harve8t, two dig- tinct Machines, which in stylu and construction, errbrace t'ne latest and most uselul improvements of the day. -Have opeîced and are now shQcwinig a very large, 'nd Stock o et' eri Dr-y Goodircprsg vari-qd .New MilI/nery in the -Latest8.ýtyle. PRINTS, MUSLINS, WHRITE COTTONS, GREY TICKINGS, ' IESSIANSI, CAPS SHITSCARPETS, NECE TIES, LACES, & WINDOW 'CtRTAI<8 MCURANfN G G'OODS! 'SHPoBTINGS, ÇOTTÃ"Nsie i - OANDS C, O TIIN G .114'DEÈ20 0ORDE. NEW TEAS AND GROCElIIES. Whiby. May 22nd, 1872. COLDS-MITH'S HAlL. NU TED FOR CEIEAP .AND RELIA4BLE GOODýS Jewellery, Desks and 'Woik1-bokxes, Bags, Porte-monnaies, &,e. CHOICE WINES AND LIQUrORS. JOI[NS'IO N'S S[N'iGiL E S llJ-JRtAKliNG1 EPERWatches & Clock.s of the best Makers,- -THE- "RING 0F REAPERS."f The uriversal 8sucess of this Machine, both il, closely contest- ed trials and iu the hande of the farinera, warrant us in eaying that, as a Seli-Rait- ing Reaping Machine, il has moire good poinis and les defectq, and bas met with mnere suecess andi bs ailure, than heretefore oflered te the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER We were awarded the, Firtit Prize and Diplomna, at the Prcvin. aijal Exhiibition, hcld iu Toronto. 1870,in ýaempetition witb al] the leading MachineR inan-zifactured in the Province ; aud with aur recent improvements, we unhesitat- i ngly challenge investigation and comprisou with competie.g Nlttchin"., we are satisfied thet t ieli inve stigation will cunvinre every uinprejudiced niitîd, that wr offer tuhe et blaser tai the Fariner for 18172, buti lui the Domnin,. lyeend for descriptive calalagues. '4i. BRO W1Z & PATTERSON. SPRING 9*1TOCJ 0F BOOTS AN 1D SHOES.11 MATTHREW COLLINS Begs to announce to bis cuitom,-rs aînd the public,,,that lie * las opened..business on the jremises lately occupiè dije Mr. Bandéll, on Brock Street, and that hel'i fôw fil reeitt f a splendid Stock of the RIGHT FIT-AND MAKEÈ And» of the best stylebi Bo ots:,etd Shoes. Also on hand alarge -stock of Horne-MadeBoots and Shoes which caunot be surpasàed fer qua1itýansd price. Ail orders punctually aitended to. Repaiî-s neatly donc. wilitby, May 10, 1871.. l-Each car efully exarnined, proved, and timed, and their performance guaranteed. JAMES -JOHNSrION, Pfactical W'atch and Clock M tker. .J.rock-st W9,hitby May 7thi, 1872. 19 kLr JOHN- SA1NDEJS5', A. SPLENDID ASSOMTMENT 0F' Spring and Sumimer -Boots and Shoes, ALL THE LATEST STYLE$. Ladies'- Balmoî-als, Prunellas, Gait i-s. Tics, Cro- quet Slip-pers, Newports, &c. Gientiemens' Boots aud bhoés, in grea.tvaî'iety. Boys' and Girls' sewed .work,-yery chea-p. Ail ordlered work' r'omptly attended to.: 1-EPAARS NFZLY EXECIJTED. tW Remember the îight. laqe.- vi- W hiiby, M ay 8, 18 72. - MÀIvVH IýW COLLIN8.,, IMPORTANT NEWS B'OOTS ADSHOEýS.- The undersigned has a lare stock Of Ladies',ý Gents', and Chldren's Fintë and Coarse Boots-& Shoes E-iBOOts anid Shoes made to order. Ove rshoes lincd warm ami conefortable. Slippara, &o., &o. -~Repairing.me tydonc. :Cali at the old Stand. India Ruàblers, 'WILLIAM BJRNýs* >Ixay, %.i%- 1 JOHN SUDES Br6dk Street. Merohant Tailor &- Dra.per, DUNDAS ST., WHITBYa Retipectfully ilitimnates that heeà$ lnowiîîi receipt of Ia large Stock cf Neta' (Joûdq for HP~ NG ANI) S (j i Eil W EA i Canadian Tweed Suits, Cloth Suits, B ys Suits, Youths' Suits, ChildreiÙ3 Suits-every Style and Mfaterial, Spring Overcoats. - Gents' ,,l"Shirts, White and colored, and all-kinds-of Gents' Furnishing Goods. lith enethat sasythe nSue and ajadtessof ltce veuder wh, . 's 5eille spuMi 'ansnxcdi- -ies,anS 11,_ eWise IIiO< famâ uanil f- dro f tIh 110 ein théeUnit& d Sates, or elsewcere, wLe,'h iY havel -nppliedi them, so as ta enable 'ne, - foer t me pro-. tedtioni cf lice public, *tainshfi-te Pro- ceeings against rsêâ ve-doers-, aneS £ engage lo remunerat. very fiandat -l sny persan who may give me suel 1In- fý- m aticu,h ie ieforn= at'i ua s e e n be.,ng divelged. fs:bould auy. persan bave ressen te b.- haeve tli h hembeen deceiveS Iay bu,- - jng sp,.ieous 1imitations cf -thèse mou i ches, lie will, do wellta seuil me, in a le ler, t iih addr.s a I fo t (w ii 111L> eau iloal cn:cost cf six cents in postage), one cf tle Looks cf instructions wlfeh ae eaffixeil io,lbte sane. *I promise -te examine il au-,.d seuil a repy, stating wehier lie me. dicines re geunee or no, sa Ibal if sp 11, 'mouis lie 1m ey apply ta the persan fron %! 'hom 1he ni -Aaseçl tihea W bave bis aa)fley nelumned: ChemissasudDrùuc3iEsle who desiea to obalu lthe medicine. enu be supplied aI h l Iwesl whlesale -Piic iin qpma tilles cf net les han 212 rhiý s. 6d. ff., sud 84s., per. .4zen boes of Flls or pots. f -Oinmeul,,uet,-'ithout. discount., for whlehl remitta ueo must b. sent lu advaùce. I have lb. ouur ta be, Wiic greal req ' ect, THOMAS RH0LL)WAIY 558, Oxford Street (late 244, StraLiSh., London, W. C., Oclober 1, 1871. TO TifE PUBLIC 0F CANADA. JO SE H R AL , M A eUW , r cNcO C earMa ,,J . - Osec.&w, OiavT., March 8,182 -Being desrous f testing the. merits f tice diffreu water-wheelscow offèred îor isalin Canada, sto.heir ecnomical ue f wae, we, as maenufacueers of the Gzr,nc JÀsrs lEY-e-aDoeaz.Tuzmno nake- lb. following challenge balthe asuteactnrers <of M M R Evw na r uow asie lu Caadawhetherit be nnerÂrxs ofthae 3»rxs L zns-xe.D cu mz E T u RiS c or Axcv OTER PATTERN,the wheelm lu al cases ho be wholy zanufactureil by th@ cenipt- WV1 wil1 plceintic. hauds-of auy rer-- oieneible Party six thonsanl dollars. 16,000), sud lic' prty acceptig lic- challenge Wa do lb. sane, tic. money to- b. hall subjeel lotthe award ofllu.judges.. The wheels tb be teaeil lu a tiurali,. driving lbesn.erasf abne, grindiug- lb. Saine wieat, sud bav'iug the .sane- nuzubêr cf square in.ceeaof opening lei. receive the water, lice anicunt cf wâler- Siscliargeilta be lice unasure of lice. amenul useS by eacc wheeL. Tbejudges ho ba non-résidents cf Ca-ý nadesuio be licorceegbly wellinform'cd lu the mode -of testing the power cf hur- bine wicels,-.aol parby to chocs.- eue judge sud lice lwo le cicoose lbheIleird. The Owuers of thce wiuning-wiceel tc have lheimacïney refumedtheen,audlthe loger'$ moncylo go towardsesbablisbing a meccaulcal free lirari-y lusy owan lun Canlada namieilby the cwnen cftlie sue- cessful wheel. T h e w ieels ho be -te seeil t , , 4, , î, sfd ull gate. * Egc Party ta give gôcil sud suicienl bonds, tc 1h. amount cf $4;000, thal lb. lesér sh apy tlb. euh-eexpeuisaof the test. Ticere are tomne wheels Ibal gir. vcry gocil resnlbewilhfun hesd anlfunl gale- ege wbich culirelyfsilumderp'aetead sud partial geleage. Suchwlcels in eur chate, where lb. water-powers are sifecleil by-boti câllsud de-cuti, are cf ; ne practical. valne. W. claimtialweare the oulymalers cf lb. GzNuuDtE JA s L~E-re-iDouBuz Tuasuoe WHELlunCansa,antbat iî la wilbout sa MWAin th.ewcxa, i ?'!PRàmCT- ALý PSULT. - More thu0,000cf theese wheels are uew lu opération lun.Canada, sud lb. United States. Tic. sales cf no cther- 'evieel ever yel intraduceil ounIleis conti- nent exceed euie-sixlh tus number. Our wboel lis been thoroughely tesled lu GRSZAT BzRITAM, sud bas fhy Main- taneiati. putation'it ,bas gied lu Caaand lb. United SlmastIhe Mostlecccieeicalwater.wbèîl in preebie. àl.operatoXý ever yel lutroduced. '.are iw Pu shena ne descrip. liye water-wbeei çmpe,%outahinn ePages cf vla emttr w hw , beseul fre, eaial applicants. Foi, fie-ther infarmaticu ildeea F. W. GILEN, i s Oshcawa, ouI. N. -We demieet cal atteention ta tic,ÙWiL folc it erlcat.. -_ saisacateer paruies ia Ca lie infeneznation we ha, GLENnoene ecanguca .wiceel, sd we ad'ie hopurcicase eurwhecls< ufacturer. Mr.GLece'iifaC pas.il, suddie feel ain bidaiviceel that wllli làceticu. We tIcarefor, e the public of canada,- deuee,feelingusure h. 'si - ubeel in ail respectu eq [Signeil, - JAMES LI m 0 NEY TO LE c-N7.. (Promiseleltely ocamepiedl Whitby, May 14,1I872& raoneter e tained lthe £lmost fo'ad4to ns Pol î 1-7z 1 0 A-ND BEST. 1 HAMILTON-

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