Whitby Chronicle, 17 Oct 1872, p. 2

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Crédit Sale of FamStock andimh plements, the property o!- Joh' n*a quis, lot 2à i4 thle 1bccný Pikeiing on Tltnrsd'a'y, the 17thi o Octèber, 1872 L. Fairbanks Jr., autiqneri. Credit Sale o! .Parm Stock, iiple Mients, &o., the proporty of James Katth lot8nt L uha ât con. 'iitby, ou Fui day, the 151h October, 1872.. L. ïFair banke Jr, auctioneer. cash Sale, hbh se &fiilturn, *~ cal itiotrumquts, , at Ma,0sn'a te1 Wilitby, on gatu'ay h th 'ctbet Cuedit Sale o! armstock,- ie Mints'&c., the. prpeçrty, of Bichard Brgali lôt48 iptfie àcon. Pickering L. Fairbanks Jir., auctioneer. Credit Sale cf Ferrn Stock 'and im. plemo]ntb, the property cf Samnuel Jack. son, lot 88 inthie 2n4l con. of %rbît4ýy on Teulayti o 22ndý Octôb 'et, 1872. La. Farban Âr. uctionoer., tredit 8ile f Fan stock sudiimpie. monts, the. property of Thomaed Scott, on lot 6 1à tii,,4tii ccii. 'East Whltby, on Thursday, the, 24th Octobeit, 1872. La. Fai.tbànls Jr., ancetioneete Credif Salé .6f 'Farn Stock wai u Pilements, the,, rperty of E. W. BEý6t. wick, on lo 1 111the ,lutcon. Picker. ing, ou Friday, tiia25th of Octoijer, 1872. La. Fairbaniks Jr.,. acuctionear> *Crédit uale of faii atocIi iplent*it 6ctis r ot f Mr. Josèph Bpwes, on Frdar ov, it, 872,on lot No. 4', n thrinàg9, Ptâ ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUle Wliîtný, 'riîinay, Ott: L7, 18'; Aucticu Bille. Auctioîc Bille mme prinhed ah 9T ClNCicxcccfclice iin supec-cor style, lu %best pices. Parties iinving bille -priît elcocll bear in mlad.tial lth salés wiih alsd receivo n nctice idn coInces cf eTuz CaRNIOLE wi Clargrp-, paper se Widely cireulti hthîc ie notice lue of fanrcimOater value hîccucrlclan hie cout of prnit bille. - Mm. MceCciarsud hile ,Aàitaats. Tfii,,Globe of Tîtumida>' astpnl'lial tth ie articles wilihaiive latly i icecîc'cdl in thce Miuiseeeial xperpcstoit Elgicn Asseiatioli, in iv4icc Hon.I Melui-Ilàir lias bei o e surrilously bisod. it ccv nîpears tîcal liera liot a perticloi' of foundation for t eîcargesos ic-gc agninet lIce Hc Cccicceisiouen - f -Agriculture. T pla 'in IishOr>' o! île- taumtionis th lthe Iivil. Mc-. bhg-a wothy inist cf lIce Cîmîlaa ;-Pmebyterinn Chunc lcaeiccg inxlccited 4riave propent>' in tý Shah,, cf Loniitaic, freed hie pecp] accu c"c li tellecue in Lis ilep, ircug tîcece lu Candiacnd ethled hîeui( 1111iJ intci lâcccty cf Relit. XVIiI,,e e guige i ictîxis vomIe lie cuhtemec upon tI lic-gem ciLecprietcof oetling cpcn frn chlic- clocurüilmcn, e, ciefi>' refugei -front latc'ýy,, sud ias assieted in I lvcrk 1JY n sccic-hy o! getehexuu in var cIlS lants cf tuie 1Province, calleil Il 'a1Elgicc Association,, aftemhhce Governo; G(ei o f the tirrie,-h wa interest, ic intiecause. M.IHenrmy Christ>', buccxcvDouct accd vealtx>'-Enýflishc men lic-- uthlu Suiiehycf ndcs, visite I'.Klirit ahehiElgin settlrîeuî-a cl; il 1,0Lo-dclthomi, now EarLSpec vermand Lord Lieutecnit o! irelaed- andu, lua-ng lileUscd vithcthce prognex vWiiel-l hal béc-ciccmade, otici-tilpecuci sic -y ccistacccco car-iy oun 'lie ivorl Icý.lccgus lie cecoccts in uis lette: au-c-ýlwcitxl vieited aEngland, mng tltrociclc tlice efforts cf the tivo goulu du-c ic a 1"O o cc>' as naised neu lolîicccfoc- ttie pcucost. of wcmking nul for the e ocihuîoft7 ice 'ettleene. lr Kinig ceas a-ffccni-d n Portionc cf hîis SUit as Icdocnationx, buit euscîl ho reccive il ici hccî shicccu, luu.tcg cocnticent cf hif cilit>' h> mc-ixni it ilitîeet. TI %vatiîcy'ce - s iie-ucrdI by M. King icl tIc.hie , xîd lus' luieg, nlthougl cteive 'lol-c-rctic a cc l icano!flicsiccesi butxt ccicc-gcmicn, thccccconey wne lest in cmr ILcg tlice mille anîd Ml ingm w-as uccabi,, hicrupa> il ah flice tii,, i .,c-l ldice. hM., Ringe ljetter shows lîcai tlicc!hci'Usacticc xcdecribeci b>'the Minis. h(iLO-ccd jnxcs ne cl sivinile and n frauci vU icet a-t picîtI>' iccicvoleut nud hixcitI> bxituc operahioci, sucli ns r c' il cu Ûix e n cgage in andiin iicii tii-ýy lcîct icivaniabi>' coule te gris!. Boti4vi-ocihic-. Miller Mxil Mn. King tien,, i 4 fi iil i clestian e! dcbt, sud there ecc in helothicg mcûoe sicaneful lican the (l"Ircx iigcflieaffaire o! a benercont cNIcxcié,"îspcd minisher before thie pub- lic. icnin p10t fucd an atîncl upen a la-ciiticcîl Oîcpount. lIn. Mcbiellan lcappcned ho l'e in Lon- dcic st the hue vihen 'Mn. King made thlin, au, selas reqneshad bythe Elgicc Aseocistion ho asost heu in iis an-igemnits- I itlc lus ususi kindli. ules in. 3McRellsr did wlial vas asked uf l'cn' ho assiet lis fri-ud sud noigiboun lin. Kincg, bnIt bc nover coutroiled, used or exîcendecl oua dollar cf the suui lent b>' ln. Cîciet>', Rani Spencer, sudoaller fuicuils, 'h,, CII"ge tint ho e dceircd, sviedled or tlofrsuded-suy eue in thie p-uiesisas falso au lic otîcer charges frocuthie sanie suce in roference ho lice Canada Car Conip)u>'.In- ree. ecc,le elebt dccte ie E"nglielu lnd- 1 ors, Mr. *iu g-ethnsthînt it viil'ebcpaid vien theaffaireoe!thie Elgin Associa- tion aro vouud'up, vlici à expected te tako place nexh year: but thie psy. ment, wue necdic ardi>' unay, is a matter Whlicli does not concammu lhe public. - - And thiis te hioloe ory-tic sol. fotindation for thc lafamneDus 'canges brougit againut Mn. hicRollar 1 Hou. DEN DxàEcT.--À4n elderly man t.Blor died vony sud. AtsnIy 'pýý, rh * P iaedith isay mmo s, ow f hWi lmpoti 'Ite190 itsvas elected Lo 4bi -8enaÃŽe;of thé ,Utèd 5tâes <l wbic lie ;ev< w ~z or twelva ycay In1860, lie faile4 ta get the noiatioi *forthe Profiàeey &t'thé Chicago OCou *veûtili,,'ét on te eIectionxiif tincol wapÉ,oýnt -S'c rry bo! tMç, U ý!4licliohoC, (4rniM *1*eightyons.ths lie filed-itbs acte i ater -cfn'O Ueye Hé sas gÉeviou 'si woudet *by an assassin',> à saine dayh e, l4hcf Âpuil, 18M&. 'Smo,,bis' ]Mhire, hent:Juish.,ja t le@ h ie diedj" Duigthée1War bçtween 't oNoria ansd Sou th lie 1 qUsc4itca hig;c aud oÉgýo Siva toua -towawi Great, Britain, hi ýedés latches éothe- Britiâh Gaverumeni in~ '61 eIC4itiàÏ thao greatest aàstonisli nicnt and snigiadversion. Anàl, dur. iug hie otr, official oaree, il nay bc Baid d. lý i*armanifested, an nnfniend- wy ;u lI*o±'lStile spirit ib*airdi ;DÂNoiî ôr JuMreorp rla Cesg-- agtt&Shen,' Oshaw,,,.came ta a igoff the, cars -wiile in .motion. It appears tit ýhd 'wa i ali'wny --li6iîe -frem theeast, on Pfl(1àý lnst, l'- the, mitdiigiit cklress. lÉnving; failen as. leop' thé'train passed he Dosi -station uukuown to'hfm. At Whihhy ho *as roused up, buit thc train i ad îdî tihe station without hie atteinpting te got off. About n qnnv-ter of a mile wast oftie station, and wie thé. train was' under fùli iadway lic nppeared lb, hàvýc arouseçi te .cousciouees, ,ana tb renliza the, fact thnt ha hadbeen carried l'y tii,,stati6n-' Whej, ie heelîould haîs alighted. Iu his confus6d state, and in thie dankene#osho, hastily jumýped off tii,, Watforti 'oho , aotl ida o f th~e track tea point where n smail board fence appîcîiaces ' a tleigii'acfJinTd in ail probability waa dashed iiack*tipen tha track l'y the force cf the. concussion -his nightind beinghorribly nmangIod on the- rail. The fonce.bonrds are J$roken nt the, place and there areo the marks of blood whaira le feU ,and crawl, cd away. Recovering froni the shiock, tic poor fellow dragged huenself aiong soins few hunçlred, yards ta the resi- dence of Mr. Marliug, (Head-master of the, Wiitby Scicolg,) aud tappedl at tic, window.in wlich thieri wne a lighit. The famuly were nroused, aud, natural- ly -wxth goime 9onceru at beisig dis- -turbed at sucîx an unseasonable hour o! the uigiit, aud on proceediîcg ta as- certain the cause, found poor Raggett in a fainting ehate, aud unable te stand . A y'ard fartiier he could net hâve proceeded before sinking ho thc groundin a state of! unconscionsness. Hoe was tgjken in aud kiudly eared for, aud niedical aid at once summ-oned- Mr. Marling hiniseif iurrying off for Dr. Eaehivýod, who nrrived at half-past one o'clock. The Doctor did ail that médicalil could do for the enffrer- whe appearcd ta lbe snffering froni great pain iuternniiy. The wouuded hand, altlhoughi a bruiscd, shapelees ns of flesi aud boue-ti, palmn boing turned round wicre the - back cf the haud should be-did not appear ta ause 1dm 80a mccipain-hus great1 apprehension being thnt amputation1 might be renderod ueceeeaîy. Ex- plaining wio lie wns, and his desire ta ave llev.'d Father Shxen, of Oshawa,f snt -for,' aise iii, partuer, and Dr.t UcGili, lis wisies were at once coin- lied witii, and telegraniF despatched. Il tlic gentleman arrived in a few ýours aftcrwards, in the eariy Suinday. as only 24 yenrs cf age ; le was a wl tive o! Stoucyford, connty Kilkeuny, by elanci. Whah sdds b theuencho. Ak sadness o! hie early death, so Un- ýppily l'rougiit about, is periaps tiie ht that lie was engaged ho l'e ccarried ys a meut amiable young lady dning mi e present week. But, l'homme pro. off e ei Dieu di8poge. no, WicnccvLtiEsAiR SOCITxi.-WVe arc pieased ho loamu iaI thie mezubere cf tics Society' have resnmed their meet. ingu. The mut meeting cf thie inter season vas held on Fciday eveniug list, sud vas wnvellalhued. we weuid einueshi>' necommeud the adranlages cf the Socialy'- *0thie Young -mon ofthie hov, asu a mreaus cf self-cuture sud improvemeut, sud offeing just the op. portunit>'te0 houe vho have tume on their bands durlag lthe long vinter erenlags, for cultiratiug alihenan>' tait, sud refiued social feeling. We knev chat tume spent in idienesu icade ho, sud how tiat- banda te, do." P.uc Tis fée payable is merci>' nominiai East-Wh -26 cents per quarter-sud ho mem. nuiced t bon o!the -llechauic's Inetihute, fr-ea. Messrs. -M near (Joli Hear>' ese rq good for honees; met. pri noue vill den~y tint; but ente can't offereel in cuakes horee' coat lodle emooti sud cînssmen, glose>' vin li8 ont o! condition. tig but i Sbgdo ~sCavai-y Condition, Pcvdens cohmuboy, do Y)Iwhn a i e. fils. ploxigie. -Mr Diper raaa the 'addreig a fol. a.,rimuds inthie hown of, Whiticy,&arilthamî. tuat dofendmtnteck u oaçzdy,& 4aa es fpodstris. Arlig rii ~seives of this oppcctcnty cf expressnom 0ug ta, t.MouQ4 ifàlisudict. ligberaii In yen p onllyt oe - no i Çfn.tzgeeead. XossT . ., oi",st~n oc M uni e me11 z. W 1haena t. adET ILMorgaun Leag,-higsB the jtay, th. su nerr, y.51%t< -hto cociazailata 'yeon orSdeft., 8.1 ofinIeiSlatm dTwnod- t e cit youerotmction t0a ahigheir dund m er ci,. Binie. thin jd - it e1, . ofinléilaturei. oe aru ag-mo Ie tdep eu. ntrtinclopen cp!u.-]#çw fr plpnciffset. ,caPit&1 fr-omOOmaha, idiome it bd S - - "m 0--g d.. o!mOlee.deep nse unceIti em nîne ti. nio - -c pïivàte rt, as a sd r hix oc rlranes ia ntsieit dsio â,t go 1 -d iti-len ýod,'.pelie.an., ,.à o h i ts' hoe.theocouintry aroundi Lincé du Wuinr lrénscdencin e lu nthat they- ocU di5mussd as V- 1tWlliaicthe -nMost suitable tW onunigW'i- e, taethflusîm etbôýd ci rpcpiding tbicnsenti. B flNi çostu. ov. li eult hlm justifiea th P7 Py lqs.Big'WCi, a1su t î, ~etioni. Ils rogressliaseu ozi qing, tbis, U» pencitted tc, -Mte ,tio uyn rei et YO& e4Ètajce Of tUë 'àt.d.àTi- -itatiy î 'tcg1's;8éâpasur~um ~- ciais -lidWbb& 0 1- ý~i t actuahes thie Juliats yien ý t f oýn-ens -ap 0 *0 apcnlet.of,-iiuurjoi fj oyiungtàesociaipless,cc an sd. Dg, ei Bglo,~o~xs tou t4L ueir City. Bu* ,en& erirez brn ac onlyeelecicu cfre D ri ole udJhn7 4a5,a5 pendant entirely po ïailoadé 1194 Drydenu jhi býai, acirc o m emuicationviw h e h& onld, l Wiiuct enel u ins.Leleha t, sud c i otWily Port Pem ai.upon'the agnicultur»pispeoihyl your dean e - drn man arsperene days. &V> Copti n hidn pry, c!,i cotutry round it, it cannot oxpeq sa Weune; dear uer, aeiibiliyauu*0h1ehir6e 'ina"tinsucli importance sastovusi Wihsaer epctsdseom ocad lèaand a nev eecticinqr .faveroual'stae.Btt - .DRAPIIR,:,- T. H. XlteMLd Nj, cd. Te picpastgtin~ h. sud'north-,Woscarn tracts o! land -CHM$'LES RINÇG, snd otlxers. bill yvers t d b.eetàdants lidwg± tiiri eaith sa S onas il To vicitil -Ur.n.Lockhsrt roplic& a equaify hip 4e Osby iigqtsiib. e ae rial.--Teea -" - Paymntcf tok- , tat the stàýoub1"hi-au " Lookincg fromLaiu -'- -i itby, 1j0it i Ot 82, snwdlylaeai-a nlov etiard, the. eyes rests on ehi --- BeET»Pnu-Wlcen î tokaùd aIa ieà n~'hn'pns, hose b * tiess dazzles s - p beun re~etof yqnr flomisniug vr curahn.sngleame ou, tien. Tisse aig town I vas fare9ýýby icpresaed with thce jlill diumissd, wiUc çgptso, as aan posits o! sait. The vater >ae,&ral cordial icoie, extended to me by ueveiil uc lal' opnn s-aais e o h ie at u h - f~u ppt omineut tevuemen, sud 'if, ae ;Ï'ï 4 -lac - l hie dise ange ai in>'public .ofndste me Pcdo a Jhnacd ttozu surfaces gré Iiuedvit dais,4vci,,cnciu a su lesî cymn anouHold:nL 4axnBo salipe precipitate. The ol o! hIc I ave sili unceeced in ni>' 'mission, asud sud.ThomiuPaxton. - ~ot earti seemsu mpregnsMed tprd myse iwrtiy e!otic,, confidence, Disiniussed as againuet Bigelov, the sait; dha-ring ils ise in ibis dii cplaced in me,i cive il in a great mesuneote qshe cot bignserd e andpeserrig itu isitues -till it1 yaur kiud febearauce on the eue han4, sud crac> fr piaalici M ah--ccuta - J you yen eyc. c-peratieou n hie che r., 1 1 , itse i m-ie Platte irer, ce Salt C t It need' et liii munificent gift la, con. o!thie eai1wâa.y pay ob. ad"ec-a wide'but .hallov' e$mam, W Yince me thAt Yonr -prof,,ssed. fuendshii a hoéi, lanis., '-banke are whihe;,,aswitb: hoan frout, i îcene--tîiefrequeul - opeuing, 01 heurt ta 'Botip nsd, ]ehcËé frplsnt h ice bedgluztéesas with peanle -heurt, boh nte rnato!o business, Mous, Q. C., for RaiiWay Co. ; Enllih. crystal. i ?.olloved, this Saltit sud i h ai iafirsalibaf% for Bigebow, Dryden sud ma h Hou. 'ibroxigihthe "SaIt Basin," sud ý -coîc-rnced me o! that, a1su ' erée loo ohsdvs upiei* -bsckeonttheeux yeassoe!my lite, spent in Attorney.General Creekusud, .G. aondso u surpri i a n 'Wihy.asas peried halcowed by imny ode. Smith for Mesuns. Holden sud Bois. q% o h country-side ca lightfulrecdilectienu ivhici shtal even ne- ýIn giving judgmenî Hie -Liordulci? froin au anid loent, to a most l'eau tain their freihuesu, punenese ami siveet- -r adcpwthyugok n neâst, t ny mind,- and altiangi abouttta ield Ihat défenidaut John Dryden asdae,-ciyug nksd pana fani yau, li solaed l' hie nivi.stock-vsntb aiiesok nu.muclc treos, sud mapies tao, home and th dge ticat stll retsin yenr fuiendaciip, sudsas it hsd been obtiind bainu Paxton xeminding one cf home-land. tt your eyes vill occasieusil>'b,, hurned vie paid for it l'y bis note ;-but hiat Lincoln is buey nov. Il is orerf ofavalne e audmy uew su ulmge upeneinasmucli authie sheif Lhad acquiescad ing viti 'visitons. The lucole e! uecles, sud litaI en vil rjeccen in h e peedingt, lie * vas stopped, cnowdod. The utreets are throu foys 1nces anddsucseervbmd!.var r ig s; otuese Housee are full. The Shate Fai 1 Allevme on l'oisif o!My>' if. sa"ii i s t eélection vould have béen roid. holding here nov, sud tiheShah,, ha- tiank yen fanthie geed visiosyeba, With regard to Manc'h that Ides"~u publican Canons. opekiullly oxpesse o torcmtd vo, as net libuc ansd haha bcwu nt Yestorday I rieited the,,faim grau Yein'épsie ni cf regret ah y ea1 u qualtied.., Wii respect *0 Bigeiow -hey are large, sud vel îitua arafuly- tcprôate, sd sceetaulthat lie vas disqualifeaio w Thosa vesternpeople are prend ci yqie for -yttecnrgattiiiatuens en ni>'acceplt- grouud-friin ai ldi. nté *0hieresuit o! thi.exibitio», but hote aucq0fapOeion cf gpester importance. ,Company, asud- sacoýn liého enu, thie show is vry icagme. TI - nking.-en fan eur ceatiy n cî t o rng y andno rght ý conmV r'buen- iti a "àlange sheo! fpg, u.o e61 t 1ç evillciihermreminde cnsyubl;but ta at h, toouhbnd:ictu elot... There of tue varmmnorted'frieudeip e! hiepeople' opn, 0;it1 ht"Ss ôtho f o .eal u inl eof Wiitby, - dui Mýi«Ougntlurc e utI iaieP -l ladto 1 sunisciie myself eherif vas goestopped hiâjug a scqjed utate is eineuhl>' sMied ho sieep. l'ours meshtnnrly in the proceedinu.- Is M ,cl olnlanti-y, -yet -litti. attention liasb RF. LOCRHART. sud Bous hold thoir stock fu117 1iid ~ giron te tli profitable branci of fc and tint Paxton sud. BigeloÃŽ eeuld in, ugThe show cf caIlle is vecy gc The Re ate cousit.cf seventeen pielOa5held lhable, ntiitnii ier' e ton, iing ,quite a -num2111er of J -of l'canifclly chaeed silver, lie vorle. signation, but for thie> heriff's acqu b ains. Thie show o!fliorse showov t iuanshup o!flMessrs. A. Joseph & Ce., escence. And furtienthiat thée direci- net sa muci attention ce given ta Toronto, sud cest over $200. Encli home vho iàd assiehed in punchaeing'î,the hrsesasihotcattie. On the ineide piec cohaie ln. Lcklsmts mue.locomotve couid not l'e halni o ho exhibition building tiie, iret liingt piececentine M. Lokharta m e rctmer,-inasmuçi as them acetvas attracte ou&'s cye isthie show of f grm, and tiecocntre piece th,, crds no gain tate t elves ; butl for thie large, v!ntied, rici, sud nefiechingg 1Pnesented ho K. F. Lcianh, Eeq. purpese o! asistlug ,-the Comnyu. crédit upon the fruit culturiets cf "l'y hie mnany fiende, ou tic occasion Hlie Lordship alec isld that thie court Shato, sud eviuciug liaI hisecceci of Icie resiguiug tIce management oflicad juriediction, sud ticat the court bail is voll adapted ta aising fruit.1 BtcOtai ac tWM hy h aepover ho compelthe dinecto hoa calu a spart from the, tee,,inofchiug t the ntaio ak a Whtbita akemeeting for thieelection o! dimectons in inhereuts, save nu n means of cempa: "tue management cf the St. Lnivrenèe place cf tiose deciared disqualificd. thie reeuits c! a vry crado civilizat anak" vith httof ciden ce. The iviole hibition is ne better than tint cf a Ci Mm. Lcckhnmt dctained his friende as Cricket. adian ceunIr>' faim; hat uearly sa gc hie guete for.th,, ereniug, ettangas thoso in saone of the cder ceuni thm ositbl en rg traisting wnB Vs PRT H OPE. Heneis tho uniquitone seiving-macli: hem coeptail la igitroya stye, anud the ongan-man viti hie afte thie good cld faslcion, sud, as One o! tiel'est played matches vit. garsi e.' r i vnos !pa miglut l'c expccted, s meet delight!ul ncssed ou lie Whitby cricket g ronE11nddof iemnade. Homo toc aà cime' social evening ivas cjoyed. for a long tume vas played ou Satur. viti dinty yeiioivcanvape, sud n hi day last. Wiitl'y came off rictomione, cf timee musicians. And yet ti HoNa4aeE ENTON.W,,leau a ivl b sen ly he 'cor vhci ,,commociplace people sud ighte HONR4BE MNTIN.-e larnas il. bcsee bythescoe wiehwevondered ah l'y the. country folle ai -with mci pieneene that Messrs. append. they vene demî.godesud hemvenby J. B. Dcow cf Glendin sud Tiios. PaOR HOP-1lu-r nues. siens. Soine of tics,, stning men c: Glaseford of Beaventon, have paseed J Hell, net aut ................ vmnaeholeptc.Tc> r high7>ly creditabie examinatione in thiir H. RTa i, bld Hein ch..........k.......0led-fra evenything tint makes1 second ycar *ah Queene Hnvrst C .Fiea, bld am..1............1 hstadyau vriyG. Hall, bld Fitzpatrick..........o iee av -sdabetint haug upon'f Kingstcu. MeesseDowv sud Glaseferd E. Bac-tan, rueut.............. 1 valls, sud are dcsiguahed aafine artE arc youug mnuo!mci promise, the>' E. Deebraive, bld Ham ct Ganret....0 ane te thenu niatteru o! great deli- possees talents for stcdy e! a supeier' J. Gilmeu, bid FizpatrickcI MarsbsIl.. 8 This vicw cf sa ian>' siglits at on A. Ward, bld Fitzpatrick ch Begug.. 9 comes but neaya n h ard order-whîil,, Ilucir amiable dispceition# W. Deebreve, bld Bannies........... nea1n, u ifi hae d, hen gnealfaouits .Meredith, bld Barnes ............. 2 la a redaletten de>' in their lives. It hav mae teragenralfavuriesByes......w..................... 17 i nco a place as hie, tint onc mi boti iiti ticir profesecre, sud felow Wides ........................... 9 resus. tirougi vint strauge courses t] etudeite - splondid aciievemeuts o! eur older ciN We ishthea a suces inther fi-Total .....1............ 4 lzaio L ave came. Iu a fev yea We ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~PR iveutin U uce ntei u arHPE-.2N0 cceeuSOe hua vooden building wil b,, rcplace tume tudies, sud prosperit>' iviereven E. Burton, bld Fitzpatrtck,............4 l'y as magnificeut edifice, these peg Ilim lot mny bl'a cnt. G~. Rail, bld Banes.......... specimeens e! sivine, cattie, eheep an HwtgoWe.J. Hall, bld Fitz ntrck ............. 8 herses, l'ythie beet iunported au How t go est.C. P. Fisher, bid F,Ézpatrick et Bey..::: Ã" tiaougii-bred stockes ; tics, puerï -J. Gimeer, bld Fitzpstricke.......... 2 pictues l'y beantiful designs. 1h isi H.ilueey u Rend, 'ld Bannesetc Maticeivon ..O suci an assemblage au this tiah o This is an inqucny wihevP neE eebroive bld Pihspstrick et Barnns..0 can nealize ioiv fan remnovcd froni fasl houid Icave trutltfseily ans vered befcme H. Wec-d, bld Fitzpahi-ick et Ray>' ...0 - liestats n hs jurny, nd litleW. Deebraive, bld Fttzpahicîk etHRam.. ioconce ce eut heme. Ilu hie thrqng ce ~ ~ ~ ~ H chreeuheredu>,su ith,,H. neetu ..euh............... o scsn-ceiy eee eue tasheful attire, ce ai aure taken in examination o! Routes B e... ,*,*«»*, ,-»..*.......4l oéééat h haetM:liý wiii n in> cases save mue-i trouble, . ........................ .... 61>an h oue e ega t ucaestheu5li Line and mcney. Total............8-outfre costumes. A yelloiv head-dresE Cogumpio, rochtiP ysp epsia arva am eteid viti tii,,fumes oc A~CI~~ ~~ CesumpionBrola'ti, hbaCCO, sud the fdoor thougi carpeted ACCDEN TOTHEYACHT "INA "-..The Feeble, Innegubarý Action o!thie Heant, viti s thicle layer cf savdust, vas ni. ucîct ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n anc aoct i ne !sdslong Est cf kîndred diseases, an. meut liÈpeny vitii spittie. I socu left, iany races this season, ivas capsized tltribucted tos 1ev shtate cf lie nenvoué sud retuued ho the hotel. Hene aven> t. Whihby harior on Ticunda>' afler. syutem. Oving *0 ils bnacing efiechi rooni vas eeeupied .iti bedu, man> -iiti sevraL. Iu curr mci er,, five, )en laid, wvile on hem vs>' ho Kingston, ou thise centens wvo nu s>' eibe ho Fel. sud theOoccupants net caring to, go te l ake part in tic regalta tien,,. The, love' Compound Hypoplicephihas the. sieep, vihont, ah leaselan introduction cideut vas canscd l'y ecme cf lhe prompt sud docided benoît recaired l'y ho thair oon-felovu, commeuced tell. -gng giving vcty, caueing the main- pationts lsl'ourng unden thoue diseases. mgi tales.-Hoee ere a Nov Ycnker, a Il ho drag in tIc,, aler.' Veny fotun. Virciinian, a Boshonian and a Canfor- ely, lice yacht ivas ceeu ho go over b>'i CramPs sud pains inuthie uomacli man. Twc or tire. heurs in inventive rivslry, sud tien esci being sahisfied csons la thie isnor, whc qnickly sre thie esult cf icnperfect la digestion, that ail vere deceut feoiv, soon after unt ho lie nesiehance cf thie cicv, tire. sud rua>' le immcedisal>' reliered l'y afl se -ubr h o. . - -A- - - - ----_- ell-leep ho1 &ce rigl Bail per Wei lu nu muer wno enisaet>' caien Off. The sclioner Bermaucda eudesvoured te, rightthe Yacht, but the efforts vans unarniling. A tng came ho hem sit- O'nc. Ou Frida>', sud brougit hem safi into the iabor liene cousiderab>' da- maged. Tii, Ina is ovned b>' Col. 5maw, American Consul, sud otieme, ef Toronho, sud àSoeeof th,,fastcsh yacite on lhe laktes. IfIl MITCH.-Tue Whuihly sud tb>' ploughing match S sua- eO come OC aonthe. feus cio T. Smithsud R. Harper, Er.. imbus, on Weduesday, 2Snd tes htolice ameunt o! 8872 are six cseses-firet sud ueacud-1 1,ua extra olasa for the an>'. mrou pîcugis, du-st sud second- o, sud- a chue fox edouble r.edose of .,eunsouuo Ancecyne Lcniment. 0A teaspoonful in a littie eetened ivater is a dose. Boim BAiex osaiza.-Eanly Mon. 0 dey memning, thie Saratoga Co'e Banke ah Waterford, N. Y., vas robbed cf -over 0800,000 b>' nine deuperadoos, ,f vie uocr.ted tiemielve la the resi. deuce o! the cashier, orer the banle, 6bound and gagged -'hie enhiro famil>'. sud thien conipellod lte casher *0 open thie vaultu. -MUazizz» AT Hie Dooc.-Mn. -Chares Laue, oftheofizm of Lie ÏCo, wool moncisuls, of, eulqu, vas uhot on Satunayereuiug l'y smepegnu who rang the door bell. Wihen Mr. Lau,, openeai the door, thc. murderer fired upon hlm, thie bail halineiuffect in the abdomen. Thero are neoliopes cf Mr. Lane'u necoveny. 'Eeni your .hçcp front into thie. nwpar" icethé J. itedfinion for adretsmcl PPEc.EaaCHMA BUR-RD..-O4n Sun. day erening thieprepeilen China vas burned, about 14 miles ivst cf Ring. ston. Tic vessel ivas bound vestivard, laden chiefl>' vih i ion. The crev diel thiir besh ho extinguisi lie dlames, but thir efforts vere fruitiesu. Tue pro- pollen vas ineured for $24,000, but tîcat aum %vili not cornhe sa. Tivo MER CARRIE Rs MUSEORA PFaLLme.-Two men vicoe mes are not giren in thie elegrpli despatci, l'ut supppseai *0 le fahier sud sou, vere carnièd orer the Mueeoka Pals on TnuéudaY %lan sd cf courese bt heir An esIlton, whe>lhas been uolicuing "éshort articles" from the mbecirso drgaret emvatdaieaebut sicr~.nug, oibhes, o ilotall Dam , t5u z Uiir 2n. - * ý JndS. J. Zalcs IPEIZE LIST, B, â 3inch grape5, J. Laixghiin lot, Bobt. çoltt -lg, plg-e witli HOBBES. - C ielapples, a:Inde 2 d. S ddla or Carrage Sta ion-lot T. & t-0 DoubleI T R eSS-1t L gb r ovy Drsugt.Brùod mare, jas.1. Vai6itY O! appe, 6 ofc-ach, S.-C. Flewel, 2adB,WiddÂw1eld. ïk cppoýrt Daidsou lot; HughGi g j d. Wilson'u prize, J. GouldIst, Aeian er Gen. Pur. Stallic- 1t Ji-8 eSofSie uuau* tF. M Dtat,, SPW* 8 iwAri Husgb, Grig le, joseph Wadde 2nd. borogh, 2nd J. K. Barakey. Ca n e~~h tiG r . 1> S pscizm en of Ta lor W a rk- 4St IL lee .On e l nf uliCals DOKERTIC MANUFACTURES. 2dW. James. Mciâ1ý2z -]L yy -ýL , a n d P i l e y L U inet ;n I , n C y n eB f r e d M a r e - l t A ; TS 1 éc i m a a o f C Ã"oo ffl 1 # r I f r 4 t ~ieing- ut, Jeu Gr~ Su. tlL U non létX rsa .ae Pa l o t.d *T O y a l ~ u. ~ C ~ u I rb les pMtc 9'hed Tem n M.erlt 1 Wilso ianeM, .Wlsn B n .t pu r 8 Ga olPurpse-oti mre,,EJas. lut1 Mrs. Ciam e Lnm de fulndo, 'Tw7y hCotruddérei' -1' 'lo Bc,1 ,!o m O a 2 dJ s p~ i k, , * d oot, J>oPlid Fl nne, . .1 . o- e rsYtig. pur. J-~ Thay 8 d'El' i Brd t I t Mrp J. cP lmers2nd. T e y sr od iiy r u ht4 t Ë-ieui ôrL- r, o. eh., T p . a r q is 2 4, W . Ç ~ wi - 10s C. W* ,iso n le l m i' s C . a ild sn ,01& C l t e -w - 2 c 1 3 - p ~ l o i ' * J ey for Srd.e 1 - Johyde Rag Carpet, Mme. Jc , lotdJ2 n'. cet . PC. " rat3 o 1d se if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d hi no . yEiisdic i, var ar eseBakee nEl, ar Baralwo eey.-lt J-- -* 1- ,e t Brd&*luMnCRWloobd O, ya-old FColt, dge sn shn-51L D1.~ mo-o ÃŽ er'Wt "W ore Spnxng. týM»ýJ.Pbip,2d. - Si- ed-Bct~ l~alSott-.' te là fort Hs8 t ni d . . Mtc elSr d yCe, . W m fi .. mp eon 2nd. R idOn ye .rid s.it r ii, san à or_ 10 a n H a 2 n dc , e tic olt J. P ilk e y lO neW m C o v e n etltig it, M n. C. H o d g s o n lst, k e y. ' u ciesies. - of the o . OC.eo 2ld-atrl, G. Da«Crd . MnJ. Gig jt -sJ a g.2d W fJl ur ndN Hnea. lut 3.7 liarton su hie Tap u, . .Wisn ud . rig Mr.H.1, On mae-let wol eou,'eJ; o. lSew arpMe & -dT.Dae pora. T~v ear od fsly, W.Hecl"ard l 'et, M. H . W Barrie2nd. Gud tue ue ear îd ill, . iglti !an irson et, . hmuhn 2ndM. B ndar ie~~4t a.~ ! D . st J. ai git i 2n , . Mthelln, Sd. PiOolnSoline r. H . Smn g Crolà t, r lly, sL le8or 2 -G c ott ape. ,Sh- triet,, ~ ~ ~ ~ la lotI ]'apntîBd.**P i r .Wooleu os,. Mme . H Ha t SndW All n ,Br- alses Sprinkfeily, Wm, . Grilkis o, W Pile Thonisu i , M . . Qm gnu 2ud. - Single Diig Ho eltJ' ud GNRLPWPI i2nd A.B 2lrowJ R. - * Span g nf. Herses-liý t HBB. ~~ Bm-ete, . n, W. Armsto!-n rd.ol, .. * PaiMn J r eto Oks r. A Mra pn Carnage Hco se s- lut »ae. ur.l * T ofeler. -leJ - uton ries,,le Matched esm J. ..Esymerletett sud' P.sonrlt, A. d, 8. K. rwn rd. pir CoîhontcdugMm.N.l e FoSyhG, W2ud sud Wad. lson . ]13rood Mae---lst Goh-~ap u d9 On,, caor od setre c o; J m ariey. - 'it ed IM n .D-W .Ferie l t, Sp aing draul 4 er Ys-le Gr ear.- W lI n riv r ic c ue, in a n n e s W . T h m p W c le M i te M m .. H . . h o i Wag g , 2 n dS . B il .onT wG o y h rer ai G 2dg as te son lt, SJ . W ilonym 2nd, W .G. L ngi s, M Mogan 2 dDU E N O T E W T - I i ytE . T o y a i M - t . .M eonak. coticers H., Wol Bargie ,, e.A.Mrgn ut g CBul-jet S. ojeph2 E.d T. W. 2nd R. Wel'eten ned de-.ors,,J.Y., ymr jt, . Wokeisy, Mi H.S . Toni - P e it . * O,,yea? old Colt -t W B ur'P mtifnl S. ya Wl o 2d -l, J.Haigit rd netlet, M H . . roers d. od.Wag One year old BCltA ed 2d (i em oh? U- -lt J. Ciliamk, aegsJ Bd re ,SI Boc mm,,, ohn entema'ePsir, M e. Wm. T Rus- C. Gibmait. 2nd TJas SBrh. f he, RObn, let sud, :ill;. ; NssII jr net, M.D. Foryin 2d. 2Cow-lPrer . G1 aih'Spning Colt o! 187248 -lit Jo n ar ed lTwo ym olt d , ly-. Robseon, je. PTir,,Waele adtoki, M. . ILcgen f got RAE <it--àlE ton, 2x eohn lark.. wil prig ýô1t, 4 1b4ghtlaJ.;Ton ThmasjetMrï à.Mýiýan2nd- Stgle ])rvmg Hoec-,-Inal r. atrc' lut I B ap ti'r. - Paie r uit, Mme. S . Ks . ELc n le, FHawelton,,S 2nshk&s W . inAC lt- o. n. lges. Spring illy-Jz. Robson6,- Flet sd es. A C-eteSidnOugleaDrivold Bull l t . un , atu cm ~~ ~ho a le2o aue ri, M. Pbeut, T.W.' enny ' fr eu ye2cIL . 2n 0Ree-, Md .Aisrn r.PiseA.Carpt er 2nd,Èýi M 2 . BCif cf 187alutfT. W. Penny, IL Whse Mtiiooug tel,'-mcl W J. m ier J , M sA apner lt, Mn.. n S en iig qion t Fcily-T.DanielrT. haIfl aned ' lu 2D s dh rW m jrudd, Mme..WmBrowne Srd. Tors y ear od à He i àl'm- luh W m engu-d URKa (l A1 I*eo, h r e T.oFe r ol ifr , M e , l t 2 d Pr Cottve s, Mm . R. Fue, rs. 'Xet, nm. s u ul a y g - ~ . T i u ~ t J ~ ud Drfne. Nghsadm 2d, Mme. JhncGou; On,, ynm old ef e -s . . enny, J. ieBu rdt . B ihm eut- HefrCa! .Rusi et J lotrSd.2dW ruo. 'Cw o er oeife c nyg -ls . t'e. hrve end, J-I. D ineone d. . * o p i ckles, Me.itsMn.,ou.dHjeTomas. He iC jaifo18lut W.Fe-geMoorenny twi Bullnl,J. W:Ë4ler t 2nd J as. R.tFrcs n. A. .Morelgan -2- GAD C.TLE -' -. aoic I. vd ecu. Elen lry wies, br MJohgnGcldt. Miledl l o-let ST. W. Penny. -T. -W. ed B Web str. Mes iied Gradde chtrse, J. goW. J. Rselt . T sensy M s l.st..h Yl e ,, OxeO-et .S arad eïr! d o! t7-hlt T. B.rhham;, huflS. let Js.o W itend, J. aido Srd. ai; pl'erry s. iC cRo e. Nd. YOueg let, eHEEP -.i G wo . R i d, 2nél T; W. e r lFy. - ' .B beenh Twoyold H efes-r mauei t, Jhn ren.tlea' r tMs in2u-ndGlrit..dJa.gie âce M. Belnlot d2n d . I.selleo Sd.Canat, M ine, . o bIh2n. Flir et AedRa t J. G meggath , 2n 3nce ieliColtow 2-lst J lo oxh, nBar oo, Onyr old .HifemJ. Whiton et, Cherylwine, Mme.W M . Taylor s et Y wet. ' t.nuandJhn lar., Dur- A.nRes 2cd, doen tred. - h Hih, Mme . Jo eGo l2 d. Ram Blm-lat . Hopfilen, 2ud T. Toya l efrltJ co tin lt . HefrDrJ .Bl lt .R eel . Pcied perui, M m. S. K. Brown jet eW ennyad . 1mo Gh, 2nd S.Lin - ' - c cf 2nd, J. MWerMissdA. CapMe. e 2D. W emrjtlr. -TO e od Bwll-lst T.W. Pnn , O, ea i H ie-ét' .Lokr Fat Cowacr Ster, J'.Fruitr et, doBWmFuMajr 2ndt, 2Td C.Gaîrai. Bnd Jl. W nessn titRe- J. R se l CArd . M PetA .o ar ci, Me . W md . Bjrul, w sl C l ngof E w87 l t T.' W. Per. - SHeepsCal!s o r i une2-lst N. (D U m. - Lu t, Herd u mhbaedme, . i C ,er letrs d M e. R.. M is,, 2A . C r e tr le, M ny, 2d . Hcpig on . F lyoke o! O n -a . S e l mnst 2d ad .WMaor enga, Me. W. Maowir st. Two EeambsZe -lsT. W. Penny, DRHAMmele.E ltI TrodIcefr ,Mllr s n Coneone nl. . lllerjt, 2ud J. Hown . BFa Cattle lt . Uhre.. W > the andEEN Mm C iH Barrie 2nd 5H on old O e EP-ol iie -uM OML. ry ok e S P, MEDUX irGuL. But Lon CVoled-Russellter Aed Rm . li R dpe e, M .J'N ihadeo n Ra ia le t . Holens 2n W A edramle t J f a e eE tir. nt ,J41 hean ing Ram, J. Witoujt.isckls, J .,li ore n Gd. lt, F. efr Cae ofRam Laml'-.lut A. Leekie. ring Rulm Lam , W . M Cclrlet, u mrreil. .Éeens ax Mm. J airjt m. T o senig E e s e gd E e -s .Pce ig tionD &unl. GRADEton 2nd. . Twio e s n . Cwi P LdeBamcly wnM2ccdh. ld Mlh o -stT . er Ae- JmT. Mv an' is . -ato an-s WGrieu 2ud. * e et, J. m-1 b icueet.ciH.H ToasTokEe lam-lt . Jrames. Tw at Sofheep-tT. W. Penny.. -o8 o t, Twa sh nliug Ewes, Geo. Mddle asl0 bereîmaine houeNY ouMng lLoGtLD EEP cee. wy ton Hefe let.sell Wadder B l le rMe . .Tcma n, bia i o 82je S . AgeQG OXX -2 d W'PRamlt uc M . G elM dl eondJ.1.n id id c i lant ice r R brett. AgullSow-et.S. giar a , 2nZJlReNh.'tJ -gbo ou h 2 cu n e C ote o ld S'e- g d R m n . b d c p r e t c r . E y e c , B i .r B a L a m l'l. H a h mnn uts Cc ie et, J. ier 2ud,-Jas.W i so u R., C =Bmett 2ndylr.l t, Sowe pi- l t T W. P r y 2n S. . W. e n . - mDr .Rs nd Mid.S.d aneslId er, . RyieRet el - ltG okis n . Two yAgc d e-st T W. 'Penny, ce,, Slea lig amn. ilrett.d Wd-R B et 2d coura. ndR Nnttf,'iiI. -u d . if fr Laml'e, e. M idll let . u sslet, 2 c Crosby. Penny, 2ndK.A. PuC', the' Birril J.M orusho 2dI W . oie Etma-B r.D.l W.at erraier tM . - P oair P erk -je t , . Ple 2d r G. woeRie a l's-ife-l TW. Pn,oké oci of .Sade ethr C ye jt Crosby it. 2ud T. Pikerain. Fat T c oAged Ewee, J ur let, m oreil Co joriiic, . a m r etParC c n-elJ Pl. lif,, &n Jh uell2d J hinid. PJndges iate r W. Talor latd Pair B riac pn elis-lt . .P erÉe, 2nd B Cn l£goff872-l t . Gree ham. mdrit woE we Luramb, Jon-Mil cmret' MSp.he n eos, . I. G. H pkl'y-. Oua y enl bA- el J. &LJc 172 T1t a Sheanliug Ewes, J..MerL.eFulleralotOnUdEJ.Call etio .c FFat-etJ Pl,. lu tL e l -ghape Pair.Bari nd SPc sjt S m l,2d-AEIX W E . BcdigS ow-lhME A.UM Sheel Lon, Scth on -Li r Aged Ram H. HRged pie, To.J.-.ihron dso5- n- Par ees-lst S. Hoian, 2nd A. A2nd R iffin. -e 1 k Iha Sein r em .W io e.let. m . .Maj orel, Mme. JFRe ell 2nd. G R amfýl<sEEDeA. LD ieOT. xis Rem Lamb, H. . CSpenclet, B J. 25 lis axttr bi.enlTmou lto, Tea Bage h ea n s- er à ai lon o n t 2nd . HDSen erLr . Bamp ay $ 2 50 M . W . a crG AI , CRd A D O TSwo b s lstal .WhPickerin og;. :lc, iv S eali g ive, . . pe ce e. . uier2Jamoue si. lal hwho li. F enci, 2nd J. Sieleron vce- ltwou d Eed m . e e, . 10 Ibe home icmmd,, IeeThpecas R oeid e msltH a mes. Tvo Fathe pring -: W .oat-lu .' Whiso ParRv abJ isn eH nzKnca &FnTnno t. Furbs.Snn ha-e G uu n .Tn.- poilr Ham e i Pc w sA Gcd RaMi.d eldlA. rpe n .Fo r b sh. B n ey l î W . le , u . Ha e m u d ~~ ~ ~ 1 H . S p n e r j e , J . W i e c n d in e A l T S e e c a l 2 n J T y L r.' T o uWeinl r g P aeL - l u t 3M . S tics to lo. Wddellet Mr. H H. homs 2 Tw o l'ueh. Peas7-l t . . Bi'on. er, 2 ai J. ee . n ân Sh ear L am H . . Sp e r et, Pemas onis on, rev. A. Sîculeer leSTiBelus . teje TaHrA - i bnh,,ls smalotPea,-L at T. il,, J . V il et 2nd. l ie J. le. Sini B.rttltis2 d ac m . smog, 2d G. Filde. Hagenman, 2ud A..TB.mpson aut Raniolaî,J Wlo jhepA et , H. H. Walem coiome ati, J. . am d bing Bu rl y oaos J al,nd TRom.l'nseielrge ateman .2ak nes Speer, 2nJad Mile, Js Wisn .etund. SwpgltT .Pry n .T .Fry Un TioAedEe, .Wlsnjt. O aBelllis . .Sit e . Fergneon. je, 2nd H..TW.fin bing ivinter Polatoce-jet.Samue Tivoetusiels emali Osh ,Y$a _ J me TwcE w,,n Lab, J. M ilr let, d Hd . Bud 2nd îarad nl .Pgl. -Rnehorcuit dA. Jus ar- Jhpn eem 2ud. Mre.. dring, limr.C.lnet, BBet Poiren Tumuip-lut S. Wls, 2 d G Ruoshea imohhy Sed-lh C. W.n if.em LSiitheo Mc 2nd. St,2,. C rd. de, 2d . Wilson. is iJaes W&liinton 2nd P. ow e ncil rawing, le . J. Ray rl.eit. Pazer Crrote-let .Dale, 2nd . Tv Ele-,, tnnip -t T . Thi ere, y, ed ewnf E. jet, SJdW. Catrd 2C. Ryirlt rsy .Pceig ex- Lwoarg reged E Boar.Mil Josrei elve paintiug, J.C . ardletsu P ibc J. WinteDal.tein S mie Saddler jt , . ran 2 nd. 2. nile nlet. ' .Tylrad Pozer Beet Sns-let E. . Dcal, 2nd Tieleare t1 s-jt J auniteel. ahnd 82,Brel& ox o let Sntpe. is. . . Coy. LTRLOTneve linold B WrltzJiLe-ls A ts," TwoShe rli g E esJ. M ner letDAIY P ODU .Polenc i n tf Ales-l et TicsDBlar,2nd A ionson. id B ar 1 72, Chan e T ac jt F NCY EPA TîSE T.airt cu, 2nd G. B. m Bi e llr. A Bae ig cf o O - 2ut lA. SWeLo, n 2n- etJames Rusel2d. Tpp F0cyibsbtter, Mis. . erilllet Pozen amly Apples-oft 87o. n. A. Thompeon. jetpecelire W . A.ajo ddcr.J.sel 22nd. ha,2uw. C oe.DIYPOU t i Agemd Lamw , BH .eil . Jop e nr let,J Crotelcetbuwtek, Mme. J. W.T Crdto be, C lecnc f pGR-AIN. . en s - 5 i B t elut MN.D BOO. T o cea James.oPalier 2. plirBr. CmaJnyCregh12ndM. 2uMaor GR.AI Er. sD OOSon, 2nd ls Winterseein. xerg th Scw 182, Brrli & JHu.et n er EMr i.Fler, Mm. . Fit jt oer Penne-jetll. hapmétan, 2 n FTubcf, butJ.er-le M. N G am ivi let and Srd. l ire. D hW.em e d. Jos. GoulRe d, s onia. 2ndlim. T.Picel ping. ha-s . arm P3air 1872, ames, Pete s nlet, e .epl i Fnc e ti ng, MitesF J-, o r , , Poze T-mFour bsî T. Buncheil, Pai ry C.heese-2nd. Ta M . J e ce See 2nd oc Ple rd eMe. . ohile, 2nd. S - 2udron W.okinydd. n E .Rlon TobsesBrey tJ alr oo HapanshireF ow s H. RThom He let , M ss H . Cretr uBFrbsBarie 2nd. 2nd Hallenn, Cc. Tve ar Paun e tJ. L m n Md C. J.peceWi J.Wlsonond.Fia beln Ivol . A. Wade le, io SquJ a yloj r . el. . T oomâeslrPae.- l .Ss td The ln 2nd. H H. *penernlt, nen au eedle omA ele, M e J.l.ot, ons.orn. e, 2nd J. Hacknem. ~~~~~~~~~Ms Brhms onWlo ,H .SihJet,. Smith P. W.nFerird. srn,2dAG ielPRd . Qlt-s -i. ak,2d is in Ra 'LambndsudSJ. Wlo ltA. atficalocre, lin. ugJ. B. Bure aiesmn u . hms ~~~~~~~~ PeligHB.Tomslt eMe J on,2g.2 ie fres Btten-lut Jn a Ccvenlet-shls lirens. :_MJ., )ne SertvPo ndsrC. lWlonlt, t, any aset lme R.W.ttle, ell, eecia. i N. G lz. Meee, nd n. sh w M Att ew' r,d wsJ.W o lt. lA.Mpain n , lmes.J. . cmkith ute-ltent. C.Jus Pi iîslt M . . N epeciLmbJ W lonltH a, udimte. AP ileyord Metu m .L m n in- u.rS ecs, H . .rTayaonut, osepi S me. E . L y et, le, Urquliard nt. H .2nd Mn. Pin So oc -u t A. ThýL ' o ms on, 2 Pair Lage Gee, CN igre waud. iler MA. J.nan2nL . Smethl. leein Yisit .Wlsn ùd Bsel tMn. 8. LatnCy, 2hdn fe lt, Geogemes hte 2nd. Fncy ictue aw na, mes. J. LaSgith- . hOME Ma Acuder, H.Wilso .Wisn Pai8 SaUGeSWe, ejmn a l lnjt, -W(lim. .se2n d.'-nCros-s W le.2é wln nn i4i rmý ns 2nd. Nighewauder 2nd. Bigiarpt-let Mns. B. Pavideon, Rag Bug-lst Mn. Wesiey,2na Mn. - GfSewm cto . Tatting, M m. H. Banie l t. 2nd lM s rin.- Pickering, Fancy table mat, m. . W . Fer mier Rag ug-It m . S. BeIl.PO L E . James Acrisot ndrwRs olt reacmeD. Forsyllu 2ud. _Skcin Woclen Yara-lsh Mn. as. Pi Gee-e le.Lok,, Jamenip. Acre, ..21 Mr. Secleer Ld' rMs A. japnelt. Gould, sen. WPaor e.'-ltAx Lci,2c Srd. W or. Chlds resMr. . . eriels, Pair Woolcn lutte-jet 3Mn. G. 1B. Pain Pueke-let W. Carrnthors, 2d < i~ acr mangolds, Rol't. Aunon jet, lmes. J. W. Card 2ud. Mile Wl u Ms .e-l.tW.MnorJ - - JohnPsrke 2nd.Lady'e Bonnet, G. & J. W.Co etMircou'c~. - Pair Turkeys....st X. Steeli, 2udl J. Carrots J Acre, Josephi Pilkey jet, Specimene braidiug, Mies A. Campen- Gojuld, sen., 2nd lin. B. Widdifield. Meele.t Rol't. Aunon 2nd, James D~uncan Smd. herm icI Mns. W. Greig 2nd. AISDRSET. GARDEN VEGETBLES. ( Acr Corn, Clarkson Rogers jet, Geo. Sofs, pilloiv, Miss E. Parkeer jet, lmes. Lady'i Bonnet-lel G.& J. W. Coi, Peck Onions-list H. Wilson, 2,cd A. C. Bette 2nd, John Parker Srd. W. Greig 2nd. 2nd J.* C. F'awelh. - Thonipson. RooTS AND VEGETÂBLES. Lady'e N. drees, Mise E. Wilson jet, Lady'e Pres-let G.& J. W.- Coi, Six heade o! Cabblage...Ljst T. Picker-- 12 um ip, av d ai uo j t, T.~ . M is A. Orvis 2nd. 2nd H . A. Crosby. - ing, 2 d W . M oore, in. 12t ri s ai L w o oT . B aided tidy. lire. J. L. Smith jet. Pieced Quilt-lst M n. R. H. Hill'omn, Tivelv lo e t- .Tcn p 12lct 2angd, AuslexSnad -ot Jhn Bcad ivorle, Mns. J. W.-Card jet. 2nd lire. S. Bell (epecial) son, 2nd T. Pickeering. 1Parkergod, .Alei. de et on Extrae-Toilet set, lire, C. Nigclie- Braiding 'lot Mns."J. Lund. Twoe Punmpklin-îI Geo. Sharp, 2nd -- Paner2nd R AnonSrd iarder jet. Berlin Wool Fiat-jet MrseG. B. J. Famnoivu. 12 carnets, R. Annon let, C. Stotte Pair Slippeme, lire. R' hlilue jet.- hMiller, 2nd lin. W. H. Craivfond. Tivo Sauasout A. H. bMiIr, 2nd 2ud, J. J. Moore Srd. Cotton tidy, hies J. Soniemviiic let. Berlin Weel Raised-let Mns. A. Win. Loc~ee kinde cf pctatoes, 6 cf enci, Chas. Breakfast slcail, Mies H. Haigit jet. Patherson, 2ud Mns. F. Morgan (specilb) 'Tivo Citrons-lust W. Moore, sou., Pilleey jet, J. Palmer 2ud, Wm. icOg (Joue Bracket,Mies Bentîy jet. Ornmental Needie Wok-îst Mns. 2nd M. N. Dafoe. Smd. Lady's znannîle, G. £ J. W. Cox jet. J. Lund. Pozon Wmter Appls-jut J. hfeele. E. Badr>y2dSbb Sm . Brr Boo, ay ciotlciuG. & J. W. CoCbe. nd istManCr.ocJhSeteeon haderd cblage H Bani je, ady_ ree, . &J.W. oijet Cocht orFasnlie.P. en -gloot A.bi pBls-sirA.Blir,2n S heads cal'bage, R. Brett lot, S. Lndy's l"I, G. & J. W. Ccx jet. F anny Kniting-lst lins. -Thomas PozenPeas- la . Wdllon. K eckbone, CGFer eHilngoton ACHITNE AND FARM I5cPLENTS. Hacmilon, 2nd lins. P. Jenninge. Quart Bine PlUune...4t W. hMoore.- Peckonios, GorgeHickngbotomF ancy Leallier Work-lst Mns. E. lot, P. M. Docker 2nd, Henry liadill Best Pnmp, G- Gow. ,H' H HUboru. Smd. -Wneiiincrmachine, Wmi. F erguson. - oes-o r.D Dvdo, PirUnRr-&-s ol S pumpleinu, Benjamin Maelill jet' Chun.c, Tios. Lanloneaux jet. Hi lieslt i.P sisu Pair Fico neos-t.t a Dole John Parkern d, Robe*FuPller Srd. D oublë niuld board plongi, J. Cal.- n ie P enne Pair Finlre Boote--ll Mrc-.arro. 2 culiiwem, ams icCeiitje, lon jt.Zephyr Flovers-jeit Ms. Harmei. Pair2onne Bein otns-lt MnParro 2 culfloer, Jme MCregh lo, ertlo- Vax Floivers-jet Mme. E. H. H-li. 1on2 ennd.fin C. ÏltJ. Joseph Nigisivander 2nd, S. Webb Smd. Pîouglc any chier kind, Wini- owcn bora son, nar H Tllye . hmsf Peck bene, C. J. Wilson lut, Clark- jet, P. Forsyth 2nd. aFri-oMs.DJeng. son Rogers 2nd, Benjamin MmiIî Srd. rnhroie cnMînohlt ame'F rt- Mn.P . ngs J JlyltM.Tci 12 beots, RilBarclay lot, Benjamin Win. Gerav 2nd. Fanmr'e Wenhhlut Mé. D.Jeu.Mmi. und, M a d ibi 2 n d , J o h n B â ile y rd . ' F e n u in g m iii B . P h ilip u jt, - . . u i e, 2 d W l o ( p c a )2 d M . A . L o c le .- S c it r n s , R o b e t '  c i c in l u t , B e j aà- e il s o n i n d . ' ' e ~ a i k e - i W min M sdill2nd. - D ouble tum ip drilI, Jo lcci Cab0 t lut. - Bedfoom S et- lu , H bn1 cob L em en~ J & 49 '1 * 1

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