Who wetaped he ape tipe nepeauplil tueo oalçony, for i a lightly upon another, wieh susan- ÂAnd you go 4 -heSapwr al sweet Ola ad eazy',- and lie w&s afraid ed lier firnly ; and s0, stop by steÉ, Ai the klma Yeu &foie troimme h n4mig4kn L dà n oi ;r fthe' 'sa" al lgoi , se psaL- 1 tiWk etthe walkio through the o..e r,.oe a.ek Todi s.U'-oa.owerpoti,iand tiiarM- Mar' 'JHe way froin je ae-stîçken ao TOathé n.psti-ars oiaeh Yeu ~ peeped at the window, and thouglit the wolnan in the. cave. Butthestas, iomlMoas.n' ho le 1w lier foim upon the bed. The;' The mourniers in the cottage were And theas ky dont't Pesmsous. wiudow was open, and hoe deteranin- surpriised wlien Mary crosseà the' DZani4flgh, ed to have one ginipse at lier while thresliold, passed througli the room, site 'veaà aleep, f1*ws ny to and entered lier own cliamber. The The blaze eyu made on the jesalper tro. laugli at lier afterwards. doctor, wçho stili remaineti, 1avinà Bu loa ers nll e Ir aou y hesrt$ 0 sli îW aside terathe he faund Mr. (laiwtnbury's' spiritsvery latê h li ovlf umoohbeams feil full on- Mary's flace. niuch to hos taiste, eautioned thein TW igehu ume m r; IILYeed Hoe hivered appreliensibly aheo51w fnot to speak tet- ber, or atternpt to Ton r, mre to Coonaete vaew, liow p~ae she wias. Ho stepped eau- wake lier. Tiltl adudr wlsh for a edIo a, tiously iii through the mlndow, and lu a few Mo m'elts tiey stole ýgexa- one aslauong d a re of 05 advanced. to 'te bëdaide.ý It must tly iuta hier chamber, and found her X a&CI' **. be the moonlight that inde lier look upon the bcd, in tranul lumber, au!" Sol deatlily, lie thouelht. Ile leaned They lineit beaide lier. in suent- but' The Droau. gil. overlier, -andi whisporedteilder-litlin euneîît tlianksgiving..ý> 81205» ierear 'MryMar' lbut the pale In ,thoexnorning, Mary Iliaibt~ <~ TK »E~-OLL. lips gaive hiak no alaswer to thu loved fitrcleto fteerusoti - voic~1-e. otook lier liand, eraond nigi;bu le on bered enoÃgli Mary Glastoubury, was tlie onjy- it-icy colti. about the' poaclier's.. cave to point- ehild of a wellto-d'o fariner,, wlio, .'-OhGod t' lieceied, 'She's depadi' out the wayto it, antd nule tc mazny yearii ago, -dwelt' upon the And, \vitli a deep groan', lic sank fil- Slure tW apprehend thèse rbgues." bailli of' that portion cfa Lincoln. a-chair by the bed4ido. ; Mar-y marricd Frank inl due sea- shire river wliere the dam n d sluice. That cry and groan renched the soun and was neyer known to wallc pates keepiug bâck the. ivater, spread iumatesi of the sittiu-rco n uad tir le gi. u h a it luto 'a kind, cf litho. The river quite stta Itheus.,Over aftdrwards callo'd tlic- "Drei- fci~ed ver ises c.gat mt ~ Itwas'Te voice of Frauk Choek- Gil of the '-DcviI-Ho1I, "' and lier -ex. *roe Y ehannel below, a turbulent ley ù' exclaimed Mr. Glaatoîbur y. ploit, was clîronicledi u one 'of the Itilied by craggy aud precipi Good heaven, should it really bc I balaà dai of theay. tus banks, and forming what wvas Who'sthere?, Populaily known lu that, regioxn as 'Dou't alarm yonrscl&,' Franki an- 'Mix or A-ros.-Sotie ilna secus thie "Devil's HoU." Tlie action of swered, from us e chambor. dit li I, te be sp ht into flic world for purposej the~ water, lu ages past, liat wrouglit Frank Cliçekley,', of' action ouly. Tlîeir faculties are ail caverns in these precipitous cliffa, 'Mi'eeI lot me bc certain of tisat. strtacg up to tiil and enterprise ; tleir whieh were kncwn to be tlie rescrt Where are you'?' spiit nd'>~Thrrfreare on tik e re- o! PO cliers and othçr lawless dia- 'Here, ir, boe,' ropliod Frantk, cf otl n, ause and lme r 1anbut it is ol h e racters. But their entrpinces were as holieaetunuto thea sittinig-room. cruit froin actai.faiue ; tlaay oca- difficuit cf> acceos, and ve'ry little ' But iy poor Mary!l' siouaîîfy ant quiet, bu t euly as a re- kilo wui The tianid villagersliad lit- 'Mas! I believe the taiicgs of frecaluieaaftoerepare tlierum fer renewed tie desire to peiletrate thoîr. myste. yeur deatîs bas kllld lier. It was iii 'xt'attoli, nlot as a normal conidition to ries, But qquire Merton, who hlad thec newspaper.' lie wislîcýd for or ecjoyel for itaicif. 10at znany a fat buak, 'liad ofi'ered a 1I heard Se, but I wrote Thice by îîa'd ret, ne t repose. Thy n large reward to any Qne wlio wold 'She nover receiveti your letter. ' igat fiestnre fit ai oly oti- dideovertei011 teepoces CL, agotay lmioauced Franaktmte u etmeu a taiigfai et th liant o thès poahersuti ns, or te nasure flic value of flaia' a 60 that lie coubd ferret tlien out and terly prostrated. cuertaking a-aist its cost ; they al 'bring 'tliem te, ustice. Ile aauli into -a chair by thse table. fliutal, tlîcy cever mneditate. Tlieira Ilary was btrothed- to a youlig The doctor ltad anotlîer patient. lic mission, flair enjoymient, flic oldject -lieutenaut nauned Feratik Chocldoy, began cousiderttly to luix hiim a anda conaditioni of tieair existence, as 'who was servinig abroad ; b-ut theio glass of spirits alid mwater. ILW twaari ; tlaey cainnot ceuccive aiotlie.r- wurdùmori hatpoue bilbee Medcin li lid geatfaiIl ii. life is alesirathie uiliout if a:flair wererumers tat eaceLad eenmediine au ad geat ceile >'I* suvmut' cf vitality le beyond fliatf declared,.,anîd se the youasg soldior Andainoir al straîîgdscse o oeiaryIlo; iyacnvrtb, 'niglit son' ho expectod bionle. place ici Mary's clianihea'. Thi icfaia;tayaenyrtob edcle, eeniing aîotljiaag; ivlacu doing ne- Mary was very. happy lu that re- o!flier lover lxad laassedikoii electrici- tiatng else tlacy sire always sle(picag. fleetion, as, one briglit summars ty througli lier fraaue. She trose Haipy seuls 1 hasppy nissa, atîca8t afternoon, se assistedl lier aId nurse -froin lier bed, but lier seiîsos iccre - & M Twtr-qs IOrEL.-T-aailaglatc. Margery o fillae was motherless) to sf111 entraieaed-slîe wat s i i kiiid of "epAc at oe cc baaia-îce. lîrePaire t ýe scipper against lier fi- ioilcambclic stafe. 1Iacl "oaalis','iy cula-sa and , reaula- ther'at reteins. Presently Le came ' Fr;talis voie ' slie iî'cîiîied ts~~:-llia laît Iaal hbceaasiaeraal ii, udLe kenoe tecttad Seume. èrl lteftlc-l e'sh a at li;. st ielly iaato'sî.Naoane buct fa thing unustial lis is appecrance, but How Nwell lie lochs iciinlus iiew reigi- t1ia brave la-crve f liafare. l'arsons' sle lced lii eaaîy chair for icnu tf menitais. Yes, Fraiî1s, wc wijl wsllk wila ' ii!s for io: ilciil 1)a,rao fa tIse fable, ansd 581w lim conforftLbly by flic river-sido. IlBut I eiîiiot flcad lis leacaeras1cli dieacit Iwislai a Pcy fieated boforc silo began to question insy bonneit ;ièvtr UlIl( î .11 O L)ac aasaiaace, air laauèsied te ait(vaîne hlmwiteoîi if' 'tiacI 11sY. Botira' es-s aie reaîccesfc'd te himwithlit t., ulloff tise-h boots bt-fare l'etiaiactg,. if ,Whcit is temte P s ked ; Sîse walked ilista>tise bslcoîîy. Iliay ainaacaual] aaa do se. Suetc 'wlsy fl nsu181111palesaessyox Sure- ' Wliy aIdd>yocîcoîne l'y tflicbach rf.ially Ceiaaasec once iu six motlias, -or 'y are not well 2 -Whyý will you staii-s 2' taLec eaaifiiucd ; 'you litiascwcîoa'e if cearay Double beairdeas -fafià ue yourself 80 mueli 2' they are net safe. ' Weli, on your eau liave twe had-ai; witla as mecs, ic ifi, or - ' My poor girl 1 ' exelaimedth li arin, aîiywlscre.' tv inasa witii a ha-a in il, jisat as tlîasy fariner vwitl a deep-drawalsigui. e Slîe afepped lisita>t-licboat, and e 1aoa- els ivitli ar wifiaatt igi 'TelI ue wlatIlsasý liappened ?, ausd oaemoeit adc Ariîin c andvallisiblt' te e be iffin slie crledonprelmere ivel-a umbe) car f ' e orri'tei- fIahis is icsisteai ill cred apréienivey.slube'I'The bont, iiiscctîiî'ely fiat- ons, 111lacie mili lia-raspansilsle for noa 'Mary, when did you hear last oued, got loose, and flîcataad out icto o0wslas- FR e. iels witlî or witliaou frein Frank (Jhockley ' thse aifs-caci. Attfluiiasomenat tflicbadsa. Dreicis wil[ le Cliaaageal forC TIsi day fve wee s,'awered village ceiccbI asladiehero a ii losi-a. LNislinsares isir-al Coni Mary, the roses in lier clechas gnew- fwels'e, andalhefla ood-g-ast aûs vII1rit 'Ili" saaaalale ri, ta's. Stoane vasuits - siii îng ale opiied be firi-a.-liesl fi) snoring leayadeî-s, as ftle _!Thse wtk atter tise last battle,' Ilier fatler asaix Fracata, isairisglaopriuor i nro i;bcesls- said 31r. Glamtoîîbury. - Wlserels lier stops, rusisod lista>liairelsiinUcr, ~a iibasa yapsaii ftscrl tise btter ,', a,1111l ofut pous fhîn balcon-.,, fou lata '- - M'aryblubiledl, bîsitated', and drcaw tis safve, but lu tisue f>taaoailier Tliare cInelivrai i a village .neosmcre ferth from lier bosoin. Ltte. The e lct-cala aaserbir,t fîatsaa ' litl'-i ciilo' va-ast of New 'I'I-Oh i -hore it is, fLattIser,' assfîrfhs ii felr-cfi>-, aand, faaaiig lito Yaiiaca'rtain i l'asnalaacc1wal aW fitan lkrge atidlitle s w ai stî'muerodl, Lautlig lt -to l iic. tlic river bclaas, <e-uîslaa flic iag acaiact tl r-accas ar Thils 18 nat Frauk's- w4?itiaig 1, lie bout anîd ifs livinig 1fs'ciiýjtrlat l f t-li aaudc al' cfadi ois luth oys ai exelaimed, as îhe examinodif i, vortex toffli'Detl-lîl!bl'ii a ciI ad ws itints latciipi- hNo s,'Be nsoddiralye'yu *il s: a- dia'yoc a ismani)ura senit«; Jaliii, Se, h ayi ' ntalar-me, dciii- r It ls Faiti as lisasvidlanea-watacs bviaa nnnscy litratiars aadual ster-sliaia Mary; a liglit acciadent, cauied by avec' flic aonaaîuuli:-f ; îca f3aand,,o t ou tV*-.a aeca'tknw, aliiswera-al tIce oplo«l of, a mîtailct,- to mly provedic ii Mary's casse, for tlie bLoat flic 1'yY ; 'i1iaaiaa',t boesalacisse sice t rlglut land, proveîtiinMy iholdicng w arausalical b>'thflac iiasl atci-s ia iiitoi'1a11, 1 pen ut îîresoîît. A earcîîade, thoto-ý a cavern, tise ietrents of fhlacliilsers ; 'I'aitusra toiaelliaag extai -ris-sea of a cars fane, writes for lme.' and,tfisougi flic batasWaa lasahittVr"uOLtcai ealîaa iaa asal sî a -'It >ras a Well.cîîeaît delusion;-' Mary rcc-îa-d n n ajucs-' liynia thb'~ia ainarais fer oaaaa-aadaî. lli îaaa-t'tea exclaianed Glastasahaary, sera-ou fuUiy. feas' ruiss. Agasi wJaaswlafortia- sasiiià "'5iCacay-lecaoaia d Tisis lottor a dolusion ?' cried iato lu flic fait tlitf aiacia lts tat gî totesclisoilas aaaafliclangsaage, miei Mary, lu tise deeîcoatsui-pr-iic. ',cp- îuîicly easf iîafo flic caverîsifs cL Icac-u a Oitc" vislisclîrc ' sier, fafleer, tîto lips o! Fracak nover occupîcaant a a wreche lîc d wa>iaaa 'acguau i 5laiiiiai asc uttei5ed a falsehiooti.' ao via saslitiait colaa ci for tflac seisi'oh' Ii; inla-eýtacii araioaaTlaaci-s- Al 1The ntiw6papor, tIson, licavonlalica-saia eu ic hewife' of dav îsiaaorssij,, tçiaag. Masa' n sg a maa- age l gi-ant it, >May bo in error,' saiti Mr. ()aie cf flae gaaîag achewatt lilîlus ideal n l, ack, Ili-ele--it las tan enval- 'l'a Olastoribus'y, -. ocîcouater suitlIle f laegtcec'jc-i sc, ealspai nia tiarc-'eat siasmp, "aY 1What uiowspaper. 2' exelaîlîeti Sue wasaa iea--tlas csaoasclsi' eil'aa, sil clsîpe tai l litas flua-ostilet Ia',lt' ela) Mar 'in alarma. ' To wliaf do yot absment upocionotf tuh- aaaýCL-iaa asrsag ia Tua 'sr ti'ya' fiankc Seiselesta hfltooî. Sýei- aL threflîcc aaathe 2 es wcaasio.clluuiaa:li.'e oudly atarmi, hon filîsr took lies- i I tnasîofr o! ic-saas' se, C,-r, d(iisneV h lisi armai, carriet ier ta lier cisamber îlieil flic 'scoaait, anss aciil1. al s et 'aluîsa a tgis ll anti laid lier uîîoutise Iseti. Sic ai-as Whiclai ift .2, asîscaM l scv, C('sagr- lc ùa'ase itfacc-fu-esia':ci ~ porfecfly igid, itîsti lier liands svère ly. - aX-i ! W'lataaî aitisil apa'ratiec if as cold as ice. Leas'ig-cr to tIse Thc woiusi îsaiiieal a>ia 'athe - aattIsia'b-ea' lva uaiutpeu fj care cf Miîngery, Mr. Gla8foubsîi-y cliii'. liirtsfalsa-n friain su>- lir-li oaoa-a-tluan Agesat bastouet te praéiure tise assistauco - Ybxdes- wiid tait-casc of'aiippa>e tsaa-'r-llaalMss tsgiaaîsd if xterF o! h fle age doctor. - rocks,' slis said, '1's'e itaiuta i(!saia,usaa' a lttaifl oparation a I. y Ho ean11,roturneai - wifla Doctor f hat uoncose lekîilitii f-ta Wiy'asi]aeufvcar--in t ci Maiflacît, au aid îractitiancr, asid o!flui cavaera bcae-a captsiv iscll -" i s- taf'li elck, ai s~let-i. i >onî' higi repute ii tIse yilage. But fif ascent, te sasvcahcu.. faoua flua' (la-s! fa-ar cli-asIvisuiin flua- pîîipif, Wlaile -oan Ajeit IMany's case baflled is îl s ac l Se mass of tIse Jiol-bu fisat's an i fsu i-a' s li .attcntionîIote esery Straciger '--Y i Iay"au a deafli-liko franco, acîtiail ronance.' - uloccuaI lui,te pr-ada fior i'(a-2' Iia tise restorativoa le applioti fale te ta Truc, fer ires afideed sasr, Cellt- aicits t- laa's.-onfca'0Ian Pan M-irea- al is siglaf, sut I caaneft trusqt a ecutec restore her to animation. lHo ad. potiibid,' aîsacoretiMary, saicadei'.at c"cs-ashluut lseeping a gOoi look- vibed tîsat tisolsulti bave lier na iîag as she gased up flac cf cp as,;ecit. out.'" ahie was, anti said the france wosld ' Phase stops arc liotfofr niotual fact tleti c'g-preerouaswy - -probaably cut inl a gonfle iluinber, dca!Muist bl ie s car to e Isc ctoîs ta, the P4Lieitîiay for larca-day, was Çrein- whidh se, voulti awaken lu fIe roar, and iim fise e'e fisaf looksai ssealwliat ho lflaunglat cf lus frisaI. Ho ýmcrLiuig, wthout experlencing any clown on tIse abyss. My hriiats la sai'l, Wienu tat luucsya-c dat 'fenaleal me -, injury. lun sudsi a case, nature was giddy af ftie tîsaughYit, and ti -ifa lic raaaie lis spceech, I tîioliglat sicuala I , Tht More p)owrfultlaaart. whis'lpool tanna.' suais cing f t take ru>' oie luaf and al ciî Whitl, Mr- Gtastonbury invited the doctor A tr. lacagour cacîce sfeaîing ciglat eut of fliat co't - nocu ; but wheu TI t aca lsofsiiswthln e thecaue e) s iii' ale lier lawycn gof np anc<ommeuceaî- tak aglas ! siats it hiuave tse in cya0agilufîlîaing, 1t knew I was de biggest raccal AM and tieyrcturumed tetise itting-room. 'I c4nnot but inmagine socne Splirit on toep of aie carfr elo. a, Ma&ry's eliamber waîs at the endi of guitiet me te tiais abytas,' tse mur- OCurerali>'-out où h flfy.'-Tlïespi.offices; tIhe cottae, and tleré was a balc6uy mnred. 'Por' liusM' dreain,and daer. if e ags~ th à aeania.1en it -%vas, if seemedte tme Casis f a Man wlao males s& depositibcu laa Mîost ou a love i t ifwlea tltts thougi a bine lanie danacel gi-ac'efîulhy R-ia-cir, eoasif na'eisas-ily folle* fiat sluceaate Wee oostias lseavro btafore me, auclu as 1 have tscn 1plasy . flacau Whsu-acmaltes ILI] allegafticnian auMai-ct The usoon hati risen, and ligif cd ing on the tuecrais ; if ro sembleti alligator? tPs ai up terivoe- aw ifs waters rushe t loso, but -o! a ticeper bine, lilse aWh I' ' iNp 'v Tis (RA thiougli, Or sîtotaover ntoDevil.hoU. ivreafli of violets braideti h le sun, »apply te railroadls, as flaey pa>'men tenIf T The spray, mlngling vfi à lco-at ofoFor f eaa-pept 9 wththemon-and-Ottnkem ts eab peor 'bainsm, gave the -appearanee orf ftaft festi thc feafurca a! My doura- iesi-Tisa lcllra inc Eimce Courify have afed 1 lghits, Or WiI.o'the-,isps as the Motahor, inViting imecte-Aha, tIare- juqat aptacal on a tiirifl cff charges. of tflic e- tPrliteeuc cbbsd themn,* Illchoriag, t la againlu - The aritie chliefly told af moït fane>' $5 prï ovOlr tbi5water. i'airs-fh;teVio - ~ip>eUd ~tin~-dowa t. Wliere ?' "ash the avonan ln Never faIte a- croolceil patis whils o 1 n WlWÉ hecann es a straiglas oua'. 4Xi Otemiele vaHigle. roer. 'At flic 8nti'ance te the ca--' o, Fe4eccs-luhn.- 1 . , , ckChioeley, oci,%wyavtcn oyuscit IcrfIla his,# , l0Qe-for te s'a aiaccg;dntyu e t' Man resprires, aispires, expires. -Forf W&Oa M6tke.Hehad Itis or e loiie t n YQS, ni QJd-fe'ilow's à l a -êrjbh w$è.' QOgac thse- ciôd leep cornesoves- me oag4iq %kÃœQý î j46o th8 il oodn De tcaItolfedc~aeaclcslg hlm, Foir particeciars oecards. - JA' . IMES POWELL. eDINION ]IANK NotIce le hereby varn fiat thie following -<ailsountiesalsloîedStock of tice Dominion Bhack; hava bien made by tics Directors, and the-samne ara payabletitthe Baaklag House, îca Toronto, afoliowe 10 per ceuf, sud 'i-miiumcofi8 per cent, ou thie 1flt Jly, 1878. ,l0 do do.lotAg., 1878. do i 0 :'" lut sept., la , - Sud ct., d 10 ddo8rd Nov., I 10 do" fh Jan., 1874. t0 si' Gfh h '40, (By order nie Board .) R. Hà . BETHUE Cashier. Toronto. 2Sth May, 1878. 24 MD&ND RAILWAY 0P CANADA. TIME-TABLE. Gaing North froin Porf Hope te Lindsay. Beavert on amnd Orillia. Mail-...1:80 a. un,1 Mixed ....- 8:00 p. un. Goiug Nort fo Peferboro' &Lakefieîd. Mail-....100a.mu. 1Mjxed -...-. 4:20ip. m. CounisgSouth frouan Orillia to Liudsay, Peterisoo'asd Port Hope. taixed -.... -2:40 P. un. 1Mail-..8.00a. un. C oming Sbouth froua Laeliefield. itixcad - ....5:001)a. un. 1Mail-..225 p. un. Connecte wlifth' Re Nipiasiug Raiway té and froua Tocante aud lutermal.ate sations. at Millbrook for Peferbono' sud Orillia, aud w'lfl Grand Truuk at Port Hope bhl oru- it' anal evening wific trains Eaet anal West, anal Str. Norsen a t f a.m. for Itachester. H. G. TAYLOR, 20 Snpf. cf Trains W. BELL & CO., GUELPH-, ONT. PRIZIl MEDAL IABENET OGNS, aie Propaeors sud Mtsnufacture-s ef "The OitcAa'ST-y,"ccuaaaicaing Seria- caer's Pactiat Qutaiifyînig Tubes. warded the On/y Modal I ;er riv-uste uuakers etflRecalInstrcuments ut Provincial laxtibitiens for Prottrien- ey lu Musical Instruments, besides Diiomasanacd Furst Prizes at otiser Exliaiiitioae tee nu- uni-rosas to specify 1 Ouar Inastrumnts ar- acknowla(Iga.d iay îsacaansandtil Tulges tc e ie ie ast ým tasinceal Our lata-,t anal cnet vaiccable cm- mva-menti te tue a" OuIANETcia-rrr" ttiuicig -ibner's i5tteît Quaalifiinas Tubes, tlhe et- at cf a'ich are ce near y double the power the sait,,- tme rendering tbe loue enacath id la-lke ]y tht, cuocaderfnl invention eetatl acasan Instrmcent afnearly doblea a poacer of a psipe fîrgan at hl thfe ex. Ase us-c bave pîîrc-iased the sole rigat cof caifstnnuiug Scrilaner's Patent Qasifylat' ttc-s far taae Dominion of Canada, we bers. c-auttiona allîaarîicu froua purc'hasing tbem 'arI-rs,sas ttîey usili be liatile te proseu- s. 'ai share copyrigbaed the usune ef THE ORGANE TTE" - our Instrumesnts ctainiogth ide won- taal usutraareinacau. Any maanufaacturer in-, iaaî;, suntals copsyright avili be Itreecut- liiafrafea Catalogues' fun-nisbeal by sad- taaclig- W. BELL & CO., TEAMSi1II'TICKETS AI/an's Magnificent LUne 0F MAIL STEA'MERS Fal -, t1 (îai frouanrifain, nit locrest reftes, tlliiIaeegary informnationa eheerfully su by GIIO. YULE, Telegrapli anad Express Agen't. b>, Marali1 ith, 1873. il UMBEIl i LUMBER I i le unaietctigcedlisavint' been alapoîntea ft-anal also Sîtipiiisa- Agent- for fthe s4ire Lunbuar tic-cia cf Messes Snaitb & af Feuaeloîî Falle, bas opecaeai,in canncec- miah bis ailier premîses, an extensive LU MSE R "'A RD nIingfthe Wlaitby & Port Ferry Rail Sitioîa,*taiare he keeps constaactly ou a large sud comaples stock et Luncher 1afiads fo'r sals, wlielesaie ama retail.- lu'Mua-ise, and ali kisofe work ex- i rmt>', te oraier. GEO. CORiMACKE. tby, May 27, 1873. 22-tf JIM FOR SALE. at well-Isnowu tarai, lot 20, 8rd con. of sy, knowuas E DNDSN FARM, as at preseut la fhe occupation of Mr. L-' Contains 1110 acres; abiott50 a?'; dweiling, octifllainge, sud saitabie s; splendia-orciard cf aacres la eztaet. JOHN A. DONALDSON, -Gov't Enigrafion Ofice, a 25, 1878. lSff Toronto. LAD CHANCE i Sale, 150 acreS cf excellent Uand, situ. witisin 1~ of a mile office marketsquart, Towuof Pterbro'.iSaacrels savily reat. Wood seiliug reaiy at #4 80 to rcord. t for èale ticat excellent propsrfy aas fhe Bowie Paraiuitucateai Wi$blc V iity, Apil 19, 1873. 1 G E N TLE ME N LARtGE '-STOCK -01P N~ SRIG GOODS. 18 NOW OOMPLEýT.E1 Corististing of a splendid assoîtment oi Cloths of ailkinds for Geutlemen's wear, andl a complete stock e!f GENTS>-,FIJRNISHJNG CYGOODS, A. SPLENDIIi STOCK OF NEW SPRING LLLTS & CAPS CHEAP FOR CAS4., IMPORTANT N EWS! BOOTS AND ýSHOES The, undersigned lias a large stock ot Ladies', Gents', a'id Uhildc't-î's Fie anîd Course8 Boute & Shoeb «a6rmW '0= Boots and Shoes made to order. .m Oves-shoos 'iiîed waî'm anîd comfortabie. India Rubbers, Sriepttiritig nently don.I Cîtil at the oid Stand.I Boo &WSi-eISAM ,BUrockstr, Wity Je HeI AD DIS ONU EXTRA INDUCEMENT8 NOW OPE NINGC! Severa] ca.ses of the mnst fashionable nnd desirale Dress Goods in A colors and shadles at unheard ef leo. 1. 12~ c itby, May 28th, 18M8. .SIGN OF, TELL GEA ROOKNO Ch AIRV The* subscriber keeps constant?.>v O11 HAND> A LA1iGi AbSORIMENT 0F - Furpniture of Every ý,Desoriptia, ~ Consisting of DrawÃng iRoom, Parlor, Pi [)itiilug-Rot'm, antd Bcd Raoni Sets, of dlfflèreîut paiterns, car-- ved' anîd plain, snd firncy pcinted; Soîfas, Couches,, Bureaut3, .idebaî-ds, Centre and Dtinn Pxtension. Tables, 'Wardrôbes, -c 13eadsteue-ds,- U .hat-Nots, tÀ asbstands, Dressing Tables. Hair- c1ith anîd ('ate-se;îfed- Chairs, Anmus 'cirs, a'nd ('iidnen's BU" 'hairs of dificrerut styles, Lookin gllasses, SpriDg Mattrasses chro t-iture Framt-s, &c A sto-',k'znuch superior to thaf of any ~ other retaîl house i-cithse tt.de. rns large experience enables him- to wirnîatît ahIi ilt îtock Itiiufugf the best maternl audw(.ka G- .ship, arid moist tâieful de'sign. -wria.G SFun erals tully supplied. -I-ýosé- e SOLE AGENT c(-R WiII'l'E:SID'S PATENT BI'D. 013 Agc-nt for the sace of Sewing Machines, andt Cabi-cei l)tgcîns, ofl' supel-lor tmatuufitcîune. ('all nud exk, miP Lis immanense stock. Pricars sf111l funthe, %nedby uced. , 178 S-gsi aI flic Greaf Rockiug Chair, Brock Street. Whifby, Apsil 2, 1870. THE Grneuf bargairs in Fuplisîs and Canadian eloths, ('ot- totns, Wooleis Spring Siawls, hoser, glaves, las and caps, and gcîerld ishousekeepitg dry goods. JUST LEC'IVING, A LARGE' STOCK F BES T FBESH FA MIL Y G/iOCERIES I At thîe Popuilîr Dr'y Gondialstnd menit one doon soutis of» the Whltby, Api-il 22tîd, 1873. Grocery Estabiish- Ontario Baink. J. Hl. ADDISON. -ISPECIAL ATTENTION! M a tttfaetiir a l t VaCo ks v i-1le . o n t . ly a F ac-cn e h ir e Manfacturer. If is more pleaat tiai a Claet, andl bas tfle virtua- cf a Pure Grape Wiuc. $1 Sf0 per gallon. Five ga llon lots af a-neduced rate. R. H- JAMESON', SOLE AGENT, WHITBY. AIse Aiar-snt faiorieCalM'e 'iW'iITYE 'W'.EA'r WHISKEY, a sigil>' etfiei Canadian Liqior. IPHOTOGIIAPH GALLER~Y. BIROCK STREET, WHIITBY, S-~ OPPOSITE QNTARIO BANK. Begs to atnounce that.he bas built, on the above premnises, A NEW- iPhofograph- Gallery* 60 feet in len gth, AViîich liebis fitfead up wùth cii the iat.sst' aow anal iaapro'esi apparatua for fskiug.pictures, frou dimeationu,. iPictures eiilarged & accur à lusinest licurs and~1 . 8s1AI31,SH ED 13. The uîîdersigned in rcturning thanks for the liberal patron- bitherio exterided Co the old tstabli:4hritert, for nearlv a period of tort>' yerirs, de sires to sav that lie hais now on ban.d a iarge assortrnent of the most enodcrr. nd. elegaint styles of Arid trusts by proper attertion and moderate prices to se_- cure a continuance of' public patronage. Prsctical upholâtering. Furni tute re- srufled and covered. Undertz-king & Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore. SSoine splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gild- in'-. Bemember the Old Siand. JOHEN S.T ON'S SELF-RAKING REAP ER AW>\RDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 At tlie Provinicial Exilibition, Toronto, iu 1870 tl.We ollerto tour eîmstomers for tise eoming flauc, two dis- iiue-tMrchiies, wliicis in style ,aîad cotîst rilcîom, cuibrace tlîe lsîtest and nunst useful imrnpceeises of the day. JOINSTION'S SI.NGL6E SELF-lIA K NG REAI>111 THE "RING 0F iIEAPERS."1 Thse univa-rsaî -auccesta of titis MNacliiie, L ota jas closel>' cocatenat ed tricli anl in tiae hiandtit'f the lamriaers, c-ritrtiiu t U s îos igt' hit, as a Seli R. k- imc lleasiciit itelilte. ilhls ii cîaea -A " ' n l "is ita ess çdefceefs. and lins mec aiti ettora-! suant-ts canti letas failure, ttasn heretaafare oflered eti te publ c. CAYUCIA JUNIOR MOWERý. 14 we-re anuti-deri lice Firsat l>'zu' and Dipion-a, at the Prcvin c.-l Exiitcion, lue-laiicc2lrncal. 1870.ia-ii pettieirit a talhi eAsittg-Match ais cctan-toctuat,'d b inte Proavinac ; actawiiiitaemi-r r-ce-tîit iîrovî.ments. we ustitti4tstt lc.gle, eieli-nge ic.vecîignalinc iai cdicalsri-nc i th cri ttntîetit-g MaIchtines.cc-e lire sta aicafied îdigi t la iire-igaîtie'n lci i nlî,a' cie n i-pîrjcîclta'etl i d bit tht e ofler theiesc Moirer ti inte Faactmer fur 1872, hilt in -te Doninioaa. £WSend for des-cripeive catalaigaes. BROWN & PATTERSON. SP1IING AND SIJMMEII IMPORTATIO-NS -! A COMMLEE STO-CK IN ALL, LINES 0F DRt fESSnd Gaai n ,OOD S' 'lNTS FJISHJNG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION fl'fl AIST JAMES H. SA MO, ae boc jer mD0Ia- Sold by & IlD-tggis-ts. 'V 1 C T O0E i1A ARBOLIÇa 'SAj'.VE Worthu itu Weight IilGold - 1 - 4 peb'fic foar-Cct,~ Woundà s, Bi-. ues, mi, 6ca«8iBoil,Piles, Pimfslejr, an rotie Disoase, of the Skin oc/ci-uv <fes- ptien [e 26oper Box. Sold bly aIl Pragpxii. CAIVBOLATED LYCERINE JELLY Emluneutly tice Ladies' Favorite. F& Beaatifyiag UMe Cccpeaion, <adfo- îeVng T'an, Scsnbarc, Freekes PlAmples, alfee fer Chi, eei Honda,- hdaain, mt Dites, and YeroLipo. ce25c per Botte. Sold by silDruggisto. Celcbrateal for tair uniforis Purity and Excellence cf- Quahity. VIcrosîs ABLCnacSou.. VuCTenU Sussa'mcxa Seip. - Vîc-reas.eGLs-cannez, H02ax'r7Rdsz, ANDl Scaila' Il Drnt'gifsi. Price OLD STAND.1 LIST-0F TRE DîIVISIcSN COURETS COUNTY OF CN-TARJO, FOR THE TEAil 1878. Z. BUHi.'RAM, Wlsifby, Ja. It, 8 73. Jug. FLOUR & FEED STCFSE. Thé undersign ,al begto tWiforu thse iv'iab- itasuts of IXhitby and viicalfty ab3at ti-ey Liave openeal a Fleur anal Foca Store lanhCe si- ssesltl occnpied by Mr'. Jamraes Wlee, ou DudStreet, Opposite the 'Robson House, WIere mhey trusf b>' latpuat' eeryuliiaag iri tbeir lilue swayc on ban ate lie able to give saticsfactions te customers. Bran, Shorts,c Oatmal,,Craclied 'Wbeat, &e., of the liest qnuisty. FLOUR-FiaflWlieacf, Spring, and Mixed -anal allIdnals of FeeI, sel mg ai theIo,%eet li'eing Itrices for cashe No. i Spring WbeatFleuocr ut !ES124. SMITH & E.MING6WA Y. Cash ýaid foralilaineiscfFarc ar'F Praaace S. 4-'-R. p ORT WIIITBY & P4 Tl M E-TA Takeu affect on 1oada3 NATIVECE GTOA P pare" nos THE NE«MRST OUT. A. PRINGLE. Whitby, à larch 19th, 1873* 1 ORGANSl May 22, 1872. iiow -P IZV>i OMIS Y 1 IVIIRECTED TO A PUREA I N Ey-, Wliitby, March 26, 1878. e 18 1 THE A B 1 N ET W>j ;1 11,1111, 'et. RESS' -G'O.ý 0 S-4,jý