Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1873, p. 3

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1194#1and axeres 'h alal over the prison, n o thaý iUrrived on the s;caffod the &'éeOsItlilesassistants had ta support 'tb '¶b 'he death warrants w«ére rend, t £d ikpt. he headsmlan motioned Anna 5e8e to Iadvalae.,The--wretched - 1'woan three hiereif upon hier kuases, cast] roued la a plsreing tons, &"Mercy j -S.ey "She iîad to be uragged np 10 thae boek, wbere ber lipad was quickiy faetfned. The headaman tools bis axe fromi a isather cive. He trled the edge' ofibthejiitdé,-anei tlitb ratpidly sAtepped up tuethe left ide of tb~e block.-RHe lookeri a mrâliieut at te white ueck of thie. wemaia, wliîfs bon7ý was mnoviu convulsiveiy ail the titme. Thun he llfted the axe and struck. The blow had dons its wori< weli, for thae lieail of Auna Priester msaei dowi, while lier trunk rose up, a tlick streamn ci blooti spouting intu the air. Mean. wIiIe Frederica, upon witupsting tuis horrible spectacle, ani fainited awsy, and the doctor liad tu holdi lartabacru limier h cr cose t, fore she rawoke te Col] CIOusnas1vs. Sla' was already mnorp dcaed than alive whî-n lier liectal waai festentd to the block. A second or two efterviird, bier litad, to, bail bren *sivi-r-d froin thc trunk. -Andl then eligled a stili nimoere volting aceus. Lierge, numb)c4se cf* thc bvstanalcrs hast. ened on the ecadYolil a"à trici to gather salle u.ttic loai of tic victims ini tea- eClips *or tin vpgssels, the snpe-s;titionm lu cortain uparts Of Gcrujanv halicving ifiat tb lc( Iod of cxecuta.d feýiales 18 a cer- tilin rcrn4!4iy &nr diseanes otlicrwise in- ~eaîs Aîgut28- A Speciai fi-cm \Vaacu,' rexagos, sys tiestage driver ;b1iný 9(ýwtluta large bodly cf Ina i. uts Éîirrimcd and.captured Fort Sillia, iiiu Innhaaiatu rritory,-naessacreiug tie 'woXxiefland cîilreu, anad ueerly haîf- ~'f thue 4th V. S. cavaI-y. Atn order lias been immued prohlbitiug :aly Iiilunnstrdtioiis in Frauce on Sept. 4t]i.tli(e nnriversarycf tic proclatmation et tic Itepublie. Iu ths trigil cf thc Ticlilmne Clait1. ailt, last Frialay, a nunîber of witîîescea *tiestisdtlant lie waîs îot Arthaur Qiton, whlîictwnsmore tliat tilîcyl'ai seen Aithuru- iton niad Castre o ge4tier lu Australie, anitI recegnizeal ths Claimant nithe Onue Wio want by tlIe naine Of Castre, sselVa 1 Appications will Le received by the Cern. imites plon Appaiîrn Ment,,taO ffice up to econ, MlONVDAI', 1511 I.NSTANT, 'For the appintinent ai TOWN TAX COLLECTOR, For the pressas yeair. Applicants muet havetheII&ul qualification and giv h seccunty required. . *v J-OHN BLOW, Ný1JtbYSeP- Or, 178. Chairman; Wlaity, Spt. a-I 878.86-Mi GRAND ORATORIO 1 MEGHA4NIGS' HA LL, TÛESAY &WEDNESDAY, -Scpt. 9pth and îoth, 1873. 10 SOLO -"VOIGES; AlY"iÃ" CHORIUS o0F813t Plierl. /iTE - - Directo., MRt. I D4JE, - Orgaîiat. Ad-inicin 25 cts, Reaci-ved Scals 50 ets. Deorn epen'a 7.830 p.m. Oratorio at 8. Fur- pai-ticalars sae prga-ammes. Wlnîby, Sept. SImd, 1873. lOtd A Gi-and Pic-nic will be held in Mr. I. eordcans beautifal Grave, opposite tic Rail- way Station, Daitfilus Creek, on TUesdaIY, September l6th, '73, Sltould thea weather prove unfavorabale it %vil Le ield an tie failowiag day. Dionca- will Le servedai a noce. Lubar's- cctstrated Quadrille Baud fi-rn ronajto will tb uattendance, and thc Sc. ýatriek'e Brass asnd fi-rom laawUhac Idu- ytendered ite services fer ticeoccasion: Ti tal garnes sciA tResplace, and suc- issjl ,3eaopeiitors Wiil rece- hadscane Yizee. 80cets Jveil Bkes 0 ets. unnrpTHE aINEW. Mr. Alpionzo Pierson, a Young nman u res C eek kept 2 o cMoUulB.B- belon'iufg te Owen Sound, feu Ifrom the e i__________MUSIC__BOOK unsait of a vesauel wbile on lier way fi-cm FO S H OL Marquette -to sanît Ste. Mari&ansd insF R HO L lie llen b. ..4 6 PER DOZEN, The teaerjayCOO$6 PiE DOZEN, Tlîesteaer,3ay eolc, pyingbe-60 CFNTS RACH, twee-il Clevlaul and Put.in.flay, rau 1UBLIC NOTICE POSW-PAD. down a yawl, on, Mouday, containingl)Iahrbygvn9uti ueaceasacpN G - Mien ; folin.were drowaleai, nd one d ahrb ie hti usac far.S ON - C O bis hhilnder boien. slutien-pkeeced Ly tic Coancil of the Cor- poratIon cf the Town ai WhitLyaaIl Srcete FOR SCHOOLS. A ycangu2an, uamed B3. Rehinsian, laid ont ent of ]3rock Street ouitic Werden 8,0 OD oCaeV pi an in tic Centre Wa-d, lishesaîdTownu 80,000) SODD, aiCpeVnet,, WiMdrownsl aet Co- oWttyPrcrq ire 1beepenel np, PRICE 75 CTS., beau-ngofan yuahmt rin8, y tic u ndalobtructicue removed liai-elram, on POST-PAID. setin o a act.or belare tic lai day et Octaber, 1873. IF7SENTPER Ahoy, named Murply, wsrs acciadent- J. RAMER IIREENWOOD, EXPRESS. lly irowned in thea ligara River On THeS. HUSTON, . Mayor. AId-ess- satfuday. - , .- Town CCIrk. J. L. PETERS, 599 Broeadway, N.Y. Sikun-w llglitliousos are belac erecied Whithy, Sept. Srd, 187a. 36 August 2û, l878ý 85 Qo tic Ottawa river by the Domuinion Govemnisu. . IST 0F LETTERS - N O T IC E The chioIera lias lrokieanout ameng iiEMAININ UC tcLAutrl) AT Tnt Ail .paitics indeiîcal ta tic latc fia-m ofT. tLlirfnno- quaritereal et Havi-. France. -0R1.Ma-Millan & Ca., itici- Ly Bock, Note ci WHITSY POST OFFICE Mcrgagc ai-rea-eeby notitiel Chat noies, M A B R .I .EB DON inSt Or SEPT., 1873, settlcnat ja mads on or Lefors 1iti Se pt. Adaooz, Hnryni-st, by cash or note, theli- acconta wil L e HFUMPBREY - AIOIFATT. - On ABrns,Hey Lang, Siiti placeil in Caourt lfi-collection, as the cuL- Od Briown . co egaan, Juns saribaf-r je closiuag us Looks prier ta is mc- *W duedaî, Augut 2t1a bytit ReI, urulen Jacob Maaai,shn mc-il ta Oihawe,. Ma- O'a VM - .P. C. HuuupllarcY, ledleu, Mica Maggie Mertin & Ca. T .MMIX Piano-forte MalteY, of Wliitby, te Miss Bi-aadi-ak, Wrn. Peteak,-lalxames Thty ug 617. H8MMI td~ McmnY jate Moflatt, eiaiat datugliter of 1i-kett, Mas. 'flis.- Pardon, F.ity Ag 6 17.8t - ,Lo)ut4is alt, Eeq., of Milton. BJaadfoi-,MiaasCîai.otteîtcctî Wesley G. -____ _____ DEATHBailcy, Win. 2 Ryaun rn. NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION. DEATH . 1uirlue, Thom. fdrner, rnauton, Jameis N Coil, C. IL. Steensoun, Da-id NEIL$SON.-I Toronto, on Tucsday, Cookie, joseph Slamoner, Gi-o.-w. Notice is hei-cby gia-en thaut tic partner. 2iid ints., lMr, Ilaar-iy Nelson, linte CcaiCnbeli, a.l. i, Sa-tt,Joniatiain shii; ieaeforc cmstieg between tic fia-no i-ii- c ,t O. T. IL., agti-I 38 ycai-s and 'aa osJeph;Ia SîilI, itoînrt af IiICSIIE & ('LEAItY, as Dry Goals fi uuritns.C'tline, Litt-le ina sutinlilla., Jmse1li Miea-i'auts, &(:., lias Ianen tajis alay lissola-cI Ijiliott, jas. raîc-chasut Tlurpjin, James,, y muuuai aoaeut-Mr. O'Leary being cou- 1ibO~NA Waibyo taclOti 'arwaSl J . Tanthî, îes sn llIa tO gave up lbusineas ounacceunt af ilS- irtas., Niia,8. A. Iltso 'Browtha Iird 0lyaMiaA.- lVait, Irviaag h-att daaula oi-îfN. NV. lBoi-a iu, Eaaq:, egea l ýba-a1bi, 1-a-cal \ailhtea-,Johan, ilut all n -îîcaîsu.al 20 vcas folilialiSaiun, alsema, Vîtes i, in-. All acaentF ilb olce n adb 211yntuas un',fiv uictîlaa. iali Lewis Waae .y -I l Mi- lia-ie, evîtaM-illacotinut te cari-y an Tîtefuntra, wtlci tîckplaes a iie {aat3%S. 3. c-iteAI.tracili-.tlebusitesas heretofanre. Kenneîdy, Aiilaliai Wa-ay, Tlaamaag- Data-I Gie 2tlî Augamt,188 bli a -lgrounmalf thiS ociety n1 Frienais, licildaiak, italger Wimalcu, James. t18, oni MUouialacylutt, taas ry ani- ngoly aal LvnW. eW, a WJ. HICRIE, rceFpaýettsbly 0etteideni, ait il iuci s ym - EGISTEIED. 'taea, TIMOTEF GLEARY. puîlly eîresal iti lIsee 'aeci ai IctîV. H. IIILLINGS, Solicitor., 84 l'tiaicaalling for tic altace %wil pleaae _______________________ f'aa,iîy for tti-lt- bsq. 'TlacdtecafessaI sIfor ada-erîiaealletters yatglattIy took sia-lt exaîcîly a yiar ago B t. H. LAWDE1, P. m. UM13EI & SIIINGIES FOR SALE. cc lteaaa n ln IitaSiswa- aPt 2, 1873. 86 . - ()f tmaîmanr geuttie, mfa ata-tiontld. - .-- VThe subsc-ibet luic ou hanad snd for sale A ar ., I il fa oet hl f-W OT ait tala util feur Utica, (lattCea-ies), a'it e-b; n'shmbot ierumnaiae 'bi vtotC0W eS.kianais oilumban- and slinglea, Rilllumber gief, caa-n t ai-dca-. Anal alailuats ai tear, maataity'à relia-f, -St-acycai farn ,the premniers or lthe uler- Raguel, onua îrsday, Atîg. 21gt,a large-e;izEcl A. B. CAMPBELL. i-ela-an-, r'aOnc lieru, iciciter an Itue Ulica, Aug, 201h, 8411 2~R4 VELEII 'GUIDE. athea. -, aypersan givfng intforatioaan t ___________________ Nailendtej vrwill bc suitatly ce- QRuiA N iuifiRUNK Ril, ~MIlS, Il. McBRIEN, N OTICEt- Stailg 0in t auise VatbAg.2Ail parties iaving clius againal lie late ~aiîg East- G otug Wst-Henry Bannesil pisaseulndin the sane ixue... . 7:153 au , n u.nl. - - 8:20 aur. N O T I CEt for seilla-ent-not aler thon lot Sepisrn. Mixcl --2 2,50 > tan. Expraess 101t15 a.rnhec ulext - aud ail parties indetedwil E:p-ss,,7:21 t. ui xn t . ,:10 I.m, -Ail parties inclc.-ite hIt laie ii-m cf T. pleas make s scttlernt af-tic sarne wlti- lisp.Mail 10:1,5 po. Il. M-M ilîiai & Col. arcreq i l l -alet Tie trains i-en bhMontreant lime sahichIs je adstte114rb W .RAN 22 unutcs faer a-thasu Wbibby liie. utote or caîsia, nttflaic l office, YWithy, Aug. 16, 1878 -WHITB Y& PORIT 1ERRY E. R. T. Ir. MeMlýILLAN &- Co. Trialins Gaing Nat- mail. MixeS. Whitby, July 9,1878. 28JENDE1SON'S AUCTION BOOMS, WýYlily Juniction, 9:w31an, 708 p.rn. - ATD i OG TET Whitby, *1:07 s..7:103 prni TE 01AGESRET Part Pua-iy, (airive) 10:81 &.m. &49 ;p.rn. 'W A 'Trains £}clng Souh- Mixel. milt. Laesansd Gentemen, te Icamu TELE. Port 'Jerry, (depart, O0u.8J sua, 100 p.m. GRAIIH OPEIIATINO, for Rlabîway-Satî. ýViliby, 1 7.58 .M.-228 eM.Isand Commer-cial Lincain tic Domniaon. WbVitby, arv> 8:1 .rn 2. :8 prn Seul for circulai-. Adies- IMPORTAN7T AUCTION SALE 0F DIVINE SER VICE.. - t. LEMAN & BAKER Vlal ullg'os Tai-ento, d&t. 80 Vlal uligLt - Ang. 20,1873. 85-28st Ail Saint%' C linc-At Il a. m*., sud 7 p. ----~. ------ Tic suhaca-iber haisrecela-ed Instructions M.Re.M. CsayyO 0T I C EBt1 Firn lite Commissioner of Agiculture sud taLlialeCiiurci-Ervei-y Sulay marning ç Public Wkst oia h O'arosO nt :ta10,80al a. M. a s, rn seitely-Rsev, Fa-. lacvlng urchascil the Nais sud Book ther Mc ICtLi o ineba a m Acconunt tsrul aka jarties in- SattUrdiy, 6th Sept. 78, su -813n Prsyt:vriu CuBhAt I l a. m. ted ta il mmvili plesle eau l sottie thie Congrginl Chrt-ii-Àt 1noia. nd s ,s < Ti ilng valuable 80 lots cifoeecre 0;8011,m,-Iev.M., ibb. 000--ver he hronelf offceeci, sud alec tweutj' lots a ou r au& 8fv. lItAnlrw'sChaiah-A ils.rn su 6:81 - RO.T. HLL. acreseascIi, situstei ah Mirnico tation, mev. dt. ndrw'*Churh--t 1 a.m an *8 GEO T.RA ruenmiles troaToroato,ou the Grecat Wcstern -pm--v, Mi-, Fraiser.- Whilby, Aug 16, 1878. 85-8t ssiiwaaprino test rhm.o seieud 6 81)p. n,- ie. u-. * Sssaaîn o . anuÂArultural 'Cailege sud Mo1eFarm, m, nd6:3 P ni-Rv. r.- S.ÃŽrso. JN TEE, SURROGATE COURT aud wtiin two minutes vaik ai Mimico Station. WHIîïTBY MARKETS. O, iTUEi-TSEMS 0F SALE-One-foûirth coflte Caaict -O s et iil 85 x~r xT ~io-purcha.. iuouey ta be paid ab lime o aes, gNicifOricz Set. Od, 873 VOU TY F OX ARI.sud the Lalance in fours q ual annuel imbibai.- Feu Wbiet------$ 0 1 Noioî eaby fiIai ti.28i..- teu.wthiIntereet at àSper cent, peu- au- Spring Wbeut .... 1 18 @ 41, go lion ofai t-One ifsy irome li i-t p - ub. Bley-------------7...0#70c @ C - ietion tuz TnOtcsI w apply ta ub 5-ý*ale at 12 010100IL -eu 0....... Oo67o Judge dcilL oe Cut bc, U a ute N WHNESN Blaqk Rye l'eu ...7 0o 0 11MelOfs aihlon Oskurt Coastegasosd l. uto Bye---------------55c380e osta@infant 1chilmrea faitindr ...........-----87e0040e carpeuter, decessel, ilage af Ouhawa, A5 2h 88 552 .8 1 $60c18 JANE COATES. P04ttss--------- @8~u 5 1.. uas lt 870, _85-81 ýCOAL ANDWOD ApplOs Ver bai-iel-....8 2 ON TH PI. : b uesge ei artrhanv a Eggs - ...... l-l5 017e TNSTRUCTION O L3-te rindbg o euntsk o Butter ............180 . FURTE AND ORGAN, islibérail sud lureW.ug pairenape'ho - bas, issu faivoreil Wlthiad riu, s mtbrof Çheee .........-......Ine @ 150 BNGN AO~years iu business, sud hereby iilcms'eue- blet) ~aa*m.8 5 AND oîNwGCLASSES TAUGIfI tOnter liait hie las 110w fer sale ail hindi& Beei fon qurter.......04 #5 f ie beut Anthracite andi Bltnmlnaum Pok er~ ici-c ..........er - (à go MR, GEORGE2 C. WIGO2NS, B-A',,0 .......... 5 e per pgi, 13g*tO l4le tst ho wilundertakS eO A.Ii -. - va bo ,1q4.ahi. sd Og.o n ai alýoâ- ALè_ 't f T 'J 113 pa wikngsa ab'- kilir _ 1n ,__- -ý . mancaver, ac., a o which must bé uoia off irnsedistelY at rates fer belaw th - usue hruhyrettdadrogaIcj <at$,0,Q p Caiiai nprices, whnlesile or retaut. ogl rfte nt-,cpàzà,a 6' ,1,0,)0fr1878, audc An early cei jeregpectfnlly solicited, et 8se lossal i l prfiof st 'e'"nislrc- nay tirShwiti t l r a t o o r s o t h c f G r a s s 's t o; e U n i t e d S ta t e s; i n r o o f o f w h j ch a ý l1 a l l e ng ce o f .# 1 , 0 0 O a n f e e . T e o - ~i-o~ ~tire %ïast Exiposition wil exhii Wbitty, Aug. 26. x85-Sma TORONTO, TIILRSDA y Cf FI/DA Y, SEPT. llth dà 2h,18731 N Q T I C E I al ud 0ml ýPerormninces of the e6Tirj5i20 Ceunty cf Ontauiie,1 le hpreby given thatDo o at GE T 1OS0a. ru th.,, t ami n 7p M. Que g, Tict O, admeis t Te Wlir: 1the Court of AssiseDouopna na.m niad7Oe Sing'leTikt50,amf;o Nisi lrius, Oyer and Terminer, sud Genersi au. Cilidren under 0 yfars of age, 25e.- To anconînlate the 80,000 Pcrsdns GanS Delivery, will be hnlden in and fer the who visit this exhibition flaily, 3' Grand Wooden Ampiitientre. aimîilar County of Ontario, je the Conrti Bouse, in to the ancient Romkn, Amphitheatrê, ill ha, erected on.the lots seee, a t e the' of $5,000, coutignýous te the Coloqssal IIippiodromne Pavilions, with chioîco rcaierved s '"t nelooking the enti-e audience, gýiving full vicw cf thc Hippodreme andi its TOWN 0-F WHITB13YTHREE SEPARA TE CIRCUS PEÉPOR.MANCE.e, wii a joint seating capacity for 16000 peopnle. Iu the varions Dpartzncnts arc containcd 100,000 ON Living, Historical and Ilepreseutative Curiasities, 1,5 JO Animnais, Birtis, Reptiles, 41 qnday, September 22nd, '73 sudi Marine Monsteris, 10L) Magnificent Auiimal Cages, iuclulîng 4 living Giraffes, 112 gorgeons Statuai-y Chariots, 5 trains cf I-ailroaid Cars reqnircd te transport it, At tic heur cf 12 o'cleck, non, oi w}ich 8 grent Circue Troupes.,3 separate Circus Rings ail in full performance at ths ail Coroners, Jutices of the Peace, and ail samue time, 6 famnona Clowns, Massive water tanks full cf Living Sea« Lions and others cencerued wiil taesnotice snd gev- otier Marine iNItsîctrs,Wilil Fiji Caninibals, MoIoc,Carnanche & Digger Indlians, cmi thiexoselves accor.lingly. Fbrs$300Tlii,-omur lpatWn NELSON G. IIEYNOLDS, 1 Pr__Fie 2,00Tlkn Mcai ~4 PcfoingEeins Vn Sieriis Ofice Sheif, . o.dcrf.xl Ridlug Geais, A<lmi-al Dot, the tanojâ_daliforuja Dwarf, 18 ysars7nid, 25 W'hitby, Aug. 251h, 1873. 8îtd inche isalut analwege 5p ul;. Thc nniy Exhibition iu Ami-mica recognizeà and endlorneal y tic Rhliwioua Pre-, mnd c]aily visutel by surinent clergymen aud divines. Frese Admision to thei Entire 29 Gi-cat Shows guarantced to al A N A D A 'S win buy tic lufe of P. T. -lJariurn, written by hiniseif. 86:) pag-es, illustratedl. Be. c d-mccl from $8.50 to $1.50. "'Woiti a $100 greenback te a beginner. "-Horace Greeley. COMIC CARTOON PAPER, Excursion Trains wlll i-un on ail linos at Haif-ftre to anal frinthe exhibition 1 Will aise exhibit at London, Sept. Sîi,-Bi-autiforal, 9th, Hamilton loti, St. G R P !Cathaiincs, l3th. - -861 Every Satutrday. 5 cents. ,S2 per year. D OM INI(O N LiVA 1E 1?O OM SO FAIRY VOIGES -I FAIRY VOICES __ FAIRY VOICES. ---O -- O - FAIUT VOICES. FAIRY VOICES. MJLLINETRY, FAIIIY VOICES. FAIRY VOICES. Musem, enageri'e, io aapprentices ro iiressr-naking. DIRESS-MAKING, &C., WANTED-Sjx or eight girls te work at Dressmakiný 1 otY et q 88 Q 0 LAMPS! LAMPS!!LAMPS!! regolved te avold aIl second and tbird olaseTests, and to confine hie business High-1a88Tea A lone, c "Il 1 A Ilaiccige Chanîdeli qrs, tI' Bcst Ceal i l,, Whitby, Sept. Brd, 1873. assertnîcut of ,11Sjaîi-d fan- Lamps, Bi-ackets, Gloe~,liladu, lc-fuct1-, l3a-uers, Ciineuys, &c., Just JAMES H. GERP1JE & Co's. wlîolo.-aale aunal btatil. SPECIAL ATTENTION!1 eGUINNE88'8 PORTER ON DRAUG-fT 1I RECEIVED FRQM DUBLIN DIRECT. A VEIIY FINE SCOTCH- WHISKEy!1 Froni Glcudmonnacli, Just ho IRanIl. . OLD BYE AND MALTS. BEST QUALITIES. 5 Gallon iota at Ileauceil Bates. J'CeOSaS&TILCWELHPotteal Gods- Ram -anil Ciicken, liloater Paiste, Anciovy Pasta, &c. C A NNE D M IL K 1 lzýe" -resi FiailiEvery Tisureday. ýWstby, Aug. 26, 1878. R-H85MSN wu.'Je HIOKIE & 00., WILL PAY *T19E HICHEST CSPRICET F OR ANY QUANTITY 0F fgý QOOD TUB ?BUTTTFý'1 It is well known that.al higb lasns Teas are those which are gathered in early Springy when the leaveo are bnrsting with succuleunce.- Theie are firet crop teas, full flavored, ridi and juicy-whereas iow priced teas are gathereci, or rather raked, from un- der the trees in autumn wlaen the leaves are withered, dry, and saplese. The difference between 6ýrst crop tea and inferior descriptions is sometlhing mar- veilous when tasted.side by Bide-the one brisk, pungent, and juieyi the other Mtale, flat, andi insipid. There is a great difference even in firet crop tea, some cropa possess'ing muci more strength, and a finer flavor than others. There are a6s86 several varieties, the more s. teemed beiug SOUCHONGi MON lNG;l KYSHAW - CONGOLi. ~IlC - At their extehsive Warehouses, 187 Yong-Street, with the -undersigned as Manager. These three classes., when ta In Whitby the business wiIl, asheretofore, be car- really fine, are beyond compare. Ticei-led on solaly by isimself. At boti places parties can select from tise beet beal nfi ail Teas, snd cf these tii-se, assnrtmcut anti largest stock, anti amy article tisait casuot be fouud ait-ne Kysinw stands pre-eminent as n establishsment can be hnmetiiately suppliet fi-cm tise otiser, or frm ntise Factoi-y ait Bowmanvilile. During tise intervails cf tise undersig'ed's ab- sence frnom Wiitby, Mi-. E. J. JOHNSTON, (whom cdustomers wiil fiud PRINCE AMONG TEAS!coni-teous sud obliging), will havre tise general superinten.ence cf business 0AT We are please, to announce the aàr'vai of our Dry Gonds for the FaUltrade, embracing ail tse leadiag articles kept by the Trade, vis -anda Gonds, Amerloan Gonds, Broadolotias, Doeskiiis, and.Xweedt3, Shirting aud Sheeting, Giïey Cottons, Denims, Jeanu Stripes and Apron Checks, Cotton sud linon Ticks, Linen-Goci eand Table Da- mask,' FlanneIs sud'Blankets, lai-pets, Printed Calicoes, Chinese (Jalienes, Moleskins, Cottons, Velvets, Jeans, Qulte 'and. Counterpanes. 11Sik snd Crapes, Silk Itandkerchiefs Sud tics, goseimer, and bai-cge veils, Laces, rosi and imitation, Yak laces, Fui- triruminge, Di-esa. Fringes, -Smail Wai-es fancy gonds, hosiery and ginves, Shawls and Mantdes, Dres Goods-a speciality, standard maki aud quality of Double Warp, Apacas, &c,, pure' Mohair lustres of tise Lion Brand improved manufactufre patent fiat black -free from imperfections. THE- CLOTIIING'DEPAR.TMENT is nnw replets with thse neweet and most fashionable articles in Rats and Caps, Coilars antd- Tics, Dressn Shii-ts aiid Underclothing. Gai-ments made toi-der, a good fît' guaran. teedrand a eaUl solicited by- 11- , -e LAING & STEWART.- Olil Ne..1, Whitby, Aug, 26. 85 SPÉCIAL NO0-T1 C E! NEW ARRANGEMENTS- 1 Great. Inducements to Purcliasers The ndersigned begs to acquaint his friends and the public, tisait iaving entered into new arrangements-for tise csrryiug on of business lu Toronto, in connection 'iitistise Bogvmanvmle Furniture Main- ufaicturing Company, sud alao nucounection with is ebusiness lu Whitby, ise isas now securcd fadilitiee for executing ni-ters nf every description wlti tise greaitest promptitude anti despaitois, Tise business lu Torotnto> will h Now, it must not for one moment be assumed that the Teas or- dinarily sold are these Teas, pure and simple, in their integrity. A semali por- tion of some one of them is sometimes used in the manufacture of that incon- genious mixture which 15 so frequently recommended by the unskilled anci in- experienced dealer; but I venture to asscrt thant pure unmixec] tea can with difficnlty be obtained even by th -ose to whom price is no objeet. In fart in- discriminate mixing of tea destroys those fine and supple qualities which distinguishies one growth from another. And it would not be more unawise to aipoil vintages of choice wines by blend- ing them togother haphiazard, and thus bringing the combination down to aý- uiead level of medincrity, than it is to muin ail distinction of character by a heterogeneous confusion of qualities in tea, but as lie sellen other article of any description he je enabledl to keep in stock every variety that le at ailese- teemed by counoisseurs, and to 8911 themn in their integrity as imported from Cia usess eau ty FI eupei il. A HADDISON arne for bis systeni of bus-, aamoCher feature, vis::liait tiere be no mistake lu tise price or qusi. of auy Teas purchaseil from hlm, as he pleilges hluseif ta senI only RT CMAROP EA !here) are eighit classes of Sior Black Tesand five classes of cl0r Green Tes, Aaeh oa' which J. DDI8ON wlU ssii purs and un- eC I consequence of these new ar- rangements, the undersigned has to parvculary request an immediate scttlement of ail accounts now outstandiug and overd, u t2oi, 83 FAity August Oi, 83 FAe hav MERSve ousaENTIlof JAMES H. SAMO. I We AvReceVEd uruua spTy Scythes, Snaiths, Cradies, Hay Forks, iRakes, &o., first- quahity, cheap. MACHINE OILS-Stock's Extra Machine, Black -and White Oil, a super- article for IReapers and Mowers. TVO EU-IIDMII:jb We are about recciving a stock of American do'or iocks, knobs, &c., to wbich we invite inspection, with'our supply Of butts, linges, glass, putty, eut and other nails, geniiine- English white iead, boiled and raw oil, with ail the leading colors dry and in oil.- ~"Coal Oil, whoiesale and retail. Croquet Sets, Cheap. A few Cabs ieft, cheap. Heniember the-piace-- HATOII & BRO. Whitby, July 8, 1878. FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE NAVY. See T.& B. 011 Each Plug. ?RICE 80 LOW THAT ALL CAN USE ÃŽT. July 16, 1878. 29-Sm 2.0 ýT E C MINE ipea-lent. ,every marn F'or sàesby Htele, Draggiaits, and others. Whalesale cf tic proprietore- Whitby, July 2nd, 1R73. Sm-27 F ARM FOR SALE. Setih all oi lot No. 1, Si-i cois. Bi-och. ONEHUNDRED A.CRES- ail clearcd, in a god state of cùltivaieu, sisR feuceil, saeR watered, afi gnndbuid- Appl7 oiu the premise, or if by letter, HENRY HARPER, Lesidiale P, O. WhltLy,July St, 1879, 31-2rn* m UINEW, FRSH & SPARKLnI-C T. HlE -0-L U 8 T BER A nsw Music Book fer the use nf CONVENTIONS, SINGINO CLASSES, CHECH CHOrIES, And thie HOME CIICLE THE CLUSTER 1 By S. Wesley Marit, J. M. Stillman, sand Prc' T. Mai-tin Toscue. Prc$18.40 per Dos. Single Coptes sent, peetpaid, 31.50. Addres- J. L. PETERS, 599 DBroadway, N. Y. A New Singing ClasIlook, compileasud- armeuged Ly William Di-tstler. Price, $6, per Daz, Single Copies sent, postpaiî, far 330 cents. Adi-ese- inni o o c o The P cp nlai-Sin gi g B a LV . S P ri m Frics 07,50 perDu.Sig ocla et poalpabî, fer 75 conte. Alla-esc- J . UPETERS, 599 Broadway, N. Y. c OTTAGES FOR SALE INTE TOWN M'8WHITBY. To Le solS ceP for Cash, or on urne, tii-ce brick Cettagmai on Centre street. They ai-c commodimu, with'excellentcearg- Weil enited for mecianies' dwýelings anS -a aire now uader a ental a i 121 dollars par monli, Apply eary- JAMES WALLACE. Whitbiy, Aug. 0, 1878. 3-f wAIN T EBD A Srnsrt Loy for Mentresi Telegaaph Office rnueh havesa good ciaracter suda faim caualion. GE 0. YUCLE. Wiitby, Augut eth, 1873, 82 FA M FOB -SALE. - That weE-khown fana, lot 26,. Sel con, of Wiihby, known ui THE- DONVALDSON FARM,- And as ait pressainluthieoccupâion olf r, N- 0j; Cauhaino 190 acres; about 150 dla welline, ontbuildings,ad enihaibl c. GOMa, TO R O NT O, Toroo Aug. 12,18n cÇENTRAL EXEI $8,OO0 Offorea CAIiIiIA GES A ND ýl wai 4 AND nl% LOWE, S & PO"'YVELL. Whitby, July 8, is78. ý 29-Om 1 ne th of Furniture Furniture f' an TAILORING JAMES. R. SAXO. TTENTION-. TOOLS- BRO. S MO K-E R July 16 1878.

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