Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1873, p. 4

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1111 ylëson esui aide of the ship. ' '>l c o nof aidoor., wss laid solde as imlpraleable. A pré. 'aîfg ic? "nt, liovever, vas Made ta' Garoy. 'No .Ugong t. a dn' ay la 1020, the. rt rallroad vas con. avt v oýlaw dl o one>s b. T 1 .elia uisui.3tn o , Worth of tMOUCY ~Ea a va f'ss'mtuefanions marquis *theu al ya'uffl orla cuuckthm o Of Worcester'& "Hilutory of Inventons"," suay ? 7 o-acukte u Ir-amein10 >i'ocn ado b.Or 0 Wajlithat may b. a 'vise Plant bnt1 stoaaq'n luiEnglnti.dgigbWJt. 3y theo&w'Isai kiado la I1, patents vere grantedtu s.vin$s have yon go W. venry lb1, L rsn aplce a u 'As god an article of Deidseick ai lu 177, Jama Wat made yosi oaU fint in uthe oityt, Wil!Iyobv ha 1774 s JMýes W.!!matEn thoür» a botîlé?'e ý pa'fit toni<tsin l Egland. ' "'On one -ionditi6m. and iat làtJe islat Ili 1770, Jocathjan ula ls e! forfitheb.YOa will joilme n e la siibibatico». deu of Ateam navigation. 'WÎthpioyea ir.,,, In '1778, 'Thomas Pain. Oirsi'propos. Thse bellvsaantn1e-..avst tesappiicatdon ln 4merica. l aa tine dorwll Il 7;31, Marquis JeufYntu ckwlet -peared in a no y-tlsje ti ue u Lane ffoycontrat. vistejacket re-afppsared, iriugiug ina in 'flvei, uap on a silver salver. TIse Vine, ha1732, two Auaericano publshed a "vas'oure ndl cd n ips 'kon i la Tyitgn d 0f. Inaà fev imueutg after this, '0 'a77. 06l1mym 1g0a ati aW--.begged te be excu4ed, and ÎI; vagen a On uthe Forth and lei! bis friand te fliihl'il îlequai]. i ctaThe friend did seadte apari a 1802 Ibis expeimea: was repea!. lanflhc b#-raom. ' adtonrap r I. ~. -'Wberoléan I1Iidwater ïb dii, ha 1782, Dampe propeued a beoat by fingers ilu?'Ilra ;am te New Yoîk. t 'haelb - Ili iË Lb.washbwl by the lebig Iia'fl88, John Fitelà olas..' 'ekiug1.1 ivgtdaboat by a eteaiXa.nginc on Izsefsranger crosaued the zoom, took o. Delaware. a vash, bruahecl up his viiskcrs, ai.' la 1790, 1bâert ÉFultea irs! 'began te justed bis white, cravat, anud uon or 1l lis attention t soni cughîtlhe',proprietor. .emr La17>, lve vasa native of yM.W- av eal njoyrd "t"la, cons'rt'tntd a locomnotive MYsoîf. ano recollect wlien 1 ever '"Ol naf turniplke. s's'ilied 'vine and~ quail wîib a krcater 'ci 'Happy ta bear Yeu env tP.' 4t 5âe5î1gM5gta rond 1,i 4 a irtleala Vs é * 1 Oii) tu touite oLi% erpool.' Tve Gascons ""saing a quarrel, challenge paRsed bet'vcen tiseus. Whs thje>' vre cone, to the grouti, -nec thcm saiJ te tIse, atîer, 'vise 'as i li a posture b -cqmmence tise coraba 'Ah . MY friend. 1mnw youa cluarm, nie, i sîsal regret excesiveiy te kili s fino a feiiev as yen. A.it yaur liiE and i iiigrant it a u."' The otis, sqai1tliet ho 'vas not camp ta tiaat pas yet, but vas preparedta te dfend hii self. Thse irs! spe>»ker repeateti hi kInd offer,' "Ahs1I nsy good ev d il asie> o î r l oi 0;'v ili 'v hiug'y glvc yus.2 ui 1145otlier, 'vIsa anis'tirosgl iis faitfaroauailc,caiied upoîs lslfsinstant y 'ta stand ta bas tefence, that tise figi. n4J1glist ho comtxencee. "Ah 1 sait1th, firai, h1delaAdmire the fiue appenrauc( Y011 make h er rposture ,you arei poarfect Caa4ar. !Why Sisouici such a fl.ste fellcv ho canset te bite tise duat 'ili -pUu al>' net asit your lii, 2' ,Nn- 1 1"thunereal nut the ethor. 'DI)ýfenci ytruaoii.or I'wfll kiii you ' ".You ravielamtueI'cnie thtie man oi sacre>'.. "But if y'ou are doterminesd iliaIteasafk yaur 1le cof me, 'vis>, I ami 'ni ine of Yet. E- EReoor MISaiT. - Thse Leader tels the yfllioving as a suppleanent ts tIse 6d rat.catchkr's stor': Il usay Pot lia gcucraily knewn tisait iere le t peusiesaer cf tIse Bank of 'Engiaud tia preseûst resiuing iu Torouto. Sont Yonas aga tli;ma was engageilu the rat-catclsiaig business lu. London, and ini pursuit aif bis occupationaie la. 1'weasî I nt thlie severs. Upen one occasion he dimcoyerdd a vanit, andi after-rermov. iig setue brick# frous the foailation wal ie laIoked il u mit bscme cotavnc. vil tliat loie ail accitlentaiiy stimie avec tise vaisit oLtihe Bank of Etgainut, witis cart-ioadls-oailnliou lying open b4iorcq Ii; eyes. Ilero 'vas a teanlt- ation, bilt a th utible rat-catcser 'vas Sproof agaluts! Il. lIle retirei front Lis- place aut wrote a note teaLtse directors' ef thae hanl, teiing therai that the ucît daty Ai n10o1awe 'vould meetbIsousi in -teo vatit. ,As might be expocteti, tbey icokelu sasaitise iavitatitau as tiae pro- dutrtioas of tIse liraitscf a lunatis, Andl padno attention ta it. Tise mani wrote afftin vitli a lijie recit -adi stili lie wrote a tisiriLUime, teiiing tisons titiuey 4pd fulet ta go te tise vauits at tIse hersm anessi tpon tise tvo pre- vicus; occaions, andi laieuaited thse=ia tjiird tusse ta e uuel isu in tise inuit. 'Tltiniiag tisaitisero anilii!1hecoue- tlslng i l tise iamtîaas"e, tise direc. tors; vent m L' e vaPut aithisesur-ap. pointet auclsusre enolagls1 tise rat-catci- or pusisottiose clouas aside, mud steli. peti onit of tise acjoitaisg fsewer litetihe va1nut unapprcacisabiq froin tIse grouait. Tbey tnaeal tihe stranuge man for the valutabie iuforss:t'eun holIasel given tisent cf iaiinsecrarit>' cf tise vault, andti.b t1e1-a pensions cf A200 ayear upon hlm. Tis a islenov iviaag lu Tos-onto, can- jcyiag lis iiberasl pensions, aui tise pina. siare of litrsowing tcf tisatit i l a revard 'TantLîoN Tàaa's SaOnuaT-I Coes no0v ta thue msecret, tise ver>' seul as; il wu'ro, of tise taausr'a existence anti pro- fo'seitai ouccess, wlsich I disecveret tatacer t4 foa Miig straigu cireus. - tis c' -Oni aruiviaig attise extrenai- tiom of'tise tiges-, ai xicasa tea exprcss thet peil ' liar Act.ioanof ciaviaag aatua-al te tisa felisie tribq, I ecmayeds ta isritatt- Iian iwitlistise ianadie cf aauasetfor scrasittg ontatL dtisecs, traatiug tisai lie wcidi4trikc a! ti vthluis pcs. Itwas ail lus valuin 1couittact pua tIse iltcrtnoutrticu ai taleras uccessai-y for ns>' paurpoge, aitisough Igver aind over agn ilatric ta tblriig im-totlire scratchs. 11 la 1 )Aloar,-l gaveah it ,, anti ent dova a101d erusokoi, coneitderiisg vbssi néx! to de,.vison I ebservelthtitay striped 111drii haut>' hal prepared iitsli 1for e, Sicsta, and in iass abiandon lbai tharuat 011LnI bislige foot beneatb tise bottato bar , go tIsa! ilIsung litlessely ou tise autairle, lu a sort of trooping position. 8iasfu]y, almi-ntitnperceîstîbiy, cusooths. ing u it ovu avtisonse isiti-si ceuca- tii tisai gave hIsbapasure anticeas- fsleruioe-I 'vitî tise otiter touderî>' usev oison lis tuess ctli 'contitsuiag lte uses. tueriennvement. lIo ait irs! lIssu opçineal lis terrer itrikiasgey-,-anti ;gatzeti dlozingi>' butl inqu'iai'îgy att rae, nis immcl) as ta Bs a>' Wit are yen dninig tamme? Ii i let hevever, deia.but cautionmly contiasueil us> exeminatfiop ;uer vas 1I lie satiefleat inatil 9t lassi tlsoraaiiiy se-aiciIs ,Oltven1 farruicr Isati iroaeo ua joar. Ile iWl*b aot chsaneti rtin. obc te. ii #' vo gi hlJsus, r'ýàthe 0' "JI$ .ouis . "at I. Cisack -me 't- ITat f yau dteu't ainn to say'î yen hsave licou toing ise' 'I t' mnefn ay >'an>'tisinLtelien. h h'ave not gol tise liraI ret ce'nt ;andulif Ysru want Pa>' for tise qaaail, o3'etvandait wtuse, YOu tassssst do as 1IFsalt before cllaucit ise out.' ýV-ncuadl bcaa- 5le mre. î1te macle a rush for tise kitcllen te gcat tias'cipsc--e kuife. Wililewaas absent, Oair sea--I ciesicai frieut tclatI flout of tise sLle doos-, ant i Iailads seai is-as s-asaliug nos-il autishe rate cf forsrtc-ua tuiles au lueur. n of in t'e 'r s i 14 5 99 Broadway, New York. 70 -- - - ,fpolatlon by gr tantg te n tAri t £idt ucio h.Il c ta n vthe'P i sesin, foE tIta erdi, 187in conric abraeolicier orappilcanto. WTÂn T rU;: J)ROPÈ<usTo be 4plivered lu the Town ni Whltby, be- TwmenrsltJupe mand 121h Juiyý, I Ten !ts w 'berecivmSd ai 1h THE BROWN d PATTERSON undiersgned's Offi hi othof'MAUOH, MANUFACTURING OQMpUA<y, '0F WH r'By. Whitbypb. 0, E~OD capital - $120,ooo, 2,.4oo SHARES OP 85o £ACH. The above Comupany is in coursqeof' formation for the pu rpose cf puirchasinir the Real Estate, B ailtinge;, Machinery, Plant, auttU good.wil of -ftbe manufac. turing baiatiue u of thse, Broww & Patter- son Agricutural Works, la the Town of whitby. lI t ho uew Comupany, Messrs. fBrown & ltti-'reon have suligerjb êd 30,Ofoa mtock, and other subscripfioaîa have al- rca-ly been obtaned amounting, te ^11.0,U(<)makin.- a total now subscribed It la inteifflei tiicréase in10. cuer te pro. 'l~husineas, i. u 1214 s1um12% 2t,'. e meunu foriiûcàefinu doublle the' ame nt hiithèftc dout.,. laritig the capacitV cf the P'féé#t 'r1isa b3 the erectai of atiditional c-ay, and utlso eirablisg tise aew Comspany te cars-y on tliqir whiace isuinese; on a strit)>' cash i5asis. lI os-ten teso'v tise proi talble ýukiisseralreat>' matie for tise ne'v Conipaai>, il is ouly neeieti te thts vid t1 otubuLuu& isa. iN ru y-s'aua-sas-.'hs,,a'ooas, IPRATTO Iws~cuissas i Tlis foi esatioiq-fs-om Jaaiuary, 1862. te Jan- 1OicDg is 'vostliyi>cf tIse attenutions of uns->, 1873- Messars.-lrevu & Pattes-sou eParties effectiasg itucurnuce on tlisis- lro-. sv eneala,1-poisraieit P51 tY prt. Ile Cage aîltiîlatita wa tsiel take theiae -eamnait of Stockt above- a -ciitise late assizea lichai at Mloîa. imeutioniîl as liaving lina ubacribeai .> aThis vas an action Irrorît hv îtby ogan tisem lis tise aie' Comîpany'. Tise pro- ,~McCauis, cof tis Townesip fof'ni-ftlgai- îîc's-Lry lins bec'enairiecli sislèr tlia disè-an Fgi-e tise ta-laa0 oufCasaîr t>' lasi.tion anal superviLsions cf lMessrsa. J.S. lNi. -iiIaisoirauce Co., for Lh isescens-c-ay cf Pa-oîLetxand Jolci Thisopea, Ivo cf tIse '11,0100, or ivas ia:assance PollnLc'is cf Po ' onlDisectos,anal acceptei b>' if0500, uffeeteal osainauv'tabio itwytIse l'rcvisa-LraalBoîardala$614,1213 68- dc'ltieli afs-nse aclaiac'a, 'fTse eicbiacatlias beeaî lu the pos- kA ire cuîrcequesîîi>'ocriireaîi>' y mll ueLi:l af tia-1aie%- Companîysilisce l7tls Ms-. Mccann]eat propoarL>'1 ta tis e l-ebyauna Isattleirs! c'a' cf its us-- aEtr-ouait cf over $2,0(0, anal lacie lié P,'anizatioa-tlie piofits of the- businesra aro vcth coirimancsug fsris tliai date. theon ae albenefcel t Appiclationsbas btaeumaatieta -hue eecans aI mortgnge ou tise pî'cpa'aty 1i Legilature for n Chaster in tise usuel bieou glven btiste exteni cf .590. Tlise fcisîa, ait asitisLteisegîuairiglits anti tComapany> aaig oéther pleasa, planatleal( s-siigs At tise expiration cf tise rtit no notice hlnch ieni gis-en cf erinii tiniesa atLai b>' Statuta fis-e or six weeks> mcstgage ;adtitsat accos-lirsg bt a con- i a-ssaraa ieliiisgof tIse Slareioilc-rs cition endos-cmi onasait poieay, w1iic-ý iî' lil ha lch, ors notice, for tise pus-pose providedt tîat an>' mcat-tgeo o propar- ofc ectiig a permcsanenit Boas-t cf Dis-- t>' iacsuret li tils- neaipan>' 'itlanuît ccora anti Otsceris of tise Cosspany>. notice li- irlast gis-eu fta "'a('col' s Siiies-i-Ltions of stock in the au<lcs-- Pa' andi thisc-s-c-ns-ntlisaltl :-' o tiliatig-t areimita'c-ipatftily uoiicitc'i. 1,ýYpeliiy 's-niit liaacoaua ntiit îsaaî 1voici. Uliocn tise c-vil1c-ic. Mr.- l-s. T'(' lac oai tig e saoak, as a îîayina cils-- bon, altos-ae>' for îalaiatilr, smos-alIais'iala iaa l'tu,'it asas>'l r greata suds notice of thiai uorîggaa lissai lia-ea ilaitb- vaîta IlloasiTe -e lf tise gand anailei tes thse'Sacs'eta'y of tisacoi. araisisyoOing 0tare iii mo! Wiiiryanaln Tî.seCornpan>'ni alp a-naÉilafs-aria najl argemensa-it cf tisé faîsori-ais-k10V argons, ansi sisal t ccl'aasa! tti i-W'oikuot' Mersra. hBrosvn & atia-rson demi.i11114t t iionce cosîcuacuul tllenas;leiis. Tise 1lanned Jiîdue in irs licansgo nu- Piartieus dc-rig ts uecrihe for stock iciîleal th isaIrasrî-ann.C,. (ou thir L-pit.ar-ssc'saa'icatac c isas ramos-alusi, ta->' lenanad fsis-<î)lès cciiiiealitic' s ia rs- a--t, latais casa-b>'day, etatiai thce visci tliscy 'vialiel ibsi-k ç lie ii' am, tomarims crses tua>' 'allitrlIsa're ai- as 'veil ns ors tiseobsoieto fcistt e! ni. lotteai. plieilon tlise>' iuie. N. W. BRtOW'N., Tiso Jasay, elles- retisiug faor' a frw R. J. YAI'NOLTI, Preasileunt. momnats, s-ctusns- t -iia verd'aict fais- piaintiff cf $1,000 crts-' Whlaiy. 28tis Feirlrsay, 1873l. lOLf l'An'T A Srrs~o'saatAs-île - %l jolito irseon atep-tuontits-ra iijrstbluit i< tI" amising. At a maission .Suriduy Selaoaîi COMPlOUN i-RUSEtP 0F li Hudscon a uittle piipii 'va" sacu c-r'- ing lritesly. Upon iîaqiiir'y fise-traais 3'iVp Pra lianaîoaltaip selal iat IliLa ain aiaîther rti andahreusas-ker to tise boys tLiatncana, lias-i'vas suiels, bioe. At t1isia'patliie l Ina1-'caiasa, anti ceraitlnti tai bis leiialtsy moment a 'vjckëallai c-sLieaut,-"Oiî - liaire. lot hlm val! santillise uc-ta ai sic-ai athitFs r as-heipsevenîLoaa csaudcure et s-ttnyoii'Iiheurs- isii r -a-y. Théa PULMONAR'? CO, SUMIPTION 'vinket lil iriiiot! neudit 'a s-1 statemi'i!of bis, pc-resai aiL.a 1Ahana fais-the naner o lltcaa! rraps tlisat vais uccau.e lieac -saiDy.qa)i;aaaJioaeiitis, Aaathau, Louai sîîailicni>' calet to os-cir. of lApeilta, G-anracl Debil s-ay. fc. Jceiah 1illinffm cave, calalc- iroas- ni ( caate ais ii Pnrity and Elinac-y.) 'vays ah-g a%- c' i-h'fs-aa"lscis-fs-c-c- Laclos-sto-y. issivesaity Cauiege, lous ttasaufîsei lu' ci sapiia, '11)(ai Torontiio, ice. 4tis, 1872. acslies tisais- cava i nqiais 1 tsi-i 'îti'sr clais Gaa'tas-a'u (lini laaaa v e ..IiitLlti lue a asisover one lu taso yc-aaef' --linr ac-ai'asaia' -iiatc i'ailiclae:a's tlicaîafev lie a i's-wiuti' cil, liaisLs-ayni i w ,iltriioio h it) uic S 4aaiaa aip a - .You snsi illati T'?"si-i reri tp iiypasph.itt'v iiiun- *,"slsat icloas't ycia kuscw ?'WuasiLIre s'an- tiosaabily lir)a-o'issara iialaile Medilcine. plIWewr intgtoehra cia>'HENRY H. C u. c. or wo go;thenex (IY l fl ii ; 1 'ainne 1 iper Boea. Salti b>'aih Dnuggistte. atipeie'i.ialliedira tise èceiL. 1'cos- fliov i tisaiecteti isian tise iea! -- -' t' ' isoriuha"" V i (1 T CIilt 15A Ms-s. Partingtou, on -aaciiug an ie- CO>ii'OUNI FÎUID >E1T1LAJýCT C-F coont of a sea'iooues- icsviug lacs-er bcar cas-s-baavin loniîsg lisial c-snuliit I- 1 ~" 'vOadial-l ii p'olile as-ciiai ic«-aii- >1 sualis Liinga ont ' donsa blho stnlc-n tisoa as ss ian>' luglairs as-otanl, fli- A .Slupec~izc If.e)iiedq lfor ail Dlsa'as'is terisg eser.thing tlise>'couit la>' tieis- cf 1tcolaader a arckidsceyro; JDor-gical Isas tot." j ;veî,,,t.,, - '-' lain.s, ;.:aer.a.iaM AistIs'islî girl iin Brooklyn, %wio wag in the habit of sccapillig thso diaty CloUaè"ýç before puttiaig tiaem te olc, oas being tolal a few caya cPince l'y lier aiistrema ta get a didcessandal pt. t to guoak for <lisaer. uhitl co, atter ruinglu it or smartly witlt a good. quautity of Isard 'A morchaint, ntct over cuaavra:suîi .with geogzraphty, ounisuarin'. tht iw oae f lis vessels was in jPoparTvi 'N'ljtI "Je-opscriy *rcnr y .lca -i at aaiy rate, l'usglad tia eisp' g t. te nr. A motiser out Wést reccntly atllrs'es. cd lus-r dai.lstu'r tisais ;-"My df aua.Ittr, yen are nlov flfteen yeara cf ags', en- gage'dtO o hmuara-ed, and 'vitl(Isouta frealaie on 3'our face. I have dorse nMy dut>'." dé«My dea,". gea aScratimc"tal WLfc,1 "lonne, you k4scW,- ietfio dearossi shsot Ion ortJ."-"WVeli, yc's," Raid ithe îritc- tical llatsbandl; Ilit dons cos! about twlce as macla as an>' otixer rpot."1 A litfl. darkey boy li Eufaffia, Ain-, IateiY soId a boray oempanion -in a sack for old i ron, andgot 45,centa for hlm. A are. oliin. îloaled *itiî 0ap suas pere a crevd of dlserdatrly 'vouen lu Memphiasta The-local oMiter' of a Natcen pa per fe'l Auleep while crossini thse river lu a fryboni, th e other day, alla wlsen lie avait, oveti lthe colapan>' $13 70, ai 10 cents a trip. In Matj'awau, DucisestaCounty, Tcla>' liminey, il,.é remuant oi a bumren idcnce, feUl, tnrying five iii- il, irls,, kllifng tsre, antd so ijuring tIhé Ote4rs$Is4ttise>'are nof e;pected te J'mde ;-i-aa and ait Disyeasu'sof' th i '- sary Orga-as isc cilla-a- Sus. 'ryina honu-n tis- anv of tise aliave l'islers aud Yenuaxilcl "Uil>cons-iured of tls 5rne- Ps-is $1 pars-Battis. Sola l ' - Ds-nggists. V 1 C 'r () Il i A ELECTiLIC Tisé Kin., of ail Linimueute." J'aa-iia-isaaiirG out, Nlua-lptc, basai bangai S'iatia-o, lVaaidsui-asgaia, Stifises ia thLe Liiul~is-b'sg at, praaiiaa, ihrsai*es, Naubasaai s, nlicaai 1'adcache, l'scaace, 'Laathacls-e, &fc-. BUY it, l Try it. Prove It. Ps-nn 0epai- ottn.Saitiy ail Druggat. Yi il ' il I 1A CARBOLIO SALVE Worth its Weight la Gcld 1 Ai Sptbjisftefou'e, Wascrsd, Brtes hus-ne, scy'iala, Doïuailes, iiiaflei, Oac C/crome Di3ainasaof/theaiSScia ofc-ces-y des- Peice 25a pais Boax. S-ad b>' aut Dsrsgista. CARDOLATED GLYCERINE JELLY Eminent>' the Ladies' Favorite. F'or Beaistifisq t/n o ssplerioa, ond for caiatgTana, Saaubus-a, Feles. Pirpc, =mciefbr O/aoepect Héc-di Clctlatlaias, Frs-ot Dites, endaiSes-e ips, lPiIc£ic pes- BaIle. Soltib>'ail Ds-ggisto. TOILET SOAPSI1 C cebrated fer their uaslfos-m Pu-ty> andi »: Ez c leace f Qsairy, SasP, and MM Ltateful d sign- s i-8 'C L A ie Iop -Polka. l-d sTnt, fll26 Wood Oaskpts...-Splendid New hearée. SOLE, AGENT -iOft WHfITESIDE'S PATENT BED. j N.Y. ~ Aen frth~Iýqq%«Mabie4d Caie - H-A- M Iý T t? )N & C(o., 7STEiR"5UA~0 Orgalis, 1 ero anuatre ED071103, OONT, C#11 and exomine his immense tç,Pie fuhi Are offering--the balane. of their large reduced. 0oc.Prca t1i thîCAPITAL STOCE - '940Oio- a K~~ ~8AMO, ~ ST0cIÇ AT GREAT1Y 'AI o OT ao Whlby Apil2, 87 Blign of ti. Great Rm cfgChair, Ërolc Siret. R E D t C E D - P R - S J'S1,Or, B9xI; N Specia1Bargia nsin Nubias, Pren kiîst Sal, Z ' Gomoia, UA E[edE&lioe C0Il;and, wo4ol "ihnwlo. (lotIs Jasekem .WineeygSiirtitjiaa.Flannelm. Il. ,de s HCITI ' KU54¶ O Roe, E 'Toif;r any sd Gloveut, bMillinery Gnotis, very eheap A fèw Seti t Î e~OTIES NU&NECM~Z GRAND CLEARING BALE IMn ur1a oaUat.'FrCacfufaoRbs,< ag'S& f'afc1Pr.Ioa RETIRINO -%~ o:- ' 'CANA DAN TWE ED ,DaRt BEIIGF0g1USINESS I1L 1I MAD T RD E R . ýokIia, Dm.c2, r872. 12m49' We beg te annonUIco teoOur enstomners S ECG1oN ced, and vili continue for One. Mentis, lEt TOFerur te effer the 'vIsle Of our extensive stock '___________ _____________________ Liquers antd Wines aT pu= 009eT. We, A UA TRR niake ibis announcement ila couse. IGR1 ('zOF ILAE FNEC*TE qen oMlr. MeMilan baving acceput. _ . edth Ie position of Secretary.Treur.ey lO Tase A jeceof"lnd F i of thse Ontario Loau & SaVinga Comp'yBOOTS A D "5H"'5cmt 'via viof ecte I-mpe 'vIicli necessitates bis removai teosIs- n -ma. Whr40 me u bs RaCREd a 0 ava. The. sale la therefor. abon-jl' = 'Worksto give constant ecm loy- article Ul b ei.4 arme Ctheci i LAND. F. 'W. GLF.N. ateue. e piecrelve tai very 1t 1 ATTv1x COLLJNS Osha'va, Ont. TEars.-St.ict>, cash for al sumo unie, ir tmr n hep~ii~ta eMardi, m878 "~aud upwaardc, six Mouths Begs to announce to d u-tmsadtep,1lc b't la fou"'s naPpreved paper. bas opeWéd' business on the pz'erises Iately occn pîed yad>onu êredit *fl be OwenMr. f~Egitu1, on Brock Street, and that he is ucGw BUIEST-A WLPY tit féen t re an ooui. in re&ei;t of a splendid Stock- of the FoBU t SINESd TE An 7WILLPAY tala thsem at 25 per cent legsaihsanasarl . 1 T-'r' 1781,your o eneilboio.sr aVîchnce% prca u tc mut tabout R 10 HT .A N D MAfo 1sretise;on girnjlsan=. fni-Pai« Jeo. s 112.WD, andl fa comjw nniL l '5Yrte. tue re:du nde- lvdo DAMY LIR-E TO ROdHPýTËÜ1 TiHE 5l'v LAKE 5TEAEEzr' 'NORSEMAN' Louves Coboursg es-es-y masraing ut 7:30, and Porsst Hope ut 9 o'ciocak, fair lioccister, con- aectng tises-e 'iti Newv YaritCentral and Erie Ilaiiwaye for ail peints Ecaci, Weît, anid Souths. Leaves Charlotte, (Port oi Roehesiesj, daily aut 2 p. an. fuir Brsightoni. Dealers las Stock, &-c., 'vOl laid lii tbe cheapest andi moat expetttiaus route ta, Newv Yens Bactan, Albany, &c. For ta-tises- infeormation appi>' ta- R. CRAWFORD, Or C. F'. GILDE1ISLEEVE, ot oe April 211d' 1873. Kingaston. 14-tf To OCONTiIACTOItS. Tise SocicIet iFrient aras- about toee-ct a large builinig tas- a Baas-ing Sciol in the des-s wsiia bc e seeveti nuil the Ici day af Mai y Plancs anti spet'ificstncts 'viii e accu Uit E donti Ws-ts's Diius' Cr-ek. W, ado aset bli ouceivea te accept tise iovemL o ns sy tendes-. Aaldreaic EDM5IND WRIGIIT, Mass--h l9 hPPi ke ng P. O. FIREE iSJT'IEoi TOWN 0F WHITBY. A iREE SITE WILL BE GIVEN tas an>' Manutaaeîuring Company' building an ertabli4isanat in lise lourn. J. HAILER GREENWOOD, Mayos-, WhiLby. Whîithy. Pcb. 26, 1873. 9-tf L IST 0F THE DIVSION COURTS or Tam COUNTY 0f ONTARIO, FO TETER50& CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER ~~ic. ~ Z 4. i t N"'2ij t5 I i1 a%,.s , Jan.ilot, 1878. sus ail )1 c'Vbitby, Ian. imt, 1878. Jutigo. 1 O FFICE TO LET. Tisa front office, usptaira, ta Tas CBasa- Witiy, Pcb. lUth. Inventes-, Mechanic, Manufacturer, Builder, Enigineer, Chemist, Farsaer, Meschant,' Sîsndarut once enti bis nanaantiatidres 'vtth 9U0b for une year'a ubcription te the Cahadian Patent Office Record AND MEPCHANICS' MAGAZINE, Ta thse Publisher, ..- G40. E. :DESBEEÂTS, 11 Acopy of rst no.ean be sen tiscp 1 8 ALT t i SALT t1t b JOH~N -BLOW legs ýmcci reapeettoil>' ta natif>' Faraners and others that las le prepare te t suppi>' an> quantit>' oi AGRICULTURALBA-LT- AND NO.; BARREL BALT, AT :MODERATE PR'IOES-î1 A ici f.the best 6~1 of Bo'ots sud Shoes. Aso on'baud a large stock of;Ioie- Mli.rde Boots v î si e l e s a o t b eu s jrp s s a d t e s - q a s l i t > ' a n d J s îk u a . Al orders puîctually atterdeci' to. Repaiks neat] %% Ilitby, Ma>' 10, 1871. MATI"IIFW 1COI IMPORTANT NEW BOOTS AND SHO' rThe undersigned lias a large stock of Ladies', Gerats', enad ChiIlren's Finan sd Course Boots & Shoes rrff: Boots and Shoes made to- -rder5 iz ')ver.hoes incd waîm mand- comtci-table. India llubbers, le, ilepairng neatly done. Cait at the old Stand. W'o &IliteStre BIroc tre, Wbty May' 22, 1872. GENTLEMEN: JOIS"N'S I GE SELF-IRÀKING VV EllNWSPR IN-G GOODSI - IS NOW COMPLETE 1 Costistirg of a spendid assortment oi Cloths of al kinds for G n l a w ttar, aisia i om plete sock of GE NTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TUE NIEWE ST OUTe A SPLENVIIL) STOCK ()F NýEWSPTRING IIATS'& CAPS. CHEAP FOR CASSA4, A. PRINGIE.* Witby, March 9th, 1873. 12 PHOTOGRAPII GALLERY'# 3B-A IRE"T PORT WIIIBT B]ROCI$ STREETI -WHITBY, LV OPPOSITE ONTARIO BAN K. - TI NE.TuA Talues effect on SaIns-i B3egs to anounce 'that he bas; .uili on, th e above premises, A N E W T ai sG oi g o rti . Photograpli Gallery, 60 feetin iength, B- ff e were awaçded the First I'rize and Diploma, nt the Prcvin rial Exhibition, held in Toront, 1870.in cvasiperiitiori watt, al tihe le;sding Maichinep, man-isescîared in the Proince ; ani gitta aur receli imp)rovemetato:. we aalaa4.sitisa. itagl 'yetchallenge invegaigatinrsanaad carthuparimen with competirg Manciines. weoare tiettifled that sortai avetigitisin vill convinre svery taanprvjaada'eid toiilt dhut te nfler thce emTuower Ioa the Fariner for 1872, built in the Do;.ziniin. JIFSeiscf f or d e cri ti e ata og e &B R O W N & P A T T E R S O N . A WORD 0F'TIMELY WARNING TO THE GENT7LEMEN:- As we are oniy manufi-tcturing. thio yeutu-, and, ane han'is-ed ot îhem aise sslresudy gone, ail vise vias fa gLel. ont,' lsid betîts- do sPort once-us tIse lé-mandî la en gre.na. ahi»c"'vbo dtic-alt looki c-ut in lime vo-sint lue st'rvs'd titi. se-aion. VWe woulal like Ia1tpla îli vasais nt-or htaoelis-st. lb the pc.cole aliomat hirniu egles-ot .siaas.f in ea-J>'fotir ianailies wo 'iilasbave to suilradthi-ru qui 1 chier paa-sof the country>. 'vhere tlaey sire bt'Ing cauleiee ves-ey,s>, ac.mvo lanve nca ra oot tMore 'i qas itIlt nt ce. ïid 1we intatul i tt'uîp ainsi gel ant oasr ceali'r vos-k Pieaas al as Pocn;as' pailsla',and cetai aa-Mias-hines- Wsa gasaanîe hem ta do 'il t'hev art e'(ddicus in? r st uramaprasitt't tst itaIals ýThe f<'ethti ons - eders cave cone reu anadsi e.aaîil î hs-o. sedfisg, bcdemlreà Içaviig ss'id anti-4on et he 'vqrk -bettusin i Iî1ltouisýsut way'tskesiî'nit a ass li nase season for ever), fàarnr'lllt .ilisog ~~aiae.~~F. Voae o, -- l.w.GL.N. TBH EASTERLY BRtOADCAST SEDRADCJTVT' 'MiE)IWhich he jnov and imp 10s allowesh hytisse thiat lnve woaked it., w b. the best Agvi!ultirâl Iqi- quire'd dime J. LATI Co.. 11 a n d S h o e s M r s h 2 92 u g O t S t ~ 1 > > 5 i 1>' done. FOR SA LE.- %Ç Lot 24, "aoth hait, 71hncon Withy [,1,aIed j .a JOIIN CAMPBELL, 47tf Broaklilu. S A N GE13 -PE ST:. (riME8:aru 7PrAvÀ.) A Caliion of' Gfei, Part-Sangs, Ciaru'mts, - For Maie. VoIces. -Baaaple copies malled, pva t sIf-e>lp1$l 18per dazen. ILPITES - 5W99Broas X-', KW GUELPH, ONT. PRIZE MEDAL CABINET CRGANS,5, ME.LODEON S.-, Sole PMopneo- niManussftfrcssof 'The 'IONET, ecnitainiag Scrilu- aer's Patent Quuhfying Tnuses. A warded the On/y MedaliF Ever given ta nnalers eoflleedarusnL at Provincial Exibiations for Prolicica- c>' in Musical Instruuiaents, lesides DipleaaadFini htes at other Exhibitions toc- tan. - mes-ans tespecify ' i* Our Inetrnuneatc are iacksovie& ti L>- Musiciens anad tges taibe Lie finesi yeit produtiet. Our lateat and nact'esiusiieum.- provemsent ite IlOnoAwnis-x"Ilcas'tainng Scnisaer'm Patent Qualhin Tbes, tic e - fect ut viicb are ta nesrly bulule tihpvr ai Lie sane lime rendering fCe Loue cnsootb sud pipe-like. B>' lus 'vntes-tul inventions ve am a ake onlnstrunent ofn-as-hytiass5sea ie -paer a!f a pipe Os-gn at haifthLe ex- c' i As w v e a- puns'liageath ie sole riua'bt of'- nanuatn-ing Scrilne's-Patent Quliflng - Tubes for theDonn uo!Canada, ve hre- liy cauion all pas-ticsfsia-s-ieaslng tin eaewhere, uas tise>'v cl i. able ta prosecn-- tion. W. ave copyigteot ticame o! "THE 0OBGÂANE TTEB"' Fqr aur Instruments caataininxtfis von-- ýde-taiasps-avemeuat. Anymsanufactrria-- ftngiag on Liecopyright vii le rosecut- ed. DInstrat.d Catalogues furnisicti >' a- Guelphsn, 9 , FLOUR ,& FEED STORE.. ises Ilt:,y o'ciapied by Mfr. Jamnes Walace, on Duada Street, Opposite 'the Robson 1101188, Wbere tbey trust by keoft i everybinl thef Uneslwas oulima, tolie-ble t. iv Brai], Shorts, Osineal, Cracked Wlheat, &C., o!flhe best qunlty. FLOUE-FeU 'Wbeat, Spr aad mixeil -and ail klnds of Feed, sollin elowir living prices for cash. gste oa* No. 1 Spring Wheat Flour at f8 121.. S&M & HEMIN~GWAY. Cashpaid forafl ldndsafFarir'eLPwdn¶ce W. BELL & ('O., ttéd np with aiu the lîtest il appîaia-alss for- aking pictures, ro parlment. T. H. McMILLÂN & Co, THE QELD STAN D. FSTIA BL1,IS Il E D 13] The uîîdersigned in returning thanks for theliheràl patron- hitherto eztended Co Che aid tpitablisaaawa:t, for trearly a period of tort> yeiarg, de sires ta sav that heho bs aow un laandal aarge 'uacortnient of the moit asodîri and cegant styles of «lmzyX= And trusts by proper atte-tion andi modernte prices to se- cure a colaaingance of public patronage Practical uphiilttering. Furnitute re- stuffed and covered. Ijndertaking & Funerals FuIly Supplied as heretofore, ,LU Some splendid specimens of Picture Prames, and Gild- ing. Jemember the Old Stand. JOHN ST 0ON'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exiiibition, Toronto, in 1870 We otler to our customers for the coming Hiarvcz;t. two dis- fintet Machines. wIich in style and construction, ernabrace THE " RING 0P HEAPERS." The aniversal suecess of this Machine, both is closely contest- cd traIs anti in tise hanissonithe lamiuers, 'viarina us i,, eaving it, ià,s elf Rat- ing Realoing Mcliuse. ithIsmnatre gorcudjecate ant 5dedfeets. sud lacs met teitîs tior*saies santi lema Iilure, Iluain heresioreo aiired tuaithec pubie. 1 1 BURN$9 N .14 MALLIAM

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