Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1873, p. 4

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a n"Deiu ;w n t -rei qespdite >l 1 msaotiueenigwU1o .hamed of P Pgltosure. w the . siu R iImAT -A 4 î l;I ~~'thi m * we nkor e c roparti.tar oi~ wostawnjia.e' ntainmspher ZriIn 'of 1h, desa ieaI r aer 'atg) ~ $fied r lIêqr~ao e Iil nf,tia t 4lo t e o es wen o at os.it, 1' lii 11r i 5 5 oin m8 the aliospere te oraughtor a 4i SKn. ,J4Dgof0 .onytbhav-e elinip theou atfaorable Ylied a Il 24ck in1h, iatL idsl c te oermi ise lu 1h. bI3ZU theaL Muiresnuda.y ssetad antllc 2 - 'Trippmann hbe em arrt6 e A insur fliqn -àadw named ustonlo Ebut.istoua avýu , ElWAb'2 oin m OAn. sigthe ntm uehousce tcf are ANLVJ.-Jù4n u aset haeSIotu cyf ie re Laale wihre ien-was g oge ou te floin t:g ,a I3. ve ' îýdl Okin hei4 lýî day, anal il aerrîied ffbytai dvan . amaIt...s.n . Iiedo ' ...8:oei m e o r d n g l y a i n a a rl y o ~ r, 1 h . > J t n eM ail 1 0: 5 0 . m . M i eh o ... ; 2 ) . n i l b . h o p e , . u V h e h u p n I h e c u > c i g S u l r m O i i a t e u d e a y CoadEvanglietaturnt dlyupseondeebr'anlPr ec open hed n ofio . nnsuaeouns vu, onn ot ic aafed aud Aent futled bita à,îh s d sr Mxi ..50 .n.Mi .: 5p bhi* u t t hraÜ oaftel. Collytrnn (onet wte b' iteie a yt back 1 lie ou ie oh alelth nGo io te n renTorct nl inmFot H e it, etine coire oieayig th e lerhtebnd i tlb 80ia o eb'an&Oih u wIYad li ar ocuger usai at. cone.wlBo*Gran hO «.d Trn8:it0or Hoe bt ni. litaà4lugand iun,,7 e enng wt tau Lepta We e*afd~iny t hofeary und h er t Mol..a.. 10.0 a. up ixe ..cf42Tra.in. te beougefrom 1h wlnowh. eaunryl gSot rn OilatoLnsy uight, Esuccefll ar.e ddh. d o n , d r,&d osopý 1h' uf5eaelesu d after àep a tat gidapueM 1.ail....*80,,. M aund hon njid ilmappearedHas <j> * 500a<m 1Ma ....25P.M arceed1, w lowindy C ass-trùIa. ncewthte iiùn Riwyt Ga o, cudierbo gue, who h li fo andfo oot n nenb .sain loou i'beu o ag âbuev e hie lin te Mlbop o eebr'nOil n brak-te 1he, oue. her e, hI -e wit Gadonku otHo bt oa watoe alg, bu --as kfats tr l er , ngal vnn wt risZ ti4.,e à çapttatib ,n hie objcct at a.being hèèeii oWr. li sa i prop er ein ler'G r.YO, wnnane, libeu reaotd 10 amfree let uraidbth l ti ndi co thef axe 'and ut. f rans feth.e u asi safrsin.i An being saiis ereal ngMonda>' nl youel ei Inigi, ucs nihbre te TJu, n T!-SÂE tii. rant Unio lerrepoudaedipo CSUAE thie ratoy a i-Ae ayedo Pas . WHITBY ban-std therowu, es ing d sh ort ietna. Ntc eIoeygvn htfrtecn oi a rie ee hie W f asrlyewai oitreeaCnua gîc ft Uni e i 8tatee ftAmneriea havbeeneeetabrcab hi le ni andr. Gorgae Ali ti a fto ' i bak o terose Al h. avas it~be fla-ibroBnbidng was ie g o ultn las ng e c ndn . .ALN ageisi paced t guadi 1houb ets oonlr an 1h, rten bescape, lrite ferrets wee h u tly Ari 8,81. oviarao il is oîîyecoessrt hel b-er 1bwt ins, iso tee here ahttoadree faui erstyMid ree grat ei c aed 10 ho any Bonant in dagu respaid -BroWnI'sB Daig ron esdeosotdisanénNtieislerbygv tt frtecn wu bave ever lîeard of wae on the 29thi of Apnil bast, lu the chiai-y cf Mr. Ale%. Vallon, Pa., Keuhiam towesIjipý.- As iliere werat no loes froin whili thue new colon>' coffid procure lhon,>' aI that date, il nturued in tlîo course of a few daye b lihe parent liii'. Se eayi the Aimnt, Gazette. 'An 'Eaglieh' manufacturer recenîl> laid s wager cf a ibousand guineas witb s neiglibour Ibat lie woubd take a pair ofaeheip at -5 o'cbock lu tb, mornug, andtI fnih a ceai made froni their woei liefone nine o'clock bu the evening. The wuger waes acopied. Theosbet-p were Irought at tii, appointeal lime ; ihe>y were alicra, tue wob sceîareal, \pun, sud wovee; te cloth scoured, iLyeV'dpressed aud Ilisheti aIt our p.m. Tluie clolh wae lbien liaudedt te tIi ail. ors, and at tweeiy minutes betfore nieep o'eoock th, germent waa tiiee. Flihe wager was won, andl a feat hitherto un pnecooednt.dlexibe manflaeures wa A idro occurreti ou.DundedastsIet, Londen onSuoday nioreing, anti dee. troyed Ilr,. briek-store,. WC posees only thut whiclh we coin. Factostire bhc ore, tretthle niobahanai cant lthe sente. congdeeco uay net lie reciprocal, but kintinoes elonî ho. Vices somebines, but virtues ofîe, mako nmen appeur ridiculous. Menitfis niosty iscnveredtbyaccident aud rewarded la> destiny. Nature lias p ut a conelderable share of iron fl e lboc, but ne gobl. A word spokon in sealson, aI the light Meoment, i.lste anotier cf cgee. Thei. lligbinsumanlias wiligs ; théi sciieg ma iuhas cul>' feet sfiO Iande. Great places aregreat bardeos; dia. tiuguigiliet conditbonbt uVUle exact great We shîould do aur ntmomLt te encour. âge the beautiful, lôr th. useful encour. -âges itseif. Itla à snoble Ie ecies o1 revenge 15 have the power ols severe retalistiot a;unt toexercise. l. 'Wben good-will, 'goes gaddîng, ie -must not esurpnisodIfllilabue Lime tlue ets hlm on tlbway. C1Lnge 1he tlîoou> thiug wlichAsl constant ; inutabilt>' being u inau . -able law of th. unIverse.. Th ilfýra mal'ibhe easber ebeat. X41îlix so dfficulî o ipo ~pa s nimpsior. ,1 = Sudualt te vain truipoet of' fee endeuaUionbut rorgetlpot oréum. lier >'our.owu imlperfections. Thio plir-et joy tlii we ca anbme in one w. las'e, lan10te thal.person 4a souree of happinese bo othérs. ausi in" j wA Mpl eapxophaov of wbat lIfe Ji to lè ;, hie riAlibwa op'romJigeQ n. 0 'iOf se.ing fnto heaning. The'reilie--rns. iu which vanit>' 1tiRps itsif futdl uhO ýjj MMAVISTHE WEAK STROMO .CRAUTION-Att'l inebuhi#m mllretua tyrap," <uatn --I ieruvfan Bai-ktn ntwaln iii ra".. A 82.pers pamcma'Pt rani froc. J. .P. Dm'maltaaaa. 1r, ,.., a, iatJ ki ut %iw X buk.laitby &I Dramtoiem. FLOtIR & FEED STORE. The unaler-agnedl beg te infonin the inhali. itante cf Whitby andi vieinity t litiay aavc oPencti a Fleur anti Feet Store lu the prere. aseS lately occupieti by Mn. James Walaie, ce Duetas Street, Opposite- th&e.,,-Robson House, Wherc the>' trust by keepiug.everytliing je their lune alwaya on hau ,te ulieable te give satiefaction te cuetoniera. Bran, Short., Out incal,, Crackceçl 'Wlieat, &C. cf tii, beet qeality. FLOUR-Fail Wheut, Spring, anti Mixed -anmd ail kinde cf Feeti, seding ut lie lowest living prites for cash. N o. prieg Wheat Flour aI J8 1 - SMITH &HEMINGWAY. Cashm paiti fer aiu kieteafFaraner'aProduce S. &- H. p ORTWRIT-D Y POR'J5 R B. RR. Tilt! E-ABLE.h,179 p4u* NV'~MeER1' V'NE RlCIIAIRÏ>FR.ACIS 'Ha& oened bubess it OId -ýx c. 8where d od à mla will lind as 'rsual choice and f'resh * ~AlsWii ~ndw4r~ a T, ~ - -~ t ~ - o CROOKERY; AND GLASSWARE 1 Sèlùing at less than' Cost in order to make a clearanot what je let by. the late fire, and malco ro for new stock. Ploso cal Old No. 1-tho, corner store itaicif. týr Field aud lGardon Seeds. R.FRANCIS 1Wbitby, May'2, 88 j. H. ADDISON EXTRA INDUCEMENTSI NOW OPENINGY! Several calses of.the mcist fashionabile and desiralîle tIress Goods in ual1 colors su)d shiades aI unheard of LQW - Qtea bagaisinfrglish and Canadin doths, Cot- tons, Woolleî,s Spring- ShawlWs, hosierygleshrt and cîîps, and general huusekeeping dry goods. JUST REÇEIVING, A LARGE STOCK 0F BES T FPESH FA MIL Y GROCERIES At the Popular Dry Goods and~ Grocery Establish- ment une door suutb of* the Ontariù I3aik. J.- H. ADDISON. Whitby, April 22nd, 1873. 17 OA RRMÀGES A ND CU TTERS8 M.O'DONOVAN'S.- SPLENDJDLy FINISIIED C A /iRlA CES, P. 8110 pee of Prints at Whlby, May 28th, 1878. SIGN OF, .TuRE GRE4T-- R OCKUIC -CH A"IR 1?Phe subsecriber keeps constantly Furniture'of Every Descr iption, 'on Consisting of .Drawing RoomParor Jining Rouîm, and Bed Roont Sets, of differemt- pai tertio, car arad and plain, aud-fàni*y painted ; Soflis, 'Couches, Bureaut4. ýideboards, Centre and Dimng extensio)n Tabl t ' rr6es ileadsteuîýds, W5hat-Nots, 'ashstancIs, Dréesing Tables. Hair- -loth and aue-sented Chairs, A m har, a iai ( ldren's hir.of diflerent styles, Lookineg<lasses, Spring Mattrasoes ièicture Frames, &c. A stock tertalhu iteua, much superior to that of auy_ - is large experience enables him to warrant al bis btock heing of the bést niiterial and workm au- ibip, and moet tasteful designi. SFunerals fully supplied.-Rose- SOLE AGENT f Ol-WfIITESIDEIS PATENT BED. OU-= Agvnt for the sale of Sewing Macehines, aud Cabi'ie. )rgans, of superior mttnulitcturec. Cali and exsmine bis immense stock. Prices stili furtbe eof au at 21 W4 fin BUGGIES, AND CUTTERà OF VER YSUPERIOR IVORKMAY1NSJJJP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS', WHIiI3Y Ž'Nov22nd, I1870. , REPAIRS AS USUAL -SPECIAL ATTENTION! 1 g R. H. JAMESON. - I SOLE AGENT, WHITBY. Aluna'A u.rot for he Celebr:îtefd WI11ITE W -I1EAT 1I 'WHISKE, a highily rectified Canadian L 13or , W yI M G7-00D8 Tmîke-plensuù'e in ',anuounc-*ng Ibat îhéy "are teeeivitîg their msal tsuppi.y -f Farmers' I ilîplemerlts, týPAdes, $hovel!s, or Rakes, He c A sttickaf ofrnb le; Iw d ifi iý rel ,shoýt uns. fshot . pondues, 'qrfscpi~. ,efrthe risq; spiencUd value. i ur.frývr3 ii h éeie iiitry buildingwJiI l fnd pur, stock of locks, Iatc1hs, hutte, Ilinges;, cu4ýxI4hI, lomplole as nenul. ÂlSO, gehuine Engliali white lead, paint; acile, pull>', glass, 'oi-- ' -- AHM s1 T V E S, smooth castin5slndd:a f;- % t&xphitïg 1,ýII ply or Çhildi-n's Cabs l'a a few Co g1 1. at thé.ênoted" cbeap house reduced. Vhitby, April 2, 1878. THE JA.E S AXO.' Sigmi cf 1h, Great Bocking Chair, Brook Street. OLD STAND. The undersigrîed in returning thanks for theliberal patron- itheric extendîed ta the old wetahIixlhuîerit, for rienrIy a pericid of fort% yearg, de ies to sav ihat lie hase row on liard a large itssortmnent of hie rucet-inodcrr -4n.1 egant 51iles of CIOths, Tw.eed.s, VestJingab &t,., &c., t'ery select, and suitable for the -s-asoni whiclr 'le 1. prepareétto iake up imitoSpring -Suite el thie hortest noiice. Ali oriers promptiy attendedi to and executed in the best style. Sp.cial ttention paidt 1 , gring a stiafactor>' i. AUl kinde of Gents' funsing lgood. inluding hal, capen, ubrelas, &c,. Cal snd examine. (2ltbier &k.Genlts' Outfitter, L)umdse St. Whiîby SPRINGl ly SRN S'VK 0 BOOTS -MATTHEW i COLLINS Begs to announce to his cubtom 'rs and the pubîlie that he bas openpd business on the premnises lately occupied by Mr. l3andell, on Broek Street andd that lie is' 110W iii receipt of a splendid Stock of the RIGHT FIT AN- MAKE .1 And of the best style of Boots"and Sboes. Also on hand a large stock of Home- Made Boots-and Shoes wlikb ao ann o bu eurpasaa.d for qualiy anal price. Ail orde.-s punctually attended to. Repairs neatly doune. IMPORTANT NEWS.!* BOOTS AND SHOES! The undersigned lias a large stock of Ladies', (Jetnts', ard Ubîlclrerî's Fine and Course Bouts~ & Stloet. ýrj tussbyprpera,ýetin ndmodraeWriestose ure a contiince of public putronage Practical upholstering. Parniture re- UýB o and Iciacts-nmaet rdr.c ruie nd vrbyper te Lo ndmdraepist s- Bot1 Inderaking & Funerals Fully Sup-plied as heretofore, &Cve -1hes&Cd vima4coiotb 3w omue piendid specimens ou rieture F4rames, and Gild- in,(,. Remember tue Old Stand.1 wIvb* ~rxL~L~ 'iELF-RAKI.NG REAPER At the -Provincial Exthibition, Toronto, in 1870. e off er to our custoimers for the coming Hiarveiit. îwo dis. icI Machines, which in stylei and construction, eribrace JoliINSTON'S 'SI NGLEIi SELF-lIA K ING IlIEAPIJi Constisting of a splendid assortment oi ClothÈs of ail kiîuds for T H E R I N G Or E A P F S."Gentlem en's wear, sd a com plet stock f The universal success of Ibis Machinîe, lhoth iru cîoseîy contest- GENT S' F1IJRNI'SEiN O D ed'trîcstgard in thie hanche of the faruiers, warranit ua i, savimag that, ais a Sew Ra- ing Reain ine.caiine. la hais mare gonad pnwît- andaltees diectid. anîd hae met wîtt u EWT T O T lucore succese mati lems Iailure, than heretaifare oflered ho the iblic. TH'_JWEST O T CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWIER ! A SPLENDID) ST-OCK OF N~ SPRING'IIATS& CAPS lie were awarded the First Prize sud Diploma, at te Prcvin CHEAP FOR CAS'-I laiio Exhibition, helt inl Tonronto, 1670.i ec'aapehitinn wîth ail the Iending Machiar,-. .-,uejot uu à,vi ri .i . e; tii itt ur rcen, im iprevemearia. we utolietat.- Ïil vettiatii-nge irivegmgatiaa andticonsparidon with cntpetii--g Ninclinei,. se art- totisfleal that soit-h îuvetigetion wilI comviare every îiaprejîititeil nîti. Iiltwe nfler-the luesi ?,owen ta the Fermer fur 1872, huile: la the De.nnioa. IrWSetial f or descriptive catalogues. SPRING AND, SIMMEIR Wes G]r MPORTATIo NS A COMPLETE -STOCK IN ALL LUNES 0F )RESS stof England ENTS' 0F - ý eý 1 1Begs to-oatunounce that lie bas hut -àn the above ~Canadiap, ,ndSoth- oba &. Aý E IHJRNI HING OODS hoogapli Gallery, 60 feet in 1h LVERY DVCRPIO.Whickh le hais fit-d up wulh il die laItet improvemi ùuo!;antd improvoti apparalus for tekingpicturea, fi=xnlife-sizota'l, TIhe UROCERY DEPARTMIdNT is replete -wîth a chnice selectioi of Tea§, Cuffees, neCw fruit, spicea. l3est tobacco. GoodsaI Ïpricesdefying legitimate compei,~n. loi. litby, March 9t, 1873. 12 P, st ai PHOTORAPHGALLIRYau t0 Repuiring neaîly done. Cali at the oid Stand. Woo &l 1,1 Are Bok tee, 1Mt ,GEN2.T87.LEM &SuENSoe:ro treWihy India RubLmers, Tfr11. Ciicnwfeas. c iS f every des. Pnc, 25e per B LSoit by ai 'Druggists., V 1 C T 0 R 1 A t ' C4KBOLATED GdLYCERINE. ÈJELLY Emineutly the Ladies' Favorite. oiBeautîfying thie Ccmplerimnand for. -remeving Tan, Stcnbura, Frecklea.Pmpn dfe., ais. for- Chapped Herni, <ldiains Proef BÙLes, and Sûre Laps. Pice 25e per BotIla. Soit by ail Druggiet. TOILET SOAFS1 Ceiebra ted for their uniform Purity and 'Excellence of Qualit>'. VICToRi A CÂaeLc SoAP. VIcrOau. SULFM. uSOAP. 'VîcTRcU GLTcEËUNE, Hcacxr, ERosx. A» Soldal > alDruggielaz - 1y LY UNE TO ROCHÉSTE R.- Eux xx-w TLiXx' TxAILLzI Leavea Cobourg every mmunung ai 7:à0, eut Port Ho pe aIS9 o'clock, for Rcc-heeter, con- uecting there wuh Ne'w York Centrai sut Erie Railwaye -for al -peinte Eeabt, West, and Seuth. Leaivez Charlotte, (Fort cf Borbheter), deily at.Sp.mn, except Saturday,, 'enushe lee aI 2 p.-nm. fer Brighton. Dealers in Stock, &c., wiU tfindt iithb cbeapest antimns expeditione route te New York, Bedton, Alliany, &c. For further'iformiatioe appl> t- - RI. CRAWFOBD, Port Hope, Or C. F. GILLIERSLEEVE, April 2ed, 1871.3 uaee. 14-tf 0IT F THE DIVISION COURTS or COUNTY 0F ONTARJO, FOR TME YEAE 1878. G NLARE MEN.KO NEW SPRING GOOýDS. s 1%0-1....t a j 1 3 No ... 1 l aIisaîllat 4 Nu. »'« 1 1 1 21 1 I 1 7[ 6417 N() 4-.'1Il 1 29us 1 1 2 1 l J i 8 Z. BURNHAM, WhitbY, Jan. lI, 1878. ' Jue, W. RELL i& C 0., GtJELP.H, ONT. PRIZE MEDAL M~EL .DE ON'S. Soie Proprieotars and Manuiface+Wra c01 I'TLa CaRGANETTE," coetainicg Scrib- ner's Patent Quiiying Tubes. Awarded -the CnIy Medfal I iver given teu makere of Ecet Instruments aI Provinciai Exhiiitons for Proticien. c>' je Musical Instruu eu'e, besites Dipeunsesu First Prizat a ether Exhibitions teeu- s menons ta specilyl 0ur Instrurnente are aaiimowiedget by [usieuasand Jugea to e ie , inepi yet proalece. Ouir latest andl mogtvaluable arn- provemeut is-th lhOa.4xETT.," coy'baiuiug scrihner's Patent Quiàlifi'inzITubes, imhe f 'ci of whieh are ta uesrly double theapower it lme anielee rendening the lot. suuooth tîdlptpe-l .B t hie W«uderfù inenion Ve au Mnake su Itsrunient àfinesy double he pewer of a pipe Ongai aluialfthe ex. ans. C A 1U T1 O N: Il a bien, W. have, fringing outi i ,BIRO OK STREET, W H ITBY, . - <1utratet (Je drewng DIRECTED TO Aý PURE Mfaliutactureal at Cokevi le, Ont., bj-y in Frénqh WVha ainatîc.Itii. More pleasant blian a Claret, and lias tli, virtue cf a Pure Grape Wine. 01 50 pair galion. Five gallon lobsant a reduc.et rate. - 1 1- ý 1 tillitby, April 1, 1873. 1 COMA s. :F I:Pj 10 mi s 9 liitby, May 10, 1871. r 1 E.J-STA 13 1, 1 S H E D 1833.1 -May 22, 1872. AWARDED THE, FIRST PRIZE ! .1 NATIVE GRAPE WINE, 1 A. PIUNGLR BROWN & PATTERSON. . 1 MATI il E w xxriwa JOHNSTON'S VVV 1, .1. ý eROTHEIR'

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