Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1873, p. 3

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DoIIrnzoM ,Ai~LIAM~4T. Unitedi Blatea FEowland Ifer thbfr Oh. E AD É TsN 82CO~~$» TP.nsd put adu ~ ~ j SECOXD, PÀ AMFNW. ITM T .uimiWr totht _ u&wj on SES8ZiON.'Ours. ]lIe de1precated loka- tha - qucutjoai frau anOntexio point -o 1301USE OF CQMMONB. ~ o,*Iar~uD I~wok un i&xOtion od-d rew tf#iiOf CO1115&4eowae.brotigbîfor. yC ndvantage toe hewbolo Do: IF A ~D waUp4 the.remut muet bave, â niiÙ nthe . groat iwpetnu which disappoft0t toMn 1yWhzo epet.would begiven to trade au or i theni.z country, i. reount of prot.oting-,TO0W NBHkIP'0F 8 C0TTi close division., r"uUgo i.. n ol ,~~u~~ bi~gn fuwsdbis motion *sazd >,revnces hich e hadnot nwsu tJ*t feeling busid.lf coînpelled by 'n 1tii. er wicnswoulha nvet o gond liperstiie senne of dut, oII L~rinc as gn mari4 o to se 'uuatjAs PeoonnrdsDr *cnm"an wh ina induced im ute iiakeb adcfteastoa iol w In j>. slà mbth proefouc h OF - eyr ibtlilu r f henama,,ol 7. o ftbm. Kenmclythr. the. motion st the. ealiit 'possibl.lylasungmnerUid wioMetthe l~ e apprXafet, ii.V ofLthe rosoit befdr the, Houais, he diu<,r. 1 d; lu f0 DBI!GP.bv. .C,n , i gtonA. mn to bufngk tro"todi&as'la NIJWTFII Ae in r..rrZ d ie h n.'sn tni c ar). H.e orreced -the.cutomiry oic h1Uotgr r twe par.. fained tasi, esluio,,m é~nt of the niomber forLaxubton, znov.d, andi whichja in lu ii, f u' t ofnaloft inreltio P$4 1c. nemofUw o lia~ ational pol.cy,. a vsnjority of ,thmw %th qnê"mor su-ifrnead that h. -belves hé tbeGôvennont. iTh, fa t 'y e ier bl ponewera leven inore &CM ist"0 ti. i i tl isi l mclsbiset toa %:Imrtag11w cap feutabUsiiby satlfttory, *ývidenqo . à,pO a =iîtô .rauý,ýhîcb thore in nrad Si .000and' thut.inansticipato f h si t i o han frem b oormu a f i.i'.et t per cent fbain Msrch 4th.1872. et .4 È.In ato ii Paifi Balwa, ousq. ,(RIoar bear). -HRewould ne 0-aou-fLt a tatae t llera of Canada'al. 7 teSeventb couctugion o' an aorecuéent wau znaél.betwoot, lowed terend wheat ini bond, se as toe ct fooe Huigh Allin, acting fdr bumséfacîf sud CP 1vo ns the.carrying trade, but h hob..Sctts premi iiib oO'.bic o o tain ctiier Ciuadian promoters, a ud J.lieved nie-tenths of the, rural popula- gg t ye* duM e, o wldmh theol aifi W, culin, Acting for certain United tien of thiu couutry wr nfvu fgxhnrddlagaditrs f a Stat e upitalistR, whiereby t tii imps wutm-nAerein fvu o unrMolr nA lutereob atv a1t to u ageecd té furnistaàil tue fundu nc npsn uio-reia outcenZ-t 1,5n"Sunnn ru, Febrsyetir, 4579. no long as they iwposed on ours, Ontnl fC.nr'~~ oe ob.vi onry for the. cnostruction of tho contez -ICheera). et impo f sale, and vithin onp mnntih there. pluted'iuliay, sud to give the. former Ta elwngwr and u, f 't enough, te nih nue-balh of the nur. a ceella dbase maney, itbalit Interost. aud the bal. ctiuperentago -cf interestà Aud ccmmitîee ;-Messrs. Gis (of N. Où-ance teho tscnred bv inotage payable nt posilon Il> eccmeagreed on -beim n ai), Wailaec ý(ofNorfolk)§, 'Staples, heuftrevesilhiteeteit fsehlituao f a Cenadian Company, DC t u hu (à1etsgh.Ke er, el]n. baif.vesry nnsn te wlth Sir Hugb Allen et ili hed; that Bolit n, aBobt, C bBelle an sd 'leliverv of the nmortq(aacestho lurcbese. P the Goverumoent were aware that nego. oionGuet lon t ien c haiS h. f fitled in' couve vence and lmloes. tiaioa er pudig etee t eso Joncs. pacuSte] ion; but ithe purcheser mav obtair ne tinto; n supl"Isequenîl au Brouse, aud Jns.iMts osssion by egreement with the ab satnis nd ws coqin.tlau uil The. debete vas adjounned. Vendor. v Governent sud SrHugli Allen -sud -** ~ -Far foheé rtitcu'rs .ee lare. ponter, of Mlr. Aboit., M. P.; tbat Bir nugli 'Ã"NTÂRO ANi QuEke É RILVA.- copfips of *iciýi, wltlh othop, information',c All*nanod hi@ friendsa slould advance a Bowmauville, Apri t.-Mr. Fowier cv b.hbail from M.'esra. 1ýtzcrsid & Ar. P1f fuic ouyfr the. purpose of met, . eTcwnsl pCouncil'cf DarlinR. nuldi, Vendor's Solicitora, Toronto... toi aldink the, clectipo! o mniuiters sud ton, to.dey, te cousult witlî tiies about T. W. TAYLOR,~ tbei supprtrs st 4e.e:nrung général. subnitting àby.îaw, grauting $50,000 5a *eu rd aloidrcletiifcontraot for the, con. It wasdecided 10oeal s publie meingey A I 1 srconfthe railway ; tietaccord.l on Wednesday, the. lt, te taeflic ti ingi>' swuouliAllen did s&avance a- matter into. considération. 1I bereby caution ibe public agaluet pur. lerg sus cfuicey'fr.ii. n .. ENALY1 chaing a unote cfbaud for $M0. pnrpertiugiz is laro flmof ou'y oi th pupoe PNATY 0Fo' ILLF.OAL VO'mN. t, be mnedà bynme on the I4th FebimrsV, niuenosud ai t tL. solicitetion sud 1Mr. A. M. Delisie, Collector of Cus. 187,a5 I have received ne value for th. pri * UndOr Prèating insten.c 'f Ministers'toms ai Mobtresi, paid $2,500 in' order sane, nie thi rt'to!f i moueys expended by te obiain a icttlemneni cf a suit aRaiust . JAMES FEWSTER, fac Sir HniuzAlisu lu connectilcuwth'tle hlm for voting for a Goverment candi- Os a 4 obteluingeoftth. Act cf Incorporation date lu 1872. The. suit Vas brougiit by Oshawa, April s, 187s.lu 4 sud Charter vere PAid te lm bY-tiiO Mr. Lacroix, a former exnpleyee lu tiih ________________ sud" unlted States capitalists under Cuitom House, and h. bas hendod the LST- their agreemients with hxm ; if iu order. mouey ever tei Canadien Institute. ] A-OXLS odïl ai a commuttéecf even membera blie ppninteiî te enquire tile ail tho FIGET VITE ApÂ&cnpuz..-.Sen Francis. Wl h gentlemian from Raglan Who.ea few eeksaga foud apercel, near ti circunistanes counerteiliithfici nage. ce April 5.-Advice, from privete saur-* tovu contaiuinc semne lady's bead-vorlc.aud tiâtions for lii. cotruction cf the. Paci. ces te merch 29th state that Maor aidressed te Mrs. J. R. Armstrong, Roseidn fie Bailway, vith the. legisaetion cf lasi llrevn'o,conumaud strnck the. Apaches House, Toronto, be kiit enouirh to soud it session ou the. aubjeci,- snd wîîit the t 'l'nte basin, sud kIlled 388warriors as som es possible ta Rev. J. B. Cayley. or granuting cf thie.- çherter to Sir HEugh aud-ceptured 17 squea. Tiie Apaches ta' THE CHROnCICLE offic'e,- Whitby, anýd ho Alloan sd otherai, 'witlupover teo seud beceme figteued sud zueuy surren- vii be saitably revarded. for perpons, papen ansdorecorda, sud dered eat Camp Vorde. Owing tethe Wbitby, Aprl th, 1873. 16 Viii instructions te repcrt lu full the. prevalence cf htehe rse disease, ithe évidence taken befor., sud ail proce.d. treeps eperated principaliy on foot. F OR SALE. w ingu cf, Raidi cemmiftoo. A disastrous fire broke eut lu the. vil.--F The. Goeonmont made neoeaver te lage cf Newburgh, ou Saturday resuit. ion Rush. CHILLES POTATOES, at tluls ,iatei6eut. ,The. memnbers Ver. ing iu the. destruction et property velued 150 di EARLY ROSE. llei lun.sud ithe resolution vas reject- at 040,("000.J OTEGIL ed1,-107 te 70. voez ma rLan nv LIOETNING. -JON .FTH GIL The. vote Vas taken, without debate TioibiD April 7.-Mr. iilson, of tiis _t Lot 29, Town of Whutby. mi wit.luthe follovingç resuli,; place, hedl a herse Killed by lightîmng April 9t. 15-Bm In : Yicàs- Mesura. Auglu, Archihald, tuis meruiug vile iu the. table. -_____________ Bain, Beciierd, Bergin, Blain, Blake, - OR SALE. leuria, Bowmeu, foyer, Brouse, -FO- Blml, Burpe., (Suuhury), Cartwrighl, TRA VELLERS' G UIDE. Ou Lot No. 4, 5th Con. Pickemig, quan. ce..y, Cesgreiu, Couchion, Cierletein tity cf Clîurch, GCk. Cuter, Delorme, De Si: GRAND TRUNK R. R. S UP ER IO R S H IN GLES, pr Georg., Doricu, (Drumnuo nsd Arth- Tieains leave Whitby Station as follows: Raud-made. Alec a few Pine Loge for Rd. .5 sheslta), Dorieni, <Naperville), Edgar, Going EBut- Going Wes- ers. FPerrin, FIndle,; Flinot. Fleming, Fonbes, Express.... 7:15 e. m. Local.... 8:20 e.m. Foiuruier. Gaùllraith, Geciion, Gubacu Mixed ..2:50 p. mn. Express 10:15 a.rn. WM. STEPHENS 'N. 64Illes, D'eirvpy, Hfigglubotiueu,,Helton' Express.... 7:20 p. mi. Mixed.... 5:10o pin. April Diii. 15-4t Nraton, Hunhingn, Jette, Jol, Ezp.Mail 10:15 p.rn. -__________ fisime Mahezie Mecir, La. The trains man b~ Motreal turne vhicl. in EVA WANTED. Barwp.'Makeni.e Ifr eieceif, 22 minutes fautert.anWhitby tune. ]31Am EvN so lleieér. Piarde, Pozter. Pre V t aoîl ltiver, Petunt, PnteronPenar WHITBY & PORT FERRY R. R. Mien sud vite, vithout feni.7, te lv.1 c ýRIiehrd <Moirintic), ]Richards, -no' Tratins Going North- Mail. Mixed. thelibouse au farmiug man aud c emestiacor. (Durhami),]Rosi <idleuex>, a Whitby Junction, 9:00 arn. 7:03 p.rn. vaut. If viii e faniily, a houne previuled (Prnc Eder), oiWhitby, 9;07 .m. 7:10 pin. for therniou the tarin. Enquire et the. office (Price Ewar). nséLweluu n1iu Port Perry, (errive) 10:30 a.rn. 8:40 pin. of ibis paper; if by letter, post-peid. W Pynial, serlver. Suiuili,[î'eel], muiI) Trains Goiug South- Mixed. Mail. Whitby, April 9tb, 1873. 15 [Weitmorleudi], Snider, Stirtèn, Tes- Por Peldepani 8:30 amr. 1:00 p.rn. --- -__ cliereen, Thomnponu (Haldimaucl), Whtby arrive) 7:58 e.rn. 2:23 p.m. ('ARD OF THANKS TIbompRon [Welland 1 . Treuîbley, Trow, Whitby Junction, 8:00 am. 2:30 p.m. cJ W(iltp (Holton), Wi kos, Youîug rMan Ru.L N.i treel Wet], Young (Waterloo). Total DIVINE SERVICE,.RM ODN.z NAvs-Mesri.Aluon, rohniheit, AMlSaints' Church-At il ae . andOI7ANp. Belîy, Baker, BeatvBabn, ele m-Rer. Mr. Cayley. Y O A I S N ý . eauipu Bele- Catbolie Church-Every Sundey moruieg ruse, Benoit, Bowaîl, Brooks, Brovn. at 8:30 and 10:30 a. mn alternately-Re,. Fa-Heving for the. preset retired frein business, Plurpee j't.iJohtn], Cemerun, Cau'dîvell, ther MCau,; resideuce, Oshewa. ' begs ho retiru bhie tincoro thaukc ta hbu nu- Cnznphb-li, <arlinèu, Caron, Çarter. Clip. Canada Precb ers.an Church-At il e. m méuerns cuctomers and frieuds fer the. liber. menCIîsl.lm, uffu, hby Cutip nud 6:30 p.mr.-_e. Mr. Ballextyne. al ,trouae heretefore exteuded ta hun, TI uhoe aliv lic1 en te ru wae Chiekena................ cperpair.p.,a Lot 27, Brd con. Whitby. 10wiu i lo fuii ese. rmth liIin. Duckm prpr ............5.0.c ddeos-.Whitby. O i eilsteoth os.Turkeym, per lb...... 7c- 100 Apnil 2nd, 1873. l4.îIn Moudeay, wcal, per- ton.......... 7 @ #8 Tii. principal matter under conider. Wood ........... ....4 60 @9E LEYS PAnM etien vas tIi exemine.tion o!M. Tasse, - - ----THOr su offliil, vin vas chargei iy 1Mr,1MPROVE NUTRITION.T r i Dori6n' vitlu beiug tie ete ic --L7- %_e CiLrà t ce! editr of a Thegeut nuoutratstdir ue xcitofats reWu Freuci uevspaper lun vîuîcî on. Ti. c nra -te uhie treaiment ete stre g aricle hes î'e u vrleu Ag mnsi Chronie Wasting Diceasea, resultiu luN er. - redio uevesl meuniers o!thie Oppostitin, os1rsrto adGnnlDbliy ut HE P iiprove ithe Digestion sud Assimilation cf C E PE T FAR 1 Tliis ouugtni gentleman vas lnally eall. Food, anSaithe formnation of Healtby Blond. I e d le tIhe B r of the - ouie, and Dr. W helOer' Com pound E ixir of Phos. 11ft "intervi> led :" Ho admitieul hulai pbatem end CelUsaye conains the ouýly a- SOUTH ONTARIO. hoVi ie5 hPfPtuOfte otfnutrition, by iinparting toue tte tSi journal alludei b hubit lie vas nul thie tch, Liver, aid Pancrees, the et iripodA aifcn mngFr1 PrePnitor. h vwas finally lugneed how. thuat prepares nouîismnent for tfldiug up Aaufcn nzn au ove, liai Mr. Speaker xeheuIlibe sow jthe orgaesand tisanes of ithe body. Tii. ac- AunEcllent Grain P'arm G ed t dee vii iii accmed.tien oet iis reunrklel prearation la extra. Beauîî!ully Situated 1 An Important tiebetn ols place rupou1nstitutin. ehr er imeI . .aeuSvitmlrinex-i.4Miles W& et of Whitby I à Miotion for tlhe appohtuient cf a ccm. ,bausted by excesses, baSdiabits or ridn - naiitee b prom ota potetien lu thir-i a cinlant tsthae esstdal or. WILI. POSITIVELY BE BOLDTO THE HIGIIEST BIDDER' iuitum ral ot of thie Dominion; Belug a doliciou ordial t a te., aud per. Tii. subscnibers viii dfer the folloving sud oeverlmnp ssoasrnl ufclyhnla n. Ucnuilne tvaluable Penn for aie b>' Public Anehicu ah fevour o! -psicng a duhy upon Amern i uemlnantly adepteS te prostraho, anuemicee a's "Oniel on l ieTW Ff, grain comlinlts Canada. vornen ana Seicete chidren. - WHITYo ; lI thp. Courge o!fitue discussion Mnr.T DAY Pi lt,17,this d Gibus <Nrth Ontario) soisi ho ddnol AVS5)U1I0Q 1-.4 (Kil-A vichiinofearly 1S UD Y IRL12h 83 ~indicrtion. ceniug nervons debilit, AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M., believo huoe.wue an> cuein Ibis lions, p>emtur. decay, &o., beving trled un va t who was lu faveur of pure Frees Tred. e,y.yadventlue rn.uedy, bau dluco LLérFA RMa What vo vantellws vue riprocihyv. , 1h simple mens cf se1-cure vhicb lie wede THE TTîE rS A M ]D wau ma!nlfeottly upfisr tîiet ur marlcetsls .d etoa is fili>vsufnn.Ad.m eu eioaic LiN uolnid b. thrýwovn n luhe.grain- o! JI H. REEVES, 7%Neseu St.Io .,Nv or.1%,lot Cence,. tliAUniarlStapp.*hil th 'Anércani setemer ud,187.clou, Tovnship cf Pickering, containing 1> tIi.n AStatuwlila ii.Amencan Sepemner 25, ~2. 18 dnîeaurement 200 acre, mon reubat-ave pn 0pAen st suIv nu mr vhîeat, anlla aId .pb ~ - nd except rigt ciVay for Grand Tnunkl prace.gi %#lC ubGrounl 0 n neoGthO pdut.H.elilieved Cýnade asulie. ' < t mott-seff." By e hheneui 4Theaboyéueue h.besipsx* knowledge et lb. naturel lavs vbicb geveï.u ing tanins in the Count>', * ith a bea1tiful ticou cuueineeny as mBoI btheopertous of digestion eudnutrition,end Str'eam of vaten nunuing truiii .ette f tviiesi as gurt nceu l, ' ait besi , a taceofdlapfuiloaion cf thie Jauepropen _2THE- euhhi otTi ~ kt veR rs illiee mne et mHoar. tin i*eed u c(.itbe c&,Mr.Eppa han,- IE 18 IDI8PUTÂBLE,. ë kpt wee fio I)Mç-maicee. e e. proide or lreafat tble wth déicte. Tzaxr-Ten éenton on dayotie, ic that lurlng the-vear tlai viehad, ly >'vjredbeverae w hici mmye sus oneoiith n ay udfor the balance ( e>' S oclers, bill."-Cir serpice =,ney tr -py a ie il e given, ma lunsl iny i noSo ncuvm axiutio. M adeo impl>' vitb beuhmnevteror suwvM ho maSeonathet al.su. the. feu4'ernsof CannAdarpeceliedl ie or Milk.,àRosipaekil le befle-ZàT Bs.Ep&I Fo uthzîr lars appiTtlators ton ecuhu a linsiiehl more 4 nr tiiir wviteCog omoeopc&tblc Chimiute, London, Ibs $evAI bfoe, r uai ipn.Thîe AmÂN4&TuRe, OF 00V04.."l'W*yWinov rwJNO, 4& D. . .ADAMS, (roa ia"totalowfA t Aprinnwlit ell au coo4nt cd1h. pzooaidcpted b>' or te * rokers, Pont Ferry, eaýi»led u t Bnda arfe -q'iat.fv "usnu. mea Epps &Coiamuattrm LEVI FI1A-S-U ooI~sliI4ui ho entia lrgeruenîvof liuttic articles, et tliIn vorl n the * alon abd von. usniîcet, * Ree Ruson Rcadi ZoWor"iiseW fhlom Wb "- j5êWêuo.*9 ~. heu"#^ "à» ~d'*- Il "biteC7burý , 7Pursuuatte tii. Ast M Pýenet, gtbYvi+ 'ermandnt,- f1W dCapIfaI -2 j 1200-00, ' Sfià1ýs, $Ã"0 Eaeh, Payable oitbcr at once> on pyMoutl7 instalmenha. - -W Ti -F OWAN, EQ., Vio-Pumuuir, 1T~.Ifl8,Em,,M P.,F.-W.GLBN, E5Q.,*- W. H. GIBBS; -ESg.,-M, P., FRANCIS RAB,EBOQ., M. D., A. S WHIING~Es0, - W. H. THOMAS, 'Emo. J. S. LA.RKE, Es8Q. -, SCEETBY-BEASRER -- T. 1f; MCMILLAN, Eaq, SOLIITOR -~ - LYMAN ENGLISH, EmQ. Bimas - ONTARIO BANK. eCmpany iu prepared te asivance meney upon Town on Country eal Estate, lun huma cf 12W00 su pverds, for frein ivo ho tventy Ye«ra,; psy-J ble inu meutily, que.nterly, lialf.-yearly, or yeariy instalmento,- (te suit sic cou- tunienceocf hl. bornoyer), at 1ev rates e! interest. The Company is aelpre1, mresi te receiv.e.depesits cfIl and upvands, and vill show interest eh the rate , six pgr cent., per aunnun upon the. came. The Stock o!fLI,e mpany ieiug ýedged-ae msecurity for aIl depouits. and bieing unden the gevenumeit cof Direa. ns cf long experieuce in business, Whîo are well kuovu the general communi- yau excellent guarentein offerod for the careful investinent of mouey left on Depocitorsatall himea ull neiceive ithe highecu rate o! inhereqt, coneistent viii s.sfeiy eAid proper venkiugo f the. Society. Depoits under 150 may b. wilîî- 'evu vihini notice, endi viihoui au>' forfeihura o! intereel, lu aceonîleucevih ýe de , tvtabllqpublisiied ; the. object cfthe Direclora ieinir te encourage isi. a o! rnéoiev ' 6" fnaliiy relier tien tie realiiatino! largo lirôfihu. Tii. Directors, fulI>' convinced that oo f 'the. lirai utepe tevendse iiimln rovemeut cf uheir fellov citizeus li oencurage a desire te mave sud ascus. lae their eanningu as. s vise provision fer future coutingencie., lu offerng mLities-or sud,-e purpome, througi tl eed . c f tis Scey hytuto dimoerning puii-to-make theun av uib4o oceyeh 1rutt Oshawa, April 8th, 1878. 15-Omos. VV ALL PAPER1 Just received fr-om England direct, large stock of Wall Paper. in all the latest Pattens. Not ,thstanding the advance iu the price of'Paper, we will sell Lold prices. JAS. IL. GERRIE & Co. Agentq for lTRrte's and Oamnbell's ('oncentrated Lve. for àking HanS or SAfiSeap vithouf Limne or Lye eud vith itile or ne trouble.- r 11 boxes, price 25 cents, or fiv. fer $1. --0'0--0 A. FULL ASSORTMENT 0F )UIRE DRJJGS, IDYE STIJEFS, P À9E N M E DICIN ES,1 SOAPS AND PERFUMERYI Condition Powders, all inakers, or made to order at the vosi prices, and ouI>' the besi inaieniels used. hitby, Apnil 8, 18748. JAS1. H. GERRME % 00. SJGN 0F THlE' GREAT IOCKING CHAI R. lie - subseriber keeps constautly on IIAND A LARGEt ASSORTME.'r OP urniture cf Every Descriptio i, )nflitfg of Drawing Rooin, Parlor, niîug Itom, muid Bed Roonu Sets, of diflèreît, pat tens, car- I anud plain,.atidi fancy painted; Souàs, ('ouches," Bureaus, eboards, Ceune and Dînîng, extension Tables, Wardu-oles, adstemuds, What-Nots, A ashstands, Dressing Tables. Humr- nh ai ud 'auîe-se;utedl Chairs, Anm ý'hutirs, anîd (hildren's iî's of diflerent styles, Looking (I.-wses, Spring Mattuses. lue rm., -. stock much superiur to that of -duy or rotait house in the tr'ade. His large experience enables him to rianit' aili bi tstock beung (if the best matenjil anîd workman- î, a41 ino!t tuisteful design. SFunerals fully supplied. -Rose- SOIE AGENT EOR WHITESIDE'S PATEN!I' BED, olm'- Agent for the sale of Sewing, Machines, aud Cabinet 1ans, of superior mainufiacture.- jal and -ezsmine his immense sitock. Prices stili further uced. - tby, April 2, 1878. , JAMES H. SÀMO. Sigul cf lie Great Rocking Chair, Breck Street. iOLýD"SMITH'S' HALL! ~I8COU~T lving decided to visit the,EnropenmMukî, ilfo date oel outt ibe pretStock cf Jewc.lery, Fency (400oB, anti e100 tr eplate t ad )iscouit 'of 10 per- cent off Present Prices. SPEC1'ÀC~ES 'OC)SUTIT AI, jS[GHTS. -L AND SIL VERI WATCHES, ,rv lowprices. Fiaving pçonahIl exa'uuineld "ach watvh-rs imonfieit'ty iitt.e Satietat-tiry eriurinnýme.qnality eIsod -hildrens' -Carnages and Perambu- mon hand, aud wilI be sol cheap-fo-. cash, CAT] - - - - JAMIES JOHNSTON, A r a l a r e ep t o f à L a r g o S t o c k o f f #whieSPRIN&G -OODS T v ic h t y n v i t e s t t e i 4 l o f e t i n t e n d n g p u r e l i u s r . T h e i r , S t o c k e b e s .vayducisi.fabâie produca in lthi. vrIo ri cetuadaptedS te i. nte o ibis-ý 5> .ountr, anShave een Du Ml on lb. m outfvralwenis1 euiAbl i e te D0E;FY; O OMPETITION-, Âut evalue, asuring lieu.W ho Lv r t h oe n i i i t ir p atr lonag cfgeting C h p Çko d . h i Dres u, ds are m egiflont. Their s"k of loing le l arg <dw psore, iymaan ,~> 4e> \ : tain hem raputalloit f05 1 fh ia choice t in t ii. Co u ty. l 'large st o c ! andia n G o di Tvl chesp. MMfinerýy, Telloing anS Dreuumakng NFRESH GROCERKIES, An eurly eu sehicihed. >LO WE8 -, à POWELL, TýRrtA>tUaH.fBEED BULL, Tb. aboya Bull lu e splendid animai, thr- ough-bred, (bred b>' John Miller, Emq., cf Pickering,) sud vii serve covs on the. prmu. l-ame et2 eecii, payable ai time cf service- cal or no caif. Inventer, Mechanic, Manufacturer, Builder, Engineer, Chemisi, - Fariner, Merchent, SiioniS et onc, senSis naineanud adr.ms vut 01.50 for eue- year'esubsciptlon ho tIi. Canadian Patent Office Record AND MECHIANIS' MAGAZINE, To tii.Publisiier, OHO. E. DESBERATS, Moutreal. A cep>' et firut Do. cs e b.meaet hlu ofice. s ALTI1 SALTI1I1SALTIII1 JOHN BLOW Beostsirespactfuliy te notif> Fermer. sudothers thet h. lu prepereil to muppi>'Say quentit>' cf AiGRICULTLIRAL SALT ANI) NO-z BARREL SALT, GEORGE OGSTO,t ALBO, DEALER IN PLASTER, WATER - LIME, AND COAL 1 Car-boadSsupplieS b>' apecial agraement. ta'Wool sud Scrap Iran taken in exchauge. JOHN BLOW, Broek St., Whiiby. Apnil lut, 1873, il-& 'NORSEMAN' Leaves Cobourg ovemy marniing et 7.80, sud Port. Hope aID9 o'clock, for Rochemter, cou. necting there with New York Central and Brie Bailweyc ton ail points Beit, West, sud South. RETURNING: Lesyes Charlotte, (Port cf Rchbester), deily ai D p. m , except Saturd>', vian cie leyve at 2 p. m. fer Brighton. bealenu lu Stock, &c., vii finS this the cheapesi sud mont expediticua meute te Nev York, Bos;ton, Albany', &e. For frier lformation appi>' to-- R. CRAWFORD, Or C. . GUDERSLEEVE, Port Hope, April 2u5, 1875.. Kinston. 4i ti UST PB14.11D STRÂUSS' WALTZES 1 ARRANGHD AS Violin Solos. .ASL FOR PR TERS' EDITION. Peper OIL=>et, ruI in1.0;l M9 Broadvay, New York. s A NGER-FE8T; (raz sucee naRvAL.) A Collectien ef Glues, Part-Songe, Chonuas, e., saeien , smaflc, pomtpald, for #1lm; pen dozen.AdOre.- J. L. PETERS, 599 Bnoed ewovYork. F~Y-VOICES: A Nev MuBle Book fer Day Bahoolu. Sea 6 0 cints, sudva il!M =a &ameîi cp>', Apil lat. Addreu- - i J. 4. PECTERS, 1M59 Bnadw&Y, Nev York. W~7ESTERlf&ASSURtMc» OPR PITAL STOCK,- 4ooe YPK HOMg BBOOmlN, ONT. Aget fer the.-ClANWA F ARMERS', IJumAL INSUEAIIOE CoUPARE,, Heoa u,>Haxuwms: Md SIPECIAL ATTENTION! DIRECTED TO i P«URE NATIVE GRAPE WINE, Manutactiured et Cooksvi:le, Ont., by a>Freuci iVino: Manufacturer. It is more pl esanithan a Clarel, -suidlhias lie vfrhue cf a Pure Grape Wine. $l 50 per gallon. Five gallon loti ai a' reduced rate. R. H- JAMESON, SOLE AGIENT, WHITBY. Alite A-eut for the Celebratett WHITE Wi[EAT ýWHISKEY, a iigiily roctifled Cenedian Liquor.. Wiitiy, Merci 20, 1873. 18 SPRIN I r JO-UN FERGUSON. Begs to inform bis customers tFat he is now in receipt of a superior Stock of CIoths, Tweeds,- Vostings, &s.u, &c., very iselect, and suit ihie for the s0ason, which lie îs prepaned to meke up into Spring Sis et lie siertml-notuc,. Ail orders promptly att-ended to and execi;ted inu the best style. Special attention paiS te giviug a saiufactor>' fit. Anl kinds ô! Gents, funniuiig good. including hatu, cap, uminelhub &c,- Cal sud examine. JORN IFEHGUSO)N, 01lotbiur & Genth' Outfftter, GENTLEMEN: LARGE STOCK O>F NEW SPRING-GOODS- Consitisting of a splendid assortment or Cloths of ail kinds. for - Gentle su's Wear, sud e complet, stok of1 - GENTS' FIRNISHJNG GOODS, THE NEWEST O0UT. 1 SPLENDID STOCK 0F'NEW SPRING HATS& CAPS CIHEAP FOR CASIO' Whitbyu Miirch 19th, 1873. CARflIA CES A-ND CUTRI T4e Couucii ofthe corporation cf hie Town oof Whitby *111 subita by-Iasv teo ** aid by BSonuis to the -extent of $20,000 manùfactunsesielb1àhngbusinessin thi. tow*Den bein -atl'Seofthe. srunianeuu " J. HAMÉR GREENWOOD, ML.olsone 1..Mayor. TOONO,5T MR, IM Au OrSon-lu Councildated lPih April last, vitithoe<v cd ofproxnoulng elllenuton larnds ofthi. Crown et present remote from the. cenïtrea of traffie, -provides' hatthe Coînlmiîner of Crowu Land mey -wiii. Srav an]oi c; riais or portion eti,labe h May'--dceem neeuary troni an>'timber i- cenuehereatter isoued or renevod, for thi. plîrpome cf furnishinugemupply cf juiobr tor mevmille mauteturung on ta menudac- turc iunber -for local co-uu>ptian ; the timb)er froin lande mc set spart for thesuap. plycofsuch saw mnils tebe ceut sud m uu tas-tured exclusyely for sncb local Semnand, andl Se dicpos.5 ofthat su>'infractoii of sncb condition, direct(y or'indirectly, -vil! b. foUbilne .acbcamby cancellstion of anthorit>' toeut tinîber or trees on helauds 50 sel aperi for the. purpeme meuzione ,and tha snch lauta-hail b. reatoes4ta hlii- ceuse from -WMbicbthe>' vere vithdnewn. B. W.' SCOTT, E NCORGE - MANUFACTURERSI taviug purïchaseda apiece et lauS libmih etofithe village et Newcastle-f an pre- Paned te douaite an>' respausible -per4on un persous, wiio vill eneet substantiel Mnu. feciuring Works, ta give, constant oinplay. meuhte 30cor 40 mn, FOUR ACRES OF LAND- F. W. GLEN, - Oshawa, ont. Marri,, 1878. 13 F ARM FOR SALe. Thai vwei-kuovu tari, lot 28, md -con, uf Wbitby, kuovu as *THE DONALDSON FARM, AnS setahpreceut lu-tii. occupation of Mr, N. lia. Contaiss0aces; ebont 130 ca ;dweiiing, outbuileliuggand suiteilu cilices; apiendid orchar of 8 acrea lu matent. Apply te- JOHIN A. DONALDSON, <Gmv't Emigration Offce, Marcii25,-1878 3. idTomonte. WAN TED, 7. BUSINESS THAT WILL Ë?AV Froin #4 te 58 per day; eau b. pursuuea lu ycuar own neighborliood. Itlmes rare chance for tbese ont ofet nloyment, or- havi,,g Ici. sure tint;: girls sud b oye freqa*entiy dosa wil asmie. Psrticuiars free. Addreu 292 Waigo tBotnf, Mas.. Minci 26. 1".t A IouaIAL o7r econzes. Belle-ring that lie inlerests et lie' country' demand the publication o! e journal devW- tte spread of mechauicalinformation,805 the. encouragement cfithe annchmg sud £mng inierasta of Canada, bg- te sunounce liaI vo bave'decidodteiseuc aU!ourmal =Ien thebmri of !Mmc~toi. e îtd b F_ý,Gan, En., underlb name anidijitloo! Tuz SczaxTmrc CAn&iqusTarmu 50Ocentsuper annumu. This vIfi b1>seunte ail clauses of BnineL m, -Millvnights Mill.- - ovuers, euS business men hbrougboui lb. Dominion.- The.firet issue. vulise et lexat 10,000 copies. * As <measeof sdvertislug for c;l clamses a! menufacture, lu VÊii have ne equai. For turliter'iuf.înaticu, addretsT=s SCIENTMTC CeÀJDIAN, Oubava, Ont. Feb. 231h, 1873. 10 W BEBLL _À-<JO, -0 GUELPH, ONT. PRIZEMEDAL CABINET- ORGANS, AND, M >E L-0 D_ E O--N S. Sole Prpietrs and Manîtiactureru of "-i OnGAIETTE, ataining Théb A warded the - OnIy, MedM 1 E ergiente unkiraaf eeS In % "iat çI in t MusicalInstrumente, besides ili nsusd First Prises at - euiber Exhibitions too lm. m -uer= s- te mielful - . M.O'DO.N 0V AN'lS. 1- SPLENDmLY NEV% 1 April 2ncL Whitby, Apiil 19 1873. 14 ]y S«&Ijjm- [ CAP SU IT-Se PRINGLE

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