-'IL erle ; Çon en. ana Àpdueta WNtd- ý- ' SpeelaiNotices- Chrùisacard-fas. Byrne. Holday prosnnla-Js.Bjnue. 8tay Callle-oGQ. Ogilvie.-1 Pure white Chester Boar-Oso. Ogilvie. GaraIof Th4wks-ý-Gibbsk Iro. Paublie Bxaminà tloai of Town Shool- IË. X, Madonsl1, chi. B. S. T. Credit 8S.10 of Carniages, &.-$amuel Tender-Town of Whitb.- Silver st Par-Thos. Lwke. Gmoeul*i, Liquorskc.-Thomas Law. Noticr-Pire Brigade-T. Lawler. ~4itb~ VLrnic Q1NLY Oz 5o PER AN-NUM. Whiiby, Thor.qay,- D&. 12, 1872.ý Tho Mail and the Agricuitiarai College. tIn referring 10 the recent viil bo Wiibyoft1h. Minisler cf Agriculture, Mr. Moelr nltho Comnlsuoners appo Inted Ly the Goyeraimenlta ex-Oz aMine sites for the propoied Agricul. tarai College and Va=n, T/a. Mail etrongly advoosete lb.dmeaof Ibis town' à sa-te.. proper lace for lôcating tîxat Institution. If the. Mimico sito i. to ', b.r#jecleal, lot Whitby have the Colloge by> sE mesns,'-euyrs carcontenu- poraîy, bp.cae' Witby fa a mutabi lucality 1 Ani again, the. tarins exoain- inod lier. luzvinsg been pronounced adluilrably fit for the purpose-it says -$&Wu are eatisfiiéd "iBet later lanal thnui found a roundl WhitÈy docs "nul exint iniCanlada. IVe il>. qu5liy Well satîignoll Iat, next ho o 'êoto, wViitby Aiorais lits Lest faciities W6 thea, stalislîment andl management' out an Agricultural College." The. oly objection our contemporary hall, i; that the site chos.il by th. Sandfield- Y MacDonald AdmuinistratIon should Le adhered to. Why, it aaks, elîouid il be laken, fom Mùnico 2 Tii edtor- of The Mailinust ureiy remember 1he discussion that took'place on the sub. jec ; that il WB$ ehownthxalthie soil and surroundingsaai Mimico are wloly * nadapleal for h. purpose of an ex- perimantal Srin; and liat, rom hue tahcmçnts macde andl opinions given by * à aombera of-tlb, Mouse.andl leodung itkricultlnrit of helb.Province, -1he abta6x r t tat 1kif th. con- houpated 'objecW4 dl hie Institution Were lu b. caaried ont, We' n urcessity. But, wheiier rixhl or wroug--atid *1 decidodly agre. in the course pursued by the Govrnnnet-llae Miuico site hia$ buen ala ndoned, alld a new selec- lion is tg be niado, Andi, liaI eing lia. case, w. entiîaiy cineide with the viewm of ciii contemporary as ta ltb. uet euilnlIe piaec o talocate lbelpra. posoil Inaitutioi-at WilitLy. beOntario Ga8.eile âanoanees liaI lihe Lt-iglature Af Oltu4a lns ec4lil ta- rthller for the depatcli of bueines on .10 édia of Jînuary nexl, Ham~Tuelinilton Times won- drsi If leaivation of Mi. Blake ta thie Boncda le £ rèogiiitidn-by Sur Johin of tif ,faottla, aw t<lie Reformera are 5Lplenîaa in Ontaaro, tfiey ware.refore .ualitied tu tihe naro lrla hss is dieiposn1. Itlooks as tiaugla thue Wb huit Kuiglt liadu in athe conclusion tint li a. m ubod tte paptlar ver- dit. But hiow wlil the- Tories. lke huiaI vie w of tiie cime, anal wlîot will theîy amy ta good offices being passeal by llîoîianal given ho Reformera? Tiop OsnAWA IÂAT FACTRaY.-A tele. granisanys thaI lie Oum of $5,000, algaooofth., winteiv tenmu. X!oLuDAT PUsJEexTe.- r. Jamej Johna10n ah~nounwo thue arrivai of a choieasorîment oft>ewelier anal fainey gotis, suitable !~or Clînlslmiýî and New Doxsisîc i. Wuuaooi.-%Ve wouid dir-ecfth. attention of 'our resalera 10 tlie anuanecant of, Messie. Lowes dà I>uwll, in oliher colunins. Large auid WeU.u.elected stocks in every dopait. mot-d"ry goodi, fancy good, millun. - ery, reaty.nande cloliîiug, groceries, &c. -biave leen receivd ri-ontly, and area naw apemi for -inspection. A caR heom lntendlng purcbaseora would ampiy r.».>' hem. (Seo adYt.) Tas BR-UaazOx O4XT. - We woud rengul Ouarr, ra1 ýh&îte .. union under lhé, auspices cf 'the Me- chanul' Intitut 'wlll take pace- 10.- nigiit. A nimborcf taienheal protes., sionalsa jpd aiathâbva proipised - la e.dain lu-th. excellent programmae * wtleh la behng prepareal. TirsCEnnosU.-Tlerevisoal cans rétu*no, f'lasttad*M.'liplace lthe population Mi ute alffëeet'?.rovinçeo at the soowlig figure-Qntarioo, 1,20,. 8a5 ;, iebee, 1-9101, 675; New Brma.- wlek, 285,777,1 kova Bol,887,800; and XavilsEs, ,011.ý, Owzff. Sj1 ý or.Bucckzs, k.-Mr. osméÀlwaey noaunees lbis second ôbuiéls, c'Wmiùges 40At bis carriage worko, Wlitkon -&-nA~inuKuA u u5v IImamui The Conumlsioners appointed te ax- aà mine. uta andl report upan the. suit- abbiily Mithe Mimico, andI alLer sites, io AU tgîclural College anal Mdel Faim, arriveal, in 'Whitby on Friday lest. The>' wèern. John Dunlop, ai Woodstccha;-Mi. Robet N. Bail, of Niagara ; Mr. fohu Mille, ai .1Picez- ing-; aud Mr. John Dryden, President of. th. South Ontario County Agnicul. taraI Society ;-4l4 practical and expgr. lenceal armraand-men cf tl imerai standing, netanly it bbelaee, Lut ini the commmnilies fiwi5t eie They wore accmpansied'Ly Hon. Mn. M Celer, 'an'ieioner of Agricul- ture. They, wor. mot on theu arrivai liera Ly tihe Mayor',MUr. Grieenwood ;' Mr. A. Farewell, M.P.P. ; Mr. T. Pax- tan, M. P. P.; Mi. W. H. Gibbs, War- don of lb. Count'y, and M.P. for Noriti Onla ia; Dr. Cohurn ; Dr. Cgrson ; Mosirs. C. Draper, Jas. Holden, -Jas. Dryden, Président cf'lthe Whitby k Fait Perry Railway, G. Y. Smith, A. G. MeMillan, W. H. Higguns, oditor cf Tax CuaRomerLE,, H. J. Macdonoll, Town Counciliora Ray, sud King ;,John Siier, P.L.S. ; W. H. Cowan, depnity-. lvvdof Oshanwa, and cothre. The Paity !tien proceedealte hole examnantion of 1h. sites paînteal ont in lie esseeu anal western portions ,ai the crportion--embiacing from lote 28 te 81, in th. airsI concession. Witiý -a suitabie number ai attendants, carry- ing pick. axe, elovl, crowiuar anal spaclo,>"tb.y digged anal hh.y dlved! ' in at les* flfty places ini aevral fielda oveithie- area, pronotuncing ini every instance lhe oil t.eTbeof th. Lest quulit>'. In, 8cme parta lbey'feunda black loamu roin 8 te 12 taches with ich andy subsoii; at offbei points a deep idli loani, froma 12 ta 14 iýieles withi day subsoil, sighlty mixeal witi limeston. gravel. At èery trialthic eeesons weî-" fIt is - like the landl on thiThames"-"Like 1h. prairies" -i"Tual'stii. kinal cf lanal, ir"- - Tlat's tii.osol for deep piougliing in tbe fi" On, wouid 11k.te0 Ibd poor land evonnat tii.ottm"-*'Yon might dig o long l ime Lefare reaching 1h"7- &o.., mnade amidal mmCli jocularity. - TIl "worsl bit" of landl tlat coud Le piekeal cut, a Iigh, Lairen-iookiug kncli in fao lot, wns examineal, in ordler ta <lad bal laid aomewhore. The resuît waa acluale dsappointing-there was tiUl litt1e diffèrt'n w borvable-tiey lurux- cd Up elgit unciie# of heavy manlal on n slrong cay limoalone gravel subsoil. On Mi. Hoiiîen'o f<ni the>' invariabi>' faunal froin 12 ta 15 inclues of ici lonma aboyAthiasaime kinal cf subsoil ; anal lie inicrneal tiie Cormmissionene liant la. raiuied 05 bLusizels at wbeat anal 90 busiuels cf cals, to tho acre, cff tic saine landalal year. TIie generai bon- clusion arriveda a wa-lliat wlile in thi s earchi nu Witby lia, Commis- siuners coud final no badi and-in Mitnico hie>' coulaI final no gondl lanai. Thal wius the pronouaeal diffronce bcîwoen lhe localilieg. ]Bt, addedalte Ohi, tbey fauna ail tiie lands examinoal ,well iatered wilmliving streama ; liae drainage good everywbcre ; the views, aven land sandlwater deliglalful, nnd thae site for bulding purposes oeroy- wiere mail commanding. Siorlly bofore ome o'clack lIhe Party arrived aI " Trafalgar Caile."',lthe splendid residence of Mr. SuenTf Reynolds. wimre tluoy were mail hospitaiiy Éneainnodai lunch- the invitation being a sPecial one.. Mrs tii.>'wcre again s.rpriid wilh wondersinthi. architeactnral art, -as thhy ral'eady were witi lb. wouîleifüllY produactive saili. The Sheiff's rosi- dence in well-ieuown le becoeofh le laigeet anal uaot magnificot privato résidences; ntaly iln -aCanada, but on tie continennt. Il is a cmmteiateTbnild- lioapitalit'aci extendetl ta tlacm. Tic weatier was deligilfuli>' fine thrcugliaut thc day, affording tii, Cam- missianois ample appcnlunity lu dis- cbnrg thie dutias imposeS ou thein in liae mosh tîioromugla anal satishactor>' manner, withlout interruption. A UsFUauL CALENISAR.-Wm have ne- i: ceiveal frcm Ita. Raitien> anal News. paper Advertisiag Cc., of Matreal, su a eîceeedingi>' usefut caiendan fer 1878. Enci mcmli is ou a sepaunhe ehIelI, ilia a large figures, anal perfuraleal so t1ià tg oaci shooth anma etlau off nI tbe enS cf limemonli. The iegai'halidays bolliin Ontario tond*Quebea, anal ta oaciPro- rince sepainhel>', are pinleal acrosa the. dole in neal ink, soeos ta make Ihiemi ap- parent at o gance. 8a'aczAa Nouicza.-Uncler the haad- ing, Messrs. Hmouilton k Ca. annuuce uic recipt of a large stock oi frils, iiqacm-, groceries, :tese, &oa., fer tisa hoidnys. The ary gooda departinonts is ase naaSwel-tockeal withi eerything ta lie lime, anda a se laie prices ais 'con Le haS anywhere in thea. Pravnae.' (Seo avi.) $mavxa AT PA&L-Mn. Thomas, Laie. ieon aonses tmUer aili ho loken al7par nI bhis.store fcr Ail cash purcim- -os, anal hial four per cent pmemium iii Le lloaved for ail punahases paiS fox, ta bill.. Mr. Laieblas a large -ý à tookMof ipiligroceies, aisa, liquors. &o,, aviom,- ho admetises, sm-e offéeel aI-as loierabes as an>' other estabish- ment inhoien. OmaaL. O. t. No. 68.-At thie negulur anomal meeting ai L. O. t. No. 86, Osisawa.Le hllowing ociens were ebecleal forI878: Bm-. Goo. W. Gaula, Master;,.Bro. James Retal, Deput>' Mas- ter; Brc. Charles Houey,Secrehary-;Duro A. uggius, Asistaant Socrehan>'; Duc. 1'ioms"KlbyTreasîrer; Bon. Dmo. Hitox, Chapain; Bm-. Samueul Melin- anior Commîltee maen ; Dia. Francis Garfat, 2n5dc. ; Dmo. W. -Shaav, Bm-S do. ; 13npA. Daney', 41b do.; pr, Tiomà psOn, 11h Sc.;BÃO.'W- Aire- oeùrre in Oshaaw~a on samida> ovenumg'3A04 1*71g n, aiSusg porio o~f t&buIý part cf tIi t 'Thefinbroe ýÜ abut vcie " ,!Kv George Hloador, on imco treet, lia. amsspreading. 10 lhe adjaning tg'-FittmauieW ,dv4- alsoe waa soon envelopealina lames, and- tolally deslnoyed- thon 'Wccd's dry gacale store, al on Simee treet. Tnwnplarge sitor#-an 411icà rner !di of King!analiMeo etre.lanoxt canèlah Ire5 mia-l theignouea lu ý apid -succesion' destnoyae dru @gstore oh DZW. Dea thme dry goode -store of Mn. Dicie, lIhe bock atmoneahJ. F .VWlUox, the confic- liotiaenyare cf W . H. McOhesney, lbe jewollery stare oh J. P. 'ohn4ton, tLe dry goodo store of J. Barnard,, the piotograpi gplIery cf J. O. d& B.-H. Henrythe lb.tlacca atone ch B. Pitcih, the barber'ashdmp of J. J. Hall, and the butcher's sbcp oh Gea. Garib. Ail lies. buildings, withm hie exception Mf Pr, Dean's, Mesars. ,Wcod'8, Fitz- uiaxnic's,,Tiewin's andl Hoader's, were wooden. A igi wund was prevailumg anlb lhina,- anal groal hoara wone onter- laineS ,1hat the fine large brick buildng on lt.e r)nbb aide cf giiig plreol, known s the* Gibbs -lack, (occupiod by A. Hundes, ictel-ko.per, A. M. Chisholm,- dry gecais, anal others) Cowan's low block, andl Halcia & Meosablock, wouid hall a prey 10 îLhe devoiung pie. meml. As il was, the haonte weie badi>' scorciod, anal il bas ônly by the ut- imost exà tions oh lh. fiemen andl citi- zens li hât thewero saveal. The Osha- wa fixe brigade, at lbe IraI alernaof flue, wcre on the gounai, but wilh an inadqiate supply oh wnan, wr un- aile ho subdue thie 4nes, which, spreading rapidI>',thbreateneal 10 des- hncy lime wlacle business catr o 'fthie lown. The. Wihby shoanI'fine engine wae sont for, anal ta one hluunanal han minutes <ram tl ie naeIa. essenger left Oshawa for Wiitby, lie ongine was playing enlihe fie. With au alacril>', ercaitablo li ohm.ho imalves anal1h.' hcwn, the.Wbitby fremen wr. at the same lime et lie sceneocf dangor, anal to tliiir indefatigable oxeitiona--anal we sa>' il with a juat anal pardonable pide-the prcgress cf thie fames woro hoa ngreol exhont subduoaL The excel- lent worktag of theWlitby steamer was lhe general theme cf ccnvcnsation with ont Oshawa frienals, anal ils splendid execution the juet pride of WhilLy pec- pie wbc were present ini lange numbena. Thc greateat praise is aooe(due ta the Oshiawo finemen for lie oxeitions tLey manfully made; Loey w«ekd feitbhfliy anal well, 'anal hbir weli-thrclod offcrta, bl thie>'puapr applianc&s-a steamer -aIthiincommandwcald hava pîroald Veiy effectuai. The total bla oinmllmaleal ah 460,000, about half oM whiclm amountis acovercal b>' insurance. Tho hllowng is a luis of time oses;. Mie. Brooks, stock cf miuinery andi ioueehoîd unilure ; lois 61000, ini- ural in thie Phoenix cf London for Gea. Hodalor, gentlemen's furmisluung store ;loi,, $S00, insureal initho Pbe- ffir for 02000, Iîuperiai for $1000, anal i tie Wesern for 62000. Samuel Wool, dry goadsa am grocer- is; lama 68000, insureal- ia hi. Rayai for $2000, Hartford for $2000, anal in lthe Phoenix cf London for 62000. Samuel Trowiaa, dry gooa; lars, #12,0W, lacuneS inthe Britisi America for $ 400, Iînperiai fou 04000, anal la 1he Provincial for 62000. Dm. Denna, dramg str. ; lbu 63000 ho 64000, inînîcal in Britsh Amenica Ins. Co. for 61000, analda ia.teLancashiro for $1000. Wm. Dickie_ dry goode;'lcss an building anal stock, #85W, insureal for Wmn. ing; losan building $#4000. No luurance. 11 An lavestigahian vaslImetld an Tucs- la>' analWealnesday, wiciwae nat cuncludeal up ho 1he tine of ou ging eo piess. Ilta staled, iowever, liaI tho origin aif lue was lie aah ai au inccudiar>'. We came nean cmîltting ho mention laat ever>' attention wae paiS lie WlaitLy ficien, anS 1 Mr. Shea, thein especial lîmauls arc due, for uis kindies aud liberalit>' lu euppiyiug theni w"ll clIti.., on thein cien bocouaing avel ad <rozen. Geaxai. Divsameor -Omamiasuho ÉON oir TzaERxmc:.-Tlae annual meeting cf lIa.Grsand Division O. S. aiT. aqi biebat a Lcallon Il aveek,*wi.n lIme ieliawiug affacers were electeal :-G. ÙM. Rosa, of Toronto, G. W. P. ;:J. S. Lanko, ot Oshaies, G. W. A. ; T. Web- ster, cf Brantford, G. S.; S. W. Sherr- ard, ch Claremant, G. T.; Bey. -J3 W. Mocican, oh Komoks, G. Cisap. ; J. G. Hoano f Ottawva, G. C. ; D. Millr, of Toronto, G. S. The annal meeting will Lo helal in Otteawa, iu Docomber next, snd lie semi-ammual meeting ta Tilsonburg. in Jane. ', 1 '-.'à cu us m The folcwag, gentlemen answened b'Loeir- anies,,Andl ware awoan aas Gra nalJnora : las« Pnnch, fore.... 1.-BellTios. Fair, W. Beaal, Leé Penton, B. F. Campbe Wmî Galow Boit. DaLle, Johbn Hylanoi, jr.,> Jasn. Jonas, m' Madili M. MoTaggart, Thes.Orplard,. Geo. Siîh, *Davidl Tweodaq, Jas: Thonipson, Henry Tiffin, .Hugi Gnegg. JUDOR O CHARGE. Hie IOnor, in addresaing the Grand Jary', asial liaI Ilion. woneno pionors in gacb awaiing trial,.goo liaI heir Suibis, ta Ihat paricular, would b. pleasent. Thon. wero, hawevon, a numbai cf paonse ont on -bail, wiiose cases would yory likel>' camo Leforo them. Tiee.wos alec lia case cf the two man chargeaI wih geol break- tag.ý wha wene naw, no donbt, cul oh lie countiry, Lut whc, il wonla b. nec- eary ho place ta sncb a positian tLaI sihl lb.>' nyeluri 10 huis country lie>' coud Le aurestei by thie benci warrant, wbich donbîlesa wculd b. ondoieS ta Lae ioseal. The ocher caes 10 come be. fore lbena wee-one oM b.asialiy e Yeinv sarions affenca, anal=fnmrlY pumishable with dethi, on, cf assaulh, whiic ho undrtaod wau cf a sermons nature, coechfnuisancesagainel lime FPct WbltLy & Fort Ferry Railway Ce.. eI collïpfracy cas, anal one oh icrao-steaiung, in wbich, as ho unaler- aloal it, lie parties ai hnradeal boises, anal anneienting ai hie bergain, Lhad secrel>'taken the animai away romt Lhe chies.r'onmte. HioLoidslaip alatealthie aw tho casaowung liaI maen ed no igil, undeî suci circu lanos, h is seceol>' regain- ing hi4, pnopety ; 1h was nu undictable- offenco, hiaugi many supposeal tint lh. haw did mot make il a helon>'. Il wcmid als c te b. il>'ofh Ie gmanS jan>, hie imnoi wenl on 10 say, 10 riait Lhe gaol, anal mako auci neoat asthiey hiaugit prepen; liey shouid also examineaitthie malter oh the escape cf th. prisonora nefeot; anal ho examinei tIi.weak pointe ta th. gail, Iliaugia, h. bolioveal, many Gmanal Juries helalîcagi>' lyreporteS upon them bafoue. Hie bonor tatod thiat ene long the Centrai Prison near To- ronto wcnid La finishoal; anal as the, counI>' gaols weie not th. places to keop pisonersafaten sentence, lie>' Len mrey ock.ups ioi caipnits lithle>'weotrioS anal sentenced, ho Was piese 1 e able 10 sîte tlual il wouil Lesiity in wamking oper. atian. Tbo jury lien rehineal. GENERAL SESSIONS. Tho appoal cf Dixan,- appellant, ageinat Gîeenwel, rempondent, for mnaliciout>'Lîo ýraking thi. aiaft oi a buggy. wwi wthdmawn, awing 10 insuf- ficiency eh notice. W*nesday, Dec. 111h. Thé Mstu&Jry ietunned triecLbis agaiuThem NJackscnf and Wm. Bruit ,Lmeaekin 1-Xgaol, andl againat Breyn for assanl. - COUNe VCOURT. Hari ol m-aI Hnbgras'es. - An -action Liongil hto uecoven 8100. amounh daim. oS b>' lb. plaintif fôr edamages roceiroal b>' a colt bctag laicimealb>' defendont'a lîcuse, wlich gol unta plaintiff's pasîu-.. The parties ho lie suit lire ini Reaci. W. 1-. Billings anad D'Arcy Boulîcu fan plainitiff; A. G. MeMillan fardefeadant. Tic cas, was going on ne wo go ha Haw t. go West. Tl,;- fa aunqliîry wliiela evcry ou. mianil have truthfullp aîacwered Leoai h.e starta ou his iaurney, anal a litle cane takon lu examination cf Roules wil n man>' cases sav. mmcli trouble, lima anal moaey. Tii. "C., B. &i Q. R. R.,' rmnning romn Chicago Ihmiugi Galee6arg ta Burliaglon, liai aclievd n splendid roputatian in lbe lul bwo yeara as 1he leading Passengor.Route hothi. West. At Burliaglon il connecta witla lie gm-al Bilinglon Route whici mmms di- rect thrcugi S6-tlieru Iowa to Nebras- kai anal Kansas, witi close connections to Califounia anal lie Tennitories; anal passeagois starting fro M 0 tamio Commn. t>' Canada, onuthir -wey w stward, dan. not do-boter tuhan la teke itie C.; B. d Learimg nlercst in coin ai 6 per cent, is $1,345184950 ; at 5per cent, 6414,- 567,300, making-.a ttaliof #1,759,702,- 250, en whiolî leue la $33,919,232 cf interoal Sue . The amount of debt interegl is awhul moue>' h made up as fllows:. Certîficalea ai indeblealiesa ah 4 pr coul, $678,000 ; l4ay Pension funal aItirhe. pet cent, *14,000000; cer7tificates aI 8 pair cent, 84,080,000, makingagotl of M18,708,000, on wici Loe la ýinteroît due te liai aonnt cf *286,8ié8. The amunaI cf thi. doiton wbich iuleremth me ceoseS stuc. malurit>', le "210,440, an 'r". letiee.ig interesl duo' la hié &Mai* of #557,683. The omoual af lie ffl whieh Leans ne intcroal. is $440,6044232, su& lie unchammeal ien- est omountsate.86,604. On thue 1.1 cf Docoulier, thepublic doit, ei cnsh in tie Ticasumy>, was #2,160,568,030. The amount cfthie oulshanding bonds issueSleaîad thie Pacific Bailway, la 064,628,512. On Lhes. bonIs thi. Unit. oei States has paid 630,000,000 ch ia- lerest, wie cul>' *5,958,450 lias been me-epaia bLy Iransportation cf mails, trocps, &o. The abave figures.repre- sent lie financiai position oh the Unitedl States Gcvernmnenl ah Lhe pros-' ont lime, or ralici on ILe lst Doceni- ber. OxNTismo POUvnAv iAisoczmioi.-At u.A.naar A sS aciet lie annual mqetag cf tLia association occurrea 'on Tiunsday aI lio hld. ah Toronto on Thbu"ay lait, Demnmion- Baie Wcrks. A youmg the ouowüg, entemenwer mience admeaL aigbuin, rning tLa ticee ofethg entmein -fore baie grimuietone oMeSfor gnMdimg 1h. soie offioisaf ie ssiaton onha'een- biads, lied.stcppad, its,ïevolulions for ing yonr a-M-. James Grabam, Pneu- lie purpose ofhjrcugblng l Upon sel. Sent; Mn. Mc4ean. 'Ho"ard, Vice. ling it eft again ie was dm-sin undon Preident ; Mr. R. A. -WaodSer»lry tm-ap y bisupron siave'a a hirled amnd Treaszmer; Mesîms. ' icSn roai u>'4ylie ieheel severai humes, me. Beaik n eiving mont serions fractures, bah legs J. R. Ponuyh, Audilota ; Messrs. J. beinq braken. H.eanas remoreal hotLe Le's, W. B. Buler, J., Besinik, J. B. -lospital, Lui no icpaaofcis nocorery Pormylb, Toronto, and - D.- Allen, oh aie entem-lieS-Toranto Leade-r. Gait, Direct.ona. 11-'0-- _________il".TaraPxscsa. Ceau:.-Aalriaee <rom PsniselalethalPm-,slentTierebasoner- Iu Ibis cuatpeahle' imote nctimg mi;e ierecent crnam b>' honing a la, moie impanlant'Lahn dry 6eî;.Colition ÃC4bipet, avicb secures lb. bealti and llfe deponai on Il ý liefr'a. g suppo4Ycf lie.Bigil andl LefitContrfe ta Lu>' Cablo Screie Wùre Boals nalSiou thLaÂssemply. 'MW Prench Minister -oelelorip. 'ah Waahhtn-ha. information <rom Fr-ance b>' table tlhialtLe pré 1 gi criais avl Rendl peà sebly, anS LaI Tiers newa 1 A genenal -dgcin t wailib. susaiiaied; iAbI, iowever, vithi mio~n la EgIs4ai ~lm .uî4h un4 a fl we aouooela--- ouaber à t IomncmshveVu bt,- UWD ye oe#ist epp«ear ocsuc.-] an la excite mare sud mare îiiy owing telb. Weil-' LaIt il lg à aliaougll>'hon- To Nxw CogmmaciAL TrWTU paccz-Al- Whuo' bave cindied lie new 1Comümercial Troal>'wibb Franco, masu nEnglijournal, must ise freni liaI slnd>' wiL somiow tLai ..Tuiera anal Lis cdileagnea aboubl bhave <11 il necessi>' ho tao such aneinograde stop. France wanli mono>' badly, we ail kncw, amui leie la ow lrying la aobtoin il b>' impeaing dulies on foreigu producla liaI were f<cmmon>'fiae, anS b>' m-asng dulies LhaI pmeviouihy exist- eS. Il la to Le fearedat limI islas auicidai poli.>', and trirance -on. long willb Siscover il la Le o-ha wwilci case, hawevem-, we me>' hope for refcm-m, even befc-e tLe feur years bore paîsoal away Surng il la suppos.ui ta b. ta eperalien. But Lhe Briihi commerce wiil suffen ho a graater or laise exteul, mc longsas Ibis hiest>' lasl, is preIl>' certain. Tis as chenu <ram lie feel liaIinum- orable articles-m ite mailal, hardware, Spotter y, coîton, anal cbemiamal-puoduuc Inades, for oxemplo--aro noie subjecteal éthier ho a meèw or an iresseS dut>'. AI<OTHER AMTI-SLÂTERY MaISION.- A mission to Essteun Afica, witi Sir Bantle Paer, atItLe heaS, bas receuhi>' been mg ilateal in England4 anal a nation liai wlil psy twenty millione sterling ho pul dewn slarery lu lie West India Islande, wil mol gialge a mere fleabile cf an uidemumit>' 0thi. Sulan oh Zanzi- bair, if il is neceasar>' b pa>' anyhihg- wiici là b>'no meanecertain-ta LaIt Kamali potenîatc. Thie icuron cf lime East Arilean hraffiaa ta car hollaw cmes- lires bave been vividi>' paiuled b>' Dr. Livingatono and Mn. Stauile>', anS- wien we neaui,sa stalof us musthbave rend, the earnesh appeal of lb.eaisiguiii.al explorer, csliig cn Great Bitain to p ut doienlithisSae, thie nspouame muet have boon confidonîl>' relieS on. Thae good wiehee cf lis couatrymen go with Sir Baiti, Frere, amui a doit cf grati- Inde is aiso cwing to Mr. Stanley' for hie powenfui donunclations cf tlIsaiss- curseal triade. 14 IMirounces isiLomem<à mc, RaLÂmD.- Ia London a Societ>' lise Leon foumned for Lhe purpoce ai detecting anS briug- tag to justice imposters wha prechice upon lie crealulil>' cf lie charitable undenthie pretense cf being engageS ia woike cf ienevoience. Scarcel>' a weck p asses wiliaut thue exposurai o! more or os roguos wio have oitaiaedl suiscrip- lions anuS support froua worthy people un.hen mise protons. cf pilantiropi>'. Vagabonda assmming ta be clergymen whîo ropraisent fictiiaus benevoicut so- cielios, soif-appointedScSrupture renders wbo appl>' lie gifle ai hi ipons sup- porters 1teliioir cen puipeses. anal othen swiusllers cf liai sanie clama, hie. been detected lby tlii Cliaritable Organ- izalian Societf brouglit 10 trial for hicir offeacca, aimai liequntnly curvicteal anal sont tha pnson. .Some <of lies. swiudlorî li. :fiaid heu vicimsinl lIme higlîeet raikioi Society', iaving Ilacir siabicription lises alouad witluthie naines ai princes aniSlords a! higli de- grece. Tuaz MUNiCIPAL ELuCTioaN.-Thieic seemi lu bc a aifference cf opinion as to lime limp for thae nomination af Mun icipal'ea-a'nilors ; but the, folîosr- ing clause frein the last ~Mnicipal Act dectales tic * question:- "Section 16 says: A maeeting cfthue ela-ctors sîail tako pince for lie nomination af candi- dates fou tic offices ut Aldermen lu cities, anal hie Cauncilleus iu towns, ah noan, on 1he lait Manda>' but une in December, anunali>'. in eacla wnrd thereof, aI mcli place therein as @hiall, frein lime ta lime, i. fixeal b>' Lylaw cf saiS cit>' ar Town Councihs." We mm-dl>' aeed mn>', as il wilîL e <camaiSoa reference ta an>' simana, L h. thlait Monda>' in December occuua cn lhe 801h ofthie mntulofciDecemben, thui year. anal tuaI lie last Manda>' but one aililuappen ounliae 23rd imat. The l7thî section o! lie sanie statut. pro- vides tint 'thie snid Council siail roi- -pectivel>', b>' thifnsaid i>'-iaw, naine liae relurning olicer f<du c adiwrd, wio .4all1 pmestde ah thec numination ai candidates, on in his, absence, n ciairuion, lu bc ciose o! thie meeting. minli proiSe, analthem. uturning officer sial gir. ah east ix days'notice of sucla meeting." Witi regard 10 lthe eecion, section 18t1h o! tic statuhe now lu operation proviSes tiat-",Ii more tLau lie e uccsar>' number cf candidastes Le pucpoied thie roturning officer, or ciaimmn, mmali adjouru the p -ocedin ..unil.ic fnal onda' . PciOM-noTIN IMIGRîATmION. - One Oh he mcii maluable points itathi.Ontario' Govermnnh programme is liaI nelat-i ihng ta immigration, and wc are gladtiet sOO t lite>' are already lakiog eanuel anmu vigoroni .ineasnneî la la>'thec adraalages afféemIb>' Canada Lotore thme poople cf tic aIS wonid. To thig endl lIme>'haroealosea lime Rer. Hon- -rocks Cocas, an Engils clergyman. wio lias giron a gui deal oh allen-i tien ho lie smbjcct, ciief emigigitiou commissioner fer thm Province tea Englanal anal Wales, andalran appoint-i iag agents ta co-openate with ilina, as w as e s iit Irelanal anal Scollanal.j Taking admanlage aaooh le !celig- eximing in Ase, anS Lorraine, 1h.>' have diiecteal agents ho risit thome prvncs rainwlîicb il la expected' lieue avhib. a large immigration la the ensumug yoar. Ollier parts cf lthej coutinent will ikoise Le sîteudeal o, und lhaçne lu reason t10 iopo, b>'meane oh lecturee,, bItera o ha Ie public joarn- als, Lhe strhibutiau o! tracts, mnaps, &c., analtLe allulmeat ef 66 pern ban ho thie igit inualo!pensons maikiug thhlaLeihome, ave 'Vanl noxi yean Bure a u imense tacrease thocur popuý- lotion. Labon la exceodingi>' scance ta Canada, aid la likeiy t10 b. aso oisIa a cordial weleome aili b. gire o lahL no-w- danera. W. sm-. glaS te maie liaI tie Gorennmmoat are abîme ho lie importance cf ecuring lie igit linai ofhpeaPla-agriculturi labourera, wic,ý avihoalth, sobriet>', anal iduahry nover <ail ita ashlort lime in, cbumgiug Lheir fortune rom aI atoiea miseraile pitlence cf eighit on shillinga -e' ta ana c! tadependenae., , -we SIIDDEN DumATIIo0FA Youxoe L».- On Satura>, thi. 7th asnt., n Miss Ion- belî MaCliveofChCi'ijpaes ricinit>', came 10 Clita 10ogel a dress itDteS, anSdalleal.immeiatol>' on enIcmiag tie bouse, OfhbearUt disonse..~Coroner Lewis 'hougit no inqueil necesnry.- The Reormu bill submitte 1 l t10 1he inssian Parliameul bas ai' -lengbb >passeS ils LhinS needing. 'Ilfaill be eimuedti t ae ris. recetly, wllofm<we eieve, m no mrtee . le The wý*thr,At i la aial, li as hà da ' largo -practiwde xperience inm -uttlng culth Dmes, anS won grest repute -by Lis eue-. cesses. RH. aa>' LatI "everyboal>' la daûitn eofq kiiiullung fines aI heest gohfar -as ta biglasmatch oara cagr, "a fewbave gverne&dof quoen gaTAe.si Henéo, *muei- People kmow tlir fin apreeds b>' ieattag'à dicent- fuel, -lie healalair and burniaç, gsaiwaof liefine s an, muci mmre famcint agente than 21 lia mererad4ienhastin ta cLanwonda htktcto a flre.tc .. ad MOPil>,',il umul Ldlighteosta cebotton i windward,, or wber, a lai draft may 81 Le croateS b>' lie fie ; while few Peo- bi pie know liaI ta qîench sa ire thie # saeo principle la availabbe. anal thieCI queneliing le mosh napidly offeatuai if il can Lo Logun i 1h. lowost -parfthLe fin. an at lie windward, ornwbeno à draft ehikes il. 0f courso an a groat couDsa-0c gration iii chIen impasiblelt0 avýaln ogno's sefoif tflhacha;LuaIleein 4ing, while lie flue la confinaul 10oncu, on two hanses, il cai' gonerali>', imbosa Iliene Le ginpawdon or benzine inathie n building, bo anbdnoal b>' e esolute, P plucky adieraien cetolie maim,-Ply c low. Wiona buihdig la well on flue s sud pourtag a streamu cf fLame sudp iuining cindeout ul iba noof, lie Iemp- r, taica ho play' on tlie roof ifi von>'b, greal, and a majorit>' cf firemen yiald to it; but imfew wio nsistlhelemp- talion -anal direct tLoir shiosme tala lie f£ lower stor>' cf the building, presenthy F have the satisfaction cf pntiig outthelie fie. An illustration efthIis is given. PÀ If, says Leé wnten, lie gas pipes undler a mas ofburnimg m-ns be open,.cm- brakon, thi eofletuel memedy is hasluh off Lhegasi iihiemain pipe. Tie blaz- ung m-ofislatle Lunning gaslie gas so0b generatea tram lihe heateal limL'mnithe le heal geuecoling la, rom he Lurnmng stories below ; lie wind cunrente carry- ing tie blazing cindera 10 them.adjoining b m-uti aro pueducl ihe saine heat Lelow; t, queucla tint howem- story aal" y avesv put ont tint fine ah lie gas fatai> analc cut off tle. suppi>' cf gai. anal lie slonu frona tint qeciing bas aiea gone mp anal deadened lie flue even ta lie m-caf. Improveal mehiada cf rendering buildl-n inge fae-proof anc impenativel>' ueeed in cilles ; but LothinlaCil>' anal counIr>'a w. need stihî more urgeat>' a generai kncwiedge ch lie pranciple ou whiici ilmalleu flues cou b. quenclued b>' a ton dollar banal engino. as napidi>' anald effecluail>' as b>'thie meut magnifiCent af shoamu flue englues." If lIme tleery is Correct,- would il not La weii icr villagera anal fermera ta pro- ride lhemmohvos withu siahi gardon oen-e iaines-. Iu case of flesa iew pails of wateu forceS on tota l owest part of thue i. migiml are valuable prepeit>'.Anal in citie anal tawas. eeeSuc ubigaes arc ouginizeul. "*PIe, iow" miacula liehei fluet commandl ofthie Clulef Enganeer or officer lu charge. MN. Ponciet, in iigreal wcrk "The Uaiverme,"' saya ILat "Anatamicail>' m anal pluyically seaking. thue Iumaa mecluanisrnin jveTry rude anal coarm;e- compareS to thie exquisito deicacy revoaied lu lie arganism! o! certain c animais. But in us, lta. infýolect, thii rai sceptreocf tho univers. ýpicaluin M aIes over lime apparent imperfctionC of mnatten. Tiîroughit in an ýaIone ap- S proahos lie ciosen ciestuies wiu siu euaa-a i hercue cf theEternal, and ion sa bond ah union belwecn hoaven anal carth. h lanlais structure lie Lelonge laou phacue, be seems alueal>'to edemIe hirsif -towauds tihe SupremeBEsence b>'tho -splendour et lis geni. A grand analpiloseophmie hînîlu, anal yctl hiwcomparattnely emali lime mammber, anal rare lIme genum, dispiayed lu proportion ta lie number a! thie enutrl'm iniabihants. Were man ho aonform more la lie laies of icalih anal ci nature, and be lesaldictoal ho lia. gratification of uie passions, il i'uuld nat Le uieceasary ho admertime Foiloies' Compoundl S>'mup ut Hypo. pliosphihes as a rostarair. for lIme powors aiflime buain aniS urvous sys- tom, while lie world's progiossinl .nligiteameut woulal indeed Le mar- metamai. Tic Ticiborne Case-Tial et Bau. TIie Englimi correspondlent ai tic Globe snys "ýYesterday (Nov. 22,) the Ticliborue ontered on a uew phsme. The Butchier- Barcnehle la tohave tehlm ouiur af s -trial at Bau," a forin cf procedure cul>' uccda s a rule fai Sînte triais of Cen- stitationai importance. Tîme reason cf this distinction Leiug conferueal cn thu peujur>' sait ailla. Queea v. Castro is n curions ibtustrsiion ai lhe anomalies of aur Englisfr 11mw. Wluen tic arrange- mente; hanS la Le maS. hon tryiag the claipiaut, il was uiscovereai we possees- oS dielincl>'nuiclegal machiner>' toi conuncting a criminal trial ikel>' lu lait aveu lire. weeks. Tii. reason cf Ibis utahe out hinir s curinsm. BplIhe T, G 01 P( si Sc et n] G hi si il in N ol û Pl se P( Ili rc al ti Ili vi al C Bc ýi in bi Pl 619 ai CE Ul ci w to G F il Beeve iii ud aecouuts presesîo aaeirreoq u nmmanding tLa paymenti ofhLe fol uwung accounte; Jemoes MeiCreightm imo-unli3xpendead b>' hn as3i CeMI&nu iicuori tgravelag the aEide roý eal L sreon IcIs,80 andSSiinlihe udm con. 180; Brown anS Dixan, hon giavaline 3id. roa& bolween - bots 12 aSid13 ir al con., #100;, Ira trvis, fôr work oE ral bolween hots 2 anS inta loil un,., #40- H a>' King, -for 1wcrk on m-on aitween hcts 10 sud 119 ta 91k-coni 890;ý Edward Fagi. for woîk on m-ca between lots. 12 asd-13 in 9h con- 180 25; Gea. Paikins, for giavci pu 3fnaed hon road,'#4;- Jas. -Madi ih onrk on luiSd con., $14; Alex. Bnown fr werk in m-ced division No. 44, $15, B3; John. Bommer. for ropaiigbilge nu Base lime,- $3; SolhiOris, honfur aishing anal iailing plank. *7 79; J à G. Besse, hourplank furnisied foi roasis, $8835; -,3cmi Coben. for ceai Limber, 05; John Thomi, for népsirini roaal'craper, 82; Limeon R.esor, foi phank; 610 46; W. H. Oris, foi worl on eastern Iown lin., *25; Jce. Wel. stom, for grevel pu rcbaeed, #5; Joliri 'almner, for graveling on Kingitor roa, *6 90; Thomas McCenn,-har Inn. ber, 82 44; Gea. Hlickingbottom. -fa Favel, #11 25; RoLI. Spoans. for inn. 'or anal timber, $16 O5; James Goddes for work ou DiieilluR.$500; M. C Fretz, for work an Sh acon., nI bol 31 $60. Anal yom- cammulttee womid n& commenal tint lie petition cf Gea Burgess, anal chers be grauloa b>' add ing Lhe sauli balves cf lots 12 sud 1l in lie 9h con., ho mcaSl division Na. 7 ald lIat hpeltiton cf John Coblini be laid over tilt nexl meeting of li Couacaim The report was roceiveal anal adoptea Mr-. Miler movaa tint John Baxl, a. paiS tie sum, ci 6 67, ieing hwo Imirds vaine cf a sieep killeS b>' dogs ie iaving proveSthe samai upon catI Carried. Mn. Palmer maves >,tint hhe smmo 82 b. remilteal ho John Birrebi, beirI amonal ohflacn imposeSl upon hlm fai aon-performance ai statut. labour. Mn. Brown givem notice liatbie wil at lie naixt meeting cf lIais Coancil noire for heave ho iuilro'luce a iy-lav te amenul iy-law No. 318 enîilhedal nb; law te amenI by-law No. 234 for lh alosing up and alae cf a portion cf tIl ariginal hlcwanceefonrnoai l elweei aots Na. 12 anal 13 intahe SîS coudee mcan Ou motion cf Mn. Brown, lic Can cil aljauracal ill Salurda>', 21m1 dayo December next. Count>' Judgc'î Criminel Court. DEFORE mas oao aG ainii. Frida>', Dec. 6tb, 1872. LÂAczmer-M-nnsbi Shah.>', cluargeçi viili slai 665 fi-ouaNoah Bates, cf lecaci, ns stateal la hast wcekls Cmiaa- ICLE, mans houaiS gnilt>'anS son- tencoal ho one month'Aa impuisuninent, n tic Conl> Gail.- J. E. Farcewell, County Allurne>', pioscainteal. anal P. A. liard for the prisoner. t mscî:mo.-John Angoho, whose case wos menhioned luntic lait issuc cf Tim CuaauaIiix, anas chargeS wh steaiing $27 fmcm Win. Gibeon, ah hie Coinaien- cil Motel, Wlilby, on the nigflutcf lie' 29ahi uto. 'lHe pleadeal 1"nol amui>'." T'h. evideciae wa-nI ho show, tiatMn. Gibsou weat tb b.d aI lia.Corimercial on the ighait lu question. hainmng in lais possessionm 627-six 84 bis, andl $3 ta -ilven. Tia'monaa.just belone.Mir.Gii- aon relireal, was counled lm.y the bartenal- er aîad a fri.ad cf Mu. Gilaon's, anal lac piouer, wbowaas bustier aI ltme littel, iccanie amsrre liat Gibion hual n1oua'. lie ba-Icder howecalMr. Gibion p aboulanal lefI theaclamp mrning^ , y lac wcuid couac aiter il. 'alorhi>' afherwards lie wcnt for il, Lut it was gano, anal was alleîwardm foanul in lime roam occapieul ly hme priisoner. Nlcxl incning Mu. Gibson compainoal ai the loissutflais moue>'. anal accaseal lac pulsaner aI auce of lnking il. Tiae arimoner expuesseal bis williugness ta Le senuchmeal, anda was searcied b>'tino aoicemeu, but nu mono>' ws houno hm, nor wns there an>' fomunal in bis '0cm, - au luthe ginnary. whîich weue hlo îenucmed. la lie aiteimoon -ý th. sanie day, (Salurda>'), Aûigé bll aie eimplo>'menl before is time cf son- vicc anas up, iorfeiîing lais wngoes; anal at 5 u'ciock il was ascainlained b>' 1he Chuief of Police Sandlerson, 11maI lue (Angua-) mal changedal a$4 biii ai Rob- sou's liotel. He was again seaucheal, ald <our$4Lis, a $2 bllI, anal$5-50 in silver fuS on him. Anothon $4 bill wascluangedal aIBandel'î by tie prisonaumking thie six $4 bills Ctme aue amirasMn. ibeon boit. lva also proven liaI Angoe, wbo -ws, ne- cdl>' aisciangeal frin gaul, lbaalno none>' ou going ta wouk nI lIe ,_ommer- loil, anl malnual neceimeal auybutout, nuil.tiare, flic Honou cuennced Iiiauý' tofoui menthe imprieonmetnt l l' Couimly gaol, aI banal labon. J. E. Farewell, Ceuntry Altorney, prosecateul; H. J. Macudonalal for tic prisonar. licrouf our law ait criminai affenace Great Fete il Fart Gain'. agnintI Hem- Majost>"s lieges are oTaen-- cos agaiust thie Somereigm, anS are la Le A leller lu La Vineurvme, rom Fort lnicch betore tic Court ai Queeu'e fleaclu Ga-ry, gives a lia'Kaccount cf lime ccl.- as tic légal emboulmmeat of Royal las- iration o! tie golden wealuia oft hie lice. Aillicheîmter Courts betore wbici fatier of tic notenjous "Geneunl" Le- criminai cass arelîcanal dérive Ihîir Plue, waoce naneanas co .pucuinent aulimorit>' in a'lrtme ah warrants ou coin- duming lice Nuuh-west troubles, anal missions froin the Queen'c Benci, anal-anho precideda h e oxesamticu cf Thos. Ibenefare posmeeis ueshniateal pawersas~ Scott. Amon- tîmoce wio werc> préennt ho thue times, places. peniode. wien liai> anal took a prominent part mnthe pro- mn>' sil. Beioue an>' une a! thmeien- ceedingi w.ue Archbimiop Preaix, Mca. ion Caulesail cases muet Le terminateS Josampli Rojai, Ma. Jas. Daue, M. P. P.,' withiin lia.ton. Thae 'Qeen'e Bquhlanal M.-tonisRiel. Al cf Ibese apoke mua>' sit on de die in di-em fromn miIte 0 n lie occasion, and, accorahlng ta ltme. S0onamussy if il tiuke fit;- anal lieue- report, .acqasumtîacîhenseimes remark- tare ut isi Leen reselveal ho try Sir ail>' aeU. Ia-ý ing hie blslory af Roger befure il. 'Se tai so good. BatthIle imumil>', spa'ýI mention is madle ah lier, arises tic abaurdil>'. The Court M. AnmibrosuLepine, amuihis exaploits of Qîîoo's Beach onu>' cnjays ttiex- dming the lm ofutthe Preiionat ceptionai latitude cf action wi.n it is Government. Me is ucwv, il IueeOmi. P- siîîing, nul a a Canat oh Royal justice, tabiehied n1 SI. ]Boniface, anS withibis Lu as thie Court ah tic Croien; anal r-ad anal associate, Riel, lu ftue, a- whaeu t ils inthis onm, ail iejalosmreal et au admirais, Mituah. enuïse comprising-tietribunal are ciligeul ho bis doinge in relation lu Scott,, 'the, afi aI thhuongh lb. triai. For lia. rea- fineel fcnlheî lie iscap. Suchale is L sua, in greel State cases, whaere thic anal sncbai-e lic turus o!f fotune ui aulianit>' Oh more tLamaon. jaulge m, IbIs Ceuaada afours.-Globe. deemeal oh importanceilathie direction ai lie jury, n trial aI bar iS employed. Fan uel uihidtýin lat nh Tii.1as tin weisd.onwus ienjouinais une finS svêrêi ;L~anges motoS O'Couaeli,*petriecI ~ublin. 'As il in Ieaalung law flaW;' apoint- ie, in orfertd 'Cori 'technical d4,1 meutnt fMr. S.H. Biake to-thie iiU- cuit>', o comumon indicîmnent for Ipp*-ý' ChanceIlorhilp tiakes tint geunêl11maui jury wil ho investeal witi' .tic aigaili>'out cf thifirni oh muame. Ker & Beth- ci a Sînle prosoouion ; anialtle tim-e une, sud Mr. James Bethune alsogoca higluest jualges cf thme Britisha Bencui we, 1 t ouI aculblimi an' çfidO b hiaO Le kept for motis causidering wietier lu In heir places .Lteaid fini haies ta Orlon anuS Castroaroe one and lime Mm-. John lloyd, whao bas resi11neu lea saine. To un. lie tock Ticibonnian positian'a iâeruCiancery fou théèý phase, "Would You Le surpriseS hto puipose, anS aiea M ,W.r . Mulock. lean" tintt Iis um gmaly occurreal in Thlae oe aihie - iéie»fin lu Blake, ou>' legal edmimmtration exaiepl LhaI cf lirm k oyd. T-e Mua. O. .Mowel, En"hand ? neahi>' peskinig, I liink Q. C, beas a resuineal pinctice, you would." - avidg ontered auto Partuensiip with '-f s.-Messie. Meleanan, Doeo> anS Two of thie hoding Ameriean jour-" wi;M- oa' eu b eSn maie are. at -présent withoml chici eau- naine in tic finip. tors -Il la reorlod in New Yenk 'liai Scinyhen Coihax, Ex-Vice-Prom- AÀMauauaîaax MURuiER TO SECUaE Iif-. dent cf thi.Repubili, wil accepl tic sUOaÂNsCiIMOE.O4ne Prof. Wet; if the editorial management OhflIme T,'im- Philladepia. receutl>' insmred hs bih.- uýe anS - laI Maycm- Hal bas liee fanr*-25,M)o lu favouriOai ils bgleveal tendlers&l lie liko position on tie- wife;- amaSlatie en'mmdc arrange in Herald. to 5é,.-that is frouaià business 8 1'i pott. n aderhodo Ibis effeactÙally' MUEDER 0F A VOLUNTEERL AT FORT Le bireal n colonieSma, kullieS bim ah GAniry.-A telogusmu rom Port.Garr>' iig cenvenionic,cul uisals anal feol su>'. liaI oallusCaged vrînteer, nain- a and' iii (Wets)-iufe reaogniz- eSd Dupoul, outeroaltLe Larracis thore *t1 lime muti latod Lad>'oaitLe romains oh On PriSa>' eeniug anal deliiorahel>' 'lon alai departoal hapabà .al. -,Thlithe shoa a rcuaîeer nameoaVgt, billing gamé; hoieeendiai motromk -weRl. hinm on lie spot. Thie dectinea avent 10to or, and l dis- caecleà 4remi hacls Of ti)e- em idiuc Sir Mugi Allan aud cinspo osa1 ie gs hhe Pmofessmn, wiose ho esalieh a b4ro agrrf Cà a7 nceoMgiiing ie uaeOkC rale sM aaWepis -l' ïÉle Gvnmeni fer tLe suincf 850,000d.I 6. Ticîgi lie asylum was a privaI.eue, j. Mu. Cauchon b.img lie cliefpioprietor,I t, yet'il was imaiutainsa b>' hargo subsi- L. allas froua lieGovernameut. Thi dis- e. grac.ffl condu t hing been thiorougi- 1> elposeal b>' a cemanielof oinveiliga- gio thmle GovernmenI seoni- ta cane nU lithe or hele.xposuno, anal menel>' sng. )n geh h.e prop,-lty oh* purcmesimg lie 6tl amylum. anSdb>' Iis meane get ove thie e SiiIuit>' andl close thie mo;uLe 'ofh se jji wio bave complaineaiofch le Illegah ka pourse hithmto pursueil b>.t' iGoven- mcnt. Tic Opposition in Quelboc rare, n. elidering lie Provinçe -meist effechual r service b>' the xpesunc cf humerons u, aiinquendie on Lhe part oh Lhe Gôov- verumneu nt nrelation ta 1th. Beauport sAybum, L te Sccio, sudthe Ciown r-Lande Departmeut. Diriig lihe axial- J. ence cfthe le.sI Panhiameul leOpo an sihion though able, wus toc, weak mn ar numiera (lier. being in. members ta ig Opposition) 10 Le of any racticaI Per- oi vice ; Lut'in tha new La mu hu>' by 'k nnmbem- over twenty, asd inchade some b. cf lie alait anal mosl experienceal nU statesmen la toeProvince of Québec. )n Te Op smlin muet ,raw in nuamori- a. cal strengl, as xposune artexpasiro ar la madofah t e hbnsecret niedoinge a- anal mal-admutaitration c h e Muitry. e, We siculal nol Le surpriseS 1f beforo 0.lheenonf lie sessIon, lie: Gorormoent 6, siculal meet with a mosl inglonlans ,e. dofenl. 4. Québec despatcm conveys a report t. he effecl liaI Mm-. Cauchon's friedds 1,have alvimeal im 10 nesigu bis seat in ~,the House. ofore an>' action is takon, as on -thme dispositions fyled before- lie ca. Camümittee ; Lut thal lie Heu. memiber refuses la take tuis step.- l. - Tnosday, Dec, 101h. .r Mr. Cauchcon2las doue the am>' (- tiing-passible under lie circutnaleancea ,,. to escape lIme ignomin>'of - panliamont- i. ary -ecxpuhsion,anuS bs'neigned is sont in lie Légilatulre.Butii llabc- of lieveal i. wil &gain presenl himself as 2g a candidate ion tie suffragesoaithi. un eector4of Monhanoroudi. lu liaI case Ihe>' certaini>' ougit ho know wÉaît t ildo. The Governumenl ah once *0ok hie '.necessnry steps for holding an election, wand th;>' and - their supportera hock ,- occasion.ho oulogize lie von>' disinter- ie esteal ,x.meniber. The Govrnmont ie ahmuost oxiausted lie nesoureofo par. n iiamealary sluategr in endeavcuning ta s- pY=pon tle resolnhions whleh Mr. J>'aloffereal respectiag lIhe malter, n- in aider, ajpaueutly la ireefor tLe of resignaticu wiici Mu. Cautcu ah hast coult in. Tii. pro6eediags Tuesaa nigil shcwed lImat 1he Ciauvenu AS. ministration is ev-on>'day ibeeoming weakeu. parien arum 'noir oneners, undr wene blown ashore. The crews waro oxpas. ed 1' gmeut danger, but réacued Srm Ibeir perlIons Positien. A lahér des.- pathhgays liaI 'man>' lawns weno fl>Deda > b, thsIen.Sevrnl resace are ahere ia Cork barbomr, analthie- damage ta propert>' uintaI ci>' lu Tory great. Three pinnueobs oh lie towon oh St. Thomes' Chunchint Exoter, Devon- sbire, weie bla'wn doien wbile lhe con- giaigation were ah worip. and hailitig on lb.em-acf crusieal tbromglam inte bcdy'of lic chunci. The cocagegaion, sezd wilia paiue aILhe firsltainima- huwof Mdanger, rusheS fion lie bulI. lmg. None wore laillea, anal licm- escape lu regûdedas-miraculcus- SxRIOUc CHARGEa AGAINîT MEDIC.u. Swruues.- The Mentreal correspon- demI ci lie Globe maya :-The medical students ai VIctoia Ceilege,.Moutreal, arebecomiug -lie disgrâce oh tho caty, anal are reporteS 10h. c ompletel>' b.- >'ond lie conlnol. o! Le 'professais. A 56w, duys agosaparly of Ihona stoi, a :body trom lieirown dismecllng roomu, leci ilta McGill- Medical Coltoge,me- ceivoalIheir pre, sud buS s dm-nion mpmee. on,-lhe .pmoceeds. Sinco them, thhy have been accuseS oh sslahtg in iroaS alsyligil a corps. rom lie Motel ieu, tliu owm -hospilal, oui>' deaS n few houri and mnluamieui; ofIsking il la a colbege anal. solling-ah, anal spending- lie moue>' in a simiUar wny. Tira CxruDumc PÂCMniaRtn.WÂr- Thon ba been a grealmaster oi Paci- fic Eailway operators ah Ottawa uiuring tii. pust week, anSthe gahienung ho- iokenod, aI ahi evente, some expecla. lion liai the euS was net han distant. Mowçever, Ottaastehegramie in Satur- day's-poponi recordeS lie break up cf- Lhe parI>', wilpuu an>'Itimation tint a resuît baS been attoineal b>' hie -grand Mogira la. the Capital. '-Te Mon Fran Smithl,thie Han. Jobhn Carling, Mm-. Glbbs, M. P., and- Major Walker," inal "gone West," andSi5r Mlugi easl,' wasthe brie! annone- meuh, -sa'hoicu a lim e ho-,1.l1 wietier lie>' wcne sadalen or wser mon tiien wbhie' he umnoS Ileir facés Ottawa.- wards. DIeAScEa ON TEE PA&CIFe.- San Francisco, Dec. 91.-Tbis aftennoon lie second cificen cf 1h. Paclilar Mail Co.'s e. s. 8acrameit,AIiehem-e freom Panama, aon Wednesai, arrivedal a -So;n Diego lu an apen bonI, wiL ucirs Ibat- 'hie stenmmiip-bads iruck a nec! 200 micas south-..nsl of liaI part, cff Maria Council. tie afficer heft lîc'shbipthiec - mnakiug preparationi 10 la: Nov. 301h, 1872. sengera al uaie. Theos. sý Cauncll met un the Towen hal, moiS'- baves San Diego a at >'yia bers ahi proscat, tie Reeve ilutlb.cair, row, with ordleis ho proc minutes of lait meeting rond sund ap- wrecli anal reliev-.thue proved. Communications eVre meciv- an3d retira vi tlaa'mta ed freim R. E. Perry. Emq., tlrauieisif seles ual siacceel in Attorne>', relative ta arienis cf taxai au Sacranezito cff the reef.1 Iot Na. 1 la the Otl concession ; fromu mente 1usd 150 passenaiers ai Dennis O'Brien, Esq., aîking huaI lie a! freighlt. The date ch lie tax chargeS againut hum for a alog Le not given. Ilurain off, as lie luet the dog mharti1 ThjuAsCor.H niten lue wasssesseal fourlime saine; lOtb.-AItcs sa>' he n froua Win. Browen, Es q., P. L. S. ask- th-die;sy her ing lIme Couamail fan wonk, and affering evr rectun- cfthe country' la do lie same at a reduceal rate of 64 moumini predficting n big ara] peu day ; Peter Bnrnctt, Emq., P. L. S. u lenI oiemni cccii.a anal Township Survoyoi appearoal rdla- accidn hu oci 1 tire to bis act under lthe drainage net-; hear ai an>' aemoncraliou b; andale tahatina consequence ai one gents in - an>' cf lie mugi of his assistntse. iving chargeS hlm Tice>'ield S stiiSýted taLbe: one Sa>' marc timun lie wouked, ana lhargen heun lait >'eer. hîaing iu bis aisance entorealthie saine Costoaaz'm ImQUxo.-Nou lu the Lealger, he Mn. Burue icî aal 1OL-A coroner's inquosl aarge O n. da>"i pa>'tac mach, wiiicu eeto-day, on the bodÃ>xci j lue womld uow take off anal deduct frouai, n i- aknfom t1he accouaI. -Colhornp. Verdict - The Choeques wene gmanbeS fou tlefolîcie- Aarou Ciapin, canuie 10 bis -a ing ammucunîs. Par work done on ronds posumue tb intense colS wule 8757-97, Sieep milles b>' doge, $9.66, o lIr~,poiiu > MieofM r.cIlsnenaacccunls, *118. - The alcobolie inebniation,' en Il ofe iM.Browen was cl accepteS, Monda>', tLa91k anal. lie Townslip's Sure>'or, Mi. Burnetl invinng ,elateal liaI under exisling cir-- The Comnwall G7azette Suy cuinstances lie wonld wonk for lia. Con- no séecret liaI Sir Gecîg, porahian aI *4 per day. The errears ai Biglihpi>sictas elok up haixes appeatng agiainil l.th Sculi alf covory as hopelees, analitaec ai 20, lulie 9th con., were foüin ultefin Oh Cailler, PcO errai and al cclleal, againît lthe Nati B.tcum-nny la being wouni balf ai 2 lu tic 9th con. found to Le- Pomiamilte baing bçen p long lu ttue Croien wiere iia taxes lectar af Custouns ai Montrei wceechargeS against il, end were aiea ile pione ntelb.prime cancelleal. Tieclerk wnsitaitructeal à hois services o the moribu equaibize lia. asà uasrnenls agt 'Mn. analMm-. Belourna>' iaming- Per>".baot 1 ta tic O nal repai-lat nc-xt Jndgeeiinlawbai4adultl IN meeting, aiea ta natif>'the. represeuta- Manhtobaa." tires cfthe iMdtana¶ R.,R. liaI lie AumîFCoe'zrm- rond croucing 1on' lie 4thicou. was uih Li, eSOc. 8.- speci maie, andal aico o put a créesl*i*on Lie isTrensnry r secala rond hesdhng ta Mr. Bfl'I'u iace othe TIlu riDeparlinul wio h plae, r l th trilcfthie- cuntèeit uulconiequmences wonid fdllcw. naholbndwic-wrs The rond commnieura anas instruct- rYlok bnswhihýwr ed to let a contracî on lIme 8th cu Yorkon 'a ' - ga, aivosteal c St.n. For ancirivrna malaina lhe m-anal passageq'cpposite lotikonaSt. Jon M. CavrnteaB 20 and 21. < The Pnllama±er reporteS platnraveron . an prié 14 trocs cul b>' Meisrà . ,Manoand al -e . e al-formenlyý 1ponucl>', on--tie 8th'con.,-end reconi- u th Trensun>' Depanlnr oIndeS th. price a! maieexpeuided.on Edwin Sale, saiS ta bave- .enitl con. opposite Icîs 15 anal i.--- rgeriesal New -Orleans 1 Couucil-adjourned. agO. 'A laneEamount ut bonads anal emmrena>'noteîs. Fia AND Lus orLn'-ýActan, ýOnI., in tLoir-possession, aiea plati Dec. 8.-A nameal Patrick Powors wae etc. Tic prisopers arriveS lI nurneai ha alcalihonée thiimormiug. ,cmntheir aa>WteWashaingtomn, His bouse was ikewise le'stuapyed. 1 T eadwohM- appcaîs Ihant -nua&'n d, auaà n sed W lsThe'dwof w r. lieue al nigil andl wio mal coma tiare, - -n ]dklle i druu, ad Poersand he.at u lataitenale lu tastihutai an actiot drinkîug liiill thwo*re"drmunk. Mcn fi- ie nl, M r-fa61,00 ,hoi Ilionwenl 10 Led and about four o'clock fohuLanl, calie g-omna lIma bis wife wokc up anal dliscverea thic ubn, ntegrudfa bomse.on fine. AIl luaiupposea heleadwihh wne*mecause of hLen woman et il on fic sfuà oking dtrmng* lfurnigheal b>' bim. - tlîc nighLa.Puwains lth ogt up anal SAETAd.T iv anille ccweû cul o!tie tb lnil oPi ween China and, CaLha le n andhbe wet bck ataticiause hO on l steamers. Tinoc moi recover bhl mne>', amcouating lu about wiîh ever 2,500 Chinameni $600, whiclm wns lu a box -unaler tie dunthe i [Led. It lesuppose ho il secunea lie . -y moLyanl la-méting *wit ilwien Mainilhôc 'hui " Pû hai Ilue roof fellinluon hia. uMc ewa.8beard NOuperSomn is eligible tabÃeccn ao ci>',l'Ob, cave 'me 1cave- zme il, beruleés baihe corpulent- 'Allertlie flue luewas foumual' nariehéInuntiesecalem ah 21po u daor, witia hie arme anS legs burnod off . neit 2' amnd lIa. bo41>'amaie 0f -ciarreal cool - -An Orilhia papor safys tlb flameal ét tof aelresem biane ta bu. mippi'o dycmSwc a mai eleaves a large <ami>' ta T'y Of IbisweekanS o niba attiecrunstanes. Me wonked fotgwoi dolas saISand laS<i aa,Section, man outhe Grand, Tnunk Mapp'Ondollasadb Balwo>Ii~m-e -Thee uttle Republic of 8 The reception oh Mn. Stanle>' b>'tie'liais'succesehfwy pse i LNésnTonkere bai nol been u a e ictc oo4Toh sei elul î H. wne jlc bave gaven tic Ibm-S o! hie Cei«escle bus ieemi 'electio- - cpuie M Ãléétures on lie dicavery. oh MduiSchenkViaoP-eiUi Liings*4e ni sihiray 'Hall a 56w eveninga ago LbuI thc icur aunlompeed Tl-e applicaion cf ateani foi for hie lecturenasseS, _andSstiltheie g canai -hasts lu Leing ti docis temalumoal« sealt ie esteal on lie En. Canal. Thie fea*, unluckyPuriliatera ah -tlabfC' kO as the Dawson self., hiethecompletedal osec, tiketsMWl a com-eathi mde-e a timongi lie canal,sad hem- av Leahranaaant ljtor his'.ia p - dIshe tlCaEuSo le 1araua. nuines e ad,e ttrodicing stenna huto ressaci ley's pis>' -ie,,wlbuCbec-canal trafi.. lui.rc o n' he xagtas Mu-Shame cei t6. do mot maiet bies e~ i> ae aI texpenses." M r. 8thl> ivli1doubtless New York on oceg h -ý ,"-'b1'ýýfetB tacoiaeala imelifin the indifferçue cf Fevenal hhoa.usà nd d ia~r4unt¶ymii -noDehta~-lii nlaces ao heémgoaê vp ji,é19aimî vi î a ovein stoeanaiip - -lea native coimaUntSeesanSd UDi na, a - Welhmam, as Zaughli journuls D .- - - bi', assertedl. ansusis TEE CIvua Suavc.-An agitation 4a oméuis 8 o ou foot lu seanire an increase of i r salarice ofthlie Civil Sorvigo -emjîl 1 - afte-7 - ai Lfte Doininion Gomernme t.,oam lthe grommal liaI the cuet oh livinýLotc caplain vwns nd he pas. o. Homitana ghI la-main- )aeed la the pasmengpra oSun Diego, ngetîiug lihe rie' Sacra- md 200 laone edisaster lu rama, Dec. .ports frein are unama- op o! -sugar anS serions, I'icre la no eyh ti tuur-> ,a- ditricts. 30 pair cent rwccd, Dec. urcn Chla-- nI>' oh Pont edeceased, ienlh by ex- t na* astate r-prolonigea a. niglit ai 's lia Ithis oe Certie- aon"his- re- conioquence minville & 1 up. -Mar pointeS Cul- eai vice De- ae oh lufe, foi nSa -egime. 7-eceivedaa ýe "French ee..-St. agent-ai the has been an Lm-s aif lie soliin New )n Salurda>' olivar, Ar- r, e steel- meal na unfinisbed, wvue -found more'to-Sa>'- 9,affrey, ohf wek ag,-0 an 6f dam- otel-ko. er, e 1s58éf eci tthe liquon ulêidenl was hisai.'bc- ow cannioti' çg -cal'gaef uoigiano -e as CIm- utpgl Ua \ ca f il I G tc f.1