Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1873, p. 4

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Yor the ear- 1878, 1LO000 1884, to0 1874, 5250 188M, j87 60 1875, b7 0 1886, 82b 1878, 612 00 1887, O08760 1877, 49~7 40 18, 28 1878, 4j2 0 l M18: #w, 6330 31 F, ,147600 1890" 030250 t)U, 2 50 1891, 1287500 8 , 92? 60 381 ý12 5 72 60 1 482,180 9, 127 O 18, 07 50 6Aud Çrboreas the aniount of the whole rate. ~I.;tryOf the. Municil ly of the WTe Isby acrdalng thlA% lsir. vi&e edoisumeîjt rolIwa toi[andred sud ninet? 1>181* thowanaI femin, ndre aud njinety i4,Ue hoUiari <08,4go); "dS wbrea. the exluîlng del1bt1 f tlii. sala Corostioli ofthe Town of Wb)tîbv 4 Debe»tureg FasueS under Dy- -law graninIg a bon,,, V) thie *sadlai Iailway Con iat, .... Debentures stu >tê e sque for shares linIlaflwaiy Coi. De~beniturems aeedunder Sean DFlre Engin. lly.law ........ -e t, rf1'egto haie seupa ondèr 5tatu Pire Engue Bî.la4w.. io 40 D. ý,ULUflt ismed -unider B- 1 aw for Higli and Pub&f Ground Inprovemnents... 7110 Nutes to Estate of-late Hugh-i M(Bi.z ... .... #2,000 Notes diecountedaiut Outarlo B3anîk.......... ........... To* meet wlulîhthe Treasurer 1'O.hj e alain n a e And viierpstinl sdesirabillt-aÏ à AUal n W ,anSdaisist1 aujeiy'Ya*u4tng the le :Ar 0l"4',Su dollars t6Obetua t l Isudbeatres cf this Uaiiiatm nipayable anuîîillyluntventy eqnal instalmeut@, wlt iIntereset oponu eS, At the rate o! six per cent, pet' payable Issi-y,ýArly, -- AnS whereas ltb. tota'l amu] t;î b saaaehyb peclil rte, or p Par the year- 1878, 8100 00, 18 1874, £M2 50, : 1878,04 2 0,- 88'08 187, 8, - 185' 07 1880,m, 894 17 1871, 0467 50, 189,-a081 18f2, 8422 80, 1898, 8251 1888,- 0407 60, nSa wiieresthe Ia it of 1h, Who viseS aasssnoent rçllwau sixI1und, ninety three IloisnS four huai inety mine dpllar., AnS viiersas lhe exiotug Seit ol tI Municipïality a ae ulow Debeutures issuleS under 1B tav granting ai lonne ta tL Port WhItby and Port Per> Rally>'Compan>'.... -r hn lt % u uatataneél un . _ _ - si auWi'Comnpany.... d~ ~- aer ligbS ncl a l.îw eetures ts» te lia IssueS inountta te 04,2w,.....fon ahanes in Eaulwa3y Cot,- del>t - pan>'............. ,...... Total existlng 0118... 6,700 Debentuneisse tilln. Stem AI, he ebeture ber Iteret SFfh Pie Ruigne ..-..v . atii.1ebentur'e eatutapereta tht Debentu.n, tae li ssued under alt ofte o 0suçp r na, e nn , Steain Firs Englue B -law.. aunearo!b.piclrinert-10Deblietures assueti untier y est a luarreins.law faim High anS Public atlir Inaditin all2iter rie.fan Dbentnres issueS -un der Fi foigthe Inîtaint.of principal anal Ground Ianprovementa. 'il ~Notes la estate cf lat itHugh as folloari; Notes Sdiscounteti atOna - .For th. yeain-.Banak.............. 3~78,,o27 miii, 184, .0r>66 Mill" T~1: vliil.teius 874,178864 1ký hdasaiS Seeinînre, un- - 1 875, .0)761 > 1 28 er lgb Nahool Byla-, ai- 18701, .0780900 1987, .502iontxnglaite04,200... 1877, .0718 > ,0 -50 1% 'OI 1t89 04.3, Total eadtlnglie-bt ......r..aI, - - 1180, .0m3 4 IO 04 15 rate cf 'six per ceîîtum, per ani 'MI 81, 1 r 1812, danDoa.pait cf the. puinipitori -est ilu .airmuais. 1882,4~ :, 0887 Id AndS whereîlothe aaiual perial rat- Be8i11f, rti8887eau 'tii.dollar, fcr pa iîag thme instalineni Co, linue.fr Pdoaca. y thue illnit-Ipil te lieuticipal au S luteret hiihereou aie Ceuni ftii. Corporatlon 0f tise Townî te1,-lvlbcan aal ilm Theotueas aarwl a etu iiapn-iFor ah. >er- ae anS maide t)elhicuras ail thîhs Corpoataions 1878, .067ri. 18,..0 for Etelusaunaso!imoue' ah1874,bu783 loir.1885 - 0545 eS, no da-lenîuretlbe foaC i -1875, .0711188,:.0528 ene laiadruS ciclane, anda lte ;hoie ruaI tu 1876, .07119 18-87, .oà02 exIfe té un f ý,toýgu( dlarq 1877, .0718 1888, .0480. extd th. uiesil febntoss tiill Ael' 1878, .tî96 i ISu9, .0458 @id witb hlui se a6 lIis Corporation, ana' 1879, -(t(175 ' ItOu), 0487 isIgnieS lyipt tMayor, îsîui aOlxutarigned 1 id1) 1F,1 i92, .0W93 las ftic Tietuier o! thae Muuiiuaiîiliy, anal 1881, '0681 12,09 tijaiî lie sii Jaleutines shallibe 80pre. 1882, .OfXuO D ' 181, 0»72 pareal sua i suxeal Ilaci ais equal fuout cf 18M, .0,87 tao i-chodred ana. 11h>' dollars chah libe- Be it tlaerefore ensileS b>'he munic com eüantujAYUlîcOn tihe tlirtictu, ay ,COuincl cf due Corporation cf the Toar cc-ediîag tleiatScios vîiel i tis -ly-îaw Thoit the fvlai>ar hal canfse te a lsprepa sghaH tekse lYret snd coma, lite siut'on; iudSmodaiSet-Itures o!1lii. Ccrpaira- thl tarver>' srblinluîreego sleied)eIui auîîave for-tis uins i01oi0* aie Mai>' le neqi 'flulereet Colais attalltia, %ailai literel eS ; uio ebsutur, te lie fur ai lebs sun, t. Pn3syslhlfyu-oruy heu lb. iirtuithlîdii' one hundred dollars, anS tIse araliao o!1Deceuni1 muiThiflu thi auycf Jaue, excuacalthae'§unl cf Five T aflsll 1 lus cueh < car ciiiug filac a Outalauuace of anal htuaIthe catch aebentures liailIlibeEt fle, Maid à51tia nt e,, Insteneait 1 Li t al d with the. ceul cfi hie Corporationsa flasrate cua l-,' jar ecltpur acuxum andxil igneS by tise Mayor, anal eouuleraiiga fiuev liole o!ftMc débleutiurue axndialmits-l lytliTreasurerd talii, Muîli-iplity, s Courons. 0teunamale peaiie ait lis.office thuitheb. aiS Sdeleutumnes shall lie prepai o! fle On'uarlo Ilsasil, Ilia corbtai.anal icsued;filet au, cqusanaîl cit f - That for Ibo puarocescf p ai ugsaiS Scbtn- hundred anS fia>'Sdlaras hal lia-cci liaes iîd ts ia ealthur lithire lîll ae anaSpayable on the. Thinîleth day lie isaid aUxouil>' ls ut lron tc e ailit Juale in caich ofthle lwenty yeare suit-t rcate$x"Poutxaheuîtuc atablt pnopcrty o! il atise date on whlsihthie By-laar .1 lIis W iaoy h mr nti onî,iureui talcle et anal core auto ptaton ; for ecciiyean, isabove recitei a c thima- ever>' debenture so issueS chall have speelal alanual ratésieeiliiore shearu teret coupone attaicled,wiîb iiuter-st pi la bu. reqiuired, lis scili.ycar, durng thed a b ile half-yearly on tbe 8011 Sa>' o!Deccc eouuinauuueeof lbe sali dbeîturei, or lier s7nd 801h day of Junt lnu cti e Ryan>' t hem, dmrinrg the curency o! caId lelaenturi Thait diei. caS S enntues latie anioxumt ai! celituan, per annurn, anS lie ahule o! i fis..tliouaiaaldollars shïah lic hanSeSl oser eletaure anSdutrtst coupons la te lis eforemeai Comnpiany icfCollatis & miaie paiyalue ai the il ice cf the Ontl . -Brothuers on Ibu-in order, ou lue folloaring Bank,, tn Torontlo. 1er,,sou!i-oastllfaiTiiaî fcr the puirpoce o! paiying file saiS a 1,-The sels Company' o! Collinai,& Brohlier leiturci aiSlihe intereci liera-on, the ishah pura hase onracure a plot cf lainai, sall h li arsa annual]>', lu addition te nat 1le4%tiau al aiaiaacte i, luaitaîu. ait-es, unai l Ieatalle propuai es tule taeh oiclotetum f in ahils Muniexpahit>' the ansounts reqaîle M- tlue cia 1-for each year aie above recItS, anS ti 2.-lu k buial Compatir' shah tereet tlereon ai Pcaaannal raitsiiereiîabtfore ehai-n bric bulingiufaurtian pasi o cr ta. lie r.qiuire.S in eacis year, Suing ti on ths matifacurn f caceke, &ou., sai taatinuance cf the entrsorty bUlldhig ta iela.a.! anel dimeonsions, anS on them. .ecuues ra> suitI a plan cesu-wullieacceeptable b>' the Thot tii. saiS debentures, 1e the ainountl selS Municipal Cauncil o! lhe Town &1f Jive Tioneaind dollars shah! lie bandt Wlltby; tht builiig tua toit nolese thain ovei tb lie afoeid William BD. Hepliur flia. tla.ueaisl dlaIsre exaluive cf emgine & Co,-as i bonus ta aid anS aissiet the] ~ liuumlzltn, or liward lttiuag up. inl estauaishing anSdaaintaining wiîli 8-Tht sali Compny sabdl liy ai linS, sat- thie lina tis, cf tise Town of Whitliy th feaitory la. lIma Conseil o!fIthe Townua. business cf Wisoiesale Bout anal Su - Witb>', tovealant anS agres 1t ar en Manufattuxrere, se soaxa ais tue saiS Willicl - anSduxaîntail is i c pra-nises tise ie D. Hepburn & Ca.. silo]] have eulered ux; neRs.cf iiicutrlaag claitk,, &ci for ai oui possegision cf tht promisese uceeseai -peulod sicfutintleNA thain 1.0 yeairo, froinanS therefor anS comment-eS busines an af - sten file recelplyttanm, orthie payanent ebil h lase gitan laisieCorporation ct ttetir orderaie es giti sum ofifav e lion, luiily salitietoi>' týtic Cauxacil thercol ati dollars -sald shal furllien covtnantu te thelIme cclthiat tha saliCompainy' chal aiS 0 ee. thaI lb y, thssiS Copmpainiy, cosînue and maistain withiauthe lirai) elduli onuaad Suilg the sailS ten ya-ars cf dis Toiwn thie business cf Whilesai eraphlo>' oon av ierage niet lems; thonain 111> Ioot anud Situe Maiuulaieiurena for a Perine inia liiets li ecanud asaur>' 'air. o! -nat Ice ltson len ytarc folle%%ain, 4.-Tihit lis lie évent ai tie salod Company' lia.reccipt b>' tlssnxi!fthe aforeaiti de faillai la eiplo>' tir ouyrauio f haimai, lictunes amouautiig le 8e5,000, anS tint agneud to lie ealploycd, on liauling tae main. the>' aiilelI empai>' in thlisilaI muu!ttuu tssluî tiair, laausnebts for îleecaai lufinie g liusiness lt i1se titan f fi>'mers,onu ai agri-et o ,-tlae calS Comaîouny'o! Collines average, for tise saiS leu years, anS if tii( & iîctlucr liola. elica lt, aishah pa sui) olComnpanay fslaifailu ta.raine'out auau caer-tc thuls Corporatiaas1sIt-h peualtîy or iifil tise aliaxae agremnt, the saiS Win danioe auicîuay lic alaciai, býai it rratons . lHeplurn ia ha s g ne hoits 'oser te fla iliuIhuli' -ifa ita le ia utly uaîud lai 1> Corporiaionu o!the >aawn o! WbVitby sucui 3-LiLsrlxsuiubi theéi ouiiy atlai temiSauuaage ot bis, sis mi>' frain lime io tira, loinriinofliac 'oui o! Whttby, b>' le aarirdu gainct lina b>' Arlitnaîo-u raean ilf hue cbifuflha-utlsthe- sai Îlxipai-tual>' choacu, us juxtly anal fasuni c1ari fan>' o!fltae-couadtittisoaiaxial Iid iatîtesaa polatiun b>'thue Bol éïit Wi. 1).Hephuri,bartina-ccof lse -Tihemosi SCompany>'o! Collis & llroter y the ea>'cnita scfiSbo.) lp shiah befaune ne,-iviai ghe isi. ou ebantaures br taycniin imi od to the ia amotixt o! >ve 'tlîousaaîd Sollarns AlîS itis furîlien tiaclea-, thait tht saiS il- craLn>'0 o! i -lu gavàiaiantgago on theliai,,il. Ilcîburn & Co,.gsiait lie exempteul landi01u41. biuildinges aî,veaaacauuînai, t ot ltoauî uaaîit aixatiion cas thie iensuiaul - lie .-reul b>' Iium foi ai Clock Feaulon>', proIlrt>' erûaýIj>dital u iiithe icoune le- ke.- te liis Corapor-ation, ira-caf ai pitain ra-aliron i car business, for-a temnio cluahux aîaal lucauilariui-s fou- tua.sai. lÈve yetars frontsthe ie a optgo li atnli f ise thsausaiuiii allîsme mîtulu. lIY.laar la asigc ii teretlit ix Per ceint vIain suufîra iig a~Tuai tus Ily-laa chah ake effect anS corna furtiaer uagceeal <nthe t of iflis Ccrpcr. litit peration ouatth lu-a-ti day o! ation -oftthle, Towan cI WlIaby, liait acdis-- dune iii tuacurrent ycain A DB. i88. charge wilîl hua grnuleS b>' hisCorpou-ation Tinal for tieppse cf tlkug lise vates o1 îîî lie sli CoUlpaaaot iu cia i-o4m liste quaifiea il> kLtons cf the Mnicîpalit>' maler e iiia m o , igs ftiseBy-laiv a, e.required, 'n ai c astailîu- Wa4, fleaiLt aComapaîi1andaxiScar- mxg such abacent, ai Pull sialilie oîasnea ait. ries Ocul tIainii biationaistd i pedges in a ordiaag te laiw, in the Nortis WairS is lua buje tforealllcailn, Meianirs'-Ixastitaite Hall, on FIulAY, the lie2rd'Dla,>'of May', iostant, ail Niis iluSit les furler suactel Ibaî thelIa.sa i-n. ,,.kule tlu h. e oonaltHareL Pan>' of Coluins & Bi3îalien 'idillieb6ex- ni ehunhfoîaeali îtaertuHall euîanteni frora muailcipail laeaattaas on lise a-pedfo riveSnii>al uat non he diSgOfetefoi' caidoWairi; in the Centré, p.' -tlnutproert emPojrd i, ad -n TMa i, he Toarn Hall, on lise saiS tit ilcone pre friouas tIse businss o! enty.tîsi t ic>'eycf Mai>'instant, ail Nine uoauu!clurhn clrk4cS., fanra ternini o! ock sasliase fareuoan, anS Geso, Yoaang irs yeans Inroan tht final pasci itxg o! dis Smithilashertby apclinted t10 cclas Be- by-taus'. -turuiug Offlcee for saiS Wairtiadntilth. Thoit tiis liy.taw chai> taik e c aScin-1t Wn I ae __ta'vcn ise im e n t er50, 1 tu.J8$ e w~&x ~ ~ 4 boi1u~of uieuytlare eiiôqanSf- rëu idgd aad hioîr tn d, h e A d i Iere a st hhe a mm e s uf th e c çi. S, r da. r t 4 ql"d iq ny, all W tee nFnir O rgh il d a i n t.e Éc h o i er i abl e rqu sti n A , tie4xiitlo de reguaebfc ': ~ f u iep alioty lof aie Mollows ty oi e >4 a n il Slie ê i, s hlthy. :Wli oa'eloek >ispj 6 £l C r- T w of rait îna B y. Jie idath e lu tft attach D e ent ro l ssu six hbéitudrene old n U 8a nt'aho cbd' theMI TEE 1d Ilium :-Ju geef urubhosherif±four,,sJ.bu bouuiflf in Pty ht by lkanS Por t 'su, AS PeryH mi reil, 9- Ëim , dMeJ r, ïy >érs~se Rallwa .~..,. 1~a~»> an , lSed, V a, W itb Colling à. H.u Dr e i l, oi .De ei 1 . ynng tue entpore s lorhrs. il.O Dw L.E.Frwl, .Fibn s, e br t FrarMijor. ' 0o 2 0 0 D b e te i le S u n d e r Be p.0 0 H 1 A l ieOiR , q id t iJ . Hed e t n Ali S a inR Y , <1'>. 2 d *0 Dbe nààture ilst ed sr "ain 1ý. ýq p2n ,..hol........ ..........,05 )2 50, Debentures iccued iuder Pair Y, r 0, * Gre nndsmprvaeu... 7 0 1-8 17 W, Notes am eite of ie H gh aM0 coien.. . ait.... n....... .. 2,0004 ce 50, d D oS oa ebentures isud n .rF i T750 ote al e tatngfdebteW l n af w a sr s m b sn s nth tr aelgcuhA11 P T Ai Aliat . t e d ebeo ntu be a irO nt rio t h 'o h a n k .o . a r t. . . . . e. r i. c i al. . r n.e. t e Ph10 0I s0n c o y o h e p o p 040,OoO T etelu irr ere etemn aiuaymnf cseeueb [danSdwereaghS th onaol B eiailates JA S.N H NTIIE ,R I N- oNV DEW TCC0 hrtruh thi eMYemn <1 Mo00 t u n lr friing t Ii0...n.... eit. c Ab. rthe iiian nterea erit eren a the e100 th, dlla, fo paingtir insalmiit ofson, of the aimauttf hie clitr for damage rsto lybereme payable will requir PJJIRE ])D 3lJG-S & CEI iJCAL ~Sustineiy tîilait;fi. ADSN, 8 9 0 0 0 t e a u f o l l o w s : h t < ,M > 4 8 8 0280For th. year- J,À9 H. AMEDD101IYE ,ONIO SAE 1378, .027 nill, 1R84,' .0166 Mill. " N Z M E fG NESA"CI $1,400 1874, .0788 1885, .0545 188 .79 1P4, 0M SC A P S A ND PERFUMERY1 0280 1877, .)718 1888, .0880 BR le0 ~:: LAMIPS, BUJINEIRS, CHJMNEYS, COAL OIL, &o.. B R O O R LIN 1 870 0 . U 6 7 5 81 , .0 4 17 6200 mIRi, .06à.9 1891J1. H GE.0415CO. A IANDSOME BRICK COTTAGE 1 $O 1881, -0 31to8lie so8S3aitSa BargaiIaCou 1882ü4ký 153, .372With good Outbuilflinge, splendid Orchaird, ISKI 88, .0187 gya ltear f o Be it tbaèrefare enqcted by the Municipal Ei * Cout!ilof the TXown of %Vltby- The subecriber wlll sel!liby public auction Thai th Miyoraihiui aint ta li mele n at the promises opposite the station of Port rhttepMyreal 1>ee use ftha Corpati and AI IN Whitby & Port Perrv Railwav,kuowu aie the ýredDeenLAIoftisCopTaio ishop Smnith Preperty, ou 637 eo eilioutil of înoney anaiy lie requir I - G IS E WV A RT¶V DV ' et,a' iot leteigii t tie iiWd lar ee tii. sun, .l.9DAa, a218t aAY, 1878, tt th aadfo evectlaug ioiiarth, aal tirot teillLAVN 0 STLDINThe following valuaible PreaiholS proper. in te ' fr. v a t ua i u ole alarsal i t b t th e caidI A N G O Z E T -D N intr. ebeturs suiho eald wth he eulty :-Tliat handcooxe cottage formnerly c- cf thai, Corporation anaid igaed by tie lpieal by the laite Illibho Smith# witb aver ýes ini Mac>or laial coutitair.igiixed Iy the Treaicur- . 3 acre, <of laintl, on w}iich isc erecte-l a good ,te of Cr of t* âMaîniciîaality, asud tliâttheotiisajl r (D L T N o. 1 b , ,,1aro.alrivlng house,, stable, woodse,.&s., the> delaelitureaacans u iajiiea aallcux-a gond well of bard waiher anS ai good ieteru luire thait anr aquail ainoulit of two iidreal and on the prenmiges. There !e alioaia good Or. ffty dollars aolilieenaia. due aundlpayable f ate ri o h poet Ur te h r ei dy 1jue neuh fAre now prepared to shew the choicestnf'l'T e fronpror ety Wll. etýiiih ar uctIthit tat e on a.Surtnlit of ùress Uoods, Mandes, and Milliiiery, in UW.n it 1)y. either toaiaparty wichfng a Seciraible rosi- whiv ths !y-ltv salltakeeff3t nd ence, or as a epeclation ta divlal. into caeiio leaintitteryebenti D lofil asN treei; ad u e llade ftue oit thet'ihirtitali diay ,f L)acaiiba.r aiallu be, nS a>yrldt Tiairti eth ahaay of Joaueaci year dnig I~ tl i alt/eN etSh e. TitIs perfect. Na reserve. Sale 14ito the CarrLJ.ay 0 Iiuf I bc trete ne- dsitS oeîew s S ap s 0encla. P. rM. est to blit tbe rate of six per- centuin, per TERMS-51oo a> remaifn au mortgage auxoura, axd iarle vbole of the aeleinture. os =yir roniIof May', 1878, with anrrimn.erenerouponail beeadi- yaeabiinherest lat 8 per cent. 4pai it the ocOtte of the Ontui ajoli,,,inTi:- lneyin To.the ewie8tSyls L. FAIRBANK.q, Jr., vu! of 1roui,,. -Auctioneer. orThat for the purpoce of paying saiS Seben-. -AND IN TII E- arS turea jard taie xniter,-ct thi-r.on, tuer. chlah RÀMC itiaru lie levard li adiiota aIl otlxar rates; up- À D C N E T nr- oail îbe ratealile properi>' af tic Miiici- I.Ie !hl palix>'rite anaaaaitc reqaireal for eacb year I L O1?IJtST(S.r. DEPA 111TIN - The Broolalin Choral Union 'wMl gir. a Con. )t t0 ab aliove cet forth, cîxu the- speciaci rates ais are, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &,:B M N cerrtefraiuu , i ranr-l neul in the Masonie Hall of thait place, all' yur riig the ,coirluiîtrcot the caial Special attention lias been paid to get pNIEEEIO0 TE2T A EI anC daubeuturaus, or îîuy of tiei. nifxder the. alt leaidership cf Prif.Wyatt. ailThat the saaui a clautures shallibc bandeS t'Vtry thiiig fIas suitablle f>i tI tbeSaf;sullîils p aS an id iîî the Teir Progaramume wllcaudal principaulir Of ati over ,ta eafjraiaIlMualge and Yair. aigU ndfîigîvî' rw s uuaîedaelections orthe Messiai. P rie wo itOgur Cotiiapauiy" iaai bous taid Mkn J. unB. BinlCKIILy iLclPreelalent.ed a aiaald saLut thena ii, eatitLlituiig and nMaiu.-'W. A. RESTER, Secretary. )re tiiailig tiacir înaluoactuirng buinesotiaayith 87.20 Y of- conil thelîaits oailtis ,Mxiii.cipautty, 0on LAING & STEWA RT.Wiba1txî7~ 2 thicldhtiort, anal at the limnes paescrtbed O V NT 0 189 la T e hsCiule SLETACTOF19.t lui- i.-The afareaualFrederi!, Isinage chall _______________________________________ ýa- btfore thxe firali pasaiîng aif tits By iawIntem trofD il odh Brrr exeuixte a gaud anal cufficieut l3o"S t,, thie H A [niI rJ Th Inolvnt hie e a tiier.of,ttllrwliiali lie wtU bina himaseif, The n<V. C> cs mde assigument of P er. LitaLoirs, ceciora, or adinaniatrators, ta H AIL O N & 0Lais estate ta me, anS the Cr Sitars aire nudf. lieý estiahiali tie afaros.a Coinaaîy for the Ied ta meet it bis place of business in the b, anrixufactîure o!fargalia, &c., iii dtsi Town ,Vlllaan of fAhitearale, on FEIDAY, TEE l rt 0 coîine-d lcai.al. nulai73. taiuTakze nuch nleasure ain 1nformh TWEXaTTYTHIitD DAY 0F MAY, ait One lro t oiriet tebprton tlte r Ati. ha. -. iLAg tLir 21o'clock fiiithîe aiternoon, ta rffeive staite. le. 2nd.-Tliat tbe caid Cornpiiny sbalat the îîuierous eus3t-îners ani rieîids thxit Lhe have ments&f-ie aiffairu a andta app oint au As- re saii atie liave aCaplital cleurrofifcl liaibi- sthev. al ty frlîat uek cohul C1610,y0ha,0wtiinremoved fi-om their old stanîd to Dtdli. gu. hg t ayo ay 88 iii Itacaof flt loire iai ony alauo.DatS itWhlbythAMEStb daycNM>,18.- ,ed haro yedrâ from the1uaailiig, Q202tJAMS OLEN ha-_ hafa tlis Dy 20-21 Interian Assignes. lia liailitiem,, or thait the aaîd Comapainy shahl, M c H E S L C Io, from and afierthe payntieut tu thein cf the RIMBLFOSAE tif wilole oi the saiid boanus tof 8l,00,-contin-D nouai>' eaiploy for the cucceeding teai Whore theyhverete out a la.enlvred sio1o Ons yegr olS. AppI> t- cf yrard thereaifxcr on u aaveraige not les. yhaeoacîd Lre" c an ~.- £t lity aroriiacu. JAMES FORREST, rai 4h-Tliaitin the event of lhe saiS Coin 1 -TT QAshhurn. ni.pany failiig h ta oititiue tlxir business, for IDRY G('I(i AND1-3 CE(RIfý:lt'May 7, l.'198t lit t e leugiaof tine, anad the it ar d,. aI7188 lie uplon unier saiS frid, the adAreeieN -- oT E D- 9eu. fi uige sxal uli alIttb iti pai>'overW na t,, Lai.Coirporation sncb peûtdty or daim- p. aige au by arhatriatora imarhlaiiy chosen OU-R MILLINERY S HO W ROOMS A good Servant Girl Appiy ta-.- - iiiy lie fotniut aitil fair. MES. JOHNSTON, il Thait sau soon ais the Municipal Counu. Goidsmith's Hall, Wl4thy. ci il Athetuati f Wliiy haisreceiveal Will belopen in a fauwdclayixwith a çboice*vtriety of New Mai>'7,1878, 19 the-atoeii uttaaîac-od froi rxathe salSa Styles of Ladies' hats and fBonnets. Frelerek u, geandtheCoxxapany i-an tg1 51L *t raa htitl acia - a ier Capital0TICE 1 le of Tonthouuanldollarver ull iiitÇ CL 01 H i aitial have cuiinaa-ucailtiaiir maroufacturingtcig oteeBok ati aislrw WhainDay the Town _à 1 - -__i. nticehhat,. Manl-: rsig 4a~75 pm n i ~ dAs»:7,Michester, i10 1 cm .. Van1bY.anad Oshaa -- tva cf the-most Tw4lllt>,-ai taie Twn all, on the'saiS 1151h DAY 0F MAY NEXT, 17,Prince Abert, 1S1arn. 844 p-in. &..aippiOntatao.otens oc tin the ' 1 eoailon aki n .n fteNARROWS' otPer,(arnre,)l1 0 8 i-.853 .mn ONSIH Smiath te bereli 4a-V, j > i l s BWEfoîirposçc ma snonete Trains Going South. MixeS. Mail. Lot No. 18, Su cou. Eua Whithy. Itunling OffilecorrsaiS WairS; anSdlunlbthdrr repaire. Ana frtber iataI trail port Pere>', (Separt,) 6 00 a.m. 1 0() «ia, i o Southi Xainilat James Camerons Vacant mil1lie stopp front sheaaid, 151h day cf Prince Albert, 8 09 aam- 1 d 0in,.Ma'687.*g j honteO wect Of IlilunOiud Street, on the. May', unti 8sob tisai. a0 th. epafre are -fin. Menchester,_ 6 18yaim1878.8Pp.m. saiS Twcnty-îhird day cf Mai>'instaint, atI Ih8S, cf >ymchfacainotice egiVeno 8umanitea 8 28ai.1 8 P.m. Niaut oclock in the furenouan anS James Il WLIA OUTO2alS" 1a.m. 1 41 P,..IOTG E Caxuplieli irhiencli' ais Uoumàisoner for Ontario, pB~ron 8 56an1Slpm Eetxnilg U 'c M f r HENRYcotln,7 01 a.m. 2 01 p.m. Tik This ily-ai suatTi» nieth îsdameofCEn 0eR fr c .Whlthyn t 7 28 amn. 2 28 p.in, Under euS b>' vin, cf a Paver. cf Sase in Jul,14i cap reron tic TirtIhA. e>'. c 18,7u8. fe dmucWhtyJuton, (A"r.) 7 80 a.m. 2,80 p.m: ai Certain Mot«age, the -folowfng valuable lsual Jnuue, paa ished thrrMaîye, A > 17. N,.-Tii, conutes cf Ontario andS Shu. Pintforu Station-, Tralai; stop on Signa! Prapeet> lu the TOWN C.P WHITBY, vis: Firs palised Sb ~iy,1873 - o iiio have1 no ponasibility takng pair 0m- - -Tpa os ubn 1,8aiuy4 ulm tieacrus the Narrova; or auytiiing con. Eait ci!,cf lo ts r 2 n de14tluthnaxithe N O TI1C E .1, uected witli ltma Perry. -J AS. DUYDE IN B.aEst MBLLLf m.liStrenàthe as~sluaid D Taie notice t tt b ve m a tr e cpy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l eTyu m p nf h U ésu i P l cf nom e ast publ7 in the SecndMConcessio mbt coniueration h1 tthe Municapl Coin. T0 CONTRACTOR L . RA ILWAY P A A ,. o nt i ll W K T B tion thoeof lu -Tam Wmruy CxaoxccLg Tmnders vil>b. ecTeIXeB TÀnp t, hie 2'4WhP- ainswaeon thta. dat fwlib ri phîyu- AMIst..for tue ereclion orfa ehboelhuse ilu i ortirei oMt H~ lda.O !111 anS d 0ht a ',AUnion 8Shoal SectionNI, 4ý, ast Whltb>'. BsetnAd " otns alai as o dyg 0theqoalfiedenBe =J ONc>,~t cf hsi e wiciia ftiieu, --Ti.laesorau'se Mail,..0.a, M. 1 MIxeS. ..00m-SATURD'y, TTHTMFISOT OAY OWAY, INSAT olatn f W thwl e fthe i. Tào tu l ide nnu D lOJît0h,, > ST lb oc es raytendelr àaid necessaril>' GoIng North ta Peterhoro' Lakéfield. <A.- fl Ontehu o u i h l FRIOAY, THE TWENTY-THIRD-DAY OF MAY, a ePte& ILuB.BARBER, Mail. S ax. ie ... 42 ..u1,080n8ho aer0of Uht aly,. l I A, D. 180 at nin.o'elockin the frenoonComnig South tram Oriffia to Lindaya T er~Ouareon te sidpensesaslni A, the 1879ait ine o laaxkl i. euaAnciiteet, Oshawva, Petenhoo' and port Hope,. - -ýnfaecot&en otb&ùj$P&godWiél ai tii., th" May 14,18p3,ces11 -11mellpluft. othcnt. tufl North Ward in the Mâfîecliauicà ts' it a> 4,188.202t MizeS ..2:40 p, m, 1 Mail..810 8. I , and the Place à lt~lo eoieud ecs Hall, In the Cenitre MWar& lu thelii. ',u - - - axsg South trou, LakefliS. -isalo a Youg oe-bardtewad4 Halll lt!,. South WarS lu James Camer.-1JR3. SALÉ, Mxe 500akmS1Mal Oas» vactit boum. -tst side ail RichmonopF .... 2.2 p8.m0 Theua J MwSiI;,jo..g:2s p-.iu.ken, Sireet, boWg thapacesîutvlchthelasI t ect T~nlaS inuxdialal elcise e.beld.ul USt uhý-Ps înb adfo. ! e *ran uea d y - ,Tt - oUtteofe2ý TOMAS HU TO Tý.,îU, W U be goid-e à»I-, - - i- - 1 traie &«Lan TOC) OtDýE R. RESH GROOERIES, TEE ON*TARJO LOAN &, SAVINGS. 00., IncoportedFebuar>, :73,Pit0us tahe Act cf Panfameut, 9luVic- toria, Chapten go, and Ameudruents.- Permanents Fix0d apita Payable ailier ut ance, an b>' Mantl I nelailments. TN.GMsW. . COWAN, E'Bq.' VICE-PEESID]ENT, T.N 'GBS Esq., M. P., . W. GLE 4,] - -T. M. MeMILLAN, Esq, SEcRETÂJxy-TaixÂcuR Estte i sra o 000 ndmparsfo fomtva ta wetyeaïs; pay- irRITZr, ONT. able lu monhli>, quarterl>', half-yearly, or yeaxIy instalments, (tauittiecu eience cf the borrower>, ail loy ratas cf interept. TIi, Comlpanin l alsc pra. JAS. PRINGLE, -., PROPRIETOR. paireil ta receiva deposite cf $1 au,! npvsmds, anS vi» alloir Inleresi at lie rail. put-aiseaccommodation. Ample anS of six per cent., perîtunum upan lias saune. TIi. Stock of lias Comapany' 1eing weil fitteti up saa p-!om o oniteal pledged a seou r>'1!nahi dep oeils. au,! being unden the. goverumeul of Dinse. travellers. 1 aore af long experience in buxsineas, who are veil kuovai ta the generai cammuni. ___ _________ , apc elii n guaraintee la affened for lie c*tefnlixnrstmsnt cf mouey lait on ~ ML AMFR~ Depaýisilaall t imes vill receire lthe Ligh etI rata of interesb, consistent fmidi th. saft>'and proper varking of lia. Society. Depasita;lnudr $50 may be i. areovr ole, mi fe panritin fw82 Irawn vithout notice, and i lîat an>' fanf.itnire cf intèrstin umcrdanCt, iii s, ore osrthe Smt sss-uch fome sa!u bhe Sepasit tables pubuiclied ; lie abject cf ltai Direatare belug ta encourage hal fmuim lie vilaeof Buffle' Creea, Pie!ltr- lus cf eccnomy anS frugalit>' ratier Ilman lie reauizaitian af large profits. -lgi hon b e.d on the. sonthbb>'tii. G. T. Tise Dirctoms mfl>' convinet.,htst one of lthe firel etep toarls thini - Ralay>. The lanS cief>' consitaof a nic prarement cf thein felloir citizous's 10 encourage a desire ta save'anaaccum- alluvial clai>'; about 26 iscres ame uleared, late Ilmeir earninge as a visé provision for future caubingeucies, lu affening aSeetensfluiau rcim.Art cgcti.fulaiceof aed aiilities fan cuti a purpcse, throaugi tIh.meiumu cf ibis Saciety lise>'trust ta -moalti bri i eomfbrtaliis mesuience to a àdlasrning pumblie ta uiake thenu available.- proprietor vho has a Jancy for ta.king is Oshawva,Apri 8th, 1878. - 5Gmos. l1'-aMe,-One-founth Sosn,anS lie halante inlutire. anunaal anstalucents, vili lutereet - at7 Per cent. -Apply to- WML GORDON, on ta hty - J. ~K. GORDON-4-s-;1I~îy J. H . A D D I O N - April BOtii, 1873, b> 18* ~200 ACREuS OPLAÀ" FOR SALýk - he suheemiber offeras for sale LaId, Seul UGEMENconcession tif Beach; a large qnantity- cf EXTRA INOUCME TS ada i -e f -ai Sain .W L, C; HALL.- Oshawva, Apulm7. 18.41 -NOW OPEN IN G! AXRG WHORSESI1 PeinltS inelmuctiona hy mlxiii lie meuh Several cases of the most fashionable and d sirable Sentlosîs horess ri eet>'sbis. Dness Goods in Ai colons and shades Iut unheard ef Sutan>adefo8ct, a a -- 3e. DUFOUT, LO T~ ~16-61 Moore's Station,P.Q. Great bargains in English andCginadian cloths, Cot-- DS OT ARN .,tons, Woollens. Spring Shawls, hosiery,. gloves, bats - -FLN OT and caîps, and gelîeral housekeeping dry goods. Apil 22, 187. 17*1m JUST IIECEIVINO, A -A GE STOCK 0F - NEW music PUBLI8HIMD B- BE<9T FRESH FA MIL Y QROCERIES . J .Pees 99Boday1~Y A t the Popular Dry Goods and Grocery Estàblish- MalleS, poil-paiS, ami Recaiipt cf Paice. ment une door souîh of the Ontario Bank.LV01A5 Abv CdBeicu. SacreS..B>' Juci. 80Q-- J. L A DIS N. Beaailiful form of my dresis. Stewart 80 Whitby, April 22nd, 1873 17 DOn% e tedrln Don'tfiong'1lcnte me.-Songà,ch8oeàx 8 - oiS we aur handsgong orduet. Baifen 8W 2Gcne 10 lie.IavelY gardon. Song, 1 35 -SubscýiptaiMof stocka in the imnaer- *alcing ar. euhost eemfly soffcite. The value cf tme s , asla paimg 4iv., idenul ixvestunent, ma>' be regarded as being beyond sicubt; wmile lie great aSsantages ttahe Tam cf Whitb>' imsu-d Comnhy afOntariaolins ecxsnng an-en- largement ofthe favoxably kowsn Warks cf Mesgre; Brown à&ptergon muest at once commeaid tiiumevei. Pairties alesiring ta soibgeribe fax slaock are requestad ta en clos. maesuo>anduma, par post, at an .arly day, statiDg tle aumInher af shares lie>' wisi la have al- lotteS. - N. W. BROWN, RJ. YAENOLD, President. Secretaru. Wihb, 281k Febxuary, 1873.- 101f CTEAMSHIp TICKETS By Allan'a Magnificent Li-ne' 0F MAIL STEAMERS Paris>.e, ta anS fram Bnitain, ait loveet rates, anS ah nectessarir nformation cieerfasiy givenli>' GRO. YUIF,, RATMI &BROTHER 'pleasure in announceng that they are receivitîg il suppl111y of Farm ers' lu'îplemeaîts, Spades, Shovels, p - Rakes, Hoes, &C,1 )IREOT FROM ENGLA-.NiJD 'ck of double and sin~ize barrel smural ja i . £-- E. Esq., M. IS; ESQ. ý Permanent Fixed CapItal $250,000.1

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