Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1873, p. 2

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5555U ~ ~ 04ho vo 5P51liiG i$ te,o Thée cmaket c- btbe ludto av o ,De l--ed mens fi bnesmi se lit set tus- for Iàg bes rmd or'. ion ste his Mu au hils ai, ho ror . n. 1 Thes Prpofflh1pn tegiv4 Tgwn bonui Thé. P>tt>olUiuicto glve-Town bont « as nowbeeusblm the couneil1 nmre ponthis Put. and yel ucihi dg91 I A number of proposllloae lu be eelved ftcam respcuuslble parti preparéà tle ettbUsi t msufsoturi (amct o hier. eue ftra , i p 'Muage, et Gulph, h oi eslîls'in u Lain -faoory. &e.,) sud tise goahlens wakla* tissinhave beeci kept ila aI of suspense sud -expechauey up ho bu day thiragitie Cossncil's lnaehic Mr. Mudgo proposed 10 establish orgaln faetor>'; talunventl1,000Oof 1 awu mcusy l in aaiiery or maters fre.eof ail llsbilhty, sud aSitsfrom tl towlt à bonus cf #2,50o. ,Hasoffers *blu dhumif ta -carry on the work tý tone years, sud la lactosse. bie ospit, stock lu lwo yearu tc 825,00 sud -et PleY ftfty aisci;'lie effers ta give a bon b do tbis, sud ho 517s . Wocmites theo Coucili bobieh Io t. amoant ai lie utusier of workmiiu, sud cn doit so, akisa fardier smaiof #2,50Ã" b7 wa o f battu. fromt lie corporaticu. Heu le a pilanfissible proposition tram business man-sundl eue we think thI Couucll suoiuld suherbain wilioul liesi * taliou. Tel w. faud meaiiers of thc coincil idhlyldllying withutheiquestion aud, instead ot" acting promptiy, au( ultediy, acting eïttier evasively 0 covortby Itostile ho the.welexpressec wisbes ?f lié ratepayers. This li surely ni thé. wsy ta reat suds s mat 'ter luntse face cf the. offers made on tii part eftiche corpration ? Betler ai oces-'drap te wlolo tbbng hhau udtl cOntfair promises sund put people ta lu. 'eou1eaiencee sud delsy cdanciug atten. dsuce on thie worslipful body cf tht Tcwu Councl cf Whithy. Tii. remmh' of thio îilay in Mr'. Mutlge's case is tice folîowing let To thc, Clairrnao the Special Corn Mlitte, cf the 'Town Couuceil en boîuce.", -1 lavetute nt tr@uble Ail suborlpaun, I lu midnaare ptyabbe e.'- cez TEBREAK SN TRE'EtNCcl-CABLE. sA few yearé ugo, lte break in the A Id aticcable, cf wlilch Cyrus Field wi r lie nsoving spirit, eeemed, wieu ilt c Id curread, thie miefactune of lie worl in Now, tie.break of thie French cshl t-208 miles trous the French Coast, occul Ie wibhcut comment. It le claubtfcul, ir tf deed, wlietietr it bus. heen noticed bI i fifty ouI cf a iundred Iecaders. Wlý 1- eioald it bhe? Science guffers no laý l- lu it, nos' doos Civilization gain s tittI s frocu lb. auccesa. Ils breaiting"i l., ýt lice misforlune cf a compauy. HOLLSDAY va.' OINTARSo FAascEa'sMU TUAL INsuiRAicE ÇOMPANY.- In lbi case, lried aI lite Toronto 4esizea las week, Mr. Daniel Holbiciay obtaiuedi verdict for $500 agaluat lite Company Tise hhel complained of wasslte pub liestion af lie followiiug nota btene ix su advertilieue: '*N. B.-NuIwiti standing tîhe faIs.e talemeuts of Danli Holliday te lie contrat-y, hose is 'c ge agnIo hs opn. new trial bau beau appliad for. * Revit. FArciEa HAvuEi, lte worti3 *P. P. cf Dufli' Crsek, leaves for tli 11old mcd" lucîs week, intending ho set -jour for saine lime iu bis native doun by of Leitrim, sud ho visit some princi. pal places ou the continent. Hi. leave cf asence extendmeto a period of fou moulus. We wish i lu a pheasant trip sud safe homo. Duriug hic absence revereud gentleman of lie clergy cl 81 Miciael'a, Toronto, wilI officiate in bis place. STREET ItlPROVscuEaTSi.- The coin tiittee ou atroets, ib is plessiug ta pcî- ceive, are doing thheir wiole duty, sut in a imehy usanuer, this seasond AI- ready tîhe iinproved appeanance of onr principal cîreals sud sidewslks il mie- tiîig quite credilabe. 'Il shaws wîat a geuisl 1Èey can do linh a wy cf en- ligibening lie cammiîlee and hrglilen- ing up thie town. -GRAND CONCERT - TEE QUEEN'i BSRTRDAY.-A grand concert is atinouni ceci ho lake place lu tIhemdril shedl,on lie eveuing cf tbe Qneen's birtltday. 241h lint. A cickel match will asebc played on lte sdjoinicsg fait grouds <uring thie day. hirst-chass musiclc h pt'omisad. Furibuar partiCumiars lu post. ors sud programmas. FÏAutRMuroImpLENENTS. -Messrs. Hitblt sud lratler have receivei hliir tistis upply . of al l kiul of fancning implementsm; aise s ccmphete stock cf Englimit hardwtcre goadjsnilshhe for huilders, Enghimi double - hsrrelleil sîtot-guninsud chidren'R cabs. M£88s1s. HAMILTON & Ce. are ncw fairly ettied lunlise midst of ltce busi- ness cxow<l, snd w. are gil te seltaI their splendid uew stock lsastlracîîug, ase it -'deservea, crewdls cf cuslomes-s. (Seo sdyl.) Saa-i oxpected hefore Ibis tb have recoived a communication from, yot respecting praposed bonus. I sec by te prluted procee#îliugs liat ai tihe Council meeting laRt Mouîhay evoniug tics committetd 1iii net recommenilieh adoption ofthie arrangeaient made bo- tween ithîsan sd mymoîf, la référence lethie -organ faetory, &e., as liey agzreed.to do, thoeby lomiug muai val. ushie lime, wiicb lu ti.particular case~ proves fatal to tihe solcerne, as tise parties lutoresledl with me ara uwibî. ing auy longer deciîiag what town they wilI locale ini ; sud hy lte wsuh cf decisive action on lie part cf lie coj., mtes, (ica doubt frîcai gond cause,> w. have concluded ticat we caunol dehay lhe four or tive weeks. you aecoeac.ly wiIî reqîire (after the, paing cf bisa b'y-law,) befere you eau suhmi-i. b lie pt-op le. We ticutnhe waut of uuity iunlice Couacil wilU prove fatal b auy mci by.aw-even cf snhmnitted-aud we canant boÉe funtiter valuahie lIme' on mch'au nueertainty. 1 regret titis, as 1 was favorabhy bus- presîctwitli yonr town, sud lte gentlemen, I had the pleasure cf meet- lug witbc doing rmy short vigit. - Please witbdraw sucis part of the recorumeuulan (if made), as refers bo ýme er ltse coupauy 1 represant, sud accpt uy tiauka for te efforts you hâ ve madle b secure our locating lu your midgt. Tours. sicecrely, -FRED MUDGE. No, wouder Mfr. Mudge mboubd ssy taI'lite want of uuiby ia tise Council wonbd lbe fatal in lie project. -Tte, samne want cf unit7 lias kept Wiithy as It ln for tweuty yeare. And il dees seett as If socue of our townsmen wouil nover.learu wisdon.- Every strauger appears bo ho favorahly imprssed wiîc lie tawn sud ibm aurrouuiiugs, but un- forbutcately a hriof"'acqituace withî cocue cf cur public in is, il appears, ahiliaI âtle secessary tb destroy tîcir gooil impressions, if ual absoluteîy <is- guet amd i dsohouraga biem. We- ré- coummoud the. ratepayers ta iÏofect er- boushy ou thte conuttof thse men who are aumw-rable for titis stabe cf thluMs, sud le hear themin lamid, as welh as te talase promises lhîsy madle wieu seeklug foi, leats at lie Couneil board. Mr.MNfudgeclotIerd<osthtoinuoWmustice. '0 lb l tihir wau of unit7, mouey.gruhb. mng, siiinues,, sud want cf public spirit IlîsI ditcrodtse efair impression Whiilby otiterwl wouid make, sud kes back thle progres'a sud Kgoo posi. t ionct i l capable of ýatt aiuiug. How long wili hhir 4o.uothing polioy bho por. sirted inu? eDAitLE PROGATIOs or PARLU. 7-Ia this courge cf the discussion- e Ptulie@ Acodunt. committes, on Iay, nan. Mr. Tille7 incidsutslly lconed thitii. Route Ws walpro., F ual bcePrOroagasd for lire., weeks Lue. Titsis lanet ho ho wondsred krc tlw lrrePressible habit the Dg mcecubers bave cf wastiug hie 1day. cf thesessi.550R1'sprcfiteA.- czleucaiens sud permcnAl squabc.. 0,âd5 nieh«s queistions-cf privibegse LP-ut----' 11.< lembfer or huoo rod,'&d lhacjl aa0lGc4a;ut~.il~ t sAu 41sune Mgo 30 show sisal ittsp Ifkly I. b. s good demand'ýfor-ý cleaned samipies aI lcealthy priies, snuiebe tee forolbly itcpfesasel 't aur ouutry readera ts~ deafrahii briuging only'thoraugtcly veltoea fieoes hto market. The biais ape dolng 80 wlll be fcuad ho psy profita A OAàTA -neried'wit re livea sud ýairs, la anou'uced le bce allihe meelisulcahall, on- Fridsy se lng, lie 9h mnl. by le yosing la cf lice juisrdivib, _Higi a101100 Mr. ,Whlti4 musIclcondactor., programme lia vry elaborat.euoe- ratier w. sehcald 'perhia'-PoesMY ,pcejmssongs# chiornees, sud retitatil oua t.etutertainment, allogeblier,1 mises ta h.euen@cf th.,aicat Intoxest s well saunique sver préeeted bc Whtitby audience., The object islaei Tery wcrtlsy ene-bthe proceds are b. .applled tbwarim lie paroisse Prizoesfor lhe Midenaimer E-xami MORE IK>OUTEI STSocc.-The Mesi Mliller,--Jolcu Robert sud William- Pickering,' madle advsutagsous p ciasges last week, at the cale cf-stock lie laie George V. Hoyle, Champîs Stale cf New Yorit, cf twanly.th hesi of splendid-aIl tioromsglic.red cow and calvee. Amongst thema s cow sud eau of bis Mazurka ai A daugiher cf lbe former sold for t Icigi figure cf $900. 'Tîte 'Mess: Miller were offered large advsuces lte prices paiti by bisous, but refused Bell. "TUUXBRIDOR eUsî<AL" cottes bo us 11dm week zauchi iuproved. Ilt le uo)w s. liacdsome quarta clfofany-eigbiî cohamnus, sud preseuls s very credilahie appearauce. SESiON F08 TEE YOusc.-A-immou itpeclally addressed b Young people will, be preachod by lioy. Josina Fraser in, St. Andrew's Churci, 'Whtb', on Suis. day oveniug neit. CERTSFIOATi5 flOM UÉTE> bfîLrAluy tison granbod Augashcus F. Foîhergibi, Wiulîy,and Frederickt Siade,ofOohawa. RnOALHiEL-rTis fisl-laqhotel fa -now -opeci'for, busness', 'sud lùwi spedid'aceomodallon for Usa dravOil. ing cctumunlty. '7- -MIL GOUt>cu, harristôr, lias reaioyed iiléôfàco te lb. prenflses ovor the. Mois. brou iTaegrapi office. MÂAa.uc>v, the groat' actor', '<ied at Londau, en Ttsesday laa,,t'l 4h.8011 iyest of ulm'atge. '- from fift t bsixlyiu ice olsadvuce le, o subset-ube, sing, play, id lion. He a lldtatou this sclujinluotder suit Local TAaxation cie eeait wcîu a cite ty Panopiecswori e Imappy. TliO Max itumber is juiL 10 la get -tia opinion oethLe Hanse on lime Country dance. How ur-mci more, et- ai' aI ieast 040, by sendlug mii heu euh. ltnd ; you can gel t itby senduiugBu mather. fective wouhd ho a ininuet hetiveen.Ht. jeet icnibers ho our psper. * cents ho J. L. Peter' 599 Broadway Atter acine discussilon, Mn. Daly Vernon.Harcount.anti Mr. Aylon ÃŽfhan oui; m .- nmbr 'NeîvYTort, or te lie dmslfeus' nuucers cf Zmovelth iaI thie expianaîlen madie î uacboinsdsusiniWIst vo-,ducl Ataenmbro i h. John'Moi- 1813 wihI b. maileel for $1- Mt. Ctceigsn be acceplecias-nda lihelaesmglbexetedyalwlorct tfiqa-.--- ho; W exeuseci. a hep ahtise'riglît moment, anti delihi- taci 2ie New, z'g. Fe oulude S aic riî M EISP0SoitiED -MASsA&Cnz To tim Mn. BIsIe-ot'vad an smenid. eralion conucted hy liarmonlous 'areleauicgzlu Filoa' yrP etorWRnrs'..-Froiw Fart Gars'y, Aprit meutttie efffeet blîtthliaconduel t movemenla oudJs'tp pric- -Hypccpiospitos "Mx. Feillowsacff-, 29t1., informationbshe evct IeCmuiIewsnl urlt i-hiat elevatiitg effort in pahitics wiici DAS 1tsialy ottllfleml bc hliîscredil for :is lie effect liat seme Amerlean h tiacers çuumtauces, coguizable by tlis lieuse, i co0 iiynl'iprpuemoe t-'i C d'aterprse, - wor, ki J.iaviu poonc IoSiu Cif, andtihte rosolution as smeuded w ocinence. ps eu~~~' ~Lie oKuife and SiIiug .Dm11, eta sulacse5oped.* sos. - Iniuslry wmiimacde a bite ii, aualdieycy 0sucsmlllcîalied the'Cym'.saHith, lu Dritister- M. Mackenzie lien brougIt up t&ceminu p sse, and ri tgality miii fnd liait sudîbhe.presenea of'snch gei$iesscn l intjiory, asdmiuîsteruig strycînine ta, - esîlen mvicli fiad eccupied 80 mualit s inafxi.Noibluer lise pur-e s'ma anyý,cîmmâuity, h ,a materinwhch hem linlcir food, >lIme Siouxn u orotlie lime oft lahns e4 en cienvitîaf-gvi- ill cost auyiiciiig. He The titcmmusty silti acongratulate lie postt lernsd maceacreti ah i h--oa a, u eerne risng c -iwlio las lb siculci draw the -8trixigo as ta t Ihcf. -"Aus.i-icns ii? (lita viemuîy. Il 1le o Sî'aLlmroy lu enthevsin ho preveut frugsityv directs, sudlise will ho sure' 'li stled iliataI h.lusl'it-eecIs livingis i othe r îpprfen celiu t5atwayrs to fitd a&. usefiipenny lit tht, rivei TltQ St. John Tele-csm ýandti Journtal neiglihennisoot-hssamec lie saine fate' pecitical mleeting. Ho rend s lelegrain bettoni ef it. The,'servants cf inusatty tuje says, "Thue iteuntiou of Fellowi' Hy- huit tusis consdieîed by suonlser re-freinMS'*atl' .Y" aceuyiuîg tisî h wesi isalaysýr Ppis ites bias becocua eue ofthle pont. - Cyprese 11H11l gabsout tour' hui.tu-Ilroug thêticniflnuecé-ofthe càouncsittee are kewuaby hleso ive.I-ery sbl lsya jau éibeiastisoth oun .t 1yun - ou1 that o $Pea 'vecs beisurely, sud povýily -scon over- ýh1o un ti tandredity oniles -rTmeVArt amas on"tctMr. upe ws lll aesIts-mm Lookî at thé -#sagged slavei;ào i~iiOitosj4ap4e ' te Tietowci-of Moniaupa, Aranas on Ho 'hi. upsmssilf"5iome f idlcemtspandljuclge wllchl; tise best a ~ïa#p 'T» thle St.'Franicii lRiver,'mvih a , op la ýrêmark- - on Mr. coridlinct,-' -' ,reli .w4ýo v. . e repled on heblaf of tisevOînuteer o sdwoke iY a private tiOaay, ated Ét'i~t l the linuetiort of bhs te l Wieoi vs Bfyas*It-Greenwood &Th.y wee', beie sii, ne 'distinct cluse, sud not by commisoer. ' - GOctibienhto tai raa bqùuisdasrv wollMoMIla-J.C;.Hacuibu ~ c' aI d-usianew. t*luueef, ~ Ms'. Wood ggued tiat lho did not con- laManitcha aid 4h. Nc h.et"[ert ;Iîî 'boak va, Wateo)-Sazice cousil. - eady te serve in defouce of titeir con seul to-lie 'und grants, when lie wae oi., apon Tlctpoas. Tiompn-J. Wlslt- fry. In lhe course cf saeawoll dclU gain talion up by lie Premier,' who A deluste hocle place oun anmotion ta ý, of ney- _. .Cochrane. .. ver@d tomants, lie went on tOsew xosit again u O beJoumual-tb ahow go ista Commillse, macle b y Mri.Kil. Fole va RolinthaI the mouey oxýeptled lun lie vtlu- liaho had votod liaI thoieal landi tai, n,.asa rsascinion resppcthsg hae. klawd - oe s oto-Dormr-13arrou. tees' movemeut wes net wasted, sud graute, asumch mitais cf mono t verment Ms'. ai Tion îpac ers te-W. M. Cccli- hhat by sliewicg IlsalCauada issd the.wousid net incresse taxation, isica t'lusf -certaiun'Gv muîbad abiy. aee3 ilne biliby ast welt'-as lie - will &c adend gs'anted ho Ibe ccmpauy. Rilsnm contouded at seule leugli Uîst Benbhey 'a. Hubes.tne-W M. doci. hersait, il lscd.the affect of raisiug tise The dis'cussion contluuied up ,tb bhe lie ânes lue referxod ta were woked. ai ioato. ra J..E. Farewell' Value cf Cauadian securitios ilutho eur of receïs.a osbthGveu nsdth hé Brown vs.,Boacocit-Came:ronk 01. Mrnytca le.(Applaite). Mr. T. N. Gibbs iulrodaceil abill aransembletGov.umu- t sud n h é rivU eilly-J.- Rubetige, dnh ala wexe-macle for Ca ptain rospechig ràilwï>ÃŽ contjani.. Tii.e arangem rien w'cuscl s.blo als ivn- Mie"vs1amn- 1tgs 'd& rFateWell, who, ring bes'oèpond, p slt tenîloci of bhe bilt ais ' tolanisoprl-atlidi'dthls cie niit-lnv. ait, ox k Boy d n n ieATs.preui arii e tecupu iat mtig aaySix Jchn Macdonsaldsepid Ihalasait Kerr'* Boy. ripu theinan persnal scrifies mae copany a inae sidinwsen asmalterc- Wuï amving i thevin ath reutier cf o ci. tuner - 7 n d5ian "oiunteors, sud lie creti- tien biat tisey roght dhsê ddo. Goverumoul propexty il wam neoesiar Bunker Iswlui Greenwood & il due te thi ocner le cf The e neweut itho Comimittee on ~lse HaEcls~' aco Tise geMillân--W.H.Bi4ngelJ.K.G&rdou. oularie, for alweys îrnn ut he bill ta enabie certain railway <coin. eoeayato cndb lio.H -'c ikovs. Dickie--R*.M'c<ee-Mow. full conmenseutefmen. He spolie lu panies ta providthIe uecessry accoi rftadhtdsGvemnwol lie 'I&MeLqnnan. patniotic terme ef tisa Force, anti quot- madation for the incressing traffio ov romucdrIýbat lIerGonde'ifmentsieb ,es Caultex vs. Keliegg-J. E., Farewell ed amisl hea marks, of applause, tiseir ralways, andtiab meud th. Rail- bring, dowti. a Ineasurea atviicing the -J. D. Amour. Saugster'i woîî known hunes- way Act ch188. - eirnis ftc osl usin PtO~~ " -Ont Laites are deesp ant i wde, Seeaiaenielswr'mdoii Tii. ebate was Ition, ou Six Join tiig Bcâas.useAND EXTEJNNTIGTE -Or iIssu treh retjle bill, sud 1hwas passedl. Ms'cmîonahdt'isuggestion, asdjotîi-ed. O Xoxocs.- Tisa la'lest autuienlic news " "t'îh cssrfcs air, we'iî * eed hez.siare, Mr. Glass usovedth ie Houe. inf o Ms.' Dor'ien wi'.hhrew bis mations la " Andi break lthe itahuful so.cemmittes ta conider att act tb ameuti frne eepoe o h os 20 i roin ie Mot(iocm is, tbaI wlii Caplain " But let lIhe reshi itvader dte Adt 82 aud 83 Vie., rempectiug bis trialreenc 10mpoecfIeHas hoJack'e braves;' foIlowiug Ibei' cueîtom T buh n iabus«ad Offétlany sud inisdoimeanors. Th ii, co ectionihis te peker.eugsti cf~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' The mastil itres Ihal toceeti cr sires meseure - d' I wtîlieatino leSpatrnhoon clp ios sghcfrhdW5' - bîlldie l fenliebud"tesgetheyug e i s. yul' oio o ppr ina tiers oetlIce United States, eradled. iun atltODnvc a iecalc atciuulpoeaeluts atrtnhig aesluisfaveur of lte lii.Ispof dvilzahon ati red suter pn d soudeti on hehaifcf te f lte promnpt trial of prisouers, anti as usurcerers of Thomas Scott. brougit uhnapo ivlti nad rv n e io nders ddo bLl f the imedisjuriediction of Coanty Coutt*. about a debate ou lhe Scott mutiles'. th taliiug of religion, tiid ualt est outes After a Ienglhcy iegal discussion, Tbe remarie cf saine of lte speakers li7 ac scuet fur --Prosperity tas the Royal Hatel, -Sis' John A Macdonald enggested aea îacevnac iiheato -ont engtra uües cf i scuedfor e atsrîg ara ev beato n-f hi ceuplei wihisienama cfthie hast sud thallihe proeoed amanuments ta Itoteiaheeersao )tirpe-o PtW. in. Pingle," was nexl given frous le ise lllboulci s printed,_ andtitthIe 'the motion was can-let.' s.Thsseecus le hhrow s certain liýItt chair. -commitîse report progres sud asIc Tuesclay, April 29t1t. ti, pon thie uysterieus nusher cf seven- Th, mayor paimi a bilgiscomsplimontî bave te il again. Meanwiile the le. nrpyt r lkteMnse irteen Motiocm found dead in hieir lava te tle energy, permeveranceansd spirit gai genttiemen represenîing lhe lower oflustieiytatMs'. Bateth oerMnietr teitrougmoli. Thte story of lia sien l sa of Mr. Pringle lu builtiing sud furnisli. provinces sîoulti cousider wietîer telie cf o'Justice latetiUctleyGvrin ing lu se elegaul s mannes'oeeof thc. bill miulci be extendeci 0te1us no dcidtitheut ealond cii- tttfie suspicions. Tiat of lia scalps is beetlItotels helween Kingston anti To.-ilioe provinces, aine uuiformîy-cfmlt Paia the clause in te desi more soi. And liere is a cen- rento, anti iati no doubt but timat the practice was desitabie.' Pacifie Raiiwsy Charter reqcuiriug rati- lance lu Gen Gillem's despali-" Net btcuseewonli be Ilept in sncb a inanes ' Thesuggestionc cf lie Ministes'offiaiolpcins-sancobenictolits ter the one cf thera shah be spareci le boas as wonli do crédlit ho thme town, sud Justice wssdepled.dilepcinscmm icioast rs. Ouprcl ie e îove weli desctvicsg of publie patron- Tii. bill furthlisbtler protection of-the. pregress of tise delegaction of the ontht hs sucestors kilhed General Can- age. 0.j aîeelsdM.Tts navigable streaus sud rivéra hbeing Canadian Pacific Rsllway Comspany lu 0-by O hcth Ne York Aeîc M.HaJ atonlad r hs brouglît up, iras, aftr soins discussion, Enln.I Cotnmittee of bise Wioie on lie rematis-" It is- evident luit Geucrai Mmody nelunnec tîauke fot Mn. andi reati. Gileu man teinimheIlsîtlu nl in. Pningle. Dr. Tupper moveci Ibat s comustt b ill s'espectiug dock loacis, Mr. Palmer exterminaI. the Modmuce i-fore lic wiîî "St. Gm onge's Day", n'as lice nexî hi. appctited te enquit. inta ltme sanu- wcouveioensbal t Is- prnpset li4 e bi cese ts mke anou 1v-n. l miytoRýt, lte liainînani emaî-kilcg'lu'feli- lary' condition of tliiHoîse sud te me- -pro'vtns uti iions ot t6 e r cesetnmae aronthin I my itonse ternis upon 1herenankabhle coin- port parliculccnly as ho ils Iiiahiug anti tcjectionahîe as i ta~rvsascudh vsb.cLuise, nas frantiensmen cccv, ltaI --ail cimtemco fth o gof teli vetlaio.essily eaded. H. adrocateci tbe pnirsi Slte gaed Ingins are deal" ; bus hlie cepoe ofuinspeftlIse hmohel veandhiahion. se- question is wîýtîen thse squaws andti-I.fatliîug upon Ihat mluy, antI ioped itil The bill ho pmovimie for thie bellen ilr fiseto fipsdcrcsd [ci la aposs ogîî o iecîsscmiwiitwoulml provesa gioi aiicrnry et ftufre -negulatiots of lmaffic oun ailways a cd.by urging fer a Comnmittea o! En- Id lelt haci Iudogiauswhcu areos fit o tîe iitlIt-5. Bad- TIieHocie of Mt-nry reaci a second lime. qmtr.y. ,l sthcadIugkife. w. are aIlvy iuorg- eEtizlanil" m'everal respotiset were Tîtnrsday, Apnil 24th Aftem ceuse fittther discussion lhe bil irs sl, c-kf cure u ayefre exter ii- rmde ounleltilf of "St. George' andmi Mr-. Boduvel presetîtei tiihe otpassec tîcreugîs comnittlee i.Commit- a-nan, cusd ht cîy otsoextjet iri tgai" uiaoîe hins fLm eetCcutite ~tee sjcpoiuted Io tny tisKent contestedl Mreî uon wss Mn. Brcuuof xlb.peîioelufveroffeet ncase subusitteiits final report,1 y thie ri-lit thling for 1l eurdeti white rcnn . Brw, fUx hepiisinfverofaProhibutomy sîaîiug liat ie sihtiug uember liai1 ~y ani ~niîiss on)tokiiî eiles tthl brtidge, nn e1eîin excellent terme. Liquor BiII wcrc refcrred. Tht. Coin- been electem. A large nusher of bills,9 by(admiicu lu n)coî î00illli * 'lltt ite neit toasts, iveefrein thse vide- mitte asked for power te ehîsin wrtvucc tg. îebteu cltcOu, atin stittolns.,, pIes of intoxidating liquan in thse vanî- fiî-miug tIi. cîstract witii thue Alîsu lime -- Osir MunicipalInelittT OSnAWA. us Provintces, cctîi sîlljeîtt ilietti 1ta for esrrying lie ocesu mails was fiusliy le it FLLOS'COCMmT T iEAA. "Tte tîisstries cf Cauama-A" 1 lîcia auhss i opeteul au- passeci an- I t rge nutrîber cfthie "Y -The Odd Fellows of Oshîawa ceiebrtt- cîîMnsCmsnil hanufactumes thioritie, ieiigtgl,mat lite resulle items et appropriation. 'rie Premiert ed lb. flfty-fonnîlt auctivîc-sary etflte andI ckît-aY tht-y gt-nuvandi 'ioultî shouw an acitltemation vt-ry dele infomnei lie Honse tîcat il wse inl- ,.estabihsment cfthue OrtlicnutAlitteica 'ea i i t- s Jccîtluntseilyfors atehat sudetly '» Mu heue n teution of tIse Goverament 10 estab- li b hldnga rad oner'i MilIcs nî cii mense loss 10 lIse revetue. liehi a inounteci police fer Manioba-f sb Musc llgs gran cetîcînt ju W lm'i e îtuot-ms---jnclnin5 iteCîu-yaihti Terlo r,1mcttc.suds force le cousist of about 150 men. sh usi Hal lcshMostlcy v~ ng.'lie iLc-urutîl Pcmh'îîttte.Mn. Deon tcaliei ahtentiontateItelurepîy te s qhiestioti Le chats-cituaI b ial] waa cnow-demîby s most fasliionabls- - Cctaliaiui mlc-v tsylie-y conîhîte etfa îm-efnentofis CotmitteetlIte Govirumeut ismi no ofca nm y.audience. Several talenleil artistes l hhu-Poine flte ost t -appcointle; ho try the Kt-t, N. B., eler- taheoe lstiite l i rltio-W ,' t» ramn.Toronto were ecgageti for lte getiier %witl band~s mft mon and lies oetiens pehitiotu. Tliigentleman iti ques.- ntw.n o iile hieoseinthe s sudlin-' b. occasion. Ms'. J. H. Joues, of Torotli, loyal frieo'iliiip." lion ýMr. Cohian>îoutllt-ave thte iatîs, but freni ail lte rt-ponts wbiclm in openeci lie programmcte wilim a biniîiamh- Mn. Perny mliî'ered a very, cloquent mnen. The Cosnimitt-m- dehenmiîîin- (e urnto it ubet i s ]. y executed solo outhie piano forte, attd 1repon c btlue tocstt f"Ocr Municipal thte witnss shioulîl be calteil, Mn. Co.-tu-poîaltiemgthesne grouuîd for cil waî warmhy appicideul. H. wss foi- -Insiutions," aussi iftt-rwarls, prob'iacblcinlbi ltetsu tft i e nth ir. T. Gomeuhiouc lowed b' Mn. Sitlh. oet tiis lowîî,Miss othmr gsccsespeke lu glostit rceitg tlt omîe e 0 Brokoveki, Mn. J. G. Stt-iff, andi Misesturuts notr raiiwuca mges n- u irtness teantilte incciient s vr-peauin ep'hc iep . Maee,,oetTornto, wliîo sngse al greal future opceniuug ccp le the Denain- n'as"reportPelelie HouAe., ici.cf eaie rti resetdamsqg senge lnuan arlistic marier, sudwes-cion ni Canada. Aller soine risesussion it WR, resolveti rteseae eseu ha messhage c wsrmly encotrcd its aimng oel sI iscl. Voltntec-r toasts amnd eons fobion-- îa ieIuu eoî eoueeit eSntsaiglmIle im y~~~~~~ MiesMabueyhe lion. uîns1eh oie t-c, a-i lîog-ilu-ta ~passei witltont a amendaient the Adctc la fairly eianmed tic audience, anti ail ev<-ninc.z_, ici ce.14imation cf lte openung pîl i e iconihuet. teaeuilmGrtiTntAnat-i a- expressed ltse greateslt deireltolupar thi oethlIe Royal Iitelwas epesl. Heul. Mn. Lancgevin thietsmoyeu ltemeule Ac t f1872 ; Lie Act nesecbiug ut talenleci yannglady upon fîstîuc-eacca- 'l'lie sutîsie et thce Wliitby 1tB i-aitan, H b Ccuiîeo harcl~ port wanîîens oet Moutreal anmhQusehec ; 's i. iens;. 'Mx-. Joues aise actemh as set-cm- asu tise perfrntuce et protessor ienstuehochangfe thiegange ofthueIntIi.oAd tse provide forliefexa Coain a ýi- panist duuinthlIe evening, asud proveci WIu1ile on timc piano, ssmdeuh muci tate ecolalîîaiîîay. He juelifieci liecfwlessnmeosshtoeCi-a Fe isimself to he well flîlei furt lItIimpor- eveîiusg'sentjoî'cucltt- ttmt i fdb t e-mithees oet mtiHonses, and itisaIlihe ua haut iras c ffre b heGo-Senate lies given leav, te the ceverai tc ir an position. Tic concert wsthe Nuit tise Iesîqt îleasisig feature cf lIme ecluueulte tae alleration et gauge,nitsrsitwee eqic tegv b [plargesl antI mosî enjoyahie ltaI lias evi.nisug wci5tIhe ireectcion of a h t li tatte pruposeti ciugemeineslu lIte xaminahion aet ie o Pever tatou place in Oshawa. iîeautitclty lîlcuélcict cf envers, li' tte vdneithexmaioofirgs i ,e - --e- lssi. Ili le îîutheîropmieîen cf the lu ieG-uTsukIa jeiit- ntame by ir. Hutinglou lu respect ho su Df How to go Weet. Roytl.eir newuly fteîclresolution, ivîilet tlItePacifice aitway ;as htte i Ho og eî.Iuys.il waIlut-ir icntention tatecarry on tbilmatie an ; aiset e lithe tiî n hi - n nquhue ch verange by Bgs lvcing a third rail entitemh au Adt ho incorporale tae Iso. w is a inuim mmlmilt ver oce Phat Bui. rous Halifax le St. Joicu. Tut-y woulîl lateci Risk Insurnce Cocnpary, antIlor siaulci have trulthfully assmeret bmfore Te - loiTms sifrmdtltuse lte noiiin- stock et Vite breail-guageasekin-' lie concurrence ofthlis Honse sf i- lie sîsuls ou ]lis jousnney, ani a litIlt lu-Icntiniîs' le uonsclceousînuction ton tue local Goverucuent on thescamne ; aise an ameudutent te b - cane taken lu examination ot Rentes bv lten lth'a eu-ni tcakn usinNv chasdNn rn-thme bl ite incssmporathe Time're Rivets in liieclucîY bn cieîvn éi andt taIwmnk. Hé estimusted tlie change as Bank. sud reqnesting tise concurrence sc. a wil lu may casees save muci trouble, thuir nimi i-t scare Iikcly 1talie reaher iikely ta cneýt a lutile oven 860)8,001). c i oe u Iesnumn loo l. iaisud mouey. ..haus '-m'en hsssîîmvcîbete-. Titis miucrmg, Mn. Bothmell calieci attention ta tueft- an Ad le uneie Bavessd Toot;aieofm t--Tîme *"C., B. & Q. R. R.," unning iC trincnii1t 55lte corner of determiiteîl oppositinofethlie Geveru- Mutual Insurncce Compaciies. du W'elmvontli andc Main chaett, ut-ar Mn. meuh tti hile motion a yean ago sud con- Ou tic motion et Mr. Mackenzie, tIse ou - tsom -Chicago lirocîgi Galeshurg te Joli reeîis, 'urs siggimug iunetîme soil culenthtisIthueis cosiduclmolu ilampiyamnmet1lIebh eicrpraed ýtBurluiglon. lias acluieveci a epieuthiciwltene bhuach aiseci a lot et lliitahcies jusity lte cetnsure oethlîe House.. teIoae is-luuac o a i- repulation lunlise lastln-e years as Ils, ast yea l,îte ttusmucc up a spot cf greunci Hon. Dl-.Tuppet detecsdeci lIe Gev- tred Is at, lsecoluntie. msoh ï.Ieading Passenger Ronle te lie West. wltieciîcveré nn[at almoel solici maes ofet enu, sud declareu h laI il woutd-recsfilanscoîiim. t At ~ ~ ~ Ét ]nîntui ence ~ lc oielne ying iu a sorh t formant -hsave becu au omsragenue maste cf Ils.eITHE - *xEN o T- ' laE i AtBrigo tcnet ihtecniin n i itsclses tlîick. Soon afler pusblic trolley le make lise chuange aIlineimrbleiatselcycfc greal Bulinglon Roule wlîicli s undi- being placetiii lie open air, e'uo en .H leu bociei ison l etiamprablis. Houste of Caof eh ted Ilironghs Sonticru Iowa te Netînas- surIt ia day ase Ilie, tle hideous tusedle t-ns etgenenai pnlicy sîsiggested by Mn. mnsy uEngliebi journal, wili hc-o-re ta sud Kansas, witi close connectionus shî-ecd signe f etctîruicug lite sud ttttcd Bodwcll'a eitieigs. muey u teatîsove ozf. Iu îLe nerds cf ont iu- . fore loug tendi 10 Lhe adoption oet anme 1i le Calitctmia snd lie Tesilories ; ai ooml'ieyueetuad ani Mn. D. A. bicDscuaid aviug cali a' chier methoci et expressionau tissu tac i paseengeiqs tartnisgtrouu Ontarioe few worhs en te serions cisaraeter etfet speakimg. Singlug me -beetisusggeqt- m( t on-hlousanuis." Wse utdestand tit a tlime Gtîvt-tcuteni.'s pasl pehicy incon- ei, buh us t ieuot evey memben wlîo 17 Canada, on thein way mestmard, cru- tnnîercf gardee-resud etiere nlito n-edicu millu lie question beforo Ithe i, blesseci wiîi baths voicet-audciar, pt-r- nol do licIter lien te take tIse C., B. & we-e losere last year by lte depreda- House. ip u lnwuc adyfuifvr i TiiLime-ia phîlsi-ciapîupuliin ftounu gs W.âae iufimc-med tint It olcyN uddlre lwas ohy1cary- fra ce a n Pal aetdi ensape . al' 10 t senes of sensnaliy, from i which ]y wiretcledcss eau flow. Tie pro. cers Of innoet amusemients aud e- iion for the people are, then, biens- torso cf lîir fellowmen. EUSDAIOx o,F TiiREE HvRs Xffl ANDI) DcuRîrTUrîO2. - Tree ve, pril 271i.-Tlbe Lakeice',s, giug dow uà in great',q usautitie s *ou ith I tI i slh or o- a . T h e. w ater is'in t 1 . - M r u r t f ar i , a m i le a ù d a Ifacres iscuurtry, sd up bibth. ýket square lu ii. beart of tie, ity. i.owpr pari of OicCity ie floo(jed nip te snhbslF, anti, the bulildinsin l d- part f the City auci long the. r sie are lim imine(nt dne frocn Laite ice, sloultije.wind hngr Sfoenfion sui McLeod were inar with Young famileg, and the. grosa ~sympathy is feit by th. inliabitants tiie dialressed widows, motliers andc Ai fquest was convenedl by Corc Carrol at three p. ni., to inveszigatýe cause of the. disaster, and the jury viewed lthe bodies atjounud illUo-ec rweveningat soyen o'clock. Tihe ostimate od bas ibietweoný sud three tliousatid dollars. Thse Bank of Englaind'Forgerice BjECOVEET F A QUARTER 0OF A XmI UiNITZD STATES BONDS. Tihe recovery cf nearly a quarter million dollars cf Unitetl. States bai which liait been obtiéined by MeDan alias BTiwell, and associaes, lan late Bank f.Engaid frgeries, macle t-day. The- facts concert which are as follews- On tlie 5th f ýarcli last, a tri said to coniain wearing apparel, ani in U"e, was delivereci ai lhe ci cf the Northi Atlantic Express C, pany, -NO. 4 Moctrgate street, Loni by a periton calling Iiimself C. Lossi of Tunbridge Welsi Englauc,,ad resed to "Major Gerge atie New York. To be kept inu'bond ai express office, 71 Broadway, New Y ntil ealled for»" 1The truuk was duly forwarded te express compauy, and roaclied N York by the steamship Cuba, wlich rived Mardli 20, anti was 'kept in bo by lhe Company as per intructions t Saturday st, wen a womnau c ing lerself Mrs. George Mattbiews, r sented an order for its dlelivery at express office, duly si,,ueci 'Geo Mattbews. Inuthe meantime counsel for tiie Bank of Eug-lad 1 receiveti some information iu regard lb. trunk, whicb led to its deteut .y the cmpany until to-day, whiei was taken possession el undler an or, of lhe Supremne Court by Natliac2 Jarvis, Et;q., Receiver in the Bik Eriglani fc;rgeryv case, and on bei opeuedc and examiuedl was fonudi coutain g qiqnOty et weariug appai clhi anîl iii use ,ts<%o golti watches, s eral miscellneous articles and th: packages of ihve twer, ty andi ten-fo, bonds, rolled up in soile. liuen,'amou ing lu ail te 6259,6,'I The boids were fouriel to bli identi in class, amonus, and ùrîte.'WrS w thoes advertsed ly te batk sf Et land 10 ave been baiîed by tle.1B Weil forgierics, sia n th ile lnnk wý ound carde arii card plate witlî the navc of George Bidwell, a variety of nier oranda, buis. &c., slowng conclsive bhat t liad been slipped by anci belon ici te hutu. O t Oe t h e J ) 0 0 obt i ued f -o: lie Banli of Euglinîi by tîtese forgeri alI but about 88,)00 bias iow beei r. covered. INCEieL4,tIr FRims.-Sairia. April 2: -On Satiirday niglîl. about elere O"dock, a tire broke ount inithe baru t t B. . P. Watson. 'The ames it creaseil very fast, compleely evelol ug thp barn. TIie grealest exerioi v-re macle ly Ite citizes te save Mi Waso's bouse, flic bouse of Jndlg obisou anti oliher adjacent biiiliingî and i îey were kept free front tb. lir anilO lhe stain tire enine commence so work. Tle steamer playeci on th barn in good style and soon drowue, Dut tIie tire. It is reporecllthat sori soundrel uktiown dî lite bîse wlil Ui. esîgine wccs plavinz on lthe tire rhie mnakes the fftb ire in Sarnii ithin ee week, every ee of teu riginating in a ban. lînnediateli rfter tIhe ire c . Saturcay nîg-lit a nutn r of citizens orgaiiized tlienseeplve nle a niglt patiol. Ou Suncay iiglîr inotlie.r ire wcce attenliptel on the lîcrr )fSîerif Flinitf, but furtulntely il vas diseovered iu imie 10 brevest aiti caiage. Kirosene nl l iatl been poureîl en the bocrdleanti tien lilied. To. ly tle Mîycr issquei a proearnatioîc fericg $500) rewarLl for the detcctioi f te incesdiaries. Tiis eueingu irge meeting of lb. ciizens was bell the. Town Hall, tie Mayor in the hair, for le pinpose of organizing a ertianenl Vigilance Committe. Ev. ry pereon turnac ont. A large pa-roI el ut to-iniglt and will be coniiîued ty le people for soce weeks. The excite- ieut ini town jeinitense. SUIC&DE Os'EAiL Dz LA WAa.-Tlie Ie as infonîn'cl us of tihe suicide the. igt IHonorable Earl De La îarr, outhe 2rd imc. Charles Rieb- i- Sackville West, Earl De La Warr, ad Vsmuent Cauiluye, C*; BL., ws a ljor-General inite British Arniy, an tes ti ,àa 'I ]gh c und a be c and ti mn. 2% tut hi ind n !rat 1' 5LW'- ra.cuutung sd .1dismutng, Ih&eWou lcdlopt aliuntiug saelle. sud no .valis lmvo sbould ble.éarrie<l on'lte bors. . For officora ho woaid select-i wha rode 'well, bildgood, eyeightl.mvs teady',%if.reliaaî, eouid baîkat les one foreiga laug-uage. isti obtaitteà ONfirst-clsmscertificate 'at Zu'tie, - cot s ketch" bboreagll, and -gaue 'tiroci s short course of eecrie telAgrapItyai ofta wexe a goad reglmerctai. office"a. TI nie laàon-commissioued' afficex. shouiti1 inel, activé, intelligrent yoang meni, witI the first.ciass certificate cf etincablon, ai wss lIce coltiiers sîmoalci ho smsrt, i'teilige iug susail men, firsl-clasasiihots, sud wh tiid*-css " certifiçate -of, eciecatio unk Thte psy shiomillie liat cf cavalry, I aid berses sud saddui.ry W*'i4 c .foui lice for lie efficers, sud extra psyesitar o»u- lie.givea ýto both '-nan-eoràinii Ian, officers sud privatea wimo.possesseti fi: iag, sud second css certificatsof etine ad-. lion, since educatin ould lue spécial >ws, valuabie cn Iheir àdaleetservice. the fous' suci compaules as ha propose -ot wero raiscd, two 'wonld hai ah Alde siotî, one aI Sharuc'ilffe, au-i- one hv inelauti; sud wlsen once tlidschen ,ew was alarteci tie expeusa miglitlihaecel as'- omifiet by cmlllug dowa lie: battalioîi )nd'_ staff. un- H.e aviaed thtthlerifle shaid'1 la- carrii oven lie bacit, hecauce tie mi )r e - e ly fir e d a te r i s i o u t Sn g , s u d i lie sttacbiing lie weap6n ou hie body, au rge noltealie herse, il wae slways at hani lie andti Ic rilleinan conlel net le rends-rt cati hiers de combat in case et lis hors.efN 1 le ing- or - galIoping off. as was oflen 1hi ion case miti dlamonnled dtlaooni an s il tiuein carbines. -Que sdvsnlsg;e of Il -er car le propcssed was liati u offereti iel mmci les. excessive means of carryin et men tian usouSuing, hei n ou orsýj [ng Inuthliceiterastiug diiscussion whicIs fq] te iowed Colonel Wood'c lecture, Sm HTop rl, Grant, Colonel Jiowers,, Lord Wesl ;ev- minees, SirThmaa-'Aeland, Las, ree E'clîo, sud' 'othsers botk part. Tbs-î ny wene différence of, Opinion, as ta lic lut- engauizatieu suni duties oet unte niflemen, but al.liae apeakers a-greei cal ltaItiser. wen. slrcng neasous lc itîs atlding sucli a camps te lie amy d- WaEcsc Or'TEE ATLANMTIC-DWEI reAT WOai.-A special frein Halifax say t,'lt Fritîay mas tha firt day for ~- mtk tutat livers were aile ta expIasi ly 1 wneki of the Atlautic. The duvet g- repu. utthUe corpees jammed ameur i itca n ua buîleouis andutidmescnlhabll lhsose obit, ludtioua are me moyei. Th, be-lies ofonana n deue wema ws-ro recoveretl'on 1, 'iday. Stray fragmeuli of ot nggsgc anti freigit are constassîl: 3n corniug aselore, %.)ny two perrons ro- of usciutamaitinte tlterecovery oet lii h iocies of relatives, vi.:Mr. Dorr, ao p'Vermout, anci Mr. Weliis' , e o s ton. Tise docks of the At2 'ute wene t. le b hown awsy onSslurdls3o, -wien ic 'e oulci epossible la recover a pat' stien, if nol al, of the 200 boclioL'eh tiee. le SENATE Os' THE UsxvEnsn'y or' To. id EONTO.-His ExceIlency lie Lieulen- ie aut-Governor lias iscen pheèacec ta make me l olowing appoiutmeuts, viz.- - Tue Hou., William MeM(aster, lise a nTou. Joic Welliington Gwyuzce, lise t Hon. George Brown; Dassiel Wýilson, yEs;q., LL. D., limeRev.-Bsniel James l- McDouuci, B D., Goilwin 'Siniti, Esq. s M. A.,ofetIs cily of Toronto; John ýt blcKeown, Ee.q.. M. A., efthlecity of ci Hamuilton; Cussimir Sîsuisians tIzows- tki, E-q., C. E., sud John Mactdonald, yEsq., cf lte City et Toronto, tale b 1 ntiiere of lIse Scuale oethle Univer- sity etf Tenante. TIaRF.tPcs-Nc THÉs JîsoEa. - The New York pipera hell iew Recerdler Hackett callil on Supenuendeul kel- Sso, sud showpd' saverai more lettors Lthreatcung bis lite, anti alsa statet laI on Fridsy afiernoon the usosl abomina- ble filthli sud stenes werc lihrc wuaI is tuonse turing bis absence. Captn Bunmien n'as instmncted ta caves' lte neigrhbousnieood of Na. 72 Part avenue miltofficers'- lu plaiu chotices, sud Central Office Jets-clives have been detailedti hobot afte the ruffians. The Recorder la tue besi siiol lu lie Unitedi States, 'anti if ever lue gels s chance ah eue ofthtes, ruffians hie fate is. seaied. Ius Trelaucithi. DublnGazette cou- laine a notice thuat lice Lord Lieutenant offers s rewand of £100 tonrlte arrest cf' tIse penson or persans wriling or seuci-ý ing tlremteniug letté+s 1 tf r. -Justice Lamvsom, wlto-nccentiy prcsimled ah bise Ceunty AutrnitAasz±es." This hieofJuin Fenatîez, lie scene n li ben ceeci leaacobo...cfGeninane tured, theY muchnlarml neigiborsom search. Mr. -r '-""a "i il 1 1 1 me e d to o te cuse., uThe leahfr on- little Elvina Coates, -wbich contiuuedl c s 1ýyr twenty-oee<laya. had been relia. 0qusîiaed. Àflorward, a anupasslug au ba old* "prospectiug hale," 12 fort deep, 6 sun fest in diameter, sud filled wtli water k bt wfthiu one foot cf the top, saw what 6d appaared tb ha a baunde floaliug oau tse td, suirface. RHo-,tbought cI the missiug rd girl; sud diâmounted * It was a burlap Il- sack, snch as ia used for grafin. Ho lie puleci at il, sud fouisd s, huian head md lu the. sacit. ;ho . He rode' rapidly away, aud tbld what a ho had seesi. The. coroner camp, sud a' tg great mauy- people, came with hlm. sa. Tii. sacit was laton frouthe water, 41_ sud coutaiued tise body cf Vina Cates. c.e Tiiere wvere no markis cf violence or t- outrage on tlbe-bocIy. The sack ýwas AJ irawu over lie.-iead sud draw tiigit; re abaut lthe waist with a coul. It fitted le clrcsely t tse hotiy -sud shoulders. lb ed' was msrked H.H.S., tie initiais cf Mr. ed H. H. Smith, a userchlant aI Nt-wcastbe,, or lime, or four miles off, whose clerks swore tiey iad said many sncb sacits, but ,ihadl never sold ona ta Contes- SMany people lite- viciuity had suci Ys Raks, scthbesacits revealed uothiug but u.altIle Vina C-ates', sunshiuy hair sud e lifelese bady.- The bady was' rezuoved Tste Gnld -Hill sud examiued, but neo post lemrtein was made. Tii. verdict waq : e 'Deah by saine cause usîkuown b lihe ti jury." he Teeeo v::c:otfies of uhese ýt salisfactory, sud aIl coulraicl Ilicin- selves before a solution is reached. One 'y s liaI Ceaies drewned. lis .daughler, 0-but the girl's body wss found in a sec- leIded spot about a mile from lier usual pati le sud frein ler, broher's sheep cote, sud a mile from bler home.-sud itCeaies hlusseif was 100 weak ta have drsrged lier me fur - eut cf -thei.way. Anoîher is liaI seeing her fthi with -na switlbi site foared bis auger sud pun. shme-ut, sud rau sway sud drowned lierseif. SIillsuellier, liaI outrage ni- on, ber person wasateupted, sud tise çillain,-failiug in s desigus, drewa- uni lu 'd. ut h did lie girl on Ibis 0occahn ire lier lutIle broher ho stay at bou Ressuas MAras-or mous pasl,*Itis popular aut. -reliable 'pullisi erg, Messrs., HunIer ,ua' Ca.,' of Hins- dale, N. H., Lave beois snuoyed and, disîuayed aI lieimmense lsi of val- uabie bIterA wisicu were daily -1ccIrr- îug. MideI hle chief Dw-tective -'ud lwa special P. O. Agents, they have a1, last lie satisfaction of seéiug tie thiief [-s niglît olerk lu lie Boston P. Q.- 'hehibd lice bars,' antd ho bas eufeesed aIl. Messrs. H.- & Cos 'lasses Ihave-, been enorinous ; in fact, no exact es-- Ilinate cau at present ho made. The,- hief carefuily examined, aidled by a- ighl, every letton, sud bait every .one- thuat contsined moue!. Ho was cauglit lu tse act sud arrested. and,) if hp gets_ Ihie dues, will board wihh e State fer' fram five fo ten years. -Meautime the- prospergtue business of Hunter & Ce. zoos on wihh'uts usu-al euergvy, prompt. itou.suad care, sud those wlîe have lost uccney by mail will now sec juat wluere tL weut , sud avoid giviug theMilme bo houest persous. A MI xSÃ"TA STRoax.-,The Governor of Minne-sotStates, in s MessajZe ho lie LgisiahUure, i bas been ascrtaied tiat 70 persans bast heir lives in the severe euowstorm en the 7tb, Stc, sud 9tu cf Jauuary, sud tiat 81 ether per. sens last, wially or partiy, hhieir bîs or feet Tiecasualbies occu-rred ebiifly in uewly settled distric4 without wel. definei road s, sud wlticout fonce. orm land-msarkj ta ensile a person lost in a #tnowstoýrm lt-c tiud hi& way ta siselter. Tii. degrea cf cold was not intensct,'but its effect wal- aggravatedl by tse 'lon' ýéiuration of the storm, hb uge;, and by the reat force of tse wind. ANOrTiES TERRIBLE BATTLE wrTSX TEE MotD0cs I-A depat-ci from Sau ýFrau- iclao Â'pr-l l 11,aaysthiat a courier bas juslsrved sund reports titat ascoîber terriblè battis bas besu fouglt ith Ictise tfodocs, la wiici 19 of.-ocur«mon were- kilil, iuclu.ding Capt. Thomais, Lieut. Howe. sud Lieut. Wrighst. 23 'are weuuded, sud othtrs are missing.. A YouugMinsu umed Hsrgravea, impbaye] as car sweeper on the. Gréâat lVester Bailway, tbk a severe fit cf

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