Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1873, p. 2

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motir-to the fririons, aille' anldietthliePrPrûbleiù Ye't IO'be BoIýed £le would 1 lq-1q ut iloitse ailil 'ÃŽnrely no one wal imagi 1 or not,,,this Dominion OPPO mouej n r a mûý 0 Ilpy, ut flic gue was, W fact at-, 1 a woifli 'a 'Elle opposition tu hf r. Gibbs is as de. et fa th regrested the Ilot-beailed, meut that Mr. linlilfýn lins a gliost of a 'Je ai and Iong-tried , incomber ý 88,41ô him, cided as ever it 'Waa-aud, if"anytbiGký the xliall W-bea,],d and irreconciliible. Illialice ail ag1ýinst lur. Gibbs ; alla ta th, fpàimtultlull" Fhoulil continue wliat it wago, and lvllat boeil pà1b"Éto, i1ý, forsoutlionta'rio canuot *,doubted. ýi1WOu 'le Of àýc0ntest- ing bad bee èArried on wiLli 'even mars bitter'ness Mr. Gibb brin OU au eloctioil confest untirr the The Il r tliey desired it slionld long, bè au inte. He expecteil he; accept-, ivould net m- on the contrary, éondenIns ustil)JZR We e-erOýil in front of gral. part of Vint - mi hty- Empire on ýe Thomen pady acrimo . n y,4- and appeais ta file circainstances is radier expensive re. of the Town Hall, and Werc of à very- tg ci : Officà- SOCie had -'thôught 'theré loft bis Mur venge and wz)illýl f. whicli they were toit] t1w -Fun noyer xilibit tile Iuost uU. conveilieil wotild be, no conwatf'ýbut lie ý liait Baîd, 'If Mr. 'Giïbibli who do titis know they are acting con. voice of a fr t cliaracter, ample accom. sAts. He was one of the- Reformers )tVe will have the bilzgest Lime we ever y e bail, (Làiigliter.) 17lip eleet.iQn f 1 belie col- ce people, unfettcrod hy inconsistency, first in elact, 'pollution boin- afford ci te the candi- who, in 1864 and 1865, saitl it was île- a 867 tenà wouià trary ta tkeir own botter judgineut- Party trainmels., He -aslix for a fair l'tg il, inaii &-y large niaiorities when out dates anol Othêre speakers and t'O the sirable ta lay ý asidé Party rlities and was nothi and What had uay, they aýlmkt tliat. weré they ta lis. ofoflIce and megkiug tourgftflb Ilim lie. representatives of the pre8s, Mr. 3 ng toit.' (Uphr, 'lieu examinatieil fini ju ignient of )lis actit. calige heaecepts olln for the peinte îo utiito in or er te bring laugliter.) Re sàid this -becange l'A South Onti ton ta the cotinigelt of prudente aril ile points ta the pollcy Sa stewlily an il IYýbeIiýve I11111 PvrrY, Llie Returning Pilicer, de- aboutthe consolidation of these Pro. kn that 'hie oppoueuts, th'oug ew X1rý I-lolilýu ýorý serve$ the higliest credit both for Il' fit:ïf 'had got a cil the dictaten of cýusciencp-a couteLçt WiNely pursilefi hy the prosont expprl, any otlior. mati w'l-ll lie* fourid wiIIWý toi -ýqener&1 arrangeme 's vilic0à in whieh Party feèline, liad risen they coùld defest bille thèjâ were other8 but we bat woulil - have been avoilleil altogoth: ead of pub. liluce himiself in a ý jiôsitiâli. 40: palpabi lier i ' _ ta 81,01, a pitel, that Gov ý 1 ute, unil fer the iiiiin- Ornaient haJ who wouli suffer with him.' Re stoo Or- enoed statesinan nt the Il nwliiel, bu rýâzjageiI tlië'large il monoy wag Tlieir sole excuse is the exigencies ci y DVl whicil become well nigla impiissibtç. Liiyinl, there as a member of the Goyerninent, Gibbs bail ridieulous fàr'no other thoi'n tire cloubt-* ýeJ: bila lie âffair$4 undcr wliome"guidance a fui Rathergil lielibre ý the t- amiile ail thesa Party difforencep, ï1wy and, if they condemueil him, if by tile Party-thilit it woull nover do, As th' g atification of 0, 'little brier notor% The 8R,;Omfillage mant ficIlve uulp,. haj gone in for th y left for hiR ennui ety.- 0 PnrPOR0 of Wilging vôtes the gave uext Monday, the great nâtionn.14 'is being moulavol, i' bi1oý11jà à£) tu 1,5 JO, this union, whieh, although ity, th QXeuýe thorniolves by saying, ths fi% in the Il L 2,OJO persans, r but about ut him, in a initier ey condemned in ment's ochpi M!'. &col harmonize(t,-to "'bis Own ne Fra rf). the Uontreld o5taieile. rat il; contemplatell" oÃœI.ý tlie'imrnedi. thé most un cipal Lostil et possible 0 aurwas prose vcd fi iistakuble way the Gov- *Whil ehould -bo alloweil tg- Wilk tlie supporting thAtý poliey, Quoi (in cite union of the four Provinces of a0ýnI ewtansm te ubt 0 aorf at Ili et 11 cd as yfa. s à.Hf et 1 Jýev a 9 t a 1 il Il e suport MU tupo8qible-at this distatica frorn SilortÃŽy aftûi tarie, QtiebeeliaNdeinw Brunswick il If course. Thoy. blintlly BubtnIt th'sir he'askèýîcJr a vérdict---ý-not' fretin. the ta folin Qven au approx- Ji and having go -e Cabinet. tu fro t cry of Party, and' hëVeýnOt the moral ' fro .or procetle 1 ta rend the-- writ of Nova Scotial tha-t',which ýHe was happy ta know that althougli, thim P reagon iýnd judgmeît te the over-ruling ellonts &na hineJý 0f,-!»toûiPý OIratê . 'Parti- im44 "Pitilot, li; to'the pitances of, Mr. in, 1410 ta d-a Dominion rendiling that ýCabinet' ý1ad heen in existence col by the, zaùot, but tu 4e dêe slow and col- Gltl'l" re-election, courage te sta, p". dinaril Y flic can. I)uýinçs,.;, calied for the nonaîna- ý fi-oin sen. te seul and Beau W lie united, neairly six years, it bail - not balf asý G707prunent nd forward.aud set uP te lèctéd voies of the intelligent and en-- clidate is sir#-n,-tlienogl by liaviu,- a scat tioh . of candidates. The followiÏa,4?sn- -liotvitilstantiiiig *bat fiail béen suit many oliisýas'tlie little Gaveinment ý in Macke=à-'b what they bolieve and knoe tu be tlieir inthe Cabinet, tànd that has camp to ticinen wero theu moved, and second- still was qaid, by au iron band whiell "".rorôutu. ý, (Loù',l elleerà;) ý It, had ulit- for the ý Whit lightenedi part of the cammunity. 1ýiîq bý go %vieil iiudergtood that, except in e4l':- would milice this Confederation the . quartier go many. (Beü»ewe.d. cheers.) right and ânLy, se battant men and l"Mo la th-; spýea1 ruade ta the people. vory exqpptional cases, ne apparition % Hou. T. N. Gibbs, moveil by J. B. grent poiver of British North Arnerica, if ifliail, lie ýdid n t nuibut M citizens. IL Inatters net thât the firqt do not-care about contrasting the-trien is now offèred ta there-elecfion of Min- Bickell, reeve of the township of' Wliit- net Only in naine, ot hink'he would . ne ( eloinent of partyjtlottification-Principliý it Wouîd certainly net bc ta théiady isters.' That this rule is oqo of abqo- by; seconcled by Robt. J. Grien, M.D., but in reality. He came 'there as a candidate. ý (bond 8250,000 où an- was prend ta belang te that -Party. cheerg.) But lie was willing and tended- ta e: -be wanting;,or'that theresronn differ. tage oÈ-Nlr. I-loldeu. lute application wo do net for a ma- of the town of Wliitby. (Cheers.) He bolieveci in his heait reWdy ta be judged, as had bëeu saffl, Bay. Tliat onces ment pretenil. The very objbot of re- Jaines HoIllen, mrtiveil by Jolin Rat- =y the'ourupany ho, kept. Re was in bad dOne:ý of opinion on questions of publie qiirtnff the Ministèr ta return ta a con- cliff, East Whitby, seconded bY Calvi', tuency Pnilorsed the views which lie -of Mr. Gibbs Poliey'. A few leaders have 0111Y ta pull One Day'è Polling. stitilency is * that, the' peuple niay bn Campbell, of Pickering. belli. (Clicers.) In 1867, lie had se-' the ablest iven tliis country évier pas. formers wou the wires and about the Party shibhol. protpcteIl_ý.(rainst mon improperly acý- J. D. Edgar, M.P., moveil by BprýJa- cepteil- the )Ji '-Il and important trust sessed, men wlio were guîding the obip (Lônd lauglit eth, in order to turit. the «69d neiglibor, stance, a prom- rein lie rs, seconcleil by S. M. Thom- whieli they ce men of intell Irlié elopètion will bc held on.lloncltiy ciýptiUý 611àce. For in dge' n7fided ta iiiin ilaving no of State, and did net désert lier in the Doit, 80tli înot. The pulls will bc opon ifrent 1(ý,atlor-electe&l ta Op'POMP flic Gov- as. personal interest in doing anything hour of trial, men who liad stood nobly there were a( the pergonal iHind, and the nian, wha nt Ilim ýp - a for one-day only, front nine o'clock, a. el-umentwho iloliberately walked across James Carmichael, inoved by Joliii cept flint whieli they sen bY fier nOtwithlotaadi 9 the attacks '(1 aught in ail other matters dioichargea bis fluties the floor allil atrvngtlicuoil its position E. GOUI41, seconded by Dr. Carson. ýJ or m ta Ave o'clock, P. in, rind determiiied ta flic best of ]lis ability macle upon lier front front and re>r. following in 1 in every relation of porivâte àê honor. Ly acccwptin, Office in its r"kà, rnust John McKeowli of Hatililt movell to tic) what ho could foir flic gond of his (Meurs.) Thore were two thingg the il a woulè, il a% alply, iuto a haît-crazed, uureanoning av Jul'y Excu t 1 anils of th(, and secouileil by G. Y. Sin i and A. country. -èrs.) - was truc that bail- ornaient B nit'l' (Clif IL Globe newapaper cou!d noyer je, how OURTIT 11810N Te 110- Pe;Pret OPPOB "on a t le 11 M'illia", of the town of Wliitley. it %vas* ilot without sorne, misivings ever long it lived, constituency thnt electeil Iiiin. But 0. Me and althOugIl it ! Iyinz Pro*vinc boinglit forgetÇul of the oblfgations of CHEBTER. -The Norseinan __ Captain wlieit a constituency elects a Mau ta Win INIfflill, ALD., moveil and sec- flint be hall a(,,Ceptpd that trust. Any donc a great (]cul of burin te titis colin- for the Faire c: Christian cluty, and roady ta sacrifice Cra.wford - will louve NýIiitliy ut 6 aupport ail administration a man who onded ily J. S. Larke and W.ýII. Gibils, one who undertook that trust nuthink. try. Tt wouldpever destroy Dr. RYer- dul) and it w the kinillic nt tien of friendilsip tu tbe olefock, alld Oshawa ut 6:45, ai, the ol)-,iily and titiremoi-velly doclares - bis M.P. ingly, liny one who thouglit lie cilld bbn's iliflaence in this country, and it of this Provir Innousate démolît thus ovoked. In- the morning of Tliuroday, the $rd Jury., profoi mce for tho par Robert Jolin Giinn' D., 1110-1 disciiarge snob higli a' -P ty il) power and , 1 nij important would noyer prevent the construction and thro, 0j iipon fliat'doclar.ition rfleoivel; the sur. sud secouded hy W. H. Gibbs. p lit fi l (lienew- that the peop ý 1 -, dilities witho irst pondering marc of the great Pacifie Railway. prement content every one of bir. Gibba's and 1-ethriting will lenve Charlotte on fra,,es of a majority, lie haq a riglit ta ansi G.*C, Grogs. thant Orice lipou WlIat lie was undertak- ed cheurs.) It liad triod ta lie Oth. IL tO,ýe 1 Il tllr oppononts who , haî publicly spoken Priday eveuing ut 9 o'clock. Every espeet that lie will not be opposed, or %V. 1-1. Giblis, M. P., illoved and - Il Ili pvrhaps serve the intorests was trYing now ta prevent the construe- the int4prpsts i Rive him, crédit for IlOnesty, ability, nocesaary arrangement bus been mado ut any rate that lie will lie triiiinpliant1v oii(itýd liv Nelson Chapaiau and G. il. Of a Party ; Irut wlien ]lis services were tien of that great railway- and whY Mr. J. D. 1 xotiud, judgment. and - independence for makin the ti-ip a pleasant one. 1'turcn ý1l, w1l'en 'le accel ts 0 le in tb 1 roui,.1c.,,,edfýnd Iiit; terni was expired, the fr 'o- Dartuell. Was 't because they thn au a publie, man, and for all the See advt.] saine IL is' ail imiloulit- Joliii Miller, moved and seconded by te 1 n or the people ta dotermine net te bc constructeil ? beeause tLey 11, w,, Od advatita-O ta a constituelley ta lie Arthili. Jolitistou and WIJI. Major- gond qualitiole., thal; eould àdorn and now a membo: l 1 bc whether lie had. served the thou-it lit would over-bürtien us goatlgmsug social and rivote Il Tue BIBLE ItECORDrit.-We are re- represtinted by a Miiiistel. of thý, Crowil T. P. White, nioveil and seconded -Y interests of ]lis country. (Clieèrs.) place taxation on our shoulilers which alition ut Ont life. Unliesitatingly do they déclare queated ta intimate that flic ]est issup q 1 and wheye the Millister is gnilty of no S. Holdenand S. K. Brown. 'Th(!y hail been tolil Lliat lie carne there we wpre not able ta beur No-it the intelligoil clation of principle, a ici ho ileviation Sinclair Holoien, Inoved and second- in.1837 as un ingi(ýpeniletit man. His desiied to Bee it impelleil siniply for i;avilljz that -1 thoir confidence in hîm. personally, and of flic Il Bible Society Itecoriler," cou- froui bolffly cexlires-.,ell opinions, flic cd by T. Ilenry and Audrew Anuis. opporients tlieiu4clvc-e bail said that lie Partý purposes. (Cheert4.)- The pûte- olid not think as a bugiuësIl man. An,, yeti 60 blind. taining speecbes dÏliv(4reil ut the annual 12,18toul Ilas become ta permit Ilis elec. Abram leurewell, moved and once hall a iuind of ]lis own, and that ple destred ta sec that work construct:- constitueucy meeting in T ranto.wîll bc fonnil at tlie t'on by 'tec"ljllllat'on- vil by Daniel 11elliflay and T. lienry. ail flic- floor of Parliainent lie hiid ennu. col, Parliament had said IL shoulil bc Mr »Gibbs rit sa are Boule 01 them by Party Préjudice depot of the 0 ý,lr. Gibbs, howevor, wili liot reepive lialpli flaruden, tnt;%-ell an'! ROC00 'l. cinteI his vievs in such a way that the One in a, certain way, and the Gov- Ho that thoy are ready ta set ail these fair Whitliv brandi, (J. H. Ger- thu; tri-atnierit fretin- Ili,; ol)iioii.,tiits.- ea, I)v Sauluel Beall and A. W. Smith. Governmouf, of flic day. whieli was res- ce ilion was e rociommendationsi - aside, and accept, in rie & Co's drugstore), wlirre Inembers Tlify linvo alreinly bronglit out a clt),- mý le. ce ruinent were trying ta cariy out the turned ta the wan, movel and siý.cOiI(1pd polisib!f- for the legislalion of t1ile colin- views of parliament. Ail sorts of op- bc re-eleete(l préférence an untried party man of of t'JO Society cinfl Otb rq ilItOrOsteil "'date .1111 propci.4o ta fiý-,iit the fiattlo, by G. Il. Darhiceli an 1 P. Gibbs. try, litid on sevpl-al occagiolir, fe t boulid position bail been offèred ta the gentle- lautilter. whom tlwy have but little personal 'ay hencefurtl' rOccive the witli al[ the bitteriivss whicli it il; tlifýir - J - S. Larliv, Illoved and ancien le 1 1 B %vont te iIIfliýe int, ý . 9 ( 1 ta pay attention ta flic sentiments man %vho were in Enirland trying ta Giiis liad hui kilowledize, who in boiind hand and ai, application. Arrau- nient art, br- 0 political contvsts.- Giýor-e MoGillivray and win. avoid the IE whiell Ji,ý had expresged. Ili wliat di.1 raise the necemary money. It was acted with inoi That the struggle will be a s(ývvr(,. oup 'B. Bickell, illove-1 and recOnded thiiosui irnestelleit pijossti tioiiý(%I'iliffeeiri Ifi-eorslL]oloiiis-uploogiti Oàa)!Dd, tobre r$a2iUlway WOUI(l cost $150,000,- font ta the i uggern â'It car -of Partyand ing malle fer flic reccptioli of a npw there ië no donbt- Ta defeut Mr. Ciii.ls by 'P. NV. Din9ýIe and Dr. McGill. o,000,000. What did the lie complained who dure né-t exercise -un independent stook of bibles ail(] toi4tatiientg ut the file opinion of the Opposî- Eienezcr Iiii-roll, illovod and secoild- tile flOor of flic-- llmi.ie of Commont; as people care how mueli it cost, after eilough ta dise opinion of ]lia Own-and eveu althouggli 'l'pot, the old stock haviez heeu Putire- ilion, a in-oat 'party ti-iiiri)l)li worth e bl G Gros, ai] 1 wal. major. au in-lividual imviiiier of flint Ilotise, they liait given tlicir aid ta it. That tien à issue. struggling for; te èIvet him in flic filet, 1 Il' irýý1lJ-uiu- 0fIicOý said tila7t in lie would ouly ittît,ýet tile li-gislation of was a inatter for the stockholders, wlio that in the 1 ly îlestroyed ut the tirne of the lire. c. x money lie lie destitute of one-tenthof the abil. of fil(] opposition w1lich lié, will have to V, nlitill)ert)f calili-lutes tjic, cillilitry tu Ille . t(.Ilt of bis in(livi- advauced the an ity of thiiir faitliftil well-tried represon. PUNSUON.-Tlie Leizder of Satitï-ciay iln ýý. Ifý.'liael net entered the take cure they hud good enenuriter wouln grentlv strpli,,tlioii flic IV.1llIVIIIIII.111,l 1111ilvide the tillie. Bo as ta give (Joui al'ilit ci they would cipi)t adjustruc positiort. iloure Ïboth pal-- the iiioverm and siconders live rilintites Gover i ' scenrity before Mr. Gibbs, al tativol Thora à something revolting jearns that a private teIf.gý a ]las been t lit iiiitltitiliin,,]>, for lie hall they advanceil a dollar. Tliat bëillg there was Il in, ail thfiîý something a 1 nt ivs look %vith grent int('I«rýrt ta tlie a(.- encli, the candidates wlio wcre proposeil willi lvadin- i.-U ofthis Rid- donc, it was the duty of everv patriot (Langhter.) absolutely reccived in Toronto, front England, tien of the piofflé, or Solitil Ontario (Ilir. for [Ile of spýýiLIirIg Leil iiiiiiiIt(-.4 1 tJýY Mr. Jaules g and of wrs, ;1!1ýl Intel beer, urgel by the dnty of evM, loyer of hi; coun wicked in itoelf--âL4 ta almoNt make elle Rtating that the Rev. Dr. Pivislino, wlio Nt ten Wv arc., glati fol, eac;i, and the actual > candidates thirty 11ýUfleJ-s awl iii ttL(i-8 %vavs if cever thé te further hy evi-ry menus in his one of those loue hope altogether ut people pu loft Canada for the alil couriti, drit . the "ii)lllllnl. prifici- rililititi-8 foid flint, lis lit tIJ4ýý last 0 111:1de tu Iiiiii, 1 power y a short frý»r wus, *io't te shriiik this gréat national ufiilertakiii- The Mr. Gibbs, ai, 1 blinilly orriil*g and 00 oasily illipololi. No t; ha't. rtnt, il is recogu izvI IlY Olectioli, Mr. Giiiý,ti the Culididat(ý frofil ilecoptim: il, fle lia.1 jucepteil if, nets of the Gûverafnetit before 1'8*72 hall tor,;Iiip, lie 1 mie âg?, walq marriril there on Wed- Iliflie.,rtit, oppos"d tl1f,ýSec- rel been disons cotllilir bitioli for Ile tivoulil wonder thora wero faine prophefs and npallay of last %veek ta Ilis thiril wifu, M co-operatioli und rultp They had now ta deal with the of ilitil as the 1 retary of state. 1,110 %Vhitipy Ilion tilt! riglit toi repiv f)rt of )'eur as in flic 1);v4t on the Illifililifig, À 8ed and disposeil thé-, lust would bc a goo fýIsc te ' achers in thé world, and tila Mise Fogter, of Sheffield. Iii:n very Mr. Bickvii on I)rol)ç,.iiiir, Mr. Gil)lj.,4 t ilis,, %vlio> liail bitlit-rro rhoviii flivir lëgisioition of the finit session, sud, if sclitative of the people worellipped idole and -faine nt, t!l;,; iýlcýCiio-1 if iiini %vas, ed %villi cheurs. "lie Ilad thil '.1ceting iiiin as there liad beeri conything ta attack in presseil his hos hi'n l'y gode. Party la hero-tho ýdemOn, -ta Tir- or a cordial èitll)ieoi-L' und il ifs vi,!w br, flot. hotmi., Il.. salol, of now tilýitti%:i! in t1ip lloiim, of tliat le4islatioii, did they #lot suppose of whiell Mr. 0 .3 ) fi ail or the jourth tillie. lie 11,141 11, - wilich, inratuated men bow the knoe, ta Ox»rAnro,-A (Iegpateli frôtn Ottrvra t' b:Lý 1.1cis iýIî-(-CoýYn liy niai- Gibbs f j;ýy riowsny finit hir, opporients wouId have mal, ffied it and ta his. re-pl c,,rr,ýeîý; f Iiiiii lion, Mr ,.,it , l o_ý O-ýsi1 ility 0 )f* fil(! )osi il 1 whieli lit- hall ton-fold ? A gentleman who was ta Mr. Jolin Mc whicli they Sacrifice friendqllip, justice, the Mail says that His Ilotior Lient- nîýo1 iva riiiglit perhaps tell thein file country, Gov. Howlaul has cousented, ut tbi, Vo. %Vlj(-ii il was tlaid riglit, And truth-the wickedest, the OU,ý q ce, Jlpar p Browil. Ilr. Gibbs a1O ýi»1p -ý1l tiffl tiley liffil foIIOW Il ;Ile Moinillon was a ellild ilà poliiies a "1 1 "1 o vil in Iiiiii iii the past F;110111(1 bc WiLli. soillething about th at legisIation, but Westeru Rofoil Vilestand mont abject, iusensata idl f quest of the -Gove.riitnpnt, to. continue Ilis t1len oppotiolit. Siolev. ttipl 1 M r. (11-ilwil ýNo, iiol.ý Ile Hhoillil have lic, hail Ilini (.%fr. E-1gar).in the sanie test, and expr-el "Hriti t1wre been a Rontiiiient of -vil. Gibhs hall Ili'coific il -r-owii.llp .11 - - thezn ail -1 in office until the.1st of Novoinber next. erosity al- filir play ilillie Illinois of fi)(, it 1 1 in il as those ilideed if these who fille] bout with Iiiin eu(ic)r8in- one of the ciples tritimpli in t1le field of politicH, ail i il )rLe-1 111*111 Iiitlil.1:to wolil(f witlidraiv greati-st works of flic sessioli-thê rend- came there toi Grit lin.!ers Mr. Cibles woilid Inive liven froiii the fact ldhis liaii", justrutent of the publie debt. If Il (.%Ir. TowN SCROOLS n'(A%[tNýtTfoFI.4 flic. confidence wlJen lit,- lield a more hoped ta sec 1 The Question of Locality. allolved ail Ulioliposocil i-(,tilrii'iri Sonfl cabillet. Mir . e The town*peoplo wili do, weil 1 to re- Ontario. il is Il-)t a y(ýur sinee the, con» gti-lwtý'ait d îijiportaut pý,siijoii t!ian lie Illici on Gibbs) hall doue wroug in votiigfor Gibliez, and thil ys Ilerctofore becil cep forinur occasions. Listi-ning ta wliat that inewiure, his conduct was en orsed sfýntimIeIits ut Io Sortie of Mr. I-lol(lon'a partizans in inernber the Selinol exaruination t1lis stittl(.rl(.y gavo, ifs verdiet ljetwf.(,Il Iiitil l 11 l' ýo%%a.s ail tho present, liai b,ýei) said ýo-1lav »Ititi throngliout, by a niiewleer of file Refonn Party. 1-loigien'r, incetir Thv coliti-st M-118 a sio'l but ili ', eliol tho'ù wilo 0ppoýL»,I th l e town arc, urging the question of afternoon et tlie Johil St. wili and his 1 t 1 tIle Iti'Ung, ol]c M'i id fancy chat in. Tiieti 'the Peterboro' eloction Giltbs s1jould looality against Mr. Gibbs, forgettini, pari St. Schools. arod On Fri'lay after. keeti otie, tiipl tlic-rtý rail 1w no bin, wimid fiiid (lieinselvcs iii Ille saine strad of il Dif.liilptýr :j,;' Partianient hav- Cage was atiother triatter. That would said that Sir Ji that tIi(ýrc, wn,; atiý,tliiii,, iii flie simpn of position tiieý, did bý1ore-defi-.itvtI- 1 that it la an argument that can bo used "no" lit the Juliior Division of t1i(Il a 'ilikf" in the iii- a right Io Lie itgli,ý(1 to viit,-r an Ail- bc deciileil hy a Cominittee of Parlia- Arclibishop Ly 1 ti-il 41 riv-1 ut, (CIi,.ý(-rs) - as ut previons electiolis. iriiiiietration the vvry fiact ofa iliail illent. in a short tiine, in a pt-oi)ýr way. give Mr. Gilybs 1 ut both aides. Do they beur in mind that, Iligli Sellool. HOV cali if be Said tliat ally question Ims \Villi all flic bi-,, Ulis il-gailist Ilion, ividi of' Parliament was a Then they bail the cry that the futidq Crawford should if the argument wero ta holl gond. it ftrisrir sinec- to elilill-llý. file corri 1311-111n all the opposition, this would stili be ri-aý(ln why lie s1joulil not enter the were unequally distriblited, that the lier of Ontario. woulil tell for Mr. Gibbi in Oilirtwa, as Frap IN Orparlies in thp ridiuq. A loelil intimai tilt-, case. M r. G b, lot .4 Il il aiwftý's W,.)Flç- Aiiiiiiiistration. Accordin- ta file Lower Provinces had received mur Dr. McGill rai inirs on lot No. 27, 5tli coil,ý.t,,qqiotl of of ilioir oiýti parfV file, vol i-J the iritvrests of tIitý colillitry, u7ld prilleiplvs w,'àicll Ilail bet-il ÃŽai.1 down, chan they oui, it ta have liai] ; that wa Grits lind cc Weil as agailiiit Iiiin in Whithy ? The sober- not, for Parry. Ile %vas nu lit) v, wo , -fliv Pickering, ownod by'flit, Irac Jolin Pýýr- equestion of locality ]las ncthinq what. eV, fini] occupieil by hiq soiq, were ta. in' 1(ed oulvief, tiii titis 1),)itit. IL il(ý1)1,e. ýiIIJ A-ýr)eCte&I gf'lJtleIIILII, and Ile Illiti it was sititl tliat a Liiati when it gave up the riglit to levy duty -ernorship was b( 1 - i wt- would liavel no Administration ut th ýy gave New Brunswick ton 11111011 in the matter 0 lever te (10 witli the P"esent contpAt. eýIttoN Pliv 118 a II1-pz-d, 'for once, te see Iiiiii retilmwd ce wlien lie cri tiniber gain,,, don-n itsi rivei W. He woul.1 be gotoui Theý ideiLgilreR brou!zllt before thé Do. tally destroyoil by fire on Friilay Iftqt, patty of t1je f! t 0 i?ý.' i t '01. - lie ".f1.ýJ I-ed fil Mr. Mi.w. Tile illeilibers of tIlL that if aisy man would look ut it there wollid lie a 20th illoit., to'-etller witli a teani of val- ' %vo (la nol, Iiisilate to that il, minio'n Parliament lire tuoasureil coin. ollil be a plirty bliliffli'l' fi) ýfr. %vlieil Gverlinient lit fil,, Privy Coillieil Loar i fairly uni[ iiiipartially. without Party candidate, thiliki mon-to the whole Dominion. It is on. (111»)Fi iit tIJiý,4 finit-, 1LI141 Élial if is etitii-(-. lit! Joilwd On Cabillut and catilc. bliek iiabie Iiorq;ýs and a nuroilyir of iinpli.. W, 1 flic legislation of' the Co iialtrý-, spretacles, lie would sec thaï; the logis- noue a-ailist Ili monts. The Inqa is citinitLeil ut about 1 wrotig of fliogo wlio wotild (Io Ili- Ilail IIOJ)Oýi flint Mr. un,] il ivlts flint tlii-ir humble s0r lation offilie past Ressioti liai] licien such ti!ü eleictors cri ly Ili the Local Lnirilatlircý--a9 the on whiel, tijoro-iiq an insurance y I )s 0ItPýzipnt ilow w4juld talie the vant, wolild, if Ille liail ally influence ut a." ta wili the admiration of those wlio Gibbs'; it was ai file, [)nl.tys JI a inot to again le position liq Mr. oplio- IIII, if liv dosireil ta l'iilfil the duties of' rend the debates. (Cheers.) Iflie bail and they %vould, People Of the town of Whitby have sport in the Agricultural ance Co. for tli(i bittvr litilliiililttii>ili ol*e,-i-fjiiii Iclits liai[ (loi , lit ut finit finie ; and fIl ter lois Nvitli aiiy credit te ljitxisell* te bear the mins of the Ailiniiiiçtration, amain ' as tkey 1 ta thoir céat-tlint flic qusstion of Io- Ili RIlito (if* tliiq wiso coillisf-1 1 lie ileservell and with' a il to lient rit filage wili) whieli werc go few and an light, lip miglit cality mighi enter ta influence the ail 1 flie very oliviowl 1 belore. He gavE t'il bo truuti.d iti the sanif, %%« ay, OSPveial- 8'.'it iiiin, alloi dois va.st -1)oatjiriioi, lit with confideuce ask tliat the support wliieJi Mr. Gibbs cIýIofc0 -of a roprosentative, Ta May D,.,iTlr 1.1; TII-ý', GAGL- INýXrJL4T.- flint gzavv rime to it lieu LattIv linq coin - ly in Iiiiti so Il igIl Il Il lionour large, nuvc te) iiiiiiio ]lis inütitlle(,ý felt, whicli they bail givell Ilitu in the past for gilidiner the c ced. Tliv niori;pllt the appoillinivnt ecil upoti tlloreforf4-tliat Whithy should ïupport a William 1-lazl Wood. [tu Old lutin Of the coliKtitti- IL there, if sent fi) Parliament 011 0 sliClil lie' accorded h4in in the future. and was sure thi, of' Mr, Gibliq wus flic, %viiii 0 bY man-irtespective of all claitug 05 years of ap, convriitted te tliq Colin- WhIt t inore by t1ivir (Clieiers. Cries of -Wë will.") Let the charaeter of 1 - ex-parlianleiltarv elliet of flic, party tli7e- lýi-. Gtinii secouded the nomination lie expoett-il Io brilli', to beur nuy iii- Joint turil tiieir attention for a fow rue- would use Ilis ilifl as ta qualification aud fitneam-ia an ah. ty glial last 'Ma , aie a Ililatie, gli-1 in Orated hifilsi-117 en ]lis 11-liest à y 1 1 ivitli ilitidýli plensure, fur 4-lifi sillili! IvIlitAi lie woulil possess, in clients ta a Bubipct upon whieh mucli ta effect ail the ourdity-and the abstirolity of the nar. prison on Sunlay last. Dr. Eaqtwoo 1. LePlildislied Ilis i)i,;Pgt'gt toIllftlliLwlz, [",il relisons giveii by the previous speaker, orl,-r tu eiýrvû Llie peuple of' Canada. liad boeu said. IL was stated tbat lie country. rofflot-mindocl, sectional, partizans. ut Couiity Coyoner, hold an iii(liie-3t flic, ]lis loifflest, war w1loop. ILS ajid 1 1 e believeil Mr. Gibus hall they say of Hon. Mr. 11owat, of' haît foreed on this contelit. In relier- Dr. Gatin said braVf:ýs are' (in t1je ivar path, acteil in fil(- be!,t iiiterests of thù Col',',- ý1 r. Blakill or ý3ifr. E. 1t. if lie enco tu that, lie would sa that lie hall Lion résting upo: that. sarr ci afternonn, wlien the jury raturn- 'l'Ji Il tidi,,' aFite, pi tliroiigli net accepted offlee without due con- sut)t)or-É-tlio ffluiled by 'Big E. B. tr . y-our culIntly Isiling eLaie to ask. t1wir suffrag'es in the Re- wlienever Mr. Gibbs could do a good ed a verdict of Il dieil front raturai \%,oeil, voice iE; roari 1 Ig, tlii-oiigli ail important perioil, wlieil it needed f-... turu fat Sny, locality in-the riding ho causes." thoi land. The erriffloviiient. 1- fL hât ÉLIqutiun -.- 1-:- ---! ------ l Y-# 0 UllýW -d'on,, The aid be1,ýeautéd to -the" 16110,wing, indi. ont pom, nit', tw, - rnan 1 as wjÉ ýýL P, Ad Z;e F. ýÏ 75 ete pëi per ..week, John psrkëïý Co cliapm 1 81:4 7,5 , as per- *ëëà .etOI4 r R. Boston': côra,-Jlr, Widow, Per weeki'James Diev coni. W-idew Widbw, Smith"ý- si k . per'. wee Benfly com_; WÃŽdow Oates 80 aa Br weÈk Lévi 3fùîck@ý com. Lellan, th, mm Of JO" Miller lamnÙsgiorïer' The following accounta we re re. ordeffla tg be Paid,-+,JCU]2- Parker for, nid to WidOw Campbell sud Jamç-îJéhnstouý #31 40; F. Meen, for a'id tao Mn. me- Rettrick and Wrightman, #27_40; Uts, Wood, for Bupplying aid ýo M1W.- raan, $15 7&; J. and D. -Mamsbýo"Z nid to Widow yoUnL7,ý 021 50 ; Thotme Trip, for aid to Widow Stone1,ý #22 D. McPhee, for support of au abà»ý1on._ ad child, $21; S. J. Green,, for hid toi Moses Allen and Mrs- Johnston, $le.- 20; Newrick Wilson, jor,'ail to Mm,- Pàllàter, $22 " Leýi Mackéy, foraid'tw -WidOw GateS' $18 40; Ja,,,,,. Wbitson for aid to MeGer-, tio ; jolia Graham, for work on rond between lots 11 and 15 in Sth con., $50; John Barnes,-for work on road betweéh lots Il and 12 in Sth con., Sr)o; Tb,,,ta BuËk, for work as per report of Jam.s, L. Palmer, $82 83; James Young,- for repairing 8lUicewaYý, as ppr crdfýr of ,John Wilson,'87 50; Ira B.' Omi, f,, - work on rosd between lots 2 and 8 in 2ndcon., Sioo,' johu Wýigýht, for work 011 Kingston road OPPOsite -lot No. 7, $20.« Allé! the cornmittee recommend thst the Reeve and Clerk be authorizeil to grant a certificate to Thomas Head, to ipable-him to obtain a shop licorme t,ý Bell spirituous liquors. . Report received and adoptid. Mr. Brown IDOves that the -clerk be instructeilto procure the Ontario Sta- tutes to be kept in the liail for the use ofthé cornac!]. Mr. Miller moves- that the Reeve rant hig order in favour of John Clark, For $4 66 being two-thirds value of a, 'i killed by élogs. Miller introducada by.law whiell. va" rend threeseverý1 tirnes and pags-- Id, to repeal by-law No. 862, entitled a )Y-14w tO grazi afil by way of bonus W lie Ontario and Quebee'Railway. On motion of Mr. Miller the Couneil tands wiionrned till Saturday, thëýe6th lext. Taz WIXBLEDDN TEAx.-The ruem- ers of the Wimbledon team sailed for inffiand last ' Saturday under charge of liëut.»Colnnel Peters, of N. B. Militia, 7th Ma or.Otter of the Queen's -Own, orontoý as second iu, conimand. The fflowing are -the liances of the tearn 'ith the regiruents to whieb tbey res. Betively, belong, and the tntal Froye iade b.ý faêL nt %he rocent éompeti- Du -Major 14th Battaliam . B., score 2.55 ; Sergt. uiady, 68tlu tali Ça attalion, N. s., 211; tain 'White, !hitliy, 84th Bat . ntrio, 250 IPtaià Gr&barn*ý Garrison Artillery,,. * S., 245 ; Sergt. shaw, 54th Batta- in, Quebee, 245; Capt. «3,forganý Sth attELlion, Quebee, 240 ; Privaté 'Boyd, rand Trunk Engineprs, Quebee, 24o rivate Eaten. 68th Battalicli, N . & Pârate Loggie, 78rd Batblio*' S., 240 ; SPrgt. Powers, 63rd Batta- ;n, N. S., ,24o ;-Sergt.. Harris, Glir__ ;on Artillery, N. S., M ; -Ser--t. nand, latli Battalion. Ã"ntatio, 240; Ut. Coutu, Thrêe Rivera Battalion, zebec, 240 ; Lfeut. Anderson, Grànd uik Brigade,- Ontario, 289.; Xsaist- 2t Surgeon7 Vail,-74th Battalion, N. , ý239 ; Lieut. Andrews, Srd -Batta- n' Quebec,'285, Corporal Hiëkf-Y, rd ' Battàlion, N. S., 295 ; Sergt. Lrsh, 49th Battalion, Ontario, 281-- rgt. Baxtert- 8th Battalion, Quebec,' ý ; Private Mitchel, 18tli Battalion, tario 280. ý1t will thua lie seen flint tario sends five cornpetitors. Que- ý; six, New Brunswick thrce, -and va Scotix. - fuRDiltwaLOUT.-.more than ten rs ago two little girls, aged eleveu four years, residents of Inliana- S, werp brutally murdered. Their ies, librribly mutifiated, were found lie rank graEs on the baùks of the ite Rivër,. A number of half grown 3 in whose companJý the XW]s wers finit mat ior me tilne being lie was nu that lie Ino-k support bit4 now knew the difficility of a co,,- ul njb 1 et frorn Me. Gibbs, urging tais claima of ally interesting papers iii il, whiell' iln. 9110111(l Lave trut-iliti'lly aiiiwort,,d 'bef(Il'O lower a repiertrntative of the consti in ti je future, bu asked thein te en (forse th to' tuLieurs-J -.1-norse wilo Ilearti , 0,,ý,1,rrîOWrwlýiit,,eld eucott the Itailwgy Company ta receive Gov. part a high valde to the iiumber. lie starts on his jouruey, and a littie tu( tlie,-Iiotiour, course, lie liad plirsued in the most il (3 rit in in17 or Au,-tist-( i r, h lie Gov y t1jat liail-done hini ernment ald. -In every Other ýaBet Terni&, 03.00 a year, orsixniontlis on care talion in exanlinatiou ýof I.Outcs un tliree successive occasions& te te- iiiistakeable rna!iner by retnriii u- when they hall te' leave tlicir liarvest thanking the electe il luany ctses save mueL troubleý turn Liai bY majorities i;ti-ffleient tu in- a - a ib 1) y a ng Iiim fields ; and se when, (luring the last on a lornolesrtipc)peco2rqtio? wlivre the Opportunity presented itacli' trial, for $1.50. Addresa 1-ti-iniupliant major- few weeks of the session, Le was asked friends t -S. Rý Wells, will i lar-c, ail( weleviiie r J He said that in necept- îf ho could ýrepare fora coritest, lie The dicalo th8t lie wits Ille elloice of the ity. down about five Mr. Gjbbg hlià taken paîne ta use Ili$ 889 Broadway, N. Y. tilne and nioney. people. Ili days that were past lie inl- oflice lie Lad, lie believed, acted in hall said lie would bc roady as soon as influence en belialf of the town- of M ts, and crowd clispersing fa The Chica- , Bni-lincton & Qilincy was elle of tlxemselver,, lie was ai) clec. accordanze with the views and feelings lie coula, mâke bis =angemeti TnE UNioN Pic.NV fakes plact, on Rlilroad bas n'eldeveil a splendid feint- ter of ti-ie constituency, and all that the of -Iiig , nistittients. If lie bila net ac- would bring it on in tire month of June candidates d,ýclined WI)itby, and it le therefo - re idle .4-flud Doihiiiion Day rit Annis's grove, near tation in th(, last tlirec ycars as' the % He be- Gibbs-and Holden. laie required was that lie should bc cepted the offer whieli had beel2 made if possible, in order te -save amother retired ýwiLh the ci fault with hin: on the ground of locality ()Bllawa. tvý--ilty-one yeurs of agp, tliat lie should tc) iiiin, wliat woiiiii ]lave tison sait] ? clection in July or Augu.t. put for*ard. That will be ill riglit in ---- - -- startin, at Cliicaýo crýPcoria, it runs tion-whieh was £51)0 sÃŽc T leading Piissonger Rotite to tho West. Possesr, a suflicieut property qualifica. Wliat liail been said in the Plll)lie lieved the people would be more pleaseil The places of p( coupidering the elaims of the cauýidftte8 CAN&DIAN CIIPDir ABitou.-The-fol. rling-and journals whieli opposeil him 9 bat Le with him for taking tliii' course ' than annouticed, the for the local Leelature. lowfug 0- ,lit ta a. close direct. througli Seiiihorir Iowa and that lie shoulil bc in thoir ju-lawent a *was afraid ofiiii constittientq ; thathe tlicy would- ýhaVe been if lie had the broua uggestive- paragraph is froill fit and proper person, te ropresent them wag unworthy of his position. The ....st later in the year. Now they for the Queen, thio Nebraska, 'with close connections te -9 n Parliement, and -it was for theiu te leadingjournal opposing him hall said would have a fair opportunity & dis- Mr. Gibbs and for the money article of the Loildon Daïly Califorala and the Territarle , S. It is Illetermine ixliether lie shoulil re 1 wa 0 the cussi' g the publie quegtions of'the'd Mr. Holliday's VerdîctýA new Trial News of May 8th :- - prest-lit the otlier day t, lut lie s fit te b' n arso the short lille and best lino te tliein or no.. (A voice-Yon shall.) Lieut.- Governor of , tliiÊ Province. He aY- tliree for the Return Ordered. was as mdfpûëd as tbat'lië stood v, Missouri, and points il, Kano Lad done,'so for uine ye.ars, e ayp 'It rnay bc pointell out-us arrinstance Quine Ele, tlipy (Langliter and elle rs.)_ If lie were there to-d th;Lt-his conduct wD'uldbe f the dîËerent appreciation of Govern- 8 ha(I'pn,àsed ilporitliree several Occasion.4 ever popular among bis if endorsed, net only by a mainrity-fcir FýAT.&L lie Mr. Bliliop, solicitor for the Com». 0 and l4w Mexico. Passengers on th one -was enough te râpru a inember- June 20- ment stocke, am , Opponenla, -A terrib panye inform us that Bfr. Daniel- Iffolli. thï on« quiet investorl;, way wcstward cannot do,,batter thau te upon bis- conduct in the past,..Lnd lie lie ever epjoyed the conflac., If thlse lit while C"ada live per cents are ilow appearpcl before ilierit again to wlio wero politichlly apposed te him, it but byýcuéh a inajority as to, Justify place yegterday, atl day'm verdict -for $500, obtainéd 44ainst ýquoted at .107, or '7 premium, t1je A. tilke tiiiii rOlJtü.ý solicit tiroir stiffrazes iinïlér soinewliat was wlien lie was catied acrou -the Lira, Wlien lie said lie bila accept,,I bètwéen thé two ý sti the Olifario F arrnent Mutuat Insuruce ýnericau Governrnent flve per cent. ara - This lino lias ljlib*li.'411(,"]' a pain 1 Plll(.t ilillerolit circýuwtn;iccs irorn tlinqe street in the tnwa of Oshawa by those ô,&Uce *ith a full ý*kljàwledgc aud beliëf Kingý1 George. Cozi Company for libel, han been set aside, at 2 te li diFéount. The credît or ('ntitled 61 HOW Toc tic undür wliieh lie appeared bcf'nro thern opponeuts thaL they miglit coii,-ratu- that lie wolild bc beartily , eüdSieà by ýtiedwas,' >net able, without costit, and a new 1 Canada, judged bY a stock exchaýge preViousIý.. 'Ils clic respect his Eituý-1,- late Ili' e 1 . those who hall supporteil him for 1 ,trial grantëd. test, would tliutq-at)pear to bc better contains nisieh valuable inforiziatoi - in open th -.mil -horjour. thref, Troper y, but owing ILI givin on ; a tion was iiot a new nue, b,ýcniise the, uble. position whicli lind been assigned past sessions, sud ý ho bëlieved, thoy, elocmpletely ôver .KJÙdýment,.itwaisatateil-th'attlie thau tlist Of the Unitpd-, States, al. largef correct map of the GlIcat West, Pas-tion whivl; lie now liel'l as a Minis- tu Ilàn. They tola hi= they were wouLI showthat ho rptailled their don. là 80 dchIg lie bU court thoÃœght-tliere wanstrongavidence though- it in àifâeult, te imagine a bet- which ca"ù bé3 obta'ineil ires of charge terof the Crown was nierely one îtici- perféet;,ýy in theïr -filence. (Cheerm.) , They 11WI "eleèk»(l CIÏUI;iDgiiistant déàt] ýP, Support of the plea of just ter Relourity- than the bonds of ti posi lion(-fat and sincerte -ail tter c that' inagnifieent (il ght th' ification7 ta The 0 IIY the, Gemral Western dental tO the. don whieh Le Lad. deulaiýàtiozFi, that no bc Iloice him Jn the pas'., and reiying on go ta 0 Jdry. and tlia, ho leàrned ter Gàverfirnont.- anitdians are - 0 tlieir proof of their confidence, lie askèd'them, :Charles Benn, of hP enttled te &Orne credt for lCIds,,ai,,,ýheir 1 toprcsentative in the couldhave be-eý' malle than Of Julire,4iý tlie týia1 was wrong in ', eg 8 (if t le, United Provinces ci -humble servant. îCheers.) ýVlien lie y Inc attainingatia Passéri2er Agýrjt, Chicago, Eurlingion, to rail te the Polls 011 Mondày next.,, fuseil tfpw days ago rufing keeping the Position thee Lave, in spite uijlcy, Rail road, Chica,, "es, ho liiemutouly Lis (cheere,) and show early in th flay dollars. R' othérivise, ' C0,111. Upper auti Lowéir Canada, and, silice -ýp.ke of L îý é,,Iýriiî a 13 ri Of the CORIPetition to wliieil t1joy are, n 'eat fiticaleucÃŽrniéïÎ,beciýuPo througijout the thathe would béreturned *ith a larger by Thomas Simpsou. exposed b 1867, in tile Parlialbe t Of the Èl States.ý y a borro wor like the unitea EXECUTED.-Mm. Workulan, whom DôihinÃŽou of Canada. juflging from 0011tosïïhë_ýû lad not been rt siriffle ér' majority at his bacL thau hall ever be- jared- would dimý ope. it wià bc reliýem4red, luurdei-ed lier w1lat liail b l fore been given him in th' i3onstituency ait, iittékt een said to.day and during sonal matter and Le Loped -t ere can 'n the',,isntinunpopàéit ni htik-kud List spieing in Mooretown, L4 this colàteàt,,oue would fancy tha b " ould iiot bc te the end. ' jle wauted 1 of South Oataric. (Lond A iflre broke out in tbe of Nor- _r t 43- W and ti "ýA ý7ërej ebec on SàtSlday, and deli ýcouragiDg addreu toý them. Int mon, hie LordsWp said it wm the, ,ion of the cotintûss of Dufférin to- it a golil medal to th'q membèr of,* FLM Who MIV16 the bigheSt score mbledon. This à a prize certain_ »th tryiL)g for. ; STOKEs TR IAL.-Nevv Yôrkjune -Stokes, nèw trial -will now during the present term of Oyer ,rwiner, which throws- it over to ir. His counsel has -decided to na -- -bail th ffort to e priRoner. 4ence will still rely upon medi- timony, soeffective jný -the fit-6t Ma Will raibe the plea of selu- e. gxn TO ROB, A BAYXJýAnsrs- lo.-, June 22-An atu-jupt wa8ý - ;0 rob the People's Bank of, on- FridsY night-,byýýSiüith, The Plot was . discovelred, àndu o as ridliled - witli bùllètW,- -ana ly hilled by a party -ot c"itizeru-. AcciDENT.- London 22 The; Bteaînýr CýojUML ýuI lin for Holyliad, - rani jýq, us, ore IL Rent'â- Rock,-near _Eo]yfiiaý find afterýwartis ýbIokû 'lu-t-wo zero, -wËem twe)vb wex#-z td, Three of thpcre1w. ýveTû £Llt>o emem'eé carraimc)ndloni _f W-

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