Whitby Chronicle, 26 Sep 1872, p. 4

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* I. iuuen ran ont mue sue hald»oeomparo fts eunauellid lhanSe wlth *0t poudW. *ou dil of thieold clok ùth landiag; and thon ah. looked Gowp lte .lm- shsdowed perspective of the quiet 7ee4, aud took y et as second g1ârpoat t4e: wacwit ismpatent sorteof osLq. Shewaaa tllhadsoue gil, witl briglit brown Isir coiedA&round lier lead itas ceronot fslntltamn izeA wtl blit.royal way ,aIe lad 0f bhrowlng back lir leiiderwhlte titreat, and tireetitly graceeofhearo-rry nue. tien, Her eyes, largo sud, aoftef-a- Pocujliar lazol tit, were ful 0f dreamy lauguior;and the wite and pink blom of lier cheeks btokened vory. plainy -blet sitenover ladturnd day'liuto niglit and nightitot day, aftbe aii p., P poveS fauhion of metropailibsu bbelles. o.Rate Talbot wua a mestte boauty, fresls, anA tincontamlnsted byjthe amnis. ten ipflience of fashionaÀble fie. 6l1ere ihe comiea-,and ble tanet alone,' And, withinjuat thirty ,seco4N U« M * TslbPit waa onthe stopsaofthe pea!leo inclining lier boA ta, Mr. Eamere Wylie, snitholdngout aneagen, fiuter- lng littie bantA towards lier la tter. -Ho sîook liaslisA,. ,'No letton, papa?7' *'Noue, Ksty.' Itoaamer's qnlck oye scanned Ksto's conutensuice'as aie took thome, asimagie rose mmong lier dark tresses, sud, one luueiud sligl> holding toether te folda cf lier bine caihme. hawl. How pinly lie saw the expression cà ke lisappofintnent that fluttered acroas lier perfect Greek featurea; 'l<ebo.'iqaid Mr, Talbot, quiotily dis- ruucitlng f rota lis horse, ' someow, it Lq lalilleoît for nme te beliove in this gay Cavalier cf yenrts.' "oticf ight, out çf minA,' le s veny nid provori, ycu -itnow, Mny doar; sud it lsalust possible, smong the. attractions o f a fauhiteneble wstorig place, taât le lias forgetten thie llttle wiid flower aif te Woidingtoi buis.' 'Nover, papal Yaiu sud Bosemere *alwea were unjusti>' pFejudilied against R ate spoke wit ver>' gennine aubin- isani.. -She hulieved i Heur>' Osynor mýat as impllcitly se ah. bellovediite liutid goldof tliesuun.ahine athler feet, ad It seuted impossible that an>'. e elos alnd for a single second dainlt lie trutit audfiincority. litosmere Wylis iooked-et lier with g rave intonbueuls. Suppose-suppose, for Uriinstant, blet Henry 'wam faitile. i Ilie terni>' cheoked witllu luinseif the upsplriingitîg tircb cf lisheart. Vas it' f'or Iiitii tob buld uip a palace cf lppi iou'i sits uthe wreckof Kate Talboit'o firat * love ? Ilie nover caed for lier s I do l' wss tinue rbcli<îus cufýry of lits whole- nabure. And Rocsunero Wylio resolved te g0 lu Scarborqugli, and aurvey b ied fu huînelf Mr. Heonry Osynor wao walldng up ud down bhe publc promenade, tante aftorticoui sunasine, i t was cerbanly vury contilidraktç of lite give the yomng ladies orucl a fine oppoitunit>' of uuuririog lis beautiful dark eyes sud rietu ipspilisîtcomplsexion sud exqulite figurü-ýtht' glanae of fashion, sud te niîould ff brut' Henry feait blet le was captivating, and compietely forgot * hut lnlueiîpd itetdeul b todevote taIt R, ricnier fernoon te writing te Miss rolb>t<i te prot>' W'oidingbon girl bluet huud nadu aucli an impression upon its, 'haive you ihoard wlîo arrived ttis Coooe ' Moiford'n luaud, laid lightly, ou iNMr. qýuyor'F; luonîder, arreated luhs matuuuterin 4 novomonts. 'No; as y one wcrti u cltivating?' 111.48ýintrsso, hoiireas? Why I 11lie ue4 bt] itle was among te 'ite lits4 chunged lier-mind apiparent- 1>' ; et ail ûeuts, bore ies, with iioieoi ruiuks, anA no end of lat- boxes. Tfloro'm a chance for you Young îuîuuu, if yosi Weub a ridl i vfo r' Ileuury Geyncr'n luaidsome eyes sparikleid. * Iuubrodu 0onue.' 'Cent, nnforbunaboly ; haven'tbuhe luouotur of lu1 persoual acuqaintance, ni>'. scf ; luit I cu tllboitenwlocan.' )IVylio; lue cutîte yetcrday-Ross- ire, youu lnow ; lu's a cousin, on * sotictîng, cf te golden damacil. AnA lucroe is ii u1 Henry' Guytucr wiuccei alittler 'Nluat i1tlautt fat, dowdy little conceru l'y bite1door, Wly, I tliougitt sle was a bocauby.' 'Se isealtot, considercd frons, a Amen- -!al point'cf view. My dear feliow, perceptible ahmug ofMla shouldors; land Iprebanîce my cousin Emily wll bie gratifled with tIe acquaintanco.' SeBoMn Osynor was formally preombed lu the liaits as a candidate for the iules cf Misa Emily Montroasor.. 1 $he corbainly was net liaudeome. lien hein was t lin aud ruaI>' brown, Ion' cysdidn't botlokitbe laitue direc- t ndn aeundoubtl>' ýworo baise teeth. BiRt thon Henry' Osynor rse. membered honr monea', and icoked et lier tirougl a doceptîve golden haz thàt made litem ver>' Jaivoiy."o II do't really know wlat te o abu KýatyTaîhot,' tîtouglit Mr.'.Gaynorte * hlsell, un.siir twistu'g up thu ink W ouvelope bluet lad onwrapped Ion last glewlag.,imapulsive, lovti- Jittle epinasi. Iwasapeat'coilte aflowmysolf te gpt se eutiagled; but lb lsn't fc, teelo yot te back out gracefull>. ,-It"lnk1 * won'b aaewen lierletton; -woman ans 1 generally prtty qulel b b- aesa hit'oai -Mat sert.Kate'a ver>' pretty, I mut admit blat, and tel a- u 9u ar~at but bleu Katy lisa b any fertua., ànd lb reali leoven>' ma'a dut>' te look eut fon nuinher ena.' Thus cegltatig, Heur>' Gayaesgigit- a iselgar wlit -te pak mevlope ; iwhlle peau. Rate Tslbet, lhaii ont, bhrouglu the aetlyst l0 o tIe, .ugut twlihlit, wouudo gd Wonde. od,,and gpaw lheart-sick st hem ieven'a trangue silence, . . ýw utter- aer w t e b1 &Âyem.orso, pehâpâ darling; but *bat dose tla$ gnif>'te hearta 'thai are congonial' "And thon m~y niece wlf thinký it sa riiupus; oshilmaayseoppose I estp!eotlesof betie 1to te nter_ eùà, mtivs f oher,'lie- ureau m- don't knew vlat snswer ta-ieyn Z Sà, y yea, dang.' IndMWssMontreasr said, 'Ys' 'But I reanyl rn fraid te let My nieet ow IM sure site wilU oppose .3Myloew sp*e e h P~ portunty; w e0 goqüietiy é h dhurcit sa"emorning snd be niarried.' thiasint a com-oo~~coe ' ;'but tIen yo know that our love is not a cometanlove., 'I-I know itl'fsltered Miss Mon. tressor,,turning s biuge. ome«$u =09n round and roûàc o-lier' duznPY littie fingr; 'snd-il yen in"e upon i- M r. Ganor'a liandsome eyes fiasled in tritun; lie ras sure efthe prizee t luat. Peer, forgottezï Xâtel1 The auddon wedding of the milddle. gedMiss Montesser with the chef d y'en att a Or*o'u s. aiý Tatiboard of it ta'due time, and erieda s igît and day before alie began ta realize tlat tee ad had à fortunaâte escape. And Bosamore Wy7lie came baek from, Searborougî juat m time to catch lier ig the rebound. Whul Mr. Wli. nA issRate Tais, bot were gatliering paâpes and whieper- taç exeeediagly inteèreating littie ne- thiugs under the green,, tremulouts; ha- do* at the arbours îet ýWeldinitn sfter tite.moat àpproveil style of love. makiag, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Osynor were en>Gy ng the grandeur of Wales. 'Sublime I soul entranctag I' ejacula. téi Henry, gentiy pressing tfie land tht Iay on lis arm, and looktng enthu. siasticafly npwards towards the matun- tains. eVery nice t' salA Emily, ahsently. 'But I'M so disapointed about thio lot- ter from, Emmy. 'Wlo's Emmy 2' 'Ne Niece,' dear. I thouglit, of course, 'slie'd send me something very nice for a weading present ; but-but 'Deareat, do not weep i Lot me brunit the diamond draps away froni that dear choek,' murmured Henry, flourishing his pockethandkerchief ro- manticaily round Emily's face. 'I-I cau't help itl!' sobhed Mrs. 01,ynor. 'It's too meen of Ernmy. Site always did oa pose uiy merrying ; but I nover thouglit aIe would bo so spiteful.' 'We do not cere for lier good or bad- opinioii, dear. Your lusband is now ail tIc world toay U, My Emily.' Th jua'nt wMitt ae aays, th3 hate. 'CaIn youroeif, my love. Wlat do ice want witli lier paltry wodding pro. souts.' 'It isn't that, Henry, but-.-' 'But what?2 'Siîe's cut off My allowance, tlie liard. hcartod min%; and site soyich l' 'Wliat 1 Are their two heiressés in the Mentressor fltmily ?' 'Two heiresses?2 No. I do not compreliend yen. WIat do you meen, Honry P' 'Do I' -Houry cleared lits throet liuakily, anA went ou-uuderstand thet -that your nioc-' 'Why, yon muet ofttn have licard of my niece, Eniily Montressor-alo wa nanmd alter me"the ricli leireas 2 A.nd she'a a great beauty too-at ioast, aome people cail lier so ; but, for My F part, I nover could bear thoe oyeilow. laired blondes.' Henry Gaynor tood etaring at the mountain with eyes that seemed turned te tone, whi.le bia fair bride prattlod on2. 'And now sles cnt of my eiloweuce, and left me witlout a enntee world, the diaagreeable tung 1 Woll, it'a lucky I've got a huaband to take care of me now ; ain't il, Henryý dear?2' Henry Gayuor did not, anawer ; lie. litorslly could not. Ris tonque seomed ta cleave to the roof of lis moutli; every drop of blood in his body tood stili. Rad ho sacrificed lis youth and beanty and brillant prospects for thiis The gentie Enii1bldnover looked as cearse sud unattractive aeshae dld at this moment, linging careasiugly to lia Wil b. sold, puranant te deerce lnte suit cf Long vs. Ltvtegstone, te 8eeptember nekt, the norbli 150 acres ef lot intelot concession cf Township of Whitbby, in the County ci Ontaro ; and lthe no t 50 acres et lot 88 ite ii.daconcession. An aAvertsement containteg particular of.asie will bo pnbulied tesa few weeks. SPENCER, ROSE & MACDONALD, - ý cVender'. Soicitos,. Toýronto, 25Wh Juiy, 187l'2. 8 F ABU FOR SALE, Iii the Oth concession of the'Townshlp cof Whib]Y, il'niiles West cf Broodln, one ni- dred acres.. Apply te.- JOHIN CAMPBELL, Esq., 571Brookllu. Ontario. Broeokil, Âng. 15, 1871 - t. KING BROTHERS,. WHITBY, -ONTARIO, Importero, Deuleu, anAManulacturera eciail Klndç of L EATME R:-A ND FiNDINOSI, Cuh1tpalor Hlidés, Drl, sud Leathie Leatitor stretched. Sâr BELTIKG ?MADZ TO OlIDER ON 8, rerlecuca id, Book cai An Iilene oék Of N EW QR0 K EY XX & XXX ALFii"-tý Dow'se Superior Bpttled Aie.' ,Whitl»',June 19, 1872. R.. FR ANU,C BOOT AD>SH0 Tt Wal(aoe's Bfook, Whitby, and Dominion Block, Uxbrldge,, ZE - Sigu of t1qý Mammoth Boot. ---o R. B.-B., K .E, L'-E R laving received fuxther additions to bis large Spring Stock, is now selling alu izsof' Boots and Shoes, jsuitable for îthe season, at 'uheard" of Parties requiring Gonds in nis Lino, 'wil .do,,we11 to examine his stckprevious to pnrchasing lsewliere. ia large experience, and the favora- hie terison whiçb holie ans e urchase, givehbila every facility for giving bargains, lieretofore unknown ta Whttby and Uxbrtdge. MIL KEELER also manufactures ail kinds of Stitcbed, Sewed,. Peg Work, to order, on reasonalile terins. týîrBepairs done on short notice.1 SR. B. B. KEELER, Whinùbby, June 10, 1872. c ENTRAL MEHIITION, 1872. $8O OOfféred ma Premiums WILL BE KELO 11< TUE ON THE lit, 2nd, 3rd i 4th of October, OPEN TO ALL. PiazzE LISTBA iN ENTBT PPzERS Calibe liil at the Secretary's office, Geel, and alio from Secretaries of other .o1eties tliroughout the Province. 9--e,#100 taofoered for the hast apan of Roadster liorsai. G. MURTON, JAS. LAIDLAýW, .' Secretery. Freiident. Guelph, Auguast iat, 172. 863 T.LAWLER, Importer anA Dealer ita ahikinda cf FarniIy Groceries, Pure Wines, PURE SPIRITS, CROCKER Y, CHINA, GLASSWARE, &c., CHEQUERED STORE, Wlîitby, May' 1872.* 22-lji p H OTO G R APH Y. Tie rooma fommerhy accupfed hy Mn. Wihheen bave again beau openad te the pub- Lc b>' an eperator, Mr. J-10H NS T ON, Who is bierongil>' acqialuàd wibb ail' thé Improvementsaifathe art, iaving beau for t.e lus hbies yeers engfd in onue-ofthle largeat ht h sc lohet i o mront W. Johston'cfera- a par$at ike., nons, tcni lte aniaileat - miniura te s liteý dii.. 'lie aieapracties Mn. Bnbohit'à nov pitoffegneiprocesecf 4bnuferr!ng liJçe messes te canvas and coloing ln cil. ; Tis public are rmepctlnil>' teviteil to.cai sud. examinespun. Nchiing charge Ifl kenesâ snetsal- facbor>'. Roams open freni 9 e.m., to,6 pa.. Pictegnapit Gallonry, .Wallace's Bloeck, np Witb>, Jul>' l7tit, 1872. lia-Si cOL1COAL 1 COAL 1 I-N -R EA L,- V -Tbeo cargo., Co epr aoe rs mKais Aunie Mwnea anA AÀStlLuuu, tombons. su cter purposs, ail cf the, ver>' host qUalt>' anA viilte sod siprofil peent purchasera fer CUL~ 3011f BLOW. N E W ýPHOTOGEAPH GALLPRY uoe GENERfi L GOLDSMITH'8 8HOP HAIsOLD ' xsucLx (1ately froi Invernsv Scotland,) 1 egs to announce to the residents of Whitby mil vicinity tli4t lie las recontiy opened a Photyllraph Gall11er Y, witli ail theilatest improvements and seu- irn the 1 uilding eue door south of G. C. Gres'baar4we store, flrock St., Whitby. Havin- . engtliened experience te the daratg ga4e of the. old country, worka ol ý ar thcod, none in Canada eau b. assured bis ~soea GENERÂL 3L4NUF.&OTUBINVG GOLD MITH'S8 SHO0P. Mr. Cias'em le prapared te manufacture gelS lanA :2 e ara e nal he hteat aud meat beau ' Sosigus ten Rings, Eir-rtngs, lacelets, Ohains, *&'C., &C., &C. 015 mota, nisioabilevý*ery' made iptuo thB.7tat syles At tsé mo Mase*c ~ a ddf4eliovs' Èmbleme maSo te oreat ,yu reasonabie terme. M. ca lisctted. - I HAROLD CHI5HOLU -I Brook Street, WZutY. Wiitby, Au guet 57, 1872. Talw o pamphl',Jo e st 1i Trains Gote -Nortli. MatL i. Mxcd ~byisîI*uItien, 9 -0 A-M. 7 0 pi.. Broo9 ý29 .7 59p. M1cyrtleoa. ?,-0 6,n19 S l Snicmute,M. 8 82 p.. Manchester, 10 12 &.M. 8 42 p.m. Prince Ale , 10 21 s'iu. 851p.pu.ý Port Perj rrie, 10 80 a,A ý9 0 p.m. Trains Gote S8outh. MixeS. Mail. Pot Per, idepait,) 6 00 &m. 2ÊO pan.' Prince be , 609 a.m, 299Pm manchestor 6'018 &.m; 2 48 p.M. snmrait 56 25cm- 2 58 pi.ý Brookin, t. 7 oflAa 8 51 PMI: 'Wlutby, 723emn,8 58 Pm, ýWWitby Jn on, (arr.)?7 80 a.nu 4 00 pan. îp«rýStations, Trainst o i !AS. - 1f B.EB. lnlÀzdinL, * f -~~ap 'N C"X VIN Z SELF-RAK1NG REAPER AýWAMDED TH-IE ~FIRST ,PRIZE 1 At the Prôvincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870.' OYe offer W o ur customers for he' coming Harvest, twodis'- tietMachines, ýwhiieh in style and construction,, emrbrace tli iaes~~ad mat l ye 1improvementa of the day,. JOIISTONS SNGI>E SJýLF-RAK1NG REAPER. The universal success of this Mgchine, both in closely conteet- ed trials and in the banda of the farmera, warrsnt-us linsaying that, as aSolf.Rak- i~ eap1~ eeinst bas .morogood po ints and lotis defoots, and hss met witb mor sccascc luatailaro, thaï beretofore offerod te the publie.. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER Wewere awardeèd the First P riseand Diplopia, at the Provin. iual Exhibition, beld in Toronto, 1870.in c9mpetitlon&,with,-ilI the lesding Machine mtanufactured in the Province; and witb Our recent imprevements, we unhesitat- ingly challenge investigation and cemparisen with competiipg Machines, we are '-s.tlafled chat sucb investigation will cenvince every un pre.udiced mind. thât we 'âger thetiest Mewer tethe FePrmer fer 1872, but in the 'Dominion. LWVSend for descriptive catalogues. ]BROWN & ]PATTERSON., CA 1W/A CES A ND CUTTERS M. O'D-ONOVAN'S. SPLENDIDLY FINISHED SPRING STOCK C0 BOOTS AND -S ý-MATTHEW COLUNS -e Coin Begs -toannounce tcq bis cnbftomp'rs and the public that lie defra lias Ã"opened bnsiness on the -premises Iately occupied by Peh Mr. Bandel on Brook Street, andthat li je ow I - - in receipý of a splendid Sw'ck <of thue -a R 1G HT FIT ,A-.ND MAKE And of the best style of Boots and Slioes. .st Also on liaud a large stock ofllome-Made Boots and 8lioes n whicî cannet le anrpassed for qualit>' and priée, * -on el Ail oirders punçtnalIy attendedit to. Repairs -neatly done. thè 1Wbitby, Meay 10, 1871., MATTII ItEW COLLINs.l IMPORTANT N'EW'S BOOTS AND. SHOES. The' undersigne4 lasa large t0ko Ladies', Gentà', ard Children's Fine and Cucrse 13pots& Shoes CD72'Boots and Shoes made to order. M CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AND CUTTERS, Overshoes lined warm and comfortable. India Rubbers, ISlippers, &c., &c. 0F VERY SUPERI0R W0RKMANRSHP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. WB1TBY 1'Iov 22nd, 1870. PHOTOGRAPH GALLER.Y. BROCK STREET, WHITBY, W.Repuiring. neatly doue. CalI at the old Stand. *WILLIAM BURNSo M ha> 22, 1872. iot&Shoo Suaire, Brock sireet, Whitby. FURNITURE! FUR NITURE! AT THE SIGN GREAT ROCKJNG CHAIR 0~ OP POSIT E 0ON T AR10 B AN K. 1 &-Furniture Selling at OldPrices for A 'NEPW Photograpli Gailery, 60 feet in length, Whicli le bas fitted Up witli al the latest improvemehts, and new aud improved apparatus for takine picturea, Ironi iife.aize to 'kuy ne- quired dimentions. Pictures enlarged& accurately copied. HANDSOME FRAMES AND CASES. Businev hlcurs 8 o'clock, a. m. to 6, p. m. No business doue on Sundaysa. ;A. B A RRET, - 28.1>' 1872. SIJMMERIGOODS. 30 days longer; Notwithstanding the rise in material and labor, the undersigned ofièrs bis stock at the Old Prices for 30 da3Ts longer. Now is the time to embrace the opportnnity of selecting from the largest stock in the. Oournty, ofasideboards, bureaus, centre tables, sofas, chairs, bedrooim scis, &c., and ail of the best quality and manufacture. JAMEFS. K SANC. The only first-class establishment in the( uiy hr u nerala arc tully supplied. ~ leCutwir n 1872.1 The subscriber in returning thanks to bis friends, respectfully heps leave tai apprize ibem anA the publice gonerahi>', of the arrivai cf a New and Complote Stock cf SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of the following lines: Black Silks, Grograin and 'Plain; Figurod Silks, Japanese, Faascy Drams Gooda, Mualins, Repps, Doil> Varden'a, a cloice soiection cf PriaIs, Lustres ta varions colora, a grand assont, ment of Irlih Poplina, Whuite anS Or.>' Cottena, Sleettags, Shirtigs, Tickings, asinag ,nifeent displa>' cf Ladies' unaercioýhing, embroidered anA plain ; ChiA.- rouno' Dresses, Infants' Robes, Bonnets, Rata, Plumes, Bilibona, Hosiar>', Gloves;, Clignons, Bras, &o., &o. The Gentlemen's department is fur- nished with West of England Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Tweeds, (Scotch and Canadian,) Hats, Caps, Neckties, in the ~aétsyles.; Shirts and Collars i' ra vney The Grocery Depsrtment is replete -wuth a choice selection of Teas, Ooffeô, Spices, Pickles, To- A visit to bis establishment is respectfàlly isolicited, where ,frem sdveubages pesseased b>' him li t aprpred te dispose cf goode at prices 'defying celapetitiin. ;l WhlthY, May' Sth. 1872.i JAMES J. MURPHY. CarNiages, Buggies, Waggons, Jo. 'SAMUEL YWALKEIY, PRACTICAL CARRIÂG1ý.MA.NT.FCTURERI J IYLNDAS STREET, HTBY. In rieturning thanks fer Past patronage bege Wô announce, that lielias cozstantly on biand, and in courspèoý'maWufaeturà, CarniagesBuggies, (covered and open) làteststylés,fsud i cles'of every description. As lie uses nn-e but the beit m'aterual, and employs the best -workmeuu, the qualit>' and finish of hie ,rork1can be depended upon. Eveytbing la the va>'o et crrage uanufsct<ure an& replutl,â promptty attended Ito. Al' work wàrranted Whltby, If -82- -- z WL IL A SPLENDID ASSORTMVNT 0F Sprig and Summer Boots and Shoes, ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Balmorals, Prune-lias, Gaiters. Ties, 'Cro- quet Slipports Newports, &c. Geitiemens' Boots .aud bho es, un great variety. Boys' and Girls' sewed work, very cheap. Ail ordered work promptly attended to. REPAIRS NEATLY I'.XECUJTED. effl- Roenuber thIi niglit place. JOHN SAUNDES Whitby, May 8, 1872. Bvook, Street. JOeLN FE R G S-O-N, lYerchant Tailor, &"Drap'er,., DUNDAS ST., WIIITBYI Respeotfully inti.matesthat,, he le now ln receipt of a large Stock of New Gooda -Ion -S.PRING ÀAND SCUMMNER WEII '! Can adian,' Tweed Suits, Çloth Suits,_ B~s utg, Youtbs' Suits, Chbildren's Suits-every Style and1 fraterial, Spring, Overcoats. 'i Gents' Shirs, white sllkinds of Gents' Furnishing Good JORI colored, and Ionsý% Iotaop ne$, se tha-il apurions le may apply te tom te t have his muney retumned. Clemistsansd Druggiats who desire te ebtain the medicines can be-spppheA at the west wlioleseie pnices iu quan- tities of not leas than *OWorth-viz., 8s. 6d.- 22' , anxd Sie., per dozen boxes of PIhlWor pots of Olatunent, nett, -witont discount, Ion whldh remittance must le sent tnasdvance. -I have thelionour lai le, Wfth great reapect, THEOMAS'HOLLOWÂY. 558, Oxford Streot (labo 244, Strand), London, W. 0., Octeber 1, 1871. FROm NEW YORK TO EUROPE r SAFEST AND BEST- Freight anA pssage reduced, Paasen- gens by Railway provided with first- cias Cars et the saule rate as second- cas by tle Alla Linoe. *LEWIS ALLIN, Agent, Wliitby. Ma>' IStI, 1872. 20-8m CAR RAT RA CA. r'pECeiehrated-Cambraca Minorai Wa- -ILter-us uxusurpassed as, e pieaeant sud ' coolinïg spenient. SOua on two g lasesOftCanratraca e-rer>' Mo=~ beforo breakfast, or on an>'einpty Q. Auring tie ici weather viiikeep your systeni ccolsud icalth>'. Carrabraco Wabar stands unrivsllasa Taluaie emediai agent iu cases o abit- tuai -Constipatien, Deragemant oaithe sbomnand suZoweis, Chrcicfrfiammatteu of h bIc ianeys, Graea, Gent, Rheumitsm ~eeualy the chinais), Senof.UisSkia etosofllkiads, Dyspepsis, lisant.. hurm, Acidit>', anA as s purgative aller a Debauch l i t neu7 l The CarrataMineraiWabr freh fr.. the Springs et Plantagenet, Ont., la keýt on "ele by Hels, Drnag-ts, sund aibiera thrangbenb bhe Doiion, anA mc>'be lad te barreis anS kega of thePropuîetors, WINNING, BILL & WARE, M8 St. Paul Street, Montréal. Juil>' lOti, 152. 28 JMPORTAiq'j TO PARTIES U8fING J.B TOOIK's E XTRK-, MACHINE QIL. Tl il 1exoesi anA vegetbhe, anc lie aupeniontty cf stands the tests ne cas article, ilt àas liavy -machinery, machins o te ie l em>'eosa be;kTCe.cl anA it wlhlceani aiready gumined hr ccugaal or thiekea- meTh' *e ofliSl aSil anA vuii nV l b>' fiction acquires sony te eue lte ing saligier hem] jouýrnal expandsam s inupoasiblete ni. colA lat witticu ais cil uith ti, . ticher ti a lnqi npenstu Md the test R4 Bat the prefar lb le freea vworbiles, un orSon t sud te Sec Brngita TIx J. B. 8 conpied 1Wbitby, Jli>'3rd, 1872. 1 XT y Q OF THE

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