ïaontrats neade WUth dvsrti £a'orotherwlse, ÃÃsý to discontinue, sdvertlaexn L wrlting. nee.s Direc torp N T A fI0 BA NK, I T BY B B ANCHi - THOMAS DOW, 0 IlOf a %'N K. ITB Y A GEN1;CY, * .B. TAYLOR,- », Seuth Wlug Couir ou.. À tg for spsolal retainer of Hon. M Q.C., and Dr -MoMicbael,- Q. C. PARItWELL, LL. B., Y7 CROWN A1ýTORNEY F0. ie, Barnlstter, Solloltor, Couvej sryptiu Puli Sc&c. Office--La* d b>'&ff 8ECochrsune. Esq., la ernup, Brook Street, Whltby. TEÉ, ArTOUNBY, CéOKVEI r, Defnt>'Regl:trani M48WrBi - of Ontarlo. ýOfiCe, Court Houa 'ARRISTER S& ATTQRNEY.ÂT-LAçW 3 S.Iolcitor inluChance ,Couvepencer Notary Pubuie al&, Office- ext deor te tiý str Bof B. & J. Canepbell BicoliSite Wiutby', Ont, P'ARWIIL Ce, GuoT B ARRSBS, ATTORN YS, SOLnCI. 1.toneConveyanocers, acNotari-i.. nl lie.- OM--Oné dean nont cet hIeFont Office Oshava. r J. ikFÀUEetae. Il. coGzz. CIIARLFs C. SCELLIER, TTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLiCITOR IN ton, Bmçry, Cuv>ancer,&c,CaimuM -LYMIA LNCLIîsî IoLu1. B.,, J3ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR MI BChancer', Conveyancer, &., &c. îlm- 000 Si-est, Oslieva. B1RITEO, -TTORboE1YAT. LAW, Bleck, Broado ttréo't Wltliy, Ontaari. JA.11IM. LtlIIN, ATTORNEY.AT.LÂW, SOLICITOIt IN AChaucen>', Ceuvevancer, Lanal Agent, &o. offio-In Panfiuhîs Blocek, Bnock St., Uxbe-tdge. ARBISTERSt ATTORNEYS, SOLIO- B11 htors, Nutarees Publile, Conveyauçers. Gflie-1 ronStretSolie cf Pont Office, frm9to 1cn usfrS. I SPECTOR 0F PUBLIC SCHOOLS for the Ceuni>' et Ontario. Addes- Raglan Post Cites, Ontario. 4R ,, (WNN, Pl.Dot, OURGEON TO THE COUNT>' GAOL, S Byron Slnect,,Whltliy. VM. , NehSlETc, l.l.,M.iC5. GU te e ui. O. H. L, ]DEîNTIST, (SUCCES. ~~ -s-'sr the W. H. Canti.) Doeniai Rooms-Duutias Stneet, Whiby over Mn. Jameoon's Store. Niti-ene Oxide dias aciniinered ton tien pailenu ex. tracioen of toth. C. N. V A UN. L. D. M. STEET i hsci-toci on nIl then -5-ialooi principles et the cet, sa leeatheeacecî, aud os gond as the hast. Testb fileit aitlc Colt anti Silver. TootC extraoted wilhout pain, b>' produciug local ansthosie. Dental Ileene-in Ceir- anp'a nsav bhoîk, over Atinsacu'. Drug Store, Ring Street, Oshîaa a I BUER O-F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ofica-Toavnll. Tisiience-Byi-eu Street, thrce itopro north et Townu-c ei. HAIR DRESSING AND SHAVINO Saloon, Brook St.; Whitby. A GENqT' 'OU TUE CELEBRATED Scottieli Granite. At Marbie Works cd Jonathan Wolienden, Dundas St., Whitby. L CENSED AUCTIONBER FOR THE Countie., of Ontario, York aud- Peel. Xeidence-Lot 8, 8thi Concession Markham. Font Ofllce-Unionville. Sales attended on the ebortest notice, and on reasonable terme. Ternisctn le madle and bills printed at the CeIIaoN ct.a Office for Mi. carter. TICENSED AUCTItNEER FOR THE .LConuty of Lotatrio, begs te returu thanks for then liberal patronage ieretofore ýb8toWed upon hin, and te axinounco that ho lit prspared te condnct sales either in Town or County et reasonable rates. Ar- rangements for males cauiibe macle sither at the CHaaorsîcLzOffit, or ut my oN-n Office, Brook treet, Whitby. (494 *i("" GUILLEY, mns deup lu the best tyle and lateet faho.A fins stock of Clot mi, from iwhich to make a slettm for Gentlemen's sommner L UMiIIR ME 1CHANT, CAIIPENTER and Joîner, Green Street, Whttby. A large quaintity of allicinde o licubçr con. ateUtiy Cou haUiî, UNDERTA4KING.-F-unerals funl cp. pid and attended on short notice. -"Coffins kept constitntly ou land. A hearse te litre on liberal terme., fONEY TO LIED. The uuderuigued lias auy amount-o! Mon- ey to Lend epon Faenn or rown 1'roperty, at unnnsUAUlLow Rates of Intereît. Loanle cleau -ropaid ln enmns te suit ber- rowerg. Saverali mprovod Parme and Wilil Lande for sale ohep. Inveitinente ruailuMofnîctîcel Deben- tures, Bank, anud otbcr marhietatcible Stocks. For further perticulare appiy te JAMES HOLDEli, Officiel Asignue, Droker, &o. OFF1CJI-Over the Donion Bank, Me- MilIe' Brook St., Whitby. - Bpnil th, 1872. 1 Wlsttby Brapis-itd String Bande, ada pted for Boirees., Pic-ulc., Excursions Quadrilles Parties., Sc., S&., Winl snppty tÃ,Liýe9et anti latest UKe on ereesoueble termes. Applcations mnt ie unade sither penson. ally or by letter, (post J oaLFENDEN, J. LIR yEN E MEDICINES. tl is .besi IlorwenMedi. nusialy ou linau ufr cale ai clvery'Sals rgo for aedmios.N. A D-hELL, T M R L Y, lfon Cour't, Tp, CI6rk, 14g duB -p,!, Ln!Aiet andWiti calm Prînted oz4., geà te hôulotî bse- VOL.XVIýloiWHJTBY, PROVI qNCE( ' .HO LL IDA y, A~0~HTL L 0D 0 Or L q' 0 ONr., - WHX IT B 1(jONT., c P A T 9BXT EBlD - HorsCo,,R a ke8s Q Od%"A purely eCaaintitution. aïJ iEfuieer>' accon oro Also Agent paed appraiser fortue Can aau Ilnadt etatnin Permnanent Building and 8avin Sott>,fo u1rW rprv loaso~noeyBt4owetsountret CENTRAL H O T EL, mntsllareno* beinu ecf~by th C - i>sentee; ame si-acting, are made el - R s AIIERICA2i13laROU l BMK ONT the. rery b fà t ndsretIloïnos A surance, Company. J H Im ) Ben accommodation sud attention. Goodl stebI. par uAr ttention loaie called te ls, - .CAPITAL, 4400,000.- 1hnÙg and attentive hostlers. ROOT' AND % AmtnITRU ILLI% ESTABLISHED z , OMMERa1AL HOTEL, T*y n peror te aîaeinz of thelkini ThisoldandWOUettl>lshe Copan C et maunfactured, snd ai re ecalcnikedto Thu od ad el esabiaed omen' BOo isavRtbfnArmsr1b_ bor and ps. , ùýare prepared to accpt riskuin au es«0clRKS. iaaaemur1!~, His STRAW CUTTERS, worked liv hand - eSieblis rat« Coisie 'lua hn ad pWOUlE. M. CALDWELL, PBOPBIETOB. are neequalled; they, areessil>' lvorked, and Inolated and non-LUMoa roerin. Buet accomumodation and superior Vines, lo bletigetn fodzsdsl t sure& for tiee Yea» or legsAat acal low liquers and cigare. Good stabling, ivith M'-' 7 y ire Rrates. closed yards, and! attentlve-o,,tlee. elaya o, qae n Rvl ing hun8 y. - ~L. FAIRBANKS, Jlt, the premises. Charges moderato. on quead vOVgvUIf8 e- ~~~~Office, Brook St., Whitby. -- LTE RNES te i - PIBAND TRUNK RAILWAy HOTEL, OHE BNES fONTARIO PAXIMEEs' %-SCUFFLERS, WHEBZARtOWS, AT WRITBY STATION. Audallother kidd o ýýà MyIT-VL,L 1N8!RANCE CU'Yi WM.-O'NRILL -.- FPRPIETOR. menti vith al tus recentimmuroyenients. on HEAD OFFICE, BROCE ST., WHITBT. Parties tekilug the train and leavinz hormo Steayn englues. (Oe sni the Most compvlets of -1 wili have thsm aveU taken. carw of au ti irthe lied mrnrfactured,) is ,munleriened tin This CozuPanY ' urs Fr Bufldlun,, return. now euabled te erecute ail orde, fer - Country Churche, ScholH s,and h AR MIN G I MPLEMENTS contents ai rates as LOW as those of ýCl LOB E H O TEL, aitil vhicle lie me>' be favored, cheà pi>', ex. veil-eittlisied Company tI Canads'a.re- ypeitiouly, and teguarantee completesastie- r, JUST LOSSei PROMPTLY PAM. RR 0K LfN, ONT. lciun au cases. le L. FAIRBANIKS, Je., J. B. BiCKELL, JAS. POWELL --PROPËIETOR. JAS. CLATTON, Secrtârý- PenientBrook St., Wbitbv. t r, . olia Sentarong raient w MOr-OLAcIS AccolrieODATIoa. May 1ithu, 1872. 201y' -hi Cr oadny. i nNlngr nagntco________________ FILASSURANCE <COeY. 0T ROCXST, H T , Mi7w re LOM1BARD ST- CARING CROSS, LONDON The above old esteblished hiel lias been LEPPEL'S CE AXEBXCÀIs DOUilLE ESTABLISHEiD IN 1782. neavly fitted np and renovated throughout, ai the apantinents being funnishedavit new T URBINEI. TEHE L GILEPE OPT&CoAetje and uitable furuiturs. Tien pro *ietor w TR HEL r LESPE, OFFT & CO, Aent f~leave nothing undons lu providWmg for the, Canada. ponotoftegesetad they mnay rml7 Up- TEE MOST ECONOMICAL WIOEEL NOW IN USE JAMES DAVIPSON, Manager. on the best et pure liguora being cupplied at -tics bar. Strict attention paid te the ctebling Inctirances agaluat Iona by Fire are effort and lu lookiug aften the civility etfliocilere. eld ou the-Most favorable -terme, aud Lset.- ________________ ied vithout reference te the Board lu Leu. YEOMAN GiBSON R EVEBZE BOUSE, Agent,WlAdtby MANCHESTER, ONT.,, ]El EB. PLANK - - - PIIopnIETORI. HT Stages te and freinWhitliy oeil daily. Ev- L irerpool and London and Globe ery attentio-------t-g- ats 1NbiUR4F4CiE COMPAN . O* CANADIA&N HOTEL, AVAIMARLE ABsETS,8$27,000,000. PORT PERRY, ONT., H. FOY - -PIIOPRIETOR. Losses aid in course ni thintefivyer exceed FMTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS.S Clame b>' Chicago Pire etiniatod et uer Sporion accommodation. Good cstabling ly 68,000,000, are being liqnidated as tact as aend shed rooni, and attentive ters.- à juste wtout edction. Securit>', I Prompt Pa>' ent and Lilierality lu adjuet. T HE RO SNH U E in tetitsLpassesare the pmomineui foaturee s BSN HOTE of t»eaeweathy Compai~ Head0fc,Canedailnanch,3Montreal.1 fI NDAS ST REET, WRITBY. G. P. C. SMITHJ, I GEO. ILOBSON,_ PIROPRIETOIi. Chief Agent ton Domnion. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., Agent et Wlitliy0 Ot The proprietor begs te ennounce that hoe __________ icsleased the building formn ly knavu as I Sriptures H Iou, ahichi bas been ronovated, JOHN e. WATKIS, refurished, and fltted up throughou, in the Thee Wbeels ave are now minnufecturingd best of style. The promises ans pleesanil>' cheaper then an>' other shop lu the country,f OF! IA A88 GN sEituated, opposîte the Post Office, aindin the a v eUl givea guerRoies witb each celle et the hotel, and theestages for Ux- and te give ac goed satisfaction as an>' BAILM 8 BD DIVISION COURT, bridge and Beavernu bave tlie deor every manntactuvred ru the Dominion. Y A U T ONE ER,&C., &C. morniiig. ]3nard $1per day. Canetulhlis. Parties deairiecg fertlior information eau A C IN E ,tiers aîwayc lu attondaîcce. obtain t by addnesimgb OFICE-lu Bigclow's Block, PortHO SE PAXTON, TATE & Ce., s Pei.wIXES TERN Merb I, 161)Pore7 St., Port Penny, Ont. t Port PeeT>', Juei 24, 1872. 26 DUNDAS STRlEET, Weî-rev. Mrh8,16. NEW B4'KERY FRUIT STORE. RICHA RD)SNOW Begs te innounce thal Ce ic nom propareit te supply cvsnythng luthe Bakery and Con/'ectionery LUne At hie, nId stand, Iattly eccuptet b>' Mr. J. CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL ICINDS Rept ceustant>' ou hand, lu season. ORANGESiî, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOB$TERS, RINES, RAISINS, CHEESE, TOBACCO. BREÂAD deivereit tel>' te customers, andi aO other provisions and gooda delivred as ina>' lie onreitd. Cloice Brands et Cigare. RICHARD SNOW. Whitby, Sept., 1871. 87 R EMOVAL.- .Thendersigned-lêas nenoved hic 800OT & SHOE STORE to the premises edioiuing the Western Holel, Duda iret hitby, ihere Ce in no-t peparei tot exicule al endors for Work. A large sudseect stock on lant. Rcpeiring doue as usuai. JOSEPH A. DANDELL. Wlcib>, Ma>' 8, 1871. 19 .f The nersigusal decires te intern E lt frieni anal patronsiuthalie bac again re- cuimeal business ai the oIt WIIITBY LI VER Y STABLES. ilavîug senceidt hie number and quality of the slnd, anal alo added le anal impu-oveal the convoyences sud rehiclec on lhe pmom- tees, be hopos b>' being in a position te moot lie aants ofet cmerc lo eit a siaeofe publie ",stouege. ZW- CHARGIES moiDERATE. l N. .-Comsred coumoyences for familles anai ladies. Prompt atteudanco, as Cierete. fore, te ail endors. N. RAY, Proprietor. K ING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARl0, Importera, Deahers andt Monutoclunena ot ail Kinitsniet LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Cash peut ton mites, Bark, sud Leihcr. -Leather strotcheal. - tt'BHLTING MABE TO ORDER ON .SHIORT NOTICE. May, 1872. j 22 c H 0 1CE APPLE 'TREES, A Il 0(JUT' 20,000, -AT r - HOME NUJRSERY, Prom t-avete four yeasaneot age, embraciug ail tle Ceai Varitese. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Ne. 8, 2uit Cen. Picering, enuKingston bInadit,-at Office, Witliy. VAUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Belug pari ef bot 29, tii concession Scott Cont>'of ni tro-l100 acres, 75 learei sud in a geoi tdate ef cultivation. Gond davellng bouse, sud extensive onthuildlnge lu goed repair. AppI>' te îles oveer, SIMEONIiFFIN, en the promises. Lskitaho, Nov. 14, 1872.- 47 T. LAWLER, Impoer an sd Beg1er i l li inde et Famlly Grocerie8, Pure WineB, PURE É sPrT, CxtocKERY, CHINA, 6LA8SWARtE, Sc., CHEQUEREI3 STôREf The ucidrge ci oulc inmimaIs te tic public, l u bove promîtes have beon oc-wl>' fitlc-d np sud renovateal chrouglinul BecI Liquona sud Cigare. ,"The Creaineoet Canecda,"alson puenRbiue Wine, Waha'scLag- or, wbolesae ansd i-elerl. Boardors taken b>' tIswo. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. wVîLSON HQUSE, 2L WILSON, Je., PROPIIIETORL. The subecriber bega toaunounee fre-mnda anal thuepublie general>' lîcat Ce bas op ud lIce sCore ne-.t oel in lice Village cf Au.ll, barn. The hbouse ic oeu, anal furnisinal in a Moslt toe-ough anal conifortable nianor. Gac"s s ill fi "ct nrcr ouenience at lis above ealebhlis3hnenb. Wiuos, liquers, sud cigare et the be#t brandsaîlways kept ou baud. Geod stabling andatatentive liocîlers elircys in alteuedenee. Mi> ayI, itO9. -18t m 1ONEY TO LENDI itepa>ablle b>- irutalmeuta; for from Tavo te Tsot>' yeeus, et ho-t rates et inhemecb, us-im- eut commission, anda t niderate charges. Primate Funda 10 Lenal. Appi>' le- J. E. FAREWELL, Solicitor, Drock St., WCltby. bla> 281h, 1872.. 22-t R OBEIIT JOHN YARNOLD; OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOR TON COUNTY OF ONTARIO. '[IHIE ISOLATEB RISE Fire Insurance Co'y of Canadla, flAri OurCE-King SI.,cor. Chunci,Torouta CAPITAL, $50o,00o. Deposfted wittuioverninen , $67OOO It-e-ici adjuat aU losses wrnhitbnnldole>, and PR>' oerrthe cish AT ONCE. Hon. ALEX. MeKE ZIE, M. P., Peident. JOHN MAUOHAN, Je, maiager. W. M. WILLCOX, LICEN8gD FORL TRE COÛN2'TY 0F ONTARIO, AND Townsbip of à Mnriposa & IVariwrighî T)EGS te thank his man>' friende anal the B> Publicenerally fotoneIl iberai patron- age bsweupen hlu duning île peeltfour Bihff, I intend, in future, le devote -my urhole lime te the business et Anetioneen, Coîiocling, &c. Il wilI Ce my eniteav n 1 , b>' prompt sud earetul attention te business, bo gire fou eitisfaehion ho aI Wsho me>' tavrrme uill their Sales or C eectg. BUis dranghtsd and 'luRNote, turnish- é nal te-en et cbarge. Also Biil Stampc aluraya ou baund. Arrangements ce bCe madie for sales &c.. aI lies CIMmeICLE office. MWhiîby, Observer Office Prince Albert, andat the Standard ADDRESS-B01 199, Wuers. 4T W. M. WILLCOX, _ _- Prince Allient, Sept. 241h, 1872. 89 712J CRAiG ST. WsEA VICTOBIA SQIJAfE, MONTRE AL. 9 leBuicns erclmoivcly comnmission. 12 yoe-cs experience lin the MoencilP re- dutceado. Relurus Irompt,. anal highect Market prices obteineit. Conigeors kept pcct-d as tle cale cf thclu-gonds, prospects, &C. Iufouuationes b pria-e, &c, trnishoci on application. A trial ccignent solicited. GEORGE FERRY, Je. Roterence : Mo$ssias.Juco. DeOaUGA. & Ce. F ARM FRo SALE. 200 Acres. The underciguedi h autiorzedit te s-il the unrth1clint N. 1, nal the uortb-eest j of lot No. 16, in tthetIti conession et Pic-k- ernîg, eompriciug 200 seacretofexcellent lanit, n'eU adecîteit for grain anit pacture, luse dureblo acroîme muuning throngl tis tarm. Theme is sufficieut firen-oocalanal rail-tumber for the use et the place. The ituation is pleesanl, beiueg miturar betaroon tic villages et Grecucoci sud Bmuaghaim. For al information euu 'ireet. Bneek St., Whitb>'. Whiiby, Sept, lt, 1872. 37. à , ',ad untlring i1itoe ediroçia :)F ON11ARTO, ~TI -MsBrownlaueiffu ,MisaBlck bua g head e air, MIiss Graves i. e -i ever merry; Méiss ,Lig'bboy veibâ aixteseatone, MÃŽO;ica Bdecen scee m~uster a guinea, Mdien Ramere -tasa*ndbhs nons, 1- nd isaSobeicels asad ninnyl mi" ---- --i-.y,-m- - ' cer_1mewrai, - e eawt ooeq i 1. uG00 progrepu.downward,, thst thoughobo ays aisbies' tenflbb 8oldequallY guiEt>' -and, punisiieble witb niglit; Brother, sud Benedicte-;' a&,thiig ted nair, ut iwioe' eer i-~-ndcotraT>'; yourself, if iudeed yon dure prooeed te lie moved towerdu the ]edder. ilrn cnuof thlâevent ouie-' to Mies Yonugig nov rover ver>' old, anâtýmyl -k And Ms espdl igta fi>! neteoly"And where nov 2' asked O'Clero . *sôeitterlystonia1ied 121 iwtfndý g~ ~ ~ m lh Misuhrti eaia v es tn - 'ont et1ln"sai Mufline, doter- 1I must go borne te read- Myvbrevi à ¶uea snofv Mies Noble's of huule extraction, neily, 'bud lineel dowu.' - ay'enWrdT.kehobign nrbr i .c4~h - ve v Miesave lias a haýr4i towardinu, "l ve .yotu.nM>'cursê Ouiytoterge tp.jà tqitd en ahr aW while Misa Stin is e lu ýinaction. bended Mes, if yen tonoh ne>' two 8the rugged Oepa. 'ho a1hein <of hiseStp re 'lq-WoSthat an.i Mies Green i;a re irbine, head ' Taek'em cied,, vitiisninol beforepo?'- 'Poor ozesture 1' sii! O'cieur Mies Scerlet loekPae as ail>My; energy as his muddleil bralu avopid It -was Mullins, who, taking advan- 0_its of genninto uorrow; ho lu, undeai!, Mise Violet ne'er sirnks shmorviw low. 'And thon ses hoirpon'll look, tage-of the cou-fereu ce between tho two à source of shame snd grief to ns., But And Mine Wicese theleks ail men sili>'. going about ou a short lsg, and, pour Clergymen, contrjved te stoal np un- it will also b. -aoknowledged hiw vIery d ieGoei i% ag on l, ebwSrthn orer n your noticed until th" moment, wheu hie toreIy snob nnbappy inustancoes are te ia Me'a ne tru tr tuliio ysl, alns meking ver vith eech other, retreating person becne visible, te b<fondnmour body>.' Mies Ceepentenlie oue can nue 1 ,while ail the world te eit poes.' O'Clery. Ansooag as hie - heard thie' IIknow it, Sir,' Howard rture- Mie Sedle nes~ nontedaAhrs don't Yeu be taikin', sither,' quention direoted aller hi, Jack ro- #MY oi>' vondor ia, -shy, wheue pou j, iSlerie ' Gonei haele ..1resurued Mullins, who seemed pertina- doubled lus effots, sud removed o11týOef havea certeluod thie obstinate unwclth. - cions lu hie objectioq to the prolonged siglht every part oi hic unavieldi perpo. u f a miter, pou donetet once Miss KCilmore oaîtloek et a crse souud of the human vile. 'Bnd kosel Tack'euc followod salho meit, ândii lcdhem from your Brotherhéd And Mise Airivebl ne'en leveiled e gon; 1 by hie sae an' hean avhat hoe has te tell Silence too, like hie leader. - 2ok'em Jf nuclibe lais nanie, is evi- -Miss Greatheacile n lirau t al, yenrst. An' thek~s orPnrn- , ,CHerebalu enninternous vpei'l uotsà j~alL Miss e ertaeil te ever oompbaauiug, Avec'sumnd O'Clery, alr0u1 Lin'ad IW aÙo'anncal o h CisvoDnceeeras Fiee thaeblk reg. Evidenti>' in fear for himisolf, Teck'- the othor men. 'Wliere te the telloav snggest,' asaaered O'Clnry; 'the e, Gvr eutsMisFarwaterlke ri cm u et lest oboyeci. The other men, çlio, as Mn. Hoard informe ee, medi- i nbchase differs iuorsp t witli then old lag and tie girl, gatlacreci tated e deail>' outrage on tlsperon? Churohes. Yonliave beard, the poor, MeWngocîle is ceustantl>' wrolig, round, and Howvard .alzo mecisuicellv 'Your Reverouco c'aw the hinden part teilov, himiself, ga>, aePrieSî once"a Mes Tikeli, aise!s!teont faon>'; kncît. Ho ae barel>' conscoos, end oft hiimu juat now, I believe,' suswered Prient for ever ; snob te ourdicpne And ale! Miss Cash heueo mono>'; no mono, et tie plungiug gailop in Flinn. We deeni that, aithougl ave assiiu, Mies Batenean wonld giwaiîl se worth wihli le hastened itito etennity. Re II thouglit so,' njoined O'Clery. j seectiouing the voa b>', wbich anm To purcbase a men ta han iking, gneav, despito of al lueil reeccîniions to die 'Well, thon, eue gopd men, let us settle anointed Prient dediostes bimielft te Mise Mero>' is nbocked at al] inirth, brai-ely ,pare as a shot ; colci perspira- the business you have nviled me borec service et hie Master, ave bavetnelpqwer Mies Boxer temeu dort lind strilkngl1 tien rualied clown hie face; hie jaw te assist yeni in : first, Mn. Howrard, e te dedlans thesolemnu contractaonulled, Mise Blisa does irith semneir e'erfloa, dreppeci, sud bis eyes fixed. Strango word avitle yen.' He tiroir Howard under au>' circumeitences. Al vo clao Miss Hope lu despain sesk the tonil; notions et strauge counde filled luis cars aside. and continued, in a loir veice : do in e case of irreclaimable errer lu te Miss Jo>' stili anticrpatesee, andibrain. Tien roanug of the tuerf tm, 'Yen are ofecourseans surprisei toeile forbid, te the unaventl> Prient, the>e- And Miss Charity's nev>r icat home 1" prodomninantly beard lu-thie cheaul si- mn- lucre ai I arn tease yen. 1 have lercise of luis pniesîl>' fonctions,. and. to The nervec et Miss Starelatee areelialten; lt-ueo, lie confcusedly construod mb otIe yonm clou-y, and now lhelen te mine. depe-ive hlm, so far as lu us lies, ofi ail Miss Prettinans beau is rot pretté, break ef angny waters about hicslicai ; Sittinug lit Mn. Gnace's table, about au lawtul ePportunity' et assaming tlirm:' Mie Feclfulha loe-ai ,nit 1n I ancl thien uteing roiceofetTack'em, as houe- ago, I learuec tient cerne persan 'euiene,"cen he Assumne then> if Missi Ponter despisos al i h, lie elearcecl his pi-ayons, echon-d liko. wisebta cpeak wmie uie, and wreen 1 lie plense?- Miss Scale tieyll male n'ait I arathiiik. ftic groavi et advaricirg thîcuden. The meut clown, tîcis yoiug man,'-polutlug 'Certainb', sud vo sa7 aith ausmmech lug, . Iat pnccy'n-%ase said-Miuilins was cx- te Flinn-ias in waiting. Frein a spiritual efficacy as evni-. Feorave angue, Misa hîoeklyis ept taeho rro th, teudiueg Lis aruu-wheu e cloue des- lon-, coneversation tient ensued betaveen tlIet thie grace, leaving once adoptoci its Miss Lc.tcy co nceanneas4ista iiiling; cenîled frein tIe aperture unclen mhuilichu, I leamnocl tiet u}iwrids et eue hun. humnan conquit, canuet, b>' an>' aooidont Miss seYufore'csesblind E abat, lue stocd, and, et tie saine 1jin, Flinl's dciicl standcioetarma monoro ady te Le that me>' betel tlit conquit, lie delled Mis a Binlc ailacae i ipest, nll-kuown voie0 oxcleired frein, fuecdelia-eri necb m my possaessin nfor yen lu inlÃs transmission tea te bra Aned mise Waters lias > w i-hrt. rct ik ina'bod>' endile acmi, innlec'c, celler concsones vul!iu Soule. In 011cr wirns,' contin ec -yoîî, ton a meddling, muntiecrin' raie î' tecni-h liclu promise te put an sud te O'Cler7, slniking o on eetfhi e becEc ni- Miss Keiglti lenon' chan>ed ente Day, -Mulne felI sonscele. ticiearfre-ore eue condition, hov- one toue,.'Tack'em-wluicb yen hl vo Miss Prudence biac mest cc aver, Bounce up, a-%-ldli-yen'ne sato! ' ever. whleiii isin >'our ponelu grant cagacieusi>' curiised net tealie hic eal And Miss SIc-ad>' aisisi-d lber ligit- Rail Tack'enu, miile knecliuig himeiraf, or refuse. l'cut let us continue betoro naine: in foot, 'lis oui>'an expletiv eto But cuccecn l te Ie ain-tu-<e sud cil! holie lsped is lu aiics, and centluedfilue people.' » Belle adv-ancetd, aud et bis pi-osent contraban t trede-ona - No mic-eppnehoensions be making:- a tciciuapria-I ryrtntle 'hr rn n in (and lie does)-)oin iu holy wieti ck Thuge inong the dean cSx te inis-caîl, previousi>' enguageci him-,in secul I haro intcn-med Mr. Howard thet sceofe runeia>' couples, mho d!tns Theres n harm, I Cape, lunanis-lnkieg. aceulncrcam - Arn-c !-Junp, I sa>- yen propose, ni>'good people, te give net -colicit the good ofilces et thein n.ar jumep !-0 featus8 dine8 honnîinis i-vox ur ecl information as shll lead tate ish Priest, on an>'oftbis Ceentes.' The Peep O'Dey; or, John Doc. 8unz a pu nine ue-jump !' but Howvard flnding et mone tbuna ulndmeul stand (OB OTNE. diii net ise tiil aflerlu lie d rotumneci et anme, mitle olle thinge, pmovided liho ECOTSE. CIIAPTEIL IX. ardent lhanks ton ]lie deliverance ; Iliinke ;il te acfand prudent te take under areci licen-as stiil on lis kne-s wmien hbis protection tiec tew nisg-uiclemn- A women's determination to part i-r 'Home, Tiin,' seici Mullins, giving Ithe Flinu muelcoci oeavutieladîler, ominn yen haveo bld eue Icey' are ton-nom leair et thue Bide broke up à wedding et Sbeoil le tien yeurîg ina, anc lakiug flec eut : 'Tnndliee-uneouns -i-ts tfelic lutin Lsis.Acnd yoce engage tient Janùon, Me., lat veek. The cornpi y pinlol, 'go don-n ta thceavene, au' get l cigroelet Alarme ever came ou tliectîcese mnn leail alpmoacl isi soldions iead ahl asaeuehhed, tie clergyman iau dhnop fon fle Soggartie.' countie>! -a bue-cin' cieaine!oeOl ! wn-henIarma lu tiecinlband~s, leeving lu lus place, and the groom proceej cd Thee bcl mturmec top-full, and Caplain, a-vourueù, are yen ente and thym beiiind. ccd rem-aining as liostaes up clairs tae ecoont his ceLoen ene te eli Tack'nm, cnizing il egemi>', ae about soucui t-ri-y mc ' o en ? Ancd lhey until tlîey are, îccorabing te tre-en l- aller. The lady ires eplendfidly di es- te c-eallen ils contencts.n-liecu. glanciug aveme gen'it Imte yeu n iithat mnetr?strucuîna, tocnci onthie Speltmleere euT, but in ai-ranging lber r bailadd- at Homard, lie stepped short, auci eut-,r- Are yen lie a wlholn- ekin, a-vici ?'-lie thyLe'-lai-e ge-ouridedi tiu.' dopted the "nir style." Toabtjh&le ed hum a teste. Then politeue.s ires continud, i-:ising Howardc, andi clnep- 'We just tl-l yen, Fatee O'Clemy, yeung man ehjected in thn-most decid declined, andi Tack'c-m observeci, mii ieg bis luandis. wviet ire cere lid t te llyen, b>' cerne termes,saeyiug that il lookned tee huiezn freeh ansumrplion ot uller flippancy: 'Qcite ente, tbeauk yen, ouI>' a lilîle et our geesipa lient kuoma mono about and 'tant;' tliat thele faleetebr le 'Ahi, >-eu lcavu't the grace te like it frighlteiiea,' salal Havard, milh a nons- il. luit wmcl standi 1> every- nord yen sliouid Leparted modosîhyin the unici o. yet. But avait arheile. I tlionglit like su rec, thougle tefint smile spake, ieou-esomedevei-.' naici Fhlinu. A nIari-p nai- et irrds telloavec, w - hh yenecelf i final, n-u-eeurng ni>'poor 'Oie tle neîrterin' liiet h-wuc-m la llev 5ii>'yen, Mn. Hilard 2' ackned ne8ulled lu tle deeharelion on tie pix All Horaes aversion l.) ganlic-'hice, ie ?' resunec Fliin-Wiuhere je lie bll O'Clen'. et tie engry>'yenlh that hoe hed taker.e Eetaeen ounselves. a-vrnIe, ima a nlîle- 1b I le t-dcatli et Ilîmn-get np, yen 'On lIhe ter-ns propesed, I clîalh von- i-en stand; bliekîbe hair muet lie o- sce hcrb ater al :' andi lie repealcd uuhlucky lied'-iviug Mulimîs a kick- turc te prouet lise men,' ansmerocid drssodl or hoe mouid nevi- look upon il lien leginuing efthIle oie- ' gel up, if the Icains ai-e in yeur licaci.Hon-ard, 'but avilie eue exceptîien. Thoin again. To ti etc girl replied tient. us 'Parentis olim ci quis imnpia imenu, Musha, 1 pi-ny Goci tle Stene inyui' Captain, Dec, moust nre-endenIluiseif nigflle ave as scion as hoe pleacec, iid Seuile guttur te-cg-ri-' Liai-n letfl iu-get up andi go on yenr uncnditioînlli-.' leavo le dcl, nmuch te tie dsgust eft e ern Pureoll m aiting fer yen, au' 1 tearîhelat -.vîii o fatal tai file neat>', people re naine-to penleke ofthtle we 'oer itrntdiilir o l ice lfer-n'a on la thecre. Oit ue, cau' BOicI O'cle--. iing-iuppen anci irre.turueci eut oetft e luriali, irlieaen lie is, an' larren' lie's tient yen Utier uiui>' ' 'Net irethie haste, yenr Itea-reuce,' blise millieul il. no tiri e a' youn Revînt-nce, couhci Mnslîa, I meane ail for flic Ccc- sîcici linu. 'Pour pee'plo that ai-o bad- ---- netver Le au leenest manetle talk et doee't le laîkicu' ;,mutteneci Mullina, gerec injte corners inci ach e anuor DID-îc'T xs'eu Iv iAs A BUecLeAM 'guticr' anal the poîtacen in eue a, ecoenriug fote-uhie aîuuning lou-, muet look aftlihee-linsefes.-Auc' se, if Olie &crk niglit, net long aga, a bue-giar ueatl.' lihe scra7mllcaou bis fet. 'ls Purcelllicu Captein just promuises te leud a, entereci a primate nesidenon in a conue. 'Ocli! , God bluihpyenu, yen pue 1r eadmclv ' leand lte tie iest, leo's neleomc, I limer, te-y loin. Ouesceediug eue fliglutl i ceraucus, rephicci Taek'tecî, draining 'Yes, yen blnck (log, ho is,' ausavereci (te Dec, affleer ail.' clairs hoe obsena-ed a lighiet ua chamber, lis clell ; 'Nleet ao iessed ignorant Fliuu-'go your n-ayc te hlm-an' tell I promise, theen,' seîd Hon-ai-dl: sud chilc dniiberating whist te d[ a mue I liavne aounîl me!h Do yeuinhlmyen'rc afficer doieeg ail lie axeci yen 'But gond tailla muatinl thie very fie-st large moman cnddenly descended up an now ir umanit', a-a-jeu Fi1ee contnunci, -Cc anc-e o' tliet.' instanco e b i hin, 1>giî-ïng up tie aim, anzed une b>' lie tieroat, p1si al - .dcinessinc' Iinîscîf leHowvard. 'ainTe'mma oucni e'aus',helen cown Ilirougli tliebail, and toi-e1 'Nounecse,' interpoed ulMclhiiea, cave cajî Mclliîu - 'Pcurcell aaanta iite 'We aelia blbetedo nid 'cm, phase hlrn luote lecet beolenoh Cd -ea il lnoîr Iliatici eue- tue-cs, anci i-wtucnnke ahi aile--an' 1 pe-orisi-ci.' ye-Voiioue,' rcscured Flinu ; 'oui>' as le thiuk. 'HeroicRepnulgeetaBurgi -oe ean helîtit. Dont letuekin, iucecb 'l'iliamilbuige a peg lun'onu- coin- fric-nde te Lth ides, an' pacemankers. 1>' a Wernen,'wias tiehe>'yte. stare mtIle ieo y un> cl. I nes a cayeu', pecy'suid Taek'em. 'Thiee's ucilicer But l'en toîmici ae needu't go fer ton thoe ppeai-ed l infe noavpapors tle nexta -roon,' lie et ou.,ltencing te Hon-- imck clou- graea o a -ee iche.' giensanli' pislols, amyliew. Ammali, day. Butwhvon. fende caind andce ý-0 Ld, 'tuaI ail mas avehi -iieceglc e lac-. 'Fore- hînt niatten, lbere's a Pri(tst l iinicîs,' lue continucîl, addness-ng au gratuilateci bei-uponalhemcourage, sbe 3al, coren-Ic, on otîcen, l'unllutinkccc' dthelieuse almeacb>,' ebsena-cd 1Flinu, cld i iu-tan him, 'nasun'î i ilinculero exelaimnd 'Gond grenions I I didu t nu avilI have le ci0 a llcin ori-tire carc-iessly. Cet lie eeiien 11<1 us look for 'cm 2' kuewit iwias a burgiai-. If I hanci, l cern-. 'Tiscut chenu- le uys-hi, 0-gra, Is Ileere lioee>?' asked Teekeni, -And, takiug lown coeblundios et shionld hiave Ceeu frigltened ta e datl. 8 ul yen muet kiss lIc, Primuer agio, lu mut-luintemesec-'tleu, n'Cere's ni>'clu-a', Fhince exlieliteti e censidenablo I thion-hl i ir as in>'husbend coing ie regard et neveu- snyimc' a mai-titt a Crevciaîy ?F depot et od i muakels, towliug pionna, bomle laie agnin, andi I vas delni-mine1 Icuisticen sean of yone- iappeuing le 'Aned yoi'd blIni- go, ton anotiucr fpistais, gi-oct anal 5maU, erlines, andi lie sliouiln't ste>' inthe liusnlu île :uay dem tlrueoglcticat hiole airer yeunr aison,' ncjoiueti Flinu. 'Tluen'oe bu Cnucerbnsses. condition.' $ t t-ad, orcabeut ai>'oe eoetus. on an>'- cirocal d a eaneo mal mysehftte o 'AIl thels is ver>' aeil,' saidi Howîard, Ling ciae o yen au ulle you n-ci-o îarii-(enly I loft hlm a litto un>' off, rsle-iiug hie p1esnm as avei as -TeE SEA.-May not the Boa be Styloe evin' mid us.'arheen Iccir tle lin in the euto, te nmLzn-cien-'zAnd noir I have te se>'fle temple et contemplatienu? Vieve' Éomard, reruenbin- tlat part of cnake- iis oavu may)-lct yen- Rt-a-ce- tuai, ifthelut-cliîgs romain ns li enu-, in ail its stagtes8, lb exalte eudintmnprove t s dut>' ias le rentier a;sisleincoe t ail1cnec îoulcln't le ever-plaisecileasec- tentil mae-uluz, ilion, n-Ic i so etfMy lic minci. Its level expauso, wavIon n1 nics ta, ilue civil powreofetthen ceunIr>' T ilenposaens, Ici-olhe cornes douan flic mpn, I eau gel upossession et theoi ; anti chlin pu-naails. cemmunicates assimula: i putîing oltivuiilliirtdistillatioen, Lues- iîct-i-1' - Homard lookcŽd in cerne if lice ctiuîe- concessioes aeed snbmiesieuc tranqcility ta the relieclin5r brenel itea li ethilprpi itiece ; couhttel luit alinm.uctl ms ge-eati>' rtlin-rn-i ta e cespickeirtf C>' Me-. *O'Clcr-3, are'nad n dede e ieiren its biiloirs lift their deour e c l u u l c i e g u i l e > ' e t u i n t -r e c tt o i * t ie n p r l > ' p - r s o n e t F a î ue ru - O C l c r y ci mi l e n g o o t i g a c e , 1 s h ea l t e n s e s i n g- h o nd , t l e y s ng g e s i î i d e a s t le i n a , ornise et priieciple lu conceahine hLcsIthe situation Flinu liati deseribeul. Tiee abut pee-tcmumiug my' en-c part et thie aublie, moditations the mesb solemului noavit-age eft he existence and situa- frienuts, in ninînal su-prise anal pleas- tirat>'. Bit"-le cenhinucîl, aftnm a The meiy natnre ofthîe pu-espect, bonnd el on et cucle a place. Ho lirmcoreu-enee, ada-ancedatatecachacilleer. alunet peuce, and nw pressoi C>', e Iss and unhreken, prosonts n sensibI4 re jde ne immediete ausmen, anal Mul- 'Mouýe asitîn, pince yeîer Rea-ereuce," gedngucclleciei-uitCn, au dean argument for otomnit>' et duration, anu a 'Tliemt's noeier ihîhe matticer,too.. cpnt-ueuue cenversedal paet-"Ai cleine aecbiluisi aurageîen.-Doe, Ipftia subtlest reaseuing, etfuintapliysins F mie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n pergaiaetorle hm l dee aJick ai, ceeu as yen cau-it'e caciilten. lis net lu n>'powuter.,TA pi D arith lIais Ceptain Jolin-Gdcci ieip thu e c-t ira>'for3'nu hotu." -'I id-nu l, M. 1Heuwr-! Do yen -CRUFLTY IN< TaN MxSceUem TAT n h-are al hie limi- in lie- C. eg a s io nke emt oaie tih p-a î od eîîeirc'PucEvsl.S oiMie 2- of tien anoinlnciIceuren whose elot ll bin nSnch a naest o ace-yidnit etdis-.liii- sbop on t-lé -eos- aI ido- of- Me-nu- 1h :I sEceniti gimn the saIne encirer. o diegrace, efthteamofol decIhlIoyalty. Sie silil set holding tlie in- mental Park. Ris diseace iras cuisi-t- i Thonoon doul dont v ncmeboo sch connexions as thie mustinlevitall>' ant te lber bosom ; but lier veine vas pox ; contracteit frour boundling bain Il.Deyence iralI bveliiW'enci in?'lenselt, cand the euel>' ept tînt poonliar irhicul il appnare liai!been ont f-om îlhe cd"I rojoine, Rcmrend Sir,' aucune-ei te anci fro miotion et thbo Cdy, b>' ihieie head of avoman who diodof tballoatb. wi Ic >'on eaumui-cicrmn if yen Taek'ni, rhie, cpiîe et lic effor-ts te tie irnen et lier ceunie-y gestioniente o nome diease.Tii. final question liat as e ; lut yen hae lunard ni>'ansirer.' Ce flippanî, lis hoati, sant yedrpe heav-y sermon. -nturall>' arises ic, Who vas Wbks Soyn Bleolhiouna, stop)l' sud lis teugue fatered-'I sa e>'Irjoieeé Whoio eaIe ?' asked Hoirard et enoielte cultua bs ain froue the coi-ps 5 canin-clTaek'em-'Happ>' alttle tient yen mrcituil>'aloi me but -that Fîjun, ns île>'passoti. - aoui! sîenpi to e Ul te -,Mn. Day P2 It F0 ý,wliat moulti yen Ce about ?-Don't eue unfortunaeo tailng-I ike il, Sir, 'Ti-olI, plase yotir boueur, I dunnea,' is a noterions tact that muci of thei. ikuo eirce's iriser huais tlIen I like il-Goal help me i And I Inliseeiran tierepI'. "glor>' oft omà n" te noissorcit frone fu crssclhin blt attr ?Isnt lui -tînt is, I an efraii-tllt wliiln Houwartileokeit round fer tle figure literai-y doait leade, but il lait nover bad t alerOCei>2>'lc Heavon spare me -à moute bo open, of tie ehd man, wlo lad acoopned beforeocoourrod te ns liat ou> e eAn' ihe gave yen beeme te I Imuet lie t&eing il. E ver>'oeebanhier over tue ills ; but, et ail Itlse la vewulit ieho o *inl, oatoconi si loteur, noyu u aos2 bic fate-I cien'î menu il h t hen e lsplace, noue rnsemblod hie. Falher ludifoéronitth îe putbuL efroa bai- Boîor' SulMuiiu-'wo'l effi-doxicail>', Sir-fer, Ili-ougli ail, I'm 0'Cloe-y, lu icait the wa', 1usd not hanter hein stolas from ,jeostilonlial1 a'sClf, ttigethu e ?Wleobdfrmn icthe Faib-I'nan seunen, but I nebional île yonng avemen, audHoward heeds. _Il seens as thougli son>.one - enif,~~~~~ îltgl'IIitî i ta' beiemo--But I nnvnrtless toau, some- noi heure-led aller hIm up Ihl aden, onght te be seael>' punis]etfr bset, mn dbnop I baste, b>' sîcowang youn n i hurîlthaire ai-n ahibei-n te corne mi. 'Let your Remeenon an the Caplain toonepreliensibletoradeqnatexpres-i*n- mn v te manage lIce stIl lureugh îthei-tmon !m in->' 2-nfrud'ti ct ortune un cen never gnt omen. Anti, taeocae o' yeur lenda,' sait Flinu, s a inords. The ladiesvboaeucum i-li AI ?-An woldn' itbebethe astîtheclodi, ail I'eau id i, that lie toiloireittIem. 'The atones cover beeda ville pnbsed bain musi oie su do t-to things et onée, nuit got lunehavigoneclemeit- tm yth o a vru"on bet no-e les ~2 leBkfoaiIOXhm2 arngoccalimeutItmn'helhealveu'onUbv elomprehonsibhe silegiance 1, faéluuon ta, iisstheBuk fu al 1 x hm ae alled, but tew ai-o oboseu--anit steop firitli îhle.' if thé>' v iii nutheir livers liv earlng You don't understanal il,' njoined hen wthcmeocbs e-sapI Fbe 'hr' ionlt xbnn i ste endages miecauuocadorj - p k'c-'yu uurenovr hnu e u- ~os e>y lu s>ntax-eaving onceoeil- anitunassisteit desoont, vas pnepared mente takenfrm te>'knov nol viuena stnd m-Yon 000 de nothinc but od mn jute it. I1aish you oould oel neafor tlic intimation, suit cautioushy oh. or vbst.-Cevelaed Plains Detelr.- your ti-igger or keop the shono ineut ef t ilacain. I am ubeeog evdi.BtHwrwoee.;a X seee-Lt etterpeples usi t'amut, I cen nover waeenit weil- tranon Ced heau la an ludepenitl a , GRUAT Bums or Lucc.-Tbo greatest i-eL c~~~~~~~ abnI e' eadoi-iele' eitlen orroav wouid 1 have te st-up fouud.munI dihfil n 'l overeng bis i-un of iuck on recori t at of a Balt-Il- 46 Enhns hokig c t;cinpio ne iti off on an>' other accoonu. Foi-, happy poi-sou, ueck kuees, an le almostcm o -v.mers cigar doale henoiiwithin tb. lestas ai-rangements, lieo ousideneit hian. sbath toe, if I gel as zunol b>' nair>'. led, oceasin, -1lipte lineface ocoi ire onW lsMeserli!sfo-n ceileci ou, -in oouequeuoe otaliieky int slia>' oouple, up suit cown, aI the ,sartie. -itn5n abg lote1y piie, tounol $7,000 lent, te setîle mablers bic own way, sites oft ittoes suit andge-,suinob The moon lad gainoit har Reniti sbureé n thle coller -ofluis bueh ui '1' -enmdpelaces, as voulà l loep a soconit-lini thuepart>', emerge nitlier neviing leel lis mte-in-n.laor 'lien, Dli tell you iov il 'Il be. LUt blaec cool on ni> batik bal-I lhe ysn besins; soit Hoaerd and Mr-. O'C1ony - do. pouc kueel det ihi in s e 'Gw, ood. eibb aln 'roo olle peuseit au instant te examine, ici A millionaine, *who ->lives lun Piftli a do ýyou née et is ideplae '0, yp mierale ceat-cýfrejite liroad Elii, if n>' appoorance of Avenue, New York, gave à atstonit. U nvece,au' givolaluea beithen ed O'Cley-'bide yone.leead for sixamessi n tstoot 0lescrl1 hroo avio elfe enzstion non hicsneoier, poon lady,suit, vhnryou gel coben, thinie uind e- uti-anc. lie>' hait just obearoit, Asu eovral yomareuo ho. UuoeslYoex- Ilionglit he'd gel. Jusat se>' six peut,if pour ose. ban onlyadvise sud Fiutcl-uimsitnhrg1iitatitsvriorsfro.R my fa"t ein'-Aavecs, su' Jet no on. b. pra> forn pou. , Of pnise yo haveatone oomploey covenci thlbe mu,ofwiulaout pain, go sigo >maeupoOfv y. - in."Sure vo'iI give, hinxi itde ayhdbrajrteýeiarto, n;e hrade, 1as 11E>', and ieybae qgjj, to t" of it.' - t anI -l -u._1_ . 1 41ý n, n, . 9 bi M Ili ki .eaiuury 13, 1873. - lS [ARM FOR SALE- ni-s LUBEPROPERTY FOR SALE. A splendid terni et 57 acres et baud, u v hicl is ca barge dvenghoc , ansd - eut-buildlings, emînaled iîtin corporation The cubecriber'offers tor sale bhs telloar. et the Te-tusoetWhitby, CeunI>' Ontario, invaînable proeot>', lu the TowvnioetWhib ut kurusîlTionlisFm. re b> -Au excelent Brick Cottage will j acre Also, oe acne et aut, splendid Bicik lai cf lad, situatet on the corner et G-son anal Cottage, andt got oullilidings. Latel>' St. Pnter Ste., in thie Soutli Warit. Ahi-, & oceupini b y the late William Thorudike. acre of landl, md euceit, anal in ealiigh tate AppI> (it b>' letton, post poit.) teaik et cutivuciou, erner Woiingten anal Oit. tord etc., North Ward. j acre on Contre St. YEOMAN GIBSON, or J. L. SMITH, t south et the necitence et C. Draper, Esq.. lu Whilby, Executers te ths Estete. ne tic South Ward. Alan 20 acres et geedilanit, Cing cempoe ofe part et lot 18, îoth con. WhiIby, Ocleher 9, 1872. - 41 you et Toavnsip cet Talon>, Ce. Northumiber. Fot landt. A cinan aud iudlspntable tille mill bgiven ?1ID)LANB RAWLWAY 0OF CANADA. Ithe to all theabve proerty. For ui 0t'er par.- E-TARLE- tiei ticulars appby te île otuen. T M -AjE h FRANCIS CLARK.i Coing Nonrth frein Port Hope te Lindsay. In' WlIitb', Jul> 1871. 2 tBeavorton eutd0e-ilia. 010 - -- Mail... 4O. m.1Mied .... :40 p.um ne>' U UP E Ru1 OR O Y STE RS GoiugNorthi toPeterboro' & Licefild. thie s ~~~Mail...9Mam.,Mixed .... 6:00p.uM.bea - e~Conug Souh freinOrillis t1e li ie>,con- TAYLOR'S BEE'T Peterlir'aPort HoPe. nsato i Mixed ....58588a. M.I1Mail ... . neP M t, F-RESII EVERY DAY j Comiug South froue Lekedehit.Ci MXixe! .. . -8.00 a. m.1 Mail... 8 00 P. m. Taci AT Conents vi îlte N'ipics-ingRally >' Pull andt from Toronto Aud.lutenueiae1teeos IL FRANCIuS'S. at Milîbreeleeftrboe'asutOrillis, sni e %ville Grand Trunk et Port Hiane bath neor- f Oi55 Whitby, Sept. 25, 1872. 89 ing andt eveuing ith trains East and »ea M t F O SA EH.ILG. TAYLOR, ou@ FOR S LE, YSupt.etof laaself AmsaluablisFaynnin abiîglestate oftcew.___________- ac atien, soil net exceUsit lu Canata, linu' Bl c.I1isows Lot 25, 2uit con. West Wiumll-s , Counl>' e'i - « -OA._t'T Middlesex, 80 acres " a-e, eit vit a'e- I - ie ai, goitfences, good build nsd a due-jAUikda oof cea ui recelvet. Wihei Young enchard etfechicefut "'xe ote e pc.frcsi n>,Arne ,within-41 miles c e li 3urialing village Of neenîs av e eau masethaüy,à xrà ne and Park HUI, sud conialingl4f2 acres, Iveegied nTown uculea. pi-q For perticnlars apply Ce.OVi THIOMAS EIIGHT I - JOHN KIM -vr 2ÃŽ&'k411 Brook St, ýy whby jly24lmtg0 whib, Agususua5 lmY, -~8~l a a. bi ti C' St et il lin itf lic So do lie col lie sa bli 'li us Ru pis Cii. yet Stae npeoaiesofc onumg pearsviheaxÉros- ,pehuo the ieturning spring. - SvTuesogCÀUBss Fola (hoywcs - Roman Emperor, Ailigonns , baving isicen a fanc>' te one -gf bis soltiers, for bis galanel Ci-er>' rhledioapbysi- clan te attend hlm fo- au iilnvail - imnul liat lait long tormented hiùjà sut peroeiviug, aefcelbe - as cnned5 Ihl e e munhimore coldl>' te moi-k itIen bofore, ice asceit hum avo or viat lbad altareit hua. - "Youreftl in,e sRalit the soldier, "la luaving eagedoit e of i> paiue, mhîie madn me-so vear>'otniy lite iluni I dit net value il." - pcopie mo bals Peverydiing Ibaltei liuiegbt. Hai t le>'madte orhi, lie skies voult elva>'. bave beau leait -ceheur; the floyers alvas black; the, grass n siceklylilue; sud tle sien moult bave alounelut di=my, if aI ai. This, -te le sure, te nl>' a -f.*zux et, inanit>; Cul il noue thec iss - operates hic. a veu blaulcet upon that heaietl nneërfiel- - ness mmich shouit hte atneosphene ofthe honsehold. Lot us guanitagalast the graduel appnoacbes eftis mîîi- cxtingisei. a Somneoi>'playel a ninehoax on Dr- Cuming,on Englisi lcctnrer,aoaerihts ago. Ho mnabotelecture aitFolcenetoncone "The pope andt bic mori-n B Eglald," fbul Jus, s iemounted the plelfoin, a telegran vspleced luinhie baud in- oruing bnette pope hait dinit et 10 o'clock tint mornlug. Te lecture was soteued dovuinto a nelld comment on the colemu eventand Il wos corne bleue befotou e li mas kuovu. Cffft-D0oon dons SOnetinios pSY s secenit visit te man-pouth nemi-. Hou responsihle are-me foile use ef a period-so pi-scions lun hlself, vhieh vit seon peau avay, sud neyer netuam TERMTE it l-bod of union sud the hesis et bnmafi appluess. Witlout tbis vintue hlie s ne, relianco on lau- guage, -ne cenfidenco lu friendsip ne seennit> Iu pi-omises asuithis.. GchE et di>' tougnie teegreataliberty, lest ht ake lIme prisoner. A mword un- spken is like lihe rodith e sos- bardthi ; if vcted, il>' nuordin l aueher's bad. If lon-desire te be leld vise, lie se vise as t10 hol hitd> tongue. ImNiNTE toil voud. nt enabbo yeu te eueep aie>' a mist;-» but, b>' accent- Cg a ltti, yeii nie>' eten omrlook il lt geter. S e it e aiw ih our m oi-l.im - puoemet ; vo rstle fieleoni>' mdia vicions habit, wbicl conît bave no hldi upon us if wiraoacudedit b a Irigei-moral elmospiono. - IeF yen ask wmmcl te ereal leçediter>' slu et lunan. natcfre, do Yoretlmegue e shuit ansier prite, r lauun>, or ambition, or egoism? No. Wn sCuI ce> indolence. Who conunrs indol- n.ce will conque- allie rsI -luteed, iii good piinipis mut tagnte ith- out mentl astevîl>'. 1'1- The Quenu lis eedereit froueMac- onad's granite vris, Aberdeen, a saneoplagu sasd paitestal of Pelnnbeait granite, in vlie then-romains oethîe latn Enperor Npoenon _mn>' linplanaI, uiiil teir ultimata eslluatiou te d. ni-mineit. Anolen monument te IRobaritBamn itolkeociabouit. It te proposed.te ereiF l at Gegv anit a nlIlling subscnip-, ion te being raioci, whioh les aneai> met w nth 50 m u ci u eess hat tesu C- sibeci shillings anount te te ohmn ot £1,200. A nguluar>' epleode in the Cabau kurretin le lte reporta& ennimar>' Bxenution, promptoit C> revege, ot s cmie chieftain çy!hovas ueit lnoavo as pootst and jeurnaist. A finanial conveiton beteen Frane nuitGenan> povidefoui tbe eayent af thllst inaalmeul t vwr demnnit>' ou tIc 611 Sptanben nex, 'len tle eacueatun vl bce competoîL- Fie yug ureen ere urucitý te Icati et Liverpool ou lie î4th uit., lu fire whiel occurei theIlspremies tf Messrs. Rushte, Coope, cuitDun- ni-cae, spics, sent, and rîce mer- -huts. A ReiOArkABLE PaxNoUaNceodo masit-- iesseit receti>' ln le tkm of fan Igntis SBlse.,There mas quit.'a oer of quielslmen fine dras of' nernur>'alling everyvero sud, cover- ng îe plnic. The iihtant» col- cteaimany drops te puye s mem- itoec eftis sboaveri - sud sampins iave benusneit t oodcenutiflo ai>'.- A-tsimer nemet lex. Grat, resu!. ag in ten neighorhood of Tesatr, Cmmoptdore 'Ivanderbl hhmivenLb. 'O0, for elliusseitougues j" Wd île m ie n h c a v be ile to a tr a c il e b a r - - I 1 j AUCTIONEER