Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1872, p. 3

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r.. one o'cck laslt eness feIn Robert Cooper, aboit 50 yenrs ofau.i engineer,ât Hunter, Rose & C.0, i etreet Toronto, was caughtin lusomae the Mchin theèngine and crueh edis 1achsse mantier ooe ie e Though senisible for a short lime hg diei hi haIfýpAet Jwo. -Rs e fanily ore resnt efore ho dled malter grievoualy toieart-Ie a beau an old výeteran in thse amty. îS far as eau 1bc asca ned during lthe ex itenient no one isto blanie, theafi being purely accidentai. Ti" CANADIAN CiAl?$Pl . - Tii Quelpis Mercsc$.s, inuàs>eaking of tii .chiampion Bute Bail Club of Canna4 (M4apleLeafs cf Ihal oëity), '08yhée bhave "Ilevidently oecresi off ail Caadin, 'COnPtitors for <the Silver BàUandun- Jeu tisaiplece cof metallc rotuudty'-i pin ed'for before andi up <o the rnddle of ïleptombar,, ise Champions ban de. cliii. an y furtiier matches'for thse sea. son. Thse ?Mple- Leaif won tise bah aiâ London i September, 1869, andd uce theu tisey :have heM ilt, iaving played and won 18 games for il elice <liai per. sosi. We understgind that <lie Cham,. pions cf Cannela isitenel taking î trip tbrougliOmoeof the adjacent Staies-ico piay'ma<tiîe lu <Ine oourse of a tes week.' *Tise1new Roman Cathdie -Churchin Orillia was dedicatesi on -Sînday'lest. It Io wa4gielome Gothicdlice, of brick. Tihe building là l49x42 eed; tise -main p art of Uic building is 78%42 feet, capable of sating about 600 persous; cihancel, 18 fot;- iower, l l"ed; spire 120 feetlhigli. The baise is cf Rama cul stone, çappasi with whsite brick. Tiha churcliis placelini a ccmmanding situation, on <lie Ii on West streot, over.ioeiting tise town andi lake,- an~ wisen the spire lu completei,* will foris one of thc Moist prominenit onamenîs of the towu. Ties dedileation ceron ,wae conductusi by Amhbsslop Lynchi, asetesi by 1ev. J. 13. Prouix, Dean cf Toronto, and Revu. Canip4eoil. uai, aùd Gribbun, MEiACnI<dobv ACCDNTr. -Lindsay, Aug. 2. Oransi Wood, second son cf Mi, S. C. Wood, X. P. P., accidentaiiy -sisot hituseif ibis aftcnnoon, and dicd n fcw.minutes afterwards. It appears lie and i is eIder brother and a ccmmstde wentout berryisg, taking a gin witlî thani. Wiie picking barries it begau tu rain, and Omansi wenl teo piace, <lie gi ua dry place, wisicis was a short distance from tlic berrying patclî. In 1a few minutes tlie boys bocard the 're. port cf a gin and hurrying tcwards tise spet, caliesi outIl Orand, wlse< have Sou uhot 2' Tisera was sic answer. On ccmnig <o <tic spot tiiey ivere horniiled to find <ho poor boy sud tisrougi tise. iseagl. Il is lisouglît lie must have, stumbiediover a log <lins caumiîg tise qun te go off. Midis- synspatliy is fait 1cr tise beroeved parecnts. Tusîr IIr.VOr.uTzewovEat.-Matamoraes, August 4-Tlie Collector of Cistoins at <lus port lias iseued an officiai notice cf an extenision cf-tise old tariff on tise fronlier in tinses cf pence, andsi iposing Iigis dulies upon <ho whîole, Tihe coun- try lu quiet. Tise insurgents are lyind down t ieir arma andi suhmiitingto lise Governsient, wisicis is 'extending al icnicncy. lu order bo assure perfct pîece. Dexpaîclies received boie report the interios use quiet. A ust liuomifyiss g and sickeniig euesi. dent occîrresion bfendlay lasI on tise farun cf Mn. Ueo. MitciielIL propielor cf lise îDog's Ncst"'<vn, uts Toôwnelsip cf, Woeillicnse. Mn. Mil. cheliliead a tlsreling inaclsiue et work fis eue cf lis ficlds tlsreslsing 'vieat, -wluen n muer simple usais 'ue 'eut by flime naune fi f'Crazy Alec," (real isame - Mou. McCemmoli,) met 'ths a Most isonnitideabîs. o 'vas îsazsslg over macinesu 'vile Il 'vas in motion, aud fell itc flime tîssesuer, iiicistome oeeof huislegs en, anil iis he'vels eut. Strong. mens feiiltesi aI Usc sickcning siglislaud everyoee lmnnn 'as Isoriifiesi. Tint LIV.iNoITONz 'LETTER.-Paibs, Augusî 2nd.-La Tensp8in- sinelinesi te dubt tise antimcisbicity cf tise Luving- ston's lellers pulisllisesi y Air. Stan. le.Il quoith ie opinionscf tise Ger- Mnu(egapisar, Kirisent, W'v istecov. om asions geegrapisical blifsidnl tise letteru.HotsinutisaI p art cf tise narrative 'vas inventesi by Mn. Stanley andsihence tlima 'visle ln vainelesu, andi Ilinus ib isnimesible Mr. Stanley nover saw' Dr. Luvingtone. Tise Listowui l anerpuhliuhes a let- ltin pnrportiimg te bu frein Mn. Butler, 'vuose mytiterieusi iseîperance frein limaI place sonie Iîreco 'ees ego -gave rimî e tisafliscief thuaI file ha,] lico murdereil l'y Surlhu.bent. Tisernpason sMegOves tir Icaving I iseht 1l i abppt. cd lu taise inspreper libe nties WILti hi. eidesl îlaimghter. -TuE LesmoN 'iuEsu ONoTIiE nEELEY P1>MtcsECTs.-Leuidon, Auglisu ri-Tlîe London Prefil; cemmiders tise lelters et Mn. Sumuner andi Gencral BaI3nks, bogelisur 'villutise mllegesi Demoenatie vsiteny lu Norths Caelisa, indicate tise ciecticus otf Crüelcy lu Novein. ban. i inreportesi Ilat itie muuvent te pc'ver of îl e un' 1>esideist cf Mexico r wl accure peeco te tisaI countiry. . A cosnpany, 'vitîs sucapital cf $10,- 000,000, lias boum inci-peraicel te 'vonk tise ne'vly discoveresi diamensi fields near Newv Mexico. Tis a tansios in <tue vicîiuiy cf Port Hope .complaim cf lime depredations cf <lue 'eevil among lue fields of tise laIe spnmng 'lhent. WÂTEIS TA&NiemSs sFois-rPszuit.-Time 'Standard liessi le isole tisaI stups have beun taken to'vusds lise -onstrue- tion f a nunier of walen ltanks, le ho t' e usoin ucase o! lire. WV nudenstansi tIsaIlise couinil purpoiia crccting about fifleen altogethuer. A convict nameul George 'Scot was dsucher cd frcin tiie-Aubn prison ne. -. ntly, biaving servcd ont a sentence of New York. Duiîg ftise entire 'periosi - .is trial sud impisoumeil Se hati otoî dt 1bchadent ansi daîmi, and lie si hie bispart so0'vel as le baffle lise ciceest lests spd deceive overy oee But upon being froc and meeting an cîsi acqussi'nbtance in tise strcetlho tekesi. Tise gnsiiu,-. reet, auss fruit crops îiroughiont Nova Scotie are reponhesi to lcinluexcllent condition anti an abunsi sunt ti% luauticipatesi. Newv fal 'vtis ubeginulng 1e arrive in IHamillon,Ëmarket lunsinal quanlilla. Tise p ricepaid is e sanio as Ihat for fiali 'vielt, or about- $1 28 per bushel.. Thse Kingston DatesNes. ays that cnly 61 votes nemainesi usiplled inl Kington, on th. eleclicu day. Large numbons of people are beissg pr-ostritesib y typhoii féer lu Mitchel, and the local prose expsresses lise vicw <liaI unlees speedily ciiecked il 'vil -prove a source of great.lnrouhla. Il Wtiougst OtisaI<'vlve ansia e lai .. Millions dollars 'il covel' thc 'visle lnhliiy- et Englaici, in lise case of thlie Conteslerie cnulesr,-. - i.heoovennor Oeneral ha. purclissesi locéof pert atTadosudestin. cito bc hyatingsatioc. TUO to~al nmmber of miglrants 'vio. M'w exiLherpo1lfor e là îhê iâ éf ýe WiU17wop 'oassA1 say more P'&a Votee from tlis eongregailon reponaled, "Sayamnûi,, Dld yuever eat aripe orange ? hNe douil avast naoriiy cf O=r reader wilsay eaid consider the, question ]ra rsfllyone. Yet we douaifoue lu le$hi masdl sever lastesi a ripe. *crauge--;-lisà1 l, one <liai ripeued ou tise trea ansiwus net pluckred unlil iesdý'.tor 'use. ,Tii. oranges c. orné mereq are plucked befo»jnmturtrsu order tegive lime for ripenung off lise lreé asidprevent- decay. The eaters cf cf Smcli frit have no 'conception'cf lise liiseouasnsiof ilsé orange afler nature lias been ailowed to perfectitil work uppoà je ,Il is, beyond comparison, lise prince cf fruits. MUsoIàn CONMTON- Tise Berlin Telgra~s ay ilha.ben proposi< liold a grand Musical Festival in Berlin fonie lime during thse rmont MofSBq> tember, when priïes <to the ý anount cf four or five hundred dollars wiilia c f. fered to b.eoe peted for by tise sufer., eut Banda in, haProvince. .À nimber cf us. leasing meu lnu.lown have thse msatter under consideration. Durung <lie Oheagofare a p-olieman iniprssesi and expresu wagon juteser. vice for carrying a wonian whb 'vas bndl~y burned out cf danger. The niag. naniaus proprietor of tlie wagon ouedi lise city for paynient fpr its use, ansi tise COmmissioners have jusl decidesi agalual liii. RiUsin. POSTAL SEuvsx.-A bItter wus receivesi on lise 22nd July lstisnl Fort G"r., 'vhicli iasibeen pcsîed lu Liverpool, Englausi, just/ourteen sinys previonsly. Eng1anuà paisi <ho United States lest ~Tear fCeoi5 on 0184,000,000, and malt. Ing titis up luto fabrices he clearasi $188,000,000 cf net profi, ore <han doubling lier'money. Tise coubest 'ini Nortis Caroliiia has resuited inlua demot-ralic victcry. Tisis l regardesi as a malter of major importance. Lord Dufferin li expeetes inl Queboc lisis wcek, where ho wii musnain W couple cf moulus, with iei quartors lu tise Ciladel. B I BT HES. MeMURRAY-In Pickering, on lice SUbhi tc., tiseîWýe cf Mr. A. McMur. ray, cf a son. ItOBINSON.-AbsVhitby, on Tues. day, Juiy Btis, tise 'ife cf Mr. John Robinson, liairsiresser, cf a son. D IE D. CLEGG.-At Port WU tby, on Tri. day, 2nd lit., Mr, T. W. iegg sgesi 42 ycars, andi five monulîs. TRAt VELJLERS' G UIDE. GRAND TRlUNE R. B.' Trains leave Whitby ýStation as lollows. Going Ect- Going West- Express .... 7:07 a. m. Exgres.. 8:12 ar. Mixed . 8-00 p. . M j.. 8:00 p.m. Express .... 8.55 P. M. . Ex iaI1112p.m. -The trains mun b y Montreal lime which ifs 22 minutes fgster than Wiitby tâme. WHITI3Y & PORTPERRY R. IL Trains Going Noth- Whltby Janction, Witby, Port Perry, (arrive) Trains Golng Sout- Port Perr (depart, Wiitby Juuction, Mail. 9:00 asm. 9:07 sm. 10-,80 sm. Mixesi. 6:00 a.mu. 7:28 a.m. 7:0 a. Mixcd. 7:45 purs. 7;52 p.m. 9.115 p.sM. mail. 2.30 pan. 8:58 issu. 4:00 Ps.in DIVINE SERVICE. AUl Saints, Chureh-At Il a. ni., and 7 p. m.-Rev. Mr. Cayley. Catholil Church-Every Ssînday morning at 8.80 and 10:80 a. m. aiternatey-Rtev. Mr. Shea; residence, Oshawa.* Canada PresiybrtnChurch-At il a. n. and 6:30 P. M.-Re.r. Balentyne. Congregational Churcli-At 11 a. m. and 0:30 P. m.-Rev. M. Gibbs. St. Andrsw's Church-At il a.m. and 6.80 p.s.-Rev. Mr. Traser. Weeleyan Metisodist Churcl-At 10:80 a- ms. and 6:80 p. m.-Rev. Mr. Sanderson. lirenkftsss.- Epps'î. C',Co.- tGrife. l and su itmiortihug.-" By a thorougis knowiedga of the natural Iaws which goversi tise operations of digestion and nutrition,and by a careful application of tise tlne..roper- ties of wel.s9elected cocoa, Mr. Epps ham provided our breakfaet tables with a deicate. Iy fiavored bevcrage, which nsay save us many heavy doctorff' la"-inlService Gazette. Made simply with isoiling watarcor Milit. Bach packat is labeled-J.ii. ies & Co. HomnoopaticluChemilsts, London. Ais.ý maems of Epps's Miiky Cocoa (Cocoa an& condensed Milk.) AT Mr. James H. Grries mPbarmacy hias ..tl. jutit ben recaived a large oupply of Dr. Wheeler's Compound Rhum o01Phosphates and Calisaya. This'remarlable preparation lu a Blood Food, anslehing and purefying <hie vital agent, whoily removinq from the syotem humours of avesy description, curin g Dyspepsie, Lîver Compisint, ansd pain in the back from diseased K.dneys lk a chermn. In Asthnsa and Dronchitie, where there ig cifficuit brsathing, with cougls and rising of phleym Inthe nirun{ç it is alnostinfalli. ble.Indieasepecuiartwom itis pr. fcctly reliable, curing with grect certainty ail irregularlties, eupyresions, exhausting dischargee, and rcstoring and energ'zi'ng the mosi prohtrate conditione of thse body. It is; deligistiui to take ;dcoas not loose its effent sipoi thesoystens, and se strengilsens and ini- vigorates, that there is no iiab1lity oS relapse. Sol at $1 per bottle, or 6 bttles.fr $5. WHIT.BY MA11KETS. ÇiLROIICLE &PICE, Auguset 7th, 1872. FeU Wiseat ........... Spring Wheat....... Ilarley ............... Peas ................. Rye .................. Oass................. Hay .......... ........ Potatoeoà............... 01 258a $i 30 $1 20 @< $1 25 05c 8<70c 110e 865e 40c 45eil 40e 40elO Claver Soed ............. $a Tirnotsy .............8a blapla Sugar ............fic 84-t13e B9gg-a.... -.............12e 8<5e Butter ............,.... Ibe 817e Cheese ,................ic et 18e BoaS, iinsi quarter .$.. 8 8 $6 BosS, lame quarter ..$7 G, $7 Park, per ewt ........... $6 60 (g $6 50 Wood................ 8 î6 Wool .......... t....... NEW ADVERTIS MIENTS. T HE PORT WHITIY & PORT PERRtY RAMs-AT CO.'y. NOTICE lu heruby givesu tisai a Geuses-si Meting efthtie Sharehoidesa of tise Port Whitby snd Port Ferry RalI'vay Company 'vii b. hehi aittise COMPanYs Office, lu tise Towvn et Wlstby, en Tue8day, the l9th Auguuist,-'7, ÀAT TEX Ã"CLOCrE, A. M., To halte luto consideratian tise adoption or aprc-l of a certinsouo ,pie bY eBadof- Diractors oft<he ai on pany, lu reterence.ote aacceptant. et the stock subsenibesi by the Tort 'Whitby Har. bour Coinpaiy; lu lieu of a baud far tan, tiosemanti dollars, given by th isaasisiPort Wiitby Harbor Company, sa a bonus t,, saiti Railway Company, By enter oet<haeiBoard. Sereiretary'eoffice, . Witiby, lily 4, ÀK&G u s 1T. TO0 TORONTO & RETU//N MIi nait. a s=un rip <o Toronto anti )itmon Saturday ne*'t, lbth 'f Au giitt Le'vglieuntienm,esi6nesi Pôntsas toi. le.s r7e'ost%.,5-Jea.n ;Dslingaon, KIEEfroi Nqwiastia anti Da1nligtou5 osie doilac- train Oshawa ieventy. iva c.as, WubytyCents.i TICKETS s=4y ba obiupatifrasil W. E.-' ,B BrNde wN castle; Thoo. Yem.'vuu#e and- John% MeiianDarlingin- A.X M-Cha houa, Oshawa; C0. Draper & 6e., Wahby B. C. CARTER Aug"t5, 1872. port 0 A Chemical Food &Natrîtlve Toute.0 R~T OUT Phiephorui neolisougisi sy W fl enliai, andt heymighiadsino acinaines Pisespiscmus an it licenipauuids :e knwn te b. tise motiva power cfi lwe nerveus andi muscular systeni. Tiey eau. suinute mai-a<han halit<he atsa<ariles isusuasibody, belng teint lu avery isaxa, anti their prasenca f. abioluteiy -essential te nutrition, au <hey promets tise conversion of aloumenuthe food nt ib'isuesih i tisa -vtslizuusg agent -o! purs, isealthsy bloosi. Tioy "aeceminig inte universel use in Eu- ree and Asuarica lu <ha treatmenl et Ocre- f oui, Camaumptive sati Venerai tiseases, 'vihisara causesi by smpaverlsluet oi-al soned blond i andsinl dusessc hss of. o ierig fom Te ritesobstructions snd exhaieting disoeges, in pala, pony chilsi- non, aid tJat condition et narrais ansi piy- sucal prostration resmiteti tram bad habits excessive use et stimulants sud hobacto, ansi auss ail tisai train oS eviis ituo'vn as a Sat lite. Tise great rellabilty ild pomptues isn ita eflette lu irmediaheJyaud peTrmanent. ly res i ng ltse devitalizat constitution ha& rDes DeWHEBE RRISCOMPOUNOD JlItXIlt OF PHIOSPHATES AND CALI- SAVA aefgreat tavourito 'vus tise Phyii Seliai $100. Juiy 5, 1872. 02 S A LE 0F - HOUSES & IN TUE LOTS 1 TOWN 0F WHITBY. INc IrA NCE iiY. Purement teane ordler efthtie saisi Court, made lu tise cause ot " Cloak sud Watson," aud witi tise approbation et George R. Dettisueli,REsqîise, Master of isee si i Court, et Whit.iy, tisuc -s iil be solsi hy Publie Asîctiais hy Mm. Levi Fairbasîke, Anctionieer, ai tisa Ilobson Ilousecin tise tewss of Whiîy, ou KATU1IDAY, Jise 2tii day et AUGUST 1872, atie Ouclotk, p. m., tse tollom-ing prapt.rties :- i. The oest iwotisirds et iot nimber six lu firsi tier, third double range, 'vasi ofj Brocks sus-et, is tise town et Whiby. Upan ibis Is a double frime tenement, whIicis can be remiesi ta iwo tenants. 12. l'arts et lots 25 and f6, lu second ter, sc(uuns doubîle -range, wesi t f3sock Street, iWiiby; froutimg aos Centre street, as no'v un thse occupastion ofettise 1ev. Mr. Sîsdcrteon, Upen Ilisare uu fruusue uiweing hanse V-o otorÃŽs-l sgisgonoutbuiisgis sud ste6e. 8. Part e1thtie#saisi loi 2r3, frautiug ou Dunlop Street, as mow iu tise occupation et tIse 111,v. Mr. 1byrmo. Cou tibis is s trains dweliing housue, oeeand a hait starleligis. 4. Part of ais - loi No. 20, frouting on Dunlop Street. Upen is il a trame double teriensent, oise sud a hait tonies higis, et çresent ili tihe aêcuparion it Mr. Elwsn ansi 5. Lots 118, 19, sud 209, aus Perrys plan, east eofilrockî street, in tise lewiscf Whitby. 6. Lot 200, lu Perys plan atoresaid. 7. Part of lot 25, lu tise irai concession ci et < Tounsisip-ot Whltby, uo'v part of tise TownssoetWiiry, as uo'v un tise occupation et Mm. C. A. Hopksins, station master. Upon ibis is a t'vo.stsssey fs-sce d'eUiughane This iand is linlue rer ettise Grnd T1runsk station, sud nuar tise Part Whiuby sud Port l'erry Rltiay Jîuceison statui. 8. Part et tise sentis iaif f alai25, lu tise tirai concusifofethtie Tewnlisip et Wiiiy, contaisslug tourtuen ae-res, more or lois. Upous ihismausiilesacl orchard, sud ih le suitable for patîre, und si ener tise Grand Trussk Station. eReglstraru absis-:ssîs su tities ta tise above 1lots assd several ofettiutie deusis eau be scean aith ise of thtie Vcssdor's Solicitors. Tisa Vendor sitl cnly lbu obligus edtu mntsi copiîes ust tise teg4itrars abâracis, sud te produý c tise tedeuoin luiem posassion, sud 'v!iinet bu obligeui ta promuce. cmfuruisis amîy ethur titie leudu dr cop5 i, sanuine, user be obligesi tus lreve lise abstrl"ets urther than by tIhe lproductioni cf tise deedu inilhem possession. Tise jsurchiser mai11 lis m-squimud et tise imie ot suite tsi Psy ltiste V,-udor, or hier solicitor, Orsi- tens etf tise iissmntuse uscuey; and tise puresasersi oftparcels ivoansd six w ibe reuiresi tus pay the balance 'vithin eue moitisfs-u tise ime ofsasle. TA epurchaser:î utf tise etier parcecs 'viii bq rqhuiredto uy s inelmore as 'vill, witht e ne enth maeue third et the jîurcisase money, vitisin anis moitis tram dise time ut sale, aussitise balance in <'vo LI Ua nuual lustaiments, 'vus iuterusi ai ilt par cent pur animi, payablewi'vuecli ilistahxnmnt, tus e siauresi iy ciarigege 'vush insaUrance chsuse. Upisss payment of tise puumhase csauey ansi giving tise martgege, tise iureliaser su-Ilbceunitiesi te bc let ite Possession or imua recîipilit tise rente tram tise dataetitise uxecutian et tise sartgage. Tise atbor conditions et sale are tise stand- ing conditions et salaetftise Court et Chai- cery. Fus-tiser penîiclibas ansi conditions et sale1 ansi pastitulusrs efthtie prisent rentais andI teruancicm, cuiii beobtainesi tram Messrs. Farewvell &uSMeGeet, ai Oshawva snd Whitby- W. H. flulluiga, Eeq., G. «Y. Smith, Esq.,and Mous. Groençu-ood & MeMillsîn, WlUby; aud Mesis. Caseron, MeMicisael & Eau- kius, T'oronto ; sud frein tise Auctioneer. Dated thiui fOui day et Jsly, 18712. CR0. H. DARTNELL, Master. FAREWELL & MiER Plintif 's Solcitors. lily 8115t, 1072. - usi4 p Il0T Ã"G il AP ilY. Tise ams ormmerly occupiasi by Mr. Wilsoon have again been openes ta tise pub- lie by ans operator, Mr. JQJ4NSTON, Who isthroa uy cqîaintei 'vus al the improvemetl u tise art having been for tise laitthiree srs enga * ounee 01 tise largesi plota.rapic eileIisneuts lu To. routa. Mr.J oinston cOurs a perfect lite- naese, fros tise esils miniatura te a lite suze. He also Pratices Mir. Butlisat's nle' phoctographsie Prauessofetrtanstemîrlng1ke nesses te canu a ad eoloring in oul. p Tisa publie ara reqpecufuhiy invitai toteaus andi examinae siees. t Nothing cisarge if it ikauessinet uiis- 0 tactory. Booms open tram 9 a.m., te 6 p.in.« Pisotograpis Gallery, Wallaca'i Block, up- $tain,1sJ Whitby, lily I7tb, 1872. lm.29 T. LAWLER, W. A. LAW, 1 Importer and DIeale irail Iddaoa Secretany andi Treasgurer. aly-GoerePure Win.es, 11872. 5lu.28 PO5TP ONE MSNT. Teaboveni. 19fasfet 09 iini TUEEMBER, PURE SPIIS CROCKEFJY, C fNGLAèSWÀEE, 4-C-1 CHEÈQUERED STORE, recomenci their fnends to 4uy Selling. off ut tlie old cc Whitby~Âaigu~ 5th, 1872.. NEW AD VERTISEMENTS., %.., ER SLB 0 £-J 1 C-TC- 'P c VALUABLE PARMS,1 0F TRE One mile from town cf Wiitby, I O UT H R ID N Will ba sold, pursuant te decra. lu tise O F TISE suit Dt Long vs. Lvngtne, lu Septeniber1 next, tise uortis 5= creof lot 32, lu lot C U T FO T R O coucession of p shp o sfby l is s-CO N Y O O T R O Ceuni y of Ontaro ; anud tiseneti= 10 acres of lot i intise said concession. GENTLEMEN: A .n aIâvertisemeni contahuing particulars Yen vili smon lie calasi etsaise'ii ls epublsshed ini a Sew 'veeks. po t hos areeenti o SPENCER, ROSE & MACDONALD3, tpen te se oseOaMraprefentaat Vendore Solicitors. tie ns e y cf Cin em eus , f theda Toronlto, 25th lily, 1872. -1 ete ser ouuing h tricfts Hlaving bean lionouresi .BUY GOOD 'vitis lie nomination by lise Reforni ,cavv~s9 ~Convenstion cf tise Pidissg, I now beg 4£ABL SCREW WYIRE to te snounc yseif a canditdate for tise BOOTSAND SOES. position cf yîmnr epresentative. Ansi ,600S AN SHO thtisiyenu n y bocisnablei te decidc The B sI a d (lcapet. 1w-far I snuy bu entitiesi te yolsr The est nd leapst. confideisco, I laiete .ppcrtssnity cf stiisgMy opinions on s",me cf the pe. To tise Frac aid independent Electors liticel questions likely <o cdaim more cf tise Norths Rlding of tise Counîy cf iimediate public attention. Ontario. Tise liiutry cf Great G:ENTLsssZN, - Havigruceived tise Britain usd Canada proves conclusivcly unanîmons nomination oi the Retorm. Con.-<liai goosi le"isiation, ands- honeut adl. ventien of this Riding, I again solicit yonr ministmation, under a constitution cf suffrages for re-eleciion te tise honorable Responsihe Goverusment, suci s a ours, position lun wiicis your votes have placed cannot chiaie wiihout a perfect lier. Me as your representaive in tise Hanse of Cominons. mony cf politicaI opinions in tise isein- I adveriing to sane of tise meesures bers cf tise Exécutive. I am, tiere. 'viicis bave iseen paed duinsg tisa Firsi 'fore, opposesi te ail coalitions cf op- Perliacient of ibis Doinion, 1118 ta bu e- posing politicai. parties for carrying on gretted tisaitishe endeavors cf tise Retors the ordinary effairs cf Gevenumeni. Party to esuensi tisezahave genemally proved irirlsalie'et futile, however clearly advautageous tecaur I re la h at common country tise.asuendinents mey aid 'vifiheg cf tise people may bu have b ,I the..Lot session, I may rater faitlîfuily representod lu tisa Leglula. te tise endeevor te bave centrovarted eiect- ture, il l isecessas-y tisaI freusi ansi ions for tise Commons tried by thse Judges intimidation iii connexion with cdec. s lu this Province; te have tise elections held bimultaneonsiy on tise saiea deandi lions qsisu enîi aisiiesi 'iths cxemplery in-~ tise e-distribution etasuais, ufer the puiismeni, aid tise meut ample op. Couutderaîion Act, îeviîg tisen distrihuted p~ortuuity afforense for the- fiee aid in ibis Province in a faim and equitable man-. nibiaseel exercise cf tise franchise. uer.. Tise holding cf ail tise cecticus- in<lie Giving te tise Exécutive tise control of Dominion on one andl lie semae day, large sumos ofmoney aid tise disposition ofunrtiautoitcfasigetlw vasi exients of icrritbry, irrespective cf ro-ut. rteatoiyofasrnetlw srv. ie te l'amhsment, had beun lways for tIse punisiîent of bibery ansi cor- veawcd by Retormners as higlsly injidicious rulît practices, and tise trial of con- sud caiculated toctend te comruptien aidnu- teuteel electioni, by tise jUsges, Wvesi, due patronage, believiug, as r- do tisai theise yoiincnuet ta eu represetatives et tise pole sisouls have as lsm pnocnuet ia uuî perfect a contrai as psile over aur rev- ts Wlic eil us requisite tisaI enue sud rasources. teExcecuive sousis hsve certain dis. Tise enormaus expeditureinl money cretionasy powrers, I hols tise opinion and lansd, equinud in he construction aftie tisaItisose pe'vers sisoulsi ho confinusi l'acifie Railway, lu my opinion, reiquired a te tise emaliesi limt, consistent 'vitis very thorusugis survey sud investigation, bu- tise preper admninistraticn cf lise Gev. are entering upon se vasi anu undurtiiig ubsorbing, as il 'vii do, ai leassiail our sur. ernmeni of tise conntry. Hence I- plus resources for meny years : aid tisa de- stand firmmy opposesi <o pleeisig tise Bire <o have is Eastern portion constructed expenditure' cf large sîms cf public' Bo as te 1usd as couvenlunuly as practis-able mouiuys et tise disposai cf tise binistry, o tise Railway systens c 1 Ontario, a Prov. withsout tise, sanction cf Parliamieul unce whiich is 'iinecesserily contribute se large a proportion of tise requires fond.s, being firet obtainesi te ali perbieulars wheus asvocaied biy tise Retorm pariy oi this andi details connectesi tlserewith. Province 'vas uutoriuuately succesefully Ve imd biset- ceuntries pposesi 6y tise Gavemumant. .tisaIIsave advsances Most luneuaionasl ht is in My Opini*on very important tisat greainess ansi matanial presperity, are 'ffice.holdcrs and otisers un pa>' cf tise Gov. minment, aboulai, te secure tise undepeudence tse se piplearae ngege inlutise f tise Hous of Commons, bu excludud frota meut diversiliesi pursuits, ansi who olding seals lu it. hsave tunnesi te tise uuce aceonut tise 'A réference te the voles 'viici1 Ihave -naturel acivanieges tisey possesu. ivan during tise lirat Parliament wiil be a Possesuing, as 'vo(Io, in ntarion of my course lu tise nexi, if yen do bur fertile soil, extensive Lakes, ansi se the houer et eleciing me. As a resldent eft<ha Riding, my inter, immense rivers, naturel raunurices to stes are idaîlicel 'vus is rsperty ; san iobulmbs etna vla wheu iooliug te tisa geîeral intereste of tise easy communication balweez ail parts Dominiou, anybhing relating specialy te of-bise Dominion, it lu my firm convic- bis Riding 'veulsi al.'vys recelve my cerefil tien tisat, 'viltiste energy andi enter- Mtention. prise cfi cur people pro eriy cinecteil, Ragardiu0 tise iniprovemauts cf our and cucouragesi b y 'ise iegislation andi ,outmy, tisa conomicl use et ajiddevelOP' geesi le's, tise lime la ici fer cdistant saut ot iii esources, aud tise protection f ils peogle in <ha peaccil c njoyments cet 'viso cmDominion 'vil rauk esong soir eam ugs tise prinicipal objecs:of legis- tise firsî ceunîries cfthe globe, iu tise atioal messires aigtoen vièw extent and variety cf lier egricuiturel oud always have my support in tise and Muanufecturced productu. Our pol- buse, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e trm'iatvrprt naain. iy ulle be suels, in my opinion; tisaI I have tise honor te be, 'viile encoureging tise devuepinent cf Gentlemen orntrlrsucs o ttesm Your ebedient Servent, crntrlrsucs ,a iesm JOHN HALL THOMPSON- ie, utiize our necussilies by levying ,auinglous, Juiy 16, 1872. jo a duty foir a portion cf tise revenue requiresi, upen suai importei articles SL. as cen ho- meut advantageeuuly pro- ~-UAi3LE FAIIM FOR SL. ducesi sud usanufactures inluour e'vn The, nort hal o lo No. 18 . hp4,country. 32 T 0 TH E concession of the Township of Reech, 801 acrs ered and 20 acres in woods. Good buildings and orchards. Railway station on the corner of the Sarm. Quai-ter of a mnile fiion Prince Albsert, and one mile f rom Port Ferry. For furtisar paticulars apply to WILLIAM MASSON. Brookiu,-Auguat lst, 1872. 8in.81 s ELECT COL Mrs. Gemack will open a select school for children in Mms, McGillivray's cottage-- opposite tise Grammar Sehool, commencing Monday, August 6th, T E R M Engliss Branches, 2 00. per tern., Needis Werk (Plain & Orna- mental.................0 extra. French ..................100s Drawing .......... ....... 0a s Music................. 0()0 L-ýW Ternisstricti l avanca. Whitb:y, lily 23, 1872. lin-B0 *Tise f olewing animais viz - Tiree steers, t.wo year old, whsite sndý red'caler, are lin. poundesi ai Lot Ï2,in <lie Brokin Front conc&ssi o f lithe w nam 'of picksrug and willtiserais slbyLp 9 auciion on tise 16tis day of AUMt8, 1872, st the iour of On. o'clock5 p. mi, i not sconer clalnied. Dated est Plcksrlng iis lmt oy f Jly 1872. WEXSTONPÂILR July 24, 1872. 8in.80 .Pendksper. Ki11G BROTHERS, -WHITBY, ONTARIO, Impanrsm, Dealers spd MannutureraoS al LEATHER AND. FINDINOS, Cas pait taj«i", Bashu, sud Lealir. OIzzi.TmG MAllE ToOBODER ON -SHORT OTIO. i el t: la ci o C As aIl our isatursil asivan- tgsarceuselesa 'vitheut brains ansi .inist diýeet andi cpply tisem, 'vo sisould m ince Use of oi-ery psnpen mucus te induce immigration <o our country. Tise defenune cf a eouttry like Ours, isavùsg tisonsanssof Miles of inlansi beundenies, must reat maialy 'vilS tie brave isoartsaadatoutsrins et 1er people ; it, biserefene, sisosild bl Our au le o tltivate a martial spirit lu tise people, ansi train our youmg mon to li eoxperts lunlise use cf 'varlike 'veepous, eued ho tisis endi bie Govern- Meuhtsisouulaioffar <Sein sufficient lu. duceents for tievotiuig tise lime necesseny for thuui purpose ; andi net as isitherto, by dopeninupn lise*muni- ripai counecila te nmake gosi<i e dicieuay. These sud ail otisen ques. lieue, issu-ing refenence <o lise 'veifre cf tise cutry, I isal, previoua to tise elechien, haeve an oppcrtunity of dia- cusslug 'villi you, et publia meeting ansi o<herwiae. Ansi, in conclusion, I Miay lie - Pemmittosi te adi], <hat' being "<e tise mnor born," sud havlng my' prcperly lu tise -Richag, my inlerasts are insepaxable froni yours, ansi <laI, shouit yen isonour me vithsyour con- fidence, ansi charge me vils lthe sui of your represanhatiOn I Shsan, le the unt Ot f MY humble abilities, Ceide&- vOur <o deserve lise one by a, faithful disciare cof tise-othen. 1-eam, Gentlemn, Your mosl obedieul, humble servant, WVhitevale, June, 1872. T .W IE w A NTED. To purcisase, or lease forr dv. y.sii a COMFORTABLR RESIDENCE, INsTZ TOWvN oV r n. Apply, stallng terni, <o MayumZSL W&<;b bargains lhat ae. dlut- J.M G. MDÃ"OUGA L, BAKER AN]) CONFEC TION1ÈR, t SODA BISù1JIT-- RL4NUFACTOtY, T'he undeérsligned lun reîurning thanka to his ný nerôns cnsîtoM- ers mnd the publelu genierai, -for their biserai patrons. e ii. lor tie past lir er, respectfully saliehas a cuintinuaeé orftise saine, en &ýwisfis.ata anneusuce tisai Inaddlîion ta bis formner. business, le bu as urbsoed, Kt, îcensiderabie expenie" oeachinery, for thse manuaturing cf Biscuits and-Crackers',of everykhd Sti Ansi he is preparesi to 'fill orders Whoiesaie andi Retal, on short notice, at reascuable raie.Customeri cen depensi on being supplies i vu a suporbor Biscuit, as noie but the. boul matariatlu used in manutictuuring. Breadi, Cakes, Candies ansi Sweetmeats oaf every description Ch -Also, an assortment of al kinds of FRUIT in their seaon ifVhitby, May 29îh. 1872. * J. G. MeDOLJGAL,. IGENTLEMEN-'S CLOTHfING Cii 1 rdr LATEST STYLES!l A choice and well selected stock of 4-A correct Fit guaranteed.ý ces exceedingly modorate. TWEEDS, COATINGS,.,&o pri,- Afullllune of Gentem's urnishing- Goods kcpt constantly on hand. ALEX. PRINGLE, NEW MUSIO0 STORE, BIROCK STIREET, WHITBY, Where will be fouud Sheet Musie, sud Musie-ýbooks pf al kinds, Musical hiustruments of every description)~includ- ing Violin Strings and Bows of the best quality; Stationery, School' Books, &c, Iieautiful Musical andi Literary Works, Sui- tableulorPreseiîts, constant- iy ou hansi.- A CHOICE AND VARIED ASS(IRrMENT. desfrMseadBos acul ild Magazines, Pericadicals, andi Papers suppliesi. Ail Or- JORN POST.1 Whitby. May 29,'1872. SUMMER GOODS MoMILAT Panama Hais, frein . $1 37J te $p 0 Stra'v Hatis-,rom . lOct t 1 50 TetHRat from . 75ecte 250 Silk Ratsetroin . 300 te 4 00 Liuen Coats fm - 1 25 te 8 00 Lustre ansi Rusiol Cent Cas, 2 00 te 2 50 Muilin Dreus Goads tram 10e te 25ec Grenadine Bras. Goats tram l2jc te 50e BnilUasnis, Pints andi Cottionscf evury hune. Thse aboya goods are decidediy the best vain. in tIse market. 200 b/s, Cotton Yairn, T. H. McMILLAN & Co. Witby, Ylune 12, 1872. 24 8Ph'INCG ANO S.UMME!? IMPORTATIONS, AT, OLD No. 1. Y. GIBSON lias just received a full aniÃ"mlete- Stock,- iu ail the lines of the season. SIlks, Lac- esGlvsà icy sud Dress Goods. Parasols in great var *iety ansi of every shs.de. CIQths, Tweeds, ansi Gents' Outfittin3g Goods, which in quality aud style cannot be iurase&i.Aise Hats and 'Capsï to whieopocial attention la caled. GROCEIRIES.-A .very large Stock, the 'hoicest, Freshest, and Best. Hlardware of ail kinds, Oils, Paints,- &é. FIELD AND .-GARDEN SEEtlS, New hie andi Gooti. Ail the ieading varieties of Turnip, Ma~oi Wîrtel, Carrvt, Cabhage, Onion, anI clher Field ansd Gardon g'2,000 bushels of Peas Wanted. WhIb?~~I 17 28aY --- ---- n Braizes, muslinS'. Ldines, Battist Cloths -for trave1.ieg tripe Shawls, &c. A eho ice, assortmei ildenWS'ats';ý" Flowers,---Ribbousi of Ladies' and Laces, Parasols, &C , &C-, AChoiceLot of New, Teas, expected in a fow days LOWES & -POWELL '. CA//A CES 'AND. CUTTEi8 I m. O'D ONO0VAÂN'S. - SIPLENDIDLY FINISHED CA RfIACES, BUGGIES, AND CUTTERS, 0F VERY SUPEBIOR IV0RK3L4NSIP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS -AS USUAL., %Vdt TBDY Nov 22nd, 1870. -An imenise Stock of NEW- OROC0KERY A ND1)GLASSWARE. XX & XXX ALE iui. Bottie.n Dow's Superlor Bottled Ale., R.FRAN.CIS, - Family Grocer, Ske. Whitby, June 19, 1872. The st'bscriber ini returning th.anks to his-friends, respectfuliy begi leave to apprise îhem andi tis public enarally, of tisa arrivaI of a New sud' comuplete Stockof - ('onsisting of theý foliowing lines: Biack-Siiks, Grograin aid Plain;- Figresi Silks, Japanese, Fancy Dress -Gcods, Muslius, Repps, Dolly Varden'a, a choico seleustion cf Fruns, Lustres iu varions colora, e grand assont- ment cf Irish Poplins, Whiite andi Grey Cottena, Sheatinga, 8hirting ,Tiekinga emagnificent tlisplay of Ladies' Undercle<hlug. embroideresidain ;ýClil- ranis Dresses, Infants' Robes, Bonnets, Hatti, Plumes, Riblions, Hoieny, Gle-ves, Chigu'ons, Braidi, &c., &c. The Gentlemen's diepartÉment i'*s fur- nished with West of England Broasicloîlis, Doeskins, F'auiy Tweeds, (Scotch andi Canadian,) Hats, -Caps, Neckties, iu the Iatest styles;- Shirts and Coltars in great variety. The, Grocery Department is- replete with a choice, selection of Teas, Coffee, Spices, Pickle, To- baccos, &C., &c. A visit te his establishsment is respectfully solicited,, where froni asivaulages posseasesi by hum ho is preparesi<o dispose cf goosise t.-pricca, defying compolition.' CaragsBuggies, 14aggons,.dù. JIJS*T ECEIVED A LOT 0F MlI2T. E NTLA A choice lotof Jaýva Coffee TO ARRIVE. 92e7 Dublin Porter andI English Ale, in.pint and quarts. R. R. JAMESON. Whiby, July lOti, 187. hel 1 --- j'Juii&>26tý, 1872. 26-ly. %Vblthy, Mal, 0 1872. Ilellillan'ii Block, Brock Street, BLO CKe Whitby-t June 19, 1872.- 1872. oo,'S, G-OODSI whuby, May 29th', 1812. A, Large Stock of Sinnmer Clothing j ust received. Millinery, Dressmnaking -and Tailor- qv ý 0 LOTH Si . GEMBRIE e 1872. SUMMEË GOODS. SUMMER JAMES J.- MURPXIYý

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