w H T 1 N 0 -À hii PriÙ«ng- Establishment, BROCK STRIdET, WIIITB-r. 2 -7 Tarins $1 50, per Annu, t Ail Àd i'le Denta measured ià . chitrged ât the rate di 9 cents per, line, Ant Insert , and 2 COntd, per line e e- quente., SJMCWCoutr«t4-m4dO with adve dgë,'-, Broti fî bJýtneie-, or otherwilie. VOL '0 r rd dors to discontinue ad vertimuunte 'ý M TBY"ý; must bo ln wzîtine, 4 Il 0 L L 1 D À y, ------ L B 1 ON ROTEL, A 'cý Businless Dire t 14 -ý 'y 9 0 N'T., 1j 'W T B Y, 0 NT,, -ý1 ý: -. 'AI UASON,, ISOLATl -0 "rvaüon- li A-N Ir PROPRIETOR. 1 _ P_ i -', ý ý-i,ý; lie, waa WH 1 T 13 Y B I&À "Mie Albion hm bl tilor tagonist bal cana.,,&. A ow W, ,an Oughly "nOv&tý w1th BI Riosn- Th, bol. Mial Alu --4, ALW the public wiff ân.i every acco -7be ei. hail THOMAS liôw, mm*. M f gone thmugh the braiin. th. CI" d.4.ý, aùd the boat ttutio,ý, Mie wild wi mf;le li quiet. now, r -boue Baia ývoiceý bý 0' mom et loitir tes - P 10 N lè aA2 cý.: *bile ho wag, Il AI, fii th DI , 'f Thiene St4he'Éà jËeýÙmé fi thA.. IL ir ineDttç.). ai" :Dow Besfflé the beilia mail , d _gthelà ld,, Wh ià to rift by an 1 Patientes 4heý amis by;the Ià it hfid «in j0ý the very beillit-, âeffl aMý-mà de ci You love4fill air "n'lié had gained, i ýmjte.Tiý,a23d am, the, Mont flég& by hilh a W*11 1 T B Y AôÊNe IL B. TAYLOR, < ILEY PIW"IFITox vellillect irticie Di the'leâ gveý 'Ab oitei Y-0«9'mfkn of rathet elight figule, but, a 'Thë ýýmholeibu lie=. , , lhe Jarol commun bel toned tý eîj chin in a bgbt grey Sur.j, 1 fitteil up, quicidy and *é1je Sil a iiom .4Z L 1 »Ifr âreît, tout, Ù"-ià *od- ûa t tji, na I T4, 'on sud singe ite !ýa car n leather 1 fliÃŽ(and Attentive hosillfi qboa ýtîbl wia*,, b ci zbuttone& ýl Particular attentimle es 9,8 T A t L iýü - Il ý , eaven Ilýýai AND, Ilger grema X83n'. 1 ' t j, ý 1 ANjrjREý r 'ter il Cqurt Rouse, Ar. Tbin.01,1, E it'e 1 4r, y wers, foi 0111celli South wing Md W&U Çet*bUobea comp AL 1LOTE'L Ttjw, &Te- 'ÃŽb" Pl'? any c rmor îo no And tl âÃlui foi t' a Mun rk; rangement« f0r Ofeclal retomer Di ROI. lir. au ce eg Yggiiiianu4ture4ý ythlf ;e t4AM xëafi,,t lever bé Your j p Il, 1 - ý11;:,ý,1l i0ý -f addéd Pr y t acce , rish il au clarigeaý of and lirewel ', "ý : ý 'wW i In au;1 Camal Q.C., aul UcM4h,,l, QI C. are "0 ST., tu 0 84 w gà thosa of X rit" 9 gay" the flif*lf,.r oftiz 1 : ýý Èny Weil ted to, téne--the -bullet bas hititg 1 61 j. PA ft Pw.etr", LIfill, go Company li Canail M.I.CALDWPIÉL, pito, "Ris STRAW cU"TýRS ",ked Whe4,,wo WAIV., 1 tra gré un494u&Ued ;,they are , il 1 isoistéa Il and ý nonibazgrdm Dent aecommodat. and the ured for thr« yeil or ilssa st louand an * 1 "OY'Workýd, and i dén't Énow *èHý *bat you ni sites. low Ilquors f»delg not liable to eau; "NTY CROW14 ATTORNÉf FOR get out of grdaf, qmd sol ý&t It lever proudly, si AU. , Good iltà O'ýydll eht-hintèdlý.d'ew Iro, said the yon 'Ancer, Notait Publie' l re y Cloud ygr!r, aùi!,ittiitiii anel tLi 'il drà wing lima d a. Charges Moclatlm always on Thi,ýtýI lente.- iajýd ýRer01 Occutled Y SI ÈÀM'13"Xà , -Tu thë Pr a elf UP Ûiëd lit this Ãœll CAUM 14 fellow tû Bave your Cý'chrane, Bailli, jeté Btock on, it l _, - 1 reà dÙy #0211el Brook Stil 7.9 ý w ý q Ir, Id bue yý b -iti siri, ieloined ve nxTABIO UÈ TRUNK, RAILWA elieve .%J-' i ;i<l ROTEL, HOwardi "But wéweré Il Cc R.rN _gg'L 1 . We th6uglitiot«ld nbýtilve; belovil rather.nice 4T CONVEY. J77 y Illii4vl Bah il said the other, iIt wu JA"S'In JNCÀE- And &UOther T'Iât>earth Master Ex. lý or bancery il wi iËln çiýher MAD OFFICE, BIWCK STio WMTByIi mel th t ýppIe- Tq ' to givl, noth. rleetri*le eî- bea#i-"", talk Of, I cOuIdýdoit wl Ile eiifi. Il - as, ive New ine hà g'jýiougjljj jowl.0 Ourt Hou i'Ra'vfng procared DUO Of Zirper's grave fil held se, Parties tRking the train sud leivinz h,,eo Steanl engines. (one of the 1 And in a ho >ou long This Most eompléte of '19LIL, me where yon ýboth ýSt00â Company insures Faim Buildings return, Mgnnfactured;) the tindenijil il, 1 1 Then, Éir, I Must cordislly repeat col will havo'them weil taken caril Of tM their the kind ar. not, of 01 Es li Lpi f-ý#1 now enableji to exeOnte à ,, ord - 1 sing the der fil sang. (»*«PRI)fpr4, Contel Churche'l SchOOI HOusesl thl' ern for At rate$ as tOw an thZ of ail Iny thanks sud gratitude. -BARIIISTER & ATTORN 0 FAB*'('ING IM'PLE Do You 10(lk back to me, belovea m la Chancery, EY-AT-LAW, ti LOBE IIOTEL, MENTS From out your hap ) , y 'Ob, nO thank ,Itor wo"-eo" lisbed Company in canada, what on Wbat is it but arc ISOlie Bî icre, e gentleman should do for for enriveyancer, JUST LO wittiwhieh ho may lie laorM, Cheazly, Aud deell' 'né la"e, t lat eau be Natary Plil ll SSBS PirOMPTLY PAM. BROOKI'J?;, ONT. Peditiotiody, and to guratee Co ex. store of Ji. il, campb satin- ? another? I lOn'y Wsh YOU had belon the offIre-uNext door to the LI FAIRBANKS# faction in ail cussi, Death dots not aiNvayg brjng its bailla Wilh me balf an hour ago on the rnad; ttu Whitbl ont. lirock Street, J. B. 13IC>KELL, JAS- POWELL pROpRIETOR. mple Alive, and you not ber, JAS. CLATTON, To every achinq il, Prosident. y)" fol t thon liave conferred, the firit Secretary. IMAROP,%VrL Mr- D' "Ollidâv Io Io long,, au agent of Brock St., Whitb Life May Ontlast Ils dearest Ch Obligation., ------------- YMOT-CLA$i; ILCCOIIMéDtTION, à fay 14th, 1872. And heart-break docti not Iiiii, 1 inay ask toi what au Il MOIGIRE. this Compimy.- afin ARRISTEItS, ATTORNEyS, SOLICI NT An __ _- ýZ Howard. YOU aHude?'said am 13 0 10 HOTEL, It -ould iliave been the saines beloved, cou to-, conveyancero, and Notalies 6 Offict'l dour north of the Pub. PHRNIX FIRE ASSURANCE Coriill B C ANUFACTUILED AT THE Had 1 been finit t, die- NVhY, Yesq' replied, the 184, (for be me Office, Oshawa, Pont ST., WHII-By, M A"()ther love had mil yeur naine wan 1'ttle more), with indiffèrence, 'I beu, JI B. or. ]LONDON C, DAWES, More dear, erchance titan I; bave just, been StOPPed and Plundered w1il PROPRIETOR. Port Perry Agrie. il Ultural Worka, A"' after Ãœll t lesC' weary years by Dor-, and thrce of big men., Would you more constant be The above old established hotel bal, been LEFFEIL'S CE drop tiie bîttertears, 'Wha, do you tel' me, sir? al or CEIA#tLP,*4 Ci ESTA13LISRE-D IN 1782. neirly fltted up and rOnOvited thropghont, LEURITED'A=RICAN I)OLýBLE And The TJ'OitNEY.,AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN GILLESPIE, moi- al] the aPart-ents being inruifibedn'ith new And sing the Boug fer mo Howard in coaeternation: 61 th _T & COýIAgentB. for and s(litble furuit.f.. . The Pli TURBINE WA TER WHEEL. Ought liap el'V'I'Y'Mecr,&c Zietor wili 1 l'ail left hini pret ton$ Brock, 'cave nOthilig undone in provi ing for the ed 2, ty Seil gulrd. suy Canning- Canada, ij JAMES DAVMSON, Manager. comfort of the guestS, and they May r'l _ Tri£ Il ECOY0111CAL VITEEL NOW rN USE 6 on the best ci plIré lianors being OuPplied at Thc Peep O'Day; or, John Doeý. He's and ýLy0fAN 'LNGLINif the bar. you., out, Mr- Iloward, I assure dise, L., Ir., 0 nnurances afflost Iffl bY Fire arc éffèct- And il 1,,Stretattl-tlOn Pnid to the stahifig il on the mont favorable tel king Affer th &MPý CHAPTER VIII. 'Perhaps, some other 2, Just ARRISTER AT LAW SOLICITOR IN in Lon- e civilitY Of Ilootlers, ýaid without reforellec tu the B.and SIM. on, &rd ýVhile the last cvents were 'Nol ne, 110-I saw the fellow, face Vols Street, Oshawa EVERE HOUSEt on occumng, face.' to said YEOMAN GIBBON, R Lis waý , to Jur. Grace i a froim bouse. The guide for %vilose Lonc.ko 'youknow big person then IL il ONT., an 4'urcell hil stated Mr- Grace gave Agent, Whitby. you secu him Oftelil ?-have, couli 4 . - -- B., -PLAIýYIÇ - - - pRopRIE 'Often., t bý. ti 11:>ARRISTER, ATTÃ"ItNEy.AT RE TOR. WaS a man of unusu,11y -LAW T crisp -LJ solliciter in Chancery and Inn iven tol qpIl from Wilitby cul, daily. Ev. 'They Pluntiered you, YOU Bay?, !Il& Globe en, attelition laid to fcet, brt hL"'ht J'bout six -They did-J Faidoo., eotary Publie, ke, CY Whitb fi 1'l"117il and niuseillar in di tari proportion. 80 tljat Le Of whatt pray. MOIE Illock, Brotk Stre &CI loin -e-M Liverpool and London and ueil ;R( I), guod su appeared a . 'Of wilat 1 'Ai 031 PA N le. "OTAL CANADIAN 110 llit'et to ir1ý;pirO ilowaid With to 01 wy money and arms, ogy t lý%1J0Nq 11 TEL, confidence or appri-Ileilsion, according . lie sure... up, si TTOIINEY-AT-LiW, SOLICITOR IN ABBETS, 827,WOOW, PÃ"RT PEREy, to the il Of' trust Lis Your armî;?'-repeated Howard, tono. A () N T., &I Unanc"y, ÇDDveYalice,,r, Land Agent Losses nid in H. FOY duced. presence jo. glalIcing at thé ee-In Psrriall'a 13lock, BrocIL St,: elleed F BTY "Ournè of thirt fi OPR LTOR lstol thé fitrauger bal 61 JUILLIONs Or. MLLIZ17j Chicago ill"I Howard tah Le main Toud'tO field in his hand. Immed Ux 1 ri . go., Claîmo Fixe e1timated at nil supe friend'à 11OUrse, -el' t]' il, and wbich he still nome noie no guide would have iately after, à aceolntn0datiOn. Good etibling i beev riecess.,ry. Howard, fixi Who entive Ostliers. di', net elloosc, of 'lis il Ou bis face, 'y f0puws y are boing Ilquidated as fast sa and ffhed roola, and Ltt Ung But Ilf,'MILL %No "Mont ffluction. Security to expOse bialsi-Ilf te tllf-» te, tliou"llt lie coutil recollect to have seen I ý-JUD&CU prompt p eut and Liberality 0 frequent it before. TERS ATTOIl SOLIC- lneut Of lt a in adjust-' itorsi NotaAtu BI LM. IIE ROBS 0" a" Pastif"lgiýrýst and there- Doses are the promipent foatures 13 T ON nous fore ilil a by 'O,'-.Iye-tl'ig (Ail trell public, Coliveyalleers, of this wil Ce, -_ayI wlie, 1'tle istol,' the Ce- ýuOn S Soutl, of Fil Office, Head Office, C er thau Llie a 1 was sholt. YOUIIJZ man answered, q il itbl till &Y STREET, PP'l)-il liy tlj(- mail. und it on Wh anaila ;anch Montré.j. DUNDAS WHITBY. first led, Ill IL the Iiill after them fi G. F. CSMITH, r cross"119 the roud trorn , and YOU're are just Chief Agent fur Dminion. Iloward's Liv(iuý-le, ver as wil to it as to the glieht IlVsTON twO Or three viCe it h ser- the gr L. P AMBANIrSI j,."Ag,,t lit Io' PROPRIETOR. -TOWN CLERK AN]) TREASUREIJ Whitby, ont, The Proprictor begg to alinounce that lie Who 1 Whitby. eearcc-,]y thon cou. as doue Yu Offering it as be deepij bas le"Lrecl t'le building formerly known as liall, JOHN L. "JerPture's Rot'l, whî,,h bas been tinueil 'Tliankp-but yeu see fro < ni 9 tu 1 C'elock. refurnisheil, and fitted u w'L'l tile 8word. 1 -bave Dv dread begt 01 nt P th-ughOut, in thp' Theu W You al] of the y1il The prémise 40els we are now exerption 01 a fil Lut.trces, w. lever we have Ow mi,. to, axk if OF F 1 C 1 A L rt>c(lltiv lylailteil, anil tbercforc, froru tnued Howar met before, Sir on- -14 are pleaeant, y eheaper than arjy other Il in the Country, AIS S 10 N E E Il situatedj 0 posite the Post Office, and in th niacturing yet Sti 1Nýf9PECT0R OP PVBLIC centre . trie to-zi. Tlie rellilqýý,ty omni,)ULF;» an" û give a guitrantée witli eLwij flic Slii;ljtllees of tjle sti»Ins, allil the il again glignein, at the reacli tkfl stageo; for ux- M'h"el vrrrranting thOul te be a waut of I-il'utillt'ood Witl, fi,, 1 Pille handsome or, tlti Connty of Ontario. SICHOOLS BAILIPP BPD> DrVISION COU T, Lit tlýP, hatel ,,il AddiLU- s Weil aile -0 a Ion, féatures of bis compati- distan liaglan Porit C-fliec, Ontario. bridge and 13eýavlqýl, fi! ý the donr every ni , t L 1 ab. log AUCTIONEER, and to 9've as 900d Satisfactiqu-s, ,y (Ince of Do in le. tiers always in attqndalleýclaY anufactured in the Dominion facilities'fir un aiijl)u.,ý,-âdýý. 'Upou n'y Fou', nOt that I know f,, of tlie &C., &C. mOrning, Board 81 Carefulh.,- Parties desirill forther inf* à . lie obtain it by addressing Ormation can Výè tillOuld Say t],,,It was the aliswer. not rej '11NN, OFFICE-In Big-elo-Ils Block, Port Perry. th this Wood Clothil SURGEON TO THÉ COUNTY OAOL, ESTERN HOUSEI PAXTON, TATE 111,Ward fillion eoliseiiuelitly, kt Byron Street, WIJitby. 1 liliCe, 01 a "1ýut N*Ou Beem to know mY Person Pert Perry, Jolie 24, 1872. w 'ed Èis Ãllile ajoug a weli,'rc-sumed'l-loward. vide Id 26 wingiing patil, lie 'You Lave been pinted Eufa, M.M. ýuI-BfjjgN, -Il MAI il M DUNDAS STRFET, WRITBy. mâreh 81, Ferry St-l, Port Ferry, Gnt. frorn tii- sailk, stiip by step, out to me le ., - si Cros,ýu-,l. Ci ' É'Ule,' said the other and I hav' buried. EW BAKERT r ]l Of the rc,,d t1ill hall to bc r-lUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, LeNc -RUIT STORE. The Il After leiLl LI-je Ivoodi WitIl. ., N nilergiluled m'Ould intimate to the lOoking at yo'ý, Whou you procesfi ICIIA REJ fflVOW that tb' 'Il 1 1111ises have been lI*ýr, or 11111, E.%'U]Ptcm 1'tLle thought itý-tIlaes AMI of Cam l thO il IL 0. -11. L.p Omhawa, Ontario. public, neWlv fjtted uP and renovateil throlllbo' Clitc-reti ou a fl Ll"Il they 'Prayl Wliat kind of Begs tosIncuncethat IL 'la Best * Ll*qtlc)rm an U S C B out "la at thro I a man is 'this utterm, e Dow preparea Ca 0 0 K S at al)(,UL tcýn y'll w1licil, Dd,? nadiil purd Ciil "Th, cil ice, à rnotlu-. to Supply everyt e RI)jne Wine, ý,m 01 L tain-strean, liurrieil sollething Or you ,'NTIST, (SUCCES. hing in the Walz's Lag- As IIOLI[)Ay pnp.,,, r o-u height, I fe sale and retail. Bourders talion by gain ilik" Sakery and Coni(ellffiOner Mr. Grace's iell To fil and ha] Card.) ce, il was uùe said flic stranger, surveying, PrOport sor fil W, the week. "et JaLi Arnall. "Dt and 110%yard foot--lor de titlltoorns-I)Und At hie old Il ltly Y L Ine Sent, Èost-paid, on rcceiPt of the to pass this iml)edini - Cil Howardfrouilleail to " il "1tý accupied by Mr. j, JOSEPH A. DANDEL. roi as 1 belieVe You anl I stand a barying le:40nis Sture, Nitrons to Illak, mine; 0xide ý-'à djnjIjistLred arked pric WILS preparilig the attempt, bout the trution of tectilI fur the paiuIýBB ex' CH ILSON H() Wlien hil; m1ruide ivariled Ilim of probable saine lieiglit il Otir Bliops. But lie Araba Y OICE.FRUIT OP ALL KiNDS w USE, hazard lit tilat mue], rtouter flian either Ofus, a witli th Rept cOllatantly on ha,,I, 1:3 Iris Tyj:ýt jýT' We Can recommenil. the jollowing Vocal PoiLà , aud said thaï; a Ci NI in Neason Collection et choice piano Songs ; .ýShiIlnig Iittle way oil, by liell LI,, ' PerhaPs, twice as old., shawls ORANGES, 1 « hts," (Sucred Song@); "Golden L 1 thewa course of 'About forty-five the, ?, unfrequ A. M71L80'ý?,l j,., ea-es tlr, t1ley Shoulfi illeet LOBSTERS, pRUill and Il- 'ýH,,rth aud JIEE TII iiioùrtcd c PROPRIE TOIL ï om C 'Let lue see-yes. About five and reach t] The Fi-side This was all wil and forty Couatlefi "À""Nà " sweet Sound"" and 11, rd fulliweil in t1il inaii'?i st-ý au-gi princijil or tho art, 13 CHEESE, TOI3 Cco. subscriber lit-gý t,) annc)unce tairie.d. "Prieel(,.u wa chel as tho "heul)est, Und as gond 1 ail delivered dail to eu il the publie g(encril that Fil $1.75 .h i. 9. #411-1 ... ;.I. ff11)lýe., ..a "" hP bas openeil 1'0"rlls; t2in cloth; S2e iâb i. Ci follo-cil, witji()Ilt ally le au Other the abo%,c. Ilew hnll il, .1_ poil tif, a Lu . . . th an" 'Xo. Blaek iii__jý --!- goi£III, soma, n th ve na bn-Lhéi th' bMen, 1ell Then"aýd ýob -sal witbýtÈi» en 'h ù et , in to irng WC L 1 of thé owibe 1 r iBà ý, ný ý ýùwBe came cýar& ý leralarg to 'ýà ut-un le &UC7,ýto-, get 4110. .,bet r Of e Conne'of j , , n, an duH 1 le elaaso -4 býèuà é' ' ibd 1oýV -qPilitýèdf and even begà n to get unwéll "of intro>-' In éni!iuquence of this grange fill 3USIO ef One admiration. 11, fil4 ho wever, - crajýI. , and, was ed daily to the ZI, ý%ijd ai leuëthhis Ere'à taYë4 patience and perseverancewere rew&rd. 1 his b6oï th""Appomace 'of a beautiful the Vùit 'Iittre PeAsaz*-girvýNho hadwt - the Wftything Obole 1,01e repaire&,on ý ob - fol vigâ, ideed, the. to, thé Upital. , -The el was- à bout ed. by ý un fiftAeiL or sixteen yearà of ý and be )Wntoaù _al 'y 10ng'M*g,,to aý po.orer elus of sociëtyý but éhe wai-moilest inâaà nerý- bwité. drew to ous in eïýé1 alld'-m gra 1 cefui 1 in -foiln the guest 1 1 the littieBhue'it"lf., ýThe actor was ome poor -'h ' and put sixty7 yean of sge. Le bad bis id", î ith me attachment t-o the, beaPtI - 1 do not mid, despite Lis age, ',was anceptel it weri) The parents of the girl consented to, iticular ; the match. - If it--*érë not a libel o1ï, ÉL friend, Vie éliaracter of the fair sez, we migitt Ito a per- '"Id, perfiapâ gié ýrèâlth and the kalms- 'Contains- ble Present,9-ýà alâ by' hcý an'tiquat4,.a W'Uld, guitoF maile soma imprernion 01J the Cý_ tà king fair Muidou-,henel£ Cartain it if, as Le boit'. the story bo.k, gay, they becatme Mau willingly, aiil,,wifeliveahappily tozether; and ké-Ilmér-' -whein Wë 01(l huýbaniJ died, ho lefý. bis XL, ol Young =dpretty wife a large fortune. 9 Bal This is the true-and t-iillifiii history of ials', or Cindrella and the Glass Siipper, a taie ýwLièh Lao encliant,ý'd many thoùsà nilg hë Cor- of little boys auJ girls, and probablv [nè1ý3 for will en'chant Many in ore for niany jou-ff added,ý yeara-to Côme. w0ald he box A, TOUGIII CCSTOMFIL-Among tbe tw îý Passe4gers nu board a steat&ïer which ýroM its aiTived'at'-Néw 'York *as a laiiteoii 16ôt Mared anacol five font' à oirýiun- atid a ýement.:: Bengal tier. ne animais Lave bee'à .1 re- broà ,-ht lover for exbibîtion; but during (leur ?' the trip, one broke longe and came lienr laid, 'l 'cansitil the deaî]ý. of the propr-,eto.r-. ý what- ewhea it was -found that the gorilla ýed the would not be ca_-edý by- force, Dr. Col- - rooin., liusy the S'hi ýs.sur,-eon, was Rumunouel Lliat it and lie trie( te auddue him with chloro- 1 been form. A large cloth qI Bal se and -ith.the aux-4thnic and tlirowli over ircum- ille gorilla's Ilead, but this hâd na sub- each duing effect whâteîer, for as 800 . n ýtS eacli r(,eBioved-he began barkiug and grow- Id and ling and gnaslzizj,- Iiiit tu-.-;ks in great some- rageý The doctor theu put large, doses mer- of 'morýfiine 112 - Thesè the brut£ to ap in go ; lielvoured, ;ut tipiel7eollirru-- Bd h6st là o're effect ol thanéo inuch water. ificant Final1yý as Le, cotilil not , be cagged the 1 that carpenterg builtýuparoandlùm asecure round board box. ýr big a the BAa EioQuEmdE.-The ÃŽbHowing spr- i the ciîneu of bar eloqiience in a Western police Statewa-4actuaUydelivered., Tlje>ease. Thé was.tlié,trial ofa perso n on a wrif of the inquirendo 'tun£itico. Whicli sillie-the .You "learned" and- elà quo-nt advocà te was i ac- on, it is somewhat d ifficult - to ascertain with- from his speech -The conusel ou the a ale. other side, sir, tnisappreliends the pÃin. ciple involved in this important case. M in Law,,siris very simple, if we under- stand its elementary principles. The But principle of this case,,çir, is to be formil. Dngas in thip. bol s of thý profesl I Loiti in My hand, sir, a volume of 'it Blaekstone, sir. -the great author of the ýe it Enjzl:sh law-- yes, air, 1 bold in My [rom hand * , thâtýjorîons magnus chartua, 1 thc L ndatiou and butwark of EnL-lish ught liberty, which was WMUZ LY the ffius- Veil, trious Kin- Jolin, sword in hand, frôm you. the ruthless barons on the banksof the xov. pleasant Bonnymede, on that momen- 2an, tous occasion 1 But, sir, T diil not in- Lice, tenéi to mà ke a speech, sir, and as I 1 do Lave not examined the question, sir, 1 L to subruit it to the court with thoge few and incongritvial remarks.- là nt ke's, LrKEs-.A!qn'DisLiK-ss.-Can uny one bis tell why we do not thoroughly like the some people. who yet are very worthy ion, folks, and mrith certain qu-alitieo by no ýed. means to, la despiseil ? We think nt tKaleil rv. y naine is Sullivan; 1 livo at MY sa added ta and in, ustra ion out C, V., Lm CLI 111 OW(l y n'si in, a lis Iç i .9, $Tlbeeaucalmi;eeorniitplýleté Il Ã'I'*O'*%'Illalll!tlrlbcllLiiili.iloeirv)flla3itil,ýt-,i-aohitridtIL4c(lcbfatelkle t' Iýwenut to ailfeair nes-r. Clonmel tu 'hQiLii tchent 9, L'Y 1 VA 1 t ;"à COUSTY, OF ONTARIO. f -MI ces and vehicles on thù;ý 1 yar, 16 fttil(ýrfi honge some miles up the coun- tain fige 01 1 prem- PETYMÉI Mvil Mobr7iit.y, price 10 cents a lit the jit», - nd iijorni-ut lowaid JCLNSLýD AUcTI(ýNkEB On TM "es, ho hoPes by-be'ng in a Pe)"'L'O" to rrle4Lt 00, WiliTBY. (meh tq4 ileIl cattie. and was this evening return-' they are the wants of customers tu merit a sharc of 41 W.,ti every numb,-r coritaining at jeast tli(>ulý,lit lie o1nierved a figtire glide ilito Au Couatï of Ctitario, bugs ta rotuni 180, the Ai't(,r a, iiioniett, lif;w(e1-If-Ir, y l'tif music. Bounil volumes fa in- with the mone , wlien Doe stopped fragraut,' tlii-tuko for t aie filyeral patronage heretofore publie patronage. 1870, 1871, and 1872, price $5 ench. AI' Me. Curse the fellow, these are new perverse o] btiâtowed ulion him, and tu arincunce thst Ye- CHAIte.Eg XOI)EltA'I'E. -el 7 J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, New York. Y, K-cul'llg"Y trikq. tuat ho miglit botter lot alone.' of bis own ho.fo prepared ta canduet malés oither ln à i 0 0 ullûiýII)armss(ýil ; ailil Howard askicil. *You are farmers then?-you and Rafle ta folli Town or Coutity et reaisonable rate». Ar. N, B.-Covered conveyancei for familias 0 w 11ilihon, lave,3ou spoken witli ?_ such mý rangeniqeto fur sales cuit bu malle tither At and lnéliel Prompt attendance, as hereto- 0 V L^t nia.l w yorir father?' the vitumieLf Otylcýe, or At illy Owit Oiace, fore, ta ail orders. 0 IIE ISOLATED RISR f. 1 fý . as i tLat crosm! you ?, 'Farmers in a smaU way Sir. we liad ined te ti Brock Street, Wilîtby. N. RAY, Proprietor, T or le iLacleil that ho liai] licard a hasty heen better off, but rente and tithe-proc. M the barb 1 éi whil as thé! J'ellow paliriq. fors now leuve us; little by the trade. livered FIre Insurance Co' of Canadà , 'lie ! spake, Sir ? Who con1d I 4ýf«)1t(jlK K ING BROTHERS, 712J CRATC] ST., ICEAU VicToitlA SQV.--az, Apake te ?-No one crosied nie ; an, If von think of returning to your men,' himself by ERCHANT TAILOU, CLOTHIER, it, Itis onlv one i,ýorije shad -Sliýlivan eontinued, in à Manner tbat bald bead. m clothier, Oshawa, Gùlltlemeuo kar- WHITBY, ONTARIO, MONTREAL. HLAD OFFICE-Kin ow "s liad il the appearance of interest, red-dyn de illeffléé imulv ni) in the best'il and latent gSt.,cor.ChurehTorenta this lOne:ýOiXje 1 wore a inature of Rome- be praised iaslliijll. Importors, Dealers and Manuicioturers of au 1ýý'Bzl exclusively commi8sion. C A P 1 T A L, S500,0-00. very likely,' Ilop-ard replied. But, ttb"ill.119relliL, shall ho very aoked him . 4à o a dultietîojî for suititner Kinds of ripnec S head into it, vcu my company: 'tis a il ti) M; 1 2 y -in the Montreat with sword in liatid,'Iiaviii,, gained the 1, to land thanking tý oultii, .1 Depelled with Q overnmen seloof) rocky rece lie tlirust his "ip, V 'n'Ce trade. ilip ýnd hig fit 9, b t 11;it of Mycars 'Ylturne lire t eero- road-but no matter.' wife's ýdv Il Jà 4 ( K, LEA THER AND FINDING market priees Obtained, Unsignors kept and loolied arouticl : so fur as lie couhl ard, rather concilisted by this 'fur elle ad Posté-CI as ta Pale of their gonds, prospects It will ad ust ail lusses withaut delay, And ilistiu,ý'Uisll, no one appcýared, and they 1TOW ,j uMBLýîj cARIEýýgTzj% C-li paitl for Rides, Bark, and Leather, te. Iliforniationnoi 10 price, &c., furaisheà pay over the caiih AT ONCE. continued tlwir route. j proof of attention, sndýûver1ooking the brought the -4 alid joilier, Grevil Street, Whitby. -À Leather istretched. en aliplic _)U, À ilial coniigninont The streani now made a su Iden bend, 'atfl, dasli with which it was conveyed, and have haît large iluitLLtity of il kinds of lumber con- ue- BErJ1ýING MADE TO . ORDER ON golicited. Hon. ALEX. MeRENZIE, M. P., widely devfating, from the ' , whieh lie now begau to attribute te The merrin MiLimOy on hand. GL' ORGE, l'ERRY, JIL President. bill ti, whicli it liai] hitherto line of the fully Iiiip- SHORT NOTICE. p 1 run ainjost the inanner of the country, rather than conqueror Ili lhed iii)(t-itttended ail short notice. Coffinn Refèrence ' lýItssus, Jrie, DOUGALL & CO. JOHN IvIAUGIL4Y, parallél ; and exactly ut the apex of the to the individual, answered: -Maua fiiend el t c,,)gKtitiItly ou balid. A Ilglurge tu hire Sfay. 1872. Manager. Il thank you. I hail intended ta OU lil)urk&l téýrrriIé-- uide pa 22 January 13, 1878. lyo augle it formed, the g uýýied,'and 'procecil fardier, to Mr. Grace BzÀuTnnsý Poiting ta a tree, that wag flung oler, but yonr informatioq, and i i ONLY TO LEND. C B ALLIA13LE PROPERTY FOR SALE. M. WILLCOX, the water, told I-loward that in this ýl le ehdo, ni %h c V w e place they inust cross. accident have determinedXpe to return, haudsomaly and a brave hiend like you may be thinking as 1 a slippery and dangerous paso- lu8pfill., clothes, II w unileril h" unri amaulit of Mou- The subgeriber offerg for Pale the follew. LICENSED AUCTIONEER age'I,'oivser,' i;aid Howard, land the water - éVry P,.âble,' Sullivan replied. ay ta Leild lipuil Farrit or rowu Ilropex:ty, At Élue ing valuable property, in the Town of Whit- FOR TRE COVNTY OF ONTARIO, &ND is mueli il e much pains 1 ujitinaitlly Luw lintesi of' Ilite e a lier and wider than it was excellent Brick Cottage with j acre aitriè catt bc repaid In suins ta suit bar- ot land, élituated on the corner al) 'B fore we proceed farther, Howard with lier bc ni Green and 4vould rather have ventured nued, 'Il. Peter lits., in the South of Mariposa & (,'artwr!Lrh ove, ccll 1ýrard, Aise j 1 shall trouble you ta ne- co upý tl the leap wljën we t out of the Wood.' Ming Several finproveil Varms and Wild tandis A P P L E T R E E Sy acre of laudwell fenced. and m a highist. go deoin y me ta the naît of cultivation conier Wellington and Gif- UEGStotbankhisyna hi inandthe à ; loch, zijusha, its very safe, Sir,' re. rest- place, to barrow; and for sale elieup, A fi 0 U T 2n,000, ford lits., North M'ard, j acre on Centre St. _" publie generà lly for'tL ljbè,ral patron. plied the ilian ; 'sure I know it well, euenger with a note of ho made two itiveittne.titti made in Municipal Deben- age bestowéd u jap Ir. Grace.' yard of a ami turrii, Bailli, Ulitl 0ther inarketatablu Stocks. -AT TUE- south of the residener ni C. Draper, Esq.. in years. pon him, during the past four tLiq inany a day.' ?FI%--Vt Oýf allié seid Sullivan, turning heavy and For furtherliarticularoupply ta- the, r-oùth Ward , ALo 20 acres of land, Ravin 'Léail on, thon. Wliat -are von on bis licol ta where the desd body lavé hecould get 1 JAMES YI HON E NUR5ERY, 0 Bailiff, f in ad, in future, ta devote my bein composed ni part of lot 18,golO"tah con. z. given up the business of fealful ? Mhy do you step back ?' *]et us quietly dispose of ý this felloWls wuship of Murray, Co. Northumber- Troth an' J'm n' Young girl, sj land. whole tilne ta the business of Auctioneer, ot afeard,' raid the dfficiJtl Astiigtl(»!d, BrOkur, &a. From two ta tour years of age, embracing ail A clear and indisputable fi 1 fellow, 'only 1 can do the best prodiaious caresse, Bon Dieu 1-what TII hold thi OF FICE -Over the Domillion Bank, Mc- the best Variation. tiominbe given Collectin &a. fur you, a Golial, __.and wha.t - rettylittle Millali'N Brolck St., IVII!tby. ta ail thé above property. For furth.er Par- It Win L my endeavour, by prompt and by fallowin, cloie., David am I that si ullaby, 'ho ga SETH C. WJISON, ticulars apply ta the owner. careful attention ta business ta give full 'T k inýnd rC v Ppril 0th, IM. 15 satisfaction ta ail who may i-lor me with il à c,ýo ycuý., band out of ýôur breas;t. gsvés h1M in 1 R l dize of the brook ton. saut smille as Lot N 8 2 il Con. Pickering, en Kingston -FRANCIS CLARX their Sales or Çoliecting. yo or 111 rtin you through USIC 1- music 1 July 187j.' 29tf - Bille drauglited and Illank Notea.immbh- tl thought, for ",'.t Ofilce, whitby. --cried Howard-IPass on- ebould havesp1itý with-laughing, when UPOn MY Conscience, 1 -thought I serves ta ha 1ý Il - 1 - ailul bq uýi cylkIl ýVititby Brus aud String Bands, adappil UPERIOR 0 Y 9 T B B S Aloo Bill Stamps i3ways on hand. 1. - illh ducuI 1-Go on I izaw the danined queer figure yon C04 in her breast. for.lioirees, Plc-uic#,Excuroloiis Q lues ITABLE FARM FOR SALE. s amants eau bemade for ' Og your- dangling after him, hké a Mi tied te Partie%, &C., &a., WW supply th, ÃŽ07t VAL seýf.'tb,4'iin'replied tlie map-go On fi- the au is au Ox's tail., lateit Music on ressonable torms. OicePrince Albert, andat -the Standard 2 with fidiéulo atle (fHUNUME olfice. Whitby, obigertier h left,,band lié shoved Ho- IIt 'Was us, no doubt; Applications must bc made eîthe , r person. Being part of lot 29, 7th concession Scott 'Office, Port Perry. As 'le hà d been ouly"a, . chil4 lover, Ilthere i Ally or by letter, (pout saldj ta Couhty of Ontario--100 acres, 75 clemâ TAYLO R'S BEC Sir,' replied Howard, rathér ýèffèùde&, and in a good state al cultivation. Good vith a.few pâtes QI the stream, Nýhiý the papier ta- J. WOLFE XDE dwellins house,, and extensive oui Prince Albert, éve. 24th, 1872. W. IL WILLCOX, pis 1 land perhaps, more than rid'w'uim » "No, love ; -bu wit1iinýthe other lie preseuted a ÃOL in good repair. Apply » the ownebrundipýp FRESH ÉVERY DA Y one of the ieý , though neïo thê Howard, recoveriià ý' from the' hii' spectat6ir. 'B t ;ntintgëd'* day, when we daried o th assassin like ý *ilî7at u -1 limvf bé'« HE BEST SIeON TIFFIN, A T e . &,changea tous, lw-hat, . In The lady1lush T Elle th bre YOUX VIMS 4 on the premises. SALE. ey closed, the pistol had besn towards this wretched carriSlil Tor abîme, c Leaskdale, Nov. 14,1872. -17 R. FRANcji*s. F snapped, but it Ouly Iïùmed priming; Il H C) R S ý_= M-E D 10 1 N E'S. 1 IWb'v,' toi lié Mithby, Sept. e, 1872. 39 pressed on, lie, with a It in Sam Of- A11(lescriptiois oÃŽthe beRt Horpe1fil LAWLER, thiOugh 1 laina nie well, Imqwn right -vanté thist lie el e 2,0 0. ~A cres. the fellow kneeling, 11c the thigh. In an instant lie Wall - the -which." every 04 cine% k,3pt er)",itlttitlv on handand . for sale A; Te B_ rized, ta sil t4e ruffians g*=t. elutc"h ; -au , aiter a féiýý OR SAL 4U , hcluost 1 maU ýVhO ter. one, day. tlie Whltl)y Livery 4ables. The lmderà - ed i authF shoot robber, poueooëi Over, him. 1 111 inust have d Importei and Dealer in kijids- of rth 1 of lotIllo, 15., and the iýorth-eau 1 as 4 on th ho hü L4irNo charge for arlvice, À valuabIe FArm, in a high state of cuit!., no î ho or 1 sbould no le eg to.,,Éëe"*b ýat kind of-lià ing Ltion, oeil not excelleil in CanadA -bc* ' 01 lot No. 16, in tIjjý bth concession ÇI Piék- graund,,and theni fýli -himieff, drýged' gotîn hie poolrAfR If 1 dont mià talcê ctedý M& r OrocOriOSI PUN Wit76,q, Iveot 25,2nd con. West WiUia=o'!C;;U,,;701 -ering, camp du N' RAY' Fà W11 -ri Worth Our d'M g 200 aciés"ôf'ëxcenéiit Und 1 towartli'the stream. lu VAM ýà iâ bel 'ho in 0 down dn B. O'DELL, Weil ý"pied-fýr grain, And, itura Middlesex, 80 acrolé de Pa twé, at once in hà investi. R»dl.'ýma well ýwgt«- durable , 4ýefast and a the et ' gth t1igt PUBr 5pInl2,B, ad, good fauves, gvoid buildings, and a7,,Ane Thore iistrë&"Ã'rnâà 'ig thro Il the lrm ry out ren gatioiL 7,ç!ln.g orchard of choice -fruit - situafed ,,, t suilicieht firel was , ahnost, super- dî? ý1ùltimher tugged'hini along WorîhýôUr whik, 1 Dentist CROCKERY, CHINAI GLABÈNY;4R.E, dira 44 miles of the of plaisant, bel nu-à wav betlyoM the villages terri spect of Ili Zr Y,_ h«usa ai th, plae,» 8tuation is ýhumaù., ne vérËlig prd presulm, you tenth tim 01,94 DIvIsIon Court, Tp. Clork ýark Hill, and contaiiifug 142 wres. blefatehad ýlmos'trandehim'in- meau $ir, observeil Hovïrd CHEQUERED 8TORE,ý For particulars apply io- rSnwood and Br&,ugbam a . ensible to Iiis,,continupâ progress 'te. 'Thank you, 1 said , Sullivan half strikeo mé," s&U par an information nire of- la à pretty, roulai coxeniýqlilôjier ln B. t, Land Agûn-t, &0., wards hou the Aà o _ , enclin ; 'w startling whiz of Ingly, tliat'tiblunt-.Sùd kind, and &o" At4ïiyt Outey Ontà rio. Park, Ã11LIL-111; 1:ýi billet bil, d im=ed i 'l a sxo THOMAS KNIGRT eu, an xpeéted front von. À" jh &-pt îlad, 1971 86 WWtby, May »M seu 1 whitbr, july 24, lm. whitwi, ose 104 »Ik. îeýoit ci a Fow pliii w= dm à à tew ý 1 - , j . - , to Mad pý"1' MUM bispùw 'o y the Lte ivar'a e Jicà r tj'ic villa4eaf 1"sýx# and, iù;;nediý it UtA Ya ru,;.Inau colunin swept dowli k IIPOn the place and Sei7ed twenty-eiÉlië r PeaiRants, irlio' Were shut up in tllé 9 ChUrch. with order.4 ta select three viè. tüns, 'Who were to be abat in fer the death fortùnýo of Vieln - vadër, The un- ý men rernained,, in the church for setenty.flvû IJOUM anil then au- 1 nouneoil that the . three victims, bad sùlecteil by Il majority. Tjpon w1là t priticiple th' votewas eniïelà êtea is nOCý mentionèd.1 The Pmssîans ýw!xheâ th. ppasanta ta drAW, lots, and even offored a ckelbauqefor the put-pose ofan um, buptithisWas ?atumllyiefimed by'Lhe, majorityand'In theend thethreeun- ortunate-Menwbo Iýund themselveis in a minority wers leil out and exemf- ed. The widows Ofthe victints demAnd f m the- tvýonty-five survivorts f gi:adýbyIZ tte thst the three abould ýo n seleeted by lot. A, DEVôtÃŽT RAéE.-Or 811 the races of Fmuceý4'the'Lecipards aie, perhapsthe Mostdevout. No important ntio,,i illeïýfiféistindertaken with réagions ceremopjesondnomeal igesten that ienot signe! with the token of rechrnp. tion. - The ne* bouse M ýýklfggerl and the neethrt&à 'hiug fjoor,ýwm-On jlega- tion-D&Y'.tbo-clergy-9tillmake the pre- Odgwolý,ýof the Orogs thmugh 4he fielflu atnidst the growéug crops-without i4 the Peasà nt believes the land would be barren., (»I.ýtjîeexfjremity OrMn-efu4 r, nffi Oient ilispensation ftoin attending utam ati'f3tindays ýjd on. the ýgTeAt &MM AMa regâvit" Ris existence is tincturd !vith à à M of religions'-fawisrn frora MBbirtb,-but it is étrongest în his last d0kneu and at bis denth. He'rarêly ,alla a physicianto the Aid of natum, br ho hm no faith in huýdan bia avouritésaint and on spéeW inagges in the, number of, death. trîëken pez>oug in. à & -P&rfiýh may, be. ;nown by the- numý6èr of tapers burnêk a the e1w of thé virgin each sundxf, Il heyear atonuL , go doctorzwent todgit và hý a . pati- at in a neiglib6uri.ýg h.et jet, And took 'ith him Iiii gimil tý- - fi9,ý t w 1 Mg in 708sing, theýfield ont -njr, peà el ';Yýpu;,,t ake your a me