Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1873, p. 3

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iing 689,61X),owhi o as char t» d.redto: frau.. » feTei *yfl 1s àjgý *ih mbezzllng sciI4S27jS. irs ilo the Elgin A re iî Ot ngtoMs ritis2.~h ie 6'fséao pany'a'ed the , swornet of the co-, i.tlôo ot-oftT sýin rîihlio fitanr panys afair, itorn o b theTres. f12 Vll; ivethe olal'aýnd runninog t4qthie costntrthiaethe tre4ieés ure~v.W. Iei) ad ~sworsn account. betvieen Great 'B*ithi nan and the. 'uit *in4»g>ev, W Bic ad heSî'ow e lutaose' 800ndly-TIî, fend of the. Biiton 8tâtes' do D iôttîier ' , 1i~ii* total reee$l4,tq oftifile lotionetpti.?n of tlieir vemels;from the tai totl eept ettie ssdlaw4<~24t2 l f à n on trmoag'e impiQftusehbyilaw. lears b.d been 0124,305j of whlbich ai *d té,t î* (P~ Ollhe4~¶I~Ia.g~>s te t4o Mr. *ny a e ' ,ilIrji,$ froin the Cown Lands to tlsà tut t1hat Mid. U ellîai' ddnet Au -r.2t4th oo~i $17i64lllbwi been paid for lili9 atent-ad odhcncsiý bi .by the Elgin ettlers, and for drain. ,Latl -The fOnd hll AL.ýi .2 ?.e f Wibyg,ôs4he 2ftthi4f4tsuhb 8 ~g orhsi Mrovement, cf tiiouesA gw'-i ii a the wieofýlMr. ahwCufr", land. " Tfiq (llw na fathe statement pMath'd t fê~~sdt~bis n pafta li B RA ;-91,oi1e REEITSFU 2TI uk, 80 T hgË4iëô'li léh# Àle5 i aç.pt e..ý th..ý.arh e W o o f Z. 12TH itBRa.%à: 1878. the rosponsibilty of seeng I apai te ËirOh£iri, ClO*1ùiy-jùdgei o so. Anicunt recolved frein stock. - Ai ltiose'Mtlhe beruen who_______________ hodr.............62,289 20 areWl1lio r A4n t., Amousat re'ieved frein sale No one w o, eau' 8 aihjOr '~VLES lando, Inclnding interest ward, nianly deliverance cf r.- - UG-~. and Tranefer Feu......22,072 49 'îllir latevlning could have f4iled te G0RAND) TRUNE R. R. Ameount roýJved,~ special., cH~lio'4n ftsrul Trains leave îhiby Station ,as follows: ~collection -"BCoh Iirit wae d1§tlngn1sed: Ga0in8 Èasat.7 Going aTs~ ......llearyh.stataanadagain lBr'ma.. :5a . oa.. :0e 82,6 9greetod hum told in what estimaint9 ie .:0PMr. Express 1015a.m vile qIanders h a3> txpres.... 1120p. mI Miïed.... 5:10 p.m. i'uid~o~itnt.isn bfii3e~ rfutedwere held by t ose "~Ose-good Te'~ Ja10lpm opinThe . trai n aub M traltise which je es eitdby-he (loy Oile incident' fre eb r~ Trains Going North±-. Mail. Mixed. ... ..n. ............. . 4102 12 KlaX w Iaeyeîtfo mention. hIt Whitby 3unetâcon, 900 ar.. 7: .m0$ Ins ections and stirvey. -ed nw thtthe late Mr- Sand- PotbPy, (arv) :1.07 ao..8:10 p.m.* ing fuanda .................8600 a ry arie 0:0s..840pm Salares ofic[r1dries8 0dn acd bcilad in Ihis POswssiors Trains CGoing Souh-. Mixed. Mail aaaisoiadeaiultie <linîents relîîtin!p to thoi4e portPry 6eat :90 a.'n :0pm for 28 yées.......1,049 00 whîo desirod to inake Mr. *MeRer res. WhtbPy, (earrie) 7:3Mr. 2:20 p.M. " rltigDeprt ud d-ponsible for what they chose to repre- Whitby Junctio, &.00 a.m. 23W-p.m. verltimîng.- ................. 559 25 'sent.as gratve, iregulrlis or worsia Stationery, .Postages, - yet Mr. MclCellar stated, hoe had, i- DVIElu IE mueetings, &c ...........807 92 1871, a direct overture froin Macdonaiîs Féc. toaudttir, a- 1 induîce lîim te josu the Millistry 'Of AUl Saints' Church-At Ilia. m., and 7 p. ceunto, &o .............. 217 0 wilsielî Ur. Macdonald was-,Prem m-r. ey, Mm, iLcssyl-ery Sidy on $Travellinsg expenses - lIe uiglit weil ask wîseîîser ,t WS mier. 830 ndl chve. . l,,,,,,l-Re. a ODffiée1ýî hbflie Amkocia. s, ibeie h.cotid teecm'd the tre4t. tiser MeCain, ; rogidçncei Oshaswa. AssnonI tbn 8 gofIle ilent li st I ~eved, siien front <o&<. CîssîsisPresbyteriah Clinri-At il a. nm. owelitu.t Iu seht sirtiS6w 0p.rn.-Rev. Ur. Blstynu. Travelling egîpessees ofý hall core sucs an invitation C'o 1). sîIn.cuV Nai 'ucs-A la u n Ilev Wui Kin ... ..... o ô Mr.litykeit, wlso essayed a eply to G:3 ji mnd4tlv. M. f il-t 1a.fr.ad6 SExpe-uditure for tisetout- Ur. McKellar's sI fonce, andi wlscs lins, p.r.-Itcev. Mr. Fraqer. tlèxueîst, blitfng Shne, eeedLsîlî tewole sebsetn, sou"îît ' vy WeM' idy1n ctlsosist Churlis-At 10:30 a. etc 822 45 îsiuendo,111191, if Dot by more direet nee~ s rs 33 .mle' m ahesn "Draft , batik coms-oî. stilb Mr. McKellar's chai'acîs'r, w1oo siosi, tiiscount an inliter- falîs to dlsavow distincriy tuitIh lie .] r es..... ............... 871 71 ssoy'chaîrge to mnie ; and itîîwas evi- WHrTBY M.4RKE7'S. F lor eollectissg-n.î kes*p. etfonbsseéàtalU aip nolL )FcArl2d 88 ing books ut I3uxtoi... - 132 100 ntrosuh$.é peech and hat7ilros Convpyaticsng... ... ...... 408 05liad hiopelcssly isusdiesi teigther nut. FaU Wlseat ............. 1 30 Ca $1 45 "Taxqs on loluin inde era thet really lied lio connection with Spriîsg Wisaat.....Si]23 @ $ 1 23 ~ ~P' ~ '88 ee tsr m ll'nf ieu aî'.................Oc 65ce à ladstok ollràoscharge aspon ei rne qmerit's can. peas ...........,... c5e 67e t.hsir sk.....:,.........1,217 90 di exuminuation woiýld haye shto Bluck Eye l'eus..... 75e Ca 8 baslae I1e asi1o hans] 19&'71 ha abtolsîîely i basu ondutiots. writ()- Ryr ..................55e Goc ( Mr. Maeehlem' speech befor thee celis- Oat, .......... 7 0 *24,876 29 try, lis ensies Ivill only waete tioir.... ...................16 C4 18 f axnEà AI<I% ER9OIAL ESTATE RELu av fffrta ini vain if lliey retimis gein to poi..es................80@ 1 1 ueirAIIUNroi., Ise etlack in wlsich ie bsh o Appies, p Lande' in thse Te 1wuship of Raleighs reptilsed th Las aoppa.ln,î.Pees..............c9 anmousiting te 1510 acres. .- gg ................. 15e 17c Dalonte ocasIs in hlanls ef tise RAILWAY ACCTDENT....Winslsor, Merci ute........5ie ~17ce A Treînr..........81 8 ~ 29.-As the steamisoat exlsresi was coin- Cese.........l c «t15e Beiunès sdue oislndîs sol.. 210 00 îng west on the Gr'eat WNestern Re lîroasi Beef, hind quarte. @.... 86 -8 Ur. MK'lrle been a sirector t'lis rsorîing,-wlseu îsaestng tise Prairie, Beef, form quarter .....8 4 @ $5 P of tise Elgin Associtiisl fronti ils,-ou. iding. tliseforwartl firîcelass car ran off Pork, per ewt ...........5 Ca,86 o nuenceissesit, eus tisabolssws i aI tslreck âaù àturnued o ifs aide. in tise Chielsens............... 25 ;ý 35e per pair. tie rs yusîsyleCcr recsived was Dt(s ertc..........'o theO0, itie pcy so heiur 0 Tise next car and tihe Pulimen Disîýrukeysper tr.............7c10 #0,th xpiss fIiajune erau off, but chu Îlot go irito tIhe <ite lsoTree ers. 7 .0 Quebet on t)lisîfiesss iitsli theGOuvern . Abonut fifteon Jieseengrrs on tiseors Cois), perto.......7 68 W mrent ton belsaif of tise Assoieion. for.W o n . ... . 7$-1 a85 h In l ie next place t it ai beeni allegei w ars] car wore more or lesaisjîsmedin s- . .4 3 5 uhalt a nleeotiugise, Mi1è.-McXelar c Juinî hittlree chlildren, wiso were burn- asîi is 11v.Mm Rig ttnde .~,ed by tise stov-two Of tlss.nbai'. J MPROVE NUTRITION. Glagow tIe ltte hal sate tiaI si' Tise ijnresl were'ell pronsptly ietti- The central idea iu tise treatiment ci sil WC Glhssdow r e lu tOtr polstatde lu atid il iwth, andi went on t1foeir jouirtey. Clirossic Wastiug Diseasea, resuling in Ner- hâé lsstoeissio400 nudxuincted of .0Tlie.suppQaoil. ceuse of tise accidlent vesaProsstratiouniansd Genersi] Delsility, is Vo tain Bmxoe. ison éallietes-id t wO.eswa-ebroleiirail. The cars were pret. iniprove thisi'etiou and Assimilation of talein te n t osy oer 4,000doll arstywei siu.Food], nus] tiseformiation eofItsalrsy fliood. aiiei licou neouni fRo ie 0Midlas. TyhaEnlglisîs Dr. Wiseeler's Cosipoussd Elixir ofPhoa. hall een aéountd forto th Misson. Te PanlieliPrimenit meets 'nplsatesansd Caliîsaya contumes the ouly a- or Mr. iMoeleliar, proîluced euidenco e t imay niel il uua.i 1 gente ksiowu tisut ect directly as excitante show: Firrtrisatatdseiteeing rr'fermedsIn AAng.oetnutrition, by impartissg toile tq tise Storu. uli wa rii, netthelueetigwbuferr lit Ilu Âust',tise membesiwials to'sch, Liver, sud Pisicreas tise grest tripeS toEs1isbr . Seont i s owlbnt(Mm. Mc. a n se - pertriiges fn' sepîemîer tisat preparcs sieurioisuseut for building up re EdpiseasunSecondOttoher. (Mri NN. lise organes ad tissues of ftisebody. Tise se- an Keilur) wes flot ut an y otiser m 1tilsNo v. O' tien .ot tisereiusrlssbie preparssson iseextra. tîen Ihe euenotut n t hEio r Metingshyember, sud Jatuu'ry, tisey muet'lave e ordisary in streugtheig sud vitalizing tise tisaIn te snhsut Bmen a waîtiirll cisance te deslroy foxes Tise8tLorîitîn constitution. whether inspairei by age, ex- Wh, th.ï;n s moutisees maste n Ismnessn oss ingn a Prliasueul le in histaed by exceases, iad habite or riu doiv or.l Mir. 'smcKe]a' meeoe ut il, fs)sin rnii general influx of by o]d coinplaits te ta have reis;ted ail or- - ori r lXar b efumes et utisl a sionubie society. Tise proposai lat-hi diua.y et fsoda of treutinent. nset~g,<1 wsih is LrdPrtotMadle to-bave Ptrliacnent moet in Ncu. - coriletaesdp- vontsi , ntlh iseonuo Mnleauer ail circumistsnces, t n1ev. Drs. outwisihe LordCuiso' esuser, ansiadjour ut et ed L ay' s e enisentlv adapites] te prostrate, auSimie otier. im udiiggillmen. nd i iesiusans.hail so chanuce ega&nst sucs e comubat t f omlen auddeli>tsîe eildrs-n. A bunker of tise cfty was Treasurer, prigasifaiinbeitrit. ~<~s i.'Ks -A vietisss ofe rly and Ibe batik accounts9 show thsaI-tise 'Tic5uoîsx.-lî la probsable tista e. A. indi>creti on, causiîsg nes-vous. debility, total collection ins Etlinhmo' wus £284, tition. signed ýby 1,2W0 iisuibiiasste of presuataru deai, &c., isaviisg trie.1 in vain cf whilicheight pounsis thîrteen lijii- Ticîshomne ant iltseiibirsol will e'es'y advemrtised rernsedyîlis discovered s lugs and iten pence rs'mained in thi'e c reAixt5ed to Ithts ousse of Conisussi P rnr s elcrwch ho wil bad ftise Treusurer titil rocent] y M"1 4ltr.DoM'.P.for Hsinp. e fe t li elo-sfer.Asdesel, Tise meetitigat Gleslgossw -ýs e Isi six sbire, in faeur of tîso cîcîmaut btiseflicJH.IEEVE-S, 78 Nassau St., New York. eoltlg lte.Xt tiiet îsectissg Mr. Tiolibomne estates, firsul re al at tise tu). rSetember 2ssd, 1872. se) Ring niape smne stateuients as le tise le, M8<ll a vfev te is s înjps'lntesl witlis frt,- .4p0- top- < outil railledin support ofisis benevoleut tihe voles. Tise petillos, il le said s], lotsuî.iisf,,s .,.c"Dy a tisorough oljecta, bout it wus evislott lie wa e- signedi ly a lsrg usîiter of tIse colin.. kisiowledge cf lise nucural aws eldisisgeveris fellsg te tise Elgin Asscscisstf <s, wvhoso try goîtsy, famera tessuînt-,clergy andI die operations oet.digestion assdii sutrîcion,and cccus~t e av ubvepu-ntil nu V otsesirescing istlié ica-et. by a cssreful apoicsstiosof thlie isse îroprr cecun w hve bue rite(, ottotieotwell-selr-ed socoa Mr. Epaba tise Buxton Miss;ionr, fi. wiislie wee f0*'loul4Vruax FtirnBosse l amrge previsSed oiur lreaktast tables witisseiaî- tli nifl ètiig iid. "Anus tIbis lirnme et'ing oftsf li ati-payes-s wseieli l n yChiures] bsensge, î'lieis may suve us Mr. McKclIttr, ss5tejourunais of Par. tsaTov hdIietusgltieiss Csi. trv dottis' Sbili,'. "__Ciril Seriie homenit show, lisivissg mtumueoi to Cass- mtmstiecar-l at b os-ea. ' . it ,may si1~li s sutrî adais, was quletly discisirgiîsg hie Parlia. îlots tise aslesaisî¶iîtv' ot sinjz aid luo CI, H"mîcSopstlsiî- Cleissis, Lodo.~ nsentas'y duties et Quisbce. m l usturers bhi w:y of' bonsus. A -s' OFuriî rCssCo,- We will nom-i di mecW ehij ct o tie d ia;recttio 'e nsthe -(dt -id. . n OueO ieiltb40 egacied U a 1j a lst f cet i o n- w'wiiieaa iriklayorw5A prs2n.OLDNo. 1. A -butMr.Kiâ,iüýUte 1 hàtitegliocuis et wumk 0o1 tise eîsiîîsus-y oest, a(ijofisl" os troatsUted usalouis, AnusinltÎtuateiy, tinili4g. Tise siiscivs-ry ut wîssst ;s -ý______ 4- style. a alunsaajittie ever 4£2,00() in, asssouîsî wrou1 sg t I nu l o sre thiusijsusî fil IIIOILOUGE-BRED BULL, -furjiel wa% coutributei in4£25 tshûes. Most lima t0preVeut Lsemieus or eu'eusfatai et tise cerftrihsbutors were siembers oethliscotusleqUsOCcos.-- SiscletY etf15riesssl, buk-witis tieun wcimo 1idier1'ePiano Faetory et Gîslpîsl asclantesj MX- Miller abOVO-eisutioned, escapedsitctieson 'a tew 1elaselisce wlsp teok one iliumse inseif ands sine very uerrowly. A sanéuseker lîcu T R 1 M M E R ' - hitl fer Is friçrici andi Euri Spencer, tise conySlted ý-- juçgalLeactluto a emcoke Tise steve Bull ii, s splendid aniail, tiser. pitLment Lordi Lieuleneuot rIeand, wio isouse, ana wes briging lus suvory ougisbred (bred by John Milier, Esq., of ______ toolttpn allures;.'For-thsese sulïscrip. pm-oslîctg tb a prOPar state et observa. Pickeriigjai dwill serve cows on tise preru- tiesa Mr. MêXelar joinesi (Mr. Esng isn lion,. Wiieis tiséceobustible matsri1ai. a l55 ' ec, aobeaits noevie gving a roeipt.- 'He never teuscises a empicseà teois fle, ans] cominuuicai si OGEýOGSTON, G dollar ofthtis sosny, utns.was enly ac. tIse flisto tise tactory, but a lucky Lo 8 ceahto., Wiitby tutias lie Isan bec tisrtuinsut, by a 1iseovcry eofthlu state et affaire enebies]- April foui. u4 lemiro te'aîgssl-U1r. King's efforts. 101110 Oethlie employeca le afp il in tisé Mm l~ri1cevest hait tise nouey,- huit.RSA E t meeting tise demnis et si0 taken- lle ser iss lt-wàh obtaiumed for, ansir - s .s , l fa' n hé OR ALE he 1 ge - -ýBra;tf;r Cbrof e lOth 500 tMûCEDAR POSTS, 200 Buse. CARROTS, _iiwhiohî lie 1uàaleready sunk a large a- ani eCylobaiélo m u>lis 0)BsTR mntof cf leown iseesis. Tise balance adwas yi ba dfromM.WeIsli, 20Bu.MANGCLDS, C us - 'as torwardesl, six snonîhsleîer, te Mr. a resectable citizen et th&# towon, and] lPS, CLIMAX, PEERLESS, & Ra Ihoolar b M. ings ircton ~b.faihier of thé man lVelsh,ie '*1'myster. EARLY ROSE POTATOES, fisd lep ýd in ur big acargo ofetavea "oni , ispearos] frons Brautomul lait 80BSESPR OWYOT r. cfr wa u s attise limé en r',.ueJ&unéaEdgar, of Dunn- 80BSESPR OWYOT ré-g ~ ~ ~ ~ en villesrlgbuises is-r dettbedl codifssed Voe O111Y requimé te îow oeelnîhuel te te acre. Wfo2elar wu@ able te produce a r- 'Catharin s wi enwdiga t. 2NWMLHCWs uts ~ ~ li a vmne ndsolebt m é,thsat ThouisseBoyle,- in S. FULLER ircu1ntuaatia1 staltenieut froisn its ccash Ywusafn wP.wa nîg 0 . addreokçW . .27 rScuWiî Fr, wl lÇb 91iseéMc ann nwiicL auliers]Ruset u i hati 11eu90 pilFuS 373.14m he xnoney exlias]« beau stppiieil ansite bisé t .,jin ned oets Na and river. pi Ld ul 't8trunsecitiojl ivitws itiývestesi tl1 sa- - ý1 iaaa ivr i, wliliregttedi luasenusilprofiitle ACCIDFEi T it seF., ILXDR. .- A E ~ERY- GO Le persoisw snterestecl. - erins Scident huppe(nes] ou tisé lilis].Inventer, Mecisînic, Manufaçe, Atve Mr Rtssg'sfurblisr senaîo l -s and rsiiroaion Tisursdeay vening,,fonr ildrRngéeC mst ýver wsee ot auccosefusi. Ur. MeKtel. msilea north o«Port llope,oteiatrain Busil er, E M-nerChnst, icen cc sur, hga bo bai lent-hsiq luflusence lte kni00111-e Oettise piaseuger cars FaeMrcnt 01ul-ido te t u lossel, d i se ig wat-thrown 'off tise truck cua ri reés Sist l Ionce senS iismarne anSd addros c îf!4îintsgîy-tisa lis1lwya 1ia sown a eap embunkînent. Severel lh 81.'51)fr-oné yea*'Is Bubzriptien to tfie usgelsed i m,- chose te assumre tise pansengoriwero asévere1v iijsuroc, but il:Cnda aetOfC eodltr ewffl itity oefsuy3ing tise-intereaî th3-onglit noué fatlly.' A.NDl3RCAn Patent O/ff c.-eBd1tr hiul r. M 'n-110 i.ts a s _Mr.mii xtG-reile o ~î~,tw f ., N EHSIS A Tc balÉe'.oussî871 .... >...;., To baiucO -taxas1871.-..801 28 'r~ ~~ uù Mueaiîe us~.,818 O(h Tc3 ineéj- t lîà 16 x- 04 By-'appropiatiouas w ~ and Bridges ............- 5096 102 lty non-rqhident, ansd - a... -4 By h", 4utéeü, ... 756 78 By, propràtioniof Munici. palty Fü'd.... ........ 81865b BY éùYvéying. .-.... 296 00 Dyales ren ltts 00 By-V aulurIISiesfmùnicipia1 i l- . ........cars ...............». 282 00 ~Y.pýnjig, asivertisig &è,,. 190I iudreY............ -46ý I - o balance..............1189 82 - 140pq 42) $140 8 9 48 -We certify-'kîIet bh.,(1tha cureCOt Abstract of thse -Receipts a!id Experiditirè*s od the Corýo&atIttn of- fie Town- ,hip of Pickering, fur the year 1872. - IJ H, M., MAVNAB, i A dtr JOSEPII MONKOUSE.J Adt SJGN 0F THE GRIEAT ROOKING; CHAIR. Thie subseriber. keeps constantly 011 IlID A LAR.GE ASSO1TMENT OF Furniture« of Every Dèeiption, iConsisting of D)roeying 1Room Parlor, Jiînng Room, auusd Rooni Sets. of dillèreisi pusîtern-s, 055s-- red anSd plaîin, anîd filncv peiÎnted Sssfis, 5ihes, Bureaus, ýidolisiards, Cenître anud Diuiricg txLensjisi Tsîlels-s, \ad-l eadthesîds, - W hatNedVuh sai is, r hs;si Thldre isir ohrýo aud CaîîèStstye is, s-m Chasrs, Srn aîs thlrse's, llstII'8. ofdireustys, L Aso-k in fiersering tott of un thurreti Fraus,-.tAetoc os usadeI.r etisto n hRi learhgeulute tediec nbesh "r»lis alarg-soc e jnxpe tiecestme iables hurkato iftus aril hioýt k efusgen. înatrs adîsrm *j- Fuinerals tully supplied. -ose- Ood 4.Caskes.-,"plend-d New lzieutse. SOLE AGENT ÏOR WITESIBD'S PATENT BU*D. .4Acspnt for the sale of Sewiug Maehisncs, aîîd Cabi.ieL rgens, cf superior mnsnut'acture. Call and exb mine Fis îimense stock. Pîlces -stili further iuced. JAMES H. -SAMO. hitby, April 2, 1873. Sigs ofthte Great Iockisg Chair, Brock Street. :EMOVING1 LAING & STEWART AIRE MOVJNG TO THE STORE À TEL Y OCCUPIED B Y MR, Y, GIBSON, £nd are too busy to write an adver- tisernent. itby, April lse, 1873. 14 OPiRING- SUITS-, JOHN FEIGTJSON ,s te inforîn his customors îiýat he is uow in reccito superior Stock cf pofs Ioths, Tweeds, Vestings, &c.. very select, arnd suitabFIe for the s0esîm, which, he is prépareS te maké np inVe Spriug Suite attse slsortesi notice. I er.-rspromn iptttersdédf-O au-id rkêcùîed -ira tise bét Speciai attenttion pultl to giving a eelisfectery fil. AIU kinssofe Gente' Ling goode. includissg hala, cape, utibroilue &c. Çal antdexamine. -JOHN FEIiGUO,, -- - Clo('1 thier & G eît' O tf te Duiindas St. %WhiLliy s>', Apt-il 1,,1873. - - Itly OL-D$MýITH'yS. HALL!-A s o cc iving decided- to visit the Biiropen Nfarketî,f will fromn ate se ll et tIe ,p re acut S t eck ot Jew s hIlery, F a ucy (" e s, a s] E c icount of'1O,-jper cent off Present Prices. SPECIAC LES lO-SUIT A IL SIGI1ITkS. LIIAN) SLV1~WATCIUS ýv IoW, ,nfieni bhiId FIM* - Haigpersonu-Ily exa-mined 'Pach watch 1t. eeliafactery perlons. uce ; qusaity aige. ;Carrnages and Perambu- 1 will Lie Solc3 cheap fb: cash. IPractical Watch-mak5r. hoicoat fistise Counly. A large-stock cf (Janadian Gi ohoap. Miinoury, Tailorisg andi Dresamuaking E TO, ORDE R.-~ R SHBrGIIOOERIES/ LQWES d-PO WELL." 1EtO ADVERTISEMENTE. N V A V [ F S N E n~ Ty F4EFS F'l 1;S E _NLI _EN- TFER S A .L ! CH'-EAPEST FARM !- 1~1 DIRECJLED TO A PURE NATIVE GRAPE WXNÊ, Amssitacîsss-ed ut Cocikasile, (Ont., by a Freneh i Wne Manufacturer. Il is muore ploeant lien e Clarele-ens Iras tisa virtue et a Pure Grape Wiua. . 1 50 per gallon. pive gallon Iotsaet a retiuced rate. R. H- JAMESON, SOLE AGENT, WHITBY. A Ma-,nificent Gra-zlsig Farsu 1 An Excellent Grafi Paru I tieautifully'Situated 1 4 PMina W~t t fWhîtby 1 WILL POSITIfELY BE 8OLO T0WME 5901tESM81 DER' Tise ssstsermtpre wM lofer tise tollowlssg vaualîe Farue fer sae by Pablie Aueliu ut Dcwes'e eiçutaiO essIel ' luthé TOWN 0F WÉËITBl, on SA TURDA Y, AIAÊt?/tl2thi 1873, WhityMrc 2,183.1 A M ar ltis. 2 TH E~ LEY S FA R M , F,~sy uuc 5,L7 ein irn tftmf e5 cecu eiu-g copsSe o o 1 a-ttis towa et W itby. Apply aI jýd.easremnt o *10, ri ý'eTPE CHRCNIcLE OFFICE. suS exeepî rigis f wy te Grand Truuk Mrh5h 8 in -U nteCounny, wiîh 's besutiful _ENGIEMT NHETTLE MISEIMarri5tThi8.N T TOM ue n ter so p yinst l el a given, - 0 F N C A T E 111, b5~ e ade know at tlé ale,...t' .7LVILLAGE.OFINEW CASELE. For furtiser particulars appiy te H -e g ec e s d s -suih - JNO. &2 D. J. ADAMS, ti 5- o 0mb Broke, Port perry, L R E S OC 'centreo e ..wage ewsile, 1asmi re. LEV F IR AN SJRPa e si o te -te aY respo itle perso e Auctineer, Whitty . -INI( ~ CIi Ste3 r0M on, F U R ta CREsiM nu mtctuz30g-orks1 tegiverconstantempi-j Aprilf2ud, 1873. 4,t NE W SPRING G Ifarrp Lew4 ie DR.CESO F. W.LANEN SALTI1 SALTI1I SALTII I S N 0W CO M PLET E !Mris17.-W. Gswa,O J 0 W - N 8 L o W C eîstistin g f à s l n i s o ' m n h C o h f a lk in d s fo r a c , 18 . sTtl1esPfuUY te nctify Fsmmers Gentinssns wear, easd a complote stock et - WAINTED. and wimen preped upî BUSINESS -THAT WILL PAY GRICL TUAL SLI ENTS FUR ISH NCT OOID y.F romeni s8 per dy; au ue pus-sed int AGRICULTRAL SALTyour ewnluesgiborisood. 11555 rare chance GENT ' iUIU nstlNG I.*UDS for those 1em.nsoymenror issviutIf AND N OJ. r BARREL SALT, sure timeé43 jaun boys reqaentiy se'aF A T MOD E RA TE P R IC E STH E NEW E ST OUT. well asmet. Particlanre f. A dres- ALSaO, DEALER 1IN A SPLENDID STOCK 0F NEW SPRING HATS &,CAPS Mmr 26. luai, otMas PLASTER, WATER -LIME, AND COAL f QrHEAP FOR CAS94P -- AXM FOR SALE.136 Cr-oads suppliaS y special agreement. FTT (tL ia elIuw sm o 8 r oe te sW o o l s d S ra p I r o n a k e o l e x c 5 n g e . A . . w eÎ b y k t o w a rz l t 2 , a a C l . o JOHN BLOW, A RNL, Wibkonws Brock St., Witby. Wluitby, Mas-ch 19th, 181 12 THE DONALOSON FA RM, April lat, 1873. 14-8in An1ea rsn uls cuaine m -, IILRYARIMTMl.- Wisitby, Marris 1S, 1871f. 1SCLVENT ACT 0P 158. Iu tie Matter of R. B. B. KEELE<, - - AAs Inseiveut. 1. lise undersigned, Robert Josislamold, ofthte Tw suhtbad Cousity of Ou- tarie, have beesi appoisuted Assignes ie ibis malter.. Credilors are requeated to filtelr ncaine befos-ama wi51iuna lements. -ROB ERT .YÂXIiOLD, Whsitby, Marci 17itb, 1873. Azagstee. Parties fllg chahuts wlll plesaze aHiat thse Division Court office andi Saliver saine te G. T. H-iIf, uy agent 19 .3Y TUEIY LNEW TOILROCHAESTR 1sEum ss TÂtS ofces; slendid oreisrdoet3 acreaaxaent. Âpplyte -Joux A-, DONALD)SON, '-NORSE MAN' Leaves Cotourg every_ orslngS 73, n pusiot cu ols fer Reciester, con- !lsrruisig ilsere wiîis Newv York Central anSd Erit liilwsys tom ail pois easut, Waest, and Souh. RETUItNING f Leaves ;Chsarlotte, (port ot RoeisIem daiiy sut 9 1).in , axcept Sctumday, wisen siso esCea - ut 2 p. un. for Brigistoul. Dealers but Stock, &Ce., wiil Sund tues thé ciseapesu stîndsutst expeditious roule te New Vers, iSon, Altbany, s&e. For fusatiser information sppiy Vis- IR. CRAWFORD, Or C. F. GILDE RSLEEVE, Port Hope, April fnd 183. Kingston. 4t JUST PUI3LlSUE.D. STRAUSS' WALTZES ARItANGED AS Vio-m -Solos. 4SL FOR PR TEES' EDI2:ION. Pa per Caesn,8t-ad o 1.50; in(j J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, New Yorks. s ANGE RL-PE ST: Cisoruces, etc., For Maie Voices. 'ample copies matieS, poaid, for 81.50; 015 par Suzeut. Asd rese- J. L. PETERS, 699 Brosdway, New Yorks. "1AIRY VOICES: -New Muslic Bock for Day Sciscois. SoSen 800 unte, sud vo viii Muaia$ample aPY, Apu lalo. Asidrese- 3. L. PETERS, -599 Broadway, New Yerk. 0 PT tCESTe C. ,ue TonoosTu z asg 88 .Au Order lin Ceunei4dsted,151hAprllet, ith te îofprso: u eotimison ùds o the0 stpresont remoe front re entres eftIrazoi, pusevies tsaI tise rmiasionse.etfCrevu Land nsay vith-. :WaMY ]tor lotsor po t ionS n, ho ay Seaeusressn y rou sny limber E. altee rafe susor renove! org waa~~~g etiniilgasuppiy oest imbe, ua ilemnuaetuug er te suanufeus. eé lmer for leal cenanptlon. gh starfron lau e a a part for tise 'ssp. y 01 sa- mwuilt. béeut ana mea= vi laIî t Cen me3 ce:i tesul titi L-EARIN A3TJ ý LEAINGTSALE Are offering the balance of their large Special Bargains in Nubias, Breakfatst Shawls, Press Goods, Woi Shawls. (iloîIu Jackets, %Win'ey Shirtiiga, Flannes., lilenkets if osi. amy. ans i Gloves, Nfiliuery' Goods, ver>' vhe:sp A tew Sstsot LadieR' CLOTHING MADE TO CAIi'IACES -ANO- CUTTERSI N0OT IC E- 'I emeby given tisait int tisaOutario Queter Raiwy o aywili cpply ttes Paaes tcaisada, durn tise present seusion, tom an Atte4eV Vo neirA-cet sui- corporation, bil graing:lisezn utisorit, e coamr ranch lhue, te GeorgiaasBay, -ud te purcisese tise Una of raiwav uaow bufit hom Port Perry te -Port Wlsitb-y, and otiser-riglite -- Ottawa, 201'h Mardis, 1973. WM. WOTHE-RSPo)ON, Soicitor for Appliceasta. BONUS TO MANUFACTURES 1 TOWN 0F WJIITBY. - Tise doneci ttise Corporation 0ethlie Towu ef Wisiisby w11 subsiita I'y-iaw te Bonus ta the extntof $20,000 Manufacturersaé"tabUhiilbusiness i th tmwnaoon bernf saliSeS thliepemnt tabllshed. - .ilRAMR GREENWOOD, may>ffice;î1, Mayor. F ARM FOIR SALE. A splendid faim « of 57 acres ef lasu5, on whicin a large dwehlng hanse, bam ad eut;suildings, sîtuated wlthiucoerporation of lise Town et Whltby, CeulyOnteilo, dnS kuowe se tise Thisudlsi m. Coteçe. ansi 900dOsietbftiiiSig.-Lately accupsed b ytise aleWilin siTisemudike. Apply (if by latter, pesti paf sil te YEOMAN- GIBBN, or l. L. 8MITH, Whilby, zerusters tes the Relate. Witi', Orteber 9,1872, 4 $PLiJNDmILY FDQISHE»P 'ES, BUGGIES, AND 01C -f -Il' 'o à co, PR ICE S, 0 R Dý.E ýREDUCED V A N

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