Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jun 1873, p. 2

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ý&.l afloo. onr- fer, pltff J. 141i îth ým ý as, Àf it were nie re-eleéticif flist je A foregone, con- roser thecnd of Vr. Holdenn prapertýv.-,l ior file evf,>nitïý,i. $50. je' air )Va$ la well fer deft --the ý6'e'-aÙd iiàiig lit that waparréoted for tri f; Upon Us, -iw spite of pojlÏt th@ mail is. Ail b M al "les to:P 911 thn'opposition a le n 7". 1 , na- &Y t m P ý"- on ý thé charge' of lare COrreY, rs Wà.rà.---mAcýion on 'with -dluthi, ýartisticslly, on -u it in Cretiry of State- tati r. T =e ý ý _ to4lat Can 4 firoullltý forward acai'Ust able., A Pillai! expenditure would, how-, Inî1érenceý prisoner sfatefl that the sory note. Verliet for plff., 449.1a. A New Ellecti, were p's'i on for South Ontario. biln. In flic three clections won bv evier, suffice te do the ilecessary work, bat ý was earriea off by Ilim tllrouà"h C.-C. Keller fer pltff ; N. P., Paterson Ourteen'laTýýe plàiie of silk yelvet *h,ýt lie pve nfi place the whole street from mistIl thut, for doit. ut tl'6 èidëi;, fiôïný*,Iâèh Uùng: him, a maioiïty of tho votera have a end toi lie iiitended rot ing pendut fument; bv-in, if, and iliat the otheý bat Offe UTI] Brown vér. Coeh double rowa of costly- silver, tassais, te Make* mi% Ab the public minal had belon' for allewn thst they préfet, end in an efficient gtate, go as État red for rane.- Verdict liar Mr., Gibbs to between which tliere roi. Fqalè,bY ]lion w1ý'S'_tlîe one lié piirchagecl. pltff., 8298-82. ý L. Engliph for pitff. were dazzling liateil 13 kk)lne time pas& prepareil te expl any othercandiditte ai; r, r-1presentative. it cotild be--tritvelled with muell ati« Mr. Patter8on voliinteared t6tiefetjd th eart va. Côckrane.-Action against rows ofoilver tri T. ýllif. Gibbs lias accePted office in thp And ut thià timA they stand ready te do vautage And eOnvenience by lie pyif;ôner, ý alid comme ted' in fige ; surmouating ail the corporatic rather Axecutr.zlOramount was a silvered cross over fé ý'feèfîý lo7lig WhV iP this Dom'inton cabinF!t» on S&turtlây est more for h, pi-raous rosi of collections emade luit shilling ont hai n ý det'r*inientally ding in -the localit.-VI str nz ferons on the eollauct of Mr. Bi on certain iiremissory notes. V riliet shine amid eight linge plumis, lui than ever-ne, radtter elow in baving s4j paitry a case sent for for pltff., $856-25, A. G. an for te inoonvenif, 1 ý nodded na flic giant cÀr, sloýý1Y Te lell think mord th the vaember fer South ()Utaria wu -bat sacrifice ahouid bd dalaanded At and . save ý them a long round « trial, ut a cost te the cou4y of from pltff ; IL B. Farewell for delt. d rounAï Thelcar conapiete', men to, z'ratifi one of flic Privy Colin. flieir bande. E 1 vou-na wè, sêt Otit'hy about te andfrom' 'the haibour. The $80 to $50-the actual value of the ha "IlstaplpbctttB b Robsou -vY'Whiti5ji ai -P. P. B.-Ao- Co 02,000, there being over viewg of Our cil and Speretary of State for the Rtatingývery many - Dit bis ôld 'Oppo-, side.w4lke especially in the North being Ouly 75 cetits-especialli wlien tien on damages. Verdict for pltff. 6-400 wortli of silk triage and frira- ta ÏJr4Yiàoes. The Returning - 00aceras nantis (net t'ho' CrOChetý Il - Ward-liave been *cil atteuded te. prisoner offered, to rejurn the butor pay #17â. P. G. M - âgS diaperséZi, over it. Eight ma î smberg who eatinl would A. Huid and A. 'ni gnl- infornied thar PrOoloèmationham been lescied, appoint. net bow' go te the. -polls,,agalgist Mr.' And the wh e w * rk, on both . otreets one menthe imprisonnient in Conaity Smith and W. M-CO'Chrane for dette, forit; Vprdict guilty.-Seiiteinced tel laufor pltff; J.'B. FarewellG. Y. ficont horses, cladin dark holliangs, not know filai i114 MonJay uext, the 28rd luel, for 4ibbsla in Cage of a onntest. ý Thoy con. and f;idewalksrefléots'muelà creclitnpdn gaol. av were attechid -te the cur,. and each uni- ard for coal 'a Wemj vs D On PrOMiR-ý mal was led-by a èrocam. barrel has tol the nomination, and the dey of poil > aider ît, notonIV playing a loging gamý- tho8nwli*o bwvc the o'veýsiglit of tilleul. 'Ur. Ysrewell, do. Crown Attorney, sory note. Verdict for pltiff #120 - J- The - -pyt;éëeoion being formed, - pro- by thogo who Ing the prement year., as well in the super- prosecuted. B-Farewell forpltff ; G. Y. Smi on the ML)uilay gjth,. but fëçtious te an 'Bc, anal iii for ceededý out. along,,Notre Dame, toi St. aïattýer thau f ior quality of thé w ueen V8 Rober, Sang8ter and deft. Denis, tilleul by St;,Catliériùe- anal St. stbwn fàth The question no* in, Will't ' liera be a bro Dot prépared to joti in a dull iýirit ork. (loue, as ' in the The Q 'The Curri,-v8 Johnstonw--Àétioll OU se- Làivreiiëemaffi gtiëééta tilde t contelat P --ýand if 80, whe, Je >te !ý es of ýp&rti--Qu1thip ut theexppl»e of the aeoconomy of the '-exÊ6uiliture made. C7eOr9eýSawffâter.ý-C napimey. count, Verdict for pltff. $62.50. N. F. raversing we are told, ti 0 in Il renaiuds us . te ask whethiar ii Charge.'involved in tbis case was a very a goo:-l portign, of the easterg.part, of the for having the gluigter's OPP«eu $&mes a elf oc Patterson for pltff ; Mr. Murpliey for City. r mat rial:î tereste, of the Ridiniz. -On T unuqual one' and the case 'te , on -a - the publie aga ânentioned pientirnlly entalgil; but with this latter 9mund Riche it in well known would net, bc well te place the whole Confit Of' the position of thé parties, fil Along the whole lino the order of the tax bus te bc 1 the added remark,'as lesoil pr'-obàble . thAt hadbfr., Farewell obtainled office of the otreets of the town uniler thp -the tiefendants beainq 'the brotbers.ill- Smith vsMcLeau.-Action for price procession *as as follows Io # traie that Candidate in named, and hie prospects in the Local, Governal'ent. as was ai superiàtendence of a compétent pérmon ? II G. Mcùillan for pltff ; N. P. Patterson CO w of the prosecutrixla Mllry - Elizabeth of buggy. Verdict fer pltff. $100. A. The Governor-Genl Guards'band, p pareil, still Satijzj4ter-excited scaniewliétof interest. mmanded by bandinaster Bonnéranil former one, -te Cativasmed, thAt lie watilà have little one tirais expectea, hiaac reýeloction would It lins, long been the opinion that the The iùdietment, wh ich was illûte vol- for doit. Composeorlof twenty-fivas picces. hie% hein,- kep es@ ut the prenant time. be unoppomed. 'Let the mutuel forbear. d'in" uruniens eontainod Se4ral r-ouliteý and . luay vs Sialler.-Actiou i Were the depu chance of atàoc . away with ward appropriationt; al- a afflumpait - Tfle Fire Brigade in uniform. Mr. Truman Wlifte, it in pAlMitted, suce be eiF.te a ibbi - la ýogetber, and making one 'gene 1 ci- the nature of mie charge will Ille bpst in respect te building of a IOL;PdatiOu ILuh-school cadets under Captain unis sent te the uded te 11ý- - i for A. mill- Pitff. agreed to cept a Cushing. polleil the strongeot par nditure en the wh( te pe ilder understood froint the following portion thomBelves, or rty loote that ViOVÎ Of 811 the faclis we (le net hélas' non-suit, J. -B. Farewell for pltiff ; W. - Xüîtià dfficersýof tliefifth and-. éâth the who!e coulil foi any logal man et te gay that it wouldbe aparty- blunder one beafl-exp-endin- the m'one of it. Il. Billiu^ M y where IlThat the dAiendants, Robert Sang- ýs _for doit. ýmilitary district, Députy Adjutant-Gefi- it was thirou[rh the lut letection,, ..since then Conside to OpposeMr. Gibbs ut this âme, and if was mont required, without regard te Col. Fletchpr c ding : gan, and able additioils have 1elèau 'made te the thut it le entirely- wrong of those wba the amoulit of appropriation te this or conspire, combine,' conféderatal anal Lieutenant. ster and -George Sangsterdid unlawfully --- .&.-- Colonel Harwood, Lieu. enouýh in. tfle, Board of School 'rrustees. clamsa list of Mr. Gibba,@ supporters, and he WOUM do Soiaill the party naine, to'again, that ward, wouJil be ut once the bést azree tingetlier te persuade solicit and The following proceeding took place tenaut-Colonel Bacon, BX. ; Lieuten- watch thei Onomical way of tl.10 , u,,,_ inducebythéirevil audwickedalvice ant-Colonel D'Orsonnens, Adjutan- thou!zh they 1 unotineationably etsuilg &t'ronger tc.day. encountér - the Witter humiliation of And mOst ec ro ' anal solieitation, and by the offer of a ut t'le regular meeting hold On Wed- General, and staff. thetn into pri thail lever lie did, before in the Riding. certain deicat. ly and permanently improvitig ail flic 1 Lrge -surn of money, te bc hy thern, nos (ay, llth inst. Prpsent-Mr. Mac. Font Artillery Baad. estimitionnf tl Under tfiose ciroumetancet-what will We hacl written thus fur wlien the it Unoler the present ýpian of th douell, * IChairman), Dr. Tucker., and rgr, Typographical Unions, Societe Bien- position. The salil Robert Saugster anal Ge-o Messrs Perry Gross, Ormiston, McGil- vilante tic Notre Dame (le Bonsecours, in our borilers i he the iloiley of the * Oppénîtion P', Mes announcement cames te Us tilat Mr. Appropriations te fille different waifla, Sangtra.r liaid. div.-rii lutin te visit the levray, Ham, Camplatell anal Cameron. it is a constant struggle before said Mary Elizabeth Sangster, et lier Stouccuttera' Associaiton, L'Union of the Other, no' InorA moclerate sud botter judging, men James Holden, of filin toffli. lias under. flic lionse and divers Otheri; plazes, then R-port for May submitteld killewilig St Ja"s, Butchp of flic party have exproxiseil thensselves taken the tùsk of defoating Ur. Gibl,,,. Conneil Rs te whicli, warai shall have the following attendance for file mouth: i,]' raAgsociation, L'Un- liow mileh my and ýthêre te indues, anal as in the said a St. Joseph, St. Bridget'a and St. littlp in dccidâd terme u not boing in favor We deeply regret-it on every accontit. -the lioti's share in the division of- the men lay, the said Mary ýEliZâb-tfI !IWH Aimait Tempérance Societil wondor thoge b of entering tipo ý tils, content. Anal tLis in Aiment as-much as we dure 'nn'y- And, on ths accenut manY Sangstpýr, te hOld l'ght and evil dis- Se'lior divisiO&W BOY'; Girls Total. Members of the Civil Service, , their clia;rs obi While they are willing to,,Otiok te their tmot ourselves te say. Mr; Holden, tliorouglifàres requiring repair are fre. course with, and te have illicit cartial ............ 29 23 52 The lafayors, Corporations. and offi- amon« them. colourg, tlley net prepffld to be had lie Waited bis Opportunity, might que.ntly overlookeil or altogother ne,-. Jun. Division 28 89 67 Connection witli the said men ; and Average attend.....26 22 48 cers of different citips, among tliein :» that tiie said disiendants by stiell evil Average atteuà, '26 87 68 Mavor Manning, of Torouto, And Ald. always tixliting the Onverument for have stoodt ne a Whitby man, un ex- lected. It is a matter whieli should re. Ila;niltoii, Mayor Martineau of Ottawa, Whitby, junei practices PecurPol the said men te visit 11RNRY Sr. SCHOOL, lucre opposition sake, ýiior to be made Cellent chance for. the Local Legisla- commend itself te the cousideration of the said AIarýv Elizabeth Sangster ;. and anal four Aldermen. 14t Div. (Ifr.Willis's) 2-2 21 45 The Grant] Trunk Band. flic instruments of, undigeriminatlnjz ture, whioh, Iiis prissent oppositiol, te the eou'ndil, whether instend of havinc afier the sait] mien, or Airy of Éliein A""g, 1 . .... .. ..18 17 sr) The Corporation of Montreal, hoaded Te thl Ed:tori strife, in.tionson and ont of sesson, at Mr. Gîbbs,-against *whom lie ha, net a large amoiint of flic appropriations havi- suliciteil and in- Mjst; fiic"kie'r, .. .... 28 41 69 duceil the said Alary Elizabetli.Sanet;ter Average .......... 80 4'i hy acting Mayor Brunet. flic bidding of any met of men. Oppo. now the ghost of à chance-is likoly to frittç'yeil away year alter year, if would foi ],,Id liglit anal evil dliscourae with MisaI Fm-ier's.. .34 90 SC. Afiiirew's Society, St. Geoil lients as Weil as frIencla express Confi- de.stroy for ever. net bc botter and more econotuical te th, ni. and-fô have qolicited and înluced Averaro, ............ 44 DFAr. Sin douce in Mr. Gibbs persoinalh and Aïd employ a compotêtit street iu;tpeetni- the said Marýv Elizabeth SanePter Miss I;orroviiian'ii..73 38 ili B. Battery Band. Y? have illicit edýiial connection with file The Funeral Car. claiq flot afrai4 or ashamed of the aimisgion. Lines on Canada. who wofflil ]lave the oversiglit of ail JOHS ST. SCI100L. sait] mien or SIIV of them, then an( The pal& bearers-Sir Fi a-icis Hineks, hinfi bocause Il They belleve him to be parsonally a 11"' therêuýon, te býuit and noise abroad Aventge ............ 17 2.5 42 the streetn-who wouid devote. Mr. ..14 29 03 jildge -sicotte, Hou. Mr. Archambault, and woulil stani Btraiglitfoywar-1. loyal and true lionest a. V' bas sent Us solfie Verv crédit- time te the matter, and spend the ainongyst the Dei_,ylile4)r.4 and friends of -Mi.%,ýi Burns ........ 37 22 69 Sir Alex. T. Galt, Lieutenant- Governor npp 'areil te bp gentleman' who Can-be safely telisted. able lines in praise of Canada, com- nionAy ecoincmically whpro it wag flic said Mary Elizabeth Sanzster, anil Average ............ 26 21 47 Ilowland, Sir Narcisse, P. Belleau, I told Iiiin 'of th mencing- Jnilge Mpredith, Hon. Mr. Polette, in relation te th They believe lie in very éligible, and mogt ivalitin* We luiglit theil in finie otl)(,r.< by wliým she was well rpspected, ANDERSON Sr. SCIIOOL. Flin.-Tliomas Ryan, Ilon. A. A. Dorion, propriation mai will , ma * "We truly say there La no land have every Street in th? town placeil that the sai-1 Afary Ellfzabeth San-ster Miss MÉAllan ...... 28 42 70 lie an efficient -Minister. was a womari wlio leil a wicked " 1 Hon. Letellier d*e St. Just, and Ilon prnment, te mi, And wliatever objections there may be Se fair as this our own; in a permanent anal fit condition, anI infaninus corirse of life, and one wtIlni", Average .... .. .. .. 18 1 27 4j J. Ferrif'r. giveri bonusps ta tirgeil against him on tl It le a ires- and chariolied laud, have Aninething to Show for the larze wrs wantina in virtue, and accustomed FUTURE XEPTIVOS. The family of flic deceased baronet was given te til preditectiono, hie Course il, parlia- annual expelicliture made by the Town for nain and lucre te prostitute lier- Moved by Mr. Ormistotf, reconded camp next-Mr. C. Cartier, brother of' Railway Co., in, Thlee lines are very fair; but lis Couiici 1 1 under this hrad. self.,. by Mr. Perry, that the future meetings flic deceaRed ; H. Degrosier, tier, to whicli ment bas been 'marked by se much "11. J." will perceive, we have been Tbo other contits referre.1 sppeifically of the Board bc lield at the higli school J. Desrosier, J. E. Lusignan, nepliews; Yeu will r(ýmem to the partieq wlio were induced "te in the evenins after seven o'clock. B. R. Hubert, Dr. DeRTosier, N. CartiAr, one of the delei modération, gond songé, and concilia- obligetl te maire soute little emenlations Dh.-iýss-Û.-t-IC-Î'NG AND IIILLI'iFRY.-.)fr, Lost on a division-4 yûas, iNfessrs. R. Raymond, J. Cartier, a cousin ; ronto te prprs t] viçit foili! solicit", &c., dctailing flic tioti towards opiOnentR As tc have in thm. Te do Po throuzbout file J. Il. Addisou tiow amiouncoas, amorizqt narnes an'l .111pged acts.-They wire Perry, Orimiston, Grors and Tticker. Maurice Cuvillier, Grand Vicar dtay- iiiiau flic Goveri gaineil ' botli respect and gooli.will on ail whole eleven verses would faite up too the otlfdr.-r attractions of his êstfibli-41- Joliti Courtier, Thomafl Lewis, Pletpr Nays, Nclessrs. MoGillvrav, Cameron, mond, Messrs, V. Fabre, G. Fabre; first qlif-%tion.-; oiles. And 'thon, as te the polîtical mueli of our finie. We iiiiiiii bc glad te ment evoi-.vtliinip in the above lino, Morfon, Thomas Clip-ter and TliorijaF; Campbell and Hain-4. Tlie chairmoin Airs. Lusignan, sister of Sir Ùeorge Farewell was i iR81le ? If nýsy well bc agkecl-What lieur froin, our correspoulrient again. under flic superintendeticp of a first- 110waril, whogé nfti-aeg irppeared on lie gave his cartiii- y t 1 vote witli the na L; anal Cartier, and a sister of the order of trie flic nipethigir a question im filera boitille. the publie te back of the inoilietinent as witiiesses. dûelared the motion test. Holy Redeempr. were appointell. claqs dress-make A motion n'f'ý%fr. Perry to have tLe r, sectired froin on- Alviliberd of the Privy Cotincil and stateil that lie lit divide men of the saine ueîghl)o*urliood 'Mr. Furl CO. Crown Attç)rnpv, tripetiii-es lipreafter liehl nt 7.3a iii the Cabinet of Cando.la-tlie Ëiglit Hon. Sir the public mt-eti Withdrawal of the Pickering Bonus treal, lirof:ectitt,(l. ' M'r. McMillan fof Greeu- into hostile r"ko lit this moment Ry-law. eveniiigs was thpil carried. Je] n A. Macdonald, Hou. P. 'Mitchell, for polit cal purl wood apppared fer* the a Hou. Alexander Campbell, Hon. J. -G. the Goyernment Absolutely noue. The constituency Cit.tNuF Numunit FouRTI,ý,11.%e. Ati. cit-f(-ýnilittitr, ta nd also Mr. II. J. Macilon- PROPOSLD NEW SCIIOOT, SITE. _ Aikins, Hon. Dr. Robitaille, Hon. S. L. Hoitien was his huit baroly recoverofl from the turmoil The - by-law pasqed hy flic township othfýr change is atinonnerd in fil(, pro- ('11. (in flic aliqetice of Mr. AI. C. Cain- Mr. Harn reportel from the commit Tilley, Hon. the Speaker ; the repre- remember tee, i of a general élection, and surly it in Coùnctl of Pickering, and subinitted te ýprietorship of flint utifortnnate coucern, erot), wlin bilai, been retained) by lea%.p tre cri Seliool property, in refèrence te neitlier neoessary lier désirable te figlit the ratepayprs, grnntiigg a bonus tif The II Whitby Gitzeile,*' (if thp Courf. the proposed sitetor a new scli sentative of His Excellency, the Gov.- the charge wol col lionSe the r 1 p 0 Geiieral, Col. Fletcher, A. D. C. ; the aetorin mpli the saine unprofitable battle ovêr the 059,000 te the Ontario & Qnf-l)pe Rail- Mr. Farrýwl in statingr the case, ex. in Plac f that ait Anderson stre t. Lieu tenant-Go vern ont of the Pro vinces, wiio then and HENRY CLÂY, Ja.-This. plainvil that the l)roseentri,.,, waq the Tlie estimated cost of flic building was saine gronail-itumeillatoly agaiu P In way bas been withdrawn. Wc npver trotting '11,11Z 'r, reporteil ai $1800. In reply to Air. or thpilr i Hl colidi -pprésentatives. iiiifl weil-bred Stallion the WifP Of NVM. S - Stf brothpr of thp Tlieir Exe,?Iletjeieg Lieutennnt-Go%,- terms. Tlib sair England, Àt '19 raroly or nevoar the expected if would have carried. The defpirlantR. Thrit the liiislianil hall Perry, it was stateil thrit Miss Andil ernors Caron, of Quebec,ý and Howland, been 'oltl inembi case that> a new Minister in opposed true plan is tbat pointeil ont in these property of IN 1 Ir. James Powell,- wili bc, aorie te the Cuited Statpg, leaillg ]lia, Fou. wanted $3 )0 for half au acre of f Ontario, chipf mournprs. anal their supp at the Ontario bote], Mllitby, evrry ;,rif(I anal family behiud Iiiin ; that ]lis land, the rùal value Of which, it was Who cornes back t'op bis cotiPtituents for cnItimns, the passing of a County by« ' Vhursdav aitertinon dnring th(- wife hall cinrimenceil procepelings for statp(l would bc only $100 au acre. The Exaccut 1 ive Conneils of flic Pro- and %vent far te Il law granting a couuty bonus to both vince.q. ail against the jii approival, fresù after 1 in return et a alimony, and that the obipet of flic de- After some conversation as te the difil- For pedigree, terms, &,c. sec advertise- The Speaker and Members of the and township of geuer4 election. Both sides accept COuntY railwaYs- c fendants waq, by shirwing Plie was a eulty ot'proeiiiiný, a suitable site, the ment anal cards. - l7eport w, of flic nioney te flic position, and bide tiieir Lime for the person of looPe character, te throw lier adoption of the as allowed te, Senate-Hon. Mr. Cliauteau, Messrs. off, anal initke finit an answer te lier ap- stand for the uext meeting. Lemoine and Taylor, clerks, - ârIr. titled, under the and "'i filait goueral rally of the opposing forops Cricket Match-Oshawa vs. Whitby. Grand Celebration anal Literosse plication, ACCOUNTS. The Speaker of the Houj;e'ofCom- ciller dele-Itps Lemoine, sergeaut-at-armit, &c- solutions. I apr -ail the bétter anal stron4er by a little Matel, at Whithy, on Dominion Day, ilornas 1-loward-was flic firt witness, The followilig accoutits were ordered mons--Hon. Mr. Cockbnru, anal Messrs. truth of tliêse sto: noeilftiirectuperatîontc) enablethem te lie A cricket match between tlip, - clubs of Read the programme. called, and after stating his knowledgre ta, We paiil :-L. Allin. $17-25 ; Win. Patrick and Piche ; clerks, sergeant-at- And am reaaly and. unitelli ab the right tiwe, te Oshawa- and Whitby, was pll.ve(l lierp of tlie parties, &c., testified that in a Bryan, $212.87 ; laV. Thompson, $14.- arn'is, &c. ONE OF THE cope mord suecenstully -in the otruggle Ou Saturalay last, and resulteil in a How te go West. ronversation with the défendant, Rob- 25 ; Mrifa. Barnes, 160.16. The Judges - Hou. Chief Justice tri, flic latter raid that the prosecutrix for suproinscall. Might net çanadian, viefory* for Whithy hy Revén wielipts., This is an inquiry w!-.;eli ev(ýry loue liud f'aid tliat slie hall two chances te APPOINTMENT OF HEAD 31ASTER. Duval, and Judges Monk, Badgley, A BLOODY PLFC profit by 80 worthy an exaidpte 7 1ý0 in- 0111,Wl scoreil 36 rues in il 0 Johustoà, Dunkin, Mondelet, and Tor- AN . ý;UIl 'D ONE 'e shotil.] have trilthfully atisveri,(l 1 ga-t ma ' lied. Witniss thercupon re- Perry reported froni the commit- rance. iiouits.-New Yoj sisal that the war of party louait be car- nin!Zg, an'l 57 in the tincOnil iliv, lit, ý;tart;; On, lois j"llrn('ý-, and a little 1 inai-heil that cic-fetieniit would have to tee on school management. It appeur- 1 -;ve fier S400, anal Robert replied tliat pot that in ri-ply to the a(lvprtisemeiit Clergy of the Seminary of St. Sillpice riod (xi uncessingly, anal that ail cqji. Wliitl)y 53 rune in flic fii-Pt inningq, and care tapeil in exontiliation of, matois 1 - and Revs. Dr. Bancroft and Air. Fortin tu 0 lie %votild ýive $290 to start them. for head inaster aq many as 18 applica- siiiloratiotis of duty and intereet, anal -41 in the second, witli orily three will in inany Cases save murli trouble, i ing lier instfintly, 1 lit by Mi-. Mc,ý%iii_ tions hail heen rereivel Out of these gool oitzenship mnýt be disillegarded, wickets down. The following is flic time and monoy. lai), witlic-çs -atliiiittetl that the Imatter four. posqegsiag flic highest qaialifica- Menibers of flic Rouse. Dominion bY street, last in and olive W&Y te a spirit of mère parti- The Cllica,ý,(), Lurlington & Quilicy liait beên talked about in the uei, libor. tiens and hebi were and Local-Messrs. D. Masson, AfP. lici said, Il stabl bond ; tliat lie hall heard others sppak st'l"cteil. They were, Messrs. Robinson (Soulang P0,), aud J. P. Lanthier, M. P.; -colla] not live wi za.ughip fa net the courgé that unsolfigh 10T INININGS. 2ND Railroail lias achieveil a spleniliil repli- about it before lie Ppoke te the defend- Turtibull, Tytier anal Jameson. Fron Senator Girard ; Messrs. Oliver, T. Duriug a ilrunk pakriotiom. would dictate. Snell a tation in thi, Inst thrpe y(ýa)-s as the alit Robert, anal th;It file ilote the Wood, J. Simpson, Jolin Fraser, Lemo. "EasV Houston Osier, BOW164 nain, 7 Ijl(l Nourse, 22 niant, the testinionials which were rea.1, me course canijot commend ititelf te gener- rotirtnov, rail ont .9 )Id Ha in, 1 leadinz Paqsenger Route in fil(. wl Geoige, vois lifit prpsent ai ait during acquirements and reelëammendations of , Beaubien, J. G. Robertson, G. night, Edward ous min(loland murit havo'tbe effect of RH ',.rd"in' 1 , ar ing at Chicago or Ileoria, il ]-lins Ille conversation. bld Blatheson. 7 1 li %al Mal Non'-t;o 4 ç-t Brvscan ; Gibbs, Ni. P. for South On- pli'n"ed te the hil ,, t Fu;.tll(-,., tbat lie tliosp tour gentlemen apprarM te bc , et 14.RFtvbltl Main 0 bld H'tin. tarin, Dr J. S. Brialiatii, Ni. P.,P., brrast of James 1) detacliingfromthe ranksofthe party Archer, bld Matileson, 4 blit Nouraip, 2 direct throulgh Sontlierri Iowa fin(] lookeil upon the wliole matter as a ineri about tipoti an equal footiiil--all were M 28. Dufýy threw u Jones, bhl Ral . ù HiLln ft 13rouse, W. H. Webb, M.P., Richmond favoring It tqe more thoughtfül and best Gibbs, rua ont, 1 lbwt)IdMaiheson ô Nebraska Jokû ; that he saw lie harin in it, anal of the Ilighegt character, and, as wils , witli eluale connect:ons te il the story te, lstated, in securing any of t teint flic & Wolfe, 1 * Geni'ron, Al. P., Bagoi, ; J. pal 'II am dette 1 Norrisonlald b1athusoii, 2 riin Ont 6 flint the partiés i ' I judging portion ofitomembers. Beyond Gower, bld Matliescii, 0 blýl -Noýrsv,, 0 California anal the Tvrritories. If IF; ilie prosectitrix were makin-,, a fuý1 of Board coulai not make a bail choi Dai-le ALP., Vc»rclierr(»s ; Joliu Pou l'lie iiiurderer esci Bescobv, net out, ii lint caut, 4 i 1 Ïl- P-- thetaking aides witli the Ins or the Otite, Rico, bla Ham. 5 Lait! uani, also the Short line and best lille to The eljaii-.A ni n tllel-î% in rAiL]lv nnil6ino #- -ail -1,-6 u- 11--- 1 1 ý 1 ý - -- - -V- - ýrbM paymeut, or the e4,,debemtuzffl.,ýam Mt t ere % er Y.. âââ; -R an( m. reniciobe Nay na àipbell-"ýst_ b Wu r"v&L -hî, 5; "dom makO arrankementâ for -Ué p' g ù, the jjajj _9 - ý - way»]3jr.liw. On motion of3fr- Campbel]G',,BeýL-9 nd. ed by Mr, Büj;ýroughs, it ýw" - Ùký01ved that the rPevè-bà_ and >io here Ly autbor. the 119- mnet for. the once iéir reepective ùluuieffvî?éýjpljv Nie 1, forqrOur . ed Mrs. wheelez indigent, #8,26; Cbas>.- A. Allçrns, fol goodafurnil.qhed, George Switzer, !Ïlai. gentý 88; 'aiâo for goodu ýfUriibd Ethnuud, Bailey,44a alra; for 'goode fnrni-ýhed Aaron WEânam #1j60ý, N. PhiPpeil, funeral expenses "of the 'JaU Thog. Kelly 'nEgentý #8; L Dr, - Da»agý for medical attendance upon.the late rhon.. Kelly indigent, 82 50; igmee Powell for boar&atyd lodgilag 'to Rc ber 1 t HeLennan, blind man, indigent, $1 25; Robert MeLeniran, blind indigent, the 4urn of $20. On motion of Mr. MeTaggart flec- mded by Mr. Camphc il, it was r,.goiv- 'a tbat the 4!eeve notify the Port Whit- )y and Bort Perry Pai1way Company ng ýo ýaý_ýIl -Put theïr crpssings in ord-r acCord- %na 11190 to fix Queèii Street ri lie V1jjý e of Brenklin, aeeairding to C Proýiýious of the by-law, anf-s»g On motion. of?ýIr. Holliday, f;petjded iy Mr. lfeTaggart, it was regalveil that, lie reeTe 4 inqtructed to get the bilif of, hý' late S. IL Cochrane tamed in the, uit of Tome vs. Whitby townqliip. On motion ofmr. Btirrouglis"second- a by Mr. Hollidav, it was resoled ýlattllerëêvegrant*hig*orclerin favor f John _Q'Day for $5, for rent of bouse ceupleil by Edmund Bailey, au inoig- nt. ý on ziotion of Mr. î by Mr. Hollidav, it was resolv,.d Îat ille Clerk W aÏtlinrized -to l1otijýr le athinastfr on road. division 81 to M0ve all obf4ructionR on road allow- reps in big road division. The, conneil adjourned. NYSTERIOUS UnRDEns.- The recpnt ve î lations in ý regard to the rijurdtrà minitted'hy the'Beiîder fhmily, in iLlisas, will probably recail to the inds of Borne of the oliler citizenR of iarleston a sýriar series of murders Rt occurred rieur this City about fifty arx ago. In iliat flay travellers ilid ýý enjofthe facilitie- of railroad tranR_ rtatiOn, anil in cousequence there !re imany little iuns iteattered . aloùg à Public bigliwa-vs. Such au inn was Pt a fow miles from Charleston. It ýs kept by a man and iiis wire Who ,re acconýtpd to -be very honest_ arra,' tllttl.'VeryproWperolis&perFýons. Their StlerY_ Wès convenient to the tmreil- Pllb]Îe. and therefore popular. èassionally a traveller would suaden- (lif4appi-ar in a very lnyi;terions and acccUntable manner, but no, suppi- ini; attached fo- the hospitàble jun- ýpcir and his-wife. Yattèrs wtInt on thus for forne time irlysteribus disappparance méan- Àle. becoming more and - more fre- ent. Fathert;, Fous, and ý brothers ýýniz to or from Charlestonwould sud- jýy bs; missing, and no-pofiffilé clue Lhéir whereabouts coula he obtaintd. hlic excitement, as rnay bé &uppnged, q wrouzlit UP to the highept pitch, il finally tfiere Carne a i.qudden and Tible solution to thp mystery. )ne 'nijzbt-ro tradition saith -a ited traveller où bis. way to Char- on "D id at the inn. Sittinz at ire. in the bgri sippine hW tocilly, idèleulv coenrre(l- ý0 him that the on's of. the host and hostess wore ýe*hùtpeenliar. Thi-,Iate<of other ,ellen in. that spetion probably marie qenfre of danger More Allan usually ýe, and 11A TPL;01,vptl to lie pliarply on 91,1rt- 'He was Fbown to his room lié obliffinz boat, and when the 9 of the lutter died- away on the ,, he madêa Careful imrpection of le rnrronnclin_&s. e diRceverril amon g other 1 fliing-8 the bed ý uron whieli he w9r ý x- Pa to RIPAP was ingeniously fttpd licles ' go thâ it coilid be lowered Palle to the gratind 'ficar benes'th. 150911 1 Tiiey are ready té accept their It woulil rppear tÏi-a-t mortvii (a witnesq) lie had loft ûk y 1, inellidifig a large stock wjijie îwureeatilirseoofuùuirenortelles wore dis- cul " 1 Laborc V11sý ai; Cver. country. pli&ycd' aloibig the gal front of it- The tura atvmqnlaeis-etroof over two acres of property catafai Ilery fronts ano- tien of the pagsarsgtat tn tlie Dominion, tli pries tomorrow. â4ould commenta in the conuty towil of îgfortunes never arrivé ozily in rJ11111. Josi, fli Long=rworn and exatnined. f tituber and cordwood. 1?Or "ne py the jeté ]3aronet*i; monoq Outario. -Slie will bc assisteil by lier in ^ rem, while lineB run et inueli Never ilfatl deféliciants mak-c ailly pro- ficara were entertained for the Commer- on its riglit haud side was the inscrip. the Allau Iàtie, an( As we làave4h-eady said, the, differ- husband, (Mr. Case) whose unrivalled swaller spécimen of this disgusting allil bizs, for accompanying the bugs is a proiiition te get lier marrieil or waniing cial Hotf 1. the Dominion Bank, and the tion Il A Disinterested Man," * in Do ng. nient-with the Doi once politicall . amouuts to nothing. instrumental -pdrforinaucé upon te got lier married. Uparil parties stores of Messrs- KYle, M4111, ýMOOI'eY liJih -and rrencli, and in front were the -tlley will carry as 'Y the destructive seinu to be bothering and laughing aud jokin-,, a- and others, which wore ouly save& by %vords é&A Sillepre Man.- Surrounding, There are au good Refcrmer#ýMen-àf piano, violin and coucertina, add ne tbe Matt Ovet 8 years of age, actively engaged in éatim, out or, and heard that Éobert the great exertions of the villagers, flic eý-go the catafalque were wreaths, one being « 1 te 8, soutid liberal sentiments-amongst the vory mach te his iaix wife's eutertaiti- M liaà said that liii'd give 0200 if alie'd Tho losers by the fire are Mr. Plauk, det.icated te Pacli Provin'- do. do, of the former ; thousands of caterpillais ce- OPPOrlite Under 1 do. do. supportera 'of Mr. Gibbs au are te lit- Mental et married, or if any 1)ody would Mar- WhO@e lieuse was valued u 10,000, and the front of the catafalque "" a Frein these rat,-o,,ki have aléo made their appearance, aud go vue fontid In the* ranks of the mont ad- ry hEýr. Cotiner told him' (witness) ho, Aierl;r2y. Bolster, 13uttoii,,Boll and statue of Jacquils Cartier bearing the fand Bontwol#o -foi vanced. party men ut, the other Üde. Tux Scims oF HzALTH fer JU4V ig 9 " 1 , niumy are strippirg the trucs of their foliagge, fiail heard l1obert say ht-.'d give 0200, et two others, whose naines we COU,,, foll Win- mette *11 live agai i unecannotwalkonthe roans witliont Prosecutrix luputioned that shed Malte net ascertain. Wlie village bas no en- descendan0 Ou opposite Bide was portiouate sum for t] Practical, eennomical leizielati'ô>n On- the first of if& second ypar. It is a most Over file twe or t'ire, tIE)U.Raiid' dollars out of the glue, aithough the ratwpayers petition- Migrants ci c'r t killing tIjeniý as tliey are ait a marble fanerai, urn, boliind which' of age; by these two Liues a pralotiÇal work is what ý the country pmetîéal and ugeful magazine il 0 e ground ; gratis are numerous and their cure, and tltat'she lied botter go for a ed fur one some time. âgé. again was a xplendid. sifk'bannéir, inado Over 8 years of age, neédo. Tho whole Dominion ii tuisk- te the, bout interests of the people. This voracity îs proportioneil te flic inet,,e- large amonat- ýAt a Meeting of the ratepayers bold fer the occasion and bearing ap ropri- ing raelilstrii'.eo , forwaril in itu great would bc a, new world of cure, in lis wliie4eortainl isalarmingbeanspease, Mrs. Mary Elizabet r t e racent fire et Ux- ate *doviceaï ail -of w in, y 1 li Saugster, the flic day afte fi lotit 1 to,8 ao. du. and prouccil trix, swora. qud, examined-Had bn*flge, it was re-solved te reconimend ri rench intl--L- ngliaL Under 1 do. do. try In the &-ýoîAa1JIe causes of eabbage-plauts, corn, potatoei, and ail prosperous carcer , Our cool) connitiono, if M e Municipal conneil tn satinait a by-- Mgr. Fabre, brother-in-law or the de- The fers 4,the Allai Otliersi a% green crops zu&i- éliko fro _tlieir board, flic ý charges about lier. getting th favoured in a remaruable dýg"eý with diiicàso'were undergtood Sy ieil - p Creuseil ý fiàn2 £4 5 attaeke. mari lier té a' grent duel law for the sain of 48,W0 te be'apflied cëagéd, officiateil at the service. ail the blesoingg-material' an4 other. the'y Muet berby the rearlem of Il Thc« of trou6je. . Hwi net hilard froffi hi-r in plirchaffing a force pizLop, mnd 1 "OmrÙl Vicar Careau,,ofQu,ýbec, was front $21 te $23-40 P wioe--*hioh a free people ý could désire. Science of Healtb." The July number COtFrrU8e-e-4 Te TUF ROXAN CATHOLIC JJIIsiPau4l BinCea Yc-tr ]ARt 'March. cengini,», aud boue sufficient te work the also présent nt higli maso, as Weil The application o The laws are justly adniitùatered, and cow, %las The Physic'al dopds of a baby Cauecn. - Thp Rov. lYm. Mazivrc Ele lied loft lier with five children, and saine efficiently, the Ilose and engine Bioliop.Rgrati, of Ringaton. The or. Bonus, i1raid of the 1 b Braily D.D., foi-Merly ébaplain te flic lind ý1«é ta the States. -Rer humbaud te bc purchaised immediately. -an was useil and supplemented by the the Immigrant, is a thé people havé t4 Wgus of ROVern-ý you .ýcat-iooud P Ruloa f0ý ath' léord.Lit-utonàtit, and latefy'iector of and 1119 brOthér Robert aires full chorng of over 200 traineil voicem. ilirvet;ou ; it is - wan ment in thoir own bande. , Ut ux Test ing ; Constipation and îto curé.; Soiýuc" I)onàglàliatrick, Countl Meath sud, a of land lietween. theln. hIllilerûlhyl>;band Aecou-it%' of file insulta -OiTéred te the Aside fËoM this the service wag Of ffie oreler te enable Élie Il oontented with the suboitantial good wu and Tèlmpera(îéeý;ýJffc,%V te Make, "u relative of the- late bril 'Chancellor Boltl ont to Robert. and tlioy'got lier te 'Lord-Iiieut-euine of Ireland atiti the liguai, Lind, there being no, i;eriuon thii conntiT tllot"uqf I'apa Whioh it Woujà Diady, bas been rèceiled intwo the assign her.tlowt r. ý Coli ue te Ur ýÈoufitet;s Spencer au thpir ceremonial -Paclieà or funeral oratiun pronuune- te him tljree months Posseu be fooligh folkâ; fat; Graham b;f" ; How in cook tifir oaf pi ed here, perliaps to el Romau datholic Chuyéh'by MotiHignýir', bouse and bad.tàlkeil vory iudpevëtly ývieit to Limerick, are now declareti te üd. --t'ô; ndgwt or Miter &WAY, for flic an. green peas, new niul-Oldt potatoes, ail. Kir -P > for thé States or r by, of the Irialt College, Romc. to hier, Hé attiýnýpt-., to tAke liold of 1 hâve lioën greatly xaggerated.' The At, ihe close of flic fanerai service. the, substantial shag'ow of barren party poil pies, etc.: iiiseugod ljvýer; Tlirec theor- lur and she r.-puiýed hini, afid lie liad hoisfing of a htack flag wam, of course, procession re-formed andglowJyzparell. 8.911M. l". Whou the dm comes for 'ies of diseàse; Wowan's died On not Ipele'n nt fil- the houi;P Flince. OrOirge t1je iiet"of some Ferjiaii ; and if apppurs id down st, Jamf-a-iit., thim bande plnY- fortber lègiolàtiou ýé0 future, MeRiurea Making a Most Vallin ble numtwil, -, 1 t i, Silturitav ev-mipimr, alter ail ilinusti of a carrie to thp lic,11yé one ov.-n to hitve bpilJi etif iijoinentary. floiv- ing appropriate ai n.. It pafiseil The ýfouiý 9Ates au M -çilpriuýncethathillwifi -1 , v W,ýl1-A (if bub'W' 'wheu furtlier piiblioihçd a,. 62 a year, tiad lis offrý4,-i :ýi:s.very muçli rc-opet,,ted and witz I111iý i A-- É-W we;kr, TLý apceuseil gentiein, ý 9, 9 wa. 4'r, it ié4 gaid tlieit tite NaYor Las; re- Viewria ý,qa"RrA J.A 1ýe-- U.11 alieratioui, la MW aonbgtptinp are re. on trW ailr - 41 A, BAGFI)Y.-Nashun. N. H., june I EnciFton, ITenry Jeweft, t*pnty 'arfi of nze, bas been e4dea'vour- fofte his suit witl, blitis"Lf lis flauý,liter of Charles Wom, jn fion îô Mr.. Wood end hprdgingli- Ilis tuOrniuiz JPwott visited Mis, Pulled frnm ]lis roëliet a r"ol- 1 ered et ber. The bal] ebtëred 'elleail, and, lodged under the -7' It is hOPed that the 'woùnd 'la rtal. Jewett tlwn pfwjýpa froin 'se tO tile vard where be. niet )Ofl and eliàeavourLia, ta aRsass- im- the throat, warsiiij'g off the alm )istoL jewett theU P'[ltý thëpm. iaowné,,r alÏd'dischùkèd it, 1 entering hiz bead and-, caufring d that must 'PrOve- fataL The ouf; are that it was- JPwë#,sili. t'O murder the entire famlly., ;IrAnON OF CANON rket, June 17th.-.& déneý Uif'MbërN ýýnd Paul's chûreh wap, IeLi this 'in the YfAtr I;tatod ýîbà 'be hod teý&rrd ,pat of thé CLU?èh. eife, sr PrE, follril- triurof rf a in ILpir 1 cet

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