t1 Q » Tý ý 1. - - 1 l 1 1 1 . ý 1 - . ý11-ýý vv- 1 iýïè, IDEXT POU Twc PA T E N'T Iwish-lwe -j4gffl Bat, ýlïë w- 0,rariý u V 1 l'Co u L V 1 N.A.So 7 fin i doipower- an U this jack ýOtà ,g1imP0e Of hia'ý'nu B' 1 7 B y, PRO ISOLATED BISK FIRE INS. Co OY - ý__ ilM hçir 1 smfferîn, ýà ie Yý1 Tics stlir every e0aray boior, eïllie. and sh.e'pà sitivëIý, sý-emeZj to The Albion 1 And greatut every, > he Re 'gaw -ber, un 1 2 4) q.r4 fitio BANK* 01 P=ý.ly O-Miiu L-etuo2L ad, .,a th t y renovat- le re' i -onip my -W.HITBY BRANCH-,' Aloo Agent and'appraiser for the Canada dation and uoPý_ 1 1 =h'y it Permanent Bufld!ný and Savinjg Society, for gMvity,ýMade hifit a Il power 1 with mock, THOMAS DOW, 0 . 1. 1 . 1 -, 1 ý ý M louas of Marley at low rate& of intmat. r, ni 't r Win theý'Méed à f lame it i W. u E N T E A ýL BOTEL, Ments') imenoïr EYCý,tV]iol Witit the sweee rfeaf gong No lin Dran nôt c tfiéy li, alter. la haý RITISR AMERICAN sire on -aetîng.ýa» made of ýý --erY î;aMe, '90 eaRily ta -be put ëff., lu 6n-'c,11 A -Way-1. N Iz 1_ 13 Il 0 u G il A X, ID NT, the verir bout materig'and > lire, the- mont y - raise, un eyery tonkùeý-, - - 1 JOJIN BAILE Re iuinmonoLbi li êtthe Jdnd ««,inü»duW ta 1 Co TB Y À G E N C Y,: y perfect article il both raille and naine, 1; loge men, aùdJjýd: hall ETOR. the urmin -Otnlntuu fcrýdoing the work A8,sûrance Company, The abave batel bas ang c SeY ght - the chJîLîýof faine. te ffialliethod the in, a Oý su ri] been newly, jQtted bu? ýqnicIdy will., -gl At frola 88 daiýY practier, sud even ýat this dà y of va' and furnube(L Gueule wM ifind comforta e apiece. ' > , ý0 Fcmdclre=er!lrnçý'9ýihatearegmaYsliade-tfrequentoc ai accommodation "a attention. Good stabl- alti là r attention il aloo calléd te his bxvw thiu 0 wa e is grem ins sud attentive hostiers. CAPITAL, $4ooooo P we&m thil crûwn opportunit Alld 1-rfuuy am they betrayeci Ir DRIL1,14. WhO wait ripou rtýlwwu, ment Y ;'Mad8 ý3 forcell enle - ----------- auil, rit the 1>11d of his bravos, is tb OMMERCJAL HOTZL, 1 Theylaré su The grittil arla the cýôwnéd muet Cook AHY bY force from lier Officê' South Wingt!ourt Ronge. Ar. 'This old and Wall establisbed Company c red, and'am wed ' the 'in" A-ua 1--gliter elt Irofa beautyl, yeUe' house. rangmentir for spp 1. eufrinprbofb labor and expeune., rijl ri'f'Af"pr of non. Mr an proparid ta s" Ris STRAw crTTERýBwôrked b Ir, was theharvest Se C&me=lal Q.C., aud Dt"üCmcbà ul, (à . C. ljrojrr%, et ratit as, W su thbas otany well M, CALI) Bd' 1ETOR. are un ta Ili riska lu all c a oï The boueurs and the pride of Zon' and Pierce '«a WË y band Shez Lad been ta Ils alled they are enany A fi. n t LP' P PR wilL lacie away ""0. ilkenu > Tt outa lis ed OOMP là c Thorimis orce ouiy wi4h Il en nu tir ber of reapers, wil 0 t ont 01 ordex, &na soldllat a at J. IP. V 4 lablatea 6ndý non-n"amou$7"pro in., Best accommodation sud ou :Dot liab 0 ta go à worked, and'- hright lu Clin dd". swar always ropair in me to'the 8troets Chat surt!dfor thrm yeara or le" at. lbw li en, Tt. chilitef immortalicy. COVWTY CRCr", ATfroBNBy< FOR rates quors sud cigare, Gond stabZ 0ýfr"- Wagreturninghome w't" tll&ým,. wheu unde Very Icie 'Igure. Ày 1 Weil Pontent thyself w lie -of large tamils, awaiting bidders. He gan 1 Ontarin, 1RAnjfft",ýSoljoitnr. Cauvery- L. FAIRBANKS JIL, the promisse. Charges moderate. .1 elosed yar4âý "d attentive Ostlers lalways on Squaré and RevolvIng ChUrt78, anrer,' Nntary Publie. &0.. &0. ý ojmeo7,-ufe. OMOO, Brook St., w 1y. CLOTHES WRINGBRS, Motb IV OCCÙpjfd by S. il. Cochrane, P ers Haïr, Uq., late the screatns of a wqpal) drew Lis alma ..,érown Attorney, Brock Street, Widtbyý GýRAND, TRUNE RAIL notice, andJack Doran camp forwaril, 14TAlud WAY ROTELP scuffl , S, parti- 'VjjRýLB surtatinded by his myrrilitions, arin- O'Wg, m gaz'49 on a token now- he itg cý Amd al) other kinds.or Agrke#Lngrung». -fi Am WNITBY STATION; A trousure pure ud fair' Allèy before Ilirn On homeback. itv ta flAnRISTrn, ATTO«Rmr,»y INSP»ÀNCE' 00 Whk rON-vry. ffl VAL 'O'N ILL PÉripÈlETén.,, ulemory loves and vaines Much, wèll-known voire calleil an Pieru for enligl ancer, Deputy Reffintrair. MaRter Xx- . 1 - , , . '1 Thie IOPI& of mother's hajjý of thi 0 Raving procured one of Rarperle New laid. Éle oprang ta lier,. Seized 4lie trwrdîbam and mxaminobr în Olq0tneorv for READ OIMCE, eROCX ST.,-WIMB-r, Parties taking t1je train sud lesviný' Stelarif engines, (one of the -Most eomplete 01 The tears steai elowly clown My face, boue by'the biiille, clngizeil Jack fr . hargne' tfie unaemignéd in Thre's zione my grilf ta r the rôbntý of Ontario. cScoi court Bonse, 'rill have them weil ta-ken cars of tîll thoir tho kind ---hwtnmc'ý) uhà re- This > Company iveures Farm Building» 11turn. new enabled ta exeërite all orêlers for Alone "a am, Ali i how 1 pnZe WhltbYý Ù18 saddle, anfl Ailey fell juta bis gal- drivez Thà luck of mothers hair. lant 'armq. Theu rose the t;torm> of ance Country Churchoir,'School House«i and thei; I M PLEMENTS battle. Piercýe seizinà a sickle from out le1ý J't'MPS FrfflIff C#bqf )IV, COntents'at rates t one Of Ilis followers, and with Aile Sud g( au Lînw u'those of any LOBE HOTELI' When forture fmwug upou My pa h, Company in Canada. wittf which ho may lie lavored, cheliply, ex- And l'Ln b.owed clown và th cure; ARRTSTER, & ATTORNET-AT.LAW di * hanging On Lis artu, bravely Idefended y Pm . = tiOýRfY, and ta guarantee complets satis- Solace I and in looking on deavoi solleffor lu Chant-lery, Convoy r' JUST LOSSES PROMPTL 6 N T. on ni ail cases. Thib Il other; bis r «V Pnblie. &c. 011100--owS %#,r. Ad- L. FAM ANKS, Ja., J. B. BlcxELL, JAS. POVirELL JAS. CLATTON, OcýI yntar . unes , 1 ttle lock of flair. wi eapers Iratiler dison'a etorel. Brook St PROPRIZ TOB. la y , sisted hirn every siýckle 1 Li= 181, Cils l a reetý Whitby, Ont. Ah 1 loved mentento, silken trous Presideui. FIRST-CLAS8 ACCOXUODATION. Secretary. May 14tb, 1872. Brook St., CI- Ptecions beyond compare! and tlley f.ugla t , as jiýatG'l Mr. D. iloWday îs no longer an agent 0, Blest was the day tuey gave tu ne n(lid ta tire harvest bf1 tc this Company. riÃœglet of lier hair. death, rather thau ta the catting of the Z-l EVERE HOUSE, r.ligio, TTORN"-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN - # ý ANUFACTURED AT THF, Peaceful crops Chat awaited -A Chanc«v,'Conv - Il IR M Barth May take from me ail 1 have gathering. thoir saw tir (ENIX PIRE ASSURANCE COY., XANCRF*TER,- ONT But 118ught shali e ver tear 1 of.wori B. PLANX . . . pRopRIETOR. Port Perry Agriculturai W0rks,ý 1 p Front-=y bereaved and louely heurt, Blit tliey were infr-riar in numbers, l terdict, LOUBARD ST. & CIIABING CROSS, LONDON. This lock of motuèr'shair. as also in desperation, ta Doran's Party, il Stages ta and from - Whitby call daily« Ev. LEFFEL'S CZLZBPÀTED AIMILtC£-; DouBLz id, -e miY add, in arrum, antl--the li e Zi, ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN ESTA-BLISIÃŽFD IN 1782. M attention paid ta «trente. arts tif usio- them : for mu Chauce.ty, Couveyancer, &c., &c, Sim. TURBINE WÀ TER WHEEL. Crohoore of the Bijlhook. Ëderotis ces Street,'Oo'fiawa.' GILLBSPIE,- MOFFAT & Co., Agents-jar OTAL CANADIAN IloTr,,i,,' - alpeens, wieIded by the Most é±peri. 'th, kee Canada. CHAPTE B VI. enced liands, and blithe and ready for rue' i R TUE MOST ECONONICAL WHEEL NOW IN USE just Snell a field, catue clown uponthem M ýe KNIT1119 LL. B 9 JAMESDAVIDSON,,Manager. PORT PERny, ONT., But while Pierce himmelf was renaer. rive, ,il 'al 18- Viètory - Seerned ta r "" lu B AXAISTE Insumucos a 'I' I"Oy PROPRIETOR. deel 'Onlicitor ln Chanceg and Inqolvency, ed Ou the Most. favorable terme, and Longes, of Ilis ruidtreà s, a gainât loue by Fire are effect- incapable Of Pursuinoll tÉe raviiiier e or ack; Who now, watebing letter Northry Public &o., &P. 1 SuRerlor substitute appeured his time, aimed a -ci-ushing blow- lit etill ta i -MeMillan a ý.aid without reference ta the Board il, Lon. accommodation. Good stabling Lis SensA- the ver3 in- tire pLrtioli ai* one train whow nos fade 1 Pivrce, Still Pneumbered b ýBIock, Brook âtreet Whitby, otriq-. mont, and attentive Potiers. zeal or friendship could Lave naturally legs charge. Tire youny* m TEOMAN GIBSON, 1 broke its force witli Ili' put form boen expected. îq sielile, [lut it Agent, Whitby. W ESTERN ROUSE, Jack Doran was tiie son of an orin- , nevertlicless wounded bina, severely in strict lie TTORNE'Y.AT.LAW, SOLICITO-B IN lent gentleman farmer, y, Conveîancer, Land Agent, DUNDÀS STItrET, WnITBY. gave his once ass A Chancer Who lived two the temple : in return lie &C' ()fflce-ItÃPà rrieh a Block, Brock St., T iinües nearer ta tire City of Kilkenny assaultLr a frightfui gasý, Chat laid the tile oper Ebridg.. 'Chan did Ned 8lien, Piercels fatirer, or elleek open ltain eye tu jaw; tatintingly wilp The underaigned would intimate ta the , l'ony Dooliiig. Hi th ----------------- LlverpoCl and London and G S sire we may weil rpm[Lrking, at the marne time, thathe tire. otill lobe publie, Chat the sbOve promises have, been glins in 1 ile-lyfittedupand renovated throughout. calla profligate old fellow: COMPANI. fi, of Lis Mahe liad Clins bestowed on hiin a Mark Chat, itors, Notals Publie, Cnnveyancers. AVAMABLE A Ctinada,'also pure Rhine Wine Wah's Lag- 1 Best Liý nev-r marrLed ny oif. prie day or other, would help ta baný, crowd k ARRISTERS ATiÃ"RNEYS, SOLIC- , nors and Cigare. "The Cream of spri 19, ail Wèraellillegitimate. lteured Ilim- or, wholesaIe and retail Boar' Cferg.ýrn, Gifflue-Bvron-' Street, South 01 Pont Office, Lasse* paid the week. dors taken by UP withOut a Mütlier's care, and with 1 In this douhtfril state of dire battle, anter of 1 ditario. in course of tÈi ilve vears JOSEPH A. BANDEL. the loose example of' Ilis lather before ti.rnely reinforcement, lieadail by old thewildj exceedFORTYMILLIONsOF OLLÂES. Iiis eyes, it is uot ta lie wondered Chat 1 Olly and his -nei,,Ijbouà -, OLd Claima ab Chicago Fire estimated ut rieur. Jack lacked tu mind of Sliello orale. He was known Ned Slina, carne up. Doran ami Lis CLERK AND TRICASURER, 'adjusted *ithout deduction. S.ecurity, ly 88,000, , arc beîng liquitiatea as fast as ILSON ROUSE, asadashing ff-iluv-,to use Chic local army were driven frutti the fit-ici, anj peas hitby. Uffice--Tow-n Hall. Hourër, Prompt P" ent and Liberalityln adjust. 1,Y bore haine in triuinph b fier ence to -,N idioin, -a tà tteriu' tearin, fellow -, A 1 év front 0 ta 1 oclock. (iristiin.- - ' ' Io a liatred of this weafthy Co rilng ment of 118 Losses are the prominent féatures A. -0 ý herse ; the tou -anil Rhiafi Doran's, and W d ver, botli covpred witli bloi)(1 ; he, jit acti% with ]lis own IË, 1 ensem- 4 doing wiiat lie like Me with file Warin streain that flowed C 1 Head Office, C imalairianch, Montreal. Ana a The subscriber begs ta annonnce ta friend ble of Lis appearanee aud fLure INSPECTOIt OF PUBLIC SCROOLS Gi F. C. and the publie generally Chat he bas I nus in corons a for the Courity of Ontario. Address- Chiel Agent for Do ' ion o lied eg SMITH edjum butweeii the blond r;1 Ch'. s f-pruples. This adventure ex. a, a' Raglan Pont Cfflee;,Qntario. it y, Ont: go tire rutic boul. 1 L. FAIRBANKS, in., Agent lit the above new liotel in the Villa eh. Ileiglibouling town and tiii-,ui.qljf--d aitogether Alleys desire for burn. The -bouse is new, and fürnisbed in ani8k-eech, whose glory was 1 exti-Ilsive canquests ; lier illillivided spint L e amostthorouv,,b and cpnifortable manner. )ýitterliq woufffleil Cllitmpioli arp, preserver. by figliting lit faire auci l heurt was grâtefully given ta lier 1 ilist him. J. OHN L. WATXIS, Gueste will Pnd every convenience rit the These Wheels we are now manufacturing drizà king iiiordinate potaione 0 bad eOti"T*O 'rHS COUNTY GAOL, above establishment. Wines, liquors, and Cheaper Chair any other glial) in the country, bépr, in liedge ale-houses. Not Chat During his cure, elle of the bent brande always kept on , Petit ýSURG and we m-ill give a guarantee Jac 1 was his attendant, ut OFFICIAL " SIGNEE il d7 Good stabling Byron Street, Wbitby. a dresseil ]lis wound witil lier own and attentive hostleo Wheel warrantin with each k iiirselfaid not Dow and then clin. and 8 in atte and ta give as alway ildance. them ta bc an well made, descend ta eclipse other yonn- l'el BAILrFF 8nD DivisioN couitT, May lot, 1869. 18ti good satisfaction as any JOWS 1 Prûtt.ý' handq. And ber soft smile, lier self, while UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., manufaetured in the Dominion. at a pattern : then Lit )PY arla envied tearfut eye, anil pi-rhaps tire Larrey of the eye R.O. IL L., Oshawa, Ontario. AUdTIONEER. &a., &c. Parcips desiring further information can was the girl Who La 1 lilw for a dance ; lier lii)-«but of this one cannot bc pos. tribrite ta NTARIG ROTEL, obtain it by addressing thougli it is addî, ', lie often lait lier Itivtl as youtig maillons scarcely ever Rupterioriti A tb,4,1t.4, OFFICE-In Bigeow's Ëlock, Port 0 cause ta rue lier vanit y. Wherever Le wisli for ýnore than one witness on suzli 1 in fact ta Perry. fLATE DAwrs',' PAXTON, TATE & Co., was, Le wolild bc king. Anil king lie occasioiis-tended more tu his recovery ENTIST, ' (SUCCES. WHITBY, ONT. Perry Sr., Port Perry, Gnt. earned Pit soi, ta W. H. Port Perry, June 24, 1872. 26 Marcll-81, 1869. 81 was acknowledged ta lie, even in title ; Chair ull tire salves and catuplasin.-i 1 entalBounia--Dundai; Street, or Kin- Card.) THOMAS WILSLN, - PROPRIETOR. Rhiali Doian, oran, bein-, 'nIlle iip by ait tire old doctresses in "Itby over r j I E. Firrt-class accornlnodatioii. Board one his appellati'li. 'fislam.de on n, Store. Nitrons EW BAKERY & FRUIT STOR 0 Tiien, ai- tire palish ; tbou,,Ii many there were, -Orfila uas adni luis ta-,qrno-eao f0jýthepafnl doUar per day. ISOLATED RISR iter, Jaek could of g-rent cclebrity fi le neiclibourliood traction of tooth. vulgal. fi.,l CI bohut perl A RI) SNOW TRE cominand, rit pleugure, ail file filitillý, as rural physicians. Thé prOpýietor takes orension ta inform At tire Cime ofour history, such air '), tl'e y Canad& boys, that je, tire Most wicked or Lý,,nd, Clin, Begs tO' annotince that lie le nom, prepared the publie that, haviiiff purchased the above Fire Insurance Co' of C. 1w. V 4 ta supply everything in the well-knawn hotel an Preinires, which is troublesoine 11-Ilows in the barony. outrage as Chat porpetrated by Jack ve file il BETH inserteil on all Clip p tiow fitted up in the lient, mariner for. tire Absolute reign lie hall, jnst as lie wis akery and Confectlonory Lino . L. Doran was looked iipon more as a long cI ci principles of the art$ - accommodation 01 guests, lie ià determiued HE.&P OyricE-Mng!ýt.,cor.ChurchToronto ed it ; none dared this ' Ritilippc ibis ches " the cheapest, and as gç)odýas.tlie At Lis old stand, lately accupied by Mr. 3. ta leave nothing uzidone or, bi rt to keep treamon ta Rhiali Dcslly Ailm nay ; for OllivalrOu.çi exPloit, deserl'vilital,ý, ofuiptratilsiee Pvery Clail bout. Ineth Olled-with Gala and Silver. Arnall.. uptheestablished reputLtioll.lÃŽtlie bouge 1 C A P1 TA Lead. In person lie was robtist alid courage ani Teeth extraèted without fain, by producing 911(l te M8et With Clip, approvul of the traveï- weil-formeil ; but With féatures hard a 1 boldne8s nocessary in the of au hist(ý, local anmothesta. Dents Rooms-in Cow- CHOICE FRUIT OF ALL KIN D7,9 lîjig coinmunity. Every attention and ac. exeeiitioti, tliati as 2breacil of tire la r Ring Street, Oâbowa, P audfil searion. $6.71000 0 Ravin- f Veposifvd m-ilh C,(jverninen 1 cv, ta stand lit k rit. rubjectin- tire doers Io tire law's mo.t an'* new block*,over AtkinsoÙ's Drug Store, Re t coristantly on Il comniodation exterided ta guests. 'and harsli, and disagrec-abIe ta Io puilisliment We question if, ta of early 71ij -OnANGESà LEMONS, eSARDINES From Lis futher lie hall o Npeild -------- LOBST -In reference ta the ahove, tire uiidersigned ItnU saillait all losses-without delay, and without doinir anyllin, I)Ienty t ÇHEEý SE, TOBACCO. tourerg of th p for it. Sa, in- this Moulent, tir, och ical abductioll credit ta Iiii E, Il S PRUNES, ý RAISINS, begs ta iiiform his old friends, and the ni;- ay over the car.L- AT ONCE. (!eP(l, on the saine easy tFrins, hall Iiis lias anv 'y carlin-, or translation Lmon_., jklil-Once f ISSURIR OP MARRIAGE LIC:QNSES. BitFt.D delivered dail ta custorners, aria ni the hotel and premises ta Mr. IN"ilron, lion. ALEX. McKENZIE, M. P. Or tllird gelleratiOlls Of stealin-P e Rouge, that baving dimposea - numerous brothers a*nd li4ll'-Irotliers - eVe-u tire Second, Street, three doors nor ri o 77own Hall. mg lie orclored. host, "A mon alter bis own heart"-aiid Office-Town Rail.- Renidence-Byron all other provisions U goods delivered as theY will find in lum a m-orthy t. "" Or thein ever attending, iii aiiý look, -tliereforp, ira lec 1 notice of thq the grille peuple. Authony Doffling of aýý t , and attentive way, ta tire old gentlerriali's extensive hoice Brando of Cigare. solicits for him tiroir coritiiiiied potronnge, JOHN MAUGHAN, in., ge, blaz, a elle- was a Wadil anit Profitable farine, froin, orle enj of transaction, thillicin- ý1 a curions st: J-AIN MICHARD SNOW. 'nrhitby, May C. DAWES. Manager. rise, and the u ly AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING Whitby, Sept., 1871, 87 1873.- Che year ta flic other. How Chat cess of' tire enterp' Chat tire ill hard fùaturi Saloon, Brock St., Whitby. filteral giver, as well as liogc.tter, ccln- wollnd i nflicted on tire principal aciur, hiq inanneri M. WILLCOX, trived ta keep all ]lis glory up, in his wele a suilieient visitation for tire ont. ilig plirse.1 %/JONEY TO LEND! Own person, as well .. tfieirs-for lie ra- ýeeth '. but, 30111N WOLPENDEN, - ýR E MOVAL.- &.1,& - livedamgailyandaq idly asarryof his This affair took place the harvest be- A GENT TOIL THE CELEBRATED . The tindersigned bas rernoved hie Rerayable by L 1 jE N 8 E D' A U 0 TI 0 NEER offîsPrinjz-appcýared t le openitig of the storyi and is Ilim, Chers, j Scattish Granite. At Marble Works atý,sta rments for froin Two ta 1 "1 otwith- fore CI ove, a qh.lffl ,oiJonathau Wolfenden, Dtindati SC., Whitby tel; ai iiiterest, mitir- FOR TIIE COUNTY OP ONTARIO, AND and they evi- IE Tweutyjyýaýs, standing bis cotisicler-ýbillýni..cl profits, liere related i i or-ler that Clio folloý.v- hall not et ,w a iiiay bc understool. Tire ÀÇnd there BOOT & 8110E 8TO out coin nission, and at inoderate charges. rallier surprising. He i-ý 'i. JOIIN C.AettEll, Private Funds ta Lend. 51ariposa & Carmr g 1 old Ned Shea and Jack and unéamini l h. dently ived above ]lis ostensible means; rî'ýalî,-rs r.o' ICENSED AUCTIONEEII FOR THE D,.Ids Street, Whitby, where bc is now ta the preudges adjoining the Western Rotel, Apply ta- yet lier lie nor they owed a shilling ta Doran the moelle in Shea's liouse ; tire larly iii tire j Couaties of Outario, York and Peel. prepared ta execute Ali orders fur Work. A J. E. FARRWELL, EGS ta thank his mon f iids and the any une- lIeail-r-nts were du;v accomPanirnent a linge jug Ofstroi1g public j;eneraUj rs ale, lioine-lirewed, of course, and Choir and Sée-saw- liosidence-Lot ý6, 8th Coucorigion Markhain. large and select stock air hand. Repairing Solicitor f for tL nfieblerul patron. saltIed, tithe-proctorg and tax.failiL'rt.. ' ta Voil. qocne the shortest notice, and on reusonable termâ. JOSEPH A. DANDELL. May 28th, 1872. y- years, Pont omee--Uniouvwla, Sales atteuded -on doue as usual. Brock St., Whit age bestom'ea ripou him during the past four defied, and the cid siniier rilid Lis brod the oniv common drink Oftl'Ose whO taliainefaced Tortue eau lie made and bills Priutccl rit file Whitby, May 8,1871. 19 Bailiff, intend, in future, ta devot 22-ti Ravin paid their %vay, riglit and left, as file could ilot every day afford wine. now given up the buoinersa ci went along, in a damiliri., hand 'gallup, 'Give me your liand, Jack. Dhar air of purs, ,CjîuostcLx 0111ce fur Mr. Carter. f - - - --- ----- whale Cime ta the bubireus of Aucti 0 My 1'to-the Devil. He hall Liddell mille laiv ma ellordiu,8 citreete 1 but Pli liavo ILEVI PtittliANK%, JIL, IVERY 1 R Collecting, &c. OfwpAltl, 44 -T ýIOBNSED.,.AUCTI(jNEErt FOR TnR L QWLIý -hiK Wheu. Idiqà ,Ù,eý I7r, seeis ovéry «MýI'heà mdertookiL. zms. in' But S, W - 'StOP 'JJJh&'ý 'Me was e Raid a, IL a -aura neyvejrLs and ecrue ; Whéa-$ýsýlaüths Raid-_ bléd ont vs and' hO had nemer 8,-,qtatjon- hùnmy epro-' oy énýllwagigst-a;tlýuf tôt, aie hem ad int 'If thé à oà t fa Own iÃnbuU,,. -4y bô the -OTIGe 60 were talkinz the thiaR 0"ý -stuikeà l 1P.elr a littie enthnsiagtiC,&ndýhe lie reched . the oflice b f, ' , rhus, that lie v-aý rol'liüg e à ore ho nome and plnwp quid a UIJComrnnn aroujllliii Mýatfi: né The îweot inor.:ieL- - - How , it got ý: the iliole Swikea ]id not know. , 'He-pu7zl e oc- aver that littie thýng ail the reÃývftI Ctlier rorennoli, aliff at inst he took, iiaue 8 t'a his rnouth an4 tlirew it aw- ay'j "N'S'tifi:j very edý th-Lt Le niii3t have takea talking with joues. - 11111 1- - ,ain- Twice tliat a-ftel-noon. Smikes, tao [)Md Out his tobacco box anil lookeéfati raje ý?nce lie took off the CovPr, alla ffm-ffle ut Of the tobacco. It s!uelt sa good thn Sm ilies feit irapelled to reniark ta- hiu Out à elf tliat it was the Pasiest thing in th hé& world to stop chewing. He con,,,mtub ited ýted hirnself azain ami algain Ãlvit daý and that he dici, not becotne entan 'Ied ýî'i re- the raeshes of the filtà v- vice, and fiý ýell- ailuiled tu thé matter tliree or foui 3ily tirùes that ev6uinl- at the tea-table, til Ilin. ý,ainiiiitha marvellefl greatly Eýt thf re- firniness of Smikes. Slie had alwa * výý Dre lieard that it was a liard thing thing tç tild, leave off. But Saiikes liad tGla hel J,11- a 1 nd kept tellirig, lier tIlat it was 'juVw ily ezýsY,-à nd lier reverence-for the virile my A-ti;Ùgth and independelice of ellaracter et- ofSinikes grew like a gourd. [ne That-ni-lit Smýkes liail the UvLit- ýen mars. He thouzilit t1lat a legion of les foul fienils lia!l got him up in a corn,-r !a- of the b.tëk--ï-arýi, imd liýi4l rolà 3d n-priii e ;' ]lis I)e*tly a iýoustrowi quid of Ifine cati' la- as larl,,e reju!,Iýl as a *Ir-t-wlieel, au 1 les tliilt Lkey were trying, tu force it intu er ;lis _mouth. Smikes stru,-,,Ie 1 vi,,or- O-,iiy, and wheu Swua Flim wid askeil hiin what wis the inatWr, >1, ýà is on.'y reply wa-, that In.-ivbo-ly, C()Ul'il stop eliewili-i if thay 0111.Y 'made up thpir inuld Io it., Thé ilext da y Sýnkes was a 'iftle r-; nervons. He ' toid et-el-yb!) IY w1i.) CaIne m, in --vliat a simple thimg it--%'Us to ý;É0P d The thir'l dav lie 11-11-Peil abolit ii -111 ýJay 1-ong. H- told nue niau about it 'r thrPe flifferelit- tisnt'e, 'tilt] wlierr tliat muéli'inform-,ýJ illilividual vý-?ltured Vié Opinion that 114' wiýlit i WýcýJdVn*u41 ý,IrLiIl in les-,.thjtn a Ajaculated: 121fr. 1 Inake up My miud t6 a tiling that is the last Of it., The fourth day Swikes heard that camoinile bloà soms were soinatitg2a iis; ed aç a siib,.qtittite for tobacco, and. jnqt Out 'of cqrîo.4ity - lie devourpd. -a êoupiè gist whea lie ofoùaeesoftlem. M.'t sait]-to*tlle dru borigriit the.m that it was eafýY enough to stop Vie use Of tobadm. On the rift]][ day Smi:,,e-ý got Rick, llî,5 nerves izave ouL Re _ýsnappeél some- thing nt Sainautha at the breakfat ta- ble, upset hisjnkstand, burat bis fin- ffers poking, some cinders, out of,.-the -zr-ite, aud lia 1 no appetite fer dinier. Vint day the d-vil whiqpered ta Swikeý that tobacco waï; really beneficial ta Rame tempecainentm. Sinikes had a' temperamAnt of that lemil. The sixth dmy S.nikef; felt like a mur- dêrer. He seeined. taýhirnqî-lf ta have become trausported into a Modoc. . Ilis month was dry and pareliptl-.- A atout, healtliv look-în- old, -gentleman catue into Sýiikes' Oice that dav. He iva.4 it cent friend ofSmikos' aù as lie drew fôrthý hù; si] ver tobace-o-bnx and ilaiatily .qliOýk- ont a syn 'ail morsel èf the punýPnt - weed, Smikes f1elt Iiis teéth %vatpr. Ile reinarkeil ta NIr. Joliiston thut he -bad7 not eli-pwe4l an y for six glayâ, and that lie lial refraineil 80 longjust ta satisry hiin-,elt tlitit7aýivboýly conFI éh8ýv, or leavP it alorif-. 'He was fu'ly à à ti.qrLiad that it cotilil be itotie, biit-- lie ratlier tlinllÃllt thathis was oui of thôme tem. peraments thiît arereall--aetnrl 11- - ' Liez, -in. a Up sornething. ' anil _,were siiiiiod a careless grin, gav . o -_ a - twisteil The undersigned bas a -AT TTIE- L A clear and indisputable title will )o niven [Aace it on tlip'ground. i and rather hide ' 1 , , d il r, nz amourit 01 Mon-. Reference îu ýVý ý"-1 U "Il ut LI 1 Il . 1 naoù Do' ' cn e IL w lu ey tu Lend upon Parin or rown prol)êrty, at OUGALL & Co. to all the above property. 6 OUR expresrion te thp Bi-fore 1 January 13, 1878. For further par. 1; When,' quOth old Mýr. Doran, 6a loud , seat el risi l'il ity-1wily, it was only to !ession, Peery 1: 11111111nally LOW Rates ni Interest. H 0 M E NU R SE RY, IY3 tieuloTs aPply to th. -wer. creech came froin tII(ý hOle, and thon a 1 rav, 'tllà llk YOU, kindly, Jack.' for what paidin gains tosultbor. flash Of lightening, and away ile throo I lent him, a minute beiore. I war coffers wpre str Loann cLu be re FRANCIS CLARK. 1ý JU2 no wffl backward te in his worst dt xowers. FrOm twO to four years of age, embracing ali ANTED. "lithY. July 187,L. ran, lenving F;pai(e, and pick-axe, and doting foolioli about Alley, Net], at that Several Improyed Farine and Wild Lands w the cowarilly mand a round t for gale chëap. everything, behind 'em, sý;ci;jjîrn a A rovntf filou the bout Variefies. 29tf a jankering regard for lier ly, hy sqU8eZiný( moQts'112048 in Municipal Deboil- 200,000 GOOD HARD BR thiefs, tbat hadn't the courage to gtay a SETH C. WILSON, Il w tliat ic minute, and be rich men 1 For the to this day. But I didn't kno poorest thpir li Stocke. 'Lot No. 3, 2nd Cou. Pickering, en Kingst, Ks, ROYAL blessed Nome mentioned by une of were hie bi-rt BRITISII QUEEN IIOTEL, lierself an« Pierce were coutracteil, or tureil, BEcnkî, and other marketatible To be delivered in the Town ni Whitby, ho- P 0 IR T PERRY. 1 I'd have ruil My band -into the lire For turthir particulars apply to Road, -)et Office, Whithy. tween the lot June and l2th July, 1878. JAS. DEWART, _ PROPRIET011 'em, bauished the spirit of the person rather, than do what 1 dit]. I thought land. hie milk JAMES HOLDENY Tendent thert-for will be received ut the . that Plit all the money there, and LUI slie had no - great enuld at oiico a£ Official Assignes, Broker, cko, ALUABLE FAML FOR SALE. undersigned'a office to the 10th of MARCII, SPIendid accommodation. Bout Win that moment liad bee' watt'Ili'e it. OFFICE-Over the Dominion Banli, me. V 1878. rtà b.,T,,HAMER GREENWOOD. and liquors at the bar. Attentive Otitler.." Re was flyit;g off befon dislike to My Uqýy tant dernands-, il Millau'a Brook St., Wliltby. Being piirt; of lot 29, 7th concession Scott Whitby, re their faces, 11tce-it Wau't UgIY theu. as if ie no . w, unwillin BprU 9th, 1872. County of Ontario-loo acres 75 cleare ' 2& 9td ------------ when they eut and rail. I could do no yoii know'-Ana ho gri ned 'f d -_ o ff, and g 5 and in a good statu 01 cultivation. Goo ---------- n again, in U. 8 I-C 1 M u 5 dwelling bouse, and a SMALL FAR cas than step in gft(,r thclu), ain] take sucli gort fluât, tji wretched being, M A ha extOnAive outbuildings M FOR SALE. '119, it n'us, . Ve file gun till man, in good repair, Apply to the wne If was too heavy to, licou meaut t6 make a good mipression Whitby Bras@ auâ Atring Baucis, aclaptea F P. E, si ! E Now 10 arrY away home with me ; lin I only old Ned feit uneasy sud queerish, and was bent bellesti for Soirce SIMBON TIFFIN, r sale,& amail faIL cônslsting 01821 Iiid it out of the way, fer that time. shifted himself on her cliair-6And I of li eavf n, yet -o, Quadrilleq - acreu, mon or lesowhieh forma Parties,- kc,, &o.$ Wîll Mupply tLe bout auâ on the promises. inktown ail the SnqithEnat.ý Partofwhar Ma - tl ficauty supply of lategt Munio on reanonabis terme, Leaukdale, Nov Ir"ý' the village of Duffins, Ça mile distant moýny,,,,ý ,o ninht aff4ýr if cost me to re. toouglito Totiyg-rest bis sowl 1 rock, t o hy littie, to my Own only bar between Us. But'o -the for hisicovering, - 11,1872. i if 1 APP1104tiûn% muet ha made either person. 47 TOW N' -OF W HITBY. P'eker- house.1 all'a Pagt that did net keef Ing, and bouidéd on the south hy the and 9ORe, and forgot and forgiven. the westher-thii G. T. 1 show lier and Pierce that I love> them tuate (among ma would ap. both still, as 1 to filly or by lutter, (post »ajdý to 1iaü1ýy- The land chieflY ýOnÉ$ts el a rich FrOn) thig -source then if inued Id voit before. Fo FRE E 8 o V; about 2(onacres are cleared, Pearl, the old gentleman cont J. OLFENDEN, STE RN ASSURANCE COMjANyý ITE WILL BE GIVEN andultbere lis au orchard thefarm of weil eagi y te feed hie own and his sous' ex- VII turn the r Whitby. 'A to 'any Manutacturi Company selected fruit trees. A b«utitul place country UPOid6'dOwu tc relaied, till re Pl, OPPIC'£,' TORONTO, building au estoblisbynient in %o town, woWd form & cbmfort&lýle res1dence , and travagance. Thus turning to a spend- give lier to the. bô J. ItA=:R GREENWOÃ"Dy proprictorwho bu a f sacy lot takin to a thrift account flint which might have 'and to me. but I y. oi lier lieart : 'bad TRE BEST Y. est; g hie will 1 - , Ile calleil for h CAPITAL-STOCIC, Mayor, Whitb been better êmPloyed, if, as lie Iiimseil 'Och 1 nePerýfenr Yon, ma bouchal 1 Whitbyý Feb. 20, 1878. ?$,$,,RXM-One-tourth down.-d the balance caudidly - expressed it, file érigin Lime was unt aul HORSE MEDICINES. AGENT ?OR BOUTE ONIIt o-tf And it's Your Own self eau do ic 10 - ex- the little crOPý oAU descriptions of le Rio, - in tbree numua 1 no'ementa' wth "t""t fiuders bad just had ý th al bout Hures Motif. JOSEPH HOLMA, 0 R 8 A L B. at 7 pér cent. the spirit's q beart to breive, claimed Ned Shen' aga'n craq'ng the mdtured. From cineick totinstantl onhandandlor" At V, lîROOICLIN , ONT. F Apply to- scream for the Ion of hie band ofhis-guest - tlte Wh'?'tby Livery îtablqs. Aloo À valuable Fam, in j high et tregaure. yeg, Ned. Inake - bOI,, -to say what, Dermià c Agent for the CANADA PARMERSP , ate of culti. WX GORDON n2gn iný the note of hand. If Le'-No charge for advice. ation, soil not excelleil in Canada, bain or to 0 Bayaideý, ;O-ý Nolv, Jack Do-ran, or Rhiab Doran, th o ýbunt her out, Peeryý as an ind MUTUAL INSURjUNCE C Lot 25, 2nd con. West Williams Co J. X. GBOaIrirDiÃŽtOeNr er6'6 mit thât other 80 000n'âg, hio;-nanie, the bill OMPANY Middlesex, 80 acres clearé-d- and well witter. . eldeRt BOD and'hope, by the ýray, of thi8 country able , lucky old nightwalker, once danced myself. 'The boys, -are readjy- té go Rend OMCO, 11AXILTON; und' ed, good fént:e ýaà à ;g.ý and . fin. April 80thplffl. alter, 8, good le with Alley Dooling at a weild . g, and thro' fire and watier, et th, turn of my hold thé Po DELL, became despeiatel enamo il. Iler hand, and We have 1hew far and CITIZENS' - INSURANCE co,4%1py, yc? OTUERS, witllill,41 miles of the flouriahing village of KING BRý la lire rieur. ho set,, b me, ki to uiig orchard of choice, fruit ; situsted thon almost chililisli Vanity was Pleased At a pitich. IL muet go liard U A T H E R LY Montreal, Pire, Liie and Guarantee Park Hill and containirig 142 acres. t th fl that- the bill,-bfêarne 'di Clark DIvIsIon Court, Tp. CteÃkp aga. . Department, For-pÎâiculars apply to- a o conquebt, and, net 1Ji1nb-O'-ýhe vil, Crolioore, eau hold waa etill not in the , c;di, W"Hi'rBy, olqTARIO,. weighing, consequences, aboi ftiolistlily,ïou 1ýý,,e, leu once 1 set about TIJOXAS ENIORT, -jjim. - eý8tný à safed some of bis Rý"L;tlld Agent, &o., Park Hill éo4pëtieil.wïth Jack, thougl Whipli 1 will do, dà ydanghter or wifé, &tc'.,,&therly, Q)uity 0 t trio, Brooklin, Dec. -2, l81ý. 12m49 WhitbY, July 24,1871. ti-20 mporterâ,,ýMerî and Xà ufactnrer, eonotà iitdeelaim of ail i r agaitist thésbaýkleJ night' from this bloosed Ma- made blush. were Atlidqrlv Plut..Uiid, IR72_ Kinde of rozùe'bttril con- ment.i plate, vonëbgafed, after aga mark of g» d-1 EO. T. RALL, flicts with to agh her of hfr ack 1 1 hope - Poor wlio, forcing himpw F O R B A L P, Slà un-tha-gutli, J hope -puooar a(Oaceur, and t1il R ýXAL HO-TEL, LEÀTHÊR NO ho U FINDINOS, father, Notyvitlistandii3g the hnnor !ne ypoieuretýleeiiwcirlýrieliveBtoutgti Gon islain Lot 24, stouth huit, 7th do.. Whitby. COMMSSIONS. Cash ther, best. Old Tony fêll into- an unéeeml IVRITBY. Dwelliug, barn, paid for Mdes, Bark, andLea a 1 ygoanrétoht)en itsi in ka reulewed. goantý AGENCY AND tended, bit; rïýépËiiot, wag one 01 thý badwaynowJai-,k"-titoold man let bcèn wjwofitâbWý JAS. PBINGLF, - PROVRTETOR. cleared, Situa (1 a mile north of Brooklin. and Recounts eollected. Il , tu&c.,-about threequartèrs Valuatfous ruade 'Leather' , stretched. ipassion ; turned him fiom thé, d'- 1ý ]roi, Lâ& un -.1- --pin4tago Moommodation. Ample and ls, side largely %vith thë - Citholies" in e matter. TIIA Spectalor saYs Of Jillin , 3tuart ill: 'No mai, Of Our age lins iaflUencý the aprin ZS Of intellectu;Il conviction POwPrf»llll-,-ý OXford, for in«ance, s be(,n siinpIV'converte(l (tilongli not we 110141, teille truth) by Mr. Mill's stém Of 'LOr*ia-"Wlliln h-.trýIIX any, 3 huq (loue 80 mucli te detipen, to lent Sind t.0 clevate the study orp9l. M science., Fhe- tOWerg"of the Cathedra'I nt Cob le have reached the heiglit Of 290 Il . construction of ho à pired ich ' 'are te bring the totaL lieigbt up 10()-feetwillbeêomnenud. Sizyears r are required for termineng the t Birmingham, recently, a InAy Was d 18s. for beatiug her niaiii-gervant., Kà I 8aid on one occasion her mis. s; -boat ber with a frying-gau. à o ViEnge clprký nt a town in Eng.; opened the Sunday Éorvieés on wagion Whén hà bishop- Ca-me, he momitains skippea, Hke irightenea rama . . :ho litLe hfllo &d hop, welcome into our towxk,ý- 4s Grace, the Lord Biali.6p.11 otices have been plamil on the ýà r.t_ of he:street care -in eittb;,. M. the effect t1mt ý,the "r'l not foryoptim-ladies- Ã& kilu,«Goodbye." ,onviet for à elling- luluor . if tejé_ in Loijilon, is to, be caÃzied toý ý âý ýr court, w .,b Dore thé gr-oim& wm t hat the Legislature, 1* ýO power, tg-miLke-laws reguIAtýwg de of q -,ètlitor 2out wpAt ha8 bemýeIý 00 distable'-and is now abli. la