UL1 0 ttlj Ilelor t-t Mok bu- ave tr itrep1 t5aien, the -;-ue ierraudi wlileh was Ioafaite place ou the of Racine went for tlsat gley e"l ial-lctosfrahmeÃ4 n h fa leoing day. Tley dispaeed'o! tto- r Iahd the camera, andi generally pta Town of Wit5y fronts on Dundas sru 'on le and i rturned homne on the. negative in the mon asî ~tnre way rupon a litais West of thsePost Office, iun rear evening ofFrislay tré 1th. Âftfrthe buuiness. gllr heeal- wt let f xelo aeE n - toj ping frashort time a#Riomn4b:y mft'd araFn ontaiCbu4hSW.JUofn.idi. Toacln~~ pace elle -TJh'e qucstioeso ta whether Chathîam prmocgea a t hoîuld pay isindebteineels ta the M un- yea.'re ye0 tm. shot *' oe .r hecontr twade- e"lUs Fndwa sbmttd ly Frerm sud rler parielcuars apply Teilliede. tho'Couneil 0tohtii. atepayeji a e EV ABNS u ag s voe pWt-a.T eestood, for 9A aesLc On reAneIsig a det-erteti part of tli;e vo0 tuanto-a. h mt EVqFuee R, lobêdüpol heproceedjpgs as a farce, OIIEENWOOD& McILLAN, iodin eÉam commne-, wrar, aar that rpdaio,1.Thp~l O -Aetoer ,his victun, was posse-tio! asumicf andi Quuej ~ ol4 ue iOie- Y mon.ey, Lad lain in a'ue oracopewise it wouli have been voteti down by edrsollosWib.ý~~. of îcure, as soon as hi$ victini cam i> n alnicosîunanim A vt. .L SOý, Bred two mijote ,aI Lii rom a rifle THMbsxntmex laqi; that aredon- p oint latk. Deathwassinstantaeous. B131RT speiie s!nda e When .HIebrard, ulich whom e ver ly east of the ne'er Urammnar Bchool iii thC~ thing tenee ta 0% tise crime,w*ao ab ADAMS-In -r e..On thlè11Ui) said Town of Wîb- >bgolpedO~~ tioa1iwlwchltt a r itgt .,_Mxs. D. JLAdamin¶a on. etfflot Nksabelnfevon in 4 S, < aHndB ARES soutà the whole lnt of the lot), on ", 'O0 rs'pbilà îy. he preperveid theutuns Werden's plan. This property fronts on Q~.< cool nese, alla pretendeti l tat lcy Lad 0ireOsçLE Owiîcr,-Tune 25t1 78. Colboraesî reet, brings in a 'rentai of 67 per been hiddnn In: ils hanse by th0e'it ai slWhest .............-61 80 , j mothan so4b5in>s morder, ýSormee ays latçriowover1, fngWheat... ........2$1.23 @ $1 2 Ileis- ade certain ungisnrdcdldisc1 sure Ba ey...60Ca-o fegenarmsond! fec-m taite loalTee..........500070 At.lte same lime and place, that valoable fregetratP5in of ire cim agth -le ac eaue lye1e~ .7 k~~ dweling-huuse and prernises <ielncig a tine tatbs îcimhalben isbo.Rye ............... ... 55 c inuns, mituate ou the cast si de UÃKeni St.- efactor on sovcral oceasijans, anti oniy a Oas *.............. ... 87e @ 40e in the aia Town of Witiby, being compaos- FOR SALE. few ilays Lfe the crime hat paitl a aY - ------------816 ta1 ~ofkTown Lots Nos. 134 and 185 west o bihwit wkchhoLadben peseelî, Poates--------eoBj oc Stree we la ~î.ThisUP À Âod Mill Site on the Eastbahc antostcleslrbseressdeuc-wetxoveent ctinra publicun .ai the village. The cool Apples, lier barrel-....68 requisiite for quiet eomfirt, and in within yupe rle, nxcll enlacaationfo b avatao with whieh hoi nas-rati every Egos-----------15e @ 17e thrce minutes wolk of tise centre of business. bulding will be encourageai. Applv le- incident connectei with Ii$s deeply-laid Butter-------------...1Ile @ 17e -L- 0J. RAMER G11EE!NWOOD, tr4;e ta the Court was e, hojow-sslu Cheee-------------...1Ile 9~ 15e Myr pluie, revoltinig. lil-,ni WaB sure fleef, hind quýarter-6.... 5 j $6 That splendid haîf-sere tirectiy Opposite Whitbý', ay 4th 1878. 2 thsat Courson was ieAl,'lms saisidIe, foeuaterhei 65Crt-oegrounrds, on the east side of___________________ Benllupta hlqarteri.....hiefpoCd t5,CenteStreett.composed of Lots Nos. 9 aud toe rt ls( icsg lt isoeseebis antits a er t ........05@86 1 i i 1tTer cÃŽf ourtis Double RanFe TROSPECTUS. t i ee ta angi )te, wheeIandk te-aChiekensi--------------.251 @85e per pair. west cf Jrock Street iu said Town cf %Wht-Jp or nhsetaa egbs iiereantieicti aDucks per pr--------. by, on Werdeul'a pian. Tis properfis. cigarittle. I sMacl eesr aTurkeys, per lb-....7eé@ 10e1 Ãe=Itiva-THE BRO WN d PA TTERS0/N aay eh.at littie was aditeti ly tire leeti- Wo1--------81 & 89cts. iu a lsealthy condition, asnd ia a Most desir- MNFCUIdCMAY ilaoan >'aiwitnese o 0a elatèennt like Ceai, per ton-.... $7 @8 able site for s nrvate regidenco. MNFCUIOCMAY tiandtiHebrerd was f ound gnilîy, Wood--------------6... 4 501 @ $5 A portion o'the purthace Morley of these OF P 1WH IT B Y Y ibu Oxtennating cireumstances, antid >0Tcearnatretet rperessnau, the promrs so8e r$100, scoutence otitadeath. 0'10ilr4 e Ns rcates g fer- Teris sud conditions iniaiH the abov. Capital- 82000 -66- P tî -r adrsortvs They are mode knowu ai lime of sale. W. earn frnmt ie Mar. ioban of a equslly essentiel to the growth oflthe An- For fou particulars apply to the nnder 2401HRSO S5EA . recetît date,tltat tirea oîsî ectîltrk regret mal sud Vegetabie Kiingdoms. Under their sigiseti ,00SAE F - A lisît the ineolnisg pop)ulation i% s ieghrasslierban tree, boep, muscle and OItEENWOOD & MC-MILLAN, Tise 54ove Casnpany je in courge of ~ari l cotpostt cihiaîteore ani ltaInerve eattain s full andi complets devielop. lagl cmor a icieog ndtitmenstà Every ipeelligrnt farmer esnpleye -Vendora Solicitors' formation foar the purpose o! psarchtasing île>ý' i ro crning out for largo festilicetht-miieni feeé-tilize the mo],ud every tcint--hOrLEl stat g Blingo!ls Nassufsc- and rn are girls. litre je an apportui- lde physician prexcribes ternsmte energize O LVIFAIRBfANKS, iJ., PltiIandEstatebildingsthelsnuc-y st>' for the air Fez, >of olsler, otise, anti vitalice the human sysem. 0f these1 utoer bri-usnsofeBow&Pae- wherc te balansce of population s valuabie medicinai15etcsthe mont tIegani t .y Jse2îh 8utin . t ri businss ! tearkantewn Pstfr ui-sll o li-j sjo l a exc latiagreelle is "tr. Wen aîe-'s Compenîti873.20 son Arclus oki h onp uetlyotorsd aaletltElixir of Phosphates ant i asys. fy tssk- __________ Whly wliltih cooLies celibacy on a considtr- iog it for al feuw elts ChronstŽ Wosting DIS.'IItST-CLAS4 FAIIM & HOMESTEAD lu Inte ncw Company, Messrs. Brown able 1 riporîjon o! lhtir imuer, cas - e cfa Serofuloos, Ctinsossupsive erVpt-, iaPttso aeslgeie 3, -ereal eharaeter rapidi>- improve, te lise wîk,.e & Pa ther aesulterieti 3hve0a0 *The Eeistan Firo Deliarîwncî show- constitutin becosing resiovatei soti puri- F &e stockat lirsbeilashs i e tissuta inefliieeit lu tise lire a Iew fied, slld ail the erçans e storeà te tas vgor- F r Sae y Tender 1 rend>' been oblaisseti aaounting la weeks e"go, îLot tise Iuneunatico Con,- âus action, Solti b>-ail tiruggssts. of $55,000. Il 1ininlteneti ucrense i. tei s ai Ne r h ave isomit u tü e- - -Fi F, i000,Dlekpnrie total nawerrasfreeta bte lti( Nwrk h iave it4belutreuse - V rr ~.esniirs Tenders îss wriîiug wull bc- rt-cîîied up te titis sunla $120,000, i nis-dr'ta pro- lalts n'nsr-rct ntsIci-simple sud sure means eof self-cure, for Con- First et Augsist for sale of! Chat Well-iuiowu iemru o nresn h uies Ioljejv ýjsr>i;i hï o n niptiess, froncllitis, Astisma, Catarrlt i, rà 4t-elissarm - vtidoe t e nsfriucint iebdnsisacs isutilloan- ti df nts t.Scrofîsia, sud any (tisseuse of tihe Thi-eseor l obeheausn ttsrodnct tut scvs-nua y orcleslCty.te ks- oLtngs. Itervouss De] Ilitit>-, Ireînatore Dp- THI. MAYFIELD HOMESTEAD. eniargisg tie eapacity o! the prescrit - IAouîndityodeii-ty tis e eocay,%NWsaknems, anti al disertiers brouglst aonarb adthe iitiînfal tnal- Iloil 1ýùlùroa, ta con)siilter lise new Ly yooeisfo1Thernelenn . Nasan-at. N.acr e- birildi Ytlsrchaig dio al ahiun- Lqsor d, ant toeeti8udotus-y-st N . rletst ail ei-cred, Untsin Istsligît statie- cf1 I3', sud assaennbiing lie new Comupany shoulti esuno towarti I, An emesoch- llret-kIss -(-,Eipe. I < uitivttiost, s-ciwu ,-etieaït;ioître ta carry an bLeu- wisale icsi;essani ~ios i~a brus-c, ani ilwas iccde unta C, i#i iji, .. 11--By a torougiî acres wateretiîy aslitvingg treaso, tire other eiici-cati Lasis. Iu ariseta show ccnutM.C obrora a h okîti cg f thse natural laws ws-,-d at-r oft-et t ourk ian ti s'nt-tire profitable Lusinesalreatly maetfor ccnullM. . Cmerîr s l îL co-he >oprittins o! digestion anti nutritioa d s iec iels tc îdgrain farms lia uew Comspany-, i in oniv neodtctla etitiilinoty C-i theAct, CctIs ibuîer b>- s carefui ajI lication of Ils..fine ioitand ut lite liosince. Teriagosta-to' l e ia ncee uiesp being; laxedt wa dollars Iowarda; psying tics o! weU s cdccoM.Eps lias sOf catte-ant u orssaieletiwstrrcas exieteso. The pointl miisedis whleihscr ovitietiou; breakfast talswiti a delict-ae- o0 shes.altîlavi osts, uildioo naelin erati1ns-ba Januarown 1862. to n- tise cîtbue wiiei tatfs btli;tlIe filelt of F- lavored bsverage, whiels may -save us dîtst utdasitrvnsstibligiti ur>,17-ees.rwn&Plera = eny doctersi' buis" i-il Service excellentt conditiont. A gecti oreharît, con-]lvbeunaeihprft oizl t a igitl beilig Bsot-n a bs arroom, Ut , e.Matie simply withbiinw t uioetastssg -Il acres ofcice at.fruit trees o! ail have tbeelareahunhypofiîsrekaze. mulilcîent ta rave oCting wote ter .to. l mrya djoins the co tek iolroeiun iSokaoe If le, ' fn apooasale, antit M ilk. Bach peeket ila labelled-Jsm. Es'vs& tw of'ii b d Oiitut mlsmessîaneil as hi'xns'een eubscribe<î h ail 1devolun teaccusei ta prove Cto.,HemSopaîhie Clemists;, London. * lown feWIiit>-, sttionoftuGadTti 21 tile intie - CmpnytTe >r- Lis innocence, Io' in oct ardaisto wiîh is ANÀUYACTITUPOF ,CilcA'We w rotItuie u ityaais*! îetiat akIst nts be new Cosxspny. tht piro- Litiil aw ý.hc povde ha am i U an aecountr o! the proeess doîi y1 asitai te thic,.retusiriitg a gondi ptrty Jitsbevlednorieîec enre ams pa.&Co., mirsîufoctuj-ers h:mthtc-atoffert;a oc-lance seldonute be met lion and supervision of Messars. J. S.M giil>'EIui;tois Bond, London'>-Coael's Iroitse- TEiM ;-Tss-fifstlis dowu; balance in Pravisionai Diroctors, andi aeee-ilttdi by A unou l brst t it clsc lta /od Jtzd.46 fisc years4. To b. eured by morgage. lite Prusisioas ori a 6,236. lrrs-gîtlurities haùve Lci diucavered ii --- - h iiî rt-v>ts iîtt t is e T.establishsmeBntia enin66t'lie 68- lise Montretîl rost-oflîce, Whilsîîîare TRA VELLEIS' GUIDE. lttwc.tt or at-t- t eit>r rt-t - t- re- s-io o tenI itasmbauy ilie P05- ceiveti b>-W 1liilltttgw. Soît-itor, WhIitby; 55tu<!ts e npu iîe11 spposed ltu have cxîeuelsî vec mou>- - 1ev. Dr. Tltorsslpu, East Wlitby, or Fbur a;-ti is lyo t r yal;setîsosie juîict-wera aid oui- GRAND3 TRUNE B. IL. VeLu-uer>' bN, ani atio -t ic irt'a o ! buis or- pyec nt s-eîy eorie s toel Trains leoveVlitby Stationtas foîîews - bîi. AE IOMSN, gnizolinon thsepifte oatebsn n4 U. 1 It is Fidtl ltihacertain ler GlsLas- Git Met .-Title inttisputaijleOi lAeppmliscca tmuingfon al;be date. -h cî,rri, r litas, ai ter beiug stispectsed of' Express ....- 7:15 a. im. Lttrst ....- - 8:20 araApiaiome.enmai olt teusipariag wiîîî mrie> - lttre, aIasat Mixed2:50 P. nt. Expresslu: 15 aM. Whitby, Julte 2fit, 1873. 25td -jLegislature for e Chsarter in tiec nsal fljte s tiistiesup l tseUnlstiExres.- -7:0 . a.Mi'c;.[--5t .48- - 1-- forin, anti wililte usuel rigîts and nju go Ii ecet teUntdEXP.Mailla:1sp.m. IIANIED TO lIENT. pri¶ileges. At thîe expiration o!fte Bials-s wthositl rtl spaiis. M r. Thse trais i-un h y Mositie-ul timre silth 5>W- ima alataîl by Staîta (flve o'r six weeks) Kluig ltel 1et t slc npctor, demasul- '22 uissutes lester Ihan NWlitby lime Not luter flitslotIAigust, a Honte son- s general meetingaf lie Sitarelsolts citun su lJt-lguiun fuil oatf eercing. WHITI3Y & PORîT PERUT R. iR. tcining about 8 recrut, near te te liits wili Lie isels, un notice, for tIse purpose Postai catmsissions-r WIL14 detailei w1t Trains Goiug Nortlitz. Mcii. Mixeti. Scisotl, W halL>. of clecting a ptrntaniutnîBtard a! bic- ha crrodtuor istitryvty îsel'Wlttby Janeltion,- 9:00 c.m. 70.1 pr. C.1. IIINo ectors antiOthicers of tie Coumpany. witîî clusei luors. IHo lta rettîrtedta Whitby,9:07 otu. 7:14) pi.. -iitnOt thje calital, and it remnistla [l'e seeli, Port Y .>., f)-m- - tsss-o.Ot wsîot.actitlWilh iyo teken b>- Chue Post- oice fleîinrtuneusnt. TIse wircsoCs otontreai Tlegrapi Co. ware tusuerei witlu a fcsv iiglts e'go heur Kc-nplvilic, by - (iisg ILtu witlî Pilesn wiîhues, wlseýlio-r withî !fioni,U ilien t or ont of! rnietf is sscI kusuwli, Lut lise Colapun>lsYs'haeed a rt-word for Pieo distsevr>-o!fCIao Isrîstratar. J3UaaaAav 'NuLoNvuas.-iw-gars mode s amus an Fridoy igsitlitte cee- eidilrteOaI Mc tsorgo Harris, Lotndon, L:aviugDcacs-edail 61,000 wartlî ofsoilvisr lilte. 'Pi e eidence a! Mr, E. Lon. ucd. c0a096 11Y, wae aiea esîters-t, but te scainipe wsre irigitteuiaway bc.:ore tlise>-securett nytîinfg. HaÂcvy DÂxÀisEsPtose inrrL-JunoRs 13itnaa.-Mc. Hcwkins, cf New Oslet, blougltal anuit againtite licaeyoîtc 1 eeptps-r l'or libei, Amt ite jtury gtsve th e Plilittiff na vcrtliet ai1 Salurtia>- for tic lciling ens o! cigîtte-en tltonsqatsîi d'ollars. 'rwuo!ltae jurors tîsen went - i the Pdtgq/ultc cilire aittincksttw. e'ged t ll1s-bIai lisee-s-n ilLedl au-el$500t. A new trial, tslft-!tse, wili be demiesi. A LiviNo Crmassiy.-Mjr. Sts-wart1 i.rtw, fîuer, a-itliusg aolîsit a rmila fionau Gleut Mtjor, lias a tslt, lufor-en - tti>s oil, -wit-It nliai es-us uilkc'ti Iront îlec fl-t ionr it wae Lsrn, nui suds is lise fliuW Of rilk firtuuil ttti Ie opes.a. tih lies la-en perfurietiabtouts-se-r>- litîsmr, lîaving a biag ns large, if ial iîrg- sr tIsis iithat Of ilsstlute -Tie col-is dei'ctoupesjl ti>', o!flte rdinar>' size, utId 18 vs-r>'rootlacri>' iookifîg. Cou art>- of Our breetiers acessunt fefr tilt pretiîgy - or usive a smialr insîaed ?-Uxbritige Journsal. T.-n -- - - - W.ssAl.TEn,-1tilo siertlu ai laitances-s ini Moitri>tsl ses-ms extraor- tiinaly, 11Ti -si> sus-or ar not by "I an Ira- nisu btusinlt thesnntnbsrit 'ante;. W*s i erOpisrct' aOu-a iveeipîynuesul ta 800 OI'iîosrcrst. his saisi e tisînsanti ettuld, fine) instant ssi1)o.iussusi iu îLle Cit>- front 61lu0 1 150 pt-r day. TR'n0SsuA.-Tlie SShahu of Peisia lias visiteti Quai-ziVictoria Icl~i t tiscr. 1It 'vas siaitdmie titnit- ugo tisai lie a s -- tabe uiconspaniieul b>- tltrce sitves, anti 1 iitlLitas1-soetaltart £5,000,Ûi00 ste-- Iling ta pus>- l ssci'a!Ii> trip. CÀPT'UII F F IouIItS- iuau vin EBS- SIANStS. PeierflUurg, dussle 28.-Des-. patelues fsoi Ct-uts-ah Asie soîounice ilhîsatheis-Tcsitkt-istcolumnof oheLs Kiivan expelilsan, nCtr commandi of Osr-. elitfnan. liaus copIond s-c nroug fortussua at Iecacah ou thue lefI Lank o! t5infld'Aria, as-cc sixi>' miles froiu - bie capiltal o! lisle Itltsuato. Nvittglsstn huttl a ltrilliils i4flît i tI elLes- U-;Ltssg uîotIiing short aI s i elliti four "'I's aIs-an n spsnIeiiy oisidle a wnlcw 8111 0 f-et Iligis, Iolding, On 10 tlic sili i>'1lis-r thu>' fiugreuntil FIe wus nescus-si.b-oui lis-r pes-lou Bit. niation. - A seiousn ceielc3t iIsppvus-dcon thiec Miileti ruilwtsy itu Etig-lunul onuBitîlur- ý das>, - td Me vcral pliscous 'veca ilieti aBt nd iureti. scerêr, lias been York jury. ..î rrr , ust.stoIsstu o;-tc 8:40 . cottle 1tt, a8t3. 1-ln n ciofa!stock in tIse ussticr- Trains Geing Seti- Mixei. XMail. 2 taking are nipiosbreeîul aiie Potr deUt 6:30 acm. 1:00 p.m. C C , U IN T- iiThte vaine a! thue sbock, as s paying div-- r7, (yJuntion, :00 s. 223p.m. TeL -- k;gy(.litent iivestmsnî, ina> Le regaried as 8:00 .m. 230 p.. Tie ntsersiget-u ssc-t-t>ncsifies aIl par- bsing bu'yousl tonbt; whiie lte gru-at Whllby Junclissu, t~~~ins lissdui)tgtsj 10 tailttIsI-su lîssuseiate et, atieTw o Vstyat DIVINE SERVICE. tieutsiO! al acconuts if;Os-cesa->. utncon- 1atis'antages teTw fWib n - ,s-tseîsre cf ]ieis Cc t. Terossîo. ArT- Coul>- aiof ntaria tit stcurirg an on- AI]SaitsChueh-t l a ni, na ep. c-geuns-stm havesseelis- ailathe51Msr. Hauusi. largensessî of tite fsvocssbliy lown AI]Salts'ChucisAl a.in. ani 7î~.tett'astere whitre -ecei)tés anil bcgis'sn, anti Mont. o! Mesare., Brown & Patterson m.-Rev.Mr. Cs>is»-. - I ccont> aettied. Al ecossîs rettudo Must aI once cammeudti tisamelvi.s. Catîsclie ('hureis-Ever>- Sondla>- noraung !g- stled after first Jul- at 8:30 aud 10:80ea. m. altertatel>-Rev, Fa- yueetwiliLebcplaceti Iher Me-Can,; residence, Oshaswa. I n the halsuls e!ilte Clerk of tise Divisen I'srlies-dcsjring te subscribe for stock Ctnadcsl ebyerian uChuris-ti .r.Court 1.)r colecin,'l'Tise. nticcsned arc are rtqtîs-steel ta enclose minom-aur and6:80> P. t.-llev. 1alrene lilstti te paî- attentionu te tiisi. prpolahn aldaetigtt L'ogreatiise Chs-tt-A ila. s atiJOHN KLITH. stumnber aofmîtares tîme>- wishi ta have ah- :80 P. m.-Rev. M. Gibbs. - WilîliY, June 23r(], 1873.»6ltci St. Antirew's-Chureis-AtIil Asinanti0630 - - -- -N.W.1510 p.m.-Hev. Mr. Fi-astr. N.O WT. BROWiN, t Wesle>-anMetlinuist Citurei-At 1080T.N. s.s.4 Mn. sud680P. M.-Rev. M1r. sanilersion.R .YROD Pregicleul. Seecclar>-. N !EW ADVERTIS EN COMMITTEE Bom Wîîiîby, 2Stls Februar>-, 1873. 10L! -PEUCLAMATION, L'PSTAIRZS, OVER wVOC Tise higlicat prit. paiti fer weli-cleaued - ~HOUCK'S OLD STANDy leeees b> tise underike. C OPPOITE L(£ n0Ë0AOpposite tise Hobson House, DO MIN ION DAY, ! TnTH 4, SO HO.ST Duntis st., Whilby. %lt>rath ig aofxlINnnl TOWN 0F WHITBY.2-4 ets-11rt al'tahelic ol lay ToI- souai>-M700OL i WOOLI1 tihe Domiuic, I therdfore--reqoest thast TUESDAy, JULY fh, 11f, 1878, OLD NO. 1 yTlAlive, anti wauts Bce observeti asiaaHoliday, anti th& ;t a onut116,ools FGODWO pllss u ines iliuts opthltsbtimtets ery Eveing, Delivereti at Mr. J. H.. Long'sleFlour anti J.estiduingtîE day. - T),(Sonda a.pVxceptedl, ah 6 O'clock. AU l"eelStore, Dutias Sti,WbiîbY, for whicli J. IAMII I MEyor. li ne will pay in cash the highett mearket Given under my haud, at Whitb>-, this 25ttl Supporters O! Mr, Gibbs are iuvuleti to YEOANGTBON day cf Jue, 1873. YOA ISN Le8preset. Whltb-, June The Genulase 011NO. 1. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hty 87Juni ULe17.4,O1NG873. ' > Grand Pleasure Excursion ChaMN IrmaN. ARM FOR -SALE. TOWbilbY, Janie stis, 1873. 25 Let 20 in tise Bcd concession ofe!tis ownship - O! Wlsitby, centaine 100 acres; abouh 9 Rochester & Return. ocres e! wooti- two gootid deIlings ains, -s-~RESS-MAICING, &c., stable, -aioces-a thriviug - erchard- ID anti pleut>-cf 'vater. A splendid farin ardt h upeiiutendence o! a first-cîasa aue for gsazing -or n Uadntie nreatisendsituateti w1tiin a.out Ilires e o ____ ~~J. H. ADDISON. forsnato'shluuarie. or Cjes-s WhitLy, June 18, 1678. 25 &c..app>-letwsi ntro o T H E S T E A M E R . t NO R 5I EM A N " 0 F -c. ap L tNo .J 1R N S i fT n. E terrW s , y CAI'T.B. CRAWFO1CD, ARDOFTHANKS. W l , o n T H U I S D A T m o r a u u gr , r d J u ly c o LoFtiN o . 1 8,s E s q . , A gcnn .f f A c M a >' 6 1 8 7 8 ext5 ýeu-e Cattadian Ports fer Bet-itester oL aib-Z8 g- gn fteMyC 88 Raglan, P. O, 1t s feliOws'-WiLby>- l tocks.a., Oshawa Britisjc Anseiccr Assurance Com. __________ ýip 1 Derhng 1278,Ne'vcsitt1.15 pc ., pny JtilnAIL"y LNE TO ROCHHSTEIt. uts lrigliton, ahi3 o'clock, ssrlving >1 Chr- Ds:anSM.-mc ia .a 5ES-a otte lunoodtiIlte for LExturhlonibts te eake At a meeting o! th. members o! = E -Te 6no ri o eietr ttrsn Whitby Enesuipuict, No. l8, I. O. O. F., - mTeSeser 'viUieave Citadlle 'at Whieby, Cisc !ellossing reaouution sias unan- 'cock eu Friday evening, lantiing passen- nU -aotei oieb sisB et Nosths ihore Ports sari>-tise follow- asTisaltise was-xn tIlisukao! Ihis -> b gmes-uing. ~~~teudereti to tise above Comspanyfotie -- - -as l'com thse extensive prepas-tions no-rpop aduttfcoyseteelo! ter ale 'lug matie for th( rad iraItieview, Iaism o osocsoeib-ts lt ie" 'N R ~ T'p reinéùns Parade, Gams, AtIletît Sperts, Jloeocaio.bAM FlaE fR, C Pver ' ~ a LtIse ev-1iag, il la cosufituentl>- exppertct WMtb>-, June l7th, 1878. aor vr o a :adpe etî( Cîsi -ibatol iti-pt as>-cf s ed opeah 9 &cIosk, for ROcisestý,O.~cu o cdslicsh> enItli-foras number o! -At O EAK. nelg ie-.tll NwTckCnE i ors prevional>-. rIAJID 0F THAIiKS Esi. R1tlwa s2 EwtWet This trip will aise af!crd an favourable es- -. -pit Brisastutupont& tiseI es ai Fi Il:l ki Cej 1.. tuto vis-lge itiia peintsof sîletreet su auti un,-te cîts- suc-b au -t,,wey't' Ireu Block, Vic-k's aud Êfiwausger's %'os-eries, Houà e e!RefUge, Molont Hope euineher>-, Geneses Falla, Ges-mac Gardeus cOutsniug lse-celescateti Oschostricu, &c. FAlIM, Round trip te chas-iotte and ce- turn, 82 0W. TALCKiîTSg ood jor on.e'wpekbyan~c goler tisp.oIie Steamer May- be reoureti Irom Oco. YTile, , WLsilisy; Jas;0 Guy, Oshbawei - r-Po«nkhe it' formnstlou ajiply te - - R. CUfAWEfLhsi- . r.W..- i-a Levi.Mairaiuk-8, Jr., Es8q, AgenM it 5Wtt of the BritielrAwirrica -Asurance RETUBNING: .Counzn, Whtby. Lesves Cbsnrloîte, (Port o!iBo-hester), tittl>-tint DEuSm-at 9 P-nM, exceol Saturda-, 'vIsonshe leaves -tr Drs t:--at 2p. us. foc Brighston. r b r o ! E a c u A t ib m e e t i n g o f b ie M e u s - D e a l e r s in S t o k , ' & ., ' i ii u d t h e l s F., O Ehiter", t .fcioi-iN o. 2. .0. ehceapestà ud min exWtelious route tqNî'v1 - - ouWin l3oluion.'vas 'York, Bobn, isy d unanumoussy stioptei -7 - For fu1Keclasatoappiy tb- Tiss e ise'vs-sthntittitis Lotige b. - pro tendecet te octsss R AWFOBDO pyor n p t a m a o !tt i r P- - i i i ekm1o oss e bI4st~a Or Cs0. FGILDgyýELl ,- Por-Hoi fa Pi I I osôQ1& tt unusually 10 w ,-Éimar Diess Goodfsi puitable for the ~rsockof lotingis ver superier. ,,anid Mifliners on the -prexuises. A LARGE STOCK 0F' BES K 1 GROCE~RIFE$ VERY, 'y 7~0' ~ '-t,, N v - AI crIi s 1Fi m miNs HIO0KIE & O'LEARY, (SUCCESSOIiS TO T. H. MaMILLAN & Co,) Invite special attention to- their new Stock of NEW MLJSLINS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, NEW BROWN & WHITE COTTONS, inA fi'esli supply of Family'Groceries, VEIIY CIIEAP. Old llye, Malt, Wines, and other Liquors jus t recei-ved. The hlighest price paid for ail kinds of Farmers' Produce. -00-- Inl refecenco t-o tIhe above annouricement, tic uuide rsigneti take té op. p a c î u it > o f r c t iu r tLit i g tl i s i t - si s s - t h î a k a bt a t i e ir n u e r o u s f i e n ti s a n ti cu s - tonsers toi- tt- eItt-rai patroînalge tenge tact Cîem u nring the sixîcen years tiîy h a e carri cti on I toc-in cs lut i si%ý it ly ; cti in s oing au re.qpec î! ly -s licit a ren ew - ai of tIesumtao for ticu-,r itutcessors, wlso, tis-y are îssrssaded, will heave uaîhiug um ad o n e o ss th t-uc p a rt ta uicrit t Ie ap lro v l cuti g o o d -w il h o! le p u b li . WVlitby, Joie Bcd, 1873. T. H. McMILLAN & Co. 281y- JAS. IT-1. MAY 2&TH,83 ýuh pleasuî-e in announcung ve resîîrned 'business ini the ~cupied by Mr. John Saun- dors, opposite 'S BOOK STORE, 1Whitby, where they will -e their oid friends and cus- Ilope for a continuance of ge hitherto so liberally be- bisem. you'for past favors, we v-ory truly, MtES H. GElIE & Co. H'laie L'yi iiL store hately s L. ALLIi l3rock trîeeý - be-liîuippy to t tsnuers, anxd their patron., stowed upon Thaîîkin reixain, youri J/ T H LOAN & (DoE Incarporateti Februa->, 873, taris, Cisa srmanent Fixed Capita Share Payable ciliser ai j D'i R WILLIAM. Mc( W.F. CMW T. . WGIBS, EsQ., M . SECrtET.RY-T-EÂsuiER - -- .M. MCMILLÂN, Esq, Tie unders'ged liavig been appolted SOLICITOU LYMAN ENGLIS, Eq. Agnt-sund ae Slippig Agentfor the extenaïve Lnmbec firas o! Mfesses;Smith & BANxtSI s - - ONTARIO BANK. C ., o! Penelon Pus, as oepned 4i ceune- tionw'itS bis ather:proies, an -extensive SL U M&RERW VARD Âdjoiiuçthe WIiitmy &port Ferry -Rail J'RI Co panyiq repped o aivan e mo ey ponTow Or oUn y 'Ra Y- Station, 'vise e e keeps coustsntly on -Estate, inlusîssaof 8200 anti npwartis, foc frons twa to t'venty yeare; psy- SaùsA slarge andeompletestock cf Lumb.c ble in uontl>, quarteri>, lslf-y ari>, or yea ny ingt lm ents, t a su it the con . f a Hkin s for ale. 'viele sale an A retaiL- BnienCa aifbine barrawer), nt iaw ratfes o!lutores-t.,Tise Cempany 18 aLto re.Planeiugahnie, and &Ulkinds cf Wcs-k ex.ý aret ta redive depsila af $1 anti upWrts,and wvl l o'vintregt ntthé ratected prouptly,-ta rder. sxpr cent., Per sîsnuupon lina sane.. Tise StSoaithe ComnPausybeing OBO. CORMACIL ted as ascuci>- bar ail l epasite sand bs-iug under tie gaverument - Drc. ' 16Ma-27187.22t solong exparience in business, whit are 'vol kua'vn ta tise general communs- a u ex cellen t g uaran tee i e es cfur lis t e c refimi in v e am en l o o ' l i o posit. le n -RN CHACBR.î - For Sale, IW ases of- excellent land, sit- De>pasitors aI aU tbues 'viii reccive bise higse rate of j1#Mrest, consistent 'vith afed'vwitin 1tof a mile o thse Market Sqjuare 9safet suiad prper wrking a the $ocil -Dpsc ndr. .'ii tie Town f Peterbrt. j185 acre iavil> iit. Deo' - udr 5 m' b t-tinibered. Wood sefig readflysnt #4 5Ofa L'5 villsnt n o ice, An t1 'itio ul a u> foifeitlu re of in terest, ini acc aria uce 'vithi ~ ~ o- i e éposit ables publisieti L bec ileDretr8en5t norgeIa- Ls -the bjec ûf lfe D rect m beng to enco ragehab- for sale that .'ýexcellent ot 0<econons>-asd fruglil>' -eher tiautherealzation aiflage profits. bsw aseBa'ie arusz 4in ef~i - - - - - - 4 i i e s c i t in s f a ne f P e te rb e r ds m i id mile T he D i s-aor , fuli>' c uvince t h t I one ai th e - rset stop s toa rds th ea m-fin . ofM orp 1s S tato n, C obourg W t Peterisi-t 1 oveinent of their felesv i{ eis ag >encourange sa desir. to eeve ùd R. r, grîes m poseof_100_ace ofelw detei iisseainiu- as a se' B0v: "ý- - - --r- _OpsdiGbcssa ýt, .s 1--a Take mucli pleasure l in formingtheir Boeerous Cust:-mtrs ' al)d îiiends that th'ey have removecl froin their old stand to -- - MOPHERSON3S BLOCK, Whcre they have opeîîed out a large and varied Il sock of RDY GOOà DS AND GROCE1UUIS. OUR MILLINERy SHOWROOMS CLOTHING MADE TO -ORDER, As msal. in the Iatest stylès and on short notice., We would tiraw attention ta aur large stock o! Canadian Tweeds sud Clatis. We -have aiso i stock a c-hoice lot of ne w-tEAS, W<INES, ANDbApi LQRst,183 WJeîy ApriD Ob, 873 EXTRA. INDUCEMENTS9, Severial cuises of the mosî lslionable aid. desii-alle Llress Goods in isIl colors anîd shades utt unheaî-d of ILOW :pn 1I0cMs Great bargudus in Enzish anîd Canadian cloths, ('ot- toi', %VooIIeîîs. Spring Sh:îwls, hosuerj, gloves. haîs and etips, and gesteral huusekeeping dr-y goods. JUST RECEIVING, A LARGE SrOOKO-F BES T FRiE81H FA MIL Y GROCEIiIESI At the Popular Dry Uoods and1 Grocery- Esîiblish- ment one door south of the Ontario Bank. GOLDSMITH'S -HALL ffRvnz lciedt vst hePmrpSnMarLet. ilfo lisco n dat seeroentln reessoc !J oeirfanPe>Godsud BPicrspa Ar-SPECTIACLES 'l'O SUIT AllSGIS Flaving personally examined Pach watch 8lt-islfataory performance, anti qualit>' sua. Carriages and Perambu- - c-At verv low prices. f O N T A R 10o eucan nfdety guaraateeà Childrens i( SAVI GS 0~,lators on hand, and wi - Galtimiths Hlli, Wîitby, Mi Pus-suant ta tise Act o! Paciament, gtis Vic- 'CA tiRIA CES itrgadAmeudments. I -$ 250,000, m. O'] so, $or EaconhyIsamns E C T 0 R -S iiILL, LisQ., M. D., PsEsnSIcFN, F. W. GLEN, Esq., FRANC.S KE, EsQ, M. D. i JAMES oc Jha o caS N JrAMESc JOiNStONakr AND CUTTE/i8 SPLENDIDLy FINISHED CAJi'/'IAES, BUGGIES, AND CUTTERS OF VERT SUPERi B UGGIg8 & 8LEIGI-IS. WHliY iov 22n0, 1870, 10a. m Ânderson S Whitby, ýaui ngd e Ciay, of Geneufe, New York, kuown as tise Wadswork Horse, 'vis la the ire of more fine-.and at tretting horses tâtaia m m lvn.Ol er Cla w sieâbbyrtholiTirot'tigSta»ioUn, Àndrew Jackson, snd 'vas oui'of saiy mil- fer; Andrew-Jackson 'va siret b y impari- ed Grand, Bassa'v, "a tisoreugh-bred race herse--Aatdrew - Jacksbon. 'von more races tissu mny-ether Trattinag Stailiou in tise world, andi 'as tihe getter of moe trottera; lie mred EKlmball Jackson, Andre'v Jackiion, Jr.,and asof aotien-Henry Clay wus tise sire e!fOCasins M Clay, who oired George m. Patcheni, the faatst anda most celebrateti Trotting Staion of iris ay. Sisswing Heury- Clyt enayaledo -Patcheni. iyteb Henry- Clasy, Jr-: dam -sias a Mesengel-, second freint. Bush Eessenger hle bytuld imperted Messener Tiedm fHnr Ci ,Jr., in now hiving, and owoved by hae PisIlliPi, N. Y. Gentlemen 'vho are fend F or perticulora sec cards. Jane l7th, 1878. 25 G R IlA ND UNION. PIC- NICd AI AnnWs Grove,uer Osisawts-ou DOMINION-iDAY, JOLY; lot, 1973, Proceetis to assist Bey. j. j. McCanu le ereet a Presb>-tery. Tise spieodid Brasa Bandtit-tli, St. Pst- clck's Renevolent Soc-lot>- Will suist liuak- ing thse dayone Ofpiesur. 'i, indulget inu, sud prizes given te succesafui ceuipeitors. A Quadrille Baud wilib. in attendant, turing the. day. Groundisosn aI 10-80, a. mu. Tickets, la- eludiug r feshsnents, 8 cents. Childtreu half-price. Joie l7eis, 1873. -2 T~ST. LAWRENCE NI Notice 18 liereby given, that a Tiid eai. o! Ten per cent, ou tise Subscribed-Stock o! th18 inahitution lbas this day been matie, paysable on or itefore tise ISti day o! Jal>- uext, se ils office luinthis cil>'.coLser Jordian anti Meiluda sîreets, or al île ageucies. K. F. LOCKHART, Toconte, IUthJoie, 1878. uie.25 J1AM FOR ;SALE. Nortli-ialf Lot No i4 4th Cen. Whitb>-. 100 ac-res--6t)eered-fcsme house, bsuk batun, &c., pleotY e! sprmngwatec. A good silo for a ciseest fades->-. Price, -2S6,000. Guo. McGILLIVRAY. Wilby, 7th Jue, 1873. 24ti fautice la hereby -givýen tIsaItis e tloig tais On tise alioceti Stock of tise Domimion Bauk, have lîcen matie by tise Directors, aud the saine are payable -o!tihe Banklng Biouse, in Torntas fllUo's. lf) pec cent. sud preminin of 5 per cent, os the lot JnIy, 1873. 10 do do lot 87.&lm 10 le lot sept. 10 de4lhDeç., 10 el . 5h Ian., 1874t 10 id 1 - q' thMarâzil 10 .9 ý"«# ts Aptili (By order of tise Boardi. R. H. BETRZE , Toronto, 28th May-, 1878. - 24 FA-RM LANDS IN m A- RA I1 paranant te theD];.. sud f'nai rder foc sale lu a suit o! -MOWBAY vi. SOMERS, stisera 'viii b. sciaiby atud wili the o-ba- f ion o! George Heur>- Das-tnell, sqle aMaster aoflise salA Courkt-seWisitby, by pub. lic auctien, at Hamllton's. ffite/, Bea2verton, Inuth. Couity cf Ontari o, aI fise hour cf 1eoe o'cieck in bheasftern M o TUESDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF, JULY, 1873, Tise iollo'ving laids anA preissisea: - Tise Base-hall tuf tise BoutS part ai Lot a .,. ~ ~t53U5 SctiUitry O! Nineli (lasucesmion 'OR WORKML4 NSRip lir. rhe oi L.laesof Abierl- and i lie Village a! Beae - Tise propert>- vii ceL SERVA.N. GIRL WANTED. <-Tiser 'vi1e sas-em S o sevnr--Malco! 151. Courti goo se ,.sÉ,ajWted, te 'v 0o -11RM F SAIM 'vages 'viBbe paitoApply to Susgc on the day ofi 8 - ]M . J. H 1SA . l n o! i0-l o ves- moLSXO no>- anAd bala Wisitb-, Jane 10, 1878.> 24 frous lie day cf sais. the termi aud cosiditi ~5T tise standing cossAit! 0IT F LETTER& Chancen>'. Tse purehiaser,'vil E5sunssOcLAssex AT TExa For fus-tiser part.> WHi.:rBY POST OFFICE Hns-rdEsq., Vendor9s -N. F. Ptterson, Boq., On MasT aDY sXM, 187. IL. R . Di, A t -4 i f 1 HICKIE & O'LEARY. WHIT13Y, MAY 28TH, 1873. Have very iiiii tliat thev luiv 1 . 1 . 'l il IDISCOT-Tl'*-.Trr ffarch 12, 1878. NOW OTIE N 1 N G! J. Il. ADDISON. Whitby, April 22nd, 1873. S-&IJMI- -P 0-LJUV-M-U VVATUUESe ýj 1 1-