Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1873, p. 2

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rie at UO. apcalelNotics- Fellow!' Medieiaes. -Cai of thatnko-.I. H.Adion <ard-1>hoanix lasarauceC. Change of ime-. W. & P. p Qian,of time--Mioind y.t Mill-slte for sala--J. liauer wdod, Mayor. To Contractors -H. R, Barber. . .Co. CO. ONLY Or 50 PER NNUM.. ACeourTS.- Parties t10 whom'_a.- counts have Ibeen lately sent. from hieo offie, -andti al ohers ini amrar for sa. vertising, printiuq, anti subacripaou, wili coder a favor by samitting th. amount of tbeir-ladebt.tiness. Prompt remcittano., wili save us mnoh -trouble andi expeuse. AU *nbocrptlous,' te sitoulti ba, borne in mmd, are payable otrillin luatvance. The. Bonus by-iaws-.iow the>, should be considered. * :10) Tisa opportunity le nov ,aiforlietio! jt~-siug tise siUoait of hesapeope af JWilîy vitis respect te Ibeir desire fan tisa establishsment o! manufacturas. .î Thse vaut o! manufactures has Sean cantinuail>' tieit upon au tiseasie great veut o! 'tha ovawn. At eves-> tovu -Meeting, .anti la avrs>'discussoionai -I tova mattfes-Mann!eetres-Manuu factnre - lis beau bisa eerlastiagz -hîsame vilthlIote visa voultisesktc, dis-sct-puîbhic opinion. Tte great suc- cesvhtialslie elenuletiOsawa in conséquence. a! ie Manufacturas lias bas-sn uceasingi>' painWtet a, anat ie eues-g>'enti publtc spirit o! ils citizeusi 11sM ltnpas e pattes-e ta haieitaleti, an i vorthy a! ail euilXion. Will lise people o! Wltby nov foliov sunit? --Oshawva stands Uniteti ho a man fanrlise encouragemntnîoa!manufactures. Iow le il liera ? TIsera e n00 muais reason ta fear hast lise men vto lare ruade thisas littia pila, anti vis are content ta raceive tlitais- cent pas- cent-visa lisui eer anti laivye Seanthe tdrag aussdta dsaviuack belime lavn'c ad. vaucemant, as-e again abso-asigln the seets of tlajpion, anti vhlsparnug tIse lauil-fintiluge au- iIninuations tisa> have usaI tise manlinaîs la opeai>' and i andsthelitherias-l inlutiseway oaise- cuînity wvisatisa>'muet knov 111es im- rsacticetsle tb gel. lInçtassio! a cliterfel recommenatta-> word, sud welco:uing vibîs open as-ise tise mon.a vWto araeisapas-sltle tlie ail lh is ne1 lte>'shakoce liei- Ieadex, piec'au fam ave an a' ixleoves- le case vils.hihor, is-sv lurêgi uns-y picturitao! Josanti faims-o ta folloer tise action aofte TowvuCana. cil. BuIteto aven lies-il tiesacane clase of innpraîit sucesta any estes-psisa? Ta fluti faîsit vitis vttlies ualSeean * dotite-to fin-i faulttvllwithwal lias; Sean do-se, anilta gs-sutbioa atI tiapracate is tisais-vs-y ttstus-e. Laetlise ralepayerst Inacee lacir the listas->'oaithe mon va speatiof, ansi askc lietusaolvos visen anI isssv tise>'oves- !uudtisnthet iiug tliat moe, aor cîgageilunan>' entes-prisa tii proalto tisa puslic gondi, or au>' one's prasperit>' but liseir ovu ? W. asic far aut hitentiva pes-usala! th, Sanei;S>'. laws uov suis-nilteti fart'hie decielan o f lits ratepayars. Tisa>'-have boan prtupas-.l illigreel caeu-, antias fat'ase p-)4.1ilsle gi-ilishe mIeesIof'tisa * ctrpoutioln. Sassu sisk imue Sacs-un ini os-ian ta ac-pisfiagreal cutiin viev-Iiîa estlislsiumuuîo! manuise- Isis-s in Wiltby. TIse -utepa>'rm- muçt ta'tsthem iesa a!oflial s-iek, anti elsault re-no!nses, visileaît inlecantp-t-tiveiy sui 'l tl!s Me p-su-b, tisagreanî Sus-tauof tisa culasprisaviiilishaea lacS Sasne b>' tih. mesnvrsainveet tisait'meaus *ani davete taois- tinete la th( Sniertakinge. As ehavu lun-tise ver> cleas-andh explicil lettes- o! Ms-. Laer. «u, -viiels vapublies, tiset atrsouiut o! individuell iabilittr le quil inîiguificaist - oui>' 8i cents au tisa 810.-Andtiois i ssmingltaItisas-a le ta lue no chsanga; tisaIlise tlavucisal *stand scili, sud thsal lisera le ta lSe n-o- su;raneao! papulation, value, oas ccse-C meitt for Ivent>' yaars ba came, Tisose Wh viA re sahlîfiet vitis tise prsaent con- dition o!flte lave, antiddcas-e tisaIti villi taWeili nougis for their thua, viii or course voteaaialut taé by.iavs. Th;s osa îthIave faithin lu amos-a sue-t censful future viii vate for them, aude thus iselp tb retice lise taxes teauan-ut 9initelemai suint y incs-enaing -tise meane dLuth abililtt a py lisant. Areferetice4 la Mn. Lavties's letIer, anti ta an arti-c cle tacea fsrn tise Oshsawa Viudicat;r,f prbntei ou tise fanstii page, can ecas-ce. 1>' feu taesatis!>' ais>'fair-minti 'eateeerc --as ta tise banaficial résulebiset have follove thb.ecesablisisment o! matu.n- factus-es, anti tisagsauting o! bonses for tise purpase. Tise>' usc etu e a paati liera. Nos- îetd vaagain go oves- tise gnui occupiet hast veait as DEATII OsF Cutar JUS'rîcpOuAs.- Tisa tiatiso! Culifjustice Cissa, oflthe Uaiteh States le aunounec inlutise New York papes-s. Thte deceasati stalesman vws bas- nuCas-nigls, New Hanpslitin, Jeu. 191, 1818. He vae tiasceniati iron Aqu-rila Chase, viso etignatatilis-asu Eusgland iu 1618. Haeing stutielati1 ie as-ose rapidlinlap'ihlie etimetioui, vacs settss-n-sltoi tise UnilesilStae s n.- ate b>'tise Legisilatura o! O!sio, sud lu 18,5 lievas aleetet Gavans-o!fltaI State, As Secrata->'a!flte U. S. Trea- eus-,, tisa pramineul positian ha occup- isti uni-ngtlie civil va- lal ituowu la Canadians. To.hlun iattributeth ie issue afIl"greeneeke " vhici finatiet lIse continent fan yas, ant inon- pal- ilicians lia vas an that aceaut famnil- Ian>' kuovu as "Oit4Os-aenbacic," lthe faîte- o!f!sactioa uaienou>, etc. As a' citizen ha balareti bhie fs-ae astin' raîpectet S>' lise people gancrel>' o! Ihis continent.- TaE Fir BIOIADE oUT-DLOATi2oN rFaX PaRTHopE.-A delegalion o! lava cauneiliars is-or Port Hope visil- et Wliilb>'onTIsaaiat,tb vilseess tise vas-king aiont' rsteant fis-a angine. Notvitltctanding tis eaxIs-amui>'aisa- grecable veaths-, the compan>' tumneti aut in fulfos-ce. Ia ions-ban minutes fs-rn igibing tisa fit-e, ltaeuegbue vas la füu pis>' tirovieg a stad>' cîneas of valet' fur-oves- Till's&lirea-eto-ey blockt. -Tie englua vas thorougii> lesteti, and ti ilsvaning gave tise groat. est satisfaction ltisthe gatian, vita Ssci ps-vioeely inspecttil eantors o! aIse- maters, but ihaï nol founti ana »attable iontisent. Mn. Dixan, se spaitesman of tisa deleation, expreeseti enlirae atlssfctiou- aItlte orii a! the angine, ant inlu ting se campi- mente th ie Compan>' upqn lisais- ffi- cieuse>. W. balieve it ltis ie intention. a!th laegetian la repartinleafer-o! tise Mas-syweethes-; ant ine toing-aIse- vis 1h.>' vomit Se ar-ti>'sesring -1h. letes-este a! Fort Hope. Tas QîZNte's BIRTSDAY- OaNDrpEX- PoumToiS, ANSD isPuA r F rarvwosceIN Wstrret,- Tisa -amnsemssuati as-s-aget for 'tisaoahebration of 1h.' Qneau'c Bihtin usWhilby 'are o! a mruse lisau uail>' attractive charadtes'thîs yesr, asW vIi e aseun hi>ie Prannt an- nouncemeust mat.lus anther coua. Tise bu aof fare, 'las on au extansive stud lISerai scale, anti seshemnt,'galore" are te ha provielet, A spaclal traie Ã"n tisa Part Wlsitb> 4 Port Fesrry BahIva>yviili leaet v iii o*chacisp. mr , sal tatloas.sorth, )Osarunluth. -moofthbeWbilby and Port Perry lWIlway. W. refer ta 3Mr. 40l1è'a'Prposition W4 bedore he Town Concil, tandtheis action taiseh by tisaI bcy thereon, et the. epecial 'meeting ireported elgewhere. Mattoe have corne ,tat pu aI he'resÏ ManaIgement of the, roati, as to bave arrve&, ai thIMe t reiy. .-And, se far as tise town 15 concorined, a"y CbanIge bo takt place coulai seareely. fait 10 prove a change for ti .better. 'If Mr. -Holtien aucceeU in luassooiatis vitsh hmsolf capitaliste with au aibun'. diance of means lit their commandi, and Whso are prêpareti-at once to .fints anti extendth ie roati, and-assume, alliLts present tiobte and obligations, itt trans. fer 10 mach hantis couttil not fait 10 prove "a tiesirabie change for thPse betiqr. Il woulti prove a very opportune-arrange. ment for lthe preseut embarraset aud tieeply lnvolved direc 'tors, Wiso woulti' by tis uean. be relioedet from lieïr ilabilities ; have- tiseir peiniary ý,19 sources set free, andtier credit ré. establisiset. It isjust such anarrange. meut as, we were glati 10 see, tis Town Council at once appraoiated andi showed their éntire- williuguess 10 promote. Aud iu a. Word, il le one liaI wouldl serve the. Publie luterests anti enefit ail parties concerueti.' Thore is, we are told, to be a final meeting -of thse direotors andi pgcsasers on Fridlav ne;t, when the whole malter is liely to ba closeti. Until then il la unne. cessary, anti may be premature to write furtiser on th. subject. THz CANTATÀ, which was to have taken place on Frliay eveniniz hast, 'but wisicit was posîpoueti until Moutlay eveuing, was a most s;uccesful. as Weil as pleaaiug enlertainnient. Thé t'en- dering of tise ciffereut parts by. thse yonugz ladies was chsarming, anti where ail di4-so wi-lIl wnulti be invitiions to partieniarize. Tii. opening seene-the porch of a scitool, wisere thse pupils hati assembleti for 8011ool, but a holiday boing given thens, hhey raiuble lunlte Woods, andi- "Decetiwitiî tbowerandtigariansis gtay," they eloose their lifa7 Qieeni, Who or- ganices hes- governmeuî. witit lier offi. cars-Spray, Sunshint-, Rainbow, D.-w- drops, Zephyrs, andi Fiowes-s; tley set ont for honme, andth ie refus-n la lte scîtool, heraldeti by "Sps-iugl," andtihie kiutily reception by tise teacse-. Tii. hsonora of Hor bKajesty were bestowed upon Miss Fa7nie Os-ose. 'Tise olos, duetts, anti chorisse3, witisont excep- lion, wcre renticret in a manufr tIsaI coulti scas-eely -b. expeeteti front cran yonng ladiîes of a more mîituro age ; anti were witlsout a break or isîter-p tion, shiewing vos-y carelul prerintigs-e- heas-sai. Mr. Bryant anti Mr. Wvhite, (Whao was musical coutlueto-ounlthe occasion,) are 10 bu cougratulatetilou thse snecess-fluanciaiiy and ti les-wise -f titeir painmtsskinq arîtievemnent. Il in to be hopeti liaIttiswill be but tise finIt of àaes-ries of eimnila- entertain., mentes, wiih, we feel assus-eti, woulti nol ouiy Se pleasiniz 10 ail wiso attend, but s-ealiy instructive u inte attof music 10 lite youag ladlies taking part lu them. aul strain d ulaan-Oshsava islaie dsspeait, -When tcliig tise vonîtilo! tua grand rs-uits ohflite bousses blair Cos-po-alion hmave gleren ta aid mtanufiacturésm. lu tia issue o! tisa Vindicator ai tva yacks ega, site- gieing lise fig üres eisevbng tise increasi a! tise populatian o! ltaI sillage turing tîme pasî yeas-, iras 2,805 la 8795, anJtihie encrease o! tis asseti s-alite is-ant$542,695 ta, $627.995, It lesîs;tte-- "lTisa incs-tase-n esinatian le 580,190 anti rt-psosntstlilucreage causeti it> bs-iîiug lots intet maritlandtihIs urecion a! nete iluildinge;. Il encus-am "a tax o! no ves entean Sundets-tidol- "lare. Tis e utasiontI lipsetalusuent madte 1,>'us vhsu-sttesaouse y-iaws v tiuties- consieratias, Iliat lita s- 0. fart>' t-increse nlutise vaise o! ps- vet ouiti moreansus-ps>' lie - onuss gra ta tofadas-bm.," Suds as-citama aoflte recuite given by paasiug bonus by-lavs iu Oshsava. Wlsy no uaaigiss-tis ameasagoatiresulle for dhsa tovu o! Whitby ? Oitnual The istereuseoa!Osava are one thiing, lisase oai Whitby quilu aiolier-ta tIse Osava - Gazette gentlemen. Yul tiseso people Shave tise assurance ta complein that Ihe>' vas-a usaIentsusteti vitithlie puilication o!flise WiiIy b>'. lave, btisaheexclusion o! a WisitSy papes- Ihal, for nuari>' twent>' >eas-e, lias beau a sîrenuons ateacate anti tiefanties ai Wiithis>,Is interatIs, asti ils goosi nama, abroat ant iet iboule i 'Natiing neat ed e sit ia-eo! thi ntel- £ae' o!flise pas-I phayei b>' s certain gaenthemtan as lise 'Cunucil boas-t, lu saaiig ta have lise arrangement matie vils ltae pulielser o! Tit Cnwsnou for ltae publication o!flise Ihîneaby-iavc i $90 cul aile, andtiel have tisas gziron la Sa publialeeti l ie Gazette i j85-aiterlise itnev vlitl laterrange., %antvws.- Anti vîen iailinz la thie, endeavatming ta hava lis.- publication toiiviiéI belveen liste tv papas-c, let au w wdtitiouai expense fotahie lava. Anti vison' lisevas met b>' failure agamu, las-ltes- tryifik lp ý e ltentpublisiset in Salis papufr-rlsuç duplicatiug tisa axpense. Il vas elthsr e bas-afacet proposition, tosigneilti 10exîrset mono>' fram tise twtavuIsase->, os- il vaq la- teutietita ai2ea'n possession ai tise S-- laws for hzJsih'pqse aifislling lisent S>' infos-mal publication, andti boisaevery cleelqs ddasta teput il forars- ti ite peoetulmannes- Se tibt, canaidcnlng iisglatianesip oune ai tise parýties inhes-osteti. DEAn fOrFztTau-aruLSfe ton As. A. Btu-sna!ofCoaesg, d ite Ateva ounlte lUth list.Hofe isaiti con- lrsace aseserse cols! a a iye aine., visicis final>' resusieti la infistmetlau af the longs. His rentames vere faiaeti ta thse râay station e hlasis eftenoou b>' teS eakeranti rembes-oa! tisa Seate, tisete Speit ruse>'menthess aithe Commons anti Civil Service. -MUeS re-_ gret is faIt anti axprasiet b>'tise menu- ben~ el bo aU0st ~the itiltn de- .C a-~.Wttsa.-Thiein utiti oui.se s t0h. legalit>' of the ruarriagé r,har, if guartiauseau aifas auneau V 'iieii Tseèp. ait6a Sa formailý spokea ta- hafora isle ice-Cisaucellos-, Mrs. Cassels anti Meus. Oreenvooti & Meillan for, infant pliffi., G. Y. Smithu for adit pitifs, Tisas. Mass,Q.. C. Hamilto ati JT. E. F'arewell for tief. * lapîos -v& Kersiasse.-Dc-ee by cousent. Tisas. MasQC, fat' pItff, precta$eeiseet in quexioun ll.ge. Tse mannes'inu whstise affala vwu "eps- m thslie ratëipayerg,~arRues ",' S'ilpoorly foatlis. aitimusle succes of "tis ingenians affair. Tisetwhlsoe 01 .mattër-isas beau flded- by 1th. chique "Ota suit liseruelves -onlise - oceselon, itant ie autslets,' or virtuaiy tiss "via have ta psy tise' piper mie'lok où s ils complaceuey-s- give batlle, ta no effect...auti-tieir menée gtvMu "aeij1orleme oai iswo iavp 150 r ie.lutise malter,-mesel>' bocanse "snchsindividusis have beau 4,ubbed "1Conuclilôrs for lise lime: beisg, >antd 41,tb-iuf authority,' Time' 41ou.neviii "teui af tise faiissey o! suctJ fast biuri- ne,seudni l lillustsate /ta those vito "have beu eanght b>' tie wly biauti- *"isim-nte o! tise.intes-restetilpas-lies, tisat tise people are À1,wake ta liais-un- "tierhandetilseisemesl. On. titing le "ces-tain, tise ratéi4Luyèr9 muet have "securi>' tisaItiose factoria are gzoing ta0 rerain ilutha Corparation, anti Se ":kapt up 10 tise effieency agreeti upon "by tise parties? Wiil a mare persan- "ai bond b. secns-ityejongs ta tis "anti? Tise ralepayers eay no anti va "eciso -tisé yard. Then, ralepayers4 liook afles-your avu intes-este, anthie "iprops- lime tb do'so la stase 1 IlSp-uug upon thse ratepayere" for- soolth i Why, lise psops-iely ai giving *aid tovarte t establlisment ofimanu- factures lu tisa nlaas Sean ticusseti by lte satapayes-s fat'r-years. Il vas lise ane great carti playeti by earsy councilman at tise cor-por-ation boas-d, at tise municipal eleellaus iset Janta->. Il vas lise prineipie bus-don o!f uit. counilman Jantes Campiuell's sang evas-4svisêeuanti visa,ilu iis printeti adtisess sîstei-" I wiLL AT ALLTvIMSs ENCOURlAGE sMANIUFACTURSOr AST sttND MTISÂT OULD BE AÀISEANS OFl tIiN0ING TiAE5tI AND) POPULATION TO THE TOteN. AIorsy meeting o!tise cancil since heii, ttoesubjuet lisas iseen tiesegeti anti taiketi about. -Eariy lu Mareit lest, a resointion vas passesi by tise councl, antiadrstiseti exteusiuel> lu Tas-auto anti lamiiton papes-s, o!flthe Cai-portiau's vihiuguess ta giee bous- uses ta lte sussaunl o! 020,000toairs tise alilinrient a! manufactures lu lte lavu. ln aneves- la lisueadr- timemeuts;, sevenai ps-opositians àrere s-e- ceivati from aisîsida parties, îurepa-eiLta Laike asvantaîre o!fltaeCouneil'ea ffer, aud on titese tise by-iavs ara nov cul- mitteci, visiis lIse Gazette Isallthe au- tiacil> la afse-t, hatve blt-u "cpt'nng upon tise ratepavurs 1" Tise allusion ba Ilsaclique" anti ta "a nteisiers" comas vali fs-rn a prutentieti Wiby pupe- puiliied by Oshtawa meu i Ib is thai- ovu uncaliesi for, anti r-vquestion. ala inlurfereuce, th-y imutîsave Isefoe tut-lt mii, lu pouuittg oscis a pus-a- gapu. Tise ps-omalters a! tisex b>'- iasiv eau haseano p-s-ouci iules-ea la ses-ve, anti no allier objpel lu iav tissu la aid, setise>' are tiin- ta tise bt-st a! lhisas abiiity, in promntin'g tise fusture veifare o!flte lava, lu s vos-v iffe- postesiasd programmes. DEATU Or MIL. A. Dzoue.st.-M. A. Dégrs-si, o! Toroanto, tied ti Iis rosit- ence lu tisat cil>' an Sunia>' lasI. The daceaseti gositInsan isati Seu illfor s faew vuake fram tisa affeel o! a seer- colti, anti draps>' succaeding tisa tiseasa re-sultut in deatis. Ms-. Degnassi taoit an active pas-t iu publie affaira, aud vas a praminent mumbas ai tIie Masenie is-aterail>'. IRis ramains ers- inter-ad witls Ma- seuic isonousîn uTuectia>'lait. Psuusia.VTmo Miai. TEsmueT.-ArnongsI tisa iteuis pesseti lu the supplamntaa'> estimates, an Saturda>', *as anc grant- isg a pension a! 8298, pas- ennunt l Ms-s. Tampesl, lu couseides-atian o! the tiestis a! ies- lamenteti son, aI BRidge. va>t Thisa in pacei unappasati, vo ana glati ta seub>'tisa praceting-- tisa Opposition as veil as te Gaves-a- mant concurring-isitI. CHAMiEezOr ASiAsLT.-Mt'. Sautiersen, hale chiai cousIsS'e sere, appeare ta Se in troubla la Belleville. Iu a dispute about lIse conuuelo! a laul luntise ofice af Ms-. Dougail. o!fltaIt tovu, Ms-. Sstnterson s viaient>' asmaulteti, bis face balle-ed vitîs a poker, sud lte case le nov Solos-a lisePolice Magis- trale. COsn'r5arST OCKe AT DoimîcoN WAslse. saoe.-Iu Dry goatis, Milliner>', hale, bonnets, ribbous & laces. Show rooas raplata vlit erer>'liing nete sud suit-' abie fan tis sasan. Nigiîmare lu cisiltisen dessales a vanî a! nos-vous une-g>- cmmansuraletelîi vilS tis rain upon tise generai cysta m anud simoulsa attendeti t- b>'tise pas-eut os- guari.an aariy 10 preerent gs-sver complications. Fallavs' Hypapsos- pitites viii resto-a ieaits>'activi>'tea lte nervous 1>-item inea s-orttinte. BAsa 0F orPUBLièICisrsauersasr,-A. mong tIsa namas o! thase appaieteti, ve as-e glat tafinti that ai se veli quaifiesi a gentleman ilu arsy respect seans- former townomau, William MeCabe, Eeq;, LILD. * PÂmaHÂtS &Lasu=xn.-Pa-ties in vaut oa i=ahSntis ant idbouurers yil, b>' eciressiug, Ms'. Greenvooi.' tise Mayor,Sa likel>' toisaeatiI' vnte sepplieti Muss Gzrsr AÂY, wO viirdas- "1Paters Musical Monthi"'ta Se sent foran yzëjear ta an> ' ana wbo viiisans us, tien mbacrilbers ta aur paper. - TSiIsk ro! il!tI. on ca" gel atleasit sixt>' féu- tifui. Sangs, Duela. anti Citases, sand frot Mb>' ho siI>' piana plaes, -vOris st laa$40, lu>'seuting us tonns. scribesslecar papar. Wav ill senti a copy ofour paper lilug 1 meet Ms-. Holtiesi propa'uiiaîs iu a liSerai spirit, lie lied a rebolutian Dr. Carso-ea- second t. Mr-. L*wder then readth ie repolutian,t and movati; tisattite council liavingîteart i tise proposition suismitteti by Ms-. Hal- tien, on Seisalf o! himesel!and l aIe-, relating ths tise transies- of lie Part Whihby antiPos-t Pars-y Bailvay ' ta rasponelbia parties, andti iaIt èisI avrsy probabflh of.aisaiti parties Seing ablietaIonceta s»curée liecontroaunt rnana garunl 1 ai asii liv.>, ila lt learîstisaI sucis a trasssf a lely ta taise place, anti vii ha egl a gasst - sail à rent tb>' vetry reasonable, un.s cesson.1 bê tise fluancial and buslnaui abilil>' of voroeti av wnoss af tisê-Railvav 1 Sbentes-ess Éil retainei b>'you, anti. aiea tan aaagnmcnt oft!tie In tionsauti edollars stock ita me,. I viii tiseroupon- l)Iiste autstock -ane thousanti o lu aas eh, anti mysaif anti frIands vil enter luto Sondei;tise affect Ïlit -lte rond, veossitop,,kc., shah Sbe fuiiy c ompieteti vuhis a resoonable tinte, t . I arn'Gentlemen * Sigued, JAXES HOLDEN. Ou motion af Mr. King. secondeti by Mr.s- Pbiip, tise cnnucli eut bta coin.- mittee a! tise visai.an tise communies- -tiou--Mr. O'Donovau itise chais-. Mr,. Hohiien isaving beau caliei upon to atidrees tise council on tise subjeet o! lise communication, sait i e vas p ra- sent ta aseer any questions mouiSes 0 of tise council miglh Se disposeila asit hi iin uruference 10 tise vrteuspropos- -ition ise isatimadie. Mr-. Ray asketi viethur lise uev Copnvouiticompi> vils tise cou- dtosof te boude given by tise ps- -sent compon>' 0tiste corporation, to caimplete andt exteuth ie roati, anti buiti tvo-kasops P M r. -Halten replietinluth. affirma- tive, tisaI bis Company intenieila car- trsy ont aIl lise ps-avions arr-angements vils ltse tovu. Tisey isai, lise sabi, as-- raugeti for tise puicisase ni ail tise-stock a! tise nos-tses-n people, sud lad alto- t gelisas at preseut seestreti 880,000 o! lb. $112,000 stock, Ibis alan. givlug tisauitise conîrol of tise roati. But llsey vantedti 10comumence anew vitis * vas-ytiig, sud vonîti ike 10 hav, tise assurance af lte tovu stock. Alîhougîs tise>'itad nov tise msjas-ity oi tihe *stok, uniese lIîeyohtaiuedtlisetovu etocittîsure vas juist s posibilil>' ai lie visai. tiig failing htsugls. Ha (Ms-. Holsien) bsai arrauget ivltIste nos-li men alleon cents lunlise dallas-, ant i ie *as raady ta psy lise corporation a tsotusanti dollars cashsan lte tes-masteate inlu its proposition. Ha vas lthe ouly, pt-ssou lu tise caunt>' associatet ivitiste men visa nov cama. ms-vas-I. At ps-sent >s vo as nat aI lilas-t>'ta mention tisait' namas ; but lie knev tisa men la Se al smen af veaitisanti means - lt-ey vus-e al lisho-u5risy neliabie men, useti to Seing augageel in lange uniestakinire, anti visauntierstoasi al about t'ailvays. kMuelifth ie faims-e o! tise ps-tsent cotn- pan>' aav iugta tueir evant oa! ps- tical knowledge of sailvay maltes, ani an titis accouaI. as vagwI erel îovu, lte> had beau herptoare foolati anti teceir- et inl tiseir dealing. Wiilta ut-vnp campan> ltat voulil no longer Se lte case-na suds ignorance voulti ps-t-ail -fan tisny vauli have tise Sanefit af lie sersvices ai an emint .englnees-, oua af tise iig!sest stau-llug linitis pr- f egjan - Ms-. Fs-auk Sluauluy. Ms-. Holien next entes-ad into astcaIe- meut a! the amosint of tise liahili- hies lise uav eompauy vouiti listra ta assume, ant insoe- ttisIfor al pus-pos aes lia osil have 10 psy $2w),- 0100lu catit. Mca iurcstug that large amount of coussantel s dlean sale. He aIea gave figures asi;ote iprobabule earninure anti vaskiug expeuces of lise s-ai ; lie believei tisatvils tise exten- sion andthie means liiiecruspan>' vouiti adopl 10 tievelope il, theIs-adeansd ls-affic pnlte sasI vouldl g-ovton exteuntisiti- es-to unknoau. Tisao rond vas nov lin a rt'ls1 ate, otic usegolisat unit-s haliastet andl fiisui et once, il vusulti lue campletely wvasn ouI in t-se titan liseu yess-s, sud al lte moues' unk lu it l. Ru aâio eferrud .la lise sevautaceps a! gelling uitn of capital la came lies-e anti invest il - tisa Senefils frosu tisa extension of tise s-aat, anti tisat if axteutiat. vilStisahefine us- tus-ailias-os- of Wisitisy, 1h mighlit bu one of te hast in tise Province. Hu (Ms-. Holtien) vas slvuym a! tisa lattes- opinion, and ti l as ailtaI Iseiib>' Ms-. Sisauiey. But t0 place tisefimas-io- iu a fil claIe ta metthlit requis-ameuts oi lima railva>' trstllc vouiti aise requis-e a large expendihure oi mouy-uo l ltse tissu $100,M00. The compan>' laving luis lunv,Isi aimaa matie amn offer for lise pus-lisse o! tise ishas-; but lie titi ual kuov visetiienlte>'vouiti gel Il. Tise expenditure a! tisaI sum of moue>' vassit, hawvers, make-Witithy tIseSt-st hiesbus- an th. nor s-lhas-e ; anti, as lia btai jusî saiti, ail tisaI expendiluru vas nacessa->' 10muet tisa reqisirements of lthe lucesoed trada. Eves-yling migisî nat Sa accamplaheat afret, but hie compan>' veu viintug go an sud taka anaebiing aI a tisue. Ia repi>' b Ms-. Lavdes-, Ms-. Haities statedti tisIha listi agreementse lu vriîiug for tise purcîsasa anti sale aiflte stock mauenuti S>' isi-ail-includ- ing Enghsish's. lunt'elly 10 Ms-. King, as tla verieei aIl tise presaut Iboard a! dis-adosstes-e CapI. jlshl's Zxpcdsiion Heerd From- Tise star>' a! lie Pas. Tetere DEATII Or CAPT. HALL-TEE Csav SEPAIATYD.-W5IAT TISE RECUE S Ar. Bay1IBoberIsen, St. Joisns, N.F., Ma>' 9.-' 5fe steamser- Wairus ars-iverotrau tisa Suai Faie->, aItisae Port of SI. Johns. thie mas-ng, bringing nevi tiaI tise steamer Tigreslati ceuie lilo Biobes-t's Bey, 18 miles !rum blie, bar- bng on board 19 sus-vrseo! Htall'$ A- tic Expetition. This psîsty wisichlsisat beesi lauteilfs-arn lise Polaris, vas-e ai- an frouaies- b>' sgale visic Suret hies- saos-iugs aI lalus Gectobe-, 1872, lu lati- tude 72:85. Wiieu lthe>'las av lthe Polar italevas undes ceam andstivneas, nttting for a ianioîs-au tis ecaît mile o! Norhumliail Islsandshe misad tnio mo-e bascloft a!ftisasix wviesc ce bs-sugt isthlSlie- is-antNew Tas-k, 2 vas-e loîht isatheNantthe-n Bietlilion, 2 vas-a lanetion thea te vitt-(3apl T>'- -sn'm pa-t>', 1vas bus-at se fis-evtoti. 10 mate vaSer tas- tise csev ant Itisaalie- vas ou bard-itise Tigýreuis. TisaPoaisaas in suoxuianti ofCapI. Baildinglatn, wv itoIati18 a! lis crew a. long vits hlmantid peuie tock au prariciotte. 11t ise oiine!lt sus-vivrass liaI lta>'y wll c usalie la grel ciens-belon. Jul>', antiaven thifaL lise si;ip s nseaats-l>'tise>'Wu t have te mate uew bate taeffeel an ci- csape On lise 815 o! ctlses', lu latitlude 81: 88, Longitudie (7 44, Caplain Harll dieti of sîaiuiex>'.andi vas Strict ouishas-a visase tise>' esecteti a- wooden crosis ta mraisk hi@-grava. Hée bail recent>' returuatilfront s nor- tisasn siatiga expetdition, jein wiii, bail athtiuedthetaaltitude af 82-16. IHa cematiin us nuai leailth, asId iait cedtahtie cs'ovinto is cablo 1 aucu- ae tisa= witi Sapes o! future revends, anti tiulilte tisemla ranevei- exes- liane, vhea h. vassutideul>' ss-uck dovus-auti api- o th ie greet grief et ths tî-uil, 0 imhoiahail endea- hinsseli b>' bis kininnuesaanti davuian. AcciDmàTLLT SEar.-A-yang Man, ýaget 18 yars vas accileuli>ialt s i3aaslezy,NbpbiýseogiBosch, ew awys ega. lh. entSs'tiuate lad was ea sou ai Ms-. Fai-Su-n. H liei four dsysea!. te- h. e aeln.-Braidebrsidge Av Daayxrn.-On tise lot inst. wvile Citarléa Wilkar anti WssCocirsau vose rowving up tise South bs-sncb i oise Musisoits Rives' tisa>' vire uilunahe. ldrunLitatisacurs-nt. -Cadis-au an enteradti uIw-itis tise tavaby-tsa ad compati>; cousequentl>' liey voniti rua no rbek, biIha getljng.a good in.u pan>' ai solvant mnn -plac L ai tl, tisa>' iat Ipresent. Attse suggestion o! Ms- Campselu, tise tva er-l bauds given _b>' his Coisupsnyr for tise es-actio-n ai v6skehap, & v, ere read, .. - 1 ". Dr. Cas-son cousilderet tiIMs-. Lav- dar'tmotion cave-e th ie vitale grounti -ise oui>' danger la hIe ruinti vas visaltar -Toronto influnce mlght not pratiominale ta lise prejuieaiflice tova in lh. aav arrangement. In Py t a fs-tisr'question frant concurrence i h eg uin èep i fixing a tarif, visicis ha saisi na ono- pany caulti consent la-o have bhisas tas-iff régnialetilb>'liti pas-lias. .Ha ti t lobjecl 10 lthe tebonîurs-ts eing retainet inutise lava Tresu-> until tisa road vas completeti. Tise- nev cont- pan>' vouitideai uSas-ail>' vilthah tovu lu srraugiug ltai-tariff, il vauli 'b. moat-te anti reasanabie, anti as that vas aillte resoieslion asitet for ha voniti Se satiefieti vils il. Ms-. Lavds saidieitaconeiie-atheis maltes-af tise tas-hf mach aeentaln,-in- dtancing th isanl acaea!flise es-action af a steai flour mili anti tisa etaliash- ment o! manufactures, anti sentiug anti receivlng ca- lands iluui, lthe atvan- taga ta Se gaineti.- Aile- came fus-tiser couvesaetian on tls poinb, aud Ms-. Bs>'ansi altes pobnling ont thsat'-it vas unuecessa-> ta gut au>' nete baud, luasmuci as lise nete Campan>' loit sipon ilseif aIllthe obligations o! thet oltilCompany, and a ge-ne-al expressian o! opinions atlie 'lesisabilily o!fitatierodcisanglîsg isantis, sud tisa otite- objecte tg be-gaineti aI tise Sentis of a nev compan>', viith las-ge capital anti means ta exlcut tIse roand ;-'Ms-. Harper aise nrging tise unps-afitableus af tise stack alp-usen t, anti sbstiug that il vanithSa htte-ta liant , ar-ta hlitîev Compansy vis- ont aÀ.V couitiesatoôn-o- telîî as a psit'>'thoussanti tolassta ltaeimpart- anca of finismiug anti cxtenelinglise s-cati-a gent-tai acqitisauce vas gleen lts fr. Holden's proposition. Ms-. Draiper- iaving Seeu noliceti asaugea the Rpeclators vas calleti upon, as a tisectaj- of lthe Caiîipsuy, la express . iseopinuo onaitlie prapositian. Seins-a tis e ossicil. Iusitioiug so lie ai - vicuti cas-tfui conqiietiauou tise1, o! tise cou-sou; Ilînt tiîey vaii acces-- 'tain viso ltaenete Company' tese, su-i ee lts>' tes-s-e lua pouiionite a aief>' he tavu as ta trissl vas axpeceti fr-omt ltesla cia. Asg far as tisa prs-est Company' vac concerneil ieubelieveti il vonlul ie impusu;iuie ft~If lium la go ou; but il vas qitte es-tain tisaI vits it 045,0151)fs-os lte Gaves-usi-u, tise s-ast ta Port P-s-sy vas ce-stain ta bc finish- cd. Thue moue>', Is altS, vas vole-i for tisaI pus-pose, ansi valnit ot bu putit oes- ountil -the s-asti as compiete 1. Aocoriîsg ta tise ps-tsent esîtuates tise susîssunt s-tquis-a-i tesbalistIdilei, Malte stiingsr vant eompiete tise raosivas 815.- 0010, but taiting il at S2 1,000, lise-evas t-rt-s>'asrsnce tisat il mstl ho finisb- iilise mntes-via tise coamups>'was. Ha knt-v notiing of tise arranîgemensts as- a! limepasries associatetilvith ls-. Rolien, isut ha almlttilthe great atisanlage af guetting -men a! 't-t-nue ansi capital ta laie Iofit !i. Tt vas viat vas seanteti, for-, as vas ,weêl kuovu, tIse>'lî lian men ai capital lu titis section tb pub moue>' mb s-ail- Ms-. Blowvexpressei hie auxiet>' vils ail olisere inle-esteS, ta scetise s-ast finilheti ant inubelle- lîsusts; bilteaouls ilt lits-tises- lime ta bu bette- infos-meti anti tîini ove-tise malte,. Afler inrthet' s-tmarks iras Muscs-s. Ray', King, lthe ayas-, sud otte- mam- les, antiMs-. Holtien, tise rasaintius vas pasetiunsuimausi>', anti .reporteod. Tise Cnei lieu adjons-neti. tige, ito uette riw4ttulpt'tss. tie socasois pute ui*1ss i, or lsow imiportanst Our htssiinsuay bLuetisaIcalte s ussitie-. Anti ail tiis ineotsveniu-tte aissi lues vo isavejos-ne, vlîils tlsoasanii'fdî, lies- hsave bSen lavlsitetlpîu ltheios-li o! lie Townshtip. Ve vtll stot eom- plain vison tise mossey i5 oxîtetiet whe-o It la mo.ttneeileti, os- vteotise greacest gosd ruay Se securesi telite gtruateit nbet', but vis castit fus-get tIsaI tise nut-1= tahlie najos-ity o! s-e- ps-eculativgour as-conosi t table andi wiia ans- mmsirsssare iittje-atcîssied to. We have ruade vos-y ieW demüande on bownship fenis, sud do trust tIsaI titis, tise fis-st imtportanut onte, tnay.nul bu igssored. Tie cost vii 'b. trifliug lu compasi- son ta tise -guototabSebestowed,. Tis wprk la toaa grest, extent volunteeeti gs-atditanly, anti if nua ailade t taa sers-lou in l e canseti. -WMN. J. BSLANCHARD, Plckelng, May otis, 187,J.- Musss It&ODC.-Lsoudon, May 12. Aurl for'4-by-lavs, (if $20ibb0grsted) 60»0b Tise payment; ai whiois yullbe sprea:i oves- 20 years i Tise next question tise tax-payer will ask ie, hov mucis wiii tise paesxng of titese by-Iaws rais.eruy taxte, if tisera sisouliti.Seno lues-usi in: agsessed vlue~ of 10wn ps-operty ? A correct csa1leu-t t io ii -show tisat eaeh of tise. by. iaws e;ôiiid requi-e a epeeîal yearly lax,, aeeo'ri)îs ug ta thes last rerlactiassese;metit rail of 1872- - O~nthe aver-age for the 20yrs theisy-taws sa-un On eseis by-law. On by.laws fon $20,000. Ou sersY 100, Sida. 22ets. - 9400, 22ces. 89etm. " 570, - Uds. 1.-iSets. Nov, titis ltiste vos-st possible resuit wiie eau happen. Foeinateiy'tse- is a mo-e favorable view of tise ques- Stion. Same of tise proposati manufac- turing establishsmentsseart. xPmpted fs-rntuaxation on lise preisss anips-o- pei estnset inutise bugineseor tire yas. n otie- places exemption' for tan years bas beeau s-tted. Ahtis eanti of fire years, ail tisese ps-opus-lies vill adta t ans- assesseti vainue sil loo nnci to expeel tisaI four sutis factories wiit tse capital anti uimbe- of haunds taSce ou- ployeti, viii, aI lth. endi of lise fie yea-s, be assesseti for thises-ps-tmises anti pessonai propes-ly, aI lt-ast $89,000 for tise four estalishsments ? If sa, tse taxes paidti tlus-by oulti smore titan cave - e ubentures anti intéreet faillusg due eacis yea-. Again, il fortunately hiappens, thaI if bonus ity-iaws ta lthe exteul even of 5-20,0003 ose passesi, titis; yea tise Town wiul only have have te s-aise $690 for otie-isalf yea"às Ine-est. NexI year, ail lthe meehanies Whso May bu brougit into Town fat'tises. facto-les viii lsave ta conîrihute ual oniy-towastti tise pssymeul cof tises-aIes unie-tisesp hy-iaws, but Iowars-so ur Scisool, Coun- ty, antt generai pus-pose taxes. As lthe by.lssvs ave baseti tpon lise eînploy- meist of fifly hbandss aI uehfs-clos-y, ex- clusive of boys or gl 18, iu ordses- taob- tain tlite tottues, lthe uautfaelur-s- usu.t enîploy 200 mten ;.lise ps-ssiabiily rites-cfore, lanlthaI of lisese fuily 153 wîili bc suarricti men, s-tquis-ina Iouses, andt if so co:iitlutiistg fuuly $1,8)0, pus- au- ius, bta ur Totem lresusty. A e'ompstrittou of tihe Townm of WVlitisy an-i Villaîge of Otisaa for tIse yças 18,56 andt 1872. viii sus-ely saligfy tise itogseesîlical. as ltalthe beneficiai s-e- suite of umauufactur-es. Oshaiwa. Wlitlv. Oc'-up-inb.s,per assl s-ol,l'l-il, 878 714 Ot-esuists, t872, Kit1 554( A.ttsted value, "'I 51SU,130155 541930555 Equalizeti" 1872, 4150550 41142 Asee-ue " 1872 515, ilit 674>489 Tisese figur-es utpeak fotss ietinelves;, antinet> eult.ively estsblisl i the valse atîsi imtportane of msnufttfsctrissg os- teblisiisents as.l t- qtire nu comsment It iqs alit-gs-d tisaIlite seci-ty ftitisl- cd unit-s tsus- pruposesi lsy-laws ile tiu- ficienî,buî essu ussy o!fIls'-cavillers, poinst otnt a rue in-ttasice wliprte ls.ttes secur- ily lias bt-en grant-si, os- eau liey shotw amsy eqnally goofi proposais hatve btd-eut sutittetl la otîs Couseil, wviehi bal; iteen iutitin- aisijcticiting, proposas fttr uecs-iv two yvars ? As a simple qtît-sliou o! redueviosi s-ath-s lthaslues-s-ae of taxes, as one viltsly affocliug 11w future Igrowlt aud prtusperity of otîr Towtn. s-sd" iii full sic- cos-dasice witl tie g-iîrsifs-elinsg exiil)- ites instalsno4 crs-s-ry Towns aitîsiVillage lu Canada.its- ont' titiq lcarly poiite-il osit la omis-ue lie oppsarsntity sioevaf- flot-îesi,:snsta rsstii'y tus- by-iasswtb , ytsscl a tieciled isnujorisy as viii stow tisai lthe lau-siof Vltitty h tete-uinet-tlnos la li ehslind hie augo'; let ont' totto bu "Excelsior,' ans i tnay 701 expani lu tise importlance ans i meinsions wiis ur naturel psosition assd asvan- tages warrant us ins strie-iug tualltais. Yus, &C., RIL .LAWDER. %Vitiy, Masy l3tis, 1876. Ta the Eclitor of the Wlsitby Crosiele. DEAn Sse Wouid yoss aihow me lts-ougi tise colmue of yssurssltssble Itaper ta cali tise attentions of lise raec-p:syers of Picke-ing,, ta a malte- of costsilt-sabie more miiers-t titan is gesseraslly betow- etil upon il. At lthe Ma-ch ti-elg nf tisait'owssip Coneil, a pelsîtios wae preeulei by a larg«e ununse- o! tux- paye-s, ps-aying for liese peey open- îug ni> of IlîssI portion of tite Base -une s-oaci, intesecet by tise waters o! Duif- lue Cs-eek. Tise-ensta le a idispo- sillo o naitlie pas-Iof aur Municipal Fattcr's la treat tise malle- as onu of iittie importansce, andi psy cttmpcs-tively slig-lt altt-ention ta tiesubnijecl. Ailow me la place tise malle- a 11111e more fnuIy iteftso littu. ceivetiTromutise lava^ betis, s" t ta CapI. Rasbs-imuk réports thstt Itie cous- meanti vasattakq~i by a party of Mo. tis-, nt fit- oiiirsanione Warm Sprln'gIndian vers iilietianti six sol. ilts-s; anti one Wat'm Spsing Indiani wosntieti. ATTinE51T lO Msxtwsa TIE Ext'ss- où OF rsnÀr.NwYor-k May If).- Tise Hérald'g, speeili front Lonâton says-"AsepoBlias be:ms recelerat ht-si-e, ittiEmperoroGra s firetiuponby a ps-lest wiie reviewsng tise tresopeaI St. Putet'sbsstg. Tise Sali aeeititrougli hie iseimet, sevarely aossin u adjutant. Tise report ha. not yet beenptsliiehed,but la cousitier- eti reliable. Witt-DgCL~aARE C1ST a GaZT BRl. v.uie;.-Loridou, May 1O.-Âdivices front Cape Towts, Banulh Afriea, reeeivesi here, §slsde tisaItthe King of Aghatlte. one of thse moet exte-nsive sud pavas-fn Bover- up mn framffents, and quireu a new rooi on' A yaulh visa vase tempteti suicide rasi dose o! yeast pavder Bitiveh, tise forger Englanti, left ,Havi Landaus in charge ah' Aruadeus le sai t h tory' aifisb roigeiu i STADDI sotis, tise i Fritia>', May' 915. Milne. ss. Lamase.-Bil 10 sel aside sais o!filands. DaereS>' causent. Tiss Mass, Q.C., fan pitif., Ms-. Ba>'t for tieft. Dawes, Ms-. Cascele for tieft. Lamon. Diekie vs. Dickie.-Bill 10 set acide sala. Jutigmant--reiterveti. -Mr. Bayai antiMs-. B. MeGea for plif., Hon, Att>'- Oea. Movat jor deil.- Bunker va. Boir.-Dpcre aup ro- dtiîon oaan affidavit vrsifyissgt bll5 10 Sa producati bafora V. C. le Tor-onto. A. G. MoMillan for pihif. anti deft, Grneauoot, J. K. Gos-don for infant tiefts. A Well-dravu PlceInsefa a Mean "S8oakes-." Ont' confrera, o! tisa Ob8erver, hile off la a T, lise "figuee iard" a!f bi Pas-t Pers-y papes-, in lise foloiv lavl-tirave picture : IlWe losîhe su ant arminaate tise mis- "arabie, tiliiug, cqpanging toper vite "viii drink all lie caît guos-oruthiug, "anti vho seeke 10 cavas- issabomina- bl,"isiauaa-il>', etingiuas S>' tIsacloak "of tespeas-aca. A -"curiller" vhose "tempes-suce principies permit hlm "ta us-itk al Se e augel fos- notiig '-msd ou>'ps-avent hlm pa>'iug for au>'. "Tht-se liingeS eing vwelituovu il vas "Most unkind the bsring ta put thisas "ep tippiing figure isa forvas-t as "t-nonerauce aiamian. "Wa admitlitisIite can evIilalllise "!s-ee iqh s ie can gel sud nat gel "ligisI, l'ut biset anly ps-ove1s-'tit quan- "lt>vit wiclitlie eau sÉtand." - DEATIS OF Jour14STUART MILL.-SeI- us-ils> afles-noon a Cable taiegraru brouglit lise neye o! tise tiesls aitise veli knaya Englials Liberai Johin Stuart Mill. Ms-. Mill w»a for a long lime employe inlutise Eutl Indus. Haîisfsu ani snonget his otites- asoi icuavu as lise igiorion a! Indili; Sut bcixses la aclitmase a political econo- miel, anti as tisa auhhar ofa i S>tem o! Logic." Ha vas aIse a cautsibutar 10 tisa E-il burglc anti Westmiaistes- Be ve.RuHeerei fan anates-m lu Pas-- lissent, Itut seas iefeate t ahe lulst gent-rai c-ludion. Ha tildat IAvignon iu France; vaass-on lu 1857. Nav QERLFAINS MuSTIsELs-Tliisoa-- iinual anti favor-ite Troupe o! Minstetsi relus-n ta Wliitby again, anti appeas- at lise Mecîsanice' issu ou Tuacis> aveu- lig, lte 201hla. Tisa> are tise mast cosmplate anti perfect osganizalian o! lise iinti ttravelinig, Isave asfuli anti perfect orchsestra, a cas-net baud, anti as-e visiteti b>' tiligisteti eauiencevises-. evas-tise>' maite tsais- appeas-anca. Sua L.-In Oshsawa, où .Apl if Mr'. D. Blatdfia', ofa! tTise debata-laiteti fat' mb tisa vesýt'g session. ,\ Dr. .Tipper.*,Moved,àî <i~meursneat ttit hie'House proceedtiwh sthee ouiers- ot lte 'ay, wich was carried en a vote" fof 103 10 70-a ruajos-ity for Goveru-' mnent of 38. - Sir. John Macdonald moved h Hfotte.inb conmittée th consider cer- tain resointiqns. on tise subeet aiofte addlitions proposeti 10 beruade 10tiste tsalaries of Lieu teuau t-Goverçtors Of tise tiffs-ent Provinces of thse Dominion, and tihe",s -.The Houe went intoCoisumittee, tise varions resoilions were passeti, anti lte Comilteo rose anti repos-ted. Sir John Macdionaldi gave notice tisaI to.qmorrow héc woniti irtroduce a reso- laineouceuruing 1h. salaries of Minis. tare of tise Crowin. Sir John Mactionaldi movedtata when the'Hnuse, atjourus on Frilay, it sisouiti adjauru -ilU three o'clocic on SaIns-day, anti tisaItisé os-ters. ehoulti bu tise sampe as ounFsitay-ýCarrieti. Sisr John Maecdonald moreti for a new wril for tise eonnty of« Hauts, N. S., ln tlie-room of Hon. Joseêpi Howe. Fx-itiay, May 9th On motion of Sir Johni A. Maction.' ald the. wrilta eleet a member for tise counîr of Hauts, in tise place. of Ms-. Ho we, was jekueti. Ms-. Gibits' bill t0 amenath ie Rallway aet was reporteti front cormillee of tise wisole anti past.eti. Aiso tise bill 10 Yprrvide fus-tises- inspection of gai. In auswer te Ms-. Kllan*thlie Hou. tiMr. Mitchel state t ta the-Goveru. meuth iatitaken.medeures 10 exempt Canadian sltippiug from tise opérations ot tise uew Engilit Siipping Biul. 2A t lngtlsyd(isesiou 10ok -place upon 1h. 13sill respectiîîg pilotage. Hon. Ms-. 1Langevin Introduceti a bill teameuna lte Militia Act. Otiser bille were. a&i Ivanceti a stage. Saturday, M ay 101h. On motion for going into Committuee of Snppiy. Mr. Blakce vi ooeyaI- tacked tise course pus-sued Vbytise Gor- iern ment, in not senhmittin_, lhe fifteantis clause of teé Pacifie Raiiway Citarter- te tise Rnc.e. Dr. Tupper replieti. .1A long discussion -ensueti ou 1he.stale of tise pulie Itusiness, aflters- wlite - Ionse wenl mb oCommnittee of Supply, anti passuti tise remainiug items. Amongst thlitiertis passet iwas on. *granling a pension of $298, pet' auunm, tn Ms-s. Temnpeal, witiow of théiselte Dr. Tt-rîptpl, anti lier eltiltin lctousi'lera. l ion of lise deatis of lier son, Wiu. Fais-. * anke Tempeet, on wisom sitevas (le- pe.ndent, attd wliso as killtti a RitIge. wav l is e Peountet'viltiste Fenians Ms-r. Joly d1sew tise attention of tise Hnse t te ipur a tee of rr-wat'tiucn tise Rt-v Ms-, AnciAnt for liii hernie cou- it in u aving life anti admiuisterine 10 titjwaîle iof lte etîffe-rs attse Alian- ttic Oirastet'; andtihie Goverument ps- - tusisefi 10 acceie lstiste wir-lses of tise fioouse an-i couutry lu tisis respect. -SrrsÈral bille wpeepaçseti,. amougsl otiters rte. bli b incorporale lte S Oslsswa Boas-il of Tradu., - Monday, Mfay 121h. Ms-Ii~eltenzip- moveti spcouetieti hy Ms-.l-Uniton, tatiseh- Houes- go intn comitîittee on tis erointion. "Thisi l expettiiitt te proviie ltat un pt-ssou itaLvie g a p-cnnia-v lint-t'est os- coutraet lu tl)e Casailan Pacifie Ruilwày bu elhisiýse 10 be cit-eteélti 0o ctspy a seat tir vejte ini tii Pasliatueut." -Tlit- usual amourit of discussion from tte Oppositioni anti Ministeriai lie foi- litei, anilishe resointion foiitsveiltise *is'îss-ti course of bcbng rejecleti by a.vote of 8 to63. Tuestiay, May 151h M.%r. Gihits (Soutis Ontario), p resenteti a report o!flte commitue on Publie Ace- A sgtod deai of imporiont business was franu-acte.i tise Rouie atting up te osse o'clock lunlte moruiug.0 A DEssu'ssATE SsTRUeonx o1rÀ ATRsIx A%O DAUGEHT1?IS WITit IriDrAie.-A (des- pateit froun Porstandi, Os-egon, yeslerdlay, gays fire Intilsîns attaekçd tise houes of Jas. Harrison. eilis miles front Wala rWssila. R. refuseti te ttve tise Indians loisacco, andti iey kuocked tise dont' tiown. Harrison tiefeudeti himxtelf anti rdanstites- witit a hatehet, knekedti lo 1of lte Infians cdown anti was striiggling witli lie tisird wisen hiesianzitter came to itis rescue andI leockevl tise Indian tiowu wiliî au axe. Tise neighbouf-s isearti their onteries anti came 10 lthe recief of Harrison sud -bis dauglîter, anti eaptused tittee of tiseIndiaus, wlo are lu jaili.Tise olisers escapeti. DàRF.ADFUL COLLI.Rsav FXPLOSI.-Â tiscatiful explosion ocenre inlu tise Drumonti coai mine lu Picton Co., N, ML- Pbos- valn- it conr- ne, an ' MAIiIIED. MtTSSEN-SCHOFI:ELD-41 st. John'si Chnreh, Preseaît, on th. 12th iuel., by the iRigisI Reverendth ie Lord Bishop of Ontario, aseitted, by tii. Ber- -J. W. Burk, B. A. Ineunbe nt, the Ber. E. Horace Museau, M A_, meunient of St. FaulVe, Caledonia 10 May Victoria, thiri dannister of Lancaster Sehofielti, Esq., of Her Mfajesty's Custoins. HUSTON-Amt Wisitby, oa thse Sun- day eYeuing, thse llth insqt- Haunas, wife of Thomas Huston, Eeq.. Cip-rk andi Treasurer of lthe Town of Wrhitby. ýWHITBY MÂRKETS. CRU6oCIeLa Opprcz, M-zy l4th, 1973. F&U Wiseat ............ 1 30 6 1 45 Spriag.Wheat .. - 128 412.7 Barley................ 60e Ca 65e Peas ......... ......... 65e@67e Black Eye Pes...-75e Ca 8& Rye ..................5Me 60e Oas....... *.........87e@40e Hay .............56 1 Potatoes..............«30e@ Apples,lper barrel. 55...t3. -Egp ................I5e Cd17e Butter ...............15e 1e Chasez....... .........3e @15e ]3eef, ttind quarter...5-@ e65 Beef, fore quarter .... f4 à5e Porc, pet' cwt. ..........$à Ca5# Chiccens .............. 25 & 8Me perpar. Dueks pet' pr.............. 5e Turkeys, per lb.......7c @ 10e Coal, per ton ........... 7@ 58 Wood ................4 ôO, 5 TRA4VELLERS' GUIDE. GRANiD TRU<K. R.B.- Trains leave Wltitby Station as foilows (doiug Est- Going West- Express.... 7:15 a. m. Local. -8. &0Lan. Mixed... 250 p. ni. Express 10,15 sam. Express.... 7.20 p. m. Mixeti.... 5.10 p.. Exp.Mail0:-15P.m. Thse trains rua by Motttreat ime -wbiechaa 22 minutes faster titan Whitby time. WHITBY & PORT PERRY R. 2R. Trains Going North- - Mal. Mixe&i Wisitby Juaction, 9:00 amn. 7:03 p.m. Wldtby, 9:07 9-m' . 7:10 p.m, Port Perry, (arrive) 10:30 a.m. 8:4Q p.m Trains Galug South- Mixed. Mail. Port Ferry (depart, . &0 s.-m.1:00 p.m. Whitby, arrve) 7m58am. 2:25 p.m. Whitby Jonction, 8-00 a.m. 2:30 p.. DIVINE SERVICE. A1u Saints' Cisurei-At 11 a. m,,ati 7 p. m MRv.3r. Cayley. Catholie Chuireh-Every gutdzy morniag st 8m8 anti 10-M0. zm. a1teruately-Bev. Fa- ther McCanu,; residence, Oslbawa. CaaaPresbyta-= Churrh-AI il a. m. and BO . m-ev.Mr.-B&lleutyne. -Cougregational Churei-.At- i. a. m. and &80p. m.-Eev. M. Gibbs. 'St. Ajndrew's; Chureis-At Il a.and 6:30 p..-ev. Mr. Fraser- -Wesieysn Methodisl Chureis-At 10:30 a. m. and 68:30 p. mu-Rev. 3fr. Sandinrson. -HOSPROTY-S LIME, TMON, PL I8AYA o- Pes-ovisu lins-k.- WIIEBLER'S Compound iElixit' i phatas anti Caisa s minues stes. able r-emedias in tsa Casmaf a dllienui disu. 1Phophorons, a brslei-fond; Lins exëtàeulof uIsilion; Iran, a blond rmt anti Callssy& o- Pas-vunesBar-ktise *Ascl8for ahi le andI lever, anti mll o tsonsi ofCnerroSi prostrastion anti ge duibl#t>'.Phosphiates as-e ltheonu>' s lanvunthat sgl immediatelyon theeSuIt Parfeelaxt«I l tisosn and amsilalir food, ani ueternl"ng tse formtsioouaf blondi, <Nocombinatos uver disevun se s-ematas-lta>Sin buildlng sp conitu s-n downe vîith oid compist ta lieretafore resieçtat ail is-timsiy metsoi bs-estmunt. Sts! b>' mildruggslst.

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