Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1873, p. 1

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WHITBY BUANCHI THOMAS DOW, WIIITJ3.Y ÂGENCY, H.B. TAYLOR?, ¶ ISIIICFyd&rCOIiVIYANOING, Wlo, oih %ig Court Honge. Ar-, rangemètp Mfir peelatl rteLinpran i n.r * Camer-on, Q.Ç., and Dr. MeMiebsel, Q C. OIUNT ROWN ATTORNEY FOR' OnaitIliirrimter, Solicitor, Canvejý. ancer, Notary Publie., &c., &o. Offie-ýLate lI 0cenrbeelbY H. H. Cochrae, , iq., late Crown Attorney, Brook Street, Whitby. flAURRl9TFS,ATTORNET, CONVERY li scer, Deputy Regfistrr. Mater %:- traordiiiary, anfd exttuinln i Canery for. h County ai ontarlo. Office, Court Hlýas, B ARIScTÉR &ATTORN!EY-AkT-LÂW,, Slitrin Chancory, Convoyancer, Nntary Publie, t&e. Ofilc-Over M2r. Ad. duson's store, Brocok Street, Wbithy, Ont. T)BISTER ATLAW, SOLICITOR IN AL>Caneery, Couveyancor,&t, c. Sanimg- ca. Street, Oehawa. BARRITZR, TTOnNV1YAT-LAW, liock, Brock Street Whitby, Ontario. J~US~LTTORNEY SOLICRI 'A Chanery, Cnv"ýac uvyanAert. (ffi:e-]3yron .Moiet, South of Post Office, rOWN CLRIP AND TREASUnrER, J..Whftby. (,ffice-Townilall. Houts, tram 9ta iolocit. I SPECTOI1 0F PUBLIC SCHTOOLS - for thie County ni Ontario. Adtress- JRaglan post t4llce, Ontario. 1Il J. GIUNN, Mi. 1D., SURGEON TO TUIE CUNTY GAOL, BrnStreet, hty (1 U'Y'S IOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., _ýTthe oye R. O. dH. L., Oshawa,f Ontario. ]D NTIST, (SUCCES. a or to W. H 1. Card.) Dental îloom-Dundas Street, Whiby v~rMr,.Jaeso'sStore. Nitraus Ozide dss admnisteroul for the paiilomtexo- traction of teeth. q1T E MIL inmertcd on ail thte ALlatasi principles of theo art, asmoelppse the cheapest, and au goid as the beet. Tuethi llhid wiuiî Gohi sud Siiver. 'Testh extracted aithout pain, by prodnciog lacet aussthesqia. Denta l oritom-in Caw- snm i 1w bliack, over Atltiiiîîot'e Dring Store, King Street, U(lhawa. 85 ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Offle-Towli Hall. lttcsilene-llyron Street, three donc., narth i oownEall. ilAIR DIUiSSING AND SIIAVING Saloon, Jiratk St., Wlithy. ___ JlI N tO-LVcIINIPEN, A ENT FOiR THE CELEI3RATrD Scotie Ganie.At MarRie Wor ka J UIIN t"AOC I9REil9, - CENSED AUCTIONHRI FOR TEE, .1.4 Cauntiosni1 tîtarbu, Yort anSdRPeel. lttssdoitci-Li, t)ti itti snuMaathauuî. Pitet OttlCO-tnionviiis Ssaloes sttietded cxn thesgsiotnsntic'e, .il inu eaxinahle ternis. Tenatresuits mutnile ibutîti llsprintts' Itins ellCîuisuNCLYt.n011e fort Mc. Cantor. T ICEN-SEiJAD ff IR FOR TIE .Lun ity omitmtaio,,Legs la rsturuî tiiku fir t ie rai patroutage Rereteinre lxsoiu!oxu lbeutdiSta autiumume thai leie le luretx.reti itg)utititisales dluher ixi Town'o or Coui.titt>,t neuusonmablaratas, Ar- ratîgomensaor iucletialxx masSdetiio' ai lime CIRnumtnICna 1Oliui, or uainîy avU Offie, Bruet Street,, Wiiitiy. MINEItCîAINT AII.i>ll, îL< et11 , t xlthiir, Oihiwa. G-ilxîttgar- JInets mtadeî e~li tue luot styletendxxllai-st ieliixxî,A itii s ci utl ittia, frot vii t fa uas si-ecliumifotr uieîemeunerc T UMBEIL -MCIANI, CAlti'INTElI and ttuJiiitl, Uicotaxilm-et, Wîiiiî>,. A large j;nuiitiLytf itilt Iittul,1 ai ltiitltcucin- otiuti>, xxin Ittiti. ept c ittittl-y ou iattutu. A I teta t irc ain lihorailtatîs, ]ýIONL-Y TO LEND. Thie underaigute!itthuxtiti>, attontîît ai Mon- eye> n etioitot, lien i'slT, Iropett, ut ýjuêt aui , c lte iof iimct Lauts camibeLe natîuIii suimua te suit hon. Sovensl Iunpos'i P.ail ndWibd Lanîds ton isale ciietaî. Ixuvirifneitletuisd" e lic MunibcipnalDebemu. burou, Bik, ndt ttu! theni'naketatiu be Ste. For innihier.pttituittîti ajpi>, ho JAMES IIOLDEN, - Oflicital >sigté,roker, tee. OFFICE -Ove ltiel<Duxinion Bantk, Mi- Mdilati's lirocit St., .>VitLy. Dpabl 9tî, 1872. l WViibh>Brais uid-htriug huila, adaute' for -ttes i-uEiiont umuh- Parties, teL., &c., IVIIiii sufîfxy Lie. Lest uit latitilMacun reaanaîutuie îa'rua. A îjulcalîrt et iit e mde nîecithien persan. aliyaor b>, bir, (iliegt iij ta J. WOLFEINI)EN, Wuihby. HORSE MEDICINES. AUldescriphionus ai tRieliait Herse Medi- duoes Iept constamulbyon hantendsaSfursale ai th1e Whilby Liver>, Stables, tOt*Niu change f or ail ire. - N. IIAT. A T H E R L Y, Clark Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Ceirnxiisinion13u,. R, i'! ciAgent, tee., tee., Atlilt>, Coultl>, Otitribo. ROYAL HOTE'L, - N Ilr T BY, ONT. JAS. !'RINOLE,- - PROPJIIETOR, F in*sxiasp îtaonolittlon, . Ample an'! IWbrudss &ap co-omo for commeaw MW oAgent and approl fo r the canada Pernueiet Buildin anad Savi ocet,Ifor' boans 01 snouey aI Iwr«o f -s4 e restf B IITI a MEIC»# 4>ssurancoe Company,,, CAPITAL, 6400,000. 1 E8TABLISHED î831- This ld snd vs» etsbilme ,(Coxpu amprepared (o aocep,,,risks la s411cîssees o "PO r te$Os s thoseof=y 1Weou estaicoepau n .4ds. j Isoitea an con-aidonàs praperty in.- sureS for Ibreo yesrs or lois st.1 5pCuIy owI rates. I l 1,- &â PAIEBA1?R inJ., It OfleBrock 8t,W.biy. 0NTAIIIOFAI)MEES' MUTLAL 'INSUVRANOEt- C', HEAD OFFICE, BROOK Sr0., WHIT. TiteCanpany,, nmaes Fairzn lSlgs1 Counary ChRcRiesSoIncol Honses, and thin Contents at raies sas sovas tRiose ai an>, veli-es$ÏLaised Company, lu Canada. JUST LOSSES PRO MPTLy-PAID. L. FAIERANKS-7Ja., J. R. BICKELL, Secastar>,. President.- Ma. D. Holiday uic ouger an agent of Ibis Company,. p HtENIX FIRE ASSURANCE CO'Y., LOKBAKOD5T. & CH*ARINO CROSS, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT te CO., Agents for Canada. JAMES DAVIBSON, Manager. Insfurancos egainet hona Lv Fire are olTact- ' o n t i n s- m o n t ' f a v o r a b l e t e r is , a d L o s s e s Y EOMAN GIBBON, Agent, WiitLy. Liverpool and London and Globe INIsUit %NC'lt CO>1PANI - AVAKLABLE ASSETS, $27,000,000. Lasses p'dtiin cournes ai th*ay-ivyà exceed FORTY !sIILIONS 0F DOLLARS. Claimas yChiceoç Pire estiniatei t ahnear- iy 83,,000, are Leinug liquidais'! as fast ase ad*nsted wilinout deduction. Seconnty,, brtupt PaynuanS Libenalit>, in adjuat. mt of01its Lasses are lins pramnent fMatures Head Office, Canaa lrnch, Monîneal, G. P. C. SMITE, Chief Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS,Jn., Agenh ai WhitLy,Onh. JOHN _L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNÉE, BAIIT SuD DIVISION COU RT, AUCTIONEER, &o., &c. OFFICE-In Bigeiôw's Blockt, Port Perry. Pcrt Perry June 24, 1872. 211 NEW BAXERY & FRUIT STORE. alRICUAIRI9) NOW Begs toa anouixce that he is 00w preparofi ta supply everything ite Bakory and Con fectionery Line At his aid stand, iateiy sccupied by Mr. J. Arnull- ,CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS Rept constantly on haud, în season. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOI3STERS, P>RUNES, RAISINS, CHEESE, TOBACCO. BarAa delivered daily ta custamers, anti aIl other avso ud goode ilvrda CocBrnofCigare. RICHARD SNOW. Whiitby, Sept., 1871. - 37 The undorsignetibas removed hie BOOT d, SHOF STORE la tLe promisesatiing tins Western Ilotel, DanSas Street, Wbeihby, where hoin anov propaneS ta en-otute aIl caSons for Wort. A large anS slect stockt on hanS, Repairing doune as sual. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Wiiitby, May, , 1871. 19 L IV E RT i The nudereigneti dosirea la mmm nin ie, fnende anti patrons tRiaiheobise again ne. mulned business ai the OUI WHITBY LIVERY STABLES, Eaving encesseti the numbor nd ud 1alit xxi tins sud', an'! tis a dded te tinS improve'! ltse aooveyancemsud vehictos on tino prom- ises, ina hapes b>, being in a position ta meet the wamto ai cusianiens t e it a aRare ai public patronage. ýJ tsi lIA tiiS eMOIEtAi'lt. _v_ -N. 13.-Coveneti convoyantes for fanilies au'! ladies. prompt attendance, as einreta- ione, ta al andans. N. RAY, Proprietor. C l A PPLE- TRE ES,1 A I0 9i' 2f),000, -,&T TMP- HOME NURSERY, rai tva ta fonr yeas oi age, cmnbracing al tino beet Varmetbea. ' SETIi C. WILSON, Lot Na. 8, Biti Con. Piîceing, on Kingston Roud', -)st Office, Whiiiiy. VAUA13LE FARM FOR SALE. -Beimug part aifl 29, 71in concession Scot C of>,a Ontario-100 acres, 75 cîsareul sud inz a gaad state ai cuttivatian. GoaS tiweîiug iionae, snd entensive outbuildinngs Rn gooti repair. lAppi>, o hoLe owuer, SIMEON TIFIN, on the premises. Lesalatisîs, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 WSTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK,- 40oo AOEiT n-os Salira OltiABno, JOSEPH HOLMAN, JROOKLIN, ONT. Alec Agent for tins CANADA FARMERLS' MUTUAL IN.SURANCE COMPANY, Hieu'! Oficé, HAMIueLON; and! CITIZENS' IN-UBiANCE -COMl'Y,' Montroal, Pure, Luie snd Guarauhes - Departmniau, t!li % P TI - - 20,Oîu Broatiu. Dec. 2, 1872. 12mi49 TOR .SALE.- Lot 24, soutin hall, 7th cmn. Whltby. Dweiling. barn, &o,-aboat tinres-quan-tes cearseti. Situated a mile notin of Broojgiu. Appiy ta- % *w JOHN CAMPBELL, 411f l - nU....ini C OMMEItCIAL E'OTEL, BROOK ST., WEXIB-Y, E.M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETO -Best accommodation aud superior Win, liquore anS cigare. Good stsbln, vitRic seitd yarnds, and attentive osisaes aivsys G RANiDTRU NK IAILWÂY OTÈ AT WWtZTBl' STATýIION. M.'NEILL .PÊriPRiEToi Parties (àklug the trairïndntewrainohou, vii have theni veli takeu 'oare of iltiR u returu. - GTLOBE HOTEL, RROOKiLIN, OCNT.ý JAS. POWE LL --PROPRIETO: YnsLA CCOXXOI>ATION. R EVEIRE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, ONT.,- B. PLANE - - - PROP«RIETOE stagss to andi tram Whitby esau daily. E« ery attention patd Io guests. -RYLCANADIA24 HOTEL, PORT PERET, ONT., H. FOY --PBOPRIETOR. Snperboi accommodation. Gooti stablin aud shed ropm, an~d attentive ositiers. w ESTERN HOUSE, DUNDA$ STREET, WEITBY. TRhe nersigned wonid intinate to ti pubie, thai the above premises have bei newiy litteti np and renovated throughout Ilent Liquoresuad Cigare. "The Cream o Canada "aiea pure BRhime Vne, Waiz's Lag er. whoiesais and retail. Boarders taken bj the week. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. 0 NTARIO HOTEL, [LaTi nAWER',l WHITBY, ONT. THOMAS WILS(CN, - P1IOPRIETOR. Firet-elass accommodation. Bloard one dollar per day. TRie prop-ietar 'sites occasion ta irxforr the public that, baviîîg purt haseth Re abave weiî-known hotel sad premises, which in now fitted up in the hc,,î manner for the accommodation af guens, Le is dotermined ta lefavttnothing undone on hie part ta keap ni theestablisheul reputatian ofltige oug- sud ta meet with the approvai of the travei- liugz comiceunity. Every attention and ase cotomodation extendeul ta gueste. In reference te the abave, thes nndersigned begs ta iiuiormjnii old frientis, sud the rus- tomners aof the Hanse, that having disposex ni tRie tiftel and premîmes ta Mr. Wi lson. thiey will fiud in himi a warthy andl attentive hast, "A mari afti'r hi, awn heart--nc solicits for hirm their cantinuel patronage. Whitby, May 19th, 1873.C.DWS U NITRD) STATES CCNSetLATE, W H I T B Y.- -Notice is hereb>, given, that for tht cou. venienîce ai Shittpers, Traders, an'! ail pi-r. sons interesîcil, a Consula Agent>,oalibi United tStates ai Amonts hbas Leen cutahbain e'! aI tit place, an'! hai chie saune sibf b, opent fan ihe transaction of businness on and aiter tItis date. C ffice-Onitani.o Batik building. A. A.ALLEN, ConsulaAgent Whithy, Apinl 30, 18-o3. 1i M JONEY TO LENDI Repayable Ly inetlments for roi Tva te Tirent>, yeare, at lmv natesoaitieneet, vith. ouI commissint, an'! aiioderat cargea. Private Fuuds ta Lau'!. Appiy t- J. E: FARýWEtl, Solititor, Bracit St., Whiihy. Ma>, 25mR, 1872. 22-tf R OBEET JOHN YAIlNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOn TUE COUYTY 0F ONTAIOI ADDRESS-Boex 99, WHxTDY. 4 712J CBA!O ST., X<eAU Vi5TonxA SQumjý, MONTRE AL. l::ý'Bu8inesa ezClU8iVely commzasion. 12 years experience in the Montreai p ro- d,&ctradte. Biel rne prompt, sud highest mnarke-t pricen ol*Ained. Gouignors -kept posted as ta sale of their gonds, prospects, .Le. eIforrnatiounas t' price, &c., ifurnipheâi on application. L-; À trial coaaignment solicit cd. GEORGE FERRY, in. Iicfcrence sue. J.». DouVOALL & Co. Jannary 13, 1873. lys wVANTED.- 200,000 GOOD HARD BRICKS, -To be deiveredl in the Toîrn-of Whithy, be. tween the lut June and 12ch Juiy, 1873. Tenders, tiierefor iwill be received ut the -undereigned's office to the lth of MARCH, 1873. J. HAMERI GREENWOOD. Whitby, FoL. 26. 9Wd FÉE-E SITIE! TOWN 0F WHITBY.1 A IEE SITE WILL BE GIVE ta any Msnnfacturing Company building an establishment in tRhe towu. J. RAMER GREENWOOD, Mayo4 >Whitby. Whitby. Feb. 26, 1878.6 9-if F OR SALE. A aluabie Fsrm, ina highsetate ofcuiti- vallon, soi l ot exceiletin »Canadaheing Lot 25, 2ud con. West Williamns, Coutyo01 Itidullesex, 80 acres cleared sud vol] valsa- ed,.good fonces, good Lnidirgs, sud a fine young orchard ai choie fruit - situatei writhln 4j miles ai thie flouriehing village of Park Hil, andi containing 142 acres. For particulars apply to- THOMAS KNIGHT, Park Hill. Whithy, July 24, 1871. ti-2o G)IO. T. RAIL, ÂGENCY AND cOMMISSIoNS;' Valuatins matie snd acconuts collecteti. .- Office aiea Tiuz Ck:nxouuaZ-Prmting office. Buastaes prounptly atteudled to; bighes refursne. Imparters, Dealeresud Manufactureaof ailU t, tIleese n bernois o e h cb cutintue'! Ant>,via npropen occa- temîmtig(ounilvsîoin(oartacibrnteno asqe- - Kiuti.sci - a plae, juizt as much *panses mighnt sienus, Smed it bis, boatien dut>, te a u svft -echo of - scands, - (mat, aiistocr hai Isuo evan, atinso-, serve bu te tarie, dis, anti rot. assume tieno ~to vbtb 'bis ltoter- jfrom the, subdue'! sud inapsatelvs>waritcaiyi' fRne uic [LEA THER AND FINDINOS, On tieo cdge cf tino dosent, en-acil>, brtiter. ThougRu, if Ru eenaine'! his u in iolatino>, nesche'! tinsgroup. it ceivabls impertinence. Tins:Bsn-lin8 opposite (hobLianIa gap ocf the cavere, jconscience, (iriflineas vas nons of bis vas impossible te ascribe tesa parlicu. bored it bnaiti is Buckram esilquette jCash pali for Rides, Bart, anS Leathea.' Pierce SIiéa spateS linsaIt, awailixig ovn perfections. - an- caue--ta lau nu up anS ingae, or ai» credible vituesses agaree. How JLeatiner etretched. tho reWmrn cf lis accidlentaI seqnain- Sinea ouI>,drsv a bsavy sigha in an. toasn>,inig elso. A lrnaclasa ucnelhoRe smnfeid, au'! vlhasi egres of i~, BELTNG MADETO OBI1 ON tance. Il vas cul>, natural that ho sven- to Ibis observation. As the day togetinar.reifbstrunitpnisoglecu- sÈR OIE houlti enterlain Borne miegivings as te vona on, Andy>,bacasue mon-e ceinuie, 'Oh,,v aug 1s- vanuglua ' cnied - Ati, Y1>Ine!balsciisgn bot- j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Sht OIE ioiruila of tbe sIey n>jsiRitard froni aud Pierce more toaturei ab lais certain- clappbu ie its-Tihe's an -on'! of ou the ususi goothsutiit>. Tino m- it Mav, 1872. ~ ~ ~ 22 bat penson, taiting inte acceunt thie 1>, tRiai Paddyl>,Loughesn, wv a abito,' him R' - - peornh imifogn'tapcoe(lie kindl of character, bis informant,- aveu and tinat Croinoore vas no more t inoh - ,'Ana'murinea! nnaurer R Sec Ihat l' bis'guesî vas veni>,, an'!beeoghtlim- A SMALL VPEMFOIR SL. accordilate ta ns v hicing, muet cave, tisu lie, Andy-'LorJ 1teep hlm exelafimed (vo on- (in-eoflis conapan-ta. eay vhai voulu! anme binai.The o - - necesaril>, Le, sud vbewing as mucin of fr n-a a>,sicin (bing R-was lu il.,Butions, lu a bresîh. - -TinsShah ansAere'! (bat it.l vubcRua Nov ton- sale-&amal faim cousîsiing of 821 'lis mainuti an'! iueiaviour a an oaen eas il vas usa un in ein Paddy, sel off . A din, unnid ighta!ppested some gnatigcatinu a-.nm if iRue Emuperor acaeg, nions or lm,sluth éins part o ai vhs--w uhaete innunieiereran j le kuowu as the Smith iFartate, a ile dIis;otan -Pipece'e immeiliate, notice. But for Casiiecomor, sud as tho distane littîs distance in tino caveau, IlsingwlShv(Rekdeateo-r 1 tram the vuiihae of Duffins' Ci-est Pic-keu- inmre diirsin« prpnc",sicionseize'! vas ilve miles,.IInaeo heure, at least, upwsrd, baif.showing a welb.knovu onection." Naiurs hiy, hovover,lRtne teg, atbonudt on tRie sonth bivie G. T. o n Rus mi, sud nov banisîxiàoer ev~sen bnîubniing (ho service of tin- 'sort tace, sud Isutiing kiailedlnstre'o tino are pisnty of seekers on- sensations whio w Railwav eTnslandi chiefi>, consfisfa sricIn otîtar fana>,. His péon- islroim, lais otan oI'! hon-se,' muet necessaril>,paus (va ne'! eyes t(ba ifleS Watelfll>,upon volttmagnify' tRe oddtbizof the dis. pi siaviai cIa>,; abiu26-aces are cîsareti, ltlandisuS osi AIle>,, miulitave bLoeabis eur n. Tinti ime bia'!thei. A geeral seresm arose, sud ilgnisbe'! visiter, vuich atter ail are cf a] and t inelaan orchard on toRi- <sin et vlibean uridbth ih a stnl xngge.ltt cuqec.Te â ie= swesteti fruit (res. 'A beautiful piace, -ma yn-io ber ravishea, vine carce yet olapsed, sud7 Pion-oe, tinangintn ilivstsat> ntnusast ul osqnae iemacaum eoul'! ternia edmfoatat le ienet, , prese'! b>,sutilen putsiianti alarnn,'almosi Ropeleosfroî sun-St>, diS net But, ers anoibmr second bath elapseit, sLonce counected it bb is visila tho propaietor wluo bas a a fne>,for tMslnli ete tîmbe ver>, place, AmiS is Sdauk and' thnreforetiespair. la facl, te lasgreait thoee va s tir n- atho gloon, lirn.edi- cenientiag frieidshp witlEâui'!vlwth eaq loallisamo itarem, shemght bis jo>,, snd 1An'!y'sundiàgmuise'! consterna- atli>,t*theRuesan-anc., adCrohiore-na- a viov. te posaibie counigoe.-isq., thes 'n-c-One4nth dR townani the balance moment, Sag ou a bliginte nat hl' inPaddy iadè luis ro-aP are lilLuogo, tRie incarnate gobib of (hein- Est,.; ~ -- In (irs nas lstimat,-iIn tteoi nseeo-per'e tayismt -up lt bu lne ecok eao en-a ,rush.'! out amonug (boni, au? 7per cent. ei - - shorprpa ie as, « -t iinov- ovb o nuh onas& ru Api>, te.- ,starlhten-. Nay, enup e I, n!,- Jloulon auu taihergnait bis A Inandsome muorial, h wià-n a u o r? nase, g m- a-nu-ln-eeit, hiissor-t of au ould- hor eo,' huadi ie hron epr be u note"Prs hih'f On-t Il-, N, ;Zrslter, Whtby. y e at ar e vs j-CharacestheRianxon'lv-: Iltoth oasb tlfde r ad sbuting n eye,j qx n - th ' 4 Wç,oflntu vke affhokordeae1dood- ~ î~,- hiom ý, kbo wing,> imp>udent, Mpeot/>ho so Ris STRAW CUTTERS,v re b ad Then yei*be#gix-ý ive1 y us lie V - (Rie practie ' f the (gowmg 4 mlaj-7-Jlust in d lt'ýh&. wor vas 'aow Ronoland R. ane unequsiedfl iey ae-o ss»> orRd, and Debi, anabothnr, and hurrn 1 one influitely blotier- than lt.e praàtieo io&by pme. Once gý in tinere, asu' Obabou telRbiioget outof ordez, asodst Rs aU o- f 11i6 dthier.- "Hoenow' achioed, eorqeont, dcade 'an",, Or,"*.whaks 9,% io iL ho vey owfiutreSe )Wo7àh, howvvei, vitis-hig gu n 4 in-tloft band, vo>,se,15vi à,si¶h1 hati y onSquare and Revolvlng - Churns, Ruas ang ~ietecpsd, net ver, appropriatel>,. a ooden oe rec, dead or ls vs. - --' tef.aS~~r Ietag - - CLTH'S TftINGR8, - , Kuowodgsslubngovid;egbef cuilk inubis rigiit, whicheh ho 'Il màkellhé trial, Aucly. -, ft1 wre' AIdyfellLîbs'oug Havng ;ovieaulainvsio~. aid,lie-could, vitha elear consotence, 'ieeouider.widy uslfwlt 5'4'teyl C-oboon- R.~~~~ FnntflnHerostohe ogoatle.Wrry, '- aou so-a fo-ilasnofklm ftheare'Ail achrthood ha, iheyare Lô ' bOch, i le wlser..ulwi1aG An Fai otheMIdndeo gGlu I M>L mE-ple oiu oio iolbe, a ra- Wbatto nmysifPsy b.poc 1udunnird. d yohcoitoouiet on 's tliâ l- Upondci irnàef. a relac Wation4i e oi oui t o se n -y . al ou dge _lyn effllm dits i,, an ta gurant ieOnrvniP55l' h cv o ?nm r rgardS oese fo er uiheusn-afii unpn-ea-r'L3 ome-fre;..e-ypodh, A ,t' wii 'hstue poo- grocin.. Raigpourdoeo AS. CLATTN e groanatuIfrol vanotle cf ibiSowbs..t( e '-lInist la. iad h rst vetes l'ontiu<4 o nel s lishn Hre on st >ntigi&_rm Bra ngns on ith ocia i.,Whnt of 1 1 -ci5, hi r e >rscre nl".i bite i a'- u erhm- branb -stugig aep liohu asuRs-Ltoto lk on- iniia 2tn' i *~ ~ ~ ~~~sge Msi11,17. - Blo tternoS1 nI n-poi i.elL' nS ven ho its'! aSýoo'he ý-'Nx ouaes 11hattL;ino baceto -o'vindicf t ieceSvebr aini, u le _____the ____________ Atuino unerf oa naraton, vaéLe-j ma of poistoostsud>o taocis eianino ponsn- e ieo'Lginnvsqckyitlêbcao n mbeteCrctauedesfrievetih io srruîof thessi>,tihulhmul, kîingLetPn aia lhinp'Lt3eopierceab 1- ls soaofsunululoia'.BII-enn-i supruaura Riing. N>,,ta bistia,, ui or ienth tale,'tin lisfbreake as a bol 1hi'ysefoiSy o goo v unl eek iigitesiyincammacocf -outasf ' m. PortÈe1y AricLra WoNrS.erae rirw oin o h on.owgldrai uosota aeyu.bl o(ebageslntI nas o li adnse egaPdyon bL - tarooe ua iocavarn ogu crasin or ibuis olAde vilath. oue ou' go 1' crieS n >,,bishoursaniviii an-ailmen- atineseti ill wns cELBSTE AEECAS OUBE S n lsgla>. Hro o gaa cca opiotu,10s0Gol wc > lhae t.oa dv ffetio ovign ue ualush, sur - ns'! et o lfgiteym - iingy an TURBINE araTecomple SaiTens, I? tino gal epba Imburdtua- avaIeiiugti lkmtenait a nd, silyove- -me-fpreb y tian ov, ho cluicln- Is the inoars rcuîn tpce a C ti n i al caes. JAS CL TTO , t re: t as als o nderiso fen ats cf s-j teuing l _na hoîîerînibk mm a grin ie,' oS Pieicou e Iîa.o e m e asCiit e Il r eia n ake cf pov' r om in MYi TUEMOS -tio Leprmcinaus, or fniry mlîancm,1 (naia An bit praci-nc tl , d i . e rr ' tgrznon core kou laie 'iaf nlios -kfo r sihitn i be i hetî o ftbî ECONOMIOLvEEELNW INAUS theonm nil <arra tin iwbn-,fal o to nimaiasnuchf"ocd, l ýetalibusie nss yu roa uedvuearo, di ettn 'otola u'!br ascicvd hesRn l (ing caeu- ainans- no.l uîtlk liebadsîilin' ho ws bau y sa,,.titiPdd ouinafru sne i- vna muasympaion thwilabs naf- pecod e amiyundrgrun, t aer> enugn a tno ork~ u rgad (a t e go Ijavhor 'e viibo u wlisrine f'o- auty i-cm point RE A T E c it r i ngtlonuf e er dsi ptin oeoftaa i niqi e ni ho useiand ta iea n a 'Lothsen touid yubu angua, o orIrtio cedu asnhtima; olme as pesai- sg pcfrnaufacturingsf.gear fr i lth a uifogeCrce, vyier itino pooa ceag break evsry boeluyn b our ulky fis. eticmrne ffehsa PortPery Aridlturl WrkS traehrewncitue>, veauthappnte'. o'uti le r ubed.' 'SButisa hdowbcas e,' re <tetheAud y wful R h Mauy afopas e aud4sy mao- se h. Titis cculd rnet hovictionas main, PoieceAntI>hae bis tlwitb a if I vas9nasa yen 1' r'!or reir eugle dangter- LIFELS Y.ZBÀTD VEICN OU l uI S inci tn o din cf e i n reaxnîîura nier 's o itenouda ei , ant yi e D yo mea n resain n, iesb>, ui lnt ra ofn ave a hu (o bthy aniongt did egobn ple cfiînhia rea i nytinrcteIRai lkai fosandbram era. fare, dy?' asitcd Piauon-er, homIng. abouel lin foraa isrroîbse, ati T VBsinWATE ake. es, orcfaimethc(acasin oreoifltatias ha vas, coi nîtlarcre die 'tW-a-n-d, e u i' uîi suet ae nm ine nse mass cf 'n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h f a-Lie neftansr i sun, l -vansno(lairing bAndal g aiioed , sy etiandllderueden>, is ajînd bsenigssud laiov îs, 0dn;lstrans- T. £ MOTIOOIA W BL WI S lwoiting i (teecf ter ieafîîtherias, irîg: tIe a>,imyalI 'Drýoge s e f bufse-ine in mis aoreà ma - laon id e'! b te 'tb o au ' ter ie hoices - cf vinoseni thre ier existIn le s u,(ina ife hny), itn'oien ' Inlyar 'ut, tady oug ara m, o Th e n dos-ani eaui'uhsvero btis oui>,asv pcilen, t vaifynde, ineydsta v n i oodpeeth e re afonreganr d il, staiice. gvn mrtjrHe lrt rc~St io uec pit c f tekif a 1411fereuhtaneu s turituai nS>, iRaîev fout ins -Ript cf 'eetng amenglite rke u ev yrds'Ilot!csuri,sudshott% peaspsie -n- of tîna f tinfnei r or theîu ie ti Rus ots Crcea, leathew for clite r distance. er eo c ou rec overinirn .ThneayS svtnate eo m- rac-~ .--~ ie te c de i v ue tr na lieng l u iin bardsid'S ittoine d, y asel , maS rtdisuy appar 1,d'lion as id ia -'sh aniscudnfîtce dheing feas-luat ircfmoon cfgavetibtaie,'Naw, afIran prenî lf iti, ogua.Afler ild buraedt o rov s idnarS- hi enainte nesolitefxhei inalanir, htncPiceaga'bectued Tnsilfeilvrrpuafea as oves oastseul p voaa dopteadf - antI c encîxct o un liire c i gre den t'aiy dor net a s bang as r brtierviuet-înre .A util'aed>, r e m itu- nrane fboudt i>naisebis arboe ir,n shinucae ts uor0of 0 înil r.R wth ewîn l f '11 Rai Dut, ulsais is refli sea'! ulta gliupso t uibigliyl, n iantlo î bis oa'!in ou. bis s s o f lieepiéain ted hc ous imtie(rearts nsi kine piywnce e'retasIn' lu;'a ll an, ating aheuguseen itnon rc.Te sftra mmin reet, t en siree'!whiicfotsuio Il. wisthl Sing tirowUil gite came. Ced b at risotbamedselnear sde u l adbis covi'>, mma n ostwisc oan s-n elir , 0e ver ..ef r rtll i etu s, n I' akcu sma clIh ese tai w on' suer-brthin barbertira ds c aib es fiuntop thue u>, rrilavoies of tflarknatre ntint. apita mnoulpa i cf tact s y hele disIl.' waS. cu'Tnvut,, bal, daen tit ava.Dt fnte iatur. ioc' foig aiasne ah pî Pire a-ve ntwanh, s do ndCaîenauin,' or is remyainswcf ey TResnotiov r nvmnnaha n ,b u itin tema itat bta , o pao p , w iiiî;'Rera i it. Osui,it'Pi ar bo#l> ingao 11(0jsa>, ne R a re dn. eibissilmtien, ofte aboie of the caetRan sny-olheronshtap taette iotîoxtian', Wheeivarrsilugthem a Leas vel mae iTi- alael'te phonicgnemycf thMin.y.aCndtccr.ua-ilinoe S n (ba oui - liho lma, andne -tbis ysesud san-e -,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ofbii suoafv ego aisala eti> lc wa ultati ta excia iaa ii.. cAvti'il ndaag lu fhe ron iaofree'iGaong ote okshuat viS yrdsf, iRdiarou ntibia.Roesing Attîl>, - aufcurt i heDmiin. ltae na.luoIt enitîsi cf a eaipeitit u ie îtempi.hinno ao iuvdisancspaBasun' reieti ulite ovoes cls fit or vayShes, roqiutss r Wh Parties desfriinngtemintin funtinher if Lanben ocunation eau, i a .ad istuaied inlino>,in' ohiinfib>,adnesig fell a c upiltuate binitîcl lainelo tîeaîlfrino Antmly'haSsd dovu PaSti>, pLouginan. yoPaddre h naîn. sineaildbstof qui l itéceae- PAXTN, TTE e Ca, îewongl t arossîthep pit acatartcn, lahce in. Pkiertat IaSiecoutinu BorneTle ckaih bnlofen nvo' tnIeatc as vni ain, nt >, overn enrdAnîl Peaft.Pr nt. Riken autlinatii. (Rt. eliane imet or'oblatilon siene. Ha s hucActlee wa 1' maSo 11111nc fle epposilion. ins ool nPirce, j Marh 81,869. vawnîl, mut tiînt>,ted irpe 'Iln plngti aiut, eureggibut int inai-'h avent I 7-repie of aunSy-htan'tair mlaineive! an.Heskego _______________________ easntiemhisai>, te for>,lvlt.I emFiciilanunninioalkikI?-ehl-nllon m ce nulhi' on t na! eo ine e nera' tn vas cvcinnng uanbuctilwibivtîtciidueliadescont viali >,ocanyI'îl sleyntnt ufr1 nI ae u!i ntnn a npee j PlER IOL~TD 118K îcinu, iratule, n-Ia vaiel> cf iliineaaîvtcin >,ifplacil gae smain>, gvin asinaSionnp cf nIer Se-en wta ino.A nttcfasmomnsare t J..stre, anhe iettd Rofte ui. litei tartl ow nptluuhepcasemo tbnetksriaces,hcas o e, acu to e tabir- sioak yhmtv he ls bar f Longti- m marnsnîthgint.e n , tntm attinth lo.g inomewn lin cvcn 1» is eaistible dtm iso'!ia. u nusits>,aîusfi n tie de t . ir Te;Inesr ae Coy o/anada riiatbmtgaIl r~xii ut uet.tnithe81 acycwý anollîve'ith or emetici. OPadI et a p dchaessuguina esk e, i Buth ngre h sitat ienovr' Ioaiilutasecci srdstriei >,annn- Tit-tIterr dne! n'!finnetntietfcoaianttvntbis irll cilmanilacaesud bitea>,accsemAgt> c ýd, ndwewWgiýe. garnta pi c inglted tthe al ioce eut silet tno ese laehorimmdiatedakies.tWall ie liobat, vAr>, pea- eiece suda evaut cf coag lerIa p he.sewrrt-ingSi.,c o.bci Torantmade cTe ou tvre cf tc iecnoyofthunS nitiero on vinicn0ut vexion iape in o ngut.usgeilbal ndr-va b in AnS>, ae tisno indutilef andtegie a godsatsfcton s ny plce teti frutn t t xintrdy e rtueilcaeivanl' Ilnotra use, siro i, osud Ginhie service, hcat is ou! ue an>, tioepl te eiz. econosnie.au'! mnlCAPedinthe Domi5io.00 . iontei onk es. cf tts, gapingofi e, biteri>, xniti: tept' Th o,, in atu praIt any'grpilesd scuaibingaofcis tet ln inrlas a eecftinoint tIno fiidaeixi xmîlchlîtue c ne iyno at ' .>i ha titan tin u ly'! a Dudotul peel t a ver it vare insifeuaL Atlai, Iina'! fdir ei atill 0q eit >,h suc a ita.on PA TN ItTh de iliss lAuT do, anul t Intcug te l>t ttciri , atacr c-at te l'icre, she nib lhle flcostkin nom esf looknt, habeu t uti bavntteI,eas.o atwicverre.lmabalis beau passet, t py aen itecah A ONE. hi likeacvt-rc-r,----sn he out arae t uimenitruble, an! pconsc is. neas, m eet ae linopocs b olhaa ocston e iomordorer, PerySt, ot eryO t aei'avc-rs t l se xhbtlee fmien cn-v u axtitel the n o in u.i t h cie at, '.ave Gt I hAiSy n Pien a Sin' ther ulu su oeed h b>,He s leicu of Han. LEX.McBIEM. P., fuiraibl er, nI yvaret a ouamelsa cas Iteravacoinptn il. hgaemaya isnausobiut a n siof tiindein umpad.A rilofsengarm Preadeii. anrte nain cetitt moadesinte mbut te era.uxi>, epis eSclse ,tino ustrances c btiov. Atny's aty nd aefrsitiu quosur. JOH NsMuGAN, o' f-youna rislitant muratithaveit.-ntoe t nil rccumnfnll eming bisse i n cR era'e utile bepres ysi'lsle a sBti.BuPceseme'! van>, unticnv i-- Managr. s'n>, ctilas srnt-cas diburI anI ixan i-ia. 1e liepiti mbk,' ana vrorb'il! andloftCiainin t; an' bisîr'ae n hl u>, atescage, adtu>, acc te lais o f -~ M WILCOX - RinefontfelI n unal u evitnn yîurcul>g, thjokiat e imméSu te yen ne e lak c' mtheatf? Ma-lîee- e conigne todurge bucoraean'! HED-v c -igtcrCucoot rA'fcrlonthelaveige oithmoulincfit. n a ttenîd on Le iamc at uranta goe lti of i t eas nRaishusale voiS valludr - auci! s in e ppain rget elin tbil for o lookd fointheelierydayinf thdaivecuroact e ase, Cacioory.a' avben:a'rvuc, kif I'dcles,d t. Il v as soem e ausekizegh cul vand L A IT L I5 o0.0 C p U TO E i t aeh a, lie ligîtof tirtis.epntîtes ifice, 'ite I oma bor fe n.inig, a til nsai'! au' a n d s alis na as ielted iarso fe i coxten8otlien ov,'ie an(reatilingtc-vr tep 10 ad, 'u'y 'Ma Mensure oe S? h ped o vas ive it go b>, bis ove viAtlis, luacato'! an'! harassa ttlasnaail- l'R'siled i lt o vriposa , $67J l tc-l a tner place se f >, mcl Pron av Rit nd ilite , anbalotnw ft ago tvsa iomsif y aliitsî,at alrlinlS eCaaa iibmîSI ~ ~ ~arîr~»i !e. io iiPneeh v aer i-cosac. f i ciugtulnalte gntiiimcy tbacS, l'oi a foth Cen- Drean el onpi ac ofpiito L- EG Iý i ataongeie ma u r es an th uIt.eu egs x.tt ielieniintatîxittierlcer. usuofte i4uesofdyigtt, ori coeft i idiaa rigu prt, e naer cflitatnolidgiebaiec t Ri e pn iviereaîî fTOrNtRE.tbripîrn athe 4ico ,-f o e plîretiîx' eue a thua- 'W er-iciî ; Lundi îaeyeî'dislonthv s onon faceloaviot.>,pc ln 's o îns ltasave s sin cfthe BalI> ,t - ag bsaove upa inot dntngthepantfou n icfl-r ec o iatuet a ur on e>, rt etn].itintteuicai-, h c éi paes P Iel ie 's d Aye>, vPir plSent'ti. vîo, lIna raud ,nev fu ali>ou f-t Hoiu.ff, xi anS, (n future , la evot my a t ii ari-Ht ox, can eaie lguît, tiuere as-noaotliepfri 2'-lioe at bi sioy c ake'! sîitsti ug eai l> va ttîlig ratcfa>,e si-hle ue a tno nainea aiAucieu.ner, t oieiîeulx iltan, the plowtxeae 'Sotiepit t the o l biAin otlnbng e t'! vloe ytnah eoutaicee tcae . tiColen'ie ampe r sanin ng u 8 aeu absnes agiei tîi kuce. irl roc aks , 1e-i if, .put eh e, f irs ut ctaell ltue ire âeoa u e set eys tani, ouattidli, stinng vengîtur e lie'!bis f ers epocsii salx M.'io t aI vtîoXn, lv n u îamne, îvnfltco n sa t ir in et lite 'estina, bu'! ine'me. Sil e uti o uit-tta o'rebea e, sud iniubboeis cntg i uoe elrehm akD rn n theirrSabearor Cthed inu. mof theitaItuaI s-cii s-iticaxi>,enicraîl fr.' oe r an te. Eîcuglu. a' veso ue l a s ý ieboe'!, leeivaar, toust, -ii à *LuIia raghed a' Ja Notes R aen helgi o oi orhsso f'ae I o e brefr ntinantuada'a huad iisle e orefrbs ci-îolto Fil HEa C cixaFrgeARIA a icioxu. e ailiut y ptialm te kuown 'Au'ur~es ure aiePai>, euinan aieunagile4 gob swn,'rpielA'!,iu' e l'! i"ugitadjtîaifl saise, oua, ina Ala DiiStmp asnteouhaS. iv lîx i n tuu tr-ii-plaeatci; if osmfa-tc irce i vetitauti thoi ecnd eraute afbe ai viobe al istry. veuel. 'y cl'! iemaada i etantilstteCarîa>, Arragmn ts eo àaurie mîde fortrslte. hi a ctrcxîm shtcdistutan e .twlltlsa- i}einiuani-icof si>, a in,, ia '!eaev 'iV im',i an,',ail II coîfora Coln'- Diorau in on. Pince stawita on ier s E th e niayî b fie. m ty iensatec asatxixgetiti-a ixau ina t rna i and t-o t lic er.aid a ivnipceav:e naGtutl'osoianat' Gosie liari'! art. rrivai aiotem Rnie f il tvas toiebis Ofieprixice Alierta ndtfor t ino Sttptrn-to ,lixen f-et uni e npoethsetruo ne irn 'Ar aimIllieLd, urevine e bi sv'! tni 'bib e ace h omeg bu ot llia gain.' an rS a na>, oatesa ssbe in fil lyfonaIie W. esoeduenhm. WingthLLCto, xi Kofîennrepcenhc.yî 2Au, tpaofesalcg coarevlietintaisie ouldWiîy aieava>l, itiui. vasconfe'!O thexruf,î lita si-liatcheriomîca, the'fycen o tca-rthe; an ye t to. uatheiia of ttr rcc. tiat lipbae ateh e ple'fr.s cal Perin Aibeni, e. 2 t hei, 1872. ci setan et- faka e t uitic-aon rcmpui- uit>d ,i1e-xe it ou it av i.'s Bueas ' li, eeting thLed>,,au'teRuti >,ye, lith man eit in-loyete u'il te biheer -- .---- --- infutre -t dvoe y stun awiiîat. f h tangcs a xtîî eix tuuta, Busi, onttakeoutin tmiiIîp itoe sto, v a reesal sud raid ; ai oi, ea s tae ing oPrde, ofisgso- whLUo LEPOPITYFO AtEtîtsctaeIt xtlcteee ttthesctilbusibnfresi'sale v' o-eufpee' ovsuAiin ntia, Sviiitiorffa, oct'!a'!Llt' Volcig &cli> unumihut cii laie x, ntte, rvis i- cc'xetitwsiuS tslnohn i uichter n, gai.ing coue e tuetCrlsor, airul lno a>, bu so akel. c-eu teto ebuies o fv u nigtes l i rorckilane teltesn iig 1 n>,nuuaporiolov scarc d ti ecahers inaneast ettio>, a sig Tegtu eis marbu io er ape fe in T'stscnteralo trionayavri e tRitilas-- e: uiîic onsix tuiltt ' sp in-av.ofîtur- i %costa u m èean i e in th iata - tce'o dcsi'u s d, and >, u bie aif ur Se o Iouupiec >igli edf f la ch staei r eg orare.i a îî i teitietad) o i l art tui noiuîw n iiater, vitial iedykiigaoî'en-n ectulirls sd.A d bodoysaitvieopaîme t as ep i> aS (lie nae,i ASt. PecerSt., in le son band. A ise, lii iit ita o nteauiîalttt-Crqnui min lit 'rîe iu'e jni ue othe oi éancsa be i siu l i sondbene;lurour o "Croi ore a l an scasalel im ra ngemeinti s crne maW e fngor sadoni&-c,. tht. reiig,ineftiia ail. Ati lIte î>a-q urauucie an iiyn ndy hoiî reîîg, ig viti thian , a iithe ceexbote oflith'l o aion .u PblocS, samed itnis far tise CRNrIn Ward-. Witacre an ere S t. sautsiv, , i t si'lan lite m-i-ail to i. lievta>idi na!af esavires. 1" tt ie cave, an t ins l'abitaus obnd ave. aiai uahom evno thaenfe>,io pis onor souliaitRe esiene i . raprEa -bu stl iat n tît ttgo aixcî. nt t e d ?, ci lec iora a es V u' o Au!und, Ino> inn-ne'! wt ac ioco sna- Ina'!uste'!.týat ews of Pie AerttWaSe. As»20 caeuign',suh1v872.iiri t tuigcmpada ara c 89 ihcon i a régofnui, har n ma)ubu, dutand outavie onhi ligi Butan! meing er>hfome boy ndu bod«. acc ed o <n-c cand he do aiTs'co a ay e.Nriub n f lui art.eve an£nptîopf suakcin 1u1th1; tlu'ra o ctaearor non 'Coînuc a l ec lS oli-kus eu i d n diu e ppavte ;tins ot- ee«rn- Pecdifu lanîin tari einth ie produconaof teel.a- len: a>1a yloîbac,(kea oa> anidooie n'beolsve>,llei p -- fr ' i i FRSAE si e h' e o 'ii avs i y-ne epd on ad ieuî cihr- t!wihtUe rMýanEF E EA. Tw Tv bundroti an'! fifty'pouaz n- b- b;aen traesm'cýtte'! ta *tfr. J3ialîs, otCý6fr,- as nuaeoftheintrügtees of -4ha-lugiô lunS, -b>, thoe-Lord Coarnnssionuerîgof tina Traaury,, bcan5tins counribusion an&-,af tinsRoyal flouaI>, Pue'!, by coman'! cf lben- ajiasi>t,, onlins ro- Ce0m-uenSation cf th ino lt, FlaHn. -W.- -E. Glailsicea, for lins beausfnt tfMn-s. Miiaiae,1 in reoeguition i Rer lbas- - bau1's 1bIisa>, munt8islnitiug *lae- lite ofthe lais FIueobc i ULttië7w. A dreadtailsorbes of stan-ms have visite'! Cinciunuatti atdn'! nîglbonn-inng parlions eo nie, abing s graaldeal et dalsage tote pcrops., at'!. impedinat > aila>, travel. Tino starm n -elel -to-WVtsonsiu n sd did -muali annage linona. A pboasnre paaty onu- ee Lake u in it stato vas etanelib>, -tme - torutado, tino beat capsuzo' atid tvent>, .persans vers 4rowae'!. Lainer se mat now sapînude' -liatino màetropo1is;cf LoaIan, lue.- Lniiklnsn, carpeolenui ani phasta-reas refua-;iiui ta -an en utîtil an a-Iii-o f ontu-naif poaüy par hioua is atido'!te mincir daily yoas.- Eîupeyceastecline to maake titis con- aesson, an'! a--genenal suspeu.sion of ldiig oparations aI mine matit favora- ble seasn'oethIe' yoarta niani tinrougiout Londion. - On then sonhn al of a clinarch ai Lovislîain, Koulâs a inenu-nenita a si-eman cf great vvon: t taeta vWite cf blajor-Gen. ibliu, vIte vas marrieS car'forty-seauyenars, au'! nover-diS eue tbiug le dispbease bier lausbadl." An aga>, bactieon says- "'Penlaaps aine vas nover allove'!-" Tuera is sc:netbi in lureamsa aten- ail. A westernan mue amil tinat bis- haotinea'slies'! vas cul off vitnonu tles- sngg!andrp cf bleo.l, tatn'!tino non-t. day ina tearno'! ihat lais bretineral!beau remaoved. fn-oinaposi-maste.uin- Pp ockets.-do net enjo>, hife lun Cali- toeis.An u i IIbuit-vlnackar" fait a strang andacSibubis pocket tmena roceul- 1,, ou'! pulliug bis peekuife, vitu a lade iRai veiglhe' a pounîl, eut off tine marcs bandS et theino aand mltinaev h atten wî,hvthelia a-vitie te "pal il iu viiskoy vbeae il vent'! ktep." A Savannahi papea suuys: itAn ochi lady seiling oggseoay agkeS, as fis umanl, îvlaat's tua »vs?'-uTàe lattet,' so'! tina cbiging clark. 'isliai thme Tan-- ke-es bave gai toic Modocq.' Tin o aI iady>, cîcebr knakias ou tne cotnier anti eiclaumeti, Ihope. tl as oietf arn vil idia h it R' ' An-i so va go,'sys line Piiladelpuua pres.s, tfrem hailetavere. Wbere are va hkoly to tuait?' Anul anolior papet- onayems tuRus: 'Wo aiài>, '!n't lita te mentian lina place, bunt tinare eau Le no groal han-i in saying tinat the Cockne>,y Spails t witinas huite ainduS sihoantisa donhle-beRi. Tiho emporor et Chnins, bu ive officiai- etîbuils, anoaces .lie Segrasiation an'! puuisint cf tue cinief et thne eu in.zina fo r '4aiuglI te î fi isia es ss an sd efth îleàcio f tha stables fer 'net hein,- punctual and! Raving lais Leasta' un La'! condtionc., A curions veddieg- toola place at Rasinail Ctnaeîu recentl>,. E taiofethlin happy pair bai voo ble,.nitRain- seqiiluias eaigiuatsti in mine Waisall Cottage Hospital, etfvinicin tino>,si-en A inusitand- antI vite sailed frona Dairytfor Glasgov, een rouate for EUlis buagi,-neeitl>, tinm vite iavieg êon ber keeliner tbirt>,-tlnird cRuSd. 0f tle th' t>-tiiree -tinere -'ara at presînt Miss Laird, SaugInter of - Rev. Johin Laird, cf Cnpan--iit, neconil>, ascenîle'! a momnument 111J feel, 1croate' ta the unonor>, etsoie esil or otinan, vilt a par>,ottrimuis an'! on reaabiug -(ho tosxî en > les er la nue anS fe ll le î l e g r e n S in e i n a s f e v ineurs. A hrno-rarec" Hons.-A. W. Rida- monul, et Buaif-ab, recemaîl> bonglit lte stalion Red Win- frein Gilbert Daîcla- or, cf SI.-Paul, fer S12,0R0 cashs. A bihl prohibiling tlusen-prtation of -boya tan- tinopi-pose of grin.iug orgauus in ton-sbgn conntrias la nov bsL'>n-etho, Italian Parliaenent. The gand prizo'-fen-poeluy o e Rs Frencitscaenir lis beon saaudcd ta 9.t Alben-t Dnpit, sa>,oun< ceutribultor ta tins Gaulois snd tho Patrie, M.> -enuan Ruwa ublud, bse no bo, *ti-AtiC'in- It $embracos Rue -

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