Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1872, p. 4

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1;î 'bie ve neveu-id golug b Sekolal. pi Ti. ii as proind, nd Paul ÀeOiv. 7roma Wester-n pper -Wb l is auut s properlydifll D" ie-L Elm Rous. vas noirer aftr ttab" . filneus, Yftoerday, My vifs, le, .4. binti ber ttrelunnfnt clUfdro», - lopé *" a.poor .sdmi s w-t le.-e unyRrln * 90e alk--who i0ýe sht tilinees provAiIed lu the . dMinteofn'tie anti-as. vers os oehool iroun wlien thle do"master" .,a. baalzaasas fthe tecongoeethimm4 _çnnoci beo,»- dlsinidseln PL1 at. Âqunity cf freelu cornet b lieno ecýtiz, ut afier lueaf.ng flue 'Now, gentlemen,' seiti a p.i meeting lessons oveuy yuglady Win etri oela os r reauoriginal composItiond 4oOry Lad gathore,] toion. of hie se«osi Young Ma! viE Co Mili a lace to nionom Wetern Cânadien tcvn, 'HO% ory,aof potry or pwaowOUch le ii i1k.e agoctiblackguardstor o peak frein hie stànd, and tflue.Who elu'aver vil rae. fhefr hende.t feu faO do eifluer wlll be- punishe,]." teiitls oflhe dexter paws insfeni Row thic'P'erndftu1on etarteton theue pt Andth lero wAaausddeu In br5ws cfthe fluxid ones sthe ce nfydMn j spch w"s madie, ivon fthe oieni n or ont rins Tii. bai pu bg iiteri o wWr 1W eo. ew nIlutes vlseu bmm.incaizi an -piicod one foott n th tide asl.disidual broie out-vwith ,'iosay, diîu-ey t II"ntohet UcWord@s "sahool le fhat etocy.P' - 'Bleus yau, va, dnise,pulied Off hil mitIons sund piy, -1 di,] not intend otlanie beaaa-bng for a book toi fakae toly. 1I-0o11Y vante,] -to kno lomne "ta learn sonustiing ouf of,' and 1nianY blsckgàards are, preeentî Whispered profanit>v,@o"sucluas dalm 't," miglut have heard apin tlrop au 'coifounute lnck,'" coma UP fromibe» turing ithe lecture aftïr thaf.. Cl, indcdslc-end ail feit as if there Wi l e b.an e lipse anti uocglass h4a iCUeîeOUe. CALCiULTIONY.-..The bc-n amelie,], elcept theon020eniar± cha Voles zeikmeg mplie ta the P4 wiî addé refluer seak than not," anZ cuiqus anfhmeticaisanie wig the girls wlua lied bghi5Btors aet ordinig 1c01110itofehion in Griaen . sc11oo18, wluoso plevioaue Utrary efforts 1ate waz-, naeey, cf fracing aeln Di boroetcfforcled rare chances for pie. OU1 confection belveen datas e, giaîism, owhiiclî b>'ae tile luelp voul,] evenfe nieking theni nemoabli deeeive flue ftelter. deducing tfllqica propiiecy. B, At lestthie anxiacusiy aweited ile>'or-. aring te daesBof specia i agn ri-i'i-4, tieti forctoou iii passed liflue usu-n.iflue Ife cf Pins IX, flue Berlin tal ciuîI-,l lit i on here le e decid. luas discavere,] fluethfle figures 0e echeauge maeoii inteeappeerence cf sOri11P te ilineteen. Tien stef flic- i;liolara anttd edooroom. 'Plie 'big retti vas barux lu 1792,lue vas orc ghirl are -"tiregsui <, ur tieocca6iOaý in 1810, closen ppe in 1840. ftece wýoucî tliriiig lte week ; ao2à réPeaulierity la 1878, vJieeecaneeqi adot-ticîlwitlt thîcir unoflers 'bre-csipi1 fle progresietîjournaI concludet tcnd ai pair of" rire"91car-ings ; W if grtevant WlR agein leeppen te siokins fke leplace cf flua litoer>'Wiat fui is a b.lif ileaves its rg blue or black unes, whliclu wauld net to imagine. llrsoi welan lte plefforun (for fluere A, kiud gentleman -et Nomwiel %vore ua dresses an frein lu those des); vente,] sanie boys frein staning e 1 uearly ail were "*beau catcher Ilp 8 as-fstaned bybtheflolg, an,] extrici tere,] onthe site cf their fâreocti, andti fu ua trouble, pufting litfer. cliarceai (rani flue flrej>laccIlied been info. lis bosoun. Tlue next day1 used as a dentifrice during flue inter. nierked ft I ue at mc misson betveen forse, ent aftemnoon. pie flun lueeepecte,] Thu bilitt, aotdgirls ap A c e hntleepetd Tnue ilittiebper-ted sh e ndtps Agenlenian, leernecîic lu e cri, anul enbroidere,] penfelefles offthe nen. soceal customse, wes esket ifvit küi- style. Witli fle boys fler. wee meenlng office customn cf casting î ae;un. attcupît ait ipravedt bl.et ; lipper alter e uawly-mrriet eaul, bouts )oadlinon greeset, paper. colerre tley efert an flîcir trip. Ho ail,. andiil io a portion cf fîcir "a8undey-liecate fthaflue chances cf mate-t gu-tu-llectin' clothes"I donne,] for flue are very slippery.' temcsiotu. $hocky Ceats cf luair lue, "Knoving nien" are nsnely lk beti ob4,it nto Partiel subjeatian, pieu-lu lfait, mare known thont outil flue loys wiîlîchupped luents ble,]e. sOitlccil hie, liant.. e» bran. and vafer 8r crflprin f te original . o S 0ouena gmncV Scale-A ct Wiro'viille.'rTe "docloe's son"' exheal. Pnnt fteIda lyN, c-dIL c pOweu-ful eriai-eliluhis fatluer's a eregOlelî, lu odescription cf1 fllavoiig ucuuacts ndthefîte verue est sieoting, gays of flua sports icîu'p)(t-'s" liîoylîatl anointe,] uisaelf witix Whlo dia t iflue&t -_l3si,stfli Juiillaieut, tsoï subsîtttt orfarune. The fier, uy lied a gaod bag cf bufi 66titîr", té)It.of ait. a d iignity equel -tiser, pige." Wluef e very largoelb. ta 1 clutit-sioli, l'ed aisoeoxelueuge,] lis must. have been. Appereuti>' t fj'.ry-(Ittcy for ' s*wmg-ail"Ilcf are gienfa on flua carie again in f fitbiîoHlîîitl-tîfliatîd sliinluspots as e daya. ttIctwiiîg. Tite bell riugs-raing ALL TUE DIFpEOEOtcz..Sanry. * -so arc luuîrtl, beoku, put ea>'y, flicmon, but lie ce',] me a icer 1"-IW mracigplhunî leurct fur worle, an,] 'Tla's nething, ludcie; ie ce'dl 'S'oîtîu-i Sntltiose!' cala fthe teacluer beer if."-Sandej : "Deugr if, mon, --a,) 1"Sîtiîuul,' wit-lî openting glance. lueprava,] if." lit hoi,; inclit, tîîîîîles eiong fower,], 'I mca»tt aetodyuo tihi stand, wlucro lie becamnes the tarrit lio," seltc aelaidteyauofri oft ttr yîtitni facethA b or Wluo vas walking with hhlm in lis ofst'l atnt ieyl itll Itave ale if A bow'den, aeu tsutnbiing in aîit fuil cf Wa HtîliasJi woldhae acl i 4brck -"NO mattr sith fied11 lîcti eti-ut hhm ait the instant antflue foun,]d ei sl] ie ren] liitek of' tiie lied, anti Ce essaye te eî-lu--An eccentrir voman cf New y, hie iuitfe toil itiMary T Gatnsr vhhais been, ie lnrfw tg (Pa he bcid ljPof prtn day, fruae ntomarieges, eo ,leItvit,(rounîereiîsw"p lowy er teck a flirt hushen,] witluout legs, -pîoweuflue reesen, as elue ailege,], thai lie wn inuit.leutii' the wcury way ulm vyrmhm Atit plode tite , te wordîes andtefome. An mndlviuaWh a zld Sivofi-onucii eyunder ivy ruanceiterde etespuzl, TIi, ttuîjni gincon defh to the ovi emplaler na hr llteSmitlîs caine fro <suIlrlcnriUg cm 'ai luebs aft ýlest scîvedthfle myster>'. ritt t-lli-te) wbcre the beetie s-hoele Waferbury, Connecficut, on e large fi Adf tict riglirer dsantein ory, lpears a sign isribei, "Sm: 'Plie icaciier relie ounitie deskandeut himpson le nef gciug tfa(do au rieye "ainlevify," eut Samunel,'fling îci t» centntrums. Hej viii 111wî f erguifen pretiy muce ial hbig ceni y asked hia vifo the differance1 - eh-g>'" i-iicltides aes fella'.s: iveenlis luat end a leogsltea,ai t-reru-smt ii- (lia-lia) beact (n) nîton she saidthter. vas noue. Ho saidthf tle liiitiof ycartb vwas not the iigli anavrer, ant lefi. 'iyiutî t p wl-nîgedtsiteiker) unknown. AMnwola er retda ±ýeiicliy ituarlu,-,]hitm nthi-birth, -Amnve'a et'ureida (titi ii-nee rowncd unon lnfr lier ewu.' eeet -pacte,- le lied a egu] Satte gocete iii seai anti Cltelis frae.an,] caIl-n ta vt, smoking - gît aueho kniep frein iauglug cnt 1hou. otl.,l ses cf the sun ; and lile, eit. 1uo(lfrein the imaqtar, 4"Lu teeoa-u cwfne u e iuîd irt ili" fripe, aillles ot lu holueas net tfa blame for belng ont fliceth plitforr- ndeu, after * u enipîymant e gea,] deal. iroOctu4- InjueA]!_us-antbrouglt up vi en fb toi ut( get ie l uta liet wu- ga Ilet sae, tue îuurod sueha reputatiton t-C a udg e Tismani favnsliip cf Le Mens le vays coma down harder on biscien Ilretenet vue a seres of ruinons loy- cil eue an>' cilera. Isiln suite. When flue Red Prince aîproecie. Mfiss Elisiabti l3raudreih sfepe for. et Le Mans a number cf niorcluenfe p. vr, ant inl a Susan B. Anilucu> stylo piledto thfe fown aufhitiies forper- dseltfhutnteciOin cf ceuutÙ mission t a eo their stores, to aon -luv "u fue pngo wheu .- mea- siterable ameuni, frani fie relve>' w lttrksi arc varbiing, anti gese bonting-hluse, buf vere fat ellave,] to ucwkiuig, sla ves la go o'ut Inta fie do sol Ail the goats ver. fekan b>' uls enul culi butter cups eut see t-lisPice F1rerick Chieries, n mr e heuubl<îisgambltugon lie green chant-lues ýairea,]>'obtainet a "verudct' as> batiks (green fare banc,luerbu-o- for *9,-000 against the tovri, and hlis ex- r a, iemeant), and tholunrefun, mpl ili efaei eihl, > ,kit home again once more eut heip mam>'ofiers motieî stuf *sasece,.for 'if ,.e --.. y not kid tccui pkarentsthflu isenger niet vil spile' anti roal>' we have St f(il'qôtteon the I f o! Eizabehu'e eo. i hI poiio r; heceul te stndur, ae rae in is H.tonyp bcvs, andi ieeiig % boy uiaklng faces, ou commences f o-nickcr, unlul, the beach. t< or, cam e 1b lis site ent reps hie headt fu i flotule i causes more g .nlrtlu fthen mare reps, -untiElueoýfergetsoP 10uIiece and le loceduni)n ths e . aA bc%.; ti-g--ac.- «Y- Th mloeinister's son, 'M blog,enletheu cahotd echlcire hov a oy a Meiviile locis as \solemaÙ lug is 1'place"lies mbeen ti arent#, pc-luipâly1 A rielu =n lu Brafîboro' (United gtat-esewuaapPîlad feor a contr-ibution oîb.eryLAngairon fence roundflue eeer'ltet tavu. But Co declin- Idýti fie efler irreverent but vift>' leO s Uet8fu cenietu->'des ne n., e>' fana., as th0se lside amnof get eut, an t t-os *hoeare ouf do net vent iget lu." If le ver>' naturel for a mnn f feel ýhrls vien haonnufkes Cis maidon E r2 flnie amati leifs lue taies e elville Winters - klnk ouf ov tUiChcauin ov Ille, endthiuga ta showv' the lengtlensit. shoulti qpok. The persans vluo most fràquenti>' 2 as a vinegar vIdte itaering-plàceo in summner u 'seleetet b>' are milimen. forifsmouai SluerlW ff'eo"ct. are good.nefnred Wih t-at I' tlIow.afler ah-Thy're elvay heappy 4& "sta serve yen. "Y. and rpu1. Wlon a atnt- betins t ta oed oe W 1 1the dSk t 1sh4-Ies ottwith a choice sélection"'. a0,Short baccos, &. &c. avn . A visi t t o is establis] G0l 1b, fboni aâvhýt4 thiii$My eiefymzg .ompetIi&tý p Aime t-o ýxtr.nmelY eWb ltay 2ftiru 157,ý- 'oct just- wl wcnfd lecturer et for e SAMUE s th re- PRACTICIAL CIE ~zrIJJNASý Berfine- >ope tee ehh. n s ureturrnng tha flue begs to an nounce, ht, nîysîri. ha tdfhe course of mainufacture., Car le, and lutest stylesbndvhiels y c o m . u v h c e 'ficence As hie uses noue but' the 2 Pape workmen, the q uality- end finish cf i f ea,'lr the way cf carriage manufacture ti s2me tnd repaire, 182.romPti' tede] a.Al okEY oy 'r,.tl - --ýz -b 8 sma 0T IC BIT E OLD STAND. NJE. - . HL" W ITBY PHAnM.ACy ýe d0rs The foIlowing anima s, viz Three Btee i,, AND i e pr-pounded t Lot 22, in the roken Front HFAM1ILVTDRU G STOREn Pigeon and will there becs"id by public auction on Have Stock anf areerand Goods, large tel it the 1 Gth dayof A U G U ST , 1872, t the h eur F T H E L A T E n o w s o w ig- D ry a r ndery f n 'ck, p. u., if flot sonner cleimed.StcofGnrlDy OdMpai . ro- e th 1dy872.nyJAMES Il. GEIRRI:E .N w M /lneyi..teL tstSye Jl21872, -30 P o dkeper. -Continues ta becarried on as heretofora.N e i l n t L a s c gin 01of AH. rgCeich aetMediines, Dye M1JSLNS, *SHEETINGSe t t -a t hid S tu f s , P rfu m e e s , & . H S A B L [ - D 1 8 3 i i f auodWHITE COTTONS, -GREY COTTONS, e Ple es Thec rooms forznerly occupied by Mr. Lampe, Keroeene and Goal Oil et whole. The undersigned in returning thanks for theliberâl patron- p 80.6HSSÂN, 'aWilIsn have again bean opened ta the pub- sale et Retafi. nu H,- ESINS OLLANDS, -p"" 'o lic by an operator, Bo ae-. e tc utervd bîtherto extended to the old establishment, for ncarly a period-of forty"years, de ie may OHN ON fromn England direct. aires to say that be hae.now on baud e large 4ssortment of the 'moî4tnodern and GOVS HTERRAS9e u W o is thoroughy cqu entedý'lth ail the Whitby Jue t,182 f g sylsoSH R S tust- uneoemco, i Uc1at,72.ig ben or CAI'& RITS C&RPETS, trust- imprvWmtnts in he art, havng been forNEOR TIES, LACES, & W INDOW OtIRTAINS, the lest three ycara enikaged tu one oi the9 largest PlîotOraphice etablishments in ToAndtrst by proper atenio and moderate pie os-RN1NGL vntîess, front the sinaliet miniature to a life , cure a contin,îance of Public patronage. Practicai upliîclstering. Furniture re- m 0 i *OOD* wild. aize. Hoc al,,o preetuce 1fr. I3utcîcart's new stufled and covered. sinon photo&raplo e proces o transferring like- ~&Fnrl sieeooe A Large Stock of Cloths and Canadian Tweeds.,J L e T h e u l c a re r sp e c tfu ly in v ite i tu a U e t k i u l S p l e eic an,] examine specnn.C 1I 1 DE 201,O DE . Meeti a tNothing >char 'cd if likenessecs not ratio- Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gild. OTi INOM h i -0.tDE . N hesae factory. ing. Remember thte Old Stland. NEW TEAS AND GROCERIES. CHOICE \VINES AND LIQUORS. Wffl bI t ee Booms open front 9 arn., te t) p.m. Photograp1i Gallery, Wallace'i4 Block, up XrE 3 X Wh9uýtby, May 22nd, '1872. 21 Te dac : Wlîitby, July 17th, 1872. liu-2U me TO___ta]_ ttJOHNSTOPN'S or ap nt T 0 , L A W L E R ,C O L D S M I T r H ' S H A L L . b t e Importer and.Dealer in all Ritds eci - 1~ soc gar.le,,F R a njj~ O S ella E L - A K I N GOODS thousa ate., UR SPIRITS, AWAARDED~I THE IS PRIZE !y CIOCKER«!, CHINA, GLASSWMIE, &c. At thePrvnilEhbtoTotin17 un- CHEQUERED STORE, -- lry ek ad W rkbxs Secrets ntly JOUSEANLO FOR SALE. Wi for lIfLeti STXcrrT. - H A -asDPotemLOTe, C iiid Whitty, May 1872. 22-tf Te dstace dwcornr f ingqurraceohn Ste., rto o esoesfor.tlie coming H , n.two ds l a n d a t t a c h d ,Bco r n e rP o r t e - m o n n a i e sn S& c . - - - as et present occupled by théeunder - ed tiii(t Machines, wbich in stylu and construction, enibrace - lcr-Plated '"-"o ' m Ahihy uue4 , the Iatest and most useful improvements of the day. Elecût At 4O-SO' IG1 SL-IKN IAE Watches & Clocks Ã"f the&best Makers, 0o000&, THE KIrs~urREAPRS."ý lach carefully examined, proveci, and timed, and threir es= ny. 0The unive-sal success of this Machine, hoth in closely contest- performîancc guaranteed. re q trials a d l ie h ande cf the farm ers, w rr n t us i. saying that, as a S elf R ak - Stom ai S- 0 go ig Resping Xhline, it bas nhore gonod points and] lers defecte, asud bas met witi,1th mor n tge succes n,] les,, failure, than heretofore oficre,] ta thc publie. -5J ES JO S"o .c h CAY GA JU IO ML 'CC Coo st- hiby Ma P-atilWatch and Clock 1Makcr. eto ar TIÇ SRN We were awarded the First Prize and Diplomia, at the Prc vin- h pi LU- Lj Co. iai Exhbibtion, bell ln Tororto, 1570,iii competition witit ail tbe Icading bMachinels truhl tr ES 0t,~ ~ AUI N. -Al genuine ba te Dam« mafactured in tbe Province ; and witit aur recent impravements, we unbcsiat-, -f 0 L ii an e ttc7t15 Il X' erup a n p seIl ngly challenge lu vesigat.ion and coniparisan wiîb competirg Macbines, we are 1 ~ ~ offrennt heJ. P.1)x, A7na rpgetopamphlet i n1, satisfie,]that sucli investigation wili canvinre every itoprejudice,] nit,]. Chait vWe u lt New Yel-k. bellib>' ail Drtriita. aoler tbe beat Mower ta îbh Fermer f'or 1872, builein the Dominion. Wlsenci or________________ for descriptive catalogues. in, rýBROWN & PATTERSON. ROM INEW YORK TO EUROPE i K N G 3lOTHE lS, SPR IN G ST1O C JY 0F WHITBY, ONTARIO, - O BO OTS ANDD- JOHN ~ ,and veget td hi i- in ofA SPLEIZDID ASSORTMENT 0F leesa LAHR AD FNISSAFEST-.AND BFST. ucn LE A H ER A N D FIN IN S, A T T E W O L L N SS p r in g a n d S u m m e r B o ts a n d S h o l a Cash paid for Hides, B rk, and Leather. Freight and È ssag -r d cei . Pas en . a y ete teeei gere by Ueilway pravideti with list- Begto announ slreadygm-m ndth ubietat Làe-BELTING MADE - TO ORDER ON clees Cars et the sanie rate as second. gsue ohs uto'san h pbicta h L TELAETSTLS a SIOT XTIE . clssby heAanLie.has"opened business on the premises Iately occupied by Ladies' Balmorals, Prunellâs, Gaiters. Ties, Cro- Thui',a -May', 1872. 2 LEWIS ALLIN, ~r Bandel on BrockSte, and that he is now quet Slpers ew»O, C Git 11= -~ n e, Sree, Sipprs, New ort, &. G uemens' Boots and bhoe, bo the Agent, ,WVhitby. in eceipt of a splendid Stock of the in great variety. Boys' and Girls' sewed viork, very cheap. -May be aj. Mylt,12.2-m RJGHT F T AND MAKE ! ARordered work romt en ded t~. b ito OTWHITBY &PORT PERRY RI . -mgLa a biegeuho A n d o f th e b e s t s ty le o f B o o ts a n d S h o e s. l E A I S N A L i E I T D n u g Also on band a large - stbck of Home-Made Boots and Shoes Ceeemeâtetih pae te -whiclu cennot'be surpassed for quality andTjrice. "ele. TI à E'-;;T A 9 L E. Al orders punctually Atteuded to. -Repairs neatly dôn. WhtbStreet.'182. the S UNDIIS, a Takea effeet on latex-day, lune lai, 1872, It iefxee, fià MATMHE W COLLINS. -alOthernea Whitby, May 10, 1871. Nwa h - 4 ~Whitby Junction, 0 OU a.m. 7 80 p.mn. ___el__________0_______________ ioNe ,~p Whit 9 07 au. 7 87 prn. tou i U»« _____ ____ ___9 a .7 59 p ftJ suail rail Summit' 10 O2 am. s p.m vM P RT N T .-N ESa)lln« ofix '9 , !49,&m. 8 19p.m. E W Serchant Ta*ilor#cDrapei, ocekExt M ancheste-, 10 12 &.m . 8-42 p n I ¶ A I J i LECT COOL. P rinc A1bert, 10 21 .., 51p.m. -oeBae Portperrir,(dnerta)O9e.n 026M-- atIim s, . - iunent is riespectflly 'bfie,*iierêe â4r pe e t t-odispose Of goots at prices L("WkÀLK'EY, ERIÂqGE MANrYIACTUR ER 'STRETi WHJTBy. ank-s: for past Patronage he has constantly ou 'band, aud in trriages, Buggies, (covered and open) of evçry description. ie best inaterial, -and employs the best r bts work cen be dependet uporu. Everyching in iR~k-gM.ia aIsomauufactures P. ek breonespbl ens FURNITUlI-E I FURNITURE! AT THE,,SIQN q F' -ITHE GTREAT RCJGCIIAIÈ g~Frnitre Seflinge at ,Old ]E'ries for 30 days longer;0 Ndtwithigtan gterise ini materjal and lalÏor, the undersigned offers 118 stoek atth lpi, for .30 days longer. teOdPie Now is the timue to embrace the opportunity of selecting from ths aga stock in the Oourty, of sidebo'ards, bwveaux. centretbls 9sfs chairs, bgeoomnets, &c., and ail of the best quality and. manufacture. indsa of Stitcede, Sewed, Repaire toue on short not-ice. Th. nl frtt-las stblshen ÂiMt e 0 H. yBAMO. P tTPliar(-l upe.jEgJ .3KIc. New, Choiée, -and Goôd. Afl Mangold WnrLZel, Carrat., Cabbaet wbitby, APril1, 1872>. the old Stand.- WIL1LIAM BURNS# <Pu-emises lefely e 'a, ot 4. hitsy,ï3I* ï4;187eo - -" buildings anti orehards. Eailwev station anc cornerez the fax-m. Qnaric~ cf smui i bu-on Prince Albert, anti oua mile fron Port I Peuu-i~. Pcrfuuruhorpartlauiars eppi>' ta - <WILLIAM ~~LA.55O1q. I Augustlsît 107h. *Ole.ai' -pply, etatlug feu-, ta Solicitor,I Ma>' ~ 3oo S8b,8 . tk5.WM7t).I Caîl at iag laLvutgeu.- iault au>' peu-son have reseunto be. e fluet ha lies been decciveti by bu>'- gspuriaus imitations cf flceee mcdi- os, lue viiido veRlt-O sendi me, lu a er, ta flue attireas et foot (vii le, i do et a cont of six cents in postage), te cf the. bocks of instucfions winch 9 ffixetoatho e ae. I promise to amine if eutend a- repI>', sfatîng iluer flue mediclues aex- gezune or mc flut if spue-icus hoie ay aelteo porion£rom. wluom lhe purchse ?I tc have luis mono>' ret-urneti. Chemiste andi Druggiots vho desire obti flue niedicines cen ho supplie! the iovest vluoleeale prices- lu que»- ks Of not bai t-han M20wei-th-viz.,. tit. 22., ianti Us., pe- dozen boxes cf. THOMAS BOL O1W&Y Oxford Street (lefe 244,,Sirend),, lntonJW. C., October 1,1871. SE PORT WEITY & PoEi PERRy- EA]LWAY CO-,'Y. ITICE la lie-eh>'givon tiit a General lug of the Siuareluoldeasscf flue Port b>' aiPort Per->'Railvra>'Compan>' i. ed et the COmPan>'s cMce, lunflue Tovri cf Wheitby, on -d8Y, the 19-th A-guus8t, '7j, AT T1; 0'wclrC, A. M.,v te inta conatderaiui the adoptiont pproval eci a certain hwslution1.pased o Boardi cf Dlréctors cf the saiCon- ,,i reference to the accep gce cf the- subecribeti b>' thePart w'uby err- COmpany, in lieu of e bond for te Banti0 dolr,given lu>'theeeid Port 'y HeRrber Compan>', as 'a bonus te- [ailw-e>'Compan>' >order of thé Soar. <Secretary andi Treux-ýor. ery's Offce iu>', bu>'4,1872. - Sin-28 E Celebraei Carretraca Minex-ai oer is unaurpassei as a pleeaanf anti %aperient. or two ¶ slese0oefCaxreatraca eveuy ~before r ,o u nyempfy cale nlg flue-luot veather villec 1'te colanti heaithy. -, Iey ataaeosa nd u nnivalleti as a eh ad kg anaY e>'blat eg tfhle Px-opînetor, WIIIrNG, HIL41 -WARE, - 8m S. Paul !Street, Monx-eaL h,15 5. - - - - 28 , ERTANT> TOPATS SG MACINERY. -'S SN 'RA MVIACHINE O-1L. Oil excels ail ttherOil both anim fatble, anti s-e re P pred ta.sho erant>' Of bis On teao thiersi le testa necesr> a poure-0 rs t. Clothier& cnýpiod by M-r. - t) s a I ear» q

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