Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1873, p. 3

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And Wborea. the. emouats ta b. r-4lsel an.y nual, byor e fOýýPainathe ehtWberea. William1D. Hepbnrii, ofMî an trm nuiedUXde tisB.t W of Guelph, lu lin Provsve aiOnt am autoaow - toentablsh -aCompany ni For te . follous %of Wn.D,- Eeplosr>s &Co., 1871, 150 0 -88, 50 tlng wlth blusaslfa partuer bim 1874, 2760 1886: 77 0 JohnRqbrp o f a!e tahlhge o na 1876, 280 1887, 760 hb 1877, 20 1887, OMîi60 thehing andooli 179, 07 60 190A 40w1e O II.-estale Cot M 2 Maatnaroerail niema 1878, 180 182I17i6D 1879. (37 bti aioua !tewiî Ate d- payabl anualy, nrlu t at aIunnt, -Ã"2i nte a 1 5 9 1 , $ 2 8 7 bO k o r t i o a so!l d & i d n d 'o s j; o o 2acisenî ritiea sjyhon <&:su niet8w , dollars (89899); anniv ua >'opllalr t e for A 1siw her aa [ . ex stt g ais et - < m i deb u d u r s î n eIbi s Bya À-&oratnef iaMonof teWilyrate &â asn nt*mye Dble nlra ptiuroBy. 187, $150 , 1884, $89ea po lain egratingbo nus tah h.18, U $542rte5o0si 1er8en, $87 PIoStWilbntrl Partsi Ferry 1875Pay7b80, - 1888, 888 DiebYtentesael for h daresd A1nd7 w ien te oalA,. < 180 > b Ad wbaenute s8i;lo~tin çd d ,t &Dintenat >, 189i0 8 forstiaesluRalie>'Cor. t8,h $5250 181,02 Debentures is eudrB-187891, 503700, 1894, 827 paan . bnu t ti1874, Vi26 0, 1898, $26' F18, EngluByia.por ,800 1888,* 07 50, I ,U Debintue ledorisaesne nlm"ees i stna !'W ii 'CesFisEgiBas,..01,400 ab1878p,.,,M di lmun #317~t Debentures sean, BTae M b 67 aorln50t i pehool............... $9,00 ni8nL 7 t0e2Co72lforhu Dehenlures iusuel uner Pairitney 0n2e dolars Note o ae o! laIe ..i.....p. 1688s@ 7 lies MOêtBr<en1u O 2,000 Dne bennd lureeisue ofute B - Notes aI-pre ntaân o laie grantn1s4bonus taAli Bsuk ~~~rt W 0hthe u at er er 1ilrsIscsue ] y-iie, uDeetures sul rahrsl GrondImroenens .....# '1 Adeheueh1tab ue TotalsxloEat e b lt . 08 ,7 0 fr ia e u Ris g ea>' Ca UéBien.... .$2,00 unip>'.........o..... Ailesd dbnteà'a* nta nes e teDebentnreslissued un,erStBau rak..... ateu i e ciîipr uu, - Pr ngin, l-aie.u o z aîîl a at hcf lie pinipl riner Dhores teb. IsndePot r eboluneardre.bet ý StaPire ECmpnley -lae... dsIs'ereas ie annuai, ecisi rate-l te Deheuures Issued funlhae tin oa, laditin et aIl.o.lier.rate,7fo0 iasforHar igi nul PCbic. AUth Cie ntstaea erincialnu Phart ... .......... as ..syrespci ely bethe y. Deheuitures issest nier SPai ahtcmer 0 sDlasix iPer l rqaire <qperGrauued Imire vernýls.ý ... as d fol pri f h icplo-sintr, Nottees tate a! lanerg For hlntlb, yea ofpricipl.ad McBrols................. î1878, .0217 Miii, 1I3Pm, .01068Mil. Notes diecountel at Ontario 1874, .0788 " ît30, .0,45 < Ba-nk.................. 1876, .0761 180.02 To meet whieh lie Ireasurer 180,.0789 1887, -.05W0dé hlls unmaîl dehautitres un- 1877, .0718 1888, .0180 < - d1er Hîçh lichoal Xy-laie, a. 1878, .06 " 1889, .0458 ii nountîng tu 420 lh179, .0075 1890, - .04817 d 1880, .0 î8 " 1891, .0415 il Total existlng ahlb..... 6 1881, .0681 '18dé 9v, .0oà8oaAUl lie dehautures hear luteresî st 1882, .9 1893, .0872 rate c!fmsix per centnm, p'-r ana lffl, 0587 nul mo part efthle prinicipie or il est is un arrears. *- Bell liherefore encceil by tlie Municipal AndI iereas the annuai sapecial rate, Conneit cf1tti, Corperation cf1lih, Towen the dollar, for pa.l'ng the~ instalmen, o! Whtiby- the prineipai sud intereet hhereon ast * Tiat tic Ma yor iiil cause la Le prepared res>uctivety beturne payable ws-ilrcî, and made Dbiturem o!fitis Corporation lo be as >toie5w: for sach sums cf moue,.sais>' Lecrequir. Fore year- el, uîo debenture taulic for s legsesum thum 1873, .0217 null. 1884, .0506n one hinutrel doliars, ani thtt elîoîe net te 1874, .0789. 183ly 0,545 o!edte nm0 lise titousanit dollar., 1875, .0761 1881, .053 and thal tie saiti debsntnres lial! he ceai: 811 079" 1887, W&32 I wtth lte seat cof tuis Corporation and 1877, .07183 O1* 1888î, .0480 signel lis Mayor, anul eunteruignet 1878, .0696 " *18 1(, .0458 by he eadurer of theMnipitiy sund 1879, .0675 1890,.07 parel and ssued titat ait eq lan of 1881, .0681 :: 1892,.039 tw--uicre 4dfit i a hll e. 1882, o» 091893, .0372 aome dueand Udybe On te thitieti day 1888, .05687 Id 4 ci Julie lu eacl01uthtiilseut>' yearsue. Be iltierefore enstel b>' the Muniei eeeding tire date an sshitrti <hie by-tsie CounIcul O!the, Corporation o! the Tai all take eefet sud corne mu epertian; Whitby, * hel ever>' lebsuture go lesuel sualit have Tiat tic Mayor shahl cause to Le prepui internest Coîîpoîus attacifd, ueiîti interest aud made delîctures of thitsCorporat psyable hait ex , bu the Thirtlî,îh day for suci sumo of mee'asunia>' be requ et Decernier su Tliîrtîchh day et Julie, et; ne debetîture te bu forsa lems auneth lu -eaci year duriug te centienuce o! oue, hinnîreit dollars, anud tte shele tce te sai J ebettures, lie int5rcstft e LetaIexceel the suai cf Pive Tieusaut bull te rate cf six per ccitt per anumannids anîd tint lie siI debenceresehliail Le se te ieioie o!flte debenturs-, sud ints-rest ed wlthî the seal uft<ils Corporation,a Coupons ta Le tmade pial'ble mtlte Office signcd lis- lIe Mayor, sud couuteraig. of tie Ontario iBank, in Toronto. b>' lie Tressurer oft <i» le uucipality, a That nr th urpoe of 'd deheu tient tue saId debentures shahL cepa turs ad J itel eTontiiere sîsl aned icmee; <bat an equsi amout a! T, ha levied asuaIntl,it additlion te ail ettier hundred asud if <y dollars shall icor rae pn h h rtaipreperty o!f ne s and Payableu heThirtiti la,> Oitnrequtret ne e-h f y rarestuccùe fer eseî ycar, si steve roeild <. gcedatete.~ic i~cB-ses spcai anài aesieeibfee.heu talie efectIaudconte inca operatien ; th -*ta "be. requireti, iîlcatit yrar during lte ever>' debsuture se i8see shaîl havei contlnuance of lie sait debeiutre, ar teret coupons attsedi,-wti interest pa -n 01 t n'Mhema. able af-ycarly aun<the 9tliday <ufDecc, *- .fathee .alichdeenures ta îtheamanu bt-of autd 0the ta>' cyo! Jund e lu cdi > âetosrddlasshall Le ianded o teciret'o!si dbu - * a li afeessi Caîtan' cfCah thes tii uterest ta Le at lte rate of stx1) -tu he formai Cori ay o Colin cenlum, per annnu, aud the .vhle ci! i - . Brother, or teir arcer, oui <le folloîs-nug .lletrssdltre epu - - ermsans eonilliuc.macle payable sI the Ofince cf <lie Outa. 1.±ýTlî, sid Conipany' cf Collinesd& BrotherlBank, in Toronto. sisii purchase or precure a plaot i auid, That fer the purpoeeof payiugtghle siI d nat les tIlu alaf au acre lu a locahit>' SO- beutures anuithti inîcreet thereon, thi wrtabiel i oncla.iebe ! shali b, levied annuahi>', lu addition tue w-h ael Cmpnhy.l rcttero otier rates, upan ail the ratahle prepert br-ikiligCrtpau ehal ofrcaricrona in itis Muettipalit>' the ameuts require hrlk btllîm fr tmepuros o!caryiug fertaeci year as above recitel, aud t. an the manufacture etf<tecks, dc., sald special aunual raies herelubefor, siiow -* building'lu Le cf surhimrensions, and 01utotabc requirel inu eci ycsr, itnmng th suri a pan as -wtll Le acceptable b>' the cOuiilunce 0f lie debeeîturee, or an>'c :1s14 Municipal Ceendil cf tie Tuown of them. Wlttby -,lie buildineg tu rosI uot legs tian That the said debentures, te lie arnountc - fi,. theussul dollars exclusive et engine Five Tieusaul dollars sinl L e baudi machiner>', or inivarîl llltiug np. Over ta the atoe8eail. Wiilam D. Hepburu O.-TihesiICemny abosii b>' a bond, est- &c Ca., asc a bonus ta ail anui assîst tiie. < istactac-y lu lie CQunel cf tis Taisn cf in cstulshing anditnantsiniug wiîhi. - Whllhy,*covenaut sud ,agree ta carry ou lielimite ef the Tu-n ,o! Whltby <Il and maintain in ssiît premises tJbuel- business o! Whaeesle Bout sud Sitý nese o-nisufacturing dlocks, &'c, for a Manufacturera, secseu as <Le sata Wrli& * petiod of ual lems than teu yesrs, troanui D. Hepburn &c Ca. ehail have entercit a; ne.th1rle.ce-ipl-b' te iotcp- __ rt iepss- sona!li- rei.s c.m. cuiege i II begrahei b> tusCororaion Julie lu ths' current ycar A. D. 1873. le them raid Company' ou account cf saiti Tint for lie pnnpeee of takiiig lie voles o! niigage lae<lie calent cf five muntrcd tic qualifiel electeors cf thc Munîcipality> dollars ler aruiun, fer eveZry er lug of tic Taiencf Whitbyviiose asse,ho emi-opdn tet rsinOt,7 li al omp> fi l sdcar. luis BY-laa- is reqîirel, sud of astertain. th ries a'hir bdt.us ulplLge l lsucit a"set, a POilshal L e opened, se- tis4 e frtrei bnace h d ra1crlin5 te aie, in lie Forth WarI in tue - I 4I OfmCiriense&Bt-e ha le i Ce- Mechanice' Inettute Hall, ou PRII)AY, epn>' f Citine dcBr tatonhe n t h e ex. lie n dDa fMa>', instant, at FIne pteoil friouîiipltxtono ie o t he cforencOn, anulHeur>' Han- pte icaopert el tay Oe inim, sud on nain le iereby appintel tea nt as lieluru. di e caredrive i emthe business o! ing Olicer for saId Wrl - lu lie Centre Maus'afArn l ocks,, & fer a tarin cf Warl, iu the Towen Hsll, un lie mad die ercfei ief a eu W!tii.T enythirl day Of Ma>' instant, aI Flue hy-lsie.o'clock lu the foreuaeu, sund Geo. Toung Tiu eatlion hy-asaltect acame Sithtilaîshereh>' aPponled.teacse as lie- intaopeaila cu i trietii day of e, turmîme6ffleer for ssid Wrld ile luy creu er, A. W 1878., * - th &rd at J amCueron s vacant TitfrCeProse oftlakiug tha votes o! niuse, a-est side o! ]RichmiendiSreo hiequhifet e cler c cm s i<it' *t e 'Tweuty.tird day of Ma>' instant, of te Tua-n cfWbitly>,t iehose n,,C,aBsent y -aI Fine .lock lu the forenon, auIJs Ibis B y-laie lurequired, nul cf aseertain. Caninlehereb>' appalutemi l a at as lug uci asent, a polileliail ha openeci se_ ' Rtuniug O081cer for sid WarJ. c ording ta laie in lb, Nortii Ward et theFilst publied tMa>', 1878- 3 *lchamulca' Inlilute Hail on FIDAT - t] 02ac Dy f AYX ,1873, at Nine NO0 T ICE O'lkin te u dfOreon, and erge in- teefl a tmrs aicîu Xon tai i s iîereby a ted' lat u e s-sper,ie laie cfhe IOiicfre pya seilurnugOffic er for ssiI Wd-i the centreli aoon sone li day o! M ba>A. 'cM -late T-c Meown d 1 r11 , au e e nocondr tio theMuni cipalt afl on et lie salI Ta-snsîy-toiirlMayut>, A. . 8htIatb'we taon e nh the int pn cs 18M a ine a'clock int e f orenon, dGog ie o nulENTHiRD DAiY 0FMAYC 1Jn ri amp eilj,;reby spuiteél st n&e V i , -the teW f-ihfr ulc, eas lteturng Offîer fer salI War;atienA.M.18aI n te ihhdyo aA 167isI publiie lo Ms>, t1878. lu nd'FIDYTuE ToaiW 'iE k l li O renYOF n JamesCampell i herbyplacese tec Amue North, , ri <.w. i ~ - ---r 187, 670, lm, FO, Y1Efl1e8 fl (.t and.Nehavekap8. lie T Q t8 6 1 2 50, 18Kw 1 zeg n e r i~ na i l t h e N e e 8 t ,i o.9.~ ,hown .1882, IM 50, 18m: 570 br t , ' 1878 , # 4 -2 0, 1" 9 Â D I U ~ ~< L ê Intanlu& Ând h.rea e ina altl eti. wiole ats 18,W25,1 byte, ee acorJn t t.l. y, l 1nainng Andl wheres e s.moutnof te wh gee 3 e l l v n o as u e t iua A nMtit a b e p x c i p a ty iso a th oe : A rn l b . o boo fit eU , * Town DbnVtb e andin& e last everthîgA LsuItFse rtEP.nsnAsITMvbEaN Te o. *hi Cor Portu W biSM etb ro l and Port Perry U pnd tIea _ lwae y r c t-$4ad'ou b ndreda d0> Debe01 nun tnnesidoll rs hrsl LAN4< for ebares in Bailway ;eCAsot- Deotrsisednxider ?Yt.am P 250, Ftes i. By laie . a s itbl f$r th sà,nu, tsposile à in th te attl, Debentresto b.a ionsued ute 750, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ evr - eetuerus LnerH ~ ~ - r25u, laeFor igli sud rtPeIjo mv, U ad itti' f & s; uaj O .d 7ala 50,p& Sho.. ........... 02,800 2 0 bebentures s l oedrPi lIV, a oreteesatas lI sueh Tak muc plea8re3 Mciin .. .. ........ .2, 0 d me O ntrngto su ,200 . g tile ir <00 les r., md i nddbentures teb à u n-;lý Seil an d r ehoiiy B-la 81a. M PHER TONS BL O ,GAI h. aat0 Al edebennres e ar intrsîa h anotart o tii. pronal or inter.uh laûr nin h 1 estin ;jurears. D R Y 0infa a at nk4O reeemte au n l ecal rtsi O Wil a gve a ti, RI L S ED o 04,0 tii edllr, Wor pa1 n te . ntr a e nt o O D A N D CsREtandRD Y EV N G 4ttM Y 10 t ii: prncinl d di nt uresth uen te W ad t ée as fll os lFra-cas Msiawllbprai-d 1378, .ad7me iii, 18&4,29 .. .O ml..THEdbto AU8nî C c A2U0 18 he, .078" 188s , .0a 5 in.ereS. postsA nprGRA mN e 187eof3, x .0701 tm,'" 1886 =n, W eoe hin ave f ewd ou wt a archoace varied tock4nAd0ho87 1877, o part of the princitlesafoaiesterts i$ nts e2,80 18. inL O T H N G A D E O O D E R UR O ENTED T CONULÂ T w02,000 1882, .009 183,c.037 raAes uuin, inthe lat s tdsAND nsh R oCE We woul Noicl he rieh>gthe DILL Intfri, con. 18edoa, for p7 " ng thnenctalo!nSs T CuWo te Pi ci et lie dTite hren cf aïhîtby-SAniTUretdAy ,VC noe g ency MAtY. re-Pc nioy e e py a m bl e lrequier li ae edote as tio o nhuîdcddolas,1 WI' ifitcnarlo M asic bilding. ovied $9,00a0 î F or t e eedngl tew)clethsOUtyAR IL LIb, 1873. 18 A. A. â O O Spl a liqudN, o 02 8ë >1f378, lue ae .0217 s, ai 1 8 that6 il.hi h d btosa i à, C n u ., .n 187à, .0e6ie186tuW is eho p enbieaseateay swits er<handeagtm m e t M a o r a n1 8 87tc e i u . y l T r a s r .W l i t y j r l 5 , 1 8 7 . C'7 lul r fjli Mii' iMpaStyesoaLadiehat ticnd-Bnaets 18 o2n00 liesuaihintheietlt s day nof' Noiceis hlu eachv otht focth.cî, ihewcey sc.0387 r ntu daesohrOtHntER V ol'radalpr o netto er tionhact e very debtentr,.d ion1 t..itI. laresoko Cnda wed n ON vnec fShpes r seisulshh hae l t he MC u cp a l oi naI-ea oslr gnyo thcrr te To cf hit,,1I eaijlbeet~Unitteider Stateuofly of Faas béîov<blirs ed it pleplae,îndtst th sae uCSb es t a h rat <if ne s m e re u pr L rt ae - e'no lss Bitonkendr, dllrses & Wei,,Ap' M0tU.173.WHIceOtEi, BaM uSiAldion.c 6 nn,700 and l <ctlig te whol the eenue 1 the aie f n t ant to . a D I R E C T F R O M E N G L A N D t E h a o i o rz s a h i e m i ter tofethiiCopratione ndpsyined dehe- Api 9 rl 0, 1873. 18 tarcsad te îniiest <lercon the r set stc o ou l e in e i i he rateal preperdy cf lie <sP owde ltsk, uicasd efir herîespedi vlu. , ýt e dbnueshewn tbe requreai u e han usat un e set fitnue thefehccial raes asd AWIAITBY À T.À aure f y larsne8 tii. c e uean e h d bleJ cal. d en tu e or a y fJ e in JAS PR NGLf . PRORTHER tehuer twi etu fresajit" Mudg te sdaroi sild wood tin oîiy ' asha s buie an ad lcsltce, ute ine, u mlecmpoe suse.HALLunn Egiei weitttd psape emefr o meca rei eu seith oerin etaliting aud man. wuî,lea, at als ptt, las,&c tavllre w o tiîle <lic a iuave trtu pousnssa-O nie isithîn th iterc e ioe halfty, o rl CU1 cf oni the Thtlîe te d a of<l em<u e ree ud STOVEsrei anr.un*, smooth ycareing, spenid ha- ASMAY <L FARM MAYFOR d under tuethelYo:ee L kers.ifteuJuniootherit til cu-Tu e nf.îree id 4 r trte ne r- Srick Muofilge ehalipeme ts S adsiS Nvesw fo-, R sale, salfmc en sinL est te e tetteo sixpe ent um erWeHbITEi,.l, ,, riai....'. c.s..:. ay. um C q r an teîi n c eh , e the e en cîl day . rei l e vlla e f D ff us' Cre kPe.,r and tieroiitert vlii e c malbîde ilnisîfi ts 2houmeln thRie d sth b 50'tiiG. T ar b hieh-fire xcuooraî rteroeh ntroBn , nT oa oIa s, hiu y,&c, tte"nte lepbu liiety. Tes frdche, t heleîofmm fil, c that fur th e isforeal of auy fi e ten-Aof c, 87.ly abu 26 crs re t earP t u e u u î u a c r t e f rg a t i e r, n , t ee hi e T w ,y e u h r e a u e c a d o i e ' r f w l b cc t e u i ei u e c i rit i tees i t ber t tha n tio fi d o u b lR O . e tecîcl fr it trees. h ea utiful place, a n rie 011 authe rli atCeiu rpeny ohf ltthe ii18 preprieturhse e )r herý$e sin dvau.OýYAr ih hsa ae>'frt, ngi! su r alit dateh ae a pi t al e lr d reacf aili .e s te.n a itic e n tmet forth ,an a the pc. -rtteebaaanR )tt rd TtiltislitCcr a sh ah, wbe eq i hin . at 7 per-cent. Y O T !cu- ebetuesorauyofthlu JA. re anain eLmE nts, PIETi Itr andty te a fr bein tureiegcf lie bcyaw Apply to i hecurty uidri il in : tcko i e bilie , heor sint l de u Yr Faaîcuacomdatiopan siatW . A pleO n d hne wo f rei u < iipnjyucas te burn&to<lie Toklths uthrgs u alcmlt suul lo eu-eE gih wl itdu apemisfrcm eca Ore te Bayelde, Ws f th s lthya ahi a y of the cfn<lie adt e m peeriet d RMSTRNGSTconclu-ootJcastigs, flendi ba K. GO FRON, SLE cfed uouerhsly cpluso lescdu e e rs ay n .I ItiTeterW1tby yal I- e a r e if r ui iii avet ge set ices Ap rils , a1878. 18 cnsstng of s ld ~u- Ti uc t he otaee fint on1h tesa lCi- ea x ecig afl up l fC id.e ' asi0a<w a h S IHET IB aml itn >y Coptinigccettiýtue the b us i ae r h ileslr ~~aReofLDun'CekPier Li ius xcf tes, o atic e tutoarsel ,. 2 lwy Teladchefycnsse l -c .a pu uie adbod ti ald redrieilEY T c1 IAifl h&.,Pl teCii cA!tedc> Tisbsrieroer fr ae ot, es iue s ha h btie afo e s d pay fo te of alluvial ..IVL~If l) J e cl o!Ry; al26aresqaneit>' o! pe a ufasc trofore eartc. i ti hosen an har leood o hrmieo nd th in m on eH te te Thi Cieeorpratio ulis pealter tdam- auJ a ha I eletedfrmil es. Aummt ation pc, a.nd bc may bt eptf oe ie.D. 83 fauAp 0 87.1 roreo ,obs a ort;dg i . *yo 2tlî-Tate cr.adtCmanyiipallCun . .R.R.F tutherp telae noie cia .d cilatne havee Wtticly o alia rcecsveî * L, C. onand heaL-lan e c de- <lies oibyet lis t idl ut oW.inihetaimlc eaid i it it e T of 8r.-Tn the uaad doas allabiiucss e a, ni eîaîe T 7fer ent au ati v e foincctthe irmaing ftring'erd 4Bth mot lsutv1 . 1e i binies, <lue at the sud aryie n icoshrs a epefci' ude wu Orgu aau o ertpat y ah beeu tldtu t>es o ~ u ai oos sla nearac Oittel iuOrrctin y i e h i b, abls e <cis ebeofîte sdf tits uorporatI on tisu.e.lOR ON Sent te an>' tddrfortheforc e0 cents.uO7 yer nud eru l>o-l ais,< leragount tiso DUF RT,178 1 P ed .- T u t inse th'e lienet dollt ars. Coin'- 00 ~ th . I tli of su s u d thei e en t il e e tii, Ân Ce ton cf ttsaid andtcf hidby Great barTheinsbin-Ener oh and Conadaan Lotth,, ('ut. le tualiet, ir<at 1< tn t hpel ,îtt a- , ,ani.~dRhlfmlS. FOOTE & SWARRENPU2.th 'e lui te ycai frin hiheue pasaug ofesls tond,'Noolns pone ] yl a b titi a to i pa n, ia hs inI..so h ' l e p- reY uset ite Caut s fai r.i5 30 j, o e uta d c à s a n e e a o s k e h î î y g o s Tha fo te prpoe f tkin te vtes01VO CAL. -Ae tic quahiOci1 s.l'ctors cf the Mbunicipaîity AT ir arae-syrN.--s jqk 80 Ma* oifrthe o c f htaking h ote s cf t ADDISON. beul Bow.Sce.B'Jî.8eti thisBy aw s rquied, ndefautifuin form!-Y Iresmes. Stewart 80 Iun1 igcf lient -n et haly, pe ed asst tsiîtby, April 2d, 1873. ilack lti te aid home. Sang &feCho. es80 thsiy a areurlsto acan. 17 Darling, weep neoliore, IlsiBays 85 108 suehtolacetin tsepoirh ae oenethe- * Do net weep se, sieter larllng. Son g80 Mcrtic sttellutelleForth Wrd aie Dou'tlforget ta write me. Sang&coCa8 Mecanits Iof tAtte Hall, an FiAI, ol we aur hands. sang or duet. Boildien 50 pacl e. eba cfMt, es tatast ie Gene ta ihesvenly garden. Sang, 85 oiiok l <le freni, ____________________________________________________Ifvon were I,would yon ? sang. Sha*auck 80 inanOic erefrb>' Wd; n, t heeure a.Kise meud l , ere we part. Stewart 80 ieg Office o il Wad;lu, etre ritue lIT' Litle Bli Nl.Song & Cho. TMe . 8 Twcnly-thirt day of MayÀjnstauî, ai Niue -Little'hDan. ag &Co. s o'ciockith le fîrenioon, aud Gea. Young - -PSlIJ1MANI)E- S Lard, ferever aa h o. aka Stt le fappintel t act as Re. MUem me, , Danki turning Officer or sad Ward; and lu the, Meâes ii tedel teat80 South Ward at James Cameroaevacant Myhboyacros. thses a. hose west etilRichmond stret on te II JmD Aog ays 405 Nine a1cicktu lie0oreuaiinesud homeein thOeT-outh.i Rays_ 40 SI said Teutyifr day of May intant,-0 a -A T 1- N S 1,SaSng &Cho. gays 85 Nie 'cokj te nenon ag. ams ny for yon. BallaI,-Diou Campbell if hereh>' appeluted toaa s~Ouir UtIle Pet. Song d& cho. ' eys 405 ol lieturulg Officer for al W ard. nRaig. 40' l T a < his 3y-law sall ta it effect sund c m e ~o Papa, st y bere. Tem e ruce So g. '19 40 w e al S a v e o n e b ri h t - r ie nî o m e e" 4 0 ino peration on the. Tiirtiech day o! We pra>'you sinhg liaIBong. Duet. 855 unue, it tus mrent ycsr, A. D. 1873. A. """PLETE STOCK I L lË Fwtto - hn1.& o Me Firat PLabliehed Su May', 1873. >ISRMNn ht. 0-T 1 C ,EPOLKAS-Suninkei, 3iin 8 CU; _ _ J) k 'E -S -S !Belle Mft5srataby Victor, 8k; May Floie. Taenotice thithlieabave ie s true cap>' o01L D) R *er y n propsel Jy-law siich i ielbe <sen 'a.ussoS wkmg~~ e ~ 1 Loto consideration by lis Municipal C un. all-waeig ite r ao LJ l cil after one menti l'rorn tie îrs publica- We8t .of England, Canadian, apd -Soc lt;&, c-bDý, ~ unn ti n th ereo f lu T im W r y C a l Cot G ia O P S ..by rison , c n eam t O n e w- s p sP e r , t d 4 t .o f W b ih i i r o t p u b li e - k e l, a C h r 4 c . * 5 5 l l ~ > ti n was on th i Eg t i o! ýfM a', A.D n1. A OP - h ri 1873, andl tintthle votes ofthe qitalfidl o MôFRN S IN G O S IOTIRiilnaG lm b>'Y 'ot Whuitliy usilbe tlken tiereon on BbYRmel 5 l, eysant FRIDAY, THE TWENTYT DDY FMY F EN.RY DESRIPTION. - A,'D. 1873, at nine ao'ciuck lu t]i fareno o n, DPRIMIN eteewha aoce ALZS-ýc aitaG -, eaLtt c; al the failowleg places, îtsuei, ~, ] e The. GROCERI- ARliýl, la ' i..ewiha hle zsý 8 North Warl inuthe Mechanies Intituute selection of Teas, Coffei~e, new fruit, fipiCes.. Lest toba'cc). 8o' ~- > ~ -- oua'th l ant' Goods at,&=ie1 b egîiratep - fkr Street, heing t l,in u hiiclt tis iaedefiring egtmaecompe~t - - - ofALoen PPoZ'__ m uni j~., i< .. _ inthe CasnO>'. À&iergaetO& of eau e&p. Mmfinery, Teiiorn&mitid Dxe=jm Tro ORDER, FRESH GRFOOER-IEI SAn eail>' eilsolicitei.- SPECIAL - ATTENTION! DIBECTED TO A' PURE 'NATIVE GRAPE WINE, Mfanufactureti aI Coovi:le, Ont., by a Freueh Iine. Mfauufaeture.. Il la more plessanutttan à larel, andi 1ai the vit.of a Pure Grape Wine. 01 50 per gallon. Fieve gallon lots at a reduel raie. R. H- JAMESON,,. - SOLE AGENT, WHÏTBY., -Aiea Agent,- for the Ceiebratd WffITR-W.-iEAT WHISKEY, aligil> rectifiaI Cinadian Liquar. - - Whitby, Marcit 26; 1878. 'o -I iAVI1NGS 00sy 'ursuant, ta tie Act of Parliament, 9h Vic- ler go, and Amenduuents. LOAN &%c Incoirporaed Februar>, 1873, 1 - <aria, Chept onnmanent F'lxed Capital $ 2501000. Payable cither et once, or b>' Montl' Instainuent. NewOW 17 May be ard -Agents f #1- 50 per sj Persoas nlumbeni [ANTOBA 42113 NORIIE- WEST EITOBIES. Aftle l 1h of -Junn.next, engat bAving throuhticketsss'il ae mig ront Toronto to Fotrt Garry, Manitoba, ah lie TORSOITa To PRixca-IUiTEa'oLAIIDD;o 3UT ieLT Aduslt, $;Clde underta'elve yeara cf age, bai! price, 150 Iuc. pereonal bajcgage fre. Extra baggage, 35 cents per 1O0 ha. P=iCE 53TK0a's L.s-simuxTO FORT 0135v. Emigant.810; Ciiidren-n&zdexle Men, !pice, 200 ILs. Par8onal baggage ts.- Extra htggse, $9.80 ler 100 lbs,. 'Eim s iaulti take tlir ai a iant. niLiever, ha furnished ai cosl price,ab Slebdo , Fort Frances, Iud lie NOrhWest Ane oflin Laite M Woods. nM Gies Tg rc FOsRs xxtOsAxrTT oBIaa Cen 1bail S t Toranloi at heStations af lia Norlefu, Great Western; aud Grand Traoul Bailys Emgat r e uestel la tle nte lin vegit fo thuenjn. F rsort on die~othea-te xxBcK-4n 1x eus. orlsuPOton Of i2,000 Ls WILLIAM. McGILL, Eeg., M. D.,. PREBIDET, EahPtece or package tain o!f couveuleni size ualexc*élln 8 i , lu ss'eigil, ai, W. F. OWAN, eg., îcx-P~<»~ -ta b, murn>'boum!or fastaneL~~ W- F' COWA, ESQ, VIC-PIMBDENTHoneas, O=xa, WAGSo a nd eaVsr T. N.GIBB, Ee., M P.,F. ~ - -ticlea, such acastings aud mhiner>', eau T.N IBE-,M . .W GLEN, Esq., be sent thro to t0h, saute point, on giving W. H.GIBE, Ee., M P., FRANCIS AE, Ee., M. D., du poice anti iakig spéei arrangpneuti A. S W HI ING EsQ, W if IIO AS, SQ.for li co vyance.cf le sane. A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o S. W I I G e . . H. T O A , E g a iines or spirtnous iquors sel be S. . LARKE, Eeg. takanoaver tie.note frau Prince Artiurs SitCxTsy-TKasaxa - -T. M. McMILLAN, EegÉ% yirein SoLona - LYMAN ENGLI8HEeg. F. BRAUN, R i m a - O N A R I O B A N . -D e p a r t m e n t o f P u b li e W o r k , * ~ Ottawa, March 201h, 1878. 7'me Company' la prepasiecite ailvance atone>' upon Town or Country Beal Estate, luins of 4200 and npa-aria, for frein twe ta hienty yeers; pa>'. Je u mopth>', quarteniy, half.yearly, or yearly instalments, (Ca suit lthe con. rp CBANCERY ieuce ofathe borrower), at ow rates of intere. The Company' is e sopré. N C]àAN. E E Y Itoreceive tieposita of $1 anti upsearle, ant i ll slow iaterest aitCite rate lIN auxe tix par cent., per aunuat upon tesaine. The Stock of the~ Company' beiug dgei a s eccurity for ail depositi. anti heing nder te, governnt of Dirc. * Weduesa>', lie Iti day c o! long expanience in business, Who are well kuosen te lie general commuai. t of April, A. D. 1873. au excellant guarantee la offereti for lie carefçil invesCunent of muiie left on, BET-WE< PsiC EDWARD SMITH, Plaintif, Vepositorseth&ail imes mvill receive lthe iigieat rate cf intereel, conistnt siti A8 safe>' anti proper w orkiug of Cte Society. D eposils under 850 mn>' b. s wiiht h D R OC 'Z I e n = s'a seithtiulnotice, sud iihcul an>' fonfeilure 'ef intereet, lu accorcîsue uçiîlt WR OKNG eedit deposil tables publised tehle obued of the Directors beiagto encourage "ab. tYpon thi application ufthe above nantes of econoluv anti frugaiity radier dhan lhe realization of large profite. Plaintiff nn .po0u iesring rsu the affllnie. he Dreooreful>' ouviceltsI ou, f le m t stpe ase rîs ie !tgl o! lbe Plid-îtiff, John Edin Farewell, rh e Dir ct rsful y onv ncel h at one of th e fi r t tep t - a d t Gi m earge H eu r>' D artudil, nul Charm es C ai n' raement of lieir fellose ditizens la ho ellcaurage'a lesire to save anti accuat. benlain, lina ordered tuat lthe Defenlaut do te te earninge as a se provision for fuiture conCingencies, in offering auý or befar. the lities for susit a purpose, Cirougi tChe medinum cf Cul Society', lte>' trust Ca îs DAY OF' AUGUST - NEXT, acerning public la maltethem available. answer or lemur Ca lie Bill ofComplalul lu shasea, Apri 8th, 1873.l86o. tus cause. ' - GEO. S. BOLMST, R. L1. I Edward Bocllng, tale notice tbat if yon .L1. J~ .i J .J..j i, *do satoansser or deour t tie Bilparsuani V A L -:aaau- h. brde retePlalitif gobtain you, sad tfi Court nia>' grant suci %ef as Juist reeeived from England direct, piathetures toai ins ienheoselu. trge stock of Waîll Paper, in ail the latest Patterns. Nc>t thaelioiD Wbeb îstand ng the advance in the price of Paper, w e whll . sel] J. E. FAsI RE.E L )Id prices. iS-fins Pa -r Slctr JAS. -II. GERRIE. & Co. ABRSAE Lgenti for flartes and (Jamnbelll's. Concentrated Lye, for TI suLT; Ig Nanti or Soft Soap wiht Lime or Lye andthi litIle orna: trouble...WS-G A HN b boxes,p ine 25 cents, or five for #I.,PaC INGdn Mie CHI70,b> A. PUL ASSRTMEN ] - ILLIAM MATHEWSjq, À FUL ASOMME T O BBOOXLZZ', ONT. The. Patentes challenges an>' other Wasi. JRE DRUGS, DYE STLrFFS , fraysunte msnne Lv neerl>' aillthe prncpi hotels and'lesel. OAPS AND P ER F UMERAY 1iAut'Co=t Rigsfzea ahne o ae udtonP mdr, aill makers, or made to order at the ApplyloSO pria.., and only lte Int niateriids ned, W.MA Brokln, - - u - Apffl, 187. 15 4t. * JAS. H1, GERRIE Co0. PUBLIC NOTICE -- ~ApniI 8, 188. - - 15 iven Ibat the ?RIGE~ANDourtTTPFof Revision 1 nt s, 1 THE ONTARIO. 1 Shares, $so

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