quiet bmnat, M. Si~x Good Ruis,. me. Greelaya Ostatemape'to1 lLaew about fsraiug have loi mnaltif)etaiet for many sjoke Uractlcal sud good mn., N longprevotinte h e eah lie lai Bornxe axinie on tisat aublesat,1 goo0d mauy wiso hâve bain tilles soil froua clildlisod to old age ui woll te takisent]ed '1. TinaItiheares under ouit elloutsldbc wifiin the.liimita eftht tai alid labour emploved ; or tE wordm, th lat, Qu ianpoverfshed gs U one ehiouid cultivat. more tissui au~cawithananure-or fertilizers oune acre or twenty. 2 Tiiet tisers a sould- ho a Iav ellsg every man te -prevent hl Iroui Jepredating on hie neigL 'B. Tiiet green sot llng ln mote -omia4JÃŽaoone a* tprage. gond farmaslg,- '5. Tisat tihe niek.heap la the er'i4 bauk, Sand tiateverylhinga heald.deil ti hit will oularge i at tlis atütai tiooasse its feri proportion, '0. Tiset no fariner or planterà duposd ripouons el ettp alonis surions loue snd bad sasons byg hit ] lasve no doubit lisat, if1 fermier wulda ct upon tisn six1 tii.egreultursal wealtls of tisei would b. u ecesed tlree.fold w five yesrs. The Stonea, otfSolomon'a Temp Tise manile atonea which cous Soiemors'% temaple were safi Itea ho cubits long, twolve thick, sudi Ililis. Snppeilsîgne clbit te b.eigi isacîsieî,wliehlaintise lowestetin tlîey weuld bc sisty teut long, elgh thiek,' ansi twelye higis. AnïdauÈ ilsg à cubie foot ot mnaie te w 2,707 oursees, oue oft tleae atones we ccl 2,715,088 possude and -tw.ive ouÈ If ou. masn wa ei.ta raine. Polludg, iltoquircd 1,560 moen te Plie of tliesç, ansd aisc a litIle boy, * sjllraiso 88 pounds-12 ounces. P'sssngnee arin .raquired -on. ssi ysards to'stasnd Upupa, il wou .ld roas two acres, lire. rode, ebaven peua and twealyv yards te stand tapon w raling il, besidéea cplce f I boy to stand, Wilast foah'y-1"q . belr) uece;stary te carry tiserf's ecrou Jsappîs, Wist kiud oft bame as1 asewatggone <lu yos uppoSee lsc ta oCrry tsss 1toe roms Jopps Jorusssim, wliclî ln about tlsirty m: ti)tlsgll a iuesssstRijsonAe ennui Wlsasî «kili wan necessary tsi equere j wlsen tlsey werss brenglit tegellier tl flttud 00e xâctly tlidt tic aele i Peasaace ofon eaesu.. Y Cutsaaa t-A isnpio littie seisI, in tisis, to b. mure, anrd yel it mssy etricraadered09s0 oettise Mont insidîl ('l1s'nieas Witljis hJiciapeople have s1ksal, It ie rery plessauf ite isasvo tlid litile ceusauoslties oth'red for si ii la, tIsa ssest, ans itin lisard semellu, te dcatsy unes self <of tise nase wl thusy catiaschO bîaurdIsy juel orderi thi ailsssd eytsg Charge ila, But t habtit ot gettilsg articles; 'lsowevcreuf t1ue expelsse iuassy bo, witlsont pay foLestsiu, keepes cne'n fumîsisin a io state osois f tise ýiuse,'!isave rs tise înîuey tu.dey, but I slsouid like t] article very usuels','nayeasa youug tusi Mliii, lhapîpeninsg te Couse issbe a e3to. 81-R <iassitling wlîiclî etrikehile tans, 'Nvver assissl,' smaya ths e aijtinu dces 'loun are gooi fosr it.' '%VOil, 'l tal il, stas i yss ay chsarge it.' And ne lms t]lit iîe aIcuasuts are opossod-a il viisue saldasiotlses, tili tise youasg sa sm sssirsnrieed st has ie itbîtlie, whsic tîsasî1s1111s1liisi <bal, ire nuffleient] iasgt las tIiseaggregate te ratine.i se';îs -sîstcrislly wlseh eettling ds - 3sîsnee-.l siusasy instances if tise cet wsîs reinirod lis.epiarchiese wonld lus bu soudie, eveashad tise pereen til munnsalY iaY 1lattas;but te suase, gettis, an ertacIe clserged doua e n t s ii paransg willî an equivelent, stu ien pey day cornes, as it doua, hi i liioea vanisse, and tise feeling lsete pariencuî ut pertissg witls meuey aet rvcîivinwssaothing las returu. A IITUDY FOR Tti LADY IREÀuAD i.- Aladly te bc oxtreuxsey styliel inow saye ais Ameracan papier,, muet becuar rOW csongis, te;ken lu fronat, te pase bc. twcoan tiseisaudlee et e wiseelbarrow witlsout to.scling elthser ide, but e Casa isseke it UP 1b'y atis asîsoasî af prn. esegwisssr te squeeze iss yourself. 'l"dais y(tr a@peet ts i gs iltisane witls e wisky bottia, hanglu' te. yenP' A ljniînlarnakesi hlm îwisat tise>'nlseuld (1e wlth Iions. 'Bring ' em nig t nupte de p alpit,'saie tise speaker, land l'il off. C'ftir a eA scrifice te de Lo4'About e deze-n hettien '.'re aceordin gi>'trabns. ferred te lise pulpiîT.Mise darkey gave a suent sermBon sud repsa'ed le hite tnt.. Tve Ieuns attenwerdlise wax ,0: stupid. 1' drluntJIsI ltlie could n't stand asise, ise lws jnovllntar n nZAi POOlalperte wlI-111do Weil te 'put 21'w 1issges Ronutise frontgeen <ba1)laI lie their laugistere' dresesîleovee. rstrsa."A libisla in e naven Thetlmeasmare affactlng tise poon Inisan. The>' couPasais thal Ùnn.ut baI ais-heas ad emigrauts go West aaow. "<A~u axperlened Surgeon- wilI aecooi. pisay evony train," ver>' propeni>' cous. passfftas Part et an Atieicaraiiway Avêntcan ieut y atner heiug u9e f ugtr c n ienmaried, wft tlllivinag witb um riiTe"N Mir -mip ont-, . ofissgals 5Warsel Inust huse$tlier own Iiiv." araes si___ i Bret.wilia e nPEas. Ani visre"se ths e out, ethtie wisle rata- A.b 01e a t e i mssicpaity et1tisa lud:f .tyt>', sec 0ronjsite tise lastr- visesi asasssint roll, was six huindred andi aixel>' tiare.tisesaasd four hundresi sud nslnety ulue dollars Andi whieas thea axlstIngdebt ef thse m'i ueiclpallty te ansfellws: DebeaLturea seuand unden B>'. cils, ne. -or& WhFuneralsPortullrysuppliFed.a -Rose- ils, <> ~ ss nose> ans rsaa±'ery Fvo gilenlots-- SLE A EN '-OR WHITESIDiE'SPATEN ~ > se conisi BRallway Cospart ...... epiegllilt ta nednced rate, OÉ GN - tbentuesisses ii ariin R.I-.1h E- N JIl'fo th sles pa. hsvoas 10 ot saisi Eailway ceniny.... ,000 * '. H-Agent Wbcoin-, st l ta be s ui siS L E A G N , EI B . rg a n s, cf' su p e rio r m ttn u fa cýtu re. tsrYi 'I's iils Cu. jr <~> [ AecA5i t he Lac taebrustsa.î WIIITE WeIEA, - ual and examnine bis immnesok Pie tl ute le Stock DF'bur s asueSne5am i WI enLi A T mr. redustodk bbu' ieEngisse B>' aw .... # WvnsKe'Y, ahigll>'reclifieil Canadia i ute Dobaentures a tehaissednsd mer n 18eucd 'e acon* Blesse Piire Ejngle fy-lsw 1400 > 1by adi2~1878. 1 Debesasres inu donr 's BWhtiJAMESil2,J878 Sesefors..........u Sig o e iG reat llokng-Char, Broo ret Debner ss.......nder Pesa s tanin- Grsausd Improvemeets ..... iM slsonid Notes ta estatae ofla Hugia lb andi MeBniena...........42,000 îii~g Notes duscantasi atCuaro- Bsuk................ 4000 T e se t w lic h s th e ti e re s r o s i s 1 T * 5 T 8hou4 SRIX ND' SiU MERGRAND CLEARING BSALE 1 AU tise debentaessbean lutes,est at tise1M P 0 , T -A T A 0 N- We heg te announce ta oun onatamers every ratet1Six Penrosntun, per am, tedofrii. siel os uaxavnniv cmAs s ans sd ne part ef thprnian r iter- world ast is t ars .-- - :ced, aud Wlh coutinuie for Ou. MoisIs, siblin Ansi wien.as tise sunssasi necial rates ilutacf rthGooe CofiugexGrseivestosud ie lar, fer paylng thsstalsenet A OofETESTOCK IN A LfLLINES 0F oflrqu ons ansi W in AT PiSflegdn, a tepaincipali ans i itenet tisereen 5aubise> lte Iis anuuinemeut RM cusT e. Ipic, res'scsvly become payable will nequirequcaoMnMMinlsvgsce- Ye tisyea- u 1 l s ho tSaa.syTese- 1sosed 1378, .0217ml, .1584,.6aeMi. D R E S S p . une*osition ilD bvngacet fot' 1874, -.07M6 " 188, .0545 1e h oiinOf6citr-raue eiiisl 1875, .0761" 18, Q2 We 102 186 (j23Ircf tise Ontanle Lean & Sevinga Cosp'y, lteen 188Wes9" 187 ~t cf Eaiglatnd, Canadiuu, asnd Scotch clcths, &0, . wiîich nacessitabes bis eea eOh aae 17, .d-1 " 1-8,Fil8awa. "Tisaele thenetere s benae.i lîen î,.0075 " 1890,.-0437 déTU i-Ci 188W.B6 88,.041588 ' URN SH NG 'J-'.-,u.S, ue.We plosigEl otrsalvesa tIsIvery Ipos 1'1, .148 " 111 01 rigi 381 Oi" 1892, .08798tsStitycshfralSUSUte miles. 18M 087 dg' "OF EVTERY..DESUIIPT[ON.TeSSnch'sei o l us ue 3 20 oi 1893,e nace .037h2Mniipl150; 150 sud npwands, six, mentis ucea 188, .387csadit wiil h.i min e CuIl eofar - athe w fi >'tse MThicipai s giveas Ou appnoved papen. r wjThat th et= lscasfWtii he RmacleI andlj. IMTis replete wif h a choit-e Tise preseul affords en excellent epn f rePairesi ebentures of tisis Ce slecion T' uxtes, fruit, pc B ttoae.po- Su. o dc un 1Mnya apc eqratcselcio U es, c e new es nit>' fer parties, nequiring goosis la oh. ara dn t ]oq tan ue nýded d llas cchétai l e m t 25 per cent lss tiss uusul uisea cfsu t. ee n, an liste Bud 19 Codsat rics devin 1(ýiLMatecometiionprices. Our stock amounts ta abut wtuile debeutunes sisail bo sealed witia lie seal ~j ~ ~ P!~praet ittie eft biis Copenatien andsi sgned l'y tisa rweT.H.M IL &Ce Mayor sud c<assaterigned b>'tise Tresser. .H eILA o Iasvo ai et ts Muhtspaisb>' sud tait lise saisi es ta debenunesuli b e so prepsaredainsi Sîsuad Dundits St., 'hithy welI tisAt au equail aîrsunt ef twe lisudneil anid Arl2u,17;1 ______________________________________ Ilst ifity>'dollarssl beciausa due a ausisysal i l2 ,17 '1 . ate eos le Tiainteblday et June ia euch e ______________________________________ of_____________________________________ iles tbh wnys escede a<aetawhsis iais sw shissl taike afectsansd !'ITLD STATES CCNSULATE, ry ? cerne itb opa stien, bisat ever>' de bentueaT E L eand Sae ~isei iaihave inlereat Cou eus 51- W H 1 T B ItS.N D bisaI I2bed, withi ntenest payalela iIyesiiy beyn thse' Tiirtietis day ef Deceasber aisiNetice il; ecby> giveta, tisait for -tises-en- ho' Titietia day cf uselueca year daaing veacusie et o Shippa-re, Traders, aud al ps-r- 5iP. tIsec urresse>'Ofet id i-dèantures, tise inter. 5sno Intenenteil, a Consuien Agcncy ni thes, est ts bu st lise rase ait ix pur ceaiui, perUUnitedSt iates et Aisien-ca hais beesa estitbith- - sss ran~sd tise wiole c e t be usannaris cd-at liis pilace, aindi liat tbhe'saine aili bai sud bturient Cou ponase lblc miar als yable a i pnfisc limairasactioin of basuîlas ss conens Ice aI tliseOciice et tise Onitairio a zi iu, iii Te. a hi t r iidate. r Le reinte. C tllcc-Outanio flnk Jaaiidiug. oaUs TisaItfon bhe puaspose of IaYiug siaisidèbmc A. A. ALLEN, Z 'pl> tsi -lunes aissithisuerektesatausca, tlisra. 1lissuCaisaulair Agent, sa 01 ai, llthe raleabie properu> of lise Moii.s îs~ 30, 1878. 1 paliuty lise aîsoueic Niqîirusi forer <iuiyear aiea ais above met forth, aud tise sîsaciail raite ais OYAL BRIITISH Q-UEEN HIiTE--L, is year durn e ia outiauaiîîeeoettlissa eisi FPORT PE usaY. iE S'r'À B1 1S.u E D 18-33. tise à ebainlares, cran>' of tunis. The uisdersigiaed in returuîing thanks for theéflberalparos cill Tisut tise sait sebeiturea sisalSlibe isaudiad JAS. DEWAIIT, - PROI'IIETOII.parn ssg raite ise sfîreeùi Madg cîd Yn- s * 53~il Is.,5i lis heie exieusetlsi stbe.oîd stsblichtsierit. tornceins- a periosi etfsntyyeîa, de wodOrgain Comipansy"- aiaiaboisan t-u aid S .i eaddaiccomatusaion.a s ils ie lfi htlefn io nhn a<eatotnn sow andssi ist theinxesse.tiiaiuîiiag sud siain- and liquors littise bar. Attentaive osîlini. c elsies a a >t atIetieua nIitstylenge ofsonuae t he soIsa saîedcr. sot iaissiaglig sir muarsaf rng businsisa -- -> >5 sîesn 51 cm t te witiiatlielsiasits ut thi Mualiîiipaliîy, o p JI5IP3Et. «XTR~ Min. an, tissa cniios ansd naithtisiiseo presea-itias -A; ce, 1.isde afors<jVrr ile Miulge usaiS l' t And trusts hy proper atte'- tion ssnc moderate prices to - se- beoroe safiscal peuîuisg of thaie 43y law <O4 tr.c nco aZ xas-t, a gecan cut (ýi t ndt esi aithi4î ,,I d - -d cse cnîlaîssencestpublic patronage. Practical upholsaîerng. l5'nutuue ra- ik Corporation, achstiis5itas tie Corlsacil 1 C T o Et 1 A snieudcvared. il tlier.-ct, asiden wlsicii le aili Ilaiasi istassai, s orîLj Ytl r .,uioxgz.ya Msa hi lairs,, exaîscre, osuisisiiîsraituina, t OPONTTRPO ndeaking ... & Funerals Fu' ySupplied asheretofore, ian butaibljeis lie atunesi i uaniy fo th maaxcue of engama, &. a isshai Tewi,~Sm be1 tacommence eîieraticacs ntInateaiton lisse om splencid pcmn fPetr rms n id t - ' ist Sejatetnrcl, A. D. 1873. sRu t h dseaembeus ictureFrSame, udGid [182nil.-Tmisbtise saisi Comipai>-Tie01Srppaindfs rChncis gr lezemerIheOltSttdhe ,o, ti5î nt lun tsse t s511 Luchai- * iii n Formulai, aad cenhilsasi te lu ce iaiau> et rc.-Tsab lise scui Companuc>hahl, w-% - D 00F * ,'au- I x le lwe >eaistres lime aesssit tsi, 113. o hepeeninad ueo ishaive s Capital stetk of $21, ochcair uf alS' P-lise lARveaON aSiure it NN TYS sg liabiities, or tisat tise saisiCompany'ss-i %hPall, CNUMTO T(h T C te fronsud sIaftisa payîains te thes ofet tiiseii'for tise curaet O H S O i, wisole oethlie scid boscn iS 83,150cetin- - las ucassi>' esplai> for tiss sucee.ediiig teill __ /ilcpsia, Broncitrtîe A.stlima, Leaiî l eurs tiereaftear en as aveas-.ga utscseau7A adtGenE ~ < titi>' waiskseas. (C~~~~~esticte ~cral Debility. fc. L - s N lEJAPE 41i.-Tisailin tisesventoa i te said sin- a t <5' pany filing e lentnus-il>' buainsisfer l' pieu' taiinglai esîinasi lieir ussinuis 1e gAa '~tLaberatair>. Univaeit>' Collega tise lentglsof limau, asdlise exîsant areed T oTonaito, Dcc. 4Iia, 1872. ua under saisi band, the said Fcedriemi 0IC OTQUTTR <tho ie Visabaîrls Cheuniccul Cc. A AliseE IST PRZ ude halbclibl e ndpa ve OIC O QUTTR O PB- ýGentlemexn -I have exaimined AW REtT E FRSeRZ tadge israioue hapensait r>'ca-N L icLANDS. arnialas cmploead in the Victoria C5îemicaii At the Provincial Exîsibition, Toronto, ini1870 le asis Cenjiratosuris peaaly arcias- - Waiskqin the prepaino f tise Victorna aaasb'am îrlisixprill tiassn- Tis a ttenioiîn aitSqîîatîere on tise Pulaé $>'up cf il3ypp sphibes. Thae -anal E>' a* axa' lueteens jasaIansi iain.Lands is sVieiasiiy caliedlai tisa regulatiorisa PIIîOBpiiteg usesiaaeclaeically paire, andi- -.-.----- W 5th.ast se saicîsaiis bisa Itnuuipai Coln- cîttasinai mus taie-aOrd in CoasairiofethtIe tise Syrup isaise quite frsefrc)many impa:r le cil o e iaTown cf WisituY l'as receavesi 1015 Janiu:sy, 1859, walrlurnsqasalling 01, ity. Tour Syrup cf Il>paipia'phiîes ti le eorcsîuesfo mecmu ,îv0.tods - tise abie nucntioned Boîndi rai tliesaisi ClownusLuadsis iic-îly-forlaiaien. "Ulobtailsaprai-aiCdaiaibe lui a vr eolrt u-ClSonr o h i- ferct. ods ls-cderick Mualge, andsitise. Comany 'vasn Foi slais so ptsrcha-e landus i 'sgîtitaioc IIEFIIT >H. CROCFT, tiasî-t 1,chn îvi hich in sy;and Cntrcio.ertibrmice saaw assaiprove tiait it hais ai erCa!lcuption ailil'bue eerttinesi, nuIrai suai Prait. ChtaeiuriaiSt ie contsU.cio et Ten tiosoaand dollascver aitl inbiias occupant aaia boa i/ae sc-l-rsun tise lanad Prica SI pair lottle. ldbalDrgits th hte ndiotuefà im i- mnsofheay ani srs au sc c d 11-rta1ita 1isj %vnai il u aistiail imps-o veaaxas li t t hlita is osb cuD J gss ie l îes rdNîo t u e " tuusess,,th usi Iittige andutl snrv(oai i ispaiaîicn, aidse ereporteiî l>' ua ii e-_______ In-uroemns----s dy " os-gais Comspiany' îtliuise intitlesi laira- i- pechor. Itaalaovrinassis miale osuai .an> 1 1iCAT1)>[i I) it coive debsature ofliis Corpoiratiotn ignauaisiCrowan cids minca le ise nc osainspec- F1. XRC F" IG 0 E PR. n ne hsD-ate tire ainouisacf Tare lion, ailIl'ac lost te tisa oceapant im, e COMPOUNF THETAC O n liscusaîssivae lîundred dollairsi. %uladsoccupation hais been aisoarized ' lis t,-T E "RrN O EPR. ~ Ots-Tsca ic gon iethaCconclcthe cpelaxnt. THO The univetrsalé succî,sa cf tis %,fMachine, hOth in ýclOsely contes,- I_ ix sahiiiei, sor tisat it caislue sea ,ail, is- Aust. tiîeCoiu ieIcuce tss trs9r.Ws - u t n. i 5s5-ittig îbt, is s Saetlf L- Co in tas-eyeans frona tIsa finial paeesigoetil e Dartax nI efCrownas Lainais, Torontoi, ne Rs.apciuri nrisslaie. in Ics nhie-,oîsd plsis netsudIes 5desi. std hlesmet iila BI l-aw, liitisthe saisi Comîpanay his jin-Apili1, 1874.15ja. A aSpecifsReaaudy for al Di8eea siloSCcese sdéni]les- ti ltanhrtdneofre oteqIh j easeaSite Capital ho $25tt,0aid er ands -of the biaalder antd idn*irnaps D e'qssa ur .-suu s arusn rs ets ssl aUboa iailitiecl ter ac ems is fi-ric- , Fmle n i ieesc h I.-Y J A ~ .. . .5 . ~~~ V. whi t he ng- bëea i t thst rot veay dd dowu whlch a Èi of tih. oold do- livatidon lia cspi. Y. ECE MATIVE zRAPE WIN, Msuutacur t <lnkmvl , OnQit.,hby a frenvh Wine Msufaonturer. Ità l more ploasant than'a Cnet, sud lias zarge e- rie uuuena esfhal4tOÃ" warran t à ]1 hiî stock bei ni',icf the best muiteriud aîud workman- ship, and Most tasteful. design. - / 5aiaii Insu .y-saw sisalStake uffesat'ansi cos, aruaLfIMform ELcesfera5ule '2en ÀSpetcifuia fo ieCs Waaude, Braisas5 de isoeaonce dan tise d ensmeusi use real tisa, II hoWi do et luik utlu liet jue aps-itaua asIlmeTiirieisda iiprapriter w arsl'e a t'ncy fo er - Bures, Scsade, Rails; Piee,Pimpies, andi cauot ho serves tisaseaeon. We would like le suppl>' a us nar hm lune, ibisiscurrnst year, A. D. 7s"ca- Chroi, Dreteco f th.e Skin o eera p c- firet. If ls ioleaottmengetcoss nesn> o lser ne c ssew ist pblshes i 81s s, 1878. cir-Oafari dean,d te alace cri îtin. wil bave te en$ien ncu a hie prt t aCona>,wiets'arbeg - u irsanneüau' iieltents, silli !jule-calPae23 k1o-Sl yA retro-t sreaqniyutncnd N OTIC E J - at7 p Api'r 2cpl-lI.Sls>' caigile. for oves'>' day, as ave4ave nno ma taeboe asas $co as .ePosdble - .st.t. a nsst fi isem up and gel utour obr-ok T ak e n otic a t s aI le abo isf a a u é1t p . G O R D O N , V 1 C T O ' a i A a n si g t e g ss s b e u r t e i is > rerM ai e d a i chor elines.' Wegaatehmooalhyr.mmeie, tit apln-sta a' ieMuxopl .~ OROBaedof5b-,<' BOAEdeolueur,' tasi teatmmeniais. Tise'fact lia - us, Seeders 5ev. ee9 s adBg cil aller oeemonta fote irs shublica- flarristes-, Wlsstlay. GLTt'TTE J L -nus'ai y>, niaiss lbquità lslsn oe eseason ton aver in>'ries,- la- tsijh e- tien Ihereef lu Tox Was-ra3Ccufixuciz Apnl IlOb, 1878, on~-'~'ee. -or -& .W. OLEN. neapapr, se datet *is-isiis5re pu c-, mea> icLde'-P< 1878,wa et is BglIsdi1 f aA Cig ARE 'F AND F QR S ALE. ForU!,atifytng the Coeuspcsislsnd *00- 0 eo:--... eliier ttieMamcli> t oftie Tw .i~ ~remosslug Tatait ubrus, Frac'Tes Paamle of 4iltsy iilutimotseen en Tise suîbscsiber cfers forssle Lait fi, Sasi ie, Baefà Ca e aisais;Csilslaias, THE ASTELILY BROADCAST SEEDER ANDICULTIVATOR (1OII5flÇEFt> 1s'sih FRIA?, Th TENT-THRDDAY.0F mA, ir li o teJaremss8ansd aithisi onae Pie. 26eper Battis. Sald b>' AilDruggias. le îlerd >' see tiaulbav - - e boit s- Wi5 A, D. 1878, au et . 'cak li thse fore onanud a l'ait sles VSuumit Stahin 8 .. ed y. & - ht ar-le d t. te tien1ural intc At lise- fal1eavisg-pias a tuly inte P.P. BR. l.Petfentisen pûtioasaenqmLsirs - ilcssausi Iornthe is veTi-noar jr, -ue. iinnach as iir euslse ess pa <ss.ael t - -Norta WardIln aise Mecà es aintute0V1_ R j 6iehIaýfde h nk Éri h-tif- il s]wsav ýTise atusat tDesrue Hal,in tise Ceune Ward Wastise Town uL, (C. ALL. -V EtOfiJ pse cio nads-s tie Workint5rh~e -ll lise abevite Hallis e'Soutia Wrd inlai Jeis Çaiiier- Osha-iA pil80, 1878. 118 41t[OL T<'i' eso a axrtaf asl-et on'$ vas-ut isesWaest idaetflcismeasu-S AP Street, Seing tisa piLaes is wlilo hla itt AlnýG WID H01-SFS I Celebrated for thir a unifenan P55rjty mad ~ O 5Ee iiluJSB Pnst~Ia t~eiba~ile hemu Excelletice ot Qualit>. F TH uimtQ, JOS. Me ; -Àm THOMAS HUBTON, à n&iRtufozb-hh'b ot(N ak Sie.St Ooyn vicioi'lirge ay b peractl subded.-VimNO DMDFdCjAP a ouke iaMna the s+.. smfl sini 55vlc arsstvshae Vcs.,uu ieies e ..IDEQ CaÀe ali a tai ----. -h. .;8stia <4eldeun Prcticaialch- 0-i-- ---- F eI' Begs to'informiaý is customers thbat he is now iff re'eil -superiori Stock of Clothsi, Tweeds, Vestigi *Ait, ordIérs promptlIy attended to and execuîed its the beet t 9 style. ,Spesuial attention palS te giving a stiatory fit. AUl iinda cf Gonts' At 2 fssrniinig geeda.'including hata, caps, unahneiice, &c,. - Ccli sud examine.,- D__ -JOHIN FERGTSO1<,- s F r SI>RING STIOCK 0F' BOOTS AND SHOESUï' MATTHEW GOLLINzS l)egs to annourice to bis cuatom rs arnd the public that fie hais openvd business on the pr-ernises .'sîtely oceaspied hy Mr. Baindell, on Brock -Street, and tlî,at he-i uo.w RIG.HT -FIT AND M À-KE 1- liîî>'î ja- t, l. '1UXJUde An d of tise best style of Boots and ShofOS. SL AT1ýSL Aise on baud a large stock of Ilomne-Made Boots a5'ud ShoesSTI ATw SL 5 wIuith cas uno beu siasssismed ts- qumaliy and picu. JÃ"OH -N B L OW Ahl order-s pnmsctnaîlly atteiîded to. Pepairs neatly do.'iie.. -B 1eEseatsafuny>'ta neUif>'Famens L I5T 0F TEE DIVSION COURTS COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO,' -FOR TEM YEAE 1M.& v> 4hî tIJ 15 ri.. 57 2aiUti 17 i 617s , 15 5$fi onr lasnther'ia AND NO. r BARREL SALT,- AT MODERÂTE PRICEB I M O R A N N W S !PLASTER, 1"ATER -PlME,-AN OL -' .--- ,---:e:.--- - -Cr-lasi ia s i L*el ,Y pecialageesi. leoI ansrsp llaiüta= BOOTS ANID SHOEýS. ApasilsI,*1à by ?he un-dersigned bas a large- stock of G -U E L -P H, 0O N T.- ,dies', jents', atiîd Uhhirrsti's Fîine anîd (larse 1Boots & Shces -P1Z " .ÉLr W CABINET ORGANS, Lr- ot n Sh.oes made to oder. UÀ Boots ndLMEL O DE 0ON S; Overshoes 'mcd waaiîsd lllicomtcrtable. India ilubsersso nanas Patent Quaiifyià g Tubes. LU- Ptepuiiniî nctly doiîe.Awafdtu n/ Mei Csitl at th-e old Stand. Eyrgvnt amo edIsrmns atoi nca hbiinfrProefieu-. WlI.lIAM B JINS, c>' lu Musfical Isistrsmnent, beaidea - Diplesmaé sansi Final Pnizes aI r 22, 1872 Blout I& Sa-saStsure, Breck strecu, Wity. .tieo Ex Mitioins tee nLu- mes-eus ta specifyl OrInsstrusments are< acknowla-dgeds by- Mustelasis ainsiJusges tle 5i. th ise Smashet preeluces.&,,Ouarhlast ans im asevlueble sm- (3-]EZ~Ç s ScnibineY's Patent Quai in- Tubes, tsae IL.~ IE aJ -tt fwsbicis sas te ne~a uble tise puaer- aI lise seame tise rendleningtse lonaiseeoh ansiPrpe-Site. B>' liswornutenfulinveiitii ave cen nissle snlstunn b tic'ani>'deuble - ~ T 'ÇT' ~ - r . ~ ~ S tish se w r et a.pipe Orguos aI bai! tise ax-- Tubes for tise ominionn cf Csnsda,une he. b>' cautioaal pa-bics frenm ureissiiig tisesu *elsas-r, anelise- ssi] ha iaisie teprosace- tien. W. l'ave copynigste tise nane et "TH E-ORGANE TTE"- Fer urstrumaents eenainamg Ibis avnc- dertuli saixproveim. 4atn>'msustscturerin- frtnglng en tiscejayrlgt avi be presecut. esi. flluslratqd Catalogues funsbesi b>'ad- tlnesiag- W. BECLL lCo., -- GuEzPat, OsT. Guelps, Jan. 201h, 187. - 5-1>' D) O MIw I O'N FLOUR &FEED STORE Th uilrsg e taisferm thse iihlab openei a Fleur ansi FassiStars las t]-e pacin rues listai>' escupies b>' Mr. James Walaae on Dusadas Street, LAQ TC FNwisv nsiaei15 aergs t IEW SPRINO OroNae meI IS NOW COMPLETE- 1 ististiuig of a vplendsid a.saorinieaat <ai ('I<ahs csfal1 kiids for Gentlaimen'asaveer, anaa compiete stock of EANTS' FTJJNISHuING GÃ"ODS, -THE NEWE ST -OUT. PLENDID STOCK (IF XEWý SPRIlNG IIATS & CAPS. - OHEAP FOR OASLI - A. PRINGLE. daby, Mlarch 19th, 1873. 12 -BROCK T1E ,W-HITBY, O PPOSITE ONTAR-1O BAN K. te, tînucunce, that lie uas built on the a.bovepremises, A NEW- tograph Galle'r y, O 0fee-t in length, ihe huis flttt-4 lup vitlî A the Iatrst iru'oveMPentg. 'a~n d -anc sasl inst Iving pnicea foi 1e ISprng s Casispaiifoeri 114 Whithy, April Il 1873.. lt ly J*EW SPRII