Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1873, p. 3

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gltnleadr iq4ny xposed conditioni, 1ouve thli&ahair for bl au anhour. andsuiportd olyby B>àbfe iiàon- - Th,. 0oùnil-reomd-te-sF coýuniud Oaér. uth ma. ý* *medChe.. re-y tbe a t 'r mal Party of Indias' The Weii-comtnittsê 0onpetiti obat &dà àtioi to thes ltancd and a£000 r îàommended the opsuod ar ; t was feaxlal. Tjc. iiet owm,.ppro nations for te imir four -abotiswers only fred to dTaw ,.. TeOfoJ trooupa more dfrect eween the fire Osïdesrond bqtfte>i> lots of th6Ina uliauÀq on the rlght. The, route in tbeoacd coi., 3Jà-JZ. Palmer.,.Ci was complale, and 'wthout an ex-' 50; on'sid( cdbVfnIt Chiange of shot, Ieaving theîr non.Jorm .in oon ail s. 2L Jb cts 6 ., missioned offco a, a nsajority of wbom on 9tkooh .od ôo4w )llotNc, la stretched oouthe grounfi, thoir lie-,- jarues J. Dad9noow, 10;b bJood ebbing away. con. road oppàoMte lot No. 8jaî Copfusr.ui and demorallzscl they b.- àM@Avo, Coin., 65n',/ on aide io1 camnp an easy pr.e'to* th. Modocs, wý'p tween Iote and 8, in tho e cOn- aient them dowre like s80 aafy f3ght$e.1 MCAV Ccn~,*0 oih ed ueer. That a pat' of 69 men aide roai4 between lots lO4t)d Il in ý should bc almout soi1lrotnded byladi,, Co" e udé uyraAa wiîiiout thoir being awai-o e i * for 1 E.ullc1ing ,cufrer te 'Éât of Inîlians ast fat aa they coulua 0wtIl ÉCOrmi8sioners, '*125; on aide rqýad - give au iliea of thce nature of 1h, ground ; tween-lots 2 andiD in 7th'con., for. t,'t on Whiole thes. Indians filht. During piking andl gravieiling, S. -ýMackey'u t i silit' the.,Inilians were creeptng W igî,cm,*5 nl.ta thronghi' rocks te, scalp and stip the' folio2wng accountu b. àTlowedâand pai bodies of tie deaul' oldiers. W. rÂlilt$, for igoodea snepiied th Wj Col. Groeen ovod forward hie lUne DlackweUiJ and indigent,,f17; _ýam to tha place indicated aned thera, hld ini Scott, forý'bulinit'bridge, &., in at sagebu'ab, were the. bodlies o! Major' con., *#28; Wmn. Lidgetî, for grav Thîomais, Lt. Howe, aid Ithe acting.cur. pire f'm ra&-divittion NO. 51 41 aboylaya little to the. J. Mansfield for sheep kîlled loy doï L.Harris andl 5 o! iei mon stripped of 'Andi yonr commiftte s iould' recor al hheir clothing. Forty.mnenswere moud Ihat John Milier bs appointeti kiiled and woundsd out of lei 69-maIe, examine the ide roaci betweeu lot: and 5 iu the 8th end th con.,ad WILL Or NAIpoLptgJIII.-A Hersait!port at-h es text'meèeting of te ao 1peciai from London nys tics following Mr. Brown moyes that Henry Ba isitino true 'will of tIhe laie Emperor lard be directed to perform ie Statt Napoleon, under wlcic letbtera of ad-. labour iii rot,#d division No. 9, and ti., mainistration tee now appliod for :- ths clee uier bis namne on -1h. liet ic Thle, asiate is B*Orn to uù*def bue bien. tiita iïwsont' flied itclioventy ilbilttet poantiu Ster.' Mr. Green nioves that Mesprs. Paîti ling, and -tois; surn 'ma subi sct ho lainis er and Brown be authorizedte, examn w1iich wili reduca il ono- ai!. "This jeltths road htween lots l.À anti«15 in th My will I commond my wifo, and my second RBange and ascertain whal ei mon tu the bigli ethohtieof the. Shahs, rangement can ho made with the psr ia tes Pop le andl to, the army. Tihs lies on said lots, to facilitate. lie obtain Emprem slEngenie -posessies ail the. ùeg gravei froni the beach. qualihies ioquiaite for, capablyconduct. MÉ, Miller bnoyes ettIte counu ing a BReucy,,and my son displays a now adjourn, to mneet on Saturday diiàpositioni &ud judgment which wiil 171k May nexl, and aI tht t ime thi foendôr hlm worthy o! bis high destin- Court of Revision for tihe townshiîp i lves. Let hlm necter forget tiie motho of! iî[ thieIcend of Our family :-Everythlg for the, Freneli.' Lit I1dm fi on hie mii the witings of tliel>rieouer aI St. - rowth of OsAawa. Helena. LethIiro study th Emprrl - deeda and correspondence ; eandfnal The Aesegsor, Mr Glonny, lias jus ]y, lot himu rameneber wh.n circnmshan. completi lhis labours and rolurneîl i ccs; permit, tuaI lIce cause of the. people roîl. Mai duties have been performed is lte aus o! 'race,~ Poqr a ain a very careful anti painelaking tuer iaath causen ooPrls. o cannota.ner. W aquote beiow extradt &Wt he wiaybdo il1, bgood one aooul al-sh totale of the population and valuallon uindbocate ge nte-Cularle sioshx Ofthe four Wards for the iresent and tender justice ; 00 that in,o1ider to Pr""i'sYear fullfil oune's mission, oua muet have failli PPULA.ÂrO,. lu and vouscieuciousiy -appreciats hie 1878. 1872. cllly ; itil j necessary bo consider tual N. W. Ward .....1,048 702 fromn Heaven above, tlîose whomI have N. E. "6.........951 754 loveti regard and protect you. Il is S. E. 66'84 u lthe soul o!fxny illustrions Uiele that S. W .......74460 lias alwaye inspired and eutained me- - The-like Wil appiy 10 nty sou, for hoe 8,795 2,805 wili aiways hoe worlty hie namne. I - VALUATi-ON<. leave te lite Emproseail my privahe18. 172 property., I wisliîtient aI lite majority N.-W. ad....188.95 1872. of Mcy 1son1site1shah live ai Eiysee and Ilr.1865 4,6 lierit Itcft itI ymeorwilN. E ... 154,565 128,82f ho dear b hler, 'aud tuaI afl-er my dealh S' . ....1405 144,922,35 site wîll forget wicalever unîtappines I 8,2 14,2 tonay have causod lier. Witlî regard te, iny son let hini keep as a talisman thé% 627,995 5-12,695 seal whlti1 wore attachedtec my watch, The above figures shtow an inercase anti wvîieli stme from my molter; jet o! 990 in our ptopulation for one year. hlm carefnlly.posrve everyýIting that This untlonbtediy is buo higle a fligure. came t mie frolIeh Emperor, Mny Il je impossible for an aseessor, in lte nticoit, aud let hiitie e'convenced titat ordtnary course of hie titie, lu obteita nny leart anti ry soul romain with 1dm. lte correct cansue. Parties enîleavour Ini ako no mention cf my failhful ser- 10 evaule hit and keep their narnes off ý'ants. I a&m convinced tuaIticse Em. lhe,roll. Hence the-enans o! mest yenr press andi ny son wiil neyer abrudon wa9&too iow. Tte censue this yenr was tict. I sicail dia in lte Calliolic Apos- tlkê by Mr. Gieuny with very great folie anti Ilomuin religion, whicli my son care, and il as nearly correct as poasi. wiil aiwaye Jitnor by lits piety. Dons bCI alîhouglei il le euh under lice mark. anti signeS willi uy liantiutetlire Palace Te Dominion censns gave us a populo. Tuileries, lion of 8,185. Eyen titis gives aon lu- NAPOLEON. crease o! 610, a pretty rapid rate. Ouer A pril 241h, 19à. population to-day, we juilge 10 ha as ,nearly as possible four tîtousanîl. Tics increase in valuation je 886,190, A M!AtiMAN RuixeuseAenrcc.-A mai- and represenîs tice increase causeti by nare natueti Jamues-BR Heltu killui one bringing lots intommrket anti tht erce- inan andt staiebeti five othere, lu Galves. lion o! new buildings. It ensue-as a lotin afew 'a s ago., Hie own story as lax of over sèventeen lunudroti dollars. rule,et in lite0 Gaiveston Times, il as Tisi bears ont tîce statement mtadlelby foiiows :-My naine il James B. Heum, us when the bonne by-iaws were tender rinti aIncfroru Floyd counny, Virginia, 'consitieraîjon,-tuant lte resulîiilîg in- *wierc I itati a fîittier anS moîlier. I creasfe in tue value of praptity W'oniti stertoti from Floyd counniy to go ho more' Ihan rôpay lte bonnets glontîil Collin conuty, Texas, witere I liad nu ho factoriel. Il wili ho obs4erveti tîtat uncie, WVitcn I golt tc New Orleans a miore Ilean two.titirtie of lte incîtase, lot of meu swintlled unse out o!ftny are in tice neigicîouricootls of lihe Matl- înoneyatilte stage driver chargeS me leable andS Straw Hat Fhrioriee. Theo tolhvn.cd")liatq furr idiig me a mils 1u N. W. Ward preecuts -but a emalit. ticé depoî. 1 camneliore Friday on a crease, butt hie, iu good part, je lu lb6 steameri, and stoppéd ah the C hicago accounted for "'by lte greal Ore ilit Elouso. Wliîe I-icad iteen there a few swopt Ring anti Situcoe ettools, mt minute, two mon came in pretsnîlîng wntor, andthie facittat no - ncv loti; o have a warrant for me. They coulti were tiffoeotifor sale in taI q1erier col' fool ne, but Iho ptôpjlitor lurneti We anicipate tat nail ycar lice asati,- anul got my kuifa, Ifiras cacried up tý -the staIion-lcouse, or whahever you cal il, (you htaîlballer ,pal 8h a sauglter. leousa. Anybody iroulti have dOn,ý wlcat 1iid. Tlcey linS beeue trying o kili me lor two das. IfI baS a gooa kicife anS ploîîy of"tlme, I worldiiave gaI away with lotas of 'eni. I know I wvas gone up, uandl1Iwa going ho kil as niany as I could. Tua àfiret relielh 'o! a noir Sunday 1mw lu Lafayette,-Iad., wam thecsarresl o! city eiltor and five compositors o! a m ornln g pper, a milkman anti twenty. fourZ railwny Ians ; andtihIc sexhons wero reotiied not to ring tic.blslî. TIeCourkier Journal asys that tIc. Kma2tnoky Legielatttere a s attlien' sttlu' an' sîtin', an' dola', noliin- like a hon on a porcebain egg1 4Wlcy do yor I clooss ho live a single1 lita?' aekeda'faslionablo 15er o! amu esimabcle vonglady. fleaume,' s@ho repledIýanmot able to support. a - humland'1 .I'Icq Local ouilor o! a Nathezhos er 1.11utiaplpwhIle crossig tha -riverIA a, ferry-boat, lthe llier day, snd vicon h. awkeh owed the eonipaay *18.70, -at ton centsa atrip. iicg subreporta:" " deafueisa, reiding inc N6w York,liiqi ho have the. !olowing lu lis wntiow 7 - The~rews Mrn F.,' Sa very dont Tleal she imigict have mcm a percussaion e M nben kne& o hhthe ed Nt 3 C IIN CE R Y heanlng il snp. ', litCultr Well, I solS ber as nand lte verynext'(eîisait hdy she cesnil rom hon linebtund ab Botanýy o!ArhA.Dc8. Bay of AriBauA'.D. 1878 englant isl a curions country.. Nuo DADSIHPani! ons conil e foundtu 10tako Giadebtono'e DADSIHPani pince. -Over Icero, Ion tîtorisanti men À NtD mopiti have-fouieS tlienusoies compo 1t. «' ÉWÂRD HbCKING, Defetîdant. eut. .' 1'1ý1 Upon the application o! tlitiahove ýisined Tic. !olowing concise anti Comprelion_ P'jaituiff andupaiearing readth ie 6alIav. sivenota irsa senhta an Illinois -mer., ite o! thse Plaintiff, John EdmmncFare-seeli, 1George HenryI>srtnei, and Charles Charn. chntbyaeiglibo>.ing farmer lice clhcèr berlain, Il le ordereti thal lIce D'féndcat do' day: "lsenS ioeIrace-.cd q o rbfoehé hinges. jane liadl'n beicy ý i4 ~q- o rhfr h aimo hwo.padlocks." 9irî 21shf'DAY OF? AUCIUT NEù'T Mon iketo newer or demur te fine Bull o! Coeplinl in Mnlk ose. thommolves in printî;-4 thio aue.: vironen jhue ho ueo themselves ua - 10 booliucggias. ~i '8. HOLxSTEÀD. DIERE CTED TO A P.UTRE lttgtirft(]u oi evi ie.<QOntbya Freneli Winue Manufacturer. Il if; more pleasaxet dean a Ciarahr and lias the virtue cf ,i Pure- Graýpé $Wie 1 50 peïgalion. - R. H- JAMESON. "-OÎE A6ENT, WHITBY. Aigu Age t r-ho OCeleb,..tefl WHIITE Wl EAT. WHISKIiY, a liglely rectifieS Cucadian Liquor, au W tbY ,M itrh 26, 187 . ' '18 t 7-7--_' .g SPIINGANDSI MMEIR IM'ýPOR T AT'iO N S A COMPLUTE STOCK IN ALILUNES 0F DRESS West of Etigland, Canadian, and 'Scotclr cloth-s, &c., &c. GENTS' FURNISHJNG> GOOD-S The GROCERY D'EPARI'MF»T is replete with a choice selection of' Tenus, Coffées, ncw tfruit, spices. Best tob-iîçco, Gioods-at prices defyingr legitimate competition, Dundas St., Wýlhithy. APrIl 22nti, 1878. uJNITEDI STATES CCNSULATE, W il I T B Y.j Nolict in borrehy gironi, tuiaI for the con- venience ef#lîippcers, Tracders, and ailý per. 5 UliectbtteofAieiütLa tino bc{- etabili- l ed nit this plaee, andtat the enaine6 M l h open for tue' tranisaction of b,,sinýesonaw Ciice-ntaio anl lîinesoit an * A. A. ALLEN, Conn-uior Agent. * 5. Whitby, April 80, 18-03. 18 Ro YAL 131ITI I3 lQuIEN IICTEL, PORT Prnr.. JAS. 'DEWART, -1>R)PRIETOl3. Spieuiiditiacomoa iîî Ict Aies Y ied iq uo m ot t he bar. A t tîrnoiv e o tler .. V4I C T RIA COMPOUND SYRUF 0F The onlyyrppead from Dr.Chuirch.. jUis Formul, ad e tîfdt be chemnically e02 Fer the Prevention and cure of SPULMONAIRY CONSUMPTION <Cerificate as to PuityadEfcl. Latioratory. University Coilege, Toronto, Dec. 4th, 1872.. To the Victoria Chemnicai Co. Gelitnee-I have exarnined -the TOTLÎE ,TC) SQUATlTE]RS 3ON PUB. articles ernploe;d in the Victoria Ceia NI)li.Worke, îi thae reparation of the Victoria Thutetono SilitýfSyroîp 0. popie.Hh eea y- Tadhi ecitl alt to tepleshfeeued are CheMically purs, and Lo aie in the l r<u.tinoteSrup ie aIseequite frce frm anyimpu cn~iltth'OrdelicoCuuc d f heiy. Yr yup of Hyopeitsilu ittth JouîItiLN,1.3,w e eir quattiog con Il *Oudyrov Ccr aual M dcie Crowîî Lands is strict]y forbidden). Hedyrvt eNr'b '. C.ýaROFT,-ýc F la i aImIo Iliîrchanti, lanîl l'y riglit onioc.. rof. CeRni±r, U.C copatian will lic cîitcrlaiscii, o îas m l Pice 91 per B ottie. Pro. b I D u gse ofincion Lîll H re;paîlcil by the In-. V 1 C T 0 R 1Ij, JrwLaioil,; inci. tue tiioc of o1,11 iinspec- COMPOUND FLUI:D EXTRACT OF tien, will bca lenttotpt t Ii ocua t neo Depaatuoent. THOS. il. TIINýSON. LL .,fL !K IîIlV g Ano.ininissiî,ner. Dpritrt1, 1 o8C7o3» Lina Tcant, A Speccfic Rernedy for ail Di8ea8ea Apri 1, 873.i i-mo.of the bladder ancd kidney8 ; Dorpsical .Swellioge; Complainis incidental go Frentaie; and all Di8eases of the Uer-i 0 . ""ay Organe in eitlccr 5cr. Try it once for any of the abovç Dieorders * and YOu wnibe fîlly convieced eofils pre- P eminent virtues. ri ItPrice $1 Per Bottie. SOMd by ail Druggists. i VICTRoollA M ES HE WEAK STRONO The King of aIl Liniments." 61rIALvrIoN.- AIl r enino hie tht. rame For Rheunafism, Golit, Nrnralgia, Lum.. 5Vjlàaloesrupl, c iccsv Ian l3îrk.% bago, Sciatîccc, lWnderingPanSfes te- o l~ in onanine. 'e' ire r, ý n. inathe Limnbe or JoiptIl, Sprainis, Braisa, NetyIL,, k. iuldby a L)rririt».' Nssicnees, tiwellings, HaahBrce coadaccne, ti-rac-e, Bay It. Try it. Prove It, Pales 50OC Per Bottle. Sold by ali DruLggisîsg. - A prudent man,' Baye a Witby PFranchupant, ia lk u in; 1dm ido prsvsuhm hilm fromi going tOfar.' WIcat istie due ffforena beîmeon n Jai Lua a wyerp.li-Oe.geha h is-*lar franc thes pLcfitla, theO ther hie Profits dIl. Tp, the 'Bj 1orsant V 1C To0RI1A CARBOLIÇ SALVE y Worth its Welghî lu Gold 1 - A Spebiflc for Cts, Weunds, Braises, Burns., Sealéds, Boite, Piles, Pil'pes, antd Ckranic Discases of Ste Skia cf eeerrj des- cripetion. Price 25e per Box. Solti by ail Drngginlm. VICTORIA- CÀRBOLÂTED GLYCERINE JELLY Eminently lice Ladies'- Favorite. FePir Beauuifjing Ste Ciopeeot o reoptouing Tan, 8ttubiern, I,-cklos, Pie.,1 Frost Bites, and Sors Lips. Priceee5perlyottie. SpiS byauIl Drugglmtm TOILET SOAPS 1 lais;large.-expý warrant ail l i3 nsZckl'ein ship, And mont tasiteful dt, ~ Funeréi Wood Casketa-8pei- 'dd SOEAg ,ENT .for tea f8w Organs, of superior'nitnu fac ure. Cali and exs mine hisimmhense stock. 1 W iitby, Â p il2,-1878. ehine;.audCabinje JAMES HR- SAXO. Sigu-o! the Great Rocking Chai, Brock Street. GRAND CLEARING 8ALE 1 RETIRINO PROM BUSINESS 1 1 We beg to annoû~ceho car ectsomers anti frientis thai we have now commen- ced, and wiil continue for One Month, ho offer the wbole,-fof cic extensive stock o! Dry Goods, Clohhing, Groceries. anS Liquors and Wicces,&T Ptum cour. We make this announcement lin couse- qieence o! Mr. MoMillan leaving accapt- ed thcs pqoiiion o! Secretsry-Treasurer o! the Onaro Loan & Savinge Comp'y, which necoseilales hie removal to Osh- awa. The sale is uherofors a boaea-fide one. We pletiga ourseives tih every article -will be offereti. ah Prime (3osI i TEacs-Sttictiy cash for al eumsunder #50 ; *50 and uipwards, six monîlis crediI'wili ho given on approvedl paper. The present affords an excellent oppor- tuniîy for parties requiring goouls ho oli. tain them ah 25 per cent lees than nsat prices. Our stock amonuts, to about $12,00W, anS le complela lu every Se- partmont. T.H. Mc~LLAN & Go. T HE OLD STAND. The undersigîced in rcturning thanks for theliberal patron- ititherioo xîceul dto the oid usabliihtiteuî, for neariv a perind ofi oty 3esrs, de sires ta sacv that lie h,,s noir on lianti a large tleuortment cf the rmost îodcrr. ud elegent stile oh And trusts by proper attertîon antd moderate prices to se- IJndertaking & Funerals FulIy Supplied as 1teretofore, M-' Some splendid specimens of Picture Framnes, and Giid- ing. .Iemember the Old Stand. JOHENSTION'S SELF-RAKIýNG REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exiîibition, Toronto, in 1870 WVe offer to our customers for the Coming, larvc8t, two dis- rinttt Machines, whic'h lu style and construction. ellibrace JOIINSTON'S SI NGLE SELF-IRÂKI NG REAPE1 TIRE 6"RING 0F REAPERS." The universai sucess of this Machinue, hoîh in ciosely conlest- ed triais ced in tire bauds rtf the hrmers. warratnt us le. ssyistg Chsit, 'te n Soit Rrtk- ingr Rei'ig Atetiine, jf linse motae g'od pnotts sud hesdefectu. ertulbasheutci m mîore succes sud ions htihure, titan heretofore offeredti t the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWERI li1wreawrddlltep FiI.89 ç-prizn Dipmat the Prcvg "ile-iJn u lALàk;J JV- i mn lcun-hteu-e S iu the Province ; anti wih o r re cm it insprvem ens. we uniesitit D ingiv c'haeh'nge inveaRigtuionnaud comptoriwon with comtietit'g achtines, cce une A SPLENDID STOCK %VF EWSPRING IJATS& CAPS. FLOU] ieuipihod thet Pstict inverîigsutin ill convlue ereery rîutpnejîîdîced utii-ti. ther Wt Thce undi hifer the hesi Mower tn the Feriner fer 11J72, bul inl the Doacinion. . WSend H E AP F0 R.CAS HI tante o!W or descriptive catalogues. ' pened aF. BROWN & PATTERSON.A.P NGE. te lately 1lyhitby? treh 9th, 1873. '12 Oppos1tî A WORD 0F TIMELY WARNING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wbere they satisfaction TO THE B - S -aânS ail Ic PllOTOGIRAPH-GALLER3Y. No.1 pr GE.X7LEM1fJ1V% -As wea aves ,'slv s,,+,...i..,. l B JOHN FEIýGJSýON-1 Begs to iriforin his- customers that he' là now in receipt of a superior Stock of Cloths, Tweeds, .Ves iRg.,s-, &c.,, &C., very -selecet, and suitable for the safflon, Which- he is- prepared ho make up inho, Spring SuitB at the shorteah notice. AIl orders proinptly attended ho anid execnied inthte best style.,iSpecial attention paiS ho giving a satipfactory fit. Ail kilcds of Gents' fr=eihDg goods. including hale, cape, umbreilas, &c,. Vail and-examine. -- JOHN PE1RGUSON, Ulothier k& Gents' Outfitter, <Dîîndas St. Whitby W'hitley, Apri 1,1873. BOOTS>ND STOCJ 0F SOP-Tt or 0. P. GUD; April 2nd, 118. 'MATTHEIW COLLINS Beges to announce- to bis cubtom ýrs and the public 'tha t he bhas opent'd husiîcess on the premiàes lately occnp ied .by Mr.- Bandeil, on Brock Street, and that he 18 xuow. il) î'eceî'pL of a Splendid Stock of theý ADnu ot tne oest style Of' .o.ots and Shoes. Aiso on baud a large. stock of [Iorne-Made 'Boots and Shoee whieh cennot be isurlitseid lor qrrnhity and prio, MATIIE T.COLLINS.'uMlu y %'wiitby, Muuy 10, 1871. 0,#10 iEWAG»IUL TURA L SAL - AND NO. z BARREL SALT, 1IMPORTANT -N EWS AL! DELETI PLASTER, WATER - LIME, AND COAL 1 Car-loads supplieS by special agreement. seWool and Scrap Iron laien in exchacige. BOOTS AND 'SHOES. -AprilîsS., 1878.y -;00:BELL &CO_, The undersigned lias a large stock 6;f G LU E L- P H,_ O N T. Ladies', Genits', anod Ubildren's Fine and Corurse Boots & Shoes PRIZE MEDÂL ~ L~, '~'i~a.CABINET- ORGANS, flhZ7 Boots and Shoes. made to order. a ME ANODE MELOEN S. Overshoes 'mced waîrm awl comfortable. ludia Rubbers , rit? mncnîrtrros Shijturt~ &c, &. - 011AI~ETTr' conlaining Scrib- ner's PatentQisiytgTb. SRepaiîing neatly doe. Awarded - the On/y Medali1 Cuill id the old Stand.- Ever given ate mskers of Reed Instruments ah ProvînceilExhibitions, for Proficien- WI1LLIAM BUtINSt yi usclIstuet, eie Mlay 22, 1872. foot& Simte Store, llrock utreet, W.iiby. otier Exicibitions hem nu- morous ho specify 1 Our Instruments ara salncwedged by Minecians snd Jacdges ho betis fcc et e preced Ou ltest sudmlit-Valieable un- 's- -a~r '?i.Tpreven t 15lie "0eîeeRG A ,E ' cotiing i R/I1%] * Scniber'sPatent Qcahfyi g Tubes, le e!- G E N T L E .MVLE .-fect ofwhib re oneaube the we 1 n lelk.By titis wonderful invention - 3 wseau ibalre =Instrument o! neerly double' .ED ~~~~ ~ h J J J < j jjbepower of a pipe Organ at liethticsex- LARE SOCKOFCAUTION: - L A R G E S O C K ( > 1 A s 8 i e I a v e p u r b s e d t h e o l e r i c i c o f , Ptnt IQualiy Tubes for dis IDonnon-of Canada, we boere- ,bocution ail parties froue pnrch isRicngth NEW ~r~ruuiiu GOOD .? here, asticey-wilb.elie ta prosecie- N E W S RIN G O-DS lion, W. have copyrigite sicenae o! "TH E 0,-BG A N E T T E-1 I S N 0W 0COM P LET E - ! For our Instruments containing th isiwon. Constisting of a splendid assoîrtment oi Clothi -cf ail kinds for egnohicoyjh ri ersc. Guen îluutin*s w ea , ai a c m pjte to tock of llistrated Catalogues furnis ed iy ad- drssslng- W E L&C . G~ENTS' FJJRNJSHJING) GOODS, GuLpE ,Orcir. 1 Guelph, Jan. LDtic, 187. 5-iy No.î,.u2 Nu s.... i1 h NoS::::f 1 7 1 i N'tsf.... I20 ~a.7...ah . SALT 1 1SALTiI 1SALTIII1C Tueyea, ati 00 ! teneare alrendy gone, ail who mule to get oas had botter do msso raon-e as tIc. demand lesac real duat- the» whrlo; do not Iook ont ici lime cannot b. serveS buis seneon. . We mwould like te' s'pply jan. wauts near homne tiret.' If the people about home negleet coming lu early for tlieir machnines ire nvill have ho sendti hem Antto other' parte o!flice country, wliens duey are being calleul for every day, fasme have no rooi cte tore a sjuantity at qnuce, andi me must finish them up anti get'at our.other mark.,- lIeasne isîl as soon as Po ssible and get yonr-Mschinos. W. guuane hpm ho do alticsy are recommenided ho do un our pnteti testimonials., The fact that Our Seeders Rave ans man antiý THE EASTURLY BROÂDGAST8SEEDER1 AND piemani hur the îhe lsin and d 5V17 porton ec e Ltit havi nnO in use C'O'.BINET) i~Err rv rm.O.PPOSITE 0ONTARIIO Begs'to annou-nce -that he bas'bufit on tice ai A NEW Photograpli Gallery, 60 feet i %Vhich hel huS fitt(ed un Witlî ail the latç'st imnc' CtÀb pmid p OUT , Il 1t ONt. 'R & FEEI, STORE. rsiacced beeto infn, tb,, is . .t K.J. -sr ce nt ai i] l Cl au un ci 'î t 1 1 11 ly OF EVER'Y DESC;RIPTýON. ,ni ý ý li- k- 31 IY T 1833.1 1 1 A 1 -'-A inskèr of instrumentg tô ri%,nlAllu 1 1 1 800» BROADCAST .SEEDERS) GOODS -SPRING, STÜCK OF*ý f- ES TA B 1, 18 fi E' D

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