Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1873, p. 2

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pArk " r,)r sale - --- kirek "met tile postÉ Wood, _J' glèmOr GINen- Of Blitigh'Cýôlüïnbia ýna jfàïi Te tm'iera.-R, W. CO- sîPpOiýimenta of pojqtrnasters Lânds. Crown MI, keepers - ý werlé ý malle Disoolusion of p4rtneroilip-Parowe Year, and 657 new mail coutn and bfoGeo. - 1 11 étatered intO ; 208 'additions Tontlors Wanted-R. W. Sc0ttý Com. Railway in Ontario and Que CrOwn Lauds. leCOM0 available for ý mail Notice - Win- , Boulton and lieury during 12 mouthg. The Mon CrIeRwick, Coms. Dfpaement shows 684 offit chancery, Srn't" v#' lffocklugý-J- l'alled which isMd 1M.480 o l'an)wttll, upWardg, of 5,Wf),Ooà OPening Of To*u Seboolt- post.Office F3aýingj H » J- M8edOneil, Clir, B. 8. T. Banks Notiéè opération to :ý11l4tfër8 cri Public Lanis- Tlloi. H. Jolinatun, Aist. COM. une lastyear, With 21,-059 d4 AUCTION SALES. having 8#()00,000'dollara' as theý Tite inerense in pr$stal 'revenu( On Thnradgy, APrit, 17tli4 oý îoï M st the tArio and Qupbec, New Bmnal Port uylien lotation, G. T. B.,.picke - Nova ttrin %toek, implemo'tite 4m > 1 !,hg Scotia as COMPAred W the proporty oi tjr.iauetî0neýOr. yesr wRs about 91 per 0 eut, Increue of expenditure in tll( vince àbOut 4 per cent. Tbe- of rZtered letters-estintateil Ãœtit Passed bY Post in Canada la, ONLY ANNUM. wast Ontario and Quebeo-ll N'ew Brunswick 50,OW ; Novj W111(by, -ýl'hifrqgy,_April j7ý IS73 70,OW ; Manitoba 2,000, total 000* This is an increase of Mo The Outlook-Good 16 Per cent. on the number eà c- PtOOPOcte Ahcad. for lait Yfar and app'-ars to ha, HmVing 'laid dqwa the buis upo 1 n Place - *a1together in Ontario a wliieli the establishment of manulac. bec. on'y thirtY-eigIJt rêgiste turea is to beaidedj our townspeopie wîij ter, were miocarried. It, was 1 bc P10490d> te letira that the MâyO is ed, lait year thattnifie in daily receipt ý Of. 00 ir tered Jetters from vari arriage 1 mmullications Ous csuý frori, applicants (le 1 __ ad. ýcIu9ive Of destruction, byfire, vanta . 1 Mrous of taking, ge of the terilàî Offéred. Two 1 One in 10,000, and this year frot gent1dinen fi-OM'ýhe West are expected causes, the average appears to arri%ýe fil tëwn thig (We(luest . been Ouly as One in 38,600. TI, L'viln, fli6l, tOýmake proposi lay) bar Of de&d lettel-8 passing thron the . bc' fa tions, and if y vOrablY-roceived and accept. dead letter office in - i872 wàs 8 ed, bollus by.lawi Will be submittèd nt béîng a percentage of about ýit total number of letters carried in Colline Brothers, of the Dead letters returned froln the Clock Factory, alào. intentl apllyùig for ]Kîngaotu and from the United five thousand dollars, witlt--a propo as bu ving originated in Canada, Dead letters sent in ftoni post fion tO ODIPIDY lifty mon. The hfesjre. - CO]Iins have julit made their firat ellip. in Canada, 810,096 ; 7,465 lette, Illetit of clocki# and we &re gl&d to sent to the dead letter -office b jearil Viat the Specimens 01 their *OA addresses were unintelligible or i 11-v' mut With the higliest cýmmenda- Oient pl 2e500 regîsterêd jetters tion rroln tlie wijolesale dealers. Mr. sent in as dend letteris for V W-1kos, of Toronto, in prepared to take roasons, whiel, had eaused deliv n'l they can rùakp,, auti*eaya that notIl- fail as addremes Riven ; of these had Originated. in Canada and ii1m, frofil. the '£tnericati-'side eau ëOL11- Pt' w'tý1 the 0-'Lme class of wark, for ce and returned to the writer 8ý"11)çititntistl matin and S 1 nish. This kable inerelige appeurs ii lriiiît bi ver = rvice by the Allau fine wil y encouraming tà thope YOIIII ', inca Who' ]lave on. spiriteilly en. United Kinizdom. There were tel-0 1 on titiA né-W Can"sa enterprise. lait yenr irOM Canada 810,246 If ti"I dutY Of fift en per cent. in and 716,84Ù PaÈers, beaides books ýc thuir favor, an(j the savinq in froiglit patterns, and from the United ýc alil eti-ri4l, 161,190 letters and 96,912 newgpo 'P't flieir Catia(liàt, clook is 'likuly todrive Yankee competition ont Iri the former case au inercame of of' - tho market, They only rèquire more 000 letters and 13(a,000 papéra, ar 1700MY premiseR, and larger faciIitittx, the letter case a èoni;iLlerable deer w1liell tilA town bottus wotild enable , Thore were conveyeil to Canada tl l Ili to Obtai11,ý tO have a cipar field to 720 lettem and 22,094 ttewFrpapers, tjii4mgelves, Of Course, in taking ail. The following is a Iiiit of the vantage of the bonus. tiley, like noiera, Oilces in the County of Ontario, lnt'.-qt bc preparod to fiiriiish adequ'ate the amoutit of revenue, salaries 00c"ity for the eniployment of the 8110wauces to each, for the vear en noeoui;arY llumber of mon. 8 ItIl 3utie, 1872. Ashburn, 01* Tite WllitbY %Iallufâcttiriiig Coir 056-50, forwarti allowance, 016 ; , any' worth, 55.79, $14-50; Atha, 84( of the Jirowil Pattergon Works, ai-c, wo utidetotancl,- algo aPýlyiiig for , $18; Athens, $17.42, $10; Ather A 1 11118 undOr the sanie coilélitions, gijar» $186.84, 0,57.50; Auffley, (froin June '71) 22.86,13.a8; 13alf;uln, Jl'ItOOÃŽug to extend and eniftrgq their I)t*(ý8cut ýVotkiç,ftnl employ an addition- 88; Bangor, 686.65, 010.50; Bea, ILI nItuber of hands, ton, $029-81, 241.50; Doisover, 8 , >% -130rella, (3 qrs.) 96.89., 4o, Froin Col. Wallace, Govprtlrnent jn.ý L - mi 'Ira BrechÃŽn, $108-52, 26; Brooldin, $51 lit Agent to ' tilgland,. we l@arn 8119 $238j50; Brougham, W)8,82, jý that lie lias reco've" DuquMOO front Cannington, $521,77, 10,50; Cher sü%'Ortil Parties fil Englanil whi) Lw' Pre' Wood (frOn-f lit JUIV, 1871) $4r).r)4, pard La extabligil v arjouti bjaneýW ,,,jr .1ja; Clarernont, 88'12.37, 108; coin Inatitiraciuro lierê, if theymcet 'wlth the bus, $275.50,105; Derryviiie, #la. (log'rc-a encouragement. He lifis been y); Dutibarion, $191.12, 6o; Foi, written to, with full inrormation no tu S3j.j)jý 15.50; Glasgow, 086.18, 1 the nxtpnt'to wlifoli the, Cürporation is GOO(lwood, #115.52 52 -, Greenbai preparedto givè assistance'- WO have. $108.41, 87.50; Greenwood, 8131.: hopes of lie fring frQrn, liim. by the noit 42; Kinoule, 052.98, 81.50; Leaf4k(In ni Lil, wit4 rtIlO uýttueB Of Partie"- and the $82-08, 27 'Manchester, -$269.08, 9 cliaracter of the businns proposed to be Manilia, #41):1.15, 124..50; Motint J est LflijihoLI, who are likely to talie afl- hert, $IS5.42, 71.50; Ifyrtle, $72,ý valitage of the iiiiiuceiùcijto oiTered. - 28; Oshawa, (ineltilliug arrearsi) $8U 1,,Itrmerm overywhers in this vicinity 67, 1047, forwaril allowancé, $108, 1 are 110W busily engnged in plolighin- lowalice for rent, &c, $235, PefférIx tWý eound lu lu the best of order forthe 033.92. 14.50: Pickpriiigy M111, Qi loi 111Rpector lias given a tituely rerninder ANOTIIFa NEw STORLÉ.-Mr. J. Har- in other coltimne to, partiai retaininic dili Addison lias tallen the two stores lluisances on theW premises whiëb - all lately OCCUpied hy Messrai Laing and will do wëll to attenitto. 'At t1iis titrw Stewart, and Mr. Keuler, near the Ojita. of Bank, where lie ivili côtntuence yvar people gliculd ho caréful to ose ri, ta the remaval of every particle of next week opeuin, Ont au eutirely De'w filt) from the iicinity-of theirpremises, stock of dry goteils and groccries. Mr. aud'to rn(ler the atmompliereï in whiclà Addison -is'well. known as ayn active they Ue pure and* healthy,;' as almo energetic business man who intends to ';ce tliat théir neglect dose noi in. floing a liver trade-quick Sales and ' light profite hein- his in flect initiry, or inconvenience on thoir Otto in bus. neigliboifis, Sackyards, O'nthouses, iness.. a-- cellars, &o., 81jould-ber forthwitfi cleano- PRERENTATION AND ADDuRso.-Before ed of all dirt, decayinýg 'regetuble mat- the breaking up of the sellool fer the ter an 1 atlley, noigome causes of diaa. EaRter holidays, on Thursilay laet, Mr. grcOilbIc strÏefÃŽ bOtOyé'thé warmweitther p. S. jjavig, assistant teaclier, (Who i clilsups;,,-anil siokaen thaireje preecuteil. a 1 abont leavinm for thé purpose of enter. Tlie Hoaltli Inspectoeu instructions arc ing the University), was presouted with te procoed vigoyously aguinst ali par. 'S valtrable gold chainï and a very flat. ties offenUin,,, and carôleson ces Or, neg. ferin,4 &ddreso by the plIpils of the iri coluplyin g- witli his 'Warn',*ng tllila fSm of the Rigil Sellool. It notile will be considered as tion of the offence < b . "' aggrava- must bave been very gratifying to Mr. y the Mayor# when - Davis, te have beeu presented with a iliflecting the penalty of the law UPOn testimonial in 80 Plessing a manner by these brouglit befoee Iùm. the pnpîls under ]lis charge. We are surs ho deserved it, and have only ALL SAINTS, Ciluaca-BUTRU Vte- room to add onr good wisbeq for lits Tny MUTINO. - The annual yestry fnture success and prosperity. In,ýt*uýOrtljûmembe"Of AU Saints , ------------- Cliurch'-ýyll't'bY'Waollel(l On MOMISY :"OPENMO. OF TUE ROYAL 11OTEL.- afternODU.1s'It, wilén 'thé fallowing The grand banquet-at thoopoujugof gentlemen würe elected churchwar- the Reyà hotel takes place on Wednes- dons* Memaro.J.V.Ham (re-eli!cted,) dayo28rd inst.,aswill beseenbyad. and W. F. Collins ; Sidesmen-Moura. vertisement, Securo tickets. Thomas Deverill, J. 'Wolfonden, Henry Jr.', 0. DaËeo,' (all re-eloéted,) ýTAXING WILX) HORSM-8811d for G. i1Maýnell, J. Parker, T. W. Rob- - ý di priâte instructions aavertised. in other Dr., ÀdamS.ý , The vestry Monday evening, 28th CApýrAzx Tlîoàèýîs,ýfhe grent W--izar(l instq .,'at- lialf-J)aft sevý il, wlien the and Ventriloqiiist, appeared the, paît 1- 1 ý.. - ý 1 1ear y accotinte -*j 1. be 1wnt 4j and two éveningK Wore a Wliithy ààuiliônce, tho oli or bttùaq Cs- WWZbo whicli ho delighted W" Lis wonderfal .2- 1, QJfflaýý ý n oollà Vonon (Napiêr ,a euÏ i ;A 0 - 1 n ti Iaîcf Of haol 125 1 ndèrsuèh capable 'teii $"m te $Ùdh -defloul WZO" 001100114à; ftim&t 'À't, the isphreilÙowooipkbybIO8[' tu, me a field ught- whà 4 km W Fournier, nid "a "I il t . 0 f 16lid 891' 1 bave, tried ici, sclu, = ,rs wlon, ce lu Dominion, et he roue g je thingý but how it je -that 8ir John M ' et«er., Mathieu, -Mille, Mitchell that and'Blake."'- Co;à eà es b' néà4 able =0ý or _às Canada, il au affront te COMMOn sen -Z t 'ô" Thônisa bail -Iléon and Man'r 3fàýrlin 'te Rigil School bas achieved how ibuch'niore 1joý jhe nu -se; bas endeared hiaiself go intýnZeIy ta but terribly meri 1bey would Maire Giùiès,« Higinbothamp a Mr,' '1n New' oommon Son- go many of the men wlio ait bebind the béat best-ma Hortpu, Oliver, Pý&;r, Paquet, Pat- Meacham w0undi bthe'r"ôomuàW, bang . ë ýâ i Co durfug the a ýtlOU amonget the edacational sitivene0à which everi unit of the Iùm, I Cannet Malte out. It je a âpýe- tehed pair of politicaf tergal, Pearson, Pelletieri Pozer, Price; sioner, Mr, Dyoir,,, escape ili Hanse feels foi the Sacred-bonor of the gladiators ý I va G Stone, d unhurt. were Il rop fi ha W - ý ïà op intitu long of the, country second ta cies of hero-wi a skill ln rien (WI. shail àt once CommènVe institution, Yeu Most unguestio'na' Uaning over with bis lOý,g experience na Richards, Ross, (Durham éper ' a- àioatiôùg, if ýal miles of one other in the Province. For se hp WdUM lingil LIEU.' 0 -- ý - the [le I bave noticed the Premier iénm,. might win the tglit,-buthda (Prince Eî1wdrd)ý -Ryma hi ton), ' Bou (Mid osez), Ro tiOns againSt thO'InifianR- will b"e tc ga LerL ebec have time put it bas sent up a grester, naMýý v penitential apolo fa ri" in î1 se4 look round him fàr uknowWga ihat hé New York, A terday ha c O*é thé'qrave sud mverenci seigors a fro baVeLtýý) Schulta, Soriver,-ShibleY, Smith (West- "Col. lot-Cavalryjoomgn 1, , Scatelierd, (Signed) ALVIN. Gi - n rese il service ber of graduàtes ta the University, tbàý, fértcinste blnnder. What I did BRY, cf bis fallowers, and after a short cou- ript thug Smith (Sel- ; ory )gy r your un. au instant, stap ovèr ta gàme one qulishheuiveaýedodugolivteyrfomey- manuse inoreland). Smith (Peel), iey Order suyotliersëlioolin the Province-not 'Vu, and Moulèles. Boulter of sequ nt that the restless energy of the versation, leave tho said individual the faîte Boultér kirk), Sniolliir, Stirtoa, Taschereau, pril l2tILýýTi eraldi ýces estab- even excepti 1 ng-'Vpper Canada -ColIpRe. Minister, of Marine had , never been bai man in the, world. Evideutly 472cial furnishes the follôwineaildifioii. - e CIO". -or perhapp'I eonoùnced ft *lriubbiell, obeer Thompson (Welland), Tilley, Tourara- icu!ars ofevents followingthe sien tcý ordan ' for -And with file gréater Rceommodatiôn "taràfd Or toned down loi of moment passed between course' M 0 illai Rhauldmy totied rubbish,' hut Mouldes sbook bis hesci geau, Bée an ne the golem them, ý but the very fact of Sir John Trernblay, TrowWallace (Albert acham about a hunilied yards wélit DILIBZIU n of thec Massacre. The troops . fiiund wer W PrCi doubtlen mueli moro, -,;Uavlties of that dignified, Chamber. and gaid it wils "a pity, a very grest -White (Halton), Whitton, Young (uOn tue a e ln mâY býe doue. - The memb 0 the Dôti't do-it ggai PatrýDlïizing bill, sent a glo with place Of meeting,ý badjy w0unde ce,, April' 1 exs f Il,' plonge. and siltisfaction throu Whis0f liPelarte, pity." "What is a pity ?11 saffl I. I-Its treNSIAYWo o-otM),eqYsoraunAgl('ýmVoanterlAoroclianiýtiault, Quellac in Board have act4d in gh a pity, a v!pry grest pity filât Blake ' )-76 a mont liberal and la 'pistai, ý $hot over, bis righé eyè. Samnel'elici 'OP'Wit'OPO, TJ'Z OF 1ÙAL ýrbichcâme"ta the surface suil MàÙi-ý &,-TSy," said MOUI(Ips Mo Baby, Rellerose, Benoit, Re was IMMediately attendéà ta 'd B. Marolu auner i Tu for M urnfully. Reaubien, au air craint. Supplying, an, ay 01 fetited, itgelf all, Over. This iafineuce *'With Mackenzie in -the Agdeulturai Bowell, Campbell, CiiipL-nan, Coiby carried back for medical. ment. Four abats loir have dons, the great w.aut bijher. el, wýth "Ilealth against F&SWO14,, treat' cenot origintte from any guperiority »oý&îtment, and Blake in the Inland Costigau, Crawford, CunningjiaMý Cur-0 Fifty yards forther on, wag found the gaVeý him, ýe Of On.ý ta fei eu' hutrated. "The D!etBýgimen -of a, Math. thé knight pommes dis au, orator. In Reioeun, ,Sir John would bc a 0 ý, Doull, Dugas, ody of the Beyd, Dr. Thomas, 9 arc ant a ýwick sud Fi this they are enti I tied te-the tllanl. of' à important ; dise my eStiMatiýà ho jàëkj the. Very firot itrong as a giant." Was Fertin, Ga t, Gibbii (on N ï 9 e- ýD eversohoolmie- B.) a the fâce and Stripped ifo til jVajst.î Samuel's de ta es Olements oltrue.oratory, earnestneàs Life, wa with ý lut tells how tO,,ý'ýepare and fflk a ter se bai by, hjsý ýýpup44'bsi -Gibbs (ont., S. B.), Glass, Raggart- a, e'XtinCt from, pas The déceu Of the publie. Let 'them continue ai; ý ý ý f 1 1' larly afia origibality. Wh 9 , tol-shot t, and the eltables, and 1 en engaËed in a Harwoo.1, Joues, . Recler, ;Lacerte, WOUDds in father of m - theY -have Êogun-.keoping Stijl in view cuits, Ilow te ni Graham bis. débats, the impresqion loft on oui Whitby Townshi' Council. 'Levèseonte, Lewis, Gén. Cauby was et 'ose Pro- the ge,.mi 900(l of the sebool,-and ýwith illustrations; !nind in, that lie la tictac, much labour. P Thé body et > ýdnjp- ANOTHXB Macdonald (Cape Breton), McDonald ed' Of every velîtige'bf clothing, an SY tiging a.pr'èî Teeth among, Diffore t Nations ;,, -Mg ta Moet the arguments Of,",Ida Op. McDonald (Inverness), McKay number lu chOosing a head maîte ý (îIiscaro1îugý poilent, as te blind hiài followers bai Oklin, Aprâ 7th, 1878. (Pictou),' about 100 yanis te the sonthward, W te -bave all-personal préférences,) keep this end Diseue and ite Treatmont ;" "Popu- by bis specious -platitudes. 13: seems Conneil met ' pursuant t'ô adjourû. NieDongail, Morrison, Nelson, Rojef twé PistOI.Rhot Wounds in the bond. band free fr 1't yea", in view. The sélection of an efficient lar Physiology 66platulence and, thora, ghly to understand the naÃŽ11274 of ment. AU the - mombers presçut. Robitaille. Robinson, Robinsort, Pausing OnIY te ff1Sýnee at the body of atiother wa'y u Beeve in the chair., ester, Ross (Cliamplain), %as (V, ta the man they both loved and respécted, Iress '1554*0 ; teac Heart-burn ;I' "gealth of Mochanies the material lie has-to d.cal with. ne r il the le hér at this time may ho the turning The reeve RYan, Stephenson, Thninpson (Caribý11 the trocips dushed- on and the leading it koWa th, es Seotis point. in the future success of IlDiet and Charactor;" ià.Ùinerai Food iý quick ta appreciate effect, and oi pétitions of reàd and.,presented tje Tobin, Wallace (Norfolk), Webb, White batteries were within a mile otthié, if fi ey a', si 1, t277,» schools. It may, b @ý- for Man ;" "Americau Urý t'mes bave 1- soen-the les(lero on- the Richard àloore, and 49 (gagt Hastings), Wright (Ottawa), ajurderers, when the bugle"soundeti a e difficillt te fill P oth pràýing that the monies accru. f" Chinage opposite bencheg, look vexed and au. Wright (Pontiac). Total 56. hait. ý The Inclians hâviug ail rê.,hod hand alone ore* than place of ýsncb Th Medicine.', These, with the infori te the Township of Whitby, from orolizlily compf f, noyed, wheu ho bas knocked te pieces nta' i hng Moved by Mr. Tremblay, secoii(leil their strongliold, PIGFok SIE 'Seilnatea Maiters a tien ce ined in answereà te certes. the whole effect of a long si laboured t a Act for the Seulement of the Muni- the trocips were Cri hooting we takeu A MoRarg. Marling and Ear - pondents, and palfundilebt«, &a.,. bé,applied te th by Mr. Young (Waterloo), that the bill ad ta fall back 4or the Wi;ent. The eon a land ; but everythfng possible aboula other valuabje notes argument, by saine happy stroke of wit erection 0 . f a High School in the ýillago ho referred ta a committee of tl whole attack o'n Col. Maý;oui c fàloýon Satu make up a good number of thi4 excel. or sarca;im. True, it might - net have 4, 18 amp commenc. , Illa Que- be done ta secure a toucher of eyperi. 1 the aligliest bearing on the c of Brooklin; of J. B. Mathewso Rouge to-Morrow. In reply ta Mr. ed by the Indians firing on Lieuiýngnt8 ronty and Pl ered jet- once and thorough fituess-a man of lent Magazine, Which should find its as, ; pr- in Lhat ý,uke Rueo' n, Ilrav- Mackenzie, Mr. Tilley stated tllat it je Bugle and Sliqrwood, who bad *an- a aide. Wai haps some mere peroinnality,-but thon 9 u bef refunded #'I, way into ove ta, a, a dog wroncfully huessed. the intention'of the Govern-ment ta Cali dered anime 'w yards outsideý> thoir At the pip eo'nPut- firýMness and kindly bearing as woli 1.7 family. Subscription it told. His followers would rear; rition of the House t picket, lines. Sherwood was allot of re&à. price only $2.,a year ; single numbeis Boulter would guffaw, and you could On motion of Mr. Campbell, . Secon the atte a the new . came ôff ajc asýa 900d disciplinarian. a élection Bill on Tuesday. The House through the oral and loi but Bogle iea, ex- . The desim- 20 cents. The Pahlighey Offers it three see tliat Ci Mouldes wu saying ta iljm_ ed by Mr. NoTaggart,'a bill for the ap- Burgess,'ofl bility of making mille Changes in the soif in his gleefui gloom pointmènt of Overspers of Rigliways, adjourneil at Miduiglit. was uninit.)red. Both got 1 saie te Roi ef II ?0 WaR as prciýu& work of the untier-teaellers ma mbntlit;, on trial, for 25 cents. Ail may the world, gentlemen-a "Sir John agin Fence Viewers, and Ponnil Thursday, April loth. camp. ý 1 won the P in *I;Rtne, OCCU y try if. Address, S. R. gin the worrd." Keepers Mr Speaker reaci a letter froin, flic, Washington, April 18th.ýThe terri- r ta the present Head Master, and Wells, 889 But sometimes Sir John does accru ta forthe présent year, was introduced Cierk, of the Legislcttnrel of Ontario, ble news of the treacherous td have, it to Broadway, New York. gèt earnest ; the ri, ýant1 parsed. 8ÙI)Mitting a memorial from that body. tien of Majoi Caub assassina- Weald ho Weil for the Board ghteous indignation appears ta bail riglit over witil him On motion of Mr. McTi Sec- y by the Mo- 'a ý1lum- avail themselves Of the beuefit of his onded by The memorial Set îhnh flint a very doc chief, and the intelligence 'roc,-ivëd McCAÉE. agh the suggestions. at this time. THE Roy&L BRITISH QUEEN HOTEL but Stijl it je net that earnestneàs liglit- Mr. Campbell,- îît WaS rpsolv- large nuinher of petitions hid beenprý- nt the saine tim, inst., the V 880,810, the report affile ýy the Apaches cause a prci feel- Esq., of a du Witl' the 'latly kept hy Mr. Ireland Il UP by conviction-which net allie- ed t'lut sented asking for the passage of a bill ing of grief and indignation, -',Wlii Port PlIrY, quently diFplaces a Cabinet ; but-rath,ýr the books and accounts of the Corpor- new'buildîng, and the school complote- lias been leued by Mr. Jam'es Dewart, fi ý,tP.= dririks. The Ont fi M le earnestuess w ation ai the Township of'lVhitbv, for the manufacture and sale of ich j ou the ly eqilipped and ffi-rnislied, as if now je, wliose caril appeau in oflier éclumus. fested by flic drover occasionai iýlature liae ularly in the army, biell one sec$ Muni- the yeux 1872 ho recéived 1. aric, Leg- ails expression in ail quarttiýd, ý partie- * wilen an& finally audited. adopted SMITû - il Mails- there je nothing ta prevent the Righ Bir. Dewart kept the S juris1iction, praý1,ed United School taking its place as a Collegiatê a Ion- titue;- House for lieroars and howls and brandià1hes his the ving no where Gen. Canby on the 14th i DPminion Parliament to grant th, was held in great esteem and and frola bis former con. tick in order to frighten bis sheep from The reeve was authorized ta draw petitions. Several reports «th utterances of affe, ci Statea Institution. For this purpose an k an earàest dnire for tyrie, Mr. 1 ta iniZ %lown the wrong strect-abstract ýhe following orders upou the Treasurer tees were presented and referred. Mr. the extermination of the savages this Niagara, ta J 70,717. nection with whitby and Oshawa je ]y the sheep and the Street are nothing In favOr of Win. Masson and N. H. av-rage attenlance of sixty boys is well known ta many of car readprs at Yonng (Wat-erloci moved feeling of indignation bas, taken t-Offices necesSary. There je very nearly that ta the drover. lu Salle circumstanceg f1àplien, for services as auditors, each the House th Mr. A. C. Wi the j;heep might as Weil take tliat Street $10 - S. B. into Committee for the purpose of cou. place of ail idens for peace and the, , C2lstANaýt in were Wickett, for lu chei for ajesty th, front. ThoSe visiting Port Perry road,' 618,58; Chas sidering an adélress ta H ermany, sfiglitest consideration Callot ho given 9th number now, and with the present as another, but then its the circum- Wh , for a treaty witherG ta any other proposition,- th' eeler attend. an that ta nington, by beeause facilities ' will flud in Iiim su attentive, obliging prayin- there should ho no difficu hall, 50ets; Wm. Liuas, for move at once ta the severest punish- Ja es W. Cc insuffi- Ilv and génial host. stances Yeu sec, and I venture ta say l'a"[)'o'r On' malle, 61,25 ; with a view to' the natilrabzation cf that if ever Sir John je displaced train C. A. Allems, Gprnian imm,*gr Liits as British subjects. ment- E. Gibbs, ai in sè-iýuriug the reqnisite number. This - ----------- - - «* th,, seat bc occupics, it will net ho The Premi(ýr onciirred in the address, « Gibbs, Esq., were would enable the Board ta olitain the WASHING MACHINES. Of these most brouglit about by any great saMfi- Huson, for dog wronfnlly assesseil, $1. and the Housee went into Committee P,&UTY MuEDEazu.ýLeavenwOrtb, MCPEEER varÃŽOus Governrilent arant of $750 a year, and useflil family articles the new patented cial effort on beli' On motion of Mr. Campbell, Second- and passed the rvsollition. Mr. Mills K8., April 10-A-n Aakansas - city corý alf of absimet riglit ; et] by Mr. MeTaggart, it was resolved respondent mentions the rêturn of th,ýe Oshawa on É vory te this would of ibelf about pay for th,- machine of Win. Mathewson , je adroit. but by saine blunder committeil in con- , broliglit up his motion respecting the 2,275 nection with some that the clerk ho heri-by instructed ta employaient of criun.-el b dence oë the 1 additional teachers required. one of Led ta ho the best yet introiluced ta the question, crusteil notify ail parties baviniz obstructions 'fore the rescue party sent out ta pr tect an 1 the Rev'. Dr.' were thege Ouglit ta bc' a first-elus lady publie. Wherever noed ît at once ho- over with too many cireuinstances. ýpon aille lino, between lots 80 and ai ýJpeakùr in contested elcetion cases. ýarn the surveyors on the -Cinnâmon' Rev. J. B. Ed Sir Jolin's oratoryt ;vlien it assumes resolution was ampnfý. river. The party - reached the spot MePh raor, After debate, the, where four of the surieyors ira. teaher, capable of takinfr charge of comes-a favorite, and at ail exhibitions the feria of a Set speech, go far ai; ac- in the 4th concession, ta remove the Ad and sent ta the Cdrninittee on PriýK- were Mur- Frances Molli in the the rat forin of girls. Shè' Should bp it lias takeu prizes, beating ail other tion and enunciation are Concerned On motion of Mr. Roilid 1pges and Elections to report wli dered, and found their 'bodies hornid ith t'le fally compétent ta teaeh French, Ger. inachines exhibited. The subscriber neither je ungraceful, nor oloes it lack ay, secon ether utilated. Den y late James ed by Mr. Burrouglis, a bill, it was le al or illegal for membera of m linge' romains were dowie, Bîechi Sent nan, drawing, , and muqie, as well as still adheres ta ]lis former chal effect. His utterance je rapid, and was Hou.qp te appear as coutisel before 'Mr. 0 er- lenge of bronght in and passed, ta appoint a S ment. The romains of the other vie- ettersil ather branches. By this meaus 0. competing against auje cither machine if rushes on Mai with such force Surveyor ta a rtain lots in the _ Ri£ frequently Whou an idea occurs ta bill, ý ppakpr. In reply ta Mr. Blake, the fille were buried. The rosette party urvey ce ht Hon» Sir John ý,jnJonald statAà WILSON- and avanceil girls weiil.1 bc enabled ta eh. of the kind now in un. (Soie advt.) lie Ftatters, and it je not un unusual tow that nship of Wliitby. flint flic principle of the Ballot Bill "1"nuttred several balle thing for bill ta leave one sentence an. - On motion of Ãœr. Burroughs, sec. f Cheyennes Creek, -Pick 1 el Statea tain a thoron h--erlueation in the town SOUTHDOWN M UTTON.-We have ire. finislietl in his eazerness ta -et at file onled by Mr. HoUiday, wonlil bc emboolied in.the elpetin bill al' Of-WhOm Maïe hostile demonstra. apers. if was resolved ack. loth inst., Mr., of Whithy, and parents saveil the ex- ta bc brouglit down before file Govern- fions, but did not venture an att 14J) quently bat'. occasion ta notice the nu- lest. At other filles lie speaks witii flint Mr, George Ogilvie, Pathmaster -On Saturday evening years. The ad i rizes carried off by Mr. il. Il more delibera ion ; and I have obsei.v. veral other matters a Stage, tiie *1Iousfý Mr. pense of sendinc them. away from for road division ment en Tuesday. After advancing SUDDzàq1hotE,ýiaTenlerk in the employ of the township. Of inerous Il en bc lias any argument lie ta allow James Forrest ta perform. bis weilt inte Committee of Supply, and Grand Ti Railway Camp rty il home. As WC haqee alr-eady observeil, ed that Wh statute Ialýor on bout No. 89. 1 Montreal, lerk of the Co rofflé'. Spý?ueer's celebrated Southilown alicep. wialirs ta impress more particularly, lie paý.Qed a large. number of items of the resioling at the Tannéries, any' and nearly fo 2 no additional buriens need ho iticiiiTra We eau ilow speak from personal know- 1 strýtches put the palm of his left hand, On motion oý Mr. MeTaggart, sec- estimates. The Houqe thon adýjaurned mas seen, whilst on bis way home, cd in the towl -the addifional grant of $751) would onded by Mr. BÏirrotiglis, it ;as resolv, till Tuesday next at threé o'clock. ta drap suddenly en the Lachine Rail- bc sufficient ta meet the ailditional ex- mutton. For the sweetest, iniciest, and lalinIll'Irtila"hpýýlliW"Iit'l th. two forefiger. of authorized ta grnnt bis ord r on the ledee of flic stiperior quality of the fingers and voice"acting .Il flint the reeve lie and la bereby Tuesday. way track, néýur Selby Grange. A man the last fow Post pense. The new arrangements illiglit Silqultanecugly. Again, wlien en- e " Considerable bilqiness wag transactef, named most deliciously flavored ruatton coin- Treasurer in favor of the following par- Revel observýýd him fall, and, clerk of the _f with algo embrace a p'an for the separation fies: Cochrane & Maynard for wood on flic re-assüinbling of flic Honse after 1 itllrlWI2,ý' u,,p,)ýn ,, new train of argument, liaving, raised bill, laid hitû on one He was a fail and of the sexes ; filera might bc séparRte iuind ils the Southolown-especially if C&I bis arms, Rive ]lis head a furnislied Mrs. Li indiýeiit, $7 50; the liolidavs. side, and running 1o flic village gave Iischarged Iiis bred by Mr. Spencer. I)Peuliurjerk-very muell like a Mae» 13. F. Campbell, for wood furnislied On inoticu of Mr. Tilley, flic the alarru. Mr. A. %feEwa., Jr., and Illling outrances, and boys and girls taught pie-to flic one side, filon ta the other wp.nt into committpe on the Hnuse otliers lit once went with a sleigh and with courtesy j * John Gehativ indigent, $6; Mary Anne rpsolufion '11, 18,18, apart. SALF OF TiiF LEY's FARx. - Th 8 - in fact I have seen him, indul-V 1 placoil Mr. Tall)ot in if, but whilst cOutiwt with Ash- a ix jerks simlilatipouf;ly-atid aftr brouglit up ïo t t - a Cowan, indigent ta purchase woo(l, ta ainend the suporannuat;on Civil Ser- was finis beinz conveyed to his home he well known farm Qf nearly 200 acres s 84; aise flint flic clerk notiýy John lioe fand and reported. The abject is i6,61, The Spting Trade--New Geods for the linvin- started himself fairly off, lie will breatlied his last. in; early life, was Sold on Saturday last, by Messrs. Nicol to furnirli Mary Wlieelerindif,,etit to assist tliis foind from the consolidat- ,riey, Season. unfold his arnis and go on as before. with one hundreil pounds figur and cd revenue. w ùrs of the- Fin J. and D. J. Adanis, of Port Perry- As an orator Sir John displays mueli Tirp LIEUTENANT. GOVEXORSHIP OF with others ou Ist biing in hi* bill tc, the couneil; algo The leill respecting the inspection of NovA ScoTrA.-Altlinu,-h no appoint- man- by a Fren 8.28, A walk througli file stores shewé, tilat Levi Fairbanks, Jr., auctici tic knowledge of human nature, especially that Jacob Top, indigent get a pair ai gas and gas mettes, was intrpdiiced ment lias bon for nally made it je undOr- of war He fr Our town nippoliants are more Vian Mi' l' bci and inaterial for a pair of shirts liardsýipS lie . John Bateliff, of East Whitby, foi its weak points ; lias little or no cri and read a firat time, and a very large gtoci that the Hon. Mr. Howe. early tver- giuality, bat je reinarkably quick in at Warren's store. iiutiil)iýr of apprnpriatious were made in May, -jeaves )67.- uk;ually well iiupplieà this seasou ; the 89,00f)- Catchilig at another's idea, and lias a On motion Mr. Campl)ellj;ecoililecll)y in Committee of Slipply. for Nova Scotia as yars' incarcer fine stocks displayed not enly giving n rfu faculty of niakin" flic Most Lieut.-Governor of that province. 1,50; PAitx LOTS.-The Mayor, Mr. Green- w" de 1 Mr. Burroughs, it was resolved thýt son. The auto evidence of a healthy thriving business, of flint ; ho je iitterly unscrupulous in ENGLISu DFTECTIVFS ROBBED.-New' removed troin '62 % RitE but of gooil judginent in m<iking desir- vocid, off-rs some very eligible park flic niatter of logie, and regards bath flic clerk ho lipreby instructeil ta notify A ST OF ALLEGLID MURDFRERS.- - York. April Il.-While the Englisli d6- prison worse prémise Parry Sound, April 14.-Dr. 113. lots, and bouses for sale. flic Port Whitby and Port Peri@y Rail. White and tretives, now bore, in the Bank of'Erig.-ý South of Frai able solections ta moet ail flic requirr- a and conckision as More sub- way Company tci make the Street in party, liaving in oustoily John Tyrou 'ýe» A ]urge stock et fine sidiaries ta effect ; ant.] F*,n his capacity the village of Brooklin known as Qiieen and George 8, Tyroii. for the suspeeted land case, were seeing tlip ciky the other alwaYs entertait monte of eustoiners. flavored of schcolmaster; it muht 1e acknowiedg- Street, ai; the by-law required ; alsn ni of Francis Fisher at Sol2th Riv- niglit, one of thora was robbed of bis of bis sufféringf ail- Messrs. T. IL MeMillan & Co., witli tcas and fresh family groceries at Ham- ed, Il,, lias undpr him a peculiarly docile to propprly fix- ail the crossings over ('r, Lakp Nipissing, arrived lier ýè' about wateli and. pockèt-book and papprs for Ile-zeinembere(l large additiong of staples, Stijl continue ilton & Co's. and bidable class of seliolars. said liailway in a proppr inanner. noon tO-dýLy, accompallied hy tliree Wit- the extradition of Bidwell of Havana. grè-at kinduess ô ý.2q, selliiigand will domototlie end of the pro. Passing tu the Other side of the On motion of Mr. MeTaggart, sec- "ct;scg, two white mpn and one Indian.- The paliers bave been returried. tions of Borne ! ley, House, the man wlio holds the fi Dr. White, ift Mie examination beforp attributea the, P sont month, at'cost , when, in Cause- How to go West. rst onded by Mr. Campbell, a bill was in. or honeydew, je sometimes ta their good an la; - place as an orator je the inember for troduceil aloi passeil ta open a portion P. MeCurry, rtilwndiary magixtratn, to- snppoii have been a sub-4tance inir- Wilson died in quence of Mr. McMillan's reinoval. ta This je au inquiry whieh every 0 South 11ruce, and in almot every res- of Charles Street in the village of day, stateil flint tliere were several cuts aculotisly produced in the wil lernen 011 boloved and reF.Il Oshawa, a change in the firin takes Ze pect lie je flic very antipodes of Sir Brooklin, M Shoula ]lave truth Ily answered Il fore on the licad of flic decenseil, whiell ap- aile iný?trioral)le occasion only, but thý.y- of relatives and 1 "fit e John. When auje debate of importance peared ta ]lave been made with a sfiarp say now tliat it is finaud every file, place. lie starts ai) his journey, and a little je on, jet the Ilouse bc ever go noisy Coliticil adjourneil nntil the Second vear in were placed in tl At the Dominion Wareroollig, Messrs, Monoluy in ii next, at ten o'clock, a. instrument, and that lie thought Fish- large qrantities in the Sacraineli ta vai- 5 cure. taken iii , examination cf Routes and langilid, when flic lionourable er's death could not hava bp.en causeil ley, Cal. Honey bees ffiather it ta ment in file b Lowes Powell have a grand diý,play will in many cases save muq, tîouble inmber rispii, and in bis eléar, ringin Society of Frienill Ai- c 9 g hy bis falling off the scaffold, as stated in with the produet of their other bnsy on $aturday la ,49, of everything - uew in the dry goodi; fille and Money. voice says 'Mr Spealier,* flic rjoise Às .7'o the Editor of the Whitby Chroiticle. by the Tryons. The prisoners wliêtl labours, and the Inglians have been in panièd by a very P,2.- lino. Their dress goods and priuts are The 'IC., B. & Q. runnin" liuslied immediately and members arresteil bail on their persans saine s5f) the hahit of laying p stores of it froin pectable funeral c worthy special attention. In the cloth- f, " prick up their Cars, kuowing flint saine. DF,&rt SiR.- in bills, 90111 and -reelll)ilekf;, a portion time immemor»able. Like many other al. roin Chicago through Galcaburg ta thilig Worth heariug if; coming now. of whieh they admitteil belong il ta thin- in,, and n1illinery lino they have As you are suppoRed ta s e credited witli miraculous origin, WE IR.-At hù 1w, Vry Biclington. lia4 achieved a splendid The first thing that strikrs the listener know the popular feelinz in- ail matt-prQ Fi . lier- suppriur faed.itieé;, and appear ta have reputation in thp lagt. îwý ta the nienihi'r f- R-- us IV LULer X lelu -UftY ut Halifax ; Life. would se'e li' ly entrenched tJwmsel_ý,8 -é-o-u"r' 01 t Il the people left the place. Th. trains ùarch, Ïn run b ]k un. louldes ru,,"ested 'Wall 22 minutes faster Il nu, A NF(;ito SFNTE-iC,-D Te DEATH.- On the l0th nearly the whole cly, tL us in use- by the Ger- Iter llouse, and bu ins. The troop Savingr Apparat _iÃŽ a were guariling- fI; store on Dundas fitr man Fire Brigades ; the Clasgical Gai. "$êeing Sir John,'* but Bon - ilt breutworks three lot G sboro, N C.I April 9th. In ru ec Dada four feet high. Tiiere were, it la $nid -en -George the property frein the pliintieriniz ludi. Mi.: 14-urph t ri r Rome very Profane language and went a Lee, a négro, aged about twenty-fâ, WMTBY & Pol is weil filied with a cc)ml>le'te stock Irry of Ca!iiulian Heroes.-No' ahout400 men, armed and equippe T i GoingÉorth--ý (l . 1. The te bed. In sonie respects the satirical thoro glily. On Saturday, ut abont yeal*e, was senteliceil, by Jildge Tour- ans ,,a others, who always flock in raliýs He lias everything of the béat, silitable ManY-COunsAlle Ulysges ; "Via Dol- powers of the inember for Brace are ut u to bc ex(-eutpcl- nt Whi low orosa" ; the Sbipwreck-Turrier. once the tivelve o'clock about 150 men ha(T Yail tby JUnCtioný te the senson, and sells lit very ornament and the drawback cevi le, wlien an eurtliquake odeurs. The qua- Whitb Qiti(.iiNAL ARTICLES :- Tlie Lore of of Iiis oratoi:y. To the gathered from the surronnding parifilies Caswell county, on the Gti) of ay next Ikjesvv Walls ky on-looker, Dg a dmiiendisli were frequent. and tliough net port perry, (ax-rive) prices, botli dry goods and groceries. xter made an attack on the breastworks, ami ge o Il brutal an the recurrence of the shock, the Calendar. - No. 4. Ba Day ; loungi a brisk fight was kept ni) tili soinewliere Ou , yet threw down the Traîne Going South- ng with bis chin on the rail of fortruommittitliû person of a maiden, The stores above illentioned are well TouchRtone Papers.-No. 8. Rococo - the gallerY, what can bc conceived as near three c'elock. The breastworks White lady, over. seventy-tvo years of t'Je People in t] Most of Port P, (a wortliy a visit. In eacli and ail the the Lounizer at Ottawa.-No. 8. mis, more dehghtful thau te ]leur and see were th il et' le neighborijood *Iwere rr'v, . epart, combinations of elotlig;-dregsgeodo, Orators ; Gossips on Popular Seientifie the spbkei;iuan of the Opposition skin- e ormed and captured, the age, on the 22nd of Marcli. last. sleeping in the oPen air. tby Junetion, millinery, feathers, flowe.rs and laces- Il. Meteorclogical In. ning the Cabinet. He goes ut ît witl, Ilegroes taking refuge Y in the Court lady and ber sister, over sevenýv-five A MAN'UFAC>TORY' was burned in structions ; Waifs. such a will. and it seems Re , Ilouse, tlif, doors of whieh were barri. yenrs old, resided on the side of the Rome - DIV1N£7:ý and the curious new style of spring bon. te them that human very Bore caded. After some further fighting tiie publie roaïl about four miles i1rom t , ye.,terclay. by lightning, and' SPLECTIOINS :-Canada, as seen by nature cannot re- hirty-four persous injuredï-and five 'AU Saint&'Churcb-ý-, nets,,are of the n'est temptin, descrip. Englisli Eyeg ; Québec te Montreal. Rist the fuRest fninyment ut looking on. negroes threw out a flag of truce, and Yanceville, in Caswell countY- Both iiilied. tien. ORIGINAT, POETRY My Crucifix, But it lias frequently occurred te me several detachinents of men ativanceil of thein lire invalids, and fheir rever- mýRev. Mr. Cayley: lýv oriler in couneil the town of Lind- Catholié Chürch-El that the member for Brue - on it, wheli they were fired on by the ence for the Sabbath day Prompted the et 8.80 and 10-M a. m. Mr. Lawler is aise about remevina hiB Sonnet, Drainatie Notes, Art Note ' 4"" "Y beseigedparty, wouniling several, one youtiger te go iiito the woods on say lias been made a port of IliterarY Notes, Editorial, Bi. te bis penchant in this respect too reck- sat, entry and ther McCann,; residéli gro cery front Ilis prosent preinises te the of whom was Capt. Hadwot, who was urday te gather wood for Su,,,],Y. a warelionsinz port, likewise the ports 'Canada Pre8bytensLn groccry of Old No. l., where the busi. Notices, Parliamentary Notes 9"""' lesslY. I remember one Ãœight in par. Eliot in the bowels and, it is feared, While thus enfa« of New Glasgow a d Jordan Bay, Nova and 6:30 P. m.-?.eV. bf, ai Note,, ticular wlien Le marred the effort of a ýed elle was seen by nipsa will in future bc carried en under ild Querif RI News, dheu, tille New fatally woundéd, They ri-treuted out- the black liend Lee, wlio rusi ed upon Sectia. consmgational, Chui ý[aýg(IaIen- (Wilkie Colline.) Chap, Xxv. whole night by giving reins te Ilis pro- 6.30 P. zn.-Rev. M. Gil t e Dame and style of the new firm of Pensityforsarcaslu. Iloliaddemoligli. aide of tue breastworks, and as the only lier and clasped lier in ]lis arme, SAD AcciDEXT.-OU SUUJ SÉ. Andrews chtuth- T. Lawler & Co. Re re-opens with a_ We will send a copy of Our paper ed ail bis opponentq, scattered their WaY of dislodging negroes, the Court branilishing ay lut, as g a razor and threatening te several youn- lads were playing to- P-M-Rev. 3fr. Fmur. splenglid new stock arffuin sud was go House was set on fire, and fliey were cnt lier tlirnat if Elle gave Wesleyan Methodist of groceries, and and a copy of -Peters Musical Monthly,, t , enta like _c4aff, auy Marin or gether in-the 'hay over the stable at mý and 6.30 p. IlOrougilly muter of the field that big; unie frofil the burning resisted hifi assault. After the Oétrage Sheppard's Royal Hotel, Suttoil, wilen, the béat of liquori4, tobaccos, &c., and for eue year te suy one sending U13 opponents gnbmittea almost deprecat- they c Lee fled, but was soon aller arrested, one oethem, a son of Ur. Môses Hill, buildi expects- te have everything going on $8 50. Our Paper spýaks for itself, fugly. -But the opportunity- was too Severgà white m reporteil kill. tried and convicteil and sentenced as fell through a bois to the floor of the WHITB Y M temPting. Re c U141 weH have afford. ed and ,riuýRIy wen are under full blast by the first of me. and Yeu May know the value of 0 1 ounded. above. stable. facturinc bis skall. whiche.pro- 31r. FI rancis is stilî ut the old place, "Peters' Mugi al MOnthly," froln the ed te walk off with bis laurels victori. 40-0- bas been almot aver since. Canning- FsU Wl,,,,t ............ c cue- But no, lie took up elle of th DIESTÉUCnve Fýnm.-Detroit.April 18.1 C R BISHOP OF MOýWiLEtL._ duced iiisenuibiÛt.y, in whic-h etate ho CnaolqlCLE OFFICT, No. 1 on the corner, and bis store je as gets Rev. ton Timc8. fact thut everY YearlY subscribèr conquered piles; and in ten minutés O= -About 6 o'c!ock this aM., a fire broke Fabre, of Bishap's Palace, Spring Wheat .......... unnal Wall' :flllëd with excellent fam.- about sî%tý Songe, Duets, and Choruses burst lie Riathod Min most aumereî. ,Outý'n front of the boiler, in the basé- hasbeen appninted-by the Pope coadju. EscApp op Bii)wzLL.-Bi(lweIL the 13.ri.y ........... ily groceries, also'wipes and Iý*quorg. and froin hftý to. fully ; and I coula weil discern front ment Of the T-i-ibitue building.' The ter te Vons4nor Bourget, Roman Cath. chief forger o-a the Bank of Enzland, m Worth ut Icast 840. sixty « Piano . pièces, my perch in the gallery that whüe bis rear of ýthe -building, in whieli is olic Bishop of Montreal, and his a' Pe sa ................... Mr. B. H. Ja e Idetim gainea qympathy, lie lest it e engine, presses, and' editiorial 9 WÃŽ the latter's derniv., Ris ne. Who was hefd foi extraditiOu in lUven - Black Eye Peas ........ ,ýs<ou in th adjoillin in e& thî cessor a. Cuba, escaped froni.jail.in * that City Proportion.' The grert feature of rooras, was in a short tiine -'eowpletc-ly Consécration ;Will thke place in the on Frilay. , He j Rye ................... store, bas a very complete assortnient Music Grvjc--z AWAY-We WiR -order Rutted. Thé ýT-ribzne loqs is $35,0(jji Church of the Geau on the rêturn of Blakesoratoryioýliisearnestuess. Let ýmPeîl from a balcony oats ..... .............. of everything that eau be calleil for in îýpCt erfi Mu,* end eséaalge4ëld byIt la Raid that the escape '011 the'buildina. It is insured for lis eh Was maup - hisfriënds. * Heýî up. e, MO ignor L-afle ee'.fr-o=Roine Hay .................... the grqoery and li4tior ]me, and means alcal Montbly" tO b(I sent the raatter be ever so trivial, be de4s QW. The loot; on the job room is $id, business. for one year-to any crue Who will send witil it as seriously as if it Were a Meil- 000, "The building was poseil îo, bc Iii(ling in the City. He P't't'l' ............. . . us ten ou bacrilers te Our 1 pappr. Think sure of the greaiest importance; unil aiso occupiel A felegram frow New York states _ since beeii captured. Apples, per ban-el ....... Xvitliene and ail tbý desl"i il; te give of it 1- yon cap geý' one pffen W.)DderR Famwr, whieil Joses that Judge Woodruff on Satur(lay deëid. 'las Eggs .................... . at leaE4 âxty Beau. duo - 1 amid bis ar- alvert -Lithoý_MaPlIing ed that the Bank of, En-land forger SuD»gý,q DEATU.-Last' Sunday a Butter ....... the füllest satisfaction te enstoiners. a. es tlieir stock 7i4Ã",000. MfIc(ýOnaId is le-allY l'Old, ýn'd lie was inan namid Bayer, 71 years of age, fell fui Sousa, Duats. and Chorasei, and efi such n: lima of inf'ormation. He - The C Cheese bY1ý0ý1 lse 0' front fiay tosixty piano The PCo'mymercai Advertiser loses $7, eustody of the United (lend in 1 is risiflénce nt St. Catharines Beef, lftd quarter ...... TuE NAli %iD ---ýThe ftp- pieces, Worth S"ML; IIP in everyfliiu-, even to t4. 000, States Marshall. while drëssing for church. eu sub- nalnutFst details. NVIIZ otllr meffi Beef, fore quarter ....... prouches to'the bridge ero nuw un-lerl scribers te our, -pttÉer. 111>r8 h-eep plodding througil their vol Iller IN CHATHAM, L# ?;GLANb.-,4, Ridt ýHZ ýi0DOC81 TO Mr EXTFI13fiNATEI). -L N of Pork, per ewt ........... -repair, and-notice ling-been giveil tlitit umes 'enunèiating précedp Blake" occurred nt die Chatham dockyard on The - Waf;jjingtou" Giývtzrnm(-nt lias 1 a par 1 ý the Hon. E. Cliinic- of Quelffl, is> an- Chickens ............... e grea cari rattle his off, îeeý)ingI, ýntp, 1 -.1.- ý, - 1 IIP utitil coraplýîèd, a ffrry boat will b' Tlie iipn*ng freslicts ilive doue a t as , ami iar Monday, bftwe ' G Ttirkeyo,, par M. .... t ... 1 J10wicýd l'or, the electoral d-ivision of the Duck Pr ........... 1 with the wl Mn u er Il en the en-gineena and givdr-ii orilprs te the military autholities eyanu of 1)gucu, d, 0 of damagý te pr:Iperty in the State W Iliere. ît Was ne. ii on the racýfic wast te exterminat provide4 for the coliv ' imnitiplicatiloënletatlle.gNo wiotjjwdera-tbtàet'ýý1- ý 'ÃŽllu Il GIC Il Coal, per ton... ......... AM@ "ta M*am of New ySk M" utu« puâm t4am ilie tzooe to, U' M0,10c Indifins for thp majýsaer6 of ý1- The Fugar cane on fifteen p'on'atiOU8 iée ipma paie M" »«mw 6" w0e in cul:44 TLOMWa à" bffl d"tco.Yod ilir

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