kfosars. Ray Il. ~Woo d ON~LY Si -0 PER ANNUM. Whitby, Thiirsay, Aug. 28, 1878. Tihe objectiotns to thse Royai -C'on-. Mission. Ti.Coatntliooers are instced gsmply tW receive evidenae, to comeîn the studance of wl.tne#ses 'beferetem te give telîfinuyudur oath, -aud the ëi'Itendc du taketi W ButbniL to Parlia- ment. Tiie final' disposition Of lte case restà witit Parilament altogether. Tise opIlesiltin say thaî 1h1is u wroug; *tilub e'Qovernor Ganeral etigittno i d have acceplti 1thestivice ef issMinis. tors jtu isauing the Royal Commlision ; but râther isat teudered. hims by"tise Optpoà itîoanleaders,' not .-te prordgue- PaLrhatneai. Blwoen tise lwe courses BLsdvlut inlacloartaI lise Covernor Geitét iti totlk at once tise contitutional 'sud tise oniy fiit i orse opeli d Idii, Iacceptlng thieadivice ef bis swern Mlnlslûrd id pi'etereuce tedtitaIoettise llrespionile Jeadieti of a Party. 'If il be sail l thât 13±iliére weïe lutaresîtd 'n tii. savicetelidel-eti Ùis Brrcellency, surely ilt niay be sali w*Itii auai Irutis tisaI the leaders efthlie OPposition, Irite would lake Iheir places, were aise ilitelested ? And etflise Iwo sets et in, terasteà Sd îiiielý; d, fd Duffcrin was b6titi ni dlisten lte men oonitdWtii- * aiiy appeinteti te ativide bimh, anti withis wlioluste leuai vaposiliiîy of doing1 se restedl, beforr, accuptiag tat ef titeir OPPertents. Or, iooking at te matter lu anotiter way lte leaders of te OP., V posiitien -deelare - hat an investigation zhtust-be hlli by Ptrilanaa, ani nôt by a Cetnisuîou, ant iattise Saine liie j tfiîey eclare tisaI aI -Jieat tiirty îueau bers ot Parliarnt lil tliteir se-att l'y means of te very coraruption wii i l'à soughle toexpose. - Le an laouest ver. dilct te briexpecteti Iroin a tribuntal gse cunstitutati, ifltea legaliou la true ait regards tisese tiîirty tmera? Andi if lte lrnth were ltéreel elject sougtit,wenîti tiîey insisî $0 strengly On gotting it frnti snett a body? fuor titase thirty men wouild I xaturiliy try te screen liseaselves, andi li a Honse sucit as *ours tiîey -weuii litetl te balance et power. Again : la a plank ofthtie Opposition platferni ta isthlie Jutiges à îtonîdti ay dispuleti election csses-rsîiscr ttan a Parlia. meutary eomnittee., Now, disputed ell oecthous are somatimes very exciting rt cases, and iIf lseme may b. *properly re- 1i fera-ad lelite Jaitges, rallier titan te a C Psrliacntary coaaimitee,wlty sitolis. not te same-raie itoid gooti in a politi- cal scandai like ltaI aiow bafore lte ceuuÃtryP Io there any gooti reason for D reversiatg lte mIe in tino case wiîiciî lias t beau se mucis laudet inlutihe etisea-? Teobjections to lte Royal Couiiois- N slitahave neoliroper fonnilation le rest st upen. If lte Oppmsltiou are ln caruast g luntteir procliimatidesire te ]lave it lte charges investigalei, sureiy titis is j lte paoper apportunity fer tioiug-sebha-p( fore a fair anti impartial tribunal ? it look@, isewever, lu advising'ý parties net 1 le go, betere taI tribunal, as if tiîeyW tearedth ie wertiilesqsueis ef tha chtarges M matie, anud iti not want te have lteT malter cicareti up. Thte aesigue as we i rèînarked ast îveek, appears tl e ha tet keep the questioti as long as possiblew unsetleti. beora the publie for tise par- ju poses cf agitation. b 1' Tey tabour to perpiex thistlate Sncb actiotns aim contempt sud bate." A Diffea-ance et OpIniou. Tise Merîtreai Hai ndthlie Teron. te GloSa are te tI e lising organe of thae MoMIuienilas. In uilutitsg te lte prerogation et Paliamn-t, on tise 111h lestant, tise llCraltl tesignaleatisIAct I'Às proa-bbîstise groata utaea on the ceaRitution viialu as occens-rt siece -Oliver Ca-ontw-ili ee-aI thît baubia le ha talion avas-.". Tisa Globre o tite ceut-ars- admits tisaIttse Gea-er- nor-Ganpmal acleti wit hine tacertitri- lieU, and tîsat tise'prerogeltiora vas ieg. Itmmuâelels xercîseni in ltae paoroguaLtion ofetIhue Palianeee. W e eve thtes-e iitutiatritias*le setle tien questiont tetlisoir evas atisfaction, andtias-n licris-arae great, pahteps ltes-yul gins tisa publiacltae reenl fet iîanaemunîîit a- bers. 1- NEW s-ODu PuLevs' ILALL IN WsUtiaaa. -Titi mantbrrs et the -Eastaern,- Star" Lenîge et Wlhil.y ihavet coencaithua erection etf a fine hall ait. iuiltiug,. I1t te b817 faet fa-et, 75 in etaphi, aut trrea steri-es, avit a leigitlof etii- lng belveeti tise taveliever floore cf 18 fet, kniitise uppar sêtery, lisicli cou- laina the issl, 22 teel. Tiie buihding le le liai-a a inansrti1 roof sud va-cuglat la-en arestinga. Tii. astimeat cosl le- tl1,tÙ00.-"hie fia-el fluer viii ha adapteti for tIvoý stores ; tise second fleer divilati intoffi1ces, or suilila etge roonts for ether seciatias e to w1vn-or in suais alter ays as niay aplpesr meelt esir- able as aveul as reinunerativo. Tîta ex- trer tl git oft 'lie building ,yihl ha soulete lve teet ibare tisaDominion' NWaraernls ofeesars. Loea & Povell, wvltichi i adjoins on Da-eak Street. Suitl 'e fine structure viii net anis- he cretit- able te lte Loige, and tise Oid Feliove as a bodys, but vili bhaua ornerment te tise twn, anti qui te an ýaddition le the italis-otie-Impyovemarîts viicit va abra- gla t 10Seo taking place in ont- inidt.In, 'aiere-siogeut Snouaise ork %lie bretiraemi et ,Eastorn Star" deierve- avers- goo& avrti ef pneumo*antiaen- couragement liaI a w otait betov upnipoln M, aeuotilaIe teke 'tise opportunits- le brlnglise nieller uurider thse notice 'f lte Town 'Ceundil,, viîun mgia1 4' ickellahbuling lte neo- sas-y peeeusotioleunselong fait anti de- Mlldtaa s 0rin it-otveiegît elambisira- lie cîtarges madeia m t, or thuat tais- v-etc seaeaief alnnof proot, as Mc- Mllatti altigir-e tha-irbhie teuner- statut tieo ca-itiba ii utesitatiou in goiug- inetare tire Commnission, Tise loyal Commntission lits aithorilt ros- line Cuavît te tîlît the caideiice, antira- ea-t il 50 latnniitle Parliannb, -avise it wa-jl ba-rfrrîer cotîsinlered andt fitals- la-ait vjtla. ruhis it ano mIa-rfa-a-ce witht tIse priviut'ge cf Parliantent, as aMt. Ifttiglon vouil iaaialialaie Then Ceisaruisionare liabera naiciropa- tiaihy appoinlenil blues- ara m-euaccus. ettua-ti te thie nutiee eftlakiuug anal veigltirsg evitetteanul vue fron-i tliia julicial position righî-lt bis pa-nsunetl le ne euabiaea nd t re fi-ar fcn pra-junliaes. la-t vian fairîs- brouguittle lbook te prqve lte rutitf et is initantots alnn tions lie lies made, DMu. IRuntingron vwists aedtIus'n, anti recortitiug b ectub- erfuge arass, 1101'i ne, I ears'î go bn-fore acommission le gi-ns eviience undina nali ; I tamta nueuihr et Parjimntt, end I veutthe evidncco teken' it uy arn vut.y." Ma-. IHutitgbeute destit waet the evitenc siîtoeti Salea un im- partitîl eud e fil lu-itinai. Ic swants it aat iittit a aParts- nnrstion, amli sn a Part'y spir-it ou lin-e floor etflPatlia- i ti maent, cinae- erluitalt oliticiatophurehie part te Vltnt aan Clihycenlie sat- and ahve oifte cisanges ar-et-ver s) oc-ails- rettit, hue vilh a-c-auna-thîrmouea s-a-loue conteaquencaset ba-ingiîg Iluerrt torsear in je li teal et deisahe, anti Ilireîgithlie passiniusaroused nul lniainl Pty ah- enacts. TatutBANQ'Ua aer [ir110. Ma. Guuîs.- Int repis- te nuct-ous eniuîiriesba- ng te nersousice thetthlie day ltia ' cl111mpra-- rn>tu uarii fuveit for titis nvrnut. Sema-te ofet tieueber' th ta ahiuet icîritei conibi nol atteul nt 11this uns- bs- tise eom-nille(ltae 28t!.) uanucîiir ictevnienca-. Ilot. i isas iusil saiiet forr Europo, Dr. le visittng then Lever Prevîire Sir- Jolie auIChersl"a ilia1 lelartt a-sito uste enntnbe viis vo- vei-ethlia-r attanduance aethue thîrt etl. TisaiCormittee a teMsat neaessaa-s-prelitiuinrtas-arrangutî culs- Êeariit to e h a-ied oet tis inuiteis- seLLIcn upou-alit iaat be ceur-enieut te aU parties-j 10, imne dteniaunoutiemnt sente. Wai ave d eiinquiriE friands, n arfer atl aisRliti elt retn t Aiers.tbna- on lise eut eau ouls- arî ttiaat al iliib etin lueuaseasen. Dttuauiru.-Wiîri-evVICa-e A malais aas pies-st ine Tom4 Tusurets as- ist, belvean thîree plas-ers et ' Guelphs ageiist ae ninnr tremîthiis lovaI. Tise pe-rcaeoff vio uos, ame gaias ont ofet Ivet. On tas- aveiug tise visiters vert a: et bs- tirea plas-eas'frm o rone-e clalog as acceptenl, anti'ae -anoîhar vIalesfor Wiritby., MoauLwnEi çss-MM 'éà acul -anoîlsaib-elsuit" ega] Mail1 forni. flftandtlfl&.,,. ipeicteni itliront Ir. T'illa-y leas's * Bell", 'Montreft Mfr. F.E Stanlon's '"Edloi Smith%'s aloo expi L'O the ien, UWa8. 1D. Day, Citairmaie SI,-I have the boueur toasLeknowl- of thse Royal Cenenjision appoiuting Cornisqi>uers W iJnquire -.itto and re-* port wudite tseveral rtnatters Btated in lie resoilion inoved by me in tise House of Co mmtons on thse 2ndl day of ÂpriI'laqt, and requesting mae te furetait te the Commissioners a lisitaf wituesses I mniglislwap)h te exaine, in order that theymaybe (ulyoùmmnedto appear, andto roced ithinyevidence. 1 have ta eaU yuur attentiont te the fact apparent on the face of the Cer- naiesion, tisat il was a meaber.of -ihe, Rouser ô$ Coenpno,,ami frona ety 1place lin Parliamient, *tliat 1preierred thiee charges againi4 ýXinlgters ofthWseCrot.vn ant i seinb.irs of îlcat, 'oî;Sa, whieia on tule eth day of April bist eutertaiued the charges;, deteraninc '1 te iniveitigata the6i llseÇ, andi appoiuted ' aSlet Coaumittee toeuequire into anud report- upon thet ; and, te the furtiser .tact tha t' 0thýsfidCormiteq Ihandîsd a" liat o 'fsorne of the principal wituesses, wbose evidleuce Il beiieved< ceulti eftais- lisli y charges, andt I hare-aiways; beeén readly t1o proceed toelthe proof thereef bcfore Mhe tribunbal constituteti bytisa' Heure for tise investigation. ais deterusination ofet iaCeaions to inveetigate tisese charges remains un- allerei-andi I deenâ il inçonsis'ient with i y duty as a znemibcorfetarlia. meut,* andi a breacit ofttie undoubteti priliteget; of the Heuse, te r-eceguize auy lufeler or exceptional tribtnal createti te enquire iute charges stili -pentltng before thse Ceinitions, andi se bssentiaiiy the Privilegrs; diguity au'l independence of thte Parliamnent. I bc- Jieve lisat il is-a breach ia t iséprivil- eutes tisat a Royal Commission, issueti witisoultishe specfai stanction of the Flouse, shoulti take any ce>gnizanrce cf or shiouti a lssume te caul on ine te justi- fy werds vriicht 1- have speken ou ther peur of the Conmous, aud for which I arn regpousible te thomi, auJ tae in ouly, 1 teel that I siîould do ne act wieh may becnnstruced into au ac- quiescauce in the ttttempt te remiove from thse - Couons tho cunduet andi coutrôofethlie eliquir-y. I believe ditt the creatien of a CoÃnmis&.,ion invoives a breaci ef that ftnratneutal, principie ef tie Constitution which prexerves te the Communs tise riglit andi tluty ef in- itiating-anti ceutroltiug euqriries jute itîgi Poflticai l recs ; that il juvoives a brdach cof that fundaineutal paincipie efjnstice wlîtch preveuts thse accuseil frein crcating lte trilînnal anti conta-ci- liug thee procedmro for Ilicir trial; anti tisat il j al Cutntissioii witisent te pre- ceticut, unknewn te tise Cîrintnon La*t, unsauctiotid by the statrue iaw provLid- iug by an exercisp of the preregative for an enquir.y eut tf tise ordinary course sf jtasti-e jute înisdî'îueanunrs couniiz!t- bic t ilioCmnrts, andi cousî'qleuîly il- legal and v<id. Eîtîortlii i"g tisse via-wq, yen wiii netexpeet nie teaitet otiserwjse lit if i cenierinity with tisent, and yenwi ill io. stittfir'd tîat by My ltîU-e[îpcrnraice Irefore te Cettiission I inta-nfl no dis- respect te tiie Coannjîsioeîars, but an moieaadby lthe salnee s puie ic dty wliicnvii ilcottraje tee ie tise eariest leractible mouenut te renew tihe efforts wiicisI ihave r acc înakiugsinco A 1)111 iast, te britg te trial ha-fore lte Cern- ruona cf C.tia la thisenuwltu1Ihave 1 mpeaclieat as public ciinalis. I have Llie iseneur te be, Sir, Your eberlieunt servatnt, (Sigued> L. S. iIUNTINGION. '11r. Huntiegtou, it ivili b-e seeu taites reffige bcliretil hs priviiegre as a ruent- ber efthlie ieuse of Cointions. front îe:tiug before tie Commrission. Tis s an arknowiudgî-nntttof tise ceni- teioeneasscf tue veakness andi unrel ia- >iiity cf lthe evidier lie lias te pro<l oe. Ljid lie believe tlîît lie couiri estaMislii t C. iL-iao. L. Fairbanks, jr., S. C. R.-B-a-. Geo. Deve-arU, S. W.-B-e. Gaeo. linruette, J. W.- "Wj liant lHant, S. B.- P. Waréa-it, J. B.- " A. Armnstrontg, T.- " A. Magon, S.- "Geo.IR. Ratm, A. S.- " D. Vjcaa-s, -Surgeon-"1 W. O. Eecstvoet, M.D. Soxs oi TESIPEiIANcE.-A Divisjon et the Sens et Tamupernico as ona-gin. izai ois Tliuni's,:ay eveatîig, Aiîgust 21s1, at lhe Meciaiie's Rail, bs- G. MI. Roc-e, Rap, et Toî-eato,'Granti Wortiîy Patri- ta-clu, tise foileaainng efficcîs vere insbehi- Woa-liy Paîriaseli, Brother jtas. ICuiel. .é Acsocitite 6" Jos.Hape-. liecercting Scrjibe, I. Coleintiila. nls4it îR. Seribe, %V. Brytant. C. Scribe, E. C. Hlewntntigway. WT'rcisnre-,IL Faacta. Cltapiaitu. Rioat. S. T. Gibbs. Condutoîa, A. Ctoot. A.- C., John Knovlar, I. S., J. C. W'eeley. Lai-s BIIa-tr e A X -IcaIOa-EL.-Ae prea'ious tri îtonrîceni, anti as ie-te- l'ca-re toticad ni lese colums, tiie elti "liobson Hous-e" lias ueniemgoue a sinanga--anti fot ouls- in naine, but le atii litera-nl arrangsanle et the niottu. The a-acent alta-ratous wvii sae boeuinaue et a cotiiseaahiaocu- as-, have Seen tect jutticiouss- matie ýncl uni-e traufoî'medthlie buildling jute a reahis- coruferteble hou, wjlth ail tise uppointunets eut coîtrejienes et a fiu'tclciss establishumet. Tiaeae are na sîîaeious halls, hîandstm parionîts, a-cii liiutct- auî-y hioonts, ail vnai ftur- nisienl, ant inl a srtperior style. Tite ina- je a pictsme etneatuaess, andtIhie ruitira- preneises frein gara-at te cailar have icee' titaongiout navly ra-novaee. Uiter tiseeaarfui managemnt o f the Ra- ars y, gnîcssavill idtsuperior accommoasntionu and iprompt eani cour- a-eeu athenition at tihe "British Auna-- eau." c n c c A L p fi n w n b; el L u OUa-IN isaHi:LAuc.-On Salua-las- hast, 'lu-o ithiar boys, ehsilmen cf Ma- l'est cf Port Wluihby, epprrîat e punît yLig ah thie wlarf, eand,vihi lecres et a board fer patînls, rovei thitasieives euh jute the lutta. 'Ts vitni saas taa-ttin t heni, andl lt-e lithini fa-lnraa-t avere ralsinils- ariftinîg awas-, ailiae ttli- avere farlunsahais-obsarvati by te bandsleofthlte Anutia-'Miiiaas, avio resa-uedu thcari, but notl uuil thuas lied bqen carticitontt aisant'four mil-es. Tu-ppea Foutu TDOLLARtS' WOeRH OFiMUSICs-an cs, arit 30 a-'aS.-B S- eetiiug for tise Saptaituisr- ly enter. Nuimitea-of Peters' Musical Moutlsîs, a1idIPc p Ir hiee80 c.,s-au viii gel tour sangs, e te centl- Sacra-s Quarta-t, a Fanr-a-Rnd Piece, s Ahi lte anti Four Ineta'umntnal piaeces, vortis nits, atut ï4 in Shentt fontl. * )(as- te- Tisia-Is-cuet isbut e sinaloutles-te iCh cr111 test tîte merils oet Paera' Magazine. nl ordea- Senti fer a ceps-, ae u enavertforjit, Of tise sont viii neyes- regret' tisa oulas-. ýet he-m Att(Ircà se, J. L. Paela', 599 Broadays, 'ex, 1111t1 Newv York. )sonbjeat, nq notifi. Tus MkovTRYai-cu EnsaaTe.-TSe ai- - ctionf for tisa vastomu division etf[Mon- traa, for lise Locali Le îlatîmre,,reanilti atu. ite -raturai et 1iseGovea-uneu ente, Oirscandidats its- smtjorils otf'408. The irarugItî follovi*sg lalise 'voeopoliati:MeGt-. ýn equai i-min , (Cetîccmvaliva,) 1,784; Ma>Shane, Wliilbs- (LiseraI,) 1,870 Howies-,(ibni) vrnu-sg114.- i T<uea ecese iIus &.L.a.R. H. isaleng- Jamecson annote s e a-ciptoetliîq- île; 15t 'e numre lutIgaoceies.. Ilis adtialsecent aiîarilu aili Sbe. tuai j' elhin comumue, le aviisaI hv çýcustidtirectlth. attention et als li'isec 'FznasJ FiÂ'-LGoos.-Mlessr. Laing tgainet S-tpart* annoxince lte arIs- arrivai AI ltx.0 goods for lth. Faî tara, esbu-aaiusg resa. t' au D. W. X. M o, Ge c.rge Hague, (Banuk of Toyonto,)Jnr'.Boa$0, W. J. Macdoeelh,. A. B. McMaîrlrr. J., H. Mason, E. J. Palmer, B.,Waicer, anti Robert Wikes M.P., are D~ircre. 1 Theo ietical staff is composeri of Dr. A. Mt'lleuebumgh, (an anthoi-ity'fandiof' guast experionce lit oplisaimie. anti ana-ai scjence,) Dr. Colemau ansd Dr-. Rcpeve, vhiie Dr. CagneiffaIs ,as aou- snlting surgeein, Tite entire ibedicai body pertomi Ieir- onerons dtles free et. al ticharge -.10 'relie,. poor - saiffarers vite coma lis Item for assistance.. At a iste meeting, of tise 'Beat-dioe Management, Mr. Fraudis. Hart, tlii ae- 4shity cosunealeti viltise Toronte anti iovinejel Peas, s-t Tenante., vas ap- pjinted Superintentient, sud Ma-s. Hart Mata-ofethalitanstituius. Mr. Hart lu oaciteerfail anti benavtlent disposition, ant ill alruittiess use bis hast efforts le chassa-tise peor afflicterl cmatures coin- milledto itJs lama. Ail ediDntinidatlens le be aMiressedt l lte Superinteaitent, Ma-. Francis Hart, box 1260, Toronto. CANIDIIN ADVsarIzeNc AGgENO.- -Messrs. Wood, Jequays & Co., et Mou. Ieai, 1have, li addition td tlieir otsea- busines- ast paprieters' Of "Wood, Jaquay & Co's;. Pa-mling Inka, anti sole Agents in Canada for Page's Woodi Type-opnst an adverlising Agecy, et No. 1032 St. James Street. Titefiam is a reiebie tino, anti Canadian pubisiî- ers yl fiaittheir tealings vilstisth- muait more profitable anti satisfactory tisai dei ng busines *thsougi Ainerican Agents for Uniltd Staesas etertise- mneuts. üe. TiOsMAS B. WAntteR, late etftisa Royal Rotai, Wititby, has, va parcaive hy tise Detro-it prapere, opeaiet a fiast dlace retreshment andi billard saiQen et 171 WoodwvartiAvenue, viiera lita yl ha ihappy tle ceeany et heWis Wilby ta-ents 'vise pues Ilit way. SEezeUS ACCDET.-Mre. atIf Miss MCKaY& et Pichaa-in, ve r-e tisa-evuont et a brt near tise Grendi Tmuntk Rail- vay hbridgze tri liss ev, ounlgonday avauinsg lest, by lte torsa 'whici thlia- wer-e tiaiviug- sudclenly boling. Ma-e. MclIay, va regret te be iratormati, e- ceivati enci sesrions inlurieg as -te mnder ier lîssensile for soieaheurs. A HlND90E otîOrIGAN, eOflte maufa- tare oeurasas. W. Bail & Ce. et Guelphs, lies juet beau placeti je lbe Catitelie Cisurcli, eft tiis tovn' Il is ami excap- tionaily va-hi finisiset instramnl, sveal- teneti and very fine coinpace for lt-e site, amduinl every vay a'ery ca-ditable te the manufactur-a. BAntunANs iN GooDs ANDuCttIetgFAN- ci- GOen.-Cei. Wallace, vitile i Eeg- lend, matie pua-elases fron thlitamnu- tactrrreof e variati essetinet o goctie, iuclutiieg laces, Shtetlandti ooi gootie, javela-y, and hardware, vhichieS offere fer sale aI al-es baby tise usueh Canatian uraicase je an announcreut ie etitar coluinns, te aviici attention je TAL'I. Ceai-Tîto UxbisaitgoJounalic boaqssoetstaîke cf cerut-n fuet i iin ltaI naigiberirotd. Ma-. Daniel -Lame,-n, of Brohîhie, cen sheaw soe measîsrieg, a lithleoevér twvarfet. VOCAL & ISTa-UMETsALazMccsî.-AI- lautien is direct-et te tis anunce- tuent et Professer Wijggiue, B. A., vise huas lise iigiteet qutaifications for teaci- ing vocal anti inebmemet-ntal Musce, eaý wliose tens ara extrmmay motiare.i TELEGeAPH OFFICE AT Dus-is' Cita-E- An officaetbis-e Monta-cal Tclegt-nplîCe.litas recanls-b-eau epen- eci ah Dtufflee' Creak, in'Ma-. Wright's store. Bincot FALL SHos.-Tlie Fnîl Shtov of tise liaoct Tovnsihip AgrieultuaatSe- city viilha heast ISunterleantion Toastas-,lte 7tit et Ocloer. TELs-ORAPII OsEReAa-nG.-Partias te- cirent et earniug ltissusetul art a-aea-a- ta-a-edto telen anveatisament of Messrs. Coemaran & IBaker. Tas LASa-C.-LL.-Saa tise eîseunca- anet te ltes-e itnebîedthlie labe fia-et et T. R. MaMillan & Ce. Tu-eBua-rr-W. J. Rickie & Ce., (laIe flikie & 0'Feaery,) anertece huaI tieys- iii pas- tht 'iighliarslcashtprieefor ans- quanlits- of geet tub butter. OvsErLev Os- a-UNorTi-eLasxs. -Tse Orilia EXipotifcar publiieles the folioviug resoinîjous, ae*tetat etaemeel, ing istnitiina Orillie racantiy a- Mca-ast iy Ma-. IRegetu, seconie by Mmr. MeRea, tisaIttis rminîg, coin- pocet of reprêsenîaîivesfaon-tht Caine- lies et Situcoe. Ontario anti York, ma- tuahis- egree viluescisotiter anti ou ba- ttaifote i respective eniibtips, te ap- poinitIH-ena-y Cresviet, Esq., on baltaît cf Sintcoe, Wm. MaPite;',Errq., on bc-. lualt et Ontarie, ant Augne Ege, Esq., eut beaaioet York, as Commissiensers, le act canuqjointis- vllh aaci tethana- u e- rnevleg sucht obstrunctions fremthltaeonl- laIs ofet lakIttaes tas- ceaisidar neces-- ay ; lise lisa-e respective countias -le pas- equel sisares efthlie expensa ; the verktle hc comm-euce-est aross-a eys as possiblea. Mnvet its-Mm, Foies-, se- etp Intet y Ma-. Rr-gan. TisaIlite Cent- miseiccers he entîserizailtle trav neces- cary tunùi freinlta Counties. in equal proportieus, frein lime te l ime, as lte vork progressas. TaE Bora-aiCeînesss oc.rh!le Qa-i- ie ELpoitor, e Gait peper,'eys of lb. appeintmeul et tise Royal Commisa- sten "&Juçtige Dues-, et Mentrasal, Judge' lPe. ltta, et ThireaRivera,.sud.JucR lge ..Gev- an oft lais Coutls-.li i-ebeuappopmted sas lise RoyalComiasoaers W sgvieîai galelte h aciflti andil. JaitigGov. aùui la enkoirlsere sa ntlma vwlan, tteousqiýs c Ia-g rsna anti Poli- nliulfa--eA t Sr ohun . aclouïal, aviire bisamIt' itpat-tiallY. Il seais pa-shabîns tisaI Ma-. RHunlingleis'nwili de- elina t-o hi n-eidéen-be-fora ltae -Coimnissionuers, -anti it la lteé avoear aMu theesot ofxInge s reet> sad1i - vrkmnen are 'engagea at tW e16~ufda lions. Tee'ecentl ipri4on'is nesr ora pielion, our civie aulhities are Do sdI.e. Hsvsng purcitasettie id systen il l it.i-intention lo ý supply-tise t1ev froin vater breugisl Çrons theoother sit efth lls iut il, acres viiita - cin e la being dug. 'Tise expense eft lisa -,er terpriso viilbe -very large, but,-vil'b, Vyne means greater titan-lisegrevinj ipracetTern"nte - výarrauts. II lt malter o e eeing satre'ets, cohmn riaise enlorprise bas aise b.een aitown But w.ils a vigeretîs anergy. lthe voiha Aldermen have levellet a blov hn aue oliser di-action, anit iiis , isela- exens pie sisouiti be -folloveti by aIl corpome, liens. W. r.efea-tfie 5SLà IJGKTER 01 THE DO"e, itese oevWrhave not compiéed wit tise regulalions requiriug tisI aill dogi sitoulti Wear coUlars', purcitasesbie si $1.00 ens, end"*~ariung a check cou teiulng tise tumber efthlie ent-y Wisitbyites stilI -beer lu md ia e teyleke a pleasume drive te the Queer City, le leave liai poeilles aiborna, oi rinatasant reanîts cnay tollov lte ar-i val efthtie four.lagga guesîs. AS i Heavan avare pa-opitieus lin a-ivîni nuisances frein lie city,-va have gol riti of ta og establisha iqrack, IY Antireys, or as lie ceils Itimelf lnai - ativertisemnts, eLoD DU. ANDEWSiv, vise, being ar-a-st-et on lthe charge ot ps-ecua-tng ahea-tion on tise pea-son et yonug voman nameti Rebecea Aicae anti ltrrving given bail, gave leg-bei for parts; uuknewun. Tise resignation « Capt. Prine freintise position et CRtEF 0F POLICE le announceti. It is expectedti ti CapI. Jas. hialtaiat iwill ha isie success- or. Tiseisacknn are stll ont On tlb strika, anti are waiting auxioushy fte the returu etflita cemmissioners le visoi tiey "viii a tala unfoît." Tht comiugpfrthlie INTERtNtATIONA~L IEGATTA,- le take place onuthe Oni, 411î and ti 1î nexiantiis hooketi for vils mucin.j 1er-est. Arrangements are beitîg utai vit i -areau conipjiules te retinca li fe for lte ecasion. Airent #500c wli ha spent in prit-es. - F How te go West. Titis je an itiqui-y vhicit avea-y one shsourîthlie atrnnthnfuiy ansveret beterc lie stea-Is on lis jeuney, anti a 11111, cea-e takan lun-examiuilios. eoftreute will in many cacsscave mueis trouble, lune anti ntney. Tise Chaicago, Burlington & Quincy Ralra- liats ecliievat a splendid repu tatien in tise lest tlua-e ayrars "as thte leating Patssengar Route toetaW-est. Starling et Chicag-o or Peeria, il a-uni direct tha-ougs Southaru Iowa and Nebraska, wilt close connections to Califoruja andtihie Territo-ies. ItLij aise lthe short lice anti beet lina ta- QuincY, Missouri, anti points irn Kansas anti NewvMexico. IPassengere' on thisal wey waslwaa-t canet (do baller tisan le take tlie route. Thîis line ias publislied a pamphleat enlillet '" HeW TO ne WEST,"Wviieu centaine mucs vainable inforrîtation; c large, correct rnAp cf lte GratlW-est, wieli eauhaobtainati fre-ecf cisarge lry nctdr-essing ltae General Wsten Passeuge- Agent, Chsicago, Bna-liugtoc & Qancy Relîroati, Chsicago, 11L Tia- Rees Wn.AT-cse ;Aceose Ni,&- GAiRA IîVu.-Ciiftoe, Anr. 25.-Titis attea-neen Prof. Behiamni of Perie, Franc-e, accontpiiise tis etant of a'kiug ea mepe 1,500 faet hong, spseîricg lte 'Niagara Ris-ar opposite lt-e Clijton Rouse. Ha- tot ixten minutes te waaitfrointes Cuanda cit 1liela-ma-a-jan site. Onu bis a-atua-n lu-e stoppati viien in lte c-en- tre efthtie apa, casl Itis belaurce pole anti eloala unioe seriver antd tlinnjucnp- et fa-onthlIe centa-eetftise rope ho the- rira-r, a distance cf lca-ar 140 fetai, tis. appearing trîraigut lenlihe valea-. Ha- a-oaa icn emomnt, anti va-epick-et np by mec reats- in a smail.boat, andti aes taen llta c hre. SEEITYTE î- s -sTaiutnuit Sa-euM IN Es;iaLAse-Lailen, Aug. 26.- Tie stoti-t etSunnhey andniSondes- niglitl vet cria cf nnprac-eie-ntd a-i-ca-is-. Ac- ceunis froue 'Cembritige, Peterboa-ougha, 'Wjrîbeaclr, Nasa-ara antIaliter loves a-e- prasa-t tutat tihe vinr arît iiglislin-g avare appaliing. Thusenns et people refusadtho- go te ast, iest their Iteuses, shoIteîli e ova-rishmenl isule llîey. A numba-r cf fia-a-c vre kintieti by liii- uing ant i aans-deehitsare re-porte(]. Ciirs-R:Hl, na-ar Crambhridîge, et. panciailis-conneelI a-it thae a-igu a-f Cuhales I., vas struet bs- igltniug eut hua-net to tise grouîti. Dus-uta-Oes a-suCARLISa--Mtalrid Aunusl26.-OnSalturatlier-evas a sevaeeengulga-htenltr ear tire love et Estella, halva-en 2000 Govrmentt troupes 1,000 Calista, enier Ohie. Tlt& Calise veaaefatet, anti thair leader , Ollo, avoundenl. TqEuCasa-nase VESSELe. - Londont 1ngut 26.-Tae Timeas tuis morniuug sas sltaIlise Bretli uGovennunent et thue raquacî cf Gereans-,lias seutca-- dale ta ecommtander oethlie Brillis cqua.irou in tise MerIiiearaneen letas-e li-ar ltiste Rr-prrlictae enlioriten tisa- Tpanisis steamers Alumetiz4AudiVictoria but tisaItisaeint-emica terceunoter lte cominset of tAmiral Lobes r-ennlert-e s ae-capiture oethlie vasszeae igbis-prep- ahie if lb-es- are sr-entnet. -Tise a-ns- seais rme ailiont ca-a-s, ant ceunne lu -titeir pr-eseut ceaitition ha useti agash tise lusua-genle. - Tics BAT-aLE 0F ESa-xaa.-Furtlier particulers efthlie batîla near Esialla on Suutaya-e tatesaeffanaIltIlteCar-- liste avis evre-is large, fora-eantiî noter thiiua-favorita leaders, -vers ýcomphahly iteteateti bs- Iie Republcan, Ireopa. Tisaekedt laice te remeve liseir deil anti aveantiei viihu vas grenlet. Tise rerâineetolte Carliielarns- relitedtale' bte Faenanit trontiar. «Dec, ifonso, haiter et Don'C -e, ent, GCeneral Tiùteaynare among li eaiutt.' CaaesWnaua&vnatamu sBica. -Tha: <its e hve avtitlitrw rn irn 'lte netgisboua-it. of etBarge hsviugep- 'perenllyýabandûned lthýdeà -e e l -e- teet énder' thse!iolnmaud oÉ Admsirai: Lâo4s, 'vlci cotnnneutaad teaIsînsublt 'Ca tliegaana. iýba bau ienpehheii te vvibhlrav eut tfr4nge of the goIse f tise inaurgents, On aceenut ofthle in- farier armanuofet heir vaaa$s î-ltas- cannol cepe avit- ltaeatlluiryoeth ie fait.' "Fleatvwoot", 'anti a grey mare (nanne unkeove) froua Brigiston. Mr. James's "lTeoeînô Cliietl, .andi tt<» Bye"' also ou tise a-cati, va are toit. Anti besias titese lte .tire soea five or 'six iturd. hers. Thete rack le 'jn 'excellent orde-, anti tisemeeting promisas. te b aà aMost euccasstul'oen u vemy respect. DrIATui oF ScrrHitîà . --4n tisis cennec- tr ;ou va magret 10 have te meunteinlise datIftet awalci'ovn racer 6"Scytis. ian",hliestrainiing, anti viicis teok plece ou Tuastday et tise stables etflita Onteario total. IRis evuer lied proviens- ly refueul01,000 for tiseberse. OuRaxesa MepTINza.-A meeting et ite Masters anti sevarai of lte leafinùu <rangameu eft tits tistrict vas liait et Wiily oaslIntay ayaning, 2Stis inst., lun tire OtitiFelloe' Hall, for tise pu- pose of raoa-gauizing anti rrviving tise oit Loilga, No. 180, iviiet itas nethbeu vorking for soea ime pasl. Arnenget titose present vare lise CeunIy Master, hime. Tires. Gibson, et Beisau,_ No. 168 ; Bros. Witn. Stephienson, et Oshiava, No. 086; D.D.M., G. W. Gartis, Master eut Counly Secretars-, Oshawae; W. lici- trick, Citaphain, Master, No. 147, Grecen- voot; M. Kirkpetrick, Wma. Scott, R. Stevart, R. H. Heitha, F. Garfat, A. Davy and E. Canton, ah etf 686, anti V. Hainnpltrey, 1196, Teroulto. Tiie reoa-gauizatien teek place untiar Warrant 823, visiet is nov lte numbe- efthlie Wiitny Loige, ant he foilovieg efflec-a- vere int;taileti Bro. Fanacis Clarke, W.*M.; lino. E. lIttmpla-ay, D. M.; liao. R-ena-y Figan, 'a-ras.; lia-e. R. J. Yaa-nohd, See., pro ta-m.; liao. WVm. Morris, ItCern.; Bri'. Bain, 2uît Cuiii. Certificales oet mber cf otiter loiga-s joîuing avare drîly tiepaîsiteti, inciaiiing l3ree. Bain, L. O. L. 141 anti 532, E. i{npity, 181, Gaeo. Cameron, 130, H. Fegauii, 1089, and i . Moa-ais, 896. A. O. F.-Tîe folleving ofieerevere inaicllacl for tise curîcîst 1er-tue t lie regular rneartimag etCana-I DotTrin en Vrseîaty oening lest: mnne; t lainioreatheejaasas knt eq the Pr;imleyfia-giste Il-egaar etein, tô tî te riauiieterl allng a-m the- cemgesil suicide i k eeowg tsed tir hait ealeuiating upen an iteme iate f affect for sensation. To sueli sta-ails,luin tact, vere tisay driven ltatibsti asttri- iy transaction vas perpatratati by se ef .the leardars in tisis melarîciolyL tirainae? Tisay sey titey have evicleuca et lte guitt of Ministars ; but woenîri hoesli men isîving raliable evitieuce cf 'J tise auilt et Ministere refuse te baveL il givan 'obn oth as llîay diI et Montralt, andti itn cause tala- in placiug lte& swomn avitiauca befere ther13 country for' six or cigist weaks more, t, Ibal lhay migisî have limaI intarvcuing t: lime ai their tiiepeseLieorner to enaîrle fa tem to attempi IciW-peiruon the publie T ittinti:;beforf',tsathà ua l tItceuh4i h conte ont.Is titis lte wav in visicis t men 'çtitis s case stusceptible etfpreof di weulti st?' Titan ltera vas tli ais t- c( lempî;st a catcht vola on,tise lOtit con- w traay lo lise pravions decisien 'et' lb. o -oe.Wss ltera, 'muid Ibare ha an3- r thg co e îontekPtile' -ln a ,great '-e 'Pnarty re do tsey 'vant lte rinsu ' igMallien Lo give eviderse uitionl ha- "-W iugiavorte 2 3ecause, aay they, Itev tî area fa-aid oet deliiyr We-e lthey ifrati al ef delly -wiseü. tiey rMètasittiin'Mfontreal Ji, ulghl,. - Unrcars ivy Laà cach t telotbsr gret, FEratemueily va meet 1On Brillis ot td-L 'We beaa-onaetouaredmmea Oua- lsnigrt sje .saine, Ours tee a Communesfaue, el uîW3twee 1 hr_04 ýbm eirmssht ýý lp5sivems. a- ment was possible ini Canada tat was il. not gven iun >te Province of Ontario, » la épite, lsowever, ofet rit ôstructiou, a iýhe arty of progreoft,,oved on.. TsEr denncitios o th Orts'againat te tene givetu- to-thte anallar Provinces lm irrere'not I*eded ; sudi finatly '-lte fisc- le tionis'ts, fineiissg tbemsalves baffler inl el liseïr ~ lm t t gaI . aseclienal . CI, eer&tiat lte nans'l, e )ecould "dé waa b-'O retard,-thât theëy coid nol prevrent te completion eft t!e 'Doiinin,-oün itexpedient te drap 2-teir -sections]i, obstructive cry wben 2.oulside. tbe Province of Ontario, al- tistonghit i vs kept for hte cisief sýitock- - in-Irade aItteir ellections wilbin tisaI 2-Province-.witness hlb. lst oe in Souifi 1Outarià .' If lte*Grits-couldl bavre succeedeti, NoyaiScotis wonlti. bav a1 remainied dis- sarsteioro hdave secéedt; Mani- h c wlo udnot 'have been pacifaed; aud. M -Britisht Coumbia would have beau 't diven téjoin th. United St ates- 2. Messrs. Wood anti Mackenzie satd ai r-Sentis Ontario tisaI New Brunswick lihadti gel r terins, W. suppose if slite halid geltishe terms tisey' woulti have )r offèe.d-i er, site, witlt otisars, would have ieen now in a starviug condition. Certaîniy we oouid navet bave looketi ý9 for Prince Edwarti 'Islandi jeiuing )t us ; if titair pelicy lied prevaiied we r.stouiti tili, in tact, have beau dis- i5 joinlei andi separate Provinces. Anti il is for titis lhîey have tougisi andi agi- tretedthets country as mecis as tisey )f coulîl since tise Confedleaation. Ne Soccasion bas beau lest te tienounce lte Party of Progrpse, wlîile il vas succese- il fuily carryinug ont ils Union pelicy. go ovlte scene bas chiangetiaillt Grils are veiuiy lrying te make tihe country balieve ltaI lisey dii net rip. -pos;e lta union, fintiiug tise sectional tpolicy wiii net de, ani tisaI avaitOu- -taile mruet yield te tise uniteil pressure of ethie wiseeDIomnion. Tiîey* are, rltaeratora, uew pr-dpitrad le clIaiÈanti flatter, andi, necessaa-y, bribe evi-ry mai they mneet. 'We may, iiowever, go tuatier tissutitis. Tifeir atterupt le pravent tise eimpletin etflita Unioen if la net al ltae charge- agaiust thein. Il -is s tact tisaI whtile lite diifeèrent sec- stiens antiProvinces vere exciiangilîg 0 liarels anguagae, andthetsaParty et Prot- 0gregs vere putting fortit evaryj effort te ailay aexciteet anti unite ail iiitarasts, tlae Grils stooti ready te alenerýuca everv mees;urepa-opose, asa cemprome wa iic itati for ils ebjecît t premaîte tisaI great- est oetCanadieani Britishis ntarests, i lte cousolidation cf tise newly ceunect- et Di7mniion. - Anl, tua-ter,lu tise mitislt olt-ese e sectional sta-glas, Mr. Hautiugton ilih bais beet te direct tise publie minil te- wards annaxatien, wiîis indepeedenea as thisle-ermediate step. Ha net otiy vaitrireri te acîvecale luis sciseme in lte House, but acîuallv corresperîda-ti [* with is semployers in lte Uliteti States, r arît afitaleti in as far as lia vas aine, th t uentry in'fayoof t . But this, like lte Gril effort te baffle Uniou, provedti te h a greaatjiuco ; ent ailliaui ite suceomis te lis- mardis et pregrrese, ratidtihie meet unaxampleti presperity titat Canatda bas evar ituowu. lsit il ny wencier, tiiet, in lte face cf titis stage oet liings, tisai te a seapar- sîy ciienldi now resort te any means-rte r malter isow stupata-letie, aie malter iscw o dantagiug te lte credit cf tise counîtry -te gain tisair peint. Tise sautaelMr. Huntiu-gten hec been tise tol vils wiclîtise Yaneas unîler- totrk te bring airent aunexation. \Vas lie-, net lte vea-y man, lise Nortitern Pacifie-peopleliîaviug faileil, eevitg te r tisa fia-tenaesetfena-Goverurneet in gel- ting hlliof lte Caead ian Pacifie char- ter'-,-te vhiiot ey voniti appiy te as- *sis;tem in tiseir tertiser attempts 2 Knewitig lus prînciples, tlîey ceizei hei(] of Ilit as ene who woulti net stick et kiiling eff a greal uetjeîial work, if lie euiti y tlist means etivance tuae inlera-sts et bis former co-conspiraiers. And tlîy couiti iffordtti e ewatîi lim wail for iscwerk. For, is net kiiiing eff lise Canaiena Pacifie a quection ef lita anti detiwitis theniNortiseru Paci-1 fie.. Witi tise Canadien Pacifie lu obay- sucA, ltae Noîltern miglîl ha complatati. But, vitisoulthue, lisera woutd b-e ne chiance. Ma-. lunliuglon vas, lta-r-e- forle, jusl lise man for tisair wore. Agli- tation muet ba ciretîlati ; anti for îrîrty's cake lise Grils hava shown tliemcoleva wiliing te iselp in titisf neferieus eltampIte 5-rie our Lgreet neli- tionai entarprice fila-eeg language mun et acahiati acroce lte Atlanstic Ibrongis foeigu aenciec,' 10 paevantt thse Canadien Companry front succeeti- s iug ; dicta-netmustI h ceatarai th-ouzbis Eu-opeaegainst lte entea-paise, suffli- eut, ifpossibl , e kiil6il. Atifit," coaclues off lthe track. Tisa cnachi thon wéoul qvcr lisebank-odmne 20 feet, vitlS Re 70 or'80 men, voznen, sud -cuhli- rea-I-n-ü et -boltôoi pvarts. Soea f lise ,emigrantq ,,became enraget, inlcing lise angineearneutconducitor warore a-icg ,tekilIliliem, anti' set pou Liîe ffia-ers ôf ltae train %vith s tottes, ad lthe officer- a-.lid t'-le e'for tii ves. - Saon Ifte-an - express Inseiri te vit 'ai A noble. brotse-iood, tntaunteti ve a ta1ste For lliberty. Titank Got i on landi etidi ave Tiser. brtbas neoisuman sar~ Froua ses temoneaain avae AIl, aIl are fa-os I Wisanmutteriegs resae ofveri A g-enlie conquera- Seppreesatiste ca-y! Immortel covananti Victonria anI Grant I Titeir pa-aise aillton ues sall chaent, No tuerae ta-de f- Tho-n lot tisa raye imite Inuoeevast sea of ligisI litIvaeps ltaea-old I Till sta-ifeanudblood decreasa, W.ara everyvisere esU lcase, WViii floats tise firag o et ara OsL a- aa-îsnl a-l'ti i Gmt b;ose oit Englanni'e Queeu! Mtljke h, r rodswetaays- crena, pros a naliberreigai! Xet ity 1,Dueer et1utighl. But by lthe 1, ople's Rigst, Mas ie ail bit stenita - Oneartit an '-1 maii Mouaa-h of evet-y s',,n Straet hforth îthy j,'ty - aud- Guida anti cont-tii - Maree ue ftonrdstimn trot Ou- ruiers vie-e and pure, AntiTison, as vaas endure, Rnlea- l tae whoe1 Tisa Lest Ceusa., JENs-. Bi-lit itPFECtt cgaOInS 1'ttC cCi» ERNS itITOttICAL CesvENTrieM, Whîau introtnîcat talise Senther Hielorjeal Coasvention rae-ently,.f Montgomeary-, NVhllaSuphna-Spa-i hy ex-Amiratl Sammnes, Jeff. Desi aras raeariva-ti helia alit-uce, lia-eli graphsie a-aporte eay, I"staning aet pna-eongeti erphause." Ie rasponset an t-aaitrss of vaiceme fa-eue Goveruo Letchier, the ex-ellefuain Rait] : I faehe t isoule je Viriuha. S gare ier hosom teabebctra by ail th itora-ors etfavar, anti lier cens anti h la-casue for the cue; anti I look upi ber tnouuleisinîletiseir peacaful ga-and nler, lit-a-verdeteuvialec tant her mat-aii vealt; s-.,a'55ve ail, eut hermeaiou exeel iar mn-. Feainemenîoryi thta tit-volion au-I self-sacrifieeof lu' noble vorntu. Wseu lise Sinanantioti Valy vas laidi saste lhe faim vomen aviueae itînde iat nover kucevu ai htonr's boul, lahoea-t for a-le support tan counforl et bue arnty. I etn niost iap py le knîîv thie cause for viieuw, have conveutet. Machi tinte lues passa( away; ny cf tha participntlit hi cinuce- bean caledth teier fistiters.1 is isamnifer thtn ainese ha-arts vere il tise ceuse leta iuk cf titose isys vit ont fneelintarteur tuelhuer's sottnest con ing tc bliis-r ayeý. Ve laiha-ben cheat et aaller Ihîcu cerîqlrsa-d. aund coutil ta -havae ca-seviu lthe resuits ot ta- sua-a-eut er v-e voailt lav-e beeni taee to-tay 'lheI tinie a us cona- fnr-us te imiuen tisa trnti for Ilui-sak cof the surrreerd- eti tenilcrise fongtit fua- taetisandi dia iîn a paîristie caue. Titese scrhps o: hîistous- tieus irujustica. We nusc col leet tuea teln for the future litor- tac. Lt unay hiaaebcaîtrl ahI e i until puassiotnand feeling siienia!sul. site, hut va siionîti taay ne longer Do ave atot seat decatence ineail tit cnakes a par- plie rat anti hippy2 Tsa--cora lthe iigter lt-e dnby ce us. I hava rareivet a icîtet' ta-cn a g1cuta- mnan in Maseachumette, in viicis wra-e ou- people;:Il I ove yen eai-elt et gratitude for uiataianitsg tisose pai-j ciplces etconettnatonal libertys- Iat lis safety of tie courseay dapeusts upon, anti visieh svulhiave been hcsl sigît et -battua-for tua- cla-ggle.' Ladies,1 hta-e often sait it vas my graatdet loe l'or theutlre etfina- country. I hie neya-a sean a Seusîtheriavoman vue lien been a-coîsrnetet. The tuen of lii hay mnay yit'ltte prieciplrs tor wièic bis-es cotutenda-t, but -tise eldnran vlr suceaed yullterisi andh perapeInat lisetu. Geneti-en etflthe Society-, nta s-ou- stapieer-lie euîva-] au-I njnara- 1 urge you teaial diligenee anti fitielity. Yeunu enit eeCi vilti tegranit oS Ena-h nul yona-ie-i. abvose irav- Ieart lever tall or talte-et, anti visehall th-e ntltiness, viethu.r in a toraig tînt or on lus nativ'e soit, te asser iiit giorions priecipias for viic liaet8 Luobîsl îuilt. TcutOLDESTHRE IN THa-E WoIILD.- [vatls yars ege lest spa-inz, a heors %vas brougist ta-euer-ameut te Boston for tale, haiingl-enhocicr-eu or Ivaîr, yeaas olai. SLrireg as il uauay appea ant iioa-ýie is sitl, an 1 i.qn)v torty tr faty-oe years et agu. -lie vas pur- nitaseti e tituatinte b hy late aCyrte' lled cf Lexitîglon, anti is nov evean]d by lais stin. Joîlit -'e,eemile fta-eu Lise Lexingtouniapot. Noîvithstani- YQae.-aLs Ruioaued 0FReeIoursy ltaI atouer alectin laet henti fer -Menîreai Westl. Tisa nav Inspecotion- Act, conta luto force "onhe lW of Sep.,F rtamiser, vhiarebytise.office of.Inepecea-t et ofFleurhaema a aOVeç-mrnnt 1oua,T 1and t i lletatetl tisaI Hoa. J. Youing, preferring-tb ratainthuaI 'position, viii maslgu iis-see u inte Dominion Par-, - humennt. Pcnoev eAPoLE0--Paa-is, Aug42.-' Prince Napeleen lieu boeect c Pies- tr itenî ef thse Cannci Gainerai of- Corsicn 5ý hy a meanjoity'et t.hagty votes~. - In ute- oepting tie position Sa deiivea-eilaread- t, ait-sasle lise Crntnail - seommendung tr inienti lakes. iponi lte-navigation tif this graet caialofetwaters tep-endthie Ian*port et immense - quantilieB of -saveti iunaiea-quantitias imeagua-edby risundrets et milliens et teet ; e terrilea-y I naludieg tveuty.five tovnslpa ix de- pendent en titis navigatien for ils stip. plies andi propea-ty ; anal-ts-re distinct' Unes et ratlvay ceuneat il vihs Lake Ontarlo. 'Tisaobjeat etflita meeting vas te intince ltae Gevea-menl le place tLe- waters cf lise bacla- couintry, andtiee à tremrtibulsryte lte'navigation, in seat a stata aMs teencoree asnppiy etf vater for -lie, verrons pua-poses ofthbe lumininie-en aset t ieensive -nav-ige. tien uspen viicis lie velfare of tae tat4 cftulies ta-pends. Net oeniy lumber- mac, tint a 1lege number et otinea gen- tlemen leterarteti vere pt-osent; 'amng: riheinMm. Reliae, Managieg Directexe- eto tise P. W. & P. P. R'y. Stalemenîsu w aer moe by parties va'JI internat on, tise sulrjael, shoving t-e importaincae o suppia-mentifug litea-oks aireatiy con- sîracteti its-the lumbermeen l intae nea-h vill adatitienai. temns,by-wvii th e large resera'irsq-ef vater nov- fermail cousît fha mehinlinet. ,Tisera is an uragent-' nacessity, il vas piainis-* provet, ltat bisa vuake titise noatiisbould 5e piaeod te an, efficient stataetof epair, for.tise bite navigation extanrutug frein Pela-- -boa-e' te Lindsaey, Port Pca-ry, Fa-nelen, anti Bobea-gacoti, 'vul tehuervise te iu greet tdanger et interruption, anti a -sèricus -injur- ha lufliclet ou a lra'le tisaIisas nolv alleinetd a truly enermonîs mnagnitude, emploving a fleel ef about a tex-eu eteamboate. . It vas agreeti tisaI a tepnîlation shenît vait upcnlte Govermnt o e axplaiai lta' neca'ctrity et action Seing tek-en tis feul, vist bise water je hev, anti after lise uta-essers- ,'-ngeinenls itatib-eau madtietameel- iU ba-oke np.' C.4aWeana.-ýOu Salua-day. liielal liabF~'timbers etfbita Toratuto& Nipiseiîti% "tlveCar WOrlrs, lu Ibis village, 1mremaisedti teil-plcr tant qusite a ita isra aseve i ton. Tisera veireo.o fer short 6f 100 liants ou tise g n> amens- et.lte viîîagers luaving- a "meà dbea" al seemartite b-e tteing hielusn. st tebava lte vert quictl is-eactstel, ans,l batore six o'eWtck p. in. tise von vas -e tin.d dat. Tise usost diffleuit part cf ,"li principal ve-kehuope lia-ing nov be doue il le expa-ebt ltaIltea-est oethlés -worak vil bepushietiforverd ils hgmeat rapidits- se ltaItiie meciienics cai cot- inence -tisair opertations. - Urbrfdg.e- 1e t1nýlu s itJ! J5UJ.,O'ajnpeu su 'w IchiaI vitb Glass,- vitt vitmite vas on Itarins ofthe most pa-oct lnlinsacy aud i as-ttunon thse spot vheai lite .bank vaseatley. clear et customqrs. -Just afttri te bank vas closadthtie ser-vaunt opene th ie tour le taisaMan wli vas rynomsein itali-fsittlitae streat andt ivigpua-clasatisoe, relia-et. Münt- gornaa-y's case vas tisaI hie vieilteoMISs Tisenpson cormespondea villttis in- terrai. ,But Severai vilfuasses fixedthle tinta 6f bis exit muait latea-, Ha cameý ouI et liasbank vitisout a sigai otf te mnuýdrtras ork abeut, iict, sud bey. in-gcaatet vils tise peeinha tis ove procoeet fisit h.,On bis reteru,lie vas cahot tth assiel in discoealig ltae mua-damer anti tespatai'telega-ame in ail diractions te soecure bis appa-ea- sien. Coucealet nearîthea stieana-*ere li a ia been flsliieg; vas fonnti tise, nuy stoien freinlte benk, logetitet vititan la-en boit, ieaded vitit lest. Wiien it vas touait impossible te trace eny stranger lte love, anti thuerefore le lise bent., eolithtday etftisa murde-, people em embret vitisaevivitiiy <a- ýWakeetisuspicion ltat, Montgomeery bat beauen tisatisa-about lise lime ltse ilead lied beau commiltei, tandthtia lia vas tieepiy li utaLnt vas beieg pres- sent by ii credilers. Il le reeeilad alec tisaI be taiegmapisat "Deatis niea- sus- picions ejacumtaeces," vlieu . everyV- botly sev lire mua-aea-ad man and tihie - reen, connludedat afetu rder htd be-en COMaittetd. On lb-e.etiier haut tisa cohe-esc efthtie paisener's.temeanor Sactd hie freenlocu fa-otuail signe et, tiie liooty aeeti avre tacts ou tisa otiset - 'idp. Atter e long tlalifor tisa tubai Tu -re, lise jury, antirely oes cîrauîmslau- et ta evitlence', gave titeir va muiet et gnail- 1, iy n. j the-excitemant Mentgomer-y iS :ee. 1, aaeontpanyieg wvisaImigist le- . ewiehaeseelteucoè f adconta-tien, ,% -itisimprstatieus ou hic vite toant ir Çaail>"whel hwdtht 1 prw f ltereharity o o zed r c le s e s ntanwhî~atpa-frt e c'n a s this til:& ie tianrt c crie, atic i et ail hue ex-. ar tin f r -c9 ud o tisa- et-tct- de Pemaa-nca ant i îirgiunity ntrlyo i - o i t hse sce tit, v a s cas e T h isnlaa cy ne ia arreumestanitiel Evihence. TIi jen a ansoing-isut cciv for peýrsorî L'rg lu Prcouititted in Lïntlenosr Lvea-o li a, A NaERe PatOPnaz'.-Abmot eiglzy unmiles aheve haire, anti vitiii saveusteedi [idtile fet tisa tis ovaietSpaa-teubVrgý 'oua et-lthese aiega-e preacîtars, by' lise enime cf Bolbo, net ie'ug aine-e aunoucat e luis ýpaople tuat lie vas a pa-epiet di- ve rectiy cowmtiesrioned by isaaven tb leet lt tem t thepaetniied lent, visichli,i ie assureti liihen aas lace 200 miles distant. b- Çluiar hie instructions seine sixly ef thiae mamisars proceetati torlhvith te Ssacrifie-e tua-l-rpaopertyoee liug a Vecrop woa-ti $600 for 85, enotsea- seliing- d-a eov anti e caîf fom$1 50, &o. Tua y- pa-oplual aise toIdt tîat befora satting eut ae tua-y naust offea- up e hînian victint as a d-îholacauet, and for lisis pua-posa lhîay ia lcted<Ian oui coiena-et voinan, piac- if ai lier in*a p-eu under, guard, anti kept d liem tlitracaveraI teys 'wh-iltiay ver- '- completien. fiair arangamants, vîsicis it incinlel, uîmeng otetr isg, the fiait- b-ing et e pa-ticulea- kind ofetIrea frein av htiel lte. clubsas to e haneatae t es- it paîc thtie vieîim isaforn lIe fia-es vere liiean. -Fortunately terfliie oIt vo- Iitenutiî wiîite peopie of ltae neiglibeur- htooti isnea-î cf ibar inteneul immoelation anad rascean lier fa-cm an evfunt fate. 'Tiie lraopiet themaupeas omrttedt tis --part ethie programma. galber-ed bis Le tellevers andseta-letiont fothe ts promu- 1,irelaiuntd. Whou lest lherd ta-onutisey vere sowly vieding titeir vey aing tte ritiget cf ti Alleglianies on tliur jonrney westvta E BAsic os ENGLAND Focenues SENTENO- ED Lsdn'An.-mTie, pa-seenîîiou bave eioraretI-tlieir- case againet tise Bankc et E:ttgland forgea-s, acdthtie neferse yepenueulli lemoruuiug. Lu thea absence cf coruuîsal fortateccus-et, Geerge Bld-t w eli, lt-e prinel îr- le the frnai, hart-( dsait began tihecaoSF-exan1tin heis- .t vitee.SeeS for tise Caove.1 n à Afta'a Uno. Bitieil hsad.etanaîndetia nhile erots-examntaion et the vitua.ses. for Site pa-osecutien, li delivea-atian ail-o a Iet-e hecourt, l in ha lihoeaxouca-d atdAustin Iliaile arit Edwin Novesn ta-ontail eomplcily ln the fraude-, antiA - neciarneta huaeutndGeo. btelonuell ve-eete onthy guiity parties. Mnacdnu na-ill aise addretrnastheb Court, bearing cruot tufe statprnarele on Bitiveli. Tite rcase aait tita gir-eh tetiie jury,-wlio. r attar lsveuiy mitntes t-eihuraiontoucuah ail ltaé aceusa-t guily. Ma-. Justice la-it usiait immeiteey senta-ne-et oach of th~pa-niseea-rs t pnd sevituefe - c 'n g A bleotiy aseuftal affray occuauret Saepesbore, Rmenuel Os-., Ga., on lta'- 2t)th mest., bebveen James C. Kin-- anti Bruce MeLcont, wviaisresaItet lutaie- teats et botit parties.., Kisg aniviseti bis sistmr-hn-taa net t ercivo tata- Leond'e attentionis. 'ieattscrl initia, vriing hum. a note le ltaI effelt. Tli:s exesparateti MeLeonr,vite, vtuia ner the influenice et hiquor, ilsea King, wviaitthe latter rasentet hs- shap.; pin- luis face, viereupou McLaionifia-- ad tou- limas'frei a revolver, tatahly aveuuting King, wvite rluuethéitdre, laaficting vounis frein avielaMcLeeid- diati. Bol parties avere' -respectably- counectid. Ring was a levs-er, MaLe- ont a clark. Dr. Keueely, tis e larling courus-el fer tse defouce in tis trial aite Tacihona Ciaintant, coclutietItis etdres s lethe ina-s on Tisu-sta-. Dm,. Keneais- cent- meacenile s paatonlia 22id et Jnls-, anI Sas eccupiat lthe attention et tisa Court evarys-siuce, avilis thuaexception cf tisa usuel adlj nuinant fa-ou Sau- dlay te Monlas-, anti du extra anîjoum. ment fret the 81e1 Jais- te bthe 151h Atigtst, lin conequencaeofthie lîhiese et a jurer. Lotss0F A STIa-aEsa. -London Au- guest22.-Daiaclies fa-cm.Alexandria give pertciuhars oetîL'é esosfeta fri-iIlt- ing staentra-beunt frein Singepore anal Shaengisai le Letton. Tisa vessel vas va-actet lu die Ra-tSaneer ftue east- a-rn entaace. Tisa capai n oficers, snt seane efthlieca-ev avare hosl. Tits-six. marisucceaddlungainn- tite Iset, buît flh ute bthe bauds of tli Soinaules, a 2Moiamaslan luise on the shtore efthi-auit etAden, bs-avhom theys are isaît as-pa-isouere.1 Tiie stamser Mliramiaisi, ta-ola Picton, wiith 150 excusioniste, for Queb-c- vent ashomsnin Fa-idas- niglît, lis-s fog, but aecgel off eutdha-achat lin a cafair positien. Tie passangems, mail, &c., racitet Qnebec onu Stlrdas- iigist. tiobots-vas drovet or injurat:. -STassnE"BLOevîs up-e-ena, Ark., iiug. 23-The sta-amea-Uce. Wolfe biev sp et- St. Fraudncisnnayestera-tas attercioce. Tavive pereesonv ers lest rutd fftenveniuotlad. Tisa officers et the boat va-re aill- sceal-except the necont enugint-e. Ail lt. as-?ip g-ra 're safati. SAD AcosicNTta-AND ILos op Lm.- Tia-a- Rivmnt, Angu. 238-One oti-'laiil- ers.ofthiteS. Marice Lmtmber Ce',5 MiIIe explotet, ah 5 e'clock tlizniÃ"puaitg eisics causet the teatit et Roudeau, thre -fireman, IDt as se dreadaully tealélaettIsIlie on'ly livea-a S uis. Fiv, otiser men ver. sligà hly injureni, but vil recove-. Tite lainage donc le tha angine-aroom la not varji"' great. Theo Cqmrpaey expectà tisathlie Miii willliein wrkie arer n af.euriam -4.