minea tnar ou 1 a child wap, r in îhï ao. the second of th.*~ et *rosâtlinesufx lasbiicases Bri tainud l' aiud. Thle imarriage. hf ad n r.ut~rm 1151YAI .a>ceebrated by tJigChlla lab of' N. WÂTXYNS BUEL, X, D. sectilon of the statit. George IV., 0. 91. a fpi i nre Mens of »Met-ure, for Cou- wbkuhdeclreu ii. vlidiy of aumplîon, Bronchftis, Asthme, <Catarrhe à ltirrialgu oleixniReil b yam iniiateretcf arotuIa, andi any .iiaeue of thé. Throat or -a iirh cf Englaûd vitii» the - "a NrvnuDeeltity, Premature De. cbapfl or houa. of any British ,à *WbKf, 0,>3y, Weal<nessiandi8&Uildisorderabrought oný 85ýiur or Miof ster regidinc vihine 4 Y youtbfulimprudence. c eanr t ;oi tjl iem4 d.a TUTTLE & Ce.,.78 Nassauet. N. Y. ,udmits, furtiir, .litaIati41ea and tii the ypar 188?7 h. 'ta<ilii litheW..'-E pur..,.. f e mue lve tgahe a taau u. v te med ff11y a hhorough imArlivd tgethr a Ebn an Wil, Jnwwodg ofthenaturai lava vhich govai-n Between ?_ ay, 1880, nà JnIY, i969, 1the operatlonie of digestion and nutritionaucI hoever, lDby d<liiuè61gle togetheir. iiy acareful application et the. lin. proper Dnrlug that, perihil »,he only lived with ties of>,veil-aeiac"d cocce,i.r. eppu ha. hiux for a févyy vo k" i n mer, wl j>iFovided oui- break ftaîableavith a de cate4. 11w .Qectp1ý0d a, iîsrate bfdr oins ; and y fiavored beverage, vhicii namaaen, Y many bieauy doctors bilis.'l-Civeil Service 4a~Ji~J~~elefI, aslla edalneyer 4Gazette. Made elîmply vith boifingvwater or ýio'e liVtd -itii 1m. He add thjat he 1111k. EachipacIket ia labelled--JÂA. Erpa bas nover 1' fisputed or dcuied thai lb. Co Hoitdeôpit4lic Oemiits. London. 'ni îrisait Rie (le Janeiro vas a vulid g.5UfAlljClilsE or ýCOcCA.-"Wa viii nov' maf% eccor.iing te British 1lae and ivian account cf the piocs, aoiopted liv ni a Mi.s.Ja#mex Epps & Ca. manufacturiers Il sv hcikliren of tliit tiiiilvage ami, nf- dfrtetlo ýarticle., et th4r venta in the t ~leef mate accu- li g le tit law, an 1 Euiilon' Nad, Londou."-CatuZll's Bougs.1 * *t auch i arisige would 4. held >valid hold Guide. 468 ai1ùdte lbeiil ren legitimiatoie W'evcry coourt of!lier I- iesty's dominions, .t,<i 7TRA VELLERS' GUIDE. vhlîibtle. Mttute ina queet*on axteti. But sjielsmnrrdrge fa, lie centeudo, GRAND TIIUNK B. B. nul i h liild iu ail ôther countrieii, Trains leaye Whitby Station aa foilovu: b»catugo ft, was net eotractl dacorditit' Goîng BE. at- Going Wet- tte le evof tiheplace of contrat--vsz. Ee.. :3a i oa., :0a.m. Be (le Janeiro. Tih. <efeier l'Bia Mixed.2:w0 P*. E ren, 10151,i RomnCatiiolie, and theuiBarorreiavon Expres..7.. 0 .p.m. M11..25.10 Pa. B3enlizin laise a Roman Catlîolii. EXP.Mail 10-16 p M, Tii.- doicu let lnok, the- a Ivice Of tii. The trainasi-un byolrei imvi le ilîolt léaried cof tiue ciergy of bis Cliu-ch 22 minutes tater tinWltby tîm~ asCote tevaliiity of liii niîrrituge withî 'WHITI3Y et RTPERBY 1 ilR hie pursoar. Tulie did af.er ahe left Trains, eoing North- MaiL. Mixeli. hum lu 1809. Tii opinions b. receivod Whtby Juiubtion, 9:00 arn. 7:08 p.m. r c01*perfons - icarned in the, 1ev cf Mar WiitbY, 9:07 eni. 7:10 pa.-fi ring. as recoinimed ,in the, Roman Port l'en-y, (arrive> 10:30 v.r.n. 8:40 p.m. Catiiolic Chltîcîz vertu btiihelTfect ita, Traina Golug South- 2.1ixea. Mail. ,wltnîever ruiglit betiie iudling efficacy Port Perr,-4depart, 8:30 arn. 1:00 p.an. <cof thte ceremouy enterad mb foaI Rieo dè Whitby, (arive) 7:53 ar..ý.:28 p.nî. .'Jaeiero, lincitue cf tie. aliove atutt-. Whitby Janction, 8:00 a.m. 2.-Wij?.M. iii atty civil court witîtin lier Mnjosty't; DIVINE SER VICE. p dominions, tIi. týri-ge vas nul ndl void accoriliiig t AIho law of lue Clîurolî. AUl Saints' Church-At il a. m., and 7 p. It vaw ilu hase cininoetanies, lie aLids, en.-lev. Mi-. Cayley. and onuthie advice cf lte riinsle. toi, Church-Every!Sundaymri sens vluim lie consulteil, tîcat lié %veri t :80 and 10:80 a.m. aternately-Rev. Fita tliroùgli the iiiartriage ci'remuiuy itli Canada Presli teijan Ciurcii-AtIil a. ni in thie Brroutavon Beuiwitz nI Miîilclies. and 630 p,. nIitev M r. Ballciîtyne. 'l ter oun te 28t1h of -Aitgnt, 1871, le Congregatiouci Chircl-At 1l a. mni n liaving oxîlanil tdbthie Bitroltasa lire 1:30 p. im-Hev. M. Gilbs. ri, pon-ition. (U theri wlola, the lefeniler St. Aridrow', Church-At Il aie. and 6:31 il, r ali jAh llIe.notion ontraglop it a p.u.-Rev, Mr. Fi-anar. 4 1' Wellyi Metlodjel Churh-At 10:30 a. rai ram;da lcll" O 'Ii-y. m- l. and 6:30 p. m.-lîav. Mr. Sanilercen. A N ozD&à i-siArÂnîN.-Tiie %Vos WHIT1IY MARKET.S. tiain Rail-onde are.icrgejir.ieg a crngade 00 euii-it the dread.heaîl systî'rn. Eieî'eii CIIîîn,, OFFICE', Jiily l6liî, 1873. L" Western huesi, operuat.iiug aboîîi 7,0)00 Fall Wheat ........... $1 30 @a $1 453 I mies of rail, bave juaRt met iè Cliitcagui, Sprng Wileaî. l 23 Li, si 25 r suan alîed ail "passqes<'exci-pt to Bailey........... .....0WC CU65e il thotir own. ecmploýes. Aruug thie i-oil. pells................. 65e C 67e A agi-tuing te tuls, ai-e lbChicago, Bui-. Black Eye Fea, .... 75c ~83e l .i caanlQie,thie Cllcato, Rock Rye......... ...55 a h *4land and Pacifie, tle'*Chicago anid- a...................37 ca 0e tiE eorth.vestern, lthe Illinois Central ,îteiaiiOa ............... 816 4g018 sic iChieage and Alon, and ltie Milwauke'e a........8 6C 8 l iannî St. Pauit. Tir Union Pacifie (ILI lPotale ............... Bc tavny villa frse passes wlien tie- Con. Apples, per bai-iel.... 3 1!pessa atlptedil s pi-eeut lin. of action Eggs ................ 15e C 17e agein*e irond. Titis red liedllproi- Buttai-..............15eoC@ 17e rviouifly scatered tIlies ai freely Cheese............... 13C Ca 15e ail lia. railrond transaportation pi-obleai Beet, iforaquarter ........684i cf laIe ose mucli.,agilnld in Ihîjuois, IaePoi-a uar ter......45 e 63 o retins le ho as fer froi a satisfectoi'y Pikfirlw......e 8 solutiona as o-ver. The rail-ced coin- Chiclieng ............. 25 Ca speirpair, nev ra sieil have foi-maeiu-vt tariff, uniler Duck. per pr............ 0c the lev passed i ltelaIe sesion ofthie Trlinpr i .7 ,ta0 -Là giolature ;. but te Railrocd and I Wool................H8Ca aots.. vg warehouse Comnmuisionetrs ai-e ripai-ted Ceai, par ton..........7 C@$8 <dia le bie unanimuinute opîin i utalWnmd .......... ...... 4 hm Ca 85 tii, t'ho corporations. i-e not, in stiiclly _____ gcod failli, lrving le comply .witl i te fore spirit as Weili altallea' c filite 1ev ENÃŽr ADVERTISEMENTS 100 A4 COSTLY STaRixE.-Tiie- gi-nt rtiike - Ai luth. ceai and iran districts of Wales Q~ A N T E D . li i. ov nulil. Afar layn weksof Two furIi'ited moinse. Apply atthie of C enfercaîl lillanesof 65,000O men, tiihe i-iileOf. r-aus are i las. cf Ian million dollarq Wlitby, July1t,87.2-i Ou lin tIi. emplriyers. and of lirenan.ed * Y16hs87.83ln c threa-qnunrter millionsof dollars le lte NC T I C E wut, smen. N The' New York Tlinci tinrkq tt in-u AIl partir, inutabtedl by note, book, ai- rPfusiýig lu accepl a IloVal Cornuaiisf4ion couit, or otheriwse tc Mi-. Richard Priaiiee, grorei, ara reqiiemtesl tb maie an imneuli.tt te ifvlchgata hii<illifltuiigto nlng, eetlemeet with thie uadersigueml, in whose , Tii~~~~~~~~~~~ cas iaesî» îcic lmuela-i-d thie inae have beeti piaced tor- collet. V si-lvi-s hien imittOf inf isleri- te ina- ie. vêtesiatiou wlîiclî lias beau liarged nie- GI1EENWOCD & McMILLAN, it on titeri." *Wlil,,3a1r13 ristersSolicitors, etc. th1 Tara TrenniuaNE CAse:. - Lotîion. - Juv 1itl.-Tie casa foi-tria presscer-. F OFDHTO LIFE ASSO- lion aginst tha Tielibruiu cîimanit T IAI o-CNAAVia: c cal tc.iiey, julil t. tiil dorelWirîha. toeamploy ea Digtiir'Agent te c1rl "Ir - uiti lta 1. iilthoroni.'lsly- the ceuienloaseelaiYork, Si 2 i A Norwe-giuun immi.eranî vas i-nu coel naio, and Durhîam, 'o2f W c'-r andi killeil lîy a trat;n on the (Grandî To a man ef.î'apaciîy, -lai-acte ai-, naiea- 1TI T "u'îik et Qumbe ou Thiursdlay niglît quaititance in the <eimtilea a liberal salai-y I elîposei ho i- ltaIuova nd commission cill lepaid. Apply personally or hy lehiai', wilh refer. 'asil. liao-, liponguiase ê lîroat koneie ' la II0tehRI n41n 1S ont a- 'WILLIAM lîfCA1flE Jr'ailsiiu fait nüai- tîsat Icivia reciatlv. NEW Comm-c'Aiu.Tar.m'r.-Pnis. Juîîv lltî.-Il i. i-ctntrti-sl 11maItuall Fri-i tOevmrtime'nh lies uindes-cou- o.j'erniln linu ItiegulCti of c<if 'nlinir a 9 Cnpu-eascft r 'net'uiie cf Gnoru-. tn Pet powr ri 1 .1Pui-is, fou l.ieipeitagi, lte a tillI4 cfaIL ccuuîlýesîi-i ml l-iaty. AIanr 'nu uuinrof u-cfle City cf WVieis. nutons psstuf ei- lira tllîmat b lois of the gstnmr cas i<lipi-tasthe à ceu-ploeasof tIi. cioo lla nici-tv. Mr. A. Douaus'smou, cf W.-'lient, vaq roiuh,.ti oul$288 ansd $25 voutlr<of javw1lItrii-yiulîi- illegra aifcv levaogo, il-Jus hi loift fer hie Statas immpinahilv * an ' f l1. moee'y or à jeweli-y liai inet been reeov.red., A youna mio nemi-ci dCampbtell vas iuut"rtly killatl Fr'ilay vii- eniree-s cbim i to p 011a fici c lhe hue cf lime CrOlil Valley Reilway lucar iltiecta. vile. Tiîe Uniteti titatpse Ooî'c'unni ina meule a propositin ho lite Bi-tfîsît 0v. erumeut for on imterelýiuiiyc<of posîci ,ariaol itliti'Rane ielais ns lte ai-aueO. maent vltb Caatia. Theli attrenilut te l'aise a snailiscuiptioîî of.$21t.OlIh) tock #81 Kiuitttn, foi- tti- Broyal Cnnalien Iusuramue Comnpany, -i6. dli net auuaneel. *Cophuiu Jurck'ti trial comuaisiuimeti e 191amatlt on the s4:t1uinmai.. lue andi Mua essoclalos luhave hieu lfoîîntl 4uoilty cf zuirlemr, aitdvii l 1ikeIy liangesl. T noa'asse'lipfttu-hsauce on Safuui. iov uurluatflueetc'lrcllou s1f tIhe 121h in Dublin, Don-y or Belfat. A l1111e girl, ' dn 0txinof tim. Georrge Pa&rký,liteliceep-r, Port Povcu,wesane- ci euteily di-wevus on Srtuiiiry. Tl laiq -hchaie thuai Iniu-ial Parlia- inent vili ho pt-aiomret]on lhe 27tit Georige Fr-anci Tt-'n ameutInh $1,- Tflu, Ti r Ase Ipff Nec - ek yrsfter'lnv- bits na en, (u 1,rseau h for Itl' PAL-b -rm 5on 4.69lf) expu-s mJiavîtbren iu- cuu-rd ni-l u ime prospectatn & Bdes p totlae Fréent. 41de,44hrto c eoaislaboeai- in Girweuy. the. slnking tond ieeIate ntlued o auy part thereot, -e.cordiug to> the laît e lvledasseasmenà t roll ni the, . itbelg foi- the-. yearon. e O3~~ bundi-ed audsventy. ose, vas sixhnd ret and WtvnltY.aight thonaaaid elgbt huni-. re4aud, oightY five o ea; ý nd wviresi-esa lb. sxlatiug d heb.aadj Mlipcipalila m'hi-eteai thna d dllar. thoon belng for principle and i n poio lereotior'int.rest;,-, 1 Awher.as tor'payl'u-ot teiétmaîgýn ci-ea*Ung-an e qal Yearly ainking nn8 toi- 'paying thei. mOudmnietSeven./Tiionand Dollrs sn Imrenalter mentioned, if viii i-s an e.qoci annuel speciel rate cf oune2t/flO unilia in lie udellar- in addition te uil alia iaeatle leviad in eaciiyosrj Be ft thr.efore enact ed 1by tAe Murrici. -pal Counc il f te (Corporation f< th.e Villaeego f Oà ht4uua, « f0joiloc. 1. Thoat it shahl lie laraful for lhe Reeve ot thie salul Munieipality te i-aise liy vay et lbsn fi-ou, any persan or bosns idy or' bolles cat-porate,-who May blievl'ing te 4irîmethe saune upen lhe credit cf the- Debentu-en itarainaflar mauaioned, à asoun Of Molle! notexeeeding in the vîtola the suin outSewniiTheumand Dollars, andl te cause tie aa ta lie pcid 'lotte handa ai the. Treasuurrtoi- ltaepurpoce, and vih thle u)bjeci cave recihaul. 2.,Tht it shail b lawlul foi- the sai! :leetus-toceuse au y iumber et iebeturesa 't b le sefor snch suas ofmoney aesmci tue raquired, riollesa tiean eue iondrcd 9dol- lars cciAand t<laIt the .aid <Iebentu-es shahl bce ceai!l ih tie seel oet1he cald Munici- '-al Co:mcil,. and b.c igned by Ithe miel hleeve. S. Tiret the aaid Delientures eltalilibe ruade layabiele intvenlv years et fut-theoit from «,he day hei-einaftleimeatioued, tii" hie ID-Law te take affect aI lte office et the Tieaucrret1tisMuelcipalihy,, and! shall inre aitacltad te titet coupons, for lire Payraît ofmntereel. 4. Tirai the said Dabenture, shail bear oiterest lit andl atter tiie rate ei six a m mier aniutefroualte date 4hei-aof wilm iiitercut slial) lie payalîla on lthe tirtietit iay efthlIe moisthet Juie, ced ltae thfiry i-el day o let mitateee ofsetacarabér leaci ,ar, aItishe office ofthe Treasierer eft he qaid Mualcipaliîy. 5. TisaI foi-ltae pirpoe ofettci'ming a siah.c mg faînd for tire paymeofitet saiclDe. ,petuîres aild iiites'rt althe ratse afoirsaf e ho bacoma diie tiiireor ,aii-quai spesial raIe nt oe224iiiij(mille e im te sdollar-ciait, in adéitrontt teail otite,, rstes, bc.' raleadl.hai i. ansd coslacrtel fin <ail ar-unon ail the -0 raeabie prumpsuty leinls'- saisi tooiiciîmpal.ty1 lurirsg lima contimsnaîacaetlthe camd Debeai ai-e., Ci- any ef theea. 6. That tlii By-law sha]] takc- cfi-ýet and aune iate operatisse onaa l imal6t day of Sep-. mimber, A . D. 1873. 7. TisaIthe vot-s o etit-leclei-sfet lIis r lneipulily chha a le aikari pon lthe said or )ropesed y- a aItise Towîs 'Hall, jenlthe id Villaîge cf Oshaiwa, oisnlthe Seveutit day ýfAu gît, jintthe yeai- etoui- Loi-One iaoucauld Elit Hstedr-d andSeSveiita- m-air, balwaa ltaeitours et mine oecloca ar sud fiieoti, eandfour oeclotk in lthe cter t moadttt Lymnan Englit eliýIl lie Rie- uriita1 OfFittlçe tte tevotai t ati-cc( N 0>T 1 C E. Tlue above iý a hi-ne copy of a propos- d ( By.lew wîinchawili ha lnkee ile ocoma- Icri-on lmy ltaeCouncil cfthe Corpe. Il 3,eio cf the Villiga <if Oshîawa, 'afler sl ne meonti from tlie ii-st pulilcation ts ereef in 'he Oshuawa Vindiealccr c epapir, lte dat e cf viili tiiat th blication vas lte rinîh day otJuly. Y' i te year cf oui- Lord eue thoueaud tht- iunsîred anad saventy-tuiee, aud i nt for lte purpese of taing ltae votes cf t l electore tiieracu, a poli will ha lîeld ire- een tha luurs cf tu:raa 'ciock jenttie enoon ansi four oclock inthe afler-.b )0mi et 'liuresla, the sevaullu day cf pr iniamd eighit hunish'rd aud eeventy. ace, at-hme Towvn Hall iathe village 'Oshtawa. 'aIrS Ibis tigistit atstv et . n t iale 'e'er ef vLoi-S ette tieseoanld ogi tnureSanS LYMAN ENGLISH, Clark efthe Council ef Oesaa [OlTGAGE SALE, &c. gotite la laerrby givan tisaI undar anS b y ue et a powr-of a sale fina eieertgage >oll.c'ing valuablr prope-hy iiithe )WN 0F WHITBY, r-Towe Lot NomiterTee e inte Firct uble Ilasuge, c"ctsut firock St-rt, oms ýrdcis'à pluitf et i,'iorta pai-t et Lot No. in te iri-t Concessionr-t«lthe Townsifp tVIliîby, aseuin erly lnewu ias IL MOFHnLH80Np ,-'nOPETHIyin liais "t ai cf ciii' Lord Dne ituers t'igil l;ausi-eJ candl eaveity'.hlii-ep, et lié îPort efficue) vili he put up anS solS by Towîn Hall in bte Village cf(Oesawa. lis- Aneljoît ai ht Ie Roral Ilstel irahile saiS Towneoet limiby, on Datdlias ealitli day oet Jui v, in iiie ear of oci- Leordeue tIceusanti aigut ituadreSdau carrylug ta& lit-mi te lias. and payable t-t.- i!..Of.te ai '" un. .ouutcua luine ltîsa-Deluenxtua.efu- 'the aaid eum etf Five tihmusanuldollars lu, Lmeunner iiereinaîtei, tuenfdna. Andl Wherseui, fîvili rpqiii-sth. suaIý ýFve Jindroefl 8tv dollars ta lie raiuet à "aunmlaly maieedà rtmteor théiî 'uvrneut 'of urlnclpal eund interaectheJaseaid DeieumiXe", as'aise hsreinsfter menlioneal. An >hg~ab anute tii wholi mrataliapreertet fle ait Mnfniipnhitv i-respective et auy future incretise etflthe saeaand alec irres;pective et anv itucreame ta b, daruveil tramhe teuua1ur4ry ivast- meant, etftthe sinlîingtand blerainatier men- tinned ai- amy part liai-set, acceu-&ing tsi 1h. larI revise!. agseasment raollet the said MU- nicipalil,, being for lina earne thensand Pigit hlnod-ud etan eventy-three, cas six hundla-d andl t*entv-pilzht' thensanal aigit hondî'ed andl tvenly.five dollars. -Andl Whereas lthe exisîing alebt lte calS Muni<ipality le tlalrI.euithlousqand dollar, the viiole t<liai-acf h ifr pincipal andl na portion lthereoti eîeg toi ite-esh. -. AnS Whuereaî, tor payiqg lte intereet anmd? ceatlng auequaîlyeari iy .nling fundt',)r rpaying the. saids um afamive t,,housael dou- arsansl interest as itereinafri- emprstionî-d fi vill require an equal sann]el jpeial rat- et 795/1000 parai*af a miii in hte dolla- ii addition te aill cher i-aile, Ici ha lenied int aci year. Be il thea-efore eiaacted by thre Munici- pal Council of the Corporation of the Villdge of Oulaaaia, asfollorr.: 1. That il chaiue Alcwal for lthe iera-e of said Mumicipality te eauee amiy nuber (et Deheelmare. of lie satelMunacipalaîy tir suma etfeaoeeyihot lacs titan L-Oae Hutdred DoUa-s eath ho lie mals, bot net exc'eeding in te whoie lte anniof Pive titousand dci. lirs, anStinat lthe sail Debelures shaIl b, caieS il itlthe Seai etflthe refi jMuîîiif1mi Couel asîd be aigued by lthe leeve lthera - 2. Ttaltte saiS Debetialrea shall ho psiy. able et twsextty yea-s aIt urtitest fi-cetls. day harainaftîci-appointaS toi- Ihis Bv-latn reltake affect aI lime OfEte sotfltae 'rcer etfliais Muraatipraity, aed scit aeoattnîc aS tisai-aIecoupons toi-'lta paymeea t ofis- tai-est. S. Thut lthe eSDaicraebture, shah berr jneiest at anS atter the raIs' et six huer i-eut. par aranutefo-mthee daIe tisereot o'iis'ii u- 1er-ast shah Ise payable elthe tiirtietit day rut cte mentietf'June antheliteluiity-firc lay et Decemrlii-, a ch year aethmaeftice ct lthe Treacurai-ofetIhis AMutnieipaliîy. 4. Tit frtoihe purpose et torming a scml- .nIg ladfo ri-lthefiarment tsf the Deisanitu-o, a. n ei-st.ah hue rate atorarsaid to e lcos dus titereen, an irqual spatial rate of 7851M)1k parts et atîmil]as inthe dolarsaai),in caddi- tirai te aU other rutes, be raiseS, I-vieS ansi selletteS fat encit yaar, upeta aillthe. ateabla' ui-opi-ly jenlime saiS M uuieialiîy during ithe tontinuance etfathe saiSDeheue u anyo etm. 5. Titat the saiS Debentures shiali net he lelivereel 10 theidecu parties, or te auîy or niittar eft hem, or toanny otitai-p et-eue or met-sciasutil lthe saiS touaiS iy buildings liall bae om-'Ietîad Scuity givent o lthe atisfaction etflthe Council ton eai-rying on tse saisi bueinersstoi- et least lthe terre et tels 'ears, amisdltae contimmueus employinent itereie for nt laet nie meetis et eaels ear c et tleast btirty cormnen. 6. This By-aaw chil taire affe' amaS tome site toi-te on lthetii-ct day et Saptomer, jia tha ys'ar of oui- Loi-S Omit Thousail Eight tondraS and Sevanty-Titree. 7; Tiatt the votes etftthe alacters eft hue 'Inusitipralily shall h asken opon lthe caisi proprased 1y-Law aI ltae TsmwnHall, jenlth, waid Village etf<Oshawa,o emaieSevrenlu Smsy t ' A tuhjs Ie yer f oiur Lord Oe, 'toic igit H"ud red anS Seveusîy. 'hi-ar, betra-ese lteheur9 etnine o'chl kiii Le terenoon amiS tou-r 'tlos'k iii tîme utie- usen, anS that LymnEngurlh chiaIl lie la. îrmieg Offler it ale the votes tiercal. Tise aboya le a true copy cf ealpiopos- id iy-tav viilu cullie talcan jiato con- ssieration lmy lte Counictof lite Couipît. etiom cf lte Village of Osliawa, eue-e ana monl firnlte fit-et pubilictation îsI tluerr'of lenlte Oshawva Vinldrator naîve. papertue idate cf wviilaitiielpubliesîlioti va. lte Nintit day tsf Juty. itathue ycsmr (sf niai-Lot-s)ocee luousuend c-igîi hns 'i-s'il ainsi seveeey-tliiee, andt taIfor thue puai-- porse of taking lte %-otes of tiseî'ls'torie 0f ail kmi llîeî'î'oma, a pîsl il iii h lssIbclweiathe dcies, and oh] Ilieut'sutamie Ootîmea ini ala.1,nolms"is.ir IeI.il. tad foui- o'clock i1' the aflerisoon cf T T;n th tu Whitby, Julyls 1878. ZnI~ ive AT O~LD Nb. ONE- .rBeg >,to announec that they are now offering tlieir, entire stock' at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, niode o ae room for Fal' importations. As this seasop's trade .-,ha§' already pro'ired asuccessful one, bargainsmay be relied on. tEr Remember the. stand, is ncw Old No. 1' FOR, A QOOD SMOKE USE -THE MYRTLE iNAVY. See T. & B. 0on Each Plug. P11IC]I SO LOW TflAT AIL CAN USE- IT. HAMILTO-N & 00.B Are offéring special inducements i a few leading lines. Dress G-oods, Muslin, Grenadine, Striped P1riUts, New Lustres, Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Lace Tartans, Cloths, Tweeds, Shirts, Neck Ties, Linen and Paper Coilars,Straw Hats, FeIt Hats, Flowers and llibbons, Hats and Bonnets, SUMMEII CLOTIIING, CIIE AP. FRESH FAMILY OROCERIES. A large stock of Crockery and Glassware very cheap. Th4e Highest price paid for Butter. %GOODS 11 HAMILTON & CO. MePtercons Bluacl1, Whiîby, July, 1873. NM BE R 1ŽT0ER Seiling ai Old No. 1 - Lýt"Fieli Whitiy, Ma CAlIRf TIfl PIAO. t lte uour of two O'tlumckin iithe atternoora LYMAN ENGLIIî, J UT 1t>tt.AND) OlitAN. gond larige doublto-stery ________ ofte___ei O 0haa eitta oIfices anS outh,ucesatstacuec. Tuii. - -_________ preryyira iluatieslOje oua heMita cce- -1END FO11CATALOGULs OF MR. GEORGE C. WIGîNS, B.A., sjiable luîealjuuîefror e itejestead imu tisa t-lgs tas asltîsetîsce thuaIlie nilliitndertuake Tewnisfe WVithy, tfeuils onDunda t r NoELLc8 CEAP MU/ lte inutiî o f pupilsauste tspiano, me. a tIle West Ohflasl'est lifilce, is ateai- tise O EL P M S . 1loniancd o-rn u esnbetre etre oe isusiimuand ciigt yaîi NNele'c Gleas, Part Songe, A&c, 6 ho 12c Insctrumentîs luisiS.E s ii-aeut Mi-. Gi-s. lealtisy, cit pleuity' etixeelîrel vater, anSd e'losCuri ut,0t 2 IiilsLe',-opposite Mr. J, 11cmPerrys ut god gai-ein tOiitsilisga cornier ast tloiur- vlos hrhMsi, 6t 2 tVlithy.fritîî rera. The abova viii ha sel suljectî Novellos Octave Edition cf Operas, Whittiy, July 211d, 1173. 27 le a s yO neaet ahan ha, vtt Piice, $1; or $2, lieunel in clot, guitelgao. TRAYEP l Foi- loims ad utelti-ier- paiticolareaapply Noveli's Octave Edition cf Oratorios, sLEVI FAIRBANKS, JR. luInpapet, trote 60e te $1;i tleth it, IiltI From tlue jretelses eft lie culsriber, Loi, Or to- Aucioneer. edgas, $1 ta 82 eacci. 29i. Blaor sîteet ni-ot, Ce. et Yack, e cr,'am- GIIEENWOcuD & iNMcN4ILLAN, .O EL' IE PEJ.uV colsaret Peey cuiS a Yearlinag Colt. Tie tîtLOSVII,ýP ,'ITo' le a Jerk bi-ovu, vititwiteafel antiwhite Veudot's Soliiers, Wiliy. fati. Ttay ihave beenauIsvel dssftai as Dut. s 0F PIANO-FORTE CLASSICS. tijec Ci-ad. AnyOes.gfviuig infosrmuatioan ci A L S o0,Baci', 48 Praledes anS Fugues. Cilt. $600 llî'î- ii ereebouta cil reselive 05 r-esaid-S - leehovani'e 38 S.eeatac. lgaetiy i'hcasa adsres-' At chie samne timea anS îlaee, tIret large Sou. boueS. Full guI. O860 Jr. IYAN, bis Sveling-touse au nS is ialne. lleetimovau's 34 Pfiano Plates Elegantly -Lot o, ileca et. wel, Toroto, Co. Yodk. l ast ofet ls ew G. ramemar Scitoé lenlte li)nn. Fui)gilît. 200e Jsîly 7, 1871. 2831 aad Town et Whitib, baiîg trmposai etfCitop)iisaValses. 811f ,papc enere. 1,560 28 art et Lot Numbar aven in tite Second Chopinas Polonaises. d ' 20() SO~eÃŽN.I uble-Range,wetit ot Broak clreat,lruznneg Citopin'si Noctui-nes. id 20ir OUHOTRO C<UNTY AGRI- eal andl ceaI 47 teet. 6 inchea, and manort Citopin's Mazurkas, 69 di 20ti s VCU TAL SOCIETY, cunS south ths viole lenghftet alot), on Chopin's Ballade, do 5go 200 -Wai-Scn'es plan. l'hie pi-eperhy frontis ou Chopineé Preindea. il ci 2560 lPariis desirea, cf becoming membere, Coîbainiadr-ad,bli-les in a rentaI et $7 pet- Chopi', Sonâas. di .. * 2 50 aruS vie have jromised thaf r ouseeiitions mentit,and ia cIoe. te thei centre L. t usiness. Mendeleseituia Coýny>lehe Pianuo Werle. te lie nudarsagutee are noeil ied huaI the Elegant tolioe editren, full gui. Cern- s&enMay lie paid uethle sIoe.f etMssrs, eein4vlme.20 Tlussi. ILselet-,dr-Ceviier(ticets f - . L 0T esner. Sve, full gil. 4 vols. 140le be shicrb band At thi.saalue ture nedt!place, ltat velnalile Tieesame. 8vo. paper. 4 vols. 10 N. t lu Piapynetteue dollar ou or dveltieg.itause andloremnifs. including a Mndlscn'eSpsvl tWrh beos'utusm i-tAgisi cOnehihites aumember, ged Blaeksmiîîîsep) ceupied by Mr. John Folio editieusonge lit' 850rds aler tîmatae tva Selleralvii h M s5î ,pi.dllr i ave le lie inns, iuaeon thaeat aide ofiKant St. Oetave edititun. Fulgilt. 8 50 paiS.ES in tite selS Tovwntt Wiitby, lieieg campas. Octavoedeitijon. Peper devers. 2 50 C. DWES et etTovn Lots Nea. 184 eat! 183 West et Mozai-la 18 Sonates. legaully bounc. Direter, Whitby. l3roeIk Street ou Penya plan. Thi, prope y Fn l OBanI..0o08l - ---' - foree st ésrabSlerepit!enc. vitevei-y Sciobert's1ai 3ts.Do 00 LJrCKSMITII STAND &, HousE & raquisite ori-quiet coteforl, ad s % h îîl Schubert'saDance@. Completa. .Do. 200 00 FR SALE. * hi-ce minutes vall cf lie acentre of liie0. . Sciiuberl'a Plane Places. -Do. 200 Sciomansa For-est Seupa. Fane easy Fer sale l inte Vilegç ef Myrbie, e gouil ,,teces. Pnpr coe.eI 80a Bleckuitit statut, villa geed Svrliing liges. Ta A L S O, Shman's Piano Ferla Album. El.- and riuban scoeanS Oneaeigtitvjîî splendid haIt-acre direntli op7i? e saY ieunt!, fo gl. 2160 good ieerlig ercmerd. Apply o- te Courirhous gi-onts, ou tir esait aialdet ae.Plercvfa 5 F. W. 8CURRIH, CentrieStreie,compned aOt Lots Nos. 9 anal MOTHER GO0 OS8 , On te prtuuises. 10 in Viril Tier eot Feurti Double liane. auOB tATXIrALaé.sxvntn. Myrtlla, July 9. 2Sgtf wash cf BroeelStr-eet in sait! Town cf Whib. hy, ou Wet-San's plan. Thtis pi-epertyil eial ;et thmusic liy J. W. Ellt, cuti 8.5 bran. ÂA ND WlO. f enee,udar an admirable sIae nlliv'r.iftal illust-atons engravaS ly tise I-re crEA tira.wiih annunîmrmtli ta.in yonng fruit Irae Dairiel. Boar-ds, #i 50. Spleudlidly bonS in s haaluiiy condition, sut! is a Most desit n lucoth, ggît etigea, 82 50. A.ALEXANDER, ahe-sitea for a puivate reaideece. 5 i-i a Ahrfer 11'veloe Fliitirans. Havimag purtitamed the Ceai anSdSVo~ Yard A paortioneOft he pnr-,raee mî,ney cffiee. AnSi-cs- J. L. PETERS, et Mm. Johnu Keiti, liege te intortu 9U ee proeirties may i-emnin on mertgage eh 8 par - 819'Bresalvav, New TYi-k 1 loesr, lit hhsy wlvil nSthipremuise oa-cent, p-r nuîum, if ltae perchas.-. s eà aiu-e. Agenit for Novllo'. Ciesp Mujale. 28 ~ ifully si1iplledcui ws-i Terme andS c'nu'itions le aIl lie eieve s ________ andCoa dlivredattheowet-piicas. imat!. kuov et timaet sýale. llaviug puncimatid large hi-ctla îf lthest - Fri-fulpaitirulai-. epply te lias luuder- 0 T 1 O E' l wo id lauSe on lthé lick'LAN« , a fulanal rigmed. - ur n sxiirustiess suppiy *lhl11 lvyskept on GREENWCOD &Ar M'LrT 7, s-linrties I'debted te thea lute, i-m etfT. h ecnd .lu, atsIldtrlmesreg:r.. Vendors oiitrH. MeMillanu &: Co. a"r rqoeatet! to a cli c CoaeL lw4 elgie the lasTou-nsosies. Or LEVtiI FAIRANKS- . nt r abaelttheur lnt!altea,eecurb nota or T.sia, ahlta aid oe A. 411D1B. uqtlceer# T ýnMe fl ý Výbê, Juls -P, IM, ' Wbtqp Jà Ma k#G*,18îOs&.o"l Mby, î49,1D@à lm, LARD RANCS Has pened business atOld wiii find as usual choice anmd fresh 24s and of thc bcst quality. Also, Wines, Branl- lmei- Spirioma Liîuore, Ale anud Porter, &c., &c., Wholesale and JCKERY -AND GLA.SSWARE1 tlcss than Cost in order to mnake a clearance of by the laIe fit-e, arad make t-oin fer nov stock. Pleese cail ah lthe cerner aloi-e itself., Id anad Gardena Seeds. 'O-NE R FIIANCIS. y 20, 1873. ?IAGES A ND CUITTERS M.O'DONOV'AN'S. SPLENDIDLY FINISflED CAP/f/A ES, BUGGIES, AND CUTTE/?8, 0F VERYSUPERIOI? WORKlfl4VSIp* BUGGIES & SLE.GHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL IVHITL>Y Nnv 22pd, 1810, GOLDSMITH'SS-HALL! DISCOcfTT>r 'Flav*ng clecided to visit the iropean MUnkets. I will fro tii daho seli eut thepi-osons stock of Jewehieiy, Fency Gootiu, snd Eleotre.pl et n Discount of 10 per cent off Present Pric.es. SSP CTA LEST() *SUIT A LiLà SIGlI GOLD ANDSILËVIEP WATCHEçe ~t vîvrv low prîe."s. Flavi ng pers(n:dy 'exp - 1 eau efilently guarue stialcteype-forw- tlîf - Childrens' Cai4' -4i"lîas lattursý ouiltd,> alid wi' &4«gfeS a&nd-Pera-ml, Best quality Paris Green, Tidman's AtIantic Sea.,Sd, Carbolie Disinfectant P'i'wdere Bromo ýChioralin, the new Disinfece- tante Non-poisonous i' Bishop's English Citrate of Magne.sia Genuine West India Limé~ Juice; A complete assortment of Lazat-us JAMES H. GERRIE & 00. Opposite L5 AlIin's Bockstore. Whihby, July 8h, 1878. 28 We have received o-lir usual-. supply of Scythes, Snaiths, Cradies, 'Hay Forks, iRakes, .&C., first' quality, cheap. MACHINE OJLS-Stock's Extra Machine, Blaék and White 011, a superior article for IReapers ayad Mowers.- We are about recciving a stock of American door looks, knobs, &c., to which we i-vite ispection,' with oùit supply of butta, linges, glassu, putty, eut and other na",, genuine English white lead, boiled and raw oil, wiîth.aI1 the leading colors dry and in oil. 1~ Coal Oil, wholesale and retail. Croquet Sets, Cheap. A few Cabs left1 cheap. I-emember the place- HýI0KIE-'*& -06LEARY,- (SUCCESSOIRS TO T. H. McMILLAN &-Co.,), Invite special attention to their new Stock of NEW MUSLINS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, NEW BROWN & WHITE COTTONS, 3JD fresh supply of Family- Gioceries, VEIIY CHEEAP. Old iRye, Malt, Wines, and other Liquors just received. The highest price paid for ail kinds of Farmers' Produce. In refea-ence te lhe above anneuneemenh, the undersigned take lime op- p0itunity et rehoruing Ilîrir sincere titenks ho their numierous friends and eus- tomera for lteitberel patronage exteudd o th em during tite sixleen years titey itave caried ou business ip Witby; ant inr doiug se i-espectfelly selicit a renev- ai cf tiué saeafor thi- cceesot-, vio, iney ai-e panadeti, vill leave otliing undone oceiru part le met-iltie appreval auJ geod-wil cf lte public. T. H. McMILLAN & Ce. Wititby, Juan. 8rd, 1873. 23ly LOAN & SAVINGS 0O, Incorporated Febuary, 1873, Puriunnt te the Act f Parliatanet, gtVic- toria, Chapter go, and Ameudmenîs. Permanent Fixed Capital_ Payable either at once, or by Mcuhhly Instalments. ,D I R E C T 0 R 8'0,6 - t 0100,o W. F. COWAN, Eng. T. N. GIBBS, Esg., Mg. P., W. H. GIBBS, Eeg., M. P., S x c a r  e v T m s a s x n - - T . M . M c M I L L A N . ' t o g , Seazorcu - - LYMAN ENGLI8H, Eeg. Vîox-PaesmEr, F. W. GLEN, Eeg.,- aIe a tvan ce rneney u po Il T ew n or ' upvadsfr i ei wef able un mniolily, quieiely, halfi-yearIy, or yeirly i- veniauce cf,1h. bei-roer>, et 1ev xe$ae of . pa W o l b r 'ceiv e ap o f t 14 1 ana- atal m e* te ( t of!ixipar- cent.,par 1auna" Y- casaiest. Tii. Cempen ide urirt .'pwardii, anal vil! aMIw neri tors cf le"'--a.supoa ti. sanie. The.Stock eofithe Co, à or mll iePIt@. and bekr-g under-tii. goearae -çexêlirtî'bte uela, ffo re vol1 kuiovitto thre gei ~hjDepFaitorsat Iail fiimes 'vIlreceivet iii. hiulusrsateo itre.n Wiaitby, I3A p ROPI r'MAKUF.ACTUMG COMPANys, Capital - - '10U O 2,400 SHARES 0F 850 EACI-. The above Coimrpany la in couarse eof formation fer the. purpetit cf ptaielising ltae Real Estate, Bliingg, Miteliinery, iPlant, ani goodI-vill cf thie menufae- turing business cf lime Brown & Patter-. son Agnlcultural Works, in theoTown cf Whitby. la tléme evCompany, Messrs. lBrown & PetWrson have susceribeul 680,000. -îlack,,and cther sualscriptiona have al- i-eaJjy .îeen olmlanJel arnouutiug te $25,000, niaking a total nov subsci-ibed eof 836s,00. Il i. inlonîlea te ir.ci-eese liais suni te 0120,00t>, lau ci-cicro pi-o- vide mens for ieiensi. lte business. t0 double lte amouini ititlierte dfuu-,anau eulargiug lte capacity cd îLe preseet WeVrks by t, ai-adcieu et edihitionul eory, anad alec eealimîg lte îev Cemnuy te carry uou teir wliole bua-ines u rra sîî'ic-tly ca.sh basis. 1Icrorderto le iow thte profitable bte.'s alare.aly madle foi- ltenov Comrpany, il ie orly -neetîrd le slaIe Ihet-lu eleven yyai-e' busitiess op- eriatios~-aIro Januai-y; 1862, te Jau- not-y,163- Mosera. Brove & Pattai-cen itave been eneuileii, luypioits realizedl,oe take the large emeunit cf Stock -ebore- mention,,,) as hiavieg bee subset-ibeti hy tem lunlIme new Camipany. Thepi-o-. perly lies iteen'valuaed entIer thedirec- lien and super-vison cf mes-. 3.8. 41 Willcoxand John Titompson, Ive obf ltha Pi-ovÃsional Du-octet-s, eut]accamýptetI by lteé Piovisional Bou t-ilaI64,268 68.- Tite establishiment iha& been lunlte pos- sesiou cf thae ev Company since iTti Februnt-y ,, -lthe fit-st day cf ils or- genizatiora-ilie profits cf ilie business cemmeucing fric ltai date. Application itas been Wa toe u Législature for n Charter an tue usunal fran, andl vith the usuel rightesud pi-ivilegea. At the expiration cf the. liane sinteel by Shetute (flve or six veeka) a ge nearal meeting cfte Shtareliolders will becitelil, on notice, fer lime purpoýe af eleetiug a permanent Boni-el cl- ectorsand Officersof fthe Comapany. Subseriptiens cf stock luthe linuder- taking are mosl respectfnlly solicited. Tite value of tiie stock, as a pnying div- ident! imreshmanh,'miay bte regrenleag being bayouu doubt;virie ftue greal; ailventnges te tîme Town of Wlilby and Ceeehy cf Ontaurio ii secunag an en- largement cf hile tavot-ably irnuev rarties tlesitieg le subcribe fer stock ai-e t-equeseaîen eclose memeutduni, par post, ah an early day,, slntiug the tiumuber cfsaries thty wîbeltoehave al- lotheti. N. W. BÉOWN, R. J. YAReOLD, Peuet W'irtby, 28t1a Febuat-y, 1873. 10Lf WNVOOL 1 WOOL 1 Delivered et Mr-. J. HE . Longsa Fleur anal Feat! S1tu, DendS.St., Wiîiîby, fer vhieb iie vilipay ie Caiha thesh ulr liakt- price. YEOMAN GIBSON, The Genuine 014 No. 1. Witly, June 4, 1873. l r m FOR SA. Norhhlullt tNo 84, 411 Coni. Wlhtby. 100 crrs-SO0 cleamrae houa., beiki barn, &oe., pe fy t pring wvei. A ga 'oie lot-r heetcoy Price, S5,coo.. G011. McGILLIVBAY. Wltly, !th Jonlie, 1873. ' "21 DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTEZI - T-ez NEtW LAEZaveaxea [teeveg Cobul Port Hope at andl Sent Lep-- e A Tý' WhitbY,, JUIY 16th, 1878. ý29.!y. 1 WhitbY, JulY 8th, 1878. Jaly 16, 1878. 29-'3m whitby, July 8, 1878. ýfePliereou's I31ock, Whitby, July, 1873. 0-N E ! H. McUII.,LAN & Co.-' 231y Whitby, June Brd, 1873. R. FRANCIS. ay 20, 1873. oni ýFARMERS A TTENTION R V E tT- 0 0 L, S D R 11ATCII & BRO. HAMILTON & CO. 0 L TRE ONTARIO . S-ÀLIJMI.