Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1873, p. 2

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LA Z lZ su"=d, t0h1ýw, oluluhZ;é w tOnWIY Ililabehiý-'-' a ýves are t eveZ IthOuý non le 0 the -e0100, duette, and SnY se 4 0 d* nýft Ve 'n"011se nIa1ýh between the Juven.ý Itwa a butter as pectedl ;:ý10ý t' clubs of Whitby "me ne & local candidate, gâve hi -i n ose, wu very piT, t J unir here"i6ýl e 4res ruse The il Vustion pockea W th aîà er carried very the ci quired -but'séy: butteýnDt &,_ packeé, li&ýtwc and Oshawa was Dot aucces8fai ov didoupport. submitteil fo 'i r re-, Plâyed at the market graundg, and ti 0 il a ng 1 %t:d oui Oille :1X1IIýn1 Minister a th kDew they would and 'w" Ontbuffine"Ily received bý- IDýêotôr, -or ONLY Si ANNUM. resultéd in a victory for tli6Whitby the re8wt far exceeding'. the excuse him frOM mak. -Deputy ctor to, i . DI, rémi most ' slong«Péech,' Re-gincerolythank. the audience., PER Own ed thüm rrotn the bottom of hie beart uted by The prizeswere distrib- whoin it in subini fterakeenamd exciting conte8t. sanguine expectations-'of Mr. Gibbs for th ppbrt they and SandReenv#ol.DmMeemunre.CG&ryoiseoy,,Dortuieil, épectoror Députe Iné'eét-ér shallnl 0 ance in t club a ti-ed, tre-, of-the et WhitbY, Thtir-sday, Whitby ouceeded in àaining twi, o beartY and, coaruddialaisus ma»ner hereby iequired, and the In.; - J 1873 and his friend ' the 8piendid majority haël tendered ilim Prmiston, a ' a deen con B-- ured them Doive the âctual cqst of,,süch new ý Il 01242 for the Minister boing as telling that lie wOtIld go back to Parliament ud MOMill8u, Who eich ages as m's'y, be' réquirôd foï'. eue _fk- 9SI2100; tÃŽMe, 87 and 22 Min. as it io aignificant. and ta bis seat in the Cabinet and do made appropriate,.Zemarks to the recip. -paék'ng, azid'tbe -further of flvè amýd T Oum re. inary 01 The Lessons of the C,:biteitïW The playiug of both clubs wu$ excellent the boat ho cauld for the interest of a - the ients. Ilhe 1011QWing ii the cents for eacË firkin or keg of- butte go twelve the Oliver manoevuros Of a » Througikout the. whole Dominion- Dominion. Re ast down amidet loud repacked as ý compensation for bis wlien dé eitted as parties were, in al. and ýrOIonged cheere. PRIZE'LIST. and labor., boat won The rellult Dow provos that' the . op contenants recolving heàrw applienu âirly Mr. J. B. Bickle re 8900ili FOIX. fîom the crowd of spectato Most a life-in.1-death pàrtyý struggle- eve oLWest Whit. 2. AU butter branded, marked, or ranuiner'e position to the re.electi ro. Imme- bv, Doit addressed the amrably, and CharlesMéGiDiv 011 of lér' Gibbs diatl after the lacro the livelipot i te my-Pro Boa match the rg. Il rest was manirested in fiaiene lot; certified as inspecte& shall be packed discoviégil Was ficither timaly nor weil advised. turn If spolie in the mosi enthuiftiastio manner Greek, lot; Latili (A) lui ; Euolié (à) in Ûrkins Or liegs make of the y es Eower the result. FrOM the opening nu til the, 01 the grand and glorim victory, they let: "thnlëtici lot ;,Grammar, oeasoned Wood, and eûch bound with old of ti Pàrti7,ans *Ould, however, close of the poil 'f Midnight bad jùst won. 'ho Composition, Texc bouk, sufficient hoops, làiMl OL and Up.to 1t; ýlainlv'-aho 'a Histo'ry,- lot; of the fol- pallid cou bave it go. And ta these intemporatp RICKET MATCH, e lot ',Oeogriphy, und; science, Brd. lowing sizes and _b i 8oonihe bOt'weeu the Oshawa and Whîthy crie the . wires wore enciimb. ïIed, with 1 114, that the riding- hall thewù#ÃŽtinost o nes inogn Il k 11, confidence in théir worthy. member the Aunie JÂwes.- Pi:oiloiericy, 2ad; say, the-firkin ta conta-in ga§8tneeatrliyi§ atos rent, and zealotX, thi Pa we anxious meneages from avery quarter posai rty o thê si clubs (one Inniuge of- wijich was Ron. T. N.Gibba Reading, lot; -Composition, -las; Map fifty-six pounds of butter, the rate over, Overwholming« defett tbýy bave OUJK- played before the incrosse 1 -Of the Dominion 'Pressing-for th and lie ccudd assure went like match) was > 1 0 lategt tlieinthat'their ç'onfillence-would nev. Piug, 2ud. length of the staves from croe to crof, tainoël. 1 Many of the more sober-mind. rouumed.- At cricket, as ab lacrosse, news. Th«,hourly deopatches sent.sud or be betrayed. He rofe ' ' 1 Willie Rira -Gram Geo r"dý 8tý some 1 Mar, lot , . to be fourteen inches and a half, thr of si ty fl ed knew, and Wor forwarded did not suflice-,,Row in it longtli to the grest opposition ýwbi«h- gmphylof.; Latin (Al2nd; Greek,2»d; diàmet,-r of the Il ad:to-4 eleven x 0 free to admit, d1W whitbywas victoricus, defeaiiüg their o m- Lug agair they wero boing dragged., into a bootlesp oppouents by thirty-oue rune. now? was the momenta-t'Lly and u they. hgd encotintered-, sud concluded Writingq 2nd. 01108 sud a Lait thp thickness of the boat-àeem The midât lond cheiring. Kate Moon-French (A) lot; Elistory Ataves 'tobe, as near]7 as ho-, petus, and conteot, while the magnanimous uni 1 1 ceaoing demand." Upwards n* ". M,71 the rouna the the fair.juàging p Moore was :-Wliitby, lot inaings, <70 if 150 dos- a Mr. P. W. Gien thon mounted the 2nd; Writing,,Brd; Speifing, 4th. thrile-quarters of air inch, , an read botl, ai OrtIOnýthe mon whO 2nd-inilings, 68-total, 189. 'Oshawa, patelles ;ore receiveil at, and forward- ë - arriage and gaid they'had the grestest - Minnie FootO-Spelânglet; History, thickness of the Lead, as neàriy sa may of ý sunbe des, and Who think for lut inqingso 41 2n 77 ed froin Tur. CanoNrczE oflice îlone. resson, ta rejoice on this occasion. ho, halfan inch, the packâge tel weigh. At di themsolvea-and, are too Intelligent to -cotalo 108. la %vas comparative qu si but in'no eue te lis il inningo, 6,- And a,, th, They had il the day's, work pàosed a - Geo. let; Greek, Brd as nearly as ýposRibI a vote of con2dence in the Goîmernment Euclid (A) 8rd. exeeed 1 ton pounds Vh 1 en dry ; the kep Dons, Who .be cajoied by'political opinions-ani' DAMES, &CI ta the excitement on the streets. 'The 'of Sir John. Macdonald, and they had Bella Coui"rd-]Proficieneopecial to contain, as eighty. platform o party viewé Manuactured- te o e folldwing arc, th 00 piste returne algo paésed a. strong' vote of ient of French, (A) 8rd; qâýam'tuar, Ord; Com. four ponfids of butter, t 'e lenath, of tfir ÃŽS Lont rder in The ullual, games, for which Most front the different position, 8ra. ' the citY of Toronto-iouk the indepon. liber&I prizoo were Off',red, Ïýine où . Pol 1 g places- confidence in the Opposition tM by Attale -C8mPbell- Arith stave, from orne te croc, ta be oeventeen dtopped th dent course of voting for the best ma 138. ' HOLDEN. Mr. Alexander Mackenzie and the Té. - Metic, 4th ; inches, the dismeter Of the bead to hi. W the wati -in the gemeral iliterotitl, of the Co no during the day, and crented great PICKERING- - ronto Globe. Surèlv Oshawa May be French, specint; Latin, special. thirteen juches, the, thicknoas of the, il, their po The distractions f. the ýOntest have 45 86 &gentleman as u11t1ý 1 amusements ta the crowd, as woli as Brougham, truly prend of havijk Oudh Enima Blow-Writing, lot; French, staves to be ais neari ' may bë, tint pa:st Bentli as ils repregentative, and empecially go -quarter, profit in the winners. Cherrywood, 68 1 (A) brd; Arithmetic, 4th. ithree o' Of an inz, 8nd'Ofthé from a rifil di$Otgauized , and ' broken the party CI IyIs 115 whon they remembered that lie bad Maggie Roidon-SPelling, ard; ILS. bead, au nearly as May be, haltan moment. ranka la Soutil Ontario, and, Instead of VIE REGATTA areInOýt 57 86 grown up with the place, and that its tory, ard. inch, and the ' kag te weïdh, ar the enginef weakeniqg, bave served to stringthen Sailing race for a pures of $15 took Austin'a 70 56 pros erity miglit be attributed in ne Aunie Pozvythe - Granimar, 2na ;ý nearly se possiblep, "bat 1 'l no caB > 6'td'ý'ex- ateam, and place at the hurbor, in the morni gala 1 measure ta bis effûts. He ex. SPOlliug, 2ad; French, (B) 4th cogd thirteen poundir winhen dz ,anil ble, which Mr- Gibbeiliold âp on Dg ]Kirigale" 105 45 ton times M t'le const4tuf ney- betwoon Alexadder Smitkfj Wavecreai Dufflino' Creek, 68- go pressed a wish now that the battle was Lottie Tye-Arithmetie, 2nâ ;_ Writ. th, weight of each pabliage a; be the alarut i ore firtaly than ever ikwal. and John Watson's Bumblebee, over a - Over that, 01 feelings ofanimosity would ing, 2ud; JEstory, 4th. branded on-the outaide of the firkin ni another g] býf-re. A hundroll timeo botter ai course Ofoix Miles, and was casily won 478 588 lie laid oside, and thst the hatchet JOfin Wiliif;--8cience, 2nd ; Latin, keg, et the centre of the Maire or bilge, alarm brou Mr. Gibbs, ftoni à (A) Brd; Grammar, 4th. WHITBY Tows-. would be forover.buried, as far as the with the nome of the maker thereof. Creek Stai Party 4c'nt of vl w. by thn Wavecre8t.ý pack- quickly ma to haet wOný@QCh No. 1 Division, 76 ai people of Sauth Ontario Was eoncerned. LI aza -Nuwpur&-.vruueh (B) Brd. under a licinalty of one dollar Ifer contest, in the man. A scruP race in whicli tour bouts No. 2 4. 64 Ho sut down ainidst, prolonged chier. Arthur Draper-Mapping, lot; Arith- age, upon any cooper contravening ta throw it were entered-comé offin the afternool, --Noý 8 68 51 in ner ho did, théon to gain hie elect4on.ýy 55 ing. elle, ard. the requirements of this Act, as afore- elle came Re *Dot. only won thi h won by Dan Taylor.'@ - - Dr. McGill and Mr. W. F. Gowan, Josie Woodhouse-Beading, 2nd. said. they'succee Iliding, but ho defeated the whë1ý W iell was Beeve of Oà;])ava, and Mr. W. I Bella Auderson-Latin (B) 8rd; Geo. B. But nothing -Enterprige, Wavecreat, 2nd ; Brini. 2u3 167 1. Gibbs berein contained shail more hold power Of the OPPOlitien in Ontario, on ST WHITBY- M. P., followed in short speeches, ex. graphy, 8rd. a 1 te any packages otlier thars blabeef Ord and the Rom 'di8tanceti. 9 pressoil their great pteagure nt the u. lietta Reynolds-ýV.riting,2nd; Map. t o containing butter submitted for FaIls she w OReu battle ground. Mr TRE CONCERT, Ca"'m le 77 pi ,,,ng, The theïr Own CI, 91 65 narlimous support whicli Mr. Gibbs liad ng, ord. inspection. 44 received on this occasion, and the glor. Georgi Ham-Writing, lot. 4. In inspecting butter, the Inspector fur ho MoRezzie, Mr. Wood, Mr. Edgar, Mr, under the auspices of the Young POO. Mu e, 48 102 and ai Dymond, Mr. John O'Donohuc, Mr C ô Ad& jiryau-Grammar, Spelling and esociation eff3t. Atii1rowsellurell, L 71 pis'$ A - - loue victorywhich they bad won. Or Deputy Ins ector shall take out the bouilli JOIJO John MoKeown, and-all the gteat 210 211 The procession then reformed, and Wrieug, 96cial- end of each ricin or keg, and aliail itont was si Party genérala, with ail the minor host cook place - in the drill shed in the WEST WHITBY- after giving three cheere for the Queen . 4nes blill-Composition, 2ud; Lat. 1,ilss the taster througli-the butter, easily, and in and French, special. and three more for the Hon. T. N. frGm end te end, and shall empty out Lwenty feet evelaing. . The attendance was quite ToIl-gate, No. 1, 66 07 e Maggie Russ--Science and French, and throw aside ail sait or picklé whiel Front hero 1 or local vouticiano froin Mr. Foroweli Gibbs, it proceeded to. hie residen ecial. tiumerous, and the entortainment on Brooklin, 110. go which was beautifully illuminated, and in hie judgment, je not necessary ta thi iiving freigli dow twar4-iî,ý-took the field against th.- the whole a very plensing one, - - ail FIEST FORM. lias ascertained the quality of the but- £brou i Go . Ashburn, 66 09 thrown open for the reception of . 11PAnnie Howard-Writing, Brd. - reservation of the butter, and after hi une hunarE new Minister. They inaloted upou di. ;42 285 utier tl veiting the illection ýf itlà locat charac. How te go West. through the day, - notwitIvitanding the let; Read- -ter, he shall replace go much therecl' and u OSHAWA- 462, 158 e Fannie Gross-Proficiency, as lie bas taken out, and if there je il, atinoticed, n ter altogotlier, makink il; a strict parti TI -an i intense excitement, and no disturbanc je jet; Geography, let ; Writing, bis judgment a de:Sciency of 10 5 salt. --ille lodged flg lit-and the niding the pitched lis la nquiry whicli every one Tb 9-0 1854. of any kind look place. The Grits feel 2nd; Granimar, -4th; Arithmetie, 4th go that ho thinks the preservatioi- oelow Detivý battle grouud. Win or loge, they etak. 8 lould have truthfully answered before Ab' very mlleh downhearted, as they liad Erence (C) 4th. and condition of the blift ad avery h,,,Reven the last vestige 01. lie starts on his juurney, and a little ont 7.80 the Ilon. Nlr. Gibbs ar- felt confident of winning the ellection. Carrie Rapp - Proficiency, 2nd rived in Whitby froni Oshawa ' st promoted by a -r w-nl(l b, Platte aces care talion in 'examination of routes Il additional quantity fie boat had In an Many of them openly declare that it is French, (C) lot ; Arithmetic, 1 o of sait, ho sball Rdd snob quantity. lui speed in the Party'@ reputqtion for liberality and open carriage, accompaji4ed b.,ý Dr. useliis, ta contest this Riding agniust Spelling, Ist; History, 2ud; Grammar 5. Re shall thon have the -packagé, aille that it froc speech. ' The result is net Ouly will in many cases save mucil trouble, McGill, F. W. Olen, and W. H. Gibbs, the Hou. T. N. Gibbs. j4rd ; Geography, 4th. the 11nocess of Mr. Gibbs > time and mouey. M. P. for North Ontario. Tliere wu,, alone, but a a large procession, ilcàded by three leicaullreilynserliiiejeadoerd barnadd ocoiioptietereldiéatal trot' Air. Walsh. 9 The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Greenwood, ont., June 8o.-Great Minuie Hamilton-Latin, (B) lot; Il , Lhe drilt 1ýhE great victury for the Administration of enfliusinsm, is being inaniferted liere on Compositiom, Toit Book. let; Grava. the package the gross weiglit therpof iiý týred the bo3 114ili-Oail lias achieved a sploitàid repu. tbalids of music. On his arrivai in accotint of the splendid victory achieved mer, 2nd ; Composition, 2ud; French, pounds avoirdupois. excludingfractionn' tivarly full of wilick hé- la a meinber,- end a -Most own, Dr. Guun, his seconder, wl"l in- by the -Hall. T. N. Gibbs and the friends (Ci ard ; Spelliuly, Brd; Science, 4th. triumpliantvindiogtion of ilieGovern. tation in tho laRt three years as the vited ta a se'at in the carriage, and bath of gond ipovprpmetit, over Mr. James Bertie Cartioli"-Euelitl, (B) Iiit ; coin. partr ýf a Pound, 1 and the tare, whiel; aie honte. 13 lending Passenger Ronte ta the West. ho -and the Hon. Secretary for tlie Pro. slial include one Pound weilybt foi overjoyed pâý Starting nt Chicago or Peor iticesdeliVL-1-ed addresses.to the ment policy which lie supports. such v Holileà and fnction. Au immense bon. position, Lit ; Composition, Text Book, «,.ach firkin, anil two poiingle weiglit foi alter haviiig 18 the igftominon" discomfiture brouglit la, it runs 'In tire is burning on the Greenwood hill, 2nd; H.story, Sp-c al. direct througl n'a euse crown il, waiting. A niim 0 ligliting lip the lipavens for miles arcund Alice Arda--rlt-(irammar, let; Spell- Du jour] na b rof (Inch keg, for Pndkage over and abovd peril aboutisy Toronto party goueralui 1 Southsini 10 and ladies fairly ovéirwhélmed the CSu.. and showing ta tiie Gritf; that Groeu. ing, 12ud ; L M the cooppr'g tare ; and 'Ile sliall flien lever befre a "P' Nebraska, witil close colivectiolis ta paille of flic carriage with bc atin (Bi 2ud; Science,,8rd. and blind, iiarcasoning local party ad. uquets of' wood !o still trup ta lier colours. Hoi. Agnes Watbon - French JCý 1 4and on the lipad hie own naine, th wlio e-scaped herence, carried to the citent of meau Californis and the Torritories. It im flowers, andfrom windows and balcon- den's effigy is being carried througil the Composition, Text Book'ý,nd'; 1 Mi ; rnnui-1), year, und place - of inspectiolli'. velled was 011 QIMO the short line and best lino ta les clicered and waved their, liantikcr- bpe ling, and the quality of the butter -as firsi. in two hours, tipitdinthoiqe. The muet veuoifious won. 66 War Morse villagi-il, followed by a large procession 4tL; (jeugraphy, uth. third, or fourth, or as grease. or lion, the -1 Quincy, Missauri, and points il, ici a ta witness Iiis dcom. chiels in welcome te the aux i Liz7lo lawaer-Riiitory, lot; Geo. secon'l' *but r. .o pieces upoi puas of Party warrare were brouglit non. Mr. Gibbs in addressing the graphy, 8rd; qumpooitioià, Text Bouk, accord'ng ta t'le qual'ty of t'le into requisition îgainst Mi. Gibbs. and New Mexico. Passongerm on tlipir crowd expresseil fils thanks for the honor Hamilton, June BO.-The Grits çýyt- 4tli* and adopting the standard of al ýv er ur rocky c Every instrumcuLwas made availabl way weptward cannot (Io better thail to doue hiru, and said the victory was aile very quiet to-niglit, wliiie 9.11 other 4ames Cron-Science. lot; mapping, and SyRteni of classification i use il. t othing short o take this route. whicli lie and Soutli Ontario I;afl reason classes of citl70us are ju)Iilant over the * . flint porfion of the United Kin don- crcept the fur the occasictiin the party name, and ta let 1 proud of'. He lion, lield the gloriOlls 'l'a lrl)m Sont" Onta mwar, called Ireland ; first, removing ali 8uel. probably Dot fOrOOKtile Most opposite in thonglit and This lino lias publislied a Pamphlet Riding for the fourth lime, and in i8 f1ýt liere that the Riding lias only ex- marks (the distinguishivg mark of the could tliis joi opirtiolituaralialled under the niis-liain. entitled Il H()W TO Go Wv.,4T," wliieh future the constituency wolli', () 1 (Special) ; Mappilig, lot ; Grammar, package as would interfère witli th( t d tl feeling Ofille Dominion by Josephine Thompson - Profiei'nyl owner of the butter éxcepted) on thf 'best applitwi cc I)R,4ier of Reforoi» ý Reforn, lýa eontaitis rnuch valuable information ; a known, as once wali Ofil ý%orfolk, il iltrlàllIetil""Icto-flay. 4tà. ni marinL-rs. Iarý,i èoiýi-Qut Great ýVertI Lizzie Watsoti-Proficiene I, "(ili)riIiiiq S-.ttl% Qutario." Tlie'liglit $arnia, June 80.-Thpre is great r brands or marks of the Inspector. couch. naine Oncle hociaured, now abused, when s a severe one and the gloriclus re. inieing this e%,cniiig over the result e y Sljee'ali; 6 Each Inspecter sliail provicle him- wilicli can bc obtaincil free of charge 'vu, Of French, (C) 3rd ; Coinpositioil 5th; unuloaningly shouted by the f0aminil, It, he adinitu4d excceded his i xpeeta. file elé,etion in Soutli Ontario to-day Geography, 5tli. 1 selïand bis Deputy with suitable ané STSANG; _1ýý of the pre8eut day. Suelà by addressing ithe General Western t6ions. Tlici battie ývas lh:rly fouglit. The Sarnia bruss hand is parading the Georgie Campbell-Freuell (C) 211d; conv-ffient premises for the storagi WLII. Stockdal is the cvil result of the teaelling of dis- Il Alinititry strpets, and the friends of flic Adminig- Reading, Srd; fiistory, 8rd; Cowposi. Passenger Agent, Chicago, Lurlington It wils a fight betweeil til and inspection of butter, and -shall kepi- iting Liie eircà boveet liticians^ W11O migleat, the & Quiney Bitilrond, Chicago, Vi. and 01)1*)sitioii, and on t.his acel Il lit the tration are jubilant coneprning the tiosi, Text Book arci; Latin (B) 4th. all packages of butter delivered ta hin, yOung lady wl Po for inspection, while they remain il- miays the Bobei eyes 01 the wliole Dominion were on large ninjority. The town is in a great, Nettie Phngle-lteading: lot; wru- lis Possession, in saline place safé froc) a rather sing publie mind,, and descend te the lowest Ta COURFSPONDFýNTS.-Tlie election tliem. The result; was éagerly watclied state qfexciteineut. iug, 8rd ; 'Arithmetic, 3rd. the injuries of. the weather or of flootik:, driving in a a i Party Intrigues ta bamboozle their de. if; now over, and flic victvr froin Sui-nia ta Halifax, and lie tlifýn Kingston, June 20.-The izreat vie- Martlia King-History, lot; Rend- and undér tiglit roof, -und any Inspectai ,oiiig at a gooi luded followers. But as iliewn at'the We eau afford ta guanimously, 1'tter Place, tlie sentier of whiell wu$ South Ontario i§ the ail absorbing, tapie hate Dow-lieadizig, 2nd! History, 0 net Ma y W""Wo" held in his hand a telegrain froni the tory gained by the Party of Union in ing, 2tid ; Composition, «Il. r Deputy Inspecter contravening thiF eonie unexplai election of Monday last, froui which we and tliirefore decline publik;làingseveral anxionsly awaiting ta hiron, the mess- of conversation to-niglit, as the rnajoriýy 4th. provision sliail forfeit and pay to'flid a four-ypar old are dedacing the lesson we would read, communications received as te bogus ","o whieli was then being despatelied has surl assed tfit- Most eanguine expec. James Wetherald-Algebra (A) Ist - owner the sum ofone dollar for every &ho rond. and 1 Parties are again shaping therngelveg. telegrains,-false reports-the purchasp over the wirüs ta tliat distant Provilice, t. 1 - 0 y package not storeil as afbrésaid, besidýjà Sove over the ý1tious of the friends ofthcAdministra- Arithmetic, 2nd ; %Vriting, 12nd- the actual damages sustained by stieli up suddenly wý Reformer, and Grit'lteforiner should of votee--the Catholic vote-&o» Let lýlinié;tl-y and Constitutional Govern. Ottawa, June 80.-The newgp,;,pé-r Inctic and Composition, Mpecial. -proclaituing a grent, triuniph for the tien. Jennie Gould-Writing, 4th ; Arith- owner. and fur a few bu the Party Dames of the futurè. sill endeavour ta furget flic agltbrities of ment. His majority ta day was the Ada 15haw-Writing, lot; Cotuposit. 7. For ail the services ta lie pirforni- -ýengers, and sti Tliêse party dcfjîgtjationfi bave de. the contest, and words spoken in the best ânswer and defence Io clic elinrges intcrpst in the city to-day, and as the ion, 5th. .oflices have been the central points of ed as aforesaid _ïncluding unlipading. moojously at ni fined meanings, and the terme are Pro.. lient of passion, and act the part of against the Ministry. It wag a la we-igliing, salting, Ili ading, tiglitonin1ý- veriziul destroy several dempatelies annonneing lilr. "9, lot; licops, marking'and branding, and tel. ouggy, steer, perly applicablv ta the two politi. noîghbours and friendu towarde one an- Illajority by scores titan any lie hall Gibbs' steailily increasing majority Euclid (A) 2nd ;- Science (A) 2nd. dayti' storage, each Inspecter oliall b# %Vin.* Stockdali Cal bodies- whoý Dow hold adverse other as herétofore. ever yet been returned by. As an lu. came ta liand the jov of the crowds a- 11aggie Smitli-Frencli (B) 21id. entitled ta receive ten cents far even HapPily no bc political opinions on questions of polie Et mewber Di the Governaient lie was clid (B) 2ud. dividtial, lie %vas proud of' bis victory; ne niounted ta entl.,usiýsm. Fred Aunis-ýî»klgé_.bra (B) 2iid; Eu- package of butter by Ilim inspected ýF t1jough some 1 ati&gOverument. As ta Conservatives doubly proud oCit. The contest liad 'Aiiiiie Hume- y Loc,&L NEws.-We wish tLat ail our Quêbec, June 30.-The news Of the aforesaid ; and, if reinsppcted, seven aonie fliglit occi rentiers wOuld coligicler theniselves re. been carried on fre i. Hon. Mr. Gibles' triunipliant return lias' cents, tagether with the actuel cost ai in.jured beyond and Tories, the ý naines aZe absolete. 0 frofn all peesonal Wm. Eastwooclý-lýucelilid(BoBlsat.rd. ties, and for himself, lie was Iree te sav leven reccivifl lierc with great satisfac. charge of any package by Iiiin furnisli. the party reaelig They no longer exýîst in Il this Canada Porters te this journal, and wlien any- Augustutj POWL-11-writing, ed, or for extra cooperage or repair, were enabled ta thing out of the ordinary course of in all sinccrity, tliat lie Dow held zi'D tion by the frienils'of the Governiiient. iLlimetic, 4th. Ar- of aura." Like the causes whicli gave rscinal celing towards auy man wlio Him grratly iiierensed majority is re- (loue to packages contai ning butter b.ý uuriniz the aftei ilse ta thora they have passeil away took part in it against 1 J.- events haPpens in tlieir respective pc fé gardeil as an index of the feeling of the And no longer coriv.0y a Memling Coin- Minnie Wallace-Composition, 8rd. ' localities kiudly forward the partieu- Dr. Gunn algil ýç th Ao e Ow lu duetîme-ec os, foundation of am" ý'em ùn -No 'th Pecf.ýdiiëéý their fi pes- fi pro. Obits lys t. eo, the, re- iat " 'ou, eta, saline" iudqstrY in î river ed 80 intuited,'ààd wLib 1 èonffidenng its niuch he dit fer the cultivation Y,-Iùore adaptea lie of non migraîtery, trout àùaý-ý-tbe coarser-de$cripgunof, Ur If --ýbowevër, Mj.ý qa 'Buckl=dalid M, p , , id - - ' r. onder havià 131164 ,uyettô 'aewmphgh"auything in the Jy *Vay of re-Mitroducing saboo, into the ThU e , 8, - 'thëy nigy àm ure* bc, con- gratulated on the snýcess of t]jjr ef- is forts te improve thetr", out of the à river. Tfiousands ôe-,trý"ntfrY have 0- been turned into the river dtmug the ir 'last'nine Or ton years. 'This, it. je re..' )tlà rrgtted in wanv diStricts, bug led te a 0 incréase'!iÏ the stock of trout, 1- whichfimhprmieieventuallyton rd ýe an. lmPrOved and bealthy source of sport. Tho punipliment of the Captain of the Atlantic, whieh consisted in the. tein.- cons7iihdiýawing->of big certificate, PO W= alered tô bc wliOlly inadequate te his Offence; Provided bc wae guilty i ci &nY Offen" whatever, But-the Spau- ir'h Admiralty court, 1 -eh-bas recent- ly tried the eau Of thëý captain Of tho > Murillo, tLe stermer which aunk'-tile Northfleët, ana tiienk-Pt on lier course without attem ing te réune the drown- ing. victimR, h.pt proved itself rather the MoRt stupid and brutal tribunal, on re. cord. The Captain of the mu?-illo was fOund RuiltY Of l'aving cauBpd the desth of bùndreds of men and womeD, and of the unparalleled brutality of liaving Ik-ft theni te their fate. For this crime his puniabinent is the sus ension of big certificate for nine montfs. Atthoend of that time lie will bc again at liberty _4 -ti Misinaiiage ocean steamers, to sink onIýgrant ships, and te disregard the entreaties of dying men, It now turns out, according te the Londnû Telegraph, tbat the journey of the Shah was undertaken against the wish of the nobility and pri--sthood of Perds, and, moreover, that the chief object w1jich his bfzàjesty bas iu view is tO 90cure the friendship and support of ýEàgIand in future complication& whieh bc belièves te bc Ile is aware that the destinieR of hie- coun!Z must be raninly influenced by, the t gîest Europeau powei-8, one of which bc feare, white he is dispo8ed to trust-tlie other. The polifical views and predilections of the Shah are said- tz,'ie shayed by his-Prime Miuis-- ter, who accompanies film and wào bas the reputation of being a cultivated and inteent statesmam. Mie Shah desires, in' view of certain evt ntualities, to arrive at a ele*arander- standing with the British Gâvernment, aud ho - bring8' with hini an ardent désire not only to acquire friendship, hut also te study-_ British institutions. .Could ho bc satisfied of Euglaù(l's firm' ï support in the difficulties- that lie nn- ticipates, lie would amanreilly be- pre- pared to identify Iùs policy in ksiatie matters w*tlà-lier'é, and lie liai looked forward te -the ý rexult of bis - Visit to England wAh great-ýbut hopefd-anxi- ety. it is a nnticeabje and a pecuHar fact, f that at the present moMent, every Lieutenant-Governor ofthe Dominion J Provinces, except Ontario, was taken 7roin the bench-_-Iroï1ý Mr gorris, of ManitAý ;'Hon. ïirý Justice Daron, of-Quebec , Hou. ýMr. Justice Fislier, of New Brunswick; and RoIL Justice Johnston, -of Nova Seofia- vere aU judges of the Superior Courts )efore their appointment to Ihe ý office d Lieutenant-Governor. It is there- ore suCested that a Popular choice DUI(l e ' made froin the same quarter 0 MI tbe vacancy shortly te be greated 2 Ontario. The names of' Chief ustice Hagarty, -Ron. Mr. Justice. Galt ud Ron: Mr. - Just.*ee Adâiù WilsS re made te accompany the bint. The fafltire of E.- B. B ddy, M. P. P., S something over a million of dollars, Luses profound, sensation Mi comm-er- al circles about Ottawa. Over three indred men have been discharged oui bis mille aýd manufactoriéx, bc. les women atd children, causi*ng Uéli trouble among the poor people HuIL Tt. i. ï- L- 1 Perlialis lias e ilivitation was Harpers Ferry and tils âhella - ---- 1 b111ýýer iolre.( - - - - - - - - "" 1 LÏ!I.le,.OF,"eyrievs,,.onfltertatgae8g Le uà himself bey..,l and ONTARI t.al, m pli,ý,je. in Cariada is just concieub(pIbeosil, tliey set out t T -t 1 ý', e r etor shali furn Ph a bill 01 . t. te . e lubethto( 0 QUEBBC RAILWAY-13Y-LAW r in ogeffier. The parky treat- -LeY are Picturesque and beautifill. ýýtu m si;, ffling coUtest wilicil WLIICII ing nea y anldl-legib'ly"tlie q-uan*tity aý'î, -DEFEATED. - g. The Hon. T Z Et, 4rej unfortunately above elther, and only argues to deciaim. cd- once on th) way, and entertairied bij; ned hy him, and specify. The by.jaw granting a - N rs rei ver con at once accepted and niloah. 0 e ivered bY the Inspector : Edgefield, So il a fi )Pauion in a pleasantchat until theY Pecti 11211p bas Pet U'ded hiniself te believe 'Iwit1ileallas saccessfully fouglit t . a Greaturex transports us back America, as thril @. the loculity indicated. of IlHell Gale Ferry," whi on and the owner's naine. ýri quality f the butter, the charges there. il bies, lias lié th 0,- Shortly after ntering the Avenue, they 0 en again victori(,UL; liad reached eh is one of 9 a generaiion-thir an- s returned to-day for Sou e te Old New York, in her spirited sketeï 10. The inspection of butter offèred bei.s 0 the sham. The. sham ill being found bonus Of 815,000 te the proposèd- ou* illions and Glovers tario & Queýec Railway was -,oted on tario with far the las-gest nîhjority he for sale or exportation in packages cou. weré joined by two others, wlio appear- the Most characteristic local drawings ti f two wortI13 ont. - Like all abattis ît lias hall its dan in the township of Whitby ' ed te lie acquaintêd with Mr. Taylors ever contributed te The Aldine. 'A taining fifty polinds weight of butter or on Friday lias lever bail. Both parties workeil fill more, sliali in an city, town, or villa-e lug encli other. and bas nearlyrun its course. Theim- la-t, 27th Ulto. The by-law was defeat. the very last, and polled every vote it -Park. This point was reaclied between rLere an' lnspector is appointed b.ý attendant, and all four proceedeil to the Dainty Bit," after Otto Meyer, ils deli. y c deadly feud ia Lu polilition cannot lie palmèd. off en the cd by a large majority, the vote stand. was possible tÃ" got' . law, lie compulsory ; and anv Oshawa gave bite cious enougli. te provoke ani epieure and m oilly being known the handsome majorîtý of' thiee "hun- eiglit and nihe o'clock and 'nothin- a lover. OthEr figure-pieces are the - suel. willion killed a yoting men of the prescrit generittiou, in-g., yens, 12; nays, 183. dred and four, and ne was given a whatever had occurred in tllie walk' tý package offèred for sale or exporiation. 1873 a Glover slini with all the advantages of education !uajority in every township and town 8UIZIZe8t th" idea of danger ; but thei "Morning Batli," by H. Werner, and or exported or shippod or laden in amý' Luilliolis for no si within their reach, and witli" the oppor. ACCIDENT.- A man pamed George in the ridin-witli the exception of Pick- had mot gons. far ý gst the trees "Yeu Naughty Children 1" by A. Gabl. î tifor exportation, or otherwis( thp tunities thoy,:pnaseos of reading and Pattersonwho residûs near the "Devil's ering. Thjàrits feel terribly sore and when one of the men suddenly seized There is a noble portrait of "The Coun- inspected undex POrted without being t.anli,3, feud. ýjbc hearinf; both sîdes, and who are mot, as Den," accidentally fell from a wa,,-On down-bearted, and regret very much Mr. Taylor by the arni and st;uck hirn architectural view er this Act, shaIl lis for' this series olf deei ;0 1 ' fl' at they oi(tnot allow it te pass off a heavy blow lu the face with 1,i, tells Potozki," a fine f*eited, and the pèrson so selling or of. rendered himself tc were the generation passing way, (je- white in the procession on Mn,1ý a evg witliout a conteet, as their chances in clillched fist, which felled hirn. An- of "The Frauenkirche, Nureinber,-," fering it for sale, or exporting it OF ý 4, pendent upou one poisoned soulèce à laet, and was seriously hu;t. One Wheel this rîdin,- are now forever crushed. tl,,r of the ruffians then drew a revol. a woodland sceneentitled-,,'.rlje Onset,', Offéring it for exportation, sba" 'Ueur a 111ROX FENELON political lite ture 0 guide thern in paaed over bis body,- inflicting, it is The foundries, factories, and nearly all verand lield 0 the lire of a penaltv ý of two dollars for each sueL Su-BuirTED GRANTI it t ro8trate man's by C. Kroner; and a weird pict ra flic stores suspended busine fiead, threatening te tlow ]lis brains standin tli-cir opinions. nliglitenÏd 8()utli- feared, internal injuries. The accideut se for the out if lie made uny noise. The third bittern, as we suppose, packaëe. 000 TO THE VICTOR] Ontario bas been the first te disea;d'the occurred near tire toll-gate. day, aqd the streets were crowded with g alone Ion Falls, June 25tl tonwspeople-and otheril. wlio came frýn, in the meantime rifled the pockets of 11, ... iNioN EDITORS ND REPO TERS a desolate inargh upon which the Dom A' It to-day and subraitt Sliam.fortheTrubRefor6. Theparty neighbo ring pla es te witne,.ýsthe con. theirvictim, abstracting between $15 moon is just rising. This, wwich je CIATION.-The Mail says : During ý bote township gra -Hos. MR- G1111138% COMMITTEE The e the mSrzt session of the*Dominion Par- 1wiailway a bonus or bigotry of sixteen yvans ago eau test. As scon as the result became and 620from bis Purse and pocket after Dahl, îs a Most poetie and im- i members of-Hon. Mr. Gibbo's commit bock, aùd throwing the empty wallets fament at Ottawa, au association wag allow a seetitnal bj no longer be ouccesslully appeill- ' known, about 6-30 p. m., a procession pr,,,i,, realization of "Sol'ituile.' The organized to'promote the general in- ted. Thereby four i tee in this town are requested te meet was forra, id, heailed by two bands, and dOwn- Hâving finishéd thir ork, Literaturjof The Aldine is always as ed to, Party prejudice is. no longer at the committed , , th, the Hou. T. N. Gibbs, together witli a they ordered Mr. Taylor mot te speak or toresta ýf the Prose tliroughout Canada. &gainst the last by. ýrpOms, Olibosit excellent as, and generally wore varied, It wap styled "The Dominion Editora' for.d)it this time. , the rule ; lt fil growing toi lis the excep. Robson bouse, this (Thursaay) qvening, number of,,his friends proceeded to MO'c for half an bour after they bail than the literature of suy other Ameri. and Reporters' Assnciatien " and w»' diffèrence of 68 v' tiond Violent denunciations of men au Whithy, and there Met more friends gone, on pain of being shot ; and then can magazine. There are in the pre- immediately joined byme ubers of tlie and as the 1 0 party traitors, bocanne they prefer ateeven o'clock' sbarp. » from. Brooklinq West Whitby and Pick- they took to their beels. The detectives sent number fourgood stortes: -Su ar. Profession from everv Province *of the only 29 ast by'la ering, and a grand demonstration -took Ivere COMMULicated with but no ar. ing Off,' a atudy of New Englaud C!, 'the presei acting rightly, to obeyitig the beliegts UNIV91951TY 11014ons.-At the recen place in tliat town. The rest lias yet lissa =de. 1 es Dominion.. Mr. T. Wljite Jr-, Of MOU- to carry. --Tllose wl of Party lesdAro, are utterly diaregard. Convocation of the Toronto University then procecdod to Oshawa, beaded by new te us; Illietuming in Peace", a dent, and Mr. là. Bu inson procession by Mrs. H. G. Rowe, wliose name le treal, was unanimoust le te tz e c , d Presi- railway are complet ed. The time lias géne by when party the degree of Mý. A. wasconteiTed on bauds of music? anàýOn if» arriýVA1 theie The'Albany Evenig Journal says : tudy of old borne life in the State or of alt, this turu of affairs. Since the vi e pi p dent. The bonneil 00112- taken on the 21st jui tyranny, exercioedlu this unecrupulous Mr. J. G. Robinfior, son of Chas. Rob- the bon- gentleman met with the Most ellooting. of Walwort1à, the New York, Lucy Efleu Gnernsey; dThi ès from, T routi), way, could hound down andtaboo a inson, E sq., reeve of Thorah. enthuBiabtic reception which bals ever season Las been very unlavorable for Comet,' by Er . ekmanu-Cha"n j-, and, eontréal, Ottawa, Québec, SL John. primseg representativ 0 conocieritious pýblic man, because ]le been accorêleil tu any individual in this parents. After reforring to, severil in. "Tiie Turkish Slippérj" by Maurice N. B., and RalCai, N. S The soci lit isiveil known t dared express bis'IjoneetýconvjctiO' F RFSH STP.AwBzàffl£s.-Tllg freshest P'ace- 'm this town a large honfire stances in whichheads of families hav The" ýuore soÉd articles alroai y numbers be ty De. Il rners of' Ring sud been summ&rily and effectually reasc 0 Ilartmànn. tween thirty e,1,1 remedies fer gnut ai au 8 we have seen this season W48 lighted at ýt e Co 1 m. are a readable- editoiial on *ýThe 'Old telle. and it And year by year, as the Mind Of ýtlje d l'ne t Simeoe etreets, and most of the stores ed with by their Iiigh-spirited-offoiiine, Dotuffiion,'apropos to Mr. Weýglward's ýôrty memb, ra in Tôronto'a RAParagus. Beaides, country becomes clearer and better in. were 4elivered nt the editorial. sanctum, and prinqlpal private residerices were the Buffalo Express gives utterantes to illustratioils ;, auother on "The Fia-ùen- row night of ineinhers'. jind - cithers, con- climats, and if is 0 ispropogedtobold a Meeting to-Mor- of the earliest flint ce formea on the public qllegt* no of s eautitully . illuminated. About feu the opinion that theseantiquated paren- kirche, Nuremberg;' and, "A Life's Bo 10 the this morning, by Mr. C. Dawe , and b ei jujormition with a view grpatest of luxuries, day,' frfle from. &LI one-sided 0 m of high> pries in thé mar e clock t e procession arTived led by fat institutions are played out anyway. Mance,* a brief =f-moir of The Countesa nected with the Press, who may desire. bias' the - sent us by "'se C' Holt, of AB"b"'. three bandia, and was received with im- If is bigli time, it.says, that old peôple Potozki. Thé peoms are *The Soük ell establisfied faci were tauglit that t1fey should 'be seen- the Dàrk," by' Mâr naine VàiUULE FARX Fou BAL?.. - Attei. Meuse el -y E. Bradley; ân to am'ign 'any valid rê of Party, will become leu éfficient for 4.1 m in directeâ te the advertisemeikt of esrriage and addressed thé assembled deservingéfgreat creditforina4urat- Pýrcstoný Mùsic, Art,.and Li - Own than it " The Ilon. T. N, Gibbs arolle in the and mot beard, and- yüUng wolworth is Supper,',,,by Margiret J. SuIsTITuTjcFop-*1.1A-_ý.ýAn Eaqiern gui; BIJOUla 'mot lis, niu Its intendell Purpolies. Groater intel. the splendîd Mayfield farm for sale, in mails of péople. Re gaid that' this was ing a much needed reform. are1ite1ligënt1ý and iUdePendeutlý ilis- Certainty that hay will lie a-very poor gronnawouj "0 terature excliange &nyg :-«'lNow thut there ils a gr is. ligenéeo Independence, And Purity in othèr coltimne. the foùrth'tÙiïe thèy had been,,pleaàed.* c ussed., Âltogë.ther the nnmber is re- crop, d produc the exerciae of the franchise will., in to rètürn him, as their representative saloon in Sarnia IW this notice Markably good. Subscription Price which will do in the place ûfit. Coru tbè vegetable in a sin, -farmers should sow something labor, five liundred tîMý, lie thé grand uItirnAýp regijjtý--- SPICUL INDUCP,.VENTB to purchasers but On no previOUR occasion wûb suce posted on the wall :-'Bciys are strictly 5 00, incinding' Clsromos- ýVil1 make ozood fodiler, and, ai; t) i ynce DOt-Over six ýveeks, Oué are 40tue of the leasons çtf tire lfbi,,4t of dry, goods m 99affl, Raz4fiton & d r. . eas. - 4 0't. homolurs as at this«tùiue. When he re. forbi dei to enter this saloon.' How, Belle" and "Crossing the Moo ',yllnaee Io ç0mparatively low, - lot M OUCLI as _or«t contest in South ontariçi, CoÏs fur i few à ivould it work if hotel, keepersneareî Sutton & Co., Püblàh7 Il Allau anil inerabered that he had been, opposed en be M&Woiq possible of th,*£ lis £Own broadcast, It Ço4téàt bY t4q 4ader LU 1w Would folloW se Laue, li . Y.' 1 ards of 85,0* words; - while - of gn telegrams alors thon, 150 weje le Banks arA making, 12 te 17 per DU their capital. if a U,,,,Y or nade these ratps, he would be idered an extortioner, yet the :8 'nust have CIMrgéd morý to pav dividends, placed to ýrûstI aé- ta and n2eet joaqes. is esâmated that the Modocs Dow nd hève cost a little O'Var î2i ) jjj lind it lias cost tile saule raW'P,2r tO,*'extertnindte" those whose bol- 'e ÃŽR the cold, cOld gronud. amily in the- township Of mlit Ils'lastweek, were poisoned by tiS 'rhubeb lesves for greens. Mn. Ltindy, thiakiùg the leaves raight J the purpogt. of spinnach; COOL-ed accordiufyly. Ail the family par- Ilere0f: violent spssms f0HOWed, Ir.-Lunily basbeen uuable to work We publie tbis itýnI in rder t. agg'D8t the U60 Of rhubarb Ànýthe IIIIII)LIer indicated. oris COnaty Couneil Purchased IlIs of the Towngjù ol a P àfacaulay 'nount Of #JJJt the inoney, to be eonstràcting a I)ridge Over tile ka Rivèr. ible People are bcoming diqya4tý 1 the naLU3 Of ý-biLters, waieh hing but -the worst liquors dis. as niedicines, ânj do but Illre ?Ier on to raja ana destruction. officia, report of the 'United Agrieuicural- Bum ýrops shows a 1 au on the arge ineresà of over last year, With KOOJ Pr r mors than a- os- Ilverage -vield Enghsh correspondent -of tÉ, irk Graphie-shys tlie-prosent iou of the TîchbOrnGý ad'y cost '219 'na jtýj; es- _TWy overumen an (IIPGU- ryt.0-1801ve. apo eon la reÉroaented eýcOfdialV8QPPoj& a RepUbaS lie ýther-f0rLxi Of

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