Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1873, p. 4

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lucrPo&teMst'» aOIt S tOë1 Whltby,34êaj.7, 18. in tIý he ie Côunty 4.As usuftl. in extena tis powers Ofthie Montreal TuEIUW ATISNd~iat rapla COUnpanY, and for other pur. Manufacting C o.'y. AN4D IiuÛolt amwena the.Acta lnenrporating thre kton Suspèneid6n Brige'Com: Notice iii bereby . gve titat a oecond ,nq YV Itby, 1A pi ~ ~. A~ ~ tiird cai1 f ren Ter hinî. on theasuhsoribed motion of the. Intercolonijaj Rail. maehn*ltbeat ti-r aSIes Drck-Si, ý.hty uo efore the. 4t» diy'of'Jnne amnaO th..Act ilicorporating the oxadoileShdyo il et )n ant Canadian toan and Ageney N.W. Bi3oW,ý any, liied. eïPesident. lioor,êrate the. Central Bank. of iîyMa11 imend thse Act 'ucorporating thse St. Clair ilailway Bridge and -î ýlCompanày. biend the Act iucorporaîiog tiei. tRiver ltailway Bridge Comnpany chîange the nmGzneOf the.Com.7 to the 'Detroit, River Railway and Tunnel Comnpany, neprporate the Dominion Fire rmes Insurance Comupany. mnt thse Act respecting joint 3ompanif. I l,.ýI tstrucî works tb facilitate the f i isldn of tinubar down rivera and Oal kinds, --M (lies, aùd othor I ctingr the. Iarboir of Pieton, in -Rtal ictia. otitng thse Defijardintq' canal. no iiiaueflie name of the Freehold-CRO lnt BUildiIjg Society o«Toronto of the iPreehold Loan and Sali-llga1e npany, anti ta extend thse ip>'w-<wht i loft by tl ,e.- Te chang; e ,nAMe of the. Superior Batik Of Canada ta tisaI cf tii. tFederal ____ 1aptlgheoeti Mail service. N T ARIO 0IlO T EL, TOacorp orate the, Colrlbroâke Roil. '*0 luig Mlii Company cf tihe Doninioni-of rLATZ DIÂWE',] Canada. WHITvy, ONT. To incOrporaI. lthe Royal Canadien THOMAS WILSCN, - PlîOPRUE- Instarance Company. Fîrat-clase aicoemmodtoii ]Board S To incorporate>-tho Mtaritime Ware. dollar per day. Iiotising and Dock Comipany. To -licoepor cIe lii Warrior Mower The prep'-lclor takes orcasion teaik ýo11npany of Canlada. the public tht a ing pirchrged tiitheai To miale farther provisions for the wll-k,îown ho'tet.Lgnd-irevtalocas, which lrnproenaen o! ti. Rivr St.Lew. lftteti uVl)n the be'at ili-ite-or for irapovemnt f th Rivr S. La- acomimodatiost of geesta, lie la -deterini renoe between Montreal andI Quebec. te leave uothilîgt adont! -oni art tr i, R',spccting Wreek andI Salvage. up the ctablihel reptitioaî tf th e h- Toeneable tie Groat Western Rail. and ta mseet wittheti, apjtrova-u e ti r ivay to further eclend and- improve ils ling comunnity. Every attetion an cd connectîtin. - comtnedstion exteidî-td te geesta. To incorparate the Canada Car and Inbreference tot ie altose, tlei, îîîeidvr Manufactuîing Côxnpany. begs a b lafern is aId frienilo, Mthé tCt To fncurporate lhe Canada Palier tomiera ef tie Houge,, tititti Iia-îîg dispo Coin any.of the lieitel anîd vretiî.u, te Mr. Will; Com.patn h f ni ndM tiey a-lIt Ond in lm i wortîy anti it-ni gaintie Railway Company. - sicits for hlm urhionlivi pot-i, 'ro reniove doublsa as ta the construe. C. DAWES.* tion o!f iection 81 of lte Act 88 -Vie., Wliitby, My loti, 1873., dliapter 8, atit ta auiend, section 108 Of _______ the. Dominion Lands Act. Respecîing Weights and mneasutes. 7 To ýincorporate lte Dominio xro Comnpany. -io'dpea Ta incorporate lie Canadien Atlantic To Incorperete lie Glasgow Cana- dinLand, andi Trust Company, lhuit- TFo amend taeAr-t respecting cetrtain St1îing aualciti ilte Province o! On- , -tarie andi Qiebea. For gratîting certain pewers te the 3rotttrîral, Ciombly and Sorel Ilailway e% Cottipïny. ]îfflpCI Tqi etteile the DfalàndLk Hulron RIilwyt ata aeai-rangements . - respeeting Ilîir betad debt. To ineerportate- tise Merczzo Merblo Compaîny o! Caniada.- To amen-d the Act 82 and 83 Vic., JNITI3D STATES CCNSULATE, chap. 70, Ta unit.thie Beever anîd tise Toronto W Il I T B Y. Mlitiel Pire Intta-nco Companies. Notie is txveh- îivii, that for thte t-o .To enaie Jas. K. Werd antI oticî-a vcnie,îcve!fSiill>ora, Trw!orý, oUiil t,1jteý to pace icoîns ini the channel bêttaen sons lnterri,-d tttut,ulîr . o--t, th, i Ilaie St. Ignlîtea and Ilie titiPada lun United States t!At-rt- , b--,ttbli., tihe Parialitof Ile edu PatIs, l ie do is- d et tiisplat-t-, atti tit iti- 8,-i it op n for»tii'- tratiàacstittu ot! lasitit-as 0,,It t trict a! Richelieu. - - ter tiis dtet. Ta inci-porate tise Inaluranco Com. OfieOatroIauklattll1ig. pan y o! Caniada. A. A. ALLE-N, Ta atnend an Act te ineorporate thie Coittt»ur Agent Montreal Invetmont Association. WitbArl3,17.s Toa auénd an Act respeeîing te. ibhp-i&0 83 M Mil itia and Dtifence: o! lhe Dominion a! Canada. - - - - Ta incoorerte a cotupeny sy te- jmueo o Credit Foncier du Bas - Ta inicor-porate the Dominion Dock - aund arehlitinitg Compîany. al pT Y Ta incorîtorale ltie Canadien Metel Y2- Cotipany,, T ierprato thie Cantadien and - - WcH-t Indian -Royal iteamaiip Coin.- pally. - --- To incorporate lie Canada Mutuel MKSTE WLAK STRONO Marine Insurance Company. To aniendcliapter fifty-eigli o! tise CATO.-t 's,î aslesn, --Cousolideteçi Statuabea of lhe latte -Pro. "t-rsrlaa lyrip," (Ntc -- h-citas Sari vinc of Canada. la inthse r!as. A ".Pag(. lttsttîdt't-4 Et-utt" vine. cfCanada..J.1. V. l)u.ttc. 1v r'- t-.r, W ibey St. To incorporate lise Platon Bank. Neaw Yo.-Ic. balai by ait biruàrttota. Te incorporate lise Lachine Hydrasi- lie Work.Company aud ta grant cer- tain pawera tiiereta. O M I N 1 O N- Ta reppaithie law of Brillis Coinni. -DJ hie, intitled an ordineuce respecting ~-y~prri~ Cr- lai-heur andI tonnage (lues, and tarogui. iLOUR FEE1 D SLJ.JTOREL. lato the licenses on) vessels enggeao in- tih. eâasting ant i tlend navigation Ptie utidersignil i leittiri te,îîlitl) Iraîle. ititîs of Wht iîl ttI Vît-iluitt te t tey liav-e Taaonei the Adt oflte pt-eont sais. o aittloFti i à(1 Fit tttinîtthe-Iim ion inîtuîlel au Acteaincot-perete lte on Duiilaà tret ~:c oîttWae Cattnu andI Dtroit River B3ridge Cern.Opote ho Ihon ou, panT1 Y incorp o ra el. tle IL abrad or C oin- O p rp tio s i -tie t b/-10 t- jth t-v //O u s eli MÉYTo grant atiditionai power laelise their Une alwit-a tttn liatîti, te le itiIe to gise Queecan-GlfPot temsipCanu stifato tt tttnit--ý Qube at-Oi!PrtSlBruip lj-n, Shortst, tflitî, (tAc-e hat, a nco o ite eMorhne'Wr.&c., c i te Lest Otlity. atiIltt houFlngitm~~iy. - a-cd al itiofs e! itil, sel it ut telt-et Zeapïeoting Pilotage, living prices fer cad;i. To changethie limita o! tii, Counties-o . n piîgN 24tFeret~ i. Of Montîcalm ant Joliette for electorial N. S p iiigWet I & ir-:S1It3wAU purposes. SII &Il-ýINWY Rteapecting tise expert dutices *niped Cash paid ftrail iuieiîat'trtic cin lumnber îy thie Legilature o! thiePro. 'S. & R1. vince a! New-Brunswick.______ Ta amend lhe Act 841h Vie ., oisap. T_-I ORT WITl - POlI -Eît. B 48, lntiluled an Ac taeonable certain -L raiiway coluparties ta pravide thie neces- sery accomnodation for te increose Iraf.- 5 15aver tixeir raslways, an ta amend lie i~' Ilailway Act a! 1868. ..A--- - -- - ltespaectlig deeak b.d.. Reiling ta sailpplngï and for the i-e- 11,1 i l Le[4- '~A11 leL il giotration, inspection and classification Tates affect on Moîiay, May l21:, 1073. Furtiier te amend bise Acta la provide Trains Gahrig North. Mail. Mixed. f or tise management andI isprovement Wiitlty Jutien, 9 00 iam. 7 23 p.m. o! thee iarbcur of Queisec. Wliy, u n avis. 71- p__ 1jsmp.d in afler tise rla issneed SAo QSi , - raiut. Gi.lai i;GIt' T. HL,- ndAGENCY AND orîso. ,e Vî4ptitea nimde de 4c-o li t b cetllhutedI TOR. h ta thied itipl) m-iso lise,1 1eu- 'ned >ased tivd Lý, 1 Fiold an, Vlîitby, May 20 !~ '- 1 U ~E RDCl FACS Hasopene4 businessaï mat willmd s usaj hoice anàI frýeeh and of-the best qualitY. Also, 'Wines, Br&ni- Spiriteus Liqùiors, Aie and Porter, &c., &c., Wholesale andI ~s1than Cost in order to unake a clcarande of the lato fire, and make room for new stock. Please oeil at corner store itseif. Ld Giarden Soeds. SOULE AGEiNT rQtR WiITESLDI (j~Agi-ntfor the sale of Sewing3 Orgauis, 'of superior manufac tare. Cati and exbmine his immense s~tock. reduwe& Whitby, 1AprI 2, 1878. b, 1873. J. H. KFRtANCIS, ADDI0ON EXTRA INDUCEMEN TSI NOW OPENINGI! Scversîl eisos of bhc most ftîshionable and desiralule Dress Gouds in uil colors a.rîd slaares at unheard vf LJOW Gr-eat hargutins in Englislî and Canadiain cloths, Cot- tons, Woolletss Spring Shsîwls, hosicr.7, glove's, hats atnd csîps, and getîcral huiusekcceping dry goods. JUST REO EIVING, A LARGE STOCK 0F' BEST FIESH -F-A-MIL Y WOCÉRIESI At bhe Popîlsir Dr-y Goods and Grocery Establisis. in,-ait one door sioutl, 61 tic Ontario Bank J. Il. ADDISON. AVWhitby, Apr-il- 22iid, 1873.- 17 CA RRIA 6 t- 1GA R/IA GES, 'ES A ND CUTTERS 0' IDONOVA N'S. LErNIJDMLY F INISIIED BUGGIES, AN/i CUTTERS, OF VE YSU>EIORWOK.,IANSIJJp. BU.GGIES & SLE'.GHS. REPA IRS AS USUAL. WiIIII!Py N, 2n 1870. SCI AL ATTE NTION! DIRE CTED TO A PURE Mlniti'lttreil at , <ksii. )Int . by a French Winc Moi""uctorcr. It ila more Pleasalit than a Ciaret, and 1has the virtue of a P~ure Grapeo ine. si 50) per gallon. Five gallon lots at a reduced rate.' R. H- JAMESON, SOLE AGENT, WHITflY. Al.so 'fll4tfo tlle Celel)wotedl WIII'IE W JEAT W111SIgEY, a llighly rectified Capadian Liquior. Wlîitby, Mardli 26, 1873. 1 HATCHI a-QO2DDS & BROTHRER 'i'tke plessurc in auuaounc'ng that they are rcceivi,iîg th« ir usual ktiupply of Farîmers' Iiiiplemetits,- Spaýdes, Shovels,'Forks, DI1R EC0T FROM ENGLANDI A stock of double an.d single harrel shot gunnishot ponebes;, powdler flitîskF,, puîýeha.sed before tiserisc; spiendid vaine. uî- in-'d t he ciry I>Uudlîîg will 6rtd Oùr &stock of iols atlca utta, iingta, cut naiis, ompletc asoiiiuul. A1s, -nl wlsite leeti, peint,.ails Utgaic ,gnieEgil A B-;m ILON çi r, 'Buy 150 < lieri1l Weae ex<eil STO0V ES, 'smooth castings, splendi4d ba- sign of the GRAND CLEARING SALE 1 RETIRING FROM BUSINES t I Wo beR tq announce la aur cuÂtomers 'and frieuds thaI we bave tow cammien. ced, andI wil continue for On. Month, ta allerlih. wiîoie of aur extensive âtock cf Dry Goocla, Clothing, Groceries, sud Liquors andI Wiues AT PBfltECOBT. W. xneke this' announcement in cause- quence of Mr. McMillan haviniz accept. ed the position of Seeretary.Treaaurer cf lhe Ontario Loan & Savinga Comp'y, which necessibales lais remaval la Osh. awa. The. sale i. therefore a boa-flde one. W. piedge anrseives tisaI every article will be offered at Prime Coat 1 credil will ha given on approved pap-er.- Pie present affords an excellent epper. bunity for parties requiring gaods ta ai- tain thora et 25 per cent leas lien usuel prices. Our stock amonnîs te about $12,000, antI is complet. in every de. pertinent. T. H. McMILLAN & Ca. THE OLD STAND 1ES'I'A 1 LS H EO1 1833.] Tbe undersigîcd in retui-ning îthanks for the liberal patron hit-herto axtesidet luthe oId ttaliiuusent, for nearlv s perind of! tony yeurs, de sites ta gay that hie lias uca- on bard ta itarge tasorîmuent of lthe mccl rnodcrr. %ni elegant styles of And trusts by proper attertion and moderate pries tose- stufled sud cavered. tlndertzking.& Funerals FuIIy Supplied. as heretofore. iff Some splendid specimens* of Picture Frarnes, and Gild- ing.-'Bemember tMe Old .Stand. JOH N ST 0ON'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE1 At the Provincial Exiiibition, Toronto, in 1870. We oller to our custcmers for thse coming Harvedt, two-dis: îinet Machines, wIsich in style aîîd construction, enibrace the latcst and most useful imprîcivements of thse day. JOI1INSTOIN'S SI1 NG L 14 SELE-flAKI NG REAPEJR THE " RING OF REAPERS." Tue ustiversli sncî,sýoftitis Machine, hots ini closely conteî EN - ' FJJRNISHING GOODS ad tri-de and in thiantim s ltsriie r irrnnuus i..isyitig thit. usas Salf Rit- mug Ri-a;ing NMncIine. lu lunesninre gonedîI)nue-ua antilemsadefectm. and, has met asih oite succs,asnd tles iiuî-a, tItan lereuofî're olierad ta thte public. TIllE 4EWE ST OUT. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER A &SPLENDID STOCK'0F NEW SPIIING IATS & CAPS. -Wfe were awarded bhc First Prize and Dipiomn-at the PrcVin - CHEAP FOR CAS4, niai Exhiiibitiasn,hell il, Tloronsto, iS71).in ct-ttpetiibn wtastl tesdsng.Michini-. rnnn-îlstctired io the Province; andi s-huit outr rect-rit snsravemant,«. Vve utuiesitas. isigl *y rîtltîtuge igivestigtion n sd cnhipiri'an titis ccmpetis-g Machineas.%e aroAct-N LE s',litiiied that ssiih investigation will catlvinre every iiiprjisdic.îi ml.d ihst wt - A. PRIireh19h, 873E 1 ffer - ls t he ast M ow er la t e F aitu er fu r 1872, ul, lun the D .n iui'on. S e l W I i b ; t rc l 9 h 1 7 3- -1 for descriptive- catalogues.BR W & ÂT S N. _______________________________ JOHN ,,E-RGUSON- = 'Bestýo inforin his' customers t1'at be is now-i .nu.réeelp of superior Stock of Cloths,, Tweeds, Vestirigs, - &<, cvery 'select, aùd sitahlp for the as'asor,, whih he ib prepared laemalte up into Spring. Snits at thse shortest notice. AH: orders promptiy attended to antd executed in the best Iv~ui stl.Special attention paid ta giving a'satipfactory fit. Alknac el'Toc furnishitag goods. including hats, caps, nmbreilas, £,.C UandI examine. JOHN FIERGUSOYN rr (lothicr k Gentb' Outfittei-, SPRINndas St. Wh OF Worth its We ., afcDfseaes aofi Prie 25e p&~ Box. Sc AND' $'I'UJ 0 -MATTHEW COLLINS Bcgs to announce to bis cuttom rs aînd the public thatl.e bas opened busiîîess on» the premiÈes latiely occèupied.by- Mr. Banideli, on Brouis Street, and that he is 110oW in receipt ol'a splenidid Stock of the R1G H 'T FIT AND. MAKE l Ecellence ofQuality. - Also on band a large stock of flome-Made Boots and Shoei. 1Vîcroan CaaOaac BoAs-. w i c t 3 a i o n o b e t su t-îtuss td to r q îa liy a ud p s-le . I V îc r a c r e S e mIR a S o a p . Vîcroate GLYOEBE, HobsRY, ROSEi, m Ail order-s puîîctually attenîled to. Repairs rieatly doue. Wuisoi. _ -Soid by all Draggista. UA Ilitby, May 10, 1871. A1 h AMOII S. UY LINE TO ]OCESER JIOCEHlrp SEE. GLYCERINE JELLY Emincnîly lthe Ladies' Favorite, For.Beautf!fzcng fhe Campleonî, and fr J.,alsa for Chdiped HTai, O)iildtaùua, Fot Bites, andoreLi4pg.n Fric. 25cpar BaIlle. Sold byasEDruaggist. V il OrIAl 'NOR-SEMAN' Leavas CoÈourg. ee - ormug aI 7:,a PortHop aI9 oclok, for Bochastercon- nectg her, wlh New Yark Centrai sud En 17 oalaafr ail Paotasilest,Wet mad Sousth. Leaves Charlotte, (Port o! Rochse), daily at 9 P. m., axcepi Saturday, when ah.i les-vas ai 2 p. m. for Brighton. Dealera lu Stock, &c., tri]!fsidthir, tha cheaealsu ad most expeditions route le Newf Yaork, =otn, Alauy &c For fstmr, Iforaioapply to11 a R. CRAWFORD,> Or C. F. GILDE1ISLRRVx, Pr oe April 2nd, 1873. Ügtn 4f LIST 0F TEEDVIsIoN COURTS IMPORTANT N EWS- The undersigned lias a large stock of Ladies', Gents', nvid Ubildreu's Fie and Cu.>rse Boots & Shoes fl7suBoots and Shoes made to order. Overt.hocs ncd waî-m artel uomfortable. India Rnbbers, L-f- -Rcpairing neatly donc. Cail at the old Stand. May 22, 1872.lio & She Store, Brock -street, Whb. G NLARE MENKO N'EWLARE STOCK <> IS NOW COMPLETE Constisbirig of a splecdid âis-ornment or CluthsQ aIll kiuîds foi SPRJNG AND SUMMER IMPORTATIO*NS!'i A COMPLUTE STOCK IN ALL-LINES OF West ofiEngliand,. Canadian, O'nd-- &cotch cloths. GENTS', "FIJRNISFiING GiO 0F EVERY. Dl$Ç-1ýPT[O.-, The GROCElIY DFEPAIH'E Tif replei selectioù of'Teas, Coffees, new fruit, spices - I-V%7 PHOTOGRAP-H GALLERYi m--.leiz ,1rrr BROOK STREET, WHEITBY, SOPPOS-ITE 'ONTA-RIO BANK. I3egs to arnnce- îltUàb e bas buit on the above pte'mises, A NEWV Photograph Gallery, 60 feetin Ïength,., q 7 ic h h e lia s fitti-d U p w ith a l t e -bibi-st i r r v > ï n a a î e 1% .1... 1 Sj I l Il 21I1S2 i i1 S b-t ~17 - I ut._ j 41 î j 1 1 i1 1 . j11 Wh itby, Jan. is, 1les. W.BELL Co0. G-JELPH, ONT. -PiIZE MEDAL CABINET' ORGANSJ -AND M E -L O D E O N S.- Sole Proyr oeadMun! acturr,o! "Ph. OGM4e&ASETTE" Coaanlg Scrib- na' Ptuiduaifyig Tubes. .Awa2rded ýthe Only Medal 1 Evar given le matera of ReatI insrments aIt Provincial Exhibiti-,ns for Proficiao- cy in Musical Iusfrumants,'beads- DiplomRanad First Prizes aI cther Exibitions tea nu- - Otir Imm Preduced.L PrIvemaut Scribner's ,fecl of th, -at the sâer sud Ppe-l hA13 wahase puiii naanu!ssslnriag ,,Clib Tubes for ltae Demis b caution:al] arieg tien. Wu have. opy "T-H E UR. For-aur Inustruents ilarfuil insprovemeiit. fringiuag on liais eopy ed., Mlintralad Catelof j.. (loods at prices defying 10 -18- '-"fKERY AND GLASSWARE 1 whitby, April 19 1873. lt ly 1=ýnIcmis ! BOOTS NATIVE GRAPE WINE, GOO 1 AND^ SHOES.1 1

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