hsd played miner amtie charaters f$' aet saVenil provincial,. thleaftea, and pea. Ris5b8seupé of ?tn was. g geai ssda lgrec of vivacity sda n ipul. - ey, y,¶~fto sWvenFss11 h&sfréomnontly lnvolved h, eihim à e(siRwep with'his band in fepleasant 9 uà ton.tocast-ch 33à ms ightc1have done. fi Thle8e qalti and, inclinations the lhus,!t h5d an repossng oun&alWal ,wuiê not'lu.ve beau detrimental to hies ad, befor$ohGwaa conscousoft tha sit. prospeitst&He waa the hoir toia cou. n ico, te b holqd mleerable est-at-e, watt ergaged> to t-ha Othle f W ar'er ed bl -laugluter of Dr. Compton, the thon On tH héid. HO tae " g", eiashop of Londlon, snd liz4 waruz profu" csn such occasions, but t-hey friends ini Lord Ouslow sand bis father, were nfot w.a acc.p8409 Tcadly a Wihe wa tfor mauny y~sSpeakeir of >Y 01, 1 Iirl ikioth OalC.su the -aHou 0 Of Cow, o.O"ru3lt lh os oa. rd a a4, Sandwieu-L sesseti two qualites which were pre ' An n Wb(gaLtQr.via ralatad, of hiei carle'isly balanefd by Jais agreeshie tri y O Calais ih IiLord Sandwich, iiantiora andl easy good'nature.' Sho- WZentthe fiieud".ook.,up tiofr bqde ýai veulineaa 'andi absence of mina ver. the-le in--Ouaday' HnR*"èa proininent-traatsaila bis character. Hoe ou inghm- vas fond of assging, and ef long rural s"elf fr0ia>i,-*ongfit -flet ation , func a walk@ ; and on thle day appoiuted for,itetlleie~n art &~i'twn with bis mnarriage wit-h Misa Compten, le ho. c wiacquai be ingun- strOla(l aiong t-liabauka of t-ha ThaMas, ablieto aspealk Freuc ti, acou1sdnot vlaolly oblivions of evaryt-hing bit. bis 5801 ii1ormGat-iou n ud'vAnieretj about favourite sport, andi neyer ilieught of ffr s0eme, -vain y .l1opiug t6ts.iiqceis his explactant bride untîl long past t-hae soupabuildI4gwliich îie kçw. 1«1-tliw anonical hours for thea soleiuizsAtîcn dilruh aihtue -i cf imatriinny. The Young lady, and diOnro taking ashiiingfrom îa spurseý lier friands ware so indignant at bise d o t hbetreenlut ips,, ih'y -negiect, t-lat theia engagemËent -. hwa ass9umd-s in clias iîe conît of-thle broken off aitblicq, and «as noveï ra, Âttituda anif aspect of' a rampaà nt,.ieu. newcd. OslwThis pantomime 1usd for soe m miptea Tha le Oao procured hlm -t-hano Oother affeet titan t-ia colledt49n living of Thamas Ditton, however, aand nrOn Ilm of a ging at l eeilt on thle leati of liea fat-lir, upoh ti holcs"w9ès but ai lan g ëndà i,.e came 11o SUC0aeded te an Incoma cf idires te li*t a,"s, atirtecgnisiug himr lindcreti s voar, lie commonces bouse, or- o r tpnighie me icg andI oh. keplg."heOns;iowsf,tather sud sou, 'oct o! hi1a i- meronation, con. were goe Incetipleaaaed'with bis- aoity, ductat ini te o i ot-al. that lia passesi more of lis lime atEni Thuts-sigur character- ýdipti ut- -Ei.- ber Court than.,ai ithe vicarage, vitore, ber Court i 1789, ai t-ha age of sixty. oviug t-o tItis aeircuinstance sud bisOf. easy gooa-nainra, vîuicli- bis aervanîa abusad, s"hig li hfa below tairs" w-as in Iî~'N à A mE ,-Oua MÀ lt tae montlant procasa et examplificaion. vent- tocn auction at-d bouglt goou1s The aorveînts gava balla in liua absence, '"Whal nam,',sir 2" inquniredtie li«at aouil ïùviied t-lîir loveasand frieuda t-o vitlut-élielammar. "Alwrigit !" -ý *cteu antd aupper aven vlen lia wa. aituuWlîaî fime, I say ?" vas t-le irrit-ateil boule, any excusa or axplanation being rcply., "Alwrigiît, I sy"tAlwroug fourni suticiaulte s atis y hie easy mind yuman" Alwrighlt 1" sait] the lu t-lia veut- ot strauga - voices biug pûclage. sià al.riglit 1" criei t-ha lîcarul-lu t-lacbous, whilebt-ris of rrcrowd, tùiking t-ha jiska;"lail ¶iglt-zo latigliter wouid bha scrihadtto t-le winci aheaul, olti Rnock'-s'm down." -Thîe wiîbout féir o f ftithuem question.- auctionéer 510W began to boa lis toun- Hi. slovenliness sud big absence cf p "A-1c~*., AI.v'r-ig.ls.t-, vi-i£!lut" cou- niîisd grew tipon in hi ltysgreet;, anti fienneel'thie Itnyeu.1 uO..luiliunsler 1" t-lera is -uoiiiutubt tîtat t-li latter ilefeot- xclaimretl Haiiiner, on wjipitu te was arcvttîtitle for eviy niucl cf, t-le lasghit-r o f t-ha crowtl be<at eopex-ate;: former, snobli ahlis tirty linon, ' tnddy utliat-'s i, ila h? Bng Jpardoîn i Jamies, boots, asîi unehsavon clin, andtihtluepnt t'lis geutlemiîn's naiuue dowu. AIl1 complaintes fmqusntly matie lcy liset'igli, oh'; go aheati." friends thiat, wlcn viiliug at- tîeir Tise 1ev in Abysinia stantds this ilui lieuses, lue wituld go t-e bed witlî lis casas oi muircer. Aftt-r t-le tact bias botots on, ana m ise a shooet or a pillow- [won provei betore thle culs-t lue ptusses case orti towel, lia votîlîlfrequeîît-ly t-ies ent-eucesot deatit- wlten, sluoisî rluy a onîUcwort-li of slrinîps, cuti, or thle leceaseiî paî'ty luav'no ticctler rtc. g gr rai whistswallsng, antI Con- laîioî but- a tu-iitc, thouch sueo inav sigp tt-lis»t-o liii îoea, t-oihoci-at-en att have a lnusaau, frit-titIsR, or ter cocc- lut, waiked, or t-o ho torgot-tetu, ais iniglut next-ens, yaî s§1u0 living ueit-tisî roeatou lîaîtpt-tu ; .aîi l is piiekets were inviVRiu t-o Juin, ntiot trikie t-le flirsitlo, aly f41 ati it-lu atale articles ofthtlis diluer vith a spear or viiu a Ictihft-, -description, niîîgled wit-h tobacco, wlîen lier aeqcaintanccs dfspaf cli Itinu string, fîiug-taekia, an&- boxes Of imdaey liloi lefrnlt -woruuus or gentles for angîing. filier tlia th 'uirtote forînit Hua clîîoiié absence of mnt, besidsea nti reationzÀ of t-le %oon nwoulîl :hae boitug reesnoible for mucli etflis alo- reckonat i yt-lia offenuler's ri-hat-lous t-o vérnlines, ofian led hlm t-o make t-li have eplî-ilît ir blocti vithont- juat- monts mal ai propos .retuarks, which causa. As scion as t-lesenutence ot iioa'Who wera noiintimately acquainlt - eaili las Iteen passecîl, t-lia tlseas;es's. cd vwit- hliii pactîlian'tias verea P t t-o family ctay,tf it ho ogreec] uipoti, take -finil offensive.' Riaifriands readlilý ex. cattie i-lienuo e t ntier"elifaeone cicscllii. 'Ie once aïskeul Lord hîunclrcuîheati ef cattie being lte eus- Sanilwii, ai a dinner part-y, wlu Z ie temy reîeonitîg prit-e. If a cluit- vasm calldJemuny T-wtiter. ubýoma insist pon a port-y tikitî,g an equiiva- ffiîls fiow gave mea ta naisse,' re- leunt for lifsc, lue eau clo so, bit- th-in sIipleti t-lu eiscîs, it-li lssumuoticars- vlîatevo-r fileie lagreecl tupon muet bf' legesase. 1lit it iii not- ornt oily,' cotu. paiti iu t-ht preseuce of t-he Sltntiuergild- tiluueui Harvesi ; uavar-ybociy calis yen as. at.' Tie îobleîîîan's ccnunt-enatuce ha- trayiod vexation, anti t-lia osi teppet At- a rt-cetiiiiaeltation l'y a Bioard etyfrîer tuupleassastituess by piacing et Rilucat-lon philosophler, t-lu foll»%iing "ioI> U,î-ve-si1; plat-e aaslca etflisqtît-ion vas ptut-, and I Olverly auiswer- fhotI o ptucdding, wluiclu luadthe in-t l -si uDid McaittiLuthcr dle a nommrai tîtcî-tlitte effeet of httieliiitg t-le uîîck- deailu ?' "No." vice t-1ý lie t--cy,'î as uîame et Lord Sandwich trot-tu ls Oxcoiiutunicaled lcy a icli.' ruina. EPisecoAl. ýWtT. - Oi- cf 1Biaiop Of lii. fit-s o e nt ual abstraction uhoounnell'llt-st bo, oitettas ut-tv-m cntny siiguhar sicries are told. Once, cd ilurýbi luhst illme-.e iitiiireci qtitieiîg a trieuîl's buse. itieteati of wliaî fuaýlibenuthtle sutlject (iflis t-t-o gting tics-vtt-o t-lia ront-doôor, lus as. arclîdeaccus' ci a nd auci ts oli t-Iat- ct t he -i. atticg, t-o t-le surprise anti0e1e was on t-le art ot tnaking eu-rnoua îlisieay et t-vis fostîale otuestics, vito andt t-luerîîc'oit cltcictît1î. -0, v0erlu one of t-le Ch:ambers. Ou:1aet-oaae,"sa tI tti' Piiop, "comiýpociiti lancd sot-ier occasion, fiiiliuig t-le deer oet tlie dcipstîu. - atjoilnug 1101180 epetu, lue inist-cok il for t-le et-ler, acci, jtasitîgthrougla t-le A STUDENT'S lv ce- 5ttcsct halan acodig hest-airs, ont-amatin t-le Et'isîibnt'îîiu Univc-rsit-y vtw -te s atîiotîian hin o adyî as1 ibd tmai auinea for disciuiciu:g bLis cdossaa suffering fr-oua quinsy. On itk few weeks sica paitilte greates part- prosînceci anot-hor. Harveot- was anp- etf it-inl lalfpenca, abcout a quarter ot an pîsseti t-o luete uocter, anti tisa cmi- leur boiug occupie in luistiug over caiit-y o e usliitlultiseatuse tieluead disaamount-. This raniutlar mode et /larly wlîeu t-liasoulhe uistako vwas ex- isarving out-" t-le profo-asor wlte influi- plaînedt lat- ci a îanghaul so îuaatiîy as cd t-le filulevas carried eut- amitlet tlie te itumt lte gathriug lu lier iluremt, laughiter ofet tld's, by %vltont-ha wlîich caîuieti Mer t-e say t-lai Hauvesi anieunt hati bacu aubsmibeti. blt cumati lier qnîsy, tiionghi lie laed A FEELEr.-A ieve.aick swain, lut or- provocl net-t-o bhtle tiocior wlio vas dem more fnily to untitrstanul t-i ti etupoctd. et hîls 'ladly-love,' chiieti a lot-t-cmti Once more engagei t-o lie narriai, .t-le followiug lmu-o lie expherieueil asu st-cuuldisapploint-. 9I y# n vas a ticg thlieuindigatnt- ai t-le ueu.appaarance Porsone cemîclaitu t-laitlîh-yeyno tt ot t-lue cupacietibridegrootut. Tue mas- fnivrlncrthertogts v out jeuboues rwit-lî iliailinformation tt-liai Jus serngers vinvae frauton uis lie *e-thareatl troubhle ts t-oy cannai finti bai loti home et- sevan o'cieck iii t-be thioughis for ihiir words. a tttomut-cug, sud bai lent- boeauae since. A short t-lue ago a mati became su P Tevai-ts aqvauing; IIaîvost-prasentai comphet-ely :vrahiped itiçiit~ugi,' litI - bhulîf, pespiriuig vit-b lait-e anti con- li v i tld p, lahielloti, aundlSett off fsîsîen, *tid taîîerîug oxcuses aîad ent-le train o et-iits.' aipologies, Ha luati forgot-en tiit ot u vas t- eemarrieti, and titroll e u g Don't- rely forsmoccess upec oentpty - tieLua bals cf t-be Thaies unuilile fesnsi. praiso. Tha swivlittiîpcuî t-le etturu -j lisaIpif utiicieond, vuiere heahai t'Oltalieulî11l hi' aie te ke'-p lat-ict dustidvitlua trieuti. Hie excusa vas wtottea-o f ldes tut accepta:], and haosever matie a pro-. A er1uatu hciug, requiu'cd t-c gh'e a posai offrmviriage again. mceipt iicinl, aftet-or nlu meut-c i cf' Ha veulel otten forget t-le prayer tort- proîlucedtih-le tellowiug ,:~'-1 iii 2N u1layî, andI once ont-ama t e rcI, fuli. I vaut- sue iere moîiey. wfth a gununuîuer hie arm, te asccrtain A tnttlr laho ne righit-e hbrinuupa t-lt1y t-luhe doors veme open, atndi-lis par. dauglier wvit-ibut- teaclicti lie r hev b "P ji ens-ms ent-oing.Ra wtta vs r.ame- up lieuse, anti if us las att intelligent - lea. wtt-hhiMe manuscripi sermonst, regard for lier' lauglîîcr's tapiuiBss - hicI uighît lepiiotiup ail ovam lte vil net de it-. - vicaroea; atît e Sutiday seina vag- Tlireo populam lings-Snioking, drink,- gil frietis idtogat-ler portionus Of ing, andt alkusug.- titrea ciffarent- sermons. Hau'vaa e i h Huile iot-nstrSiadea t-t t-uwnntcit it-bout fducoverlng Tet- ' t-Justrick tliai haa,, een- plisyeil.andtie r aconsidemalule anunt.-. - veut t-o t-le citurdi. Ha1usd 'net- pro. -Tlî'iaf"i asac41 i-~ céadeti far lu hia sermon viienlua pana. achooll ,w '.--,p ad, axain-oùhi. mauuêrpt,.ansi, aser i e4-eiiulai'Plhiptofiii .tn-sprig îrngiun uunut-eliible -vle tbr prmieërs.-- sentence, went- onaggini; but, a4je-e' -t-of1oiow bt-n, Tht., asvas t-o ha ex- charges ara stugrcittbat nô-à o u~ Pect-ad, çcuired sevaral lime., anti by andttheuzt. es ~ the t-lune tlieuasroî'm wasceocnled, t-le Mr. Dobbs says 1î hais eueo et tli dm costgreatton luai arrivasi att-le conclus-, moat- obediecul beys in t-ha enrd. Ha af' à $ion thâ~t-Lir putsor watt net pcr-feci- ýt-al& ht-m t- o eas lie pleasges, -and hlic ~ IOMPO Mpi~ oent-as. <bas tt-it-bout- nurîjuuriug. - ' 000-dcbY, w v l~a~ arvesi sand Urd s lI"h SeveryMcialious" oaid an olti gen- br iow re fiëlitng fro-bt-aSupuni ù-tli'e tlemn, nte-lis'friand, t-lai a wat-clî- 'Ilgt9Bte formear iusulged inu -e ssoili1l e-etytlvt irvvhn R lias Qa ruiuspriug mi ie. - The baolielora in Purlopqt nc givng grn-~ lallbefora t-h loase of~ detit~ - - 'r- 'TÉat- *ehl.knoçvnf- rm; lèt 28, 8 cp f -WIlitpyt-is»ew --c THE 'DONALDSON.. FARMI a prsnt '0M - eamed; dwaliing, oct-buildngs,an anqitable ofcsÈspelsl à orchardoft-Sacres inxiot-ont. i ,areb'25-ý1878. 13tl Torntuo. TE\B8014N-ig PA TTERSON M IWÀACTURING COMPA!- <2,00 H4S't9PtS5 ,C . Tis'eà above Cofipauy. -s lin course ot format-ion fer t-ha purpcscet pumclasing Plant, anti gooti-vill et t-l i nufac- t-nrSng business ot t-ha Brovn & Paîttçs- sou Agricultural Works, in t-lisTevu cf In t-lian-eï4- onupaj-y; MegsrnBrovu & Patit-malu i ave snhtoérihed -680,d100 st-oce, and tithem subsoriptions have al- rea.Iy - bean ebtainceti amonnt-ing t-c $25.00, akic a ota novechcribeti et 855,000. h Iti'Intendedti tcinoricase tItis oun t-o$120,b00, Su o'dler t-o pt- vide ms-an-s tomrt-crasing t-li business, t-o docuble t-lisamnoutit-lithertordoue,anti en-iargiîgt-be capacity of t-le praseni Wouies by t-let-rt-ction cof addition-aI I)niIigspui-cliasçiug acItiltnual nuachun- eu-y, anud also eialtlintu lie nov Comupany t-o cars'y eto tun t i hlhebusiuess ou a ett'ictiy cash haisis. Iti orcler t-c shîov tiJin profitable buainess alrea1y made for t- id new-vCcuip)an, h is'onlv nealedti t st-ateth lat- in eleven ys-ars' husietîs op- eations-fm Janmurlly, 1862. t-c Jatn. uat'y, 1878- Messrs. Browun & Pat-iergcu hiava beau n-ableti', y proifit-s çusizeu,t-o talto tise large auntutof Stock ahove- unetition-ultdiat-haiuubnglunicoribdiot y tîtert inlut-le net-vCounpany. TheIu pre- p-rt-y is hem t--aliwuc'cl Puch-lie dire- ticut andtsuervs--isiontof Mescrs. J. S. M. WMijlotx atiJolin Tisonpson, t-vo of tite Pî'ovigicutah 1)irect-crs, atîtuti cctet1 ('lby the Picovisîonah hicarcl ai $64,2à 68.- The estabtlishmenuntlas broun in t-le pos- sset-on ýo¶ iii-' uaqvC6mpany-sincp17tIi - eturIIary has.t--7t-le firt-at tay of us cmv- gRizat-on-tlîe profits of t-ie biaies cotunepeing prom t-bat- date. S Applic ation lins been inadi' to the Legisiature for a Charter in the usuai forni, and witli tle usual rights andI privilegeB. At the Lxpiratiou of the finie statoti l y St atu te(five or six wec.ks> a genc'ral meeting of the Slinireioildr oi ho, helîl, on notice, for the purposc, of clctcing a pprmiawà nt IBoard of Dir- eclors and Oflicers of the Con:pany. Sultacript ions of etocît in the undcr. taikingr are tnoat respctfuilly soliciied. The vali of thte stock, as4 a pa.ying div. ideilinvc'stituent, nmay bo regafcleilas liicei:g hc'ond d<onlct ,whlc the ,'rat aclvimiagcs 10 the T1own of \Vhitby and Colinlty of Ontario ini sccî:rin.g an en- lirlýuiecnt of te favoralply k-cown W~orlis tof Me-s-er. ]Brown & Patthrson nmud a t once commiencl theimaclvcés. Parties lcccriing to Fnhecrihe for stock arte rrjî to t>enclose tnc.iiînranducn, per post, nt an earyly a, Statimtt the nmiber of sliaCLS tt-y hi hi have ai- icit te d. N. W. B3ROWN, RL.1J. YAWNOLD, President. Secrete ry. W]îitcy, 28th Febrnary, 1873. H if V 1 C T O0IR 1 A COMPOUND SYRUP OF' The oniy Syrip prepareI tromn Dr.Clmrch. M'ao Formnula, an:d certifiedl to be chectnically For thte provention-and cure of PUýLMONARY CONSUMPTION 1 Aire0 for thc cure of DyReejje'a, Bronciis, Ailirne, Lo8s of Appefile, Gcîcrral Dcbility. cf-c' (Certiflcate f'n te Purity and] Efficacy.) Laboratory. Univc'rgity Colit-ge, - Troite,Dler. 4tli, 1872. ,ro the Vicoria Cheinir cilCe. (lcîttlreni-I have exanlîcei th- lirirls e inov-cl ii Vic Ytoria GChereicali Wcrkm, in thc preparatiec: cf thec Victoria Syrmtp cf H îhopc T he, rîsevc'rai Ny. ccp'co-.'phit ta uit-cl are rhcni-cl1cj pitre, and lhe Syc-upje is niorqoilrte rfo, n np it!. Yccor SyniîcofcL Uypop:ecphiteo will uic. tcolcteffly îccovc- au7,,!/ q Oicale Medicine. HENRY H. CROFT, Prof. Cheîioitrv, U. C. Prire $1i per Ilottle. Sold ily ail Dr-uggiets. V 1 C T 0if i1 IA COMPOUND FLUID EXTI1ACT COF 21 Sclr-IPR'eiurdy for o/i Dieust-8 of t-/e blctddr'aîcd kidîteys; Lbcrpsical Swe *-liiigs; Ccuujc/iets incirltallt-c Fe>t-ia1es; rand ail Discauo of t-ko Uc'j. iîary-O-rgccîes ilciit-cmr Se>'. Try ti once t-or tcny tif t-heabcoya Disoartera titi yen viii be tuaity couvitîceti of lts pt-e- muineutvirtues. mra t--qlper Botule. Sald by atî Dreggiats. TIhc R1ing cf ail Lt-niment-s." ForNhcoccatîctt cctN-s-agic, Lient- bage, ctciatircca, cd -cgPainîs, Siii tn thc Licccba or Juiict8, Sprt-Oji 5, itct/o, Tccitibtte, Succft/ctgu, Ha:rî,Eîcce 7'ecttche, tcOC. e BqXlt Try it, Provc it, V 1 c '1, 0R 1 A C~AR BOL1& SALVE - Worth lt-s Wcighît-in Goiti I ilSIcctifiý- forŽist-c, Waowtr7,Nm-e, at-cie, stcliu, NBO/S, Pi sPiccc;cLanti pzicte-5o pt-r Sç 5ld -Je aIiruggit-ie CARIIOLATEN ,LYCERINE JELLY +n 'iPdnqyt<Iadies' Fasà ri-é -For Beautfjintuhtle Copnplanion, andfem uo/ogTan7, 6ýO , Sttbcrit, lt-ec/dles, P/taples, C.gf 7,,r hrelc,,Heand, t7/itctains, F, 'et Bit-attt ee ips. ni¶a,"qaPet hotl. a Re1l by a&l Druggiets. j îc 'l' o me l -.1or;lm rru, 5iT » ovprsvtaa Mrk, fre. ,. 1'. rz I. 9 IIS biw c-'.od by aIt Drarncu~t-» DiVIDEi'sD -NO. 82. Notice t-s boroby givon, t-bat- a Div'idond o1 -ýPeur.par cent-npan - t-bsuid n-p Capita Stock ef t-lutinatit-on, f or t-ho curron halt-year, hais tht-s day beeu declarod ans t-bat- t-hosamne vIli hopayable at- t-holiant ant itt Branehies, on antiait-ar MONDAY t-be SECOND DAY 0F JURE NEXT. - -The Traiî.fir Bookse will ho closoti irait t-hi 1it-uto t-ha 81st- cf May, bot-h days iu N ot-tce '8 lg aie ien- t-bat t-ho ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINC Mfïîltéttkkblders, fer t-ho électiton of Dur actera, vil ho held ai t-ho Banlçing Heuse in Bevutanvitle, on TUE SDAY t-ho bTHMB DAY 0F JURE NEXT. -The chair t-o ha taluan aI 12 e'cloek, neen. pmecisly. By ondaroatt-ho Board, * D. FiSHER, Onit-ario Bank, Casher Bovunanville, April 19, 1878,1' DAILY LIE TO ROCHESTER. TUE NEW LIRE STEAMER Leavea Cobouirg t-ver-y mntetng u7:30, anti Port Hoeu 9 o'clcri, for Ilticclîscter, cou>- na--ic tiere su-litNew 'YorkI tr-al asic Eraie siy for al point-s Eeast-, Wetst, acd Soit-l. Lc-aves CharcilttetPort cfi5Rochester) ' ditly ut t). n.ii ,sercptScîiarday, -ci-brisae leaves at 2 p. i. fer IBrighton'. Duealertsin Stck, &c., vill fluti t-is t-he citei1îesandaî most expacitiens meut-e te New Yack, l3ecten, Albanty, &c. lFer factie-r icnfcrmation apply to- Ilt. CPAWI.'ONI1), Or C. F. GILI>Et-SLEEVE, PotIpe Apriccl -cc,1873. Knso. 14-tt xasej,, OStaiuet iiiui aes5UVigI5 ~-Ftnera1s ftully. suppied-Rose woîud,(Caskpt-s-Spleudid New. hears .e. SOLE AGENT kOR WIIITESIDE'S PATENT,Bl-D. c~j.Agent for t-be sale-of Sewing Machiines, aud Cabiem )rgans, of superior manufacture. L'all and exbimine his immnense stock. Pr'ices stili furt - heî - s'educed. Whiiby, April 2, .1878. JAMES H. "SAXO. Sign cf t-le GreatRecking Chair, Brook Striet.- LO 1, h THE OLD STAND.1 EIiS'1'A 13,LtS H-IE D 18:33.] The nndersigtued itn returuinî t-hank-s flor theliberal patroti- -itherse exte-scdd t-o t-t-e eldtistatlliierst, for tucamlv a pes-icd ot ) ym eas, de 4iras t-o &av uhat luelt-sieîuuw on luaitt a iarge cssortnucnt ofthue iost tuodcrr uncd lcisnt styles of 'md ttrusts hy pioper sttte-tion at-d moderate jirices to se- i-ure a contsnîsanc'e of puiehipatronage Praclecul uiphuletemiuug. Furtîstuta e- -tufleul andI covareti (4oldsmhli'a hall Wisitis-s'- un SPRI '--'-7, JOHN: FERGIJSON Begs to inforni bis customers tl'at he is unow in receipt ofj suiperiol' Stock of Cloths ,,Tweeds, Vesti ngs, &cî., &c., very'ielect, and suitâsie fort-hé s-ason, wbich he-is preparedti t nake ui inte Spring Suit-s ai t-le aliortoat n-otice.- Ail ordler,3 promptl.y attended t-o anud executed in thebest stylo. -Spacial at-t-en-tion paid t-o giving a sat-isfaet-ory fit. AU hinda cf Gante' furniht-ng gooda. inclnding liais, caps, umbrellas, &c,. Cal sud examine. JOHEN- PERGUSON, (Jlothier & Gentus'Outfltteér,, Duindas St. Whîby, 'WhiLby, Aîurii 1, 18-73. 14 ]y SI>IING -_STUCIK 0F BOOTS AND, SHOES MATTHEW COLLINS Begs to announce to. bis cuibtomra and the pulblic that he bits operied business on the premises lately occupied by à à Mr. Bandeli, on Brock Street. and that he is îîow iii receîpt of a splendid Stock of the RIGHT FIT AND -MAKE Aud of the best, style of Boots and Shoes.. Also on hand a large stock of Ilome-Made Boots and Shoes wlîich cannot be suirp:sed toi- quality and price. Ail orde.-s punctually attended to. Repairs neatly doue. Wliby, May 10, 1871.' MA'1"1HENVOLLN' IMPORTANT NEWS! BOQTS AND SHOES. The undersigned lias a large stock - of Ladies', GUtîts', n'îd Ubilrlren's Fine and t'cmrse Bo0ots & Shoues FPBE E SIJT E ! j ndertaking & Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore,IU(" Boots and Shoes made to order. Di TOWN 0F WHITBY. A FREE. SITE'- WILL BE GIVEN t-coui y IMatuoiict-nrlng Company b-uildiuag au establislituentiil i te tevi. J. HAME R GREENWOOD, Wlithy, Feb. 2-i, 1873. Mayor, Whitby. g-t-f1 L ST OF 1THE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THE TEAR 1873. No. 1 1 2 .1 417 Z. BURER-AM, Whitby, Jar. lot, 1873. Juilge.1 E V E R- Y Inventor,- Mechanic, Manufacturer, Builder, Engineer, Chemiat, Farmer, Merchant0 Sheîîid t once sand hjs came and aidres mith e1.30 for oue ycar a aubacruption te t-ha Canadian Patent Office Record AN MECHEIC5O' MAGAZINE, To the Pebliahar, GREO. E. DESIiERATS A aopy of lrat no. eau be sBean at thia office. -S&'T SALT I I SALT I 1 i JOHN-.BLOW Bega a- es etlet-fny te n-ctt-ty Fa-mer. and tiebrs t-bat- haus praparet e snpply an-y qu-nuty ocf AGRIULTUAL. ALTI A?11D NO.z BAPRRL SALT, AT, MODEItATE PRICES iý ALSO, DRLEB'IN e~al~a M'I Je Soîne splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gild- erosmdwa'iîîdonc-tle Tdi ubr, ing. he-membe- lihe (ld Stand. 1u1o-,&. o NJA-TW[.« «'%JLicu, JOIIN-STO0N'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exnibition, Toronto, in 1870, WVe oflet' to our customérs for the coming Hairvc.,t. two dis- ftiîit Machines, wIîich in stylu and construction, oruîbrace the latest and nîhst useful iinprco)vemeis of the day. ItM epiîiriîig ncatly doîîe. Ci at t-le old Stand. XILIIAM HLTIN-s, 1May 22, 1872. Boot & Sh,e Store, llrock stsîeet, Whibl-sy. GENT'LEMEN* LARIGE STOiCK Ã">F JOIINSTION'S si NGL!- 1-1ÀKING RI'APER NEVV SPRING GOO-DS THE " RING O07 REAPES." The universal success of titis Machinîe, hoth inî closely contest- -'<I trials antI in the itancis of the faumiers. wsirrccnî us. i,,stvitcg thnt, asa a Self Rais- ing Reaping Maciine, it lias more gccod poiis nsi eS defect, a snd bas [net wtîh piore succes ant lese Icilure, titan iteretofore offeted to the publse. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER ffe were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin riai Exhhiliion. heci in Torosto, 1870,.in c,npetition wsih nll the lecding Mfachinps ¶nssn-.clsctured in the Province ; anti oit b our recsint improvemens. we unlseajîtt- irgig 'v challenge istvesiigation and comipuriaon with compatis-g Mýachines. we are 9c,tir-fiecithuat outsh istvattigation will rotcoiture aocerv ssi rs.j t:dted ruitti. fIs iwe chler tis e ssi Mouer to the Farmuer fur 1872, but in the Dc.njuuiet. WSî,u for descriptive catalogues.-BR W A TE SN A WORD 0F TJMELY WARNING TO TME ýFEJliJlzS 0-F 0O*TAR-&IO- 0 ESTL EMEN -A s - we are' only manufacturiug 800 BROADOASI SEEDERS, This y-ar, anti 100 etft-lia are alreatiy goe, ail who viol t-e gai ona huatibat-tam do e oence as t-le temact its sao great t-lai ihuose %vite do n-ct lookont in t-t-ma can-not bu senvai t-lis seteson. Wa voult ikte t-o snpply al vant-s near home irai. If Ils people about hocme neglact coining Su eariy for t-hein nachnes ve viii lava te sendtithem eut-t-ect-hem parts efthîe couint-ry, vbere t-luty are beiug calleil for every day, as va hava n-o ro t-o st-crs a quaanity aI ence, anud va muai finish t-hem n-pand gel ai cmr ct-ber vomi. Pheasta calas'seconas possible anti get yonr Machinas. We guaran-tea t-hem te #ole 11t-y ara rseumiadad t-o do in-r pnint-at teat-hmenluls. Tise foot- t-laioui - Sec dera sava on- ano an-d -teasu ail throngli aaeding, basidea aavlng seati anti toin-g t-bewyen bat-t-en t-Iant-le nsuai vway, makees ttquit-e sa s in on-a seatton for overy famer t-laifailis le gai one. Youra, &o.' F. W. GLFEN. THE EASTERLY BROADCASTSEEDER AND CULTIVATOROII1BINED là allowed by t-bac1 'luut have vwos-kedi ht-ct be t-ht ,besi Agiilnîral Isn- pleniitifor the priniuc 1W ha Use. t-nsossch as it soas isReeti nant tscsone-blas Ille 'ehor antidons shie ori ht-ttee thaint-ha uissu-il uvi. 'Tbe facta et t-be abovsî asy, peruon enu secertsin by askhng t-ha following genils-isen . - IS NOW COMPLETE1 Constisting of a;.,plenididl assomtment ox Cloths of ail kiîds for Gentiiltîuuns îi'ar, anud a coniiplete stock ot GENTS" FJIRNJSHJNG GQOODS, TUIE N-EWM]E ST 0OUJT. A SPLENDID STOCK. 0F NEW SPRING H.ATS & CAPS. CHEAP FOR CAS4I, A. PRINGLE. Whitby, Mlarch l9th, 1873. 1 PHOTO GRAPHI GLEY T E ND J Wi11 he roc mial Thur8& feir t-ha cent Nul Fer t-l i pre ent t-or Sond Viii t-lau, fivsnma For t-ho prosount torsn ton miles fi accerdaucce Wit-b Depaitenantal Speclfleaticu No. 2,,the second t-n accord-ance vIt-b Spaci. Secation No. 1, bat-b whicb Specificatcn-s cauc lie sean-at t-befoUlcvln-g places :- J. W. BEATTY'S STORE, Pamry Sounnd, C. W. LOUNTR OFFICE, Brbritigo. J. P. COC'KINS STORE, Gravenhurat. Andth -e CEOWN LANDS OFFICE, Toron- - to. Tenders may st-atooit-ber a specifio sum per milia, or rateu fer t-ha tifement lintis cf vork desesibed lu t-ue Specflicat.t-n. A plan et- Spet-lcation fer t-be bridge can be seau ai the Deparit-sent cf t-ho Crevu Landis, Toronto., The Commisuioner: cf Crcwn Landa me- servais t-ho riglit ai acceptit-Sg any or none et- t-ha Tenders offerea. R. W. SCOTT, Commiattonr. Departnt cf Crovn Lande, Tomant-o, 2nfl April, 278 .18- i ns. E NCOURAGEMENT TO MANUFACTURERS VILLAGE, 0FNEWCASTLE.- Hfa-ring pn-chased a place of laud Sia t-be centre eftt-e village cf Nevcatle, I amn pra. pareati tc teute t-o any respenut-ble usersu cm peaonu. who viloreet subst-ant-ial Man- t-act-uriutg Warks, lui givo. constant oxsploy- ment te 80 cr40 mou, 'FOUR ÂCRES OF LAND. - F. W. GLFNK. Oshava, Ont Marcb, 1878.- 1a BELL C O., G UE LP-H, ON T5 PEIZ-E MEDAL- CABINET ORGANS., AND Sole Proprieto,-s andi Manufacturersa oi ubb GRGANETTE," ccnt-uining Scnllu- ner's Patent Qnaliiying Tubes.- Awarded - the -Only--Medal Ever givan t-c un-ners cf Bard Instments eta Provincial Exhibilicuns fer Proficien- cy in Musical Inistruments, beet-deis Diplamas anti Fiat Prt-zas ai ct-ber Exhlbitions tee nu- - mamans tt'Osueclfy I On-r Instruments are achunovlit-gad by Musicianu andi Jeto lbe t-be us-st jet produceti. Our lat-asi anti n-tctvouable ut- i-rt-ement inst-be IlOiaaikz-u Il'x."ccta.--g Scbnïer'a Paient Qnulht-yihg Tubais, the e- fect cf vbich are t-o nearly , dubletepve et t-besusmo t-lue randering t-be loue unceot-h sud pmpe-liite. By tht-s vndeet-ol invention vo caun-cake anlnsutmnt cfnpasr1ydoublé t-ha pever cf, a pipa Orgatu at-bal the ex. pense. -c Au vo have _purehaset t-be sole rle'ht of- nîann-fact-uring Sen'bner's Pstant Qalifyt-ng Tubes fer t-be DomInion cf Canada, va home. eycaut-icu î pal rtteu iran-tpurreaing t-hem e isevnaas ciby wi]l ia lle ta proisecîs. t-ion. W, bave copyrightad t-be nnae o Fer en-r Instrments cen-telingt-bt-. van- t-art-nimuprovemnst. Anyntaufaetnreriuu. fmtnging au t-bis copyright vin ha presecut. eti. flnstratati Cataloguas -nished hy ad.- dressaing-- W. BELL & cc, Gunicu, ONT. Gu-elph, Jan. 29t-h, 1878. 5l D O0M INIO0N FLOUR & FEED STORE. The unt-arsigneti hag t-c iniorcu the t-n-hab- itants cf WhSt-y anti alclnity that tbey have openet- a Fleur anud Feeti Stoen l hoproun. is iat-ety eccupiati by Mr. James Waflacec on DundaStruet, Opp osite the Robson House, a Wherethey t-rnut hy lueepngo tht-ug t-n their lin-a always anbot,-ohaus- ls uat-isfactionlo'cnson-eru. Bran, Shorts, Oatines], Cracked Wueat-, &c., cf the haest qnalty. . FLOUIi-Fahi Wheat, Spmiuug, anatifir -anda ti ai o-aetFeed, sltn-g at the lowe.t living prices fer cash. -- No.,i Spring Wlueat Flnraut f3 12J. SUITE &u HEMINGWAY. Cashbpalt- foraellctndfiofFsnuen'SPsatiùce -~ : , : , :E ~I '~r1-POlRWHITY & PORT FI BROCK STRIEET, WITjBY, 0'--PP OS ITE. ONTARI.0,BANK. Begs t-o announco t-bat he bha- built'on -the à bove premisesÇ A N &W -Photograph Gallei"ýy, 6 0 feet ini length,- Whiicb lie bas fitteld Up with 9il t-le lut-est improvpments, rand n-ev asnd iitnps-o)vat ppatuss for taking picînr>es, fropu lifc-aize toeasy e- qsuired -diît-îesseoli. eTT'KN B- GRAND CLEARING BALE 1 RETIRING FROM BUSINESS I i Wc heg tesun-onueo oour cusiemaera anti trientis t-at va lave'n-ovcomman- ced, antill cont-n-na for Oua Ment-b, t- oeffer the vholeof ouir extensive stock cf Dr'y Goodo, Clot-hing, Grocaries, anti Liquora anti Winee AT PîtEtiCOOT. We make ilas anucuncement in con-se- quence cf Mr. MeMilian having accepi- edth-le posit-ion et Serelry-Treasnrar efthtle Ont-art-o Loan & Savinge Comp'y, vluiclî necessitît-es lus reîcoval t-c Osh- ava. The sale is t-hurt-tome a lteaa-fide oua. Wa pler1ge oursalvas thiat avary article viii bue ffarad at- Prime Ceai I TEnaîs-St-rictiy casht for ail suis sînder $50; $50 anti upvamds, six mont-ls credit viii heagiven ou approveti papar. Tha pi-aient-at-Terio an excehlent- oppor- t-unit-y for parties requlring goode t-c oh- tain them ai 25 per cent- uccs t-han usual pricas. Our stock ameounts t-o about $12,000, ant its complete in suvemy de- part-meut. T. H. McMh1ýLAN & Co. 'l'Fe il ý 1 1