Que wnr te Te aveftlà î npla7 ,f~hlle hpped oit New Orleansm il m7Y d 11A 2ee iI. 'aand on*ol$ notice. W 'j -8fl8gwoed that bis t1ine was out, and on 'bhQM oa draw attention te ou reaceoCndi1Tedsn Oth 1'. , , -Ofiste flit o ~t4 ii. helarze. I in- PeroI Weten Ito v yst6k " h' ée lot 0týnew TtAS IA41 forumeilhim eat sodnR tat hé.lsP Of*A, iewnt oniu od d N notice--tha b arinîrlAND LIQIJORS..; hioodibhar6 ws'rceied.Re dit6r"cf one Of Our 4chances atlvises laughed et me, r4sd dLie would 1 ke lodm readers te l"p1ant peas in te ne litby, Aprl Otb, -i873. toue mae imake lin work alter hiet ime cfthe io ocn." W. ai vise eus- veà dérà ___________________ wam ont.toP ppher eau inl the o0qu< 1 observelthat quite a numbo ftlOie 14weisyTeNhjl ciwhn floe yualokers te is èdylatwe, ooheN8v l Iua dcc, Of dis. ire-roozzi; and, (rom tlih Re -ublwiauad individ f ,' rthseN .U B E R what lid tr~ummuw-ied ?'-ý-.'Ye%2 .Il, 1, Igel moiied etit,'hle seid, uer *c>famag adae nud 1D0w --0l vculy. 'Nearly liaiftIhe cs-ew have re. my eei;gones-un' away and Ieft me, te be patd off, nd et on shos-e. They ff. '~ ______ have net1 yot pokon witb Mo, but 1 e%- A Cce'9ý*.-A radesman, a day pset, them oves-y moment.. or lwo sitoced emsitlIng in aliarbcrs R f1 A J R 'nl~a pndbsn Wlile Weèrp cunvesing, the offices- lcp, nnaergclnjMmre tonsoriolopera. ]RIC AR FANCIS3Ât Nao. pwee&bie lcia -f etti dock carne inte thse cabin and 4u. lieu, wlîen bis partirezlu businéras ilwdaûslchceudfsi formed thie Captais tisaI aanumber cfmopd u.-ed qiiîyreuserliedy,- iifdasuuihocsdfe the cr'ew bail nmmeibled l ineh gang. '13rown, our place i8 on lire-.' 'Well let .- rrfî -- way, ani domanded ta ce hiom. >He il bnrn.Aî'* îipuremi-'Ye,[ j no,' ;L rose, buehledl on bii. mword, sud wpnt but itwili aako iV prêtty worm ls-e. eut. In tlb. staîriîcard gangway wes-e and I tîmuglil I'.l juat drop ii and tell 0f ail kinds, and of the best quality. Also, Wines, B: âbouct fÃ"lsy Of thle rueli, lîeaded by a you about il; I didn't kuow but wls dies, atnd other Spiritous Liquors, Ale aud Porter,&&c, Whclosa. Joiott; lburfy, dmrk visagçd feiicw, naluei yo wu Slk eohe OlI ldplace Hetail. 23Lei. o y. bl7 im Lac1 oa '.'3wk 1 ia minut! or lwe, ' " leg. As tie Cmptmin approaclîed, dois i. f111 -0 lel illimllrîtinxmej, sud IOKRlD UL~S V R mitu tepped ffrwarm,-and mid ho bam il g ~sSci' bee, ceso tempek fr loncmpa ber,,.il. wen emî locak for lo ouipanmm ý À Lonfdon poper, -in recountiug a Selling a.t lesse than (Ãost i order to -make a clearanc4 iîre w neirlcituereusood IbIs deiatb, ay:, "Tîme doceas;ed lady diqml what je lcft by the Jate. lire, aud make reom, for new stock. Ples. bmiéueei; bt fuetlisetehs cfenlaI uddely,'rsititmedlcal iassistance, 014 Ne. l1-the corner store ilueif. iment cf forly-twc cf dfluenbuldex- 'il cr a elt. e<i ilo t e' Field sud Gardon Seeds. pisadsu t ey esredte . oid~,medical assistance is hardly complî. aui eat n abus-e. teýpid07 mntary. B. F1ÉANOI Now the faoocf thn case w'ese tise.: Thme etisr day o town crier took ini Y y 88 -Thé eMs-usfcr whichi tlmeme mîrn bail charge a.lest'chlil, and lroeeded lt __________________________________ ogea iyebuliat paix led on i î joint Ur-ts parents. 0O1 boing aaked- èbybutthe aptin"ha kown hatbyà là dy w fat tire malter was, lie s-e- *i4ý coulmi ucl b. poie cff aud discharg. pisd, IIlere's an orpison cîmilul, ru'am, ed et promeut,;ÉInd hliele ersai <ly. o m ' trying te fiud its parenuts.* ~ Aaa befere pclen witlî llem cn the. sul'ject. 'Did -oe ot ï iiaybl J H - 8 O At lîrat lime thbldnet approliended i ed a'is oves- ee t a iit fase-l2' J u . M i> D @ O i . elutger, sud lied «reed te s"îfmi nioke ipngYne ancavîr tie u e .preperly disebss-ed.- un cf Jackson', earmy of '15.-*No, nxy tley ia apeeltsI setwuld dear,' gs-ewled the uld soldic.r, 'in fliose le4 otI botteswayat lb. iand clefen. ad<laaI hon o mtili? tsbi oate ni e; cou of Vicksburg, and lisat commodovr, ofif. t' 7etliiikCi tek mTk Porter weuld resI sately iuntie river of'EXTAq IV C M N T until thie way was cleas-. Tliey lied no TAKxi!<a M:eu If sixtieen. tliorglît dittrI lb.Cemnilore wonid dmi-om nke Oeue mc, iow tnauy will tentus-e beneolli fIe frowniug batteries. detroy al mscruples -- -00 -!ý Pnow tie premipeel Waxchengee.-. Agnjmnh;ugtl odald ne wcre le sun theo battes-ies, and Ilium tAtgliensfut oun i in oadiailaofy.0 W O E N 1 -NG, e enter a fid below wlîes-ethes-e would blItlady lie w em a t boum miatie onet y O P lE1 i b.e ura f0 lié Wormn worlc-feîs- lera le iesi lad grepim luaeie opm was lglmtiug te l'e loue wîîeu we o nm is mcin o uIcgs geI once clous- uf Vicksburg. Thos. men Tie naval choplain wlîo s-ciarkid Severi] cnses of the mnost fmslionable aud desirabde were cowarcls, lisatit depcnded o thlIme 'lo' wiietlmir Dress Gouclm<inii uolemrs amndi Oitaeat unbeord .If 7ii1A Caploin soie te hhr tfrtli floating ciapel wos Iligli or Low- i vos-y mcdos-afely. Ho explained te tbem chus-ch, uiglut very wl lihave adil wlal were lime rulea cf wur. He told tisat it clcpended aIse, in, soine measurè, Mi C)(D ST E1 ?j I C mi 8s fleuithaI liemaoese expiration et a giv. lunwlîo 'Sc' il liappenedelto bi.. ounlii. weuld net absolve an enlisted The yeung lady wlme was sohiteil by Grcat barg:tins in Encyihsh and Canadian clnths, Cot- insu b Mis aliegiauce. Anvy open tise lamdsome sheemakor on- a fitting toilîq, %Voolieîîs. Spring ShaîwIs, bosiery/, gloves, hbat§ ) tus-e tlmiuy wsVo s-oguai isore<bu e'ppos-luuity, preseuts lier complliuimcîtï dic g teous, ond begs to express lier regret and c:mips, atid.getîci-al liuusekeepîîîg dry goods. *erlml lbe mutiny; aud if suilmutiny that, i lu telcîlîce cf theu anges- cf eteclniqntble queiled. thex eficieucy of lier tatiies-,il was lier- iusl andmlcri- n E'IIG A GESO K0 tl e serirde woffid lie deist.royeml. 'Then jynoto h a. JUST R CIIG 'L R ESO KO hai appeaèleri te tieir patriotismn. Wouîdjommtcliedy tlîoy bock out aud mueek away jusI as A TiiUGT urîT F11ÀATcl'Eni-A ;mnu an opportirnity wae offered te face tihe may l ie lit linîhae be-en likirig &ES T FRESI FilA'IL Y 'ROCEJIES / ieoxy? lîkc o flali wlxîn lie indielIri lie liais -The nien trênil bis appc'oi witli tau IIO 4 c imor akO Ili$ hcailswinm. seoru, (sumwre tise7 would -1o 110 1HIL v- nVEgTRLiNsD-..igs Heu. At- lue Populmur Dr-y <Joods iti Groçery Establish. duty. bn i ilwam plain te li eoci thatia, l"os-ýtlrr, wlmcu us te-sy ccrrect, ivas Mt-ut on(ti door s'outlu of' the Ontario Banxk. tlîoy munat whal fley zaitI. Tlmny oves-lînicril aItishe Aeadeiumy to sfty dIma; w es-a d espe so c Im es- a r, a n d fu ll ' m ie tlîcu g îlt I 14 -ÃŽ g tlj h orSî er' aJ . A D S N boîaveeld flic-eewam rnot eneugi mr Ilprprtilfr ictig e a owes- ou boarde te oves-corne tlom. As cllipee ilets xeue hâmve solel, lui-y ccnstitmiteui nearîy Net long ogo o acuîi!niircf'velutnteers hty Aprili 22îîd- 1873. 17 baîf tiae cs-cw, sud we knèw fluaIflic wax puiblicly pre-s-m-tiwith a lband- allier liait coulel net be depeudeel upon sfOme ,ewci-d.Ile bc,-an Lii srepy luxe: te resut îlîorn witi as-ms. -Ladies and g-utlinen, tîîis sword iii Vliâly~, Uic Ceptla l emli hu te îîm-1enmlcclloy cf nuy exist-ece ' _________________________________________ woligo sud $CAi floue commodore, andm A Clicugcclmap, îmiivetisc-p for "steady oxploi ire mterniat-s-i hm : andel l.mvn nirls î îî .-n- .'lon." fl weul iùs-wrde, sweiuus-ig lhnot îty wouîc ir h i mc-lp omiineowns A fllu'oolw, CARINB AGOELO ANDIVCUTTERS'", never relus-n le duty, lot comn at lumî lc mt h ilelP Im Wr, pirltcomAfI would.- dolitt oaean< owîîgrst lnîu ftie Captoiu's boat wa resmly, d f li a uked mne to secompuny him, as flic The te'mipnhea otipe inis as-e cis- rs ad e rn ,t ioni. o f n ut i y lid b e e n u g s e d w it liA ru f, r, ~ P L l a c . t o J .. o ' J doe ug stkngdown te dinrs antI lit- fonxcnss, and iaus a weakness tus- inixod lnvited us leý juin hiMh; sud wliile- drinks.:0 ns-cl was in, progres. flua Captain telel A Imon eut West wim ertad fluat misy fis tos-y. Port-s- listenel vM n'r fcn. copperits pnt in a bied cf oants eil îivnly, su'î et ifs conclusion lie saidl. cuse tîmenn tt bat", port morne juicu ls SIPLENDIDLY FIISHED witIu sain, 'AIl rigîmI, CoIaiun. I inoîlie-ir law's lutotise-p if alue wouîl gue-ma fluese won'il îe muclu tromîble. I ro go. He sty.1 cime was tl.erc unt Iust Dl wilcrn nbar uig n f er- Cil (JESI BUGGIES, ilND CUTTER$ 9 enuantI mca if 1 con stsaig'iten tiiuga u tfor y ou.' Sîoulil 1 licc-c-eli an lest t' After lois lhe Commodoe-tus-ncd fine relaied thée lips-eocfa melmîurma as -OF0 E M'Y SUI>ERIOI? IVORltJANSIP. couvûr-maUen upon cîliersubj'cîm ; sud lirn coteealn-cl Iiniseýlfinlua cloeel cnu tie vilei we lied esten sud smoked ons- lt'.-'Simouicl ion l'e diseov-rL5 ,yen BUGGIES, & SLEIGHS-1 REPAIRS AS iICmAL pipes, w. relus-nee lee, us-vemel. wfil ble foumult' ws t lic anuicîmtlent of a z-. Aund Commodore Portes- vas net foias- ag n lime galles-y. -WlILrY ""v 1221ld, 18l70. boblnd us. At lwe u'cock lue canne on A vimal)oencl, een-iug flic motte, 'Oit- lieas-d, acempauied, by 'a lieutenant pes-înity moka thelîc lfsaid, 'net ai- au 1 tWentmarine*- 1%- 4401 iaou eiies. v- u1nunsuenu, tes-ly on lioed gene llic tos-ecosmif); mad thit-eIhe.y aiceul, (log. A Parstan lmuly mit wý.ekl, Iuvlug ged fl (l e terunied-at louati ualesoex p.s-glogse, was iarne-nmnn cicr tloy tiIel le aPPear, thouigli il 'WMtire maltes- vi-hILli a ts-ieuîd, asid am41sli veryevienttha so Il uenn visSe-elladonly lotcly 1lest lier lnuusand alie. - - 0 n s thyWrsfl ut of th~e sorape, tes- Il noves- reins but il pouss. les-e Wa mu e otisem lunflue looki A Son F roncico newspaper saîîîe.it of lime n'ugle-eyad chiet. tlîoY catch caînien'iicîw-usl On-iEI.CI[ -x IO IEJI Tise Comuxodoecausee tise Marinestwc Iunnred fTbiununds ipioce lunflue B Il 'y B OTLLJJ te lie drevu up ac-oms tise vaisI, fgaing etftien Franicisec1, H n l dulis10tev- les-word ; andI vien thimbharl Ieon donc; Vwr-im ei ut cf liaI bty? ' l'uikc nlsîure ln*an-ucgtmtteyaerciiî hi lired OaserdsthégauwltIs-al ACifes-u la apes-onucea fthtUS suppîy of an-hers' I inplemerîts, "pades, ShovelsFrs tuuemNow ars.le I mtuhneer - fis-e i a is-man lu tluum State ielai ikeHe pFrs 'Nov nu. mcx, ven ye le -tIs-n107 ycas- elil, and admis, 'Hes- pusentF uks lc ~. le yens-dnly, Tîsmë o e - willin. coin Point te lies- witi priclo as a rope n le do 0 ft. Marines, attenton 1i ef lhi iuecess in 1raisiug'ohlîdreu.R CT F O E G A D Ready 1 Mm 1A1,e Dok aps-,Rds s fa Tsuc- o dubl ad ar el btgnssho Thue marines-s cocliei iner(ifs nl, Àtew orktepefa te lletsfimi la ol rifles and faouripouchess- - brongzlitl Iuetnutetheis-mhnulth ie t oesofutheîr. j" o ek-gpt tiea iy lime po6vd doblespuandsencIrbaefo htgns ho inaseseen--lg is doucl.bdmle wulw f s- Jut, e ilia-4ytlm. - sd ere the ise; splendid value. lsuon Ii o-cal.Mate ienro- e-w uni mproremi plan. - vas e tItan runniinîg tire batteries A. batte-rî iispleiaiit-muio.'ii n NowîvYcs-l; ai e-sies blt} VickcgbUsg. "Watts outnl und' te utf re-at liorî t. r.rd~i h -.wI it mraokc tLook ye,' mns-siema the Comunmte>re an e, but vîmol'e onfu e icad-i-ot)grs n heCu',rtrv'builciiîu c-ili. n ds-sing outit vwatei, é vil gvy ~ le- aelmsvsi oe slocks, WIcles, butta, liuigmueut nails, complet.e5asuusi.AiegennExgil lW ui ibis-IYss'couidm lshfis-s woill iihattiuuud t homeby amy fricumi. apit1ospuy gs,&. 140W, report for duty, or sts he re fwer ltfo ts yor r I y D we ouý fi. -rs ofor-hofé!trolein found J A R MSTI<ONGflLSTOVES, smooth 'castinigs,slnddba- y~argi'A. era,Ëuy"n iei Iulg As unehe uec'sudL-ia ffrrýs- sb detl.L s as lcaviug lime saulli siore- on>N me-I neslaymorulng, o map, lu endéav of" net Y eop sboard, feuli elveesu n r- okanhe Phcii bdip'a a n»inta fit of-, epetn' a fuli snpply of Childean's Cab)s iu a few 'y- Coal Dil, jamPs, diiniaeDys, &ce, at tle «fl.oted ho os SIGN 0F1 ,R O -C" K-IWC ai Ol The- subscriber keep entty- on utomursHAND, A LA G -A ORr E T 0 Consisting -ofDr wn Ro m Prlr L>inug ou',and Bcd Rooni Sets, of differejît paiterîns, car- ved aud plain, and fancy painted ; Sofas, (icuches, RBureuuts *4ideboards. Centre and Dinîng extensiou Tables.' Wardroles l3eadsteîîds, What-.Nots, e4 aswhîtands, -Dressing- Tables, Hitir- cloth. aîid (Caoe.çemitsed Chairs, Arm Chuaitrs, arnd -b huldreits . hmirs- of difiereixi styles, Looking ;iasses, Spring Muttu-amss. teic'înre Frames, &c- A stock much superiur to that of any uther retail house in the tiade. Ris large experience enables him to warr-antî al i b sock Ielug of the L'est materuol and workman. ibip, and mort tasteful design. 41 Funerals fully supplied.--Rose.. wood Câskets -kpleud1d New hearse. 013-= Agent for the sale of Sewing Machines, and.C.biulet Organe, of superior mimautacture.- .Call sud exbmiue hisîinnse stock. Prices euhl furtheî t-educed. Whitby, April 2, 1878. THE IDISCOTEL S*--T-- ITaving décided to visit the EnropeaR Mnrkets, 1 will'iron& atesl u h arsn gok f Jeweflery, Eancy Gccde, and Electro-plate Discount of 10 per cent off Presen.t Prx&,s. j GOLD AND SILVEIR WATIRESbat, Toothi At verv low prices., Raving pers,-nz~lly examined --ach watch I eau confidently guarantee atL"fctorv performance, and quality alec. Childrens' Carnages and IPérambu- latorson hatîd, ond wiII L' olc heap fot axih. C - JAMS Joi-INSTON,- Practical ti'atcb-maker. Ài Goldsmith'a Hall Whitby, Maxel 12, 1878. hO JOHNFEIIGIJON Begni to iîiforîu bis ýcustomers tht lie is -now in receipt of 'a superior Stock of .m.1&c,le.thrys, eTweeddsui, V tte sting Z o. ~ e U Mn -u e uir , B L i s - u t r e e t . p rs - ' zo- " Ua e U i n t i n g u i t s a e t h l e i s e -t e s t n o t i c e . -Ail orders promptly attende'd to and excnted iu. the bt-st -_________________styla. Speciel ettention pelel te giving oa stipfacter fil. Al cinels cf Geuts' funsahing gooda. including bats, caps, unulrollas, ko,. Cali sud exammne. 1- JOHN PERGUSON, ST A N D . loîbier & Gent-i Outfiuer, bamndas St. M iîby MPORTANT NEWS OLD [ESTjABL[S1H ED 18.33.) The undersiguîed ia returniag thanks for theliberal patron. iitheste extended to the cil oacsblisnment, for nesn-lv o pes-end eftims-y ycars, de sires te siay timit lie las nov on liard Ia las-go asorînient qi ltme moa t gnudir. lsud ThOOTeSiNeD hsH-lre Stoko sigan styles* 1 - . , .c..f For BeauiÃŽfyiuig tme Compmjleion, cund(er reiuuvium2 Tan, Sauuu-n, Firecinie, Pvmy, ec., cie for Cimcped Haadi Chiielazns, Fi-estBitéi, ad oLýpa. ; prS2 ele. SoJa! by man Drugfsts. TtILET --SOAPS - Celebs-aîed fer tlxeis- unies-m Puirity and - Excellence of Quallty. VIcToRuA OÀMoLle soAIP. VuscamA £SUuLPauia Sos,. Vucrosue GxjcxigcXE, HounirY, ROSEn, &XD wnuuseu. Sold by al Ds-igista. Ladlies', Uetts', u'lid hildren's 1iiî,e a: Arnd trusts by proper attertion and moderate prices to se- oinse s connîl unuce ut public patronage Practical niphlte>istng. Furniturers-- a' c Z.b1.7 r - n în fi e m i a d e v e r *e d .'] o t a n h e m i IUndertaking & Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore, 1.zB ot n Sosm .ff Some splendid speci mens of Picture Prames, aud Gild- Oversloes mcind warm an-i comfor ingf'. Remember the l Stand. &- c ~ ~~'Repiring neatly oe C-tl at the old Stand. - WILLI -JOHNSTON'S May 22.1872. flut & Sh SELF-RAKING REAPER «GENTLE[ AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE . Af the Provincial Extiibition, Toronto, in 1870ED P. E rF 3 LARtGE STOCK We ollerto our customers for the ooming Harvcst, two dis- îint:t Machines, which iu styleaand con-struction, ernubrace ~ A D I% the latest and uiost useful improvements of the day. N EVV. ii iiN e.JI011IN-S'110N'1 s 1\16il ~~ I 'd f41G IiEAEIl I S N 0W C M F THP " RING OF REAPERS."9 Coiustistirig of aisplendlid assortmeiît nt The unIversal succes of fais Machine, both ia closey contet- Genlt mens var, d a compiE emi trià îs ar~d lu the lianio e frne r&s-. warr-sant UN i. vimmg abamg,.nss a'elf R-k ing Reaping 11ef-ie-, i.huhmsmitre gei poins sm nd bm-s dietes. arid hbas met wmumn GA NTS' TRNISTTTT innnre success cnd lems fImmunse, (in herencmftre obleremi to lie jpublic. . A 'L 1 k Lj J j CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER l THEI~WE'ST- WFe were awarded thue Firti Prize aund Diploma, at the Prcviu A SPLENDID STOCK OF à lEW SPI eial Exhibition. bel in uTurs-cîml, 1870.iu c. u'psunniom uitb alrime lexidnng iMachinese -oisailorc-d lin'te Province ; sud viii oins recent imrrov-men«. e rnhesinent CH EA P F0OR CASHI; - innglv challnkge iuvemigmiorn anîd cntiphas-men vili cnipsir-g Machniness. arse s'tiafied chnat anîcîn invertigfuicon vili ecunvinre every »onprejiodis-ed noit.d. #buvor feb hes-l, ieNi hfowes- tatie Fus-muer for 1672, buit lu the Doamnion. #W-Serid p g ~BROWN & ATTERSON. Vify 'TrchI9h173 SP1IING AND 'SIMMEII PHOTOGBRAPH ,G I MPORTATI1ON SI A COMPLETE STOCK IN ALL UJNES 0F BROOK STREET, WiJ IIRE S .G O S ~ OPPOSITE ION TAI1 - Begs to announce that lie huis hujîlt on West f Eniglad, Canadian, ad Scotch cloils, &, &ë, -A NEW GEN S' IJI NIS ING GO DS iP o orapli .Gallery, 60 f( 0F EVERY- DESCRiPTION. hieh he haslitttd pwiî l thde latesi nov aud improveil apparatuxSotusalking pietures, -froiu The' GRO(ER y DEPA-RTiMpNT1 is replete with -a choice tuoins selection ot ITeas, Cuffees, new fruit, eplees. Best tobacco. Pietures enlarged & acculr (ioods at prices defying legitiunate -compétition. -- IIÀNÙSOME FRAIMESAND - .- ~*j..~n 'n ;. Businersphcurs 8 o'cloc-, a. ni. to 6, p niu and tUoaâsè Bo7ts& h ade to order. FOR E 1 YaR 171 hue Store, Brock street, Wbitby. Wbty, jar- , ot, 1873 -M EN 4: -DOM-- N FLOUR & FEED SUCRE :3:..JE SThe undexsigned beg e nfcMOMthe ibb itaxits cf Whitby ana VICinitytat they bave ?B l a e Y o c s o e i lpened a Flour sand Feed d o e un t eprem . (>1 ises Ia~~tel ccped by Mr. Jams alac - Opposfte -the Robson House8, Q0 D S Where they trust by k everything in their line aiwaya on ban t ha e6e to gire L E T E ! & rt, Osieal, CrmackedWbý'eat, FLOUE-Fan Wbeat, S119n, and 3Mied Cloths of ail kiîîds for ~naidsofFeaseulet1owe lte stock of living prices for cash.. No. 1 Sprirng Whieut Fleur et r-3 121. NtU GOODS, aP IÉr~lIndE &IM INÈf OUJT. L IST OF TEE Dî'VISION COURTS COUNTY,0F CNTARIO, PRGIJAT & AP A. PLER. r- HUTBY, - ,RIO 'BAN K. _a- 1_ nthe aluove premises, TmmG timprovs' ern fe-5ize te ratelv< 1 vigil ul wie ureau Whitby, April 2, 1878. 1 1 SU 1 T-S , BICOTS- AND SHO-ES