Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1873, p. 1

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4aaent Insrtion.' Speqalal oont cu dvb ti "ua* b4 An wnilng. BusIne88 Direct o 1, fai subie. ry. o'rtrAÀlo BANNI, WHITBi BRÈANCH, -THOKARS DOW, i>ONIR101f RANK, IL IL TAYLOE, .JOffic, Souh WAng Court Hanse. A ' Wgeans onspcli etalîcen ai Hon. Id culro, sCund Dr. MeMWiebsel, Q. C. - (OUNTY CBOWN ATTOENBY F0I ,JOntarioq, Pacriater,- Solictan, Coure- LAcer, Nolary Publia &c&c d.OfiMe-t hjea1hib y B. 13f, Caoi-nue sq, lIs Cr ttoney, Brook PIreIuîgbyr. flAEEISTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEl t ~ acerDiirE.gie«Wr, Messer BE = acy,9 4.7* a l Cin aaancey fa tice Coucnly of Ontario. Office, Cot Houas Wliitby. B AREISTER dt ATTORNEY-AT-LAWç > onlicitar n luCiancan, Cacirsysucea Nolsry Public,kec, -Office-Next doar 11hf Stome aifE. & J. Caipheli,Break Sîreef, -Whilby, ont. F'AREWE-LL & Flf.ifflI, DARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICI. .13 tara, Courayaneera, anti NatnaiePnb- liai. Offle-.One ton nonîb aiftic. Paol 'Office Osiers. .1 L-I5uasvmaa. R. MaGrE. TTONEYAT-AWSOLICITOR IN ton, Brok, C34,rnc,&cWCnig I'vi -M4 N LNGLIMIaI,1, L. 1B.. B AISE AT LAW, SOLICITOItINIl csSItreet, Oshawa, do ' lux. Ne nsIil. gLL.Ba B A IT9RATTORNEYAT-LAW, Notai-y Puble deC du-C 8'fie-McMiluc. Block, Brook étree't Wilby, Ontario. Uxbnlta. TL&, OIITRI 'Wltby, Byron Street, Southc otOfc, TNSPECTOR 0F PUBLIC SCHOOLP fion lie Connty ai Ontaria. Atitrms- Raglan Post Ciles, Ontario. t- J. (..%INN, DoI. 1)., - .RGEON TO THE COUNTT GAOL, vByraa Street, Whitliy. -'BU HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., ENTIST, (SUCCES- D son ta W. B. Garai.) Dental l oonia-DundaSI-emt, 'Wiby aven Mn. Jemeacu', Store. Nitrant- 'Ozitdes edmîiaLseraci for thepaiuîea ex. ;Inaction ai temihi. C, N. V,% ilS. L. ). S. B T ETH inseetet on ebilicte -'-lalest pflciîcls ofthteaart, scieapas lie cheepeat, anti as goati as lic hast. Teeti Ihlat viii -Gaitianti Silver. TooeaiaxireoIetsiticouI'pain, hy pnotuitig local aucethesia, Dentlhtoomes-in Car- .an's ner block, ovr nAlkînaoa's Drag Store, .Klin Stree, Oawa. - 85 'l'ilO.iAsIiHUSTOiN, TSSUER 0FP MARRIAGE LICENSES. .Olllca-Tayn igal. sitience-Byran Street, tiras ton a Ioc-lb aiTown'aHal --TAIR DRESSING AND SHIAVING .LSaloon, Brack SI., WlcAlby. 1 JaîIi - VOLI"ENI>EN, AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATRD .tlScottisIl Granite. At Mac-hlm Wonk> ciJactisaWolienten,DendtinS., Witby. TVLCE$SED'AUCTIONEMR F OR THE- .LCounties ai Ontario, York and Peel. Bemitec-Lot 8, 6tia Concession D4arkhaca. Pont Office-Unjonville. Sales atteaded oan thie shortest notice, and on reamoaable terme. Terma e dnLe goadca and bill" prictud et the CIIBONWCLX Office fur Mr'. Carter. L ICENSED AUCTILcNEEIAR FOR THE ..L..iQacy of Cùtario, bege ta returai thau~ks for the liberal p.trtlaage Ierctofore bestowed apon 1dm, and toa anounce- that lie' [aprepareti ta cacduet salesa aiticer in Town ar Couty ai reaconable rates. Ar. rangements for males can be madle ether at the Cuuoazcc.c Office, ar ut my owa office, Blrook Street, Whltby. M ÊRE1CHAXT rAILOI<, CLOTHIER,& ..QClothier, Oshawa. Gentleaea's gar- mnitamacle nu) in tics boastyle andi latest farihlun. À flue stcock ofi Clocha, frani which ta malte a eciection for Gentlemen's aummer TUMBER MERCHANT, CAJIPENTER L wiaidJoiner, Gracen Street, Whitby. A large qcantity ai ail kiatis ai tomber coua- standl on bandl. UNIE RTAKING.-Fuaeralis fIly suîp. i lied andi attended an short natiioe. Caffias ept coastantly on baud. A bearse ta lire on liberal terras. ~jýONRY TO LEND. The. ancleroignecl ham any amaunt af Mon- .sy ta Leati apan Perm or Town Property, at uninilAy iow Rýtes af Ictereit. Lëaisean bo rapaicldain soci sait ior. rowers. Several Improveti arais andi Wilc Lande j for sale cheap., Investaneais matie lu Muitipal Debea- tares, Banle, aad ther marketatable Stacks. Par fartiier particulars apply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assigne«c, Braker, &c. OrFICE-Ovar the Dominioan]Baak, Me. Milie' Brack St., Wbitby. Jpril 11h, 1872.10 WViibjï tBrase,-anti String Bauds, edapted for Sdîrees; Pie-nies, Excursians, Quadilse Paril4, &ô., &c., will supply the best ana latset Music an reasonable ternms. APPlatios muet be matis sither persan- aly r y ehei Potbladet T'E 13EST là VOL. XVII. U D Em HLLIDAX,, ALBION MOTEL, BIIRO KLUq,-'ON',.9 WHITET, ONT., -18OLLTED .BISK vPREINS. Co., - irogcy 01 Cana8a. A pimiiy Cciaia i ititflhlin ed, anthcpublic viii AM evéry se Alse AgenI ma appralur i1.,hc Cnda tion anth le béat attention. Permanent 'Buuii ganti sarqocey in____or______ ionoMOU" aîbevwrateso aitest. -0ENT BAL HOTEL., BBITISH ÀmAOBIAN RUGA. N ry- I. or- Ai'dscitons ailihasbot Hcse Mdi. s ilby Lirery Stablas. L*»No charge for ativite. B. O'DBL, A T H ER L Y,- ferk TOv/B/on (Jçur, T.lk ktbahrlyQCut> ' 'rio A surance Company, CAPITAL, *400,000. This obtianti veli etablshet Capy egprat a aspnikAnilceamc peni,siatesas evas those of any yen es alctCompany in Canatia. Isolalet antimon-biazardons property la. suret faorIiWr einsor los stsipeci&Ul1e rate&. L. FAIRBANKS Jas. OIEce, Brock St., Yliutby. MUTUAL /N8LIRANCE CO'0 IMKAD OFFCE, BR-OOK Sr., WEITBY. This Ccncpny iisunet Fa= Buidngs, Country Chaircee, Scicool Rous.s, and themr Contentestairates as new as lias, ai eny valU-eslaLuaîed Comany n Canada. JUST LOSSES PROMPITLY PAID. L.FAIRANIKS, ih., J.'B. BICKELL, Secratary. Presideut. Mr. D. HlIday Anouelanger an aentloa thim Company. "HRNIX FIEE ASSURANCE CO'Y., JOHTN BAILEY -PROPRIM The aboe.halI ai asbeen nevîll anti furniaiet. Guet vili lnticomi accommodation sudntateniion. oea, lng anti attentive coslena. Ç Ã"MMEZRCIAL HOTEI, E. M. CALDWELL, PROPRIE Beat accommodiatioyn ai mnieior'1 liquors anti cigans. Goot malla1, vi Cloudt Yards, ac!-attenticve oatlamei the. pranimas. Çtbarges matai-att. GR"TRUrNK RABLWAY Ho AT-WHITYTDTTATION. WU. O'NEILL ..PRO-PRIE' Pil'-"t. MMig à e rain aeut Amainie-! vill haveta tevltakeca eof ai 11 CTLOBE BOTEL, - R#OKLIIO, ONT. JAS, POWELL - - PROPRIEI 0 NTAEIO IHOTEL, E SCd ST., WI[ITBv, LOMBARD 6T. d& CHARiG CeOSa, LOaNON. --- - LsJrlsLI The aboe.oit alhisli. ti aI bas ESTABISHED IF 182. avly itteti up anti enovaledti iong] ESTABIBRE IN 182. lliehy.aparmtncns being inishoti ti !ntiutahle lursituna. The poprietoi GILLESPIE, MOFFAT &dCO0., Agente ior ndae oiiugB l u prieg - Canads. coinfont ai the guesîs, snd they mniermel- JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager. an the hast ai pure liqnors heing auppali - - lice han. Strict attention paicl theo a Inaurauces seainstIonas by Pire are offect- ant in iaoking fel théli ciilily ai liasi othe hamont favorable terms, end Losses - ___________ paît vihhoal refereace ta lia BoardtinluLon- - dhou. fEVERE BOUSE, YEOMAN GIBSON, R Agen, Wiitby. MANCHESTER, ONT., -B. PLANK . . . PROPRIET TJIH Stages teaneu frein WAilhy cal daihy. LIverpool and London and Globe enry atninpi agia IN.%VftflhCI COUPA NI, ROYAL CANADIAN ROTEL, ,ýAAL A ASa, S27,000,000. a-uRT PEaaY, amNr., Lassesp aidiH-.BFOY . PROPRIETO: eîçeeti PORTY MILLIONS OtDLLReS.i- CAsis hiceago Fine esllmeled ataceux- Supenlor accommodtion. Goad tiae - cy $8,0,9,-are heing iqaideteti ae fatamindcatiedim mand t allentir, oshiera. 'tijusîtd iticauildadaclian. Sacuriîy, 11omtP suntad Liberaliy iu ad*ust- HER O BSON HOU SE, nnofis Los are the pi-aminnliaalnrsa T H c)f thua vealIhy Cocraan - NDAS cTREETs HTY Head Office, Canada:Brauch, Motreal D .varr G. P. C. SMITH, GEO . ROBSON, - PROPRIET( Chiai Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS, Je., Agent ai WiAby, OuI., ,f The praprietar heqa ho ennoance <cal han eacat the building iormemiy huart Sicripluna'e Rotel.vihici bas hoan enovas TOHN L. WATKIS, elurinhet, sut fitîti nUp lrougicanî,iui a> heat oi style. Tice pi-amisesaraie pleaac OFFCIA L A38/ NE , iItua olposte thecmoeOffie, and in1 calîse t tia hotel, andti he stagea ion 1 B.Inncrv8RaDcVISIONc COURTI, britige anti Beavernan leave the door erg AUOTONE R, ~ 1ccpnng Loam B par prday. Cereilu OFFICE-In Bigeiov's _Bloch, Port Penny. -wS ES TE EN fOUSE, Port Penny, Jane 24, 1872. 26 NEW -BAKEEY FRUIT STORE. lle- te annunce liai ha i. nov preparat ta aapply ernyliine An tic. Bakéry and Con fectionery Line AI ie lsaItand, laIely accapieti b>'Mr-. J. Arakfl. CHOACE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS Repi cousanîl>' ou baud, An seeson. ORANGES, LEMONS, S.UDINES, LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHEESE, TOBACCO. BRAD u elivr ai ly 10 cuatamers, andi mUl ouiier p raoviions anti gcatis aliverati as aiey he aui-mat. Ciobe Brand.n ai Cigara. -RICHARD SNOW. Whilby, Sept., 1871. 87 O ýM0V A L. The utersignet Acas reniova iei BOOT c& SHOF-S TORE ta lie premismeaedjoining lie Western Hlotl, Dandas SIc-eet, Whllby, resho i. nar neparedtlao xecule ahb ondera ion Woc-k. A large eud select stock on banti. Repairine- doass a. JOSEFHI A. BANDELL. Wiby, May 8, 1871. 19 L 1v E R y 1 The Iuntercigued desires la iaform hie frAouts anti peirons. liai ha bas agean c-e- aimati businesnt the. ait -WHITBY LIVERY STABLES, Ilaving mcreasedthelianuniher eut quaîi )f lice slnd, anti ela attiedtlaant i lpraveti lie canrayenees aeut-,ehiel.,s au lie prani. ias, ha hapes b>' heing n e position la meet lie waaha ai estnera ta mai-11 e ehac- ai pablie patronage. N. B.-Cvemeti eonveysucea for famillies anti ladies, PromýI attenae, as icroto- fore, ta ail artenas. N. RAT, Proprietor. K INQ BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealersanad Manuifacturera aofail : Kada ai LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Cash paiti for Hides, Bark, andi Leather. Leather atretcheti. 42-r BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON Nvk Refarncoe Massas. Jeo. DaucUas.& a May, 1872. 221 Jantany 18, 1873. - y8 DUXDJAS STRcET, Wvncrr. The andaraigiieti%,ouldiinlimae e la puhlia, thal ho ahove promises have hat ne-'y " lteti cp andi renoaaedti hranghau Beel Liquoma anti Ciga. ,"Tii. Creani Canada,elsepur. Rhima Wino Walm'a La Pr, vhiioesala anti relail. Boantiera tahea thie eek. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. XVIýSON flOUSE, A. WILSON-, Ja., PROPRIETOI The auhearihon icags te anaourice ta inienê andthle puhAie generauAy tiet ha has o peau the ahove new b ahel An the Village of Ast humn. Ti.he uge s nev, anti ininisiet i e Mnost tiirongic anti cîcinlanablo menai Gm.neh ilA tuictiery canrenieucce et th choc-c establishmient. iVinas, Aqaons, ai cigare aofliehe bet brane alweyakepi hunt. Gondctialiuug anti attentive hosîlaz lwsays in attentiance. May st, lace. 1811 1\JFONEY TO LEND! Rapayabie hy instaiment, farnrminTva t Twanhy yoana. at low rates ni interept, vil: ont commission, anti aI moderato changes. Pcivato Fauda lsta lent. Apply ta- J. E. FARLEWELL, Soliciter, Brock St., Wîitb- May 281h, 1872. 22-ti OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOR TRE COUYTY 0OF ONTARfIO ADDItESS-Box 91, Wirum. 4 J712J CHAMo ST., SEÂx VIcanacàSQci-cax MONTRE AL. S;c-Beainena enclucivcly cammianieu. -12 yeara expeience Au lie Mon-treal pca dce tratie. litanas prompt, antid iis market prites oblînti onsignons kapi ptit as to alce oai icir gooda, pc-spects, l'.Inioranati&naa Ici pnice, &c., icrniabai oic application. LeA trial cenyignicccî aeliciienl. GEORGE PERRY, Je. c HO0I1CE APPLE- TREES, A Il O [Y T 20,000, -AT litS- HOM4E NURSERY, Prom Ira ho foar yeera ai age, embracing nil the. hast Venlaties. SETH C. WILSON, LoI No. 8, fat Ccn- 'Picenge-n Kingston Hoa t lOie,-Wlitby. V LALFARM FOR SALE. Balie- pari ai lot 29, Itic concession Scott Conty aiOa1-on -OOacres, 75 cbeaci sud in a goot sîste ai cailtiration. Gooti dvahhing houe, anti extensive oalbulltings An gooti repai. . Apply te lie owuen, SIMEON TIF-PIN, on tha premisea. Leasktiale, Nov. 14,181f. 47 Te LAWLER, Importer eutd eeler in &U inuis ai Famlly Groceries, Pitre Wines, PtJB SF11217, CRLOOXEET, CHINZA, GLA&SSWAEE, c, CHEQLJEREJD 8TO!g, EsaOce rsr wuaqb, xv Iwo. - V ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The. subsaiber Zaffarlc-sala lie failar. ing vainable propar; lu Ihe Tos'n aifWlit. bly -An excelent Brick Cottage viti ja sc-e ni lad, iuated ti u ic corner oi Greeu eut St. Pater Sîs., in the South Wemd. Also,1 acre ai lent, vol feuceti, end iuneaîlihste ai elîlvaîlon, corner Wellington ant i GIf lant sIc., NarIlu WardL 4 acre ou Centre SI. souticoaitha rasieuce ai Ç. Draper, Esg,.. in tie Sotht Wamt. Alis 20 acres ai got lent, heinig comp~osed ofa part ai lat 18, 101h cou. of Towvsip ai Murray, Ca. Northumber- tant. A dlean ant i ntis1tebhe tille rAia egiven tU ahe leabara property. -For iurtlier par- ttiidlara apply tthle orner. FRANCIS CLARK. Wliily, July 187,L. 2 s UP E BI OR STR TAYLOR'S,> BEIET FRESH. EVERY DAY f A T IL R. IANCS,. Wbithy, Sept. 25, 1872. 89 F OR 8SALE.I A vancîble Faim, n e hige meoaicuti. ration, soil uat excelet An Canada, belcg Lot 25, fat cou. West W Iliménn Connty o Mititleses, 80 acres ceneaim vl vehan. et, e-ca tenua~e-goct *, ana a fla. nyaucc rbant ai aýcýice fruit ;m mtuated l~Th8ele ~Wodý-trenigthr. .umed, for the nonce,-toe mnLte-Uitat Oatftervsaottecnir,'Bahli c8llivan fn.eiwithoat raIinu P AT 8N TE Dar thoé e«cï&rof entrauce te~ a Young latiy's Chama. for mati, jusi ine a ghoat. frighteuiln' bis eyes from tule glana in whioh ho vaa 1T02 < c ~Tlicrge. icyBdo Un thMtale, mmedate peuue'the People Out cf their lives. Thongh, nov compouncîng hie pottheon puncth in__o___l Pn h ale meiteybsd musa, I dou't gratige it te o ametehas of 1 L1O Howardcl s toc many for hum.' iiCt8~ , -k o PM o t. ~ he tiaiutY; red cage Out of w v sethem.ne.H.came ars acl ne or ' oescit rGe, Wl the crt..tied,'cMaRya ai iih urcel nrIi, o'ridM, ra e h.el ~~ ~~ ~~ .ajf4eeevirn no - ires c ary'i. pnA, teonethe pralty d h .hatfowdcat veaSllvabot ~~~ ~~~~~ Hngave luth. de$lae ace inhy valla ofthrallga, lanti tcs lace cf 'Ahn ioaiuvtave cf a edepM- n aecshn iitefUgemc T6"'H MP-àl*ahU he M fMMary,4-ttthuitheurceli, te thyhave 'Ne Is a o i'i,, h. ut Aur c Paent« ; tenil» e l-arsino arle mtli- aelva ntieo ciuefotaa, eefaig te the nhcile bforethe queetyl cpei ui a oeh2ne eio su tevrOO batmi) a NIllE RevuLe. ntmananma ty aîh rafl. je'(sa atrc lna, ',s1 h ir rei vt u ien t,'Snr.y r. an c hn Sulianeloome Ti. aespetr aiyng aastics od Anti afthe ~ ~i~~i rlati, adnteM eofhaf u gvilcabanofdpaaking Mitsinte on ar'he liemtthd ul.lo itafflllè rfheeminiature. atcalqvMtv bouentit eheenaW, bae ithemoe,,w 11m èMTh csgav lese e~sabedMry. va hefrynuenîyPrcelafisdeeyliaI hacl an nripoutedringli in bstucl TOIe. aa nuBd; eireaaly oka.ti, su- 4ior!a-aad lrs io t iraei lu vra 'ndil. inThee -otha vlo t quchave8Ùjj tfvl# o$9Ro Mil h hs fbaeOl Sngteevoiti. 'TAuet ie od,' tieepilyoug lier a Hlm ST AW CU TE vokaci b h Théi i, aitanti ofbe.it fcreazn s trongaly utn er as ahb . e, lea.cf so h i ihi 'at liiwlc viie ni. 'on m y au eSal. Ha b.d fit os. estpulyiby -stredfou i i liai Strengu&tvhen lni'lamargeaaadent rail heghienug 1 h.ér cf he re h.ei. epi lu t ii schw bamenI' vnmtn. rce. 'Ti r su iim.' tic ~ i. goden .oaad c Lage lie;ani lon e ver boni. ' sedin saTolashe(ns Mâater ofCosani ca, lepo reuc ale c.'Tuai it i.. Mn. ardbsivaeyoe Gooti IINS92DILI. Bu ma ant Ecîtr. fgrheraitdc.Tcgl greetS-inYul'hge"iewihýSde And Sttr lke hoýl=Ug e , een n facedatun ealbm Ms uhoýsr lerit , a hasraign w eai rhound. At h- ler he' hai Th " '&» s perfor o snythiia of th kind Th charit es on aLhera oxpre;osionenherohi tow ritteungpromenasuofinMgratione.atsuggesre onli li e yon ag hastes.ry steck ca yeA faibar mata nbWeiloice jed as ve ia ilrc bug illi r nnroun ier, S mnely tha vas feuecag li ca tke me vinglass lu b r hi ta iin ii «V hifrp w 1 zm . lA graeemtien ¶logeons on tÉy"i Ihere itra a -b innde-ihiacte. cf hoei teccruhun, avu if h rewr nuocr 6 t An h.iimSliy apdy vu a veaaeiubeai led ; t haanreaneysn antiparillyncf ierecantic estans-evnifAtvtre2oaAlcl 1lencecl et bie. gea ineZetnbi -.e ntlal oatuto odHM ndaod t Wtrgth qnasti a i ut,, ilt. at id: sacti ngethe vocltor ofiem unfkli- Got-intbhnk o thwo all ar a nuaw Gea isnbdfim "Sae!yr lw fae igh her viii ebalua aictin d ind ing ngS lassiu o lier eysalid sfrr e lerAiunietug p asitcfe- nd ain ires.n hM ruvneti li Wicen e aiea ninmeri cames <o sua? jut huait befe iirGoti e efod fenoetls gacie bte g. Tien Goti 1- Iatr ie nant ,an thSulliafAue vine, sretn ~~~ h vas 9~aoud erfc.nd lim Trohhà e bfoa ar n- oravnby, ice bauedtnobyii Fte nih legmnboeia vitq vicici ha mayh. farareti, ciceiyround.Tenttii. ire ai tii. - aie Tii.gir aiEb. >ItWdIeNi airSmebegrei ber natiatelier<Axra T ie rI ie ra ehen prormi eb ntri". lerugg estn ise ont, te wiî pa ped, SUtiouly,ntitognaranteaA fa aneraas evted ahmera oti, s e st h o ie dock, sikiag igi, S'Mya t a, y es. n'w e op eyu'l o ie- etriniteriand'gitait eaa thAS. OLA-TTON, caratetofi.f- aes tionvn i ahretintnoyt tillet , an tis aiddl To e les naueti hanand ie ang or ynr nly y 1d, M ry.'on H wa le acoua, but far t h a yhnmel nrect b aIe a- ffney as uty ofnnocecey n Abigns eeiliviii ing.coafireeýt b er.ein lle et in ThTgiOR.i te eatbnigodeehirwsragstr&U eautheue hstsur 'vchne Oly mae Cnite iweericicnelrva.sane its is AT THE ii~flWkep h.a sens. ai le Hol_ atr,; aîciti y ertifi-thit lii-cve ul. o l eveSa lve - ch, Msa may. Tiraîl tuaI ter. ban grml. e ityiser.u e the ~Cotet e a wii n c en it aqu stonofduytrtean o f urlc -ras eengel e ro ya snt aff gawn, c 'HO lt- younk folisi l ngue, a na- b n-ast ro eu 1.11 p s a ell. A rater ý borff 4 Sy, fTha ecp O'ay; or, JohniDedoe. tueketibeîin , e t i epaing be uae ec -Hr lc' th e utin u trgi ati of and auesa n atit vimpo nei , Mn. b ten wEPenL'smanLniBÂTZD AMcorne@ Dansas lias neltein Ilicircih od te k-Muatlîeek blnaî-îlere l a i nk ut lest.1 m I Game kok"Sulyivnging iai theyok haut,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ad Cahr HArTERX. aponpeainming e karebief drswa la lauterlieon use-po! I h ohaiiIsoîc rccit h rwu-om c ae TRBIN WATE WEEL. down bloren bar bIwa inclectti sefe witenua. t6 bi cieencauile. >'elem rt wul shetm bfr r eoruiciers,.th Tîceaeandhne A s a-es ntheCegyaon oen ito gl ,an o a na « co Pz ti- T e lo a t ebc- ld if gldnhie u ren a op uncd bar ttira. fer-going h , ldus acimYe.A' Accîl M ary An lic h y trbied (ero uit te a.), in ara.m SRie nso'ciok as e , atih uwnccla A t lat - mel i er., Nanda'ie aet fr be r ne uieal flatte , an scl Mwn ylu 'tht tAluin1 JA.C T NoTathespp anof uttraa aoii ca oca atrswîratevr atr-nowîr e Flcrat n oin oWIL trdLsÂvR co ?-Wcbu havait Bok t. h t hat II îe r O'CAc'rvk", w le le sttng Atlc o a a l-eact mrsccc e te ir'wmel rssttise. eetepcdito ri otwag ramai, 172.Mn. Se ho eS Dt ot ftt ora rs (lice PenfasP-'ading¶mangc. aeami, gîyouna dentaniiig. fani t ro lesd'ic in al iai. ienf-wer 1 OR~he lied l beaucoc e im e ni-) eefir, of fo'Nuly at iscoMary, ban , i mysei ccg anîc'rccnamieclas iîe lok- ei t î iaI. gnit Th irltia te s ea wiofîgolen sir mn tocc,'ic yu a ulteva re ingr eu. ccl cc the, ao. nay u aga, sa glti, co er Sne s :-orc lgsth A N U F AC TIJI M AT T H E raI 'tu in tc.h all.n e t urniaig Ic Wt 'Tic oute i y a ti n taira ,e b in' ia- c ia nc nke . s e i c , Mi s M r . T r t h a ft e y n g g rl i y s w r M C nt ntte o el wiit utdoi g et er, el ay pve in civ r ler c i nt, ;e n din ' s'M o urt llcely, M ar u' n . G ea i Anci wilay Icai al aa c mrana b is?' OR. Port PerompenyAeutigneraihaiiinlaia tAe ne- e rwa n bonstf ow -1- ou olih onu, nra est o anfe pifll.Ar t sTafhilecfe n 'ance oir, FJo cni, e u t-dbe serans, I insu,ber pas ut-. 'Yelw ait ha qisur nd we eat ay.s nica my or she ry bee L FF L'SCZ Z» TZD AV RI AN OU LEbe ren ta. W l-ls w orgw id yA du r- -h adck cu r ater e is on. A l A st I ce Miahid pents u pgea lb. parsteai ,boutlia uiaua ncaia m i Apieocîsa licn ie ril ercif r n e ic. yues th A susual. DI o p@ l ear ic. puaI. 1f ie wrIte th ca i goalry a r ne T RB N E WAta W E l ion Mn Gaco unc ., ta ae dcoff e we n flier alleumut. - u yhin g?' lewt u . T ert erI Acisuw.eston ic mytu s Ic. couIwc] I ee c lieHordO'ie-ad sint otaca ie s vuls 'oVcy.you ad reaifa i a u ' ar Nu bt Beae tlera t e li a qe- bine uf/ r euhrpa-e )TciahcertaisuceseAci arainat tii uclispiemeuOrcric-tA, Iaild TUE ti.MOSTlei popiOvîcMaIlAeL Wir--EnEupbaNlaaceINyaî laie leu urfrindMi.cou.' Mn.Giace abutoicuseAin." Sic my lar hl 1 p[yvuk c-cl beae sqiaua ukli e m oin- e a yrew mup uaewin, ntF at id- Ime , u giisc myleehml mb Ai 'e o st ad i ii lovant s Ic. p e lit pl. ise t etagr.ovn. 'fer ieul le ieute' ndn Moîar, rte OriflI e li Di Efer'. tai-nU manuan Noiil ix n dli a su pose imu appoîrtttientl N corn taey eppaoracci of vd in. pieie t l-la M ran d onapuiteaî mc]eheiu, a cy uge ia Ier r n itlrcsee I,lolie caer nd ov apeni-i tuon ng ai e , prlnte e li ata en srom , hat Uc r F anereiena nd -r a S m ' ve '-IL wmS by lF IIeHLM ai e h iaver. tiet ne Ro Ca tîcoiit a rwas vtb s is- a slinnc'lir_ o h i e o a r tl a .w og c lIed vilitua veîCeeace vil ia n in co dih a t av.pip a fed lier mtkei iis - p v. owafrac lat . 'I haa her m.o foSaIiie uilw.iar ie, aortbAr. a ofrie ilac a uste Prtesteanea le d e da besti îcccig ot lte ri cm' ra]-a ieli re . On l. wc , v aii gs nellemnydh a ell, r-i al rule . hva sle inoversouti- W mraset . S ir teP rg P l ie r ol' et i ss ueMay, anduvov e a axi temy a n c ucihthtle lsce y inloo- questioan. Eild al wth ta. t t ted ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ idbousit 'Atiau m concience Fatîau nthienbue cenIlnfrngeol utfovripeme.AerUcgae lrae-a an inhatationet Wiiaebmiva areranov mannuieetiirlng -_'cilry,'atelieiuBOl Mn. Ggoacar, seknovd lIly heapa haneay aier sap u Ibm onntr trulu, Nna, aler aauy andau ef-Uc'Tiatdamntrlcat sraucg ta ler TAe cferussoui A lie nglîîs pip. a tie ntiva vl gr. garatea îî a mn vinlthe hallk e t upimin J l ons a d faeiloetil revliugonAcarsif isncsoe îeuihî eda inarua as Patestasnn ninomainea t u, n leteralthcnatiZ iue e e id 'tesevats I -- bId I 'Yt e us c srebï' e e Wecan- a. li ayorac-a ery ~ ~ ~ ~ si oafecuet u ifliina. n Somera, mugit have beniespe e vn ohlojuze bttrno1 my-aictulso miirua uasu ethteesonl'iciisW.Nema, Ai tîne abtainraillbydissuadeng b bin faisedinli c. vewr n t.A i ' a, u -a, m ifo- ss ny a te hu ier. A e th oo s nt .I w e l- ai y eer sr î o i n lu - sauAs e anotcete ave myrtas lui'?' FarlMery i er s c e n fgmis-a nd 'Th r Andlice aile r, ni, f2l' o iattatint ife, ani averhbtsmofh el PiX ONTAT & a., m spet rti fo al iee hantita hlabo il a lit-lit, a mn'ihen, vfrei I rehLe nt . eaut1 A HovanDoyouica b e oe f lonua ie ies saa cery a- i R ac. I, ae enyS at enC t lb M. - ractrscucint? hava a poffrel u re o ler m' IbesasaM.Gtc.tendn. ayhn 't hi tîcra dbic ht liCl a - - r y,'y.' uil n. O'Cer, mii e Iilw, I a rbd nly evoicame,' oponce iWeaieci aypaiîfld t nomutis aonn agaIntt he off le eîu'- viser, m'hol i u i-e hscîîule hatep tisa n u anebin, tistoyen w r.ill e a outlte uc uchips a lf ay o uve11,1ta ha ha r1rn ISOLA ED Ro taohefoe iligeole, ulpper thec71,,r- cîee froaninudt inteNura coonIigo tha pc- nia vio a nd lime lies rnt-er tuct andAmi leM y c-Ae fnm ifa e hyin o h d yIiltha eP o oii ofe s o her youafop r,ui îies fan vt-ry nt e esscr.a au c oiin, 1 c rlasav i s TA s hcSpcc ni -inomilvsinlice wad tepet vAiprse ecelien îjomieî Nesy, licee igaai 'lucre IteLien. uIeonan te xaud*ce Oicf es esiiiei tu lier antlc hl ut. Nor Idlieu e s p pe vaavn ail ermontiNsraistia'c b eaail of vir ler cc-'sd itnent i fgi-,w a ugs htteeae r case It iai]bofre n w ha pene turie ndig a en oeteiof a at'N vl Aon ith cat te ise act lens'ji o bo ais meacoîaing te c ha m c idt ec'e by - heest a cciina al; bu t vo wsiiis- chau tAc thr e pipecauhîsul an sha erp oomu. o elw I av tîîm. late c Lealkiîyosritualor Au- tn tas;te veng-yetnce hihiisnsg s i n enuthe quit. hoin t tAce augAcî i p mac, gAhciig oea- ise. Onth lIc w LToo icen, P aiDvA- u i iene x penslai sonis e t efenc e ' ss I hep.yen rc vo Is hewiu ,Stny ir ay ie gec',%fa n cuî se wJ. Cmalierni et hapr epoes n uBisno- h. lier dodnw th.( Thisrnmenhoe$67000 humaeladlstranougllimesrantithec- pie i 'As dsvielnm onci encdebis ais. boathg o Chsserunto o r1.11mecsory tandco w m peii. Mn. ierat ivewnîle a n - Psinetta uA-,ocp a tc R.e iî vii Wetuetl se e vitow aul aatui g OCtrug falov. i tii r G IcazaîlIl o -tris Noraevril e . iylu ale fo - kinthela tIc. hci-a f r i aic e alir aiuc ncis i em etae n , thl i s e iC arues ul cam val ' hic jnotrea-'rei m eininaieCcolin.'1aThen isîl c si oun invijrn aa Al i paav e ha cas AT ONgusrAssi lis yotuman ofCatin John e t: 'forts hdile, nu G priion e Isa t Hssîu enFîir rh ilh a iittj .-lo laib îe c ta~rnee ' thceicntîigtofel'lee tehinmniin.gnet îijrt.eArgo ct (ienilrcicu tc, c ibs h lPre t e s itimael. h i findsreanetr salnosiy sn itie clcolu t a uelisil'H-ae sa ab on- e iluce v e clownLet e adit, tuea -,mi.g-eucta i btt m lie~~~~~~~~~~~ Maagrealtr he aalIcga e ee dt- od icisurcoa, Man ry At aayîlic isagress-laera jAgci'it.cNepanla stiiuka- 20d -artie desirng father iformaton ca tena;lbutanola o ecr an latDg acc thn l nteun I. c- A-' sre fr'mc w abn i M. nu-c-r uc-cv I se n oirmea ntcel e l e e n sig 0 ean cui rm m eml i. behainbalhecîe kep lîvsn l i-lîlu h m mc cîtvers coultiu vil an Imoi - ofH v t ilv acghtanirtb te, remsnet e c-i nsa, i e insp ite o be hmcvy. i n ve lerati ' u ; hiefoilybe alctr doi nle. ,ad aes hths v P ,kX T N , A T & o. an p ead gr tis fo al d fen au s i m AtA ict o a li e cia af m kagt e , wvas a m e tnot anue o w a dsity fý b rvto net quittuug - aa ve on i flC CE SE A CTON ER caa al lii. rae uthlr.So ha lve no aîta rlvlte o, mu'lomiamîte he precent ploml.' ri A. fa. ledI itatatrminion tb a oa fualts March 31, 1869. 81 gi-e ce esiy luMr.m Ceti. i li e isresan'she bilou ht eptAhf ra k u- he s's eini etakim n ig van er ocuseet Tgnd oemntinlhco cautle i Fea TiE courx ~ Â~ To anther pnsum, nionlie ca e ntaa y 'ln lciaug ticelyainva futîc'Iere lînatI, coulang te Sexicusen, Lanarche, oin the ideAmst- M. aih re lut. bousreef, hlepmbatca-auncti ver al iveroslimerincltessma ept lain ut sni Misa vis a uio n ft h e ni ycmu ra cl. nlnr r h a p i: u-fita Ikig evatg ta y 8bp o aisa&frwih an. Mr rc ai hee e e r out ofsein they ucntyrenofune oflAndaîie, i-co themlebae . I y esofaliule cn eîv ccmorae clieeji- h. ESt h khemu finsat th e cack, te l itle ler a nîmeoshlnste huilta frte' vos i hiesoth e tusifatcebetn a.sak s auj Aheuaw xitef boans. Ho ati- 1) hi erily ai atron- a s oriti Chpritati nd ees- i e a- mlen nutiuel, bcu spaa omît ut liii m r esg.sGe ,' liserywoig ntgodSitbt:ala ela lc ra cED pi'c an i on the libeC r imioto tr s ; e uhy i i s ig os br ann Al ite ble gihaNr iii auuicami, spneetily sîgive thet ( hiavuu ov Ib pat airli a nd cis muî en nts et c e . Sm- e-na. lcig msl,'at eccapt0y:u'Oho,îitlicyer_ M rn. giadil lIe'cntuiohcsva- a A PITALrci-iliAS5i0wv0,00lu-rtîmlî :li e 'n-l ady No a, i n luîe teai aA' fonents, 'i fed .' habavm.ly Attorne ... y -a e era cip sî'oietim tath buines a Autince, cracgei, siîph llmcci- il ouîy x- lue emî syjîhi un Imin e sacn a rein must în M n. Grace athe etlpan Sihum .dCleig, cc roposels ti i lubc-uni d. Coias-lin, &e trn a s rne m I ltimandbM en . c on odaCrsint elm* tr ecil n.M .H wr iietta uis x ti i Il villhad my anldoevoarhyopt laani strnetA Iellgimmss, m i AlI ha a- - t ch eIrpecnineBte lm u.mnatliauen altiebwlel a ca erie aic aIuiaa ogn i iltm ciicashctutsTaiONCEio. imoucia Inou;iGlcc-e iaranybaty!'Tai ar (eucrePico er ,' oruneciel c, anmd il thteIncrie har sarc e hat e a s îaîo 0ai loaa avraaauc her eup ntne ruc e. ureecuiug t i gidte nmimc.' grain s Iy aImig ia uieroigte lice rpet i ciaut ofahe coli heir Sam X M K N IÉ .P. letteaboore imilecîin, and 'Obic ?Nosr aIl e teir iuîak t oî Mclui intyu as,' lc muml M mlgtlqidot, at e eh- atieghei n Ba o es in t.Mr G-amomentinhan nmpgAeateemplanntreeai .enuor'imy glasAi-en Amit ati frac f chenis d en anarening i ninsl daipena wbng ia.va Aikeml ayongcemu sat, iai o tosî gmicetAe jfraset 1c, î0îh u te fui liincathybom tfIinyecg cm a r., t in uesvt'hoF.iorat s-he thea p.il-ueut hemîa r ad age met0 b tt Ol ePi nceAI Ma, nage huSuudcd a p-er.c ig huwer icen-helan -i feldi-tr-e ')î, i rsbyu uw i ei'M cn' icureelouMari- jî tiis roccmîeî-cmî hu a. Do y gmomî i tsa,"experatravil- ' ad fiaP n Poy witnlc iirncaions se-oniccsni-c s b uti' ci 0Ao y. A i Bmyh ut ir- al emi beari iii d angke 2' cieward an le m a iilv erscoul" hi el l rman ir onI w sn w ilfp s svnadnosgn en' c'iclc a e Nray og Kmvaaof i qe r a ,A n lier enxiùetyds' ;ie i abus e tcc-s cat ci-r- e st-tî emueb a i w.s W M. WWLLLCO' ofHieafre :i p seneo l vit, dytoc euad'ic tionicmk i nu Sotc i g, 'a t hl. aaanvimcg off afrouie? "-" Tes,"6q11 t pe hi1amemal auly. uce a jiMr.i hic-r Atc, yaed t Privbey t naofn b i ua dAcl nt' 3 A fey cpy. amsenta l tie sîcen te balaeua u Pe - IC N S D UC IO EE garTwesnoltou.mlr.lame.theios l llî e a ti ei] c e a itor ccaîr s in- i ased b eaes bo h e aa ber hacre t tie ofcorapinte" to d an selfaa r pfn crn use btesie fan,,. td m - ahiý AO R MT E F N Y O TROR.SA E .N D- . t o a i- e f aa1_ 1- 1gi g i e e l- iti c a l -t a t I c t 8 0 e e i h v m l l s f i o u a n l - n r i i n l s t a ' A o p e e t B g i n g n t ' a y s i i S e not 1 of lot No~e . 15, L niandnt-lnot-aat I-Jusl lien, tlia dock cînuîak cc-van - tcu;- rama ana nuiaantîc, t kunir vllqatna Imlhmsryn a TAie iffiaulLY et ecquiring aur Ian- inry ai loi Na. 16, lanlthe liiiconcession ai Pick- hi a nutvnt anse ayStili, Nera-mugi if yen cnAl-thie ne- qulecîtftuera. Voila toui.' gugo îsiclia oe ngner must axpen- myl ernug, coaiuiisiug 200Oacres ci excellent landi, Ti - îanî mae ntriuion5:baMay co iîectioa et my ciildisi love ce rery 'W'ill ye o ulibe seateij, Sir,' lie-girl enco, Asiniln'treat b i oivn h velî aciapteti ion grain ati posture, tva onu uit tdahee na'moaire n ou mclmaînr t rinqotiasa :-'Di d yene ea Ti - danabiestraaaitename.' hinonghit caaterfe avid mafrinrImangrinîl auquestiecnha:e'pers e duThral tas uin ingrovoot soth ai-lbr nssîobtap. Wtysedenei 'Lord prasanve me 1 * Love, intat embannasamecîl. Haneye vnsoi prsnupinapurvlapl-u Thr ioni ue i in i place.Thesait-tion r is .mas rela. e vtl e cc-s i- lVy, scure il'snov four yearargene. tuei ur n, iveti upan tAc. sîrangar seisss2'-u ptfo heusenof ein ace.av he situalienvi a esepuatu exile. Howmprdiîmes -0A.N ýt peasnt, aing miwavbetwe h YTcs e-e thcen oniy lui-boen, an' liea awiîi m doubîful, yet auain umîr-rutiu'y. -'Il is a sud moment inla ire" sait pelc Fo a iîomaicn8n ir illa e t yssavonbetwalte mnirapmî il vas slip ut sxteen or ce. Hlec- canii.anud veat ; chie essuy- Cyuîuc, 'inluen yen flit liaI huve, giory, parli JHo ni EomtnIIY o- L ee emt u oîiib uli N ae ale. a liro i ttoa coitsomathing more, but lber l' - es, ra altoe-thar netwrhàCi BE;r OckSi, cly.IsaAn e fv ales arI fmbenlhcta.he Bl-' teepeniuîg agitationc, tramin ricueven - ccappa.- 'Ia, a a, t uroetieCi Wlcithy, Sept.t.101ht1872.onne inl a fu ic nubaea veAuaviheta r 'Wall, if even I lbari the 11k, i An' causa il spnang, madéte iveds due stili,' suit a frical clinynfthé Àe - M ryviie ary hiinj got-iabn. e o ctlsuukiu' oe t At elh1hMucuhe, Mite upec i er lups. ciaanItsala inbat ad - R O SL-e Mantieaitr, vbah rgodta k-p ary, 'tves an earhy notion. TrouAi, 'Aye, Sir, ha el,' Mn. Graca taiA ,- . . Papa AMFRSL- huai a iig. an eyean oshti îoagîct ieracs rmay a cohiecala nthco uny, 'andi lai us bac-e latheanre of drink- A yaung lady la a parly, iraguang siae A speddfc-ii5mersa at vatinas. Hlisteptandî bs kuoit. as eniti a you are ths Mcesied day, iag raun hemihi.' alaie vs Ieateti vithu to uamci ldiffer- aar A seh As a lare ofi57uacresbon n , m'on Siancergie r s a itintentii i ; ecîeîîtuaInever yeîtlaoughîl of il. Au'n'oau 'Iu gnuine maîsnîein-tew, I iiaîuuc 'nce, feasepiquaiel s ramark, 'aie licei anl-l in lrg clighoiearnraun h amte attgu e n et eblilondner!1 Htne'e mysalf liai migut ha thie etrangar sait, ati Mary sigi a m cc-cuit c amacle a cyphier cf by an.-liae an-inth , Tovu a dWihi orCory uanition rotio n. ndaan eu dbryoun moîhr-Got biesa the mark l- relief ta "fiatiietep gaze tiivertet body.' II oftem igis for yon,' raplit a an te own asfha hity onadikF Orm tario, Tene vers. frle lercîe nim'I'rn cure I vas a slmrt paet aigliicin fromeihcracîif. Ha apoke a aa oue et vagisb gehhaucî. su and , na n s te r i entitti f'crtiere arh ad ayiead an' - C Aoltaoaeantiegoftilandi, spln>, Bic urhrcîidinge ;but n at ay bai fore an ilas et it evr crossecl me. ahînost caatcscenliug plaasantry, ach, A TÀî,'cEE tovu ciasi lias lureult G.1 a ceupced by tie late WilliamIOThordk. finishat. As se.raose freinier kuca y rtsw etheuiaioug yamin, thers t t blgee wily acc'aae acmn«yuiie pebuter. T oare akiga io o urata 1 Applif by latter, pont pai,î ta licen efeelings elamuget finsu inia. suîcl dtiler belvixt ye la lie vanîl, ner tîmat veut fer Uc stili lie gI-l'eAumilf.-out epense, if venu vhiia ealing. - elabb YEOMAN GIBSON, an J. L. SMITH, linee.,blenceutofelie iyve. e tu pr-"emroI nec-enguesset ya couhti aven arocîset suspiciomîs. Sicavas silalhy' lAia bongt asene o ia lavr. a cuttiiaine aurtlcing about lovera or lia Aeering lIce rouai, whea bier Futbar The pi-c-snt population of San Fran- -Witby, Execîts rat ieEsiat. not hava kuocketi vitieul bar hcaenug 1k,. Lord« saeausl' callecl to.hlir, eut, feeliag as hhougi cisco la 183,823, hain- an lacreaeadur- TO WMby meu9172 i t,aveumici bava ceasi.baletaNinlier 'Bal, Nora, I vas cia yaung-' unter theii nfliuence of morne sild i ng tia yemr'of about 10,01). The poe, Itel 0F CNADA J ooubASarrvai Hn oa taak as m ier 'Tiai; yen era-ovar yonng, elarma. dreea, ehle rctarnat, andti tuta ehai- pulatian incluilea 11,000 Chinas. eaie Il WJID AND RAILWAY O CNA A cf iava.ger eairy l oan ti a I as ce praucl' of-of tleb. oy's by hlm. Juat viat va expeeteti. Itturne ouI l'M erosei hn iAn, ntish ea cava -frelianti nban(ialolve. Unhounu- 'De not leave ne, Mary,' Mrn. Grqe t laI ilt Isahefeiale-mosquitotiai rearâ TIME TAB E. rossd br mnaand hestdon, d il seraad to me : freai ant i lne- saii: cait hy ma. ebill, ati ve vil ail maîs allse noise, tees aeuh.heatiuging Tora Beavantan anti Orila. iioighisal1ainl alerm. W. shallhoirs, w Mail-... 40 a,.n.1jMixet ...-. 8:40 P. m. svelbing ourselvea of lhe priiege eftwIeen bimandt me sauna distaca: licai vhere you hieu gire ns a sang. Yas, icratanimu' asteti on thonsa insecte. foi-y Going Naorth ta Paterbora' & Lakefleli.J autiormsip, ventai-e ta gir, our reaticrs I knasr. But, etter ail, my faîbar vas Sur,' ta Sullivan, tlia igil sent, I ea Meu.9: 0 a ni Mut - .600 s liips cflieramtin ati er athocn se' rici an lieis uav, anti assure yen. Mn. Somera, liacre,thionghi.A ieediag bectuarr cisifleàAils anti- c00o Ma ... 9s,. .j ie .. &0p m-- bov fth aie dlen. Bac-ynydutbic malien ver, respectable, mahes it a casit of conacience,aeutlia laneesfllv:-"'Tie "alili-altentivit,' Coralmg South froni Orillia teaIindtisar, va wl odu Au th. vorîti, aeuthliing j naie 'Parlsinm' ta ilusef.' tho quicek-rcsponeivea," lia 'iharti-te Ti Pelerbora' sud Port Hape. -HRélng tioffat ieban raesvhihe pro- tact ta eameîcing better. Oh, Nana 1î1j11 neyai-anc. the gentleman'sserti- -luftts," tie "ven'î-appaudes,"ffnd lhe, '?night Muxed . 535 s. ni. 1 Mail-...:00 p. ni.ceatiing -viiihanertoilaI, se.sel An ier otten lbougbt tiat-thet ouly for Ibat ples,' lie young raa sait, viii e cavent get-cip-et-go-outs." tha p Cominig SetImfrinLekefiait. titys anti pellicoat, ieeniug bath in lienrvi-eteli, Punceli-Heaven knavs vbst nockary cf voice antigbanca. Mar The University oif Landau bas nov rtinl P.e ---8-i . .mMal8 00 chair, lier encles croaseti, ana arma- usglilhava anlfavayWmoksi altl ehn e*FtLr ie yn hagn ybsdteh tila a o c arecfvaiyuiokse ble eiu a Ftueha yeecbid uo ate rquine anny Greak fer a Connecte vith h ve'* Ralýr -o g yhnade i1in lllue ss cutll. -as though bycoa iniresfintibia atlac- tiogmees in Sciene, Lav, antiMecdicina A.l an rmToronto ansdin=era&te stations, clasping her pnayar.haak. Mary lied, 'Wall, quarar thiugn havit cama lion, vawcing .rery mnovement, every -a stop alrciedy generalby lahan An ini Mc et 3Mlllconk forPelai-bei-a' anti Onhfimatanti ihawvern, lait ber nasary iipaa lie table, j-about, suraly. Anthocn oun hiian a luok, ercry trick ol face or inanuar in France', Garisny, andi Iîaiy. - test n witb Grand Trumnt aIParitHope bath ciar- andti tkiag up in ts stauti a miniatura Ceplin-viela of -hui, e Mary?'theb neveuinar. ies lagani reimi vtrains E amiand W est, of lber lover, vilci cie nov helu b ler Nora ashati, vil aaley scmii. Mary' 'Anything nev cf Dae, Si-?2' acht iaavii aeA ttli tipasic H. G. TAYLOR, igit haut. Han face vms, liovaven, icabaret, anti troa)eti bon heati, But Mn. Grace.preseutll. Pai-iameni ont cf. he>, Irisb Clmuch Iae 7 Sup. i rains. uneonLqcionly hunnet eay froms the iuvounarily lier eep-tigileneti roundt -'IWhcy, yan,' Sulivan n aneet; ' pacnyabulA,0000-Iliîm sui ikeu.as, as, vithttans An lier soit oyeis, tlie iniature aaetcili heuci. The Ion1 heerci jusi nov-liaI -in, your friciamiposet ual ea part et ieat, if thîla gofor -Tv aie sighati forth ban loviag anti most tiernese ofthle grssp sait more for tlia Huvard tlit ia-leid-ha cat pati. Ioeducetion, sud lie Spectataeralrnns in. Kir ON T I C E i1-1 e-i-ut intercessions for hie eafely. sîrongli of tie gil's lova, tIan a ht teen mention cf t - Me le - r, -h-c il i a ogta,-Er - H~~~~Rranleutier, but rounutet figure vas; of the romaesitof aisiliactl fan li, i th -ae nIih ur es liaicc hgiteneuaisc fa Pubb Notce ihemb*venoall 'C rithl devlope kythe. nutrens; lie la hart ta knaw a gl's nature. Mr tre c peld Ti otmnfs pno idmcte ic3btd o e o, ayupbeor th ih-y hot;petticcat perraittia a r.eu an1I'Wera you aven teniti whai bacaînta.HenIaied on bain h1 zu epeastisTcotemceues 'ncf$dm.<5. of APRIL NEXT, anti eRaveate. Ail n- icul'xibillan of han plnrap, but net -of poorHarry, girlean?2' - repledthrecote, was tri oubetasi cninet harofaa. commis outfftau<i lte tdae il e nw'akma aaeett mria'ulhr a ln otc iRnPLEssin no otcer Ihansonzid -and f hende ovr nfor caiection. beavy an la; v w illeier plisîl e a . - Y a. - H a escap at from the Nonllj le anythig f thé kint. esa d p r cto -i i .7 thE-N lceadmiratiounet iuci senial sprt. ans 'Au' tie Mother ,tiedi, Au'$hy say omsgonnd> rýf-A$ S «= t I i'à90d Iitilg talani anÙiîme wi t m in e~yMe s.ouWîbave-,pze. &-Lôrd premauve a. ,4-theM. ~ s~fa~ 1iw th ls. kà h Spanish 4nsmbly on, safnqday iaeralong tincusslan, tassea Porta Bine EmadhplioucB» 0?à, mg fer lice immedistde eohcg 01 m asainrisefor ift~yea«» sucre, anal ifour- paople aaInn. e. uIhemasiva, vice kova viat. snblimea<sèlceme of popa- ganchlsm. heynflieil osigunateT ?.s.eED--ec eturi-s of lice commer- cl nariez cf il.hes4t tusclseos. lbhefol. bving parilians t One-third cf ail the mailing raeaies, -sud ive-thniu etofaill te steamers ef the aclvAleti vorid, carry thce British glag. The, Uuilad Siaten camesntax, thsegisa long distance bhbl. tAgainat - 19,182 flrllish aalling rbamsels engageti in commence, lice Ucaited Ble..Postes- sas but 7,092 ; anti againsitii.e British tannage cf 5,M6.927, 1h. UnDd t Sates 1s 2,272,150.- The Stéamips of GréaIt Bnihaiun umbar 2,588, having atonnage of 2,342,145 -,liaeatesmghipe of Ithe UniitdSates nuanhar oniy 420, aud represaeul anugageteof 401,0453itou, Nonveyudant lay ranis thinti andi hunib Aun liepossession oet nallng ras-- cels, andi Germay sut France continue tb. Eisi t ea igil disancebelinal. In regard te> steenabipa France camaes ird anti Germany founthou th. liai. Tb. aubine' tabla, vilc cvera neanly tii lice States cf tlb. citilixeti vorît,- bhoys liat lia commencial navîen of the presaut tey numbar 56,727 sailiug ressalie meecnning 44,668,889 lans, aà-ne 4,833 siesmips, m-anacrig 8,680,670- Hare area ewav oit huntlret" canes ot "1goot as aver." "Mis. Tarer resut- ng lu lia tavu ef thana, Ma., ie 107 vears oJd; huit. cachiaga viliont spec- taches. Jalcu Buyt, Louisville Ky., co- loet, 112; chcan etnomkeaý; hirdaRot Df eali coaiug; tva carte b.-fora tin- er. Sarah Flentens, 10à, Macon, Gs; milean eut irly ; augugedtoabit aar- et 1co Luha Cozzens, 1oi, of the semae bact ; leaiperauceandutni-lobacc:o. inaes Tyler, Chicago, 105, lately vbip- eibssou Gaorge -Tyle, pg.ti 80, fuir rupuclance ; tinati$5. Mary Waltr% Emira, N. Y., 104 ; -lahes in vasbiug; - ic speaces; Bible tivce s<tisy; samok- ca a pipa; sa-clylmperane. TIc. Hartford hanse cars A ia ve ia- or present auch i aticulus appeerane its thiIr canren covers,tbet once vera vllite,- nov unre cf au intefinablu co- or' titi tue fuîlloving tiilea sacia ry nalurmi: Passegè, wvi a euleh Iê abemrt-'Noai, stop your a-" eoa probaîAy fablellitthe intiAgnsni mut il ual stop..- Again lu, heilat, -Noah, top yeun si-h." Fiuaily Nemi bebti up r l ile anaven, "Cama, iaurry np-- *ejauilami are ail An excapl lie jac- Lorl Lyliea's ill the Ilustrateil mule (centaine* speial directions as toi ai exenliation et hie body, mnirer te roit, a>eiasi lia passlbility of bis ing- licriat yil, lu a tranca, anti irecis ha lia h ouiti haintennsd lin le family mausoeainet Knebvontc, laI apiluipi chlnt le vnittcnAin se EuIlis leanguage, amut laitIsae et af bIs fanerai abeulli Ae liraitail >lia mutiesb axpauseits usiAn lia ;,ncinent-of s pnivala gaullein. CAiNDLPE-utxcEP-shouit neyer eaiploy in touai of baiiing : lierai-e aura ta ke nu endi af dipa.-Tht reanon vo- en do ciel cane ta mr-y mear baby ce aeraga haAght As, becase, Ain na- f-maltera, as An avenytig eaie, tlia i always sient -Mmibers ef par- icait an.e edetA7 sivays An tiebt, 1gAng from. tha "ln6g econts" mc et- ipreeÙatat ta tuem. in hashape -of -bina boaks-Wiii-o'.îheis~ip Oue day in- sprng, Sir- Walter Scott met forth witli Lady Scatt ta eujay wait mnout Aibottafrd. Iu lioir tilerngs they paset a fiait vi.r. a ubar of eves vare tunAng lia fralins iceir amuabsi. "'Tis ne vanter lie eta fnoaithlie anlicisi ages.have mtrie Imlanbherabian,,oetpcecalle lýin- -auc e.". "They ara, inteei, teiht- Sanimais," ritturuet hanber dys-lip, specishiy vlth minI sauce.",: !ihe moat l riaipeîliag va bave nr aeeu Ais la,-falloviag. Il boat. onetics.-i> you be-a tub.- 8oioh h '- top.lDa 8(1-bat. Seo , 5-cat. & 89-pat. Ai-e 89-rat.- ,... oh I1 île yu-aov. Seayan be-cnb. Sec see--a. «Be yen toubalte-huit. a doublae ei-caL lia difflcnlty eot exprýeaaînjoues-s.If - foeaigu lauguage ie illuatrateti hy reîaark cf a gencalingirl, vb e et eon a fin. boy baby; andi eneeravor. ,ta axpaas cen bairatio,saih, '"Oi, vcI w e anie fat bbe.IHcv fat lei, don'I hie?". b.h Ciioc.o TAm.. puisela harna-e iuncînuini; Boy cenu ve esaefins?'1 1 fi Fi- i-I 'j il

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