Th~e Quqb.o anbber Co.- Znsolvent Notleem-Ja. Holden. speco51Notce- #50 Beward-ýWalter Couithard. AUCTIO1 SALES. Miction ale Of short-bons eà at B3erkshire pige, &o., sa, Mayfiel& J. -& G. Thomsaon, on Wednssdy, 20 dat' of Nov., 1872.~ Fairbanks, auctloneer.ofedr . Mr. ThioA. Wood, ait Ooodwodv on Weclnemday, ýNov. 13h, otat o'clock 70 Bores of firtclasa limbez lot 2, 2nd con.- Scot-J, M. Pattera auctioneer. sale of Farm stock, implenwnto,Ho &C., on lot No. 16, lut con. of Pickerin near DufMns' Creek, on Monday l8th Nov. 1872, tise propvy of 1Mr. -Timôf O'Leasry, 4. Fairbanks, Jr., Aùctioneg Credit Sale of TborQ'ngh-bred, A bigh.grade catie, Implements, &o., t sur. Credit Sale of farm stock and uip mente, thé roperty or Mr. Wmi. 01 mon, on lot , lstcon. Pickering,i -Monday, Nov., llth. J. M. P attera auctioneer. Auction sale of hormes, cottle, & at 13ljbe Hotel, Brooklij, Nov. 21g 1872. L. Fairbanks, Jr., auctioneer. Annualasale of thorongh.brecl toc t he roeryof John :Muter, Eeq.,c lot 17,th con.-Pickering, on Thursda November l4tls. ONLY $1 50 PER A NNUM. * Wliîib, Thurday, NOV. 7, 1875 Hon. Mr. Blakce in West Durham. Nion. Mr. Blake will addrems tb electors cf West Durham. thie-Thun cly-afternoon in the Town hall, Bol% luanville, t two o'clock. The Premldential Cosýtcst. IE-ELECTION OF GBAXT. Zierotturn are syet ilcomplet but theie je sufficient to hew the re lection of General Grant by a* larg majority. The Western States decid,ý *against Greeloy, and h ot dividoild . Death of John Frencis Maguire, M.)P Jolin Francis Maguiro, editor ang p repriotor of the Cork Examiner, an, onue of the representatives ini the. 33 tieli Pirliirnt for Cork, died on Fri ÃŽlAy iliglit lmet. l-Ic- as iane of thl Miost promiaxont cf 'the Irnsh, member Of tho lBritish Hfouse of C ommone, ant vals faman of the Most ýdjstinguishei abîhliti e. Iitonsely -deotedl as lie wal ho tîtltintorcets and prosperty. of hi nattive coutry, lie nover enterod i 7 the cerspiracins nrganized' with a viem to secure Irishi inflopendence, by thi establishîment ef a Republic. He w:i thec warm advocate cf rofonun, butr n< of Fenianiem e r Repubficanism. Mr Magniro wae in his c7tlîyear, Complimentary Dinner to- Rev.. J. Shea. On Wednesday evening cf last veel, lltoyd. Fathor Slea was entertained a a comrpimentary dinner by some cf the lcadinggentlemen cf Oshawaï- holding differ Ont religious Opinions te Catholics. The enterhinment vas gol up asa * mark- cf personal respect and estem Aniengst thoge present wero the mem. * bore for North and Scoutt Octario Mfessre. T. N. audl W. H. Gibbs, Mr. Cewan, clpputy reove, and upwards cf cf flfty othors cf the promineni bnuness and prefessional men cf the place. Tl1eo chair was occupiocl hy T. N. Gibbi Esq., M. P., and the vice-chair by Cap- tain' Donovan. Thue Chairunan and uimmense attendauco aI th. denion. stration. The HIon. Messrs. Mackenzie and lake were present and nmade ad. dre'osseswhich were master.pieces cf ýoratory au a logic. ROSA D'E RccA.-This talented canta. tIca gave OeeOf ber popular concerts - "Music ie many lands"-. in uhle Mochanlce hall, Whtby, on Tuesday evenieg of hast weok te -'alarge and higbly appreciative audience. On Fni. daty as eaise entertained an Oshawa audience, and on gunday evening, gave a concert cf sacre à musie in lhe Catho. lic Churcb,' for the henefit cf lie. good sishers, cf lhe' Convent at that place. Her receptiqn on each occasion vas al Ihat could be gratifying,. as ber per. formance vas sverytbing tbat coulci ho fancied..---- UooD Pai P OU SvocX.-Mr. James I. Davidson; oi.Balmm, old but, yack a old hiteler and a bul.calf, ton monthis' old, I. 1Mr. Garvin,,ofiln4. don, Queb.c, for leb. andacin, figureý of 6700. He vaseaIthei@mre lime of.ý féred $600 foran« importdi yearling colt, _________ T~xmarvnxoDA.-Thurmday neil, 14th insant, bias 1'eèn appointed a day of general thanksglving i Ontario, by ffcil 1prQoamstlon. DziTs or b MuHonAOE Gmx.- Th i s f tHorace Greehsy <ied in' New Yok 4 aWed4sda las*'ahoïr UneigAdP4! "m bica:, mo"sion ehg t*en from a vell' u "11,n ,c' about eight hundredfeet distant. Thil The d rýto,:eRw îM ~bpl. es~va fobovd b ç;o bi4 sigflSd iq .very member wswellO tts lled b es lIe .zlraorgroâation or both pariaIs dinair powr t1h.' enghle was said te ,ae nwe&l~ have gitè a .o ni nstances cf el"..waagdsi he-sarecipiat lIe, wbere. -TIseoeigine, vas placed at Mi r*> tosvuihw .$. hlm eaithe ane lime e dred feellong vue laid-to AU sainte' dre'ses O ý hurch, and lbrough lhio langth 'cf lome, T iRoe. NDJ. $EAx m, c f vith an inch nozzle, a shremivas Iti l ge, throwe deanly fifteen feet over the. vanrie-l îfle cf th. Churcih, whichjeladtiteadte b e cof the deepeet regret thal t on your sudden departure f on Mly oneohundied-d and thrty feet hight Us.. W.vl"h iith ali l on, è 'lb ream -thus rcaching lhe respect. veo otb4er*ise. Tu ad ah. sogll f,,ons Iundreil and forty. dUsour hearte with grief, ng, "ta et. Theo stream vas m pOlýézonaly lhe les cf a j s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n oféd ti h ae u~vl kp~> aiafriend, as weil as s là Y onilth Monay rn tening as exhaustod. 4èvoted pasior. 4hy On Monda, mor is eh oinle as ,HEowever, as yen ia+e 1an thicoughly cleaned, and ije ter- 8 painstelulcaie, "IOrdez and noon vas put thrcugh a series cfhe .lt law,' aud lie'obedie:i lb. ~ ~ o mclehutiel~cic Pniest te hie Eccbesià lot h'saenn Ors vas nover chaileng ay, aving been made y moane parties that four pariihionce.s ever flou onY 'the eugiecoldnot"tiroir a treamn l a'- £ r fr tii. lrcmotleni th lcroof ef Al Saints' Churcli, ilwougb e aJditeee lgten île. elght Isundred feet cf home, the agent ille ycur verds'cf endoUr Fer- -had lie engine. phacod at the vl ai consolation preved a hale on Loves & Powell's block, and a lin. cf rovingihearts. W. tendj e,,home eight 'hendred and eighy feel ie hea rtfelt thânks for Tour i lenth u lid p to iclie i bu succeseful exertions in rem t4 enghvsl.d' b nlien i tional jeahoesy and discerd 'Ot duo street, te AUlSaints' Cierci. Ah a your viol, dlock vith lbe gsven signal lhinle began te vcrk, tuaI chauity and paternal1 and thé firsI jet of valez vas sent in. P9rmit us tien, dear Pi on santiieual fe ave, te rofandthehait cf those yen have sei' on tananeuel fa ovr h rof, nd hefor the last ten years, lei -ay, braechman seieeg thls,at once clevated le yen th. higli estirnahi -bis braech, audJthe stream actually Yeu are held, and lhe desj -reachsd thi.bail on thi. steeple, a beigit regret lexpressed on ailsi cf aI hest bf on. bundred and Ivonty- departure frem amenget i y ou go, 11ev. Sir, froni Stbree feet. Tic enigin., il muet ho ne- lic meet procieus gift1 nierbered, during Ibis test vas lifting mighty le hie peope-s ils vaten througho tventy-lvo foot of Athougli Young ycunsol adcien home. .The loudesh expressions.- taugit & vitihue viedom F2 cf satisfactice aI Ibis performance were yoars, and yen baye beei 2trials-evcrdly as; vel se0 bohard ou ever side, sud il was ah once rnainsîae and support.1 adrnilted liaIthi. greal power cf the Rev. Sir, vo lose a true hE 11111.englugie iad net in tho bisat been sud spiritual counseilor. he eaggnatd. Afuriie sndmor ~.atter, (undor sîl circumesa le eaggrate. Àfurter nd mre ry-ever you May ho, the. Cat rs. îng ordeal vas, Isowver, le store for thbocf Osawa vil tenderly 1<i lw- Merryvoatier. The Ciaininan and cee thal belcuga ho tiemsi membere of th, ire and vater commit- promotion vill ho themrg teeiadcore h le dleriuaioqhoand wvhcse prayers wv i tes ailcern tethe éteminaionte fer ycun velfènre. take theiene dovn ho lhe bay, vhere Requesting a continuanc it vould have botter suction, and vould tercession aour cenbalf, 4ethug ho in a botter position te Il shoew vhile offerfie-up tlie boly tea vbh as really in ber." Accordingl y tihe Mass, sud your accepi re lipahn a lce bu otet urge, vo bid yen, Dean Fi ,ge he achie ws pacedabot foty eetfectionalo farevel. edfrorn C. Draper & Co's. elevaher, on the J. P. JemeNeST, id vharf, sud Ivo lengthecf ouction P. WALL, hos ls.dipped lInoe lbIne valons M. WARREN, of Laike Ontarie. Twe fcrty. foot J. O'REGAc, p. leugtbs cf bos, -vere laid-, sud the en"i- on belxalf cf 1he congre.,aga neen, 1Mr. Jalcernan, vas asked he o deREv-'D AND VERT DEAn Si: id irbat lb.could ho roai hhe p oetIhe - The Catholi id flaghaf on thie elevato,-oue .hundred canuot siihmaih le your w, silence. ri- sud flfIy.six feet higi. A pretty fresi -Duning tlie ton yeare jl i- breeze vas bleviugfrrn tihe lake, sud officiaîed lu thie Mission- lie tie gecerai cpinion amoug Ithe crovdls arducuesuad laberieus ns ou lie vharf vas, that if the. engiue wmidi vo have been edifl id trewho ti. ep c th f aelaf ~pered by your pions teachi Id hre t- te tp " th fagsaffitexample-we have learni Jd vould lb, alil cculd b, expected hte do. ciate your verti asea P as Tlîey, bovever, bil net yet seen alI truc Clirishain gentleman. Lie the power eft ho engin., fon atter Ivo Iu lesing yen the. Catl te ~ ilpeor struggling commuit3 te viîlwieles, itbegan te vers, sud a heavyhese iuded-yeu M Ilineughin ccbcozzle a Stream vas us alI se voîl, sud vhe,a [18 cc sent igi above tlhe flagataif, amaid iug, oui- elot-cominge, hia as lb. greateet excitemeut sud ahîcroncf 8soind sud indulgent a pas et aproatin frna he eopl. I wa 'TOur mime ehal cover1 >t aproatin forntii peplo Itvasour pravers ; may our ble r. adrnitted Iliat thse sream vont at thie upen our patio vhieneve: very leasetwIeuty-five foot ever thîe top .May lead. cf lhe flagetaif. Othera insiated tîsat it Our hîcarle are toc full, tepped lb, flagelaf by ferty foot. It Shîca, ho give expressionnth -aille svallowed up in tl je beyond question, heveven, thial thie deep feeling et serrowful re ; slream vas ah ail limes nearer Ivo ieaving us. t hiundredf fot tissn il vas one huudrcd \Ve enîreat youn biossing e su seenty Sîeamever Ilin IiedaIse remombered sillinluyo te ad seenty Steamswerethent ud ihobggg gyour accopta: ýg tinoug cnee aud ac-.eiglthi inch, sud huùmble offolng, 9ineh.aud a-quarter noîzles, thie former \Vo romain, a neaciing over ou, hundred sud ixty Rev.'dasd de:r 1foot, sud lb. latter about eue liundrcd Faithfulhy ané ansd fifty. Horizontal streame, single W. H. HîGGîNS, M.1 sud doublo, ver, thon throvu, sudthue JAS. JOUSTON, J.i -tests vere brought le a conclusion 1Signed on behaîf f e i ýf about -ive, o'ciock, thue ougino baving Wtie ty Otbe,182 5corné eut of lbe- engiue bouse at haIt. To Et GrceteMo812 -pasî on.e 'clock. The solidity sud T .ÃcËs ph Lyc theAMosti. 8 compacîniese cf ah hie streame Ilîrown ru i Oi lbeteadines iti vhicb lie cugine MAY ITunPLEASE Youan-LoP.D$ Iworked, and the litIle diing rcqui;edTheCaI abteS boiety, held on Monday eveuing hlie ho spared hothie Mission. hast, il vas decided ho ield a Festival ThaI for heu long y.- Fathor Sies huas îealoudy simnilar ho that cf lise year, on Friduy estly pertormed tlue duties of evouing, thie 291hi instant, lne 1hand holy cslling; nigit ar Mecianica' hall:' ail lude cf weather, lho bas - found roady aI lbe cal cf1 BuacaÀax AT OeaAA.-On Satuirday louns le adminieter te thoen solahions et eur iely roigi nigit iset, lite establieimeut cf Mn. srev sund troublee hlas Larard, Oshawa, vas breken mbt, sud lie lrueled frlecd sud faitl a quanllty cf jehelery sud ocher anti- seller, ase eli as thie spirit cles tolen. Tve mon have been an- Of hie peoplin lual hein dliffic Tial bhis piety as a Pries nested, auJ are le o bhnled eliortly ho- besuing 'as s Cinistain geuhli fors His Houer Judg. Buruliam. gaîcod hlm lie good viil and the memnbors cf ail Protestai 1 PETR:s'. MU91CAL MONTxLv for Ne- nations lu tho Mission, via vember,. prie. 80 cents, centaine a lu lie higiiest respect, An coc ol olecticn cf Nev music. Tie bas alwsys guardediy ke' prics ae alo pblihed n scetalocf froni Party sud local Co prics ae aie phiîed u soot ThaI vo oarnesthy supplî forma. Grace nol ho rerncve eur beloi but ho permit hlm stil he oi EXUNOMes STOCK 15ALE.-An exhen- good vonk ameugst us.1 site sale',cf imponted aud Csnain fervent prayers, vo romain, sbot.hnaicaIle ud rnprts lInt- With profcund respect and: sbire avine, lie propenly of Messrs. J. cbfldree efth~ evoîed b 8. &.George Thompoce, oft'Msyfild, Wliithy sud Oshava, WhIstby, vill take place naI hein rosi- Signed ou behait of lhe dane. on Wednesday, Nov. 20li. * tiens cf Wbilby snuoaa DARIKG Bi 4aAxi AT MAXOILA.- M. 0'DOueovÂuo, P. WAI Thse boue et fr. Joeph Thompson, a JP. JoucuSTOse, T. lIx tannIn resldin near Manlla, vas en. D. RIcaDN, lèrim on, Senday eveuing, wvile tie aud upwards cf 200 nIions. famly voesna tes, anti 0200 stolon Revd. Falier - Sbea'e repl fs-cm a dauk linIdebadrooni. The roi,-ve, delivered atter Mass -br emaped. dresses, vene, as migit -h.cex - . -..~-tle iiicst tender sud aftecting Tm EpizooTre.-Tie herse diseisme '-so muai se liaI mauy vs: bas already lrav 'ehedarose lie Atian- hto tours visile lbe teeliugiy d lict, and ha, appeared lu Devon"îr, "hie ad bcerof paktn9. ~nu1ad. r$ ~ ~ry-ovziai Tvervol li-itahbaMiený tud ~lean- xc. cid muheuigenîc r,' each fèeal: iieti anti iel ataittiful - an se oflon laite nr lai Heavsu oe of a Cal astical sepel igeti In yo Mnda zea10o' c f cur eenr yfor lie affuei ned, cen gris: uragernent an i te cen mci ai- le ycu oso entiring an novung i me- rd, and nultiz Bconds cf rmi love. 'aties-, ou bc týed sapasti make lcuow don .in wvieý pk sons-evain sides aI pou us- Lasucuget ni frein1h. A] tgeod Priesi Ilf, yen hav la qf voues-ah) ,onn aIl ou Losing yoî .esrled fs-bu, % Anti bora cUes,) vier la peopl loet te yen e ielves, vins, greatness t«< ce ciferetiu] Ic cf your . fpartîcularT syacrifice lance oetIi 'atier, an al J. SCiANLca J. DicE, J. GI13BOaS P. lIEUSEV tion. les cf Wihb- withdramah il tial yen ha v -heu years oe duties, - il bced sud pmcs- ring anti geca Ld ho appro. Pniesl, sud a beolles ofthhiE -y meet vîlI nu vie tues while rebut- oe ever beeu asto-. ho misset in1 cssings aligi' s- peur Blepa 1dean Pathos toail vo tee theon adeep, oele aI eur g, sud te hi eus- pnauyens, Lnce cf eur nr six-, ad dovotodiy, O'DoNovAo, J. MURPYn'u, oi Cougnega. Rev.'d John ihop of To- c- n la us D1- if, ad re- mn id ti. id ,e le un sn 0J ak- [. E. ie br, ýy f la1 "mve bis Iial on anothan on Tùeudi tien.bain aiselv. her charges' hsnan aaiuthlm. Buti- t meahie, iebird lad love.. T aeapé'emis 10 ha va boeu'tlienauabi a vel-conCoctati anti deapîy-ii pli in wiiiha eandud mi, vaeeably1 isteti byaoccmplices, oulti lihe e Il appears tliaI Smithi, viii hati li neeUfor se dapu, vas alloved, have bis oeilxol at Inigiât, >andi th li inigtl es ilJcsnauc plaiee t te i lrnltey cf listing 't ,bowal-çoomplalnt, ,begging nol ho loccied up for liatI night, se liaI: mgthave fie. acceusth eie al cijet. Taentey incautioemhy ce saéntadt te rqest, but locltad t cioset tion, ailoving lie pniscuera go.ho a asi zoomn,belven ia'*ci andte ccelle. Witi Ibislberty, lu t nighl, lia look on tbe vater-dlomet do vas brokon, andthte pnisoners escapi dcmnthie dos-pool by a drain, howvia accemplices hati alng aliole, a fev lie undon'tie gac-i uL Au inen bedute vae; lieu placeti epen a bannal i gair lie vail, vicithe priscuere tien eu iy mcaaed, ant i me ntaliberty. Wb directicn hiey It la iunkeomu, au thein viereahouto, ah the lime cf wvu ing nemains ndisctaeti. Who t accomplices vere, aise remaluis a M3 tenp, andi vo bave not heard liat a cli hais heen obtaineti. The vicie aff la vnappeti in myahery, but saIthli vestigaticu. viicb bas beau teînant of lie goveramant hy Mn. Shériff Re uoids, moe ligbt may be lirowa i thi. malter. Il ls bel igil ho atit,: consequence cf tie many ramone pi ,valent u ia elova, tht thie gacler, Mi Coullias-t, gave stric orders negardir lie afe-ieeping cf Jackson, andtihi ho vas holally ignorautloethle tact tlb he vas lefi unioceetinluis ceni lb nigil; ou lie olier hba, b. informe cen reporter,thutaI aIton c'cloait c Monday nigh, l rply te bi questiei np, thi. trnkoysidti ey vers a night. The felevieg la a descriptionc d Jackson :-Hle is a native cf irelanu 1- about 85 poars cf age ; heigit, 5 teel luiches; bain, ligit-brova, vitih eav, beard anti moustahe; opes sente, anti tcsr on the igil opeliti; vas tires8 ed oin luack tor tiask-brovu ceaI, gpi ves, brcva trensers, vlth dark stii Hem ho go West. Tis is an luquiny mui o very oni r shoulti have traathfu4la ansvered hatou hei shas-Is on bisjouney, anti a lithi cas-e tatou la oxanatnslo f BRe v iii n nuany cases save muaihstroubla, e turne anti meney. Tise C., B. & Q. R. R.,' runsnn -freinCicago timougi Galeshurg *c lIuriingten, bas acieteti s splenld roputation ilathie ast Ivo pears as the ioaducg Passengen Route ho lie West. Ah Burlinglon il connecte villithe groat B5lingtcn Route vbici muas di- rectt hrougi Southeru Iova te Nebras- ta sud Kanss, ithiclcscounections ho Califemis andthliaTrrnlteriee; ana passengers shastlng frem Ontario Ceen. -J -Canada.-on hein w a w a,-aue, not tic botter lise ta tako th.C., B. ai SQ. sut Burliughou Route. solues cf the Ti Liue bas peibiied a pamrpille su ssacahioti "1cm lego West,'wvici cn ne surpruse luis much vslle ifrmt -n mnt cf th labcinomtine ulluer Shea, largo correctrmap cf lie Great Wésh requosh,) as viel eau be obtaineti free et cierge M. bp addneesiug lie General Passengea ouIesetiegA gent B. & M. R. R. lIurlinztou. Iova, h e o tie, 1il a tiuty Mn. Feilevm la tiaily lu receipt cf lot- se bIseigis toi-s of'enquiry, frein varIons parts, jveti Pastor rospocting bis Sysup cf Hypepbom. rans ct-plles. One recenly receiveti, leada rnenget us, 10 the bellot liaI lie public misste bis eare liaI ho mesuing in roes-oence cf ils effeel u in - Father Sies psrtlag superior enengp ta the rinti. achus-ci inW hogcurher a Wbore the intellect iu been impaineci air religions by cvenwork om hy kints-et causes, the. -repeating ; use cf tise Syrap, tegetier viti pncpem sd-eut tle precauhions lu lie use cf food cloluing, v erest & lia popela. axerais. auJds-est, vil restone failpuov- ant inldif- en te lie brain sud nerves. Supemreity of goulus consiesalungi-est ca;pacity cf unov ps-e: braie -fer asmimilating: materual froin îah Osia- evonp quarte-, antiaf tievelolpiug la completeti urie, procportion, but as bs-i tanle greaten nuber- as-e nc lel entioved by na- asBR t'd une, cciisequeully lscling Ibis capaoity, r and:I-t crald h.quite imposible te,1fini o ves- been ho canstituee tle brilliant genius. is parisi. Hoe,, alliengihite Sprap vill assist ntie cou-.lun estoring lie mindwvichis la hst, inon, ant in il canet change a naheral bara idiot ;ever beu. rhtul curt- nite an intelligent man. tuai guide acullies. A gentleman fresm Bdliel HUI1, Ma., eht, anti bis sys liaI IMessrs. -Allen Bras., preprie- lan, bave toms cf Pillp Ailan'a PrinI Wonlts R. I., ietdeemi-of re dame te Brysuts Pend recently, s iît hol hirc utlag, when oeeof lienuvas'attact- cd that lue edtiheclia nic rezuatisua sesutiden- iP "Bl y, liaI hh ud te b. carriot froin lie licsle yoer -pont te is hotel ; a belîle cf Johnseu's cret ièt Anodyne Liniment wvas eteti te, anti setinue bis be vas ont next day. Anti, viti ' Bey ara pOU tho-day?2 ýI'm net feel- reenn o,, wel, -billons anti micitheadacia, Churcf in have -beau I oekinguarounel for a box cf SParso4a' Purgative PlUs, but co= Ira- cougrega. tiers are &aIldti. Jesustes, T prteetliaundrstanding cf hu- mAL, manity nolhingliera isle leathen OL ttanat gethen by Cà = . Seuzvw - Wnaz. Boots anti Sicea mati. ui Ibis vway, neyer rip, on -loalt, or Corne a- lias, muchpari. 3xA large brick building, fcnmAcîy cMU- upecleti,OfetathelicDominion Holel, untagoing 9 charaçer nepam, and situaed on Coborne stneti ovni epnfnitay about 11:80, buyig six-cfthe- vwl P oertn, wviere dng out aboîut tvc Imeers aftern, NouoeOf hemw er. lion c* im-, 1 sn »cs * -nt. TIse- li rua tmm in tau4di"=P ma Mr. Lve~repileL iaIh a amalli te oferil~ beau made, but it diadnetin olnd. ie eimprevemeeha. n.-Hrper,M na legly-speechr Pvt hie8 - oftlIe -engin.,ad, Me. snce, bie reaent, ere hstenedte ithvî t of i b.d attention. "e, Smidhaï lb ngin. proper, -tieboervaessta g5nErLOr. 'ho beevti ere gbod ; bau A-hoedia flotali te b. alezbagau vi1 bl.- ver. plaoedtwoeloen lhe hoiler and, ti wu wbeele, te keep the latlarfrcm calcini e fi e b.arrangement baing enhIke sn on ofasc Aunaican anti Canadian malta lb gava it anngainiy'o.I ol in. 'hMsd liaI the anginse va. el finiâh the ad, andt hat's ail-lie ornamental par be net being 00 iighly fiaisieti as Woul. ho e expecleti. Tieesiras ainother cbjees lion; lihe vheels vers hteiiarnoir, ne anr- heing vide encegi for th. muddy rendt On- 'la tie Spring and Fal, at vioci limei -he li acnl ffines are liltoly ta iap t eu.T adsait e hoe l imes veri ri*th iengl u airuliard, ani Met ho iveuidlite le av.e vider vheeha te by vici ils runlug vuld bho madt on easier. The narroir vheols, as he pne 'eti ticu9Iy nemarhçed vors a serions objeo tien; auJ perhps voulti ieqeire herses ere inuteati cf mou, te run it te a lIra eset -Wbeuthe question of a stearn engint Boa- for lbh ov vas sgitated by hlm, i net (Mn. Harper) iad argued liaI il vouli -net requine heres, but liat lie sam( li. uuber cf mon voulti be suffialent tc bat draw il as ýil vould a baud sugice ma, Nov, if herses vorq rsquis-ed, saomc rit, persona voulu be blaming hum for de. ticeiving tiem on liaI point, sud hi hawhed te malt is persenal explans, YB* lieu, anti varnslie coancil in lime, sc ne bhat bereatter ne complalut culd lm kiri laid agaluat hlm, cf misleading thi in. ratepayers ce thiS point. He licegi th. council bid hesu -deceived, ticugl led perhaps net intintienally, as te the y- ýweigbt oethle engins. We vene told ili ,o veigit vas 25 cwt, sud vîien veigiei lu herseit app arseti it veigieti 8600Ibo. Ho ce cmpared lie Meryveathen engine m- iti bhiers cf tbe sauna veigit, shahlu1 [ht ti Iis one vouhd-net do as muaI âg vork as lie ochers. The Marty. at veather, tinoagh 850 teel cf home, vitî & ihnezzle, t1mev a stresm cf 121 aht feet; at the elevahor, vili a &*imal lt nozzl, vili 120 feet cf hese, 175- feet sti higi, but Ibis vas disputed ;; vîhli i on linc ole, 150 feet ; li inch nozzle, ),180 teet ; viti 4*inch neuîle, 162 foot; nbut Ibis distance mankeal lthe hast dropj 5d et valer auJdcînet hebody oethle Stream, ali sud besudes thie engine diai net linois meady ; viti î lacisnozzle, il alec pur eftwIo streanis 142 foot. Il vas ganan- lteed, ho said, by lie Buthon engin., l, vhiah csl 88,500 American currenay, S suad veighed 4000 Ibm., te put a strear vy iougi 1000footet ofhome vith If*inah cozzle 170 teet. The Chatham engin, viti 80 Ibs. et stesm vculd t1mev a '-Streamn 144 t.êt, vith i i n.ezzle, ey threegi 1650 foot cf hics., aud 127 foot pe tbrougi 'an luch noui,. With5001 te foot cf hose, il vould tisrov 201 teet vithninuchanozzle ; sud thiougi 1001 foot of hose 280 foot vithi 1* nezie. This englue could b. dravu by 1à mou, su ad cel 34,000. Tiie Clapp & Joues engine, cosîlug $3,200 lu Arnerican ae urreuay, veigiing 870)0 Ibo., sud isv- le iug vider irbeels, vould lirov tirougi es 100 teet cf hicse,,vith i in ci nozzle, s edistance cf 280 teet ; vithi 1 %/16 inch -,nozzle, 210 fot ; vili 1l mai noîzie 200 teet ; sud viti au incchnozîle, ig throngi 1000 teel et hose, 170 feel. oe Thesenglues vers guaranteeJt liaI, id tailing le do thein vontas shaîed, tloy vcnid b, laken away vithout ceel te te lie hovu. Se it vouid b. seen liaI L. Ibis engine vas not se poverfu s te, chers vore. H. referred ho theî dulies, i.cisrglng Mnr. McMilan vith incusiel- e tylule malter. Whou the englue va rt hnikeJ ct, hè (Mnr. MaMihîsu) 18 vas fimt- te say tisaI ve couidu't gel i thieduty off ; but uow b. le Bure vo Sculti. But il vas doubtu nov, ho lionghsl, if lie duties veuhd be nebatedl. We vould bave ho gel a macluinist te swesr liaI ne engines et a sirailar cianacler vere rmadé ile hie aounhny, ici coula. not be doue. As hote t. -pria.eofthIis englue, il mouhd cool $2,- 600, tho vici add lie duty $889_ mal- alug a total cf $2,989 la gela, mliile by psyiug a litle more, vo ceuid gel su engin. fam mone o perenl, sud viti r vider vheels. He asked vould il ho advigable le nain the chance cf payicg $2900 for lis engin., mien vs ceula, get a ligiler sud mes-e eaeily dravu *machine, vîth as geod maciinery, sud viiu ouid do boîter vork, fer neanly thie same sum ? Tiene vas another thing te look h-thie englue vas an expe imeut, auJ ho asked could Wiitby vas slzcng. ils veorting vas extraon- dinary, aud he vas salisfied tiat ev. Ibing guaranheeti by Mn. Gibert vue flly canied ont. Be vas not biaseti in tavor cf I'is engiue, but aller lie en-' ceeragemeut fgitan te Mr.,,Gibent, il vas handhy tain te glve hie tie cold sheeldor. Il vas saif, liaI by paying a 11111e more, ve aouid' gel a bettes- en- glue, but diti ve vant s beller neu. Athliaeigit, be would -rathene, à a hea-ier than premiseti, han ligiter. He.xphaiued tle Charges etficonsi- lencybrougit againel hirm, regading the -dsty, liaI 'pnevioeshy the Coundi* vaa discessingthe daty «cman Ameri- eau angine, and nov eu au English ,One,'e vid matie a great differnne. . aO Wu erePà et o spl 1h,'- engine as il nom stooti, andtin lu prelming il, lie Couecil vas -but carping outthe visiem cf nine-lenlis cf tic ratepayens. Mr. Harper raid liaI tie -Merny.1 vealier engle as silome t ocarryo(10 Ibs cf sheani, wvile. atlthe trial liai day- il *orketi vih 140 Iso nearly anil i ltime. Ha denle t laI any enourage- ment bail heen giron Mn. Oent;i 'as the chier. vay; t lova ait- jl eti fotial gentleman le bring bià en- aie ere. Beennring leMnMr.MiI- C". s emanki nas t thle veîgit hécôuld te, ici tiî liI vigit did net lwsimp inaioater ufrengl, 4t e ftentimam veu.ý ,saRe H- t otondamu bJside gine. à - t-' Mt ie le Of ýer !cf n he te te- i. no 'e- aig id if ie' ir- 'y 20 b0 'p e ne ?r, ýer lot Lid Ts d if if X- ie le L-gel uof ezrpomn,oulitie caesaîýfi i et ie Haoul4 a altat if lie maèrni h, vaeeaI iand,,thers vouiti >ne, diff as oUlty; but if tise engin. mas bougu à - they voultihavea-lo sent tE gla:, th fôn extras. -T, etubes. m ita e 'Kingston, get-loievuoct, anti in hi n, casethere wvers no cher- lu inte ccm Lt t17. Tic Second question vas, wv h vws lie' objeol fuin derettig'Ilf ý à e veiglit cflia e egiee,?.,lo wvieiýl 2g ceulai onhy ansver that puriapm it vi n- ho gire- au ides of muet ligil veigit,i e. nott leati hommes. Tihird questie la vas vhy m*ahz ne2 >osnppcsed h., vas becaume a nember vantail ne cli zt engin. Olier anglne. vcld h. hi Idin tlu Iv eets,' anti ha vas ln favori p-waiting. ot Mn. ILavlie-oplainotilitaI hlettI se withlie cifen cf tha angine, at #25( es lied beau communicalet he Conne p- anthe malter axplaiueti long ago. 1 re bis motion te-ulgit, b.e left lie pnic id copen, se liaI lbhe Conal shoulai use a, il. Ha companeil lieprices cf Il le Mernyvoather sudth. Clspp & Jeui o- englues, shoving the latter cet neanl ý 0850 more. s, Mn. McMillan ieferrlng te 1h.e 'tal, o. ment, as ho parts cf thc englue getir 2o cul cf erder, saidti lere veult bo si Je neeti cf mending le Euglaed, as t Id agent voulti lepp a stoci t hMontrea 2e sud ve coulti ment tere, vhsici v on] co b. eseler thaur sonting to lhe States e. ve ogh a Clapp & Joues engin, ie vien ils parl got eut cf entier. o- Mr. Clark vas gise1 o, Ses Mn. H& ie pe onspealt se iigily cf lie englue, 1, a-helag a gzooti maciulal. Tii.oc] us fault i. (1fr. Harper, founil, vas vi » lie, tloy ver, toc, loir sud la ie narov. Wby, nov wheels couhd I Lt put ce ant leu ve voulti haves aicea Eengiue. Anchen objection vas, il mi se tee ieavy; lu tact vs vone getting ha ma Imuaifor cen money. It bati boa >a staledtilaI ltb. Chapp & Joues ongin o.coula t1rev turtien Ihan ary othe se but liat flnm 1mnev lie Merryveah kg vas ccrnug bore, snd iiey dame n ing thein englue te meet thern. (Lou V- applause) à Mr. Harper saiti if the spechahe: U coulai uct keep eill, il vouhd be tour ineee'sary ho, deanthe zoom. t 1fr. Camern hougzhl Ihero vouîd h ý*ne barn lu vaitlug a lItho longer, et hcohers englues vore coming. S; Mr. Lavler saiti ho vouiti *ihdra-% s ilhis motion ho puncias e .englue, ý i, y~essrs. Ray sud Harpez veuîd guai w ailee ho bhave a Chapp & Joues engin it hermeonthe saine conditions as th i«Merryveather vas, vitiu Im eeti BWcaid home geuhIpmen agre, ho liaI 71Ater fui-Ilio remarkefs-com member Scf the Counauil, nct iaving nieci bea h lug en lie subjeel, Mn. Powell asteti tc ?,au anseen o Mr. Lavhom's questicu. a Mn. Harper replied in effeat, that e lie lemu wouid nel accoph Clappé ýtJoues' offer ho coee ee, i. on Mr 0Ray coulai ccl labo lie responsihlity o se 80doing, 1fMr. Lavler saif he biad been in ces nespoudence viti a numbor et fineeon igifle agents. The Clapp & Joues ear agice veuld net corne luere unlss tii atovu moulfi agreo te buy il, if il vonkoi -as voil as guarauheod. Ho aIseceres 2pouded viti lie Siand-Mason engin( E6mou, sud lion mihlie agent cf th .iMerryveatiier englue, vicie effor va B!ainer than the chers, liaI if lie en. in. didult suit, me needu't lake il, ana se il vas septod. Mn. ]Ray vas satisfied if $2500. anc eno Julies vas paie1; but hse vas lu )favor cf vaitiug. 0f course, ho dii Lnoh vuei h osact contra-y tle i hce cf the majcnity. Mn. ;,avler- If Messrs. Ray and Harper viii gusrsutoe te have a Clapi & Joues englue ion. siortly, vo vill vait. Tise motion vas lien cau-nied, and lie commilte rose. 1 The Ceunail reeumed, sud the motion ans-ied vithul dissent. Mr. Glbert, the agent, vas hicardi, andi in a lev s-rnars-t, roeneredt o the high repulation lie englue liad gainei, sud thîankod thue Counail ton tho man- uer la mui e eiad boon necoived. NOTICES Or MOTION. ïMn. Lavion gave notice cf a by-ham, f tihle organizatien snd msauagemuent ef a fine brigade. Min. Ray- gave notice et a by-lav bo huild a hovu hall sud Markt. On motion cf Mn. MaMilsun, lie ciai-man on finance sud lie treasunen, mono lustnuchsd te arrange ftonlie psy- mont cf lhe engins.1 The ceuncl adjouneti lliFriday- ev'g. PeevueNcnAz.PacucaInco MATCH.-The plengig match, open ho lihe Province. Mealsania' Ciase-lel James Gloven, $2. 2nd, G. GiUlespie, #1. SEaneUS RArsvÂr ACCnsEser-Oven Soundi, Net. lsl.-eterday eveuing about six o'clcct, as the men employeti la layiug lie tract outhe Toronto, Gmey anti Bruce Railmay,. near this p lace, by lia contractors, Messns. Mac- kenzle & Co., vers nelunng home by a construction trai, lic platterun car upon viich about Imenly mon veme meateti rau off the Irack, fcur miles' £rom hors. Tree men vone Id anti four injareti; oeeof lie latterE conly slighhly. Dr. Megregor, cf Chats. vo-lis' vio vas fentunalely near lie ecene cfthe accident aI lia, tino, vas promptly ou lie spot, teiloved slinly atenvars-d by Dns. J. aud C. Bas-niant, cf Oven Soundi, vIse gavee I ljunet mon evany -ttention. 'The names et the mon kifleti aaelIsaI Shermuan sud Jamos Sherman, cf Sarawakt, flter anti son ; sudnGrge D4vidà on. The cueei men are Jcn Gabi of lOmen: Soundi, antiTsrd sSauu of Osprey. -'Etiard Varrai, lie don-, thucten efthietrain, bail isknoe.cap' disbcahei, 4suaushahieti chie.injuries Frank-* Wieer v as muci ruseianti muatibout"i b" anice Comnpany.- Verdict fer !'laintiÉ, fer 880. Tucker va. Doeol-This vas an action breugit by Dr. Tuelter, of-ý Pickiering,' a * stW. H. Del, feueniy a drng- gRut in Wbihby, upon a covenant con- tai inl a cialter mos-Igage, lan13'icb Dcaal agreedti te indomeify lb. plaintiff as endorsen for lb. deteedant, of a note 1or $162. Dool lofi lie country beoee lhe matuH~ty e f-the' noIe, whieh Dm. Tuciten badtho psy. Thedetenae vas liaI ie g eds f e,'defeuidant-had been seul enders-tli, dirineeof,'etW. iH. Treniyne as agent fer- Doel, sudià vas conhhnded liaI Ts-rnayue vas aise, lie 'plaintif'i ýageut. -Treinsyne loît lie count-y viliulýaaaonohlg ftohe proceede cf the'sale te eltiser plaintiff on defendânt. Hie tcndalip nuled liaI thoeevas no etitienae ofthle Jefenco ho gc te the jury, sud dineceet a verdict- fon the, plaintiff snd eleven pears inter- es"-250 lnahai. C. S. Palterseon anti Geo. -H. Darlneltc1n plaintiff; R. A., Harrison sud G. Y. Smiti ton detonti- sunt. Terr-ance vs. W4ight.-Verdial for plaintiff for $200 by ceusent, subjectbt avard. Wclfenden et a1luss. Witsen-Tis vas anau chleuonenghh by Messrs. Weitonden & Lavrie, cf itie Witby Mas-ble Worts, agsinst lie administra- ton cf, he late Mrs. Wilson, (formes-hp Mrt.-Geo. Siîhi)te recever 8286, ton a monument ordonod hy Mns. Wilson tor hon firel iusband, sud wviiai as put up atlor ber doath. Theo casa vas complicaatd by tamîly matters, cf no publie lulereal. Verdict for plainiff ton ameunt claimed. RB. A. Har-rison sud G. T. Smith ftes plaintiffs ; D. Me- Michael sud J. E. Farewel ton detenti- anIs. 1Bcrrewman vs. Fscai.-An acti-on brengit hp Adain Borrevnan againel Richard Fs-suais, grecer, eft Iis leva, ho meovan balance cf vages due lie plaintiff. Te isaîhes aI issue betweén lie parties vas tie value efthle plain- tiff's services, ho pîacing them ah $500 per poar, visibo lie defoudaul evome tial au agreement for $400 per year vas made belvecu them, thie plaintiff, on lie ocher isuti, giving evidence liaI ne specific agreoinent hati boon matie. A numben cf eux headlug morciants vers pîacot in luelievtuoss box, anti evore as le thue oaiary paud te clonts, anti as ho the plauntiff's ablties. Messrs. M.,-C. Cames-eu sud W. H. Biliuge ferrtiofeudant; Messrs. R. A. Harrison sud G. Y. Smith for plauniff. The case vas not concludeti aI six 'cleet, vien lise Couirt rose. The Grand Jury s-etaisned sa trucbibl againet Thoemas -Jiictoon, for larceny ; ne bill against John Angovo, for lan- couy, sud a true hil againsh Fields, bigamp. TREID -DAY. Borraownaaae cvs. F-reaci.-Tliis case mouy, the counsel fer lie tiefence astk- aa rosumnedti ts morning. Verdict eti for s non-suit. Hie Lcndsiip, la for lie plaintiff for $12. os-don hoe ste tise expense et a nov trial, le Wileos, v8. Bursuluam et cl.-Verdict allovedtihe case te The case d ton plaintiff, by consent, againot Elias vas nol conclutieti aI six o'clock vien 5.anti George Busnism for $7119 14, hue Cees-ts-ose. e sublect 1tasvaa-d. Hectos- Cames-on ton TîUE BILLe. Smplintf. Hgis(erg)- n Tise grand jury ratus-neti a true ill nuprmis vnote.gVerdicteorgeplacion-agaiset Thornas Jackson, .las-coup; anti on pomiscr not. Vrdit fo plin-a true bitl againet lIens, malicions des- dtuf for *155,62. J. E. Fareeolton struction cf propos-ty. dplaintiff. NCIWRAT n TeQucee, v8. Tlaosna Jackson- A bondi wannant mas -ortireti te ho dThe prisouer vas chargeti viii iavîng. u frHnyB rcag wt sholeu, ou lie isl cf July hast, a black 18ut o en urca-eivl sill drese, bus - and - biset trous malicicus injury te pnoporhy. coal, aud Ivo shoots, tiien in posses- - aMn.ESuîEA&TED. sien oethle Canadiau Express Cc., froxu John Fiolds, cagd vils bigamy, Phe G. T. R. station, Whutiy, andi vas caîîeti ansud taitu al ppoar, hb secondl tes- neceviug thoem kuowig erognizances vene forfoitecu, anti bis thein ha be stelen. On boing arraigusti bail estreatedi. lie piiones- pieaded Ilnot guilty." Mrs. Bactas, cf Toronto, mas the FOURTH DAT. fis-st vitcosLe- Sie gave evideuco as te sendiug a Irunt by coxpress, ad.ciressoal Salurday, Nov. 2aîd. ho Pont Penny, i lusci vos-othe MePlcrer8en vs. T. S. &t M. R. C.- articlemsîalogedl ai-ae been stoien. Tisis case mas resumeti, sud ocaupieti The trunt titi net neacluihet destination.thue Court thue vhole menning. Verdict She vas attei-uancls cahotd upon te ferthe piaintifi ton $700. M. C. Cam- idenlify a icact silt drese. (Tlue dreus eron for phaintifis; R. A. Harrison for vas produceti, sud idcntificd as lier dofeudaîît. pnoeotp.) Tluo dresmas net i the. Mr. MeMillan movedti t pu.t off tise samne condition as vîuen spuil; il vas trial of Tîjos. Jackson, ciargpd vilh eonsiderably alloee by being. made las-coup, on lie gpoundti laI mahoriai largor. ]Recoivedthe Is-unkt lree vituesseussnov lu Inolanti, vho voulti veeke atter il vas fis-st seul, but Itue ho pnepaired te proveoIliat certain -_anti- articles monhioneti more not lu il. Tic clos allegedti o bave been îtelen -more wilucsvas croas-oxarninat as te tîso in thue possession efthe prisener, in lie identification cf tis e's-cs ah great euh country, voulti oluthis country length, but luer testlmouy vas net befono tise next stfing cf tho couet. sisuten. Sue tic esi- s ~Tero being thuno indictmenîs againet soon as tise Isunk vas opened. lIce pricouer. lu ou.etfvbicihehovas Geoeo ub, express agent aI Wliit- ciargeti ih sleaiing an album cou- by, sminu, sail ise recoivedthle trusu thaining photographe cof pen sinl Port lu question about tîinee veeksa ater lsî Perry, vhe nover mes-o la Irolanti, is July hast, lu lie baggago-s-oem.eft heLordsiip neplietiflinI Jackson veulti G. T. -R., station, Witip,from thielho trietioou hial charge, andttitI l as prisoer, mie is day bsggago-master ou usual mien hier. vers a numbes- of the Grand Traut. Diti noltn tryi i chargos aRgaine son*en, tb try hîm vas loakei, alîhiengi the lit mas lu bat Ou Imo ouly, as veui he oeithi os-ten. In cs-oss-oxsumiuation, miîcess Jackson..t etatedti laI Jackson ibld hlm hhat lie P1sionst Inunk came frein Port Penny, anti mas Tegrn juymdth olwgi tanecqueuce cfmaione caiusfreIL nhepreseulmoul, anti mena disciargeti: boed of ce ofn re ct o nsoxa m the That me have visiteti -the gal anti haagffice on Ho vlet vi h e on- unti ilt ept l ite meet satisfactory bà ga,«Ye-oom HeWen wih Cn-maucer. We mouiti trav attention stable McAuliffé te lie pnisoer's bsouse te lie case cf a cit elgit peans cf age, d to seai-ch for lie misîicg articles. Ho commilteti for as nch inlu efanlî cofv astedtihe pricoer's vi -fe fer lie silka i o$2im sefrsin ptyz tii-os, muihmas isauciecite hlmm ith- cffndot 02,iupsi t fon eme pott bis luesilation, andi lie toot il avay ta lie W ibnite hoi nfcntunte l-iaIe hsoýffice. S8h. saiti ccl te spciliti, sud case, toun t l eceasanp ta sentiscisilti mnapped il up uosoît. Si. slioved a o uhtne erotecmroii desine te coucoal ailuer tîsîngs miien tcfhsucli houderps lehie cemmon jhe wit n ss t at il l e w sh e t o s a i sco nup a np cf p a rtie s, h6 ha ily u = fit te b e e fer the coal. Didt eth le coat,an h companicus of eueeofthaI -ago, antia ment sften Detettve Siaeelusn, es Mc- me thinkt t somaeacler mode cf deal-0 Anilfe meouldn't iset auy mes-e. NWlueu c ih nbpuhue fe'esnl wituese returnedti iih seehan, a b. adopti vichi grfl fneat tivctgt _ smell et hunnn olh vas prevalot; aotdwt ra datg at looket la thue steve, aaîd founti somo e elort o te iabusencalefaltntOnf 8 charroti stuff Ibat icoketi like cli hiecutt ieasuecanuincer e bninet-Iis mss ut u abex athlbgrand jugor8, il being difficleutsoin.e tau d - s y. ( B o p r d tsu ti b x , a d n: im e s o g e l a e f i ie n t n u m b e n - ta - é tifieti.) Tii.coat masasoketi foi-sud gie o lid-t sie el us e hck fr 1. Th prsas ire te dram attentioneu b mi e oCOU- she old s leo h o toryheinds- aier a groat injustice, suffereti bypar- nos- aivape appecaredta lie eyidstcs summonedtiahoappean as mîluessesw trions, antilie bore a goot cîarachen lu cnîminal cases, in that ne provision W, ectil tuis affair. le matie for lie paeyneut oet heir Ira- ai Constabe TaleAulifle idciilifled lie velling su, tchier" xpenses, vile at- or dress pretincede sd corroberateti Ms-. Inding lt courts, anti me are cf tho Ynle's evitieuce as te fiuding it. opinion liat th. ends cf justice meulul Deheehiva Phlip Shucohan, a dehee- b. tory rnaterilily ses-tat, if soma suai th lite on tise Grand Trunk, scanchast provision more mate, as msep parties m pnsner's beuse ou 801h, Seplember, lunIluat case voult ieb. muai more vill- Mi sant fonrts l i rs;isst icg te attend as vutnesses anti prosecu. hi s a v l l M s s J a k s o n e b n n t i c t e s s t h i s S t i i . c a s e a It , p s -o s n t , ie n t h ed ble-bic drss oatofa peculiar lihey have te ýpay aIl Iheiron ex s et tiee,4btween )iad il 'clocc, ses. -W. have etenp reascu a le h ve Al S.M.; vats vwili Tale sud MeAuliffe. hial large numbors cf ciminals go un- hii vic Bsese a aialusearcieti botmocu punisiet becans. cf the greal 'oxpenee v 12ý ant i,1o'ciecio, cocu; searci mas thirovu '.upon n nivale pasries ilu hein pai matie fer the. ceat, but Il coUld nol be' prosecuhion. At le a malter eft ongeîa- Ce: tounti. Witness hiai lie ceatinlu"'uBs ulahien te ho ahile onote the compar- th, hatsahisfirst sear-ahianti replaceti ativo absence et crime in Ibis counly, t il vies-e ho feunt iut, but on tho second as minaulteletihle ligil çrminl s(o eea-ci~n li ceI as not hes-o nos-la' eslentian efthi. present Assize. We-, 'ar rh b ouse.. eamaît bisruing cloth îlu mule. lppreciatinc liigilythie blessmngs the kitialin. sud ai eues sait Il Ime coat cf cAr cemmon scioci spstern, plsclngi il beuait"; openedth ie steve tocs-anti as il elces vilisithle resais--et overy nei feni wiat appget eho.hbuçd ahittlhie - eProvincethie advaulages Na clet.' of a goti Englisi edeestion, pet vo fie CrçaýexAMinedTherc vas enfflaent coneities- ee e ischanges- neaeutly lm lime tas hum hie ceat bolvoasu hi8 madeinthe lswa defeat, so fas- as tie fo rjits, t5h< le bouse. Theisouses vas rnus-¶secetions are concerneti; viz: tthe tlu oa-e~l sasasets în cii nt 0go Iech"ngecnealing a W04 or- t da ze v*ben viteess saw bis' goccis. 'Aur cousin te pniscuar.- Mrp. Margaret Jacktson, vif, cf lie previcas vituoe, sav lia boxes et lia priseo, ailutiedti e lioer bushani,. openeti ; she sav ssei bact sit tnesa, but one box vas natoI poned; nover sav lise prpiwr z n's vie var a biait aitk dres0but' bave een inber sriang -a brome it one4- The vitss coulti 100 no ifes-ence belveen thie deunces anti shirt cf thetii-es alegedtatehave been stolen. 1Te jury nesetie, anti, afler aienglby cenelides-atien, broughtin a a-verdict cf guilty. ' J. E. Far-ewoil, County Attorney, for lie es-ea ; A. G. MaMillaus fon lic ,T'htw vs. Field.-This an action' brougil te necoter pr opos-etp beloinging te the plaintiff, vias Field&'liît pro- inisoti te psy, but badlnoèver doue se. Il appears hiat lie ceremcuy of mar- nuage belven lise parties lo-e- suit vas pes-tormed about -thirteon pean age, ltie plaintiff bolievixig Fieldis aI liat hlm. ho be anu niarrietimin. ,Il afténvards tus-ced cul liaI beob at a vite living in England, vwhoiseh de- sorlsdl seventeen or eighteeu p'eare age. On Ibis beceming tuova ho lie plain-' hif, she iati a, legs1 separallon fr-om Fieldis, bo sgs-epi'ug-, e psy ber *400, vici ho hati net douie,;anti bad i nei rau avay ho lie States. -Seves-aliohters, vee-eati frein heïfis-st vitfe toero bushauti, te Mme. Thev suad..chera, datedti s pean l muitl i cui-- stances cf Fielér'm cruel does-rion cof ber vas staleti . The grsat sp mpahiy ton he plaintif, vo 'lsai olti lady,- vas toit, andtihe action vas, as slaleti by Hie Lomtiship, a mcmi singulaný one,, the like et vbicb, l il R is expeuiencc, ho bail neyeriseariof et oese, snd noves- vantet t iear cf again.' Mi-. MaMillan cuntet laI ne case et prloienasniage bati heen mate cul, visicli Hie- L-osip'ovesratai, on lie pround' Ibat .lie mar-mage certificate produceti md -been adrnitteil hy lie dotentiant. Verdict for lie plainiff fer $400. R. A. Harrison anti G. Y. Smith fer plaintiff; A.- G. MeMilian for tiefee- daul. MePher8on vs., Tcrontc, Siasueoande Mumskcka aRoilway JCompan.--This vas an action bncuigit hy Mn. Jasmes MePhersen ant i mut, cf Rama, againet the T. S. & -M. R. Ce., tho noceo ameunt cf damages tb he propos-tp cf tho plaintiff in the Tovuship et Rama; hy fine, cansieti hhe allegetinegligece cf lis cempauy',s nuen, in clearing the lice cf readti isougi McPhemson'e lanti Damages -mero lid ti I$2,500. A nurmL ber cf vitucoses vos-e examie net ele ,,ome jiosLrfýîn ýu O, " - thse canrMge - freigiut snd Passengesi taen' of the,,oemer Xaistba, le poprty ,,thg' defendants, by le stamrCoazeahotad, owneti byth r2inhe., antbara ndJon Micipitcbas1himd ake. Spenor, andti he C$mbervnd ok cff ber Page- engera anti fraigil, sudi canniedti len te theln tdestination, for wvblda age >o-ta<f 0888 v as made, Tis ur of-$SO -as cclected by lie Cumberl4aén -lis feiglan.redieio i aétnts, Who alspaiti $357 into ccùnleating au blsance cf 027-2 ciaimoli lebetdueaby te plaintiffs, an ti fan lia um he y suetiThere appane t o é ne specitie .agrernent as te erates,.at b ltarif eonlihe tbye huesbelug difféeot, tsaction-noaltle faïst non the las~ 1between le parties-vwas brougt te, necover lie amcunl claimeti. Tie jus- eturneti a verdict for le plaintiffs for- 0#97. The Dame et Wu. Beatty, Jr.- euoe of the deteudants, -vas ptrucit off, the record, ou application cfthie plain- tifsB counsel, ha bd-ring noe bIsest lain thi ownarsbip cf lie Manuitobaa.B A. Harrison fer plaintiffs; M. C. Cam eren for defendauts. Wkits sas. MidlandufB. R. Co.-An actionbrougltagaintel le Mdianti B. B. C.I.Mrgart an Jenet-White, co- Thorah, fan lleged lhse tecrope sus- laineti by loin, through lie neglaci On ,thes part cf lie CampayinDot putling up a feue, viene the rcstimuslihrcegh lieë plainÃtiffs' lanti, lu lie lime nequtireti hy lair. The plaintiff vas non-suiedt. E Tomi v8. irownhip cf Whitbah.- Thais action, hmeaght hy Samaual Toms, te nacever dtamages sustaineti by mem- bers of iels mily, by being tirc'w's oven'a-sassitnoar Broetlin, in ce- quence of ilie-nogledl cf lie corporation la keeplug up) pi;ffl fonces, vas pOSL- poneti Lhe Bping Aseizes. Te caee ba onbefcs-aN4h, courts fr smre lime. - \'1~ SIXTH DAY. - s. Tuesday, -Nov 5th.1 Railwey Ce .v i n cugittho sTe- c o e s - ,0 f r e n ie s a l e g e d t t e h a v e been nendemedti lehe Comnpany in -ps- curing. hcnuscs, gethlug subsausiptions bù. steak, anticher servsces in cunnectîiu ,vvihie railwvay, tle h th le -den-, dents pleadet i nn-naspensibility, Ihatî tise chaim. vas satisfieti by belug applietiL as papînoenlie plaintifrs stock, antid that lie plaintiffvasindieti ho-ôthei-E' .ou stock. Iu lie absence cfthe stock-- bock, HisE Lcrdsiip_ directeti n vendica- to he entes-ou for lie plain2tif fan *8 00,- subjealte b - inareaseti, educeti, on ar verdict enhoreti ferhe defeutiant uspon, lie averti cf Gec. H. Darnel. Esq. -'-- lodton Cannes-ou for plaintif '-j. E._ Farevell fer defendant.. Taylor. svs. P. W. e& PPj-,R. c.- This case' vas neterred te as-blratien. Irlwim vo. Hoffgsor.,-Ani action clsimlug *200 for- tisages t ale i-nr vile la teuancy eft hietiefentiant. Thse parties reside la Reaci. 'Verdict for lie tieteutisu. A. -G. MeMillasafer plaintiff;-Hocher Cames-eu ton defen- dent. ReayBu--, chargod vihi.itsîalous ajryteprstp, vas net neady. for . f Iri, sutd upen aPplicaticu cf ilsccun- sel, Mfr. MeMillan, his case vas à The Court Ilion rose. DASmI beg space lapourtval na b le p a p e n t e d o e n t m y s s if .a a 1 1 lie hoirgue cf tha sîsederer, santehore- fuIe taise charges matie pnhlicly befere me by Tes. 1. Wilson, tel-gale keep.- er, Wlsltby, vithl a viev cf tiests-cping mp cha-acte-. Saiti Wilson ahargeti me pnblicly betore s numbe- cf indiviti. nuls cf 'my 1'pactislug déceptionjeu My csling cf Insu-suce Agent, ant iathis coulti proea y more Ian hvonhy intit- iduals thal Itieceived 'hem by lasuring them la inte Isolatet i 1k Ceo, mien I-hep ticugit -sud expecledti ly vos-o laeenicg la lie Ontarie Farne-s' Mu- tuaI, etofmilci I iad previonsly been- agent; anti fu-tse- saiti Wilson saiti-he vas teld bi hyhe officiais cf the 0. F. M. Ce. tht r resigetiMy agency ilu lat Cc. to keopnmysoit tram belag huno ont cf il." Nom, sir, I empiatienhly tieny both cbarges anti pronuceo lou fuIs. anti'nhte-ly voiti cf trahil, alaliai I ncm pebhl i- banti Wilson viti being tha fabricater nd)ititeren cof fssebootis in ordtie damsage rny doaracten, anti uintil b. bringe fonvarý tihe ps-ct f oi lies, changes, I stigmatize hlm as suai. I nov ciallenge him' te lie ps-otand dot>' im atedo il. Brolinl, Noir. 4tih, I.LDA72, SAD CASlE- or Dzevo.uc.-Napauee, Nov. Snd.--Ti is affaracen, about four 6'abokýat, a d accident eccu-neti,-by crici bye cOf cDurnMost respectail aila- nons lest loi- lites. Tise parliculars une as fclevws :-Mr. R. A. Leslie, of be lIant cf British N-orthAinerlea, cf bhis lova,' anti bis saccounnant, Mr. Me- Dos-miti',vile - preceediug tiome tie rivees- ina semaIl bcut, about'four-n'eaocik an a sioohing expedlition, anti mien abount a mule elov the etreamn, >rere atentaiten hp lie steameor Qucail, which bs-ev hm a Une, intending le hehp - theul aeng ; bel uutos-unateiy, by com, Msusianagernent oethoso lahe smail,,bcal, il vas capsixeti. A boat ras immedishel loeeot o Ibein as- istance, bu el oe li-crachai 1cem bey blatisent. Grapplieg irons vos-e immetiiahely ah' haut, ant inatvonty mutes fter lhe accidentthe bodies wre brengit le lie surface, but lita ras oxtinat. Mn. Leslie lestes a vio in family te moue bhis -untiely end. FÃŽAT.L ACCIDENT.-W, regret leJucar mat, on: Moeday et, vile throe ieu vers engageti ou a ecaffoli aI fessrs.Vicare' nom foeniay, Ux- ritge, thescafeiti hi-cie, precipîaring hemn te lie greuni, sme 25 feet, 'vilh icil violense Ibal oeeof lise men, Mr. eLHardy, tieti fs-cm tle efeats cf .ljuesou Sstu-rdsyoeening lasI, ile, stsers. T. Eur-cieW *11 Sobsbly la.cenfinete is reounfer a . u s d o m a b i l t m e . S t n e e g a baI viile lie faillvas Boese-ons l lie ce, ith -ti, Mn.-eoduey Jus scapet cutis-dpninjueet -Sta et 2- a