Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1873, p. 2

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St. i0cioïv -19,ré Vu. Irazton ut and note lu' _1 i 'l 2 o 1rý'0'n £ O"tu T, oefutohw as -le ourwitue, Michael Hý" ---'*'up mç- &XIO Proper ttOP tu lie týkAn--aad-the -uscolniusvoolefut r two ýth défendent se Uced- & owoPn - ý lie Patrick, the- to Verdict f0ý pwatiff, osnill t te a disgrace the rio Ïor hi Thé Gri Tqrouto. be reduced by arbitrAatëimu hâs àl or anvantag for'hitahfather'- 'There was after mal, _,_.6uýjçCt 0 of hiî C -bouge, a sort - fICUP0 t, arring Goa4-Pringle a 8 move Iliberniau Benavolent * Association, tire ' 19m o* cauteof regret is fil cewdod v8 Reyào1d,#,L-ý-U Th Gn earinq sale at Old go. 1-Y. EFUMU. was not rn'ade years ago. Ta -wait for Father Mathew Cadets, the vèrélict for' ýIaintiff for , 7,75. A'. àtiéýýînrri:6k1ze41 atouch bis t in which'be ha 1'umi te sit there, witb--him.. - The mu- 1 Falher 10 dà Sýgage.-, 'tee ýSO ëiv loue a wero sOmêtiýniiýiveU there., Oeut'a Ooodot--Pringlols the establishment -of Manufactures by 'Mathew- T0inpera" iièè 'sa , > , 1 G. momillan -and Mi C. Cameron Q. _ 'Mary Ellen C4mpbelt havingbeen .1 Once went,,to 1 hie ., fathelir ' a at, ciety, flic --bouse in.. Church Social. private- entoorprioe--eapecially by Such Fathier Matliew Tempérance Society of dttïdàt. inti dant's mother had raised'- shame. beg any with my brather, becanse ibý' bolden in for-pwntiff, and 0. S. patterson for called, said : I am the dangliter of the Cbn]P Ipave la' M ; iny - fatherý is a Miller. I défen a AUCTION SAUS., enterPrldngndividuQIE As we wOt Of in Cooksville, the Father r- ow the defendant, lie worked for hie ful report about That thi the town of Whf tby-ia only like dragg. ance Tburaday, March th. Mathew Tempe me. I nover went th - of t'le dut' On lot No.-g Society of Dilie father who is a farmFr. I am twenty alter the Ùgagement. The time hé Court, o' brokei ýont, Picker- ing A" Certain nameleu ersonage Burnham V8ý Bigelow. - Repleviv thf»Cé years of 'age- wben 1 firat be. stopped all-night, when hecamehe stock, implémenta, 4C.; the Jro ' larm, the tail_; and that, rather unprofitable De Là Salle In fitute, where o .ing, on Priday, tire 212t init. bi On the arrivalof the procession et cage.-, Deféndant distraijaed for rent, came acquainteil with th défendent éomplained- of being tired. and said lie prernimes, Mr. James Hütsý Levý .. porty of 0 a large which plaintif! a r Course bas * - b ' - ý coutèrided liad net fal. rwas2j. Theûmt-sognaintance took wiglied ta stop. - 1 don't reur mbe_ cleun'y a" mw > a boa. assembléd, spee were, 'leu due. Verdict fà plaintiff fée #2oo. -placé in Octoberi, 1871, rbaillis, Jrq, gow , con pursued quite long o 1 am a single wliether we stayed up late ; the family t4"g ýPPe enough. The Town Council bave M R A, Rarrison , an4ýý G. Y. -Smith for - were moving at the finie, and. we were adé, and télégraphie greetings reýâd woman. I'*Igave bfrth te . gooél, ordoi On lot No. 21, in> the Oth made à good beginuing at last K. little girl shewas born on the 17th ot very busy and dreadfully tired. j That thé con. of let amidst bearty cheering, PlAiritiffi C- A: 'Ëàftiiibn and JI John went te the coanty Whitby, on Frid thom but-now push the matter Kerr for défendant." ý 4 " Januarý ;Iâst ' Thé. defëidant, bedarterhedidi Ididnotgo sauce of ayp Xarch Seth, 1878, . "igOr-, In Oftawa, owing no a î oubt in Borne Pd-Won v8ý L'undà-,Prlomis" note. BowersAs Wàther of tlie,"ihW. , He te b e& with him., ýý Theý improper inti- f&y'n stock, imPlOmento, &o., the pro. Ously ; and above ail things, let them degree ta the "présence Of . the distin. The defence in this Cage was , that the' d ' ' * , . teZrtol hir. a .--§ --- 11, pose ma me; . bectaine en- M&Cy took place before '*o went te boa. A"O C&ims Levi Pair- net lie led-noide from thagreat purpose guiàhed Irishmen who ré note was 'au acco t 1 éYr., Auctionéer. présents. -the o gagea te Ma în Februs.g.ry, 9 second a CE mm --à;ion note, and 1872 1 ami quite aatisfied üiýt tirât- waa thé in view by thatit-had been given forthe benerit -with the consent of-My ents and ail fi tempted. the prouching of the-Do Sovereigu in the D ay was par rat tbÉe.- 90 nt improper li., false pi-At On lot 19, 4th con. PJCIW on Thumi- Nothinge, or by.the wh' .but I'jalways reaisted ominiontho a of the ouaté of the, Inte Geo. Paxton. ies. Me was reciii sa by'më,after berties before that r, fits, mmg relilOn- ce'ebrated with more titan OrdiuarF Verdict for plaintiff for #818. part duriz &Y, Ifèreil 97th 1M. 1 thst sa a person I hivi engaged to mer. tthi M., thèzr-ferty o- jar. JOhn calùoron, strances of etreet-corner polîtical econ. the L. ectat. The procession.w Cameron-why do yon îlot dý - paýrba as the largestp BateAcu OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE. ry. I then lived at Prince Albert ; bis Mr. in Custody, and one of the most orderly over sec], szýitzer vo. B father's place le about two milesfrom 00 Du flint amnAion? y ffl*-- ejruard.-The parties ibýrt rIME -At Old eo. il whitb grocer. . ace. Re visiteil me, after and Wituess-after a, pause__he, pelly Cri If$, hardware scaleti W. &Y y, Und Publie Accounts of the Dominion. it the City. in this case ail réside in the township that PI auctioneer. At Montréal thé procession was much latter two j;.", on of Brook, they wère on friEmdly terme kePt cOmPâuý with me. I went te promised -te marry me in three weeks and three ' fq Urob altth con. Uxbridge onýXoud&y, o Accouats of the Domin- larger than usual, and tire telegragh bei f6 Ou lot 1 The Publi- as neighbours, à siriter ofilie, pla:inturs church with im. In April, 1872, the from. that day. The.'Scott',«'paid no urteen y o ýrS *W r ng married te a brother of the, de. first improper intimacy took place. attention te the latter I wrote ; the let- Thot Gra Th limplementis, dre., loq', which have been laid before the informa ils-A. number of triumphal We lied beau engagea te bemarried ter dia net prevent flic marria tu - PrOT)"rtv of ut. Wièk@tt-zý-X, Maj- fondant. 90 or, W lace: aucüonoor. HOuse OfCommons with more than file arches, with suitabie mottoes, apau the Mr. Harrison, Q. C. stated the Pl&' in the month of February, but lie put if consulted a lawyer after that to ose if 1 ig ne nouai, promptness this year, coutain lino of marché a amount of banting fifre, and in thé course of hie OIPO M- off, as lie said bis parents werta 8ed hail any o'4im against Archer. 'I went dors opf the 1 addreu unmi#iakable évidence of the generai was diRplayed. and a fuir share of ever. strougl Coaduct clamati 1 ny conssired the uumani te it ; lie said it would take p ace in te the minister and aaked hini if 1 could tloir 'ndue Ili my par- prosperity of the countr and the gr Z )r net f the spring auy way ; lie told forbid the marriage. I went through ofthe efendant, ïc mg Ilà mifted, Oa't"c con, and altot-ether the outil , spite, beeause Bowers told tue, lie told il, 11910,8111 engagement, alter having appeinted "rite 80 as well as lie told myself ; lie county gaol souriciness of the Dominion finances. výitji w*liieli tire da lias been celebrated the day of the marriage, and putting -told my sister, Mrs. Robb. Noue of me what they had beau saving about y they forma. 1 ONLY Si 30 PER ANN The receipts from ail sources were by our Irisli fellow.cîtizens shows no the plaintiff and lier friends to ail the !ny parents or family knew of tire me. The expression in the letter that um improper. intimacy. They wére first 66J was depriveil of à good borne" was gaol 020,714,918.68, and the total expendi- abatement. Speeches were made b y expense sud trouble of getting ready made aware of the fact in the latter written because I bail refused au offer Tlie Gran everal othersI a,,-advo_ foi the day, and invitiug their hiends I fonder their WhiLby, ThJîNdâý9 Nàrch 20, 1873. turoý 017,589,408.82: - Against ré. the Mayor and s ta the wedding. part of SeptAmber, or beginning of 00. of marriage for the salie of Archer. Bel, for flic ceipts fast yeux, $19,855,560.81 ; expen. cating file re-building of St. Patrick's The firet witness called was Margare - t tober. My parents felt if very muÇI1. earn my living by doing fancy work and t-And the Muni. Ure-#15,623,081.72. This gives a Hall, which seemed te incet flic entire Switzer, mother.ofthe plaintiff.-I am in tIlE The Railway Gran dit' I lied te leavé home in conséquence. liairiewellery. IlearnediteinceIwaq t 'em in t o cipalities. surplus of over three millions in tIld the mother of pWntiff., Lucinda Swit- I went te My relations near Brooklin- fourtaien yeurs of of age. I am unable tlle*ml approval of flic pe-OPIC. zer; know tire . defendant, wh lives to Mr. Daniel Holfiday's-be is my ta work now te the sarne amount wliioh thep, The Order in Couneil bu beau Ordinary roceipte over flic expenditure- From London, Kingston, Hamilton, about 9 miles from me. H 0 unele. I wanted te get goure money te [Repeate&ly during lier examination' 'w'tle33e3' ratifi- of the year. -The increase in some of Halifax and Québec tire accoulits of daughter are both youn o and iny take me away train, home. My uncle and lengthy cross-examination the wit' te tle -'the Principal items of revenue were- -grand processions, music and speeches Company. Re left the courity 8 yrs. was net at home. Od, grâtâtiug 02,000 per mile g, and kept 1 then, went ta Mr. noms burst into tears; lier évidence was Wilitby & Port Parry 1jafiway Com. 1871. 1872. are aima highly eulog me; on bis return ho J. B, Bickell's-went there beeause lie however, on thd whole very calmly and C * ourt ciller pany' for the distance completeil bo. Cu8tOm8 .... 011,841,104-50 $12,787,082.02 ing is tlw New York despateli. Being re-exa Taylor v8 kept companyewith my daughter. On was a parficular friend-1 retiimed collectedly given.] t woeu the waters of Lakes Sengog the lst Jannary, my daughter spolié ta home the saine evening ý I have one mined by Mr. Har- and Excise ...... 4,295,944.72 4,735,651M New York, 1%farch 17.-The New me about lier marriage with doit., ana married sister aider than myself ana rison, elle said flint the engagement Railivait Ce Ontario. this-sum Ron. Atty.-Gon. POst 02ce - - 612,630.67 692,374.98 two younger sisters--Mrs. Hobb is ru with Archer had beau broken off dire, action i; thi 9 York procession in lionour of St. Pa- soon after deft. saifl lie wanted te get assured the députation thet. Public Worke 1,146,240.25 1,211,729.08 trick did not move to-day until neal'IY married week after next. My daughter married sister. I have four brotherg, years last spring ; that tlie défendant Hector Carlit waitoiL U two o'clock. Pollowing the police es- was présent. Of course 1 gave my ail youiqger. I am the oldest uumarri- was the ouly man that bail ever taken the plaintiff, POU llim--ftoui tire town of Trad and Navigation Returna. Cort, whicli took the Jeudi there calme consent, and it was settled for 28th ed child nt home. improper liberties with lier; filait lie as ulcrt9agOl Whitby, would bc expended in COM. e taking possei several military oriranizations, dieu the January. Owing to, family arrange. Cross-examined by M. C. Cameron, knew of her letter ta the Scotto, and en- ploting the rond ; and further tIiatý it The tables of Traile and Navigation ancient order of Hîberiiians and varions ments, we coulîl not have it in two Q' C' Fixed the date in February, courageil lier te write it, because thev Perry, tlirou,, would not be paid intôt flic lààndç of the of.tlie Dominion for the year Ondiw, becaùse it was after the Ofid Fellows' bail bêen crowing over lier, and that cý as been maý 1 hellevolent socivtieàs, mostly -,vearing weeks as fie wished. I hud ta go te Il r, Company tinta the road W&@ finisked. aoth JUtle 1872, Compiled from official ,laid and gr en re-alia, and'all Ji i ' town ta get things for hr marriage. avili, bail. My sister, Mrs. Hebbel is a ri r the second occasion when défendant a bec Mr. Farewell, who introduced thedepu. returns are nitte Lefure ne. They sup. "'-" "'il costly painteil bannPrs. Re said lie had ta go ta a dressmaker teacher of* music . défendant carne stopped ut the bouse, lie stayed witli Of the mortge Numeroiis com unies of catit-ts of Irish tala there for music lessons ; lie oýIy stopp- lier brother. who claims i t4ioi, and went to goine trouble in ob- ply abtindant évidence of the woýt p to get a shirt made, and I hiru lie Tire. evidenc ttitilirrig theui od iliterview, was promeut gratifying grjwtli and p Tempérance Societies formeil a promiii- noed net do it, as we woulil make the ed one night et thé bouse-twice. Ail FOR THE-DEFENCE. rosperity of ont féattire of the procession. There mhirt if lie got the stuff. ne gave rue tire family lived in -the saine bouse, in- Mr. Cameron call-èd Mrs. Ilobb (sister offers for pur w4en this 8t4temeyit was made. The every portion of flic Doininiôn. Th we-re militerons cariiaces in the procvss- a dollar to buy the tuff My a tu cluding married mâter. Re first staid of flic laot wituess,) elle said that ail, through) hail position of the Munieipalitiols Wllicll report laid before Parlianient last year, ion, containing prominent officers of the liad evervthing ready, a over niglit in April '72. 1 was engaged gave music lessonit-never hua legs than any. Tire cai bave given bonusea te the Company, in showed the following, fi.-Ures : aboula bc for tire Irish and ft fèw invitoil guests. was as prepared as if Da everything te lie married ta Mr. Archer ; the en- twenty pupils-a good many Young Hie Lorilship &LIVAnce of the Govë-rniuent grant, ré- E utereil for The crowd of spectators in and aroutid 28th. We liad invited a few fliends, gagement was broken off-three or four mon took lissonR-tliat was how gÏie bv- evidence agni Congumption. Datips. Exl)qrt4. thé City Ilall Parti, uliere Mayor and were jüýt afiking a large party years ago. I am quite sure I was not carne acquainteil with Bow-M. lie first er COutractor m'lia* the 8ame as. pointeil ont in fi, -a 18G9ý70- 071,237-,603 39,462,910 $73,i7.'] 41JO o r engagea te Archer when I had engagea a in t-Ir- , IIit,,ýein(iy(-r ana flic Common COulleil wlien we Il ard umours flint défendent 15 came te lier in October, 1871, could'nt go-nAral issilt efflumus last week. And, unIens the I1,843,13j5 74:17J, 1870-71 '61,4 reviewol the procession was ùiiiij(,tise, was saw te inarry the defendant. Archer was gay wliat précise timil, or when his Mme ZIL E The lino ofinarch previonsly agrecil on deft.rtlloitenjZacinlldgaltioookbehapruedosenwtitlà him, -arried a short time afterwards. was up-gave twenty-two lessons to the- damagè-s for 1 GbverumOut otherwise interverre, thoy 1870-71 15 709,879 2,380,715 128 was traverseil. No disturbances coeur- on Weduestiay 22ud, my busband was Mr. Carneron- Do you sometimes quarter-he missed soins and mile malle sered on var will loue their, portion of the allowance In makiný a édmilar comparison of' e-1. Despatelies from the Eastern and present-ileft. was moving bis gooàs ta write letters them up ta him-other parties Cerné, ta décision of th( ýf 811000 par mile, te whieil. we claim the Fiscal Yeara 1870-71 and 1871-72) Middle States showed titat the day was hie brother's. Re owned 137 acres of Witness-Yes. take logeons nt the same finie lie dia- gbil) intilDatil t 'eY* wotilil lie outitied under the Mn. we bave the following r' ven, geiierally celcbrated. land and a houçe in the township of Mr. Cameron-(producing letter) Is HOmetimes lie I;taye»-d lato and ut others Rucceeded lie iA esults, viz - . M tllat your writing went away earlier. He used te toko R- A. Harris nicipat Loün Funa nesoititions. We Entered for Thé day appears ta have passeci off Brook. He mai(] lie bad a payment to Patterson for t Corisurnl)tion. Dnties. Exports. quietly everywhere, and the weather inake of of $150. He o--ned farm WiLness-I don't know that it is. lier sister out ta drive-she was sick havé nothing ta add ta what weprinted 1870-71. $86,917,482 Sl1,84.q,85;ý $74.173 Gli3 -ed mine stock. I hua no talk about the wedd. lýIr.Cameron next produced the affi- and lie used ta take lier ont. Knew of Several Cou last week-- on ý this * subicet ; but titis, 1871-72. 107,709,116 13,oli,493 proý ually favorable. ing with hira filon. He came into hie davit made by the witness ta whicit lier sister's engagement with Mr. Archer undisPOseil Of that Our members-North and South- iiic'iàein -_ '_ _ _ __ il, brother's bouse where I was and stop- elle admitteil ber signature. She said, knew. of ber engagement witli Bowers. 1871-72 20,761,634 , 1,2ol,8ja Dr-STIJOYING SiiAr)iý Tttr.,j.ý-s-As w ped a little while, ana went away however, while admitting tliat site First beard of it about flic time of thp 4efore the ai have -01parly subordinated their own Sllowing a total trade in Importa and be scen by advertisement, the Town Ris sister keeps liouse for Iiim, and hé wrote 1 a letter, iliat aile Coula not have Old.Fellows'ball-Boweri; tala ber. A, son was brongl views, sud -tire intereste of the.ýmunici- Exports of 8190,348,779 in léb7l.72 Couneil ]lave aiitlioi-ized thé Mayor ta lias otlier sisters marripil. written the letter produced bêcauRe of acon as1e told lier, spolie ta lier sigter. having been in against 0161,121,100, in 1870-71, or ail offor a reward of $10 for flic. UPI)relireti- Cross-examined by Mr. C. S. Patter. it out palities thèy represont to the nocessities the ourse in it. I dit], elle Raid, write Kr).-W of flic writing of the letter Chant liail talcon plac of the case. We give the bond of the increase of 62J,227,679 in the a-,regate Rion of Pr-rso'ils folind injurini, rJidéle son, Q. C., my daugliter is 20 years a lettpr ta 'Mr. and Mn. Scott et tlie Archpr-lier rister wrote of tt,- whicli Hineks( time Arclier's marriage wit.11 p,,r-lier sistir was enga- a ta Bowers h'A property t Governmont &Il Crédit for earnently trade of Canada during thé c former trecs in the t PaNt. The conversation on lot Jan. of Mr. '@ his own. and p own. This niost wanton was ut iny place, and lie was there their dan-litpr. [Letter and affidavit wlien 9115- wrote that letter-sister fold deairing tc, do riglit. We know that it Fiscal Tour over tire latter. flestructioil ilas been going on for rame again the Friday after, but lias net hauled t-o the jury.] Tire letter was lier that if was et Bowerg'izood will tire ing te $75, t4i Je utterly, impossible for him te look been therc r as follows letter was written. Knew Mr. Utinn- $1-and (liselli The proportions for tire soverai Pro. tinte past-to, the great discredit of ýince- bly daugliter was lie took los!,ons from lier-sent liim for eustO"Y witl' int"be bundreds of cases of inflividual ViLices are, morne wilftillý, destructive pe-rsons living ut haine ail the time, and if lie March 25, 1872. artle i proitientid before hira!Land MR. A-ID MPS. SCOTT: Bowers one cévening wlien lier sirter wss evils arisin- frc ut the wanted ta sec lier, lie would have te î1i.ý amonget ils. Let us jiope th coule ta my place. One of my dangh. Assizes hein,,, tl COmpIimpntsý- Miss Campbell sick-it was by the doctor's authority- in home tic that lie muet look nt bis goueral schéma 1871. offer of flic reward, uni] the wtitelitul. t is illarried, ta John, a brother of I suppose you will be rrreatly surpris» BowerR was wanteil thpre because ho rose ut 8 am a %Vhola. -It injor Our représenta- Cntario .......... 833733678 $86,878,137 waç treating lier sister vilely, the doctor tives ta ellusider Aiether they. cotild 4àl(ýî'4L2 47,73A,687 riess of the private dûtectives who have t ý1. f1t. ed te receive sucli a letter fi-om me -, said. Dnnn watt giving lier brother 10,0178:543 set to worli iuaS7 been -bave tlie effect of e- xamincèl hy 'Mr. Harrison--On but 1 did net heur until to-daV that Mr. rint )lave doue botter in sectiring tire "ebec ýi.. priai, aft, 8,202,275 9,14(i 4fil 1 , ', t' 'r Ist Jail., lie was witli my Archer was going to marr * If-ssons on tilt, violin. Slie never a.qk(ýd D-OMINIO été -guilty parties ta Viltilsli y your dangli. Bowers ta stay. Bowers wns ni-ver intorentsof a1arge portion of their con. li w, B-.-.-, datiggliter and tallied ta lier, and parted' on 1,Ved,,?Sclav. Yen miist n'nt SECOND PA] Men -2 Columbia. 1,0120,172 ment, au] prpveiitiii,- the perpetrati.n -ieilds, but lias net came there thrink me unk asked te stay at the bouge. Hvr sister itb, ..... . good fi ind, fer I féel very sorry FXPORTS. of bueli outrages in future. silice. for you all-especially Miss Scott. But hail been in bad health for four or five Province. 1781. 1872. John Reynard sworn, said, I am I have been ta the minister and forbid ears. Archer lived ut Port Perry- Retirement of Mr.. Glen, from West Ontario .......... 82308658-, QNTAMO CRICKLT CLUB.-A meeting brotlier-in-law of plaintiff and brother the marriaze. Mr. Archer bas used Knew of ber sister going ta a lawyer ta Wediies(liýy- Durham. Québec .......... 3ý,ü2l,70iî 4118-1)131470 of Cricketers, for the purpose of organ- of deft., and knew deft. was keeping me most shamefully, as I etill liold hie brin- an action aeainst Archer. 'Bow- very brief-tlj( Nova Seotia ...... 651691)7 7,58 1,401 - - lie Cricliet clilb, of this town, for company with plaintiff. He proiniseil promise of marriage, and never intend ers visited lier sister after tire Hamiltoii p.m. on aceouut Mr. Glon lias re-jired froin flic contest New Brunîwirk.. S' 517:950 5,719,731 izing t tomarrýy lier on thé 28tli Januarv. ta free Ilim froin tire enga-eniqui, as lie fair in the hall. Nexttime visited was ception. British Columbia.. 1,912,l(j7 thé cOmiuýg spa,ýon, was lield ut the beft. toli. me go. Ris property cou. told me the laRt time ;; met that lie nt tire nomination of councillorq, about In ré-ply to in 'Weiit, Durham. Hie partuers in hjartitoba ......... 8:;,.:;ý11 ltol)soil- Ilouse on Friday evening last, sisted of cattle, sheep, . homes, &ci &o. wolild marry me wlien lie married any New years. Witness Rupported the said that the G business, we are told-, disapproved of hie The importe ineluded above are only and waq largely attended by adiniren- 11-o wns in quite a gooçlposition ta get persan. He knows lie depriveil me of family pritucipally herself until last Jilly viting the attent cau(li(laturo,-the requirements of the thos'a entered for constimption, upon oftlie game. The following offirers married-he liad 10 sheep. He paid a good haine. aise was the cause of me lien lier brother was able ta asqist. Insoivenev quesý company of whielà lie la the band, and whicli duty ta the amoutit of $13,045,ë were illeciell : Prvsideiit, Mr. Ge.e, 'living on the place, and commenced te lave ta carn my own living, any impropri;ty was going on between the maille gentli $1650 on accourit of hie lanti-lie is not losiniz my bealth. You know 1 am Nevpr had any occasion ta suspect that session. in reFp the vae business of which lie is thé 493 was paid. Tire actual importa vver oor 'ri ' n!tl sister and Bowers-if Rire hua hi- woulil çaid it was the il ceiltre, ana the aoile charge and mariage- $111,430,527, whieli being adiled tu the lýol)8oti; Viee- pri -sid (-rit, Mr. C. Dawes; soli 1 is property as scion sa lie was sued und t'hio 'l r bis Degglect I have lost have got properly pliiiiçlied-she wolllil ment ta introdi ment of which. devolves upon him, exporte places the aggrégate tra(le 01 c im ta came ne. the süsAlOn ta 'Se cri. t ii ry-trear tiré -r, 3tir. .1. E. J>,r3,,,iiit; in this Case. 1 explained ta défendent bot]? liealtl;dand fortune ; for I am now not ]lave allowed Il tir the C onimittec of Management, Messrs J. thaf plaintiff liad galle ta a good deal unabie ta o anything of any impor- demanding aljhis time and attention. the Dominion ut the etiormous Ptitu of' V. IL1111, S. ILly and H. S. Garrett of trouble about gettin& inarried, ana tance, Icaving mm a biirIIpn t'A My house-knew nothing as te Bowers, Cir- inspection of Fi Cunitzfances. COtupanié-ýs. It was bocause of the knowledge of $194,010,190. reiiionstrated witli him; lie said lie friend.-i but ho didn't cure." I send you this by bearer, so as ta Ta Mr. Harrison-The firet know- ýJr. Maekenzi Misse fâcte weighing with hira t1int the ý Au analysis of the proportion per NEw Cnv.r,4iý are in. k by Mr. Xerr-I tolil give you time to got itfr. Archer here ""19" w'tne6s bad of lier sistèr's tion respecting t Canditure was forced ripou Mr. Glen Capita of the duty- , paid by the four fortrieil that Brown and Phil- 1,hilip Reynaril tliat deft. was engagea, bEforý Wedne8day that lie may corne migfortune waR after tire Hamilton fair, No. 5 of' tiie Inte: against bis Inclination. DIr. Wilmot, of principal provinces. gives the following lips inteilil shortly Ntarting a iiew before it was 'Igive out" that lie was ta morne terme witil me, ai; I suppose y talkefl ta Iiirn thon about it-he did net Mr. Mercier i Newcastle, it io»reported, lias glace been result as well as 1 (10 clièese factory air the fann lot No. 1, 90ill'i' ta fool I>Iaintiff-I meau I never Miss Scott laves hitu deny it. [Witness's eyes liere suffused correspondence brought fôrward. We should, ý be in. second con., Pickering. Mr.* Ciîi-inielc, per t0Jýl Philip that doit. was not going ta (for eh(- woulil not marry liiin if rire w t , li tearg, glip was fora little tirne hvii- 1 Brunswick Solion Province. Populutinil. Ditt , v. callte. 'D. ])go the eftnf-r-1.é m4rry. iliA lle,+ 1 r elintid te say with rather alim chances o 9 42 1 ,Crio ........ 87 Of tllis ton of guedgau- ý4à th M 91 would b"ý ýk-4OvMýVhSi waa ïü'tï-inittea ù)- the rà- tü - .. tepayere, un- ý,Profflt'Onâ-','Wm r6ceivM?, Thé plansor- -ta Mayor ta ad t waj, -t'- - -- ope -nleâg of and sub 't -th hià et, madé to it tuzzlit little iüOi Xpensive, it -ouldý be-better to, submit -11a-ýbylaw each timà for *Ijat-*Ue -wWntëd,, than tO 9ý down, wità-aý1 bý-I£w- to place - at once sg-ô,týoo àt -the -disposa, of-the eonncil,«" He urged the great necesaity Of unan-ilulty St the couneil apeciany whenali were -in_ favor-,'qf, tha, saine tbingaltÉonghwdntiïlkt,)-ý- ., 1 lish it in differe MP ut waYà, sud a owed how much better the townwould b,- as ther Du ' Il CiPallties were--tc, beur the extra taxe$, when they would have - through Msuufaettiresthe additional'ineails of paying them. After a few wordg further from' -Mr. Lawdejý ifisàting that thé whole obfect of the reBOlution,'Would bé ý Io" uniess. the résolution stated how far the conn- cil would go, a division waà sud the resolutioon-reported ogerinir the $Éo,'wo. Y,,as-Mesars. "ono-- Ton, REIY, King, Lawder, Carson, Philp, Aiid the maYor, 7-- Nays, Messrs- Campbell, Blow, sud WilâW- LIèENSING THE Mr- King, seconded by Mr. moved to ]lave the severai -pétitions presented, yeferred te the respective staàding c0minittees to whieh they bc longed. Mr. O'Donovan suggested thé - tâking pfa square vote as to grantina a liceuse to Mr. Newton, for the Hu' on' 110use, and Moved, seeonded by Mr., Lawder, that a license be gran ted tfièièfôrý on production olibe License ..Iuspeetor-'o certificate as to thé neces- BaTY accommodation being provided. Aýdiscusiùon arose, and eventually the mayor declared the motion carried. Mr, Campbell Moved the - conneil into committee. of thé wliole on the Auditors, report-whieh was rend and a4OPtedi'and ordered to be publisbed by the cierk, in, aCWrdance with thé statute. Mr- Campbell al6o moveà the coull- Cà into committee en the report of the committeeonýenance, Reportadopted recommending payment ýý of - accourit of - John Kèith, for.'$99--for wood suppliea tO Varions inaigent persons. MISCELLASBOUS. Itesolution8-"T' 0 place Il 1 00o to, the < credit of the Boairil of Sebool Truxtees. That Mr. Lawders name be pla "èý en àll standing comrnittees on wlùch Mr. Lawler was appoiütea. Referring pétitions, to the proper. committees. - e Mr. King reported 'as to what bila been dons by the députation appointea ýO làY the mi-mecrial nt thé publie meeting before thé Goverument. ýýhe MaYOr drew attention ta a pro- 30sition, which Mr. Kellogg bail to lay lefore the coûneil, rerpecting the es. ablishment - of certain manufactures n cormection witil sewing Macliines. A Pl ting Messrs., Danovan, - Camp. - elin:wder, Blow, and Harper a coin- aittee to confer with Mr. Etllogg -and, eport. Authorizing the mayoi to offer a Dwaril of $10, for the » arrest and" con. iction of parties found injuring Fhade nd ornamental trees on the publie ýreets, Or t)wn property. On motion of Mr, Campbell thé )Uneil adjourned. xtension of the Whitby & Port Perry Railway to the Georgian Bay. (r, rom a Northern Correspondent) We Northerners learh with mach easure, that at thé récent meeting dd in Whitby, your thwnsmn ap- !ared ta take a ý d'eep interest in, mot ily the --Ontario and Québec Itail- ad," but aiso in thé one which they- e still more imme(liatelý interestea I allude to the exteýsio, of the Vhithy Line'l to the Georgian ý Bayr e proper and profitable terminus of It rOad. , Some of the speakers wha- vocated the construction of that line, re quite correct in theie viewg on 8 Most important question, which présent is of deep moment, and is ftttracting considérable attention MAra, Eauls-and other Northern rnships. And à is naturai tbat it ,uld, ai; their- interesta are ideritified V with Toum, and doubtless if thé is 1 'd before thM in a calm. Uluu k Ulbil aliy witnesses. 1 lffl ci. or iiii having the matter . m' charge. The ren. He wali one of the oidest Und bc't sud. 'J'Ile colitp y tijuL lm vEry i . "Cuir bave ta coin 1), 11, Il any hitluceil tile t ut' "40ne 01 mY familY knew .1 firmÎ changea towards lier any improper intimacy between my. e and mee ber sister' N(lti- amen RailwL own After remarki; front Messrs. Harrison -a the amending bill was introduced nome finie parliamentary reporters in flic gallery. tý) vote bonds ta the roail, deliverahle and Pattenon, flic Court surmnel 1 c., t tt Il. Mr. x 1-1.1.ci self and defendant. [Mr. Campron liere sister about the month of Mayý-the penalty in flic cas, wlieri a truck was aid irlsiýIo its Il uP agked wlielier witnpsi;'o sister 'Mrs. Queen's Birthday., Witness And lier in favor ofthe defendant. Verdict for ed to announee oui oince by the tnember fôr North Ontario, 1 limi Hobb, waq present, and being anowerpil sister worked togethe He was a self-macle màn, wlio mi-lit bc und a locomotive placed thereon. A plaintiff, 8200. in the affirmative, Rite was, at his in- she gave musie lpssons ta Young men in delliv rat liairjeweller.v. respictive stationq and for saine unexplaineil reason thora said tu have arisen front, the lowest rotind mliert tracli wits tlivreupon lui-il, a eon- Friday, March 14th. stance remo*ved from court durinm the file evening beea ed trainq shoui f t still romains, As matters tj6-w stand of the ladder--frorn 11carrying a ronte- "(!ction illade %vith ituother road, ai, ré-mainderof the wituesm's ex use they wore at work 11ýn- Mr. the charter bas lapeed. The titne for And workin- at the "caf;o"-totlif, Iàighest iIrýgiciü wwi riin ulýon.tlifý fo)-tue BEDUCTION. ainination ail day and unable ta attend until tlie 4iviqo, ["CI(litioneti Po it bouds were dllýy delivered, Ila aminatiOn cOntinned.-I knewaper. évening. By meang of their exertions . 1 . 0 rireveni V. Campbell v8. Bowers.-The action enq sa as eommencing the. extension ta Beaver. (lotion of journalisin. He wo'rlieil art ing 110 further use for it, tlie ec)tilplttiý,'s in this case wu brouglit by the plain. mon named Lave, I sent Mr. Dunn foi- they au partciltiiemsélves--tlitirfut)jür ocean vossél.ý ; alsi ton and the brancli to Uxbridge, Pxpir. the old Coloni,?É, waq thtrLoen yeitr.g on officers tlitýIl Mr. Bowers ta bring bint ta the balise wu,; in Uail hoiaibli and was nnable ta do ineanly turc up file Co'ti. tiff, A. S. Canjl)l)cll, for the seduction b,,tter provigioirfor I when I was ill, flint was in July. Irhe inizeli. [Witness left the box passenger vessels. ed on the 28rd of last January, sa flint flic Leader, And became one of the staff ileetioli, niid tl()W Ille Poor swindled of' his dauffliter, Mary E. Campbell. bouse contained mitting-room, kitelien, and laboring unilergreat ernotioij.j ilito Committec on at this moment no powers exist in the of the Mail at its establishment. liew ilillaiitatifs Ilcive nothing ta show for Ail the parties resided near Prince and bed-roorna for t t1wir il-idebtedness 1,14t " lie fainily, anol spare Mr. Camêron ably add-Iressed flic jury vent vei;srý,16 sailin Company fur such porposes. The- men were botter liked by his ron. a few litindrea Albert. bed-roorn. Sitting-roomwasusedwlien on belialf of the deienclaiit. question au4gesto itsolt Witat does M r. freres for lits genial, inanly, gelivroils feet of ti-it,-Ii and a solitary locolli'tive, Mr. IL A. Harrison, Q. C. in tating Bowers came for bis musie lessolis; lie Mr. Harrison made a very eloquont pnrts betveen lst liciLlier of %vliiell %vas ever paid for by flic case fur the plaintiff, said h March from carrýyiný Paxton, the . gentleman having the disposition. He was the son of Irish the eompallyiland tliey are now totally no greater wrong than the seduction ing, the rext of the family were in the plaintiff. p : knew came between six and seven in the even. and touching appelai on, the part of the resolution was re bill In charge, menu ta do ?ý. The parents, and proul of Iii.9 descent as ait tu le tovc> bonding business and ruin of a (tau" faurided thereon in ghter. He OftOu- felt sittilig room and around while lie The display of forensie eloquence session in drawing rapiilly ta a close, Irish Canafflan, ne lie always calleil IL, and breadtil. hiniself in such cases, that lie would remained. 1 was twenty-th last and Afr. Mitchell. Mr. radier see a daugaliter spreatil out ree legal skill by courisel on both sides file notice of the 1 and ta neglect ta revive the charter by himoelf, althou-li au accident placed MIL rAILEWELL ON PROMBITION.- and cola on lier death couch, t stiff birtii-day-defendant tala me ho wax brought forfit marked encominuis from privilego-, complainii lien ta twenty-three. Dou't now remember ail classes of spectators in a very crow- extending the time, -would bc an net bis birth in the State of New Yorli. à1r. larewc-ll mai in the Mail,' whieli mont culpable', and the want of action W a very eloquènt see lier walk around ta be pointed at ilow be lie first came ta stay. I harl ded court. ci-gan of flic Premii speech ut the moetilli, in favotir of pro- with the finger of scorn, and the stigma not beeff out for nine weeks before Hie Lçrtlpliip sumined up witli much ai; havinfr rittert-il could in no other wW bc co jotrued WIJITJ3Y FIRE BRIG,&Dp.-OltoAN'IZA. Ilibition hold in Toronto, Friday even. of a dishonored name attacheil ta ber, Christmas 1871, thronRh sickness-the pains-taking cleurness, andin favor of pectfui t ' . TION OF THE HOOK AND LAt)DLU. inl' la-st- 1-le colilit 'lot lielp thinking In the present case the defendant not owards the than an int-entional dogign, sa sa ta re sicknose was vomiting blood, Dr. Braith- the plaintiff. was flic persan re tllut in this coritest tliey werii flehiiti,,, only denied the act of which ho was wait-e was My medical attendant.-YOU Tite jury returned a verdict in favor *Dodge, flint gentleil tain the terminus of the lino nt Port COMPANY AND SALVAGE Conls.-Tlip. ugainst spirits in liil,,li 1;iaecs as IÏCII as the author, sud by whieh hie victim can ask the doctor what My sicknego f the pi "' tiff, assessing the damages were untrue. Mr. CI Porry. OrganizatiOn Of the Whitby Fire Brigade low. Thé reliollition whicli lie came was for éver ruined and dishonored, 0 aLn was,-I was not dudignantly) in flic at $600. cd file statpruent of Is nOwcýmpIete, anillffl if3elq tu toc aile forward.to second I)riefly stateil wliat but lie plonded a plea Of the =est ex- familY way-I lied liver coiWaint and The Queen v8 Thog. Hinckiton - Ilifir Do 1.-e repeau The Political Crisis in En land. Of Most Officient in thêTrovince. Bo. 'l't't ljpùn (Imie and what they were ta traordinary character- that the fablier heurt diseue. Just before Christmas, Cliarge of Faine preteneen.-The Grand and s* iil Ille was reail, do. Tha Dominion Parilament were was a party -ta the disgrace of sides Îhefire company, witli the steani in Bowers came ta give me a drive, It this case liaving found a true neeefisary. The ý5 119)t in Et Pomition ta grant theut ail they dangliter 1 (là1r. Harrison) hall wu about six. O'Clock in the evening Jbi'17tliine priforter gtood inflicted on the Opiniong prevail that Mr. GWotonê tire eugine, a hook aud ladilercompany, demired. Th(»y wanteil flic total prolli- bepti in manyHcaeses of this kind, but lie when lie called. My fablier bas of late charge naroed. Front, the ovidence if and the maiter was a will probably resume the Promterahip. and salvage corps bave beOn forliJled, bitiOn Of thil ;riaillifacture of intoxicat- never rememberod a case in which vous been very little at home; ho IR in appeared that Thomas Hinckgon bail OFricE op TiiroDôn Latent Cable dispatofins are ta the of. each numboring over thirty men. Tho iug li(Illori; ; the Dominion ParlIcinicut such a pion was pleaded. It was bad ;ery poor bealth; lie stops et his2Ïath- offéred ta trade a black mare for a white 160t thât ho ha@ 89MU plao@4 bis ser- Officera of the Étiok and Ladder Co. lI£ýI power ta give thom, this. They enough ta dîshonor the daughter, and er's. Mrs, HooWs husband in in the mare owned by Mr. Keddie, hameau. Tremont Street, Bost alma Wanted complete controtover the ta disgrace the fablier, but to inoult States; ho did not desert ber, able de- maker, of Oshawa, they aloc, agreed ta *Mr. James Il. Felloi vice& ut the dispo4al of Rer Ùsjesty- are:-Captain,, Thou. DevereU ; lot. licenoîn"', 8ystem of the Province ;- tliii him an had been doue by the plus in serted him; she, drove him awa7. I trade a buggy and harneu. the Conservative party liavin little -Lieutenant, John Reitil ; 2nd. Lieuten. the Dominion Parliament bail no power this case, was adding insuit to injury. fix the finie of the improper intimacy on thé l7th, of January. On the evening prospoit before them of forming a eta- out, Wm. Thompson , auli ofi alq ta ý,1iVc thela ; flic powiýr ta give filent 1 ordinary records where a defencialit in April, becanse the familv rernovëd ta of the 19th, Hinckson calleil at Redd ie's Syrup lias been veýy 1 ble Goyerament. Salvage Corps .-Captai ri, Jus. Il titis Was in tite bauds of the Local Le- pieails, ai; in a case of libel, thA truth Part Perry at that time î do not ýay place and said hé-was reaily ta carry two years. If is pre iiilattire. (if Lis worils, unless fie is able ta soli. it was oui * i of Our firot physicis Samit; lot. Lieutenant, Jno. Cormaek; 1-le y on flint particular occasion Oirt the trade. The exchange was also said, in roference ta trio üa. stautiate flint plea, ita character en- any i proper intimacy book place. It 'made-Hinckson giving with hishorse yours very truly. CEURCU SOCIAL A social lu aitl Of 2ad. Lieutenant, -Laing. The Fire visability of raising a subscription ta bances the damages. Affil il that»were was amt home. Mrs.'Hobb noger dis- aiid rig, bis note for $W to «make 't the Oongregational Cisurah Impro've, Brigade now consiatRof eiglitymz-mbers. c-triT on uork, thattlicre were 42 couti. the case here, if the pion were- not covered me and any body in any im ple THEODDRE >11 1 pro- brade equal. . Neit morning Reildie - ----- - _ ment fund là advertised ta take place ------- Lies il, the Province, and if 50 mcn proved, it was au aggravation of the per Rituattion. Site ha ùàked me aliput discolvered thât ScAucrrir op HORSE ùnaay) gVgning&t the Meeban. LUT DAYS SALE AT OLD No- mare givért liiin'in coula be fottud in enci, càuuty who damages souglit. In suèh cases as the Bowers, 1 always deuis-d if, I never told the i;wàpoyernight was not the crie for S at is the scarc agi hUIL Saturdaywill be the last (lay,9 sale nt would give $50 cacli, they would have presenthe coulil not see mueh _diffeil- ber. 1 dia not invite him ta stay' that, which, lie -OffOred toi trade on' the 17th, , 0 gre Ove" $10, - Ile coutil rind 50 mon eneê between force and fraud. 1 out but an inibiier animal baving a white '400J In the night. 1 At the-timecf the a , England, that the Govà Old NO- 1- fer Ur. Yeoman Gibson'. 'in bis couaty who woulddo sa. eyo of the law, however, to force à when cording home ho made lovre veo me. spotf on the face and a Uite nose which tors ]lave great difficul Go.riýLtààx's Býaw* GooDs. À large Ttie wliole of the remainiog stozk of wornarà, was a crime; in thAotht-r case, I gave no encouragement to Lim thon. were painted over go au to mislead Iiim those of the quality %t0,ýe uild billen rect;ived ab Pringle's, dry goods, kroceeies and hardware will The parish clim-ch, of GiLlersome, where the wntuan was deceived it ýWà 1 changea m'Y initia ; the reagon 1 did in the dark. He therefore went ta are compelled ta take coelsigti,19of a opletidid assortmont of 4bon be tliapokleà Of , Without regerve, bas I)een compîetely des.. not sa and the father coula. sa was be * 1 . cause of -bis constant persua- llinckgon who refuseil th let hini either of f.reig. hrses a,,, v aul gente' furtiùfl ring Th* sale will troyod bý fire. 'ý properLy was saved 0111y bring 1 is, action for damiw4g4 for RiOnli, when ho first made*'& properition have the fii-st mare or t-O give back linada . JURY aý commence At ton 0,01ock éxt-ept'afeýw bbùkýO the eliuréli Lad oýaý the * losn of hifs dauglitêrW sérvices. of -ffiarri a-ge tic rit deelined *, Il e ti , en lieilolie's horsè criptioù. tà» ég bb àgà kimadi, ýa" 1 à" 1 àà Qqý,& mie tiko au4eb let &ûý,sâ1Wà blàà fiannl- :e the matter np ývith earnestuesa inéerity, and they- wîlf Most, as. ýy succeed in-thpir endeavors to 1 tbe Whîtby Railroad to the ian Bay. Yours faithfuliv, COÉMOS. How to go West. d; hais an inquiry whieh LVëry one ve iruilifullY answered before ,tg On ]lie journey, and , littie x ken in examination of ]Routes many cases Bave raurh trQubjeý 06C., B. & running - Chicago throligli Galesburg to ,ton, has -4eW ved a splindid ,ïon in t ' lié lagt-.tw, Year, as tbe Passenger li9ute tO the West. lington, it coenects-with the ýUrlîUgtO4 Ro"e whieh runs di- 'Ough Sonthern Iow'a to Nebras- 4nfiast with close connections anà the Territories; and ers 11taxting frova Qntario Coun. 'da, On, tbeir way westward, can. )etter 'to, tak,? the C.ý B. & Burlington Route. jÙle bas published 'a paniphlet' flow to go Nvest', which con* UCI, V11juable information; a Ofthe Great West, 6 -be obtained ûw « charge ,seing the General Passenger M. IL R. Burjjj?ýton, Iowa. ODG"'S SPEECH--Tlie Glob,',, 'dent says--The F;pral eagle 'reýTect thoroughly ridicu. eryf Mý. D.dge (No-rth -York) nous last evening, togethej with sque mannerof his delivery bas ýU9hout to-dày the, bntt ýf 1 Of amuàng criticism. Mr. the wëll-known àembr for 7entworth, ig Raid tù ha.,, ,kle for Mr. Dodge,' and tLOU lent thé, Gallerv mey1rést as.

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