Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1873, p. 2

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a ie U.nl.etqaep tuonand tihat on an average capital ef guestions fritlh hIiáI enn bli QNLY S: 50 PE R ANNUM, about 0700,000. ~Iénet profils for w.e an only consent to pbi the year'- #128,818,05 ~- amont to s. from bime tohi fri3nds su WhtyTîî fa, ln8 5, 1873. abount 141 par cent on tihe average capI- bours in the msuai way, snd _______________________ tal employed. - usai terms as an'advertisement The. advantages of County Aid to The conduc t of th affaime oii heWha~l the. peopie of Pickeri County Railways, atkd aser sud f tho pedentmanner lbe other Municipallties inl wel deererifo lb Prsi.et Ve.- bave to consider me giving bon The, prse t ul -se o Preuident, and directors, sand the of. lii• railwy e •eprs 1. Wit seshposbl im rte mei zubaiera ef ears and agents of'the Bank the cordial and its atend is benefis a: a the ouny Cunclbtuin coneral~ an4 una7nimous votes of thanks of be worthî the amount ofte of railros4s throughi lb.ecountîy. They annual general meeting. Andi il was thousand dollar pooe L havasalready before themn the prpo also only paying themi a fitting compil- by Pickering arsl prpoeuto b tions ofls Jaûuary for thi ensic ment te re-elect themi-as was don.et ou t to et . amunt t. ain teb esta b ~ - Quee road, en. Thein b i.sehers pre- lars, and this is presumning t -al . laione of he Whitby as Port set T namnes stan4 as lasut year : prese 18 assessed value shouldi Perry line north ward, with a branch to lmes Austi, Esq., Presidlent ; Peleg at a stand astill. The. ait tf ,Uzbridge. It is for the, coucil to say Howîandl, Esq,, Viece-Preaident; Messrs. dollars asked from b teen to what extent aid shouldi be gateu Jas, Hoiden, Jas. Crowther, J. H. Wleitb wel co e onah and to a'ag ewa ieto t ediimihb oudcm t nya ngeinwht irego te iectorsP. Srihana Jao. Worthington, samne amount. Are the benefits maaeaolirun in ordier lo entitle •iroes secured by the rond worth the mn em, r eiher f tem, o conty Tid, .h successfui results accomplishied Surely, neither Mr. Blirl 11 thn rthey sh thouldl be îy id encementa sort p•fr ie l. cen Qer ratepayer expects to gel ti bons.Thi gs etiledtoa county mtueedintab ets operations is mnaeed locatedl aî hie pleases, withî s SIe contes: appears to b. est reiabe -and may well b; placed to sauithiim withioutî eg thmany interests to b. recoenciied, the fenalof the. Bank, as l.he.best shiouldl c al vanltagepsa-aOf buti it is one that la not insurmouta mneans of jud ng et the, carefulness e- ao on t se-; on ss-nila n ww shallhea ds th brse y the. management. The con- liberal sum-jt would do sy usual arguments about th: necessity et ducet fthe different agencies was aise the. necessity of Loth he oawayl preu esuan. caution, the weight of' highliy commendedi aI the; aniual meet. laws, ef Wlîhbt townskeiù, taxation, and allithe rest. Prndence ing. Anal sp;aking, of those i n lihis Itat subittet byh t vonsiîip c buiutio n are alwyscommîenîîabl, cunty-noe especnlyo ht e li ef East Witby. heoadi it shouldi 'b. aiso remenmberedl ne:: transactions with thtem andi How to go West. lthat a wretchîed, close-fistedi nigadly watched the. strigt attention le their Tjj ea nur iihe policy never improvedi or aigara yi duties conpled wih the courts et tii shis. isîantinqury ahicheer conditIon ef a comnmunty. Tvance . officer-will say that theco a mren l ave tr uthfuly antire a S.-tion att to the beneits et extendedl rail~ was well earned,. care aitsonis jourineynd a way communication needs ne aru uade et tteueaî.Gvr.wl n a caesxamemaclon ofe mont. It has been , long ago satistaa. denDet o Liutpat-ovrn lie any casne aemuht torily answered. Tii; county lias once orHwe iean oney.io flrigo btunitlîenas golden oppor- Hon. Josephe Howe, 1h. -lately ap. Railroad] has acieved a splendid passy wew ne b atepayers refusedl te peintedi Lt. Governor ef Nova Scotia, ex. talion in the last thre; yara a pany i iwn y PP sed ai fh a Arl 859. pire.] aI is residence in Halifax, at leading Passenger Route to the; to rerewhat grpeeai t bhund haeWiei lnpasî fur o'clock ou Sunday mDore. Starting ah Chiceago or Peoria, itl oeraeay runntn gra buer. Wihi ing. Althought suffering fromn illnoess direct tharougha Southiern Iowa nrilah anouthn stog terwest, anal for seme lime past lhis endi was suddlen Nebrasaka, withî close connectior with ralwa sttihong-andh ceunt, at unexpectedi ; tii; r'est whiicih lis California and lte Terr-itories. l a rkay tins-ae t h 9eu t.nw position wouîld permit hui n to en- 'alsoe lthe sbort ineaa and best li enjying allrthe eonre enasip.ana joy being lookedl hopefully forward to Quincy, Missouri, and points ini Ke eeyfic railwa comminicaio tai or as u-recovery. Il j: statced that lie andl New Mexico. Passengers on thet pricpa rarketand porutuehon the cheerfut-riving on Fidiay, anal was way westward-cannot do bitter thi tDominand wirkt ani pot t ii îer anl ple-asant as nsual in re. take tis ronte. feitsn aeina wilial at oier hene. ceiving is friendîs. Titis line lias pubblsedl a paråp reac Iti ;ha seenre . withain lheur Mr. Howe was in lais sixty-nintha entitledt "ilHow aro o WVacr," w frni, tii; ratepayers shounld notl b; year, hanving been born in 1804. From colntains mucha vainluale inform-!atior fiiteehy tb;heîbg-beéir of taxation very eiarly lif; he; htad ben laci5 a liie orttmp" ieG-u from doing tsir aduty ho themnselves. .vlt lia oeena alryo Novaniße ll au, correctmapn. ofihe ofeat n heasesmnint ofbtis county of ctia, His prfe:ion as ta t a bi raeinghlt eral o el two hundredl sud fifty ort tihre; hundredi editor firsit et Thte Aeaîa anlatie & QiaiRc en lra, Chicago, Burli nthing --d dollr eu[ ;ng;qnnle likete Nva Scotian anal Moran- THE ALDN orJwcsuosi a t eari g s ti îî i e 1 cents ang Chronaile. H a w as a w arm expon. i lanah i for Juinter o A sa * ' on lta lo undreal dollars'-- et of Liberai principles, andl for maîri tihe lnscae painer aofni Am ea su me a few years - withî the; years the leadetr of lthe Liheral party ii doc when thyhaeaitat toor raflwaye 1u eperation, andi the; increase the; Province. Thle coînession toi Naacko whaite. Titi-ypatpiu e lit tvaine ofpropearty-woldl dwinale; Scotia et responsible Government andl swhich an letnafor ar sorn tim inat clente te sema efinitesimal part of a Municipial institutions, as *well as lthe suhs n hnaes or bv e ie dolar that wotil scarcely recognition of lthe liierty of ltai Provi netb muheir rchart ;îi lieingl bercgnizable in the general assess. cial Press, wafacttaa tmuch rnmoved-ifrwom t o refle t, 1 Let la ta î e s t li c inty ow ing o -his vigorous ad vocacy. H e ar as if they ditd înot exit. re ttpo lb; enitanced prie that was a menmber of the Local Leglislattire dsoraw se wîit shcm n tey t woulal ho obtainable for all ids of <or a ntumber of years, anti since Cou- dawn o rwoereol atd seenrby luhea pigoduce by hav'ing s imarke-or rallier federation repr-esented lte Cony 'e asetofcaes of vr. tom ien evt alilci t naiitsbrugîttetîeir Hauts li lthe Domuinîion Parlianent -apwai-fu artry, whoun- conastit beera 1 tii; adiditienal price thîey wouhli His oppositioni ho Confe-deraîtion wast ai <fl ca es -rtcontiatercyn i ba h;l gaetfor caIlle, ai an over- on; lime carriedi to exltemes. After a ceiartaa seue reesn ilPtrit r stock et horses, anal lthe atîvanc; e ithe whaile, hoewever, lit îralenîtl . .eouza Kr!ueanî han Eoîrtin'siî tif i-irr value qf lteir properties--placedl aa ita stun ,e pblic affareoanel it- llc lnoranlo Con - ii lit J cotiie w! be ou lthghaways etf ainammg allithe adavantages lie coulai for AXi-niieak- lraiy hlnt, ne cont y lte construction et these hie counat-y jointed thte Goavermîtent of ltî-uau lites luas- taets knol , aing lie- et railway. LeI thern Sir Jolin A. Maca]onail. Hl hal ng -icout thea niteZrl SîtiaeItni woulde bne lircat ithe cnsytrut la position et Secretary of Stae of lthe ature ra-ise.if, whîin site tries te lie ol ho claI.]l i. cosîu ojn Provinces up to ltþe tinme of iais elevation sau ghlattt adlif ai. bety- i flie ronds, anal the ultimate tr-adl e te Lieutenant-Governorshlip otfat is ai-îeItau two M.tî R. a.i-u anal mnufatures thîey wouhld bai the native Proavinc oiltelîtt ay fiz- lIl i n t liew ofee aiiMhn la Faiyf an hingl cosuideremd-. hast. His po leal cours wa naot firee ta-es wee have e-ver sccu. It poeaiss Fvn tana iîeîsh onieehana fromn ceutre, anal ita joining the- Do- ai lit chatracteilties ot lis oIld pain ave taig lto pi-asent bits of railways minion Governent biroughit upoitn haini inaaî, nir suce tendrness, a sub trouigh perlions uf lia e uttty, with ail the stroneg coîtioînnatiori of alaig hav yart o tec-h at;ilroighlc itw hoert cnclin aried at-Lehat on; poion ot 1t Liberal îtarty, wiith Colort. Tht-se two dirawings ni-e tl consetccluio n •i; uu-a th wacht lhe liai sa lun;n allietd htirnelf. gimes et lthe numbear, as- i-egards a eaioltn anal extenision et the; linets Bel takie him allui ail, lis ptical titai-. iAmon itmhea figre pice tob we have nameda woeuli bo' but the course was tat of a rc p-itui no. te-r nillommanedar 'Th e Sii- dawning ôt lte futur, prosperit that sgcos steman te p îaiot a lran nteriellwi, ande Coohes Mitr awaita tisi <air, county et Otarin. rat lins saicteaent ist solderinlîa o-an triatetw coo ai-min B- oldl, broadl anad grat aire lthe objects fouend seiT.i citcininensîf-ro a ttipr e stib at twJ3 i-~ Caan te b; securedl by these gi-ant enterpris. ~ ~ - eri ~ - - 'n.vard. tuy, a-nde hlai 'Gy tt e:, anal withî n beldl, comprehtensive, je. oaeasCiAo~- su i s Ia Vhoap' eae eter taiîi arutae teligent ana generous epirit die thea by lheur aennunoca t in otiter soi en ch paiaai-a-Mran in agl dasrvotebe -eai-l ana déalt with,. umse, Mesers. Hliekie & O'Lear-y have whatl Vcrboaeckhovcn gcn-rially misse suceedd t th buines 1 --the feehng, the instinct f the anima s. suLaveruieRiotn liow. suîessfull sa suslong anal woarld. Farean Mr-. W. M. Cary ec htav -We-~ esacely rIend ur w readers aHfuhly rariit on by Messr-s. 'r. 'A Ltampede et Wildi Horses,' whiich i -Wa te edoul ac eal rialora renters ~ MeMillan & Co., mn lthe tiiy gonds a strikimg anal moast vigor-ons ecompaos tin trin dobi s'eaiL. B •s. ex - anal grocery line. Tii; new fi-m com tin. Titan lter;e i lIte Parkh,' 'Tii ,ie brngmg L.1. Lent's Levia- mence business under ver favoOnld1 Mill' et Kessler, and a 'View fi ta iin nvra xoiin il .-ey oal Olad A miteram,' tafter Hertanu ta tian ivin UnvieiEpstewi auspices, anal with a dletermaination le ia nespru sninrna wrhc asrve saere next 8aturday withi the; 500 leave nothing unidnc onlta la- e a noasuer o Tht a mtrine etrcitectu men andihorses, 500 animai captives, mit onees - oni& thonr a to ai lepairTeltrurofhinu 5,00 mseu mrves ad mmmth s es M. icie' l n t usit-i- ta ren doai fo excellence t r i p l e e w o Crusei m a v l : n t u p e , o l th se s e a e t i i n V l i t b y h a s m a d o l i e , e i t e r u t w h i c h i w o u l d a e t a i l i t e r" griet e agg ra i i-i tofpeife t in; imn wialey kn eow n as an upright, cota- ary feature et te m entît ln e n ter stretin ganasng ehb diversife, l- teous, thouroughi business man. fis magazine.an te attmpted abya aiisn exabie ever parteri, Mr-. O'Leary, although new to u Jta Nirb-t-so-i - ttn-- to aemenytIi Theeot venuareseme ltai iasinees, le a well-known ol<f'settler hica JntiNmbesy o T tn hat ie-oni tiaoen. ample guaaneet Mo. L etikering, wthose long residience J'a L manaa I citai-atrEoiGexA lIene gampe a-sret; etpreem-. ought te ha thte nmeans of securitng a caUenAL, antamersn Itschrtr long tbe apertane anl rd in anytiinng large portiont of the tradie of lais lui-mercleneadporsi.Itlngab aheran ag hoe oareunio amusement, snd neighbours anal friendîs je tha~ section, ait contents disclosies a freaghitage ah once la lasnbet tadmirer-s here, who Botha togei te th; -lviimey inerite a st. .miy hl willfloc to is lsatilli i ei le wilfla t umi ,-W.~ .w --------------------- - e y vlmae str retng ant etiftying__wt fair lionorable coettoi foras- s-te Baron cf Schwartz Senbiorn, lana e i l rn vei-ybthem e; a- hbusin s . an al the V ienna E xhihlition : E m p ress long witlt titean.Mn. McMillan's. M>-ment tva.iznath ut Auti-a; Sucialism nt l ONTa a cAN.--.AI hi nuaet annoneeti somn. - uunths ago, inmerica, an aceoult lb;th different ing et lie Shareholdera et the;nanie Ontie Loumn anal Sanaementof th talontunuin frmuthy eartli anei were eleedu Úlrectors tor the ensning i. shaua.nT ::i-poalecoft he ommies, Bfrn lèb. Hangied, Oith year P, n MI. ExSimpena, LT.-Gbg to is successorssno ae tel- endse lite lke astration ; A Neighabor oft isr-On n Exceleny LT.-Gov. comtemirvemer-cial rfalhons tif T, sry -Respiration,' or Howlana:dD.A.aMcDnalCo.Pwite ir astoln- How toTlreathen -The late Jaurlus Von HaGwski, W. . MaDourthy, aM. P C .. Wile, tisi the c4se, Mr. Mi. ~Ig : Giving Whtile Living-goodl ail- Lovkin Ata metig o th nely.Millan's paeonal, anal oth'er litran vie; TIie Stcience of Music-a naces- eetekBanM. ameietton wa eecye intgraouei ,* , will nouy ary br-sai et education ; ,Thea Lady resiet , l3aru Mr. Gibb o wice-predent are la -- . As e andi he Crossing Sweepei, an illustratedl prafietopl n.Gibavje.rei~ proe r, ndae-wseo Poean; Blooks for all Minais, th This GaAxøPaonNADECorzg ( pn, oeiw, oe, an'oi'n welh wair etvaluable JouNL [1com' AnGnnee totxake a Oe hu n an eoyiîg hi;re-spect etft LRLwilcmence tis nonce~10 nk~ pis. ini tii r- bdreds et friande, theay willill be1 by-seventhi veolume witht lie yulynum. :hdon tie evening efth li,9iu of Juy, continued-andi we hiope for vae-y mau ber. Subacripîion prica, 83,00 a year, une- dposo h e;yaswtotitruto.W or eou trial G 1,50 for six monthe. Bt 9 M Of<-'st. A jw's that te samne gcood <orteil, lie met with Yrk -ml ubr . .Wls o Oha. Nige taag tr i-are a n Witby may attend him ln the ~ <roui ns a fniget. wihom ar neighbouring town et is choee, sad CoWeceacats SoiooL, -Henn G4r , lbe unal ihtbr-avantes from Toron; for his. succaeors w. liave-only te arid MEwoUNjAN.--Ig, la. #ew. ar-e ,assuredi, wil .that they mnay meet with oqual goori ows.-DEAR SIa-:- ar ~ e» bed~~4~ip te s 4i~ a* great sue fortune to tat whicht. lias bofallen Mr te acknoewledge 'the benef4n Thave *e . c- u-other trfresi. McMi, ceivedi frtom the use ef your Compouga - a_ ... - was o mee wad ftn. ma1- ngana " " - HAetsa, B estedl " M. Doovnj paee uses te " " Yeoman Gibson, Pr "eoa "~a T Haastoin * h le , " " . F a un e C a p a in o f L bonuses "' C s. Rn s, 1staH sfity " A' Dhsn, -Anda rgiven . BicbkeUDir, ofaCeremo o a tax ' . Kintg, StsadriBe id dol- During the courae"of the evening, hat the - Grandi Pt-ion took ocessien to exp remain 1h; alteredi sties nfbth Orde c ousana qut upon lhe formatîion ofthe Con alup ef General, uander- the patronage of oul theo Majesty the. Queen, andl the Preside to e efe His Royal Highess the Princ oney? Wralea, ns Grand afat, ua the t ar nny tniaibe¯en haken to procure he e rend ection ef 1h; Dominion mina G- talions Prioryr, listing equal powers wihth any. Giant Prories of the nationalities conrse Englandl, Irelsand anal Scotland]. ndl we aisos mentionedl thtat His Royal Hi for a nessai bestowedl upon hirà the. ho *withi et on;eto the thirteen Grand Creuses; ip by. lthe Order, la; lising fer hi: confre u aiE prob nane as H. nR. H.Mimself, ounithemparaicerofyti ekibug Ear S deLiePrin c, &c. Gol.aMooreb ai-i LGrn, &c.,e of the oore nalh i yGonet] Staster bet th;elu unite p b eoe soagtes fihe whole thiyrtn. p lite Whilge etheb hoor twasotibe t outle ed, thiut alo becndrdas wo-bl el ueet, iais mothe importanceofste nsm s ion, hitn ta tiomportaen t eeig uincy eerving under lb; banner of the; Gra re . Prier- lite The; mustpr i-el et the Preceptory WVest. St. John lia Aimoner ha: now inscrib rues upon il thie namer- et lwenty-three S andl Knighîts. Thiey mneet in th; naewiy fi as te et] and dlecoratedi Masonic Hall, in tha It is town,.and teir Preceptory- is ftllly chi ne to plied] withi every reqisaite for lthe prop nsa per-formtance et lte rites anal ceremtoni th-r of the chivairous anal religions Order um ho Knigts Temiplarr- hltBouston in Flams Again. ;ai! Boston lis again beien visitedi by a fa righîttul conflangration, wthich lias aie ~est, Ircyedi millions wor-th et prpa1 ai-g The fi-e took place Fridiay mornn lare anti soun gel sncb hieadway that lih gton iflarhies swept over severai acres et th business partoftthe; city. hath Boston, May 30, (9.801 a. a.)- j gicala fi-e commencedi this mourning ,a ioua atut ît ab'clocek, le the furitur r-s Wasutttgton Stree, arsi sBy lialint4 hir extenaling backa twao hndred feet. Or ore ataeoumtl thcobustible ciaiactai- o in 1 S{stl res sresad wit inlgitiuhk rapfaiy, ana in te ua mtintes lthe builing was eue mDas eo It fiante. The tii- sooen workaad into lhes arei>oek on lthe eother side, anti je the rear ai- ocicup ed b y whiolesale clothiiers and ery- pi nanufacturere-rs, includling Eamer- -r oot&C. Tis; buildings soon se- ute emntb-d to lthe flames.. Thea fi-e thien across-a liai street, anal on accouant of rlie intense ieaat tuie fi-emnen were un- i.alue toi worke le much adivantage. rc -Boston (11 n. m.)-The; fi-e la stll tus gatining ont the; fi-een, andî it now ne loks a f t wi lc dwto Chauncay a trict. Among tht- biltdings alradty as iuned, ni-e bthe Globe thecatre, anal - Chtickering's piano warerooems, on the -a eastl clide cf Washinigton niît] Boyiston b-. streets andhe Interataional H elia;he s.west aie. TIie fri seemts lu bae work-. d. ung bothi ways frein WVashington ho Tre- s tuent, anal from WVashtington se Chiaun- t-ey street, including- tii; blocks bound-. l on iioylstoe andi Essex streets. Tiahree millions have alreadly been lost. torut; fire originatedm thterear etfnHey, te Mforse, anal Boylston's anal extendedl ho lthe astables, causaing- the flaines lto work n the directiont of Tremont ahi-et. All ltai decalers on the street exposedi to lthe l'jire lavae remaoved their gouda on ho thei r.commun, innmediately opposite, inclua- au u nîc ec o nP t o t lIr w ha le ea h lre . T ai massive anet eleganh M asonic lam - aIpie, on lihe corner oftTremont andl Boyl-- b;o sit ees accent eto cied alon ian. s tible character. The buildhinga bteeteen li tint corner anal Wasington strieeh ona e Boylston street ai-e low structures anal sfill withu fier-y trapa in the; rai, anal . Iave -been alrady bunre, including- lthe Boylston Baek on tiie corner oft nWashiington street. It is impossibil; to Sgive; thé exact coindition et the~ fin ein - lias pfarticular locality, or to gel lthe c ames of lh; occupants anti losers. P eu li; nups corner fiomnt Ceikefiiers on Hayward Piacei, is still sa, fanal r m a y e sca p e. T ic b u il td in g in il , rn i- rai-e for lie most part privale dweihrs- lieuses, except on Esasex street downt toe - Chauy st-c-et. Durns la eprogress , i.Des Preaihyterian a •-i o a -thle cerner ef Harriso antiu eacni s treets, took fare front thie windlow anal a *consumedl the baince et the; chturchb which was buit et tatone. Enste f i o n t q u i t ; a d i s t a n c .é la v e s i - i n e t i . T ih a streets leadinga to le he scenea e i e conflagraione at-e fille.] wih team ala waggons con aiing valuable meralan. wioleae andl retal clois-aldr goo ds,. boots an al shoe ea o ienr ca godry, - c anad dinng solen. 'The; fir;elins te-, terfauredl with the; observance of Decea - lien Day, sud lias cnesed] a parial sue- ~ paeson et business, anal lias attracted t isarge crowds to lthe sceneof ethe oila t gration. ee a Boeston,. May 80, (I2 a.m.)- Theai licylston Market took fire bel th. t~ fi e wa s g el un le r tn ir l dn e t he ae . te n progress of lthe fiam es a ay ur- ve SEnrous ACCIDENT ON T-ua GiEAT a WEsTERN.-A frighitful accident occnr- i-ca on lthe night Elxpr~esss on Tuasdlay mxorniasg on lthe Grats Western Railway eoa h awtim openedi the mwic e lo how- a freight train lo pi-as ito tii p îfing anal toi-gel to close il, ef coureo urban the passenger train came thon- darugseon i aanof the track. Ti.eto boLent at-ffve pesons wre more ci les njuare but ri-unately none -were tis iu fonde, hang gave s-b:di rald. ark and laoring as heir Moudo amoke, - oner. We con excuse lihem for thinkng so nies, Graet iles, many havé fondr te b'a aren. giest curses, Il haad been w ellfo lie mnany an honeut lad that hopes ot higi lainges ana .oppertuenitie o fortune- -ai -ia le g a. allire. anal poliahedl tongun ese- e-had g seee tory of some osld acquain ven rd t ne ra i e- r t erne d i s st aeps c uy - we a redy , ne ine l hm aw ay, from ta' nE tate g. quit bomnes. Many s foot ne theI one ushy- ppased or brushed s df C ak n e a d , has wAsea rily lao l ae n tai escity pavementa indpp kremorie thee et--e tonhay ia tei a never exchians- anale ourste sr ske faor the s-as lamps of lie ui-stnaet-no laai eft thefr stirrin- of et os anal qitl vllages for the. lrons- He ana osi- of te city-well for them gh-trive ha hwaa _no rosar but the gi.n it'er'-bs inler foool ilt haben net astr to breast-: no roar bu) te ofat cean's, whose stormiest waves il hadl ne aster to ride,thneouerhe th e w r a -c k e d t e e a a l o n e p o i -h u a s . f e p r ov id a ie in th e r e i te n c e . T is theorl conia not be witat it ta wihtout n - b ir th t o lih n e m a a s c e sv e n ; . . e b - t er- their wallsr nbleom sfos-leind le - noblest battle-they havesteud on hli :.:aurfacetof; earhi like gieat btasi- wa tes, roies- back on ttins- aide; n-have beau lthe crailes of haa li-y7 ht -ltay have haen thi; raiating- active end centres et almost al churchb anal ate; reforaaions- Sfo me how or other, amid theirn ed] n intndsts tfuleel, feesl eepaunn ir U nlik e lia; a rfn-t-d an al dusty plants', t-which stand] ln all city sanrdens lan- iguiss- ngike exiles for the prer air panfal fi-e shine liat kias their fellows -r woodiarid, on sunny banks anal breeny esîills, an raches is ihs od afgoÎm the lb ocial influences.o eth lia e bighalact . ie i-Ieail ra-ceives ils ga-nius hava gaon le ne wmsero where those et natureaareatpee t diroop, anti difficult ho hrieng ho mati-r. a ity. Tuae mental powt-i- acquire lteir s. fui! robustiess-wherie th- cheel ecs ils rudldy liue-ad lthe limbhs tlîir - aasic atepe-and pale titans-ht site on e Iltai well known liat lthe most ne e t've tr-iadesmen - lthe most vigoroas iabouersi--hea rnet intelligent artizane -lithe mest enterprisings merchants are Asui- ho euceed-t anal gain a cepene - -, if nul weailth le Western cities, antnieif a just, le those coentr-ies where tropical 1 secs anal tii; same skia-s ripen ite a a ndul tis ily li motatv t ai aings wiekedri-ess- confra-entn tboldly-by lthe muai active-ilig-en_. a azealoues- wari-heartedl - eelf.denyin ~ fanal deavot-a Charistians-y g In Chaicagot yen wii fin] mae of aill -classes-aimost et-i- nation ana en grue represente-.me of ai! ci-ts tn] pr-ofessions strunggling iena common c cans; - "Mon-y making." A siet r number et thei; ants me grea qulet younag. Ouaecornuineg fi-n iacah i îaeîaally surpisedi when upon teltring an large establishtmcnt andta anquirins for h lthe mantager, hec is itsherel into a Itanîl- a somely furnished office whtare la mu d invatri'ably finds irn lu b; quit; a t'us man. Althuough tihe pal; antis îeen na chee-k-- lb; contractedi brou anti r- thoughtful face plainly show thaIt e la '- ne stranes-r le car; anal anxiety. Yoî wtill aIse fi sema who natha-r c10aî o~ o business, ned prse; iltwithre neaiy au s-iabe eners- anal alr;les - ai tons-i they ear the unmstakeal-e em blemoft adivanced] year-s. Bel I rpt-'- set thaey ara thos. who aftr a lifaioft activ-ity would considear retirement a. monotonous'-.or aIse tha-y hève an ita ce satiable lhirst for lb; almi-hty d ol r ~ Pi- Their are a grtest mn.y Canadi ane h e r e, h old i n s p s iti o n e t t u t a l i-espensibility-lthe duetis: oftr eiiclan Ia ant happ to 5 lle di.it- je alt m a n n e r hiic h s ft oe y d i iha g e l ca t t h e mi ns e l v as , u t r e f le c t s m u a b c r t i to I asouCanadian cuiter; anal braie- m. Tley ara tai-y mch appreciatedi otl im eva- capacity-showing- shîrewdness hbr ant sbeit ttentio lbusinesse--But a n y y o u n g m a c t e c o r n t e u i s e l i t is Ih o r o u s h m a s t e r t l i b t u e n e sl h e t h tail, ana is raaieu te nsausinessr of; rany¯obstacles whic ai- ecoi-un-ke prit b y t e w a y . T h e a s i o n ad e e p le ri n a f-ail il itahon liat opportunity sec efar unti tley can succeed] in ebîin- cou ms- s more lucerative ena. They7 shouldi lave beindeall tinifying wiman d a ve rememrer tat. Hoilnour or shame freom ne position riase, Sm The aipprenticeship et difficulty ise ena which lia; greatlest menm have ho .sre e It fa usuail>'ha. hte liînie - man wlil noel haLffledi, bel ltrlas andi tries as-ain ccliili e succeede. Thea tree does net fall aI lthe fret stroke, butl a>'iby repeatedi strokes, anal after i-re labour: WVe mn'ai ee lthe -risible suaccess natuwhich a man lias arivei, bu tfoi-s-t lb; toit anal per'server-ance hr-os-ughwicit laus obtained., Ih re.- uirs tens-hi andi coniage te sint us-aut lt e shaeaim while any' deadl tact the youns- men whoe coet lia-e oui-as-e. The grenIer pa-t cf lthe cour- age that la need-a íii aveu-y-day life,- moraî oni-ase--he commnon courage o -b l ethe courage to resitI emplatin-he courage to speaku lthe r-eh-the courage; to bai a-tail>' wiht ce, saiLeco pr-etna to ha what wea lies ; s e ttim e n t, an a! te cem m en t]a t.o n e nd secure e footing by' s de obsar- ance ho business, anti he is as sera osuceeda as. lthe streamn from lhe ountain fa to flow te the ocean. Youra lrnal - IE C A M -. P r o f . W i s e i e a a e p p o i g t ro s a lie A tls a i e a baiho n , a l i-omises to star-sfromn Boston Common au the 4h of lu>', if lthe anthorities oft i .elul aid him lu lais prepara-. rdie- le thn affe ehh Leen paa ne hi-aunai et th; cil>' Gov-ernmen, .d lir le . p iiiybtleions- Jurunaseaoa a new miag wrt sne F rom John b. Wilson, especti -sale <ca-laxes of part of lot No. con. Mat'.ri, cndisiming lhe ji -tian cf the saine, ashaving been s -iy scIld. In refereuce ho fia; Narows' lb; Warden statel that ahea a' 0ed iltei Februanry lait with 1fr. I lhe reeve et Mars, sari s comn frein the coent>' Counecil otf i that the appr-oaches to 1he bridge fond to be in s badl condlition tandiers hadi been saivertisedl for the; job het at $2.500; anal tint ait the. amoeunt exceededi lie estim th; committe; on resala anal brlid uwas consider-ed advisable te let tii tract, Sourr TazasUSaR' a atoa- tThe. Wara!en laid before le Ca lecatnl ~ Teaiie-r's repOrt, cot les$870, eshitlairceia r It ions sources. Thte report sehfor-t 10meet lie lbilias anti curren pan. of lihe county', il uns aI Cousali ito e aanlres oblenzr a bel as eii state et Ia~ linoney' an prevecta hheir Laes-g realiei e saact te lie disposltionof iie Co That bank accommnodationhiadi bee lained to mneet immediate reqi-rm The neport also gaveo lie tello statement shteuing-,thei 'atnonnt a ceait et eachl inneipalily on nac Pickerin-, 84,40 ; Uxbridge-. 14~ Thorah, 810,51 ; BReach, 592,91 ; b 2082.16 ; Rama, 7,54 ; Scott, 211 Scu-o, 7,87; Por beiy 4, 3585 84. * Mi-. Graham^" gave netie ltha wouldl an te-meurt-ou mone fer h le introdces a by-lau to -confit-m lau, Ne. 516, of th; township et Re scuooa anumoE. Mr. Sexton, secondedl by Mn. a ham, more] that Mr. Shiier-, ceuny rineer, Le appoíntedl ho examine, - ri- Reeder ,rieee rom i e r, lia; s most sadvisable plan ton execu nacessary reapairs. Mr- Sexton s-ave plaenalions as le lie state efth br; a ana! lthe character of he i-epairsa req Mr. Brethtour ssid he dida not kc that the county had au eng-ineer, ;sggestedl the emoployment et an paeanr nearer the loalmity so a: to e Mr. Wihte renta-kt-a tint lie epin of Mn. Sfhah- cod Le 1hai hbefo-e aommitte~e on i-osads anti Lrids-as ih ais s-oing eut te examine the bidgs- ahi ; thiat la; ell knew ail ahoutl ari.e sut] the hast way eof treparn- nul thaat as ih appea-ei lthe preeent p f b-acung- thlduntil lie uwood Laeca otlen, il mnis-aha beLetter le i-an htem in liat us' Hoet n huoue objec t ofit; ra-soltaion ou ou Lai attained lby h-ilges- lia; mal efere lte roadis anal brnidges committ nd la; thaieeora sug-gestedl the ui i-saia et the raeletion. Aft-r a f'eu words from Mr. Gillesp nd Mr . Bis-elow, whmo ars-uediwith teeeto Pickering-, lthe resolution tw iltdrawn. Oc unotion et Mr-. O'Donoan, s ntded by Mi-. Smnith (Scott), Cocun djouarneal until to-mo-iou mori-ng. SECOND DAY. Wednesd]ay, Juna 4t TIse WVsarden took lie ehair aI 10: rm. Ahi lbe memb-re (with lia; a pioune ofassrs:. Goulal anal Bigalo esent. coMMrUNIoÀAIeNS AND PEIIONs . From the secretsr of the Agricut l Emporinum, Lontion, wtith a cop>' e Comapany's cita-lai, anti asingts tl nail ho a-auiliself et the privilege a From Wm. Bonulton anal 60., n hers, prayns ton a grant ho th ncli Ag-ricultural Socialeto Mnaa Frîo John Cameron anti other ayis- fer a s-ranh on 1h; lin; betwee aoldi anti new survae>'l i tetwnsi Mlara-Mr. McDermotî. Fi-om George Thomnpson snd otber yings tor a grant et 621)0 ounia thetw t betweean Ontaio nd Victornia lia et Manilla-providthe latate ut>' gi-nl a like sumn-M. Gillespie McoTIoNs. Mr. Rowlndt, seconde] b>' Mr ith, (Scott) movedi that lthe Warade Trasurier Le anthomiedl to enquir a, anal sattle lie matt-n complainet y J. D. Wilson, of lande allegedt ha e heen sola le arro- for taxes un a. Motion uiii]riw - lt;eeuh- mce committee;. [r. Grahamn, seconded] by hfr. fo- tnamoved lIat lhe Warden take lthe raa- tenp te seee adanison ho Isiltin oi tteBiec, etHeur>' niai a Linad anal indigent per-son. r, Whaite considered ltat it wase duty of' lte towunship meapality' ttendl to lthe malter, anal net make ceuiat>'affair. Ha advised lthe withî- a-. Grahuarn- did net know uhat alaipality' the part>' belong-ed ho-- ther le Beaal, Uxidage oi- Picker-. r. Joh.nSmith ssid that lie Glo- ment aliua properly' provide for- ras., anti if lta>' he>' did. net ltae sitousgli to so- hle townsLip r. Sithl (Scott) took the; same et lie inatter ns Mr. Wite. division being- demandd, there; ap5peared to Le c-n fn-ro- ofth ia mn lie titre; i-epne.entativesa each. Motion dealaredl host. >NTA-Â5o t-EMALE OLLEGE, oSiAuA. ir.somne diaension -as le the pro- y- et henrin- Bavai. Mn. DeMill on subject, mu the absence of any peut. oit oemmntale bn ot- le esed lhe conneil eu lie impa- cf the. institution. et b bav M ma Bail M le a at s M mue whe in ene île a blint Mi viewu A only moti a-NE i Atf priet tance 'omc-- - sareyaue s-s .oa tam renia- icsa dUooper mnu- -- - "' ena JM Une a ?î~'laid downin the- cavalry regutlations; stesad ofthaIt fAaron Cair-ns .- Tho4-rahJ!on McKay,gàag2,£ angl, ng the ase the mode et extending as monntedi On motion et B. P. Canmphell. th 'of C*gispie, Sntherlmansig Sedan 6. 7h akirmnshers anal in flring wiît hblanhk appeal of.JasRE. Matthewson asnat Ta-a asurer of thiis toewship #uçe184 stora-- ammunition when mountedi, whenever John Gold]sbro was suastined, anda the; RANT- On -ii theat 1s ji ilea-ciircumstances wll admit. The neaess. namfe cf John Qoidsbro was inaeredi TornJohnî Granit, agda6L iags ary meatruation for cavlry coi-pal:s de- upoi lhe a-ail for villagie fl No. 102o ODaxmoch,~, Su0senshie: TI!h tI btrige, tailed lu th; caalry dr-ill hook et 1ast B F. ?'erry's plan instesad cf W. 'P. C585,eigrated to ths iect. nAuals, 1869 ; anti lu addition to the Goldlsbro. 1881 tse, itoductoray remarks containedi jial On .neion of B. F. Campbell, the- """""-C mttee coaie ofematruction, particenar, attention appa et Wtu Sings was austainedl, s) OIP ITBua are Natuire!i fer. mncoe ;will be Faie] le sections 2, 8,4, 5, , au-i anal lbe namaeto Grace Harris tatek --èn and retoraàres. T ane were 7, compe-sing- "Military Equiatien." of he i-ol. -senitco- ho ag ;liat Te savalry ai-sel practice will esat On motiaon of D. Holliday, the appesiacaal Y -e. mdermes Ford20 and 40Itya d range. 'of Wm, Sings against Edward Pberril uas altfahl a bon micl andlb hough For e infanry cosrps, thteailih l con wadsmssd.< -F men. Evry n n en ge, tdrll ncudn te:nanual andi piateon appeal et Wm. Sin s-ainsI uri vgthemti. hma e c o exercis, skirm iasiíng ansd rife inst-re Flent was ,sustainea, sad the a-oI' a- ana lsi waa u a n sysut em..ii elg n lion. Two dasys to îeoeupied in aqunad mended! byuimaerlims lb; naine et RbL. and agrew,tei '.Eets "'-"uan * darili, four- day: te compa uy ail, two Filint as oun'er cf lie landi assessedl to Elixir of PhoasphateuaiCls aisays ta heoretiaal ridle insaietion, George Lile as tenant.-us tngi fo fw n ouncil four dyinta-gel paetee, suri <pur On motion at Mr-. MaTaggsart, the em1 ofaCnuptive or-Vn nitale- days ne Tlk annual apneal ot Wm. Sings against Wm. eaitait .caaag poaea whl am i at- siaid cf p.imer inotc nof Wm Sie- as-antlm.W aa h that miiarrxrcs.Te nash-aomasc - ws sustamned, anal the sasesment a-ol I5renkras-. gps <c-"a._ G ta t e- ond fBer fndmef fal ors rm, amende]yisetn thene ofJas. "O 'ad £', msoaing..-"By athoroug-.1 endedi ed wih the #dera riff; will fira ton W. Ross ns occupant for- nine acres, on knth ethe unaurallaws whi gavern ~Z 1 ar d res pe ctively sud 0 1 lite conl ., m oion et D , H llid! y th e app e aj~ cae l e lu ar-ket sien ef tiehi-ramins-, the; sitooneg fs-i- eto , xi. Singe ag-ainsI Edwardl Bailey E~' dca M- j~ onat et merit, tegether wtith lie namea ot and K*'ikinson Fox was eustainedl, anl y hve beerageawhch saa, un lit e est sh ots in e rery dom pany, ba - th e s e, s mnt -ol w s -am e nur eed by an s d c o s b i "- c en fee-o n c i tb a r e d , c o p n d l b r ig a de , w i in b e r a uen. -e e s m g t e ti a ss e s s m e n t l e o n .e liu n - M il . E a ch p a e k t a la b e lle d - j u . B p k n o s - d r ; t e b t i d j u t a n t - e n e r - a h a t h e a d - a i - d d o l l a r a ç n . M r, ~ m e p a h a C i m t t a d u tnte quartai- y tua e uty .Adjutant-Gen- On motíanm et M. MTaga-rt lhe .I<-ocrUBE or CocoLueiiuw t th eaciicvetlaaadti1ereinsaIdwardkuntae Ptb count lio un lb; nnual raert le parliamen. On motion of .M. MeTaggsart,' tha PustonBai odn'CusBti- 7 ,9 7 . o fe s im p le r u le s, o n le c a r e fu l a p p e a l o f W e . S in~ , sg a n et E -w a r d h o d a u d . -a4 Mar7; oservnce ef wich oead aifae shooting Pheri-l se dissec -Yesmp- 9,88; 170 eftl e rgulatíons anal enters for - ohhidav M cTa, . ays re - ne- o f aearit i47; lb; Active lailitía. ~These cules may On motion et D. Hosllidasy .tii; appeal mraatur lcy &.eavn ltte n vi e asily Le tau-ht anal impressed epon of Wm. Sings ag-ainst Ahean and John iete> mileansje ofrey a aaee lted mafb t ei erta ri ht Mpe l Bourman andl Thos. WeWle 5al.snit-e eli etuuî~rua eame the anal the annual athboizedl allowance et On motion et D. Hollida, he 5p eal sepad 78 N u St.,72 NeYrk est-e ammucînition, a-hz., torty rocunds per mac et Wm. Singe ag-ainsI Cites. Pazt. --c.---. --- byt. an Le properly anal ad!vantageoustly uns sustainedl, anti bis name; struck efi WHIT.By MRE achi. appliedi uan lthe periodi alloue for- the roi!. MREs la-e eralct if aine superiion .b; Ou motion et D. Hoiay, the adeci- Caandaszz Omrczi Juta; 4th, 1878 Gre-isaly tby le officer-sd attention sin theia caset Aex. Menagh uas Fait Weat.............' se 8- @$x4 Cii- pGdyla man rcai-ee. s -'heiat- 8 c-$12 'e-e- en e ra i in stu l ction s .- T ii; a n nu al O n m o tio n et D . H o lli iay , t iie a p p éa i p r n - - . . .. -28 1 2 tînt; ma te y t a e pu yAt ju ta n ts G e u i n tir i i h y liai c n Ye n s- B e r.e mP eal y - ,.,- - -.- ..-- - ... 60 @ 6 te anti Bris-scia Majors et Ditricts, les;eiuha. ollida, McTaggar. Nay- Back Eye Pea-,-....75 @ 83a lin- o ti eers d iv idi n gs the iu ty a s m a y ' e C a m p bL a. , R y e -....... ....... ,... 55e @ 50oo id xe most convenien, tha regimental metpea- On motion- f B. F. Campbll, sec- OasI................,. 87e @ 40a iri- i n et he A rtillery corps by at e p ec- n ded by M r. M T a s-art, lia; assess. H ay>.................... g @ 18 li-tor-s ut Artillery te take place ah lthe mde uolws passed] as finally revisedi. Potahtoes-.............-0e noame ime as the annual genrai te- On motion et B. F. Camplal, Apples, per barel......5 and - ap fet ae e t a ch corps by Ilhe district etconded b ' M r. M cTa s-sart, tha t h ua E sgs.................... 15 l ia7 e-n- Pay.-Tie nabte ai! pay for officerîs, -o o o dotseM Butese....-...........11e @ 17 ave rn-n anal bori-es wil Lre as follows :- SUcTDE OF A JoUau Ls.-Fred Mal- Bef ...............$ 18 $5e ion Officrs, G1 pet- iem : non-cormnision- l- an English Jourualist, who came to Beef, fre uarter......$4 @ $5 t ficers anal r en 0enat pet' diem tIis country in July 1872, anti uas con- Pork, pern at............5 e 66 oi- sitndytarh tlte hir-e nactiontaitr sma tine ith the Toronto Cickin------5@5pipt. ou as ci, et for thirty-tuo tirills et na anad press, committd suicide; lat Wednes. Dec................---@---per ithe a ha l our- ach. Thea pay' for h rses day night in h ; Jew e t feHou e, L ind sy, DT k e r .. . . . . . 0 'tia. willI e alloedn aht; i-ai rateo seventy- by taking- a doe-t e prussiad acid. He Tukey:, pei- lb......7e g ine, 12 fe cents pr os; for t-sch til et left on th; dressin-table a reporte-'s Cas! pr on.......,...$7 @ 88 ala ie; allous four lia; number et horses note-book, witha s memoiandum, stating- W°°a.-•.-.....-....4 se @ $5 ew yeui ant necessaily p i-sent at achi that he sailedi rom Liverpool on the - au e accuill, col e-xcaetiing foi-y-fivet to- l1th July, 1872, arriv-diin Quebee EW VETSEIIr P li - a -s o f i d a tte r y v e t a r 'till e ry ; s et] fo r J u ly 2 1s t, a d l e T o i- n t , J u ly 2 2 n d ;' N E W _ _A _ _ _ _E R T I S E M E N T S._ _ erd le n n hber of beis s actually and] ne - henîce b aegan n series of am ostbitterîtrial. ta, cessarily pi-estnI at lihe dit-ti f e a cha O n the; a i!; uas a slp ef paper w itha W °"JO C " O L t-, tro op et cav al ay , p 'ro i e da t a t a h lea tat t e llo w in g- uo i-as :- "- M y f m a e ' a a d- ' 1ione-hîtaf histens-igt ofite fiel batter-y tiiaie, Mr-. Mall, 88 Li-hton Road, The btighest lrice paid to- wel-cleaneai ie o n troop ut cavalr, an ti a t las t oe K entishi T o u, London E ng a nd." T ut; fle es by th e u inder-s-gne. - the, commissioned] officer shall attend eachî note-book anal diry containedi numer- - . BLOW &t CO., ahs uch i l ; and for the hortes n acssai- us m e oran a shoin s- that he ha i c- Opposte he hobsonHouse, PlS y usedi by m on ted! ofhicers of corp a ritten fui tie M ail an al s m a country * D n a sa St., W ihitby, e.auhorized te til in biiapa as batta- newspapers: ta lhe hadi been nsas-;. ·me 17. p e a u - i o n . T i i ; c a r a e t d r i l a d t a r g e t b y l I a.e S a n u o n t h t ; 8 t h a o f A p i l. H a 2 - - 1 c l p iactie , require d of each t a i-e et te w a s a t on ; im e con nec te di w ith'a the X fO O L ! W O O L serv-icae oLe certifiedl le accoring to Ameríie Leation aI Pa-is, whean Mr-.~ toi-ms wich wtt! La suppliedi from Big-elowt was Ministae. fa uns about OLD NO. i Yta Aliv, anti wnts hr liadt-quarters. - fifty yeaN. of aget, ama usas t-aty quiet mii 6b,eoo 16s. 0F ~GOOD WOOL i 85 - -- - - c c anti retiring- ten h imnners , seiarcel~y Deliredl aI Mi-. J. H. Lao - ¯toi at x - a-aFT E s M U siC A L . MO N T L Y- o n -n ea tp ea -k i es- to a n y o ne ul el ler . H e F ee dl S Itore, D u d s S t. , W ha orja w h u ach w ) c n tin e the folloini g N ewt Mausic. haad paid lis hotel bill g ud hadt 4 le isi he, w i Pay l in ai the l h t markel nu Yî can bithe Monthl!y for 30 cents. poassession. Itlis suppose. ltat ha hiadc Pi-c. lie musictaill cot i shteet-torm lthe commiited suicidie eues- le dlepression YBOMAN GIBSON, prcsanxd:I hava ne borne. causedl byinancial troebles a1't d acute Tie Genuina Oli o.1 e- Semg anal Chor-ua, Haya, 40cts; Meet phîysical pain fi-ont which il is e,-denl lb>'Tne; 4,1878. g et me, Besie, je the Da-ll. Sens- nt he sufferedi -- P a; Citeras, SIewar-t, B0cts ; The suetest.a---.. ~ of a-a nk s masin s- Songs. an al chor s, T iaE P oP E 's SUc cEsso .- N ew ork A l parties ind bt aed to le undersgned. Dla, Wa cheery8outil ry dak. Bau June 2nd.-A despacha fromn Rom ie -esi ae mane immaa sle. t] lad W aikh. 4 -vOic es, GD ressl er ho ts al says lie P ope h as itia td lis app rov- e-rdue n sta be closedi a nce.- te opn is- fe d ao. 4 ha, D a s a, P a cher l n al supp ort et C ariinal B onap arte's A Ho .,1 ill soon be lc k. fr eti C ied N o. i s, Silve--aocbeam Scotse, el, apalrs il tml. eyesmccessohis ea tmet euadi>ult c 80cts ; May-pole Mai-cii, Mùeller. settlemenh af an euta.andin- acconta. p 85cts; Autu m e Daves, Kinkel, 50cts. A quik' punishment fell upon s b r. . FRA CIS. Thaink etf1 i ail the< aboya pieces for glar at Windsor on Fia. Ha, ithi Witb. June4th. 1878. 2581 sn8 cents, oi- the same pices lu shet. tue others, enteredl a housea; bulit bain-g c -HH n toi-m for $8 65. Senti 81 tfti tii; hast discoveredi, ha heapedi 'ut of lia windiou ÚRN CHNC , six mneths' number-s.ut' "Paît-i-a Music. cuttinar-an satey in lis lae, anti bled to r a i M on th ly ," an ti y o u w ill e v ert reg ret le t it in a f ew m o m en ts. - F or Sal , 1 0 se-es of ex cellen tla d ,;'itu- . i. A dres, . e P TER 59 Bradated within j ef a mile oflthe Maket .cquarei i N A YotrksJ a EE 9 B-n! A short tine since a poor mac in the; oalle Toua af Pelaibai-'i-a ars heav>'a uay, Nau York.vicinity et Iroqois, While drunk, ws. tinied. Wood silles readily ah $4 s te .e iscoe-redl by sem e ieartiess w i-eches, .'> o rd. ae tta x al nî aep a t n Ti D erb. w hoe pouredi c a i oil oear his clotiin ,' knowun'as lre B o e Fa na i an ea u llm e Th Deby as on lst ednsda tan set tire te them, Ha has since diaed 4 miles of the how-n et Peai-bora', andi j aila d by Doncaster, Kaisr-r blen- secondi. anti frmte eutsoisbrs OR, orts ca Sai, so t-g &eterbom. s Gang Fora-urd thti-rd. A hata paer The Shieriff's jus-y lava deacidedi liat lent land, motal> unde r 0acrspfex ispaiking et lie baetling ah Tattersall's George Fruancis Train is ase, anti he is Fori fthertainfeormation apmlmlyTho - s yto 0 0 'l fa ne- Gan F e r a -d le b ; re le a se al fro m cu s t d y . ' A M E S B E L L W O O D , t r9 ce h as4 Offers on a ccept n ds, h w h l b; M . e ck ey T . B enton , o w n er o ft e P rop rietor,,157! P eter o t - after 700 te 200 lied b;en penctiledi te suiirk ouheaeBrooavanie- commTtte aKauiser-, booknmars at-inced] conidert- sucd o ensdyeein.TRO &t UEBEC able readlinae ho increase lithiiabil. A tire oc4arredj ithe village et Ma.O- ities at lthe same raie. Hchstapaer oc, Omit., o1n -WeVtdnesday nighti, whichi whoe at 400 te 100 ha! toundl consider-' daestroyed proper-ty ho lia value et $8,- *aile satpport thrughutli thendy, usas0. befriendead oece aI 375 to 100 i te his Ti;P .ica Alc .it oti;i-u casa as-sic, htoweve, lthe oddas wa-at-; Th-rnesAcweo h rw lutilama!rteon.aacceptance, ativanal et a no ou F-aywa More ana alt R. At I .L WV At Y ' to 500 te 40; on lthe othe-r hsad, Suei- a-e doles- ell. man, after- 100 te 6 had Lt-en accepted Youns- Prince Frederic, son et he-c witha a show ut eagaernees, receied te Ci-eue Pince of Prussia, fell fromn a PUBLIC MEETINGS 1 2w l t a i p ri e ; w h ich la id t e a " p o n y ," u ai d o et le th e P alace . F ria ly , a n ti a;. W il iL be h eld a t t he fo llo w i g p la ce a fo rc- et- tia av a been once m ore repea te d . ceive ad tm ble; ij r es. H e is m a lyit e p tu rpo e o f d iscussin g - lb. su bject' f 900 to 400 asi Gang Forwtaard-î t &a ms-n condlition. s-nanties- bonues lu aid of the above 700to 200 "' Kaiser-ta o ailway: :- c ItOU e 44 " Paiatcju-tki ata-it)0 te701 dn in184gantiforemc>'esrWednesndayday gt hAtatp. t»,.m. 500 o 20 " Chaneolai og don, aieai ou W eadnesdlay in Laondon ag. Wit v i, W in ed y xi t an i00Oto 10 .' Hegro - e.] 83 years. - 5Dunbarton, Thutrsday', cati, at s o'clocki 401to 1 " Apollon-l Several acci-dents occerredl aI the -ii tie afternooni, and at y 'clock, in 401 1 " Donator-l & off Der-by racas, b>' rnnaway horses, ftalltng tie evening- et the ame day at Duf- 41. 1'Montari-s-t & off. stnd, &c., uich resultedi le tti-e; per- fins' Creek. P1ACE axa-a-ua. sens bains- killeda, sad any othere ser- A enaia ilb ieel ei. 7 e n Gang Forward-a - iously injuraed. ait-eus raio wil e pesnttoad 5 la ast Ho rsa loz.-t; at 100evenut Tihe Grat WŸestern Bailway bridg Jeu; ,ie] 1ev7ra nieeingc. 7502i" aai- at Oiaille us destroyedi by ire Tinta-rs - 2so ho 5o " Chanasa day mornin-, reenderieg the lt-ack - ITO ET 25 et-en as-st c-Moular-gis stantins-t. passile for a feu dasys, . - S n a x N n a Os' v as ! inna î. i - 1t e i .] iad t h th r ee bh na re di h ou san di - u i a x s . tt C A X t a n UEENDE 0tT. Mmes- . d .ia. ll bbd f u.:i.. 15 Ssc-' ~ , Z~.- c F-i heu. a serrai o ttarsi, aoU e rom . n

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