1 tiaI him never torswbîre ýlastI IMiay'aore 1. ofet I ir bbscevese4 * Hore btaund of the.workmau o'erls.n; Lovqy or ugiy, 'b matters sot-nover 1 Giv e te grsp hat is ftîenIy'for ever. Giv. me thé baad liaI ta onest sui hearty, Free un the breeze, aud uuahaokled by sry: Let rlendahip g*ve me the grasp liaI be. cornes ber, Closte as the. wine as the vine of Ithe auni. mer. Give me the. haud liaI I-true as ibrother; 01v. ame ltehand tuis ias wronged sot soit PRlM or bard band, it malterast- 01v me lhe hand thtis frlendly for cirer. The Great Snow Staýn, *FURTgZB AFFECTflNG. INCI- D~ENTS OF SUFFERING AND DItATH. The. smnll weeky paeiers-havo corne nd ssci y mail brnîgs ns letters frm thiuterior- *!th furt1îer particu. lare of thie rcen uîsiow storm. Tliere ls no doubîi thet tiîe,lives l will num- ber fily -three lîqudreci. For instance, New Ul~m ordered D'ineteen cofflins on ose day, andi et kes tfty deethe are reported from liat 'place and Fort Bid1eley.' Tweuuîy deathe aI Morris, inie a Maîléia, tweuty.four at Bleppy E y e 1ale, eiglît nI Wortltington, ten et Manketo-so ruse the fatal record. Sosie ideameoftiie depth of the snow drifti; may be forini when w. consider that os the Wednesday tihe snow waa giled 50 higli aboîît* A freiglit train, ookatde on tie Davenport and St. Paul liaibroaci, near Delaware Center, tluet teains drove right nveî the. cars. Upon the sanie lice t)jere'are drifts 8,00QJ fuel long and fifteen tedt deep. Near bine- Earhumen conld' pass on fout over thie elegrapi wiî'et, ami at * New Ulminii one drit wae found a mari frozen te duath wlilcritting onthie seat of lses aleigh, lus htatl bcîug fully fi uefeet 1undertle Fui-face. * One cf tho sufddct incid ents is i-e- ported frein Fort ltidgeley. The sielitsedischarged ht4r echolars teiiing Ilium te i'lin home. Souees. caped with but ulight injuries, but or-ven efthte litile-ones lest their. way in the bllndling drifts and were found dead, one with lus books unîlor hie arm andi bis litIle foot lifted ferae stp-a step wlih had proved a stop beyond the continues o f ile. Twe elliers were found frozen to death in oach others' arine ;teare, uviicli tie bitter cold or lie beer approacli of deatli. lied wrnng (rom theni, standing in littho beede cof tee on thoir innocent cheeke, Hugli Joues, a teeclier;, near New Ulnm, kept the ;:orty sclilars cf hussecliol in t le scloelIÈouse frôm 'ruet;iay tili Friday, risking lis lite, like a practical, unisclfitebi bure, every day in a two-mube tramnp tbronglu drifts four or fie fect cdeep te Rel food çi er ihtu. TUE STAGE OP SEATiI. A ot sage loft Madelia for St. James, * heving iglit pasuengers anti n.udrer,. Ou Wedneaulay merning, net iaving arived, seareis was incie for il. -Il was (tise.] os thie roaci, ticheutses fi-o- zon tl etlt, thie driver a griuîning compte oi te seat, witui thie ru-eiss tll iin fis Itaîle, audti cglît Ititîîîîles tsf mrbes Mund cothëluéth ie bottoin etfttie steigît, * actu--,et wliclî conhaitieula soulless * uu~ t iyilfiestu. - Mr. A. . Ju-kins ot tise Clevelandî, -Ohiio Brige Coniuipiu>', sohue as suet- iuîleriîug Iii.buîildinîgofcii irun bridige nt Rocuk Ibapitîs, Io)ýva, wis tratvellinig * by stage thlence ta Site>'. Arriver.]na tie taltue-tuace tutu otIte- passengers diiibitmkbd,1He ci ntotiatm, hle V colle.] luin, thue>'teîlchlihiîned le 1 I>-atlt lait riciuictwithtu Iicitufor msolte tilu, ne, th ie boul>'wuus alîeady rigiui. MLATiN HO Str-Aul5AiETY. At Osliîtwa, abuonut ahlunîtru-ul ardt frPiu the raubrouuui stioni, were fouutu two Ilorst-VlBrnt teu otta ciller, i wluirhu, sittiuug bitl t utrigtut, we two ietuiessu iii ars- tiilaffitlo cetît. * TIuî.y'we-cufrut.uuci t i îl d -tuut. ov 1ltuugmîueersi-y-rutEliaub-tit, staelut lugo 1roilîu imientsotu Ii lit tlartkcttuli's alup 11h) yaribs -awuy. Ho wias fouul hou timittue u dtiçlut, fln cutt u(lu-tîli. At 11 011i:u oithetuSt. Pal uianti IPucile irtuttl, ae muitîtwauefrîztatuh uleutîligeiau ig tutî ttstationt, ua maui urus found tifrutie t ahin u ite gbigl. lit thto saine village atuethier mati l<'sh b lit lite Wlile lryiig leaettose bis tarit uour, lbcked luev ausuucwudrift. care betwuý,,Ii Vrrmiltiouî eifft SwanLauke-, litilui utahluti îbît oeur tue wliec-i ot _hlm iiggy anditenut twiity-sixhlurir iii the tee out tIis jîcor stueier, fieeziiîg 0fouo f l a D ue bauîd. whciitheîr storu cotise.] lue foili lîtînsoîf withiiî forty yards o«a blista. FAXIlLIE9 UTNITED IN PEATUt At -Fort Ricigele>' thrmee brotellos * were Lbeuling grainWhouthe sit torn carne on thten. Tic>' songlît eliptu-tr lunllîeir grain aibe in an opemu fiel.. Ail timue wcre foundl thora dead. bMv. Lee anais son, aged thirteen, lofet thir Itouse, sean Sioux Cilty, ont Tuesduty fanit aoad ef Wood. On Fni- fIa>' teore were (oued about eigity yards apant. Evidenîl>' hhey bcd <e..] tiroir catthe uand Ilion gene on tnistekIcngý- Ilimwey. Botit woe hbini>' clati. -- The beys' arme wemc crosseul, cs if lue b.il trled le keeF bis buttonlese ovot- oceaI oosel. Thl ietilful deg was found beside lis deed master. A wîd- ow is lufthdesituto wili -four chilcran tie eldeal only sivon yctrg ohd.. Near Madutie a meanunliitclucd lis iaeiatnd weuht taceai-clu for ut lieuse, lesving Ile iiiiteinthe leaeiglu. Site le- sions, andi tllowud iim. Boti vertu (nazes te deuihi. TWO NAILIIrO EUINiD. Néar Corroctionvihle Joli s pankos and Josephu Saunders venI Dut te get soieWood ah ut diataucu of teur mts 'fluestomrnicaugittheIli ndt.]ter pu- - ocion. Wben utmile antiuta t ( roui home Ibey tlirew ouh them busta tira on store qubeki>', but juat boyond hth6 reaut curveci; tluoy passeci Ibis curve wihhotit tumniug, anîd sou: eery stop afIerwards vas eatop evut>' rom bomne. At uuglit hie>o amped under te sheighi, about ltre. amiles (rani bomo. A tîutri- pur itoardi tîsir, sieuls butthionglut tliem ut thtebooting et ovis. Al day *- Wednesay, Wednesday night anti Tbursdaytic mes veme alive anS wute* deing uap and dowe, bewihderod by thie terribule storas. The trabupen fuuloweih liern al day Weilnesutay, but centS sot inçi then. On Thursday -niglit Ilir herses came bhrne, anti foliowing beck Ibeir raksthe>' ound lte twp men aeven miles ave>', about lwo (set epart, (nazes cltark and siff. The deg )---wiie baS aecornpanied thon eaie - with tbe bodiesi and bail kepî them, from bià g eo'urred by the enow. Eachu maiulcft a widow, and cuitîdres, lte latter &Il younlg. Saunders' femily lei destitute. 'Pie aged- molber euS sialer of Spaite bave preemaS, and v-ti probebly dbo. It le reporte(nron lte sutautchovan that Amuricunts raders are auiug thue luidians vitht liquor, end trouble isan-u T14e agitation lui Manitoba for better ter-pls ilasupported ,b> te. Manitelten s4dGaoettii wbll t-be F1 reig j3rs eop- )ro I inte ;sburg. el îts Ires ye~lerdry eesurpsaee. rie 03 cents. VICTORIA CARBOLIO Toilet Soap. Thisa TomzTî Soà p peeseaul lie well- knows sntise1stic sud,,'dislnfecting preper- tien et Carbolice cid , Ua 11e«r elesceuted, bas a hesîhhy action on r-i h.È.d, provenîs Irritation, remnouea lthe effets ot persi lnand sluould bc reg'îlarly useS b>' ie.Chelem, Sil px,and ever Pai-] enta amouiS be washed with liis Soap; antd ils une by persons hiable te infection wil matenialiy proeet-the--apruiad of disoas;. Price 15 cents pur,Tahijet, VICTORIA CARBOLIO * Salve. Thbs SALVE fa l a rapid curt ftor ait skie Dii- cases,, rutsi, %ounuls, Biraiseus, lIaino, Soi-es, -Ulcero, Iingworm Trttt-r, eme, Scaid Head. Sequrvey, Alecoss, le ihB , Piutiel &c. It poeusessau the cleaîuieg end huai iîîg vmrtuiee ei Carlîtlie Atid, wli -hhue been tonni by Physicieîs everywiuere te pactiess curstive qa,4litioa îîot iicîvercd liiiîuiy etheré chemnicuul Ireparati on. Price 25 cents. VICTORIA CARBOLIC - - - Gargarysno. This GîmmoLu la thie ment t-chable and effica- cioute iedy i» att cases ef Sore Titroat, Hoarsene8s, Diptheria, llreuchitis, Irrita- tien ethte Broncitat Tubes secommn i thie chan eebie Cliniate, A5thina, Offensive Breati, Ilceratee4 GtimB, and tIL1discasea ef thie Meti. For Public Speakers sud Sing- ors it lu invaluable. The ingreocbiuts cuter. Îin o ut iis (argie are tised bylu>'titPuyui- clans, anS fer the lcure of tesa!ve diseuses are now. unntonUbedly, the, riost populuar in the Mate-ia Mofdi-iu.' PiLac iii cents.- VICTORIA CAIiBOLIC Disinifectanlt. Titis DiOircCTAç in a euîre ptoentitaet Typhus and Tyllittid Fi-vers, Choiera, Sntalirox, antIad ai oter infectionts dise-sacs. I ilpreverut Cotntagions it Cattie. It is altgo ilnvatuuatule f'r )isiuufectiutg wuuer r-Cd.et, Drains, esp1 ûiStables, Sîsegli- teronee, &cd., teid f-rlustrçlt7iutg nanseens effibuvia frein wattevcr rtite airising. It witl tie,,awt-y Mîst-rme.MciPlics, Ceckreateli,s &u -e et, l<i,& -eau hi- p resiLrv-el fr-tiilutiref-tu-tittutby tiii ueo. Carbolir Arid want soi-ttedl by Iler Mujesty's Raoyai Ceeîmu4irrtir, lui pr--ftrroîce te aI other-produe-ts, as the -bestJ>iintectaet fer the pruveution of infections dis4euses. l1i-ie 2j cents. VICTORIA BlA RPENING and Polishing Fasýte. This PisîatpimirTeui u , usaliSin ils t-a- pidit>' for Suîarpanitsg aid i lisiuing r-ut- ler>'. Tabule and Foc-k Knuves, Razorsi. Surgical Instrumienta, Sîakr'Kuvs Plano Bits itudi r-isets. Ml. -Notlting bas over bueu disî-oeurîîd wehllus sprunin mte pepularity imore t1uictkly or uttoeum-r tf se Mur- ltein ievt-rv lîit4e-tld titd veut- shoît far genoral i Iulhie.4s. Priue 125 cents. C OAL 1 COAL 1 Au i tids -oft--r-il Jilt -i-ei. Xiilube soiS tut low -pri eu 4for ctaih 0111tlv. rrtg- nutuits havar ituen inudtil L ave al ceai weigttcuion Towt seit-es. JOHN KEITIIu fluor-l St., Wbitby WiihiuLy, Atugut t fi, 187--. w 0,D 1 OcOD 1 3] 500 ) trt-Sa Brt TItutîWoritltitI ori ché Itulituîttu-aieve , Su tlupgt Iitu by coriS, or car-luau. T-ut-ta JOHN KEITII. Due. ithu 1871-. 1f 19 r1i Ib~ISOLATEtI iuK - Fire Insurance oo f Canada. CAP IT AL, S5oou000. Ueposittd witli (movernmii'tl , $67J000 Il silh adjust nIll omes-i thilute ca>, anti puy ou-c the cas.h AT ONCE-. Heu. ALEX. NkKENZIE, l.L P., ltrcide-ut. JOHN MAUCIiAN, Iii., Mn utturr W~. A. LAW'u Agrîtit, WIiiuy. Whýiiiby, Octoube-c 9, 1871. 4L PORT WIIIY ê&lPORtT PERRL lRl EA RIS NEW VALENTIA RAISUI NEW. LAYEft RAISINS, LONDON LAYER RAISIN NEW CUJRPANTS, ONLY S) 014LY 'ONLY ONLY lOlbýs GoOD: BRIGHIT SUGARl TEA FROM 20 CENTS- PER -15e POTflD UPWARDS. Ai Other Goods Proportionally- Cheap --00- OYSTEIIS ONLY- 40 CENTS :0: .t7eý SILVER AT" PAR!.I 4 PER CENT PREMIUM ON BILLS 1 1» advertised a week since -that I would -îtkas Ari an isiver at par, ad allow four per - cent pre njuin for 'buis. Soîne p ilarties baving tbought proper t-t ttuseiy State toicustomers of mine tbat if 1 took Amenicai silver ah- par, i uoulul charge a bigher pric.e for Miy gonds. 1 j ust nmention tbe priceoro a few of the ieadiîîg articles used at thi. seasoiî of the year-so that icitendiiîg purchutsers can coin pare tiuem witb what they have been paying for Lhosî goods elsewhere. EVER Y ARTICLE WARRANTED GOOD I AN D jý-Cheaper than any other house iii the tra.de in Whitby. THOS. LAWLBIR, CHEQUERED STORE, BROOK STREET. Whitby, Dec. 18,-1872. 5 A3I: T1 ONILY Klo~ ADAPTED TO EVERT CONDITION OF NUAI vision. -Their C'npjyigult eyetent f flffing iLen ce naevug gaui etorasceurfeisiùgtfhe exaoct eeqairementis ef ait scie eeed Opticae i <i. YOUNTG OR OLD, PAR OR NHARI-SIGHETED. A fuhi and cemptete assenlmenh abva>'s on hand Just'Rcceivod an assortineit of the foilowing Fancy Goods. wlîicli wililue sotd ut LOW PRICES 'î'uit' Se-le; Vas inci Buttc'uiiuan flîsue and Chinea; Purisme Cases; Perfuîtme Suaguclu ; Pe-ifttntrçý ; Jcî ei Boxes ;, (itove, llaisudkercbief and] Coii.sr t'n.e-e; PujIiprionclettie ; luulcuiseds ; Ladiesi' Purass; Tuootb Brushea- ; Dreseir-g ttumuts; Pearlt Laid flair - brushes. Bronze Stotuary ; Gilt Lainus; Parlei, l.urlule hluit ; Sitar-r an.] Gotlden 'i"tpped Smething hiltes ; Fane>' lrsekets, &c., &tc , suitable ftor Clucusmtuis ausd]Nos- Ycr's Presenta. AT JAS. H1. GERRIE& Co,'B. Whitl.y, Dcc. 10, .1872. 50 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GOODS. -:0:- JUSI RECETVED, CANDIED LEMON PEELS, CANDIED CITRON FEELS, CANDIED ORANGE PEELS, :FLAVOURING EXTRACTS, CURRANTS, SEEDLESS RAISINS, LAYER & VALENTIA RAISINS, FIIESH BISCUITS, et ahi kisi, CHOICE PORTS & SHIERRIES, CHOICE FRENCH BRANDIES, CHOICE OLD BYE & MALT, ALES AND PORTERS, ALL AT LOW ]PRICES T. H. McMILLAN &Ce. McMii1en's Blockt,- Break SI., November 27, 1872. 48 NOW TO Is YO1IJl BUY YOtJR 'r 1 M E - T A fli LE. Takeas effect on Salut-Sa>, Juuue laI, 1872. f3 O Ot S Trains Gaing Norlt.' Mail. MixeS. Wiltlty Jonction, l0 tMea..7 30 p.. Whituy,9 0L7a.nt. 7 17 p.. firolut n, - 9 29) îcm. 7'59 m Myrtbes !9 49u .m. a8i19 p.m. siummit' l10 102 tm. 8182 p.. Maecheetet-, 10 12 au' 8 42 pus. Prince Alberh, l Id)s21 , 5 851 p. Part Petr>', tariie,) lo i. lua-tt- u 0 0 Pus. Tnifus Going Soutfi. MixeS. Mal Por et-', (apai-t,) il M .m.2 30 p. Pric lier, t6 o9am,- 2 80 p.m. Manci'eflur, , El 18 atn; 2 43 p.m. SummW 6 t 28 .m* 2 58 pu. Myrtier 6'41 .M. a8'i p.. Broallin, 7 01 aîe. 8 81 ps.. Wbitby, 7 23 eau. 8 fis p.. Whltby 3snc&o ( ant.) 7 80 arn. 4 00 p.M. 'Plattorn Statious,, Train, stop on Signal M1AS DBYDEN B. * S ' EMALLL TIMEI FALL AND WlINTER and Shoes Jnst received aftbte Dominion Boot and Shoe Store, a tre- niidoixe large stock cf Futi and Winter lioots anud Shoos, of every deà urilîtion. Cceipru-pgIng Vîgimmh.A me-uicnn, înd Canadien manufacture As Mrî. Il. 1; 13KeoI'r iîîtends T.oOS5Wk About the firteteutnext nîonth, lue viii seli ail kinda *of Boots and Shotas I plimmleDst, inu order 10 nedîue hlis preget. anmmoth stock previoca -to îuoving. £U1Cal and get bargains while you have the chance of so doing - R 13. B. KEEILËIR. P. SI,- Tlose v-ho are indebted wil pease seule immedlatelys Wbitby, Oc&, 9, 1872. cur a g&ninuo uicptoae vasUU1c.tOiJu aiu istenngI. _EuUJrmue-- ietuffed and cvred. Ondetuking & Funerals Fu]My r upp1ied ait here0fore.J 19 Some spiendidaépecimena' of Picture P'rames, and Gild-' ing, emember the O0W Stand. S-ELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in" 1870. We offer to our custom'ers for the coming Har-vctt two dis- tinct Machines, which in style and construction, enibrace the latest and most useful iinprovement8 of the day. -JOIINSTON'S SI NGLE SELF-RÂKING IýidAPEIý THE *"RING 0F PREAPERS."9 Uhe universal success of this Machine, botb in closely contest. .d trials and in the bandsadethte farmera. warrant ut. i saying that, as a Self Rak- *ng Reapins Machine, it bas more gnod peings sand teps defectoe. and bas met witti More successandmu tit iure, than beretofore offered lui the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER lWe were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin ciel Exhibition, beld in Toronto. 1670.in competitieru with al] the lefiding Machinea. nsn-.factured in the Province ; and i wtb our recent inîprovemornc, we utîhesita. ngly challenge invegtigaulon andi compal-isoný with cempetirg MJachines, we ar- -tsfied that mumcl investigation will convinre every unprcjuudut-ed niiiul. ihsatww, ,fier the best liMower toýthe Farmner for 1872, but in the Dominion. ff-Send or descriptive ctlgue.BtO0WN1 & PATTERSON. CA RIiIAGES A ND CUTTERS MO'DONOVAN'S. SPLENDIDLY FINISHED CARRIAGES, -BUGGIES, AND CUTTERS,1 0F VER YSUPERIOI? WORKMÀ ANSH111. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS.. REPAIRS AS USUAL. WHITBY Nov 22nd, 1870. CHRISTMAS AND NEW HOLIDAY LJA&MmiE YEAR PRE6ENTS - 1~ 10J sL-TrOr0 -1T Begs to cmiii the attention of bis friendsa mnd patrons to the- ver>' uxtensive-uýstock lue now luiods, comipriminc nuimberless ar-ticles suitabie foi- prehu-nts and presentatierue. Iff Gold and Silver Chaiuîs, Coiored and Bright Goiti '-etts. Gem and WVudcing Rinff-e. P,.ncii Cases, Leekets, Sciant Pluîs. Stuads, &c, the quulity ot unr-lu article gnaranteed.(o-kE-m-r- pleted Goods, Dueke, Work boxesq, Vase, 'roile Sets and <)mnannŽîs. :;&fSPECI'ACLES TO ii' A L1SIGIIS. Especiai attention calied to hbis stock of GOLD AND SILVEI WATCHES, Ver>' cheap---ach watch examined, proved a'nd timed, aîtd purforunmnce warraruted 10 givu satisfaction. Goidsmniîu'a Hall, Wluitby, Duc. 10, 1872- 50 FRESH A R R IV AL S OF ý \,-T-1 - W C3-Q0MD S1 A T P RI N MERCHAINT GLE TAILORING s,ý AND GENTS' FIJRNISHIING flIOUSE, McMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK ST., WIIITBY._ Whitby, Nov. l2th, 1872. -An Immense Stock of NEW, OROOKE-RY AND G-LASýSWAIRE.. IXX & XXX ALE in ,,Bot-t-le. Dow's Superior B3ottled 'Aie. FamilyQrocer ',Wlr hncs cannpt De surpiisuatfor qui AM¶ ordlers punctually atte :Whitby, Mfay, 0 81 & ALI1<V-'.AL4iC.ee of-the bes~u IMPORTANT NEW$ !hag'bgrmg em-sk ee, lm BOOTS AND SHOES. rJà uay p woulc& b. aiose woi The, umdersigned - has a large stock of go Lédiés7, Gent', aend Uhildre 's- Fine and ijoarse Boots & Sboeb inciteconr ~enbascedt»npropc ingereafeeI e t bais AT L.c~V~7 ~proieto zake ET::Boots alld. Slioes made to- order.'.u a Ei H Overshoes lined warm and comfortable. India Rnbbers, th wxtbout additional fuil uChromoS sf1À g'Repairing neatly done. The.Vinae e Cali et the old Stand. WILLIAM BURNýSt gay 22, 1872. Boot & Situe Store, Brock sîreet, Wbiby. FURNITURE! FURMITURE! AT THE SION 0F THE GREAT ROCKING CHAIR t:IFurniturý Selling at Old Prices for 30 days longer; Notwithstanding the rise in. material acnd labor, the' undersigîied offers lus stock et the Old Prices for 30 days longer. Now is the time to embrace. the opportunity of selecting froe thie lrgest stock ie the Cout t>. nIsidlebnoarcls, bureau,,. centre tables, sofas,' vhairs, Iteuruni scia4, &c., anîd all i mtie best qualiiv atid manufncture. JAMES H. SAXO. The only first-class establishment in the County, wbere Fu nietais-«nre iulty ouppiied. Warrn Winter F43 -e, S I Goodsý A N D GROCERIES, JAMES J.. MUJRPHEY Is now in rer-cipt of a he-avy stock of Wiiîter Goods, emb-a r-- iug scy-erît îelidid lhues-. WINCEYS, FLAN NI ELS, UNI)EIICLtIX01TG, -rTW -lt ý-I)S, BLAYKETS,- - IOESKINS. FANCY DRESS '015 -HuekSîtks, Muahtuis, Luiqît-s, Iriigli t';ul-s lth>Vtirtisu. - W lutte aeid .] (i-vCto-ns, Slseeiiu-gs, 'lickingq, &c., &c., u-uisidertîbheOuntder muarkttvalue, Ioi shidli ho livites the ittention etomics- SA Chcice Seler-tion of the best Presb Grocenies. Whitby, Oct. 22usd, 18'42 JAMES J. WUIRPHY. Duuudus Street. PHOTOGIIAPH GALLER~Y. BIROCK STREET, WHITBY, L~OPPOSITE ONTARIO BAN K. Begs to aubounec that he bas buit on the above pcemises, A NEW Photograpli Gallery, 60 feet in lenigth, Wbich he bas fltted up witlî ail the latest improvements, and new and impreveut apparaitus fer taking picturus, front life-sîze to any mci- qttiued dimentions. Picture.s enlarged& accurately copied. liANUSOYiE FPANiES AND CASES. 26 dikerenlplateorqbzg2 mmsin andtints te perfect eaeb pieture. ,e0sm= chromos are sold for VO0 per pair in thext stores. As it fa the deterxninatios ofi ils conductors b lceep 7h. 41dineest cftii. reacb etcampetibe in ezry deTarImsent, 4th. chromo. wiflb. foundci crresposdisgly absad of any tiaI cas bc offered luy otb er operiedieûls. The. Literary Depertwentrwl continue under. hp £are et %r. Richard Henry Stoddard, asssted b>' thiebest writer and puet fthe dsy, wbo wil trive te bave the 1litemeture c et Al4dinealwaya in keup- ïng with its artistie attractions. ti om 8 r cnnaen, in advance, at i!Chromog fre.. The Aldinue wmelereafter, lb. obtainâble *only by subscriptien. There wçnllWbeo- reduced or club rate ; csu'b for subacriptiona muet be -t'ont _11v, te publîsiiers direct, or handed to-tic local agent, scithouf ireqonsi. bil t t the publâshers, except icases wliere lhe certificat. is iven, -buaning thi. fac.uimile signature et Jnca SUTTON &Ce. A-G ENMT W AIV T ED An>' perses, wisliing to art- einamnnly au a local agent, wHi recuive fualed prompt information by applying te JAÂMES SUf1TON . Ce., 1'ulllser, 62 58 Maiden Laite, New York. N OT IC E Ip iereby given ltaI liteLinsay>'Fen. e lon Falla and Ottawa Jurer ltaii-way Com- pany minenS te apply at thie next sittinge ef the Legialalure et Ontario for as- au- tt aetenhle sotsetofincorporation ae-t-he Cenipan>, gi-eing them Paver 'te buibti branches te the tewm et Whitby and the. sllage et Oshawa, in lthe Ceunly et Ontario, te alter the naine ef lhe Compas>', te- per- mit the appeintictt f a dimechor ho ropre- aent lie tewn et Lindsay', anS le incruasus tic ameunIfor souci bonds ma>' bu issueS. G. LAIAW, Presidunt. Decembur 2, 2e72.- Sina JMPOBTANT TO PARTIES 'USIFG MACB12DERY. - J. B. STO(K'S EXTRA MACHINE! CIL. Tis i, 1exceis an allier Oil, bothnimal snd vegetable, anSdsoc are prepared le aheu- tic auperienit>' pf i is 01leaafl ehers, it stands tic tests ueessM ar-t procure a fre-t- chats article, it fa ada ptcd tao eiter igit or ieavy macineci>, froine clou-k or se-aiag- machine tte beaviest oi liafi. Tic fol- lowing are lie-p oint, In tu-icluil excelsother 011,: IT WILL NOT GTJM, beau-e machin- et-y enu be luept clcsnsii but liîltro tuble, sud it will closenteu-iinery liaI ha, been ai-aygummned b>' otier O11,.Ililne cnelor thicluen in the coldest of socather. Tli .aa It>' et the bigicot Importance, fron thletact an' Ou net bav-iig tbi qualit;r wl i nt lubifu-te a colS ihaft, sac an Os! me>'lbu applied ii e luosted atatu, but lie mentent il louches a colS sheft ilta roengeai- cd euS nîlil sol lubiteunlil ftic journal b>' fiction acquit-es lie ltpcrelure suce-es- sai-y te reducu ilte a liquid stete ini acquit- ing a higier tenupemeture b>' ficheon, lie- journal expandsasnd lte box fa injureS, 1h la asic îmosaihhutea use ail -liaI soili chili on a clisiatt witieut Ihiarepuilt ai;it f aein- glu oiwiti soater. J. B. Stocks 011 sou] lu-* brt-uae the cefdisl machiiner> tiche meuet il is applied. This i, is noso g seS tan overl-wo unred esablishment,sud is givio3g tie ictîl et satisfaction, and al uniite linssirng lte-prefer il te muineS Sperenor put-c() lve. Il is fr-ee frern lie objections UrgeSa geinst ail otiers, as il Socs not gum mer freeze. Now as tic public are avare thet man>' woothlesa liings are-liufrfcd mb notot-iu>, in et-er te prou-c tiet ti is ne hunbug, u anS te e-courselves- againat lie opera- tiens et unscmupuhoua oil agcnlts,-tmsny et oentwilritot i esitatu te palm offthfe sean et ail ofh refincrics as bcing identicel sili Stock's Extra Machine Oul,) ' ou propore, te thie.soeare intcrestccin le tutruti et tioae statententa, to senS ta them,_ on sppli- caties, b>' mail or ohiersoisu, fi-euetfcharge ln aln>' 55, e samlle oetflic oil, liat il se>- spealu for îtsuht. AnS olhl aise SenS -at iti a te-s simple test, as effective &is hase lests bysolici gela S 1klnosmon ft-etcbaser met- a, anuid oci -fil enaihe Parties ot-dering te senti-c thenselves against iinpositioeiubyý euabimug lienitate eteimine aI oncesitier tic 01l fersoarded is as good as smpe Ahi parties dealingin Mathinse 0'ssoilido ut-cl te centuunicate silI J. >3e STOCK, Brougham, Ont. Sole Agent for lie Domniaon- lreughant,,Match 15thi, 1870. TESTIMJONIAL.. Tai. Josrrut HALL M.&cintEWoRirs, Oshawa, April 4th, 1870. J. B. SxocY, EBQ., BROUGHAMc We bave een usingyoUr Lubnielinut bu for the past fout- mentis, anS cam se>' viti- out icaîtation hit -eithicbest i ohaev ever useS. Il inaelloe eiep, sud Isîs longer tise an>' othier oUl. We iaep t-un est- large 14 feet lt-on-plainer, 7 day te-ilm eune oliiug Il lucepa the tbol, cleuand brigit. WeSm sol vent anytiig bette-is a hubricalor. Issam, tirstrul' W M. WILLCOX,- I3usi,îesut lîcurs 8 o'clock-, a. m. to 6, p. m..- No business dopet' -la T- - - - - OF - - -.ýA on Suradays. W.h -A. TiA R «R E T wiip ofMà arlposa,&(,artwrlglit Whitby, July S3rd, 1872. ILAI 1 à 1 FASHIONABLE, TA/LOB/NO A ND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, -AT JOHIN FEIRGIJSON S, Merchant Tail-or & Draper, DUNDAS SREET, WHITBY, - Large winter -stock-Canadian,'Scotçh and Eîîgiish Cioths-Tweed utuits. Yorths aund Uideb suits. Splendid material' for overcoats. Gents' white and colored Shirts, and FurnishingGoods 'of ail kilnds. JOHIN FÉERGiUSON9 lothier k&Genis' Outfitter, B~ E GS tl ial hi mn>' frienatd bite ag> blic e pnrhljforlie hécrlpatron-r ag eaesce pn l nighepatfu yeas. o:gie pte uieso avffinov ,in uplebusnesotem Bahif, I ieuS fe uintue, oleSe-voeesu> viole tntc te'o. bsnse nt Co llben, LendborL rop n Il v l ab.tn>'iondeo uie, b>' profpll catisfuatetion te busiwhoa , re ive nI thlirStatleor te io nsy avr* e jt Buil-ls rCofluch otet frsa Bdidraule ad f.ni Nt. .i-ia els Bill et parge. n hnd Aisera11 Sma ead fon has &. range6- ments ,fca . StefOservcr etfie Prines ficAe. Wii te tbOana-d OfficePrnce ArteS i teta- - W. M. IVILLOOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 241h, 1872. 89- fl0 M IN 1 0 N FLOUR & FEED -STORE. The. unersigmued bug te intoriu the uithaju. Itants et Wlutly and vinitytiat lie>' have pee Fot nd PuedSiSore f in thi-un-. fesi lelocpied b>' Mr. Jamtes Wallace, on Dunlias Street, - oppnosite the Robsdn 'Houan. i - I - Also'o'n h'and a IL /CE NS ED -AUCTIONFER ý movil*q,-..GF'