Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1873, p. 4

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, 131ar e Ietly igrtnmaffam, nsj Uood Horsea.1 'hdivrlbit I nuft bave ik,Ig t ai tl i'-~4i~ tRe sm£d setle Witb your hasband ý Stal fot whus ho eturs.' ' Maire and eoal................. . 4' *8 H. tcok t ani brougltit Ifback in 8.Year Oaheie Cl...<...... 4 8, 2 good onuier. Whou le came to aeule. id" 64 Fill!7.. ..4 8 2 for ift te man met hlm fui! of aager g a odftCl t~...... 4 '8 2 asnd thtinlerotaswith ige. Alto, aone îyiod sttCl 8 2 expoatulatidna ie h. id'. ya l et ot.......4 8 2 I ]ave corn e t oti. fortdie wagon. i si "6 . FilIy 4 8 2 '1Weli yen Shal, RaidJ the man. -Horso Colt of 1878 ........... 4 8 2 'Wa ea padé > ii s c tIY s..... 0........ 4 8 2 -t for an heur br two 7 AD~oa aaADBoRna. 'Tou &liait pay me ff7 ydollara.' Silion ............ .... ... 4 8 2 R. madie no oljgdtlon "t-c the charge M randFoai .............. ;4 8 2 ani hastli'd tii, mat i Oty dollari,alook B-yeiw old eatir. -Colt......4 8 2 banduit in th. best- god nature and thoan î FUI1 . 4 8 2 nsounted the coach &ara!rode on,his Pas. 2-yoar old entire ol. 4-8 .2 mnger# proteatjsg aginaf bityieldiniL 66 dé Fil . te mnch aan exorbitant domand. 1-os - 8 uti 2, Two or titre. weekti afterwards h s1-yea 6 $ qî 7re .1C.... 4 ,2 font fuama 'asi run ~ H orne Colt of 1878........... 4 82 boarding place, and am tohim-. F 66" " . . 48 'Oooîl morning, air.'Pair cf Carrak oaslt Saiteilue as, 'Icame. ta see ,ou priz. given late PHooslt. aIbout thewaon' Iow by V lIrsîot.......... 2 10t I hougbt I'paid ycu for if.Hw niiepreint .20 10 5lo muec doyoa wat?' ieHosluanes1f 'Tbt oue bu brn e eues prize gives by Mn. Wilson, *60is an base f n.. m Otario hotel ............... 10: 6 4 050-c I tk 'it le HerseHm s au, lut prize givon waq~Vl1 ~cut bat~by Mr. T. Hdototr, Treau...10 6 4 mae d tae4- arpiefor - GhIEL UtPoS waga, Wlin'e tIi. egbbora hoard t-iesStallios .... .................. 4 8 2 story, eand looked at il from begining Mare anti Foal................ 4 8 2 t-c end, they ialdi 8-yoar cld etilire Colt .....4 8 2 'Was if sot tii. bet way, aller sl? dé Filîy........ ... 4 8 2 Waes t ual beautlfnl 2' 2-year oid enlire Colt .... *:4 8 2 ý . Filly........... ... 4 82 Wluv NOT BELL S E I GITTin'rllds -year old cnlire Çoll ...... 4 8 2 cotiutudrmmblas often bees askeil anti 66 ,Fily ,............. 4 8 2 50W la put lu't-be followlag shape b' Horse Coli of 1878............ 4 8 -2 as Ameicati exchangre Ytlly f ....... 4 8 '2 'Wiy abould flot fruit, eggs, au4 Pair General Parpoae Honsos, aimitai articles b. aold by thbe Pound 1 luit- prize g ives by Mr. Robt. Titisthbore would ho no ebeatitug or Hlogu.. ......... ...... 10 0 4 hecart.b.umnlag. for if a Pound of eggnDAGE OSE.P or peacliei, or berriet*or potatoes, onr tl~ tAUiTHies tonratoea be weigbed bfst-he p un- Sal ........................... 4 8 2 G~ ebaser, if la a Pousnd, asti wbat ha bar Mitre and Foel................ 4 8 2 gaineul for, 'Theolaw requin..es 9ta l-year old estire Colt .....4 8 2 bclu.motby weilht-; wlî>dotdi olboInui? J1"64 Fiily...... ........ 4 à 2 Evenykitce eas bav teel.'Yartls ni 2'yar olti estire Colt ....8.... test t-iecorrectneas ofpuncbaea5 -They "06 Fil'r .. . 4 8 2 ciaaoù se aily bave sets Ofmoture 1.year oid entire Colt .....4 8 2 Why slould flot wood bc sold by weight 60' fiîy .............. 4 8 2 as well ms coal ? la Euro e, wberi Horse Colt of 1878 . .......... 4 8 2 TJ Ifiees are anaallé andi peoplE have to Fiîîy .d :.......482- look sarrowly aff er thefr expesses, thio Pair Dranglit Ilrse4lot 2 " matter han long âtranged itsoif. There given by Mesai-. Moses a bossekeà-per would be thouglt a f3mitli anti D. Brown...10 0 4 T, ipenîlfbniff who botîglt by guesswork Bent Heavy Draughl Stallion 01 au oui- people do in*the market and of aty age, a sw*eopshake,giv- lmnevttibu stores. Ther.e ago; llolàtoes, en iuy Mr. Davis, hrewer, cf fi-its, csud vegefebles of ai r kinds, asti Toronto---------------......10 T' aven wood are oo Id by tule Pound. IL Special prizegiven l'y Mn. Jas. Oi -t-hie custotm of seltiag by wcigliu were Powell, GHlobe bofel, Brook. Ir( lufriodueed, fatmilles of iotieïato meens lin,forcolua sinoti by bis hors. Pl whiz buy--in amall quantfies would sayé IRobbie Blurns ............. 10 6 4 D( gt lettof ton par1 cent. of theur present Tus I-C tl. S ousaoold expenues.' lisI.ýate f ~~ THOROUGHI-BRED T tlitelimiiiehiianexperiencç, con- Bull .............. ...................02Ga ufsurepeîc ancî oe vr irt ai er old Bull ............ 2 4 2 wiîceventc andfr er on h ue ~aitYalngBl 4 8 2 Cfbunie urcv us etta unst-Bll Caîf............... .4 2o aunliu n te îuasf.Mlc ow ivColukorl Tue essence1cftat uy re l cl.c ulaf .....................4 8 2 S e t ha o o niiny i ii le tu ela ot . calf o.I.C... .... ....4- 8 2 H t tlitit nliai! fins! ont îîew materîal, bnt 2YarIt! Huifer......4 8 2Fu $Iiaý it ilxail impart new life to* wîîak n- Yeri Hic......4 8 2Se even It toucliv.Virite liuîeog of Sîîak Mllier Ca............. 4 8 2 C( opere's imagination i.shlows tno where Mulea lCow, C diîl»o .i 4 8 2 Cit more Iunly- thon iu titane passages 8-year oil leiCow,* do .. 4 8 2 wbere helad i b'nrpwed rmont from hin 2yearll gHeifer, dtic . 4 8 2 Tut foreruuners. Compare lais, nuaguificcot Yar- ig efe o 82 T rasuait with thte old cîi-onicle fror DEVTON. Gra wbielîtheonoinsu of nmre play lu Bull ........................4 8 2 Hal taken, anîl yenouse. wluat tile magie 2-year.0olI Bull................. 4 8 2 Hal spet! of_ creatîve powýer lias don. for -Yoarling LiBull.I............... 4 8 2 Hia tliirybonent. Butn translationsa net Dit!! Caîf....................4 il 2 Hal lsfrequeutly give proof of'te real or- Milch Cow, givin.- mlk or lu -Sil igitafiîug force. Ti i-cal drawbacks caif................. ,*"** 4 8 2 Feu ta origitality are a fuulty etîcatiou, a la-year o011 Cow................ 4 8 2 Si1>C dutractoîl masser cf ife, -or te -rapiti 2 year old Ilpifer.............. 4 8 2 SpvI production. Altneut every lerucu wlîo Yi'arlin- Ileifer.............. 4 3 2 cen write et aIl heusmorne ideas cf hies ieifer 'Caîf .................. 4 8 2 Spei ows-e fresît, new way of lookiug et GRADE. thinga, il- lie wvouldi enIy give limueif Se tinie to use bis ows oyos, jnutoad of Milcli Cow, givisg miik or lnu trusting ta luis nolghbour's description. caif .....................4 8 2 Besi -40us----8-yeaî' oit!Cow................ 4 8 2 Borne monthb ince Lady Ellenbar- 2'Yoai- old IIeifer ............. 4 38 Q l ongli was reporteti deai, and meny cf Yearling Helfer ... ........... 4 8 2Cl t-le EsgIlmbl papotaru pbhisbed olîjîir. Heifer CaIf.-................ 4 8 2- lea cf lier,.oine of w!ich were far ntcm Rasaî. 12 fi coipliweniary. If ncw Sappears liat Bl ....... .... .... t-lu lady la flot îleed. SIte laalive anti Bua ll...................... 4 il2 1 Weil, asnd lu%. written to a fietîtin 2yearld Bull ................ 4 8 2 1 ilaropo asiking le lheve ruîîuonur of lier Yaning Bl....... domne coutraulicteil. TVie report ii Bull C.tIf..................... 4 8 2 12 ti stil to'thlave beau circululeti by Ladly ilucîtLow, gtvtng iuulk or ti 12 ci Elleaborouglî's' anti lier second lins- caif......................... . 8 2 12 tE bandis euemies in Damaucus, wberesitle 8-year clii Cea................ 4 8 ý1 12 ci lved taanyyears Lai y EIletîborongli, 2-year old Heifer. ............ 4 3 2 12 -i aee Jaue-Eliateh Dgb3', was born in Yearling lcifer.............. 4 8 2 cf et 187 aadM- Lw (fow r Heifer CGM....................4 if 2 Bet Lord Eileîiboronglî) lu 1821. TVint Butl ei 4 tehane bull, aud Mý.uriAgo was.dissolueil 'iu 1830, on a--. tlai4fmlu-c n tlonoefliig a recenit counsy convention iOUnTHDOWN.'2 8<i of farmners lu Icwa. M iîen tIre ceuî'cu- Rn..........8 2 2Pui tion asn.mhled,inoverai geatlemer who SRîai ................. .......8 2112t hait been rallier maore ofî, toi!, souglit Scaitem LeBai ................ 8 2 1 12 ttt ta taske Beats. Thisa wu c)j etd tu, Hl ab.......T......8211 u wiltiiotue cf Ilîrnu e laied lu- Tuo Ewom.....................a 2 1 Spei lon'î'Ibuam er cf te' "li.Tac Shvarling rEws...... 8 21Cat tion? l)aa' I owa 'neveu farins?"' Teo EeLwq......... 8 2 1 Spoci wliuî taeécalne a reepossive voice FAT iHFeFP-ANY SitERli. S~ from a crowd of tli'à oruy'hasilei, T'wo Fat Wetlters...........3 2 1 'iutujat il, jndge. You own 1oeu Two Fat Ewen ............... 8 2 1 Jelly. mcnyaras" - i -8IV -wne a A canelo'.uu herber trimmlng Sbcnýidan'u O- 6Cue eara put it n gréaI pain unit uneasi. 5MALI, DIILPZD, SUFFOLK, ItIPaovFD ffElK- 12 Pi ses.. "'Are yen rimti iny loft car Suuu£ -4basur. 6bo now 2" aiketilite wit. *0No,îtirnot 1111 Boa...........8 8 1Pock 've detite flue nglt." Il Oh. I only sca .. ....... ....... ........ a 21 tboughtb y wia luet <ot flt yen weLit Boar Pig of T871-f............. -,2 1 Pcl flurouglu te lhe loft ear wtlicut gcing Suiv Pig of 1873.............. 8 2 1 Potat( round." LRPBIEASOHR ID lisc LoI o ltaIjul-Im go -ba jii, Anc 5WIE~ NY TERL KlO 1 Cii Lo 9 t14 jb-0t90th i- Boan .............k............ 8 2 1' Beut L qulck"," bouti lthe ceptain of a (lcan Sow, ................. ....... 8 2 1-l - 89a1t ploolb ta a raw baud la a iqîal- Boom Pig cf 1873 ............ 2 i1 l 'I ai't tecllil' Yenolt i 11h" renlieisi a.Pr. ns.. 7.s£b - Jonathtan, liuigsattly, os lie jambld O Mr uiuya t lt7J-»....-......î hui flels deeper lmb bIis trouserlocns. PtHg FAT 5WIucx. - TIi.w Omahua edftar bas a pleasing way a lg..........................8 2 01fdtiig the littîe Compliment- te tîte Clasis V.- Gr'ai.n aud,8Se strangour of distinction viethag tIret City. 8buleFo! Vbat 8 4 TUas:-" W. M. Matiden, ccmmosly 1 1'bnslie...cf ..p.....Wltee 8 known as "Praît-y, t-le Oneal Amenican 0-uHeon. T N. ihbu s pize 12 1ýrâVe11cr," arrlvei La uho ie ty venter- Hn .N ibispie1 day anti eanulia Arfuk go 014bou; "8buluets-SningWiî 4 -8 basdesattndig,,ho 0-, t a uuales uarloy (2 row) ...4 8 leitisraitte à e eWyeing.! aeIlsg '8 ushls -llaily (0 raw)......4 8 sigif t-elgt-mies a Womtg. 8 buailulsPea$, !ig....4;"s 5'You vent a ftoggu, <t- la w bat- a ublePaaui!.. 4 9 yUs %vaut," said a parent ho asuntraly a bushels Oâe, blaek_ ......4 a boy. 111ku Ifit 1 dibut 1111 try La gel B-buxsîuoOaha, white..... 4 a Etoug olhbaut Il"saud t-be indecnd1ent- 50 eana stmnug Coi-n (8 rua>.. - 2 'l brat. SU cuis strung Cern il12 oi-a. 2 1 Dear clvilty-a ibug, 2 husbois',Tituotliy sào...... 2 - 1" Tue cdicos. la unifiertia lte Pen. 2 hualiels Clouer Seeti.... . 2 '1 An air of impqrtasce - onela tït2 bilînlele AaIeClouer-...2 - 1 bi-tel. -10 lbu Swoish Tnrtlip Seed.ý. 2--1 Bilits of FlaSx Sont. ...2 1 Hlow ta kiep uplu t-le irorîIJ-nover 5 lb. Cari-ct. sv.n..-. ff downt, S lb. Mangoîti Wait-zci Scet... Z21 Wpetpu bou4tI st-uy ta b. îmartiut- 1 bpA4-l Beans .............. 2 1 !ievsrohoud-1.buwl"Tre ... .. irtg.mn 52 busheotRSfa. 21....... Be u ~ - iarrrl ôf Fleur..............8 woet-ban 'Barrai cf Fleur fo Spriuag 2 taking a ilcfr , e 'A 2 2 3 2 25s 263h> Cheese, hlot. Matie, a ;woepitake, given by N. IV' -rara........... 10 0( 2s4......... ...... Irth........ ....... 2o 4th.............. ..........2O ýBoit Pacfory Cheese, nu A lg "la80 bo .............. 400 S2cd ... ..............'W ord.i.............. ........ 200 Beat ¶ampl StI1lon C .......2 où Bout Finkis af notlleem ibUi 4' Ibm buttehon a hippiag order. ý4 00 2h4......d....................80 ..i- ........... -........... 200 Clàos VIII -Poultry. Pair 4leck Spaniuib ....... #1'-604 ]3rahiazin' igbf ........... 1" il~ark .» .......... . -50o Gamce 'oâwi............ SWC Bantams...... ........ 50e Darkisg, wlite..........1, 500 4,coloreti......... WSC Hamnrg .............. 00O Polaùul...... ......... ....1 SOc Ccchin China ............ .1 Oc0 PeaaFowl.-..............1 5Oc "Any cther varie-ty.: .....1 50e Tnr;keyýs, coloret...-..... Oc0 ,-I whiteo.............. 1 50e WlVld Tirkeyu..........**'***1 SOc Geese, large breeti......i1 50 Geene, umall breeti-.....1 50e Dncku !.......... 1 SOc P6oCana-y Binîla---------- ....1 50c igeoa, himl cllection... 1. 1 5@c aninea Fowi---------------......1 SOc Best lot of Panllry lu ose peu caneti by exbibitcr, distinct fromb allter eanies......2 1 lams L-Farm Implements, ;oaper. eny kinti.......896 64 62 40 iuD Machuine-----------O.... 4 2 iureahiing Macine ........... 6 4 2 Tfaggon-- (lwo herse teamn)... 4 8 2 66(tac borse, upring mark. et> _.ï...... ........4 1f 2 aue Hormei Cari-leg......4 8 2 neHes idtéeelon.........4 8 2 id .6 i withbntîtop ... 4 8 2 wo Hoes 5ligIu ........... 4 3 2 )ne Herme Sleigh'........... 4 8 2 rou. Plougli .. ................ 4 8 2 cui, esy cher kind ....-.4 8 2 )OUble ioniti-board Pleugli ... 4 8 *2 rnip Dri!!------------4 8 2 etlof Harrcws,wod 4 8 2 vo Hrse ut-os .... 4 8 2 wHoeCultivator .....4 8 2 Iwo homre Ruiler ........... 4 8 2 utîg PlottîlIj ................ 4 3 2 ,rotn DMu-...î................ 4 8 2 tra'w Cutter, for horme powe'r. 4 8 2 -ru Shelier ..................3 2 1 ce-litase Cultivator......83 2 i trua Cutti-, workeid l'y luanîl 8 2 1 truc Iake ..................s 2 1 ia Haruester................8 2 i tinitl i ll ... ..............u t 8 2 1 3t f Draining Tocîs .......8 2 1 i&ër-ili and Pi-esR.....8 2 1 eelo Pi-eus..................2. 2 amîuing Malchuine............ 2 1 irip Siieci-............... 2 1 ranuni...................2 1 Ilf dozen bey fcrku .....2 1 If iltzen nuenure tcrku ...2 1 Ilf dezen Steel Hues......2 1 if uiozen Scythles",.......... 2 1 ntlirg whceî.............. 15) 1 xm Goto ...,............... 1.5(0 ecîmeht eof Draizîing Tile ... 8.0() vetuueu besi s- itli caulks ....................50)1 -citutu herse sices witlient ceillus..................... 1.50 i eclien cf Punap makei-'s wcrk...... ...... ....... ' st uciectien utof aîleabIcu, a sweepstake..............$4 as$ X--BOrticultu-ral De- partment. able Apples, summier, nain- ed, .. ........... ...... ... 1 50e Cceking Apples, suiunei, named ......... ...... ...... 1 500 table Appies, faîl, ,utamed.,. 1 5où eookiug Aplîîc, faîl, uanued, 1 50e ebleApples, wititer, nameti 1 5Oc oIng Aliples, 1, 1 50e vailties of Apples, uamcd, O ?al ................... 80e 3t displuy cf Alîplea, growtb cf exîtibitor, distinct frein ttue above by A. Farewell... 5 8 2 tble Peau-s, faîl, named... 1 5o tble Pears, winter, named, 1 50c PILmu, dssei-t ............. 75e 5Oc ;collection cF hhînns. ..75e5o Peacs ..... ........ ...... 7e 50e 'ninces .................... 75e 50o -rab Aîpîles, large-.....75a 50e rab Applos. sae!....75e 50e eomatoes ......*..-......... 75e 50o T'îîuetoes ................ 75e 50e tots, i3eetsý.............7 5e 50c totoers Grapes, whuite, grewu unIon glass .............75e 50c tiera Graspes,hlock,grown uruler glosa ..............75e SOc utei-u Grapes, white, gi-eau in eper atm ........ ...... 75e 50v sters Grapos, black, grcwn in open air..1'.............. 75e 50e a-r Melon ............. -75c50o kelson, greens 1k-oh..7e 50e ,k Melon, scarlet flc'ahi..75c 50e On.......l ............ 7 e 50c iduf Citnlufloce...........75o 50c t-Je Cabluego, sntnmer... 75e 50e ?ada Gabllago, suinter... 75e 50c idu; Rl CGebbge ....75e 50c (11amlu-.. ...... ...... ...75c 50e alrliuitll...... ...........5e r80e table Coi-rets...........75e 50e ie Turnips ...........7... 5e 50a imes cf Diid Fi-uitý ..7 15e 50o ul Fruit ..... ....... ...7e Sfic imer ut' Fruitpîresierved in uitgtir .......... .........7c 50c tumen ot Fruit preuierveti witlioîut suirar ........... 7 e SOc . .... ...... .....75e 50e 0f VickeJs .... ..........75C. 59) 1091ilts-1 ..................75e 50e la"i-t ...p..... .......... 75e 50o is Ccts'i-y.,;......... ....75e 50e Whîite Oniuns ... .......75e .50c lied Otuicus..............75o 50ce liîug Ottiens...............75o 50e ou Gtions ... - ......... . 7 5a 50e of Rops...................5e 50e et-y ................ .....7 5o 50e collectio et' gai-den vege. ions, ut -sweepsake, glucu by Mrt- W. H. Higgis, Vbitby- C1rericle, Itue vegealitbtaining lhe nize te heceme hie pi-c- ei-ty ..................81.$I iP............ .... . 5c 50e 0 eltus *.:...... ...67e 50c cri-y Vinefgar .... ...v.75o 5Oc e Mine .............. ....7 5o 500 ter uariety aiÏWine...75ec0 « o XI - Domostio Manu- factures, cadc, auanti irve hy- t .ti.... ...........10 rds Full Clobli, tectony- aie............ .5o10 1 rlu Sattinât, 1tomoemio, -] t a ild wove hylhinu!.. 1.50 1 "r pp -Grapo Any af lin si - 0yardas setirel, fàctory mue -1.50 upuu n a acuby bard, v~lliraai ~............5 lé yaris Flanuclbaom tnate,' hy b asti, Cotton irip... 1.50" mailtf, ail wool-.... 150 10 y'slu Fljn-el, factany smade co wpxt., .... i '1 ~ i e 1-i 1 i PIa10 8 me we4 . 1.50 1 I Wooien à g ý...... . 1.601 Ã" Xx. Ldieis' eat ment..t 0 CIuiBVg Du-sue....... .....I1 50,1 00) 3Gentlemuan's Plain Shirt,., 0 hanid o- 2 '00>1 50 do 'machuin~te .... LsdI3*s Bonunet,............ 1 5o 10W PleoëeorkQuilt .........150 1 01 Log cabia Qult...... 100 75 Fie6ntihiP'Q4ut .......' 1 W 75 Tuft Quit ..............150 10W Kihibot a ver .........I S0-1 0W. 'Crotchet worc Couaten-' pane........... ....140 1,W '51ik QUI t ....... ....... 160 100 ian'y.......n......... 1 60 1 W0 [y's Dreai, lot priza 3 pictane gives by A. Bar- -ras, Photomrpher 5., , 6 2 XJaoi-latinga wéep. stake glven by F. Mees, Eeq.. Greenwood.. Beat tiupay of Lad y' work; exi>ubited by t-he sanie person,ý distinct - fi-cm ail other sutrien, a sweepshake.- given by Collis & Bro., a cdock #10 Beal place cf PlatBerlis wccl foi-Ottoman Caver, a sweepstake given by J. H. Sema, a Churomc Pictune--------------....... Fascy Knihtiag---------...1 60 100 Crotciet Wark............ 1 50 1 W0 Tatting ...........1 0 1 W0 Applique Waik.,.... .... 1 560 1 W Eriitem on ?Muelia... 1 60 1 00 do .on Lace . 16..l0 100 64 inSi!k..160 1 00 la i Worsteti 1 50 1 'W 66 os Cottca.. 1 50 1 00 Raiseti Bei-lin Waoi work. 1 50o 1 S0 plat dé i d 1 50 10W Germas rained work ...1 50 1 WC Guipnup VorIt............ 1 50 1 00 Chenille Workià..... «.....I1 5o 1 00 Mexican ueetile wonk-...1 50 100 Ornementai Ao. - ..1 50 1l00 Specimen of Braidiag... 1 50 1 00 id " QuiIfing....1 60 1 00 96 1Beeti work .160 100 66 Lace irori...1650 100 Wenked Slippors .... . 1 5( 1 W Sofa'Pilloir.............1 50, l1 W Toilef BtS...l........... ..l00 7r5 Cottons Tiuly.............. 1OW 75 Wccien Titiy-----------.....1 00 75 Praitied Tiiy .............1 OC 75 Wonked Camp chair-...1 00 75 Camp eto-cc .............. 1 W 75 Ottonan-------------- .....1 00 75 Wax Fruil................ 1 5o 1 00) WVax Floeru ............ 1 50 1 1) Wax Sîtllus.............. 1 50 1 100 Wax Liliieî .............1 5o 1 oo Papi-r Flowern ........... 150 1 W) Heur Flowers............ 150 100 Feetien Floweru;.......1 50 1 WC Zî.plyr Fîoweru ........... 1 50) 1 ()0 Fery basketf...........1 50. 1 00 WVall basket.............. 1 oW 50 Grecian Lamp ............ 75 50 Lamp Mat.l................ 75 50) Faucy t-ahIe mat...... 1 00 75 Poney leather work-....1 50 1 0W Rustie we-k .............1 50 1 OC 3urte work .............. 150 100 - Canaiiian Straw Hat... 1 W 0 50 Parms'r's Wrealb....... 1 50o-10W Flair Jewellu'ry ............ 1 50 1 01) Work box ................ 1 5o 1 00) Besl eollt-eticn cf Futory Clas XIII-Fine Arts. Ol Painting, lanuiscape .6...2 0on Si animais ..... ...... 2 09 1 eny mubjeet.... 2 00 i Vato ei croti, lanuiscape ...2 001) anima..... 2 00 1 îuny. suîjecL-.... 2 00) i TeltPainiln .-............--1 560 1 hosucil, figure ;ubject ......1 50 1 Peneil drawing, any subj et.. 1 50 1 Crayon uinawing, anmle'..1 50 1 &à nay subjeel ... 1 50 1 1olereti Crayon, any subject... 1 50 1 aà nimnais....1 .50 1 Pearl Painting................. 1 5( 1 tlOrnemen Denmenubip-....1 5o 1 hfapping--------------------....1 50 1 Collection cf Ambrotypes anti Phetognaphs ................ 1 50 i 'biotognapuic Por-trait, finiulieti in Oil ........................ 800 2 eastel.'ainting................. 1 50 2 lIass XIV-Leather & Leath- tr Work. air~ Mon's Fine Bootu, sewod.62 $1 6 66 peggeti. 2 1 "Kip 66....2 1 Ccwiîide" ....2 1 eut assortiment cf Boot asti Sliooutîakei-s' work .....2 1 t cf Fa HRainesu .....8 2 1 Gai-niage 6' ...... 8 2 1 Single . ....... 8 2 i adle ....................... 8 2 1 ide Saddle ..................8 2 i mii- eavy Hors. Colluirs ...8 2 1 ;ravelling Trusk............. ,5h' kde Sole Lealuen............. 1.50 i de tlpper Leathor, Cowliiie. 1.50 1 tIf Lceitlucr .................. 1.50 1 uIc Hemnesu Leathuer:......1,50o c C Pý c Si Sig Sig si( Class XV- :t-ýiseeli ineous. Piano .................... .. $4 00 0 2 Cablinet WVeik..i,............. 8 01) 2 Sculture lu Mai-hIe.....8 (OC 2 lOîlbu Hcney in Ccmub......i1 5f 1 l3ees' wax.:..................1 8 l01bsll-onev, utiained.......... 1 10l1,s 'Mopi aSugta-.......... 1e50i Twc banves of Dri-ail,.....i1 50)1 Collection cf Confeetionai-y... 1 50 1 B'ouquet of Flowers, table... 1 bo 1 Lettér Pneusg Printinz......1 5o 1 Collection of Etge Tools;....~ 1 50 1 Two, Axes.................. 1 1 50 1 Panel Door........1 50 1 Winilow .ah......1 50 1 Wiudow Blindi------1 50 i Gi-ainingz in Wood ........... 1 50 1 Bee Hia-e...................150 1 Tailoru' Work........... 1 60 1 Upbolstcri-e Vr' ak ............ 501 .pecimen ofJinu Iuils work. f 60 1 hesî collection Cooper'g wonk. 1 50 1 Dent Sewing Macliine.lsh pnize givenby M- A. O. Nillacu. 5 8 2 Fierai Design .................. 1 50e MUSIC.-Tuere will b, a Banud cf Music engoget i uitiring the Exhtibition, by theti ommitl4e bavisg the ai-rang. morts, uft' laItiepaiImen t in charge. D AILY LINE TO RLOCHE STER. Tu£ NEW LARE STEAIEB 'NOIRSÉMAN'Il Leuve@'Cobearg e Port Ru t9 o 1 1 aI7 e,atoi- ueqIftg ~ro lulu -Lacr Tut -Cetril sud i-eRgy fhbraul oinz Eoat Weut, R E TU R NI NG. lm-vys Chai-lutte, (Part cf Baehnher). dm11> av 2p. ni. for Brighuton.- Pao-in 8týcký &0 Win Sud t-hi.t-he he1â u et>exp -t .. routa to New FOI rhletrlfauid atappi> t-o- ÇM r. WIpI W4hitby, tipiil 1, 1873. E N TI-LEýlIM E y LARGE-'STOCK oF. NEW ,SPRIN G0,QDS 18 NOW cOMPLE-T'ýE-- Constisting of a splendid asortment oi Cloths of ail kin do for Gentlemen's wear, and a comPlote stock of GENTS' FIRNISHIING GOODS, THE NEWEST OUIT. '5 A5L AJi L IJA'Ji..A tirA 2t Ji VY CHEAP FOR CASH, 7hitby, Mai-ch 19th, 1873. IMPORTANT BOOTS AND The undersigned liasi Ladies'. 'Jents' û'ud Uhîldreiu's Fine a iI~Boots and Slioes m )vý!rsloes iîucd wartn an't comlcî iîjpr,&, &c. iepetirinig neîtly doue. Caull ut the old Stand May 22. 1872. ot&S JOHN STC SELF-RAKI NG 1 Z britlM ItAi'S & CAP~. A. PRING LE. NEWS! SHOES alarge1 stock of ind t 'oarse Bouts & 1Shoe> ade to oï'der. à:i -table. India Rnbbe-s, [AM BUUNs, as-,e Store, -Brock streut, Wliiî by. )NS REAPER AVVARL)LL>THE FIRST PRIZE'! At the Provincial Extiilpjtion, Torovio, in 1870 WNe oller to our cuistrmers for the coming 1-arvcdt. two dis- filinf Machinies, whiich in style anîd'construction, enilîrace the latest and most useful iinprovemelns of the day. JOIINSTON'S SINGLE SELF-RÀKI NG REAIE THE " RING 0F REAPERS." - The universal success of this Machine, 1,oth ini closely conitest- cil triussand inftie limndm of the lamiers, wàrrnniu. is noyi-g ih-it. Ua lself Euh- inta Reaiuîgltg Mâcine, ilhuummonrt good pîiîs oé&nd leici defert.. sd has met witiî fijorie succetis ind lesis failure, titan heretofore oflered to the piblie. CAYUGA JUNI 'OR MOWERI n1e were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin ojo)l rExtiiIiu ion, laied in Toroîstot, 1S70.in c-,nîpetition m ithiail the lea.ding Maciîwi nionut,,cetired lin the Province ; and wichour recetit improvemen. .WC ket iit iitgl 'v challenge iveRtignilnti anid conaîariv.on with comFiîetiu-g Macheines, we or- Mediszfled ititmieli i.vestigatinwill coîviuiî-e everv o isprejoiidîed nil . h. t'A& tiller thue leet Mower fi) the Fou-tner fur 1$72, built inthe Do.niinosi. J.F-ers- for de>crilotive catalogues. BROWN & PAT*TERSON. THE ONTARIO I~2,0 fNAAI O. OPA SkuoéE 'naiontfer thuepi.ee ! P, tg(ha [Leal EsCale, Iluil 71mg, atineyPlant, aindtigocti.wiii of the nuaîtfaetuig hast- nI-s, nf the Brown & Pattersuu Agicuitural _QF Iscorporatcd FcbruarY, 1873, Pursuant to the Act cf Parliamnent, gth Vic- .entuks. in the Town cf WVhitby. 0 In Ilt- new Conmpay, bMevurs. Brown torts, Chapter go, asti Ameudments. 0attmrsos Ihave faube'ribed $30.000 stnck,an i)ther iubsc'iptiuus have olreatiy beau eth- - -slut-t ameliting to C2,000w, nuuihtig a total - ri~~ow subcribed cf s:.o.IL i-s itutendeti ruLnu-reaas this uium 'e 8120,M. in10or.is'r tea - _______ iîrovidî' nts for increasiug the busineus, Permranent Fixed Capital - - - $250,000, u1doîut izatlte caxact f h op anti rE éL &00. la- tlie eetion of additiorial bniliiîg, unr- G UJELP j 0NT Shares, $30 Each, -'blisngatlituneCmanyecrry an t leir- - LP , ONT whqla business on' a stnietlv cash baus. Iiun Payable either at 6nceo--or by Montly Iîsîaîuents. ou-tieat show the profitable business elreatiy j P R I Z EME A L -utefor thse non' Comupany, Lt lu o--ly need- 'il te utate. that in, eleven yearu' business C B N T O G N I ou0oereioas--from Januemi'. 1862, ta Janîtaru IANI) 183Mnn.Browna & Patterses haveheeu D REni O Rs aled,vpro Rtreaied, totak thes.arge M E L O 'D E 0 N S. WILLIM. MGILLEsQ. M. D, PaSI»EN, pîen suhoci-ibeti b' <hem ia lhe aew Gom- Soie Pmnpiretor ant iManufacui-ei-s aof5"The WILIAM McILL Es.,M.D, PÉSIENT nany. Tue proeiitybheubeen valeinuuder J OGANHE " -the direction anti superision cf Messrs. J. - TE"cotiigSc-. W. F. COWAN, Esti., VICîc-PI'IxuT, 4;.* M Willcox asni John Thompuen, two of sei-'s Patent Qua n uSas. thse Proulutosai hoard ait$64,255418-The T. N. GIBBS, EsQ., M. P., F. W. GLEN, EsQ., - "t-blisiumdlt bas-been in the Possesin cfAwarded the On Moa 1 W. H GIIISEeg, M.P.,FRACIS AEEsg. 11. D the new Comapany inces 7th Febrsary haut W.H IBE- ,XPFACSRAEQM .. -tha iist day nfils ergauizaton-the pirn/oMda- A. S. WHITING, Eug., If - W.nTiA, u."t fthé bsiness comiseacing freintIsaI Ever gi-cen ta rnaier of ReiZ Instrmemnts J. H ..T HORAS, Eug. date. ' - e:1 t Provicial Exhibition i fer Proficies-. J.S-LBEEQ.&plicationhaas ean matie ta tIse Legisli. cy in Musical Isutramneuto;, beaitie SxCnxrAuîy-TaxuIJuza - T. -Si. McMILLAN. Eug, t-ara foraà Charter in th.eunai forin, andi Diplomsuni., itPizsa SOLICITea - - LYMAN ENl.0ISHàl, Esg lthe expirationtthetixu atetilby St At other Exzhibitions t-ou n- - ]3~xxs - - NTARXO BANE.- (flue or six Wa.i) e genou-el îtueat'mg nfiftmai-ces t-o spacify1 Shareholtiers wiIi lue helti, un notice, foeatl urpese oelectini a- psrmanent Boardl of Our Instrumenuts are meltaowiedgeit f y - w : : - -- £recloms as Oficers o theh- Compan. 3Mfuiàii;and laes t-o be îe' finest yel i-gaemouil ieupectfully solicitati. <The trgvement is theIl"Oaaucxr'rx." eou'teiinui TflCompany u i-o p aatidtoad atvnco meney spon Ton ag0;CÇ99tuy B a -aeofthstock,aepa .nug iond n ni feaPaet Qua1 ubesthewrI hoRISant upard. fr rom t-otwety ean;pa.gaà' tit - et of hbareaQuaryubeth~ t able luin oahhly, ur ,uul-rnyeorly inataimeulsi- (ta nit tle^ eau-- tieul; 'uritila OSe reitC v hg -oieuthmmtsarairsg-Shn.mot venenë,ôfho-brr*ii- a lo rtéofiltees. heCe e zg u-eialrgemeut ai -thle Iouverabiy we eau xsake sa-n-Asument 9";e 1do Blei paredt a ztceve tepouitaq«X#1ian& upartia,aand -, avi l aoir n=rSu ft -t-Iw i$enwu-Wârks c em sromwnjf& Pot-trsest-ha paorof iappij0s, ic ui$o'x opf uii peu- ccitt.,j;peï'n snsnm u-pon, t&sa-ula.. -Tii. Bt-o.k of titi: -Compeany meumst iah mcs cpmna tuî»lhemXèilves. -Pose.- - o -plcdged as secuarity; for'alildepoueîls. Iati eiag untier t-be gvntuet fDre-1Pies desinng Lta stibsribe for stocku are- TîoN lors cf long experuence ini buuiesn3, Wviaare -weli ksacwu ta t-hue -seraI commn-ro-qseïwe i0 ecîeanocauidusu, ier pout -mi dopcmt. - - - - theywush ho havit allolhed. Pat-.it-Q-aiigi-isr FRESH FAMILY -A large 'stock'of- Crockery a The Highest pfice paid -for' McPherson's Block, Whit-by, July, 1878. .TH E OLDl HAMII ST-ý The -undersigned in returnig thanks for theliberal patron-, hitherto eztentled Co the old titabliihînent. for nëarlv a period of torty years; de ,lires to say th.it lie hanow on banc! a large assoru;ent of the most uiodcre nJl elesmnt .stylus of, And trusts by proper atte'-tion and mod jaépriwes t'o se- cuire a continnoance of public patronage. ProctUcal Upbleing. Furnitutre n- iJndertçking &,Funerals FulySUPPJ.frd as 1heretofore, ±Someé splendid specimens of Pict*re Irames, find Gild- in,- Jiemember thte 01c4 Stand. SPECIAL .ATTENTION! DIRECTED- TO A LOT 0F OLJD RYE WHISKEY,' The finest Ilectfed Liquor that can be had. * 5 gallon lots at reduced rates. Also, Malt. 0CL -A EJTI rV In case of good quality, to arrive. BEST ORANGES AND LEMONS. I N A L I, LU N E S 0F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS &uuDSTm G 0 0 D S ..COUNTY 0F CNTARI Op nd Scotch cloths, &C., &C. FRTETA 58 J Wlitby, July 16, 1873. SPRJ'NG *ANI IM PORTA A COMPLUTE STOCK WVest of Engyland, Canadian, ai Price WC pet' Botti. Sold by .11 ggB*. GARBOIIC SALVE Wortbha tsWeight in GoULi.t À SpebUfic for Cuis, Wo.un&r, ffruiseti Burmade, Boilh, Files8, Pimples, and' Ckrofta Dzuams, -of the Sia of ever des-. ripti-n Price 25o per B3ox. -SoId by ail Druggist. GLYCERINE JELLY' Eminently the Ladies' Favorite. - For Bs'uhifuing the. Complexion; andfos- rewving Tan, Sunburn, Freekie,, )imjiies, &Oc., alse for Choplec Handa, ChiWdaina, Froat Bitei, and ore Liýps. Price 25c per B ttle. Sold by al Drugg . a TOILET SOAPS 1 Celebroted for their uniform Purity and Excellence of Quolity. VIcTonu ýcAIio]Llc Soi. VICTORiA QVLPERl SOAP. VICTOIIA GLYCEIIIE, Houzy, RoSz, &xmI sola IIy el]Druprgio;tg. - MI 4. N. 22. 1131a Z. BVRNEAM, Wititby, Juin. lat, 1873. ge FLOUR & FEE-D STOR E- The anud erugntibeg ta mform the mleb.- openieti a younsd Feed Store in Ste p-m lues h fe.cpieti byi3i. James 'W = on Dunda s tcel, *aiti" Opposite thée Rcbson Huser Wiiere they trust by keeping everytlisg un- theli- lise alwoys ornhband, te be able ta give - satisfaction te custouters. Broui, Shtorts, Oatmeah, Craclueti 'Weat, &., o te beot quahiîy. - FLOUE-Fil Wbeat, Spingaî,tiMixeti -.-antiaihUkindset Feeti,seega , l e vet living pies fur cash. .No. t Spriuîg WhetFle'ur at tS 121. SMIITHI & IIIINGWAY. Cash raid fou- ai du fFreaPctte (flNThý' FUIINISHJNG GOO)S- 0P LVERY DESC'RIFTION. The GBOCERY DEPAR'î'MENT is repiete wit-h a choice selection ot Teas, Coffec-s, îîew fruit, spices. Besî 'tubucco. Coods at prices dlefying ]egitinlate competition J. J. INURPHY,1 Dun.as St, lsVithy P ROSPECTUS.- THJE BROWN à PATTERSON ' * MANUrFACTUIIING COMPANÇY, - 0OF WHITBY. Dîupcuihéos t al t-e Eifehy and iprôlu -dr'awn wit-iinî ne1ti t-be doposit tables Pm ias Of econaaiy iand tif 'eeive t-bs laie cf t-ha gS, IN. W. BROWN', Inba eiti wib~.YARNOLD., Piesident. by cnt-. vitb Wititby, 28tit Fchrnaa-y, 1878. I iC "2T H E C'AIT! .tHt EAmn'e 'Vew Y(,. Stwti tiy ai t>rfoeuu P ORT WI[IT13YuPORtTP TIP1 IT A iL T" teffect oenday, May t' -B. 4, ~-1 j- t; 14-ly 3.1 D R E S S April 22ud, 1873. _ r " E -A B 1- [S H ED Il 1 n A KI 0. C A % Àt 1 K 1 É-% tg% e%,e%

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